2010年全国大学生数学竞赛决赛答 tian27546这是献给博士论坛一个礼物 转载时请勿注明是博士论坛一、(20分)计算下列各题:1.求极限 211sin )1(lim n k n k n k n π∑-=→∞+解法1因211sin )1(n k n k n k π∑-=+211222sin sin 21(2sin 21n n k n k nn k πππ∑-=+=) )22cos 22(cos 1(2sin 2122112n k n k n k nn k πππππ+--+=∑-=) )22cos 22(cos 1(22112nk n k n k n n k πππππ+--+≈∑-=) 2112211222cos 1(22cos 1(n k nk n n k n k n n k n k ππππππ++--+=∑∑-=-=)) 222211222cos 11(22cos 1(n k n k n n k n k n nk n k ππππππ--+--+=∑∑=-=))2122222222cos 12)12(cos 11(2cos )11(n k n n n n n n n n n n n k πππππππ-+--+-+=∑-=) 21222222)12(cos 2)12(cos 12(2cos )11(nk n n n n n n n n n k ππππππ-+---+=∑-=)(*) 而2122)12(cos n k n k π-∑-=212222sin 2)12(cos22sin 21n n k nn k πππ∑-=-=])1(sin [sin2sin2121222n k n k nn k πππ--=∑-= 2222sin 2sin )1(sinn n n n πππ--=222sin2)2(sin 2cos n n n n πππ-=(**) 将(**)代入(*),然后取极限,得原式]2sin2)2(sin2cos2)12(cos 12(2cos )11([lim 222222n n n nn n n n n n n n n ππππππππ-+---+=→∞)]2)2(sin 2cos 2)8)12(1(12()11([lim 22342222n n n n n n n n n n n ππππππ-+----+=∞→) ]2)2(sin 2cos 2)21(12()11([lim 2232222n n n n n n n n n n ππππππ-+---+=∞→) )]48)2(2)2()(81(2)21(12()11([lim 633222232222nn n n n n n n n n n n πππππππ----+---+=∞→))]482)(81(2)21(12()11([lim 33222232222n n n n n n n n n n n ππππππππ---+---+=∞→) 65π=上式中含2n 的项的系数为0121=+-πππ,含n 的项的系数为0)2(111=-++πππ,常数项系数为656824ππππππ=-=--解法2 Step 1因∑-=112sin n k n k π211222sinsin 22sin 21n nk nn k πππ∑-==)22cos 22(cos2sin2122112n k n k nn k πππππ+--=∑-=)2)12(cos2(cos2sin21222n n n n πππ--=故)2)12(cos 2(cos 2sin 21lim sinlim 222112n n n nn k n n k n ππππ--=→∞-=→∞∑)2)12(cos2(cos1lim222n n n n n πππ--=→∞nn n n n 2sin 2)1(sin2lim22πππ-=→∞n n n n n 22)1(2lim22πππ-=∞→2π= Step 2因222)12(cosn k nk π-∑=22222sin 2)12(cos22sin21n n k nnk πππ∑=-=])1(sin [sin2sin212222nk n k nnk πππ--=∑= 2222sin 2sinsin n n n n πππ-=2222sin 2)1(sin 2)1(cos nn n n n πππ-+=因此∑-=112sin n k n k nk π211222sin sin 22sin 21n n k n k n n k πππ∑-== ]2)12(cos 2)12(cos [2sin 212112112n k n k n k n k nn k n k πππ+--=∑∑-=-= ]2)12(cos 12)12(cos [2sin 21222112n k n k n k n k nnk n k πππ----=∑∑=-=⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-+---=∑-=2122222)12(cos 12)12(cos 12cos 12sin 21n k n n n n n n n nn k ππππ ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-+--=∑=222222)12(cos 12)12(cos 2cos 12sin 21n k n n n n nnnk ππππ(*) ⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-++--=2222222sin 2)1(sin 2)1(cos 2)12(cos 2cos 12sin 21nn n n n n n n n n n ππππππ 于是∑-=→∞112sin lim n k n n k nk π⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-++--=→∞2222222sin 2)1(sin 2)1(cos 2)12(cos 2cos 12sin 21lim nn n n n n n n n n n n ππππππ ⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡-++---=→∞n n n n n n n n n n 22)1(sin2)1(cos 8)12(11lim 224222πππππ)( ⎥⎥⎥⎥⎦⎤⎢⎢⎢⎢⎣⎡---+-++-=∞→n n n n n n n n n n n 2)48)1(2)1()(8)1(1211lim 6332422222ππππππ(⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡----++-=∞→)24)1(1)(81211lim 52322222n n n n n n n n n ππππ( ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡---++-=∞→)241()(81211lim 2222222n n n n n n n n ππππ( ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡---++-=∞→)2411)(81211lim 2222222n n n n n n n ππππ( )(222222282411211lim n n n n n n n ππππ---++-=→∞ )(22222228242lim n n n n n ππππ--=∞→62ππ-=3π=原式6532πππ=+=2.计算⎰⎰∑++++2222)(zy x dxdya z axdydz ,其中 ∑为下半球面222y x a z ---= 的上侧, 0>a .解 记1∑为平面 222,0a y x z ≤+= 的上侧,2∑为下半球面 222y x a z ---= 的下侧,Ω是由1∑和2∑所围成的立体,则422222211)(adxdy a dxdy a dxdy a z axdydz ay x ⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰≤+∑∑===++π,设,sin ,cos θθr y r x ==则⎰⎰∑+∑++212)(dxdy a z axdydz ⎰⎰⎰Ω+++=dxdydz a z a )220(⎰⎰⎰Ω+=dxdydz a z )32(⎰⎰⎰≤+---+=2222220)32(a y x y x a dz a z dxdy⎰⎰≤+---+=22222202]3[a y x y x a dxdy az z⎰⎰≤+--+++-=222)3(222222a y x dxdy y x a a y x a ⎰⎰≤≤≤≤-++-=πθθ2002222d d )3(ar r r r a a r a⎰-++-=a r r r a a r a 02222d )3(2π ⎰-++-=ar r a a r a 022222)d()3(π⎰-++-=22122d ))(3(a u u a a u a π223222)(42a u a a uu a ⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡--+-=π274a π=⎰⎰∑++++2222)(zy x dxdya z axdydz⎰⎰⎰⎰∑∑+∑+++++-=12122)(1)(1dxdy a z axdydz a dxdy a z axdydz a 227333a a a πππ-=+-=3.现 设计一个容积为V 的圆柱体容器. 已知上下两底的材料费为单位面积a元,而侧面的材料费为单位面积b 元. 试给出最节省的设计方案;即高与的上下底直径之比为何值时所需费用最少?解 设圆柱体的底半径为r ,高为h ,则h r V 2π=,2rVh π=总造价为222r a rh b P ππ+=222r a rbVπ+=, 则2322242r r a bV r a r bV P ππ--=+-=',由0='P 知,解得312⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=πa bV r ,312⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=ππa bV V h , 因为是惟一的驻点,所以当3122323131222222:2⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛=Vab a bV V a bV a bV V h r ππππππ 时,所需费用最少.4.已知 x x x f 33cos sin 1)(+=',)21,41(∈x ,求)(x f 解 因x x x f 33cos sin 1)(+=',)21,41(∈x ,故 ⎰+=x xx x f d cos sin 1)(33⎰+-+=x x x x x x x d )cos )(sin cos sin cos (sin 122⎰+-=x x x x x d )cos )(sin cos sin 1(1⎰+-=x x x d )4sin()2sin 211(21π⎰+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++=x x x d )4sin()22cos(211121ππ⎰+⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++=x x x d )4sin()4(2cos 211121ππ 令)4(21π+=x t ,则⎰+=t tt x f d 2sin )4cos 211(2)(⎰+=t tt t d cos sin )4cos 2(2⎰-+=t t t t t d cos sin )2sin 2cos 2(222⎰+=t t t t t d cos sin )2sin 2cos 3(222 ⎰+-=t tt t t t t d cos sin )cos sin 4)sin (cos 3(222222⎰-++=t t t t t t t t t d cos sin )cos sin 2sin 3cos 3()cos (sin 22244222 ⎰-+++=t t t t t t t tt t t d cos sin )cos sin 2sin 3cos 3(cos sin 2sin cos 222442244⎰-+++=t t t t tt tan d tan )tan 2tan 33(tan 2tan 122424 令t u tan =,2u v =,则⎰-+++=u u u u u u x f d )233(212)(2424⎰-+++=224224d )233(2122u u u u u u ⎰-+++=v v v v v v d )233(212222⎰+-++=v v v v v v d )323(122222 令)()323(1222v R vAv v v v v +=+-++,则31=A ,)323(332336331)323(12)(22222+--+-++=-+-++=v v v v v v v v v v v v v v R )323(382+-=v v 因此⎰⎰+-+=323d 324d 62)(2v v vv v x f ⎰+-+=323d 324ln 622v v vv ⎰+-+=98)31(d 924ln 622v v v C v v +-+=32231arctan 3221924ln 62C v v +-+=2213arctan 32ln 62 C t t +-+=221tan 3arctan 32tan ln 6222C t t +-+=221tan 3arctan 32tan ln 6222C x x +-+++=221)82(tan 3arctan 32)82(tan ln 6222ππ 二、(10分)求下列极限1.⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-+∞→e n n n n )11(lim解 设xx x f 1)1()(+=, 则))1ln()1(1()1()(21xx x x x x f x+-++=')1()1ln()1()(2x x x x x x f +++-= 原式=)(lim )1(lim010x f x e x x xx '=-+→→)()(lim )(lim 00x f x f x f x x '=→→)1()1ln()1(lim)(lim 20x x x x x x f x x +++-=→→20)1ln()1(limx x x x e x ++-=→22)1ln(lim 0e x x e x -=+-=→2.nnn n n c b a ⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++∞→3lim 111,其中0>a ,0>b ,0>c 解 因300ln 3ln ln ln 3ln ln ln lim 33lim abc c b a c c b b a a x c b a x x x x x x x x =++=++=-++→→ 故 原式=333lim)13(1lim 10003lim abc ee c b a x c b a c b axxxx x x x x x x xx xx ===⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++-++-++→→→三、(10分)设)(x f 在1=x 处可导,0)1(=f ,2)1(='f ,求xx x x x f x tan )cos (sin lim 220++→ 解 设)(x f 在1=x 处可导,0)1(=f ,2)1(='f ,则xx x f x x f x x x x x f x x tan )1()cos (sin lim tan )cos (sin lim 220220+-+=++→→ 1cos sin )1()cos (sin lim 1cos sin lim tan lim 220220220-+-+-++=→→→x x f x x f x x x x x x x x x x 1cos sin )1()cos (sin lim 2sin cos sin 2lim cos 111lim220020-+-+-+=→→→x x f x x f x x x x xx x x 1cos sin )1()cos (sin lim 2sin cos sin 2lim 212200-+-+-=→→x x f x x f x x x x x x 1cos sin )1()cos (sin lim 21cos 2lim sin lim 2122000-+-+-=→→→x x f x x f x x x x x x1cos sin )1()cos (sin lim 41220-+-+=→x x f x x f x 1)1()(lim 411--=→t f t f t )1(41f '=21= 四、(10分)设)(x f 在),0[+∞上连续,⎰+∞0d )(x x f 收敛,求⎰+∞→yy x x xf y 0d )(1lim.解 令⎰=xt t f x G 0d )()(,则因⎰+∞0d )(x x f 收敛,故)(lim y G y +∞→,不妨设R A y G y ∈=+∞→)(lim ,则[]}d )()(1{lim )(d 1lim d )(1lim0000⎰⎰⎰-==+∞→+∞→+∞→y yy y y y y x x G x xG yx G x y x x xf y)d )(1)((lim 0⎰-=+∞→yy x x G yy G ⎰+∞→-=yy x x G y A 0d )(1lim 0)(lim =-=-=+∞→A A y G A y五、(12分)设函数)(x f 在]1,0[上连续,在)1,0(内可微,且0)1()0(==f f ,1)21(=f ,证明:(1)存在⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛∈1,21ξ使得ξξ=)(f ;(2)存在()ξη,0∈使得1)()(+-='ηηηf f .证 (1)记x x f x F -=)()(,则函数)(x F 在]1,21[上连续,且1)1(-=F ,21)21(=F ,故由零点存在性定理知存在⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛∈1,21ξ使得0)(=ξF ,即ξξ=)(f . (2)因x x x f x f e x d )1)()((⎰+-'--x e x xe x x f e x x f e x x x x d d d )(d )(⎰⎰⎰⎰----+-'-= x e e x x f e x x f e x x x x d d )(d d )(⎰⎰⎰⎰----++-=x x xe x f e --+-=)(故令x e x x f x F --=))(()(, 则函数)(x F 在],0[ξ上连续,在()ξ,0内可微,0)0(=F ,0)(=ξF ,x x e x x f e x f x F -----'='))(()1)(()(, 故由罗尔定理知,存在()ξη,0∈使得0)(='ηF , 1)()(+-='ηηηf f .六、设)(x f 在),(+∞-∞上有定义,在0=x 的某邻域内有一阶连续导数,且0)(lim 0>=→a x x f x ,证明级数∑∞=-1)1()1(n n n f 条件收敛. 证 因 0)(lim>=→a xx f x ,故存在一个正数δ,使得当δ<-<00x 时,有 2)(aa x x f <-因此x x f a )(2<(δ<-<00x ),于是,当δ1>n 时, δ<-<010n ,nn f a 1)1(2<,n a n f 2)1(>,这表明级数∑∞=1)1(n n f 发散,即级数∑∞=-1)1()1(n n n f 发散.下证原级数收敛:由0)(lim0>=→a xx f x 知,0)(lim lim )(lim )0(000====→→→a x x f x x f f x x x ,0)(lim )0()(lim )0(00>==-='→→a xx f x f x f f x x由)(x f 在0=x 的某邻域内有一阶连续导数知,)(lim )0(0x f f a x '='=→,因此存在一个正数η,使得当η<-0x 时,有2)(aa x f <-' 因此)(20x f a '<<(),(ηη-∈x ). 特别地,)(x f 在),0(η上单调增,于是当η1>n 时,)1()11(n f n f <+,且0)0()1(lim ==∞→f nf .最后由Leibniz 判别法知,原级数收敛.综上可知,原级数条件收敛.六、(14分)设1>n 为整数,⎰⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++++=-x n tt n t t t e x F 02d !!2!11)( ,证明:方程 2)(n x F =在⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛n n ,2内至少有一个根. 证 记!!2!11)(2n t t t t p nn ++++= ,)!!2!11()(2n t t t e t r ntn ++++-= ,则)()(t r e t p n t n -=,且当0>t 时,0)(>t p n , 0)(>t r n ,0)(>-t r e n t .记2)()(n x F x -=ψ,则⎰--=n n t t t r e nx 0d )(2)(ψ,因⎰⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛++++=-x n tt n t t t e x F 02d !!2!11)( ,故函数)(x ψ在],2[n n 上连续,在⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛n n ,2内可微,且2)2()2(n n F n -=ψ⎰⎰<-=--=--20200d )(2d ))(1(nn t n n tt t r e n t t r e ,2d )()(0nt t p e n nn t -=⎰-ψ⎰⎰⎰⎰----+-=+--=202220d )(d )(d )(2d ))(1(n nn n t n t n n n t n n t tt p e t t r e tt p e nt t r e⎰⎰++-=---20202d )2(d )(n n n n t n tt n t p et t r e⎰⎰+++-=---20202d )2(d )!1(1nnn nt t t n t p e t e e n ξ ⎰⎰+-++-=+---202022d ))2((d )!1(1nnn nt nt t t n t r e e t e e n ξ ⎰⎰+---+-+-=202022d )!1(1d )!1(121nnnnt t t e e n t e e n n ξξ ⎰⎰--+-+-=2020d )!1(1d )!1(121n nt t t e e n t e e n n ξξ ⎰-+->202d )!1(22n nt t e e n n []202)!1(22nt ne e n n -++= )1()!1(222-+-=ne n n )!1(2)!1(222+++-=n n e n n )!1(22)!1(2222+-=+->n en n e n n n012>->n(若2>n ,则左边的两个不等式都成立) ()()⎰⎰-+-=-+=-=--101021d 121d 121)1()1(t te t t t e F ψ()[]⎰-++-=--101021d 1t e e t t t 032321)1(2111>-=--+-=--ee e 031)2(>->eψ01223!4223)3(1223144144314923232333>-=->⇒>⇒>>>e e e e ψ 01232452!522)4(2>->->->e e e ψ,0122212e e 12)(>->++->n n n n n e n n ψ 故由零点存在性定理知, 存在),2(n n ∈ξ使得0)(=ξψ, 即2)(nF =ξ.七、(12分)是否存在R 中的可微函数)(x f 使得53421))((x x x x x f f --++=? 若存在,请给出一个例子;若不存在,请给出证明.解 不存在假如存在R 中的可微函数)(x f 使得54321))((x x x x x f f -+-+=,则4325432)))((x x x x x f x f f -+-=''(, 若1)1(=f ,则025432)1))1(()]1[2<-=-+-=''='((f f f f 矛盾。
第5届丘成桐大学生数学竞赛获奖名单揭晓佚名【期刊名称】《高等数学研究》【年(卷),期】2014(17)5【摘要】2014年第5届丘成桐大学生数学竞赛,经过7月12-13日的笔试,组委会组织专家集中阅卷,评选出参加决赛(面试)的团队、个人,并于8月2-3日如期在北京进行了决赛(面试)后,获奖名单已经揭晓. 个人获奖者中,“华罗庚奖(分析)”奖金奖获奖者为浙江大学的宋豪;银奖4名,分别来自浙大、北大、武大、复旦;铜奖5名,分别来自北大、中科大、复旦.“陈省身奖(几何)”奖金奖获奖者为清华大学的邱聪灵;银奖4名,分别来自中科大、浙大、清华、湖南大学;铜奖5名,分别来自台湾大学、北大、浙大、武大、清华.“周炜良奖(代数)”奖金奖获奖者为中科大的杨若涛;银奖3名,分别来自复旦、清华;铜奖6名,分别来自清华、中科大、复旦、北大.“林家翘奖(应用)”奖金奖获奖者为北大的曾力玮;银奖3名,分别来自中科大、复旦、清华;铜奖3名,分别来自北大、清华.“许宝脲奖(概率)”奖金奖获奖者为北大的黄东明;银奖2名,来自复旦;铜奖4名,分别来自北大、复旦、中科大、清华.“个人全能奖(丘成桐)”奖金奖获奖者为清华的邱聪灵;银奖3名,分别是浙大的罗之麟,浙大的宋豪,清华的孙奥;铜奖2名,分别是北大的黄东明,武大的袁航.【总页数】1页(P47-47)【正文语种】中文【相关文献】1.关于举办第5届丘成桐大学生数学竞赛的通知 [J], 丘成桐大学生数学竞赛组委会2.第三届丘成桐大学生数学竞赛结果揭晓 [J],3.第二届丘成桐大学生数学竞赛结果揭晓 [J],4.第二届丘成桐大学生数学竞赛结果揭晓 [J], 无5.首届丘成桐大学生数学竞赛结果揭晓 [J],因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
竞赛几何问题选讲例1(2012全国卷联赛本题满分25分)如图,PA 为⊙O 的切线,PBC 为⊙O 的割线,A D ⊥OP 于点D .证明:2AD BD CD =⋅.证明:连接OA ,OB ,OC.∵OA ⊥AP ,A D ⊥OP ,∴由射影定理可得2PA PD PO =⋅,2AD PD OD =⋅. ……………………5分 又由切割线定理可得2PA PB PC =⋅,∴P B P C PD PO ⋅=⋅,∴D 、B 、C 、O 四点共圆,……………………10分∴∠PDB =∠PCO =∠OBC =∠ODC ,∠PBD =∠COD ,∴△PB D ∽△COD , ……………………20分∴PD BD CD OD=,∴2AD PD OD BD CD =⋅=⋅. ……………………25分 例2(2012全国卷联赛本题满分25分)已知抛物线216y x bx c =-++的顶点为P ,与x 轴的正半轴交于A 1(,0)x 、B 2(,0)x (12x x <)两点,与y 轴交于点C ,PA 是△ABC 的外接圆的切线.设M 3(0,)2-,若AM//BC ,求抛物线的解析式.解 易求得点P 23(3,)2b bc +,点C (0,)c .设△ABC 的外接圆的圆心为D ,则点P 和点D 都在线段AB 的垂直平分线上,设点D 的坐标为(3,)b m . 显然,12,x x 是一元二次方程2106x bx c -++=的两根,所以13x b =,23x b =+AB 的中点E 的坐标为(3,0)b ,所以AE……………………5分因为PA 为⊙D 的切线,所以PA ⊥AD ,又A E ⊥PD ,所以由射影定理可得2AE PE DE =⋅,即223()||2b c m =+⋅,又易知0m <,所以可得6m =-. ……………………10分 又由DA =DC 得22DA DC =,即2222(30)()m b m c +=-+-,把6m =-代入后可解得6c =-(另一解0c =舍去). ……………………15分又因为AM//BC ,所以OA OMOB OC =3||2|6|-=-. ……………………20分把6c =-代入解得52b =(另一解52b =-舍去). 因此,抛物线的解析式为215662y x x =-+-. ……………………25分例3(2012初三四川联赛)例4(2011初三四川联赛)如图.AD 、AH 分别是△ABC (其中AB >AC )的角平分线、高线,M 点是AD 的中点,△MDH 的外接圆交CM 于E ,求证∠AEB=90°。
1.在坐标平面上,点A(3,2)、B(7,6)、C(5,8)分别为三角形ABC 的顶点。
2. 已知正整数x和y满足x+y=13,试求x和y的所有可能取值。
3. 已知函数f(x)=x-3x+2x+1,求f(x)的最小值和最大值。
4. 已知在一个几何级数中,第1项为1,公比为3/4,第n项为an。
若∑(n=1 to ∞)an=16/3,则求n的值。
5. 在一次函数y=kx+b的图像上,已知点A(3,2)和点B(5,6)。
6. 已知集合A={1,2,3,4,5},集合B={2,4,6,8,10}。
求A与B 的并集、交集和差集。
7. 已知函数f(x)=2x+1,函数g(x)=x-3x+2,求f(g(x))和
8. 在平面直角坐标系中,已知点P(3,4)和点Q(9,6)。
求过点P 和点Q的直线的斜率,以及该直线与y轴的交点坐标。
9. 已知实数a、b、c满足a+b+c=0,且a+b+c=6。
10. 已知正整数n满足n+10n+24为完全平方数。
- 1 -。
一、选择题(每题5分,共25分)1. 下列哪个数是质数?A. 24B. 37C. 40D. 422. 一个正方形的边长是8厘米,它的周长是多少厘米?A. 32B. 64C. 80D. 963. 小明有5个苹果,小华有3个苹果,他们一共有多少个苹果?A. 8B. 10C. 15D. 184. 一个班级有40名学生,其中女生人数是男生人数的3倍,男生有多少人?A. 10B. 15C. 20D. 305. 一个时钟的时针和分针从12点开始重合,再经过多少时间会再次重合?A. 30分钟B. 45分钟C. 1小时D. 2小时二、填空题(每题5分,共25分)6. 36除以9等于______。
7. 0.5乘以0.3等于______。
8. 一个长方形的长是10厘米,宽是5厘米,它的面积是______平方厘米。
9. 一个数比5大2,这个数是______。
10. 4的3次方等于______。
三、解答题(每题15分,共45分)11. 小明骑自行车去图书馆,他每小时可以骑行10公里。
如果图书馆距离小明家20公里,小明需要多长时间才能到达图书馆?12. 一个圆柱体的底面半径是3厘米,高是5厘米,求这个圆柱体的体积。
13. 小华有一个长方形的地毯,长是12米,宽是8米。
她想要把它分成若干个正方形的地毯,每个正方形地毯的边长是多少米?四、应用题(每题20分,共40分)14. 小明去超市买水果,苹果每斤10元,香蕉每斤8元。
小明买了3斤苹果和2斤香蕉,一共花费了多少钱?15. 一个农场有鸡和鸭,鸡和鸭的总数是120只,鸡的数量是鸭的2倍。
y y→+∞ 0
五 、( 本 题 满 分 12 分 ) 设 函 数 f (x) 在 [0,1] 上 连 续 , 在 (0,1) 内 可 微 , 且
f (0) = f (1) = 0, f (1 ) = 1 。 证明:(1) 存在ξ ∈ (1 ,1) 使得 f (ξ ) = ξ ;(2) 存在η ∈ (0,ξ )
f (x)dx − 2 , 则 f (x) =
3.曲面 z = x2 + y2 − 2 平行平面 2x + 2 y − z = 0 的切平面方程是
4.设函数 y = y(x) 由方程 xe f ( y) = e y ln 29 确定,其中 f 具有二阶导数,且 f ′ ≠ 1 ,则
d2y =
知该抛物线与 x 轴及直线 x = 1所围图形的面积为 1 。试确定 a, b, c ,使此图形绕 x 轴旋转一 3
七、(本题满分 15 分)已知 un (x) 满足 un′ (x) = un (x) + xn−1ex (n = 1,2,
∑ 求函数项级数 un (x) 之和。 n=1 ∞
五、(本题满分 10 分)已知 y1 = xex + e2x , y2 = xex + e−x , y3 = xe x + e2x − e−x 是某二
六、(本题满分 10 分)设抛物线 y = ax2 + bx + 2 ln c 过原点。当 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 时, y ≥ 0 ,又已
S.-T.Yau College Student Mathematics Contests 2010Analysis and Differential EquationsTeam(Please select 5problems to solve)1.a)Let f (z )be holomorphic in D :|z |<1and |f (z )|≤1(z ∈D ).Prove that|f (0)|−|z |1+|f (0)||z |≤|f (z )|≤|f (0)|+|z |1−|f (0)||z |.(z ∈D )b)For any finite complex value a ,prove that 12π 2π0log |a −e iθ|dθ=max {log |a |,0}.2.Let f ∈C 1(R ),f (x +1)=f (x ),for all x ,then we have ||f ||∞≤ 10|f (t )|dt + 10|f (t )|dt.3.Consider the equation¨x +(1+f (t ))x =0.We assume that ∞|f (t )|dt <∞.Study the Lyapunov stability of the solution (x,˙x )=(0,0).4.Suppose f :[a,b ]→R be a L 1-integrable function.Extend f to be 0outside the interval [a,b ].Letφ(x )=12h x +h x −hf Show thatb a |φ|≤ b a |f |.5.Suppose f ∈L 1[0,2π],ˆf (n )=12π 2π0f (x )e −inx dx ,prove that 1)∞ |n |=0|ˆf(n )|2<∞implies f ∈L 2[0,2π],2)n |n ˆf (n )|<∞implies that f =f 0,a.e.,f 0∈C 1[0,2π],where C 1[0,2π]is the space of functions f over [0,1]such that both f and its derivative f are continuous functions.126.SupposeΩ⊂R3to be a simply connected domain andΩ1⊂Ωwith boundaryΓ.Let u be a harmonic function inΩand M0=(x0,y0,z0)∈Ω1.Calculate the integral:II=−Γu∂∂n(1r)−1r∂u∂ndS,where 1r=1(x−x0)2+(y−x0)2+(z−x0)2and∂∂ndenotes theout normal derivative with respect to boundaryΓof the domainΩ1.(Hint:use the formula∂v∂n dS=∂v∂xdy∧dz+∂v∂ydz∧dx+∂v∂zdx∧dy.)S.-T.Yau College Student Mathematics Contests 2010Applied Math.,Computational Math.,Probability and StatisticsTeam(Please select 5problems to solve)1.Let X 1,···,X n be independent and identically distributed random variables with continuous distribution functions F (x 1),···,F (x n ),re-spectively.Let Y 1<···<Y n be the order statistics of X 1,···,X n .Prove that Z j =F (Y j )has the beta (j,n −j +1)distribution (j =1,···,n ).2.Let X 1,···,X n be i.i.d.random variable with a continuous density f at point 0.LetY n,i =34b n (1−X 2i /b 2n )I (|X i |≤b n ).Show that n i =1(Y n,i −EY n,i )(b n n i =1Y n,i )1/2L −→N (0,3/5),provided b n →0and nb n →∞.3.Let X 1,···,X n be independently and indentically distributed ran-dom variables with X i ∼N (θ,1).Suppose that it is known that |θ|≤τ,where τis given.Showmin a 1,···,a n +1sup |θ|≤τE (n i =1a i X i +a n +1−θ)2=τ2n −1τ2+n −1.Hint:Carefully use the sufficiency principle.4.The rules for “1and 1”foul shooting in basketball are as follows.The shooter gets to try to make a basket from the foul line.If he succeeds,he gets another try.More precisely,he make 0baskets by missing the first time,1basket by making the first shot and xsmissing the second one,or 2baskets by making both shots.Let n be a fixed integer,and suppose a player gets n tries at “1and 1”shooting.Let N 0,N 1,and N 2be the random variables recording the number of times he makes 0,1,or 2baskets,respectively.Note that N 0+N 1+N 2=n .Suppose that shots are independent Bernoulli trails with probability p for making a basket.(a)Write down the likelihood for (N 0,N 1,N 2).12(b)Show that the maximum likelihood estimator of p is ˆp =N 1+2N 2N 0+2N 1+2N 2.(c)Is ˆp an unbiased estimator for p ?Prove or disprove.(Hint:E ˆp is a polynomial in p ,whose order is higher than 1for p ∈(0,1).)(d)Find the asymptotic distribution of ˆp as n tends to ∞.5.When considering finite difference schemes approximating partial differential equations (PDEs),for example,the scheme(1)u n +1j =u n j −λ(u n j −u n j −1)where λ=∆t ∆x ,approximating the PDE (2)u t +u x =0,we are often interested in stability,namely(3)||u n ||≤C ||u 0||,n ∆t ≤T for a constant C =C (T )independent of the time step ∆t and the spa-tial mesh size ∆x .Here ||·||is a given norm,for example the L 2norm orthe L ∞norm,of the numerical solution vector u n =(u n 1,u n 2,···,u n N ).The mesh points are x j =j ∆x ,t n =n ∆t ,and the numerical solutionu n j approximates the exact solution u (x j ,t n )of the PDE (2)with aperiodic boundary condition.(i)Prove that the scheme (1)is stable in the sense of (3)for boththe L 2norm and the L ∞norm under the time step restriction λ≤1.(ii)Since the numerical solution u n is in a finite dimensional space,Student A argues that the stability (3),once proved for a spe-cific norm ||·||a ,would also automatically hold for any other norm ||·||b .His argument is based on the equivalency of all norms in a finite dimensional space,namely for any two norms ||·||a and ||·||b on a finite dimensional space W ,there exists a constant δ>0such thatδ||u ||b ≤||u ||a ≤1δ||u ||b .Do you agree with his argument?If yes,please give a detailed proof of the following theorem:If a scheme is stable,namely (3)holds for one particular norm (e.g.the L 2norm),then it is also stable for any other norm.If not,please explain the mistake made by Student A.6.We have the following 3PDEs(4)u t +Au x =0,(5)u t +Bu x =0,3 (6)u t+Cu x=0,C=A+B.Here u is a vector of size m and A and B are m×m real matrices. We assume m≥2and both A and B are diagonalizable with only real eigenvalues.We also assume periodic initial condition for these PDEs.(i)Prove that(4)and(5)are both well-posed in the L2-norm.Recall that a PDE is well-posed if its solution satisfies||u(·,t)||≤C(T)||u(·,0)||,0≤t≤Tfor a constant C(T)which depends only on T.(ii)Is(6)guaranteed to be well-posed as well?If yes,give a proof;if not,give a counter example.(iii)Suppose we have afinite difference schemeu n+1=A h u nfor approximating(4)and another schemeu n+1=B h u nfor approximating(5).Suppose both schemes are stable in theL2-norm,namely(3)holds for both schemes.If we now formthe splitting schemeu n+1=B h A h u nwhich is a consistent scheme for solving(6),is this scheme guar-anteed to be L2stable as well?If yes,give a proof;if not,givea counter example.S.-T.Yau College Student Mathematics Contests2010Geometry and TopologyTeam(Please select5problems to solve)1.Let S n⊂R n+1be the unit sphere,and R n⊂R n+1the equator n-plane through the center of S n.Let N be the north pole of S n.Define a mappingπ:S n\{N}→R n called the stereographic projection that takes A∈S n\{N}into the intersection A ∈R n of the equator n-plane R n with the line which passes through A and N.Prove that the stereographic projection is a conformal change,and derive the standard metric of S n by the stereographic projection.2.Let M be a(connected)Riemannian manifold of dimension2.Let f be a smooth non-constant function on M such that f is bounded from above and∆f≥0everywhere on M.Show that there does not exist any point p∈M such that f(p)=sup{f(x):x∈M}.3.Let M be a compact smooth manifold of dimension d.Prove that there exists some n∈Z+such that M can be regularly embedded in the Euclidean space R n.4.Show that any C∞function f on a compact smooth manifold M (without boundary)must have at least two critical points.When M is the2-torus,show that f must have more than two critical points.5.Construct a space X with H0(X)=Z,H1(X)=Z2×Z3,H2(X)= Z,and all other homology groups of X vanishing.6.(a).Define the degree deg f of a C∞map f:S2−→S2and prove that deg f as you present it is well-defined and independent of any choices you need to make in your definition.(b).Prove in detail that for each integer k(possibly negative),there is a C∞map f:S2−→S2of degree k.1S.-T.Yau College Student Mathematics Contests 2010Algebra,Number Theory andCombinatoricsTeam(Please select 5problems to solve)1.For a real number r ,let [r ]denote the maximal integer less or equal than r .Let a and b be two positive irrational numbers such that 1a +1b = 1.Show that the two sequences of integers [ax ],[bx ]for x =1,2,3,···contain all natural numbers without repetition.2.Let n ≥2be an integer and consider the Fermat equationX n +Y n =Z n ,X,Y,Z ∈C [t ].Find all nontrivial solution (X,Y,Z )of the above equation in the sense that X,Y,Z have no common zero and are not all constant.3.Let p ≥7be an odd prime number.(a)Evaluate the rational number cos(π/7)·cos(2π/7)·cos(3π/7).(b)Show that (p −1)/2n =1cos(nπ/p )is a rational number and deter-mine its value.4.For a positive integer a ,consider the polynomialf a =x 6+3ax 4+3x 3+3ax 2+1.Show that it is irreducible.Let F be the splitting field of f a .Show that its Galois group is solvable.5.Prove that a group of order 150is not simple.6.Let V ∼=C 2be the standard representation of SL 2(C ).(a)Show that the n -th symmetric power V n =Sym n V is irre-ducible.(b)Which V n appear in the decomposition of the tensor productV 2⊗V 3into irreducible representations?1。
(1)计算积分222,0,0.xxee dx xαβαβ--+∞->>⎰解 方法一 直接利用分部积分法得222xxee dx xαβ--+∞-⎰221()()xxeedx xαβ+∞--'=--⎰221(22)()xxxexe dx xαβαβ+∞--=--+-⎰22(22)xxeedx αβαβ+∞--=--⎰)22(2πβπα⋅-⋅-=)(αβπ-=;方法二 不妨设0αβ<<,由于dyexe e yxxx⎰---=-βαβα2222,而积分2yxe dx +∞-⎰关于y 在[,]αβ上一致收敛,故可交换积分次序222xxee dx xαβ--+∞-⎰2yxdx edy βα+∞-=⎰⎰2yxdy edxβα+∞-=⎰⎰dy y⎰=βαπ21)(αβπ-=;方法三 将0β>固定,记222(),0xxee I dx xαβαα--+∞-=>⎰ , 可证()I α在(0,)+∞上收敛.设[,),0αδδ∈+∞> , 因为22xxe eαδ--≤,而2xedx δ∞-⎰+0收敛,所以由Weierstrass 判别法知道2xedx α∞-⎰+0对[,)αδ∈+∞一致收敛.所以可以交换微分运算和积分运算的次序, 即222()()xxee I dx xαβαα--+∞∂-'=∂⎰2()xedx α+∞-=-⎰12πα=-.由δ的任意性,上式在(0,)+∞上成立. 所以 ()I C απα=-+,由于()0,,I C βπβ==所以)()(αβπα-=I ,即dx xe exx⎰∞+---0222βα)(αβπ-=.(2)若关于x 的方程211kx x +=,()0k >在区间()0,+∞内有唯一的实数解,求常数k.解:设()211f x kx x=+-,则有()32f x k x'=-,当1320,x k ⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪∈ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭时,()0f x '<;当132,x k ⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪∈+∞ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭时,()0f x '>. 由此()f x 在132x k ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭处达到最小值,又()211f x kx x=+-在()0,+∞内有唯一的零点,必有1320f k ⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,13322102k k k ⎛⎫⎛⎫+-= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭, 3212331214k ⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪+= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,22714k ⋅=, 所以233k =.(3)设函数()f x 在区间[],a b 上连续,由积分中值公式,有()()()xaf t dt x a f ξ=-⎰,()a x b ξ≤≤≤,若导数()f a +'存在且非零,求lim x aax aξ+→--.解:()()()()()()()xaf t f a dt x a f f a ξ-=--⎰,()()()()()()21xaaa f t f a dt x af f a x a ξξξ--=⋅----⎰, 由条件,可知()()()1l i m x aaf f a f a ξξ+→+-='-,()()()()()()()()21lim lim 22xax ax af t f a dtf x f a f a x a x a +++→→--'==--⎰,故有1lim 2x aax aξ+→-=-.二、设函数()f x 在0x =附近可微,()00f =,()0f a '=,定义数列22212n n x f f f n n n ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=+++ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭.证明:{}n x 有极限并求其值.证明:由导数的定义, 对于任意0ε>,存在0δ>,当0||x δ<<时,有()f x a xε-<.于是()()()a x f x a x εε-<<+,()0x δ<<从而,当1nδ->时,有21k nnδ<<,()()222kk k a f a n n n εε⎛⎫-<<+ ⎪⎝⎭,其中1,2,,k n = .对于上式求和,得到()()2211nnn k k k k a x a nnεε==-<<+∑∑,即()()1122n n n a x a nnεε++-<<+,令n →∞,有()()11lim lim 22nn n n a x x a εε→∞→∞-≤≤≤+,由0ε>的任意性,得到 lim 2n n a x →∞=.设()f x 在()1,1-上有定义,在0x =处可导,且()00f =.证明:()210lim2nn k f k f n →∞='⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭∑.三、设函数f在[0,)+∞上一致连续,且对任何[0,1]x ∈,有()0limn f x n →∞+=,证明:()0lim x f x →+∞=。
证法二: (1)根据 Green 公式,将曲线积分化为区域 D 上的二重积分
∫ xe
sin y
dy − ye − sin x dx = ∫∫ (esin y + e − sin x )d δ
∫ xe
− sin y
dy − ye
sin x
dx = ∫∫ (e − sin y + esin x )d δ
e x + e2 x + 二、求极限 lim( x →0 n
+ e nx
e x
,其中 n 是给定的正整数.
e e x + e2 x + 解:原式 = lim exp{ ln( x →0 x n = exp{lim
x →0
+ e nx
e(ln(e x + e 2 x + x
+ e nx ) − ln n)
t 2n ≥ 2 + t2 n = 0 (2n)!
∫ xe
sin y
5 dy − ye− sin x dx = ∫∫ (esin y + e− sin x )dδ = ∫∫ (esin x + e− sin x )dδ ≥ π 2 . 2 D D
x 2x
x −x x 2x 五、已知 y1 = xe + e , y2 = xe + e , y3 = xe + e
(4)设函数 y = y ( x) 由方程 xe
f ( y)
= e y ln 29 确定,其中 f 具有二阶导数,
d2y 且 f ′ ≠ 1 ,则 =____________________. dx 2
5. Let T : H1 → H2 be a bounded operator of Hilbert spaces H1, H2. Let S : H1 → H2 be a compact operator, that is, for every bounded sequence {vn} ∈ H1, Svn has a con-
is its L1-norm.
S.-T. Yau College Student Mathematics Contests 2015
Geometry and Topology
Team Please solve 5 out of the following 6 problems.
1. Let SO(3) be the set of all 3 × 3 real matrices A with determinant 1 and satisfying tAA = I, where I is the identity matrix and tA is the transpose of A. Show that SO(3)
Problem 5. Consider the following penalized least-squares problem (Lasso):
1 2
Let β be a minimizer and ∆ = β − β∗ for any given β∗. If λ > 2∥XT (Y − Xβ∗)∥∞, show that
3. Let F : M → N be a smooth map between two manifolds. Let X1, X2 be smooth vector fields on M and let Y1, Y2 be smooth vector fields on N . Prove that if Y1 = F∗X1 and Y2 = F∗X2, then F∗[X1, X2] = [Y1, Y2], where [ , ] is the Lie bracket.
丘成桐大学数学竞赛试题及解答一、选择题1. 某数列的前5项为1, 4, 7, 10, 13,求第100项的值。
解答:根据题意可知,该数列的公差为3,第100项的值可以由以下公式得出:a_n = a_1 + (n-1)d其中,a_n 表示第n项的值,a_1 表示首项的值,d 表示公差。
代入已知条件,即可求出第100项的值:a_100 = 1 + (100-1)3= 1 + 99*3= 298所以,第100项的值为298。
2. 设函数 f(x) = x^2 + 2x + 1,求 f(3) 的值。
解答:将 x = 3 代入函数 f(x) 中,即可求得 f(3) 的值:f(3) = 3^2 + 2*3 + 1= 9 + 6 + 1= 16所以,f(3) 的值为16。
二、填空题1. 已知 a + b = 5,且 a - b = 3,求 a 和 b 的值。
解答:将两个等式相加得到:(a + b) + (a - b) = 5 + 32a = 8a = 4将 a 的值代入第一个等式可求得 b 的值:4 + b = 5b = 1所以,a 的值为4,b 的值为1。
2. 若 a:b = 2:3,且 a + b = 25,求 a 和 b 的值。
解答:设 a 的倍数为 2x,b 的倍数为 3x,则有:2x + 3x = 255x = 25x = 5将 x 的值代入 a:b 的比例中,可求得 a 和 b 的值:a = 2 * 5 = 10b = 3 * 5 = 15所以,a 的值为10,b 的值为15。
三、解答题1. 求解下列方程组:2x + y = 53x + 2y = 8解答:可以通过消元法解决这个方程组。
首先将第一个方程乘以2,得到:4x + 2y = 10然后将第二个方程减去第一个方程,消去 y 的系数:4x + 2y - (3x + 2y) = 10 - 84x + 2y - 3x - 2y = 2x = 2将 x 的值代入第一个方程,可求得 y 的值:2*2 + y = 54 + y = 5y = 1所以,该方程组的解为 x = 2,y = 1。
Q Q [ ex ] dx + [ ex ] dx =
Q Q Q Q 1dx + 2dx + ,+ 6dx + 7dx =
14 - ln7! .
2. 2 分段有界有无限个间断点函数的情况
E Q n
P 2
k= 0 2kP
f ( x) =
, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
f n( x),
x n- 1 [ x [ x n = b,
而 F( x ) 是 f ( x ) 任一原函数, F( x ) 为连续函数, 且
F1( x), a = x 0 [ x < x1,
F2( x), x1 [ x < x2 ,
F( x) =
, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,,
sinx - 1,
- 1 [ x [ 0, 0 < x [ 1.
解 因为 f ( x ) 在[ - 1, 1] 上有界且只有一个
间断点, 由定理 4 及定积分的性质, 有
Q Q Q f ( x ) dx = x dx + ( sinx - 1) dx =
x2 2
+ (-
cosx -
Keywords: def init e int egral, piecew ise cont inuous f unct io n, piecew ise bounded funct io n
首届全国大学生数学竞赛决赛试卷参考答案(数学类,2010)一、 填空题(1) 设0βα>>,则222xxdx e e xβα−−+∞−∫. (2)若关于x 的方程211(0)kx k x +=>在区间(0,)+∞中有惟一实数解,则常数k =9. (3)设函数()f x 在区间[,]a b 上连续.由积分中值公式有()()()xaf t dt x a f ξ=−∫()a x b ξ≤≤<.若导数()f a +′存在且非零, 则lim x aax aξ+→−−的值等于12. (4)设()6a b c ×= i ,则[()()]()a b b c a c +×++i =___12________.二、设()f x 在(1,1)−内有定义,在0x =处可导,且(0)0f =.证明: '21(0)lim2nn k k f f n →∞=⎛⎞=⎜⎟⎝⎠∑. 证: 根据题目假设和泰劳展开式,我们有'()(0)(0)(),f x f f x x x α=++其中()x α是x 的函数,(0)0,α=且()0,0x x α→→当。
因此,对于任意给定的0ε>,存在0δ>,使得(),x x αεδ<<只要。
对于任意自然数n 和k n ≤,我们总有'2222(0)k k k k f f n n n nα⎛⎞⎛⎞=+⎜⎟⎜⎟⎝⎠⎝⎠。
取1N δ−>,对于上述给定的0ε>,便有2,,k n N k n n αε⎛⎞<>≤⎜⎟⎝⎠只要。
于是,'222111(0),nn nk k k k k k f f n N n n nε===⎛⎞−≤>⎜⎟⎝⎠∑∑∑只要。
此式又可写成'21111(0)(1)(1),22nk k f f n N n n n ε=⎛⎞−+≤+>⎜⎟⎝⎠∑只要。
令n →∞,对上式取极限即得'211lim sup (0)22nn k k f f n ε→∞=⎛⎞≤+⎜⎟⎝⎠∑和'211lim inf (0)22nn k k f f n ε→∞=⎛⎞≥−⎜⎟⎝⎠∑由ε的任意性,即得'22111lim suplim inf (0)2nnn n k k k k f f f n n →∞→∞==⎛⎞⎛⎞==⎜⎟⎜⎟⎝⎠⎝⎠∑∑。
在直角三角形ABC中,∠C = 90°,AC = 3,BC = 4,则AB的长度为:
A. 5(正确答案)
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
方程2x + 5y = 20的正整数解有多少对?
A. 1
B. 2(正确答案)
C. 3
D. 4
已知等差数列的首项为a_1 = 2,公差为d = 3,则第10项a_{10}为:
A. 29
B. 30
C. 31
D. 32(正确答案)
函数y = x2 - 4x + 5的最小值为:
A. -1
B. 0
C. 1(正确答案)
D. 2
若a、b、c为三角形的三边长,且满足a2 + b2 = c2 + 2ab,则该三角形为:
A. 锐角三角形
B. 直角三角形(正确答案)
C. 钝角三角形
D. 等腰三角形
A. r2
B. 2r2(正确答案)
C. 3r2
D. 4r2
不等式3x - 7 < 2x + 1的解集为:
A. x < -8
B. x < 8
C. x > -8
D. x > 8(正确答案)
已知一次函数y = kx + b,当x = 1时,y = 3;当x = -1时,y = -1,则k的值为:
A. -1
B. 0
C. 1
D. 2(正确答案)
若多项式f(x) = x3 - ax2 + bx - 8有两个因式x + 1和x + 2,则a + b的值为:
A. 7
B. 8(正确答案)
C. 9
D. 10。
4xdxdy 0.
n! n!
In s In1 s2 In2 sn I0 sn1
(4)设函数 f (t) 有二阶连续导数,r
2g x2
2g y2
y2 , g(x, y)
1 r
x y 0
x2 4
y 1 2
z3 1
二、(15分)设函数 f (x) 在 (, ) 上具有二阶导数,并且
(1)设 xn (1 a)(1 a2) (1 a2n ),
其中,| a |1,
解.:(1)xn 1 a1 a2 1 a2n xn 1 a1 a1 a2 1 a2n 1 a
1 a2 1 a2 1 a2n 1 a 1 a2n1 1 a
lim n
a2 b2
4 15
4 ab3c
I d 2dV 1 2 4 a3bc 1 2 4 ab3c 1 2 4 abc3
4 abc 1 2 a2 1 2 b2 1 2 c2 15
2 a b c
1椭球上一点px, y, z到直线的距离
d 2 1 2 x2 1 2 y2 1 2 z2 2 xy 2zy 2zx
xydV yzdV zxdV 0
c z2dz
c x2 y 2 1 z 2
6. 已知 u f ( x, y) 满足 r
u u u u , 。 x, y ,这里 ( , r ) 为极坐标。求 y r x
u u u u u u cos sin r x y y y x r cos r x r x 解: , 。 y r sin u u r ( sin ) u r cos u u ( y ) u x y y x x u u x x y y x u 2 xy u x 2 y 2 2 2 由条件知 ,解之得: , . 2 y x y 2 x x y u ( y ) u x y y x
1 令 ( x) e x e x x 2 2 ,则 ( x) 为偶函数,且 (0) 0 。 2
1 6
( ' x) e x e- x x , ''( x) e x e x 1 。
显然, ''( x) 0 , '( x) 单调增加。 x 0 时 '( x) '(0) 0 。
t2 1 4 dt t 3 3 。 2 6 0 3 1 t
4 故 S S1 S2 3 。 3
另解:利用曲线积分。由曲线积分可知 S
1 1 ydx xdy [ ] , 2L 2 L1 L2
其中 L1 为红色曲线, L2 为线段 x 1 (2 y 0) 。
解:由条件知 F ( x) F ( x) x(1 x)e2 x 。 两边积分 F ( x) F '( x)dx x(1 x)e2 x dx 得
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sup E (
ai Xi + an+1 − θ)2 =
τ 2 n −1 . τ 2 + n −1
Hint: Carefully use the sufficiency principle. 4. The rules for “1 and 1” foul shooting in basketball are as follows. The shooter gets to try to make a basket from the foul line. If he succeeds, he gets another try. More precisely, he make 0 baskets by missing the first time, 1 basket by making the first shot and xsmissing the second one, or 2 baskets by making both shots. Let n be a fixed integer, and suppose a player gets n tries at “ 1 and 1” shooting. Let N0 , N1 , and N2 be the random variables recording the number of times he makes 0, 1, or 2 baskets, respectively. Note that N0 + N1 + N2 = n. Suppose that shots are independent Bernoulli trails with probability p for making a basket. (a) Write down the likelihood for (N0 , N1 , N2 ). (b) Show that the maximum likelihood estimator of p is N1 + 2N2 . p ˆ= N0 + 2N1 + 2N2 (c) Is p ˆ an unbiased estimator for p? Prove or disprove. (Hint: E p ˆ is a polynomial in p, whose order is higher than 1 for p ∈ (0, 1).) (d) Find the asymptotic distribution of p ˆ as n tends to ∞. Proof. (a) The likelihood is l(p) = (1 − p)N0 [p(1 − p)]N1 [p2 ]N2 = (1 − p)N0 +N1 pN1 +2N2 . (Trinomial) (b) Solve the score equation l (ˆ p) = 0. Need to verify that it is the maximizer. (c) No. Suppose that E p ˆ = p for any p ∈ [0, 1]. Note that E p ˆ= n1 +2n2 n0 +n1 n1 +2n2 p is a polynomial in p, (n0 ,n1 ,n2 ):n0 +n1 +n2 =n n−n0 (1 − p) whose order is higher than 1 for p ∈ (0, 1). Then the above inequality does not hold for some p ∈ (0, 1), which contradicts the assumption.
|f (t)|dt +
|f (t)|dt.
Proof. First use mean value theorem, there exist x0 so that f (x0 ) = 1 x f (t)dt. Then estimate f (x) − f (x0 ) = x0 f (t)dt. 0 3. Consider the equation x ¨ + (1 + f (t))x = 0. We assume that |f (t)|dt < ∞. Study the Lyapunov stability of the solution (x, x ˙ ) = (0, 0). Proof. Use V (x, y ) = 1/2(x2 + y 2 ) as a Lyapunov function, one can get |(log V ) | ≤ f (t), and estimate V . 4. Suppose f : [a, b] → R be a L1 -integrable function. Extend f to be 0 outside the interval [a, b]. Let φ(x) = Show that
ˆ(n)|2 < ∞ implies f ∈ L2 [0, 2π ], |f ˆ(n)| < ∞ implies that f = f0 , a.e., f0 ∈ C 1 [0, 2π ], |nf where C 1 [0, 2π ] is the space of functions f over [0, 1] such that both f and its derivative f are continuous functions.
P (Zj < z ) =
k =j n
P {there are exactly k out of n of U1 , · · · , Un ≤ z }
k k Cn z (1 − z )n−k k =j
k = where Cn n
n! . k!(n−k)!
Using the equality that n! (j − 1)!(n − j )!
p 0
k k Cn p (1 − p)n−k = k =j
tj −1 (1 − t)n−j dt,
which can be shown by using integration by parts, it follows that n! P (Zj < z ) = (j − 1)!(n − j )!
z 0
Proof. 1) Use Parceval identity. (Do we need to prove it?) 2) Use ˆ(n)e−inx and prove f0 ∈ C 1 [0, 2π ] and f = f0 , a.e. f0 = Σf 6. Suppose Ω ⊂ R3 to be a simply connected domain and Ω1 ⊂ Ω with boundary Γ. Let u be a harmonic function in Ω and M0 = (x0 , y0 , z0 ) ∈ Ω1 . Calculate the integral: 1 ∂u ∂ 1 II = − u ( )− dS, ∂n r r ∂n Γ ∂ 1 1 and where = denotes the out 2 2 2 r ∂n (x − x0 ) + (y − x0 ) + (z − x0 ) normal derivative with respect to boundary Γ of the domain Ω1 . (Hint: ∂v ∂v ∂v use the formula ∂n dS = ∂x dy ∧ dz + ∂y dz ∧ dx + ∂v dx ∧ dy .) ∂z
a b ∞
1 2h
x+ h
x− h b
|φ| ≤
|f |.
b a
b a
1 −1
f (x + sh)dsdx, exchange the intergal and estimate.
ˆ(n) = 5. Suppose f ∈ L1 [0, 2π ], f
1 2π
2π 0
f (x)e−inx dx, prove that
2. Let X1 , · · · , Xn be i.i.d. random variable with a continuous density f at point 0. Let 3 Yn,i = (1 − Xi2 /b2 n )I (|Xi | ≤ bn ). 4bn Show that n i=1 (Yn,i − EYn,i ) L −→ N (0, 3/5), 1 (bn n i=1 Yn,i ) /2 provided bn → 0 and nbn → ∞. 3. Let X1 , · · · , Xn be independently and indentically distributed random variables with Xi ∼ N (θ, 1). Suppose that it is known that |θ| ≤ τ , where τ is given. Show
S.-T. Yau College Student Mathematics Contests 2010
Analysis and Differential Equations
Team Solution
1. a) Let f (z ) be holomorphic in D: |z | < 1 and |f (z )| ≤ 1 (z ∈ D). Prove that |f (0)| − |z | |f (0)| + |z | ≤ |f (z )| ≤ . (z ∈ D) 1 + |f (0)||z | 1 − |f (0)||z | b) For any finite complex value a, prove that