选修6unit3 a healthy life ___Reading公开课


人教版选修六Unit 3《A healthy life Reading》ppt课件

人教版选修六Unit 3《A healthy life Reading》ppt课件
• Separate smoking and non-smoking areas in public places
• A campaign to highlight the dangers of smoking for smokers and non-smoking people
III. Read the text and fill in the blanks.
◆ Have 5_d_if_f_ic_u_l_ty_ Break the
in becoming pregnant. habit.
◆ Affect the health of
6__________ . ◆noBnr-esamthokaenrds clothes
7 ____________ .
can smoke a cigarette. B. Don’t choose a day of exams to stop
smoking. C. If you feel stressed, you can do some
relaxation exercises. D. It’s helpful to stop smoking with a
Get help if you need it.
◆ Finsgmeerlslturn
◆ Can’t run fast
and don’t enjoy
IV. Read the text carefully and choose
the best answers.
3. What other information could have been included?

人教版英语选修六Unit 3 A healthy Life(Reading)课件

人教版英语选修六Unit 3 A healthy Life(Reading)课件
2. It is more difficult for smoking couples to
become_p_r__e_g__n__a__n__t.. 3. affect the _h__e__a_l_t__h__of non-smokers
4. make smokers _s__m__e_l_l__t_e_r_r__ib__l_e___and the fingers__t_u_r_n___y_e_l_l_o__w 5.can’t _r_u__n__f_a_s__t_and_e__n_j_o_y__s__p_o__r_t
2 In what way did the old man try to persuade his grandson to give up smoking?
A Using scientific theory B His failure in love
C His sports activity D His own experience
Para. 5 More advice and grandad’s wishes
Detail Reading Part 1(para1.2.)
What seems amazing in paragraph1?
An 81-year-old man having a 20-km bike ride.
What was the problem that James had?
Unit3 A healthy life
赵湾中学 江开菊
What harm does smoking do to our health?(brainstorm)
How does smoking harm our health



produce cigarettes?
Reasons to Produce cigarettes
give new ideas
remove worries
Reasons not to
3. According to the text, if you’re a
smoker, when you don’t smoke, you
may feel ___B___.
A. relaxed
B. angry
C. sorry
D. happy
4. From Para. 3, we can learn that __B____.
give birth to asbmigaglleerrbaby in the future. F
2. people who smoke are more likely to
suffer from heart disease. T
3. After smoking for a few years, a man may find that he can’t run as fast as
Unit 3
A healthy life
Learning goals 【学习目标】
1.Students learn about advice from a granddad to his grandson on the harm of smoking and how to quit smoking.

人教版高中英语选修六《Unit 3 A healthy life》 Reading 课件 4

人教版高中英语选修六《Unit 3 A healthy life》 Reading 课件 4
The harmful effects of smoking
(1) Do terrible damage to your heart and lungs.
(2) It was more difficult for smoking couples to
become _p_r_e_g_n_a_nt_.
to cigarettes
1.become____________ addicted to nicotine.
2.become addicted through __________ 3. become___________ addicted
Para. 4 1. Find out the harmful effects of smoking that grandad didn’t know when he was young?
Here are some situations. Each group chooses one to discuss. Every member should give at least one idea.
Situation 1: Suppose you are a teacher, how will you persuade your students to quit smoking. Situation 2: Suppose your teacher is a smoker, how will you persuade him to quit smoking. Situation 3: Suppose you are a father, how will you persuade your son to quit smoking. Situation 4: Suppose your father is a smoker, how will you persuade him to quit smoking.

Unit 3 A healthy life 教学设计1-公开课-优质课(人教选修6精品)

Unit 3 A healthy life 教学设计1-公开课-优质课(人教选修6精品)

Unit 3 A healthy life教学案1Teaching aims:1. Talk about health2. Learn the issues that the young people are concerned about3. Learn to advise people about what to do and what not to do4. Talk about smoking and its harmTeaching proceduresStep one Warming upThis step is to lead the students to the topic of this unit ―― A healthy life1. What health issues do you think concern young people the most?(After about 3 minutes)A sample list:Cigarette smoking Drinking alcohol Drug taking Diet Physical fitnessSexual health Stress AIDS and infections Cancer Anxiety and so on2. Group worka. Choose one health issue you think is particularly important.b. List five things you would like to tell other people about this issue.Show some pictures on the computerDirections:Looking at the following pictures. What are they doing? Which are healthy activities while which are unhealthy activities?(Ask the students to describe the pictures using their own words)Straightforward description:Picture one: They are Singing. HealthyPicture two: They are Dancing. HealthyPicture three: They are Playing basketball. HealthyPicture four: They are Doing Taiji. HealthyPicture five: They are Drinking alcohol. HealthyPicture six: They are Eating too much. UnhealthyPicture seven: They are Smoking, coughing. UnhealthyStep two Pre-readingQuestions:1. Have you ever smoked? If you have, have you ever tried to stop?2. Why do you think some adolescents start smoking?Possible answer:Some adolescents start smoking because they are falsely influenced by some media. Some think it’s cool. Maybe some want to lighten some stress.3. In what ways is smoking harmful?Mentally and healthily.4. What advice would you give to someone when wanted to stop smoking?Possible answer:Let them get interested in some positive hobbies like sports, playing music, reading, playing chess and so on.5. Where could you get good advice on stopping smoking?Step three HomeworkFind out some information from the Internet and write a short passage about the present situation of young people’s smoking in China as well as giving them some advice.The 2nd period ReadingTeaching aims:To promote the students’ understanding of the text.To solve the problems and difficulties they meet in understanding the text by cooperation.3. Enable the Ss to learn how to give advice on stopping smoking.4. To talk about the importance of health and the harmful effects of smokingTeaching methods:Discussion, cooperative learning and oral practice.Teaching procedures:Step one Greetings.Greet the Ss as usual.Step two Pre-readingPredicting:Read the title of the text and the headings within it, and find out:1. Who wrote the letter?2. What is the purpose of the letter?Step three Skimming1. Read and check the answers to the two questions.2. Listen to the tape and find out the main idea of each paragraph.A. The writer leads to the topic of the letter by talking about James’ problem of smoking.B. Introducing some different ways of becoming addicted.C. Telling the writer’s hope for his grandson and advice on stopping smoking.D. Telling the harmful effects of smoking.E. From the life the writer is leading now, we can know the importance of healthy life. Keys: 2—A 3----B 5-----C 4-----D 1-----EStep four Detail reading1. List the details under the following subtitles.The w ays to become addicted to cigarettesThe harmful effects of smokingSuggestions to quit smokingThe ways to become addicted to cigarettes1).Become physically addicted to nicotine2).Become addicted through habit3).Become mentally addictedThe harmful effects of smoking1). Do terrible damage to your heart and lungs2). Have difficulty in becoming pregnant3). Affect the health of non-smokers4). Smell terrible5). Have the ends of the fingers turn yellow6). Be unable to run fastSuggestions to quit smoking1). Prepare yourself2). Be determined3). Break the habit4). Relax5). Get help If you need it6). Keep trying2. Answer some questions. (refer to PPT)3. Fill in the chart on the next page with information from the reading passage.Information from the reading passageDifferent ways people can become addicted to cigaretteHarmful physical effects for smokersEffects that a person’s smoking can have on other peopleEffects that smoking can have on sporting performance4.Let students find the expressions in the passage that can be used to advise people about what to do and what not to do.Step five DiscussionSituation 1: Suppose you are a teacher, how will you persuade your students to quit smoking. Situation 2: Suppose your teacher is a smoker, how will you persuade him to quit smoking. Situation 3: Suppose you are a father, how will you persuade your son to quit smoking. Situation 4: Suppose your father is a smoker, how will you persuade him to quit smoking.Step six Homework1. Discuss the questions after class.2. Find out the key points of the text.3. Search some more information about the harmful effects of smoking and advice on stopping smoking.The 3rd Period Listening& SpeakingTeaching aims:1. To learn what should be paid attention to when going to the party and how to give advice and warnings to others.2. To train the ability of listening and speaking.Teaching procedures:Step one Listening1. Pre-listening1) Individual work:To show some pictures and make students judge which are the ways of keeping a health life.2) Group work:Discussion: Suppose you are invited to have a party in a nightclub by your friends, would you like to go there? If not, what are you worried about?While-listeningListen to what Tina and Sara are talking about and tick the things Sara is worried about.Listen again and complete Tina’s sentences.Listen to the tape for the third time. Understand the whole dialogue fully and check if the answers are complete, especially pay attention to different structures of giving advice.Post-listeningGuessing: Will Sara still be nervous about going after listening to Tina’s advice?To ask students what useful expressions we can use to give advice and teacher write them on the blackboard.Step two SpeakingReview the target function by giving students two situations.Situation1: Your friend is worried about theEnglish test the class is having on Friday. (giving some advice)Situation2: Your friend tries to cross the road and you see a car speeding towards him/ her. (giving some warnings)Have a discussion to make students list the rules for behaving properly in the party and share the lists with all the classmates.Step three Homework:1. Review the expressions of giving advice, warnings and prohibitions.2. Write a short passage to persuade one of your relatives to give up smoking.The 4th Period Learning about languageTeaching aims:1. To get students to learn and master the usage of the new words and the useful expressions in the reading.2. To enable students to grasp the grammar: the use of “it”.Teaching procedures:Step one ReviewReview the main idea of the letter and the suggestions to quit smoking orally.Step two Word study1.Find words and expressions from the text and match.accustomed feeling foolish or uncomfortable because of somethingmanage stop doingashamed having an unborn child or young in the bodyautomatically pressure caused by the problems of living, too much work, etc.quit done without conscious thought, esp. as a habitstress in the habit of; used topregnant because ofmental succeed in doingadolescents of the minddue to a boy or girl in the period between being a child and an adult.2. Complete the text with words from above. (Ex 1,P 20)1. Rice production has increased greatly in china over the last few years, largely _______super hybrid rice.2. Having lived in Hawaii all his life, he was not __________to the cold of Northern Europe.3. He was_________ of his body so he decided to go on a diet and do more exercise.4. In spite of her wounded leg, she ________to g et up the stairs.5. He told me the same story _____________ until I felt like screaming.6. With exams only a week away, I am under a lot of ______.7. When I ____________playing sport I become very fat and unhealthy.8._______health is as important as physical health.9. Now that I am __________ I eat a good diet because I want my baby to be born healthy.10.___________often take more risks than adults.Keys: 1.due to 2. accustomed 3. ashamed 4.manage 5.automatically 6.stress 7.quit 8. Mental 9. pregnant 10.Adolescents3. Complete the text with words from below. (Ex 2, P21)Before filling in the blacks, review the meaning of each with the whole class.adolescents青少年cigarettes香烟quit停止,戒drugs毒品due to 归因于stress压力eventually 终于alcohol酒addicted上瘾的manage管理,努力做Smoking ________, drinking ______or taking other_______ produce many harmful effects and have no real benefits. So why do __________do it? Some because they believe it makes them look cool. Others think it will help with _________in their life possibly_____ pressure from their parents or teachers. Some just want to see what it is like. What they don’t r ealize is that they will get into the habit and ________become _______. It will then be difficult to _____the habit. A few people ________to quit easily but for many it is a very painful process. Of course, the best way to deal with these drugs is not to start in the first place.Keys: 1. cigarettes 2. alcohol 3. drugs 4. adolescents 5. stress 6. due to 7.eventually 8.addicted 9.quit 10.manageStep three Discovering useful structures1. Go over the first reading passage again and find out all sentences with “it”.a. It’s a beautiful day here---b. It’s amazing that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometers in an afternoon.c. It’s my birthday in two weeks time---d. Your mother tells me that you have started smoking and that you are finding it difficult to give up.e. Believe me, I know how easy it is to begin smoking and how hard i t is to stop.f. This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed to having nicotine in it and ---g. As you know, if you do the same thing over and over again, you begin to do it automatically.h. I think I was addicted in all three ways, so it was difficult to give up.i. I didn’t know it could do terrible damage to your heart and lungs or that I was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant.j. When I was taken off the school football team because I was too slow, I knew it was time to quit smoking.k. It might help you to stop.2. Discuss with their partner about the use of “it” (pairwork)3. Explain the use of it.“It” can be used in the subject position to stand for an infinitive, -ing form or a clause. Impersonal “it” can be used to talk about time, date, distance or weather4. Let students sort all the sentences.It stands for an infinitive: h.It stands for-ing formIt stands fo r time: c.It stands for date:It stands for distance:It stands for weather: a.It stands for others: d, e, f, g, I, j, k5. Explain and extend.It stands for an infinitive: h.I think I was addicted in all three ways, so it was difficult to give up. 真正的主语to give up it形式主语structure: it is+ adj.+ to do---补充1.手头边有个小笔记本是个好主意。

高中英语(人教版)选修六 Unit3 A Healthy Life-reading课件 (共32张PPT)

高中英语(人教版)选修六 Unit3 A Healthy Life-reading课件 (共32张PPT)
Summarize the advice to stop smoking:
Choose a day that is not __s_tr_e_s_s_f_u_l _ to quit smoking. Make a list of all the _b_e__n_e_fi_ts___ you
will get from stopping smoking. T_h_r_o_w a_w__a_y all
寿光一中 பைடு நூலகம்爱军
We’re suffering too much stress.
Are you a healthy person?
What is a healthy person?
A healthy person is someone who is healthy in both body and mind. A healthy life should include_ph_y_s_ic_aal nd _m_e_n_ta_lhealth.
Because he wanted to help James
Read para3 and fill in the blanks
Information from the reading
__Fir_st_____(首先) ,
become _______________
★3. affect their babies’_________ ★ 4. affect the health of ______________
5. smell _________ 6. have the ends of the fingers turn _________ 7. become ____________ quickly

选修6unit3 a healthy life ___Reading公开课 PPT

选修6unit3 a healthy life ___Reading公开课 PPT

Watch the video first and then discuss and write some suggestions to someone who wants to stop smoking according to the second part of the text.
Writing It is not easy to stop smoking, but millions have managed to quit and so can you. First…… Second…….
1. The grandpa is 82 years old now. 2. The grandpa thinks it easy to quit
smoking. 3. The grandpa is living a healthy life
Read the first part carefully, and try to finish the following chart.
smoking. D. Millions have managed to quit smoking
and so can you.
Summarize the article “how can you stop smoking”.
Choose a day that is not _st_r_e_s_sf_u_l_ to quit smoking. Make a list of all the _b_e_n_e_f_it_s_ you will get from stopping smoking. _T_h_r_o_w_ away all your cigarettes. _R__em__i_n_d_ yourself you are a non-smoker when you feel like _s_m__o_k_in_g__. Develop some other habits to keep yourself _b_u_s_y_. If you feel nervous or _st_r_e_ss_e_d_, try some _r_el_a_x_a_t_io_n_



Choose a day that is not __st_r_e_s_sf_u_l__ to quit smoking. Make a list of all the __b_e_n_e_fi_t_s__ you will get from stopping smoking. _T_h_r_o_w__a_w_a_y_ all your cigarettes at the end of the day before you plan to quit.
1. I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live. 我想我之所以长寿而且精力充沛,要归功于我的健康 生活。
2. You can become physically addicted to nicotine, which is one of the hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes.
Post-reading 1. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text? A. Every time you want to smoke, you can smoke a
cigarette. B. Don’t choose a day of exams to stop smoking. C. If you feel stressed, you can do some relaxation
Advice From Grandad
Reading Comprehension Go through the first two and the last paragraphs.

人教版新课标选修6unit 3 healthy life (reading)课件

人教版新课标选修6unit 3 healthy life (reading)课件
Effects that smoking can have on sporting performance
1. other people dislike the smell 2. The cigarette smoke may do harm to
other people near the smoker.
Warming up Pre-reading While-reading
Skimming Scanning
After-reading Sum up Assignment
Warming up
AWthrualyt khienadlthoyf
sibsoehmereaeolgtnhaeyrwdinehdo baosthabhoedayltahnyd mpienrds.on?
1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 2. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a
man healthy, wealthy and wise. 3. A light heart lives long. 4. Good health is over wealth. 5. Health is happiness.
Information from the reading passage
Different ways people can become addicted to cigarettes
1. physically addicted to nicotine 2. addicted through habits 3. mentally addicted



Unit 3 A healthy life- Reading教案(人教选修6)教案1 Unit 3 A healthy lifeReadingTeaching material: NSEFC Book 6 —— Unit 3Teaching AimsEnable the students to grasp and remember the detailed information of the reading material.Teaching Important & Difficult PointsHow to help the students to grasp and remember the detailed information of the reading material.Teaching aids:a tape recorder, a projector, slides and picturesTeaching ProcedureStep1 Warming up1. What’s a healthy person?A truly healthy person is someone who is healthy in both body and mind.2. What’s a healthy life?To be true healthy a person must be well in mind, body and spirit.Step 2 BrainstormingWhat health issues do you think concern young people the most?cigarette smoking drinking alcohol drug taking dietphysical fitness sexual health stress AIDS and infections cancer anxietyStep 3 Lead inT:Look at the following pictures.What are they doing?Can you tell which activity is healthy and which is unhealthy?Slide showshadowboxin gDrinking alcoholphysical exerciseSingingdancingovereatingcigarette smoking Step 4 Pre-reading1.Have you ever smoked? If you have, have you ever tried to stop?2.Why do you think some adolescents start smoking?3.In what ways is smoking harmful?4.What advice would you give to someone who wanted to stop smoking?5.Where could you get good advice on stopping smoking?Step 5 Fast readingT:Skim the letter and answer the following questions.Slide show1.How many parts does the reading text consist of?Two parts. The first part is a letter and the second part is an internet page.2. Who wrote the letter to whom?A grandfather wrote the letter to his grandson James.3. What is the purpose of the letter?This letter aims to explain how a smoker becomes addicted to cigarettes and why he should give up.Step 6 Detail readingT:Read the letter carefully, and try to fill in the chart with information from the reading passage.Read the article about the advice on stopping smoking on Page 19, then finish the following summary of the passage.Slide showChoose a day that is not __________ to quit smoking.Make a list of all the __________ you will get from stopping smoking.___________ all your cigarettes at the end of the day before you plan to quit. ________ the list of benefits you wrote when you feel like smoking. Develop some other habits like walking, drinking some water, cleaning the hou se and so on to keep yourself busy.If you feel nervous or stressed, try to do some __________ exercises like deep breathing.You can stop smoking with a friend or join a group.If you feel really bad, ask a doctor or _________ for help.The most important thing is to keep trying.Don't feel ________ if you _________ because some people have to try many times before they finally quit smoking.Never give up and you will succeed.Keys:Stressful benefits Throw away Reread relaxation chemist ashamed weaken Step 8 Discussion1. What kind of person do you think James’ grandfather is?He is fit and healthy and leads an active life. He takes an interest in his daughte r’s and his grandson’s well-being. He is knowledgeable. He reads the internet. He appears to love his grandson.2. Do you think the information and advice on the Internet page that James?’ grandfather sent is useful for someone who is trying to give up smoking?It is a good summary but a person wanting to give up should probably look f or more information than what is presented here.3.Can you give some other helpful suggestions?Step 9DiscussionA: Someone who gets addicted to smoking.B: tries to gives A some helpful advice and persuade him/her to give up smoking.Suppose you(B)are a teacher, how will you persuade your students(A)t oquit smoking.Suppose your father(A)is a smoker, how will you(B)persuade him to q uitsmoking.Suppose your teacher(A)is a smoker, how will you(B)persuade him to quit smoking.Slide showUseful expressionsHow to ask for adviceWhat should I do?Could you tell me what to do?Can you give me some advice?How to give adviceYou’d better…I think you ought to...Perhaps you should…I suggest that you…Step 10 Homework1. Find out the key points of the text.2.Search some more information about the harmful effects of smoking and advice on stopping smoking.Module four A social surver-my neighbourhood --Period three课时训练(外研版必修1)I. 同义句转换,每空一词。

Unit 3 A healthy life Reading课件 人教版选修六

Unit 3 A healthy life Reading课件  人教版选修六

2. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text? A A. Every time you want to smoke, you can smoke a cigarette. B. Don’t choose a day of exams to stop smoking. C. If you feel stressed, you can do some relaxation exercises. D. It’s helpful to stop smoking with a friend.
Warming up
1. What health issues do you think concern young people the most? Cigarette smoking Drug taking Diet Sexual health Obesity Drinking alcohol Physical fitness Stress
4. What do you think can be done to protect non-smokers (especially women and babies) from those who smoke? • a non-smoking policy in public places such as buses, train, restaurants, cinemas, etc • Separate smoking and non-smoking areas in public places
2.What’s a healthy life? A healthy person is someone who is healthy in both body and mind.

英语:Unit3 A healthy life(Reading)课件(新人教版选修6)

英语:Unit3 A healthy life(Reading)课件(新人教版选修6)
a controversial/ sensitive issue
Anger is a big issue for me.
This article appeared in the July issue of English Learning.
They issued a joint statement denying the charge.
4. What effects of smoking have been mentioned? 1) It does terrible damage to your heart and lungs; 2) It is more difficult to become pregnant; 3) The baby may have a smaller birth weight or even abnormal in some way; 4) It affects the health of non-smokers; 5) It makes the smoker smelling; 6) It affects the relationship with others especially girlfriend; 7) It makes the smoker less fit.
Smoking is a bad example to children.
Smoking causes lung cancer.
Smoking affects the health of the nonsmokers.
Reading Advice From Grandad
Skimming To get
2. Why does the author write this letter to James? The author writes this letter for the reason that James started smoking and now is finding it hard to give it up. The author feels like sharing his experience and some knowledge with him.

【公开课课件】选修六Unit 3 Healthy life Reading公开课

【公开课课件】选修六Unit 3 Healthy life Reading公开课

Who wrote this letter ? To whom? A grandfather wrote the letter to his grandson James. What is the purpose of the letter?
To help James give up smoking .
Write back to your grandfather to tell him your present healthy life.
What advice do you think can help them quit smoking?
James is one of the adolescent smokers addicted to cigarettes.
Best wishes for you.
Yours faithfully, James
5. Which is NOT the effect of smoking? A. Causing terrible damage to heart
and lungs. B. Affecting the health of non-smokers. C. Having the clothes turn yellow. D. Not enjoying sport.
C. keeping your hands busy will help stop smoking.
D. some people have to try several times before quitting smoking.
9.What is NOT included in the article
5. According to the letter, James’grandad is such a person except ______.
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Scan the text and match the main idea of each paragraph
a. Granddad talks about James’ 3. Match the topic problem of smoking. sentence of each paragraph of the first part. Para. 2 b. The harmful effects of smoking. Para. 3 c. Granddad tells about the life he is living and the importance of a healthy life. Para. 4 d. Granddad’s hope for James and his advice on stopping smoking. Para. 5 e. The three different ways of becoming addicted. Para. 1
2. In what way did the old man try to persuade his grandson to give up smoking? A. Using scientific theory. B. Using his failure in love. C. Using his sports activity. D. Using his own experience.
1. What’s the main idea of the first part? A. The grandfather lives a healthy life because of his quitting smoking. B. The three ways of becoming addicted to smoking. C. The harmful effects of smoking. D. A letter explaining how a smoker becomes addicted to cigarettes and why he should give it up.
1.To learn how people usually get addicted to cigarettes and how they can quit smoking. 2.To improve the reading skills. 3.To write some suggestions according to the text.
Read the first part carefully, and try to finish the following chart.
Para. 3 Information from the reading passage physically 1. become __________
Different ways addicted to nicotine. people can 2. become addicted through habit become addicted ______. mentally to cigarettes. 3. become ________ addicted.
Look at the following pictures. Which are healthy activities while which are unhealthy activities?
Playing basketball
3. ____forced James’ granddad to give up smoking. A. That he ran too slow B. That he was taken off the school football team C. His girlfriend D. His parents
What do you think is the most important in our life?
What’s a healthy person like?
A truly healthy person should be body healthy in _____ mind and ______.
Listen to the tape and find the answers to the following questions.
1. Smoking can do terrible damage to one’s life EXCEPT________. A. heart disease B. Lung disease C. not becoming pregnant D. Getting along well with others
Read the first two paragraphs and judge the following sentences.
1. The grandpa is 82 years old now.
2. The grandpa thinks it easy to quit smoking. 3. The grandpa is living a healthy life now.
exercises like deep breathing. You can friend or join a stop smoking with a ______ group. If necessary, ask a doctor or ________ chemist for help. The most important is disappointed to keep trying. Don’t feel ____________ if you smoke again. Just ____ try againlthy
Drinking alcohol
Eating too much
Have you ever smoked? If you have, have you stopped?
Advice from Grandad
Read the text carefully and underline the phrases and sentences difficult for you(for students whose scores are below 50). 2. Do exercises 1&2 on page28 in workbooks.(for students whose scores are between 51-80)
Para. 4
1. could do terrible damage to your heart and lungs __________________. Harmful physical 2. it was more difficult for become pregnant effects on couples to_______________. smokers. 1. other people dislike the smell Effects that a ______. person’s smoking 2. The cigarette smoke could can have on other affect the health people. of________________. non-smokers
• 3. Make sentences with the following phrases (the rest students): • be addicted to, due to, be accustomed to, feel like doing, have an effect on, instead of, decide on.
Watch the video first and then discuss and write some suggestions to someone who wants to stop smoking according to the second part of the text.
It is not easy to stop smoking, but millions have managed to quit and so can you. First…… Second……. Third……. In a word, however difficult it is for you to stop smoking , I believe that you will get rid of it.
Secondly, find something fun and good to do, but not smoking right away. Leave more time with your friends, more time to hang out at a bookstore, join a sport team or something else. Lastly, make an effective schedule and find a supervisor. He or she will check your process of the timetable and also will give warning if you go to smoke.
Summarize the article “how can you stop smoking”.
Choose a day that is not ________ stressful to quit benefits smoking. Make a list of all the ________ you will get from stopping smoking. Throw away all your cigarettes. ________ ______ Remind yourself you are a non-smoker when you feel like _________. smoking Develop some other habits to keep yourself _____. busy If you feel nervous or _______, stressed try some _________ relaxation