2014-2015学年第二学期商务英语阅读课程试卷〔A〕一、商务术语英译汉(每题1分,共10分)1. housing and land tax2. agent-service3. business tax4. income tax5. amount deposited6. capital market7. economic stimulus 8. export contract9. foreign currency earnings 10. amount receivable二、商务术语汉译英(每题1分,共10分)1. 承租人2. 资产3. 本地银行4. 出租人5. 损失6. 抵押7. 萧条8. 信用第一9. 公平交易10. 首次公开发行三、商务术语定义匹配(每题1分,共20分)Part one Match the terms in column A with the definitions in column B:A______________________ B________________________________________1)market share A) A group of advisors, originally to a political candidate,for their expertise in particular fields, but now to anydecision makers, whether or not in politics.2)cash drain B) The rate of new product development, which isgetting faster with more severe competition and fastertechnological advancement.3)shareholder wealth C) Percentage or proportion of the total availablemarket or market segment that a product orcompany takes.4)net worth D) A group of executives employed to manage aproject, department, or company with theirparticular expertise or skills.5)management team E) A person, project, business or company thatcontinues to consume large amounts of cash withno end in sight.6)brain trust F) A person or firm that invests in a businessventure, providing capital for start-up orexpansion, and expecting a higher rate of returnthan that for traditional investments.7)balance sheet G) The wealth shareholders get to accrue from theirownership of shares in a firm, which can beincreased by raising either share prices ordividend payments.8)captains of industry H) A financial statement that summarizes acompany's assets, liabilities and shareholders'equity at a specific point in time.9)Venture capitalist I) Total assets minus total liabilities, an importantdeterminant of the value of a company, primarilycomposed of all the money that has been investedand the retained earnings for the duration of its考试时间120分钟适用班级(份数)考试类型题序一二三四五六七八总分分值100得分阅卷人复核人得分得分得分operation.10)product cycle L) A business leader who is especially successfuland powerful and whose means of amassing apersonal fortune contributes substantially to thecountry in some way.Part two Match the terms in column A with the explanations in column B:A B1) bondholder a) A measure of a company's financial health,whichequals cash receipts minus cash payments over agiven period of time.2) creditor b) A financial asset whose value has fallensignificantly and which fails generate cashflowand is worth much less than expected.3) dealership c) An entity (person or institution) that extendscredit by giving another entity permission toborrow money if it is paid back at a later date.4) health-care expenses d) A unit specially organized to work on a singledefined task5) manufacturing capacity e) A business company that is owned or controlledby another larger company6) net cash flow f) A person owning a bond or bonds issued by agovernment or a public company7) bad asset g) Money used for the preservation of mental andphysical health by preventing or treating illnessthrough services offered by the healthprofession8) hot products h) Volume of products or services that can begenerated by a production plant or enterprise ina given period by using current resources.9) subsidiary# i) A business established or operated under anauthorization to sell or distribute a company?sgoods or service in a particular area10) task force j) Products that are extremely populous amongconsumers and normally sell like hot cakes inthe market.四、综合阅读理解(每题2分,共40分)Part oneIn a speech to Morgan Stanley?s s taff during the market turmoil of 2008, John Mack, the firm?sstreet-fighting boss, wondered aloud: “How do you get through chaos?” Wall Street?s mostblue-blooded firm survived, bloodied, with government help and some timely investments from Asia.The question facing Mr Mack?s successor a s chief executive, James G orman (pictured), an urbane Australian, is equally vexing: how should the 75-year-old firm be reshaped so that it can prosper in apost-crisis world?The answer lies partly in undoing much of the firm?s pre-crisis expansion under Mr Mack intomortgages and other risky, leveraged assets. The balance-sheet has shrunk by about 20%.Proprietary-trading desks have been closed or are being spun off, as are hedge funds. A push into morestable, and capital-light, wealth management and retail brokerage was made through the opportunisticpurchase of 51% of Smith Barney from Citigroup. New people have been brought in to run the firm?skey divisions.It is the biggest voluntary overhaul of any big American financial firm since 2008 (Citi was forcedby regulators to restructure). It sets Morgan Stanley in contrast with its archrival, Goldman Sachs,which doesn?t seem keen to change at all.Executives insist that this does not presage a new Morgan Stanley but merely a rebalancing towardsless volatile, client-facing businesses, many of which, such as merger advice and securities underwriting, were the firm?s bread and butter before it contracted Goldman-envy. The firm has ,cutoff? the bits that made aggressive bets with its own capital, says Mr Gorman. Suspect units included asingle mortgage desk that lost $9.6 billi o n. His mantra is ,originate, distribute and manage capital?, notpunt your own.The ride is proving bumpy. After a good first half of the year, the firm made profits of only $313mfrom continuing operations in the third quarter, down from almost $1 billion a year earlier. Particularly disappointing was the institutional-securities (i.e., investment banking and trading) division, theengine of the group. Its revenues slumped to their lowest since early 2009. An insider jokes thatMorgan?s underperformance relative to Goldman is a public-relations ploy to ensure that the firmremains more popular than its rival. “With the lion?s share of the business being restructured, and new faces at the top, the outlook is unusually uncertain,” says Michael Mayo, an analyst at CLSA, a broker.The firm is in a strong position in retail brokerage. The Smith Barney deal catapulted it to the topspot, with 18,000 brokers and $1.6 trillion in client assets. In a business where scale is important, onlytwo competitors come close: Bank of America/Merrill Lynch and Wells Fargo. “We?re the prettiest gir at the dance,” boasts Mr Gorman. Morgan Stanley Smith Barney (MSSB) not only provides a huge distribution platform—for instance, the firm recently led a stock offering for General Motors—but isalso a useful source of deposits.The division has not been without problems. A lot of leading performers left after the merger, thoughthe rate of departures has since fallen. Fear of losing more talent has kept the brokers? compensationratio at 60%, and the firm?s overall ratio at an uncomfortably high 54%, well above Goldman?s. Butthere is a lot of money to be made if the firm can make its brand as trusted on Main Street as on Wall得分Street. Morgan Stanley?s reputation among blue -chip companies has remained strong, despite its near-death experience and earlier turmoil, such as the controversial merger with Dean Witter in 1997 and subsequent p alace coup in 2005. Morgan heads the global league table for announced mergers and acquisitions this year and is in the top two in equities. It is popular with governments looking to sell shares: recent deals it jointly led include Petrobras and Agricultural Bank of China, as well as GM. “It would take a nuclear weapon to sink a brand as strong as theirs in traditional investment banking,” says a senior executive at a rival firm.Morgan Stanley is, by contrast, an also-ran in fixed income, a crucial area these days that includes credit, commodities and rates. With 6% of the market, it is less than half the size of the biggest “flow monster ”, Goldman. That matters not least because, as Morgan Stanley?s own analysts point out, thebigger you are in fixed income, the less volatile your returns. The firm is trying to push its share to 8% but Colm Kelleher, who runs sales and trading, acknowledges the scale of the task: “You don?t go from where we are now to being a top three counterparty in a quarter or two.”In asset management, the smallest of the firm?s three main businesses, it will take years to reach its goal of becoming an ,industry leader?, even if all goes to plan. With $273 billion of client money Morgan is a minnow —its eight largest rivals all manage more than $1 trillion. Long run as a collection of silos, asset management has scraped a profit in just two of the past 11 quarters. To jump-start thedivision, Mr Gorman has hired Greg Fleming, a former president of Merrill Lynch, whose past achievements include helping to sell his old firm to Bank of America for far more than anyone else would have paid. Mr Gorman himself is a breath of fresh air. Mr Mack was the investment banker?s investment banker: a charismatic former bond salesman driven by instinct as well as analysis. By comparison, his successor, a former consultant known for his strategic flair, is ,positively Cartesian?, a s a colleague puts it (though sufficiently down-to-earth to be taking boxing lessons). “If J ohn was our wartime leader, James is our peacetime builder,” says Mr Kelleher. Some worry that Mr Mack, now chairman, will meddle, creating tension at the top. He and Mr Gorman profess to get on well, however. There are no signs that Mr Mack, who now spends most of his time with clients, is interfering with strategy. He may have more to say if the share price does not liven up over the next year or so. The firm trades at 20% below its book value, compared with 25% above for Goldman. Analysts want to see clear financial targets. But Mr Gorman will only commit himself to a goal of a ,high -teens? return on equity ,in normal markets?. The target of a 20% pre-tax margin at MSSB by 2012 has been quietly dropped. Another worry is that the increased emphasis on the retail business will, over time, sap the cachet of the more venerable institutional business. “If (investment banking) is no longer your o ne big thing, it can become harder to attract the best people. And it can be insidious, like diabetes,” says a former senior Morgan Stanley man. The firm also needs to work harder to keep big clients sweet. Some have complained that it is ,extremely complicated to do business with?, admits Mr Gorman. To fix that, he has hired a batch of experienced relationship managers, including Merrill Lynch?s K evin Dunleavy, who has an enviable list of hedge-fund contacts. The problems have at least been identified. Insiders talk of a new-found scrappiness: ,a determination that the firm be more than just a survivor,? as Ted Pick, co -head of equities, puts it. The CEO is leading from the front when it comes to wooing clients: he has met more than 400 since taking over in January. And when it comes to managing risk and allocating capital according to risk-adjusted returns, not crude revenues, l essons appear to have been learned. After reeling off numerous initiatives in these areas, Mr Kelleher suggests that the recent crisis will prove to be for Morgan Stanley what the 1994 bond market blow-up was for Goldman: an event so traumatic that it leads to a permanently increased attunement to risk. “In the future we?ll show more discipline in defining the sandboxes we play in,” s ays Mr Gorman. If he keeps to that promise, the firm that was founded during the Great Depression through a spin-off from JP Morgan might one day look back on the Great Recession as a time of rebirth, not just pain. 1)What does James Gorman ,the new chief exetutive, try to do to reshape Morgan Stanley after the crisis? ________ A. Try to get government help and some timely investments from Asia. B. Try to undo much of the firm?s pre -crisis expansion.C. Fire more people to control costs.D. Make more mergers and acquisitions in the world market. 2)Who is Morgan Stanley?s main rival? A. Smith Barney B. CLSAC. Agricultural Bank of ChinaD. Goldman Sachs 3)Which of the following statement about the Smith Barney deal is true? ________ A. After a good first half of the year, the firm made profits of only $313m, down from almost $1 billion a year earlier. B. The deal made no difference to the troubled situation. C. It made Morgan Stanley a superior position in retail brokerage.D. It was particularly disappointing because its revenues slumped to the lowest since early 2009. 4)What is not the problem in Morgan Stanley Smith Barney (MSSB) according to the passage ?__________A. There is a lot of money to be made.B. A lot of leading performers left after the merger.C. The brokers? compensation ratio was too high.D. There was a fear of losing more talent. 5)What does the sentence “It would take a nuclear weapon to sink a brand as strong as theirs in traditional investment banking.” suggest? _________ A. Morgan Stanley is popular with governments looking to sell shares. B. Morgan Stanley?s near-death experience and earlier turmoil are controversial.C. Morgan Stanley has been infamous since the turmoil.D. Morgan Stanley?s reputation has remained strong.6)Is it easy for Morgan Stanley to change the situation from an also-ran to a victor in fixed income?_________A. Sure it is.B. It still needs a long way to go.C. It?s hard to say.D .It?s a big problem.7)What do you know about John Mack, M organ Stanley?s former chief executive? _______A. He is a great bond salesman .B. He is known for his strategic flair.C. He is a wartime leader.D. He is a peacetime builder.8)Which figure is roughly fit to Mr Gorman?s goal on equity in normal markets? ________A. 20%B. 25%C. 18%D. 12%9)What effort has Mr Gorman make to regain Morgan Stanley?s venerable institutional business?________A. He has increased emphasis on the retail business.B. He has hired a batch of experienced relationship managers.C. He has worked harder to keep big clients sweet.D. He has won a list of hedge-fund contacts.10)What does Morgan Stanley plan do in the future according to Mr Gorman? _______A. It will show more discipline in its business dealings.B. It will define more clearly the sandboxes it plays in.C. It will go through a spin-off from J.P. Morgan.D .It will look back on the Great Recession from time to time.Part twoWhat makes money valuable? Why is a piece of paper marked $ 10 worth more than one marked $1? You could say there is no reason. It?s true that a special kind of paper is used to make dolla r bills, and they are pretty, but that?s not w hat makes them valuable. The real reason money is valuable is that everyone believes it is.Ancient economies had no paper money or coins. Some used barter---- trading one thing for another. Others used all kinds of objects as money. Any object would do, as long as there was not an unlimited amount of it. Animals or metals were popular, and so were manufactured products like jewelry or weapons. Wealth in ancient Greece was measured in tools or cattle. This kind of money had two purposes. First, it was useful in itself. Tools and cattle can be used for farming. And second, it was a way to symbolize and measure value. A house, for example, would be valued at a certain number of tools or cattle. This greatly simplified trade. Other societies used money that was totally symbolic. For instance, American Indians used wampum, which is made from seashells. And until recently on the pacific island of Yap, people use large stone discs as money.In most places these types of money died out because more practical forms of money were invented. People started using precious metals, such as gold and silver, that were easier to carry around than tools or stones. And in the eighteenth century, paper money was introduced. At first people were suspicious of new currency, but they came to accept it because t he government or bank issuing it would exchange an equal amount of gold for the paper. A $ 10 bill really was worth $ 10 for gold. But now, people are used to the idea that the government doesn?t h ave to back its money with gold. Everyone believes that a $ 10 bill is worth $10 and that is good enough. But if, for some reason, people ever lost faith in paper money, ten dollars wouldn?t be worth the paper it?s printed on.1. According to the writer the real reason money is valuable is that everyone believes .A. money is valuableB. gold is valuableC. money is gold2. The writer of this selection mentioned animals, metals and manufactured products like jewelry or weapons because .A. they were valuableB. they were used as money in ancient timesC. people liked them3. Paper money was invented .A to take the place of other types of moneyB to be replaced by other types of moneyC in the nineteenth century4. At first people did not have trust in paper money because .A.it was not worth muchB.the paper was not of good qualityC.it looked like an ordinary piece of paper5. People came to accept paper money when .A the government began to issue itB the bank began to issue itC they could exchange it for the same amount of goldPart threeMany private institutions of higher education around the country are in danger. Not all will be saved, and perhaps not all deserve to be saved. There are low-quality schools just as there are low-quality businesses. We have no obligation to save them simply because they exist. But many thriving institutions that deserve to continue are threatened. They are doing a fine job educationally, but they are caught in a financial difficulty, with no way to reduce rising costs or increase revenues significantly. Raising tuition doesn?t bring in more revenue, for each time tuition goes up, the enrollment goes down, or the amount that must be given away in student aid goes up. Schools are bad businesses, w hether public or private, not usually because o f bad management but because o f the nature of the enterprise. They lose money on every customer, and they can go bankrupt either from too few students or too many students. Even a very good college is a very bad business.It is such colleges, thriving but threatened, t hat I worry about. Low enrollment is not their chief problem. Even with full enrollments, they may go under. Efforts to save them, and preferably to keep them private, are a national necessity. There is no basis for arguing that private schools are bound to be better than public schools. There are abundant examples to the contrary. Anyone can name state universities and colleges that rank as the finest in the nation and the world. It is now inevitable that public institutions will be dominant, and therefore diversity is a national necessity. Diversity in the way we support schools tends to give us a healthy diversity in the forms of education. In an imperfect society such as ours, uniformity of education throughout the nation could be dangerous. In an imperfect society, diversity is a positive good. Eager supporters of public higher education know the importance of sustaining private higher education.1. In the passage, the author appeals to the public to support .A. private higher education in generalB public higher education in generalC. high-quality private universities and colleges2. According to the passage, schools are bad businesses because of .A. the nature of schoolB. poor teachersC. bad management3. What does the phrase “go under” (Par. 2, sentence 3) probably mean?A. have low tuitionB. get into difficultiesC. do a bad job educationally4. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. There are many cases to indicate that private schools are superior to public schools.B. The author thinks diversity of education is preferable to uniformity of education.C. Each time tuition is raised, the enrollment goes up.5. In the autho r?s opinion, the way that can save private schools lies in .A. full enrollmentB. raising tuitionC. national support 五、翻译(英译汉)(每题10分,共20分)Part oneHow's this for a gripping corporate story line: Youthful founder gets booted from his company in the 1980s, returns in the 1990s, and in the following decade survives two brushes with death, one securities-law scandal, an also-ran product lineup, and his own often unpleasant demeanor to become the dominant personality in four distinct industries, a billionaire many times over, and CEO of the most valuable company in Silicon Valley.Part twoWhen the leaders of the Group of Twenty (G20) countries meet in Seoul on November 11th and 12th, there willbe plenty of backstage finger-pointing about t he world?s currency tensions. American officials blame China?s refusal to allow the yuan to rise faster. The Chinese retort that the biggest source of distortion in the global economy is America?s ultra-loose monetary policy得分。
商务英语精读考试A卷试题学生姓名:学号:班级:专业命题:审批: -------------------------------------------------------------------- 密 ---------------------------- 封 --------------------------- 线 ----------------------------------------------------------- (答题不能超出密封装订线)广东机电职业学院成人学历教育2015年第二学期《商务英语精读》考试试卷(A 卷、开卷)题号一二三四五总分得分阅卷人一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分)以下ABCD 四个选项中只有一个为正确项,请选择最恰当的选项。
1. “Can I borrow this magazine from the teacher ’s reading-r oom ”. “Sorry, _________.” “It doesn ’t matter, I ’ll go to the library and borrow it.” A. no dice B. no problem C. help yourself D. enjoy yourself 2. “What will you do tonight ”? “I think I’d like to stay at home this evening _________.going out.” “Oh, that ’s a good idea.” A. more than B. rather than C. less than D. better than 3. Mike ’s approach of handing business_________ timely survey of the market is thought highly of by all people in business circle.. A. base on B. basis on C. based on D. based in 4. The tradition of signing a contract for a business deal_________ from generation to generation, and become an established institution in the business world. A. handed down B. hand down C. has handed down D. has been handed down5. Efficiency of work and development of production_________ thananything else in market economic system.A. concern withB. are concern withC. concerned withD. are concerned with6. If you __________ the bad habit of smoking, you can live a better and longer life.A. got rid ofB. gotten rid ofC. get rid ofD. getting rid of7. We usually have very simple and late supper, but on that particular Friday, we have __________dinner early.A. for changesB. for a changeC. for changeD. change8. The strength of the research paper __________the material obtained from classroom experience.A. lies withB. lie toC.lie withD. lies to9. If you want to go ahead, you should know that a negative attitude will __________you __________.A. get nowhereB. got nowhereC. got somewhereD. get anywhere10. I have done my part of work, now the time is yours. Just _________ toask questions.A. feel goodB. feel freeC. be yourselfD. turn off-------------------------------------------------------------------- 密 ---------------------------- 封 --------------------------- 线 ----------------------------------------------------------- (答题不能超出密封装订线)学生姓名:学号:班级:专业命题:审批: 二、选择适当的词语填空,必要时改变其形式(每小题2分,共20分) 1. What they charge for the decoration project is _________too much, but the result is quite satisfactory. 2. The houses in that posh neighborhood are far from _________ to salaried workers. 3. Many countries produce fine wines, but none can _________France in quality and variety. 4. The kind of dance once popular among nobles _________ to the commo ns. 5. Helen ’s firm _________ in the goodness of human nature was challenged when here best friend betrayed her in a business deal. 6. Young students ’ smoking cigarettes completely _________by all instructors. 7. Perhaps the most glittering _________of the city of Paris is the Eiffel Tower. 8. It ’s not good manners _________to such topics as age, salary, and marriage in polite situations. 9. In that school district, school teachers are required to teach five regular lesions a day and to prepare lessons for two hours _________. 10. I have been looking through popular magazines for material _________learner readers in order to make a textbook for extensive reading. disapprove, speak of, symbol, belief, affordable,, compete with, trickle down,, in a way, in addition, appeal to三、词汇理解(每小题1.5分,共15分)请写出下面词汇和短语所对应的中英文表达1. identity ___________2. artificial ___________3.disapprove ___________4. hand down ___________5. be concerned with ___________6. 名人___________7. 有特权的___________8. 不顺从的___________9. 缓慢移动___________ 10. 在某种程度上___________四、阅读理解之判断正误(每小题3分,共15分)请认真阅读以下文章,正确用T表示,错误用F表示Miss Grey lived in a small house. She was old and did not like noise at all, so she was very pleased when her noisy neighbor moved out. A young man moved in and Miss Grey thought the man seemed to be quiet.But at three o'clock the next morning, the noise of a dog woke her up. She thought she had never heard a dog there before. It must be the young man's dog. So she telephoned the young man, said something bad about the dog and then hung up the telephone before he could answer. Nothing more happened until three o'clock the next morning. Then Miss Grey's telephone rang, and when she answered, a voice said, "You telephoned me twenty-four hours ago. Now I've rung you up to say that I haven't a dog."1. Miss Grey felt sorry when her noisy neighbor moved out.2. Miss Grey's new neighbor was as noisy as the old one.3. Some noise woke her up in the early morning.4. She thought the new neighbor had brought a dog with him.5. The young man rang up Miss Grey in the early morning, because he wanted to-------------------------------------------------------------------- 密 ---------------------------- 封 --------------------------- 线 ----------------------------------------------------------- (答题不能超出密封装订线)学生姓名:学号:班级:专业命题:审批: 五、阅读理解(每小题3分,共30分)(一) There is a new park near Andy's home. Andy and his family are in the park now. On their left, there is a cafe. On their right, there is a big lake. There are many flowers and trees around the lake. There's a small hill behind the lake. Near the lake, there are two signs. One says, "Don't swim in the lake !"The other says, "No fishing!" But you can go boating on the lake. There is a beautiful garden in the middle of the park. There is green grass and beautiful flowers in it. There are some small shops between the lake and the garden. The park is so nice. Andy and his family like it very much. 1. The park near Andy's home is __________. A. new and beautiful B. old and beautiful C. clean and new D. old and clean 2. Is there a cafe in the park? __________. A. Yes, there isn't. B. No, there isn't. C. Yes, there is. D. No, there is 3. People can _______ on the lake. A. swim B. fish C. boat D. play 4. The shops in the park are not_________. A. small B. big C. good D. pretty 5. Do Andy and his family like the park?____________. A. Yes, they don't. B. No, they do. C. Yes, very much. D. No, they don't (二)An old lady in a plane had a blanket (毯子)over her head and she did not want to take it off . The air hostess(空姐) spoke to her , but the old lady said ,“I have never been in a plane before , and I am frightened. I am going to keep this blanket over my head until we are back on the ground again !” Then the captain (乘务长) came. He said ,“Madam , I am the captain of this plane. The weather is fine ,there are no clouds in the sky , and everything is going very well. ”But she continued to hide. So the captain turned and started to go back. Then the old lady looked out from under the blanket with one eye and said ,“I am sorry , young man ,but I don’t like planes and I am never going to fly again. ButI’ll say one thing ,”She continued kindly ,“You and your wife keep your plane very clean !” 1. An old lady had ________ .A. glassesB. a blanket over her headC. a coatD. a basket 2. She didn’t want to ________ . A. take it off B. turn it off C. get on D. talk about it 3. _________ spoke to her . A. The air hostess B. The man next to her C. her husband D. one of her friends 4. The old lady had never been _________ before. A. abroad B. home C. in a plane D. in hospital 5. The woman didn’t like planes and she was never going ________ .-------------------------------------------------------------------- 密 ---------------------------- 封 --------------------------- 线 ----------------------------------------------------------- (答题不能超出密封装订线)学生姓名:学号:班级:专业命题:审批:五、函电写作(共30分)请写一封与ABC 公司建立贸易关系的英文商务信函,要求格式正确,内容完整,商品信息不限。
文章文章正文:In recent years, globalization has become a significantfactor in the growth of businesses worldwide. It refers to the process of international integration arising from the interchange of goods, services, and capital. Companies are increasingly looking to expand their operations beyond their national borders to tap into new markets and resources.One of the main advantages of globalization is the access to new markets. Businesses can sell their products and services to a larger customer base, which can lead to increased revenue and profits. Additionally, globalization allows companies to source raw materials and labor from various countries, which can reduce production costs.However, globalization also presents challenges. Companies must navigate complex international regulations and cultural differences, which can be difficult and costly. Moreover, the competition in the global market is fierce, and businesses need to be innovative to stay ahead.问题1:What does globalization mean in the context of business?A. The process of international integration through the exchange of goods, services, and capital.B. The process of international regulation.C. The process of reducing production costs.D. The process of fierce competition in the global market.答案1:A问题2:What are the benefits of globalization for businesses according to the passage?A. Access to new markets and reduced production costs.B. Navigating international regulations and cultural differences.C. Facing fierce competition in the global market.D. Staying ahead through innovation.答案2:A问题3:What challenges does globalization pose to businesses?A. Accessing new markets.B. Reducing production costs.C. Navigating complex international regulations and cultural differences.D. Selling products and services to a larger customer base.答案3:C问题4:What is the main focus of businesses in the globalmarket as mentioned in the passage?A. Access to new markets.B. Reducing production costs.C. Innovation.D. Both A and B.答案4:C二、完形填空(共10分,每题2分)阅读下面的商务英语短文,从短文后各题所给的选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
商务英语阅读试题A————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:商务英语专业商务英语阅读试题APart I Multiple Choice (20 points)Complete the sentences by choosing from the words below each sentence.1. Technical skills performing specialized tasks within the organization.a. are associated withb. differ fromc. are similar to2. Corporate culture is the shared experiences, stories, beliefs, and norms .a. which creates a companyb. that characterize a companyc. whose company has got3. If a company is to get the most out of its workers, it must those workers.a. developb. selectc. promote4. In theory, a company’s auditors are appointed independently by its shareholders, to whom they report. “Whom” represents .a. auditorsb. accountantsc. shareholders5. Over-capacity in the car business leads to a series of joint agreements and mergers between .a. car companiesb. joints venturesc. capacity level6. Ford intended to V olvos and hoped to use V olvo’s technology to develop new cars.a. shareb. focusc. distribute7. The principles in the Organizational Chaos Model can also be used to the company’s competition.a. introduceb. overcomec. understand8. As a senior student, you are supposed to know better than just until the examination time.a. fooled aroundb. to fool aroundc. having fooled around9. Transnational companies will in China.a. continue locatingb. continues to locatec. continue to locate10. E-business is about transforming business process and _______ them with Internet technologies.a. integratesb. integratingc. to integrate11. Other companies use Web technology to ______ business electronically at the wholesale or retail level.a. supportb. exchangec. transact12. The funds needed to operate an enterprise are refereed to as .a. labourb. capitalc. resources13. They also want to integrate these systems _______ the rest of their business process.a. withb. andc. for14. Accounting firms frequently _________ their audit clients.a. buy management skills fromb. sell consulting services toc. provide audit assignment for15. I went to buy a new tie to _______ this brown suit.a. go intob. go withc. go after16. The secretary entered with a pencil and paper, and _________ every word the manager said.a. made forb. took upc. took down17. The financing of international trade is more complex than that of domestic trade. ‘That’ here means .a. financingb. international tradec. domestic trade18. The process of education, experience, more education, and then is called a cyclical process.a. less educationb. more experiencec. education and experience19.Hardly _______ the airport when he started for his destination.a. I had reachedb. had I reachedc. I reached20. The climbers tried to find a new ______ to the top of the mountain.a. approachb. routec. entrancePart II Match (20 points)Section AChoose the correct word or words from the box to complete the passage:the Industrial Revolution customers’ needsthe marketing concept production and sellingthe selling of goods business focusBusiness people focused on the production of goods from 21 until the early twentieth century, and on 22 from the 1920s to the 1950s. Marketing received little attention up to that point. After 1950, however, business people recognized that their enterprises involved not only 23 but also the satisfaction of 24 . They began to implement 25 , a business philosophy that involves the entire business organization in the dual process of satisfying customer needs and achieving the organization’s goals.Section BChoose the correct word or words from the box to complete the following sentences: marketing concept benefitsmoderation discountlabour force26. China is now at the stage of development of building a well-off society and accelerating socialist .27. Implementation of the begins and ends with the information about customers.28. Selling something at a reduced price is called giving a .29. Carrying out the business of such a huge company requires .30. Compensation programmes include wages and salaries, incentives, and ______ for workers.Part III Reading comprehension (40 points)Passage 1What makes money valuable? Why is a piece of paper marked $ 10 worth more than one marked $1? You could say there is no reason. It’s true that a special kind of paper is used to make dollar bills, and they are pretty, but that’s not what makes them valuable. The real reason money is valuable is that everyone believes it is.Ancient economies had no paper money or coins. Some used barter---- trading one thing for another. Others used all kinds of objects as money. Any object would do, as long as there was not an unlimited amount of it. Animals or metals were popular, and so were manufactured products like jewelry or weapons. Wealth in ancient Greece was measured in tools or cattle. This kind of money had two purposes. First, it was useful in itself. Tools and cattle can be used for farming. And second, it was a way to symbolize and measure value. A house, for example, would be valued at a certain number of tools or cattle. This greatly simplified trade. Other societies used money that was totally symbolic. For instance, American Indians used wampum, which is made from seashells. And until recently on the pacific island of Yap, people use large stone discs as money.In most places these types of money died out because more practical forms of money were invented. People started using precious metals, such as gold and silver, that were easier to carry around than tools or stones. And in the eighteenth century, paper money was introduced. At first people were suspicious of new currency, but they came to accept it because the government or bank issuing it would exchange an equal amount of gold for the paper. A $ 10 bill really was worth $ 10 for gold. But now, people are used to the idea that the government doesn’t have to back its mo ney with gold. Everyone believes that a $ 10 bill is worth $10 and that is good enough. But if, for some reason, people ever lost faith in paper money, ten dollars wouldn’t be worth the paper it’s printed on.Questions 31-35 are based on passage 131. According to the writer the real reason money is valuable is that everyone believes .a. money is valuableb. gold is valuablec. money is gold32. The writer of this selection mentioned animals, metals and manufactured products like jewelry or weapons because .a. they were valuableb. they were used as money in ancient timesc. people liked them33. Paper money was invented .a. to take the place of other types of moneyb. to be replaced by other types of moneyc. in the nineteenth century34. At first people did not have trust in paper money because .a. it was not worth muchb. the paper was not of good qualityc. it looked like an ordinary piece of paper35. People came to accept paper money when .a. the government began to issue itb. the bank began to issue itc. they could exchange it for the same amount of goldPassage 2Many private institutions of higher education around the country are in danger. Not all will be saved, and perhaps not all deserve to be saved. There are low-quality schools just as there are low-quality businesses. We have no obligation to save them simply because they exist. But many thriving institutions that deserve to continue are threatened. They are doing a fine job educationally, but they are caught in a financial difficulty, with no way to reduce rising costs or increase revenues significantly. Raising tuition doesn’t bring in more revenue, for each time tuition goes up, the enrollment goes down, or the amount that must be given away in student aid goes up. Schools are bad businesses, whether public or private, not usually because of bad management but because of the nature of the enterprise. They lose money on every customer, and they can go bankrupt either from too few students or too many students. Even a very good college is a very bad business.It is such colleges, thriving but threatened, that I worry about. Low enrollment is not their chief problem. Even with full enrollments, they may go under. Efforts to save them, and preferably to keep them private, are a national necessity. There is no basis for arguing that private schools are bound to be better than public schools. There are abundant examples to the contrary. Anyone can name state universities and colleges that rank as the finest in the nation and the world. It is now inevitable that public institutions will be dominant, and therefore diversity is a national necessity. Diversity in the way we support schools tends to give us a healthy diversity in the forms of education. In an imperfect society such as ours, uniformity of education throughout the nation could be dangerous. In an imperfect society, diversity is a positive good. Eager supporters of public higher education know the importance of sustaining private higher education.Questions 36-40 are based on passage 236. In the passage, the author appeals to the public to support .a. private higher education in generalb. public higher education in generalc. high-quality private universities and colleges37. According to the passage, schools are bad businesses because of .a. the nature of schoolb. poor teachersc. bad management38. What does the phrase “go under” (Par a. 2, sentence 3) probably mean?a. have low tuitionb. get into difficultiesc. do a bad job educationally39. Which of the following statements is TRUE?a. There are many cases to indicate that private schools are superior to public schools.b. The author thinks diversity of education is preferable to uniformity of education.c. Each time tuition is raised, the enrollment goes up.40. In the author’s opinion, the way that can save private schools lies in.a. full enrollmentb. raising tuitionc. national supportPassage 3A higher reading rate, with no loss of comprehension, will help you in other subjects as well as in English, and the general principles apply to any language. Naturally, you will not read every book at the same speed. You would expect to read a newspaper, for example, much more rapidly than a physics or economics textbook—but you can raise your average reading speed over the whole range of materials you wish to cover so that the percentage gained will be the same whatever kind of reading you are concerned with.The reading passages which follow are all of an average level of difficulty for your stage of instruction. They are all about five hundred words long. They are about topics of general interest which do not require a great deal of specialized knowledge. Thus they fall between the kind of reading you might find in your textbooks and the much less demanding kind you will find in a newspaper or light novel. If you read this kind of English, with understanding at, say, four hundred words per minute, you might skim through a newspaper at perhaps 650—700, while with a difficult textbook you might drop to two hundred or two hundred and fifty.Perhaps you would like to know what reading speeds are common among native English-speaking university students and how those speeds can be improved. Tests in Minnesota, U.S.A., for example, have shown that students without special training can read English of average difficulty, for example, Tolstoy’s War and Peace in translation, at speeds of between 240 and 250 words per minute with about seventy percentcomprehension. Students in Minnesota claim that after twelve half-hour lessons, the reading speed can be increased, with no loss of comprehension, to around five hundred words per minute.Questions 41-45 are based on passage 341. According to the passage, the purpose of effective reading with higher speed is most likely to help you ______.a. only in your reading of a physics textbook.b. improve your understanding of an economics textbook.c. not only in your language study but also in other subjects.42. Which of the following does not describe the types of reading materials mentioned in the second paragraph?a. Those beyond one’s reading comprehension.b. Those concerning with common knowledge.c. Those without the demand for specialized knowledge.43. The average untrained native speaker at the University of Minnesota reads at ______.a. about three hundred words per minute.b. about two hundred and forty-five words per minute.c. about sixty words per minute.44. According to the passage, how fast can you expect to read after you have attended twelve half-hour lessons in the University of Minnesota?a. You can increase your reading speed by three times.b. No real increase in reading speed can be achieved.c. You can double your reading speed.45. Where do you think the passage is taken from?a. The introduction to a book on fast reading.b. A local newspaper for young people.c. A school newspaper run by students.Passage 4Cultural WarsFilms made in the United Stated have continued to sweep the globe. According to the list of 1998’s most successful movies put together by Variety magazine, U.S. films took the top 39 places; Britain’s The Full Monty came in at number 40. As a consequence, British movie’s market share fell to 14 percent of the home market, while the respective figures for French films were 27 percent in France and 10 percent for German films in Germany. The European Union’s trade deficit with the United States in films and television is annually between $ 5 and $ 6 billion.Several of Hollywood’s most successful movies have drawn from international resources. There men and a Baby was a remake of French comedy. Total Recall was made partly by French money, was directed by a Dutch man and starred an Austrian. The English Patient was directed by a Briton, shot in Italy, and starred French and British talent. The quest for new ideas and fresh talent has lead studios to developsubsidiaries in Europe: Sony’s bridge in London, Miramax in Berlin, and Warner Brothers both in Berlin and Paris.Questions 46-50 are based on passage 446. American films have continued to the world.a. influenceb. winc. challenge47. British films share the 14 percent in its in 1998.a. home marketb. American marketc. European market48. German films have a ten percent share in .a. Franceb. Britishc. German49. Three Men and a Baby was a remake of French comedy. A “remake”means .a. a copyb. a reprintc. reproduction50. The English Patient was directed by a Briton, shot in Italy, and starred French and British talent. A Briton means .a. a Britishb. an Italianc. a GermanPart IV Translation (20 points)Translate the following passages into Chinese.Passage 1China’s membership in the World Trade Organization creates the potential for impressive gains in economic efficiency. Indeed the gains are likely to be greater than those predicted in most published quantitative estimates, since those studies do not capture fully the likely effect of more foreign competition on domestic firms. No doubt many jobs will be lost in a few sectors. But prospects for generating employment are bountiful as China benefits from the phase-out of arrangements restricting world trade in apparel, and as Taiwan, Mexico, the EU, and other markets phase out and eliminate the WTO-inconsistent trade barriers they have maintained against a broad array of Chinese goods.Passage 2The major advertising media are newspaper, magazines, direct mail, outdoor advertising, television, and radio. Newspapers account for the greatest part of advertising expenditure, with television running a fairly close second. Magazine advertising is perhaps the most prestigious, and direct mail is certainly the most selective medium. Radio and magazine advertising can also be quite selective, and radio is relatively inexpensive.。
光华管理学院2010-2011学年第一学期期末考试试题(A卷)课程名称:商务英语(阅读)任课教师:考试日期:考试时间:1.5小时学生类别:本科年级班号:考生姓名:考生学号:考试方式:闭卷试题:(注意:答案一律写在答题纸,否则不计分)Vocabulary (1x20 = 20)o general; taking everything into count1 a union or association formed for mutual benefitc to change from one form to another2 c to arrange systematically in classes or groupsc any of the parts of which sth. is made3 e producing a satisfactory result without wastingmoney or energy4 e expert knowledge or skill, especially in a particularfield5 f to tell in advance; to predict with the help ofinformation6i to combine sth. in such a way that it becomes fullya part of sth. else1()a to gain by one's own ability, efforts or behaviorm a worker skilled in using or repairing machines11mto shape something into a particular formo to manage or direct a business12pstage in a process of change or developmentp possible13r to keep or confine within limitswill not ensure sustained sales and might eventually strike back at long-term profitsA.have proved very effective in raising the dealers' profitsare expected to continue to dominate the auto market as a chief sales incentiveB.will diminish returns very soon10. Which of the following is an ingredient of the fiscal package that the Bush Administration is designing?A.increased spending on social welfarelowering the long-term interest ratesB.returning part of tax revenues to tax payersencouraging exportsDecide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).(F ) 11. In November, GDP contracted for the first time since 1993.(T ) 12. Corporate profits had been seriously affected, which was going to have a negative influence over consumer confidence and their buying behavior.(F ) 13. Once the short-term interest rates reached zero, the Fed would reduce medium and long-term rates to ease the current recession.(T ) 14. The Democrats and the Republicans were having disputes at the moment about how the sum of $ 100 billion should be used.(F ) 15. The sum of $ 100 billion would have a great impact on help the economy to recover.Passage 3Good food?If you think you can make the planet better by clever shopping, think again. You might make it worse."You don't have to wait for government to move... the really fantastic thing about Fairtrade is that you can go shopping!" So said a representative of the Fairtrade movement in a British newspaper this year. Similarly Marion Nestle, a nutritionist at New York University, argues that "when you choose organics, you are voting fbr a planet with fewer pesticides, richer soil and cleaner water supplies.,,The idea that shopping is the new politics is certainly seductive. Never mind the ballot box: vote with your supermarket trolley instead. Elections occur relatively rarely, but you probably go shopping several times a month, providing yourself with lots of opportunities to express your opinions. If you are woiTied about the environment, you might buy organic food; if you want to help poor farmers, you can do your bit by buying Fairtrade products; or you can express a dislike of evil multinational companies and rampant globalization by buying only local produce. And the best bit is that shopping, unlike voting, is fun; so you can do good and enjoy yourself at the same time.Sadly, it's not that easy. There arc good reasons to doubt the claims made about three of the most popular varieties of "ethical" food: organic food, Fairtrade food and local food. People who want to make the world a better place cannot do so by shifting their shopping habits: transforming the planet requires duller disciplines, like politics.Buy organic, destroy the rainforestOrganic food, which is grown without man-made pesticides and fertilizers, is generally assumed to be more environmentally friendly than conventional intensive farming, which is heavily reliant on chemical inputs. But it all depends what you mean by "environmentally fricndly,,. Farming is inherently bad for the environment: since humans took it up around 11,000 years ago, the result has been deforestation on a massive scale. But following the "green rcvolution,, of the 1960s greater use of chemical fertilizer has tripled grain yields with very little increase in the area of land under cultivation. Organic methods, which rely on crop rotation, manure and compost in place of fertilizer, are far less intensive. So producing the world's current agricultural output organically would require several times as much land as is currently cultivated. There wouldn't be much room left for the rainforest.Fairtrade food is designed to raise poor farmers' incomes. It is sold at a higher price than ordinary food, with a subsidy passed back to the fanner. But prices of agricultural commodities are low because of ovei*production. By propping up the price, the Fairtrade system encourages farmers to produce more of these commodities rather than diversifying into other crops and so depresses prices - thus achieving, for most fanners, exactly the opposite of what the initiative is intended to do. And since only a small fraction of the mark-up on Fairtrade foods actually goes to the fanner - most goes to the retailer - the system gives rich consumers an inflated impression of their largesse and makes alleviating poverty seem too easy.Surely the case for local food, produced as close as possible to the consumer in order to minimize "fbod miles" and, by extension, carbon emissions, is clear? Surprisingly, it is not.A study of Britain's food system found that nearly half of food-vehicle miles (i.e., miles traveled by vehicles carrying food) were driven by cars going to and from the shops. Most people live closer to a supermarket than a farmer's market, so more local food could meanmore food-vehicle miles. Moving food around in big, carefully packed lorries, as supermarkets do, may in fact be the most efficient way to transport the stuff.What's more, once the energy used in production as well as transport is taken into account, local food may turn out to be even less green. Producing lamb in New Zealand and shipping it to Britain uses less energy than producing British lamb, because farming in New Zealand is less energy-intensive. And the local-food movement's aims, of course, contradict those of the Fairtrade movement, by discouraging rich-country consumers from buying poor-country produce. But since the local-food movement looks suspiciously like old-fashioned protectionism masquerading as concern for the environment, helping poor countries is presumably not the point.Appetite for changeThe aims of much of the ethical-food movement 一to protect the environment, to encourage development and to redress the distortions in global trade 一are admirable. The problems lie in the means, not the ends. No amount of Fairtrade coffee will eliminate poverty, and all the organic asparagus in the world will not savethe planet. Some of the stuff sold under an ethical label may even leave the world in a worse state and its poor farmers poorer than they otherwise would be.So what should the ethically minded consumer do? Things that are less fun than shopping, alas. Real change will require action by governments, in the form of a global carbon tax; reform of the world trade system; and the abolition of agricultural tariffs and subsidies, notably Europe's monstrous common agricultural policy, which coddles rich farmers and prices those in the poor world out of the European market. Proper free trade would be by far the best way to help poor farmers. Taxing carbon would price the cost of emissions into the price of goods, and retailers would then have an incentive to source locally if it saved energy. But these changes will come about only through difficult, international, political deals that the world's governments have so far failed to do.The best thing about the spread of the ethical-food movement is that it offers grounds for hope. It sends a signal that there is an enormous appetite for change and widespread frustration that governments arc not doing enough to preserve the environment, reform world trade or encourage development. Which suggests that, if politicians put these options on the political menu, people might support them. The idea of changing the world by voting with your trolley may be beguiling. But if consumers really want to make a difference, it is at the ballot box that they need to vote.Choose the best answer from A, B, C and D.1.In the author's opinion, the view of seeing shopping as a political event is.A.very helpfulnot practicalB.simply nonsensequite harmful2.According to the author, what may be the chief disadvantage of organic food?A.It cannot yield enough food.B.It is involved with some kind of political event.C.It is directly responsible for the global deforestation.D.It is not necessarily environment-friendly.3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the author?A.Most benefit from Fairtrade food goes to farmers.B.Fairtrade food encourages farmers to grow as many different produces as possible.C.Fairtrade food fails to fulfill its original design.D.Fairtrade food can effectively involve consumers to help reduce poverty.4.The author's attitude towards the issue of local food seems to be.A.approvingobjectiveB.indifferentironic5.It could be inferred from the text that.A.local food might increase, instead of decrease, carbon emissions.B.Fairtrade food can encourage people to be more generous.C.local food helps to save energy used in transportation.D.local food aims against the practice of trade protectionism.Please answer the following questions briefly.6.What are the aims of ethical-food movement? Please explain in the three aspects oforganic food, Fairtrade food and local food?7.What is the negative effect of organic food on agricultural development?8.Is Fairtrade food really fair? Please give your reasons.9.Why did the author accuse the local-food movement of being protectionism?10.Please explain the underlined sentence in paragraph 8, and list the means that aresuggested by the author?Questions & Answers What are the aims of ethical-food movement? Please explain in the three aspects of organic food, Fairtrade food and local food?organic food environmentally friendly / 0.5分Fairtrade food protect the environment / preserve the environment raise poor farmers' incomes /0.5分local food encourage development minimize food milesand carbon 0.5分emission /redress the distortions in global trade /reform the world tradeWhat is the negative effect of organic food on agricultural development?Organic methods are far less intensive (0.5 分).So producing the world's current agricultural output organically would require much more land (0.5 分),leaving less room for the rainforest (0.5 4)).6.Is Fairtrade food really fair? Please give your reasons.encouraging farmers to produce more Fairtrade food will depress prices (0.5 分). only a fraction of [he mark-up on Fairtrade foods actually goes to the farmers] 0.5 分). It misleads consumers into thinking that all the premium they are paying is passed on to farmers (0.5 分).7.Why did the author accuse the local-food movement ofbein^ protectionism?Claiming to protect the environment by minimizing food miles and carbon emission, local-food movement discourages (1.5 分)consumers from buying produce from other counties.8.Please explain the underlined sentence in paragraph 8, and list the means that aresuggested by the author?According to the author, the aims of the ethical-food movement are good, but the problems lies in the ways (0.5 分)in which those aims arc to be realized.So ethically minded consumers should vote (0.5 分)to express their opinions and urge govemmenls lakes actions (0.5 分).光华管理学院2010-2011学年第一学期期末考试(A卷)参考答案课程名称:商务英语(阅读)任课教师:考试日期:考试时间:1.5小时考试方式:闭卷试题答案:I.Vocabulary (1 * 20 = 20 points)1-4 Overall alliance convert classify5-8 Component efficient expertise forecast9-12 Integrate acquire mechanic mold13-16 Operate phase potential restrict17-20 Scarce simultaneous stimulus strategyAnswering questions briefly: (4 * 5 = 20 points)1.Distribution refers to the process of moving products from the factory to themarketplace. For instance, furniture may be moved from the manufaclurer to furniture stores.2.According to the [heory of absolute advantage, a nation should specialize in theproduction and export of goods that it can produce with the highest efficiency and lowest cost compared with other nations. For instance, the US may specialize in PC manufacturing because of its absolute technological advantage and Mexico may concentrate on furniture making due to its low labor cost. That way, the total output may be increased.3.Promotion refers to the effort made ro inform or persuade the potcntinl customers inorder to achieve〔he sales af products uc services. To launch a new car, we may display it in a car exhibition, or advertise it on TV cr ncwspaDcrs, or give customers discounts.puter technology is the most important aspect of the late 20th century informationrevolution. Speed, high degree of accuracy, ability to manipulate and store large amounts of da〔a led to the early specialization of computers in data processing.Computer applications include word processing、networking, database, spreadsheets, expert syslem, etc.共20分,每题5分。
短文一:In the rapidly evolving business world, effective communication is crucial for success. Companies are increasingly relying on cross-cultural communication to expand their global reach. The ability to understand and adapt to different cultural nuances is a key skill for international business professionals.1. What is the main idea of the passage?2. Why is effective communication important in the business world?3. What does the passage suggest about the role of cross-cultural communication in business?短文二:The rise of e-commerce has transformed the way businesses operate. Online platforms have made it possible for small businesses to compete with larger companies by reaching a wider customer base. Social media marketing and search engine optimization are two strategies that have become essentialfor businesses to increase their online visibility.1. What is the main topic discussed in this passage?2. How has e-commerce changed the business landscape?3. What are two strategies mentioned in the passage that are important for businesses to increase their online visibility?短文三:Sustainability is becoming a significant factor in business decisions. Companies are recognizing the importance of reducing their environmental footprint and adoptingsustainable practices. This includes the use of renewable energy, waste reduction, and responsible sourcing of materials. Consumers are also becoming more aware and are demanding products that align with their values.1. What is the main focus of the passage?2. Why are companies adopting sustainable practices?3. What are some of the sustainable practices mentioned inthe passage?二、词汇理解(共20分,每题5分)根据短文内容,选择最合适的词汇填空。
商务英语专业商务英语阅读试题APart I Multiple Choice (20 points)Complete the sentences by choosing from the words below each sentence.1. Technical skills performing specialized tasks within the organization.a. are associated withb. differ fromc. are similar to2. Corporate culture is the shared experiences, stories, beliefs, and norms .a. which creates a companyb. that characterize a companyc. whose company has got3. If a company is to get the most out of its workers, it must those workers.a. developb. selectc. promote4. In theory, a company’s auditors are appointed independently by its shareholders, to whom they report. “Whom” represents .a. auditorsb. accountantsc. shareholders5. Over-capacity in the car business leads to a series of joint agreements and mergers between .a. car companiesb. joints venturesc. capacity level6. Ford intended to V olvos and hoped to use V olvo’s technology to develop new cars.a. shareb. focusc. distribute7. The principles in the Organizational Chaos Model can also be used to the company’s competition.a. introduceb. overcomec. understand8. As a senior student, you are supposed to know better than just until the examination time.a. fooled aroundb. to fool aroundc. having fooled around9. Transnational companies will in China.a. continue locatingb. continues to locatec. continue to locate10. E-business is about transforming business process and _______ them with Internet technologies.a. integratesb. integratingc. to integrate11. Other companies use Web technology to ______ business electronically at the wholesale or retail level.a. supportb. exchangec. transact12. The funds needed to operate an enterprise are refereed to as .a. labourb. capitalc. resources13. They also want to integrate these systems _______ the rest of their business process.a. withb. andc. for14. Accounting firms frequently _________ their audit clients.a. buy management skills fromb. sell consulting services toc. provide audit assignment for15. I went to buy a new tie to _______ this brown suit.a. go intob. go withc. go after16. The secretary entered with a pencil and paper, and _________ every word the manager said.a. made forb. took upc. took down17. The financing of international trade is more complex than that of domestic trade. ‘That’ here means .a. financingb. international tradec. domestic trade18. The process of education, experience, more education, and then is called a cyclical process.a. less educationb. more experiencec. education and experience19.Hardly _______ the airport when he started for his destination.a. I had reachedb. had I reachedc. I reached20. The climbers tried to find a new ______ to the top of the mountain.a. approachb. routec. entrancePart II Match (20 points)Section AChoose the correct word or words from the box to complete the passage:Business people focused on the production of goods from 21 until the early twentieth century, and on 22 from the 1920s to the 1950s. Marketing received little attention up to that point. After 1950, however, business people recognized that their enterprises involved not only 23 but also the satisfaction of 24 . They began to implement 25 , a business philosophy that involves the entire business organization in the dual process of satisfying customer needs and achieving the organization’s goals.Section BChoose the correct word or words from the box to complete the following sentences:26. society and accelerating socialist .27. Implementation of the begins and ends with the information about customers.28. Selling something at a reduced price is called giving a .29. Carrying out the business of such a huge company requires .30. Compensation programmes include wages and salaries, incentives, and ______ for workers.Part III Reading comprehension (40 points)Passage 1What makes money valuable? Why is a piece of paper marked $ 10 worth more than one marked $1? Yo u could say there is no reason. It’s true that a special kind of paper is used to make dollar bills, and they are pretty, but that’s not what makes them valuable. The real reason money is valuable is that everyone believes it is.Ancient economies had no paper money or coins. Some used barter---- trading one thing for another. Others used all kinds of objects as money. Any object would do, as long as there was not an unlimited amount of it. Animals or metals were popular, and so were manufactured products like jewelry or weapons. Wealth in ancient Greece was measured in tools or cattle. This kind of money had two purposes. First, it was useful in itself. Tools and cattle can be used for farming. And second, it was a way to symbolize and measure value. A house, for example, would be valued at a certain number of tools or cattle. This greatly simplified trade. Other societies used money that was totally symbolic. For instance, American Indians used wampum, which is made from seashells. And until recently on the pacific island of Yap, people use large stone discs as money.In most places these types of money died out because more practical forms of money were invented. People started using precious metals, such as gold and silver, that were easier to carry around than tools or stones. And in the eighteenth century, paper money was introduced. At first people were suspicious of new currency, but they came to accept it because the government or bank issuing it would exchange an equal amount of gold for the paper. A $ 10 bill really was worth $ 10 for gold. But now, people are used to the idea that the government doesn’t have to back its money with gold. Everyone believes that a $ 10 bill is worth $10 and that is good enough. But if, for some reason, people ever lost faith in paper money, ten dollars wouldn’t be worth the paper it’s printed on.Questions 31-35 are based on passage 131. According to the writer the real reason money is valuable is that everyone believes .a. money is valuableb. gold is valuablec. money is gold32. The writer of this selection mentioned animals, metals and manufactured productslike jewelry or weapons because .a. they were valuableb. they were used as money in ancient timesc. people liked them33. Paper money was invented .a. to take the place of other types of moneyb. to be replaced by other types of moneyc. in the nineteenth century34. At first people did not have trust in paper money because .a. it was not worth muchb. the paper was not of good qualityc. it looked like an ordinary piece of paper35. People came to accept paper money when .a. the government began to issue itb. the bank began to issue itc. they could exchange it for the same amount of goldPassage 2Many private institutions of higher education around the country are in danger. Not all will be saved, and perhaps not all deserve to be saved. There are low-quality schools just as there are low-quality businesses. We have no obligation to save them simply because they exist. But many thriving institutions that deserve to continue are threatened. They are doing a fine job educationally, but they are caught in a financial difficulty, with no way to reduce rising costs or increase revenues significantly. Raising tuition doesn’t bring in more revenue, for each time tuition goes up, the enrollment goes down, or the amount that must be given away in student aid goes up. Schools are bad businesses, whether public or private, not usually because of bad management but because of the nature of the enterprise. They lose money on every customer, and they can go bankrupt either from too few students or too many students. Even a very good college is a very bad business.It is such colleges, thriving but threatened, that I worry about. Low enrollment is not their chief problem. Even with full enrollments, they may go under. Efforts to save them, and preferably to keep them private, are a national necessity. There is no basis for arguing that private schools are bound to be better than public schools. There are abundant examples to the contrary. Anyone can name state universities and colleges that rank as the finest in the nation and the world. It is now inevitable that public institutions will be dominant, and therefore diversity is a national necessity. Diversity in the way we support schools tends to give us a healthy diversity in the forms of education. In an imperfect society such as ours, uniformity of education throughout the nation could be dangerous. In an imperfect society, diversity is a positive good. Eager supporters of public higher education know the importance of sustaining private higher education.Questions 36-40 are based on passage 236. In the passage, the author appeals to the public to support .a. private higher education in generalb. public higher education in generalc. high-quality private universities and colleges37. According to the passage, schools are bad businesses because of .a. the nature of schoolb. poor teachersc. bad management38. What does the phrase “go under” (Par a. 2, sentence 3) probably mean?a. have low tuitionb. get into difficultiesc. do a bad job educationally39. Which of the following statements is TRUE?a. There are many cases to indicate that private schools are superior to public schools.b. The author thinks diversity of education is preferable to uniformity of education.c. Each time tuition is raised, the enrollment goes up.40. In the author’s opinion, the way that can save privat e schools lies in .a. full enrollmentb. raising tuitionc. national supportPassage 3A higher reading rate, with no loss of comprehension, will help you in other subjects as well as in English, and the general principles apply to any language. Naturally, you will not read every book at the same speed. You would expect to read a newspaper, for example, much more rapidly than a physics or economics textbook—but you can raise your average reading speed over the whole range of materials you wish to cover so that the percentage gained will be the same whatever kind of reading you are concerned with.The reading passages which follow are all of an average level of difficulty for your stage of instruction. They are all about five hundred words long. They are about topics of general interest which do not require a great deal of specialized knowledge. Thus they fall between the kind of reading you might find in your textbooks and the much less demanding kind you will find in a newspaper or light novel. If you read this kind of English, with understanding at, say, four hundred words per minute, you might skim through a newspaper at perhaps 650—700, while with a difficult textbook you might drop to two hundred or two hundred and fifty.Perhaps you would like to know what reading speeds are common among native English-speaking university students and how those speeds can be improved. Tests in Minnesota, U.S.A., for example, have shown that students without special training can read English of average difficulty, for example, Tolstoy’s War and Peace in translation, at speeds of between 240 and 250 words per minute with about seventy percent comprehension. Students in Minnesota claim that after twelve half-hour lessons, thereading speed can be increased, with no loss of comprehension, to around five hundred words per minute.Questions 41-45 are based on passage 341. According to the passage, the purpose of effective reading with higher speed is most likely to help you ______.a. only in your reading of a physics textbook.b. improve your understanding of an economics textbook.c. not only in your language study but also in other subjects.42. Which of the following does not describe the types of reading materials mentioned in the second paragraph?a. Those beyond one’s reading comprehension.b. Those concerning with common knowledge.c. Those without the demand for specialized knowledge.43. The average untrained native speaker at the University of Minnesota reads at ______.a. about three hundred words per minute.b. about two hundred and forty-five words per minute.c. about sixty words per minute.44. According to the passage, how fast can you expect to read after you have attended twelve half-hour lessons in the University of Minnesota?a. You can increase your reading speed by three times.b. No real increase in reading speed can be achieved.c. You can double your reading speed.45. Where do you think the passage is taken from?a. The introduction to a book on fast reading.b. A local newspaper for young people.c. A school newspaper run by students.Passage 4Cultural WarsFilms made in the United Stated have continued to sweep the globe. According to the list of 1998’s most successful movies put together by Variety magazine, U.S. films took the top 39 places; Britain’s The Full Monty came in at number 40. As a consequence, British movie’s market share fell to 14 percent of the home market, while the respective figures for French films were 27 percent in France and 10 percent for German films in Germany. The European Union’s trade deficit with the United States in films and television is annually between $ 5 and $ 6 billion.Several of Hollywood’s most successful movies have drawn from international resources. There men and a Baby was a remake of French comedy. Total Recall was made partly by French money, was directed by a Dutch man and starred an Austrian. The English Patient was directed by a Briton, shot in Italy, and starred French and British talent. The quest for new ideas and fresh talent has lead studios to develop subsidiaries in Europe: Sony’s bridge in London, Miramax in Berlin, and WarnerBrothers both in Berlin and Paris.Questions 46-50 are based on passage 446. American films have continued to the world.a. influenceb. winc. challenge47. British films share the 14 percent in its in 1998.a. home marketb. American marketc. European market48. German films have a ten percent share in .a. Franceb. Britishc. German49. Three Men and a Baby was a remake of French comedy. A “remake”means .a. a copyb. a reprintc. reproduction50. The English Patient was directed by a Briton, shot in Italy, and starred French and British talent. A Briton means .a. a Britishb. an Italianc. a GermanPart IV Translation (20 points)Translate the following passages into Chinese.Passage 1China’s membership in the World Trade Organization creates the potential for impressive gains in economic efficiency. Indeed the gains are likely to be greater than those predicted in most published quantitative estimates, since those studies do not capture fully the likely effect of more foreign competition on domestic firms. No doubt many jobs will be lost in a few sectors. But prospects for generating employment are bountiful as China benefits from the phase-out of arrangements restricting world trade in apparel, and as Taiwan, Mexico, the EU, and other markets phase out and eliminate the WTO-inconsistent trade barriers they have maintained against a broad array of Chinese goods.Passage 2The major advertising media are newspaper, magazines, direct mail, outdoor advertising, television, and radio. Newspapers account for the greatest part of advertising expenditure, with television running a fairly close second. Magazineadvertising is perhaps the most prestigious, and direct mail is certainly the most selective medium. Radio and magazine advertising can also be quite selective, and radio is relatively inexpensive.。
《商务英语阅读》试题(A 卷) 第 1 页 共8页《商务英语阅读》试题(A 卷) 第 2页 共8页教学点: 年级: 专业: 层次: 姓名: 学号: 座位号:密封线内请不要答题广东外语外贸大学成人高等教育商务英语错误!未找到引用源。
(专科)2018学年第1学期《商务英语阅读》试题(A 卷)年级: 考试形式: 闭卷 考试时间: 90分钟Part I Multiple Choices (15 points, 1 point each) Direction.Ther.ar.1.incomplet.sentence.i.thi.part.Fo.eac.sentenc.ther.ar.fou.Choice.marke.A.B..a 1. The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, _______ and perfected now. A.developed B.hav .developed C.ar.bein.developedD.wil.hav .bee.develope.2. Y ou _______ her in her office last Friday; she’s been out of town for two weeks. A.needn ’.hav .seen B.mus.hav .seen C.migh.hav .seenD.can ’.hav .seen3. She’s always been kind to me – I can’t just turn ______on her now that she needs my help. A.m.back B.m.head C.m.eye D.shoulder4. Careful surveys have indicated that as many as 50 percent of patients do not take drugs _______ directed. A.like B.so C.which D.as5. The _______ goal of the book is to help bridge the gap between research and teaching, particularly the gap between researchers and teachers. A.joint B.intensive C.overall D.decisive6. W e can accept your order _______ payment is made in advance. A.i.th.belie.that B.i.orde.that C.o.th.excus.that D.o.conditio.that7. The medical experts warned the authorities of the danger of diseases in the _______ of the earthquake. A.consequence B.aftermath C.results D.effect8. Research universities have to keep up with the latest computer and scientific hardware _______ price. A.o.accoun.of B.regardles.of C.i.additio.to D.no.t.mention 9. I am surprised _______ this city is a dull place to live in. A.tha.yo.woul.think B.b.wha.yo.ar.thinkin. C.tha.yo.shoul.think D.wit.wha.yo.wer.thinking 10. Don’t let the child play with scissors _______ he cuts himself. A.i.case B.s.that C.no.that D.onl.if 11. They always give the vacant seats to _______ comes first. A.whoever B.whomever C.who D.whom12. Doing your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, and this is especially true _______ itcomes to classroom tests. A.when B.since C.before D.after13. Personal computers are no longer something beyond the ordinary people; they are _______ available these days.A.promptlyB.instantlyC.readilyD.quickly14. Owing to _______ competition among the airlines, travel expenses have been reduced considerably . A.fierce B.strained C.eager D.critical 15. Doctor often ______uneasiness in the people they deal with. A.smell B.sense C.hear D.tough Part II Word Match (15 points, 1 point each) Direction.Matc.th.followin.word.wit.thei.definition.withi.eac.grou.o.fiv.words.Writ.dow.th.matche Group 11. authentic A.havin.power.o.learning.reasonin.o.understanding2. commitment B.twist.changin.shape3. exaggerate C..promis.o.decisio.t.d.something4. intelligent D.real.tru.an.accurate5. distortion E.sa.mor.tha.th.trut.abou.something Group 26. authority A.basic.central.formin.th.necessar.basi.o.something7. donate B.somethin.tha.i.considere.mor.importan.tha.othe.matters8. substantial C.th.righ.o.abilit.t.control9. priority D.giv .somethin.fo.th.benefi.o.others 10.fundamentalPart III Sentence Completion (10 points, 1 point each)1. Georg.i.no.onl..skillfu.painter.bu.als.._____.writer.(talent)2. Th._______.Joh.t.Mar.wa.announce.i.th.newspaper.yesterday .(engage)3. .lov .th.movi.becaus.th.______.i.m.favorite.(act)《商务英语阅读》试题(A 卷)第 3 页 共8页《商务英语写阅读》试题(A 卷) 第 4 页 共8页密封线4. ______.t.say .thi.absent-minde.professo.lef.hi.umbrell.i.th.classroo.again. (need)5. I'.afrai.th.gir.i..littl._______.fo.he.ag.an.height.(weight)6. Becaus.o.hi.______mitte.suicide.(responsibility)7. Readin.Englis.novel.help.______.you.vocabulary .(large)8. Hi.conduc._____.wit.hi.words.s.no.nobod.believe.i.him.(agree) 9..wa.annoye.b.tha._________.man.(mind.narrow)10. Mos.peopl.thin.tha.w.hav .mor.natura.resource.tha.w .need.bu.i.i.no._______. true.(necessary)Part IV Cloze (20points, 1 point each) Direction.Fo.eac.blan.i.th.followin.passage.choos.th.mos.suitabl.wor.fro.thi.lis.o.word.provide.un.A Thirsty World Th.worl.i.no.onl.hungry.i.i.als.thirst.fo.water.Thi.ma.see.strang.t.you.(1.____.nearl.7.pe.cen.o.th.earth ’.surfac.i.covere.wit.water.Bu.abou.9.pe.cen.o.thi.hug.(2.____.th.(3.____..pe.cen..th.fres.wate.(4.____.(5.____.o.that.becaus.som.o.i.i.i.th.(6.____.o.iceberg.an.glaciers.However.(7.____.thing.stan.today .thi.smal.amoun.o.fres.water.whic.i.constantl.(8.____.replace.b.rainfall.i.stil.en .Bu.ou.nee.(9.____.wate.i.increasin.rapidl..almos.da.b.day .Onl.i.w .(10.____.step.t.dea.wit.thi.proble.no.(11.____te.on..limite.wate.suppl.woul.hav .(12.____.ba.effec.o.agricultur.an.industr y .W .al.hav .t.lear.(13.____.t.sto.wastin.ou.preciou.water.On.o.th.firs.step.w .(14.____.tak.i.t.develo.way .o.reusin.it.Expe riment.hav .alread.bee.don.i.thi.field.bu.onl.(15.____..smal.scale.(16.____.eve.i.ever.cit.purifie.an.reuse.it.water.w .stil.woul.no.hav .(17._____.Al.we ’.hav .o.th.vas.(18.____.o.se.wate.i.th.worl.i.(19.____.th.salt.An.the.we ’l.b.i.(20.____.dange.o.dryin.up.Part V Reading Comprehension (40 points,2 points each) Directions.Ther.ar.fiv.passage.i.thi.part.Eac.passag.i.followe.b.fiv.question.o.unfinishe.statements.Fo.eac.question.ther.ar.fou.choice.marke.A.B..an.D.Y o.shoul.choos.th.bes.answer.The.mar.th.correspondin.lette.o.th.Answe.Shee.wit..singl.lin.throug.th.center. Passage 1 Ever.anima.i..livin.radiato..hea.forme.i.it.cell.i.give.of.throug.it.skin.W arm-bloode.animal.maintai..stead.temper atur.b.constantl.replacin.los.surfac.heat.smalle.animals.whic.hav .mor.ski.fo.ever.ounc.o.bod.weight.mus.produc.hea.fa ste.tha.bigge.ones.Becaus.smalle.animal.bur.fue.faster.scientist.sa.the.liv .faster. e.oxyge.eigh.time.a.fast.i.i.sai.tha.th.mouse-lik.shre.i.livin.eigh.time.a.fas.a.th.chicken.Th.smalles.o.th.warm-bloode.creatures.th.hummingbird.live..hundre.time.a.fas.a.a.elephant. Ther.i..limi.t.ho.smal..warm-bloode.anima.ca.be..mamma.o.bir.tha.weighe.onl.tw .an..hal.gram.woul.starv .t.deat h.I.woul.bur.u.it.foo.to.rapidl.an.woul.no.b.abl.t.ea.fas.enoug.t.suppl.mor.fuel. 1. The passage says that every animal is a living radiator because it_____. A.produce.hea.i.it.bod.cells B.burn.fue.t.produc.heatC.send.ou.hea.fro.it.bodiesD.require.oxyge.t.produc.heat 2. W arm-blooded animals maintain a steady temperature by_____.A.restorin.hea.continuallyB.storin.hea.i.thei.bod.cellsC.regulatin.th.amoun.o.hea.producedD.regulatin.th.amoun.o.hea.give.off 3. The amount of oxygen an animal uses depends on_____. A.ho.muc.i.weighs B.wha.foo.i.eatsC.wha.i.i.likeD.ho.lon.i.lives4. An animal weighing less than 2.5 grams would starve because it would not be able to _____.A.ge.enoug.oxygenB.maintai.it.bod.temperatureC.bur.it.foo.fas.enoughD.ea.fas.enoug.t.suppl.fuel 5. What is implied but not stated in the passage? rg..warm-bloode.anima.ca.be. B.Th.hummingbir.live.faste.tha.an.othe.warm-bloode.creature. C.Smal.animal.hav rg.ones.D.Th.hummingbir.i.th.smalles.o.th.warm-bloode.animals. Passage 2 n.ofte.li.ver.clos.t.on.another. Peopl.livin.i.Bakersfield.fo.instance.ca.visi.th.Pacifi.Ocea.an.th.coasta.plain.th.fertil.Sa.Joaqui.Valley.th.ari.Moj es.I.othe.area.i.i.possibl.t.g.sno.skiin.i.th.mornin.an.surfi n.i.th.evenin.o.th.sam.day.withou.havin.t.trave.lon.distances.Contras.abound.i.California.Th.highes.poin.i.th.Unite.State.(outsid.Alaska.i.i.California.an.s.i.th.lowes.poin.(inc ludin.Alaska)es. kes.I.ha.kes.lik.O kebeds. kes.valleys.deserts.an.plateaus.Californi.ha.it.Pacifi.coastline.stretchin.longe.tha.th.coastli bined.《商务英语阅读》试题(A 卷) 第 5 页 共8页《商务英语阅读》试题(A 卷) 第 2页 共8页教学点: 年级: 专业: 层次: 姓名: 学号: 座位号:密封线内请不要答题6. Which of the following is the lowest point in the United States? k.Tulainyo. B.Mojav.Desert. C.Deat.Valley. D.Th.Salto.Sea.7. Where is the highest point in the United States located? k.Tahoe. B.Sierr.Nevada. C.Moun.Whitney. D.Alaska.8. How far away is Death Valley from Mount Whitney? es. es. C.28.feet. D.1.49.feet.9. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage as being within a radius of about 100 miles of Bakersfield? A.Th.Pacifi.Ocean. B.Sa.Joaqui.Valley. C.Mojav.Desert. D.Orego.an.Washington.10. Which statement best demonstrates that California is a land of variety and contrast? k.Tulainyo. B.I.i.possibl.t.g.surfin.an.sno.skiin.i.som.part.o.Californi.withou.havin.t. trave.lon.distance. C.Sierr.Nevada.Sa.Joaqui.Valley.Mojav.Deser.an.th.Pacifi.Ocea.al.li.withi.. es. k.a.all. Passage 3 Childre.ar..relativel.moder.invention.Unti..fe.hundre.year.ag.the.di.no.exist.I.medieva.an.Renaissanc.pai ntin.yo.se.pint-size.me.an.women.wearin.grown-u.clothe.an.grown-u.expressions.performin.grown-u.tasks.C hildre.di.no.exis.becaus.th.famil.a.w.kno.i.ha.no.evolved. Childre.toda.no.onl.exist.the.hav.take.over.i.n.plac.mor.tha.i.America.an.a.n.tim.mor.tha.now.I.i.alway.Kids.Countr.here.Ou.civilizatio.i.child-centered.child-obsessed..kid ’.bod.i.ou.physica.ideal.I.Kid ’e. W.ar.th.firs.societ.i.whic.parent.expec.t.lear.fro.thei.children.Suc..topsy-turv.(颠倒.abou.a.leas.i.par.because.unlik.th.res.o.th.world.our.i.a.immigran.society.an.fo.immigran.t h.onl.hop.i.i.th.kids.I.th.Ol.Country.tha.is.Europe.hop.wa.i.th.farther.an.ho.muc.wealt.h.coul.accumulat.an.pa s.alon.t.hi.children.I.th.growt.patter.o.Americ.an.it.ever-expandin.frontier.th.youn.ma.wa.eve.advise.t.G.WE ST.th.farthe.wa.eve.inheritin.fro.hi.son.Kids.Countr.ma.b.th.inevitabl.result. .true.I.was.afte.all..boy ’.gam.t.g.t.th.moo n. If in the old days children did not exist, it seems equally true today that adults, as a class, have begun to disappear, condemning all of us to remain boys and girls forever, jogging and doing push-ups (俯卧撑) against eternity .11. The author uses the example of the Renaissance painting to show that _______. A.adult.showe.les.concer.fo.childre.tha.w .d.now B.adult.wer.smalle.an.thinne.a.tha.time.bu.the.stil.ha..lo.o.wor.t.do C.childre.looke.an.acte.lik.adult.a.tha.time D.childre.wer.no.permitte.t.appea.i.famil.painting.a.tha.time12. In the third paragraph, the Old Country is contrasted with America _______. A.t.sho.difference.i.famil.size B.t.sho.difference.i.attitude.toward.famil.relations C.t.so.tw .kind.o.geography D.t.sho.tw .differen.kind.o.economi.relation.betwee.generations 13. Going to the moon is an example of _______. A.America ’.dream.an.creativity B.America ’.childis.an.quee.behavior C.wh.Americ.hasn ’.grow .up D.wh.Americ.i.considere.th.greates.countr.i.th.world 14. According to the passage, which of the following is true? A.I.i.ver.difficul.fo.th.middle-age.t.liv .i.America. B.Americ.i.Kids.Countr.becaus.th.majorit.o.it.peopl.ar.youn.an.vigorous. C.Kids.Countr.wa.takin.shap.i.Americ.whe.immigrant.poure.int.th.country D.Americ.i.mor.o.Kids.Countr.tha.an.othe.countrie.i.th.world.15. By saying “condemning all of us to remain boys and girls forever, jogging doing push -ups against eternity ,” the author means that _______. A.sh.think.peopl.shouldn ’.b.s.concerne.abou.physica.fitness B.sh.feel.to.ol.an.tire.t.d.suc.har.exercise C.America.societ.i.overemphasizin.yout.an.physica.appearance D.wha.happene.t.childre.centurie.ag.ma.occu.t.adult.i.Americ.soon Passage 4 mo.snak.i.Britai.i.th.adder.I.Scotland.i.fact.ther.ar.n.othe.snake.a.all.Th.adde.i.als.th.onl.Britis.sn ak.wit..poisonou.bite.I.ca.b.foun.almos.anywhere.bu.prefer.sunn.hillside.an.roug.ope.country .includin.hig.ground.I.Ire lan.ther.ar.n.snake.a.all. Mos.peopl.regar.snakebite.a..fata.misfortune.bu.no.al.bite.ar.serious.an.ver.fe.ar.fatal.Sometime.attempt.a.emerg enc.treatmen.tur.ou.t.b.mor.dangerou.tha.th.bit.itself.wit.amateur.heroically .bu.mistakenly .tryin.do-it-yoursel.surger.an .othe.unnecessar.measures. Al.snake.hav .smal.teeth.s.i.follow .tha.al.snake.ca.bite.bu.onl.th.bit.o.th.adde.present.an.danger.Britis.snake.ar.sh.animal.an.ar.fa.mor.frightene.o.yo.tha.yo.coul.possibl.b.o.them.Th.adde.wil.attac.onl.i.i.feel.threatened.a.ca.happe.i.yo .tak.i.b.surpris.an.ste.o.i.accidentall.o.i.yo.tr.t.catc.i.o.pic.i.up.whic.i.dislike.intensely .I.i.hear ing.i.wil.normall.g e.ou.o.th.wa.a.quickl.a.i.can.bu.adder.canno.mov .ver.rapidl.an.ma.attac.befor.movin.i.yo.ar.ver.close. Th.effec.o..bit.varie.considerably .I.depend.upo.severa.things.on.o.whic.i.th.body-weigh.o.th.perso.bitten.Th.big ge.th.person.th.les.harmfu.th.bit.i.likel.t.be.whic.i.wh.childre.suffe.fa.mor.seriousl.fro.snak.bite.tha.adults..health.perso .wil.als.hav .bette.resistanc.agains.th.poison. V ery few people actually die from snakebites in Britain, and though these bites can make some people very ill, there are probably just as many cases of bites having little or no effect, as there are of serious illness. 16. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A.Th.adde.i.th.onl.poisonou.snak.i.Britain. B.I.Scotlan.ther.ar.n.othe.snake.excep.th.adder. C.Snak.bite.see.mor.dangerou.tha.the.actuall.are. D.People ’.attempt.a.emergenc.treatmen.ar.utterl.unnecessary . 17. Adder.ar.mos.likel.t.b.foun._______. A.i.wilde.part.o.Britai.an.Ireland B.i.Scotlan.an.nowher.else n.throughou.Britain D.i.shad.field.i.England18. W e are told that British snakes are _____. A.afrai.o.huma.beings B.poisonou.includin.th.adder C.dangerou.excep.th.adder D.friendl.toward.huma.beings班级____________________ 学号______----------------------------------------密-------------------------------------《商务英语阅读》试题(A 卷)第 7 页 共8页《商务英语写阅读》试题(A 卷) 第 8 页 共8页密封线19. When will the adder not attack you? A.Whe.yo.tr.t.catc.it.B.Whe.yo.ar.som.distanc.awa.fro.it.C.Whe.yo.happe.t.ste.o.it.D.Whe.yo.tr.t.pic.i.up.20. If an adder hears you coming, it will usually ______. A.attac.yo.immediately B.disappea.ver.quickly C.wai.t.frighte.you D.mov .ou.o.th.way B.Drunke.Drivers.C.Drunke.Pedestria.Accidents.D..Sever.Highwa.Safet.Problem.。
Unit 11. A: We are thinking of placing an order for Chinese tea from your company.B: Which would you prefer, black tea or green tea?A: Both are very popular in my country. Could I have a look at your samples and taste them?B: Sure. This is Oolong Tea from Fujian and Longjing Tea from Xihu…A: They are very good in color and flavor. No wonder so many people enjoy your tea. Could you give me some indication of your price?B: Here is our price list. All the prices on the list are subject to our final confirmation.2. A: Good morning, sir.B: Good morning. I’ve seen your catalogue and I’m interested in your Flying Pigeon Bicycle. I think this type of bicycle will have a ready market in Canada. This is a list of my requirements. Could you quote us your lowest price CIF Vancouver?A: We generally quote on an FOB basis. Just a moment, I’ll work it out for you.3. A: Hello!B: Hello! I’ve seen your catalogue and I’m interested in theseproducts.A: You chose well. These products are selling well in your neighboring countries. I believe they will have a ready market at your end.B: Could I have a look at your samples?A: Sure. Here you are.B: Your products are very good. I’m considering placing an order as long as your terms and conditions are acceptable.A: Here is our price list. These products are in great demand at present. So place your order early if at all possible.Unit 21. A: Here is our offer for 1000 cases of jasmine tea.B: Well, your price is too high. It’ll be difficult for us to make any sales.A: You must be aware that the price of jasmine tea has been increasing.B: But Vietnamese suppliers give a lower price than yours. A: Every one in the trade knows that Chinese jasmine tea is far more superior.B: I don’t deny the quality of your jasmine tea. Butcompetition is keen. Many suppliers are in fact cutting their prices to try to attract more customers and get a larger market share.A: So far, our product can handle the competition well. We’ve had many orders and more are coming. It just shows that our product is competitive and our price is attractive.2. A: Here is our price list. All the prices are subject to our final confirmation.B: By the way, do you allow any commission?A: Well, our prices are quoted on an FOB net basis. As a rule, we don’t allow any commission.B: But you know, we’re a commissioned agent. We do business on a commission basis. Commission transactions will surely help to push the sales of your products.A: Yet your order is really not large enough.B: What quantity would you consider to be a large order?A: USD 500 000 or above.B: W ow, really substantial. Well, My Chen, this is our first transaction. Can you be more flexible and offer us more favorable terms? It might be possible for us to establish a long-term relationship.A: OK. We would grant you a 3% commission if you place an order of USD 400 000.B: W e appreciate your concession very much. However, we can usually get a 5% commission from our European suppliers.A: Mr. Green, our price itself is already favorable. It’s for our long-term business relationship that we make this exception. This is the best we can do.B: All right, we’ll have to accept it.3. A: Mr. Wright, here is our offer for 5000 metric tons of GradeA red beans, USD175 per metric ton, CIFC5% Rotterdam.B: Your price is on the high side, Mr. Zhang. It’s impossible for us to conclude any transactions at this price.A: I don’t know why you think so. Frankly speaking, we wouldn’t quote you such a low price if you were not our regular customer. I bet you cannot get such a favorable price from other suppliers.B: W e got an offer from a Thailand supplier yesterday. Their price is 3% lower.A: You must take the quality of the red beans into consideration. Every one in this trade is well aware that Chinese Grade A red beans is of superior quality. So the price of Grade A commodities of course must be higher than those of inferiorquality. Besides, there is a strong demand for Grade A red beans.A lot of orders are pouring in from all over the world. Most of the importers think that our offer is reasonable. I believe you’ll make a profit buying at this price.4. A: Your price is 5% higher than that of the last transaction. B: You know production cost has increased a great deal recently. We also need to consider upward trends when we fix the price. A: But it will be very difficult for us to persuade our clients to buy at such a price. You’ll have to reduce your price by at least 10%.B: Your counter-offer is far beyond my reach. We can’t stand such a big cut.A: We make this counter-offer based on the offers from other suppliers. We made enquiries to several suppliers at the same time and found that your price is higher than the other suppliers. B: Could we just put this problem aside? Could you give me an idea of the size of your order first?A: It will largely depend on the price you offer. If you could make a 10% reduction, we would place an immediate order of 100 000 pieces.B: All right. Shall we move together? We’ll reduce the price by 7% on the condition that you increase your order to 200 000pieces. This is our rock bottom price.A: Ok. Let’s call it a deal.Unit 31.A: We’ve received your enquiry, Mr. Smith. But we are sorryto tell you that the goods you asked about are out of stock.You’ll have to wait for two months.B: Two months is far too long. Our customers need the goods urgently.A: There is nothing we can do. Our products have been well received due to their high quality and reasonable prices. So demands often exceed supplies. Though we have tried to speed up production, we still cannot meet the increasing demand. So I’d like to recommend to you the HRF-279.B: Our clients are familiar with GBS-112, but not HRF-279. How do I know that it will sell well in our market?A: Don’t worry. The HRF-279 has been selling well in Europe and in Southeast Asian countries in recent years.I’m sure it will have a ready market at your end.B: I hope so.2.(On the phone)A: We have received your sample and are very satisfied with it. We plan to place a trial order for 5000 sets. The order form will reach you tomorrow.B: We’re glad to accept your order. May I remind you that the sample should be added as part of the first shipment?A: No problem. Whenever we place an order, we always ask for a sale by sample agreement, so we can be sure of the quality of the product.B: Don’t worry. Our products are always as good as the samples we send.A: Great. If they sell well I our market, I can promise you that substantial orders will follow.3.A: Hi! Long time, no see. How is business?B: Not bad. How is everything?A: It’s the off-season now, since spring festival has just passed. I found that your sales of bicycles have been falling off lately, haven’t they?B: That’s because we have switched to automobile accessories. A: Are you still handling bicycles?B: I am, but not on a large scale. Are you thinking of placing an order for some bicycles?A: I’m considering placing an order for 50 000 units if your price is fair.UNIT 41.A: When shall we open the L/C?B: The L/C must reach us one month before shipment. Since the goods are supplied from stock, you’d better open the L/C as soon as possible, otherwise it may delay the shipment.A: shipment, it’ll tie up our money. W ould 15 days do?B: I’m afraid not. It’ll take us a lot of time to get the goods ready and book shipping space. You can’t expect us to make delivery within 15 days.A: When are you going to ship the goods?B: The goods will be ready at the end of January. So if the L/Cwould reach us by January 1, we could deliver the goods in early February.A: Do you have any stipulations on the validity of the L/C?B: W e generally require the L/C to remain valid until the fifteenth day after shipment.A: Can we use Citibank as our opening bank?B: No problem at all.2.A: Mr. Smith, I’m Chen Qiang of the Guangdong Silk Import& Export Corporation. I’d like to talk to you regarding your order No.123-456.B: Is there anything wrong?A: Well, shipping space is all booked up. I’m afraid we can’t deliver the goods on time. Could you extend the L/C until the end of this month?B: No problem, but please try your best to solve the problem. The goods are seasonal commodities; we’ll have to meet the Christmas selling season.A: We’ll try our best to ensure delivery in Mid-October.B: Thank you very much.A: That’s all right.3.A:S O far we have already settled the problems of price,quality and quantity. Now what about the terms of payment? B: We only accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit payable against shipping documents.A: Could you be more flexible and accept D/A OR D/P?B: I’m afraid not.A: Frankly speaking, we have overstocked some other goods, and our floating funds are insufficient. It’ll tie up our money to open an L/C.B: I quite understand your position. But the problem is that the world economic situation is going downward and the financial market is fluctuating. We have to do business on an L/C basis so as to guarantee payment.A: Then could you accept 50% payment by L/C and the balance by D/P?B: Sorry, we are not in a position to do that, yet we could offer you more favorable terms of delivery instead.UNIT 51. A: The safety of packing is something we always pay a lot of attention to. Especially for fragile commodities, we’ve got to be extra careful. Otherwise, if something unexpected happened, we’d be responsible and it would cause you a lot ofinconvenience, too.B: You’re right. But wouldn’t it be safer to use wooden cases? A: Surely we can if you want us to, but the charge would be much higher.B: Then, let’s keep using cartons.A: Sure, no problem. Cartons are good enough for goods like this. You don’t have to worry about it.2. A: I’m so glad that we have the chance to do business together.B: Me, too.A: I made this special trip here this time hoping to have a look at the packing of our products because in the last shipment we received, there were a few items damaged by dampness.B: I’m sorry for that. But we have taken care of it and improved the packing.A: Could you be more specific?B: Although we are still using cartons, we have taken measures to prevent them from dampness. We have lined with with plastic sheets on the inside. In addition, we’ve put a “Keep Dry”sign on the outside.A: That sounds good.A: Do you mind if I give you a little suggestion about the inner packing of the products?B: Not at all. Go ahead.A: Packing affects the reputation of the products, and one important function of packing is to stimulate people’s desire to buy. In addition, packing should give the buyer an idea of what is packed inside. Your products are good, but your packing doesn’t look attractive enough to the buyer.B: Thank you very much. That’s a good suggestion and it happens to coincide with our own. We have just improved our packing.A: Great! W ould you let me have a look?B: Sure thing. Let’s go to the sample room.UNIT 61.The shipping facilities at this port have been much improved.There won’t be any trouble.2.The lengths of our containers range from 10 to 40 feet. Theycan take loads from 2 to 16 tons respectively.3.It is essential to choose the right means of transportation.4.Tankers are usually oil carriers, and are like bulk carrierswhich transport bulk consignments such as grain, wheat and ores.5.As your order is a large one, we are not in a position to bookenough shipping space, so we hope you will agree to partial shipment.6.Can we get our bill of lading now?7.Please fill out the Export Cargo Packing Instructions and theExport Cargo Packing Declaration here.8.When the goods are received on the dock, you will get a dockreceipt. Once the goods are on board the ship, you will get a mate’s receipt. And if the goods are taken on board in good condition, bills will be marked “clean”, otherwise, “dirty” or “claused”.9.We have various shipping facilities that can meet differentrequirements. What’s the weight and length of your consignment?10.W e advise the consignment be sent by express trains toensure prompt delivery.11.A: Hello, this is Tom Smith from ABC company. I’d like tohave a word with Mr. Lin Ming.B: Good morning, Mr. Smith. This is Lin Ming. Speaking,please.A: Well, I’d like to know when can you ship the goods?B: In February, I think.A: That’s too late, is there any possibility for you to advance the shipment to December?B: I’m afraid not, Mr. Smith. You know, there are only two direct steamers sailing for your port, and the shipping is booked up from now to the end of January.A: Oh, that’s too bad. We are in urgent need of the goods, you know. February is the selling season for this commodity. In order to meet the season, we hope you can deliver the goods before the end of December.B: Is there any chance of transshipment being allowed?A: Well, transshipment will prolong the delivery and is likely to cause damage. So, we still hope a direct shipment could be arranged.B: The trouble is that it is impossible to book shipping space. I’m afraid we can do nothing.A: Then, when is the earliest time we can expect shipment? B: The beginning of February, I’m afraid. But I’ll keep trying. We will keep contacting the shipping company. As soon asshipping space is available, we’ll let you know immediately. A: Thank you. Then, I won’t hold you up. Good-bye.B: Good-bye.UNIT 71.The purpose of insurance is to guarantee the safety ofgoods and to protect the interest of the insured.2.Total loss only (TLO) refers to the total loss of theconsignment of goods in transit because of natural disaster or accidents.3.With Particular Average (WPA) not only covers total lossunder the terms of TLO, but also covers partial loss. 4.According to international trade conventions, the buyer isresponsible for premiums for additional coverage / extraneous risks.5.As a rule, we don’t cover them unless you want to.6.Generally speaking, the buyer buys the additionalcoverage for extraneous risks only when he feels it necessary.7.The insurance is valid for only 60 days after the insuredgoods are unloaded at the final port of loading / discharge.8.An insurance claim must be made within nine monthsafter the goods are unloaded at the final port of loading / discharge.9.Since our price is based on CFR, you’ll take care of theinsurance yourself.10.Under the terms of FOB, the buyer buys the insurance onthe goods; or this can be done by an authorized seller. 11.Is insurance included in this price? / Does this priceinclude the insurance?12.Before we decide on the price, we would like to knowwhat kind of insurance you are going to buy.13.Our insurance coverage is for 110% of the invoice valueup to the port of destination.14.As you might know, China Commodity Inspection Bureauenjoys an international reputation for impartiality.15.All kinds of insurance can be provided by the People’sInsurance Company of China.Unit 81.A: The goods were in perfect condition when they lefthere.B: According to our survey report, the damage was caused by poor packing.2.A: Please look into the matter and have the case settledimmediately.B: We’ll get in touch with the shipping company and see what can be done.3.A: We have to file a claim against you for USD10,000. B: W e’ll certainly entertain a claim if it is supported by adequate documents.4.A: The goods you sent us are below our usual standard.B: Our products are up to the international standard. 5.A: The goods we received last month are inferior inquality to those you delivered in the past.B: I’m sorry that the quality of our goods did not turn out to be satisfactory.6.A: We are glad to have settled the claim in such a friendlyway and appreciate your kind assistanceB: I do hope this minor incident will not affect our future business.7.A: The quality of this lot of goods is so far below thestandard that we cannot use them for our purpose.B: This comes as a complete surprise. We have never had a complaint of this kind.8.A: Our analysis was made on the retained samples.B: W ell, I’m afraid we’ll have to have the retained samples re-checked before we settle it.9.A: Since we concluded the business on a CIF basis, I haveto file a claim with you for the losses.B: I’m sorry that we cannot accept your claim, as the loss is beyond your insurance coverage.10.A: Here’s the inspection report made by the HealthOfficers in London.B: This is a really unfortunate accident. But, all our goods had been certified as good in quality and well-packed.。
云南XX工商职业技术学院《商务英语阅读》试卷I.Multiple Choice (VocabularjO:1.I was essentially working under your leadership.A.profoundlyB. enduringlyC. basicallyD. necessarilyAlan Greenspan had taken a roundabout route to economics.A.inherentB. rivetingC. rigorousD. indirectSome remarks were made on immortality, which have lasted across time and space and have been prized by people of all ages over centuries.A.evaluatedB. spurnedC. valuedD. unclenchedThe online encyclopedia is written, updated, and maintained by thousands of anonymous users.A.capableB. unknownC. assumingD. pretendedHis stories seasoned with wit were reminiscentof my own grandfather who, having undergonethe sweet and sour of life, maintains a sense of humor.A.reminding one ofB. typical ofC. illustrative ofD. speaking high ofThiscar is the flagshiDof our new range,whichhas rapidly chargedinto (he Eastern Europeanmarket within a couple of months.A.the first-rankB. the complicatedC. the oldestD. the cost-effectiveWe have learned to appreciate those of life's pleasures that are not readily available in that out-of-the-way hometown.A.realizeB. valueC. acknowledgeD. belittleThe inexplicable disappearance of nonlocal seasonal women workers made the manager perturbed day and night.A.predictedB. unexpectableC. mysteriousD. imaginaryWhen you succeed don't gel conceited; when you fail don't be dejected.A.arrogantB. humiliatedC. discouragedD. delightedThe manager has referred to the importance of implementing the anti-piracy law in an economy increasingly based on information and technology.plementingB. depletingC. carrying outD. iinpledgingJohn holds an emotional ambivalence about his celebrity overnight rising from a nameless salesman to a millionaire.mitmentB. ambulanceC. uncertaintyD. amiabilityMany of them feel awfully far away from people they lean on and people they count on during difficult times.A.count outB. rely onC. count forD. rely toWe managed to stand oul against all attempts to close the company down.A.continue to resistB. go ahead withC. stand out byD. stand up forEven if Colombia's message does at last get through to Washingtoifs "slow students", the trade agreement may still fall victim to the Democrats' general lack of passion for free trade.A.desireB. enthusiasmC. crazinessD. zealotBefore starting, (he company's approval is a Drerequisite.A.both the body and spirit of man are satisfiedreal human happiness is probably unattainableconsumer goods arc the essential ingredients of happinessman believes himself to be happy even though he may not be13.As examples of consumer goods that affect the spirit of man, the author refers to.A.the supermarketmaterial junkmovies and televisionsendees in the "brave new world,,14.In comparing the rebels of 1776 with those of the 1960, the author says that.A.happiness really meant the same thing for each groupeach group believed in its own way of pursuing happinessactually, neither group was fundamentally concerned about happinessthe rebels of the sixties were more concerned with happiness than those of 177615.The author regards (he hairdos and clothing, drugs and rock music of the rebels of the sixtiesas.A.perhaps worth a fight to the deathfairly insignificant consumer goodssymbols of important human valuesanother fbrin of material and spiritual junkANSWERS: ABCBAPassage 4 Questions 16-20 are based on the following passage.Discovered a mere one hundred fifty years ago and manufactured commercially just half (hat long, aluminum today ranks behind only iron and steel among metals serving mankind. The key to its popularity is its incredible versatility. The same metal that makes kitchen foil serves as armor fbr battlefield tanks. The material of lawn chairs and baseball bats also forms the vital parts of air and space vehicles—most of their frames, their skins, even the rivets that bind them together.Behind aluminum's versatility lie properties so diverse that they almost seem to belong to several different metals. For example, in its pure form, aluminum is soft enough to whittle. Yet its alloys can possess the strength of steel, with only a third of its weight. Thus, when Alexander Calder designed one of his last mobiles—a soaring creation eighty feel long—his choice of aluminum over steel cut two tons from its weight. Aluminum also assures the masterpiece virtual immortality. The instant the metal is exposed to air, its surface acquires a transparent film that seals the interior against further corrosion.16.According to the passage, the use of aluminum is.A.greater than that of any other metalB.equal to that of ironC.less than (hat of steelD.negligible17.According to the passage, aluminum is sometimes used to make which of the following?A.Photographic film.B.Frames fbr stuffed furniture.C.Foils and other fencing equipment.D.Parts of spaceships.18.Calder's mobile was made of.A.steelB.aluminumC.two different metalsD. a variety of metals19.It can be inferred that a steel object weighing three tons would weigh how many tons if it were made of aluminum?A.One.B.Three.C.Two.D.Four.20.1( can be inferred from the passage that things made of aluminum.A.are usually sealed with plastic filmB.are not very popular as art objectC.will last a long timeD.should not be exposed to air fbr a long period of time.ANSWERS: CDBACPassage 5 Questions 21-25 are based on the following passage.The natural environment has, of course, always conditioned technology. For example, the nature of anenvironment (polar, desert, jungle) engenders (导致)the development of technologies appropriate to that environment to enable man to adapt successfully to it. Further, emerging scarcity of some technological resource may ignite a search for, and gradual transition to, a new technology using resources present in the environment in greater abundance, as, for example, in the case of the gradual change from wood-based to coal-based technology in England that began in Elizabethan times and stretched until the end of the eighteenth century.In modern Western society, environment has begun (o condition technology in new ways, although admittedly more indirectly. The safety and quality of the environment and public perceptions of it have begun to translate into presidential policies, congressional mandates and regulatory agencies to protect to enhance environmental quality or safety, occasionally even at the cost of upsetting the technoecomomic status quo. In France, Italy, and recently the United States, political parties have been formed, organized largely around a complex of technology /environment issues. In general, in the last fifteen years, the gradual development of broad-based environmental awareness, the lobbying and litigious (诉讼的)activities of environmental interest groups, and guidelines issued and enforced by the EPA (环境保护局)in response to congressional mandates have markedly increased (he heed paid to the environment by many corporations in going about their technological activities. This has affected both research and development priorities and capital investment programs of the corporations.21.Which of the following statements is true?A.Environment enables mankind to adapt successfully to technology.B.Technology enables mankind to adapt successfully to his environment.C.The development of technology depends solely on the natural environment.ck of technologies to cope with the changing environment is caused by lack of natural resources.22.We can infer from the article that in (he 1800s England was rich in.A.wood resourcetechnological resourcesnatural resourcescoal resource23.In modern Western society, the environment problem has.A.received great attention from the governmentscaused many disorders in the economyaffected modern technologies in more direct ways than beforebecome more important but received less attention24.The word "mandates" in line3, paragraph 2 means.A.important meetingsinspiring suggestionsauthoritative commandslegal papers25.What is the central idea of the passage?A.Inappropriate technology has destroyed the environment.B.Modern technology has recently changed our environment.C.The development of technology is being hindered by environmental activists.D.Environmental awareness is giving an increasing effect on technological development. ANSWERS: BDACDPassage 6 Questions 26-30 are based on the following passage.Sociologists tell us that we are heading for a society leisure. The trend is unmistakable. One hundred years ago, they point out, a worker put in 12 or 13 hours a day, 6 days a week, and week followed week without annual vacation. But over the years the picture has changed. Today the typical work week has five 8-hour days, and workers enjoy about three weeks of paid vacation every year, with the result that today we spend less time on the job as people did before.In spite of this, today's worker may not feel that he has a great deal of leisure time. This is because a lot of the non-work time is taken up with fulfilling family and social obligations. For example, he feels thathe should spend some time with his children every day, and if a man docs physical activity in his job, that too cuts into his free time.Nevertheless, the final result is that we do have more leisure—more time free from obligation of work or any other social requirement. Leisure is time not used to eam money or do things around the house which saves money. It is time spent only in seeking satisfaction, and we give up what we are doing when it no longer satisfies us. Leisure gives us the opportunity to recover from the physical and mental fatigue of work and it frees our creative talents from the pressure and the form placed on us by the job.Today's leisure is time programmed fro doing what you want to. It does not have to be made up the next day. This is something new. It really frees a person from the workshop to enjoy, for a time, things in which he is interested. Man is about to go out (o the playground.26.People havetoday.A.more leisureless leisuremore workless work27.Although people spend less time on their jobs, they still feel they do not have enough leisuretime because of the following except.A.fulfilling family and social obligationsspending some (ime with their childrenspending sonic time on learningdoing physical exercises28.Leisure is the time used.A.to seek satisfactionto eam moneyto fulfill the obligationsIo fulfill any social requirement29.Whenever it is leisure time, people usually.A.find it difficull lo decide whai to domake a careful plan about what to dodo anything they are interested ingo to the playground30.According to the passage, leisure is NOT the time to.A.seek pleasurerecover from the physical and mental fatigue of workmake preparations for the work of (he next period of timefree ourselves from the pressure of the workANSWERS: ACACCPassage 7 Questions 31-35 are based on the following passage.Compulsive gambling affects thousands of families, but in recent years there has been a worrying increase in the number of children, who have become addicted to gambling machines—the so-called “fruit-machines" or "one-armed bandits'*. Many of the children affected are in their teens and according to a child psychologist who has specialized in the subject: "Children think they have some control over fruit machines, but in fact the pay-off is completely controlled by (he mechanism of (he machine which always wins."Apparently gambling varies with social class; whereas horse-racing is quite clearly an upper-class adult interest, it is generally working-class children who become addicted to fruit machines. The amusement arcades are the poor man's casino. Research has found that most teenage addicts are boys—most of (he girls in the arcades are there to watch the boys.Michael, who is just ten years old, sometimes spends several hours a day in the arcades. His parents know what he is doing and do not mind at all. Michael told an interviewer: T don't go on the gambling machines. I just enjoy playing (he games. I get bored staying tat home or hanging around the streets. I like the machines because they give something to do for a while."Unfortunately many children start on the games but quickly move on to the gambling machines, because they think they will win and make easy money.31.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?pulsive Gambling.B.Gambling and Teenagers.C.Gambling Machines.D.Games and Children.32.According to (he passage, which of the following is the main reason fbr children's being interested in gambling?A.They want to control the machines.B.They are bored staying at home.C.They want to do something.D.They want to make easy money.33.The expression "pay-off' in Paragraph 1 probably means.A.rewardtotal expensesmoney lost in the gamesallowance34.Which of (he following statements is NOT (rue?A.Gambling has always been a family problem.B.Ail the boys arc addicted to fruit machines.C.Children should do more important things.D.Different social classes are interested in different kinds of gambling.35.From the passage we can learn (hat.A.parents should to some extent be responsible for children gamblingchildren should be given more homework to dochildren can get rich by gamblingchildren should be encouraged to play games ANSWERS: BDCBAPassage 8Questions 36-40 are based on the following passage.Large companies need a way to reach the savings of the public at large. The same problem, on a smaller scale, faces practically every company trying to develop new products and create new jobs. There can be little prospect of raising the sort of sums needed from friends and people we know, and while banks may agree to provide short-term finance, they arc generally unwilling to provide money on a permanent basis fbr long-term projects. So companies turn to the public, inviting people to lend them money, or take a share in the business in exchange fbr a share in future profits. This they do by issuing stocks and shares in the business through the Slock Exchange. By doing so they can put into circulation the savings of individuals and institutions, both at home and overseas.When the saver needs his money back, he does not have to go lo the company with whom he originally placed it. Instead, he sells his shares through a stockbroker to some other saver who is seeking lo invest his money.Many of the services needed both by industry and by each of us are provided by the Government or by local authorities. Without hospitals, roads, electricity, telephones, railways, this country could not function. All these require continuous spending on new equipment and new development if they are to serve us properly, requiring more money than is raised through taxes alone. The Government, local authorities, and nationalized industries therefore frequently need to borrow money to finance major capital spending, and they, too, coinc to the Stock Exchange.There is hardly a man or woman in this country whose job or whose standard of living does not depend on the ability of his or her employers to raise money to finance new development. In one way or another his new money must come from the savings of the country. The Stock Exchange exits to provide a channel through which these savings can reach those who need finance.36.Almost all companies involved in new production and development must.A.rely on their own financial resourcespersuade the banks to provide long-term financeborrow large sums of money from friends and people they knowdepend on the population as a whole for finance37.The money which enables these companies to go ahead with their projects is.A.repaid to its original owners as soon as possibleraised by the selling of shares in thecompaniesexchanged for part ownership in (he Stock Exchangeinvested in different companies on the Stock Exchange38.When the savers want their money back they.A.ask another company to obtain their money for (heinlook for other people to borrow money fromput their shares in the company back on the markettransfer their money to a more successful company39.All the essential services on which wc depend arc.A.run by the Government or our local authoritiesin constant need of financial supportfinanced wholly by rates and taxesunable to provide for the needs of the population40.The Stock Exchange makes it possible for the Government, local authorities and nationalizedindustries.A.to borrow as much money as they wishlo make certain everybody saves moneyto raise money to finance new developmentslo make certain everybody lends money to themANSWERS: DBCBCIV. Tenn Translation:A. English to Chinese:1. search engine 搜索引擎2. quality control 质量控制3. GM food 转基因食品4. expert panel 专家组5. industry analyst 行业分析师6. recycled material 可再生材料7. law firm 律师事务所8. graphic designer 平面设计师9. trading patterns 交易模式1(). bull market 牛市11. digital products 数字产品12. mobile devices 移动设备13. Chief Financial Officer 财务总监/公司首席财政官14. training budget 培训预算15. acquisition 收购B. Chinese to English:1.网上营销online marketing2.零售商retailer3.首席执行官CEO4.质量监督quality check5.合资企业joint venture6.债券bond7.市场研究员market researcher8.噪音污染noise pollution9.股价share prices10.长期盈利long-term returns11.文档阅读器file reader12.财务部门financial department13.超支overspend14.信贷credit15.贷款loansSentence Translation:A. English to Chinese:1.Fees used to be levied by banks to discourage bad behavior, like bouncing checks.过去银行只是征收这笔费用来制止恶劣行为,如开空头支票。
(2’×5=10’)The competition, which there is held every two years, is organized by the International ()Training Organization. All U.K. competitors qualify for the team by getting through ()a tough national competition. Their backgrounds are vary from arts to sciences, ()and students to the self-employed. Since they do not know which skill area they ()will be tested in, they must to train for everything before the start of the competition. ()B.在下面这段话中,每一......写..句.都有错用的单词,找出句子中错误的...单词,并将正确的单词在句子后面的括号中。
(2’×5=10’)Before you start a business, it is importance to undertake market research ()and to assess the results with great care: you need to finding out about your ()potential customers and the state of the market, included your competitors. ()The more detailed your market research are, the more profitable your business is ()likely to be. Carry out your study thorough, and repeat it to ensure your results are reliable.()二、完形填空(1’×15=15’)Employment Opportunities for Graduates with the Provincial Bank. The Provincial Bank is one of the biggest financial institutions in the U.K. With its 1,900 branches and 58,000 employees, it has (1) a household name. Almost 4,000 of these employees (2) managerial or executive positions. The bank has an outstanding (3) of profitability, which has been achieved by introducing innovations at the same time as maintaining leadership of the (4). The bank's comprehensive training programme concentrates on (5) the most important skills that graduates need in order to (6) early management responsibility. Trainees take responsibility for their own continuous self-development through visiting other branches and departments, and by (7) courses in management skills. They also receive training in order to increase their knowledge of the bank's (8). The bank supports (9) of staff who wish to take professional examinations, and its Graduate Training Scheme is (10) to the nationally recognized Diploma in Management. Obviously the quality of its mangers is of (11) importance to the bank's performance. It welcomes good graduates in any subject area, (12) they can demonstrate the ability to influence events, and have the potential to (13) both as leaders and as part of a team. Most graduate trainees join the Retail Banking division initially. Those starting on this programme will soon have the (14) to work in other parts of the bank and can (15) a varied and flexible working life.()1 A opened B entered C turned D become()2 A hold B do C keep D own()3 A career B catalogue C record D experience()4 A area B trade C record D market()5 A making B reaching C developing D heightening()6 A present B treat C deal D handle()7 A observing B attending C involving D staying()8 A services B goods C creations D abilities()9 A colleague B members C people D persons()10 A qualified B combined C fastened D linked()11 A main B vital C necessary D superior()12 A therefore B thus C provided D only()13 A succeed B realize C gain D overcome()14 A choice B chance C likelihood D probability()15 A forecast B believe C suppose D expect三、英译汉(14’)1、The bank had doubled profits in the past year via a string of successful mergers, but on Apr. 21 it reported that its securities portfolio had unrealized losses of nearly $131 million.(2’)2、Fewer American workers will get pay rises in the next few months than at any time for the past 30 years. Instead, at one company in 20, wages have been declining, and at three-quarters pay is flat.(2’)3、In recent years, with the increase in globalization and diversity in the workplace, cross cultural management has become an important element of organizational life.(2’)4、The style of the ad is also important, because comparative ads, while acceptable and even common in the United States and Canada, are less commonly used in the United Kingdom, un acceptable in Japan, and illegal in India and Brazil.(4’)5、Even if one country can make everything more cheaply than every other it still gains from focusing on the goods in which its relative advantages is greatest——ie, in which it has a comparative advantage——and importing the rest.(4’)四、阅读(3’×17=51’)A.请根据A、B、C、D四个段落,找出1-7这7个句子所指的工作范围,在括号中用A、B、C、D注明,字母可重复使用。
Business English Reading Comprehension Passage OneThe relationship between the home and market economies had gone through two distinct stages. Early industrialization began the process of transferring some production processes (e. g. cloth-making, sewing and canning foods) from the home to the marketplace. Although the home economy could still produce these goods, the processes were laborious and the market economy was usually more efficient. Soon the more important second stage was evident --the marketplace began producing goods and services that had never been produced by the home economy, and the home economy was unable to produce them (e. g. electricity and electrical appliances, the automobile, advanced education, sophisticated medical care). In the second stage, the question of whether the home economy was less efficient in producing these new goods and services was irrelevant; if the family were to enjoy these fruits of industrialization, they would have to be obtained in the marketplace. The traditional ways of taking care of these needs in the home such as in nursing the sick, became unacceptable (and, in most serious cases, probably less successful). Just as the appearance of the automobile made the use of the horse drawn carriage illegal and then impractical, and the appearance of television changed the radio from a source of entertainment to a source of background music, so most of the fruits of economic growth did not increase the options available to the home economy to either produce the goods or services or purchase them in the market. Growth brought with it increased variety in consumer goods, but not increased flexibility for the home economy in obtaining these goods and services. Instead, economic growth brought with it increased consumer reliance on the marketplace. In order to consume these new goods and services, the family had to enter the marketplace as wage earners and consumers. The neoclassical(新古典主义的) model that views the family as deciding whether to produce goods and services directly or to purchase them in the marketplace is basically a model of the first stage. It cannot accurately be applied to the second (and current) stage.1. The reason why many production processes were taken over by the marketplace was that______.A.it was a necessary step in the process of industrializationB.they depended on electricity available only to the market economyC.it was troublesome to produce such goods in the homeD.the marketplace was more efficient with respect to these processes2. It can be seen from the passage that in the second stage ______.A.some traditional goods and services were not successful when provided by the homeeconomyB.the market economy provided new goods and services never produced by the homeeconomyC.producing traditional foods at home became socially never produced by the homeeconomyD.whether new goods and services were produced by the home economy became irrelevant3. During the second stage, if the family wanted to consume new goods and services, they had to enter the marketplace ______.A.as wage earnersB.both as manufacturers and consumersC.both as workers and purchasersD.as customers4.Economic growth did not make it more flexible for the home economy to obtain the newgoods and services because ______.A.the family was not efficient in productionB.it was illegal for the home economy to produce themC.it could not supply them by itselfD.the market for these goods and services was limited5. The neoclassical model is basically a model of the first stage, because at this stage ______.A.The family could rely either on the home economy or the marketplace for the neededgoods and services.B.many production processes were being transferred to the marketplaceC.consumers relied more and more on the market economyD.the family could decide how to transfer production processes to the marketplacePassage TwoAs is known to all, the organization and management of wages and salaries are very complicated. Generally speaking, the Account Department is responsible for calculations of pay, while the Personnel Department is interested in discussions with the employees about pay.If a firm wants to adopt a new wage and salary structure, it is essential that the firm should decide on a method of job evaluation and ways of measuring the performance of its employees. In order to be successful, that new pay structure will need agreement between Trade Unions and employers.In job evaluation, all of the requirements of each job are defined in a detailed job description. Each of those requirements is given a value, generally in “points”, which are added together to give a total value for the job. For middle and higher management, a special method is used to evaluate managers on their knowledge of the job, their responsibility, and their ability to solve problems. Because of the difficulty in measuring management work, however, job grades for managers are often decided without reference to an evaluation system based on points.In attempting to design a pay system, the Personnel Department should compare the value of each job with those in the job market. It should also consider economic factors such as the cost of living and the labor supply.It is necessary that payment for a job should vary with any distinctions in the way that job is performed. Where it is simple to measure the work done, as in the work done with the hands, monetary encouragement schemes are often chosen; for indirect workers, where measurement is difficult, methods of additional payments are employed.6. If a company wants its new pay structure to be successful, it is necessary to _______.A. give the workers extra pay to encourage themB. share the same opinion between the Trade Union and the employersC. consult some problems associated with payD. adopt a special way to evaluate the performance of its employees7. The methods of additional payments are adopted for indirect workers because __________.A. they don't have a higher payB. the firm hasn't enough fundC. the measurement of their work is very difficultD. their work is less important than that of other workers8. What should a firm consider in designing a new pay system?A. The value of each job alone.B. The method of calculating the pay.C. The requirements of each job.D. The labor supply and the cost of living.9. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.A. only the Accounts Department is involved in the management of salariesB. different job performances should be given different paymentsC. an evaluation system based on points is usually used to measure management workD. evaluating management work makes no difference from other work10. The main purpose of this passage is to _______.A. explain how the performance of a job can be measured in pointsB. describe the responsibilities of various departmentsC. tell readers how a firm can succeed in adopting a new pay systemD. tell readers how difficult the management work isPassage ThreeSelling skills can be very useful to you in your personal life. For example, have you ever wanted to use someone else's car? You had to use selling skills to persuade the owner to let you use it. When you apply for a job, you should really be trying to persuade the employer that you will be good employee. If you run for an elected office in an organization, you are really trying to sell yourself to others. You are trying to convince people that you have good ideas and will provide the type of leadership needed by that organization. Selling involves persuading others to accept your ideas or your advice.Selling skills are also important in most jobs. Business managers want to hire people who are creative, who work well with others, and who contribute to the success of their business. In the world of business, selling is a very important function. Business owners use selling skills to gain acceptance from customers and employees about store policies and procedures. Successful salespeople use selling skills to assist customers in making wise buying decisions.What Is Selling?Selling involves the art of communicating effectively with people — simply explaining how a product or service will benefit the customer. Customers will not purchase a product or service until they are convinced that they will benefit from owning that product or service. The salesperson needs to explain, advise, and generally help the customer. In fact, his most important job is to assist the customer in making a wise buying decision. The word selling is defined as:1. assisting the customer, and2. helping the customer make a wise buying decision.Assisting the CustomerBusiness in America today is very competitive. In our free enterprise system, there are many businesses that sell similar products and services. For example, you can purchase a pair of jeans from a department store, a women’s or men's apparel shop, a specialty store, or a discount store. Because customers can purchase the same product or service from more than one business, it is important that businesses provide polite, friendly service to customers. If customers do not receive polite and capable help from salespeople at a business, they may decide to purchase from another business. Salespeople make sure they provide the help customers expect.Helping the Customer Make a Wise Buying DecisionThe most important responsibility of any salesperson is to help customers make wise buying decisions. Customers have made wise buying decisions when they receive benefits from the products or services they have purchased. These benefits are called buyer benefits. A buyer benefit is the gain or personal benefit customers receive from the products or services they purchase. The salesperson's job is to make sure his customers purchase the products or services which will most benefit them.The Importance of SellingSelling is important to our economy, to business, and to the American people. In order to understand its importance, you need to be familiar with some basic facts about each segment of the American economy.The economy of our country is divided into three phases: production, marketing, and consumption. Production refers to the physical creation of goods and services. Farming, mining, fishing, lumbering, and manufacturing make up the production phase of our economy. Thousands of goods and services are produced each year. These goods and services, however, do not sell themselves. After goods and services have been produced, they must be made available to consumers for purchase. Marketing is the process through which goods and services flow from the producer to the consumer. Wholesalers and retailers make up the marketing phase of our economy.Selling is the most important marketing function performed by retail and wholesale businesses. Wholesalers buy from producers and sell to retailers. Retailers buy from producers and wholesalers and sell to consumers. Consumers are the users of goods and services in our society. The process of using goods and services is called consumption.What contribution does selling make to our economy? The role of selling in our society is to identify and provide the goods and services that will satisfy the needs and wants of the consumer. Manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers all depend on customers to purchase products and services. When a business's sales decline, the company usually reduces the number of its employees. The jobs of the many people who produce and provide goods and services, therefore, depend on successful salespeople. When customers purchase products and services, they help create employment in manufacturing, wholesaling, and retailing. Full employment in our country creates additional purchasing power for our consumers. Selling, therefore, assists in maintaining the high standard of living enjoyed in our country.What contribution does selling make to a business? The role of business in society is toprovide the types of products and services which consumers need and want. It is the job of the salesperson, as the business's representative, to satisfy the customers' needs and wants. Salespeople, and the manner in which they treat customers, can really determine the success or failure of most businesses.What contribution does selling make to the American consumer? Salespeople are often the only contact a customer has with a business. Salespeople represent the business to the customer. They should offer sincere, honest, friendly, and courteous service to customers. The salesperson's job is to make sure the customer benefits from purchasing a product or service. Salespeople can save customers time and money by providing product information, showing how a product or service will benefit the customer, and making sure customers purchase the products and services which will best meet their needs and wants.11.The main idea of the first paragraph is ________.A. the importance of selling skills in managing a companyB. the importance of selling skills in job-huntingC. the importance of selling skills in one’s personal lifeD. the importance of selling skills in borrowing12.Selling is defined in this article as _______________________________A. helping the customer, and helping him make a wise buying decisionB. getting customers to buy goodsC. getting customers to buy servicesD. Both B and C13.Business in America today is very competitive, because ___________.A. there are too many kinds of goods in the marketB. there are not many demanding customersC. there are too many similar kinds of goods or servicesD. there are too many businesses14.The three phases of the American economy are ____________________.A. manufacture, wholesale and retailB. production, sale and after-sale serviceC. production, marketing and consumptionD. production, consumption and service15.Which of the following is NOT true?A. Salespeople represent a business to the customer.B. Salespeople must offer satisfactory service to customers.C. Salespeople should help customers buy the products that will best benefit customers.D. The success or failure of salespeople has little to do with the success or failure of a business in most cases.Passage FourThe so-called Americanization phenomenon seems to be a consequence of the recent globalization in our world. If we find American products worldwide, it is also increasinglycommon to find Asian products in the United States.Going to any country in Asia nowadays, we are going to see a lot of the American icons (图标)everywhere. A few years ago when I was in Ho-Chi-Min City, formerly known as Saigon, I was completely astonished at the number of billboards advertising products from multinational companies, many of them American. It is unforgettable for me—the vision of the spectacular Coca-Cola billboard on a Ho-Chi-Min Street.Living in the United Slates now, I am discovering many Asian products in America, from food to movies. In one day in San Francisco, or Seattle, or Houston, we can buy Sisheido cosmetics from Japan at the Galleria Mall, have sushi(寿司) and sashimi(生鱼片) in one of the many Japanese restaurants in the city, go to the cinema and enjoy the beautiful American-Chinese movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and take home spring rolls from one of the many Chinese restaurants in town.I understand that a great many people would like to hold hack the globalization process in the world because they think they are losing their own culture, but it is very difficult to stop this process. We can only try to be critical and choose what is best for us to have or to buy.However, many people think that young people are not free to choose when they are constantly exposed to attractive advertisements that are specially made to capture the youth market. Peaceful protests could be arranged just to help people to think about the situation, but the tendency in our world is that we want globalization, but we don't want to lose our own culture.16. The Americanization phenomenon is more possible to be the result of ______.A. the influence of Americanization on the worldB. the influence of the West on the EastC. the globalization in the worldD. American products worldwide17. What was the author in the passage particularly impressed by?A. The wonderful American-Chinese movie.B. The delicious Japanese food in American cities.C. The high quality of Asian products.D. The fantastic advertisement for an American product.18.We can learn from the passage that one of the consequences of globalization that manypeople worry about is ______.A. the spread of culture from one country to anotherB. the destruction of cultural identitiesC. the prevalence of American cultureD. the resistance to globalization worldwide19. What attitude should we have towards the globalization process?A. Disapproving.B. Pessimistic.C. Critical.D. Indifferent.20. Young people today can't really choose what they should buy because they _______.A. are influenced by American cultureB. don't know what is suitable for themC. are critical about everything in the worldD. are faced with too many powerful advertisementsPassage FiveThe appeal of advertising to buying motives can have both negative and positive effects. Consumers may be convinced to buy a product of poor quality or high price because of an advertisement. For example, some advertisers appealed to people's desire for better fuel economy for their cars by advertising automotive products that improve gasoline mileage. Some of the products work. Others are worthless and a waste of consumers' money.Sometimes advertising is intentionally misleading. A few years ago a brand of bread was offered to dieters (节食者. with the message that there were fewer calories (热量单位,大卡) in every slice. It turned out that the bread was not dietetic (适合于节食的), but just regular bread. There were fewer calories because it was sliced very thin, but there were the same number of calories in every loaf.On the positive side, emotional appeals may respond to a consumer's real concerns. Consider fire insurance. Fire insurance may be sold by appealing to fear of loss. But fear of loss is the real reason for fire insurance. The security of knowing that property is protected by insurance makes the purchase of fire insurance a worthwhile investment for most people. If consumers consider the quality of the insurance plans as the message in the ads, they will benefit from the advertising.Each consumer must evaluate her or his own situation. Are the benefits of the product important enough to justify buying it? Advertising is intended to appeal to consumers, but it does not force them to buy the product. Consumers still control the final buying decision.21. Advertising can persuade the consumer to buy worthless products by ________.A. stressing their high qualityB. convincing him of their low priceC. maintaining a balance between quality and priceD. appealing to his buying motives22. The reason why the bread advertisement is misleading is that ________.A. thin slices of bread could contain more caloriesB. the loaf was cut into regular slicesC. the bread was not genuine breadD. the total number of calories in the loaf remained the same23. The passage tells us that _________.A. sometimes advertisements really sell what the consumer needsB. advertisements occasionally force consumers into buying things they don't needC. the buying motives of consumers are controlled by advertisementsD. fire insurance is seldom a worthwhile investment24. It can be inferred from the passage that a smart consumer should ________.A. think carefully about the benefits described in the advertisementsB. guard against the deceiving nature of advertisementsC. be familiar with various advertising strategiesD. avoid buying products that have strong emotional appeal25. The passage is mainly about _________.A. how to make a wise buying decisionB. ways to protect the interests of the consumerC. the positive and negative aspects of advertisingD. the function of advertisements in promoting salesPassage SixThe Supreme Court's recent decision allowing regional interstate banks has done away with one restriction in America's banking operation, although many others still remain. Although the ruling does not apply to very large money-center banks, it is a move in a liberalizing direction that could in the end push Congress into framing a sensible legal and regulatory system that allows banks to plan their future beyond the next court case.The restrictive laws that the courts are interpreting are mainly a legacy(遗赠物)of the bank failures of the 1930's. The current high rate of bank failure—higher than at any time since the Great Depression—has made legislators afraid to remove the restrictions. While their legislative timidity (胆怯)is understandable, it is also mistaken. One reason so many American banks are getting into trouble is precisely that the old restrictions make it hard for them to build a domestic base large and strong enough to support their activities in today's telecommunicating round-the-clock, around-the-world financial markets.In trying to escape from these restrictions, banks are taking enormous, and what should be unnecessary, risks. For instance, would a large bank be buying small, failed savings banks at inflated prices if federal law and states regulations permitted that bank to explain instead through the acquisition of financially healthy banks in the region? Of course not. The solution is clear. American banks will be sounder when they are not geographically limited.The house of Representative's banking committee has shown part of the way forward by recommending common-sensible, though limited, legislation for a five-year transition to nationwide banking. This would give regional banks time to group together to form counterweights to the big money-center banks. Without this breathing space the big money-center banks might soon extend across the country to develop. But any such legislation should be regarded as only a way station on the road towards a complete examination of American's suitable banking legislation.26. The restrictive banking laws of the 1930's are still on the book because _______.A. the bank failures of the 1930's were caused by restrictive courtsB. banking has not changed during the past 50 yearsC. legislators believe banking problems similar to those of the Depression still exist todayD. the banking system is too restrictive, but no alternatives have been suggested27. According to the author, the change to a nationwide banking system should be _______.A. postponed until the consequences can be evaluatedB. gradual so that regional banks have a chance to compete with larger banksC. immediate because we can't afford any more bank failuresD. much faster to overcome legislative fear28. It can be inferred from the passage that _______.A. many restrictions in banking operation have been cancelledB. the ruling of removing the restriction can make the banks plan their future freelyC. the ruling of removing the restriction can't be applicable to all banksD. the old restrictions will be helpful to set up a powerful domestic base29. What is the author's attitude towards the current banking laws?A. Tolerant and disapproved.B. Concerned and dissatisfied.C. Understandable and indifferent.D. Supportive and admirable.30. The main idea of the passage is that _______.A. despite many bank failures, the nature of banking has not really changed so muchB. the current banking law must be useful to today's banksC. center banks currently have too much power as compared with the regional banksD. banks have been forced to take needless and dangerous risks due to the restrictions Passage SevenOver the past decade, American companies have tried hard to find ways to discourage senior managers from feathering their own nests at the expense of their shareholder. The three most popular reforms have been recruiting more outside directors in order to make boards more independent, linking bosses' pay to various performance measures, and giving bosses share options, so that they have the same long-term interests as their shareholders.These reforms have been widely adopted by America's larger companies, and surveys suggest that many more companies are thinking of following their lead. But have they done any good? Three papers presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Management in Boston this week suggest not. As is usually the case with boardroom tinkering, the consequences have differed from those intended.Start with those independent boards. On the face of it, dismissing the boss's friends from the board and replacing them with outsiders looks a perfect way to make senior managers more accountable. But that is not the conclusion of a study by Professor James Westphal. Instead, he found that bosses with a boardroom full of outsiders spend much of their time building alliances, doing personal favors and generally pleasing the outsiders.All too often, these seductions succeed. Mr. Westphal found that, to a remarkable degree,"independent" boards pursue strategies that are likely to favor senior managers rather than shareholders. Such companies diversify their business, increase the pay of executives and weaken the link between pay and performance.To assess the impact of performance-related pay, Mr. Westphal asked the bosses of 103 companies with sales of over $ 1 billion what measurements were used to determine their pay. The measurements varied widely, ranging from sales to earnings per share. But the researcher's big discovery was that bosses attend to measures that affect their own incomes and ignore or play down other factors that affect a company's overall success.In short, bosses are quick to turn every imaginable system of corporate government to their advantage-which is probably why they are the people who are put in charge of things. Here is paradox for the management theorists: any boss who can not beat a system designed to keep him under control is probably not worth having not beat a system designed to keep him under control is probably not worth having.31. What is the purpose of the large companies in recruiting outsiders and putting them on the board of directors?A.To diversify the business of the corporation.B.To enhance the cooperation between the senior managers and the board directors.C.To protect the interests of the shareholders.D.To introduce effective reforms in business management.32. What does Professor James Westphal’s study suggest?A.With a boardroom full of outsiders, senior managers work more conscientiously.B.Outside board directors tend to be more independent.C.Boardroom reforms have failed to achieve the desired result.D.Cooperation between senior managers and board directors suffered from the reforms.33. The word “seduction” in the fourth paragraph probably means “____”A. efforts to conquerB. exertions to understandC. endeavors to increase profitsD. attempts to win over34. Which of the following statements is true?A. Corporate executives in general are worth the high pay they receive.B. The income of corporate executives is proportional to the growth of corporate profits.C. Corporate executives tend to take advantage of their position to enrich themselves.D. The performance of corporate executives affects their own interests more than those of the shareholders.35. How does the author feel about the efforts to control senior executives?A. approving.B. optimistic.C. positive.D. doubtfulPassage EightHenry Ford, the famous U.S. inventor and car manufacturer, once said, “The business of America is business.” By this he meant that the U.S. way of life is based on the values of the business world.。
商务英语专业商务英语阅读试题APart I Multiple Choice (20 points)Complete the sentences by choosing from the words below each sentence.1. Technical skills performing specialized tasks within the organization.a. are associated withb. differ fromc. are similar to2. Corporate culture is the shared experiences, stories, beliefs,and norms .a. which creates a companyb. that characterize a companyc. whose company has got3. If a company is to get the most out of its workers, it must those workers.a. developb. selectc. promote4. In theory, a company’s auditors are appointed independently byits shareholders, to whom they report. “Whom”represents .a. auditorsb. accountantsc. shareholders5. Over-capacity in the car business leads to a series of jointagreements and mergers between .a. car companiesb. joints venturesc. capacity level6. Ford intended to Volvos and hoped to use Volvo’s technologyto develop new cars.a. shareb. focusc. distribute7. The principles in the Organizational Chaos Model can also be usedto the company’s competition.a. introduceb. overcomec. understand8. As a senior student, you are supposed to know better than just until the examination time.a. fooled aroundb. to fool aroundc. having fooled around9. Transnational companies will in China.a. continue locatingb. continues tolocate c. continue to locate10. E-business is about transforming business process and _______them with Internet technologies.a. integratesb. integratingc. to integrate11. Other companies use Web technology to ______ business electronically at the wholesale or retail level.a. supportb. exchangec. transact12. The funds needed to operate an enterprise are refereed toas .a. labourb. capitalc. resources13. They also want to integrate these systems _______ the rest oftheir business process.a. withb. andc. for14. Accounting firms frequently _________ their audit clients.a. buy management skills fromb. sell consulting services toc. provide audit assignment for15. I went to buy a new tie to _______ this brown suit.a. go intob. go withc. go after16. The secretary entered with a pencil and paper, and _________ everyword the manager said.a. made forb. took upc. took down17. The financing of international trade is more complex than thatof domestic trade. ‘That’ here means .a. financingb. international tradec. domestictrade18. The process of education, experience, more education, and then is called a cyclical process.a. less educationb. more experiencec. education and experience19.Hardly _______ the airport when he started for his destination.a. I had reachedb. had I reachedc. I reached20. The climbers tried to find a new ______ to the top of the mountain.a. approachb. routec. entrancePart II Match (20 points)Section AChoose the correct word or words from the box to complete the passage:Business people focused on the production of goods from 21 until the early twentieth century, and on 22 from the 1920sto the 1950s. Marketing received little attention up to that point. After 1950, however, business people recognized that their enterprises involved not only 23 but also the satisfaction of 24 . They began to implement 25 , a business philosophy that involves the entire business organization in the dual process of satisfying customer needs and achieving the organization’s goals.Section BChoose the correct word or words from the box to complete the following sentences:26. China is now at the stage of development of building a well-off society and accelerating socialist .27. Implementation of the begins and ends with the information about customers.28. Selling something at a reduced price is called giving a .29. Carrying out the business of such a huge company requires .30. Compensation programmes include wages and salaries, incentives, and ______ for workers.Part III Reading comprehension (40 points)Passage 1What makes money valuable Why is a piece of paper marked $ 10 worth more than one marked $1 You could say there is no reason. It’s true that a special kind of paper is used to make dollar bills, and they are pretty, but that’s not what makes them valuable. The real reason money is valuable is that everyone believes it is.Ancient economies had no paper money or coins. Some usedbarter---- trading one thing for another. Others used all kinds of objects as money. Any object would do, as long as there was not an unlimited amount of it. Animals or metals were popular, and so were manufactured products like jewelry or weapons. Wealth in ancient Greece was measured in tools or cattle. This kind of money had two purposes. First, it was useful in itself. Tools and cattle can be used for farming. And second, it was a way to symbolize and measure value. A house, for example, would be valued at a certain number of tools or cattle. This greatly simplified trade. Other societies used money that was totally symbolic. For instance, American Indians used wampum, which is made from seashells. And until recently on the pacific island of Yap, people use large stone discs as money.In most places these types of money died out because more practical forms of money were invented. People started using precious metals, such as gold and silver, that were easier to carry around than tools or stones. And in the eighteenth century, paper money was introduced. At first people were suspicious of new currency, but they came to accept it because the government or bank issuing it would exchange an equal amount of gold for the paper. A $ 10 bill really was worth $ 10 for gold. But now, people are used to the idea that the government doesn’t have to back its money with gold. Everyone believes that a $ 10 bill is worth $10 and that is good enough. Butif, for some reason, people ever lost faith in paper money, ten dollars wouldn’t be worth the paper it’s printed on.Questions 31-35 are based on passage 131. According to the writer the real reason money is valuable is that everyone believes .a. money is valuableb. gold is valuablec. money is gold32. The writer of this selection mentioned animals, metals and manufactured products like jewelry or weapons because .a. they were valuableb. they were used as money in ancient timesc. people liked them33. Paper money was invented .a. to take the place of other types of moneyb. to be replaced by other types of moneyc. in the nineteenth century34. At first people did not have trust in paper money because .a. it was not worth muchb. the paper was not of good qualityc. it looked like an ordinary piece of paper35. People came to accept paper money when .a. the government began to issue itb. the bank began to issue itc. they could exchange it for the same amount of goldPassage 2Many private institutions of higher education around the country are in danger. Not all will be saved, and perhaps not all deserve to be saved. There are low-quality schools just as there are low-quality businesses. We have no obligation to save them simply because they exist. But many thriving institutions that deserve to continue are threatened. They are doing a fine job educationally, but they are caught in a financial difficulty, with no way to reduce rising costs or increase revenues significantly. Raising tuition doesn’t brin g in more revenue, for each time tuition goes up, the enrollment goes down, or the amount that must be given away in student aid goes up. Schools are bad businesses, whether public or private, not usually because of bad management but because of the nature of the enterprise. They lose money on every customer, and they can go bankrupt either from too few students or too many students. Even a very good college is a very bad business.It is such colleges, thriving but threatened, that I worry about. Low enrollment is not their chief problem. Even with full enrollments, they may go under. Efforts to save them, and preferably to keep them private, are a national necessity. There is no basis for arguing thatprivate schools are bound to be better than public schools. There are abundant examples to the contrary. Anyone can name state universities and colleges that rank as the finest in the nation and the world. It is now inevitable that public institutions will be dominant, and therefore diversity is a national necessity. Diversity in the way we support schools tends to give us a healthy diversity in the forms of education. In an imperfect society such as ours, uniformity of education throughout the nation could be dangerous. In an imperfect society, diversity is a positive good. Eager supporters of public higher education know the importance of sustaining private higher education.Questions 36-40 are based on passage 236. In the passage, the author appeals to the public to support .a. private higher education in generalb. public higher education in generalc. high-quality private universities and colleges37. According to the passage, schools are bad businesses because of .a. the nature of schoolb. poor teachersc. bad management38. What does th e phrase “go under” (Par a. 2, sentence 3) probablymeana. have low tuitionb. get into difficultiesc. do a bad job educationally39. Which of the following statements is TRUEa. There are many cases to indicate that private schools are superior to public schools.b. The author thinks diversity of education is preferable to uniformity of education.c. Each time tuition is raised, the enrollment goes up.40. In the author’s opinion, the way that can save private schools lies in .a. full enrollmentb. raising tuitionc. national supportPassage 3A higher reading rate, with no loss of comprehension, will help you in other subjects as well as in English, and the general principles apply to any language. Naturally, you will not read every book at the same speed. You would expect to read a newspaper, for example, much more rapidly than a physics or economics textbook—but you can raise your average reading speed over the whole range ofmaterials you wish to cover so that the percentage gained will be the same whatever kind of reading you are concerned with.The reading passages which follow are all of an average level of difficulty for your stage of instruction. They are all about five hundred words long. They are about topics of general interest which do not require a great deal of specialized knowledge. Thus they fall between the kind of reading you might find in your textbooks and the much less demanding kind you will find in a newspaper or light novel. If you read this kind of English, with understanding at, say, four hundred words per minute, you might skim through a newspaper at perhaps 650—700, while with a difficult textbook you might drop to two hundred or two hundred and fifty.Perhaps you would like to know what reading speeds are common among native English-speaking university students and how those speeds can be improved. Tests in Minnesota, U.S.A., for example, have shown that students without special training can read English of average difficulty, for example, Tolstoy’s War and Peace in translation, at speeds of between 240 and 250 words per minute with about seventy percent comprehension. Students in Minnesota claim that after twelve half-hour lessons, the reading speed can be increased, with no loss of comprehension, to around five hundred words per minute.Questions 41-45 are based on passage 341. According to the passage, the purpose of effective reading with higher speed is most likely to help you ______.a. only in your reading of a physics textbook.b. improve your understanding of an economics textbook.c. not only in your language study but also in other subjects.42. Which of the following does not describe the types of reading materials mentioned in the second paragrapha. Those beyond one’s reading comprehension.b. Those concerning with common knowledge.c. Those without the demand for specialized knowledge.43. The average untrained native speaker at the University of Minnesota reads at ______.a. about three hundred words per minute.b. about two hundred and forty-five words per minute.c. about sixty words per minute.44. According to the passage, how fast can you expect to read after you have attended twelve half-hour lessons in the University of Minnesotaa. You can increase your reading speed by three times.b. No real increase in reading speed can be achieved.c. You can double your reading speed.45. Where do you think the passage is taken froma. The introduction to a book on fast reading.b. A local newspaper for young people.c. A school newspaper run by students.Passage 4Cultural WarsFilms made in the United Stated have continued to sweep the globe. According to the list of 1998’s most successful movies put together by Variety magazine, U.S. films took the top 39 places; Britain’s The Full Monty came in at number 40. As a consequence, British movie’s market share fell to 14 percent of the home market, while the respective figures for French films were 27 percent in France and 10 percent for German films in Germany. The European Union’s trade deficit with the United States in films and television is annually between $ 5 and $ 6 billion.Several of Hollywood’s most successful movies have drawn from international resources. There men and a Baby was a remake of French comedy. Total Recall was made partly by French money, was directed by a Dutch man and starred an Austrian. The English Patient was directed by a Briton, shot in Italy, and starred French and British talent. The quest for new ideas and fresh talent has lead studios to develop subsidiaries in Europe: Sony’s bridge in London, Miramaxin Berlin, and Warner Brothers both in Berlin and Paris. Questions 46-50 are based on passage 446. American films have continued to the world.a. influenceb. winc. challenge47. British films share the 14 percent in its in 1998.a. home marketb. American marketc. European market48. German films have a ten percent share in .a. Franceb. Britishc. German49. Three Men and a Baby was a remake of French comedy. A “remake”means .a. a copyb. a reprintc. reproduction50. The English Patient was directed by a Briton, shot in Italy, and starred French and British talent. A Briton means .a. a Britishb. an Italianc. a GermanPart IV Translation (20 points)Translate the following passages into Chinese.Passage 1China’s membership in the World Trade Organization creates the potential for impressive gains in economic efficiency. Indeed the gains are likely to be greater than those predicted in most published quantitative estimates, since those studies do not capture fully thelikely effect of more foreign competition on domestic firms. No doubt many jobs will be lost in a few sectors. But prospects for generating employment are bountiful as China benefits from the phase-out of arrangements restricting world trade in apparel, and as Taiwan, Mexico, the EU, and other markets phase out and eliminate the WTO-inconsistent trade barriers they have maintained against a broad array of Chinese goods.Passage 2The major advertising media are newspaper, magazines, direct mail, outdoor advertising, television, and radio. Newspapers account for the greatest part of advertising expenditure, with television running a fairly close second. Magazine advertising is perhaps the most prestigious, and direct mail is certainly the most selective medium. Radio and magazine advertising can also be quite selective, and radio is relatively inexpensive.。
《商务英语阅读》期末考试试卷-A卷⼴东外语外贸⼤学成⼈⾼等教育商务英语(专科)2018学年第1学期《商务英语阅读》试题(A卷)年级:考试形式:闭卷考试时间:90分钟comes to classroom tests.A. whe nB. si neeC. beforeD. after13. Pers onal computers are no Ion ger somethi ng bey ond the ordinary people; they are available these days.A. promptlyB. i nsta ntlyC. readilyD. quickly14. Owing to ________ c ompetition among the airlines, travel expenses have been reducedsiderablyA. fierceB. stra inedC. eagerD. critical15. Doctor ofte n ____ un eas in ess in the people they deal with.A. smellB. senseC. hearD. tough5. The ________goal of the book is to help bridge the gap betwee n research and teacpiaiitjcularly the gap betwee n researchers and teachers.A. joi ntB. i nten siveC. overallD. decisive6. We can accept your order ______ payme nt is made in adva nee.A. in the belief thatB. in order thatC. on the excuse thatD. on con diti on that7. The medical experts warned the authorities of the dan ger of diseases in the of eiaethquake.A. con seque ncB aftermath C. results D. effect8. Research uni versities have to keep up with the latest computer and scie ntific hardware price.A. on acco unt ofB. regardless Sf in additi on to D. not to men ti on9. I am surprised ______ this city is a dull place to live in.A. that you would thinkB. by what you are thinkingC. that you should thinkD. with what you were thinking10. Don' t let the child play with scissors he cuts himself.A. in caseB. so thatC. now thatD. only if11. They always give the vacant seats to ____ c omes first.A. whoeverB. whomeverC. whoD. whom 12. Doi ng your homework is a sure way to improve your test scores, andthis is especially true __________________________________________________________ : 请名姓内Part I Multiple Choice(S5 points, 1 point each)Direction There are 15 in complete senten ces in this part. For each sentence there are four Choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE an swer that best completes the senten ce.1. The fifth gen erati on computers, with artificial in tellige nee, andperfected now.2.3.4.A. developedB. have developedC. are being developedD. will have bee n developedYou _______ er in her office last Friday; she ' s been out of town for two weeks.A. needn ' t have seenB. must have seenC. might have see nShe' s always bee n ki nd to hcanA. my backB. my headD. can ' t have seent just tur n __ on her now that she n eeds my help.C. my eyeD. shoulderCareful surveys have in dicated that as many as 50 perce nt of patie nts do not take drugs directed.A.likeB. soC. whichD. asPart II Word Match (15 points, 1 point each)Direction Match the followi ng words with their defi niti ons within each group of fwords. Write dow n the matched letter on the an swer sheet.1. authe ntic A. hav ing powers of lear ning, reas oning or un dersta2. commitme nt B. twist; cha nging shape3. exaggerate C. a promise or decisi on to do someth ing4. in tellige nt D. real; true and accurate5. distorti on E. say more tha n the truth about somethi ngGroup 16. authority A. basic; cen tral; forming the n ecessary basis of something7. don ate B. someth ing that is con sidered more importa nt tha n othermatters8. substa ntial C. the right or ability to con trol9. priority D. give someth ing for the ben efit of others10. fun dame ntal E. large in size, value or importa neeGroup 2占⼋、、学Part III Sentence Completion (10 points, 1 point each)Direction Fill in each of the blanks with the given word in its proper form.1. George is not only a skillful pain ter, but also a writer. (tale nt)2. The _________ J oh n to Mary was announced in the n ewspapers yesterd a ge)3. I love the movie because the ____ is my favorite. (act)4. _______ t o saythis abse nt-min ded professor left his umbrella in the classroom agaimeed)5. rm afraid the girl is a little _ f or her age and height. (weight)。
商务英语阅读试题Part I Multiple choice (20 points)Complete the sentences by choosing from the words below each sentence1. Technical skills _____ performing specialized tasks within the organization.a. are associated withb. differ fromc. are similar to2. Corporate culture is the shared experiences, stories, beliefs, andnorms _____ ・a. which creates a companyb. that characterize a companyc. whose company has got3. If a company is to get the most out of its workers, it must ______________ those workers.a. develop b・ select c. promote4. In theory, a company's auditors are appointed independently by its shareholders, to whom they report. t^Whom^^ represents ________ .a. auditorsb. accountantsc. shareholders5. Over-capacity in the car business leads to a series of joint agreements and mergers between ____ .a. car companiesb. joints venturesc. capacity level6. Ford intended to _____ Volvos and hoped to use Volvo's technology to develop new cars・a. shareb. focusc. distribute7. The principles in the Organizational Chaos Model can also be used to _______ the company's competition.a. introduceb. overcomec. understand8. As a senior student, you are supposed to know better than just _______ until the examination time.a. fooled aroundb. to fool aroundc. having fooled around9. Transnational companies will _____ in Ch泊a.a. continue locatingb. continues to locatec. continue to locate10. E-business is about transforming business process and __________ them withInternet technologies.a. integratesb. integratingc. to integrate11. Other companies use Web tech no logy to ______ busi ness electr on ically at the wholesale or retail level.a. supportb. exchangec. transact12. The funds needed to operate an enterprise are refereed to as ________ .a. labourb. capitalc. resources13. They also want to integrate these systems _________ the rest of their business process.a. withb. andc. for14. Accounting firms frequently _________ t heir audit clients.a. buy management skills fromb. sell consulting services toc. provide audit assignment for15. I went to buy a new tie to _______ this brown suit.a. go intob. go withc. go after16. The secretary entered with a pencil and paper, and __________ every word the manager said.a. made forb. took upc. took down17. The financing of international trade is more complex than that of domestic trade. 'That' here means _______ ・a. financingb. international tradec. domestic trade18. The process of education, experienee, more education, and then __________ is called a cyclical process.a. less educationb. more experieneec. education and experienee19. Hardly ______ the airport when he started for his destination.a. I had reachedb. had I reachedc. I reached20. The climbers tried to find a new ______ to the top of the mountain.a. approachb. routec. entrancePart II Match (20 points)Section AChoose the correct word or words from the box to complete the passage:Business people focused on the production of goods from 21 until the early twentieth century, and on 22 from the 1920s to the 1950s. Marketing received little attention up to that point. After 1950, however, business people recognized that their enterprises involved not only 23 but also the satisfaction of 24 . They began to implement 25 , a businessphilosophy that involves the entire business organization in the dual process of satisfying customer needs and achieving the organization^ goals.Section BChoose the correct word or words from the box to complete the following sentences26. China is now at the stage of development of building a well-off society andaccelerating socialist _______ ・27. Implementation of the _________ begins and ends with the information about customers.28. Selling something at a reduced price is called giving a _________ ・29. Carrying out the business of such a huge company requires ________ .30. Compensation programmes in elude wages and salaries, incentives,and _________ f or workers.Part III Reading comprehension (40 points)Passage 1What makes money valuable? Why is a piece of paper marked $ 10 worth more than one marked $1? You could say there is no reason. It's true that a special kind of paper is used to make dollar bills, and they are pretty, but thafs not what makes them valuable. The real reaso n money is valuable is that every one believes it is.Ancient economies had no paper money or coins. Some used barter-…trading one thing for another. Others used all kinds of objects as money. Any object would do, as long as there was not an unlimited amount of it. Animals or metals were popular, and so were manufactured products like jewelry or weapons・ Wealth in ancient Greece was measured in tools or cattle. This kind of money had two purposes. First, it was usefuI in itself. Tools and cattle can be used for farming. And second, it was a way to symbolize and measure value・ A house, for example, would be valued at a certainnumber of tools or cattle. This greatly simplified trade. Other societies used money that was totally symbolic. For instance, American Indians used wampum, which is made from seashells. And until recently on the pacific island of Yap, people use large stone discs as money.In most places these types of money died out because more practical forms of money were invented. People started using precious metals, such as gold and silver, that were easier to carry around than tools or stones. And in the eighteenth century, paper money was introduced. At first people were suspicious of new currency, but they came to accept it because the government or bank issuing it would exchange an equal amount of gold for the paper. A $ 10 bill really was worth $ 10 for gold・But now, people are used to the idea that the government doesn't have to back its money with gold・ Everyone believes that a $ 10 bill is worth $10 and that is good eno ugh. But if, for some reason, people ever lost faith in paper money, ten dollars wouldn't be worth the paper it's printed on.Questions 31-35 are based on passage 131. According to the writer the real reason money is valuable is that everyone believes _______ .a. money is valuableb. gold is valuablec. money is gold32. The writer of this selection mentioned animals, metals and manufacturedproducts like jewelry or weapons because ________ ・a. they were valuableb. they were used as money in ancient timesc. people liked them33. Paper money was invented ______ ・a. to take the place of other types of moneyb. to be replaced by other types of moneyc. in the nineteenth century34. At first people did not have trust in paper money because _______ .a. it was not worth muchb. the paper was not of good qualityc. it looked like an ordinary piece of paper35. People came to accept paper money when ________ .a. the government began to issue itb. the bank began to issue itc. they could exchange it for the same amount of goldPassage 2Many private institutions of higher education around the country are in danger. Not all will be saved, and perhaps not all deserve to be saved. There are low-quality schools just as there are low-quality busi nesses. We have no obligati on to save them simply because they exist. But many thriving institutions that deserve to continue are threatened. They are doing a fine job educationally, but they are caught in a financialdifficulty, with no way to reduce rising costs or increase revenues significant!y. Raising tuition doesn't bring in more revenue, for each time tuition goes up, the enrollment goes down, or the amount that must be given away in student aid goes up. Schools are bad businesses, whether public or private, not usually because of bad management but because of the nature of the enterprise. They lose money on every customer, and they can go bankrupt either from too few students or too many students. Even a very good college is a very bad business.It is such colleges, thriving but threatened, that I worry about. Low enrollment is not their chief problem. Even with full enrollments, they may go under. Efforts to save them, and preferably to keep them private, are a national necessity. There is no basis for arguing that private schools are bound to be better than public schools. There are abundant examples to the contrary. Anyone can name state universities and colleges that rank as the fin est in the nation and the world. It is now in evitable that public institutions will be dominant, and therefore diversity is a national necessity. Diversity in the way we support schools tends to give us a healthy diversity in the forms of education. In an imperfect society such as ours, uniformity of education throughout the nation could be dangerous .In an imperfect society, diversity is a positive good. Eager supporters of public higher education know the importance of sustaining private higher education.Questions 36-40 are based on passage 236. In the passage, the author appeals to the public to support ______ .a. private higher education in generalb. public higher education in generalc. high-quality private universities and colleges37. According to the passage, schools are bad businesses because of _______ ・a. the nature of schoolb. poor teachersc. bad management38. What does the phrase “go under" (Par. 2, sentence 3) probably mean?a. have low tuitionb. get into difficultiesc. do a bad job educationally39. Which of the following statements is TRUE?a. There are many cases to indicate that private schools are superior to public schools.b. The author thinks diversity of education is preferable to uniformity of education.c. Each time tuition is raised, the enrollment goes up.40. In the author's opinion, the way that can save private schools lies in _______ ・a. full enrollmentb. raising tuitionc. national supportPassage 3A higher reading rate, with no loss of comprehension, will help you in other subjects as well as in English, and the general principles apply to any language. Naturally, you will not read every book at the same speed・ You would expect to read a newspaper, for example, much more rapidly than a physics or economics textbook一but you can raise your average reading speed over the whole range of materials you wish to cover so that the percentage gained will be the same whatever kind of reading you are concerned with.The reading passages which follow are all of an average level of difficulty for your stage of instruction. They are all about five hundred words long. They are about topics of general interest which do not require a great deal of specialized knowledge. Thus they fall between the kind of reading you might find in your textbooks and the much less demanding kind you will find in a newspaper or light novel. If you read this kind of English, with understanding at, say, four hundred words per minute, you might skim through a newspaper at perhaps 650一700, while with a difficult textbook you might drop to two hundred or two hundred and fifty.Perhaps you would like to know what reading speeds are common among native English-speaking university students and how those speeds can be improved. Tests in Minnesota, U.S.A., for example, have shown that students without special training can read English of average difficulty, for example, Tolstoy's War and Peace in translation, at speeds of between 240 and 250 words per minute with about seventy percent comprehension. Students in Minnesota claim that after twelve half-hour lesso ns, the reading speed can be in creased, with no loss of comprehension, to around fivehundred words per minute.Questions 41-45 are based on passage 341. According to the passage, the purpose of effective reading with higher speed is most likely to help youa. only in your reading of a physics textbook.b. improve your understanding of an economics textbook.c. not only in your language study but also in other subjects.42. Which of the following does not describe the types of reading materials mentioned in the second paragraph ?a. Those beyond one's reading comprehension.b. Those concerning with common knowledge.c. Those without the demand for specialized knowledge.43. The average untrained native speaker at the University of Minnesota reads ata. about three hundred words per minute.b. about two hundred and forty-five words per minute.c. about sixty words per minute.44. According to the passage, how fast can you expect to read after you have attended twelve half-hour lessons in the University of Minnesota?a. You can increase your reading speed by three times.b. No real increase in reading speed can be achieved.c. You can double your reading speed・45. Where do you think the passage is taken from?a. The introduction to a book on fast reading.b. A local newspaper for young people.c. A school newspaper run by students・Passage 4Cultural WarsFilms made 泊th United Stated have continued to sweep the globe・ According to the list of 1998's most successful movies put together by 旳少magazine, U.S. films took the top 39 places; Britain's The Full Monty came in at number 40. As a consequenee, British movie's market share fell to 14 percent of the home market, while the respective figures for French filsm were 27 percent in France and 10 percent for German films in Germany. The European Union's trade deficit with the United States in films and television is annually between $ 5 and $ 6 billion.Several of Hollywood's most successful movies have drawn from international resources. There men and a Baby was a remake of French comedy. Total Recall was made partly by French money, was directed by a Dutch man and starred an Austrian. The English Patient was directed by a Briton, shot in Italy, and starred French and British talent. The quest for new ideas and fresh talent has lead studios to develop subsidiaries in Europe: SONY'S bridge in Lon don, Miramax in Berli n, and Warner Brothers both in Berlin and Paris.Questions 46-50 are based on passage 446. American films have continued to _____ the world.a. influe neeb. winc. challe nge47. British films share the 14 percent in its _____________ in 1998.a. home marketb. American marketc. European market48. German films have a ten percent share in _________ ・a. Franceb. Britishc. German49. Three Men and a Baby was a remake of French cornedy. A “remake"means ____ .a. a copyb. a reprintc. reproduction50. The English Patient was directed by a Brit on, shot i n Italy, and s 怕rred French and British talent. A Briton means _______ .a. a British b・ an Italian c. a GermanPart IV Translation (20 points)Translate the following passages into ChinesePassage 1China's membership in the World Trade Organization creates the potential for impressive gains in economic efficiency .In deed the gains are likely to be greater than those predicted in most published quantitative estimates, since those studies do not capture fully the likely effect of more foreign competition on domestic firms. No doubt many jobs will be lost in a few sectors. But prospects for generating employment are bountiful as China benefits from the phase-out of arrangements restricting world trade in apparel, and as Taiwan, Mexico, the EU, and other markets phase out and eliminate the WTO-inconsistent trade barriers they have maintained against a broad array ofChinese goods・Passage 2The major advertising media are newspaper, magazines, direct mail, outdoor advertising, television, and radio. Newspapers account for the greatest part of advertising expenditure, with television running a fairly close second. Magazine advertising is perhaps the most prestigious, and direct mail is certainly the most selective medium. Radio and magazine advertising can also be quite selective, and radio is relatively inexpensive.。
Information for the examinees:This examination consists of three sections.They are:Section One:Grammar and Word Practice(40points)Section Two:Reading Comprehension(40points)Section Three:Translation(20 points)The total marks for this examination are 100 points.Time allowed for completing this examination is90minutes.Section One:Grammar and Word Practice(40points)Part1Questions1—10.(20points)Each of the sentences below is followed by three choices marked A,B and C.Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.(2points each)1.I think what he said was unnecessary,inaccurate and unjustified.A.activelyB. totallyC.extensively2.Do you know how to the volume of your mobile phone?A.turn downe downC. get down3.International business covers all business activities that involve exchanges national boundaries.A. withinB.outsideC.across4.We believe that business can be a powerful for social change.A.agencyB.agendaC.agent5.Your performance in this office over the last two or three months has been unsatisfactory.A. unfairlyB. unfortunatelyC.financially6. He failed in his exam, p roves that he hadn't worked hard enough.A.whatB.whichC.that7.She studied at university and is now an economist with a big international company.A.economicB.economiesC.economics(4050号)商务英语阅读试题第1页(共5页)8.Most short-term financing is unsecured. ‘Unsecured’here meansA.no interest chargeB. no collateral is requiredC.no bank loans9.The 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road is designed to go from China's coast to Europe through the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean ,and from China's coast through the South China Sea to the South Pacific in the other.A.in one routeB.in one directionC. through the way10.Markets are a s consumer and industrial markets.A.classifiedB.classifyingC.classifiesPart 2 Questions 11—20.(20 points)Choose the correct word or words from the box to complete the following sentences.(2points each)11.Carrying out the business of such a huge company requires12.These share in the company's profits and elect a board of directors to oversee the professional managers who run the company.13. Top managers set policies, s trategies,and oversee all of a firm's major decisions.14.Each of the plant managers reports directly to the vice president for production who,,reports to the president.15.Most business prepare organizational charts that the company's structure and how employee where they fit into the firm's operations.16.In poetry the rose is often a for love.(4050号)商务英语阅读试题第2页(共5页)17.We may all claim the moral high ground,but how many of us can resist the?18.Innovation is the result of creativity—the process that produces one or more innovations.19. is a paid,non-personal message communicated to a select audience through a mass medium.20.A firm that does not introduce new products to declining products will eventually fail.Section Two:Reading Comprehension(40points)Questions21—30Read the following passage and decide whether the following statements are true or false.(4 points each)Manners and CustomsChanges occurring in manners and customs must be carefully monitored,especially in cases that seem to indicate a narrowing of cultural differences among peoples. Phenomena such as McDonald's and Coke Cola have met with success around the world,but this does not mean that the world is becoming westernized. Modernization and westernization are not at all the same,as can be seen in Saudi Arabia,for example.Understanding manners and customs is especially important in negotiations,because interpretations based on one's own frame reference may lead to a totally incorrect conclusion. Universal respect is needed in cross-cultural negotiation. To negotiate effectively abroad,all types of communication should be read correctly.Americans often interpret inaction and silence as negative signs. As a result,Japanese executives tend to expect that their silence can get Americans to lower prices or sweeten a deal. Even a simple agreement may take days to negotiate in the Middle East because the Arab party may want to talk about unrelated issues or do something else for a while. The aggressive style of Russian negotiators and their usual last-minute change requests may cause astonishment and concern on the part of ill-prepared negotiators.(4050号)商务英语阅读试题第3页(共5页)21.Changing manners and customs should receive careful attention when doing international business.22.The success of McDonald's and Coke means the world has been westernized.23.Americans consider doing nothing and keeping silent as a sign of disagreement.24.Japanese executives tend to expect that their silence can get Americans to lower prices or sweeten a deal. ‘Sweeten a deal'here means to pay more money for the deal.25.Arab businessmen tend to concentrate on business during the process of negotiation. Read the following passage and choose the best answer(A,B,or C)to each question.(4point s each)People and DirectorsAll business involves people; very frequently the skill level,motivation and initiative of the people in the business determine its success.The Personnel or Human Resource Management departments exist to select,train,and organize the employees according to the needs of each department. If a business fails to achieve the best from its employees(who include everyone who works in the business from workforce to managers and directors)then the performance of the business may suffer.As a business grows,the managers become more involved in the day-to-day running of the business and sometimes the longer-term perspective is ignored.The directors are responsible for considering the long-term objectives of the business and for ensuring that resources are organized carefully so that long-term objectives are achieved.Directors are also responsible for reporting to shareholders in company reports,and it is the directors,not the managers,who bear the brunt of shareholders'scorn when profits are down,as well as receiving shareholders'praise when profits are up.Ironically,although directors are not known as managers, their whole job is about management!26.The Human Resource Management department is set to train employeesA.according to customers’requirementsB. according to the needs of each departmentC.according to the instructions from the CEO(4050号)商务英语阅读试题第4页(共5页)27. if the employees are not good enough.A.The business won't be successfulB. The workforce is not better chosenC. The managers failed to gain profit28.The long-term perspective is considered byA.employeesB. managersC.directors29.Managers and directors have the same i n companies.A.responsibilitiesB. salariesC. working hours30.Directors report toA.managersB. shareholdersC. departmentsSection Three:Translation(20points)Translate the following passage into Chinese.(20point s)31.Coca-Cola uses very simple materials in its production process. The actual product is made of carbonated water,sugar,colouring and flavouring. It is packaged in an aluminum can,with red and white ink on the side. The total cost of the labour and materials is probably less than 10 pence,although the retail price is invariably more than 35 pence. The difference between these two figures is known as added value. Every business should try to add value in everything it does. Decisions are assessed according to the amount of added value which will result. The more efficient businesses will try to remove all those process which add costs without adding value.(4050号)商务英语阅读试题第5页(共5页)。
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《商务英语阅读》试题 第1页(共9页) 《商务英语阅读》试题 第2页(共9页)试卷编号:8127 座位号浙江广播电视大学2006年春季学期期末考试《商务英语阅读》试题2006年7月Part I Multiple choiceComplete the sentences by choosing from the words below each sentence (每小题1分,共20分)1. The continued prosperity needs ___________.A. managementB. corporationC. innovation2. Asian car companies ________ to attract the discerning western buyers. A. develop cheaper carsB. produce competitive advantagesC. turn to efficient methods3. Accounting firms frequently _________ their audit clients. A. buy management skills from B. sell consulting services to C. provide audit assignment for4. The person who is responsible for an individual bank is called _______. A. bank manager B. financial advisor C. accountant5. _______ means using the Internet and a website to promote products or services. A. On-line support B. Web supportC. Advertising on the web6. Mass media promotion aims to influence public perception, not only target _____. A. competitors B. consumers C. products7. Owing to both domestic circumstances and foreign influences, ______ is no longer the principal contradiction.A. production levelB. class struggleC. socialist construction8. Some organizations can completely redefine ______ they conduct business to achieve superior competitive advantage.A. whatB. whenC. how9. By studying business, you can become ______ and investor and be a better employee. A. informed a consumer more B. informing more consumers C. a more informed consumer10. The factors of supply and demand generally ______ the price that consumers pay producers for goods and services.A. add toB. influenceC. cut down 11. Markets are ______ as consumer and industrial markets.A. classifiedB. classifyingC. classifies12. The ______ could be the precursor to a potential global monetary unit in the second half of the 21th century.A. euro monetary unitB. American dollarC. pound sterling13. International business encompasses all business activities that involve _______. A. exchange within national boundaries B. exchanges outside national boundaries C. exchanges across national boundaries14. A nation ’s ______ is the difference between the flow of money into and out of the nation. A. balance of trade B. balance of payments C. payment of balance15. Labeling provides customers with product information, some of which is required by _____. A. law B. customer C. company16. Human resources management decisions and policies should be based ________. A. on the requirements of a job B. by the job ’s requirements C. to a job management17. The four types of corporate culture illustrate the relationship of ______. A. employees and how they look at their organizations. B. cultures and familyC. incubator and businesses18. Managers hired away from other firms may bring new ideas but may ____ existing employees.A. isolate themselves fromB. integrated themselves withC. turn to19. Organizational charts show employees where they _____.《商务英语阅读》试题 第3页(共9页) 《商务英语阅读》试题 第4页(共9页)A. start their workB. report to the bossC. fit into the company ’s operation 20. The funds needed to operate an enterprise are referred to as _______.A. capitalB. resourcesC. labor Part II Match (每小题2分,共20分)Section AChoose the correct word or words from the box to complete the passageA firm can enter international markets in several ways. It may license a foreign firm to produce and market its products. It may export its products and sell them through foreign 21 or its own sales organization. It may 22 a joint venture with a foreign firm. It may establish its own foreign 23 . Or it may develop into a 24 enterprise. Generally, each of these methods represent a deeper involvement in international business than those that 25it in this list.Section BChoose the correct word or words from the box to complete the following sentences26. Can you check that the figures have been entered correctly in the . 27. There was a dramatic in sales to the USA between 1997 and 2000. 28. Topset policies, formulate strategies, polices and decisions. 29. Selling something at a reduced price is called giving a .30. E-business is about transforming business processes and integrating them with .Part III Reading comprehension (每小题2分,共40分)Passage 1Richard Brasher, commercial director of Tesco ’on a shortlist that includes Stuart Rose, the former boss of retailing group Arcadia, the and is highly rated by the group ’s chief executive, Terry Leahy.Boots has been looking for a chief executive and a new chairman since the middle trying to find a way to distinguish itself and its products from supermarkets.within Sainsbury stores at nine out-of-town supermarkets. Although both sides agreed targets had been met, they could not agree terms to take the scheme forward. suggested that the two had disagreed over sharing revenues.Boots has confirmed the departure of another senior member of management. Bunting, head of treasury, will leave the company in April. Other senior staff who have Boots ’ core business.Questions 31-35 are based on passage 131. Boots, according to the passage, is _______. A. a personB. a supermarketC. a hotelD. a factory32. Richard Brasher is to ________. A. become chief executive B. be on a shortlist C. be a high-flier D. work within Tesco 33. Brasher is _______.A. scolded badly by Terry LeahyB. highly assessed by Tesco’s chief executiveC. valued greatly by TescoD.understood by Tesco34. Sainsbury is a ________.A. person who worked with BootsB. business that wants to work with BootsC. supermarket that has developed its own program all the timeD. supermarket that stopped cooperation with Boots35. It seems that ________.A. a lot of people left BootsB. Boots is thriving quicklyC. Boots has decided to reformD. Some senior staff have left or will leave BootsPassage 2Large companies need a way to reach the savings of the public at large. The same problem , on a smaller scale, faces practically every company trying to develop new products and create new jobs. There can be little prospect of raising the sort of sums needed from friends and people we know, and while banks may agree to provide short-term finance, they are generally unwilling to provide money on a permanent basis for long-term projects. So companies turn to the public, inviting people to lend them money, or take a share in the business in exchange for a share in future profits. This they do by issuing stocks and shares in the business through the Stock Exchange. By doing so they can put into circulation the savings of individuals and institutions, both at home and overseas.When the saver needs his money back, he does not have to go to the company with whom he originally placed it. Instead, he sells his shares through a stockbroker to some other saver who is seeking to invest his money.Many of the services needed both by industry and by each of us are provided by the Government or by local authorities. Without hospitals, roads, electricity, telephones, railways, this country could not function. All these require continuous spending on new equipment and new development if they are to serve us properly, requiring more money than is raised through taxes alone. The Government, local authorities, and nationalized industries therefore frequently need to borrow money to finance major capital spending, and they, too, come to the Stock Exchange.There is hardly a man or woman in this country whose job or whose standard of living does not depend on the ability of his or her employers to raise money to finance new development. In one way or another this new money must come from the savings of the country. The Stock Exchange exists to provide a channel through which these savings can reach those who need finance. Questions 36-40 are based on passage 236. Almost all companies involved in new production and development must .A. rely on their own financial resourcesB. persuade the banks to provide long-term financeC. depend on the population as a whole for financeD. borrow large sums of money from friends and people they know37. The money which enables these companies to go ahead with their projects is .A. repaid to its original owners as soon as possibleB. raised by the selling of shares in the companiesC. exchanged for part ownership in the Stock ExchangeD. invested in different companies on the Stock Exchange38. When the savers want their money back they .A. ask another company to obtain their money for themB. look for other people to borrow money fromC. put their shares in the company back on the marketD. transfer their money to a more successful company39. All the essential services on which we depend are .A. run by the Government or our local authoritiesB. financed wholly by the rates and taxesC. in constant need of financial supportD. unable to provide for the needs of the population40. The Stock Exchange makes it possible for the Government, local authorities and nationalized industries .A. to borrow as much as they wishB. to make certain everybody saves moneyC. to raise money to finance new developmentsD. to make certain everybody lends money to themPassage 3They are among the 250,000 people under the age of 25 who are out of work in the Netherlands, a group that accounts for 40 percent of the nation’s unemployed. A storm of anger boils up at the government sponsored youth center, even among those who are continuing their studies.“We study for jobs that don’t exist,” Nicollete Steggerda, 23, said.After three decades of prosperity, unemployment among 10 member nations of the European community has exceeded 11 percent, affecting a total of 12.3 million people, and the number is climbing.《商务英语阅读》试题第5页(共9页)《商务英语阅读》试题第6页(共9页)The bitter disappointment long expressed by British youths is spreading across the continent. The title of a rock song “No Future”can now be seen written on the brick walls of closed factories in Belgium and France.Recent surveys have found that the increasing argument in the last few years over the deployment in Europe of North Atlantic Treaty Organization missiles and the possibility of nuclear war has clouded European youths’ confidence in the future.One form of protest tends to put the responsibility for a country’s economic troubles on the large numbers of “guest workers”from Third World nations, people welcomed in Western Europe in the years of prosperity.Young Europeans, brought up in an extended period of economic success and general stability, seem to resemble Americans more than they do their own parents. Material enjoyment has given them a sense of expectation, event the right to a standard of living that they see around them.“And so we pass the days at the discos, or meet people at the cafe, and sit and stare.” said Isabella Gaulat. “There is usually not much conversation. You look for happiness. Sometimes you even find it.”Questions 41-45 are based on passage 341. What Nicollete Stegerda said in paragraph 2 means that _______.A. school education is not sufficientB. what the students learn more than necessaryC. the students cannot get work after graduationD. the students’ aim in study is not clear42. Which of the following is definitely true, according to the passage?A. The young people are studying too hard.B. The courses in the youth center are too difficult.C. The government financed the establishment of job-oriented schoolD. The tests given to the youngsters are too difficult43. Which of the following statements is not true?A. The rock song “No Future” expresses the European youths’ disappointmentB. European youths did not expect such a widespread unemploymentC. European youths worry that a new world war might break out in the future.D. Almost half of the guest workers in Western Europe are unemployed now.44. British youths ______.A. are trying to find work on the continentB. are sympathetic with the unemployed on the continentC. show their concern for unemployment in France and BelgiumD. have been the first to show their disappointment over joblessness45. It seems that young Europeans ________.A. look upon life as their elders doB. are more like American that their elders in their way of thinkingC. look more like Americans than their eldersD. expect more from Americans than from their eldersPassage 4system.may not always be an easy task. Hence, the introduction of money as a medium ofor sold for money.An alternative to the market system is administrative control by some agence over transactions. This agency will issue edicts or commands as to how much of each goodmay be one way of administering such an economy. The central plan, drawn up byhouseholds for consumption. This is an example of complete planning of consumption, and exchange for the whole economy.In a traditional society, production and consumption patterns are governed by every person’s place within the economic system is fixed by parentage, religion, andon the basis of tradition alone, progress may be difficult to achieve. A stagnant society result.Questions 46-50 are based on passage 446. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To outline contrasting types of economic system.B. To explain the science of economics.C. To argue for the superiority of one economic system.D. To compare barter and money-exchange markets.47. In the second paragraph, the word ‘real’ in ‘real goods’the following?A. high qualityB. concreteC. utterD. authentic48. According to the passage, a barter economy can lead to_________.《商务英语阅读》试题第7页(共9页)《商务英语阅读》试题第8页(共9页)A. rapid speed of transactionsB. misunderstandingsC. inflationD. difficulties for the traders49. According to the passage, who has the greatest degree of control in an administered system?A. Individual householdsB. Small businessesC. Major corporationsD. The government50. Which of the following isNOT mentioned by the author as a criterion for determining aperson’s place in a traditional society?A. Family backgroundB. AgeC. Religious beliefsD. CustomPart IV TranslationTranslate the following passages into Chinese(每小题10分,共20分)Passage 1In contrast, a tariff is a tax charged on imported products. Tariffs directly affect the prices ofproducts, effectively raising the price of imports to consumers who must pay not only for theproducts but also for the tariff. Tariffs may take either of two forms. A revenue tariff is imposedstrictly to raise money for the government. But most tariffs in effect today are protectionist tariffsmeant to discourage the import of a particular product.Passage 2Cultural or workplace diversity refers to the differences among people in a work force torace, ethnicity, and gender. With the increase of women, minorities, and immigrants entering theU.S. work force, management is posed with both challenges and competitive advantages. Someorganizations are implementing diversity-training programs and working to keep culturaldiversity alive. With the proper guidance and management, a culturally diverse organization canprove to be beneficial to all involved.《商务英语阅读》试题第9页(共9页)《商务英语阅读》试题第10页(共9页)。