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globalized and integrated world economy 世界经济全球化与一体化foreign exchange risk 外汇风险political risk 政治风险

market imperfections 市场的不完全trade barriers 贸易壁垒

shareholder wealth maximization 股东财富最大化

multinational corporation(MNC) 跨国公司

Privatization 私有化

deregulate 放松管制


Bimetallism 复本位制

Bretton Woods system 布雷顿森林体系

currency board 货币局

euro 欧元

European Central Bank(ECB) 欧洲中央银行

European Currency Unit(ECU) 欧洲货币单位

European Monetary System (EMS) 欧洲货币体系

European Monetary Union (EMU) 欧洲货币联盟

Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) 汇率机制

Eurosystem 欧元体系

gold-exchange standard 金汇兑本位制gold standard 金本位制

Gresham’s law 格雷欣法则incompatible trinity 矛盾的三位一体international monetary system 国际货币体系

Jamaica Agreement 牙买加协议managed-float system 管理浮动汇率制optimum currency areas 最优货币区par value平价

special drawing rights(SDRs)特别提款权Triffin paradox特里芬难题


balance of payments国际收支balance-of-paymentsidentity (BOPI)国际收支恒等式

capital account资本账户

current account经常账户

factor income要素收入

foreign direct investment(FDI)对外直接投资

invisible trade无形贸易

J-curve effect J曲线效应Mercantilism重商主义merchandise trade商品贸易

official reserve account官方储备账户official reserve assets官方储备资产official settlementbalance官方结算差额

other investment其他投资

portfolio investment证券投资

trade balance贸易余额

unilateral transfers单方面转移


agency problem代理问题

complete contract完备合同Concentratedownership所有权集中corporate governance公司治理equity cross-holdings交叉持股

free cash flows自由现金流managerialentrenchment管理防御小樱

private benefits ofControl控制权的私人利益

public corporation上市公司pyramidal ownership金字塔所有权residual controlrights剩余控制权shareholder rights股东权利


Hedge funds 对冲基金

pension funds 养老基金

Mutual funds 共同基金

conversion 转换

Foreign trade financing 对外贸易融资turnover 销售额

FX Market 外汇市场

Nonbank dealers 非银行交易商

FX brokers 经纪人

American terms 美式标价Appreciate升值

ask price卖出标价

bid price买入标价

cross-exchange rate 套算汇率Depreciate 贬值

direct quotation 直接标价

foreign exchange (FX)market外汇市场forward market远期市场

forward premium/discount远期升水贴水

forward rate远期汇率

indirect quotation间接标价interbank market银行同业市场

offer price卖出标价

outright forward transaction 直接远期交易

over-the-counter (OTC) market 场外市场

retail market 零售市场spot market 即期市场

spot rate 即期汇率

swap transactions 互换交易triangular arbitrage 三角套利wholesale market 批发市场


Exercise price 执行价格

option premium 期权费

Call option 买权

put option 卖权

contingent exposure或有风险暴露cross-hedging交叉套期保值economic exposure经济风险暴露exposure netting风险暴露净额forward markethedge远期市场套期保值

lead/lag strategy超前或延后支付策略money market hedge货币市场套期保值

options markethedge期权市场套期保值

transaction exposure 交易风险暴露Translation exposure 转换风险暴露


Cash flows 现金流

operating exposure 经营性风险asset exposure 资产风险暴露competitive effect 竞争效应conversion effect 兑换效应

elastic demand 需求弹性

exchange rate pass-through 汇率传递exposure coefficient 风险暴露系数financial hedging 金融性套期保值flexible sourcing policy 弹性采购政策operating exposure 经营风险暴露


Eurocurrency market 欧洲货币市场full service banks 全能银行

affiliate bank联营银行

bank capitaladequacy银行资本充足率Basel Accord巴赛尔协议correspondent bankrelationship代理
