7610.TINA-TI 9 仿真软件使用说明
Tina备份软件简介与安装配置手册目录▪ 1.前言 (6)1.1.整体系统架构要求 (6)1.2.需求分析 (7)▪ 2.备份系统设计 (8)2.1.备份系统设计依据 (8)2.1.1.备份系统类型 (9)2.1.2.数据的保存时间 (10)2.1.3.备份的时间策略 (10)2.1.4.备份时间测算方法 (11)2.1.5.数据的恢复方法和恢复时间 (11)▪ 3.备份软件介绍 (11)3.1.Tina领先的技术优势 (11)3.2.Tina特点综述 (12)3.2.1.便于扩展的产品内部设计 (12)3.2.2.高速并行处理与缓存 (13)3.2.3.独创宏多路技术 (13)3.2.4.合成备份功能 (14)3.2.5.强大的数据压缩机制 (14)3.2.6.友好的集中管理界面 (15)3.2.7.基于浏览器的监控界面 (15)3.2.8.可视化的任务管理 (16)3.2.9.综合事件管理器 (17)3.2.10.日志文件的重定向功能 (17)3.2.11.同框架程序以及调度程序的集成 (18)3.2.12.安全的防火墙 (18)3.2.13.多重写和灾难恢复程序 (18)3.2.14.先进的意外事件处理策略 (19)3.2.15.严格的访问权限控制 (19)3.2.16.多级用户权限划分 (20)3.2.17.可靠的备份服务器用户保护 (20)3.2.18.多种数据存储格式 (20)3.2.19.先进的介质库管理与多卷缓冲池 (20)3.2.20.虚拟磁带库支持 (21)3.2.21.自动化带库支持 (21)3.2.22.集中/分散的存储管理 (22)3.2.23.安全的归档数据模型 (22)3.2.24.面向用户的归档数据检索 (22)3.2.25.对虚拟化支持 (23)3.2.26.重复删除数据 (25)3.2.27.复制容灾 (26)3.2.28.广泛的平台,数据库与应用软件支持 (26)3.2.29.备份管理 (26)▪ 4.备份服务器安装和配置 (27)4.1.安装前准备工作 (27)4.2.安装软件过程 (27)4.3.登陆控制台管理 (34)4.4.创建虚拟带库 (36)4.5.创建备份介质池 (38)4.6.选择需要备份的文件内容 (39)4.7.创建备份策略 (40)4.8.添加物理带库 (43)▪ 5.客户端安装与配置 (47)5.1.检查linux 系统内核和版本与安装软件一致 (47)5.2.软件安装过程 (47)5.3.添加客户端 (54)5.4.验证客户端 (55)▪ 6. CATALOG编目备份和恢复 (56)6.1.catalog备份 (56)6.2.Catalog恢复 (57)▪7.文件恢复 (59)7.1.还原和归档管理器 (59)7.2.时间导航功能 (59)7.3.恢复参数 (60)▪8. ORACLE备份和恢复 (62)8.1.准备工作 (62)8.2.修改系统环境变量 (63)8.3.重启软件服务 (64)8.4.在ORACLE中创建表 (64)8.5.创建Oracle备份应用 (64)8.6.数据库恢复 (67)8.7.检查还原的数据 (70)▪9. LANFREE备份配置 (70)NFree备份条件 (70)9.2.创建一个SAN网络 (70)9.3.添加LANFree主机 (71)▪10. VMWARE虚拟化备份 (73)10.1.启用vsphere模块 (73)10.2.创建vsphere应用 (74)10.3.vspher配置参数 (75)10.4.备份选择 (75)10.5.VMWARE CBT (76)10.6.vsphere恢复 (77)1.前言随着计算机存储信息量的不断增长,数据备份和灾难恢复成为引人关注的话题。
1.h TI webpage ed TINA-TI version are:000/XPA–August 2007–RevisedAugust 2008Submit Documentation FeedbackZHCU008 –2007年8月–2008年8月修订TINA-TI™入门 1提交文档反1Overview This quick-start user's guide presents an overview of TINA-TI™,a powerful circuit design and simulation tool.TINA-TI is ideal for designing,testing,and troubleshooting a broad variety of basic and advanced circuits,including complex architectures,without any node or number of device limitations.This documentis intended to help new TINA-TI users start creating circuit simulations using the fundamental features of TINA-TI software in the shortest possible time.Contents 1Overview ......................................................................................................................12Schematic Editor .............................................................................................................23Building a Circuit with TINA-TI .............................................................................................34Analysis Capabilities ........................................................................................................65Test and Measurement .....................................................................................................96AdditionalAssistance ......................................................................................................10List of Figures 1DownloadingTINA-TI (2)2TINA-TI Schematic Editor Display .........................................................................................33Building a Circuit with TINA-TI .............................................................................................44Active and Passive Component Selection ................................................................................55Wiring Components Together ..............................................................................................66DC Analysis with Voltages/Currents Table Displayed ..................................................................77Additional TINA .....................................................................................88Virtual Instrumentation Testing (99)Contextual Help in TINA-TI ...............................................................................................10Texas Instruments has teamed up with DesignSoft,Inc.to provide our customers with TINA-TI,a powerful circuit simulation tool that is well-suited for simulating analog and switched-mode power supply (SMPS)circuits.The tool is ideal for helping designers and engineers to develop and test circuit ideas.TI selected the TINA™simulation software over other SPICE-based simulators for its combination of powerful analysis capabilities,simple and intuitive graphics-based interface,and ease of use,allowing you to be up and running in minimal time.If you are familiar with another SPICE simulator,adapting to TINA-TI should be an easy and straighforward transition.Although TINA-TI is a limited version of more powerful DesignSoft simulation products,it easily handles surprisingly complex circuits.Texas Instruments does not warrant or support any DesignSoft product.TINA-TI is a software program developed by both TI and DesignSoft.For more information about DesignSoft,visit the DesignSoft website at .TINA-TI is a trademark of Texas Instruments and DesignSoft,Inc.TINA is a trademark of DesignSoft,Inc.Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.SBOU052A–August 2007–Revised August 2008Getting Started with TINA-TI™1Submit Documentation Feedback这本用户快速入门指南概要性的介绍了TINA-TI™——一个强大的电路设计及仿真工具。
4.仿真程序的安装4.1.将“仿真机安装包”下的“XS300CFBI.r ar”解压缩到D盘根目录下。
TINA PRO ADVANCED TOPICSIntroductionTINA offers many useful and advanced features for designing, testing, and teaching electronics. These include S-parameter models, network analysis, Fourier series and Fourier spectrum analysis, noise analysis, symbolic analysis, post-processing of analysis results, phasor diagrams, Nyquist diagrams, a built-in interpreter, multi-parameter optimization, and much more.Detailed descriptions of all these features can be found in this electronic manual.Table of Contents•Parameter Stepping•DC Transfer Characteristic and Parameter Sweeping•Phasor Diagram•Nyq uist Diagram•Noise Analysis•Network Analysis and S-parameters•Symbolic Analysis•Post-processing Analysis Results•Optimization•Fourier Series and Fourier SpectrumWe are continuously adding new topics and examples to this chapter, so please check back regularly to the Documentation section of our web site for the latest version.Parameter SteppingIn Parameter stepping mode, TINA steps the associated component values a given number of times through a given range and runs the selected analysis for each value. This results in the calculation and plotting of a set of curves illustrating the sensitivity of the circuit to changes in the associated parameters.Parameter Stepping is controlled by four parameters: Start value, End value, Number of cases, and Sweep type (Linear, Logarithmic or List).The stepped component value parameters can be any numerical parameters of the TINA components–e.g., the resistance of resistors, the setting of a potentiometer, or parameters on transistor data sheets.To set up parameter stepping for a component, click on the Analysis.Control Object menu item, or click on the Select Control Object speed button.A cursor that looks like a resistor will appear in the schematic editor window, waiting for you to identify the component for which you wish to assign a stepped parameter. Point at the desired component, right click, and all of its associated parameters will be displayed in the dialog window.Should the desired parameter belong to a catalog component or be an excitation attribute, you must first select the semiconductor or waveform type so that you can access the appropriate data sheet.In the case of a resistor, for example, the following dialog window will appear:Select the line containing the parameter to be stepped and then click on the Select button. The following dialog will appear:Set the appropriate stepping parameters. The number of cases includes the Start and End values.By setting the number of steps to 1, you can perform a single analysis at the value defined by the Start value of the parameter. This gives you a way of examining the response with only a temporary change of parameter (without modifying the original value).If you press the List button and then press the unlabeled button to the right, the List Editor for parameter stepping will appear:By default it will show three values calculated between the Start and End value, but you can enter any values you wish, remove values, or clear the list entirely.Press OK to return to the previous dialog window which, in turn can be closed by its OK button. You can also turn off parameter stepping for this component using the Remove button.You can repeat the above procedure for any number of parameters to be stepped.Note that you do not have to use the same number of cases for each value being stepped. TINA will run an analysis for all possible combinations of values stepped. For example, if you ask to vary part A in three steps and part B in four steps, you’ll get twelve curves.The program will go into parameter stepping mode automatically whenever a component is set as control object according to the procedure above. The mode status can be checked via the Analysis/Mode dialog window.You can use this dialog window to select single analysis or parameter stepping analysis.Using this dialog window, you can also select Temperature Stepping, Worst Case and Monte Carlo analysis.An example will make Parameter Stepping clearer. Load the file RLC_1.TSC from TINA’s EXAMPLES folder. Note that this circuit is already in parameter stepping mode for the resistor R, which is changed between 100 Ω and 1.1kΩ in 3 steps. Click the button, select the R resistor with the new cursor, and press Select. You should see the following dialog window:After closing this dialog and running Analysis/AC Analysis/AC Transfer Characteristic, the following diagram will appear:To determine which value of the stepped parameter is associated with a curve, move the cursor over the curve and read the corresponding value in the line at the bottom of the screen. You can also use the Legend and Auto value buttons in the diagram window to show the corresponding stepped values. Refer to the diagram below.Now let’s step the value of the capacitor using the List option. Let the values be 100pF and 1nF.Click the button, select the capacitor C, and press Select. You should see the following window:Select the List option and press the button to its right. The following dialog will appear:Press the Remove Last button and set the first parameter to 100p.Now close all the dialog windows by pressing their OK buttons and run Analysis/AC Analysis/AC Transfer Characteristic.The new set of curves belonging to the cases where C=100pF can be clearly recognized on the right side of the diagram. We have also added two auto labels showing the typical values of the parameters.DC Transfer Characteristic and parametersweepingTo calculate a DC transfer characteristic, you should assign exactly one input (normally a voltage or current source or generator, or a resistor) and at least one output. Later, you can change the assigned input in the DC Transfer Characteristic dialog window. You can also add more outputs using the post-processor. Plotting a result as a function of a range of resistor values is called DC parameter sweeping.There are several ways to assign a component to serve as the input.1. In TINA Version 6, the simplest way is to select the part from the Input list box of the DC Transfer Characteristic dialog window. Once selected, TINA will remember it and it will be saved as the selected input in your circuit file.2. Use the I/O state field of generators and sources to assign them as input.3. You can also use the Insert/Input command to assign an input to a source/generator or to a resistor. First select the Insert/Input command and see a special I+ shaped cursor appear. Click the first node of the component to be selected and hold down the mouse button while you drag the input to the other node. The Insert/Input command is not the easiest way to select a DC Transfer input: method one or two is preferred.To assign an output, use any appropriate meter from the Meters Toolbar (Voltage Pin, Voltage Meter, Ampere Meter, Power Meter, etc.) or use the Insert/Output command. In most cases, a meter is the best choice; however, if your output is on nodes far from each other, the Output command might be useful.After you have assigned at least one output, you can invoke the Analyis/DC Analysis/DC Transfer Characteristic command.The following dialog will appear:Explanation of the parameters:Number of points: The program calculates the transfer characteristic at the number of points defined. The default value is 20.Start Value and End Value: The program evenly divides the specified input range so that the number of points includes the start value and the end value. For each input point, the program calculates the output value and uses it to build the transfer characteristic. The units indicated in the square bracket correspond to that of the input ( e.g., V for a voltage generator). Normally, the input values are generated in increasing order. However, if you prefer calculation in a decreasing order, assign the greater limit of the input range to the Start value and the smaller limit to the Endvalue. The order of calculation only matters with the DC characteristics of circuits with hysteresis (e.g., S chmitt trigger).Input:Here you can check and change, if desired, the input. To change the input, click the arrow in this field and the available input quantities (label names of sources and resistors in the circuit) will appear. If a component has no label, TINA will automatically label it in the form V_no_label_1. Click on the name to select it as the input.Enable hysteresis run: If this checkbox is checked, TINA will first run an analysis varying the Input quantity from the Start value to the End value, and then run an analysis from the End value to the Start value . You should use this option for components with hysteresis (where the characteristic depends on the direction of change).Note that if you use a resistor as an input, TINA calculates the transfer characteristic multiple times, once for each step of the resistance (parameter sweeping).When running an analysis on a nonlinear network, the DC analysis might not converge at certain points. These points will be skipped when plotting the response. If they are at the start and/or end values, the displayed (input) range will be truncated accordingly.Let’s look at two examples.First, let’s draw the characteristics of a bipolar transistor (CHARBIPO.TSC)Select the current source and Analysis/Mode to see how the base current, IB, is stepped.Then invoke the Analysis/DC Analysis/DC Transfer Characteristics command. See the following dialog:VCAccording to the dialog window, the input, VC, will be varied form the Start value (0V) to the End value (20)The result is familiar family of curves that constitute the common emitter characteristic of a transistor.Now let’s see an example of parameter sweeping (sweep.tsc)The circuit:The output is the power meter, showing the dissipation on Rload.R load 1k10If you invoke the Analysis/DC Analysis/DC Transfer Characteristics command, you’ll be greeted by this dialog box:Note that the resistor Rload is swept from 0 to 100 ohms.Press OK to obtain the following diagram:This is the well known curve of power dissipated on a load resistor as the load resistance is varied. Maximum power is transferred when the source resistance and load resistance are equal.Phasor diagramThe phasor diagram is a great tool for demonstrating and studying circuit operation via complex phasors (vectors). Phasor diagrams can be used only with AC analysis with linear circuits, or with nonlinear circuits in working point linearization.Let’s use TINA to draw the phasor diagram of an RC circuit.First open the circuit RC.tsc in the examples\phasor directory.Run the AC Analysis.Phasor diagram command. TINA generates a new diagram containing three vectors in the diagram window . As you can see, Vgen is the vector sum of Rout and Cout, but to make this clearer you can change the position of the vectors.By default all the vectors originate from the origin of the coordinate system; however, you can translate them by simply clicking and dragging them into another place. When you drag a vector close to another vector’s starting or ending point, it will be automatically snapped to it. Try dragging the vector Rout to the end of Cout to form a triangle with Vgen. Notice that when you move the cursor above a vector, TINA presents its name, amplitude, and phase in the status-line.If you prefer a display without axes, turn the axes off using the View.Display axes menu.If you double click on a vector (or right-click it and select Properties), the vector’s configuration dialog box appears. In addition to the usual settings for the vector’s color, width, and style, you can also set the vector head style.Using the Arc settings, you can draw an arc between Cout and Vgen by setting Vgen in the Arc.Draw to listbox of the Cout vector’s configuration dialog box. You can also set the radius of the arc in pixels and choose whether the smaller (<=180°) or the bigger arc (>180°) should be displayed.Next, you can add labels to all the vectors at once by pressing the legend button on the toolbar. You can also add legends individually: press the Auto label button, then select the vectors one-by-one. The actual label format depends on the selected Vector label style under the View menu. Finally, you can add lines, circles, or texts to finish your diagram.This diagram can then b e copied to the clipb oard and pasted into the schematic editor or any word processing program.Nyquist DiagramTINA’s AC transfer analysis can plot not only the Amplitude, Phase and Group delay of the transfer function of analog circuits, but the Nyquist diag ram as well. To see how this works, first load the examples\rlc_1.sch circuit. Next, select the Analysis.AC Analysis.AC Transfer Characteristic menu item. Now the AC Transfer Characteristic dialog box appears on screen, where you can select the Frequency rang es of the analysis, the sweep type, and the diag ram you want to plot (Amplitude, Phase, Nyquist, Group Delay).Set the frequency from 10k to 1M and set the diagram type to Nyquist. In order to get a smooth curve, increase the Number of point to 1000. Press the OK button and see the Nyquist diag ram of the circuit calculated and plotted, as shown in the diagram window.This diagram is different from a normal Transient or AC analysis diagram. A Nyquist diagram requires that horizontal and vertical scales always be proportional to each other. This keeps circular curves circular, even if you resize the window. Furthermore, a Nyquist curve presents the trace of a vector quantity as frequency is varied. When you activate a cursor and explore the trace, the cursor dialog shows the numerical values of the curves at a given frequency, in either real-imaginary or amplitude-phase format.Noise analysisThe minimum signal level which a given circuit can measure or amplify is determined by spontaneous fluctuations occurring in the circuit component. These spontaneous fluctuations are called noise. Noise usually has energy in all parts of the frequency range.TINA calculates the noise contributions of circuit components and then presents them referred to the output. The random noise fluctuations are analyzed statistically, considering the time domain average to be zero, while the variance and sum of the squares are not zero. Noise analysis results can be displayed and printed over a frequency range similar to the Bode diagram of AC analysis.TINA takes into account the noise sources inherent in resistors and semiconductors (transistors,diodes). Resistors are modeled as an ideal noiseless resistor in parallel with an equivalent thermal noise current. This equivalent noise is modelled by white noise, i.e., noise containing all frequency components with the same amplitude density. The contributions of all the noise generators in the circuit are calculated to determine each one’s magnitude at the output. The 'output noise' is formed from the square root of the sum of the squares (rms value) of these individual contributions.To correctly account for the noise contribution of operational amplifiers, you should use models made by manufacturers by choosing devices from the Spice Macro Models toolbar. Open the macro and check the noise model. Some manufacturer models have special purpose noise models, or no noise modelling whatsoever. TINA’s ideal, standard and linear opamp models (on the Semiconductor toolbar) do not include a noise model.Since the transfer functions of the circuit are known, the equivalent input noise can be calculated from the output noise. Expressing all the circuit noise in terms of an equivalent input noise makes it possible to compare the levels of real signals presented to the input to the circuit noise referred to the input. A circuit expected to amplify small input signals, signals approaching the magnitude of the equivalentinput noise, will not be very useful.Resistors generate resistive (thermal) noise which is computed as the following source current:R T k i ⋅⋅=42where k = 1.38e-23 (Wsec/K)Boltzmann constantT = temperature in KR = resistance in ohms Semiconductors g enerate not only thermal noise (similar to resistors), but flicker noise (1/f noise) as well. The spectral density of flicker noise decreases in inverse proportion to the frequency, hence the name 1/f noise.ofbandwidth.TINA can also present noise as a curve of Total noise, at the output, as a function of frequency. In computing this curve, TINA sums all the noise from the start frequency up to the specified maximum frequency value and presents it as total noise. Naturally, the curve rises monotonically. For example, if you set the start frequency to 20Hz and the end frequency to 20kHz, you will learn the total output noise over the typical audio bandwidth.Another measure of noise, the “signal to noise ratio,” takes the signal magnitude into account. This is the ratio of signal power to noise power, according to the following formula:/20*log SigTotV S N V =where V Tot is the total input-referred noise voltage and V Sig represents the expected signal amplitude.V Sig is a user-defined value that you enter in the Noise Analysis dialog. The default value is 1mV.To get a better feeling for these noise concepts, let's study the following circuit, an equivalent circuit of a basic amplifier (noise.tsc).Select Analysis.Noise Analysis. The following dialog appearsThe dialog allows you to set the Start frequency , End frequency , the Number of points for which the noise is to be computed, and the Signal amplitude . You may also select the required analysis results–Output Noise, Total Noise, Input Noise, and Signal to Noise.VgenVF1Output noiseInput NoiseTotal NoiseNetwork Analysis and S-parametersNetwork AnalysisTINA helps you perform network analysis and determine the two-port parameters of networks (S, Z, Y, H). This is especially useful if you work with RF circuits. Results can be displayed in Smith, Polar, or other diagrams.The network analysis is carried out with the help of TINA’s network analyzer. The RF models of the circuit elements can be defined as SPICE sub-circuits (SPICE macros) which contain parasitic components (inductors, capacitors) or as an S-parameter model defined by its S (frequency) function. S functions are normally provided by the component manufacturers (based on their measurements) and can be downloaded from the Internet and inserted into TINA either manually or by using TINA's library manager.Let’s get started with an example. Open the circuit examples\rf\spar_tr.sch.This circuit consists of a network analyzer connected to an RF transistor. The first port of the network analyzer measures the base-emitter characteristic while the second port measures the collector-emitter characteristic of the transistor. If you double-click on the transistor, you will see that the actual characteristics of this transistor are defined by its S11, S12, S21, S22 parameters, and R1 and R2 input/output impedances.Each function is defined as a table of the S parameter and frequency. If you click on the … button beside the Complex label, you can see this table.You can easily add more points to the function with the Add new button or load an entirely new function with the Load button. Similarly, the Remove last button removes the last point, and the Clear all removes all the points from the list. The Arrange points button sorts all the points in ascending order of frequency. Note that TINA comes with many other models defined by S-parameters (under the RF toolbar).Close all the dialog boxes and run Analysis.AC work analysis. Among many other parameters in the dialog, you can specify the frequency range and the mode (i.e., what to draw) of the analysis.The diagrams available depend on the selected analysis mode. In S Analysis, the Amplitude, Phase, Polar, or Smith diagram cans be drawn. Let’s select Analysis mode S, the Amplitude, Phase, Polar and Smith diagram types, and press OK. Four new pages are inserted into the diagram window. Each new page contains four curves, the S11, S12, S21, and S22 curves, displayed in the appropriate diagram style. You can obtain specific data values by placing a cursor on the desired points. When you place the cursor on a Smith curve, a special cursor diagram comes up, which can display the curve’s values in the format set with the Format and params (S-params, Z-params, etc.) fields.You can annotate these diagrams, as you can any other diagram types, by adding texts, circles, and lines. You can explore data values of particular points on the curves using the cursors, and zoom in and out. But for Smith and Polar diagrams, axis settings are handled differently. Even though these diagrams look like polar diagrams, the coordinate ranges are defined in the real-imaginary domain. The real part (i.e. real axis) can be set by double clicking on the horizontally aligned numbers (on the Polar diagram the amplitude values), and the imaginary part by double clicking on the circularly aligned numbers (on the Polar diagram the Phase values). You can set the format of the numbers and the horizontal or vertical range of the diagram using the dialog that appears.Models for Network analysis can also be defined using SPICE subcircuits. To demonstrate this, open the circuit examples\rf\spice_tr.sch in the schematic editor. This example contains a circuit similar to the one we’ve just looked at: a network analyzer connected to a transistor, and a current source and a capacitor.In this circuit, however, the transistor contains a SPICE subcircuit. Its netlist can be viewed by clicking Enter macro in its property dialog.TINA contains many other RF models that can be found under the Spice Macro Models toolbar.Now run Analysis.AC work Analysis again and note that the results are similar to those obtained with the S-parameter models.Network analysis curves can also be generated using TINA's Network Analyzer under the T&M menu. To select the diagram you need, first set the Network Analyzer Mode, then the display type. After you press Start, the selected curves will be displayed on the instrument.Symbolic AnalysisSymbolic AnalysisTINA’s symbolic analysis produces closed form expressions of the transfer function, equivalent resistance or impedance, as well as the DC, AC, and transient response of linear circuits. These equations can then be inserted into the schematic editor or the diagram window. With the help of the built-in interpreter, they can be even further manipulated and displayed as a diagram in the diagram window. The formulas provided by symbolic analysis allow a unique in-depth understanding of circuit operation, invaluable both for design and education.Let’s see a few examples. First load the circuit examples\symbolic\actfilt.sch. It is an active filter with an ideal operational amplifier.Now run Analysis.Symbolic Analysis.AC Transfer. The transfer function is generated and displayed in the Equation Editor.All the variables (values of the capacitors, resistors, etc…) were treated as (unknown) symbols, so the expression contains their symbolic names. However, in case you want to calculate the numerical form of the transfer function using the circuit element’s actual values, you need to click on Analysis.Symbolic Analysis.Semi-symbolic AC Transfer, and the following expression will appear.This expression can then be copied to the clipboard (by pressing the copy button on the toolbar) and pasted to the schematic editor or to any of the diagram pages.You can also generate a symbolic result with only a few symbolic variables, while the numerical values of the rest of the variables have been substituted. Symbolic analysis takes the symbols of the variable from the circuit element’s labels in the schematic editor. When the label is empty or has been determined to not be a valid symbol name, symbolic analysis uses the part’s numerical value. For example, if you change the label of the resistor R1 to “22k” or to “R1=22k”, then the value of the part (22k) will be used in place of the symbol R1.TINA goes beyond simply presenting the function as an equation. Any of these functions can also be interpreted and drawn in the diagram window. To demonstrate this, let’s first generate the transient response of an RLC series resonant circuit. Load the examples symbolic myrlc1.sch circuit into the schematic editor.Next, run Analysis.Symbolic Analysis.Semi-symbolic Transient. The transient response of this circuit to a voltage generator with Unit step waveform is then the following:Now press the small calculator (interpreter) button on the toolbar. The interpreter window appears, and our transient function is already defined as a v_1 function.As you can see, the function definition is followed by a few drawing preference settings, where you can define the ranges of the function and the number of points at which the function will be calculated. Finally, the last command draws this function in the diagram window. The second parameter of the draw command defines the name of our newly generated function. After pressing the Run button, the function appears in the diagram window.Symbolic analysis can also calculate the DC and AC results (response) of a linear network containing one or more sources. Just as with symbolic analysis of AC transfer functions, these results can be generated both in symbolic and semi-symbolic form. If we choose the symbolic form, all variables in the circuit that have symbolic identifiers (labels) will be treated as pure symbols. If we choose the semi-symbolic form, every parameter of the circuit will be handled as a number. When the circuit contains more than one generator (source), the result due to each of these generators will be calculated and added together (using the superposition law).Let’s use a simple parallel resistor circuit to get to know symbolic analysis of circuit results. Open the circuit examples\symbolic\suppos.sch.This circuit contains two generators: a voltage and a current generator. Now press Analysis.Symbolic Analysis.DC Result.As you can see the result is a fully symbolic combination of the circuit’s response to each of the generators.Now press Analysis.Symbolic Analysis.Semi-symbolic DC Result.In this Semi-symbolic DC Result, the coefficients of Igdc and Ugdc are calculated numerically. Of course, this requires that R1 and R2 be assigned both a label and a numerical value.Hierarchical Semi-symbolic AnalysisDepending on the circuit size and topology, the symbolic result of an average circuit can easily become a huge, complicated expression. This is especially true for circuits that contain components whose models contain further symbolic components, such as transistors.The symbolic expressions can be simplified by identifying parts of the circuit that are less important, or whose effect are already better understood, and setting only numeric values (no entry in the label field) for these components. For other components that are more important, be sure to enter a label so that they will be treated symbolically in the analysis. For visual convenience you can use TINA’s advanced macro feature to create two different macros for each of the component you would like to examine in detail: one with a symbolic model and another with a purely numeric model. To demonstrate this feature, let’s create an RC transmission line where some of the RC sections are numeric and others are symbolic. The numeric macro will look this.。
二、系统要求在安装仿真软件之前,请确保您的计算机满足以下最低配置要求:- 操作系统:Windows 10 / macOS 10.14以上 / Linux (推荐Ubuntu 18:04)- 处理器:双核处理器以上- 内存.8GB以上- 存储空间.50GB以上的可用空间- 显卡:支持OpenGL 3.3及以上版本的显卡三、软件安装步骤1、在官方网站()上仿真软件的安装程序。
2、安装a) 双击的安装包,启动安装程序。
b) 根据安装向导的提示,选择安装目录、语言和其他可选组件。
c) “安装”按钮,开始安装过程。
d) 安装完成后,“完成”按钮退出安装程序。
2、配置模型a) 在软件界面上找到“模型库”或“导入模型”按钮。
b) 按钮,选择要导入的模型文件。
c) 在模型导入界面上,进行必要的参数配置,如尺寸、关节限制等。
d) “确定”按钮,完成模型的配置与导入。
3、设置仿真场景a) 在软件界面上找到“场景编辑器”或“创建场景”按钮。
b) 按钮,进入场景编辑器界面。
c) 添加所需的场景元素,如地面、障碍物、目标等。
d) 配置场景参数,如光照、摄像机视角等。
e) “保存”按钮,保存场景配置。
4、配置控制器与路径规划算法a) 在软件界面上找到“控制器设置”或“路径规划设置”按钮。
b) 按钮,进入设置界面。
c) 根据需要选择合适的控制器和路径规划算法。
d) 配置控制器和路径规划算法的参数。
e) “应用”或“保存”按钮,完成配置。
五、使用仿真软件1、选择仿真模式a) 在软件界面上找到“仿真模式”或“运行模式”按钮。
b) 按钮,选择要运行的仿真模式,如实时仿真、离线仿真等。
2、运行仿真a) 在软件界面上找到“开始仿真”或“运行”按钮。
1OverviewQuick Start GuideSBOU052–August 2007This quick start user's guide presents an overview of TINA-TI™,a powerful circuit design and simulation tool.TINA-TI is ideal for designing,testing,and troubleshooting a broad variety of basic and advanced circuits,including complex architectures,without any node or number of device limitations.This document is intended to help new TINA-TI users start creating circuit simulations using the fundamental features of TINA-TI software in the shortest possible time.Contents 1Overview (12)Schematic Editor (23)Building a Circuit with TINA-TI (34)Analysis Capabilities (65)Test and Measurement .....................................................................................................96Additional Assistance (10)List of Figures1Downloading TINA-TI (22)TINA-TI Schematic Editor Display (33)Building a Circuit with TINA-TI (44)Active and Passive Component Selection (55)Wiring Components Together (66)DC Analysis with Voltages/Currents Table Displayed (77)Additional TINA Analysis Capabilities (88)Virtual Instrumentation Testing .............................................................................................99Contextual Help in TINA-TI ...............................................................................................10Texas Instruments has teamed up with DesignSoft,Inc.to provide our customers with TINA-TI,a powerful circuit simulation tool that is well-suited for simulating analog and switched-mode power supply (SMPS)circuits.The tool is ideal for helping designers and engineers to develop and test circuit ideas.TI selected the TINA™simulation software over other SPICE-based simulators for its combination of powerful analysis capabilities,simple and intuitive graphics-based interface,and ease of use,allowing you to be up and running in minimal time.If you are familiar with another SPICE simulator,adapting to TINA-TI should be an easy and straighforward transition.Although TINA-TI is a limited version of more powerful DesignSoft simulation products,it easily handles surprisingly complex circuits.Texas Instruments does not warrant or support any DesignSoft product.TINA-TI is a software program For more information about DesignSoft,visit the DesignSoft website at TINA-TI is a trademark of Texas Instruments and DesignSoft,Inc.TINA is a trademark of DesignSoft,Inc.Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Schematic Editor2Schematic EditorYou can download TINA-TI as shown in Figure1.Alternatively,it is availablethrough the TI home page at the a summary of TINA-TI related information.you to theFigure1.Downloading TINA-TIThe minimum hardware and software requirements for the currently released TINA-TI version are:•IBM PC-compatible computer running Microsoft Windows®98/ME/NT/2000/XP•Pentium or equivalent processor•64MB of RAM•Hard disk drive with at least100MB free space•Mouse•VGA adapter card and monitor2Getting Started with TINA-TI™SBOU052–August20073Building a Circuit with TINA-TIBuilding a Circuit with TINA-TIOnce the software is downloaded to your system,select the program through the Windows Start menu or click on the TINA-TIicon on your desktop that was created during the installation.The first screen appears as shown in Figure 2.Figure 2.TINA-TI Schematic Editor DisplayFigure 2shows the schematic editor layout.The empty workspace on the sheet is the design windowbuild the test circuit.Below the Schematic Editor title bar is an operational menu row withselections such as file operations,analytical operations,test and measurement equipment selection,etc.Located just below the menu row is a row of icons associated with different file and TINA tasks.The final row of icons allows you to select a specific component group.These component groups contain basicpassive components,semiconductors,and even sophisticated device macromodels.These groups areaccessed to build the circuit schematic.To illustrate how easy it is to use TINA-TI,we will build an analog circuit and demonstrate some of thecircuit analysis capabilities.For this example,a high-output,1kHz sine wave oscillator circuit is selected.A search through a circuitapplication handbook provides a number of op amp-based designs.We will build and Wein-bridge oscillator with amplitude stabilization using the software.A Texas Instruments'12V CMOS op amp is selected for the circuit application.This amplifier is well-suited for this provides very good dc and ac performance.It operates with supplies of 3.5V to 12V;our example requires ±5V (10V). Building a Circuit with TINA-TISelect the Spice Macros tab(see Figure3,step1)and then the op amp symbol(step2)to access the OPA743macromodel.When the list appears,scroll down and click on the OPA743(step3).Then click OK.The op amp symbol appears in the circuit workspace.With the mouse,drag the symbolinto position(step4).It is locked into position on the circuit workspace by clicking the left mouse button.Figure3.Building a Circuit with TINA-TIOther op amp models may be selected using the Insert->Macro...menu.Additionally,macros and a wide variety of pre-built analog and SMPS circuits can be accessed through the Insert menu.(Insert->Macro...TinaTI_7.0->Examples).4Getting Started with TINA-TI™SBOU052–August2007Building a Circuit with TINA-TI 3.1Adding Passive and Active ComponentsComponent selection is easily accomplished by clicking on a component group from the lower row of tabs: Basic,Switches,Meters,and so forth.These tabs provide a wide variety of passive components,sources, meters,relays,semiconductors,and the previously-mentioned circuit macros.Click on the schematicsymbol for a particular component and drag it into position in the circuit workspace.A left mouse button click locks it into place.In our example,shown in Figure4,we select a resistor from the Basic tab group(step1and step2),then position it next to the op TINA-TI designates this resistor as R1.The initial value of R1is1kΩ,but this value can be changed as needed.A double-click with the left mouse button on the R1symbol produces the associated component table(step3).Figure4.Active and Passive Component SelectionThe resistor value and other component characteristics may be altered by selecting the individualparameter boxes and changing the respective values.Select the component parameter box and highlight the value you wish to change.Enter a new value by typing over the value that is shown.In Figure4,for example,the value for R1has been changed from1k to4.7k for this circuit.Once yousetting the parameters,click OK to close the table.Similar parametric tables are available for passivedevices,sources,semiconductors,and other component types.A handy component that is displayed in the Basic group is the jumper,as shown in Figure4.It looks like asideways letter T.The jumper may be used to connect similar,related circuit as V+,V–,or any other circuit point that has multiple ing the jumper reduces wiring clutter.Note that common jumpers must be labeled with the same label name for TINA-TI to connect them together.3.2Arranging and WiringComponents4Analysis CapabilitiesAnalysis CapabilitiesOnce all components are selected and properly positioned,they can be wired together.Each component has nodes where circuit connections are needed.TINA displays these nodes with a small red x .(The x looks more like two small lines at the wiring node than the alpha character.)Wiring components to each other is easily done by placing the mouse pointer over a node connection and holding the left mousebutton down.A wire is drawn as the mouse is moved along the circuit space grid.Release the mousebutton when the wire reaches the intended end connection point.Figure 5illustrates the TINA-TI software wiring function.Figure 5.Wiring Components TogetherThe wiring function also may be accessed from the Insert menu,or the icon that looks like a small pencil.When the circuit schematic entry is complete,the circuit is nearly ready for simulation.The analysisprocess begins by selecting the Analysis menu.A list of different types of analyses—such as ac,dc,transient,or noise—appears.Highlight any one of these evaluations to access additional options andselections.The first option under the Analysis menu is an Error Rules Check (ERC).Selecting this feature runs this check on the circuit;a pop-up window then lists any circuit errors.If an error is listed in the window,clicking on that error line highlights the error point in the schematic.The error window also lists other types of circuit errors that are found during the analysis.6Getting Started with TINA-TI™SBOU052–August 20074.1DCAnalysisAnalysis CapabilitiesEven if the ERC is not selected,TINA automatically performs a check at the start of a simulation.Upon selecting one type of analysis to perform,another window appears that displays different settingselections that are associated with that particular analysis.Nominal settings are initially provided;theseparameters may be set as needed for the desired output.Once all of the selections are made,click OK to begin the analysis.The first analysis performed on acircuit is generally a dc analysis.This test provides a reality check so that normal dc operating conditions can be verified.The TINA-TI DC Analysis function can be set to calculate nodal voltages,provide a table of dc voltage and current results,generate a dc sweep of the circuit,or perform a temperature analysis.The temperature analysis works in combination with the Analysis >Mode >temperature-steppingselections.Follow these steps (illustrated in Figure 6)to perform a dc analysis.1.Click on the Analysis menu.2.Select DC Analysis .3.Click on Table of DC Results .The Voltages/Currents table appears.e the mouse pointer as a probe to test the circuit nodes.The probed node and measured value are displayed in red in the Voltages/Currents table,as shown inFigure 6.Figure 6.DC Analysis with Voltages/Currents Table Displayed Analysis Capabilities4.2Transient AnalysisSophisticated ac frequency and time domain simulations may also be e the Analysisfunction to access the different choices.A traditional ac transfer characteristic plot of gain and phaseversus frequency may be selected,as well as transient,Fourier or noise analyses.The example shown in Figure7is a transient analysis performed on the example Wein-bridge oscillator circuit.The simulation analysis result is also shown in Figure7.It illustrates the Wein-bridge oscillator startup and steady-state performance.The display in window may be edited with axis labeling,scales,background grid color,and so forth,all set as desired by the individual user.Follow these steps(marked in Figure7)to perform a transient analysis.1.Click on the Analysis menu.2.Select Transient.3.The Transient Analysis dialog box appears.Enter start and end times,and other parameters asdesired.4.Click OK to run the analysis.Figure7.Additional TINA Analysis Capabilities8SBOU052–August2007 Getting Started with TINA-TI™Test and Measurement 5Test and MeasurementThe TINA-TI software generates post-simulation results in tables and plots,depending on the type ofanalysis performed.Additionally,the software can be placed in a pseudo-real-time simulation mode where virtual instruments can be used to observe the output(s)while the circuit is operating.For example,Figure8shows a virtual oscilloscope that is used to observe the steady-state output of the Wein-bridge circuit.In the same way,a virtual signal analyzer can be used together with anamplifier circuit so that the harmonic performance of a simulation can be observed.To access the virtual oscilloscope,select T&M(step1in Figure8),and then Oscilloscope(step2).Place the cursor at theoutput of the simulated circuit,and controls in the virtual oscilloscope dialog box as needed(step3).The T&M selection options also include a virtual ac/dc multimeter,function generator,and an X-Yrecorder.The function generator may be adjusted in combination with a virtual oscilloscope or analyzer.Figure8.Virtual Instrumentation Testing Additional Assistance6Additional AssistanceTINA-TI has many more features that can be explored.As you become more comfortable with thesimulation software,you will be able to take advantage of these capabilities to build circuits more rapidly, perform more sophisticated simulations,and optimize the output information for a variety of needs.The software also offers on-screen contextual help,and displays mouse-over descriptions for many icons and areas of the workspace,as shown in Figure9.If you need additional assistance with a particularanalysis,or help with setting the active parameters,detailed help documentation is available.Click on the Help menu to access information associated with circuit analysis,active components,and so forth.Further assistance for specific TINA-TI application simulations is available by contacting your local TI technical representative.Figure9.Contextual Help in TINA-TINote:Texas Instruments does not offer support for TINA software.Contact youhave questions or need assistance with general TINA software10Getting Started with TINA-TI™SBOU052–August2007IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries(TI)reserve the right to make corrections,modifications,enhancements,improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice.Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty.Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty.Except where mandated by government requirements,testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components.To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications,customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license,either express or implied,is granted under any TI patent right,copyright,mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination,machine,or process in which TI products or services are rmation published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement e of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party,or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties,conditions,limitations,and notices.Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice.TI is not responsible or liable for such altered rmation of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice.TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements.TI products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications(such as life support)where a failure of the TI product would reasonably be expected to cause severe personal injury or death,unless officers of the parties have executed an agreement specifically governing such use.Buyers represent that they have all necessary expertise in the safety and regulatory ramifications of their applications,and acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for all legal,regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning their products and any use of TI products in such safety-critical applications,notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI.Further,Buyers must fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of TI products in such safety-critical applications.TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments unless the TI products are specifically designated by TI as military-grade or"enhanced plastic."Only products designated by TI as military-grade meet military specifications.Buyers acknowledge and agree that any such use of TI products which TI has not designated as military-grade is solely at the Buyer's risk,and that they are solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use. TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in automotive applications or environments unless the specific TI products are designated by TI as compliant with ISO/TS16949requirements.Buyers acknowledge and agree that,if they use any non-designated products in automotive applications,TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet such requirements.Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:Products ApplicationsAmplifiers AudioData Converters AutomotiveDSP BroadbandInterface Digital ControlLogic MilitaryPower Mgmt Optical NetworkingMicrocontrollers SecurityRFID TelephonyLow Power Wireless Video&ImagingWirelessMailing Address:Texas Instruments,Post Office Box655303,Dallas,Texas75265Copyright©2007,Texas Instruments Incorporated。
目录1 概述 (3)2 电路示例 (3)2.1 放大器和线性电路: (3)2.2 SMPS(开关式电源): (4)2.3 其它 (4)3 TINA-TI的使用 (4)3.1 下载与安装TINA-TI (4)3.2 启动TINA-TI (5)3.3 搭建电路 (6)3.3.1 电路原理 (6)3.3.2 在原理图中添加元件 (7)3.3.3 添加无源元件 (8)3.3.4 布置元件和连线 (10)3.4 分析电路 (11)3.4.1 直流分析 (13)3.4.2 瞬态分析 (15)3.4.3 交流分析 (16)3.5 测量电路 (18)3.5.1 万用表 (18)3.5.2 示波器 (19)3.5.3 信号分析仪 (19)3.5.4 函数发生器 (21)3.6 TINA-TI的其它辅助功能 (22)1 概述德州仪器公司(TI)与DesignSoft公司联合为客户提供了一个强大的电路仿真工具TINA-TI。
TINA基于SPICE引擎,是一款功能强大而易于使用的电路仿真工具;而TINA-TI 则是完整功能版本的TINA,并加载了TI公司的宏模型以及无源和有源器件模型。
TI 仿真入门
![TI 仿真入门](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b7eee43f0b4c2e3f572763ff.png)
1OverviewQuick Start GuideSBOU052A–August 2007–Revised August 2008This quick-start user's guide presents an overview of TINA-TI™,a powerful circuit design and simulation tool.TINA-TI is ideal for designing,testing,and troubleshooting a broad variety of basic and advanced circuits,including complex architectures,without any node or number of device limitations.This document is intended to help new TINA-TI users start creating circuit simulations using the fundamental features of TINA-TI software in the shortest possible time.Contents 1Overview ......................................................................................................................12Schematic Editor . (23)Building a Circuit withTINA-TI (34)Analysis Capabilities (65)Test and Measurement .....................................................................................................96Additional Assistance (10)List of Figures1Downloading TINA-TI (22)TINA-TI Schematic Editor Display (33)Building a Circuit with TINA-TI (44)Active and Passive Component Selection (55)Wiring Components Together (66)DC Analysis with Voltages/Currents Table Displayed (77)Additional TINA Analysis Capabilities (88)Virtual Instrumentation Testing .............................................................................................99Contextual Help in TINA-TI ...............................................................................................10Texas Instruments has teamed up with DesignSoft,Inc.to provide our customers with TINA-TI,a powerful circuit simulation tool that is well-suited for simulating analog and switched-mode power supply (SMPS)circuits.The tool is ideal for helping designers and engineers to develop and test circuit ideas.TI selected the TINA™simulation software over other SPICE-based simulators for its combination of powerful analysis capabilities,simple and intuitive graphics-based interface,and ease of use,allowing you to be up and running in minimal time.If you are familiar with another SPICE simulator,adapting to TINA-TI should be an easy and straighforward transition.Although TINA-TI is a limited version of more powerful DesignSoft simulation products,it easily handles surprisingly complex circuits.Texas Instruments does not warrant or support any DesignSoft product.TINA-TI is a software program For more information about DesignSoft,visit the DesignSoft website at TINA-TI is a trademark of Texas Instruments and DesignSoft,Inc.TINA is a trademark of DesignSoft,Inc.Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Schematic Editor 2Schematic EditorYou can download TINA-TI as shown in Figure1.Alternatively,it is availablethrough the TI home page at the a summary of TINA-TI related information.you to theFigure1.Downloading TINA-TIThe minimum hardware and software requirements for the currently released TINA-TI version are:•IBM PC-compatible computer running Microsoft Windows®98/ME/NT/2000/XP•Pentium or equivalent processor•64MB of RAM•Hard disk drive with at least100MB free space•Mouse•VGA adapter card and monitor2Getting Started with TINA-TI™SBOU052A–August2007–Revised August20083Building a Circuit with TINA-TI Building a Circuit with TINA-TIOnce the software is downloaded to your system,select the program through the Windows Start menu or click on the TINA-TIicon on your desktop that was created during the installation.The first screen appears as shown in Figure 2.Figure 2.TINA-TI Schematic Editor DisplayFigure 2shows the schematic editor layout.The empty workspace on the sheet is the design windowbuild the test circuit.Below the Schematic Editor title bar is an operational menu row withselections such as file operations,analytical operations,test and measurement equipment selection,etc.Located just below the menu row is a row of icons associated with different file and TINA tasks.The final row of icons allows you to select a specific component group.These component groups contain basicpassive components,semiconductors,and even sophisticated device macromodels.These groups areaccessed to build the circuit schematic.To illustrate how easy it is to use TINA-TI,we will build an analog circuit and demonstrate some of thecircuit analysis capabilities.For this example,a high-output,1kHz sine wave oscillator circuit is selected.A search through a circuitapplication handbook provides a number of op amp-based designs.We will build and Wien-bridge oscillator with amplitude stabilization using the software.A Texas Instruments'12V CMOS op amp is selected for the circuit application.This amplifier is well-suited for this provides very good dc and ac performance.It operates with supplies of 3.5V to 12V;our example requires ±5V (10V).Building a Circuit with TINA-TI Select the Spice Macros tab(see Figure3,step1)and then the op amp symbol(step2)to access the OPA743macromodel.When the list appears,scroll down and click on the OPA743(step3).Then click OK.The op amp symbol appears in the circuit workspace.With the mouse,drag the symbolinto position(step4).It is locked into position on the circuit workspace by clicking the left mouse button.Figure3.Building a Circuit with TINA-TIOther op amp models may be selected using the Insert->Macro...menu.Additionally,macros and a wide variety of pre-built analog and SMPS circuits can be accessed through the Insert menu.(Insert->Macro...TinaTI_7.0->Examples).4Getting Started with TINA-TI™SBOU052A–August2007–Revised August2008 Building a Circuit with TINA-TI 3.1Adding Passive and Active ComponentsComponent selection is easily accomplished by clicking on a component group from the lower row of tabs: Basic,Switches,Meters,and so forth.These tabs provide a wide variety of passive components,sources, meters,relays,semiconductors,and the previously-mentioned circuit macros.Click on the schematicsymbol for a particular component and drag it into position in the circuit workspace.A left mouse button click locks it into place.In our example,shown in Figure4,we select a resistor from the Basic tab group(step1and step2),then position it next to the op TINA-TI designates this resistor as R1.The initial value of R1is1kΩ,but this value can be changed as needed.A double-click with the left mouse button on the R1symbol produces the associated component table(step3).Figure4.Active and Passive Component SelectionThe resistor value and other component characteristics may be altered by selecting the individualparameter boxes and changing the respective values.Select the component parameter box and highlight the value you wish to change.Enter a new value by typing over the value that is shown.In Figure4,for example,the value for R1has been changed from1k to4.7k for this circuit.Once yousetting the parameters,click OK to close the table.Similar parametric tables are available for passivedevices,sources,semiconductors,and other component types.A handy component that is displayed in the Basic group is the jumper,as shown in Figure4.It looks like asideways letter T.The jumper may be used to connect similar,related circuit as V+,V–,or any other circuit point that has multiple ing the jumper reduces wiring clutter.Note that common jumpers must be labeled with the same label name for TINA-TI to connect them together.3.2Arranging and WiringComponents4Analysis CapabilitiesAnalysis Capabilities Once all components are selected and properly positioned,they can be wired together.Each component has nodes where circuit connections are needed.TINA displays these nodes with a small red x .(The xlooks more like two small lines at the wiring node than the alpha character.)Wiring components to each other is easily done by placing the mouse pointer over a node connection and holding the left mousebutton down.A wire is drawn as the mouse is moved along the circuit space grid.Release the mousebutton when the wire reaches the intended end connection point.Figure 5illustrates the TINA-TI software wiring function.Figure 5.Wiring Components TogetherThe wiring function also may be accessed from the Insert menu,or the icon that looks like a small pencil.When the circuit schematic entry is complete,the circuit is nearly ready for simulation.The analysisprocess begins by selecting the Analysis menu.A list of different types of analyses—such as ac,dc,transient,or noise—appears.Highlight any one of these evaluations to access additional options andselections.The first option under the Analysis menu is an Error Rules Check (ERC).Selecting this feature runs this check on the circuit;a pop-up window then lists any circuit errors.If an error is listed in the window,clicking on that error line highlights the error point in the schematic.The error window also lists other types of circuit errors that are found during the analysis.6Getting Started with TINA-TI™SBOU052A–August 2007–Revised August 20084.1DCAnalysis Analysis CapabilitiesEven if the ERC is not selected,TINA automatically performs a check at the start of a simulation.Upon selecting one type of analysis to perform,another window appears that displays different settingselections that are associated with that particular analysis.Nominal settings are initially provided;theseparameters may be set as needed for the desired output.Once all of the selections are made,click OK to begin the analysis.The first analysis performed on acircuit is generally a dc analysis.This test provides a reality check so that normal dc operating conditions can be verified.The TINA-TI DC Analysis function can be set to calculate nodal voltages,provide a table of dc voltage and current results,generate a dc sweep of the circuit,or perform a temperature analysis.The temperature analysis works in combination with the Analysis >Mode >temperature-steppingselections.Follow these steps (illustrated in Figure 6)to perform a dc analysis.1.Click on the Analysis menu.2.Select DC Analysis .3.Click on Table of DC Results .The Voltages/Currents table appears.e the mouse pointer as a probe to test the circuit nodes.The probed node and measured value are displayed in red in the Voltages/Currents table,as shown inFigure 6.Figure 6.DC Analysis with Voltages/Currents Table DisplayedAnalysis Capabilities 4.2Transient AnalysisSophisticated ac frequency and time domain simulations may also be e the Analysisfunction to access the different choices.A traditional ac transfer characteristic plot of gain and phaseversus frequency may be selected,as well as transient,Fourier or noise analyses.The example shown in Figure7is a transient analysis performed on the example Wien-bridge oscillator circuit.The simulation analysis result is also shown in Figure7.It illustrates the Wien-bridge oscillator startup and steady-state performance.The display in window may be edited with axis labeling,scales,background grid color,and so forth,all set as desired by the individual user.Follow these steps(marked in Figure7)to perform a transient analysis.1.Click on the Analysis menu.2.Select Transient.3.The Transient Analysis dialog box appears.Enter start and end times,and other parameters asdesired.4.Click OK to run the analysis.Figure7.Additional TINA Analysis Capabilities8SBOU052A–August2007–Revised August2008 Getting Started with TINA-TI™ Test and Measurement 5Test and MeasurementThe TINA-TI software generates post-simulation results in tables and plots,depending on the type ofanalysis performed.Additionally,the software can be placed in a pseudo-real-time simulation mode where virtual instruments can be used to observe the output(s)while the circuit is operating.For example,Figure8shows a virtual oscilloscope that is used to observe the steady-state output of the Wien-bridge circuit.In the same way,a virtual signal analyzer can be used together with anamplifier circuit so that the harmonic performance of a simulation can be observed.To access the virtual oscilloscope,select T&M(step1in Figure8),and then Oscilloscope(step2).Place the cursor at theoutput of the simulated circuit,and controls in the virtual oscilloscope dialog box as needed(step3).The T&M selection options also include a virtual ac/dc multimeter,function generator,and an X-Yrecorder.The function generator may be adjusted in combination with a virtual oscilloscope or analyzer.Figure8.Virtual Instrumentation TestingAdditional Assistance 6Additional AssistanceTINA-TI has many more features that can be explored.As you become more comfortable with thesimulation software,you will be able to take advantage of these capabilities to build circuits more rapidly, perform more sophisticated simulations,and optimize the output information for a variety of needs.The software also offers on-screen contextual help,and displays mouse-over descriptions for many icons and areas of the workspace,as shown in Figure9.If you need additional assistance with a particularanalysis,or help with setting the active parameters,detailed help documentation is available.Click on the Help menu to access information associated with circuit analysis,active components,and so forth.Further assistance for specific TINA-TI application simulations is available by contacting your local TI technical representative.Figure9.Contextual Help in TINA-TINote:Texas Instruments does not offer support for TINA software.Contact you havequestions or need assistance with general TINA software issues.10Getting Started with TINA-TI™SBOU052A–August2007–Revised August2008IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries(TI)reserve the right to make corrections,modifications,enhancements,improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice.Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty.Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty.Except where mandated by government requirements,testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components.To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications,customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license,either express or implied,is granted under any TI patent right,copyright,mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination,machine,or process in which TI products or services are rmation published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement e of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party,or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties,conditions,limitations,and notices.Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice.TI is not responsible or liable for such altered rmation of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice.TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements.TI products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications(such as life support)where a failure of the TI product would reasonably be expected to cause severe personal injury or death,unless officers of the parties have executed an agreement specifically governing such use.Buyers represent that they have all necessary expertise in the safety and regulatory ramifications of their applications,and acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for all legal,regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning their products and any use of TI products in such safety-critical applications,notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI.Further,Buyers must fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of TI products in such safety-critical applications.TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments unless the TI products are specifically designated by TI as military-grade or"enhanced plastic."Only products designated by TI as military-grade meet military specifications.Buyers acknowledge and agree that any such use of TI products which TI has not designated as military-grade is solely at the Buyer's risk,and that they are solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use. TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in automotive applications or environments unless the specific TI products are designated by TI as compliant with ISO/TS16949requirements.Buyers acknowledge and agree that,if they use any non-designated products in automotive applications,TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet such requirements.Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:Products ApplicationsAmplifiers AudioData Converters AutomotiveDSP BroadbandClocks and Timers Digital ControlInterface MedicalLogic MilitaryPower Mgmt Optical NetworkingMicrocontrollers SecurityRFID TelephonyRF/IF and ZigBee®Solutions Video&ImagingWirelessMailing Address:Texas Instruments,Post Office Box655303,Dallas,Texas75265Copyright©2008,Texas Instruments Incorporated。
该快速入门用户指南提供了一个的TINA - TI(TM)是一个强大的电路设计和仿真概述工具。
TINA - TI的理想是设计,测试和故障排除各种广泛的基础和先进的电路,包括复杂的架构,没有任何节点或设备的限制。
本文件旨在帮助新TINA - TI的用户开始使用模拟电路制造的基本特征TINA - TI的软件在最短的时间内。
内容1概述................................................ ............................. ..................... ....................一2原理图编辑器............................................... .............................. .................... (2)3用TINA - TI建立电路的.......................................... ................................... ............... 。
34分析能力............................................... .............................. .................... . (6)5测试.............................................. ............................... ................... .. (9)6其他协助............................................... .............................. .................... .. (10)图目录1下载TINA - TI 的............................................. ................................ .................. .. (2)2 TINA - TI的原理图编辑器显示........................................... .................................. (3)3用TINA - TI建立电路.......................................... ................................... ............... 。
由555构成的施密特触发器有如下的工作特点:(1)输入Ui增加时:当Ui<2 vcc时,输出uo="1,当Ui">2/3Vcc时输出Uo=0,即输出状态转变电压U+ = 2/3Vcc = 4V。
(2)输入Ui减小时:当Ui>1/3Vcc时,Uo=0,当Ui<1 vcc时输出uo="1,即输出状态转变电压U-" =="" 1/3vcc="">其工作特点如下图所示:下面我们使用TINA-TI进行仿真。
4.注册时如有疑问与本公司联系时,请报上 “系列 号”以便查对。
第二单元 仿真软件的使用
2.1 软件的启动与登录 2.2 软件界面简介 2.3 机床类型和系统及型号的选择 2.4 视图变换和机床、零件显示方式 2.5 文件的管理(项目,模型,记录文件)
选定夹放 选基移 D 手 复局 动动动绕 绕绕左右府前 选控切
择义具置 择准动N动 位部 态态态 X Y Z 侧侧视视 项制换
机毛 零 刀工尾 C 脉 放 缩平旋轴 轴轴视视图图 面轨
床坯 件 具具座传冲 大 放移转旋 旋旋图图
转 转转
1.点击菜单或工具 按钮【选择机床】
④机床显示状态:隐藏时仅显示工件和刀 具。
⑤零件显示方式:实体/透明。对于车床上 加工带孔的零件,可进行全剖、半剖。
显示机床罩子:显示或不显示加工中心 或铣床的机床罩子。
2.6 文件管理【项目】
“项目”是数控仿真系统操作结果的保存形式,包括所选设 备、刀具、输入的程序、刀具参数以及加工零件结果。但不包括 操作过程。
新建项目: 终止当前项目操作,重新建立一个没有刀具,工件和参数的项目。 打开项目:
在弹出的”打开“对话框中搜索的项目的文件夹,在文件夹中选中 并打开后缀名为“.MAC”的文件
伟福和Proteus ISIS仿真软件的使用第一部分伟福纯软件仿真器使用入门一、概述伟福纯仿真软件是伟福仿真器的配套软件,伟福仿真器是国内较好的仿真器之一,它能够仿真的CPU品种多、功能强。
TINA-TI使用说明 中文版
![TINA-TI使用说明 中文版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3cee8b0652ea551810a687fc.png)
1.h TI webpage ed TINA-TI version are:000/XPA–August 2007–RevisedAugust 2008Submit Documentation FeedbackZHCU008 –2007年8月–2008年8月修订TINA-TI™入门 1提交文档反1Overview This quick-start user's guide presents an overview of TINA-TI™,a powerful circuit design and simulation tool.TINA-TI is ideal for designing,testing,and troubleshooting a broad variety of basic and advanced circuits,including complex architectures,without any node or number of device limitations.This documentis intended to help new TINA-TI users start creating circuit simulations using the fundamental features of TINA-TI software in the shortest possible time.Contents 1Overview ......................................................................................................................12Schematic Editor .............................................................................................................23Building a Circuit with TINA-TI .............................................................................................34Analysis Capabilities ........................................................................................................65Test and Measurement .....................................................................................................96AdditionalAssistance ......................................................................................................10List of Figures 1DownloadingTINA-TI (2)2TINA-TI Schematic Editor Display .........................................................................................33Building a Circuit with TINA-TI .............................................................................................44Active and Passive Component Selection ................................................................................55Wiring Components Together ..............................................................................................66DC Analysis with Voltages/Currents Table Displayed ..................................................................77Additional TINA .....................................................................................88Virtual Instrumentation Testing (99)Contextual Help in TINA-TI ...............................................................................................10Texas Instruments has teamed up with DesignSoft,Inc.to provide our customers with TINA-TI,a powerful circuit simulation tool that is well-suited for simulating analog and switched-mode power supply (SMPS)circuits.The tool is ideal for helping designers and engineers to develop and test circuit ideas.TI selected the TINA™simulation software over other SPICE-based simulators for its combination of powerful analysis capabilities,simple and intuitive graphics-based interface,and ease of use,allowing you to be up and running in minimal time.If you are familiar with another SPICE simulator,adapting to TINA-TI should be an easy and straighforward transition.Although TINA-TI is a limited version of more powerful DesignSoft simulation products,it easily handles surprisingly complex circuits.Texas Instruments does not warrant or support any DesignSoft product.TINA-TI is a software program developed by both TI and DesignSoft.For more information about DesignSoft,visit the DesignSoft website at .TINA-TI is a trademark of Texas Instruments and DesignSoft,Inc.TINA is a trademark of DesignSoft,Inc.Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.SBOU052A–August 2007–Revised August 2008Getting Started with TINA-TI™1Submit Documentation Feedback这本用户快速入门指南概要性的介绍了TINA-TI™——一个强大的电路设计及仿真工具。
数控行业首选仿真软件加工中心 数控车床 数控铣床 龙门式01数控仿真软件(VNUC )简介数控仿真加工是以计算机为平台在数控仿真加工软件的支持下进行的。
当前国内较为流行的仿真软件有北京斐克VNUC 、南京宇航Yhcnc 、上海宇龙等数控加工仿真软件。
下面我们以VNUC 数控仿真软件为例,分析数控仿真加工操作方法。
VNUC 仿真软件打开VNUC 数控仿真系统,选择机床则进入类似图 1所示主界面。
功能简介如下:数控系统面板仿真视图区图1 VNUC数控仿真系统主界面1.菜单菜单栏有七个主菜单:“文件、显示、工艺流程、工具、选项、教学管理、帮助”。
图2 子菜单2. 视图操作三维仿真视图区内真实再现了数控加工的动态过程,利用其右下角的操作键可以对三维视图扩大和缩小、局部扩大、旋转和移动等,以便从不同视角和比例显示机床、刀具、工件及加工区状况。
3. 仿真加工步骤:数控仿真加工通常按以下步骤进行:(1)针对加工对象进行工艺分析与设计。
图3 控制操作面板2.开机回参考点点按“系统电源”,点按并弹起急停按钮,则系统开机上电。
VisualField 控制器仿真软件使用手册IM41S63-C 浙江中控技术股份有限公司声明⏹严禁转载本手册的部分或全部内容。
商 标中控、SUPCON、SPlant、 Webfield 、ESP-iSYS 、MultiF、InScan、SupField以上商标或标识均是浙江中控技术股份有限公司已经注册或已经申请注册或正在使用的商标和标识,拥有以上商标的所有权,未经浙江中控技术股份有限公司的书面授权,任何个人及企业不得擅自使用上述商标,对于非法使用我司商标的行为,我司将保留依法追究行为人及企业的法律责任的权利。
目录控制器仿真软件 (1)1 概述 (1)1.1 主要功能 (1)1.2 软件狗授权说明 (1)1.3 启动控制器仿真软件 (2)2 主界面 (3)2.1.1 标题栏/状态栏 (3)2.1.2 菜单栏/工具栏 (3)2.1.3 主视窗口/输出窗口 (4)3 使用说明 (5)3.1 运行/暂停/停止 (5)3.2 存档/载入存档 (5)3.3 断点 (6)3.4 执行周期倍率设置 (10)3.5 内存浏览器 (11)3.6 最简模式/正常模式切换 (11)3.7 模拟电池 (12)4 仿真控制器状态 (13)5 控制器基本信息 (14)6 注意事项 (15)7 资料版本说明 (16)控制器仿真软件注意:●该软件仅适用在未接入真实控制器的系统。
TINA-TI使用说明 中文版
![TINA-TI使用说明 中文版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3cee8b0652ea551810a687fc.png)
1.h TI webpage ed TINA-TI version are:000/XPA–August 2007–RevisedAugust 2008Submit Documentation FeedbackZHCU008 –2007年8月–2008年8月修订TINA-TI™入门 1提交文档反1Overview This quick-start user's guide presents an overview of TINA-TI™,a powerful circuit design and simulation tool.TINA-TI is ideal for designing,testing,and troubleshooting a broad variety of basic and advanced circuits,including complex architectures,without any node or number of device limitations.This documentis intended to help new TINA-TI users start creating circuit simulations using the fundamental features of TINA-TI software in the shortest possible time.Contents 1Overview ......................................................................................................................12Schematic Editor .............................................................................................................23Building a Circuit with TINA-TI .............................................................................................34Analysis Capabilities ........................................................................................................65Test and Measurement .....................................................................................................96AdditionalAssistance ......................................................................................................10List of Figures 1DownloadingTINA-TI (2)2TINA-TI Schematic Editor Display .........................................................................................33Building a Circuit with TINA-TI .............................................................................................44Active and Passive Component Selection ................................................................................55Wiring Components Together ..............................................................................................66DC Analysis with Voltages/Currents Table Displayed ..................................................................77Additional TINA .....................................................................................88Virtual Instrumentation Testing (99)Contextual Help in TINA-TI ...............................................................................................10Texas Instruments has teamed up with DesignSoft,Inc.to provide our customers with TINA-TI,a powerful circuit simulation tool that is well-suited for simulating analog and switched-mode power supply (SMPS)circuits.The tool is ideal for helping designers and engineers to develop and test circuit ideas.TI selected the TINA™simulation software over other SPICE-based simulators for its combination of powerful analysis capabilities,simple and intuitive graphics-based interface,and ease of use,allowing you to be up and running in minimal time.If you are familiar with another SPICE simulator,adapting to TINA-TI should be an easy and straighforward transition.Although TINA-TI is a limited version of more powerful DesignSoft simulation products,it easily handles surprisingly complex circuits.Texas Instruments does not warrant or support any DesignSoft product.TINA-TI is a software program developed by both TI and DesignSoft.For more information about DesignSoft,visit the DesignSoft website at .TINA-TI is a trademark of Texas Instruments and DesignSoft,Inc.TINA is a trademark of DesignSoft,Inc.Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.SBOU052A–August 2007–Revised August 2008Getting Started with TINA-TI™1Submit Documentation Feedback这本用户快速入门指南概要性的介绍了TINA-TI™——一个强大的电路设计及仿真工具。
1.h TI webpage ed TINA-TI version are:000/XPA–August 2007–RevisedAugust 2008Submit Documentation FeedbackZHCU008 –2007年8月–2008年8月修订TINA-TI™入门 1提交文档反1Overview This quick-start user's guide presents an overview of TINA-TI™,a powerful circuit design and simulation tool.TINA-TI is ideal for designing,testing,and troubleshooting a broad variety of basic and advanced circuits,including complex architectures,without any node or number of device limitations.This documentis intended to help new TINA-TI users start creating circuit simulations using the fundamental features of TINA-TI software in the shortest possible time.Contents 1Overview ......................................................................................................................12Schematic Editor .............................................................................................................23Building a Circuit with TINA-TI .............................................................................................34Analysis Capabilities ........................................................................................................65Test and Measurement .....................................................................................................96AdditionalAssistance ......................................................................................................10List of Figures 1DownloadingTINA-TI (2)2TINA-TI Schematic Editor Display .........................................................................................33Building a Circuit with TINA-TI .............................................................................................44Active and Passive Component Selection ................................................................................55Wiring Components Together ..............................................................................................66DC Analysis with Voltages/Currents Table Displayed ..................................................................77Additional TINA .....................................................................................88Virtual Instrumentation Testing (99)Contextual Help in TINA-TI ...............................................................................................10Texas Instruments has teamed up with DesignSoft,Inc.to provide our customers with TINA-TI,a powerful circuit simulation tool that is well-suited for simulating analog and switched-mode power supply (SMPS)circuits.The tool is ideal for helping designers and engineers to develop and test circuit ideas.TI selected the TINA™simulation software over other SPICE-based simulators for its combination of powerful analysis capabilities,simple and intuitive graphics-based interface,and ease of use,allowing you to be up and running in minimal time.If you are familiar with another SPICE simulator,adapting to TINA-TI should be an easy and straighforward transition.Although TINA-TI is a limited version of more powerful DesignSoft simulation products,it easily handles surprisingly complex circuits.Texas Instruments does not warrant or support any DesignSoft product.TINA-TI is a software program developed by both TI and DesignSoft.For more information about DesignSoft,visit the DesignSoft website at .TINA-TI is a trademark of Texas Instruments and DesignSoft,Inc.TINA is a trademark of DesignSoft,Inc.Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.SBOU052A–August 2007–Revised August 2008Getting Started with TINA-TI™1Submit Documentation Feedback这本用户快速入门指南概要性的介绍了TINA-TI™——一个强大的电路设计及仿真工具。
一般问题1.什么是 TINA 和 TINA-TI?2.TINA-TI 版本 6 和 7 之间的主要差异是什么?3.是否可以继续使用 TINA-TI 版本 6?4.从何处可以获取 TINA-TI 版本 7?5.从何处可以获取完整版 TINA 版本 7 或将 TINA-TI 版本 7 升级到TINA 的完整版?6.运行 TINA-TI 的最低系统要求是什么?7.从何处可以获取 TINA-TI 帮助?8.如何检查工具更新?模拟1.从何处可以找到 TI 器件模型和应用电路?2.TINA-TI 能否运行导自其它模拟器的电路?3.导自 TINA-TI 的电路能否在其它模拟器上运行?4.如何执行参数分析?5.如何控制模拟的精确度和速度?波形显示1.如果在运行模拟之前未使用电压表,能否探测节点电压?2.如何更改模拟进程消息模式?3.TINA-TI 是否有波形测量工具?4.如何计算环路增益?5.如何测量显示窗口中的波形?模型与电路开发1.能否从子电路创建 TINA 宏模型?2.能否从 TINA-TI 创建 TINA 器件模型符号?3.如何编辑 TINA 器件模型符号?4.能否从 TINA-TI 创建 TINA 库?什么是 TINA 和 TINA-TI?TINA 是在 Microsoft Windows 操作系统中运行的基于 Spice 的电路模拟器。
可执行电路 DC、AC、瞬态、傅立叶、噪声分析等。
TINA 可通过供应商 (DesignSoft) 位于的网页购买。
TINA-TI 是 TINA 的简单版本,具有电路仿真的完整功能,但封装中的电路开发实用程序更少。
而且,TINA-TI 包含更多的 TI 器件模型和 TI 器件信息。
TI 通过/analogelab在全球免费发布 TINA-TI。
TINA-TI 和 TINA 设计套件版本比较TINA-TI 版本 6 和 7 之间的主要差异是什么?TINA-TI 版本 7 是版本 6 的重要升级。
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Select Tina-TI Circuit Simulation
Downloading TINA-TITM
Links for TINA-TI v9 download
Installing TINA-TI 9
TINA-TITM 9: Same Look and Feel
TINA-TITM 9: Multi-Core Support
Installing TINA-TI 9
Installing TINA-TI 9
Installing TINA-TI 9
Installing TINA-TI 9
Installing TINA-TI 9
Downloading the Model Library
Downloading the Model Library
Wire – place pointer on component End node (small red “x”) and click to start wire. Unclick at desired end node.
Function Generators
Click on the Signal box, then click on the 3 adjacent dots that appear The Signal Editor appears Double click on generator VG1 The parameter table appears Select signal type
Or double right click to access menu
Add Sources, Generators, and Wiring
Activate wiring function
Supplies and signal sources selected from Basic or Sources tabs Common connection symbol in Basic tab - Add label
Gain-Phase, Bode plot for OPA348 w/1 uF Load
Text entry
Double click on an axis to arrange the scale Set Axis box appears
Model TPS40180 UCCx809 UCC28C43 TPS62293
28 19 11 60
TINA9 Speed-up (min.) factor 14 2 5 3.8 3 3.7 3 20
Installing TINA-TI 99Dowຫໍສະໝຸດ loading TINA-TITM
Double click DC Sources to set up parameters
Set the Amplitude, Frequency, Phase, etc.
Performing Analysis with TINA-TI
• • • • • • Running Electrical Rules Check (ECR) Running DC Analysis Running AC Analysis Running Transient Analysis Design a Stable OPA348 Buffer Circuit Power Modeling in TINA-TI
File Functions Edit/Select Tool Last Component Tool
Text Tool
Delete Object Rotate/Mirror tools
Hide/ Reconnect Tool
Wire Tool
TINA-TI Schematic Editor Tour
• New models and reference designs are added on an ongoing basis (below parts added in past quarter):
CSD17308Q3 DRV595 INA206 LM22675 LM22677 LM22677 LM22680 LM25011 LM25018 LM25019 LM25575 LM26001 LM2853 LM3414 LM3481 LM48560 LM4871 LME49600 LMH6629 LMH6640 LMH6643Q-Q1 LMP91200 LMP91200 LMR12010 OPA4180 OPA627 THS4531A TL4242-Q1 TLV2464 TLV62090 TPA6211A1-Q1 TPS22986 TPS43060 TPS43061 TPS51125 TPS51225 TPS54418 TPS54478 TPS61175 TPS62141 TPS65300-Q1 TPS65320-Q1 VCA2615 VCA2617 VCA5807 VCA5807 XTR300
• Macros do not have to be from TI
– You can import models from other manufactures!
• Multi-variable sweeping • Block Wizard added to TINA-TI
TINA-TI 9 Features and Enhancements (2/2)
• Multi-core processor support. • Faster single core simulation. • Available in English, Chinese, Japanese, and Russian. • Initial Condition and Nodeset Components. • Linear and nonlinear controlled sources:
WEBENCH® Power Designer
TINA-TITM Circuit Simulator
TINA-TI 9 Features and Enhancements (1/2) • FREE: Available at in 5 languages • Schematic Symbol Editor:
Simulation Speed: TINA-TI 7 vs TINA-TI 9
• The table shows the transient sim time. • Hardware platform: 2.8GHz quad core. • TINA9 is WinXP/Win7 compatible.
TINA-TI 9: A New Simulation Solution
TINA-TITM and the ProTM Tools
The best way to begin a design is to start with the requirements and use one of the WEBENCH® tools to create a reference design. For example, for switching mode power supplies, you can use WEBENCH® Power Designer.
2. Select op amp symbol – list opens
1. Select Spice Macros
3. Scroll list and select op amp - click OK
4. Click on symbol and position in workspace
Add Capacitor
Manipulate Components
Use rotate and mirror functions, or right click to arrange components Complete component placement and ready the circuit for wiring
OPA348 with a Capacitive Load
Let’s simulate the OPA348 with a 1 uF load
V+ VVV1 2.5
V2 2.5
U1 OPA348
C1 1u
Select an Operational Amplifier
Click on error line and the error is highlighted in the schematic
DC Analysis
Select: Analysis > DC Analysis > Calculate nodal voltages
AC Analysis
Models in TINA-TI 9