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年级: 指导老师:






Abstract:This paper mainly carries on the design of 110KV substation. According to the mandate given by the system and the load line and all parameters of the substation and line consideration and the data of load analysis, meet the safety, economy and reliability requirements of 110KV, 35KV, 10KV side of the main connection form is determined, and then through the load calculation and determine the scope of supply the number, size, and type of the main transformer, thus obtains the parameters of each element, the equivalent network simplification, and then select the short circuit short circuit calculation, the calculation results and the maximum continuous working current according to short-circuit current, selection and calibration of electrical equipment, including bus, circuit breaker, isolating switch, voltage transformer, current transformer etc., and determine the distribution device. According to the load and short circuit calculation for the line, transformer, bus configuration of relay protection and setting calculation. At the same time, this paper makes a simple analysis of lightning protection and grounding and compensation device, and finally carries out the electrical main wiring diagram and the 110KV distribution unit interval section drawing.

Key words: substation design, transformer, electrical main wiring, equipment selection


1 引言 (1)

1.1 变电站的作用 (1)

1.2 我国变电站及其设计的发展趋势 (2)

1.3 变电站设计的主要原则和分类 (5)

1.4 选题目的及意义 (6)

1.5 设计思路及工作方法 (6)

1.6 设计任务完成的阶段内容及时间安排 (7)

2 任务书 (7)

2.1 原始资料 (7)

2.2 设计内容及要求 (10)

3 电气主接线设计 (11)

3.1 电气主接线设计概述 (11)

3.2 电气主接线的基本形式 (14)

3.3 电气主接线选择 (14)

4 变电站主变压器选择 (18)

4.1 主变压器的选择 (19)

4.2 主变压器选择结果 (21)

5 短路电流计算 (22)

5.1 短路的危害 (22)

5.2 短路电流计算的目的 (22)

5.3 短路电流计算方法 (22)

5.4 短路电流计算 (23)

5.4.1 110kv侧母线短路计算 (25)

5.4.2 35kv侧母线短路计算 (27)

5.4.3 10kv侧母线短路计算 (28)

6 电气设备的选择 (31)

6.1 导体的选择和校验 (31)

6.1.1 110kv母线选择及校验 (32)

6.1.2 35kv母线选择及校验 (33)

6.1.3 10kv母线选择及校验 (34)

6.2 断路器和隔离开关的选择及校验 (35)

6.2.1 110kv侧断路器及隔离开关的选择及校验 (36)

6.2.2 35kv侧断路器及隔离开关的选择及校验 (38)

6.2.3 10kv侧断路器及隔离开关的选择及校验 (40)

6.3 电压互感器和电流互感器的选择 (42)

6.3.1 电流互感器的选择 (42)

6.3.2 电压互感器的选择 (44)

7 继电保护的配置 (46)

7.1 继电保护的基本知识 (46)

7.2 110kv线路的继电保护配置及整定计算 (53)

7.2.1 110kV线路继电保护配置 (53)

7.2.2 110kV线路继电保护整定计算 (53)

7.3 变压器的继电保护及整定计算 (58)
