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litter bin 1.垃圾箱 zebra crossings 2.斑马线 too many soft drinks 3.过多的软饮料 too much soya milk 4.过多的豆奶 make sick people better 5.使病人好转 cook food for people 6.给人们做饭 7.把东西卖给别人 sell things to people 8.给人们拿来东西 bring things to people on the top floor 9. 在顶楼 on the eighteenth floor 10.在十八楼
1.在去某地的路上 2. 向左转 / 右转 3. 下车/ 上车 4. 步行 5. 交通阻塞 6. 大量的、许多 7. 路灯 8. 邮筒 9. 网球场 10. 灭火
on one’s way to
turn left / right
get off / get on on foot traffic jam a lot of / plenty of lamp post post box tennis court put out fires
holiday brochure Chinese New Year go on a trip
play basketball leap year come from / be from lay the table go shopping
8. 去购物 fish finger 9. 鱼柳 10. 一点儿、少量 a little
1 集邮 2 跳高 3 端午节 4 元宵节 5 中秋节 6 成千上万的 数万的
collect stamps high jump Dragon Boat Festival Lantern Festival Mid-autumn Festival thousands of
1.假日小册子 2. 春节 3. 去旅行 4. 打篮球 5. 闰年 6. 来自于 7. 摆桌子
high jump 1.跳高 go to the cinema 2.去看电影 3.打乒乓球 play table-tennis 4.听音乐 listen to music make models 5.制作模型 6.打排球 play volleyball 7.看录象 watch videos 8.花市 flower markets 9.新年装饰物 the New Year decorations go on a trip 10. 去旅行
want to be a / an 1.想要成为一名 want to help people 2.想要帮助人们 like to fly an aeroplane 3.喜欢开飞机 like to grow food 4.喜欢种庄稼 like to teach children 5.喜欢教孩子 want to have a picnic 6.想要野餐 how long 7.多长时间 8.多少(重量和价钱)how much 9.多少(数量) how many 10.一听肉 a can of meat
1.七片火腿 2.一大瓶果汁 3.一小盒奶 4.八袋糖果 5. 两条巧克力 6.购物清单 7.在…前面
seven slices of ham a large bottle of juice a small carton of milk eight packets of sweets two bars of chocolate shopping list be in front of
Baidu Nhomakorabea
enough clothes 1.足够的衣服 the weather forecast for 2.…的天气预报 like laying the table 3.喜欢摆桌子 like peeling the carrots 4.喜欢削胡萝卜 be good / bad for 5.对…有好/害处 work hard 6.工作努力 the frozen food section 7.冷冻食品柜台 8.花费时间(金钱)做事 spend …doing 9.在人行道上 on the pavement 10.打扮 dress up
1.到达 2. 坐地铁 3. 拍照 4. 在周末 5. 打扮 6. 互相 7. 放学以后 8. 睡觉时间 9. 家庭成员 10. 住宅小区
get to take the underground take photographs at the weekend dress up each other after school time for bed family member housing estate
1.一片… 2. 大量的、许多 3. 一薄片… 4.软饮料 5. 鸡翅 6. 豆浆 7. 过多的糖果 8. 过多的冰激凌 9. 奶制品 10人行横道
a piece of plenty of a slice of soft drinks chicken wing soya milk too many sweets too much ice-cream dairy products zebra crossing
1.看书 2.画画 3.画画 4.写一封信 5.写作业 6.踢足球 7.打网球
read a book draw a picture paint a picture write a letter do one’s homework play football play tennis