SDR接收机的设计与实践SDR接收机的设计与实践近年来,软件定义无线电(Software Defined Radio,简称SDR)技术得到了广泛应用和持续发展。
本文将介绍SDR 接收机的设计原理、实践经验以及相关应用案例。
1. 前置放大SDR接收机中的前置放大器负责将输入信号的电平增益至适宜的范围,以提高接收灵敏度和动态范围。
2. 模拟-数字转换模拟-数字转换是SDR接收机的重要环节,用于将收到的模拟信号转换为数字信号进行后续处理。
3. 滤波滤波是SDR接收机中的重要环节,用于抑制带外噪声和无用信号,使得后续的数字信号处理更加精确和高效。
4. 解调解调是SDR接收机的关键环节,用于从接收信号中恢复出原始的信息信号。
以下是一些关键的实践经验和技巧:1. 选择适当的硬件平台:根据应用需求和性能要求,选择合适的硬件平台,如通用计算机、FPGA、DSP、ARM等。
SDR短波电台使用说明书:频率范围RX: 0.5MHz-30MHz发射: 所有业余无线电短波频段收发模式SSB(J3E),CW,AM(接收), FM, 数字语音滤波器可调范围500HZ-10KHZ输出功率1W-13W(最大)接收灵敏度0.11~0.89μV(RFC 50-20)最小步进1Hz电压范围DC9~15V内置电池容量12.6V 2200mah接收电流350mah内置驻波表显示精准内置电池携带方便内置USB声卡可以使用电脑的SDR软件通过USB口收发,使用FT817协议,支持WSJT-X数字通讯支持ACC口控制外接70-100W功放天线阻抗50Ω频率稳定度±1.5PPM 开机5分钟(标准) ; ±0.5PPM 打开温补功能最大电流3.5A尺寸(W ×H ×D)190mm*69mm*45mm重量980g配件有充电器手咪BNC转N头六角扳手2个固定架子收听广播步骤:接上天线,侧面开关拨到ON ,按住POWER1秒开机,按BNAD <> 选择3.X或者5.X开头频率,按MODE多次选择AM模式,按STEP选择下标1KHZ,旋转TUNE直到收到台,关机:长按Power关机,长时间不用,侧面开关打到OFF业余无线电对讲步骤:接上天线,机器旁侧面开关拨到ON ,按住POWER1秒开机,按BNAD <> 选择7.X或者14.X开头频率,按MODE多次选择USB或者LSB模式,按STEP移动位数,按TUNE调数字调到7.050或者14.270,留意是否有人讲话,按PA选择5W,手咪接到Mic插口,按手咪讲话,声音越大,指示表显示越大,功率越大,如果没反应,长按几次M3 选择MIC模式,注意SWR显示,3以下效率比较低,有条件的调整天线长度最佳为SWR<=1.5,关机:长按Power关机,长时间不用,侧面开关打到OFF3.电压低于9.9V自动关机,充电步骤,1:侧面开关打到OFF,2:充电器接上转接头接到小的供电口(Charge Only),充电器红灯亮,充满变绿灯(充电器只能给机器充电,不能接DC in工作)频率校准:频率调到10MHZ或者15MHZ,听到了类似对时的声音说明可以对时按MODE选择SAM模式,右上角会显示误差的频率,如果与当前频率相差5HZ以上说明偏差较大,旋转RIT修正右上角的频率到5HZ以内即可。
一、概述OVT/DVB-TSS-2000数字卫星接收机是一款专业的数字卫星接收机,应用于数字卫星信号的接收和转发,且带有DVB标准ASI接口输出TS流,可广泛应用于各种模拟或数字CATV 前端系统中。
二、功能特点●完全符合DVB和MPEG-2标准●支持专业的视频/音频输出接口,且带有标准ASI串行的TS流输出接口●支持DiSEqc1.2多语言功能●支持多种可编程的卫星和转发器信息●频道记忆●前面板按键和红外线遥控用户界面●操作菜单可锁定保护●多种编辑功能(包括电视或无线电广播,组,频道名称,PID参数,卫星名称和类型) ●提供屏幕频道信息的电子节目指南●多个卫星的频道记忆功能●256色的图形用户界面三、基本原理OVT/DVB-TSS-2000数字卫星接收机基本原理如下面框图所示:其大致工作原理为:卫星接收机将接收的卫星信号接行解调,然后由解码单元进行解码,再经过一些接口电路得到可以播放的模拟视频/音频信号,同时将解调后的信号经过数字逻辑处理单元进行处理打包,再进行专业的数字接口转换电路,得到ASI接口的TS流输出。
1.2后面板1.TS流输出(ASI OUT)DVB标准ASI接口TS流输出2.高频头输入(LNB IN 13/18V 最大500mA)卫星信号输入口,用同轴电缆连接高频头(LNB)。
3.高频头输出(LNB OUT)卫星信号环出口,可连接其它的卫星信号接收设备。
A USER’S GUIDE TO SDR# (SDRSHARP)SDR# (aka “SDRSharp”) is an easy-to-use yet small and fast Software Defined Radio application for Windows created by Youssef Touil with collaborative assistance from other talented software engineers. SDR# is written in C#, a modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language developed by Microsoft.SDR# is intended as a Digital Signal Processing application for use with a wide range of RF hardware, including:•SoftRock•FiFiSDR•FUNcube Dongle•SDR-4•LazyDog’s LD-1•SDR-IQ•SDR-14•RTL2832U / RTLSDR•Any sound card based SDR front end•Any ExtIO based SDR front endMore radios will be supported as interest demands. Latest information can always be found at the SDR# website: / and on the #SDR channel on IRC, or via the mail reflector:/group/SDRSharp/The SDR# human interface is intuitive and flexible to use. “Run” and “Stop” buttons are found the very top of the screen, along with the ability to select live data from a connected IQ stream or playback of stored files.The balance of the SDR# screen consists of three functional areas:-Expandable control panels along the left-hand side-Tuning controls and spectrum display at the top-right-Waterfall display at bottom-right-Controls for spectrum Zoom and waterfall Contrast along the rightmost edgeEXPANDABLE CONTROL PANELSSDR# comes with four standard control panels:o Radioo Audioo AGCo FFT DisplayEach panel can be minimized by clicking on the “-“ sign, or expanded by clicking on the “+” sign. RADIO:The Radio panel includes information needed to configure, control, and tune the Software Defined Radio. Here is a brief description of functions that are available:1. MODE Selections include Narrow FM (NFM), AM, Lower Sideband (LSB), Upper Sideband (USB), Wide FM (WFM), Double Sideband (DSB), and CW with lower or upper-side offset (CW-L and CW-U) NFM is used for all FM modes except FM broadcast, which is WFM.2. FREQUENCYThis box shows the frequency that is actually being received. Direct entry is possible, but must be within range of the center frequency that is presently set. Click the mouse anywhere in the spectrum display to tune to that frequency.3. CENTERThis box shows the center frequency that the RF front-end is tuned to. The combination of FREQUENCY and CENTER displays can be used to tune SDR#. Once the CENTER frequency is set, any signal within the spectrum display can be tuned, based on the sample rate of the RF front end. See “Spectrum Display” for information on tuning using the mouse, otherwise center frequency (in Hz) can be entered directly.4. FRONT ENDVarious RF hardware options can be selected by clicking the down-arrow just to the right of the FRONT END button. Available devices can be selected via the pull-down menu, and applicable defaults will be displayed.The FRONT END button brings up a menu containing any configuration options that are available for the selected device.5. FILTER TYPE, FILTER BANDWIDTH, FILTER ORDERThese three options allow customization of the window function, bandwidth, and order of the DSP filter used by SDR#. Default options are chosen for nominal operation in each model, but can be changed as desired, and the specified bandwidth will be shown as a highlighted area on the spectrum display. Filter settings will return to the default values when SDR# is restarted.6. SQUELCHClicking the box enables the Squelch function, which mutes the audio output until the received signal exceeds the threshold value that is determined by the value in the box below. Lower values “loosen” the squelch or decrease the signal level needed for audio to be heard. Higher values require stronger signals before audio is heard. Squelch is available in AM and NFM modes only.7. CW SHIFTThis value determines the offset between transmit and receive frequencies in the CW modes for devices having transmit capability.8. SNAP TO GRID, STEP SIZEThese functions help to simplify tuning for channelized operation, and to customize the tuning response of SDR# for all modes. A wide range of step size options can be selected from the pull-down menu to accommodate various needs. For example, 12.5 kHz steps are used in aircraft communications, whereas single sideband requires tuning in increments of 100 Hz or less. The Snap-to-Grid option forces the tuned frequency to the nearest step size increment.9. CORRECT IQSDR# has an original algorithm that compensates gain and phase imbalances between the IQ channels. Without this compensation strong signals are mirrored with respect to the center of the spectrum, as can be seen in the spectrum display of other SDR programs. This unique feature of SDR# should be left on unless there is a reason to disable it.10. Swap I and QMost RF front ends will present I and Q signals in the proper way, but if not, click this box to swap them without changing hardware connections.11.FM StereoWhen selected, stereo output is available in WFM mode (for broadcast FM listening)12.Mark PeaksClicking this box toggles a visual indicator of peaks in the spectrum display as an aid for tuning.USING THE SPECTRUM DISPLAYThe above settings should enable basic SDR# Radio operation using RTL-SDR / RTL2832 USB DVB-T dongle. Default frequency and mode settings are for FM broadcast where signals are strong and something should be heard even with a limited antenna.QUICK START: Select the Front End, Enter a Center Frequency and Mode, then click “Start”. Default settings should be sufficient for normal listening.ANTENNA: The short antenna supplied with DVB-T dongles provides poor reception and should be replaced with a good VHF-UHF antenna mounted outdoors if possible. Low-loss RG-6/U coax is readily available at reasonable price. Adapters can be purchased to adapt the “F” connector used on RG-6/U to the PAL connector used on the dongle. Alternatively the supplied cable can be cut near the end and used to make an adapter patch cable. Details for making inexpensive wideband VHF/UHF antennas such asthe discone can be found online. Old TV or scanner antennas, “rabbit ears”, etc can also be used.SPECTRUM DISPLAYThe spectrum display shows a continuous display of the RF spectrum. The amount of spectrum displayed is a function of three factors:1.The Sample Rate of the RF Front end. This determines the amount of RF spectrum that isdigitized and sent to SDR# for digital processing.2.The setting chosen in the “FFT Display” control panel.3.The setting of the “Zoom” slider to the right of the display area. Fully down, the amount ofspectrum displayed is the full amount that is provided by the RF Front End. As the slider ismoved up, the display zooms-in on the frequency presently tuned, showing more detail of thesignal being received, but less of the overall spectrum.The relative amplitude of each signal can be estimated by comparing the height of each peak. With practice one can quickly identify the different modulation types, based on their appearance in the spectrum display.Ability to easily tailor the spectrum display adds a great deal of capability to SDR#.The FFT setting determines the base resolution of the spectrum display. A fairly low FFT setting (such as 4096) provides adequate resolution for many purposes yet places a minimal burden on the CPU. Increasing the FFT provides much greater resolution, but at the cost of increasing the load on the PC CPU, with the highest settings requiring so much computational time that audio becomes choppy. The general rule of thumb is to use as high a setting as needed for your purposes, but no more.The zoom feature makes it easy to temporarily see more details without changing the base resolution. It is analogous to an old-time newspaper photo, where a magnifying glass enables you to see the dots that are always present in the image. Zooming-in on a signal makes it easier to tune to the exact center, and to view a limited chunk of spectrum in more detail.The mouse can be used to change the center frequency by clicking and dragging the background of the spectrum display to the right or left. Clicking on any part of the display area will tune SDR# to that frequency.OTHER EXPANDABLE CONTROL PANELSAUDIO:The Audio control panel allows control of the volume and selection of the audio source and destination. For most users the default choices will be OK. Those who need a source of unfiltered audio should unclick the “Filter Audio” box. For users who feed the output of SDR# to a digital decoding program of some sort, the Audio Output should be changed to Virtual Audio Cable or whatever alternative is used for this purpose.AGC:This panel provides control over the Automatic Gain Control feature of SDR#. Default settings should be OK for most users.FFT Display:Other than changing the resolution of the FFT as explained above, default settings should be OK for most users.CUSTOM:Developers are working on new features that add new functionality to SDR#, resulting in the addition of new expandable control panels for these features. If you have a version of SDR# that includes custom control panels, you will need to look to the SDR# website and discussion groups for further information. Some examples include:AUTO TUNER – automatically tunes to peak signals much like a scanner, including loggingfrequencies and other enhancements.TRUNKING – extracting control channel information from a 2nd dongle using Unitrunker toautomatically follow trunked radio systemThis ability to enhance SDR# will continue to evolve as the potential of software defined radio is explored and new applications created.WATERFALL DISPLAYThe waterfall display is a time-varying spectral display, and brings an exciting new dimension to radio listening. Previously used in applications such as sonar, speech processing, and seismology, the waterfall (also known as “spectrogram”) display gives us a brief look back in time as signals appear at the top, and then scroll down and off the bottom of the display. The frequency of each signal is the same as in the spectrum display above, so the waterfall will show “wiggles” as we click and drag the spectrum display to change frequency. Since the waterfall is a 2 dimensional view (frequency vs. time), amplitude information is displayed through the horizontal width and color of the line in the waterfall rather than through the peaks.A slider control allows customization of the display “Contrast”, but the default setting should be OK for most users. Black indicates no signal, and shades of blue, yellow and red correspond to increasingly higher received signal levels. A very strong signal will be almost solid red, while a weak signal will consist of mostly yellow and blue. Modulation type can be determined from the waterfall display as well, in fact the “dits and dahs” of a CW (Morse) signal can usually be read vertically as the display scrolls. Since the display color contrast is relative, the user can vary it to suit specific needs.The Zoom control affects the waterfall display in the same way as the spectrum display.FOR MORE INFORMATION:1.the official SDR# website: /2.shortcut to official download page: /index.php/downloadsNote: “Continuous Integration” or “nightly” versions contain latest enhancements and features3.RTL2832 DVB-T dongle installation information: /softwarewindowsNOTE: THE ABOVE PROCEDURE MUST BE FOLLOWED BEFORE RTL DEVICES CAN BE USED WITH SDR#!4.Bob Rich’s standing download site for the lastest version of his experimental code (AutoTuner, Trunking, etc):https:///Release-latest.zip5.#rtlsdr and #sdrsharp on Freenode IRC6.Yahoo group: /group/SDRSharp/ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT:Copyright (C)2012 Robert A. Nickels.Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this documentunder the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNUFree Documentation License".。
安装驱动第一步,插入RTL-SDR 软件无线电接收机,1. xp提示发现新硬件,是否自动安装驱动,选择否。
2. windows 7 提示发现新硬件,同时自动搜索驱动,点取消。
1. xp系统安装 zadig-xp ;(注意:如果软件打不开,请安装微软的net 3.5(百度搜NET 3.5)2. 其他Windows版本(WIN7,WIN8,WIN10)安装zadig_win8(可能需要禁用数字签名)安装驱动时请关闭360杀毒、安全卫士等软件如果系统是WIN10,也可能显示”RTL2832UHIDIR”, 选中,点Replace Driver。
1. 运行zading,单击options,选择list all devices ,在下拉列表里选择bulk-in,interface (interface0),绿色箭头右边默认winusb ,然后单击instatll driver 。
2. 检查驱动是否安装完成。
再次运行zading ,在下拉列表里选择bulk-in,interface (interface 1),再安装一次驱动即可。
WIN10系统,可能显示RTL2832UHIDIR,选中,点Replace Driver第三步,运行 SDRSharp.exe 。
A:接收25MHz-1.7GHz VHF和UHF。
2,设置:在左上角的下拉列表中选择RTL-SDR/USB ,点右边的configure,勾选tuneragc。
在单击左上角的Play (开始)。
3.调频广播:87-108MHz 选择WFM2. 民用对讲机: 136MHz-174MHz 制式为NFM400MHz-470MHz 制式为NFM3.业余超短波电台:50-54MHz,144-148MHz,430-440MHz NFM4. 机场塔台通话: 118-135.975MHz。
SDR-4000 Dual Digital USB SD Recorder 用户手册说明书
SDR-4000 Dual Digital USB/SD RecorderO W N E R’S M A N U A LFCC INFORMATION (U.S.A.)1. IMPORTANT NOTICE: DO NOT MODIFY THIS UNIT!: This product, when installed as indicated in the instructions contained in this manual, meets FCCrequirements. Modifications not expressly approved byVocopro may void your authority, granted by the FCC, to use this product.2. IMPORTANT: When connecting this product to accessories and/or another product use only high quality shielded cables. Cable(s) supplied with this product MUST be used. Follow all installationinstructions. Failure to follow instructions could void your FCC authorization to use this product in the U.S.A.3. NOTE: This product has been tested and found to comply with the requirements listed in FCC Regulations, Part 15 for Class "B" digital devices. Compliance with these requirements provides a reasonable level ofassurances that your use of this product in a residential environment will not result in harmful interference with other electronic devices. This equipmentgenerates/uses radio frequencies and, if not installed and used according to the instructions found in the owner's manual, may cause interference harmful to the operation of other electronic devices. Compliance with FCC regulations does not guarantee that interference will not occur in all installations. If this product is found to be the source of interference, which can bedetermined by turning the unit "Off" and "On", please try to eliminate the problem by using one of the following measures:Relocate either this product or the device that is being affected by the interference.Use power outlets that are on different branch (circuit breaker or fuse) circuits or install AC line filter(s).In the case of radio or TV interference, relocate/reorient the antenna. If the antenna lead-in is 300-ohm ribbon lead, change the lead-in to coaxial type cable.If these corrective measures do not produce satisfactory results, please contact your local retailer authorized to distribute Vocopro products. If you can not locate the appropriate retailer, please contact Vocopro, 1728 Curtiss Court, La Verne, CA 91750.1. To ensure the finest performance, please read thismanual carefully. Keep it in a safe place for future reference. 2. Install your unit in a cool, dry, clean place - away from windows, heat sources, and too much vibration, dust, moisture or cold. Avoid sources of hum (transformers, vmotors). To prevent fire or electrical shock, do not expose to rain and water.3. Do not operate the unit upside-down.4. Never open the cabinet. If a foreign object drops into the set, contact your dealer.5. Place the unit in a location with adequate air circulation. Do not interfere with its proper ventilation; this will cause the internal temperature to rise and may result in a failure.6. Do not use force on switches, knobs or cords. Whenmoving the unit, first turn the unit off. Then gently disconnect the power plug and the cords connecting to other equipment. Never pull the cord itself.7. Do not attempt to clean the unit with chemical solvents: this might damage the finish. Use a clean, dry cloth.8. Be sure to read the "Troubleshooting" section on common operating errors before concluding that your unit is faulty.9. This unit consumes a fair amount of power even when the power switch is turned off. We recommend that you unplug the power cord from the wall outlet if the unit is not going to be used for a long time. This will save electricity and help prevent fire hazards. To disconnect the cord, pull it out by grasping the plug. Never pull the cord itself.10. To prevent lightning damage, pull out the power cord and remove the antenna cable during an electrical storm. 11. The general digital signals may interfere with other equipment such as tuners or receivers. Move the system farther away from such equipment if interference is observed.CAUTION:READ THIS BEFORE OPERATING YOUR UNITVoltage Selector (General Model Only)Be sure to position the voltage selector to match the voltage of your local power lines before installing the unit.Listening for a lifetimeSelecting fine audio equipment such as the unit youʼve just purchased is only the start of your musical enjoyment. Now itʼs time to consider how you can maximize the fun and excitement your equipment offers. VocoPro and the Electronic Industries Associationʼs Consumer Electronics Group want you to get the most out of your equipment by playing it at a safe level. One that lets the sound come through loud and clear without annoying blaring or distortion and, most importantly, without affecting your sensitive hearing.Sound can be deceiving. Over time your hearing “comfort level” adapts to a higher volume of sound. So what sounds “normal” can actually be loud and harmful to your hearing. Guard against this by setting your equipment at a safe level BEFORE your hearing adapts.To establish a safe level:• Start your volume control at a low setting.• Slowly increase the sound until you can hear it comfortably and clearly, and withoutdistortion.Once you have established a comfortable sound level:• Set the dial and leave it there.• Pay attention to the different levels in various recordings.Taking a minute to do this now will help to prevent hearing damage or loss in the future. After all, we want you listening for a lifetime.Used wisely, your new sound equipment will provide a lifetime of fun and enjoyment. Since hearing damage from loud noise is often undetectable until it is too late, this manufacturer and the Electronic Industries Associationʼs Consumer Electronics Group recommend you avoid prolonged exposure to excessive noise. This list of sound levels is included for your protection.Some common decibel ranges:Level304050607080ExampleQuiet library, Soft whispersLiving room, Refrigerator, Bedroom away from traffic Light traffic, Normal ConversationAir Conditioner at 20 ft., Sewing machineVacuum cleaner, Hair dryer, Noisy Restaurant Average city traffic, Garbage disposals, Alarm clock at 2 ft.The following noises can be dangerous under constant exposure:Level90 100 120 140 180ExampleSubway, Motorcycle, Truck traffic, Lawn MowerGarbage truck, Chainsaw, Pneumatics drillRock band concert in front of speakersGunshot blast, Jet planeRocket launching pad-Information courtesy of the Deafness Research FoundationWARNINGTo reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this unit to rain or moisture.Explanation of Graphical SymbolsThe lightning flash & arrowhead symbol, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert you to the presence of danger.The exclamation point within anequilateral triangle is intended to alert you to the presence of importantoperating and servicing instructions.1. Read Instructions - All the safety and operating instructions should be read before the appliance is operated.2. Retain Instructions - The safety and operating instructions should be retained for future reference.3. Heed Warnings - All warnings on the appliance and in the operating instructions should be adhered to.4. Follow Instructions - All operating and use instructions should be followed.5. Attachments - Only use attachments/accessories specified or provided by the manufacturer (such as the exclusive supply adapter, battery etc.)6. Water and Moisture - Do not use this unit near water. For example, near a bathtub or in a wet basement and the like.7. Carts and Stands - Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or table specified by the manufacturer, or sold with the apparatus. When a cart or rack is used, use caution when moving the cart/apparatus combination to avoid injury from tip-over.7 A. An appliance and cart combination should be moved with care. Quick stops, excessive force, and uneven surfaces may cause an overturn.8. Ventilation - The appliance should be situated so its location does not interfere with its proper ventilation. For example, the appliance should not be situated on a bed, sofa, rug, or similar surface that may block the ventilation slots.9. Heat - The appliance should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or other appliances (including amplifiers) that produce heat.10. Power Sources - The appliance should be connected to a power supply only of the typedescribed in the operating instructions or as marked on the appliance.11. Grounding or Polarization - Precautions should be taken so that the grounding or polarization means of an appliance is not defeated. A polarized plug has two blades with one wider than the other. A grounding plug has two blades and and third grounding prong. The wide blade or the third prong is provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obsolete outlet.12. Power-Cord Protection - Power-supply cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items placed upon oragainst them, paying particular attention to cords at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the point where they exit from the appliance.13. Cleaning - Unplug this unit from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a dry cloth for cleaning.14. Power lines - An outdoor antenna should be located away from power lines.15. Nonuse Periods - The power cord of the appliance should be unplugged from the outlet when left unused for a long period of time.16. Object and Liquid Entry - Care should be taken so that objects do not fall and liquids are not spilled into the enclosure through openings.17. Damage Requiring Service - The appliance should be serviced by qualified service personnel when:A. The power supply cord or plug has been damaged; or B. Objects have fallen into the appliance; or C. The appliance has been exposed to rain; orD. The appliance does not appear to operate normally or exhibits a marked change in performance; orE. The appliance has been dropped, or the enclosure damaged.18. Servicing - The user should not attempt to service the appliance beyond that described in the operating instructions. All other servicing should be referred to qualified service personnel.Note:To CATV system installer's (U.S.A.): This reminder is provided to call the CATV system installer's attention to Article 820-40 of the NEC that provides guidelines for proper grounding and, in particular, specifies that the cable ground shall be connected as close to the point ofcable entry as practical.Safety InstructionsWelcomeVocoPro1728 Curtiss Court La Verne, CA 91750Toll Free: 800-678-5348TEL: 909-593-8893FAX: 909-593-8890VocoPro Company E-mail Directory Customer Service & General Information****************Tech Support***********************Remember Our WebsiteBe sure to visit the VocoPro Website for the latest information on new products, packages and promos. And while you’re there don’t forget to check out our Club VocoPro for Karaoke news and events, chat rooms, club directories and even a Service directory! We look forward to hearing you sound like a PRO, with VocoPro, the singer’s ultimate choice.Thank you for purchasing the SDR-4000 from VocoPro, your ultimatechoice in Karaoke entertainment! With years of experience in the music entertainment business, VocoPro is a leading manufacturer of Karaoke equipment, and has been providing patrons of bars, churches, schools, clubs and individual consumers the opportunity to sound like a star with full-scale club models, in-home systems and mobile units. All our products offer solid performance and sound reliability, and to further strengthen our commitment to customer satisfaction, we have customer service and technical support professionals ready to assist you with your needs. We have provided some contact information for you below.FOR YOUR RECORDSPlease record the model number and serial number below, for easy reference, in case of loss or theft. These numbers are located on the rear panel of the unit. Space is also provided for other relevant information.Model Number Serial Number Date of Purchase Place of PurchaseSDR-4000 Owner’s Manual © VocoPro 2012v1.1114。
捷星广达SDRG-310 产品用户使用手册说明书
文档编号:UTM 032, Rev
©2012 捷星广达科技有限公司
帧校验结果,子帧号, [word1, word2, …, word10]。
如有必要请点击设置设置路径菜单以重设记4. 此时可以点击运行菜单或快捷键开始处理数据文件;
5. 点击停止菜单或快捷键终止数据文件的处理;
6. 点击关闭菜单或快捷键关闭当前打开的数据文件。
MW-DSR 2021M 工程卫星数字接收机 说明书
音 频 压 缩 方 式 :M U S I C A M 音 频 取 样 率 :4 8 k H z 音 频 输 出 :M O N O , L / R 频 率 特 性 : ±1 . 5 d B(2 0 H z ~ 2 0 k H z) 音 频 信 噪 比 : ≥7 0 d B 输 出 类 型 :R C A
MW-DSR 2021-
频段 制式
M:高频调制 B:中频调制 T:TS流输出
V:V段 L:UL段 H:UH段
DS1~DS57 Z1~Z37 (PAL-D/K)
技术指标Biblioteka ⑴ 输入频 率 范 围 :9 5 0 M H z - 2 1 5 0 M H z 捕 捉 信 号 频 率 范 围 :2 M H z 输 入 信 号 电 平 范 围 :- 6 5 ~ - 2 5 d B m 输 入 反 射 损 耗 : ≥7 d B 输 入 阻 抗 :7 5Ω Eb/No门限值:≤3.5dB (FEC=3/4时) 输 入 接 口 :F型 英 制 ⑵ 输出端口 R C A输 出 :1路 R S 2 3 2:1个 R F输 出 :1路R F射 频 输 出 ⑶ 频道解码 解 调 方 式 :Q P S K 符 号 速 率 :2 ~ 4 5 M b p s
SCPC/MCPC全兼容 可接收所有不加密卫星数字电视/音频节目 C/ku波段兼容 支持双本振LNB 断电记忆及自动恢复 信号强度,质量指示 高可靠开关电源(~100-~265) NTSC/PAL自动识别 电子节目指南 多频道编辑功能 用户可以编辑各种卫星和转发器信息 自动搜索新增加的卫星转发器 开机播放制定系统 具有图文功能可接收图文信息 左右声道,立体声伴音选择 RS-232接口,软件可升级 超低门限 AV输出 可选调制输出 全功能红外遥控 OSD级联菜单设置
sdruno 使用手册
sdruno 使用手册SDRuno 是一款功能强大的软件定义无线电(SDR)应用程序,它为用户提供了简单易用的界面来控制和操作软件定义无线电硬件。
本手册将介绍 SDRuno 的基本操作流程以及一些常用功能,帮助用户快速上手并充分利用 SDRuno 的各种功能。
一、安装和启动首先,将 SDRuno 的安装程序下载到您的计算机上。
安装程序可以在官方网站上获得,但由于文章无法包含链接,请自行搜索 SDRuno 官方网站并下载安装程序。
安装完成后,双击打开 SDRuno 快捷方式,或者在开始菜单中找到SDRuno 并点击打开。
二、设备连接与设置1. 接入 SDR 设备将您的 SDR 设备通过 USB 接口连接到计算机,确保设备驱动程序已正确安装。
打开 SDRuno 后,点击菜单栏中的“设备”选项,选择您的设备,并确保它被正确识别。
2. 频率和模式设置在 SDRuno 的界面上,您可以看到频谱显示区域和控制面板。
通过键盘或鼠标输入您想要接收的频率,并选择合适的模式,如 AM、FM、SSB、CW 等。
三、主要功能介绍1. 频谱显示频谱显示是 SDRuno 最核心的功能之一。
2. 接收与解调在频谱显示区域选择您感兴趣的频率后,可以通过点击“开始接收”按钮开始接收信号。
SDRuno 支持多种解调方式,您可以根据实际需求选择适当的解调方式。
3. 带宽和滤波器设置在控制面板中,您可以找到带宽和滤波器设置的选项。
4. 记忆预设SDRuno 支持记忆预设功能,您可以将常用的频率、设置和模式保存为预设,以便下次使用时快速调用。
5. 录音和回放SDRuno 具有录音和回放功能,您可以将接收到的信号录制下来并在以后进行回放。
mcHF SDR QRP中文操作手册 V1.0 219.18
BD6AV 编译
基本参数: 频率范围: 发射: 工作模式: CW(A1A) AM(A3E) 最小频率步进: 天线阻抗: 工作温度范围: 频率稳定度: 工作电压: 工作电流: 50Ω -10℃---+60℃ ±1.5ppm @ 开机 5 分钟,-10℃~+60℃(标配) 9~15V DC 接收:410MA------440MA(最大显示亮度), 最小的LCD亮度可以降低40-60MA 硬件改进后降50%---80%,关机后约60MA 功放驱动级改进后3-5MA 发射:3A(FULL) 1.5A(5W) 整机尺寸: 发射机参数: 发射频段: 发射功率: 调制方式: 80,60,40,30,20,17,15,12和10米业余波段 标称5W(@13.8V),15W(@13.8V FULL) SSB 软件平衡调制 190x69x45 毫米 宽X高X厚 (不包括旋钮、ANT等突出突出物) 1Hz 接收: 2.5---30MH2–旋转编码器,M2 旋钮通常是用来调整射频增益 RFG 的,但其功能可以按 M2 键而改变,使用旋钮可调 整接收机 DSP 降噪器强度。在菜单模式,它是用来选择要调整的项目。而在正常(非菜单)状态下,按 M2 按键的时候,在接收模式时旋钮功能是调整 DSP 降噪器强度的。
这个按键是用来选择收发信机的操作模式,按压这个按键将连续在 USB LSB CW-U AM 循环转换可用的模 式。但此按键在当菜单项“LSB / USB 汽车选择“启用,长按此键,将在普通转换模式和“LSB / USB 自动选择 “模式间转换,当“LSB / USB 自动选择“启用,它使电台根据频率自动选择 USB 或是 LSB(例如 USB 不会选 择低于 10 兆赫),如果要选择 CW 或是 AM 模式,长按 MOOE 键,回到普通模式,又可手动切换工作模式 了。
SDR-342 SDR-342T 方向式下摘可转动3.4英寸显示器多媒体播放器说明书
SDR-342/SDR-342TFlip-down/Detachable 3.4” MonitorMP3/MP4 PlayerAM/FM RadioBuilt-in TV tuner (only for SDR-342T model)Owner’s Manual Take the time to read through this owner’s manual.Familiarity with installation and operation procedures will help you obtain the best Performance from your new device.℃z Using the device at temperature below -10 may cause the breakage of the device.BEFORE USING PLEASE HEAT UP THE PASSENGER COMPARTMENT TO THERECOMMENDED TEMPERATURE!z Read carefully through this manual to familiarize you with this high-quality sound system.z Disconnect the vehicle's negative battery terminal while mounting and connecting the unit.z When replacing the fuse, be sure to use one with an identical amperage rating. Using a fuse with a higher amperage rating may cause serious damage to the unit.z Make sure that pins or other foreign objects do not get inside the unit; they may cause malfunctions, or create safety hazards such as electrical shock or laser beam exposure.z If you have parked the car for a long time in hot or cold weather, wait until the temperature in the car becomes normal before operating the unit.z DO NOT open covers and do not repair yourself. Consult the dealer or an experienced technician for help.z Make sure you disconnect the power supply and aerial if you will not use the system for a long period or during a thunderstorm.z Make sure you disconnect the power supply if the system appears to be working incorrectly, (For example: making unusual sounds, smelling strange, emitting smokes from inside or liquid having gotten inside it)Have a qualified technician check the system.z The unit is designed for negative terminal of the battery, which is connected to the vehicle metal. Please confirm it before installation.z Do not allow the speaker wires to be shorted together when the unit is switched on. Otherwise it may overload or burn out the power amplifier.z Do not install the detachable panel before connecting the wire.z Don't remove the detachable panel when encoding.Important Safeguards (2)Contents (3)Accessories (4)Installation/Un-Installation (5)Wiring Connections (6)Front panel (8)Inner panel (8)Remote control (9)Remove battery (9)Main Menu (10)General Operation (10)Radio operation (13)USB/SD/MMC Operation (14)TV Opeartion(only for SDR-342T model) (15)Anti-theft system (16)Troubleshooting guide (17)Specification (18)Package contains the following accessories for installation and operation of the unit.(1) Washer, Spring1 eachWasher, M5 Nut(2) Mounting Strap 1(3) Bolt 5*20 1(4) Screw 5*6 4(5) Mounting Collar 1(6) Release Key 2(7) Screw 5*20 1(8) Rubber Cushion 1Remote Control Warranty card ISO cableUser Manual 1x front panel protection case Trim ring Noted:Product image may vary from the actual deliveryFirst complete the electrical connections, and then check them for correctness.InstallationThis unit can be installed in any dashboard having an opening asshown on the picture. Thedashboard should be 4.75 – 5.56 mm thick in order to be able to support the unit.1. Insert mounting collar into the dashboard, and bend the mounting tabs out with a screwdriver.Make sure that lock lever (※)is flush with the mounting collar (not projecting outward).2. Secure the rear of the unit.After fixing mounting bolt and power connector, fix the rear of the unit to the car body by rubber cushion.3. Insert trim plate.When you prepare to insert trim plate, please check its direction. Once it was up side down, it cannot be fixed.Un-installationRemove Trim Ring and insert Release Keys into left and right side-end holes as shown in below picture and pull the unit out of the dashboard.Lock lever (※)Make sure you have good chassis ground. A good ground connection will eliminate most electrical noise problems. A good chassis ground requires a tight connection to the vehicle’s metal chassis. The area around the ground connection should be clean, bare metal without rust, paint, plastic, dust, or dirt for a good electrical connection.Caution: Do not interchange the connection of the wiringFor some car models you may need to modify wiring of the supplied power cord. Contact your authorized car dealer before installing this unit.(Only for SDR-342)Using the ISO Connector1. If your car is equipped with the ISO connector, then connect the ISO connectors as illustrated.2. For connections without the ISO connectors, check the wiring in the vehicle carefully before connecting, incorrect connection may cause serious damage to this unit.3. Cut the connector; connect the colored leads of the power cord to the car battery as shown in the color code table below for speaker and power cable connections.Location FunctionConnector A Connector B1 Rear Right(+)---Purple2Rear Right(-)---Purple/Black Stripe 3Parking (GND)---Brown Front Right(+)---Grey4Battery 12V (+)---Yellow Front Right(-)---Grey/Black Stripe 5Auto Antenna---Blue Front Left(+)---White6Front Left(-)---White/Black Stripe 7ACC(+)---Red Rear Left(+)---Green8 Ground---Black Rear Left(-)---Green/Black Stripe(Only for SDR-342T)Using the ISO Connector1. If your car is equipped with the ISO connector, then connect the ISO connectors as illustrated.2. For connections without the ISO connectors, check the wiring in the vehicle carefully before connecting, incorrect connection may cause serious damage to this unit.3. Cut the connector; connect the colored leads of the power cord to the car battery as shown in the color code table below for speaker and power cable connections.Location FunctionConnector A Connector B1 RearRight(+)---PurpleRight(-)---Purple/Black Stripe2 RearCamera---Yellow Rear3 Parking (GND)---Brown Front Right(+)---Grey4 Battery 12V (+)---Yellow Front Right(-)---Grey/Black Stripe5 Auto Antenna---Blue Front Left(+)---White6 Front Left(-)---White/Black Stripe7 ACC(+)---Red Rear Left(+)---Green8 Ground---Black Rear Left(-)---Green/Black Stripe1) Power /Mute button 2) EQ /LOUD button 3) SEL button 4) Mode button 5) SCAN button 6) MENU button 7) Volume/OK button 8) AS/PS button9) BAND / Media select button10) Play/Pause, Memory button 11) Previous / Reverse button 12) Next / Forward button 13) IR sensor 14) LCD Screen 15) OPEN button 16) USB slot17) AUX IN jack/AV IN jack(optional)Inner panel18) SD/MMC card slot 19) Reset button20) Anti-Theft LED flash NOTE :When turn off the power, the unit will switch to standby mode unless cut the ACC power. The power light will continue lighting.Note:The distance may vary according to the brightness of ambient light.If the remote is not used for an extended period of time, remove the battery to prevent possibledamage from battery leakage and corrosion. Do not place any objects between the remotecontrol unit and the sensor on the unit.Do not drop the remote control onto the floor; itwill damage it beyond repair.Do not use the remote control unit, whilesimultaneously operating the remote control unit of any other equipment; they may interfere resulting in improper operation.The battery normally last for about one year although depending how often the remote controlis used. If the remote control unit isn’t working even when it is operated near the unit, replace the battery with a new battery of the same make and use only a lithium cell battery type: CR2025 (3V).Dispose empty batteries in accordance with your local governmental regulations. Do not short-circuit, disassemble, heat or dispose of fire or flames the battery.Keep the battery out of reach of children, should the battery be swallowed, immediately consulta doctor. 1: MENU 2: POWER 3: UP4: BAND/M.SEL/RDM 5: ENTER6: LEFT/SEEK-/FAST BACKWARD 7: DOWN8: REPEAT/INT 9: AS/PS 10: MODE11: D IGIT NUMBER 12: P LAY/PAUSE 13: M UTE 14: AUDIO 15: SUBTITLE16: R IGHT/SEEK+/FAST FORWARD 17: V OLUME PLUS 18: S ET19: VOLUME MINUS 20: EQ/LOUD 21: SEL22: SCALE/ROTATE 23:GO TOThe best way to discover the program is to explore each screen in detail, and to find out how to move from one to another. Read this chapter for a guided tour.Unit starts by displaying the Main menu.This is the root of the screen hierarchy, you can simply take knowledge of the features.Reset the unitOperating the unit for the first time or after replacing the car battery, you must reset the unit. Press OPEN button on the panel to open the panel and press RESET button to restore the unit to its original factory settings.Power on or offPress any button (except open button) to turn on the unit.Long press POWER button on front panel or press power button on the RC to power off the unit.. Mode settingPress the MODE button repeatedly to switch between inputs:(* available only if there is media device in SD, USB slot connection is OK.)Volume/OKAdjust the volume level by turning the VOL knob on the panel clockwise to increase or counterclockwise to decrease or pressing VOL+ or /VOL- on the RC to increase or decrease the volume.In any mode, rotate VOL knob to select the file you want to playback, press the OK button to enter the next menu.In Mp3 mode, when playing the music, press the OK button on the front panel, the music willstart from the beginning.In Photo mode, when playing the photo, press the OK button on the front panel to enter thephoto setup menu.In Video mode, when playing the video, press the OK button on the front panel, you will see the track number and running time on the screenSound AdjustmentsPress the SEL button on the RC to select the audio settings consisting of following items:EQ: Select the digital sound effect USER→FLAT→CLASSIC→POP→ROCKBASS: Bass up/down.TREBLE: Treble up/down.BALANCE: Left/right Balance control.FADER: Front/rear Fader control.LOUDNESS: Set the loudness on or off.BEEP: Keypad sound setting.Rotate Volume knob on the front panel or press up/down arrow on the RC to select any items and then press OK button on the panel or Enter button on the RC to confirm the item.Rotate Volume knob or press LEFT/RIGHT buttons on the RC to adjust the audio setting. Press OK button on the panel or Enter button on the RC to confirm and again press SEL button return to current mode.Note:If the unit is turned off, all the settings of each mode will be saved.If cutting off battery power or resetting the unit, all the settings will return to factory default settings.Mute functionPress POWER/MUTE button on the panel or MUTE button on the RC to turn the sound off. Press it again to resume the volume.LoudnessLong press EQ/LOUD button on the RC or front panel to set loudness on or off.EQPress the EQ button on the panel to choose sound effect in the sequence of USER→FLAT→CLASSIC→POP→ROCK.MenuPress MENU button on the front panel or the RC to return to previous menu.SetupPress SET button on the RC or front panel, or SET icon on the main menu to go to setup pages.1) Rotate Volume knob on the front panel or press up/down arrow on the RC to select any items and then press OK button on the panel or ENTER button on the RC to confirm the item2) Rotate Volume knob or press LEFT/RIGHT buttons on the RC to adjust the audio setting. Press OK button on the panel or Enter button on the RC to confirm.3)Press SET button on the RC or front panel again return to current mode.SoundEQ: select the digital sound effect.Bass: bass up/down.Treble: treble up/down.Balance: Left/right Balance control.Fader: Front/rear Fader control.LONDNESS: Selecting loudness ON will emphasize the low frequency output.BEEP: Keypad sound setting.DisplayBright: set the LCD screen brightness up or downContrast: set contrast up or downSaturation: set saturation up or down GeneralClock hour: select 12-hour or 24-hour clock display mode.Clock set: Press number buttons to input the current time. RadioSystem informationProduct Info :You can view detail system information including serial number of the softwareDefault Set :return to factory default setting or notAUX INConnect an optional AUX cable to your external AUX device, then press the MODE button to switch to the AUX mode. AV IN (OPTIONAL)Connect an optional AV cable to your external AV device (such as a video camera), then press the MODE button to switch to the AV mode. Note: If there is no external video input, the TFT displays Area: Select radio broadcasting area.Stereo: Select stereo on or off.ParkingWhen the car is stopped and the parking brake is working, the screen can display the video image, and otherwise the screen display warning information.Band selectionIn Radio mode, press BAND button on the RC or front panel to select your band of choice in the following sequence:Manual tuningTo find a station, select a band first, then press and hold / buttons on the RC until Manualappear on the display. Then press repeatedly these buttons to search for the needed frequency upward or downward.Auto tuningTo find a station, select a band first, then press / buttons on the panel or press /buttons on the RC, the automatic search will start downward or upward. It will stop when a station is found.Select a stationRepeatedly press / buttons on the panel to select a present station downward or upward.Or press digital number (1-6) on the RC to select any present station.Preset scanIn tuner mode, press the AS/PS on the panel or RC to scan the preset memorized station, each preset scan for 5 seconds. Press again to stop operation.ScanPress SCAN button on the front panel to search station, it will playback 10 seconds when a station is found. Press SCAN button again to confirm the station. If you not confirm the station, it will continue to search.Auto storeIn tuner mode, Press the AS/PS on the panel or RC and hold for 2 seconds to store radio stations with the best reception to the preset number automatically.Manual storeIn tuner mode, long press the number 1-6 buttons on the RC after you find the station you desired. The station will preset to the corresponding number.In tuner mode, long press the MEM button on the front panel after you find the station you desired, then rotate the VOL knob to select the number 1-6 on the radio interface, press the VOL/OK button on the front panel to confirm. The station will preset to the corresponding number.USB Flash MemoryTo play MP3/ MP4/ WMA files from a USB flash memory, insert a USB flash memory into the USB port on the right side of the unit. The unit will play automatically MP3/MP4/ WMA/JPEG files. Or repeatedly press the MODE button to select USB mode.SD/MMC CardTo play MP3/ MP4/ WMA/JPEG files on a SD/MMC card, insert the card into the card slot (you should press the Open button on the panel to flip down front panel and insert the SD/MMC card into card slot.) The unit will play automatically MP3/MP4/ WMA/JPEG files. Or repeatedly press the MODE button to select SD mode.Play/PauseIn Multimedia mode, press Play/Pause button on the RC or front panel to pause playback. Press again to resume playback.Select trackPress the M.SEL button on the front panel or RC to select the playback mode: MUSIC MODE PHOTO MODE VIDEO MODE. Then press the UP/DOWN button on the RC, also you can rotate the VOL knob or press the or on the front panel to select the file you desired toplayback. Press ENTER button on the front panel or RC to enter the next menu, press the MENU button on the front panel to turn to previous menu. Press the MENU button on the RC to back to main menu.During playback press SEEK- or SEEK+ on the RC or front panel to play the previous ornext track. You can play the tracks by pressing Play/Pause button. Press number button (0-9) on the RC to select the desired track and then press ENTER button on the RC to confirm playback. Random playbackIn Media file mode, long press RDM button on the RC or BAND button on the front panel to set random playback on or off.Fast backward/forwardDuring playback press and hold repeatedly SEEK- or SEEK+ on the RC or the panel toactivate fast backward or forward playing. With each pressing, the playback speed will increase. While fast playback, press Play/Pause button on the RC to resume normal speed.When fast backward/forward playback reaches the previous or next track, the unit will resume normal payback.GOTODuring playback, press the GOTO button on the RC to select the playback time of the track or chapter. Input the start time you want the track or chapter to start. Press or button on theRC to select the time you want to set, such as, hour: minute: second. Press the DIGITAL NUMBER button or UP/DOWN arrow button on the RC to set the time. Press ENTER to confirm. The track or chapter will start from the time you set.Repeat playbackDuring Mp3 or Video file playback, press RPT button on the RC repeatedly for repeat playing in different modes: Repeat one, and repeat all.Scale/RotateDuring Photo file playback, press it on the RC in photo mode to rotate the image clockwise by 90 degrees. How many times the button is pressed, the image will be rotated the corresponding times. During Video file playback, press it on the RC in Video mode to set the display ratio: 4:3 16:9 Full Screen.Select audio languageDuring Video file playback, press AUIO button on the RC repeatedly to select the audio language to listen. (Available only with the Video file that support multi-language playback).Select subtitle languageIf your Video file supports multi-language subtitle, press SUB-T button on the RC repeatedly to switch among the supported language.Photo AdjustmentsDuring Photo file playback, press the ENTER button on the RC or OK button on the front panel to enter the photo set menu. Press the or button on the RC to select the item you want to set,such as ZOOM/Rotate/Slideshow/Interval/Scale. Press the UP/DOWN arrow button on the panel to select the selection you want set in the item menu,press ENTER button on the RC or front panel to confirm. Zoom selection:×1×2×3×4.Rotate selection:90°180°270°0°. Slideshow:Fade In Fade Out, Persian Blinds H, Persian Blinds V, Slide up, Slide down, etc.Interval selection: Fast, Middle, Slow. Scale selection: Auto, Original, Crop, Stretch.1. Connect TV antenna, and then press MODE button to select TV mode.2. In TV mode, press the Play/pause button once to enter TV menu setting.3. Press the/buttons on the remote control or turning the knob clockwise or counterclockwise on front panel to select one of the setup pages: Auto program => Manual program.4. Press VOL button on front panel or ENTER button on remote control to enter the page.5. Press the/buttons to select the setting.6. Press VOL button on front panel or ENTER button on remote control again to confirm, press Play/pause to return to settings list.TV MENUPress the MEM button to enter the setup menu of TV.Auto program (Auto seek mode)z SystemSelect the menu item is to set TV system: NTSC=>PAL=>SECAM, press ENTER button on remote.z AudioSelect this menu item is to set the TV sound system:1) When system setting PAL, TV sound system can set B/G=>I=>D/K=>/M/N, press ENTER onremote.2) When system setting SECAM, TV sound system can set B/G=>I=>D/K, press ENTER onremote.3) When system setting NTSC, M/N sound system can be selected only.z SearchSelect this menu item is to start searching and storing stations automatically.Manual program (manual seek mode)StorageSelect this menu item is to set the storage number.z SystemSelect this menu item is to set TV system: SECAM => NTSC =>PAL, press NTER button on the remote control to select.z AudioSelect this menu item is to set the TV sound system:1) When system settings PAL, press ENTER on remote or tap the screen button to select TVsound system: D/K=>M/N=> B/G=> I.2) When system setting SECAM, TV sound system B/G=>I=>D/K.3) When system setting NTSC, M/N sound system can be selected only.ChannelSelect this menu item is to set your desired searching channel, press / button on the RCto select one, or press / icon to select channel.z FineSelect this menu item is to fine TV tuning and sound until it achieves the best quality, press / button on remote to adjust.z MemorySelect memory on or off is to set whether memory the searched station or not, pressENTER on remote control to select.Remove the panel1. Press the PWR button to turn the power off.2. Press OPEN button to detach the panel.3. Pull the panel out.4. Place the panel into the case and take it with you when you leave the car.Remove the unit1. Remove the panel and the trim plate.2. Insert both T-Keys into hole on the front of the set until they lock.3. Pull out the unit.NOTE:The source unit will turn off if the control panel is open longer than 60 seconds.The LED light on the inner panel will twinkle in red when the ACC power is cut off.Symptom Cause SolutionGeneral No power The car ignition is not on.The fuse is blown.If the power supply is properly connectedto the car accessory switch the ignitionkey to “ACC”.Replace the fuse.No sound Volume is in minimum.Wiring is not properlyconnected.Adjust volume to a desired level.Check wiring connection.The operation keys do not work. The built-in microcomputeris not operating properlydue to noise.Front panel is not properlyfixed into its place.Press the RESET button.Reinstall the front panel.The radio doesnot work; the radio station automatic selection does not work. The antenna cable is notconnected the signals aretoo weak.Insert the antenna cable firmly select astation manually.GeneralPower supply: 12 V DCCurrent consumption: Max. 10 AMaximum power output: 52W x 4 channels (Max.)Compatible formats: MP3/MP4/WMA/ JPEG/RMVBDimensions (W x D x H) /weight:178 x 175 x 50 mm / 1.8 kgESP function: 120 sec. for MP3Working temperaturerange:-10℃ - +60℃TFT displayScreen size: 3.4 inchResolution: 720*400dotAspect ratio: 4:3/16:9Contrast ratio: 400:1Brightness: 250cd/m2FM Stereo RadioFrequency range(U.S.A AREA) 87.5 – 107.9MHz(Step 200KHz) Frequency range(EUROPE AREA): 87.5 – 108MHz(Step 50KHz) Frequency range(ASIA AREA) 87.5 – 108MHz(Step 100MHz) Preset memory stations: 18AM/MW RadioFrequency range(U.S.A AREA) 530kHz - 1710 KHz(Step 10KHz) Frequency range(EUROPE AREA): 522kHz - 1620 KHz(Step 9KHz) Frequency range(AISA AREA) 531kHz - 1602 KHz(Step 9KHz) Preset memory stations: 12Audio specificationMaximum output: 2Vrms (+/- 3 dB)Frequency response: 20 Hz - 20 KHzS/N ratio(A-vtd): 68 dBDSP sound effect: USER→FLAT→CLASSIC→POP→ROCKLine outLine outs: 2 channel RCA line-out(only for SDR-342) 4 channel RCA line-out(only for SDR-342T)Specifications are subject to change without notice. Mass and dimension are approximate.。
一、概述OVT/DVB-TSS-2000数字卫星接收机是一款专业的数字卫星接收机,应用于数字卫星信号的接收和转发,且带有DVB标准ASI接口输出TS流,可广泛应用于各种模拟或数字CATV 前端系统中。
二、功能特点●完全符合DVB和MPEG-2标准●支持专业的视频/音频输出接口,且带有标准ASI串行的TS流输出接口●支持DiSEqc1.2多语言功能●支持多种可编程的卫星和转发器信息●频道记忆●前面板按键和红外线遥控用户界面●操作菜单可锁定保护●多种编辑功能(包括电视或无线电广播,组,频道名称,PID参数,卫星名称和类型) ●提供屏幕频道信息的电子节目指南●多个卫星的频道记忆功能●256色的图形用户界面三、基本原理OVT/DVB-TSS-2000数字卫星接收机基本原理如下面框图所示:其大致工作原理为:卫星接收机将接收的卫星信号接行解调,然后由解码单元进行解码,再经过一些接口电路得到可以播放的模拟视频/音频信号,同时将解调后的信号经过数字逻辑处理单元进行处理打包,再进行专业的数字接口转换电路,得到ASI接口的TS流输出。
1.2后面板1.TS流输出(ASI OUT)DVB标准ASI接口TS流输出2.高频头输入(LNB IN 13/18V 最大500mA)卫星信号输入口,用同轴电缆连接高频头(LNB)。
3.高频头输出(LNB OUT)卫星信号环出口,可连接其它的卫星信号接收设备。
四通道卫星接收机使用说明书目录1安全注意事项 (2)2概述 (3)2.1产品功能及用途 (3)2.2外形尺寸(1U机箱) (3)3主要特点 (4)4技术规格与指标 (4)4.1数据输入 (4)4.2数据输出 (5)4.2.1ASI接口 (5)4.3网络管理接口 (5)4.4辐射及安全要求 (5)5系统组成及工作原理 (5)5.1系统组成 (5)5.2工作原理 (7)6安装指南 (7)6.1安装准备 (7)6.2设备安装流程 (8)6.3环境条件要求 (8)6.4接地要求 (9)6.4.1机柜接地 (9)6.4.2设备接地 (9)6.5线缆的连接 (9)6.5.1电源线的连接 (9)6.5.2信号线的连接 (10)7前面板操作指南 (10)7.1键盘功能 (10)7.2菜单选择 (11)7.2.1锁定状态显示 (11)7.2.2主菜单显示 (11)7.2.3射频设置 (11)7.2.4网络设置 (12)7.2.5保存当前设置 (13)7.2.6加载设置 (13)7.2.7版本号 (14)7.2.8选择语言种类(中文和英文) (14)7.2.9错误信息 (14)7.3系统运行错误及排除 (14)7.3.1指示灯状态 (14)7.3.2常见故障排除 (15)8网络管理器操作指南 (15)8.1NMS登陆 (16)8.2添加频点 (17)8.3添加设备 (18)8.4修改设备 (19)8.5查看和设置设备参数 (21)8.5.1卫星参数 (22)8.5.2信号监测 (23)8.6网管软件公共功能 (23)前言感谢您选用本公司的产品。
收货检查打开设备包装箱校验物品,务必检查小部件的包装材料,对照产品装箱清单或者下列项目检查包装箱中的物品:四通道卫星接收机 1台交流输入电源插线 1根ASI 线 1根如果这些项目与清单不符合,请立即通知我公司。
Projekt ExtIO_FiFi.dll Wenn dein FiFi denkt er sei ein RadioJetkönnte man dann auch die Vorzüge nutzen, die die RadioJet-Software bietet?Peter Walter (Bonito)Nun, wie nicht jeder weiß, bin ich jemand der 1. Stunde, der schon 1972 die ersten Software-Programme für Funkamateure geschrieben hat. Und so bin ich auch der, der heute mit bedauern feststellt, das es nur wenige gibt, die etwas vom Radio und Computer verstehen oder wissen wollen. Und so schrieb ich wieder einmal etwas Software für die …armen Jungs“ und stellte es aus Werbegründen kostenlos zur Verfügung.Für das softwaredefinierte Radio FiFi-SDR (siehe Funkamateur 11/10) wird von mir hier eine FiFi-Software vorgesellt, die ursprünglich aus dem Open Source Project vom RadioJet (Funkamateur 7/12) stammt. Eins der dort verwendeten Programmierbeispiele ist ganz speziell für den Einsatzmit dem FiFi-SDR kostenlos bereitgestellt worden.Fast jeder Radioamateur versteht ein SDR als eine kleine Büchse, mit dem man Radiosendungen empfangen kann. Doch das, was ein SDR wirklich aus-macht, ist nicht die kleine Büchse, Nein,- das ist die Software. Denn korrekt wäre die kleine Büchse nur ein IQ-Empfänger, denn ein komplettes softwaredefiniertes Radio besteht technisch gesehen aus vier verschiedenen Dingen: 1. Empfang ADC2. Demodulation Software3. Wiedergabe DAC4. Kontroll-Einheit RemoteFür den 1. Punkt nutzen wir die kleine Büchse, wo FiFi-SDR draufsteht, aber einIQ-Empfänger drin ist. Und für die ande-ren Punkte muss der Computer herhalten.Für den 2. Punkt brauchen wir ein Pro-gramm, wie das hier besprochene. Für den 3. Punkt wird die Soundkarte des Computers genutzt. Und für den 4. Punkt braucht man wie-derum eine Software, die die Hardware des IQ-Empfängers einstellt und steuert.Somit steht fest: Mit der Software steht und fällt jedes SDR. Das kann man be-sonders gut am RadioJet feststellen, den der führt gerade die Liste der besten SDR’s an, obwohl ich (der Entwickler) glaube, dass andere SDR’s technisch ge-sehen eine größeres Potential hätten, wenn man der Software nur etwas mehr Beachtung geschenkt hätte.Aber offensichtlich versteht das nicht jeder Hersteller, besonders wenn auf die frei im Internet verfügbare Software hin-gewiesen wird. Wobei es dann erst richtig zum SDR-Abenteuer wird und mancher zaghafte Versuch eines Anfängers in ir-gendeiner Schublade endet. Schuld an dieser Miesere ist der User selbst, denn Software hat keinen Wert in der Welt der Funk- und Radio-Amateure, weil sie immer kostenlos im Internet zu haben ist,- und sei sie auch geklaut. Daher gibt es nur wenig Vielfalt, weil alles Erreichbare letztendlich nur beim Winrad oder Clone endet und daher wird kein SDR sehr viel besser sein, wie alle Anderen auch. Ich behaupte also, das die Mittelmäßig-keit der üblichen Software schuld daran ist, wo in der Liste der beliebtesten SDR’s ein IQ-Empfänger letztendlich steht. Nun besaß ich die Freiheit, diese Behauptung unter Beweis zustellen und degradierte alle möglichen IQ-Empfänger zum ‚billigen‘ Panorama-Empfänger fürmein RadioJet, weil doch eigentlich zum perfekten Radio auch ein möglichst brei-tes Übersichts-Spektrum gehört. So aber stellte sich von allein heraus, dass die Billigsten unter den SDR’s be-sonders gut dafür geeignet waren, weil doch der Empfang selbst, von RadioJeterledigt wird, der nicht so unter den Nachteilen leidet, wie es unvermeidlichbreitbandige SDR’s so mit sich bringen.Da die vom RadioJet genutzten ‚Panora-ma-Empfänger’ völlig selbstständig ar-beiten müssen, wurde es notwendig sich mit den von mir so ungeliebten ExtIQ-DLL’s zu befassen, weil man mir deren Nutzung jederzeit kommerziell untersa-gen könnte. So machte ich mich daran dieDinger selbst zu programmieren.Panorama-Spectroscopeein typisches DRM-Signal wird hier gerade demoduliert rechts unten sehen Sie die decodierten Stations- Daten und Meldungen der heller Bereich ist die Kennzeichnung für die 12 kHz Filter-Breite ein typisches Amplituden-Signal (AM-Station) der heller Bereich ist die 12 kHz Filter-Breite! vielleicht findet sich jemand, der das hier Übersetzt !■ woher bekommt man das Alles was aus dem Internet geladen wird, das wird am Ende dieses Beitrags als Weblink (URLs ) besonders aufgelistet.■die ExtIO_DLLDie ExtIO_DLL wird in der Regel für die Winrad-Software oder Clones gebraucht.Für viele IQ-Empfänger ist solche DLL verfügbar, aber kaum Spezielleres, um die Leistung voll nutzen zu können.So sah ich mich gezwungen spezielle DLL’s zu programmieren damit es für die eigene Software komfortabler zugeht. Ich erstellte als Programmierbeispiel eine für RadioJet und eine für Excalibur. Später kam noch eine ExtIO_FiFi.dll hinzu, weil mir ein Softrock-Treiber Probleme berei-tet, obwohl er gar nicht gebraucht wurde. Alle drei DLL’s sind frei auf dem Open Source Projekt vom RadioJet verfügbar, damit kann sich jeder seine eigene Soft-ware erstellen und es sich ansehen wie es funktioniert, ohne von daher gleich zum Software Pirat zu avancieren.So wurde nun auch ausprobiert, welcher IQ-Empfänger sich für RadioJet als Pano-rama-Empfänger eignet. Dafür testete ich FiFi-SDR, Pappradio, FDM-S1, Perseus, Excalibur, PMSDR, SDR-14/IQ, usw.. Und so stellte ich auch bald fest, dassunter Berücksichtigung von Preis, Leis-tung und OpenSource der FiFi-SDR derbeste Kandidat war, womit ich beweisen kann, das die Software den Freizeitwert jedes SDR’s um ein vielfaches steigert. ■das Open Source Project Ganz besonders kommt das den Bastlernzu gute, die sich jetzt vielleicht einmalam Programmieren ausprobieren möch-ten. Denn nichts ist hilfreicher, als einausprobiertes, funktionierendes Projekt.Das Projekt finden Sie auf den RadioJet Webseiten unter RJ10FiFi, das mit einem Microsoft Visual-C Compiler (V.6) er-stellt wurde. Es ist also besonders daraufausgelegt, das Programmieren zu lernen ohne gleich mit der Radio-Hardcore kon-frontiert zu werden. Für die Linux- oder Borland-Experten kann ich nur hoffen, das irgendjemand dieses Projekt so um-wandelt das es auch Experten verstehen. ■die Anwender-Software Die Software wird als .ZIP vom Internet geladen, entpackt und das RJ10FiFi.exe gestartet. Es sollten aber alle FiFi-Treiber vorher installiert sein. RJ10FiFi regist-riert nichts und kann daher statt UnInstall einfach nur gelöscht werden. Die Software ist kostenlos und somit freinach dem Motto, no Service, no Support und keine Garantie! Die Software lässt naturgemäß einiges offen, dennoch bietet sie mehr als die übliche Software. Zum Beispiel ist auch gleich DRM integriert. Dennoch war das Ganze immer nur dafürgedacht, unter Beweis zu stellen, dass gute Software nur den Freizeitwert einesIQ-Empfängers verbessert, nicht aberseine elektrischen Eigenschaften. ■das besondere Sound Device Wäre die Hardware so entworfen, wie beim RadioJet, dann könnte FiFi wie ein Radiojet arbeiten. Denn beide Empfänger haben ein eigenes Sound (Input) Device. Beim FiFi wird im 24kHz Hauptspektrum ein Real-Signal empfangen, das vomADC des Input Device mit 48k Sampleabgefragt und zur Audio-Demodulation weitergereicht wird. Gleichzeitig wird aber auch noch ein Complex-Signal emp-fangen, wobei dieselbe Soundkarte nun mit 98 bzw. 192 kHz abfragt wird, um das dann unten auf einem ebenso breitenPanorama-Spectroscope anzubieten.Das Besondere daran ist aber, dass beide Signale dieselbe Soundkarte und Signal-Quelle nutzen, die gehandhabt wird, als seien es zwei verschiedene Soundkarten.Bild 3: Ein DRM Signal wird gerade demoduliert, die Stations-Info wird ausgewertet und auch jede neue Meldung wird decodiert1ÜbersichtfensterZentrums-Markierung2 Panorama3 ExtIO-Dialogrot ist das Real-Signalweiß ist das IQ-Complex-Signalbeim Einsatz einer fremden Soundkarte■ die Si570-KalibrierungIm Bild 3 sehen Sie wo der ExtIO-Dialog aufgerufen wird. Dort wird die Frequenz kalibriert und das dBm-Offset des Signal-pegels. Die Abweichung der Grundein-stellung des Si570-Oszillators wird mit Xtal.Correcture bestimmt. Dieser Wert wird üblicher Weise mit einem AM-Sender unterhalb 1 MHz bestimmt z.B. 177 kHz Deutschlandradio. Der wird also solange eingestellt, bis im Spektrum der lange Trägerbalken des AM-Signals ge-nau auf der Zentrums-Markierung steht. In der Vergangenheit lag im Hauptfenster die Frequenz um ca. 12 kHz daneben und so hat mancher User hier -600 eintragen müssen. Ich hatte übersehen, dass ein SDR die Frequenz immer von links sieht und RadioJet immer aus der Mitte. Das ist aber am 25. Feb. 2013 korrigiert wor-den. Also hier nicht mehr -600 eintragen. Xtal.Scaling ist die Abweichung, die sich gleichmäßig von 1 Hz bis 30 MHz ganz allmählich verzieht. Suchen Sie sich ei-nen AM-Sender >15 MHz und kalibrie-ren ihn wie eben beschrieben. Diese Me-thode der Kalibrierung ist meist besser, als der Einsatz teurer Messgeräten. Vor allem ist es auf jedem Fieldday ohne Handbuch durchführbar.■das S-Meter kalibrierenDas S-Meter beim FiFi wird niemals ge-nau sein, daher ist es vorgesehen es im ExtIO-Dialog zu kalibrieren. Ein guter Wert für dBm Level Offset liegt auf -22, wobei mir RadioJet als Referenz diente. Ganz links unter dem S-Meter befindetsich ein Knopf mit dem zwischen vierverschiedenen Anzeigen gewählt wird.■das IQ-DC-Problem Das Zentrum der Demodulation wurde von mir um 12 kHz nach rechts versetzt, weil ich damit minderer Soundkarten-Qualität und deren Kalibrierung aus dem Wege gehe. Denn es ist die Mühe nicht Wert, wenn ich sowieso oben im 24 kHz Spektrum ein Realsignal verarbeite und unten aus pädagogischen Gründen dieIQ-Complex-Probleme sichtbar lasse.■ Anleitung zur BedienungEine RadioJet Anleitung finden Sie im-mer im Internet, wenn Sie sie auch noch lesen dann sind Sie klar im Vorteil. Trotzdem wird es immer ohne vorheriges lesen bedient. Warum auch? Learning by doing, das ist immer noch die beste Methode mit der die meisten Radio-Amateure relativ schnell klar kommen. Bei Bonito ist einiges so komplett anders, dass, wenn es zufällig entdeckt wurde, mancher so davon entzückt ist, dass er die Art und Weise übernimmt und dann immer häufiger neue Bedienungsweisen entdeckt. Man zeigt dann später gar kein Verständnis mehr dafür, wenn es in ande-ren Programmen nicht auch so geht.■ die Regeln der BedienungAlles in der Anwendung ist grundsätzlichso gestaltet, dass man es mit der Hand auf der Maus erreichen und bedienen kann. Man klickt mit der rechten oder linken Maustaste, besonders viel scrollt man mit dem Mausrad. Ganz besonders das ‚Schlittern’ (Slide) und ‚Scrollen’ in den Spektren findet großen Zuspruch beim Anwender. Slide: Die rechte Maustaste im Spektrum drücken und dann bei ge-haltener Taste die Maus hin und her schieben. Sie werden sich wundern wie schnell und leicht man ganze Frequenz-bänder durchscrollt. Einfaches Doppel-klicken z.B. auf eine AM-Station bringt die Station auf die Zentrums-Markierung. Potis werden grundsätzlich nur mit dem Mausrad bedient und ein Doppelklick bring das Poti in die Werkseinstellung(default). Scroll: Sie halten nur die Mausüber das Poti und rollen dann das Rad der Maus hin und her. Wenn Sie noch zusätz-lich die Strg-Taste drücken, dann wird in kleinsten, feinsten Schritten das Poti ver-stellt, das ist manchmal auch sehr träge. ■die Frequenz Anzeige Auf den Ziffern der Frequenz-Anzeige kann man klicken und scrollen. So wirdjeder beliebige Bandbereich angewählt. Die Memory- Buttons M1-M2 sind Spei-cher-Tasten, mit denen schnell eine be-liebte Frequenz einstellt wird. Ihre eigene Frequenz speichern Sie, indem Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf einen der ge-wünschten Memory- Button klicken. ■ manuelle Frequenz-Eingabejede Zahl die sie einfach in Taste tippen wird im Eingabefeld unter dem Zahlen-blocks landen. Jedes () Return oder auch Enter stellt die Frequenz sofort ein. Es gilt die Regel:Komma-Zahlen <32.0 werden als MHz verstanden und Zahlen >32.0 als kHz. Also: 147.3 = 143 000 Hz 6.095 = 6 095 000 Hz 177 = 177000 Hz 20 = 20 000 000 Hz■ der ZF-RekorderDas Signal kann aufgezeichnet und wie-dergegeben werden. Es werden immer beide Signale aufgezeichnet. Also das IQ-Complex und das Real-Signal, die sich nur im Filenamen mit IF oder IQ unterscheiden. Das IF steht immer für eine 48k Real-Signal und das IQ hat die Samplerate, die Sie gewählt hatten ein-schließlich Datum, Mode und Frequenz.■ und was noch fehltedas wäre ein FiFi-SDR 2.0Wie bereits erwähnt ist das wesendliche Merkmal eines guten SDR’s seine Soft-ware und daher ist nun das FiFi-SDR in der Liste der beliebtesten SDR’s schon einige Stufen höher gerutscht, weil das Bonito-Programm weit aus weniger Prob-leme macht und mehr bietet, als so man-ches andere kostenlose Programme. Um aber in der Oberliga mitzuspielen zu können, müssten nur geringfügige Ände-rungen vorgenommen werden. Das sind Dinge, die dann von der Software gesteu-ert werden können z.B. eine ATT und einen Vorverstärker der dann wie beim RadioJet eine Kaskadierung bis 144 dBm ermöglicht. Würde man den FiFi auch noch mit der RadioJet Software betrei-ben, dann würde es schon etwas mehr kosten. Ich denke das werden letztendlich dann mindestens 400 Euro sein.Natürlich hätte ich noch einiges zu sagen, aber das mache ich auf meinen eigenen Seiten im Internet, dort kann ich dann auch die Dinge beim Namen nennen. Hier habe ich das bewusst unterlassen.Also, bis zum nächsten mal.Peter Walter (Bonito)Anwender-Software/manuals/radiojet/opensource/PG_RJ10FiFi.zipExtIO_FiFi.dll/manuals/radiojet/opensource/ExtIO_FiFi.zipOpenSource RJ10FiFi\manuals\radiojet\opensource■die URLs。
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第一部分 硬件资源配置
¾ 八通道高速信号 AD 采样 ¾ 八通道高速信号 DA 回放 ¾ 多模卫星导航接收机开发验证平台 ¾ 多模卫星信号模拟源产生研究 ¾ 通用软件无线电开发平台 ¾ 现代信号处理类通用开发平台 ¾ 磁盘阵列存储 ¾ 软件无线电基带处理模拟中频/射频/发送/接收板
程和控制能力。Stratix III E 器件主要针对数字信号处理 (DSP) 和存储器较 多的应用,它采用 65 mm 工艺,与 StratixII 相比,器件的逻辑密度是前者的 2 倍,功耗降低了 50%,本设计采用的 EP3SE110 芯片集成有 107 500 个 LE 单元,896 个 18×18 乘法器,片上 RAM 达到 9 Mb 的容量; ¾ 四路独立射频正交下变频模块,正交下变频芯片采用 AD8347,频率覆盖 800 MHz 到 2.7 GHz,实现射频信号混频至中频频段; ¾ 八通道独立 AD 采样,AD 采用 Analog Device 公司 AD9233 芯片,是一款单 芯片、12 位、125 MSPS 模数转换器(ADC),采用 1.8 V 单电源供电,内 置一个高性能采样保持放大器(SHA)和片内基准电压源,最高采样率可达 125MHz,12 位分辩率,模拟带宽最高可达 650MHz,可做射频直接带通采 样,板上 AD 可采集对应四通道射频下变频正交 IQ 输出。 ¾ 四通道 Analog 高速 16 位 DA 转换芯片 AD9777,最大输入数据速率为 160 MSPS(无插值),最大 DAC 更新速率为 400 MSPS(8x 插值),AD9777 的优点在于利用其内部复合(I&Q)混频器,可以实现更传统的基带 I/Q 架构或 镜像抑制上变频架构。 ¾ 四通道模拟正交上变频模块,上变频芯片采用 ADL5375,实现正交信号调制 至射频频段输出,频率覆盖 800 MHz 到 2.7 GHz,最大输出功率为 10dBm; ¾ 板上具有 USB2.0 高速传输接口功能,接口芯片为 Cypress 的 CY7C68013-56, 支持 480Mbits 高速数据传输; ¾ 板上具有 100M 以太网接口功能,接口芯片为 WIZnet 的 W5100,支持 100M 以太网接口速度传输;
乐鑫 RTL-SDR 和 SDR-Sharp 和 CubicSDR 入门指南说明书
Getting Started with RTL-SDR and SDR-Sharp and CubicSDRCreated by lady adahttps:///getting-started-with-rtl-sdr-and-sdr-sharpLast updated on 2023-08-29 02:32:35 PM EDT34581214161922Table of ContentsOverviewSDR-Sharp for Windows• Download & Install SoftwareDriver Fix SDR# FM RadioSDR# NWR (Weather) Radio• Going forwardCubicSDR for mac os• Download & Install Software • Start the SDR DeviceCubicSDR FM Radio• Signal Type• Center FrequencyCubicSDR NWR (Weather) Radio• Going forwardF.A.Q.OverviewSoftware-defined radio (SDR) is a technique for turning a computer into a radio. But not just an AM/FM radio - by using the computing power on your desktop you can listen and decode a wide variety of broadcasts. SDR can turn your computer into a weather-band receiver, a police/fire report scanner, a music listening station, and more! Instead of manually tuning inductors, its all done in software by chips fast enough to pick up and decode radio waves on the flyIf you've ever been curious about software defined radio (SDR), this USB stick is the easiest way possible to have fun with a powerful, configurable receiver. Packed with the powerful RTL2832U and R820T tuner, it can tune into signals from 24MHz to 1850MHz. That means you can use a computer (with Windows, Mac, or Linux) to tune into: FM Radio, AM signals (but not AM radio), CW (morse code!), unencrypted radio signals (such as those used by many police and fire departments), POCSAG pagers, and more.In this tutorial we'll show how to get your very first listening adventure underway -listening to FM radio and decoding the RDS/RBDS data signal that is sent along with many FM radio stations as well.Want lots more info? There's hundreds of tutorials, posts and projects over at /Next, we'll set up the software -- if you're using windows, head to the next page -- SD R-Sharp for Windows (). On mac os, jump to the page CubicSDR for mac os ().To see some SDR action live, check out this episode of John Park's Workshop: SDR-Sharp for WindowsDownload & Install SoftwareWe'll be using the awesome SDR# software for windows, which is really easy to use and very powerful as well! Visit https:///download to download () - we're using Rev 1243If for some reason the site is down, we have a mirror of the install folder from5/19/2014 ()We suggest downloading the latest version as there will be minor bug fixes, etc!Save and uncompress the zip file Double-click on install-rtlsdr.batDouble-click on SDRSharp.exeDriver FixBefore we continue, we'll have to install the Windows driver for the RTL USB stick and then swap it for a 'low level access' driver. The default driver assumes you'll just be using the RTL-SDR for watching TV or radio but we want to be able to control it to do much more.Plug in the stick, Windows should automatically install the REALTEK 2832U driverNow from inside the SDR# directory, run Zadig which will do the driver swapping for us.Here's a version 2.2 exe if you need it:zadig_2.2.zipFrom the Options menu, select List All DevicesThen from the devices drop-down, find one that says Bulk-In, Interface (interface 0). If there's more then one, select one at a time, and verify below to get the right one. Check that you get USB ID 0x0BDA (vid) and 0x2838 (pid) and the RTL2832UUSB driverMake sure to the right of the green arrow you see WinUSBClick Replace DriverThat's it!SDR# FM RadioLets start by just listening to every-day FM radio. Open up SDRsharp.exe (you can close Zadig)Begin by selecting the RTL-USB dongle instead of audio cardSelect WFM (wide-band FM radio) under the Radio signal typeClick on ConfigureAnd set the gain about half-way upYou can set your favorite frequency (FM station) by clicking on the large numbers up topClick Play/Start and set the volume starting from low to high so you don't hurt yourears!You can 'seek' for radio stations by looking for peaks. Click on them to tune inWith the latest versions of SDR-Sharp it will automatically detect and decode RBDS/RDS data that is sent along with FM radioChances are your radio station is also playing Donna Summer!SDR# NWR (Weather) RadioMost every-day AM/FM radios can't tune into theNOAA Weather Radio (NWR) All Hazards network but with RTL-SDR we can! NWR is the national weather alert system, which broadcasts weather data as well as emergency alerts. ()Let's tune into the closest weather station to Adafruit Southern California, which is in Los Angeles. You'll want to tune into whatever station is closest to you.To begin, visit the NOAA weather station frequencies-by-county index here ()The frequency is 162.550 MHz, type that into the SDR# frequency windowYou can see a little peak, its much smaller signal than the FM radio stations. It's also much thinner which makes it a narrow-band FM rather than wideband. Since its voice, not stereo music, they use less of the frequency band, so select NFM as the decoding typeThe station is marked as degraded, but by amplifying the gain on the RTL-SDR we were able to tune inYou should be able to hear a computer-generated voice speaking out the weather forcast. It's not terribly exciting but it is very thorough, often giving very detailed reports. The signal continuously transmits so you can tune in at any time! Going forwardnow that you have some basic functionality working, try tuning into other frequencies, and trying the different kind of decoding (e.g. CW/AM/NFM) to tune into AM radio! CubicSDR for mac osDownload & Install SoftwareOn mac os, we'll be using the excellent CubicSDR () cross-platform, open source software. For this tutorial we'll use release version 0.2.3 Head to the Downloads () page to grab the latest version, or click this link to directly download 0.2.3Download CubicSDR 0.2.3Once you've downloaded the installer (in this case named CubicSDR-0.2.3-Darwin.dmg), double-click it to mount the disk image, and then drag the CubicSDR.ap p to your Applications folder as shown here.Now, plug your RTL-SDR dongle into a USB port on your mac, and then double-click the in your Applications folder to run it.Start the SDR DeviceWhen you launch CubicSDR, it will pop up a window asking you to select and startyour SDR device. Pick the one named Generic RTL2832U OEM :: 00000001 and thenclick Start.CubicSDR FM RadioWe'll begin by listening to some broadcast FM radio.First, make sure your RTL device has started by clicking the File > Stop / Device menu item. When it is running you will see the waterfall frequency display moving at the bottom of the interface, as well as some moving waveforms in the other areas. Array Signal TypeThe CubicSDR software in combination with the RTL dongle can tune and demodulatedifferent ranges and types of radio signals. For this example, we'll select FrequencyModulation Stereo (FMS) as the signal type.Center FrequencyNext, you can tune in a station! Start by setting a center frequency for a station you like, by clicking on the numbers under the "Center Frequency" heading. ArrayThis will bring a range of frequencies into view -- approximately 3MHz at a time areavailable. Now, you can set a demodulator down on a range you want to tune. This isdone by clicking in the waterfall display, with the cursor at the center of thefrequencies you want to hear. This will usually be the orange and red display section, showing you where the strongest signal lies.Here, the demodulator has been set at 91.499261MHz, and we have a nice strong signal. Music plays! ArrayYou can see the fine tuning section in the upper left corner gives us a zoomed in view of the demodulator. You can drag this one left and right in the waterfall section to finetune, or grab one of the outer edges of the demodulator to change the bandwidththat is being processed. Too wide and you'll pick up unwanted signals, too narrowand you'll start to cut off important parts of the signal.You can search for other stations by scrubbing the peaks display left or right andlooking for strong peaks. Set down a demodulator in the waterfall area under a strong peak to listen in.The frequency band for FM broadcast radio is 88MHz to 108MHz.CubicSDR NWR (Weather) RadioMost every-day AM/FM radios can't tune into theNOAA Weather Radio (NWR) All Hazards network but with RTL-SDR we can!NWR is the national weather alert system,which broadcasts weather data as well as emergency alerts. ()Let's tune into the closest weather station to Adafruit Southern California, which is in Los Angeles. You'll want to tune into whatever station is closest to you.To begin, visit the NOAA weather station frequencies-by-county index here ()The frequency is 162.550 MHz, type that into the CubicSDR tuner window by hoveringover the Center Frequency box and hitting spacebar.You can see a little peak, its much smaller signal than the FM radio stations. It's also much thinner which makes it a narrow-band FM rather than wideband. Since it's voice, not stereo music, they use less of the frequency band, so select NFM as the decoding type.Click to set a demodulator at the 162.550 MHz peak. ArrayYou should be able to hear a computer-generated voice speaking out the weatherforecast. It's not terribly exciting but it is very thorough, often giving very detailedreports. The signal continuously transmits so you can tune in at any time!Going forwardNow that you have some basic functionality working, try tuning into other frequencies, and trying the different kind of decoding (e.g. CW/AM/NFM) to tune into AM radio! F.A.Q.The SDR dongle seems to get hot!Yep, these run pretty warm. As long as it's still working, you should be good to go. There's a pretty advanced chipset inside which can consume a lot of power What kind of computer do I need?You need a computer with at least one USB 2.0 or higher port. You will also need admin privs to install the software, we used it on Windows 7, XP should be the same. There's also software for Mac and Linux but we don't have tutorials for it. Google around for RTL-SDR and what you wanna do for lots of ideas!。
GNSS RTK无线数据链SDR系列软件定义无线电用户手册说明书
GNSS/RTK无线数据链SDR系列软件定义无线电Software Defined Radios ——为测绘领域量身定制的高性能电台PDL/ADL/SDL系列电台用户手册目录一、性能特点二、PDL/ADL/SDL大功率电台1.概况2.安装三、单收外置流动站1.概况2.安装四、单收内置模块(RXO)1.技术参数2.结构引脚五、收发内置模块(SDR)1.技术参数2.结构引脚六、收发内置模块(TRP)1.简介2.硬件说明七、如何发挥最佳性能1.天线2.供电3.如何使用AUTOROVER4.如何使用AUTOBASE5.设备维护6.错误代码附A 引脚及连线附B 技术规范附C PDL CONF软件使用附D SDRCOM软件使用1 1 12 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 12 15一、性能特点PDL :1、高速空中传输——19200比特每秒*最小延迟,提供最佳的GPS 位置信息 *低功耗,适用于长时间野外运行 *强大的数据吞吐量,GPS,GLONASS 和北斗2、强大用户界面——信道显示和按键*显示和更改电台信道 *检测充电状态和其它参数3、智能协议——前向纠错、自动基站和自动流动站技术*前向纠错,提高抗干绕行和覆盖范围 *基站自动选择信道 *流动站自己锁定基站4、结构牢固——为野外GPS/RTK 作业专门设计*强抗震安装,提高可靠性 *紧密防水,适用恶劣天气 *简单固定在三脚架和垂直杆上5、向后兼容——能与RDDR、RFM 和TRIMBLR 等产品兼容*最先进的技术为你的设备带来好处 *促进GPS 设备混合和匹配 *为现在的设备提供升级途径ADL:1、兼容PCC、Trimble、Satel 协议,用户设置2、工作410-480MHz 窄带专网和902-928MHz 高速跳频频段,自由切换3、2/7/25/45瓦射频功率输出,4级噪声和干扰抑制滤波、数字中频,实现极高接收4、灵敏度,达到更远距离5、窄带空中速率4.8/9.6/19.2kbps,跳频空中速率115.2/230.4/345kbps6、存储转发中继7、低功耗和休眠模式8、极限温度范围(-55 ℃~+85℃)二、PDL/ADL/SDL 大功率电台1、概况A.前面板信道切换开关信道指示灯发射指示接收指示高低频率指示电源开关电源指示PDLADLSDL图1 大功率电台前面板电源ON/OFF按键用来打开和关闭电台。
ARRIS DSR-4470集成接收器 解码器商品说明书
DSR-4470Commercial Integrated Receiver/DecoderPRODUCT OVERVIEWThe DSR-4470 Integrated Receiver/Decoder from ARRIS brings revolutionary technology advances from the leader in premium satellite program delivery. The DSR-4470 can decode HEVC, MPEG-4 or MPEG-2 compressed video in HD or SD formats and deliver outstanding video and audio performance via HD/SD-SDI output or analog/composite video output. The inclusion of DCII QPSK, DVB-S2, DVB-S2x and 8PSK Turbocode demodulation enables full compatibility with the latest satellite distribution networks.The DSR-4470 comes equipped with industry standard input and output interfaces such as dual GigE and ASI enabling seamless connections to headend equipment and its sleek packaging design fits in a standard 19” relay rack and requires only a single rack unit of space.KEY FEATURES•Stackable 1RU Chasis design• 2 RF Inputs (L-Band)•Digital video output (HD/SD-SDI) with embedded audio•Dual Gig-E and ASI transport inputs and outputs•Multi-format HEVC, MPEG-4 and MPEG-2 HD and SD processing•AFD support for processing proper SD output aspect ratio•Configurable DCII subtitle overlay on decoded output•DVB and DCII subtitle passthrough•Advanced Modulation support with DCII QPSK, DVB-S2 8PSK, DVB-S2x 8PSK and 16APSK and 8PSK Turbocodes•DigiCipher II conditional access control•Dolby® Digital audio processing•VBI reinsertion for closed caption•DTMF cue tones for local ad insertion•Front panel confidence monitor•Gig-E port web browser monitoring and control•SNMP monitoring•Composite video outputSPECIFICATIONSL-Band InputInput Frequency950 -2150 MHzInput Impedance75 ΩInput Connectors Two (2) F-typeLNB Power Out 16-22V DC at 450 mAPort-to-Port Isolation40 db (minimum)Digital ProcessingModulation Modes DC-II QPSK, DVB-S2,DVB-S2x and 8PSK TurbocodesSymbol RatesDCII QPSK19.51 Msps and 29.27 MspsDVB-S2 8PSK 3 to 35 MspsDVB-S2x 8PSK/16APSK 3 to 35 Msps8PSK Turbocodes 1 to 30 MspsFEC RatesDCII QPSK3/4DVB-S2 8PSK3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 8/9, 9/10DVB-S2x 16APSK 26/45, 3/5, 28/45, 23/36, 25/36, 13/18, 7/9, 77/908PSK Turbocodes2/3 (1.92), 3/4 (2.05), 3/4 (2.11), 3/4 (2.19), 5/6 (2.30), 8/9 (2.40)Aspect Ratio Conversion (HD down-conversion)4x3 center-cut, 4x3 letterbox, 14:9 and 16:9 (Anamorphic)Video DecodingCompression Formats HEVC, MPEG-4 and MPEG-2HD Resolution1080i60, 720p60 and 1080p23.98SD Resolution528x480i , 544x480i, 704x480i, 720x480i, 528x576i (25 fps), 544x576i (25 fps), 704x576i (25fps) and 720x576i(25 fps)SPECIFICATIONS (CONTINUED)Composite Video Output (NTSC/PAL M)Frequency Response±0.75 dB, 1kHz–4.2 MHzSignal/Noise Ratio57 dB (min)Differential Gain 4.0% p-p (max) (10% to 90% APL)Difference Phase 4 degrees p-p max. (10 to 90% APL)Output Impedance75 ΩOutput Level 1.0 V p-p ±5%Connectors One BNCAudio OutputCompression Formats Dolby AC-3 and MPEG-1 Audio Layer IIOutput Two stereo pair or four monoOutput Level±20.0 dBu, ±1.0 dB into 600 Ω balanced load, adjustable (0 to -20 dB) Frequency Response±1.0 dB p-p maximum, 20 Hz to 20 kHzTotal Harmonic Distortion0.25% maximum at 1kHz, measured at 20 Hz to 20 kHzSignal/Noise Ratio86.2 dB minimum at 1 kHz, measured at 20 Hz to 20 kHz Isolation, L/R80 dB at 1 kHzAudio Impedance600 Ω loadHD/SD-SDIOutput Level800 mV, ±80 mVOutput Impedance75 ΩStandards SMPTE-259M, SMPTE-292MConnector BNCEthernet Management PortConnector RJ-45Format10/100/1000BaseTGigE Input/Output InterfaceConnector RJ-45 (2)Format10/100/1000BaseTASI Input/Output InterfaceFormat Asynchronous Serial InterfaceTransmission Byte or packet modeStandard CENELEC EN 50083-9Connectors BNC (two out, one in)Contact ClosuresNumber of Contact Closures One (Alarm or ad insertion)Contact Closure Type Form C, SPDTCue TonesSignal Type Differential outputSignal Level 0 dBm, ±3 dB (600 Ω)/toneConnector Quick disconnect terminalNote:Specifications are subject to change without notice.Copyright Statement:©2019ARRIS Enterprises,LLC.All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means or used to make any derivative work (such as translation,transformation,or adaptation)without written permission from ARRIS Enterprises,LLC (“ARRIS”).ARRIS reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes in content from time to time without obligation on the part of ARRIS to provide notification of such revision or change.ARRIS and the ARRIS logo are registered trademarks of ARRIS Enterprises,LLC.All rights reserved.Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks or the names of their products.ARRIS disclaims proprietary interest in the marks and names of others.CUSTOMER CARE Contact Customer Care for product information and sales:•United States: 866-36-ARRIS •International: +1-678-473-5656(rev x3 01-2019)DSR-4470 365-095-31925SPECIFICATIONS (CONTINUED)PhysicalWidth18.9 in (48cm)Depth20.5” (52.1cm)Height1.65 in (4.2cm)Weight12 lb (5.5kg) approx Power Input100-240 VAC, 47-63Hz, 50 W max Operating Temperature0 °C to 50 °C Humidity95% relative maximum Display2.2” color LCDOtherLimited WarrantyOne year Compliance UL listed/approved, FCC part 15DSR-4470 REAR PANELMODEL AND ORDERING INFORMATIONModel NamePart Number Description DSR-4470597651-001-00Single Channel Decoder with HD/SD SDI Output。
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第一步,插入RTL-SDR 软件无线电接收机,
1. xp提示发现新硬件,是否自动安装驱动,选择否。
2. windows 7 提示发现新硬件,同时自动搜索驱动,点取消。
1. xp系统安装 zadig-xp ;(注意:如果软件打不开,请安装微软的net 3.5(百度搜NET 3.5)
2. 其他Windows版本(WIN7,WIN8,WIN10)安装zadig_win8(可能需要禁用数字签名)安装驱动时请关闭360杀毒、安全卫士等软件
如果系统是WIN10,也可能显示”RTL2832UHIDIR”, 选中,点Replace Driver。
1. 运行zading,单击options,选择list all devices ,在下拉列表里选择bulk-in,interface (interface0),绿色箭头右边默认winusb ,然后单击instatll driver 。
2. 检查驱动是否安装完成。
再次运行zading ,在下拉列表里选择bulk-in,interface (interface 1),再安装一次驱动即可。
WIN10系统,可能显示RTL2832UHIDIR,选中,点Replace Driver 第三步,运行SDRSharp.exe。
A:接收25MHz-1.7GHz VHF和UHF。
2,设置:在左上角的下拉列表中选择RTL-SDR/USB ,点右边的configure,勾选tuner
在单击左上角的Play (开始)。
3.调频广播:87-108MHz 选择WFM
2. 民用对讲机: 136MHz-174MHz 制式为NFM
400MHz-470MHz 制式为NFM
3.业余超短波电台:50-54MHz,144-148MHz,430-440MHz NFM
4. 机场塔台通话: 118-13
5.收听电视伴音:56.25 MHz-957.75MHz制式为FM。
2. 设置:停止状态下,点Configure,在Sampling Mode下面选择Direct
sampling (Q branch) 勾选RTL AGC 然后点Close ,再点Play。
注意:如果接收WFM的时候软件自动退出,或软件打不开,请安装微软的net framework 3.5(百度搜NET 3.5)