桂林电子科技大学信息科技学院试卷2010-2011 学年第 2 学期课号I04BT014课程名称C语言程序设计(A卷;、闭卷)适用班级(或年级、专业)10级、全院一单项选择题(每题2分,共40分)1 以下叙述正确的是。
A C程序基本组成单位是语句B 简单C语句必须以分号作为结束符C C程序每一行只能写一个语句D 注释语句可以嵌套2 设a和b均为int型变量,则执行以下语句后的输出为。
int a=20; int b=3; printf("%d\n",a+=(b%=2));A 0B 20C 21D 223 设int型占2个字节,且int i=-2;,则语句printf("%u",i);的输出结果为。
A -2B -32768C 65535D 655344 以下程序运行后的输出结果是。
main(){ double d=3.2; int x,y;x=1.2; y=(x+3.8)/5.0;printf("%d\n",d*y);}A 0B 3C 3.07D 3.25 以下程序运行后的输出结果是。
main(){ int a=2,b=-1,c=2;if(a<b)if(b<0) c=0;else c++;printf("%d\n",c);}A 0B 1C 2D 36 以下程序的执行结果是。
main(){ int n=9;while(n>6) { n--; printf("%d",n); }}A 987B 9876C 8765D 876void main(){ int x=15,y=21,z=0;switch (x/8){ case 2: z=z+1;break;case 1: z=z+1;switch (y/21){ default : z=z+1;case 0: z=z+1;break;}}printf("%d\n",z);}A 4B 3C 2D 18 以下程序的输出结果是。
(考生注意:所有解答全部做在答题纸上,否则不给分)一、填空(每空2分,共30分)1. 某段梁的横截面上既有剪力又有弯矩,这种弯曲形式称为 剪切弯曲变形 。
2. 铸铁抗拉能力 低于 抗剪能力,抗剪能力 低于抗压能力。
(低于,高于)3. 在工程上,主要承受 轴向拉压 变形的细长杆件,称为轴。
4. 图1为低碳钢Q235的应力-应变曲线,当应力加至曲线上k 点后卸载时,相应的弹性应变如图中的 ij 所示,塑性应变如图中 oi 所示。
图1 图25. 图2示正方形截面悬臂梁,若梁的截面边长a 增大一倍(其它条件不变),则梁的最大弯曲正应力降至原来的 1/ 8 ,最大切应力降至原来的 1/4 。
6. 图3所示的受扭圆轴横截面上最大扭矩max T = 3M ,若其横截面为实心圆,直径为d ,则最大切应力max τ= (48M)/ Πd ³ 。
7.为了保证工程结构或机械的正常工作,要求构件应具备足够的强度、 刚度 和 稳定性 。
8. 对于平面力偶系,独立的平衡方程个数为 1 。
9. 矩形截面梁发生弯曲变形时,在横截面的 中性轴处,弯曲正应力为 0 。
10. 图4中阶梯形杆总变形量=∆l 0 。
σ图3图4二、选择(每题2分,共20分)1.对称截面直梁发生纯弯曲,其弯曲刚度EI沿杆轴为常量,则变形后梁轴(A )。
A. 为圆弧线,且长度不变;B. 为圆弧线,长度改变;C. 不为圆弧线,但长度不变;D. 不为圆弧线,且长度改变。
2. 图5所示梁段上,BC梁段(B)。
A. 有变形,无位移;B. 有位移,无变形;C. 既有位移,又有变形;D. 既无位移,又无变形。
图5 图63. 图6所示梁,若力偶矩Me在梁上移动,则梁的(D )。
A. 约束力变化,B端位移不变;B. 约束力和B端位移都变化;C. 约束力和B端位移都不变;D. 约束力不变,B端位移变化。
4. 在下列说法中,错误的是(A)。
A. 应变是位移的度量;B. 应变是变形的度量;C. 应变分正应变和切应变两种;D. 应变是量纲一的量。
”姓名学号专业成绩Single Choice Questions(2 points per question, 12 point maximum)pany X has a beta of 1.5. The risk-free interest rate is 6% per annum; and theexpected market premium is 10% per annum. What is Company X’s cost of equity?A: 9%; B: 12%; C: 15%; D: 21%.2.If the intrinsic value of a share of common stock is more than its market value,which of the followings is the most reasonable conclusion?A: The stock has a low level of riskB: The stock offers a high dividend payout ratio.C: The market is undervaluing the stock.D: The market value is always more than the intrinsic value.3.Which of the following statements on efficient market hypothesis is true:A: If a market is weak-form efficient, it must be semi-strong form efficient.B: If a market is semi-strong-form efficient, it must be weak-form efficient.C: If a market is strong-form inefficient, it must be semi-strong-form inefficient D: If a market is strong-form efficient, it could be semi-strong-form inefficient. 4.Which of the followings is a way of avoiding losses through hedging?A: Purchase a put option on a stock you do own.B: Lease a car with the option to purchase it in three years.C: Enter into a swap contract to exchange fixed exchange interest payments forfloating-rate payment because you have floating-rate assets.D: pay a reservation fee to insure that you can purchase a flight ticket for not more than $200.5.Which of the flowing features of insurance contracts is to create incentives forinsured parties to control small loss, but not large loss?A: exclusions; B: copayments; C: caps; D: deductibles.6.In a company with dispersed ownership, shares of the company are owned bymany small investors, each shareholder may not have the incentive to monitor management, because the cost of monitoring exceeds the benefit from monitoring.This is calledA: the free-rider problem; B: the free cash flow problem;D: the moral hazard problem; D: the adverse selection problem.Calculation questions (本部分每题12分,要求从中选4题应答,如6题都应答,则取得较高分的4题的得分将作为本部分的得分计入总成绩,即本部分的最高分为48分,多答不扣分)Group I:1.Mia Company and Satu Company are identical, differing only in their capitalstructures. Mia is an unlevered firm issuing only stocks whereas Satu issues stocks and bonds. Each firm has an annual EBIT of $15 million forever. There is not tax for either company. Mia pays out all its yearly earnings in the form of dividends and has 1 million shares outstanding. Its market capitalization rate is 12%. Satu is identical except that 40% of its market value is in bonds and has 500,000 shares outstanding. Satu’s bonds are default-free perpetuity bonds with a coupon rate of 10% per year. The risk-free interest rate is 10%.A: What is the value per share of Mia and Satu, respectively?B: If the market price of Satu’s stocks is $160 per share, is there an arbitrage opportunity? If there is an arbitrage opportunity, how would you take advantage of such opportunity? (show your detailed arbitraging strategy)2.You are considering the purchase of an apartment with a total price of $1 million.A bank offers you a 30-year mortgage for 70% of the total price of the apartmentwith equal installment payment at the end of each month. The nominal (stated) annual interest rate is 7.2%.A: Assuming that your monthly salary is $6,000 now, and expected to grow 5% annually. What percentage is your monthly salary to your monthly mortgage payment ten year from now? (Note: please show the calculation detail)B: If you can afford to pay $6,000 per month, how many years would it take to pay off the loan?3.You are evaluating a new project for your firm. The project requires cashinvestment of $1.1 million at the start, and a $100,000 maintaining fee each year during the project’s life. After-tax cash inflows of $400,000, $600,000, $600,000, and $500,000 are expected in year 1 through year 4, respectively. All the above cash inflows and outflows are in nominal term. After year 4, the project will be terminated with zero salvage value. The real required rate of return for the project is 10%, and the inflation rate for the next four year is expected to be 2% annually.What are the payback period, net present value, and the nominal internal rate of return of the project?4.You are currently 20 year old, plans to start to work two year from now (at age 22).You expect to retire at age 60 and live to age 80. Your labor income is $50,000 per year during your working years, and you intend to maintain a constant level of real consumption spending over the next 60 years. Assume not tax, no growth in real salary, and a real interest rate of 3% per year.A: What is the value of your human capital now (at age 20)?B: What will be your permanent income at age 30?5.Suppose that the term structure of riskless interest rates is as flows:A: What should be the market price of a 3-year 6% riskless coupon bond with annual coupon payment and $1,000 face value?B: A 3-year 10% coupon bond (with annual coupon and $1,000 face value) issued by Sami Company is rated BAA, and is currently trading at a market price of $992.Aside from its risk of default, the Sami bond has not other financially significant features. How much should an investor be willing to pay for a guarantee against Sami’s defaulting on this bond? (Hind: with the guarantee, the investor can be assured of getting his promised coupon and principal.)6.The Matti Company is an all-equity financed firm with a market capitalization rateof 10% per year. Its latest EPS (earnings per share) was $5. The company paid out 20% of its earnings in cash dividend and is expected to maintain this 20% payout ratio in the next five years. The rate of return on new investment is expected to be 15% annually in the next five years. Starting 6 year from now, the firm’s rate of return on new investment is expected to fall to 10%, and the company is expected to start paying out 50% of its earnings in cash dividend, which it will continue to do forever after.A: What is the intrinsic value per share of Matti?B: What is the market price per share of Matti one year from now (assuming its market price is equal to its intrinsic value)?Answer and explanation questions (本部分每题10分,要求从中选4题应答,如6题都应答,则取得较高分的4题的得分将作为本部分的得分计入总成绩,即本部分的最高分为40分,多答不扣分)1.What is the efficient portfolio frontier in portfolio selection? How to construct theoptimal portfolio (the best risk-reward trade-off line) with many risky assets and the riskless asset? (you might use figures for assistance)2.What is the market portfolio? Why is the market portfolio the optimalcombination of risky assets when the market is in equilibrium?3.Why might debt be used to alleviate the free cash flow problem betweenmanagement and shareholders?4.What is an indexing investment strategy? What is the main logic behind indexing?What are the advantages of indexing investment as compared to active investment?5.Should the average required rate of return be higher or lower in economicexpansion period than that in economic recession period? Why?6.In general, there are two kinds of arbitrage strategies, what are they? Give oneexample for each strategy.。
2010学年度第1学期 2010 级护理学专业本科层次期末/补考课程____系统解剖学_____试题考核方式:闭卷考试时量:120分钟试卷类型:A一、单项选题(本大题每一小题的备选答案中,只有一个选项答案是正确的,请把你认为正确答案的选项,填入本大题的答题框序号下方,多选不给分。
每题 1 分,共40 分。
)1.临床气管切开的部位常选在A. 第1~3气管软骨环B. 第2~4气管软骨环C. 第3~5气管软骨环D. 第4~6气管软骨环2.肾门约平对A. 第12胸椎B. 第1腰椎C. 第2腰椎D. 第3腰椎3.女性尿道A. 长约10cmB. 向前下方穿尿生殖膈C. 后方有子宫和阴道D. 尿道外口在阴道的后方4.睾丸A. 位于阴囊内, 属外生殖器B. 表面有白膜包绕C. 前缘有附睾附着D. 下端与输精管相接5.输精管结扎术常选择在A. 睾丸部B. 精索部C. 腹股沟管部D. 盆部6.卵巢A. 位于盆腔侧壁B. 位于盆腔后壁C. 前缘游离D. 后缘有系膜相连7.子宫阔韧带A. 连于子宫和骨盆侧壁之间B. 连于子宫颈阴道上部和骶骨之间C. 为单层腹膜皱襞D. 无神经、血管和淋巴管8.内分泌腺没有A. 导管B. 血管C. 淋巴管D. 神经9.腹膜形成的韧带不包括A. 肝三角韧带B. 肝圆韧带C. 肝镰状韧带D. 肝冠状韧带10.二尖瓣位于A. 主动脉口B. 左房室口C. 肺动脉口D. 右房室口11.解剖学的“上”与“下”,叙述错误的是A. 颈静脉切迹在胸骨角的上方B. 鼻在眼的下方C. 人体倒立时, 口在鼻的上方D. 人体倒立时, 近足者为下12.骺线A. 长骨生长的标志B. 扁骨与扁骨间的连接线C. 骺软骨全部骨化后的痕迹D. 位于骨干中部13.骶骨岬位于A. 骶骨尖B. 骶骨的后面C.骶骨底D.骶骨两侧14.不属于尺骨上的结构A. 尺神经沟B. 尺骨茎突C. 鹰嘴D.尺骨头15.不属于肩关节特点的是A. 关节盂小B. 肱骨头大C. 关节囊厚而紧张D. 运动灵活16.具有收缩功能是A. 腱膜B.深筋膜C. 腱鞘D. 肌腹17.上消化道包括A. 口腔、咽和食管B. 口腔、咽、食管和胃C. 口腔、咽、食管、胃和十二指肠D. 口腔、咽、食管、胃和小肠18.肝的位置A. 大部分位于左季肋区B. 大部分位于右季肋区及腹上区C. 大部分位于腹上区D. 其下界成人可达右肋弓下1~2cm19.阑尾A. 位于回肠末端B. 末端游离, 适在麦氏点C. 根部适在三条结肠带汇合点D. 无管腔与盲肠相通20.最大的鼻旁窦是A. 蝶窦B. 筛窦C. 额窦D. 上颌窦21.心的正常起搏点是A. 窦房结B. 房室结C. 房室束D. 结间束22.肺循环的静脉A. 左、右各一条B. 最后注入右心房C. 无静脉瓣D. 内含暗红色的静脉血23.甲状颈干发自A. 椎动脉B. 锁骨下动脉C. 颈外动脉D. 甲状腺上动脉24.常用于穿剌的静脉不包括A. 头静脉B. 颈外静脉C. 面静脉D. 大隐静脉25.颈外静脉注入A. 静脉角B. 颈内静脉C. 头臂静脉D. 锁骨下静脉26.视神经盘位于黄斑的A. 内上方B. 内下方C. 外上方D. 外下方27.下列无血管, 但有丰富神经末梢的结构是A. 晶状体B. 玻璃体C. 角膜D. 结膜28.使眼球前极转向外上方的是A. 上斜肌B. 下斜肌C. 上直肌D. 外直肌29.声波的传导途径错误者A.鼓膜→听小骨B.听小骨→前庭窗C.前庭窗→前庭阶D.内淋巴→外淋巴30.成人脊髓末端的位置大约在A. 第十一胸椎体下缘水平B. 第十二胸椎体下缘水平C. 第一腰椎体下缘水平D. 第二腰椎体下缘水平31.位于后索中的上行纤维束是A. 皮质脊髓侧束B. 脊髓丘脑束C. 薄束D. 锥体束32.位于小脑、延髓、脑桥之间的腔室是A. 侧脑室B. 第三脑室C. 第四脑室D. 第二脑室33.上运动神经元胞体主要位于A. 脊神经节B. 脊髓前角C. 脑干内躯体运动核D. 大脑皮质34.脊神经的数目, 错误的是A. 颈神经7对B. 胸神经12对C. 腰神经5对D. 骶神经5对35.喉返神经A. 是舌咽神经的分支之一B. 左右侧均在锁骨下动脉前方发出C. 沿食管气管沟上行D. 管理甲状腺的分泌活动36.交感神经的低级中枢位于A. 交感神经节内B. 交感干内C. 脊髓第1胸段至第3腰段的侧角D. 脑干内37.确定骶管裂孔的标志是A. 骶正中嵴B. 骶后孔C. 骶骨尖D. 骶角38. 口角炎症时首先引起何处淋巴结肿大A. 颈外侧浅淋巴结B. 下颌下淋巴结C. 颈外侧深淋巴结D. 锁骨上淋巴结39.肝十二指肠韧带内不可见A. 肝固有动脉B. 胆总管C. 胃左、右动脉D. 肝门静脉40. 第I躯体感觉区位于A. 岛叶B.中央后回等处C. 外侧沟下方D. 中央前回二、填空题(每空1 分,共10分)44.髋关节由①与②参与构成。
(A)Windows NT (B) WORD字处理软件
34. 8421BCD码采用( )位二进制数表示一位十进制数。
(A)4 (B) 8
(C) 7 (D) 1
西南科技大学2010——2011学年第一学期《数据库原理》期末考试试卷(A 卷)学院:_______________班级:_____________姓名:_______________学号:____________一、简答题(每题5分,共25分)1、数据库系统中支持数据独立性的方法是什么?答:数据独立性是由DBMS 的二级映像功能来保证的2、请写出Armstrong 公理的三个推理规则的形式化定义。
4、简述数据库概念设计的主要步骤,概念设计中的消除冗余是指什么?5、 什么是数据冗余?它会引起哪些操作异常?二、关系代数(每题4分,共12分)有 2 个关系模式如下:商品(商品号,商品名称,产地)课程代码 1 4 3 1 4 0 2 4 0命题单位 计算机学院销售(销售单号,商品号,销售数量,销售日期)注:一个销售单中包括多种商品。
可能用到的相对原子质量: H:1 C:12 O:16 S:32 Br:80一.选择题(每小题只有一个选项符合题意,本题包括16个小题,每题3分,共48分)1.19世纪中叶,俄国化学家门捷列夫对化学学科的巨大贡献是A.提出了原子学说B.提出了元素周期律C.提出了分子学说D.制定了科学的元素周期表2、通常用于衡量一个国家石油化工发展水平的标志是A.石油的产量 B.乙烯的产量C.天然气的产量 D.汽油的产量3.正确掌握化学用语是学好化学的基础。
下列化学用语中正确的是A.乙烯的结构简式为CH2CH2 B.乙醇的结构简式C2H6OC.Ca2+的结构示意图为 D.羟基的电子式:4.下列说法不.正确的是A.16O、18O互为同位素 B.金刚石和石墨互为同素异形体C.分子式符合通式C n H2n+2且n值不同的两种烃互为同系物D.互为同分异构体5.美国科学家将铅和氪两种元素的原子核对撞,获得了一种质子数为118,质量数为293的新元素,则该元素原子核内的中子数和核外电子数之差为A.57 B.47 C.61 D.1756、有机物种类繁多的主要原因是()。
A、自然界中存在着多种形式的、大量的有机物B、有机物的分子结构十分复杂C、碳原子能与其他原子形成四个共价键,且碳原子之间也能相互成键D、有机物除含碳元素外,还含有其他多种元素7.某有机物的结构简式为CH2=CH —CH2OH。
下列关于该有机物的叙述不正确...的是 A.能与金属钠发生反应并放出氢气B.此有机物中有三种官能团:碳碳双键、羟基、甲基C.能在催化剂作用下与H2发生加成反应D.在浓H2SO4催化下能与乙酸发生酯化反应8.自然界为人类提供了多种多样的营养物质,下列有关营养物质的说法正确的是A.蔗糖、淀粉、油脂等都可以发生水解反应B.摄入人体的纤维素在酶的作用下能水解为葡萄糖C.糖类、蛋白质、油脂都属于天然高分子化合物D.所有糖类物质都有甜味,但不一定都溶于水9.可逆反应2SO2+O22SO3在密闭容器中达到了平衡,下列说法正确的是A.SO2和O2不再化合,反应停止了B.容器内压强保持不变C.SO2、O2和SO3的浓度相等D.SO2、O2和SO3的物质的量之比为2:1:210.下列各组液体混合物,能用分液漏斗分离的是A.乙酸乙酯和乙醇 B.苯和溴苯C.苯和水 D.乙醇和水11.下列关于右图所示装置的叙述,不正确的....是A.铁是负极,铁失去电子形成Fe2+进入溶液B.铁片质量逐渐减少,碳棒上有气泡产生C.电流由铁片经导线沿外电路流向碳棒D.该装置总的化学反应为2442Fe+H SO FeSO+H==↑12、下列说法正确的是A.反应是放热还是吸热是由反应物和生成物所具有的能量的相对大小决定的B.放热反应在常温下一定容易进行C.需加热才能发生的反应一定是吸热反应D.质量数相同的原子,其化学性质也一定相同13.下列反应中,属于取代反应的是①CH3CH=CH2+Br 2CH3CHBrCH2Br②CH3CH2OH CH2=CH2+H2O③CH3COOH+CH3CH2OH CH3COOCH2CH3+H2O④C6H6+HNO 3C6H5NO2+H2OA. ①②B.③④C.①③D.②④14.分子式为C5H11Br的同分异构体共有(不考虑立体异构)A.6种B.7种C. 8种D.9种15、常温常压下,取下列四种有机物各1mol,分别在足量的氧气中燃烧,消耗氧气最多的是()A.C2H5OH B.CH4C.C3H8O2D.C2H4O16、下列性质的递变规律不正确...的是A.NaOH、KOH、CsOH碱性依次增强B.HC1O4、H2SO4、H3PO4的酸性依次减弱C.HCl、H2S、PH3稳定性依次减弱D. Al、Mg、Na的原子半径依次减小二.(本题包括7大题,共52分.)17.(6分)合理、高效利用金属矿物,将其中的金属从其化合物中还原出来用于生产和制造各种金属材料,这一过程在工业上称为金属的冶炼。
石家庄铁道大学2012-2013学年第1学期2010 级本科班期末考试试卷(A)课程名称:混凝土结构设计原理A (I )任课教师: 考试时间: 120 分钟 学号: 姓名: 班级: 考试性质(学生填写):正常考试( )缓考( )补考( )重修( )提前修读( )一、选择题(每空1.5分,共15分)1. 为减小混凝土徐变对结构的影响,以下措施正确的是( )A .提早对结构施加荷载;B .提高混凝土的密实度和养护温、湿度;C .减少集料所占的体积;D .加大水灰比。
2. 下面关于混凝土结构设计的一些说法,不正确的是( )A .我国公路桥梁结构的设计基准期取为100年;B .《公路桥规》规定桥梁构件的承载能力极限状态设计的原则是作用效应最不利组合的设计值必须小于或等于结构抗力的设计值;C .在结构安全等级相同时,延性破坏的目标可靠指标大于脆性破坏的目标可靠指标;D .结构的可靠指标β越大,则失效概率P f 越小,可靠概率P r 越大3. 下列作用中属于永久作用的是( )A .温度作用B .基础变位作用C .汽车荷载D . 人群荷载4. 钢筋混凝土双筋梁中,受压钢筋s A '的抗压强度得到充分利用的条件是( )A .x ≥2sa ' B .x ≤2s a ' C .b ξξ≥ D .b ξξ≤ 5. 梁的抵抗弯矩图外包住弯矩包络图,能够保证梁的( )A .正截面抗弯承载力B .斜截面抗弯承载力C .斜截面抗剪承载力D .正、斜截面抗弯承载力6. 无腹筋梁沿斜截面破坏时,当裂缝一出现,很快形成一条主要斜裂缝,并迅速延伸至荷载作用点,使梁斜向被拉断,这种破坏称为( )A .少筋破坏B .斜拉破坏C .剪压破坏D .斜压破坏7. 一钢筋混凝土T 形截面简支梁,b =250mm ,h =550mm ,f b '=600mm ,f h '=100mm 。
已知腹板受扭塑性抵抗矩tw W =1.46×107mm 3,受压翼缘受扭塑性抵抗矩tf W '=1.75×106mm 3。
《C 语言程序设计》试卷 共10页 第1页 《C 语言程序设计》试卷 共10页 第2页安徽师范大学皖江学院2010-2011学年第二学期2010级信息管理专业《C 语言程序设计》期末考试试卷(A )(时间 120分钟,答案一定要写在答题纸上)1.下列C 程序用户标识符中正确的一组标识符是 ( )A)void B)as_b3 C)For D)2c define _123 -abc DO WORD If case SIG 2.以下叙述中正确的是( )A) a 是实型变量,C 允许进行以下赋值a=10,因此可以这样说:实型变量允许赋值整型值。
B) 在赋值表达式中,赋值号左边既可以是变量也可以是任意表达式。
C) 执行表达式a=b 后,在内存中a 和 b 存储单元中的原有值都将被改变,a 的值已由原值改变为b 的值, b 的值由原值变为0。
D) 已有a=3,b=5。
当执行了a=b;b=a; 之后, a 中的值为5,b 中的值为3。
3.c 语言中运算对象必须是整型的运算符是( )A )% B) / C ) ! D ) *4.若有代数表达式bcae3,则不正确的c 语言表达式是( )A )a/b/c*e*3B )3*a*e /b/cC )3*a*e /b*cD )a*e/c /b *3 5.下列运算符中优先级最高的运算符是( )A) ! B ) % C ) -= D )&&6.若变量已正确说明,要求用以下语句:scanf(“ a=%f,b=%f ”,&a,&b);给a 赋予3.12,给b 赋予9.0,则正确的输入形式是(Ц代表空格,CR 代表回车) ( ) A) 3.12ЦЦ9.0<CR> B) a=ЦЦ3.12b=ЦЦЦ9<CR> C) a=3.12,b=9<CR> D) a=3.12ЦЦ,b=9ЦЦЦЦ<CR>7. 以下选项中不是C 语句的是( )A){int i ; i++; printf(“%d\n ”,i);} B);C)a=5,c=10 D){ ; } 8.若有以下程序段,c3中的值是( )int c1=1,c2=2,c3; c3=c1/c2;A)0 B)1/2 C)0.5 D)19.为了避免在嵌套的条件语句if-else 中产生二义性,c 语言规定:else 子句总是与( )配对。
A.尽管却只有因为 B.虽然则只能因此C.尽管却只能因为D.虽然则只有因此5.将下列三句话填在下面的横线上,顺序最恰当的一项是()①我们性格、习惯,是母亲传给的。
湖南长沙市一中高2010级第一学期期末考试(英语)满分:120分时量:120分钟制卷人:吴峥嵘周慧玲赵津校对人:赵津Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)Section A (22.5 marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear six conversations between two speakers. For each conversation, there are several questions and each question is followed by three choices marked A, B and C. Listen carefully and then choose the best answer for each question.You will hear each conversation TWICE.Conversation 11.What’s Jane going to do this afternoon?A. Go to a movie.B. Go to the library.C. Go fishing.2.When will Henry meet Jane?A. At 1:00. .B. At 1:30.C. At 2:00.Conversation 23.What will the weather be like in Beijing tomorrow?A. Snowy.B. Sunny.C. Windy.4.What is the weather like in spring in Beijing according to the woman?A. Warm but windy.B. Cool and windy.C. Dry and warm. Conversation 35. How does the woman feel now?A. Pretty well.B. Quite sad.C. Terrible.6.What does the offer to do for the woman?A. Take her to the doctor’s.B. Get her something.C. Visit her at her home.Conversation 47.What does the woman think of the city?A. The traffic is bad.B. It’s crowded everywhere.C. There are many old buildings.8.What do we know about the boy?A. He also goes to the National Palace Museum.B. He has just arrived in this city.C. He is a student.9. Why does the woman go the National Palace Museum?A. To see an exhibition.B. To meet her friend.C. To visit her son. Conversation 510.On which day will the man arrive?A. May 2nd.B. May 20th.C. June 2nd.11.What kind of room does the man book?A. A single room.B. A double room.C. A room with flowers.12. How is the man going to pay?A. In pounds.B. In RMB.C. In US dollars.Conversation 613 When did the man start to take his main course?A. In his first year of college.B. In his second year of college.C. In his third year of college.14. What did the man think of his main courses at first?A. Very difficult.B. Very interesting.C. Very easy.15. What dose we know about the man?A. He failed in one of his main courses.B. He isn’t interested in his major.C. He is going to graduate.SECTION B (7.5 marks)Directions: In this section, you will hear a short passage. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.You will hear the short passage TWICE.Timetable for Sports WeekendPart II Language Knowledge(40 marks)Section A (20 marks) Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A,B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.21. He __________ here on time next Tuesday.A. would comeB. will be comingC. have been comingD. come22. Our teacher told us that the earth _________ round the sun.A. movesB. movedC. to moveD. moving23. He was disappointed that his plan did not _________.A. go onB. go offC. go throughD. go out24. _______ his being late again, he lost his job and had to stay at home.A. Owe toB. As result ofC. In case ofD. Because of25. The water ________ our house. We were full of fear.A. was on the wayB. was reaching atC. was getting close toD. was arriving to26. I like these photos and they can ________ me _____ the life living in the countryside.A. think, ofB. remind, ofC. let, downD. wake up27. Bob’s doctor suggests ________ for a few weeks.A. that he is restingB. he restC. he restingD. him to rest28. In a room above the store, where a party _________, some workers were setting the table.A. has been heldB. will be heldC. is being heldD. was to be held29. He will go if __________.A. askingB. to askC. having askedD. asked30. All the rooms are ________ with electric lights.A. burntB. givenC. offeredD. supplied31. She heard a terrible noise, ________ brought her heart into her mouth.A. itB. thisC. thatD. which32. Seeing the ________ flood, she was _______ to take the bout.A. scary, scaryB. scared, scaredC. scary, scaredD. scared, scary33. He likes the book but it _________ too much.A. costsB. paysC. takesD. spends34. The doctor will be free _________.A. in 10 minutesB. after 10 minutesC. 10 minutes laterD. 10 minutes after35. What did they do after they _______?A. had returned backB. had come backC. have comeD. were to return36. Mr Bush, headmaster of the school,________ accepts suggestions made by his students,does he?A. rarelyB. often C .usually D. always37. I ________ go on a trip, when it began to rain.A. was toB. was going to C .would D. was about to38. It’s wise to ______ the thing in the fridge in hot summer.A. preserveB. protectC. preventD. present39. As we all know, smoking has ________ to do with lung cancer.A. nothingB. somethingC. anythingD. little40.It was the third time that he _______ us about his story.A. has toldB. toldC. is tellingD. had toldSection B (12 marks)Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.The party began shortly after Mr. Smith, who lived in the flat below, sighed to himself as he heard the excited voices and the noisy music. Luckily he had __41__ some work home from the office, __42__ which he kept himself busy for a couple of hours, thus managing to pay no attention to the noise __43__. But by 11 o’clock he felt __44__ and was ready to go to bed, thoughfrom his earlier experience he knew it was __45__ trying to get to sleep. He undressed and lay for a while on the bed, trying to read, but he __46__ himself reading the same page over and over again. He then turned off the light and buried his head in the pillow. But even so he could not shut off the noise, finally, after __47__ seemed hours, his __48__ was gone.He jumped out of the bed, pulled on some clothing, marched firmly up the stairs, and walked into his neighbour’s flat. The owner of the flat, who caught __49__ of him in his sleep coat, came across the room, __50__ Mr. Smith could say anything , shouted, ―My dear fellow, come and join us. I know our parties would trouble you. I meant to send you __51__.‖ Mr. Smith’s anger disappeared then and there. He said, ―I’d better go and get __52__.‖ Minutes later, he returned, properly dressed, only to find that the party was nearly over.( )41. A. taken B. carried C. brought D. fetched( )42. A. with B. from C. at D. of( )43. A. outside B. overhead C. downstairs D. nearby( )44. A. bad B. tired C. sick D. excited( )45. A. useless B. necessary C. possible D. helpful( )46. A. had B. forced C. made D. found( )47. A. it B. what C. that D. which( )48. A. sleep B. strength C. patience D. anger( )49. A. scene B. hold C. notice D. sight( )50. A. before B. unless C. though D. until( )51. A. a notice B. a message C. an invitation D. an apology( )52. A. washed B. surprised C. dressed D. changedSection C (8 marks)Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.Dear TobyThank you very much for your letter. Your trip sounds exciting! I can’t wait to hear what Africa is like.Since my last letter to you, I had a little 53 of my own. Early this month, my mother and I took a 54 to Dunhuang, in the north-west of China. The 55 out there was really quite amazing—I had never seen so much sand in my life! While we were there, we 56 with a tour company to ride camels. I was very excited because this was the first time I had seen one up close. We had hoped that we would get to see some other 57 on our trip, but sadly we didn’t. Since you are going to the Sahara, I have some advice-----be sure to bring a large hat and a shirt with long sleeves -----you’ll need these for 58 . The sun can be so 59 that you’ll need to keep covered or you’ll get burnt-----my cheeks were so red for days after my trip. And another thing, you’ll need to keep a good 60 of water with you, since it is so dry and hot.I am sure you’ll have a nice trip. I look forward to receiving your postcards!Best wishesAihuaPart III Reading Comprehension (30 marks)Directions: Read the following three passages., Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B,C andD. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.AThe kings of ancient Egypt built strong tombs to keep their bodies safe after death and to hold their treasures. The Great Pyramid was built thousand of years ago for a king called Khufu. It is located on the west bank of Nile River not far from Cairo. In fact all the pyramids along the Nile are on its west bank. The ancient Egyptians compared the rising of the sun to the beginning of life and the setting of the sun to the end of life. This is why their dead bodies were buried on the west bank of the Nile. The people of Mexico also built pyramids. They did not build the pyramids for tombs. They used to build a pyramid and then a temple on top of it. The pyramids of Mexico are not as high as the pyramids of Egypt, but they are big. Each of the pyramids has a wide stairway that goes from the bottom to the top.The biggest pyramid in Mexico is almost 2000 years old. Scientists think it took 10,000 men more than ten yeas to build it. On the top they build a temp of the sun. The temple is no longer there but people still called it the Pyramid of the Sun. near it is another huge pyramid, the Pyramid of the Moon.61. In ancient Egypt pyramids were built __________.A. for visitors to seeB. for kings to live inC. as the kings’ tombsD. for king Khufu62. All the pyramids along the Nile are on its west bank, because in ancient Egypt peoplethought __________.A. they died in the westB. the sun sets in the westC. the end of their lives was like the setting of the sunD. they would go to the west after death63. The pyramid in ancient Mexico was built __________.A. for the kingsB. for the peopleC. for warsD. for the gods64. The Pyramid of the Sun was built_________.A. before the first centuryB. in the second centuryC. 100 years B.CD. in 10065. Which of the following is wrong?A. The kings of ancient Egypt built strong tombs only to hold treasures.B. The ancient Egyptians compared the rising of the sun to the beginning of life.and the setting of the sun to the end of life.C. The biggest pyramid in Mexico is nearly 2000 years old.D. Near the Pyramid of the Sun, there is the Pyramid of the Moon.BHabits,whether good or bad,are gradually formed When a person does a certain thing again,he is driven by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly, and then a habit is formed.Once a habit is formed,it is difficult,and sometimes impossible,to get rid of.It is therefore very important that we should pay great attention to the formation of habits.Children often form bad habits, some of which remain with them as long as they live older. Persons also form bad habits lasting as long as they live,and sometimes become ruined by them.There are other habits which,when formed in early life,are of great help.Many successful men say that much of their success has something to do with certain habits in early life,such as early rising,honesty and so on.Among the habits which children should not form are laziness,lying,stealing and so on.These are all easily formed habits.Unfortunately older persons often form habits which could have been avoided.We should keep away from all these bad habits,and try to form such habits as will be good for ourselves and others66. are formed little by littleA. Good habitsB. Bad habitsC. Both good habits and bad habitsD. Neither good habits nor bad habits67. The underlined wo rd ‖them‖ in the first paragraph refers to_______A. bad habitsB. good habitsC. childrenD. other persons68. Generally speaking, it’s difficult for one______ and easy for them______ which should beavoided.A. to form bad habits;to form good habitsB. to form good habits;to form bad habitsC. to form such habits as wilI be good;to get rid of bad habitsD. to get rid of bad habits;to form good habits69. Why should we pay much attention to the formation of habits?A. Because habits are of great help to every one of us.B. Because a man can never get rid of a habit.C. Because i t’s hard and sometimes even impossible to throw away bad habits.D. Because we are forced to do them again and again.70. According to the passage,early rising _________.A. has something to do with failureB. is an easily formed habitC. is such a habit as should have been avoidedD. is such a habit as will be keptCA. Page 5B. the Front PageC. Page 9D. the last page72. From the text we can know that _________.A. a blind professor can work betterB. Chinese fishermen can go fishing freely in Japan soonC. no one will be buried in the ground after they die in ShanghaiD. more and more people have begun to do art business73. When you look through this issue of China Daily, you are sure to find ______.A. how Taiwan’s new leader was madeB. that people think differently of reducing pupils’ burdenC. sad stories about students with heavy burden in primary and middle schoolsD. interesting stories of art fairs, galleries and exhibitions of different shapes in China74. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word ―scattered‖ accordingto the text?A. covered a wide area.B. searched for in a wide area.C. suddenly moved apart in different directions.D. thrown over an area so that objects land apart from each other.75. If someone feels upset for the sudden trouble and want to encourage himself, what wouldyou suggest he should read in China Daily?A. Blind, but not out.B. Two sides of a story.C. The only wise choice.D. Offshore funeral.Part ⅣWriting .Section A (10 marks)Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Failure in a relationship, business, career and exam or sudden loss of a close one can make us lose patience and calmness. However, the only person who can help you keep calm is you! You have to find the cause of your problem and then work on it. Here are some tips on how to be calm.Steal some solitary (独自的) moments from your life! Go to a calm and cool place, maybe your local park, a less-visited restaurant or any place that can give you some peaceful moments with yourself. Simply sitting on cool green grass under the limitless sky can make you feel relaxed. If you can't find any place, it’s also a good idea to dim (使暗淡) your drawing room light and sit relaxed on your sofa.Talk to the ―inner you‖! Open your mind, effortlessly, without a calculating and judging mind! Don't let yourself be troubled by any belief and thought. It's not so simple. But if you just do so, you’ll slowly develop an inner peace. Of course, this doesn't mean that you’ll stop the daily work linked to thinking! Carry your life as you’ve been, but just sometimes, sit and order your min d to relax.Learn to manage anger! Avoid the things that cause so much stress that it leads to uncontrollable anger. Self-talk can teach a person how to change that inner voice from an aggressive (好斗的) voice to a problem-solving voice. Walking away from a situation until you have better control over your anger will help you avoid creating situations that may grow into dangerous situations.In short, there are many ways to be calm in any situation. Keeping calm is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. Not only will it be good for your health, it can also helpDirections: Complete the following sentences by filling in each blank with ONE WORD that best fits the context.86. 警察调查了这次事故,认为事故大约发生在午夜时分。
系(院): 专业: 年级及班级: 姓名: 学号: .密 封 线错误!未定义“自动图文集”词条。
请将单选题答案填入下表中,填在题后1、工程造价的两种管理是指( B )。
A 、建设工程投资费用管理和工程造价计价依据管理B 、建设工程投资费用管理和工程价格管理C 、工程价格管理和工程造价专业队伍建设管理D 、工程造价管理和工程造价计价依据管理2、在项目建设全过程的各个阶段中,即决策、初步设计、技术设计、施工图设计、招投标、合同实施及竣工验收等阶段,都进行相应的计价,分别对应形成投资估算、设计概算、修正概算、施工图预算、合同价、结算价及决算价等,这体现了工程造价( B )的计价特征。
课程名称: 《工程造价管理》试卷类别: A 卷 考试形式:闭卷 考试时间:120 分钟 适用层次: 本科适用专业: 2010级工程管理、工程造价 阅卷须知:阅卷用红色墨水笔书写,小题得分写在相应小题题号前,用正分表示;大题得分登录在对应的分数框内;考试课程应集体阅卷,流水作业。
《工程造价管理》A卷A、复杂性B、多次性C、组合性D、方法多样性3、进口设备运杂费中运输费的运输区间是指( C )。
A、出口国供货地至进口国边境港口或车站B、出口国的边境港口或车站至进口国的边境港口或车站C、进口国的边境港口或车站至工地仓库D、出口国的边境港口或车站至工地仓库4、建设项目可行性研究报告的主要内容是( C )。
A 市场研究、技术研究和风险预测研究B 经济研究、技术研究和综合研究C 市场研究、技术研究和效益研究D 经济研究、技术研究和资源研究5、项目可行性研究阶段的投资估算,是( C )的重要依据。
A 主管部门审批项目建议书B建设贷款计划C项目投资决策D 项目资金筹措6、当初步设计达到一定深度,建筑结构比较明确时,编织建筑工程概算可以采用( C )。
2011-2012学年第二学期期末考试2010级《护理学基础》试题一.单选题(每题1分,共60题,共60分)A1型题1.足底忌用冷疗是防止()A.一过性冠状动脉收缩B.局部组织坏死C.体温骤降D.心律异常D.末梢循环障碍2.服用止咳糖浆的正确方法是()A.饭前服,服后立即饮少量水B.睡前服,服后立即饮大量水C.咳嗽时服,服后立即饮大量水D.在其它药后服,服后不立即饮水E.饭后服,服后立即饮大量水3.血液病患者最适用的血制品是()A.新鲜血浆B.库存血C.纤维蛋白原D.冰冻血浆E.新鲜血4.临时备用医嘱的有效期为()A.12小时B.6小时C.24小时D.36小时E.48小时5.应放在4℃冰箱内保存的药物是()A.青霉素B.氨茶碱C.胎盘球蛋白 C.强的松D.苯巴比妥钠6.尸斑通常出现在死亡后()A.10—12小时B.8—10小时C.6—8小时D.4—6小时E.2—4小时7.插导尿管前,再次消毒女性小阴唇的顺序是()A.自下而上,由内向外B.自下而上,由外向内C.自上而下,由内向外D.自上而下,由外向内E.由外向内再由内向外8.急诊护士在抢救过程中,正确的是()A.任何情况下,护士不执行口头医嘱B.口头医嘱向医生复述一遍,经双方确认无误后方可执行C.抢救完毕,请医生第2天补写医嘱与处方D.输液瓶、输血袋用后及时按医用垃圾处理E.急救物品的空安瓿经患者检查后方可丢弃9.关于碘酊和碘伏,正确的描述是()A.碘伏和碘酊属于低效消毒剂B.碘酊对金属有腐蚀性,而碘伏没有C.皮肤对碘过敏者禁用碘酊 C.碘酊对粘膜刺激性强,碘伏对粘膜无刺激E.碘酊和碘伏都用于皮肤黏膜等的消毒10.吸气性呼吸困难多见于()A.慢性阻塞性肺疾病患者B.呼吸中枢衰竭患者C.支气管哮喘患者D.代谢性酸中毒患者E.喉头水肿患者11.脉压差增大常见于()A.心肌炎B.缩窄性心包炎C.心包积液D.主动脉瓣关闭不全 D.肺心病12.伤寒患者最适宜的饮食是()A.高膳食纤维饮食B.低胆固醇饮食C.高热量饮食D.少渣饮食E.低盐饮食13.某患者正在进行氧气疗法,其流量表指示流量为4L∕min,该患者的吸入氧浓度是()A.21%B.26%C.37%D.41%E.49%A2型题14.患者女性26岁。
C 黄芪、当归、砂仁、白扁豆、山药
D 莲子肉、薏苡仁、砂仁、当归、陈皮
E 黄芪、当归、陈皮、白扁豆、山药
A 玉屏风散
B 牡蛎散
C 当归六黄汤 D 知柏地黄汤 E 补中益气汤
14. 下列除哪项外,均属小柴胡汤的组成(
A 柴胡、黄芩 B 半夏、生姜 C 人参、大枣 D 白芍
成都中医药大学 2010 年 春 季学期期末考试
试 卷(A)
适用专业:针炙推拿 2008 级、康复治疗 2008 级、七中西医 2008 级、七中医 2008 级
学号: 题号
om 分值 .c 得分
专业: 三
che 得 分
a 8. 患者下利清水,色纯清,腹中硬满而痛,口舌干燥,脉滑实,首选( )
n A 大承气汤
B 小承气汤
C 调胃承气汤 D 葛根芩连汤 E 增液承气汤
i 9. 十枣汤的服用最佳时间是(
zh A 饭后服
B 饭前服
C 睡前服
D 不拘时服
E 清晨空腹服
. 10.症见“疮疡肿毒初起,红肿焮痛,身热凛寒,苔薄白,脉数有力”,治宜首选(
E 膈下逐瘀汤
o 18.症见“头痛,或偏或正,或巅顶作痛,目眩鼻塞,或微恶风发热,舌苔薄白,脉浮”,
c 治宜首选(
. A 桂枝汤
B 麻黄汤
C 川芎茶调散 D 九味羌活汤
17. ()之后的股票交易,其交易价格可能有所下降。
18.主要依靠股利维持生活的股东最不赞成的公司股利政策是( )。
A.90万元B. 139万元C. 175万元D. 54万元
11.一张面值为10元的优先股股票,每年可以获得10元分红,如果市场利率为8%,则其估价为( )。
2010级成型专业传输原理(代码115054)试题班级: 姓名: 学号: .(所有答案均写在答题纸上。
)一、判断题(正确写T ,错误写F )(每小题1分,共15分)(1) 散度表征了物理量的源的强度,物理场在某一位置的散度为零即为无源场。
(T )(2) 动力相似必然几何相似,几何相似必然运动相似。
(F )(3) 对流动量通量是动量存在梯度而引起的动量通量。
(F )(4) 合金元素含量对合金熔体黏度的影响与对过热度的影响有关。
(T )(5) 层流可以是缓变流也可以是急变流,急变流不可能是均匀流。
(T )(6) 伯努利方程可以用于层流也可以用于湍流。
(F )(7) 不可压缩流体稳定流在两流线间的质量流量等于两流线的流函数之差。
(T )(8) 白金汉法就是利用量纲分析来获得准数的方法。
(T )(9) 所有流体的动量通量与速度梯度之间的关系可用通式()nx y u d d 0μττ+=表示。
(T ) (10) 流体黏性的本质是运动流层之间的相互作用,所以静止流体没有黏性。
(F )(11) 流线疏密程度反映了流体运动的快慢程度,流线密的地方流动沿程阻力也大。
(T)(12) 雷诺方程与N-S 方程的主要差别在于脉动速度对动量速率的影响。
(T)(13) 黑体辐射强度与方向无关,表明黑体在半球空间各个方向上的辐射能相同。
(F)(14) 动量通量和剪切力数值相等,方向相互垂直。
(T)(15) 共晶合金熔体在共晶组成附近黏度最小,所以流动性最好。
(T )二、选择题(每小题1分,,共15分)(1) 连续性方程是一个 C 方程。
A .动力学 B. 静力学 C. 运动学 D. 都不是(2) 流量一定,管径沿程减小时,测压管水头线(位置水头和压强水头之和)_C__。
A .沿程可能上升也可能下降 B.总是与总水头线平行 C.只能沿程下降 D.不可能低于管轴线(3) 单位时间内,控制体里面的动量增量等于_C___。
上海电机学院2010–2011学年第_2_学期《21世纪大学有效英语1》课程期末考试试卷 A开课学院:高职学院,专业:10级大专生考试形式:闭卷,所需时刻 90 分钟考生姓名:学号:班级任课教师Part I Vocabulary & StructureDirections:This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correctsentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections:There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answerfrom the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D).1. At first, the course was a bit difficult for me but I ________ to passthe final exam with a fairly good grade.A) managed C) handledB) controlled D) regulated2. I need some time alone to ________ on what has just happened.A) respect C) replaceB) reflect D) respond3. It was a difficult ________ getting everything ready in time.A) reason C) scheduleB) discussion D) business4. As a young man, he has a strong ________ for success.A) debate C) desireB) decision D) demand5. It suddenly ________ me that I should have left a message on his desk.A) came to C) got toB) took over D) put on6. A team ________ 15 doctors and 25 nurses was sent to the flooded area.A) made use of C) made up ofB) made out of D) made up for7. We deeply ________ your kindness and thoughtfulness.A) approve C) appointB) appreciate D) approach8. Prices in this shop ________ from 5 dollars to 100 dollars to meet theneeds of different customers.A) fall C) chargeB) cost D) range9. Though he ________ several big farms in the south of the country, heleft nothing to his children.A) generated C) madeB) possessed D) worked10. The contraction of muscles uses energy and ________ heat.A) releases C) takesB) puts D) carries11. If you have high blood pressure, you should _________ eating too much salt.A) neglect C) escapeB) ignore D) avoid12. You should take complete ____________ for the accident.A) control C) responsibilityB) business D) objection13. If the weather were more favorable, the crops ___________ still better.A) would have been grown C) would be grownB) would be growing D) will be grown14. He didn’t tell me where he had spent his holidays. __________ to know.A) Neither I cared C) Not did I careB) I didn’t care D)Neither did I care15. At that time slaves were not _________ of as human beings, but as things.A) regarded C) boughtB) sold D) thought16. The bell _________ the end of class rang, interrupting our heated discussion.A) indicating C) indicatesB) indicate D)indicated17. She leaned _________ the wall while she was speaking to her friend.A) to C) againstB) towards D)for18. The noises near the airport are_______ loud________ they hurt our ears and may drive us mad.A) enough …as… C) such …as…B) very …that… D)so … that…19. You should be careful when ________ the street in big cities.A) to cross C) crossB) crossing D)crossed20. The doctor’s mistakes in judgment ________ the death of the patient.A) resulted from C) broke offB) led to D)brought outSection BDirections:There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given inbrackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding spaceon the Answer Sheet.21. Has she got an invitation? I don’t remember (invite) _______ her.22. The students made a list of their (complain) _________about schoolmeals.23. This medicine is (poison) _________ if taken in large quantities.24. We don’t doubt Jack’s (able) ________ to do the work.25. Swimming in rough seas is an (endure) ________ test for even thestronger swimmer.26. (leave) ________ China in a few weeks, so you have plenty of timeto talk with him.27. She warned me that I (have) ________ an accident if I didn’t take more care.28. (Learn) ________ to be a person responsible for myself, I set up astudy program to regulate the time I spend on study and on socializing.29. Please don’t forget (get) ________ this camera repaired, for thereis something wrong with it.30. You can’t take away these magazines (belong) ________ to our school. Part II Reading ComprehensionTask 1Directions:After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each question orstatement there are 4 choices. You should make the correctchoice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Meeting planning is an art, not just a piece of work. This program will teach you the finest points of the art, and will enable you to produce successful, professional meetings and events. These courses will help you avoid costly mistakes, wasting time, and other problems that commonly happen to the inexperienced or insufficiently prepared meeting planner. Each course covers an important aspect of successful meeting planning. You will gain an understanding of these topics from professionals in the field and increase your confidence as you build up your meeting planning skills.Courses are offered in the evenings and on Saturdays at times compatible (和谐的)with your work schedules, with free parking available to registered participants. The entire program may be completed within a few months. Courses may also be taken individually. Internships (实习) in meeting planning are available to participants in this program. Details will be provided in the “Meeting Planning Basic” course.Whether you are an experienced planner who needs to expend your knowledge in a specific area, or an individual faced with the challenge of planning your first event for an association, group, or business, this eight-course program will provide the practical knowledge you need to produce a successful event and shine in your role as a meeting planner! The program will also be of value to travel agents and hotel conference, sales, and catering (餐饮) personnel who interact with meeting planners.31. This training program is intended for those who want to be___________.A) successful business peopleB) specific catering personnelC) experienced travel agentsD) professional meeting planners32. This program is to offer courses on ________.A) art and scienceB) meeting planning skillsC) how to avoid mistakesD) how to address a meeting33. What often happens to the meetings organized by an inexperienced orinsufficiently prepared meeting planner?A) They will waste time and cost more.B) They will be professional events.C) They will be bad examples.D) They will be a work of art.34. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the program?A) The program is intended for groups, not individuals.B) No internship in meeting planning is provided.C) Car parking is free for registered participants.D) Courses are offered from Monday to Friday.35. What will be offered in the eight-course program?A) Alternative methods for producing successful events.B) Theories and principles on the planning of events.C) Practical knowledge of arranging a good event.D) Successful examples of how to design events.Task 2Directions:This task is the same as Task 1.Over 100 staff members at the United Nations’ New York headquarters have signed up to learn Chinese language by using the program developed by ActiveChinese, Inc., the San Francisco and Shanghai based developer. The program allows the . personnel to study Chinese for personal use, or to equip them with the language and cultural skills for present, as well as future, China-related assignments.Dr. Yong Ho, the head of the Chinese Language Program at the United Nations, chose ActiveChinese not just because of the scope (范围) of the program and the lively presentation, but also its flexibility (灵活性). Dr. Hong particularly liked the “interactive format and online lessons which allow . personnel to study without an instructor and while travelling.” He also added that “students are either UN staff members or diplomats (外交官)from various tasks to the . They are very international in that most people are non-Americans.”ActiveChinese is San Francisco-based educational software and online content provider of Chinese learning programs for students at all levels as well as for corporations and individuals. ActiveChinese’s interactive lesson approach uses multimedia (多媒体)for teaching students of all ages, and provides a practical program which can be taught from CD-Roms, mobile downloads, or through online access.36. What is the purpose of the program developed by ActiveChinese, Inc.?A) To provide UN with the latest software of language teaching.B) To equip the UN’s New York headquarters with translators.C) To help the UN personnel to learn Chinese and its culture.D) To develop cultural relations between UN staff members.37. Those . personnel who choose this program are preparing themselvesfor ________.A) present or future China-related tasksB) learning more about Chinese cultureC) travelling to China in the near futureD) becoming diplomats to work in China38. What are the features of the software that Dr. Yong Ho is particularlyinterested in?A) The scope of the program.B) The flexibility of the software.C) The lively presentation of the materials.D) The interactive format and online lessons.39. What are the target learners of the software developed by ActiveChinese?A) Diplomats only.B) All job seekers..C) Middle school leavers.D) Students and corporations.40. We can infer that ActiveChinese’s interactive approach is completelydifferent from __________.A) traditional classroom teaching.B) multimedia-based teachingC) computer-aided learningD) online learningTask 3Directions:This task is the same as Task 1.We have heard in repeatedly: most people do not get enough exercise. Yet when we look at our dogs, we can say we do not give them enough exercise either.Do dogs enjoy exercise? Of course they do. Just ask people who have asked their dog if he wants to go for a walk. What has happened from then on whenever they have said the word walk? Dogs usually get so excited about going for walks.The biggest issue about an exercise program for our dogs is getting them started. Never begin taking your under-exercised dog for extremely (极度的) long walks all of a sudden. Dogs, just like people, need to warm up before they start to exercise and they should start a program slowly.Walking is great exercise for you and your dog alike. What is important is that the walking becomes a routine and is done on a regular basis. Regular means twice a day or more if it is all right with you. If you are tired of walking and your dog still wants to continue, then playing a game with your dog or letting your dog go after a toy can finish the program for the day.To reduce any possible health risk, consider the following do’s and don’ts for exercing your dog:• Do warm your dog up with a gentle walk before starting any exercise.• Do have water available(可取得的), but do not let him drink too much directly after a long walk.• Do make the exercise a routine event.• Don’t overdo it.• Don’t feed your dog immediately before or after exercise.• Don’t exercise your dog outside on the hottest part of a summer day or in very cold winter weather.41. According to the passage, how do we know dogs enjoy exercise?A) Dogs, unlike people, don’t feel tired after vigorous exercise.B) Dogs exercise outdoors in the heat of summer and cold of winter.C) Dogs get excited when we exercise them by taking them on a walk, for example.D) Dogs, those under-exercised included, can walk for extremely long hours.42. The biggest issue about an exercise program for our dogs is ________A) warming them up B) chaining them upC) dressing them up D) feeding them up43. According to the writer, what is important about walking?A) It should be stopped once you feel tired.B) It should be started suddenly.C) It should be ended with a game or play.D) It should be done twice a day or more if possible.44. What should you do if you are tired of walking but your dog wants to continue?A) Walk it till it gets tired. B) Play a game with him instead.C) Let him walk alone. D) Go home immediately.45. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A) Dogs have better strength and endurance than humans.B) Dogs are energetic, so we can never over-exercise them.C) Dogs need more exercise than they get, but people don’t.D) Dogs should not be fed shortly before or after exercise.Task 4Directions:The following is a receipt. After reading it, you should complete the information by filling in the blanks marked 46through 50 in no more than 3 words in the table below.This is a receipt to show that you applied for a Social Security card on September 4, 2020. You should have your card in about 2 weeks. Any documents you have submitted are being returned to you with this receipt.You can use your Social Security card for work only if you have authorization (授权) from the Department of Homeland Security (美国国土平安数).If you do not receive your Social Security card within 2 weeks, please let us know. You may call, write or visit any Social Security office. If you visit an office, please bring this receipt with you. To protect your private interest, we will not give out a social security number over the telephone.Social Security Administration is required by law to limit replacement (改换) of Social Security Number cards to three per year and ten for lifetime. Do not carry your Social Security Number card with you. Keep it in a safe place.Task 5Directions:Read the following campground regulations. After reading it, you are required to complete the answers that follow thequestions. You should write your answers (in no more than 3words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.Regulations for use of campground (露营场)● All campers must stop and register upon arrival. Campers may check in after 1:00 . and must check out before 11:00 a.m.● If you have reserved your campsite in advance, you must bring your reservation confirmation slip (确认单) to the camper registration booth (亭) to complete your registration.●Check the site map and select the campsite you prefer. Be sure the site is large enough to accommodate your party and all your equipment.● Minimum length of stay is two (2) nights. Maximum length of stay is fourteen (14) nights. The campground is open from May 15 through September 15.● Quiet is required between the hours of 10:00 . and 7:00 a.m.● Open fires are allowed only in grills (烤架) or fireplaces provided at each campsite. Do not leave any fires unattended.● We provide no trash bins (垃圾箱). We have a carry-in-carry-out waste policy: Everything you carry in you also carry out. You must dispose of your waste matter yourself.51. What should the campers do as soon as they arrive at the campground? They must _____________________________________________.52. How many nights can the campers stay at most?______________________________________________________.53. What are required of the campers between 10:00 . and 7:00 am?They should ______________________________________________.54. What regulation is set about the use of open fire?Open fire is allowed only in grills but it should not be left __________.55. What is the waste policy?Everything the campers bring in they should also _________________. Part III ClozeDirections: You are going to read a passage, which has some words missing. There are blank spaces where words are missing. When you read it, figure out what word should go in the blank space. Write the wordson the corresponding space of the Answer Sheet.There are so many 56 to say thank you, it’s hard to begin. I’ll always remember you were there when you were 57 .When I was a child, as 58 with young boys, there were cuts and bumps and scrapes that always felt better when 59 by you.You kept me on the 60 path, one I think I still walk.There was 61 quite so humbling 62 standing outside my elementary school classroom and seeing you come walking down the hall. You were working at the school and I often 63 to get sent outside class for something. Your chiding was 64 but 65 to the point.Part IV Translation – Chinese into English) Directions:Put the following sentences from Chinese into English.66. 我已经决定竞争那个新职位。
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离散数学(A) 2010级计算机学院各专业
1. 设A和B为有限集,|A|=m,|B|=n,则有2^(nm) 个从A到B的关系,有个从A到B的函数。
2. 设p: 天下雨,q: 天刮风,r: 我去书店,则命题“如果天不下雨并且不刮风,我就去书店”的符号化形式为_ _。
3. 设F(x): x是计算机学院的学生,G(x): x离散数学考试及格,命题“有的计算机学院的学生离散数学考试不及格”在谓词逻辑中符号化的形式为_ 。
4. 谓词公式∀x(P(x)∨∃yR(y))→Q(x) 中量词∀x的辖域是。
⌝的真值= 。
6. 有n个结点的树,其结点度数之和是。
7. 设A={2,4,6,8,10},A上的二元运算* 定义为:a * b=max{a, b},则在独异点<A, *>中,单位元是,零元是。
8. 设<L, ≤ > 是偏序集,如果L中每一对元素a、b,都有最大下界和最小上界,则称此<L, ≤ > 为格。
(a) (b) (c) (d)
9. 设A={Φ,{1},{1,3},{1,2,3}}则A上包含关系“⊆”的哈斯图为。
10. 设A ={1,2,3,4,5,6},B ={1,2,3},从A 到B 的关系R ={〈x ,y 〉| x =y 2},则 R = ; R -1 = ;
R 的关系矩阵M R = ;R 1-的关系矩阵M R -1 =
1. 求(q →p )∧p ∧r 的主析取范式。
2. 求公式 ∀xF (x ) ∨⌝∃ xG (x ) 的前束范式。
3. 已知无向图G 有11条边,2度与3度结点各2个,其余都是4度结点,求G 中共有几个结点。
4. 设A = {a , b , c , d , e , f },R 是A 上的等价关系,其中
},,,,,,,,,,,,,,,{><><><><><><><><⋃=d e c e e d c d e c d c a b b a I R A
(1) 求a 的等价类R a ][;
(2) 求c 的等价类R c ][ ;
(3) 求商集A/R 。
5. 设< A , * >是代数系统,其中A = {1,2,3,4}。
* 定义如下表所示
求A 中关于运算 * 的单位元,并给出每个元素的逆元。
6. 如下图所示的赋权图表示某七个城市721,,,v v v 及预先算出它们之间的一些直
7. A={1,2,3,5,6,10,15,30},R是A上的整除关系,R={<a,b> | a, b A,a整除b},
(1) 画出R的哈斯图;
(2) 求子集B={2,3,6}的最大元、最小元、上界和下界。
8. 画出下图的补图。
9. 下图是否为欧拉图,是否有欧拉通路,为什么?
10. 下列哪些语句是命题,若是命题,求出命题的真值。
(4) 若7+8>18,则三角形有4条边。
(5) 你喜欢唱歌吗?
(6) 请遵守考场纪律!
1. 构造下面命题推理的证明
P:张三彩票中奖 q:李四彩票中奖 r:王五彩票中奖 s:我知道
前提:pvq p->s q->r 非s
2. I上的二元运算* 定义为:∀a,b∈I,a * b= a+b-8。
试证:< I, * > 为群。
3. 设<G,*>为群,a为G中给定元素。
定义函数f:G→G,使得对每一x∈G有f(x)=a*x*a-1,证明:f是<G,*>到<G,*> 的自同构。
单射:假设f(x)=f(y),那么axa-1=aya-1 又消去律得X=Y,因此f是单射
满射:任取y∈G,f(a-1ya)=aa-1 y aa-1=y 因此y是满射