
Vocabulary 1

Vocabulary 1

Vocabulary One1.expectation n. 期待,预期(v. expect)Many things in our life are beyond our expectation.2.prospect n. 景色,景象;前景,前途;有希望的候选人What do you think about the prospect of e-commerce?3.despite prep. 不管,尽管Despite the fact that she is short, she is an excellent basketball player.4.specialize/-ise vi. (in) 专门研究,专攻We specialize in hand-made carpets in this factory.5.specific adj. 特有的,特定的;明确的,具体的We haven't fixed a specific date for our meeting.6.assistance n. 帮助,援助(v. assist)Your technical assistance in the project is greatly appreciated. 7.consist vi. (of)组成,构成;(in)存在于How many players does a baseball team consist of? Happiness does not consist in how many possessions you own.8.consistent adj. 一致的,符合的The witness’s testimony is not consistent with what he said earlier.9.existence n. 存在,生存The elephant is the largest land animal in existence.10.s ubstitute n. 替代品;vt. 代替;vi. (for)代替We use plastics as a substitute for steel.11.s tatus n. 地位,身份;情形,状况Chinese women’s status has been greatly improved, especially in cities.12.e stablish vt. 建立,创办;确定,证实(n. establishment) We have established diplomatic relations with many countries.13.c onstant adj. 持久不变的;不断的;忠实的In South China, the constant rain in spring is disgusting.14.o bstacle n. 障碍(物),妨碍Fear of change is an obstacle to progress.15.h umble adj. 谦虚的;地位低下的;简陋的vt.使谦恭Defeat and failure may make people humble.He is looked down on because of his humble background.16.e vident adj. 明显的,明白的It is evident that he is not equal to the job.17.e vidence n.根据,证据,迹象A scientist must produce evidence in support of a theory.18. advisable adj. 可取的,适当的,明智的It was advisable for you not to mention the unpleasant news. 19.s upervise v. 监督,管理,指导Most of us know how to do our own work properly, but it is quite another story to supervise others.20.i nterview n. 接见;访谈;面试vt. 面试;采访Don't be late for your interview, or you won't get the job.。

CET-6 vocabulary 1

CET-6 vocabulary 1

academy/ əˈkædəmi/n.私立中学;专科院校abolish/əˈbɔliʃ/vt.废除,取消ambiguous/ æmˈbigjuəs/a.模棱两可的;分歧的architect/ˈa:kitekt/n.建筑师;创造者assimilate/əˈsimileit/vt.使同化,吸收,比较baffle/ˈbæfl/vt.使挫折n.迷惑betray/biˈtrei/vt.背叛;辜负;泄漏bless/bles/vt.为…祝福,祈祷bribe/braib/n. 贿赂vt.向…行贿certify/ˈsə:tifai/vt.vi.证明,保证cherish/ˈtʃeriʃ/vt.珍爱;怀有(感情)context/ˈkɔntekst/n.上下文;来龙去脉corrupt/kəˈrΛpt/vt.贿赂a.腐败的curriculum/kəˈrikjuləm/n.课程distort/disˈtɔ:t/vt.歪曲,曲解,扭曲distract/disˈtrækt/vt.分散(心思);打扰duplicate/ˈdju:plikit/n. 复制品vt.复制drought/draut/n. 旱灾,干旱elapse/iˈlæps/vi.(时间)过去,消逝eloquent/ ˈeləkwənt/a.雄辩的,有口才的energetic/en əˈdʒetik/a.积极的;精力旺盛的evoke/iˈvəuk/vt.唤起,引起exceptional/ikˈsepʃənl/a.例外的;优越的fake/feik/n.假货,膺品a.假的fragile/ˈfrædʒail/a.脆的;体质弱的fraud/frɔ:d/n.骗子,欺骗,欺诈,诡计galaxy/ˈgæləksi/n.银河,星系,一群显赫的人物gallery/ˈgæləri/n.长廊,游廊;画廊gamble/ ˈgæmbl/n.赌博vt.冒…的险haunt/hɔ:nt/vt.常去vi.经常出没highlight/ˈhailait/n.突出,精彩场面vt.使显著hinder/ ˈhində,ˈhaində/a.后面的v.阻碍,打扰hospitality/hɔspiˈtæliti/n.好客,殷勤;宜人imitation/imiˈteiʃən/n.仿制品,伪制物immune/i ˈmjun/a.免疫的,免除的,不受影响的impair/im ˈpɛə/vt.损害,减少,削弱impart/imˈpa:t/vt.给予,传递;告诉incredible/in ˈkredəbl/a.难以置信的,惊人的ingredient/in ˈgri:djənt/n.配料,成分inspiration/insp əˈreiʃən/n.灵感;妙想;鼓舞installment/inˈstɔ:lmənt/n.分期付款justification/dʒΛstifiˈkeiʃən/n.辩护,证明是正当的,释罪knob/nɔb/n.门把,拉手;旋纽landscape/ ˈlændskeip/n.风景,景色,景致layman/ˈleimən/n.俗人,门外汉,凡人leaflet/ˈli:flit/n.传单,活页;广告lease/li:s/n.租约,契约,租契mall/mɔ:l/n.大型购物中心manifest/ˈmænifest/vt.表明a.明白的migrate/maiˈgreit/vi.迁移,移居mobilize/ ˈməubilaiz/vt.动员vi.动员起来mock/mɔk/n.嘲弄vt.嘲弄,挖苦murmur/ ˈmə:mə/vi.低语,低声而言n.低语negotiate/ni ˈgəuʃieit/vi.谈判,交涉,议定nominate/ ˈnɔmineit/vt.提名,推荐;任命notorious/nəuˈtɔ:riəs/a.臭名昭著的nourish/ˈnΛriʃ/vt.提供养分,养育offspring/ˈɔ(:)fspriŋ/n.儿女,子孙,后代optimism/ˈɔptimizm/n. 乐观,乐观主义overhear/ əuvəˈhiə/vt.偶然听到;偷听overlap/ əuvəˈlæp/vt.与…交搭vi.重迭overt/ˈəuvə:t/a.明显的,公然的patent/ˈpeitənt/a.专利的n.专利pave/peiv/vt.铺,筑(路等)pedestrian/pi ˈdestriən/n.行人,步行者presentation/prezen ˈteiʃən/n.介绍/赠送/呈现predominant/priˈdɔminənt/a.占优势的;主要的prevalent/ ˈprevələnt/a.流行的;盛行的priority/prai ˈɔriti/n.先,前;优先,重点poll/pəul/n.投票vi.投票qualification/kwɔlifiˈkeiʃən/n.资格;限制条件questionnaire/kwest ʃəˈnɛə/n.调查表;征求意见表recite/riˈsait/vt.&vi.背诵,朗诵recipe/ˈresipi/n. 菜谱,烹饪法;处方seminar/ ˈsemina:/n. 研究会,讨论发表会script/skript/n.手迹,手稿,剧本,字母表shatter/ˈʃætə/vt.粉碎,破碎;毁坏summit/ˈsΛmit/n.顶点,最高点;极度superiority/sju:pəriˈɔriti/n.优越(性),优势supervise/ˈsju:pəvaiz/vt.&vi.监督,监视threshold/ ˈθreʃhəuld/n.门槛;入门,开端testify/ˈtestifai/v.证明,证实,作证theme/θi:m/n.题目;词干;主旋律trifle/ˈtraifl/n.小事,琐事;少许trigger/ ˈtrigə/n.扳机vt.触发,引起volunteer/v ɔlənˈtiə/n.志愿者vt.志愿。



Lesson1Vocabulary1.There has been much opposition from some social groups,notably from the farming community.特别2.The predominant view in Britain and other Western countries associates aging with decline, dependency,isolation,and often poverty.主要的,显著的3.But gifts such as these cannot be awarded to everybody,either by judges or by the most benign of governments.善良的,仁慈的(有力的)4.The foreman(陪审团团长)read the verdict of guilty fourteen times,one for each defendant (被告人).裁决,裁判5.They fear it could have a(n)adverse effect on global financial markets.不利的6.The UN threatened to invoke economic sanctions(实施经济制裁)if the talks were broken off.引起,造成7.There are at least four crucial(关键的)differences between the new regime and the old government.政权8.These questions constitute a challenge to established attitude of superiority toward the outside world.形成,组成9.Because of this,a strong administrative apparatus was needed to plan the use of scarce resources(稀缺资源),organize production and regulate distribution.组织,机构10.I learnt that there are no genuinely indigenous animals in this area,all animals were brought here from other places.本土的11.The book concludes with a review of the possible impact of more intimate(亲密的) computers,for good or ill,in various areas of human life.无论好坏12.Moreover,it had become clear from the opinion polls(民意调查)that the unpopularity of the new tax was being laid at the door of the government which had introduced it,rather than the local authorities who were responsible for levying(征收)and collecting it.把某事归咎于13.This case gave the example of breaking someone’s arm:that is a really serious injury,but one which is unlikely to endanger the victim’s life.危害14.Many of those who hold it live in poor areas and some are Colored,that is,of mixed European and African descent.血统15.This debate is important because it points up that“the fact”are not necessarily as simple and straightforward as they might at first sight seen.强调16.In the beginning,the meaning of life might be debated,but once past the first period,many of the conversations follow a well-worn route from one topic to the next and back again,taking in most of human life.包括17.But since agriculture forms the basis of our industry,it was,by and large,also an intensification(加剧)of the crisis in the national economy in general.总的来说18.Let us leave aside other relevant factors such as educations,career structure,pay and conditions of services and concentrate on manpower management(人力资源管理).不谈论,将某一话题搁置一边19.It is true that the exact nature of this issue is uncertain.However,one thing is crystal clear:it will not endanger the planet and its inhabitants(居民).非常清楚的20.But if animals populations are too small,then they simply die out.死光,绝种Difficult Sentences1.He also associated such policies with a prejudice which he calls linguicism(a condition parallel to racism and sexism).As Phillipson sees it,leading institutions and individuals within the predominantly“white”English-speaking world,have(by design or default)encouraged or at least tolerated—and certainly have not opposed—the hegemonic spread of English,a spread which began some three centuries ago as economic and colonial expansion.同时,他认为这些政策和他称之为语言歧视(和种族歧视、性别歧视的情况类似)的偏见密切相关。

2019新版英语人教版单词Unit1 vocabulary(1)

2019新版英语人教版单词Unit1  vocabulary(1)

• 他们问了许多难以理解的问题,使我迷惑不解。我彻底糊涂了,尴尬地站在那儿,不知所 措。
• 9 fluent adj. (尤指外语)流利的;熟练的
• be fluent in… (语言表达)熟练的,流利的
She studied eight foreign languages but is fluent in only six of them
• 5 suitable adj. 合适的;适用的
• be suitable for … 对……是适合的
• be suitable to do sth. 适合做某事
This programme is not suitable for children.


We'd recommend you to book your flight early. 我们建议你早点儿预订航班。

recommend sb. (should) do sth. 建议某人(应该)做某事

• vt. 推荐,介绍

recommend… to sb. 向某人推荐……

recommend sb. for... 推荐某人做(某职位)

recommend sb. as... 推荐某人为……

recommend sb. sth, = recommend sth. to sb. 给某人介绍某物
I recommend a book to all my students=I recommend my students a book

Vocabulary 1

Vocabulary 1

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
night no No. = number noble nobody nod noise noisy none noodle noon nor normal north
• • • • • • • • ; a.黑夜,夜晚 n.不 n.数字,号码 n. & a.贵族;高贵的 v.没有人 n.&v. 点头 n.嘈杂声 n.吵闹的 pron.没有人/物(三者以上 n.面条 n. 正午 conj.也不 a.正常的,标准的 n.北方
• • • • • • • • • •
northeast n. • 东北 northern a. • 北部的,北方的 • 西北 northwest n. • 鼻子 nose n. •不 not ad. note n. & v. • 笔记;记下,注意 notebook n. • 笔记本 • 没有东西;一点也不 nothing n. & ad. notice n. & v. • 通知;注意,注意到 • 小说 novel n.
n. 海军,舰队 a., ad. & prep. 近的,附近 a. 附近的 ad. 几乎,将近 a. 整洁的,熟练的,灵巧的 a. 必需的,必然的 n. 脖子 n. 项链 n. & modal v 需要 n. 指针,针 v.洽谈,谈判 n.邻居 n. .邻里,附近一带
• neither a. • (两者)都不;也不 nephew n. • 侄子;外甥 • nervous a. • 神经质的,紧张不安 • nest n. • 巢,窝 • net n. • 网,罗网 • network n • 网络 • never ad. • 从来没有;决不 • new a. • 新的;生疏的;没有经验的 • news n. • 新闻,消息 • newspaper n. • 报纸 • next a. & ad• 下一个;隔壁的;然后其次 • nice a.. • 美好的;漂亮的 • niece n. • 侄女,甥女

Vocabulary 必修1

Vocabulary 必修1

V ocabulary A a(great)number of 许多;大量的accent ['æksənt]n.口音;腔调;重音accept [ək'sept]vt.接受;许可vi.承认;同意according [ə'kɔ:diŋ]adv.依照according to 按照;依据accordingly [ə'kɔ:diŋli]adv.按照;依据active ['æktiv]adj.积极的;活跃的actually ['æktʃu:əli]adv.实际上;事实上AD 公元add [æd]vt.增加;添加;补充说vi.加;加起来;增添add up 合计advice [əd'vais]n.忠告;建议advise [əd'vaiz]vt.劝告;忠告afterthought ['æftə.θɔ:t]n.回想;事后的思考altitude ['æltitju:d]n.海拔高度;高处Amsterdam ['æmstə'dæm]n阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都)ANC非国大;非洲人国民大会;非洲民族会议(African National Congress)anti - ['ænti](前缀)反;抗;阻anti-back adj.反黑人的apartment [ə'pɑ:tmənt]n.(美)公寓住宅;单元住宅army ['ɑ:mi]n.陆军;军队as matter of fact 事实上at an end 结束;终结atlas ['ætləs]n.地图;地图集attitude ['ætitju:d]n.态度;看法Bbecause of 因为;由于Bible ['baibl] n.《圣经》blanket ['blæŋkit] n.毛毯;毯子block [blɔk]n.街区;块;木块;石块blow up使充气;爆炸boss [bɔs]n.老板;上司brave [breiv]adj.勇敢的brick [brik]n.砖;砖块Buford n.布福德(姓氏;男子名)burst [bə:st]vi.(burst,burst)爆裂;爆发n.突然破裂;爆发bury ['beri]vt.埋葬;掩埋;隐藏Ccalm [kɑ:m] adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着vt.&vi(使)平静;(使)镇定calm down 平静下来;镇定下来Cambodia [kæm'bəudiə]n.高棉;柬埔寨camp [kæmp]n.营地;阵营vt.设营;扎营canal [kə'næl]n.运河;水道candy ['kændi]n.<美>糖果(=<英>sweets)canyon ['kænjən]n.峡谷catfish ['kætfiʃ]n.鲶鱼change one’s mind 改变注意cheat [tʃi:t]n.欺骗;骗子vt.&vi.欺骗;骗取coal [kəul]n.煤coal mine 煤矿come to power当权;上台come up 走近;上来command [kə'mɑ:nd]n.命令;指令;掌握vt.&vi.命令;指挥;支配communicate [kə'mju:nikeit]vi.交际;沟通;传达;(感情、信息等)concern [kən'sə:n]vt.涉及;关系到n. 关心;关注;(利害)关系be concern about 关心;挂念continue [kən'tinju:]vt.&vi.继续crack [kræk]n.裂缝;噼啪声vt.&vi.(使)开裂;破裂crazy ['kreizi]adj.疯狂的;狂热的criminal ['kriminəl]n.犯罪;犯罪者cruelty ['kru:əlti]n.残忍;残酷culture ['kʌltʃə]n.文化;文明cycle ['saikl]vi.骑自行车Ddam [dæm]n. 水坝;堰堤dare [dɛə]vt.&v.aux.敢;胆敢degree [di'gri:]n.度数;程度;学位delta ['deltə]n.三角州destroy [dis'trɔi]vt.破坏;毁坏;消灭detail ['di:teil]n.细节;详情determine [di'tə:min]vt.决定;确定;下决心determined [di'tə:mind]adj.坚决的;决心的dialect ['daiəlekt]n.方言dig out 掘出;发现direction [di'rekʃən]n.方向;指导(常用复数)指示;说明(书)dirt [də:t]n.污垢;泥土disaster [di'zɑ:stə]n.灾难;灾祸Eeastern ['i:stən]adj.东方的;东部的editor ['editə]n.编辑educated ['edjukeitid]adj.受过教育的;有教养的electricity [.ilek'trisiti]n.电;电流;电学elevator ['eliveitə]n.电梯;升降机Elias [i'laiəs]伊莱亚斯(男名)entirely [in'taiəli]adv.完全地;全然地;整个地equal ['i:kwəl]adj.相等的;平等的Europe ['juərəp]n.欧洲Fface to face 面对面地fall in love 相爱;爱上familiar [fə'miljə]adj.熟悉的fare [fɛə]n.费用fee [fi:]n.费(会费、学费等);酬金feeling ['fi:liŋ]n.感觉;感情fight [fait]vt.&vi.打仗;搏斗n.打仗;打架;争论finally ['fainəli]adv.最后;终于flat [flæt]n.<英>公寓住宅;单元住宅adj.平的;平坦的fresh [freʃ]adj.新的;新鲜的;无经验的G△Gandhi ['gændi:]甘地(人名)gas [gæs]n.气体;汽油;煤气;毒气German ['dʒə:mən]n.德国人;德语adj.德国的;德国人的;德语的get along with 与……相处;进展get in 投降;屈服;让步give out 分布;发出(气味、热等)glacier ['glæsjə]n.冰河go through 经历;经受gold [gəuld]n.黄金;金币adj.金的;金制的gossip vi.&n. 闲话;闲谈government ['gʌvənmənt]n.政府guard [gɑ:d]n.守卫;警戒;看守Hhabit ['hæbit]n.习惯;习性have got to 不得不;必须hero ['hiərəu]n.英雄;男主角;勇士hide away 躲藏;隐藏Ho Chi Minh City n.胡志明市(越南城市)honour n.荣誉;光荣;尊敬;敬意vt.尊敬;给予荣誉Iidentity [ai'dentiti]n.本身;本体;身份ignore [ig'nɔ:]vt.不理睬;忽视in order to 为了in trouble 处于不幸中;在监禁中include [in'klu:d]vt.包括;包含indoors ['in'dɔ:z]adv.在室内;入室内injure ['indʒə]vt&vi.损害;伤害insist [in'sist]vt.坚持;强调international [.intə'næʃənəl]adj.国际的;世界的invader [in'veidə]n,侵略者JJewish ['dʒu:iʃ]adj.犹太人的;犹太族的Johannesburg [dʒəu'hænisbə:g]n.约翰内斯堡【南非(阿扎尼亚)东北部城市】join in 参加;加入journal ['dʒə:nl]n日记;杂志;定期刊物judge [dʒʌdʒ]n.裁判员;法官vt.断定;判断;判决LLaos ['lauz]n.老挝国(东南亚国家)law [lɔ:]n.法律;法学;规律leader ['li:də]n.领导;领袖league [li:g]n.同盟;联盟;联合会Lester ['lestə]n.莱斯特(姓氏;男子名)lightning ['laitniŋ]n.闪电list [list]vt.列出livelihood ['laivlihud]n.生计;谋生loose [lu:s]adj.松的;松散的;松开的Lori 罗丽(女名)lorry ['lɔri]n.<英>卡车(=<美>truck)lose heart 丧失勇气或信心MMalaysia [mə'leiʃə]马来西亚(东南亚国家)马来群岛Mekong ['mei'kɔŋ]湄公河midwestern ['mid'westən]adj.中西部的;有中西部特性的mine [main]n.矿;矿山;矿井miner ['mainə]n.矿工modern ['mɔdən]adj.近代的;现代的;时髦的Nnationalism ['næʃənəlizəm]n.民族主义;国家主义native ['neitiv]n.本地人;本国人adj.本国的;本地的nature ['neitʃə]n.自然;自然界Nazi ['nɑ:tsi:]n.纳粹党人adj.纳粹党的Nelson Mandela 纳尔逊曼德拉(人名)Netherlands ['neðələndz]n.荷兰Noah Webster 若亚.韦伯斯特(1758-1843 美国词典编著家)northwestern adj.西北方的;来自西北的Oorganize vt.&vi 组织;组织起来out of work 失业outdoors ['aut'dɔ:z]adv.在户外;在野外Ppassbook ['pɑ:sbuk]n.南非共和国有色人种的身份证peaceful ['pi:sfəl]adj.和平的;平静的;安宁的percent [pə'sent]n.百分百;百分数period ['piəriəd]n.时期;学期;周期persuade [pə'sweid]vt.说服;劝说petrol ['petrəl]n.<英>汽油(=<美>gasoline)Phnom Penh 金边(柬埔寨首都)phrase [freiz]n.短语;词语;惯用语pipe [paip]n.管;导管plain [plein]n.平原;草原play a part(in)扮演角色;参与play a role (in)在……中担任角色;在……中起作用point [pɔint]n.点;尖端;分数polite [pə'lait]adj.有礼貌的;客气的pond [pɔnd]n.池塘position [pə'ziʃən]n.位置;职位;形势power ['pauə]n.能力;力量;权力prepare [pri'pɛə]vt.准备;预备;调制present ['preznt,pri'zent]adj.现在的;出席的;到场的president ['prezidənt]n.总统;会长;校长;行长principle ['prinsəpl]n.法则;原则;原理prison ['prizn]n.监狱prisoner ['prizənə]n.囚犯;战俘proper ['prɔpə]adj.适当的;恰当的properly ['prɔpəli]adv.适当地;恰当地purpose ['pə:pəs]n.目的;意图on purpose 故意put… in prison 把……投入监狱Qquake [kweik]n.地震quality ['kwɔliti]n.质量;品质;性质questionnaire [.kwestʃən'ɛ]n.调查表;问卷quiz [kwiz]n.测验;提问vt.对……进行测验Rrapids n.急流rapidly ['ræpidli]adv.迅速地reason ['ri:zn]n.理由;原因recognize ['rekəgnaiz]vt.辨认出;承认;公认record ['rekɔ:d,ri'kɔ:d]vt.&vi.记录;录音n.记录;唱片republic [ri'pʌblik]n.共和国;共和政体request [ri'kwest]n.&vt.援救;营救retell [ri:'tel]vt.复述;重述reward [ri'wɔ:d]n.报酬;奖金vt酬劳;奖赏right [rait]n.权利right away 立刻;马上rise [raiz]vi.上升;升起n.上升;增加;上涨role [rəul]n.角色;任务rubber ['rʌbə]n. 橡皮;橡胶ruin ['ruin]n.废墟;毁灭vt.&vi.(使)破产;毁灭rule [ru:l]vt.&vi.统治;支配;管辖Ssentence ['sentəns]vt.判决,宣判be sentence to 被判处……(徒刑)series ['siəri:z]n.连续;系列a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套set down 放下;记下;登记set up 设立;建立shake [ʃeik]v.&n.摇动;摇;颤抖;震动Shakespeare [ʃeikspir]莎士比亚(1564-1616美国剧作家,诗人)share [ʃɛə]vt.分享;均分;分担n.一份;份额shelter ['ʃeltə]n.掩蔽;掩蔽处;避身处shock [ʃɔk]vt.&vi(使)震惊;震动n.休克;打击;震惊shorts [ʃɔ:ts]n.短裤sincerely [sin'siəli]adv.真诚地Singapore [.siŋgə'pɔ:]新加坡(东南亚国家)situation [.sitju'eiʃən].情形;境遇;(建筑物等的)位置smelly ['smeli]adj.发臭的;有臭味的source [sɔ:s]n.来源;水源southeastern [sauθ'i:stən]adj.东南方的;来自东南的southern ['sʌðən]adj.南方的;南部的Spanish ['spæniʃ]adj.西班牙的;西班牙人的;西班牙语的n.西班牙人;西班牙语speech [spi:tʃ]n. 演说;讲话△spellbind ['spelbaind]vt. (spellbound,spellbound)迷住;迷惑stage [steidʒ]n.舞台;阶段;时期standard ['stændəd]n.标准;规格adj.标准的;第一流的steam [sti:m]n.蒸汽;水汽steel [sti:l]n.钢铁;钢stubborn ['stʌbən]adj.顽固的;固执的subway ['sʌbwei]n.地下人行道(美)地铁such as 例如……;像这种的suffer ['sʌfə]vt.&vi.遭受;经理;忍受survey [sə:'vei]n.调查survivor [sə'vaivə]n.幸存者;生还者;残存物Tteenager ['ti:n.eidʒə]n.十几岁的青少年terror ['terə]n.恐怖;可怕的人;恐怖时期;恐怖活动Texas ['teksəs]n.德克萨斯州(美国州名)thousands of 成千上万thunder ['θʌndə]n.雷;雷声vi.打雷;雷鸣Tibetan [ti'betən]adj.西藏的;藏族的;藏族人的n.西藏语;西藏人;藏族人topic ['tɔpik]n.话题;主题Transkei [træns'kei, -'kai]特兰斯凯[南非(阿扎尼亚)东南部一地区特兰撕凯(南非东南部一地区)transport [træns'pɔ:t]n.vt.运送;运输trust [trʌst]vt.&n.信任;信赖Uupset [ʌp'set]vt.&vi.(upset,upset,upsetting)使不安,使心烦adj.心烦意乱的;不适的;不舒服的usage ['ju:sidʒ]n.使用;用法;词语惯用法useless ['ju:slis]adj.无用的;无效的;无意的Vvalley ['væli]n.(山)谷;流域Vientiane [vjen'tjɑ:n]n.万象(老挝首都)Vietnam [.viət'næm]n.越南violence ['vaiələns]n.暴力;暴行vocabulary [və'kæbjuləri]n..词汇;词汇表;词表vote [vəut]n.投票;选票;表决vt.&vi.投票;选举Wwalk the dog 遛狗waterfall ['wɔ:təfɔ:l]n.瀑布well [wel]n.井William Tyndale 威廉.延代乐(人名)willing ['wiliŋ]adj.乐意的;自愿的worry about 担心Yyouth [ju:θ]n.青年;青年时期Youth League 青年团。

新课标人教版选修七Book7 Unit1 Vocabulary1

新课标人教版选修七Book7 Unit1 Vocabulary1

• 当堂训练: • 1 这种游戏不适合中学生玩。 The game is not suitable for middle school students. • 2 我确信每个人都会从这个游戏中获益很多。 I’m sure that everyone will benefit from the game. • 3 孩子们慢慢适应了新的环境。 Kids adapted to the new environment slowly. • 4 电影《山楂树之恋》是由一个真实的故事改 编的。 The movie Under the Hawthorn Tree is adapted from a true story.
3. 这辆汽车已改装成了适用无铅汽油. The car has been adapted to take unleaded gas. _________________________________ 4. 这些材料改一下可以给大一点的孩子用。
The material can be adapted for use with older children. _________________________________
4. adapt
vi. 使适应; vt. 改编
Hale Waihona Puke adapt to 适应 adapt oneself to 使自己适应或习惯某事; adapt sth. to 使某事物适应或合适 adapt … from 根据…改写(改编) adapt sth. for sth. 把某物改编为…
3. in other words 换句话说,也就是说
◇他们要他离开公司—换句话说他被解雇了。 They asked him to leave the company – in other words, he was fired. ★拓展:写出下列word 短语的中文意思。

Unit 1 Vocabulary1课件-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册

Unit 1 Vocabulary1课件-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册

②There were more than 300 applications (apply) for this six jobs.
③The nurse applied some medicine
her burn.
7. take part in 参与(某事);参加(某活动)
join 指加入某个组织成为其中一员;还可表示加入某人一起。
join in 指参加正在进行的活动。
指参加群体性活动并在其中起积极作用。part前有修饰 take part in 时,要指出席会议、婚礼、典礼; 听报告、讲座等。
◆单句填空 ①When did your brother __jo_i_n_ the army? ②Will you _j_o_in___us in the discussion? ③Come along, and__j_o_in__ the ball game. ④We'll _t_a_k_e__p_a_r_t _in__ social practice during the summer vacation. ⑤He'll _a_t_t_e_n_d_ an important meeting tomorrow.
5.___c_lu_e______ n.线索;提示
6 . __p_re_s_e_rv_e____ vt. 保 存 ; 保 护 ; 维 持 n. 保 护 区 →__p_r_es_e_r_va_t_io_n_ n.保护;保存
7.__p_r_o_m_o_t_e___ vt.促进;提升;推销;晋级→__p_r_o_m_o_t_io_n__ n.促进;提升
8.__a_p_p_______ n.应用程序;应用软件→__a_p_p_li_ca_t_io_n__ n.申 请(表);用途;运用;应用(程序) → ____a_p_p_ly____ vt.涂;敷;搽; 应用;运用 vi.申请;请求;使用;有效→__a_p_p_l_ic_a_n_t__ n.申请 人



VocabularyDirections:For each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.Unit 11. In the wife’s eyes, his _____ to their marriage life is far from perfect.A) requirement B) commitment C) participation D) reflection2. In the event of SARS, some _____ it while others lost their courage to do anything about it.A) came up to B) lived up toC) faced up to D) caught up to3. Experts have _____ with some effective measures to prevent the disease from spreading.A) caught up B) put up C) come up D) kept up4. If people feel hopeless, they don’t bother to _____ the skills they need to succeed.A) require B) inquire C) acquire D) enquire5. As a result of his hard work, he has gained ______ to the Beijing University.A) access B) commitment C) opportunity D ) reward6. With the supplies of nurses below _____, the local government decided to recruit(招募)volunteers.A) acquirements B) assignments C) commitment D) requirements7. Only when one is ______ of one’s getting behind is one more likely to catch up.A) critical B) aware C) visual D) effective8. It is better for you to be _____ about its consequences before you take any action.A) positive B) absolute C) critical D) favorite9. As an ideal _____ to the spread of SARS, this medicine is now in great demand.A) barrier B) commitment C) challenge D) access10. When her business goes wrong, she tends to _____ for advice.A) get access to B) come acrossC) reach out D) speak up11. The most important for us now is to _____what is to be done next.A) allow of B) reflect onC) feel like D) remind of12. It is best to _____ wear through friction in designing the parts of every machine.A) have insight into B) come up withC) allow for D) reflect on13. Good habits of living have proved to be of much _____ to our health.A) barrier B) benefit C) immunity D) commitment14. Now that we have learned to see things _____, we can find that there are two sidesto anything in the world.A) in part B) from a perspectiveC) on their part D) in perspective15. As a(n) _____ job, it requires much time and commitment and persistence.A) unwilling B) demanding C) embarrassing D) frustrating16. The _____ to be better than others drives him to work harder than before.A) uniqueness B) eagerness C) awareness D) effectiveness17. For your study to stay in a ______ cycle, you must keep up with the progress of the course.A) virtuous B) virtual C) visual D) vital18. Anyone that goes against the social order is _____ to answer for his action.A) possibly B) probably C) likely D) normally19. There is much that can be done about the accidents _____ from carelessness.A) arose B) arisen C) arising D) arise20. _____ his sister, Jack is quiet and does not easily make friends with others.A) Dislike B) Unlike C) Alike D) Liking21. More new _____ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.A) opportunities B) necessities C) realities D) probabilities22. Unlike the problems I _____ in high school, I have few chances to speak English in class atcollege.A) came across B) came aboutC) came after D) came of23. Now that they have done something ______ about the situation, it comes to return to normal.A) unique B) effective C) absolute D) sequential24. _____ you realize your trouble with English learning, you can take some effective steps.A) By now B) From now onC) Ever since D) Now that25. These products are _____ for export, though a few of them may come into home markets.A) completely B) absolutely C) essentially D) necessarily26. The team’s attempt to win the gam e was _____ by the opposing goalkeeper.A) reaped B) frustrated C) given up D) caught up27. He is quite sure that it’s _____ impossible for him to fulfill the task within two days.A) fully B) exclusively C) absolutely D) roughly28. The police wanted her to describe all the events of that morning in _____.A) time B) addition C) sequence D) place29. Thanks to the Internet, we can share sorrow and happiness at each other’s home throughthe _____ of e-mail.A) role B) medium C) modem D) sequence30. In their own eyes, it is rather _____ that the medical community as a whole still has littleidea about the cause of SARS.A) rewarding B) demanding C) embarrassing D) requiringUnit 21.On the conference, representatives from different countries _________ different viewpoints on this matter.A) put out B) put offC) put forth D) put down2. The _____ of the seasons has long been observed by people in all parts of the world.A) rhythm B) rite C) click D) identity3. Our research has focused on a drug which is so _____ as to be able to change brain chemistry.A) influential B) monstrous C) vigorous D) powerful4. The footballer made a(n) _____ gesture, which made the a udience’s blood boil.A) mature B) offering C) offensive D) hesitative5. However, at times this balance in nature is ____, resulting in a number of possible unforeseeneffects.A) troubled B) disturbed C) confused D) disgusted6. Since evidence of the fraud came to light, Congress has been demanding a ______investigation.A) horrible B) thorough C) thoughtful D) weird7. Tax cuts are the most important ______ the government has for stimulating the economy.A) instruction B) toast C) instrument D) stuff8. Spitting on the ground is not only ______ but also harmful to others’ health.A) blasting B) banging C) grabbing D) disgusting9. The residents here complain that they have been intensely _____ by the endless noises from thebuilding sites for weeks.A) annoyed B) pierced C) wrapped D) destroyed10. The news made many scientists ______ that the living environment on the planet has beengoing worse.A) awful B) upset C) tuneless D) lucky11. It is not surprising that in modern times the _______ in this month may be out of date in next.A) fashion B) anchor C) section D) brow12. The idea of winning the eyes of the people around ____ powerfully to some youngsters, sothey are eagerly identifying themselves.A) defy B) expel C) attract D) appeals13. We are expecting to see that the concerted research work will come up with a _____ solutionto the problem.A) permanent B) perspective C) persistent D) persuasive14. He made ______ alterations to his flat and then sold it at a huge profit.A) offensive B) awful C) radical D) patient15. Although there is no easy cure for SARS at present, some of its causes have been ______by experts.A) rebelled B) distracted C) bolted D) identified16. A positive answer makes you feel good, but a(n) ______ one teaches you a lot.A) affirmative B) negative C) offensive D) tuneless17. At the early stage of a child’s development, the family tend s to have a greater _____ on himthan his school.A) instrument B) identity C) communication D) influence18. More and more people began to ______ the relationship between man and nature, especiallyafter the event.A) get rid of B) go too farC) be concerned about D) burst into19. It is a common practice in western countries that one must make a(n) _____ before seeing hisdoctor or visiting a friend.A) anchor B) appointment C) makeup D) toast20. When she was told that her cat was killed by the neighbor’s dog, the old lady _____ tears.A) reached for B) bolted outC) burst into D) turn on21. The meeting was very lively and informal with everyone chipping to supplement or _____what the speakers said.A) refute B) refuse C) confute D) confuse22. He has ______ laughter.A) infectious B) confused C) contagious D) intangible23. The prime minister’s ______ suffered in his handling of the crisis.A) feasibility B) responsibility C) acceptability D) credibility24. He ______ the question as a scientist.A) applied B) appreciated C) approached D) apprehend25. What he said ______ a fairy tale.A) sounded as B) sounded likeC) looked like D) looked as26. I spoke slowly but I can't ______ my meaning ______.A) come … across B) run … acrossC) get … across D) take … across27. The first time Joan went to the store, they overcharged her. The second time they charged herdouble. The third time they did this she ______ and made a nasty scene with the manager.A) lost her face B) lost her coolC) lost her heart D) lost her nerve28. You can ______ only with hard work.A) go ahead B) go aroundC) get around D) get ahead29. He confessed to the crime during his ______.A) investigation B) interrogation C) installation D) inspiration30. The peasants rose in ______ against the corrupt officials.A) response B) reaction C) rebellion D) respectUnit 31. He is late again today. I’ll ____ that he will not be late tomorrow.A) refer to it B) look to himC) see to it D) turn to it2. When a fire____ at the National Exhibition in London, at least ten priceless paintings werecompletely destroyed.A) broke off B) broke outC) broke down D) broke up3. After the disaster, the truth ____ us that a healthy habit of living can keep one away from someterrible diseases.A) focused upon B) imposed uponC) dawned upon D) leaned upon4. After failing the exams three times, Jack realized that he’d never ____in English.A) see to it B) attain itC) catch it D) make it5. Susan has not been officially ____ to Johnson.A) engaged B) occupied C) practiced D) undertaken6. After so many years, he still ____ the hope that his lost son would return one day.A) clang to B) clung toC) inclined to D) subjected to7. The action of cheating in an examination would ____ you ____ severe punishment.A) cause…to B) subje ct…toC) turn…to D) take…to8. This article _____ more attention to the problem of cultural interference in foreign languageteaching and learning.A) calls for B) applies forC) cares for D) allows for9. I don’t think that your watch is ____.A) worthy the price B) worth the priceC) worthy to buy D) worth to buy10. He is ____ a very old man but in fact he is only fifty years old.A) apparently B) evidently C) absolutely D) actually11. It is not polite to ____ a speaker with frequent questions.A) interpret B) intervene C) interrupt D) interfere12. Their daughter often turns a deaf ear to their inquiries, so they sometimes have to ____answers from her.A) interrupt B) exchange C) squeeze D) exit13. His failure in love games threw him off his ____ of mind.A) mood B) engagement C) sympathy D) balance14. My camera can be ____ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.A) adapted B) adjusted C) adopted D) remedied15. At the party we found that shy girl ____ her mother all the time.A) depending on B) coinciding withC) adhering to D) clinging to16. We forgave his bad temper because we know that his son’s illness had put him undergreat____.A) pins B) stress C) crisis D) depression17. She felt ____ at her sister’s good luck in finding jobs.A) jealousy B) esteem C) envy D) respect18. The explorer lost his way so he climbed to the top of the hill to ____himself.A) spot B) locate C) place D) situate19. We could see only the ____ outline of the mountain in the distance.A) vague B) dark C) mean D) dim20. Because the company was doing more business it was necessary to____ the factory.A) increase B) extend C) broaden D) grow21.The university ____ consists of full professors, associate professors and assistant professors.A) crew B) rank C) circle D) staff22. Due to the fact that she was naturally timid, she shrank from any ____ social and culturalactivities.A) comprehension of B) study onC) success in D) participation in23. It was no use trying to discuss business with James, who was well-known for____everything.A) coping with B) trifling withC) striving for D) doing well in24. Jane is scolded by her boss because she left the office with the computer ____ yesterday.A) on B) out C) unlocked D) unclosed25. I have taken the mid-term exam, but I don’t know what my ____will be.A) future B) career C) chance D) fate26. I could see nothing ____ of the hall but the moans of pain told there was someone there.A) in the dust B) in the duskC) in the lobby D) in the exit27. In the eyes of most students, her teaching method is far from ____ .A) content B) consent C) satisfied D) satisfactory28. It was reassuring to have someone ____ whom he could ____ for a while.A) upon…touch B) upon…prideC) upon…lean D) upon…impose29. The new cadets are very slow to ____ the strict regulations of the military college.A) react to B) relate toC) adapt to D) turn to30. When reading books about space exploration, I often ____ man’s skill and creativeness inputting complex pieces of machinery into space.A) tremble at B) startle atC) wander at D) amaze atUnit 41. The young people are _____ of their responsibility toward society.A) consistent B) conscious C) sensitive D) sensual2. The problem with your conduct is that what you do is not _____ with what you say.A) consistent B) continuous C) considerate D) continual3. She was so _____ in her job that she didn’t hear someone knocking at the door.A) attracted B) drawn C) absorbed D) concentrated4. Professor Ta ylor’s talk has indicated that science has a very strong _____ on the everyday life of the human society.A) motivation B) perspective C) impression D) impact5. When she was criticized, she claimed that it was outside her _____of responsibility.A) field B) limit C) extent D) range6. The world is trying every means to _____the friendship between the two countries.A) raise B) promote C) arise D) protest7. Although not an economist himself, Dr. Smith has long been a severe critic of the government’s _____ policies.A) economical B) economy C) economic D) economics8. His constant _____ with his peers has left its mark on his growth.A) consent B) contract C) context D) contact9. _____ with his new teaching method, we need to take a critical look at our traditional ones.A) Cursed B) Depressed C) Impressed D) Fed up10. So clear was his _____ of the case that others had no more to say.A) attitude B) presentation C) comment D) remark11. When business is in _____, there is usually an obvious increase in unemployment.A) conviction B) relaxation C) depression D) competition12. Don’t take a ny action until you are fully_____ with the situation there.A) consented B) content C) obvious D) acquainted13. It is said that the math teacher seems _____ towards bright students.A) liable B) partial C) beneficial D) preferable14. The clothes a person wears may express his _____ or social position.A) estate B) stature C) esteem D) status15._____ with antique furniture, the castle brought us back in time to the Middle Ages.A) Ornamented B) Covered C) Impressed D) Improved16. One rainy night the policeman had a chance _____ with a gang of smugglers.A) acquaintance B) encounter C) account D) interview17. Newspapers vary greatly in their _____ to the government.320520A) attitudes B) comments C) views D) opinions18. A defect of vision prevents him from _____ his eyes accurately on an object.A) emphasizing B) relaxing C) focusing D) achieving19. In most cases, the _____ of a person who sits on a pin is to leap into the air.A) reaction B) behavior C) function D) instance20. Rich as they were in forms, the speaker’s_____ seemed unrelated to his speech.A) signs B) gestures C) symptoms D) symbols21. He built the team through both hard training and _____ discipline.A) loose B) physical C) rigid D) slack22. We were depressed _____ the bad news.A) at B) in C) for D) on23. She was delighted in _____ of friends and relatives.A) accommodation B) entertainment C) conviction D) commitment24. The days when he was _____ his best is already a thing of the past.A) in B) on C) with D) at25. Some people are not willing to _____responsibility for the errors they made.A) ensure B) assure C) assume D) resume26. I speak in full _____ that our cause is just.A) conclusion B) assumption C) conviction D) determination27. Animals can become unusually _____ when they are upset by a sudden environment change.A) puzzling B) dominant C) aggressive D) vigorous28. Try to _____ your mind into the future and imagine what life will be like then.A) subject B) object C) project D) reject29. The wife felt so angry at the husband’s dominance that she could remain _____ no longer.A) positive B) passive C) optimistic D) pessimistic30. Computer software _____ some 70 percent of our range of products.A) picks up B) focuses onC) accounts for D) is based onUnit 51. My grandfather had suffered from cancer for two years. It was no surprise when I was told that he had ________.A) passed off B) passed awayC) passed by D) passed over2. ______ the question of the thing given to teaching preparations, there are two other requirements for a qualified teacher.A) Except from B) Away fromC) Apart from D) Beside from3. If it were not for the fact that he was a millionaire, she ______ him.A) might never marry B) will never marryC) would never have married D) would never marry4. The gloves were really too small, and it was only by ______ them that I managed to get them on.A) spreading B) squeezing C) stretching D) bending5. You will probably _____ your team’s chance to win because you seem to have such a great_____ them.A) affect; influence B) effect; influenceC) affect; effect on D) effect; affect on6. A bridge can be defined ______ a structure getting over an obstacle, such as a river, a road orrailways.A) like B) as C) with D) to7. When I took my car to the garage, they soon _____ what the trouble was.A) emerged B) realized C) explored D) diagnosed8. What made her heart _____ was the sight of many people begging in the streets.A) bleed B) blood C) bleeder D) bled9. Our country has launched a(n) _____ for healthy styles of living.A) war B) battle C) campaign D) action10. He departed _____ to catch the train only to find his ticket was left in home.A) in hurry B) in hasteC) in a haste D) with haste11. The contract will be signed _____ the ceremony.A) prior to B) by priority ofC) previous of D) precious to12. There are some areas which are still densely populated _____ their severe weather conditions.A) due to B) with regard toC) regardless of D) but for13. He’s watching TV? He’s _____ to be cleaning his room.A) known B) supposed C) regarded D) considered14. The public has appealed to the government to find a _____ to the problem of pollution.A) result B) response C) settlement D) solution15. It was not until he arrived in class _____ realized he had forgotten his book.A) when he B) that heC) and he D) he16. Seeing he was _____ with his luggage, I offered to help him.A) infected B) embarrassed C) mugged D) confused17. So little _____ with each other that the neighbors could not settle their difference.A) agreed did they B) did they agreeC) they agree D) they did agree18. It is advisable for us to _____ a more open policy.A) adapt B) adjust C) agree D) adopt19. There are several ways to _____ this problem.A) implement B) approach C) thrust D) dispose20. The conference _____ the possibility of closer trade links between the two countries.A) explored B) implemented C) established D) constituted21. _____ with the boy’s true love for her, the girl decided to entrust her life to him.A) Acquired B) Imposed C) Infected D) Diagnosed22. The runner went fastest in the middle_____ of the course.A) fragment B) selection C) board D) segment23. The more _____ you feel in yourself, the more chances you will stand to win the game.A) significance B) intensity C) fortune D) confidence24. Nothing is worse than the _____ between what is right and what is wrong.A) connection B) establishment C) illustration D) confusion25. His words might have _____ the lovely lady, but he was never aware of it.A) cursed B) criticized C) hurt D) scolded26. It is unwise of you to _____ to a conclusion before looking into the matter.A) reach B) arrive C) draw D) leap27. The _____ to ensure a bright future for myself pushed me to study harder.A) crisis B) thrust C) pressure D) approach28. A dutiful official never _____ himself of his responsibility for his work.A) reminds B) quits C) disposes D) risks29. The official _____ his innocence by showing the fact.A) approached B) explored C) established D) defined30. Advertising is distinguished from other forms of communication _____ the advertiser pays forthe message to be delivered.A) which B) because ofC) in that D) whereasUnit 71. When crossing a busy street, we should be very _______ of the speeding cars.A) ignorant B) cautious C) capable D) alert2. I enjoyed all his novels with the ______ of his last.A) excursion B) expedition C) exception D) explosion3. Man is controlled by his _____ as well as by his reason.A) instinct B) distinct C) institution D) impulse4. Have _____ on him, he is only a boy.A) care B) mercy C) pity D) attention5. Archeologists _____ great value to the set of ancient cooking vessels unearthed in Shanxi province.A) granted B) devoted C) attached D) directed6. I need to _____ my English if I’m going to Canada for my holidays.A) polish up B) look throughC) add up D) go through7. Although he was a good swimmer, he was swept away by the _____ and drowned.A) current B) motion C) pressure D) air8. Any blind exploitation of natural resources should be seen as a ____ against our offspring.A) guilty B) sin C) robbery D) violence9. No country ___ England has such a changeable weatherA) more than B) other thanC) rather than D) better than10. North winds kept blowing all night long _____, and the earth was frozen.A) with great effort B) in vast amountC) with great violence D) in vain11. The young man _____ his accuser and conducted his own defense in court.A) opposed B) resisted C) confronted D) withstood12.Nuclear science should be developed to benefit people _____ harm them.A) more than B) other thanC) rather than D) better than13. I felt _____ for the stupid mistake I made.A) innocent B) illegal C) guilty D) unlawful14. I hate people who _____ the end of a film that you haven’t seen before.A) reveal B) rewrite C) revise D) reverse15. It was reported that 20 people were _____in the traffic accidents yesterday.A) wounded B) injured C) cruised D) confronted16.He explained to us what they _____ to do next year.A) intended B) attended C) extended D) pretended17. The housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full _____.A) capacity B) strength C) length D) possibility18. He has _____ a number of journals this morning for the information he needs badly.A) looked through B) looked onC) looked over D) looked at19. The police had the photograph of the missing girl _____ in order to find her easily.A) expanded B) amplifiedC) multiplied D) enlarged20. The river is _____ at the bank.A) running away B) eating awayC) taking away D) bringing away21. She may be _____ if you don’t reply to her soon.A) injured B) wounded C) offended D) offensive22. The equator is an _____ line.A) imaginable B) imaginative C) imaginary D) imagining23.Even as a child he showed an inclination to ______ over the other children.A) dominate B) rule C) govern D) inspect24. The explorers were _____ straits almost impassable.A) immune to B) confronted withC) capable of D) transported25.We _____ complete equality between men and women.A) omit B) suggest C) advocate D) agree26. A drugstore in America _____ not only medicines, but also sweets, drinks and other articles.A) shaves B) handles C) polishes D) tosses27. Judging from the order of importance, this matter should call for ____ consideration.A) previous B) prior C) preceding D) prime28. To have his story published, the young man certainly _____ it for at least three times.A) contrives B) fries C) polishes D) advocates29. Thanks to the progress in medicine, the life _____ of people throughout the world was greatlyextended.A) temple B) span C) dam D) residence30. More and more _____ home appliances like washing machines and microwave ovens troublethe older generation.A) guilty B) instinctive C) automatic D) offensiveI. VocabularyUnit 1 :(Keys: BCCCA DBAAC BCBDB BACCB AABDC BCCBC)Unit 2 :(Keys:CADCB BCDAB ADACD BDCBC ACDCB CADBC)Unit 3 :(Keys:CBCDA BBABA CCDBD BCBAB DDBAD BDCCD)Unit 4 :(Keys:BACDD BCDCB CDBDA BACAB CABDC CCCBC)Unit 5 :(Keys:BCCCC BDACB ACBDB BBDBA CDDDC DCBCC)Unit 7 :(Keys:BCABC AABBC CCCAB AAADB CCABC BBCBC)。

新课标人教版必修一Book1 unit3 vocabulary-1

新课标人教版必修一Book1 unit3 vocabulary-1

• 4. Their father prefers them to be home early.
他们的父亲更愿意他们早点儿回家 • 5. I prefer that someone else should do this. •
• • • • • • 我更愿意让其他人来做这件事 练习:他喜欢滑雪胜于滑冰。(分别用prefer...to...和 prefer to do... rather than do进行翻译) He prefers skiing to skating 1._________________________________________ 2._________________________________________ He prefers to ski rather than skate 2. persuade vt 1)说服,劝说、 说服某人做某事 persuade sb to do sth/ persuade sb ______________________________ into doing sth eg: They persuaded her to go with them.
• 选词填空 (care for, care about) cared for • 1. Einstein, who ________ little _______money, never cared about _________________his salary. care about / for • 2. The young should ____________________the old. • 3. She moved back home to _________________her care for elderly parents. • 7. 与mind有关的短语 • 改变主意 change one's mind _____________________________________ 下决心... • make up one’s mind________________________(注意:mind 的单 复数要随one’s的单复数而变化) • Maybe也许你会好好想想,改变主意。 翻译: you will think it over and change your mind • ___________________________________________

SSAT Vocabulary 1

SSAT Vocabulary 1

1)colossal [kə'lɔsəl] adj. 巨大的;异常的,非常的2)malicious [mə'liʃəs] adj. 恶意的;恶毒的;蓄意的;怀恨的3)contort [kən'tɔ:t] vt. 扭曲;曲解vi. 扭曲4)discard [dis'kɑ:d, 'diskɑ:d] vt. 抛弃;放弃;丢弃vi. 放弃n. 抛弃;被丢弃的东西或人5)avarice ['ævəris] n. 贪婪,贪财6)toxic ['tɔksik] adj. 有毒的;中毒的7)veracious [və'reiʃəs] adj. 诚实的;真实的8)dubious ['dju:bjəs] adj. 可疑的;暧昧的;无把握的;半信半疑的9)exalt [iɡ'zɔ:lt] vt. 提升;提拔;赞扬;使得意vi. 使人得意10)terrain [te'rein, tə-, 'terein] n. [地理] 地形,地势;领域;地带11)fraction ['frækʃən] n. 分数;部分;小部分;稍微12)contour ['kɔntuə] n. 轮廓;等高线;周线;电路;概要vt. 画轮廓;画等高线13)herald ['herəld] n. 先驱;传令官;报信者vt. 通报;预示…的来临14)stern [stə:n] n. 船尾;末端adj. 严厉的;坚定的15)innocuous [i'nɔkjuəs] adj. 无害的;无伤大雅的16)employ [im'plɔi] vt. 使用,采用;雇用;使忙于,使从事于n. 使用;雇用17)foible ['fɔibl] n. 弱点;小缺点;癖好18)fallacy ['fæleisi] n. 谬论,谬误19)foe ['fəu] n. 敌人;反对者;危害物20)crude [kru:d] adj. 粗糙的;天然的,未加工的;粗鲁的n. 原油;天然的物质21)chide [tʃaid] vt. 责骂;斥责vi. 斥责;责骂22)boon [bu:n] n. 恩惠;福利;利益adj. 愉快的;慷慨的23)affable ['æfəbl] adj. 和蔼可亲的;友善的24)ambulatory ['æmbjulətəri] adj. 流动的;走动的;非固定的n. [建] 回廊25)aloof [ə'lu:f] adj. 冷淡的;远离的;冷漠的adv. 远离;避开地26)somnolent ['sɒmnəl(ə)nt] adj. 催眠的,想睡的27)meddlesome ['med(ə)ls(ə)m] adj. 爱管闲事的;好干涉的28)indefatigable [,ɪndɪ'fætɪgəb(ə)l] adj. 不知疲倦的;不屈不挠的;有耐性的29)antithesis [æn'tɪθəsɪs] n. 对立面;对照;对仗30)abode [ə'bəud] n. 住处;营业所v. 遵守;停留;忍受(abide的过去分词)31)malice ['mælɪs] n. 恶意;怨恨;预谋32)wan [wɔn] adj. 无血色的,苍白的;病态的;暗淡的vi. 变苍白vt. 使变苍白;使呈病态33)blatant ['bleitənt] adj. 喧嚣的;公然的;炫耀的;俗丽的34)deter [di'tə:] vt. 制止,阻止;使打消念头35)concur [kən'kə:] vi. 同意;一致;互助36)oath [əuθ] n. 誓言,誓约;诅咒,咒骂37)contemporary [kən'tempərəri] n. 同时代的人;同时期的东西adj. 当代的;同时代的;属于同一时期的38)credulous ['kredjuləs] adj. 轻信的;因轻信而产生的39)ardor ['ɑːdə] n. 热情;狂热;灼热40)apparatus [,æpə'reɪtəs] n. 装置,设备;仪器;器官41)hoax [həuks] vt. 愚弄;欺骗n. 骗局;恶作剧42)ostracize ['ɑstrəsaɪz] vt. 放逐;排斥;按贝壳流放法放逐43)peruse [pə'ruːz] vt. 详细考察;精读44)elucidate [ɪ'l(j)uːsɪdeɪt] vt. 阐明;说明45)mendicant ['mendikənt] adj. 行乞的;托钵修道会的n. 乞丐;托钵僧46)haughty ['hɔːtɪ] adj. 傲慢的;自大的47)smite [smaɪt] vt. 打;重击;毁灭;侵袭;使神魂颠倒vi. 打;重击n. 打;重击48)dormant ['dɔːm(ə)nt] adj. 休眠的;静止的;睡眠状态的;隐匿的49)incite [ɪn'saɪt] vt. 煽动;激励;刺激50)zenith ['zenɪθ] n. 顶峰;顶点;最高点51)jovial ['dʒəʊvɪəl; -vj(ə)l] adj. 天性快活的;主神朱庇特的52)lexicon ['leksɪk(ə)n] n. 词典,辞典53)raze [reɪz] vt. 夷为平地;破坏;消除;拆毁54)chaff [tʃɑːf; tʃæf] n. 糠;谷壳;无价值的东西vi. 开玩笑;打趣vt. 开玩笑;逗趣55)pernicious [pə'nɪʃəs] adj. 有害的;恶性的;致命的;险恶的56)minutiae [mɪ'njuːʃɪiː; maɪ-; -ʃɪaɪ] n. 微小;不重要的细节(minutia的复数)57)prehensile [prɪ'hensaɪl] adj. 适于抓握的;善于领会的58)repugnant [rɪ'pʌgnənt] adj. 讨厌的;矛盾的;敌对的59)taciturn ['tæsɪtɜːn] adj. 沉默寡言的;无言的,不太说话的60)abjure [əb'dʒʊə; əb'dʒɔː] vt. 发誓放弃;公开放弃;避免hesitation [hezɪ'teɪʃn]n. 犹豫。

POWER UP 1 Unit1~Unit4 Vocabulary 文本

POWER UP 1 Unit1~Unit4 Vocabulary 文本

This morning Jim and Jenny are at their new schoolKELLY: Hello Jim ,hello Jenny ,this is your classroom I'm Miss Kelly I'm your teacherJENNY : Hi Miss Kelly. Look ! I've got my bag . it's greenKELLY: Hello. This is your desk Jenny . It's yellow .And this is your book JENNY :Oh thank you. my chair’s red and my book’s purpleKELLY: Tom and Eva this is Jenny and this is JimTOM : Hello Jenny hello Jim look at my pencil Jim. It's brown. And this is my rubber. It's white.JIM: And this is my pen. Look ! It's black.EVA: Cool! And look at my crayon. It's pinkKELLY: Yes, yes. And my pencilcase is grey. Ok children. Now be quiet and sit down please . Open your books at page two.Meet the Friendly familyThis is Missus friendly. She's Jim and Jenny's mother HelloThis is Mister Friendly. He's Jim and Jenny's father Hello This is grandma friendly. She's Jim and Jenny's grandmother Hello And this is grandpa friendly. He's Jim and Jenny's grandfather Hello Today, the friendly family are playing a game at homeJENNY: Are you grandma?GRANDMA: No it isn't grandma. I'm hereJENNY: Are you grandpaGRANDPA: No I'm grandpa. I'm here hahahaJENNY: Are you mumMUM: No it isn't mum. I'm here hahahahaJENNY: Are you dadDAD: No I'm dad I'm hereJENNY: So you're my brotherJIM: Yes I'm your brother.And you're my sisterha ha ha ha haJENNY: Yes,you're a boy I'm a girl and we are twinsWe are the Friendly family hahahahaThis afternoon. Tom and Eva are on the farm with Jim and JennyJIM: This is our farm and these are our animalsTOM: Oh a sheep.JIM: Yes, she's Shelly .And that's Gracie ,our goat. Ok,Cameron good boy. Eva: Is he your pet cat ?JIM: Yes. And we've got a pet dog. Look she's black and white.JENNY: This is Harry. He's our horse. Look at his tail, it's black. We've got three cows and the donkey.Eva: Oh, it's a grey donkey. Are they your ducks ?JENNY: Yes they are .We've got two ducks.JIM: Look ,Tom . This is Henrietta and this is Rocky. They are chickens.TOM: And this black spider. What's his name?JENNY: I don't know. It isn’t our spider .ah ~~~This afternoon the Friendly family are having lunch in the garden.MUM: I've got three burgers. Jim, have you got your burger?JIM: Emm. Well thanks mum. And I've got the mangoMUM: I've got some chicken here too. Okay. Where's the bread? JENNY: It's on the table. It's next to the lemonade. We've got some water too DAD: I've got the cake. Who's got the bananasJENNY: I've got themMUM: Okay. Put them on the floor next to the salad please Jenny. JENNY: Yes of course.JIM: Who's got the chocolate?MUM: It's on the... Oh no. Gracie's got it. She's got the chocolate in her mouth JIM ,JENNY: Oh,Gracie!。



V ocabulary (词汇表1)understand[ ✈⏹♎☜♦♦✌⏹♎ ] vt, vi理解single[ ♦♓☠♈● ] n. 单身,独身blond[ ♌●⏹♎ ] adj. 金发的Sweden[ ♦♦♓♎⏹ ] n. 瑞典chocolate[ ♦☞☜●♓♦ ] n. 巧克力plump[ ☐●✈❍☐ ] adj. 肥胖的, 丰满的brown[ ♌❒♋◆⏹ ] adj. 褐色的, 棕色的wearing[ ♦☪☜❒♓☠ ] adj. 穿用的large [ ●♎✞ ] adj.大的, 巨大的suit[ ♦◆♦ ] vt. 合适, 适合, 相配warm[ ♦❍ ] adj. 暖和的, 暖的yellow[ ♏●☜◆ ] adj. 黄色的lot[ ●♦ ] n. 许多none [ ⏹✈⏹ ] pron. 一个也没有tomorrow [ ♦☜❍❒☜◆ ] n. 明天anybody[ ♏⏹♓♌♎♓ ] n, pron. 任何人foot[ ♐◆♦ ] n. 足many [ ❍♏⏹♓ ] adj. 许多的morning[ ❍⏹♓☠ ] n. 早晨fine[ ♐♋♓⏹ ] adj. 很好的monster[ ❍⏹♦♦☜ ] n. 怪物, 妖怪human[ ♒◆❍☜⏹ ] n. 人, 人类color[ ✈●☜ ] n. 颜色toe[♦☜☺] n. 脚趾,足尖exactly[✋♈✌♦●✋]adv. 精确地;确切地tennis[ ♦♏⏹♓♦ ] adj. 网球的nice[⏹♋♓♦] adj. 美好的chew[♦☞◆ ] v. 咀嚼talk [ ♦ ] v. 谈话, 讲glass [♈●♦ ] n. 眼镜stay[ ♦♦♏♓] n. 逗留,暂住movie[ ❍◆♓ ] n. 电影Saturday[ ♦✌♦☜♎♏✋ ] n. 星期六pronounce[☐❒☜⏹♋◆⏹♦ ] v. 发音season[ ♦♓⏹] n. 季, 季节people[ ☐♓☐● ] n. 人, 人们spell[♦☐♏● ] n. 拼写, 拼成thirty [ ☜♦♓ ] num. 三十spring[♦☐❒♓☠ ] n. 春天birthday[ ♌♎♏✋ ] n. 生日November[⏹☜◆♏❍♌☜ ] n. 十一月after[ ♐♦☜ ] adv.prep.conj. 在...之后July [♎✞◆☎✆●♋♓ ] n. 七月favorite [ ♐♏♓☜❒♓♦]adj.喜爱的, 宠爱的summer[ ♦✈❍☜ ] n. 夏季bathroom[ ♌❒◆❍ ]n.浴室, 盥洗室Thursday [ ☜♎♓] n. 星期四Tuesday[ ♦◆♎♓ ] n. 星期二Wednesday[ ♦♏⏹♎✋] n. 星期三theater [ ✋☜♦☜☎❒✆ ] n.剧场,戏院quarter[ ♦♦☜☎❒✆] n. 一刻钟wake[♦♏♓ ] vt, vi. 激活,唤醒dialogue[ ♎♋✋☜●♈ ] n. 对话gym[♎✞✋❍ ] n. 体育馆, 体育课school[ ♦◆●] n. 学校lunch[●✈⏹♦☞ ] n. 午餐park[☐] n. 公园best [♌♏♦♦ ] adj. 最好的prefer[☐❒✋♐☎❒✆ ] vt. 更喜欢;宁愿take[♦♏✋ ] v. 取,拿birthday[ ♌♎♏✋ ] n. 生日morning [ ❍⏹♓☠ ] n. 早晨, 上午snow [ ♦⏹☜☺ ] n. 雪alarm[☜●❍ ] n. 闹钟clock[ ● ] n. 时钟table [ ♦♏✋♌☎☜✆●] n. 桌子dark[♎] ♋♎ 暗的glass[ ♈●♦] n. 玻璃careful[ ♏☜♐☺●] adj.谨慎的,小心的rich[ ❒✋♦☞] adj. 有钱的;富有的poor[☐◆☜ ] adj. 贫穷的, 可怜的butterfly[♊♌✈♦☜♐●♋✋] n. 蝴蝶favorite[ ♐♏✋☜❒✋♦ ] adj.中意的;喜爱的desk[ ♎♏♦] n. 课桌,书桌idea[♋✋♎✋☜ ] n. 计划;打算;想法sharpen[ ☞☐☜⏹] v. 削尖, 磨快, 尖锐tape [♦♏✋☐ ] n. 磁带; 录音带glue[♈●◆ ] n. 胶,胶水giraffe[♎✞✋❒♐] n. 长颈鹿scissors[ ♦✋☜ ] n. 剪刀,剪子garage[♊♈✌❒♎✞] n. 汽车库pencil [ ☐♏⏹♦☎☜✆● ] n. 铅笔comb [ ☜☺❍ ] n. 梳子brush[♌❒✈☞ ] n. 刷子coffee[ ♐✋] n. 咖啡boiling [ ♌✋●✋☠] adj.非常热的,酷热的between[♌✋♦♦♓⏹] ☐❒♏☐ 在两者之间spider[ ♦☐♋✋♎☜☎❒✆] n. 蜘蛛adjective[ ✌♎✞✋♦✋] n. 形容词fast[ ♐♦♦] adj. 快的;迅速的empty[ ♏❍☐♦✋ ] adj. 空的course[ ♦] n. 经过, 进程true[♦❒◆] adj. 真实的;确实的left[ ●♏♐♦] adj. 左边的opposite[ ☐☜✋♦ ] adj. 相反的;对立的right[❒♋✋♦] adj. 右边的;右方的happy [ ♒✌☐✋ ] adj. 愉快的;幸福的full[♐☺● ] adj. 满的;充满的weather[ ♦♏❆☜☎❒✆] n. 天气;气候good[♈☺♎ ] adj. 好的;优良的activity[✌♦✋✋♦✋] n. 活动association [☜♦☜☺♦✋♏✋☞☎☜✆⏹ ] n. 联合match [ ❍✌♦☞ ] v. 匹配,符合hot[♒♦ ] adj. 热的,炎热的wrong[❒☠] adj. 错的,不对的difference [ ♎✋♐❒☜⏹♦] n. 不同;差别young[ ✈☠] ♋♎ 年轻的;年幼的 doubt[ ♎♋☺♦] n. 怀疑;疑虑;未确定exchange [✋♦♦☞♏✋⏹♎✞] n. 交换,互换program [ ☐❒☜☺♈❒✌❍] n. 计划arrive [☜❒♋✋ ] vi. 到达;抵达trunk [♦❒✈☠] n. 大衣箱;大皮箱sure [☞☺☜☎❒✆] adj. 确信的;肯定的speak [ ♦☐♓] vi, vt. 说,说话German [ ♎✞❍☜⏹ ] n. 德语American [☜❍♏❒✋☜⏹] n. 美国人house [♒♋☺ ] n. 房屋,住宅welcome [ ♦♏●☜❍] n. 欢迎meet [❍♓♦] vt, vi. 相逢;遇见know [⏹☜☺] vt, vi. 知道;了解France [♐❒✌⏹♦] n. 法国Germany [ ♎✞❍☜⏹✋ ] n. 德国must [ ❍✈♦♦ ] v. 必须;应当invite[✋⏹♋✋♦ ] vt. 邀请cocktail [ ♦♏✋●] n. 鸡尾酒intensive[✋⏹♦♏⏹♦✋] adj.集中的insist[✋⏹♦✋♦♦] ♓ ♦ 坚持 suitcase [ ♊♦✞♦♏✋♦] n. 小提箱,衣箱party [ ☐♦✋] n. 集会;聚会person [ ☐♦☎☜✆⏹] n. 人before [♌✋♐☎❒✆ ] conj. 在…时间之前train [♦❒♏♓⏹] n. 火车last [●♦♦] adj. 刚过去的never [ ⏹♏☜☎❒✆] adv. 从未;永不mind [❍♋✋⏹♎ ] n. 意向;心意head [♒♏♎] n. 头toe [♦☜☺ ] n. 脚趾,足尖wing [♦✋☠] n. 翅膀year [ ✋☜☎❒✆] n. 年sorry [ ♦❒✋] adj. 抱歉的recognize [ ❒♏☜♈⏹♋✋] vt. 认出introduce [✋⏹♦❒☜♎◆♦ ] vt. 介绍shame [ ☞♏✋❍ ] n. 羞愧,羞耻;惭愧pleasure [ ☐●♏✞☜☎❒✆ ] n. 愉快;快乐university [ ◆⏹✋♦✋♦✋] n. 大学,学校children [ ♦☞♓●♎❒☜⏹] n. 孩子们(复数)daughter [ ♎♦☜☎❒✆] ⏹ 女儿 boss [ ♌♦] n. 老板;雇主linen [ ●✋⏹✋⏹] n. 被单;床单;桌布pillowcase [ ☐✋●☜☺♏✋♦] n. 枕头套practical [ ☐❒✌♦✋☎☜✆● ] adj. 实际的cupboard [ ✈♌☜♎] n. 碗柜,碗碟橱furniture [ ♐⏹✋♦☞☜☎❒✆] n. 家具; 器具kitchen [ ✋♦☞✋⏹] n. 厨房separate [ ♦♏☐☜❒☜♦ ] adj. 分开的,不相window [ ♦✋⏹♎☜☺] n. 窗子,窗户brand [♌❒✌⏹♎ ] n. 商标;牌子convenient [ ☜⏹♓⏹✋☜⏹♦] adj. 附近的villa [ ✋●☜]n. 别墅seashore [ ♦♓☞☎❒✆]n. 海岸; 海滨exactly [ ✋♈✌♦●✋] adv. 正好,刚好dishwasher [ ♎✋☞♦☞☜☎❒✆ ] n. 洗碗机bedroom [ ♌♏♎❒◆❍] n. 卧室imagine [✋❍✌♎✞✋⏹] n. 想象double [ ♎✈♌☎☜✆●] ♋♎ 双的 bunk [ ♌✈☠] n. 双层床Laundromat [ ●⏹♎❒☜❍✌♦] n.自动洗衣店information [✋⏹♐☜❍♏✋☞☎☜✆⏹ ] n. 信息rental [ ❒♏⏹♦☎☜✆●] n. 租金month [ ❍✈⏹] n. 月brochure [♌❒☜☺☞☜☎❒✆ ] n. 小册子exciting [✋♦♋✋♦✋☠] adj. 使人激动的folding [ ♐☜◆●♎♓☠] adj. 可折叠的bulb [ ♌✈●♌] n. 电灯泡heater [ ♒♓♦☜☎❒✆ ] n. 加热器;热水器sleep [♦●♓☐] vi, vt. 睡觉,睡begin [♌✋♈✋⏹ ] vt, vi 开始vacation[ ☜♏✋☞☎☜✆⏹] n. 休假,假期bathroom [ ♌❒◆❍]n.浴室;盥洗室sink [♦✋☠]n. 洗涤槽;污水槽curtain [ ♦☎☜✆⏹]n. (窗、门)帘lamp [●✌❍☐] n. 灯buy [ ♌♋✋] vt, vi. 买broom [♌❒◆❍ ] n. 扫帚cooker [ ☺☜☎❒✆] n. 炊具,厨师pan [☐✌⏹] n. 平底锅sandwich [ ♦✌⏹♦✋♎✞] ⏹ 三明治 beach [ ♌♓♦☞] n. 海滩grocery [ ♈❒☜☺♦☜❒✋ ] n. 食品;杂货meal[ ❍♓●] n. 一顿(饭)basket[ ♌♦✋♦ ] n. 篮,篓,筐baker[ ♌♏✋☜☎❒✆] n. 面包师butcher[ ♌☺♦☞☜☎❒✆] n. 屠夫;肉商brochette [ ♌❒☜◆☞♏♦] n. 小串烤肉veal[ ♓● ] n. (食用)小牛肉cutlet[ ✈♦●✋♦ ] n. 薄肉排, 炸肉饼wrap [❒✌☐] vt, vi包;裹;卷enter[ ♏⏹♦☜☎❒✆ ] vt, vi 进入minute[ ❍✋⏹✋♦ ] n. 分(钟)supermarket[ ♦◆☐☜❍✋♦ ] n. 超级市场noon[⏹◆⏹ ] n. 中午,正午prepare [☐❒✋☐♏☜☎❒✆ ] vt, vi. 准备;预备chicken [ ♦☞✋☜⏹ ] n.鸡; 鸡肉的lamb[●✌❍] n. 羔羊,小羊;羔羊肉bakery[ ♌♏✋☜❒✋ ] n. 面包房;面包店cartoon [ ♦◆⏹] n. 纸板箱;纸板盒pack[☐✌ ] n. 小包,包裹pound[ ☐♋☺⏹♎] n. 磅around[ ☜❒♋☺⏹♎] prep. 在附近store[♦♦☎❒✆] n. 大商店rest[❒♏♦♦] vt, vi. 歇息;休息cart[ ♦] n. 二轮运货马车aisle [ ♋✋●] n. 走廊,侧廊bottom[ ♌♦☜❍] n. 底;底部shelf [☞♏●♐] n. 架子everything[ ♏❒✋✋☠] pron. 一切milk[❍✋●] n. 奶,牛奶butter[ ♌✈♦☜☎❒✆ ] n. 黄油;奶油push[☐☺☞] vt, vi. 推;推动bump [♌✈❍☐] vt, vi. 碰;撞brand[ ♌❒✌⏹♎ ] n. 商标;牌子enjoy[✋⏹♎✞✋] vt. 享受, 享有(特权等) checkout[ ♦☞♏♋☺♦] n.收款处shopping[ ☞☐✋☠] n. 购物,买东西stand[♦♦✌⏹♎] n. 奋力抵抗;抵抗状态tonight[♦☜⏹♋✋♦] n. 今晚steak[ ♦♦♏✋] n. 牛排supermarket[ ♦◆☐☜❍✋♦ ]n.超级市场fat[♐✌♦ ] adj. 肥的, 胖的shoulder[ ☞☜☺●♎☜☎❒✆ ] n. 肩膀sweater[ ♦♦♏♦☜☎❒✆] n. 羊毛衫jean [♎✞♏♓⏹ ] n. 牛仔裤sock [♦ ] n. 短袜stupid[ ♦♦◆☐♓♎] adj. 愚蠢的question[ ♦♏♦♦☞☜⏹ ] n. 问题, 疑问good [♈☺♎ ] n. 好sleep[♦●♓☐] n. 睡, 睡觉right[ ❒♋♓♦ ] adj. 对的, 合适的。

新课标人教版必修一Book1 Unit1 Vocabulary-1

新课标人教版必修一Book1 Unit1 Vocabulary-1

3. 妻子生病时,他经历了一段困难的时期。 He went through a hard time while his wife was sick. 4. 他常常头痛。(suffer from) He often suffers from headache.
1. Please finish the exercises on Page 4 in your textbook; 2. Please do Vocabulary (2) and make good preparations for the rest words and expressions.
mother’s health.
suffered 5) She _______ a lot of pain over the past with her badtempered husband.
7. in order to do …= so as to do … eg. He worked hard in order / so as to pass the maths exam. 1) In order to catch the bus, he got up early. 2)My father works hard so as to support us. 8. on purpose for the purpose of (1) 我认为老师不是故意伤害你。 I don’t think the teacher hurt you on purpose. (2) He went to the USA for the purpose of further s,系列 series 8 adv. 在户外,在户内__________ entirely 9 adj 整个的,完全的,全部的 entire adv. ___________ 强大的 10 n. 能力,力量,权利 power adj. powerful(意义)_____ partner 11 n. 窗帘,门帘 curtain 12 n. 伙伴,合作者 ___________ 13 adj. 积满灰尘的 dusty n. dust (意义) ___________ 灰尘 恢复,复原 14 vt.&vi.痊愈,恢复,重新获得 recover n. recovery______ 15 vt.&vi.遭受,忍受 suffer n. suffering 受难,苦楚 sufferer



n: 1 (某人,共同生活的人等)通常吃的食物,日常饮食2,某人(因医疗,减肥等)被限制食用的食物a healthy diet go on a diet be on a diet put sb on a diet People who are on a diet mustn't have chocolate.v 1 vt ,让某人用规定食谱diet sb/oneself.The doctor has dieted the patient strictly.医生严格规定病人的饮食。

She is so fat that she has to diet herself.健康的饮食节食在节食让某人用规定的食谱2 vi:节食,忌食,仅规定的饮食No sugar in my coffee,please; I'm dieting.辨析:diet &food(第二教材)1 The doctor has ordered me aspecial_______.2 We must have______to eat and clothes to wear.3 The sick man must not go without ______, but he must have a_______ without sugar.diet food food dietn:1 天平,杆秤,弹簧秤2 平衡,平稳He lost his balance and felt.There is a nice balance between work and play in his life.生活中他很好地平衡了工作与玩的关系。

Athletes need a good sense of balance.be out of balance/ be off balance keep one's balance be in/on balance be in the balance Though her life was in the balance, she thought only of the safety of her fellows.保持平衡总的来说(命运)未定,不确定,在危急中不平衡v.平衡,权衡How long can you balance on one foot? You have to balance the advantages of living in the countryside against the disadvantages.你得权衡一下住在乡下的好处和坏处。

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porter 搬运工 referee 裁判员 reporter 记者 rubber tapper 割胶工人 sailor 水手 salesman 推销员 scientist 科学家 seamstress 女裁缝 secretary 秘书 singer 歌手 shopkeeper 零售商 soldier 士兵 surgeon 外科医师 sweeper 清洁工 tailor 裁缝师 teacher 教师 telephone operator 电话接线员 tourist guide 导游 trader 商人 trishaw rider 三轮车夫 veterinarian 兽医 watchman 看守人 worker 工人 waiter 服务员 zoo-keeper 动物园管理员
VOCABULARY 小学英语分类词汇表
OCCUPATIONS 职业 acrobat 杂技演员 actor/actress 演员 architect 建筑师 artist 画家 author 作家 baker 面包师傅 barber 理发师 bread vendor 面包小贩 boatman 出租小船的人 bus conductor 巴士售票员 bus driver 巴士司机 businessman 商人 butcher 屠夫/肉商 carpenter 木匠 cashier 收银员 chef 厨师 clerk 书记 coach 教练 cobbler 补鞋匠 cook 厨师 interior designer 室内设计师 dentist 牙医 doctor 医生 driver 司机 electrician 电工
YOUNG 幼小 tadpole 蝌蚪 kid 小山羊 gosling 幼鹅 foal 驹子 cub 幼兽 cub 幼兽 larva 幼虫 owlet 小猫头鹰 piglet 小猪 calf 幼兽 lamb 小绵羊 cub 幼兽 calf 幼兽 cub 幼兽
SCHOOL 学校 homework 家庭作业 classroom 教室 teacher 教师 ruler 尺子
ANIMALS 动物 Fish & Marine Animals 鱼和海洋动物 crab 螃蟹 eel 鳗鱼 jellyfish 水母 prawn 虾 seal 海豹 shark 鲨鱼 starfish 海星 squid 鱿鱼 whale 鲸
Land Animals 陆地动物 ape 猿 bear 熊 beaver 海狸 buffalo 水牛 bull 公牛 camel 骆驼 Cobra 眼镜蛇 crocodile 鳄鱼 deer 鹿 donkey 驴子 elephant 大象
49)Bedtime 就寝时间 50)birthday 生日 51)birthmark 胎记 52)birthplace 出生地 53)blackboard 黑板 54)blackout 灯火管制
7)beansprouts 豆芽
55)blow pipe 吹管
97)Bodyguard 保 98)bookcase 书柜 99)bookmark 书签 100)bookshop 书店 101)bookworm 书呆子 102)breakdown 击穿 103)breakfast 早餐
OCCASION 节日 Teachers' Day 教师节 New Year's Day 新年 Labour Day 劳动节 Thai农历新年
Father's Day 父亲节 Christmas 圣诞节 Deepavali 屠妖节 Wesak Day 卫塞节
OBJECTS Bowl 碗 strainer 滤网 chopsticks 筷子 ladle 汤勺(shao) knife 刀 wok 炒菜锅 stove 炉子
pencil 铅笔 pencil-box 文具盒 knife 小刀 eraser 橡皮檫 pen 钢笔 fork 叉子 flask 热水瓶 kettle 热水壶 jug 壶 tin opener 罐头刀 blanket 被单 ladder 梯子
farmer 农夫 fireman 救火员 fisherman 渔夫 fishmonger 鱼贩 florist 花商 garbage collector 清道夫 gardener 园丁 goldsmith 金匠 grocer 杂货商 guard 警卫 hawker 小贩 hunter 猎人 inspector 巡官 judge 法官 labourer 劳工 maid 佣人 mechanic 技工 musician 音乐家 newspapers vendor 报贩 nurse 护士 optician 眼镜商 photographer 摄影师 plumber 管子工 pilot 飞航员 poet 诗人 postman 邮差
1)ant 蚂蚁
2)bear 熊 3)bird 鸟 4)butterfly 蝴蝶 5)cat 猫 6)chicken 鸡 7)deer 鹿 8)dog 狗 9)duck 鸭 10)eagle 老鹰 11)elephant 大象 12)fish 鱼 13)fly 苍蝇 14)fox 狐狸
8)bedroom 卧室 9)bulldog 牛头犬 10)businessman 商人 11)bus stop 公共汽车站 12)butterfly 蝴蝶 13)candlestick 烛台 14)cardboard 纸板 15)chairman 董事长 16)chestnut 板栗 17)childhood 童年 18)chopsticks 筷 19)classmate 同学 20)classroom 课堂 21)cockpit 座舱 22)downstairs 楼下 23)dragonfly 蜻蜓 24)dustbin 垃圾箱 25)eardrum 鼓膜 26)earthworm 蚯蚓 27)everyone 每个人 28)eye brown 棕色眼睛 29)eyelash 睫毛 30)eyelid 眼皮 31)eyesore 碍眼 32)fingernail 指甲 33)fireman 消防队员 34)fire station 消防局 35)firewood 柴 36)fireworks 烟花爆竹 37)fishmonger 鱼贩子 38)football 足球 39)footwear 鞋类 40)forget 忘记 41)forgive 原谅 42)fortnight 两星期 43)goalkeeper 守门员 44)grandchild 孙子 45)granddaughter 孙女 46)grandfather 爷爷 47)grandmother 祖母 48)grandson 孙子
desk 课桌 chair 椅子 floor 地板 blackboard 黑板 computer 计算机 screwdriver 螺丝起子 calender 日历 pillow 枕头 telephone 电话 rake 耙(pa)子 saw 锯子
1)Airport 机场 2)armchair 扶手椅 3)ball pen 圆珠笔 4)ballroom 舞厅 5)baseball 棒球 6)bathroom 浴室
Insects 昆虫 beetle 甲虫 butterfly 蝴蝶 caterpillar 毛虫 cockroach 蟑螂 dragonfly 蜻蜓 grasshopper 草蜢 housefly 苍蝇 mosquito 蚊子 praying mantis 螳螂 wasp 黄蜂 fox 狐狸 giraffe 长颈鹿 gorilla 大猩猩 guinea pig 天竺鼠 hamster 仓鼠 Hippopotamus 河马 horse 马 kangaroo 袋鼠 leopard 豹 monkey 猴子 mouse deer 鼠鹿
grub 蛆(qu) cub 幼兽 nestling 雏(chu)鸟 caterpillar 毛虫 kitten 小猫 chick 小鸡 fawn 幼鹿 puppy 小狗 duckling 小鸭 eaglet 小鹰 calf 小牛 fry 小鱼 maggot 蛆 cub 幼兽
15)frog 青蛙 16)goat 山羊 17)goose 鹅 18)horse 马 19)leopard 豹 20)lioness/lion 狮子 21)mosquito 蚊子 22)owl 猫头鹰 23)pig 猪 24)seal 海豹 25)sheep 绵羊 26)tigress/tiger 老虎 27)whale 鲸 28)wolf 狼
56)boatman 船工 57)grasshopper 蚱蜢 58)graveyard 墓地 59)greenhouse 温室 60)groundnuts 花 61)handbill 传单 62)handbook 手册 63)handcuffs 手铐 64)homework 功课 65)housemaid 保姆 66)housewife 家庭主妇 67)ice cream 冰淇淋 68)keyhole 锁孔 69)lamp post 灯柱 70)landlady 房东 71)landlord 房东 72)loudspeaker 喇叭 73)mid-year 年中 74)maidservant 侍女 75)mailbox 邮箱 76)moonlight 月光 77)motorboat 汽艇 78)motorcar 汽车 79)mousetrap 捕鼠器 80)necklace 项链 81)necktie 领带 82)needlework 针线活 83)netball 投球 84)newspaper 报纸 85)notebook 笔记本 86)oil lamp 油灯 87)oil palm 油棕 88)outdoors 户外 89)overnight 过夜 90)overtime 加班 91)ownership 所有权 92)paperweight 镇纸 93)peanut 花生 94)pen pal 笔友 95)playground 操场 96)policeman 警察