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Revolutions and their impact
• Marxist historians see revolutions as good • Conservative historians see them as
infrequent events that are bad • Eric Hobsbawm (Marxist) – revolution is good,
Key aspects of Modern European History
• Civilisation • Modernity • European identity
Making and Creating Political Stability
• Nationalism • Ideologies • Civil rights • Political participation • Human rights
– No political voice – The failure of the Tsar
Revolution or Coup d'état?
• Working class uprising (Marxists) • Russia lost the war to Germany, and
therefore wanted the war to continue (Conservatives)
• Many different interpretations of Europe • How do you read the sources? • How does a historian’s political views affect
his interpretation? • Were wars important for regime change in
Industrialisation (20th century) • “Unfettered capitalism” • The 20th century as “the short century”
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Key features
• Political participation • Social mobility • Distribution of wealth • Colonisation • Decolonisation
Interpreting Europe
Dr Mark J Crowley E-mail: MJC83@LIVE.CO.UK
Different Interpretations of Europe
• Republican nation (18th century) • French revolution, 1789 very important • Industrialised nation (19th century) • A hybrid of Republicanism and
– BUT the Kaiser (Leader) was very powerful – Revolution caused by war?
Impact of War: Russia
• 1914-1917: no revolution in Russia • Why did Russia have a revolution in 1917?
but a flawed idea • Revolution in Russia (1917) caused by war
(Conservative historians)
Impact of War: Germany
• 1914-1920: revolution in Germany
– Industrialisation – Growth of capitalism – Problems of urbanisation