ASTM D2000 – 98C(出版日期1999-11-24,汽车工程师学会同意,SAE推荐J200)汽车橡胶产品分类系统标准*11.范围1.1本分类系统把用于汽车的橡胶产品(但不限于此)列表示出硫化橡胶(天然胶,再生胶,合成胶,单一或混合胶)的特性.注1.本分类系统可用于其他工业的需要,就象SAE的钢号一样.但必须记住:本系统服务于汽车工业.使用时请用最新版本.1.2本分类系统的前提是:所有橡胶制品的性质可以划分入特有的材料牌号.这些牌号被由基于耐热老化的TYPE(类别)和基于耐油溶胀CLASSES(等级),结合描述附加要求的值,从而建立基本的LEVELS(水平),这些值允许全面描述所有弹性材料的质量.1.3对于一件特殊产品,如果本分类系统的早先版本与具体规范有抵触,则以新版本为准.注2.当橡胶产品用于未被本分类系统描述的非常特殊用途,采购方应首先与供方磋商,建立适宜的特性,试验方法和规范试验界限.1.4在S1(译者注:国际单位)单元中陈述的值被视为标准.2.参考文件.2.1ASTM标准D395 橡胶性能试验方法----压缩变形;*2D412 硫化橡胶,热塑橡胶和热塑性弹性体试验方法—拉伸;*2D429 橡胶性能试验方法----与硬底层黏结;*2D430 橡胶老化试验方法-----动态寿命;*2D471 橡胶性能试验方法----液体效应; *2D573 橡胶试验方法----空气炉中老化; *2D575 橡胶压缩特性试验方法; *2D624 常规硫化橡胶和热塑性弹性体的撕裂强度试验方法; *2D865 橡胶试验方法----空气中热老化; *2D925 橡胶性能试验方法----表面瑕疵(接触,移动和扩散); *2D945 压缩或剪切中橡胶性能的试验方法(机械示波器); *2D1053 橡胶性能试验方法----低温硬化:柔性的聚合物和涂织物; *2D1171 橡胶老化试验方法----表面臭氧裂纹,室内和室外(三角试样) *2D1329 评价橡胶性能的试验方法---- 低温回弹(TR试验); *2D1349 橡胶实践----试验温度标准; *2D1418 橡胶和橡胶乳液的实践----术语; *2D2137 橡胶性能试验方法----柔性聚合物和涂织物的脆性点; *2D2240 橡胶性能试验方法----硬度; *2D3183 橡胶实践----用产品上取样的试样准备; *2D5964 橡胶实践----IRM902和IRM903替代ASTM 2号油和ASTM 3号油. *23.目的3.1本分类目录的目的是给工程师选择实际的,可行的橡胶材料,并进一步提供一个简单的”Line—Call—Out”规定材料牌号的方法.3.2本分类系统被发展成允许未来的橡胶材料增加叙述值,而不必完全重组分类系统,且方便结合未来的新试验方法,以保持与工业需求的改进同步.4.类别(Type)和等级(Class)4.1前缀字符“M”用于表示分类系统基于国际单位制(SI).注3“Call –out”不用字符”M”,他参考早先出版与1980年的”英寸—磅”制.4.2橡胶材料以类别(耐热)和等级(耐液)为基础进行设计.类别和等级用字母表示,见表1,表2和9.1中的图.4.3类别(Type)基于拉伸强度变化不大于±30%,伸长率变化不大于-50%,在相应的温度下保持70h,硬度(变化)不超过15点. 在该温度下决定这些材料的类型.按表1.4.4等级(Class)基于材料耐液性,是在ASTM 3号油中浸润70h,保持表1规定的温度,除非所有最高温度是150℃(稳定性上限),每个等级溶账的极限见表2.4.4.1在实践D5964 中ASTM 2号和3号油已分别被IRM902和IRM903油代替.这些油与油尚未确认.表1表24.4.3溶胀范围的选择被理解为由等级建立的一些商务化合物可以期望的值.事实上,材料的类型和等级列表于表6.在基本要求下,指示商业上可用的材料符合耐热和耐液的要求.4.5牌号字符后面总规定有一个3位数,规定其硬度和拉伸强度,例如505,其中第一位数表示硬度,例如5表示50±5,6表示60±5,后2位数表示最小拉伸强度,例如05表示5Mpa,14表示14Mpa.可用材料所要的硬度和拉伸强度的相对关系可从7.2节表6中获得.5.品级(Grade)号,后缀字符和数字5.1 品级(Grade)号因为基本要求并不能充分描述全部必要的要求,规定设立一个系列的前缀—品级号,描述偏离或附加要求. 品级号1,规定仅表示基本要求.除1以外的品级号表示偏离或附加要求,并列于”可用的前缀品级”,在表6中基本要求下的最后一列. 品级号A作为材料前缀写在类别和等级的前面(见9.1).5.2 后缀字符后缀字符可以和他们的含义一起使用.见表3.5.3 后缀数字每一个后缀字符可以用其后的2位数字参考.其中第一位数表示试验方法;试验次数作为试验方法的一部分见表4.如果有第二位数,他表示试验温度,见表5.如果要用3位数,它们要用一个短划分开,例如-10;B4-10;F1-11等.b D1171的耐气候试验,历时6周.试验地区和季节由采购方和供方协商;c 用D1171的暴露于臭氧室的试验方法B;d ASTM 2号油和3号油已不能长期使用,他们分别被IRM 902号油和903号油代替,见4.4.1. ASTM 1号油,IRM 902和IRM903油可从美国洛杉矶华盛顿感大道4426号Penre Co.购买.也可以由NJ州08638—0806 Tredon 邮政信箱5806分配.e 应该用蒸馏水.除非取消酒精,应该用加水的方法增加体积.当确定拉伸强度,延伸率和硬度变化时,在样品被浸润后,实验室充3/4水,30分钟后确定.在蒸馏水中冷却,取消丙酮.取消丙酮g 规定的试验方法.表5b 室外试验情况下的环境温度.6.合成和制造。
拉伸试验仪是进行ASTM D412试验的关键设备。
试样应在标准规定的环境条件下进行拉伸,常见的测试速度是500 mm/min。
Specimens may be in the shape of dumbbells,rings or straight pieces of uniform cross-sectional area.4.2Measurements for tensile stress,tensile stress at a given elongation,tensile strength,yield point,and ultimate elonga-tion are made on specimens that have not been prestressed. Tensile stress,yield point,and tensile strength are based on the original cross-sectional area of a uniform cross-section of the specimen.4.3Measurement of tensile set is made after a previously unstressed specimen has been extended and allowed to retract by a prescribed procedure.Measurement of“set after break”is also described.5.Significance and Use5.1All materials and products covered by these test meth-ods must withstand tensile forces for adequate performance in certain applications.These test methods allow for the measure-ment of such tensile properties.However,tensile properties alone may not directly relate to the total end use performance of the product because of the wide range of potential perfor-mance requirements in actual use.5.2Tensile properties depend both on the material and the conditions of test(extension rate,temperature,humidity,speci-men geometry,pretest conditioning,etc.);therefore materials should be compared only when tested under the same condi-tions.5.3Temperature and rate of extension may have substantial effects on tensile properties and therefore should be controlled. These effects will vary depending on the type of material being tested.5.4Tensile set represents residual deformation which is partly permanent and partly recoverable after stretching and retraction.For this reason,the periods of extension and recovery(and other conditions of test)must be controlled to obtain comparable results.6.Apparatus6.1Testing Machine—Tension tests shall be made on a power driven machine equipped to produce a uniform rate of grip separation of500650mm/min(2062in./min)for a distance of at least750mm(30in.)(see Note1).The testing machine shall have both a suitable dynamometer and an indicating or recording system for measuring the applied force within62%.If the capacity range cannot be changed for a test (as in the case of pendulum dynamometers)the applied force at break shall be measured within62%of the full scale value, and the smallest tensile force measured shall be accurate to within10%.If the dynamometer is of the compensating type for measuring tensile stress directly,means shall be provided to adjust for the cross-sectional area of the specimen.The response of the recorder shall be sufficiently rapid that the applied force is measured with the requisite accuracy during the extension of the specimen to rupture.If the testing machine is not equipped with a recorder,a device shall be provided that indicates,after rupture,the maximum force applied during extension.Testing machine systems shall be capable of mea-suring elongation of the test specimen in minimum increments of10%.N OTE2—A rate of elongation of10006100mm/min(4064in./min)may be used and notation of the speed made in the report.In case of dispute,the test shall be repeated and the rate of elongation shall be at500 650mm/min(2062in./min).6.2Test Chamber for Elevated and Low Temperatures—The test chamber shall conform with the following requirements: 6.2.1Air shall be circulated through the chamber at a velocity of1to2m/s(3.3to6.6ft/s)at the location of the grips or spindles and specimens maintained within2°C(3.6°F)of the specified temperature.6.2.2A calibrated sensing device shall be located near the grips or spindles for measuring the actual temperature.6.2.3The chamber shall be vented to an exhaust system or to the outside atmosphere to remove fumes liberated at high temperatures.6.2.4Provisions shall be made for suspending specimens vertically near the grips or spindles for conditioning prior to test.The specimens shall not touch each other or the sides of the chamber except for momentary contact when agitated by the circulating air.6.2.5Fast acting grips suitable for manipulation at high or low temperatures may be provided to permit placing dumbbells or straight specimens in the grips in the shortest time possible to minimize any change in temperature of the chamber.6.2.6The dynamometer shall be suitable for use at the temperature of test or it shall be thermally insulated from the chamber.6.2.7Provision shall be made for measuring the elongation of specimens in the chamber.If a scale is used to measure the extension between the bench-marks,the scale shall be located parallel and close to the grip path during specimen extension and shall be controlled from outside the chamber.6.3Dial Micrometer—The dial micrometer shall conform to the requirements of Practice D3767(Method A).For ring specimens,see14.10of these test methods.6.4Apparatus for Tensile Set Test—The testing machine described in6.1or an apparatus similar to that shown in Fig.1 may be used.A stop watch or other suitable timing device measuring in minute intervals for at least30min,shall be provided.A scale or other device shall be provided for measuring tensile set to within1%.7.Selection of Test Specimens7.1Consider the following information in making selec-tions:7.1.1Since anisotropy or grain directionality due toflow introduced during processing and preparation may have an influence on tensile properties,dumbbell or straight specimens should be cut so the lengthwise direction of the specimen is parallel to the grain direction when this direction is known. Ring specimens normally give an average of with and across the grain properties.7.1.2Unless otherwise noted,thermoplastic rubber or ther-moplastic elastomer specimens,or both,are to be cut from injection molded sheets or plaques with a thickness of3.06 0.3mm.Specimens of other thickness will not necessarily give comparable results.Specimens are to be tested in directions both parallel and perpendicular to the direction offlow in the mold.Sheet or plaque dimensions must be sufficient to do this.7.1.3Ring specimens enable elongations to be measuredbygrip separation,but the elongation across the radial width ofthe ring specimens is not uniform.To minimize this effect thewidth of the ring specimens must be small compared to thediameter.7.1.4Straight specimens tend to break in the grips if normalextension-to-break testing is conducted and should be usedonly when it is not feasible to prepare another type ofspecimen.For obtaining non-rupture stress-strain or materialmodulus properties,straight specimens are quite useful.7.1.5The size of specimen type used will be determined bythe material,test equipment and the sample or piece availablefor test.A longer specimen may be used for rubbers having lowultimate elongation to improve precision of elongation mea-surement.8.Calibration of the Testing Machine 8.1Calibrate the testing machine in accordance with Proce-dure A of Practice E 4.If the dynamometer is of the strain-gage type,calibrate the tester at one or more forces in addition to the requirements in Sections 7and 18of Practice E 4.Testers having pendulum dynamometers may be calibrated as follows:8.1.1Place one end of a dumbbell specimen in the upper grip of the testing machine.8.1.2Remove the lower grip from the machine and attach it,by means of the gripping mechanism to the dumbbell specimen in the upper grip.8.1.3Attach a hook to the lower end of the lower specimen grip mechanism.8.1.4Suspend a known mass from the hook of thelowerFIG.1Apparatus for Tensile SetTestspecimen grip mechanism in such a way as to permit the mass assembly to temporarily rest on the lower testing machine grip framework or holder(see Note2).8.1.5Start the grip separation motor or mechanism,as in normal testing,and allow it to run until the mass is freely suspended by the specimen in the upper grip.8.1.6If the dial or scale does not indicate the force applied (or its equivalent in stress for a compensating type tester) within specified tolerance,thoroughly inspect the testing ma-chine for malfunction(for example,excess friction in bearings and other moving parts).Ensure that the mass of the lower grip mechanism and the hook are included as part of the known mass.8.1.7After machine friction or other malfunction has been removed,recalibrate the testing machine at a minimum of three points using known masses to produce forces of approximately 10,20and50%of capacity.If pawls or rachets are used during routine testing,use them for calibration.Check for friction in the head by calibrating with the pawls up.N OTE3—It is advisable to provide a means for preventing the known mass from falling to thefloor in case the dumbbell should break.8.2A rapid approximate calibration of the testing machine may be obtained by using a spring calibration device.9.Test Temperature9.1Unless otherwise specified,the standard temperature for testing shall be2362°C(73.463.6°F).Specimens shall be conditioned for at least3h when the test temperature is23°C (73.4°F).If the material is affected by moisture,maintain the relative humidity at5065%and condition the specimens for at least24h prior to testing.When testing at any other temperature is required use one of the temperatures listed in Practice D1349.9.2For testing at temperatures above23°C(73.4°F)preheat specimens for1062min for Method A and for662min for Method B(see Note3).Place each specimen in the test chamber at intervals ahead of testing so that all specimens of a series will be in the chamber the same length of time.The preheat time at elevated temperatures must be limited to avoid additional vulcanization or thermal aging.N OTE4—Precaution:In addition to other precautions,suitable heat or cold resistant gloves should be worn for arm and hand protection when testing at other than23°C(73.4°F).A mask for the face is very desirable for high temperature testing to prevent the inhalation of toxic fumes when the door of the chamber is open.9.3For testing at temperatures below23°C(73.4°F)condi-tion the specimens at least10min prior to testing.TEST METHOD A—DUMBBELL AND STRAIGHTSPECIMENS10.Apparatus10.1Die—The shape and dimensions of the die for prepar-ing dumbbell specimens shall conform with those shown in Fig. 2.The inside faces in the reduced section shall be perpendicular to the plane formed by the cutting edges and polished for a distance of at least5mm(0.2in.)from the cutting edge.The die shall at all times be sharp and free of nicks(see Note4).N OTE5—The condition of the die may be determined by investigating the rupture point on any series of broken(ruptured)specimens.Remove such specimens from the grips of the testing machine,stack the joined-together specimens on top of each other,and note if there is any tendency for tensile breaks to occur at the same position on each of the specimens. Rupture consistently at the same place indicates that the die may be dull, nicked,or bent at that location.10.2Bench Marker—The two marks placed on the speci-men and used to measure elongation or strain are called“bench marks”(see Note5).The bench marker shall consist of a base plate containing two raised parallel projections.The surfaces of the raised projections(parallel to the plane of the base plate) are ground smooth in the same plane.The raised projection marking surfaces shall be between0.05and0.08mm(0.002 and0.003in.)wide and at least15mm(0.6in.)long.The angles between the parallel marking surfaces and the sides of the projections shall be at least75°.The distance between the centers of the two parallel projections or marking surfaces shall be within1%of the required or target bench mark distance.A handle attached to the back or top of the bench marker base plate is normally a part of the bench marker.N OTE6—If a contact extensometer is used to measure elongation, bench marks are not necessary.10.3Ink Applicator—Aflat unyielding surface(hardwood, metal,or plastic)shall be used to apply either ink or powder to the bench marker.The ink or powder shall adhere to the specimen,have no deteriorating effect on the specimen and be of contrasting color to that of the specimen.10.4Grips—The testing machine shall have two grips,one of which shall be connected to the dynamometer.10.4.1Grips for testing dumbbell specimens shall tighten automatically and exert a uniform pressure across the gripping surfaces,increasing as the tension increases in order to prevent slippage and to favor failure of the specimen in the straight reduced section.Constant pressure pneumatic type grips also are satisfactory.At the end of each grip a positioning device is recommended for inserting specimens to the same depth in the grip and for alignment with the direction of pull.10.4.2Grips for testing straight specimens shall be constant pressure pneumatic,wedged,or toggle type designed to trans-mit the applied gripping force over the entire width of the gripped specimen.11.Specimens11.1Dumbbell Specimens—Whenever possible,the test specimens shall be injection molded or cut from aflat sheet not less than1.3mm(0.05in.)nor more than3.3mm(0.13in.) thick and of a size which will permit cutting a specimen by one of the standard methods(see Practice D3182).Sheets may be prepared directly by processing or fromfinished articles by cutting and buffing.If obtained from a manufactured article, the specimen shall be free of surface roughness,fabric layers, accordance with the procedure described in Practice D3183.All specimens shall be cut so that the lengthwise portion of the specimens is parallel to the grain unless otherwise specified.In the case of sheets prepared in accor-dance with Practice D3182,the specimen shall be2.060.2 mm(0.0860.008in.)thick died out in the direction of the e Die C,Fig.2(unless otherwise noted)to cutthespecimens from the sheet with a single impact stroke (hand ormachine)to ensure smooth cut surfaces.11.1.1Marking Dumbbell Specimens —Dumbbell speci-mens shall be marked with the bench marker described in 10.2,with no tension on the specimens at the time of marking.Marksshall be placed on the reduced section,equidistant from itscenter and perpendicular to the longitudinal axis.The betweenbench mark distance shall be as follows:for Die C or Die D ofFig.2,25.0060.25mm (1.0060.01in.);for any other Dieof Fig.2,50.0060.5mm (2.0060.02in.).11.1.2Measuring Thickness of Dumbbell Specimens —Three measurements shall be made for the thickness,one at thecenter and one at each end of the reduced section.The medianof the three measurements shall be used as the thickness incalculating the cross sectional area.Specimens with a differ-ence between the maximum and the minimum thickness exceeding 0.08mm (0.003in.),shall be discarded.The width of the specimen shall be taken as the distance between the cutting edges of the die in the restricted section.11.2Straight Specimens —Straight specimens may be pre-pared if it is not practical to cut either a dumbbell or a ring specimen as in the case of a narrow strip,small tubing or narrow electrical insulation material.These specimens shall be of sufficient length to permit their insertion in the grips used for the test.Bench marks shall be placed on the specimens as described for dumbbell specimens in 11.1.1.To determine the cross sectional area of straight specimens in the form of tubes,the mass,length,and density of the specimen may be required.The cross sectional area shall be calculated from these mea-surements asfollows:FIG.2Standard Dies for Cutting DumbbellSpecimensA 5M /DL (1)where:A =cross-sectional area,cm 2,M =mass,g,D =density,g/cm 3,and L =length,cm.N OTE 7—A in square inches =A (cm 2)30.155.12.Procedure12.1Determination of Tensile Stress,Tensile Strength andYield Point —Place the dumbbell or straight specimen in thegrips of the testing machine,using care to adjust the specimensymmetrically to distribute tension uniformly over the crosssection.This avoids complications that prevent the maximumstrength of the material from being evaluated.Unless otherwisespecified,the rate of grip separation shall be 500650mm/min(2062in./min)(see Note 7).Start the machine and note thedistance between the bench marks,taking care to avoidparallax.Record the force at the elongation(s)specified for thetest and at the time of rupture.The elongation measurement ismade preferably through the use of an extensometer,anautographic mechanism or a spark mechanism.At rupture,measure and record the elongation to the nearest 10%.SeeSection 13for calculations.N OTE 8—For materials having a yield point (yield strain)under 20%elongation when tested at 500650mm/min (2062in./min),the rate ofelongation shall be reduced to 5065mm/min (2.060.2in./min).If thematerial still has a yield point (strain)under 20%elongation,the rate shall be reduced to 560.5mm/min (0.260.002in./min).The actual rate of separation shall be reported.12.2Determination of Tensile Set —Place the specimen in the grips of the testing machine described in 6.1or the apparatus shown in Fig.1,and adjust symmetrically so as to distribute the tension uniformly over the cross section.Sepa-rate the grips at a rate of speed as uniformly as possible,that requires 15s to reach the specified elongation.Hold the specimen at the specified elongation for 10min,release quickly without allowing it to snap back and allow the specimen to rest for 10min.At the end of the 10min rest period,measure the distance between the bench marks to the nearest 1%of the original between bench mark e a stop watch for the timing operations.See Section 13for calculations.12.3Determination of Set-After-Break —Ten minutes after a specimen is broken in a normal tensile strength test,carefully fit the two pieces together so that they are in good contact over the full area of the break.Measure the distance between the bench marks.See Section 13for calculations.13.Calculation 13.1Calculate the tensile stress at any specified elongation as follows:T ~xxx !5F ~xxx !/A (2)where:Dimensions of Standard Dumbbell Dies A (Metric Units)DimensionUnits Tolerance Die A Die B Die C Die D Die E Die F Amm 61252525161616Bmm max 404040303030Cmm min 140140115100125125Dmm 66B 323232323232D-Emm 61131313131313Fmm 62383819193838Gmm 61141414141414Hmm 62252525161616Lmm 62595933335959Wmm 60.05,–0.001266336Zmm 61131313131313A Dies whose dimensions are expressed in metric units are not exactly the same as dies whose dimensions are expressed in U.S.customary units.Dies dimensioned in metric units are intended for use with apparatus calibrated in metric units.B For dies used in clicking machines it is preferable that this tolerance be 60.5mm.FIG.2a (continued)Dimensions of Standard Dumbbell Dies A (U.S.Customary Units)DimensionUnits Tolerance Die A Die B Die C Die D Die E Die F Ain.60.041110.620.620.62Bin.max 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.2 1.2 1.2Cin.min 5.5 5.5 4.5455Din.60.25B 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25D-Ein. 1.5 1.50.750.75 1.5 1.5Gin.60.040.560.560.560.560.560.56Hin.60.081110.630.630.63Lin.60.08 2.32 2.32 1.31 1.31 2.32 2.32Win.60.002,–0.0000.5000.2500.2500.1250.1250.250Zin. whose dimensions are expressed in metric units are not exactly the same as dies whose dimensions are expressed in U.S.customary units.B For dies used in clicking machines it is preferable that this tolerance by 60.02in.FIG.2b(continued)T(xxx)=tensile stress at(xxx)%elongation,MPa(lbf/ in.2),F(xxx)=force at specified elongation,MN or(lbf),andA=cross-sectional area of unstrained specimen,m2 (in.2).13.2Calculate the yield stress as follows:Y~stress!5F~y!/A(3) where:Y(stress)=yield stress,that stress level where the yield point occurs,MPa(lbf/in.2),F(y)=magnitude of force at the yield point,MN(lbf), andA=cross-sectional area of unstrained specimen,m2 (in.2).13.3Evaluate the yield strain as that strain or elongation magnitude,where the rate of change of stress with respect to strain,goes through a zero value.13.4Calculate the tensile strength as follows:TS5F~BE!/A(4) where:TS=tensile strength,the stress at rupture,MPa(lbf/ in.2),F(BE)=the force magnitude at rupture,MN(lbf),andA=cross-sectional area of unstrained specimen,m2 (in.2).13.5Calculate the elongation(at any degree of extension)as follows:E5100@L–L~o!#/L~o!(5) where:E=the elongation in percent(of original bench mark distance),L=observed distance between bench marks on the extended specimen,andL(o)=original distance between bench marks(use same units for L and L(o)).13.6The breaking or ultimate elongation is evaluated when L is equal to the distance between bench marks at the point of specimen rupture.13.7Calculate the tensile set,by using Eq5,where L is equal to the distance between bench marks after the10min retraction period.13.8Test Result—A test result is the median of three individual test measurement values for any of the measured properties as described above,for routine testing.There are two exceptions to this and for these exceptions a total offive specimens(measurements)shall be tested and the test result reported as the median offive.13.8.1Exception1—If one or two of the three measured values do not meet specified requirement values when testing for compliance with specifications.13.8.2Exception2—If referee tests are being conducted.TEST METHOD B—CUT RING SPECIMENS 14.Apparatus14.1Cutter—A typical ring cutter assembly is illustrated in Fig. 3.This is used for cutting rings fromflat sheets by mounting the upper shaft portion of the cutter in a rotating housing that can be lowered onto a sheet held by the rubber holding plate as shown in Fig. Depth Gage—This gage consists of a cylin-drical disk having a thickness of at least0.5mm(0.02in.) greater than the thickness of the rubber to be cut and a diameter less than the inside diameter of the specimen used for adjusting the protrusion of the blades from the body of the cutter.See Fig.3.14.2Rubber Holding Plate—The apparatus for holding the sheet during cutting shall have plane parallel upper and lower surfaces and shall be a rigid polymeric material(hard rubber, polyurethane,polymethylmethacrylate)with holes approxi-mately1.5mm(0.06in.)in diameter spaced6or7mm(0.24 or0.32in.)apart across the central region of the plate.All the holes shall connect to a central internal cavity which can be maintained at a reduced pressure for holding the sheet in place due to atmospheric pressure.Fig.4illustrates the design of an apparatus for holding standard sheets(approximately1503 15032mm)during cutting.14.3Source of Reduced Pressure—Any device such as a vacuum pump that can maintain an absolute pressure below10 kPa(0.1atm)in the holding plate central cavity.14.4Soap Solution—A mild soap solution shall be used on the specimen sheet to lubricate the cutting blades.14.5Cutter Rotator—A precision drill press or other suit-able machine capable of rotating the cutter at an angular speed of at least30rad/s(approximately300r/min)during cutting shall be used.The cutter rotator device shall be mounted on a horizontal base and have a vertical support orientation for the shaft that rotates the spindle and cutter.The run-out of the rotating spindle shall not exceed0.01mm(0.004in.).14.6Indexing Table—A milling table or other device with typical x-y motions shall be provided for positioning the sheet and holder with respect to the spindle of the cutter rotating device.14.7Tensile Testing Machine—A machine as specified in 6.1shall be provided.14.8Test Fixture—A testfixture as shown in Fig.5shall be provided for testing the ring specimens.The testing machine shall be calibrated as outlined in Section8.14.9Test Chamber—A chamber for testing at high and low temperatures shall be provided as specified in6. specified in14.8are satisfactory for testing at other than room temperature.However at extreme temperatures,a suitable lubricant shall be used to lubricate the spindle bearings.14.9.2The dynamometer shall be suitable for use at the temperature of test or thermally insulated from the chamber.14.10Dial Micrometer—A dial micrometer shall be pro-vided that conforms to the requirements of Practice D3767.14.10.1The base of the micrometer used to measure the radial width shall consist of an upper cylindrical surface(with its axis oriented in a horizontal direction)at least12mm(0.5 in.)long and15.560.5mm(0.6160.02in.)in diameter.To accommodate small diameter rings that approach the15.5mm (0.61in.)diameter of the base and to avoid any ring extension in placing the ring on the base,the bottom half ofthecylindrical surface may be truncated at the cylinder centerline,that is,a half cylinder shape.This permits placing small rings on the upper cylindrical surface without interference fit prob-lems.Curved feet on the end of the dial micrometer shaft to fit the curvature of the ring(s),may be used.15.Ring Specimen15.1ASTM Cut Rings —Two types of cut ring specimens may be used.Unless otherwise specified,the Type 1ring specimen shall be used.15.1.1Ring Dimensions :mm in.Type 1Circumference (inside)50.060.01 2.060.004Diameter (inside)15.9260.0030.63760.001Radial width,minimum 1.00.040maximum 3.30.13Type 2Circumference mean 100.060.2 4.060.0004Diameter (inside)29.860.06 1.1960.0001Radial width,minimum 1.00.04maximum 3.30.1315.2ISO Cut Rings —The normal size and the small sizering specimens in ISO 37have the following dimensions given in mm.See ISO 37for specific testing procedures for these rings.Normal Small Diameter,inside44.660.2mm 8.060.1mm Diameter,outside52.660.2mm 10.060.1mm Thickness 4.060.2mm 1.060.1mmN OTE 1—Dimension C to be 2mm (0.08in.)less than the inside diameter of the ring.FIG.3Typical Ring CutterAssembly15.3Rings Cut from Tubing —The dimensions of the ring specimen(s)depend on the diameter and wall thickness of the tubing and should be specified in the product specification.15.4Preparation of Cut Ring Specimens —Place the blades in the slots of the cutter and adjust the blade depth using the blade depth gage.Place the cutter in the drill press and adjust the spindle or table so that the bottom of the blade holder is about 13mm (0.5in.)above the surface of the holding plate.Set the stop on the vertical travel of the spindle so that the tipsof the cutting blades just penetrate the surface of the plate.Place the sheet on the holding plate and reduce the pressure in the cavity to 10kPa (0.1atm)or less.Lubricate the sheet with mild soap solution.Lower the cutter at a steady rate until it reaches the stop.Be sure that the blade holder does not contact the sheet.If necessary,readjust the blade depth.Return the spindle to its original position and repeat the operation on another sheet.15.5Preparation of Ring Specimens from Tubing —Place the tubing on a mandrel preferably slightly larger than the inner diameter of the tubing.Rotate the mandrel and tubing inaDimensionmm in.Dimension mm in.A1787.0F 190.75B152 6.0G 230.90C89 3.5H 1.50.062D2299.0E 60.25FIG.4Rubber HoldingPlateFIG.5Assembly,Ring Tensile TestFixturelathe.Cut ring specimens to the desired axial length by means of a knife or razor blade held in the tool post of the y thin wall tubingflat and cut ring specimens with a die or cutting mechanism having two parallel blades.15.6Ring Dimension Measurements:15.6.1Circumference—The inside circumference can be determined by a stepped cone or by“go-no go”gages.Do not use any stress in excess of that needed to overcome any ellipticity of the ring specimen.The mean circumference is obtained by adding to the value for the inside circumference, the product of the radial width and p(3.14).15.6.2Radial Width—The radial width is measured at three locations distributed around the circumference using the mi-crometer described in14.—For cut rings,the thickness of the disk cut from the inside of the ring is measured with a micrometer described in Practice D3767.15.6.4Cross-Sectional Area—The cross-sectional area is calculated from the median of three measurements of radial width and thickness.For thin wall tubing,the area is calculated from the axial length of the cut section and wall thickness.16.Procedure16.1Determination of Tensile Stress,Tensile Strength, Breaking(Ultimate)Elongation and Yield Point—In testing ring specimens,lubricate the surface of the spindle with a suitable lubricant,such a mineral oil or silicone oil.Select one with documented assurance that it does not interact or affect the material being tested.The initial setting of the distance between the spindle centers may be calculated and adjusted according to the following equation:IS5@C~TS!–C~SP!#/2(6) where:IS=initial separation of spindle centers,mm(in.),C(TS)=circumference of test specimen,inside circumfer-ence for Type1rings,mean circumference forType2rings,mm(in.),andC(SP)=circumference of either(one)spindle,mm(in.). Unless otherwise specified the rate of spindle separation shall be500650mm/min(2062in./min)(see Notes7and 8).Start the test machine and record the force and correspond-ing distance between the spindles.At rupture,measure and record the ultimate(breaking)elongation and the tensile(force) strength.See Section17for calculations.N OTE9—When using the small ISO ring,the rate of spindle separation shall be100610mm/min(460.4in./min).16.2Tests at Temperatures Other than Standard—Use the test chamber described in6.2and observe the precautionary statement in Note2.For tests at temperatures above23°C (73.4°F),preheat the specimens662min at the test temperature.For below room temperature tests cool the speci-mens at the test temperature for at least10min prior to test. Use test temperatures prescribed in Practice D1349.Place each specimen in the test chamber at intervals such that the recommendations of9.2are followed.17.Calculation17.1Stress-strain properties for ring specimens are in gen-eral calculated in the same manner as for dumbbell and straight specimens with one important exception.Extending a ring specimen generates a nonuniform stress(or strain)field across the width(as viewed from left to right)of each leg of the ring. The initial inside dimension(circumference)is less than the outside dimension(circumference),therefore for any extension of the grips,the inside strain(or stress)is greater than the outside strain(or stress)because of the differences in the initial (unstrained)dimensions.17.2The following options are used to calculate stress at a specified elongation(strain)and breaking or ultimate elonga-tion.17.2.1Stress at a Specified Elongation—The mean circum-ference of the ring is used for determining the elongation.The rationale for this choice is that the mean circumference best represents the average strain in each leg of the ring.17.2.2Ultimate(Breaking)Elongation—This is calculated on the basis of the inside circumference since this represents the maximum strain(stress)in each leg of the ring.This location is the most probable site for the initiation of the rupture process that occurs at break.17.3Calculate the tensile stress at any specified elongation by using Eq2in13. elongation to be used to evaluate the force as specified in Eq2(13.1),is calculated as follows:E5200@L/MC~TS!#(7) where:E=elongation(specified),percent,L=increase in grip separation at specified elonga-tion,mm(in.),andMC(TS)=mean circumference of test specimen,mm(in.).17.3.2The grip separation for any specified elongation can be found by rearranging Eq7,as given below:L5E3MC~TS!/200(8) 17.4Calculate the yield stress by using Eq3in13.2. 17.5Evaluate the yield strain as given in13.3.Since yield strain may be considered to be an average bulk property of any material,use the mean circumference for this evaluation. 17.6Calculate the tensile strength by using Eq4in13.4.17.7Calculate the breaking or ultimate elongation as fol-lows(see Notes9and10):E5200/@L/IC~TS!#(9) where:E=breaking or ultimate elongation,percent,L=increase in grip separation at break,mm(in.),and IC(TS)=inside circumference of ring test specimen,mm (in.).17.8The inside circumference is used for both types of rings,see15.1.1for e the inside diameter to calculate the inside circumference for Type2rings.N OTE10—Eq8,Eq9,and10are applicable only if the initial setting of the spindle centers is adjusted in accordance with Eq7.N OTE11—The user of these test method should be aware that because of the different dimensions used in calculating(1)stress at a specified elongation(less than the ultimate elongation)and(2)the ultimate (breaking)elongation(see20.1and20.2),it is possible that a stress at a specified elongation,slightly less(4to5%)than the ultimateelongation。
D412-92硫化橡胶、热塑性橡胶和热塑性弹性体----抗拉试验方法1 1.范围1.1本试验方法描述了硫化橡胶、热塑性橡胶,和热塑性弹性体的抗拉性能测定方法。
2.参考文件2.1 ASTM标准D1349:橡皮试验标准温度的实施方法2D1566:有关橡皮的名词术语D3182:橡皮试验实施方法:用于混合标准混合物和准备标准硫化试片的材料、设备和程序2D3183:橡皮试验实施方法:由产品准备试片D3767:橡皮试验实施方法:尺寸测定D4483:橡皮试验实施方法:橡皮、炭黑、工业试验方法标准中精确度的确定E4:试验机的负荷检验2.2 ASTM附件:环形试样,方法B(D412)42.3 ISO标准:ISO37:硫化橡皮和热塑性橡皮抗拉性能的测定3.术语:3.1定义:3.1.1拉伸残变:试样按一定方式拉抻,再让其收缩后仍保留的伸长部分。
ASTM D412标准中文版
7 试样的选取 7.1 选取试样时应考虑以下及点 7.1.1 在制备和处理过程中,由流动引起的材料的各向异性和取向会影响拉伸性 能。因此在制备哑铃或直条形试样时,在知道压延方向的前提下,试样裁取的方 向应平行于压延方向。对于环形试样其通常是对取向特性作出一定的平均。 7.1.2 除有特别要求,对于热塑性橡胶或弹性体,试样应从厚度为 3.0±0.3mm 的 注射成型的试片上裁取,由其他厚度的试样得到的试验结果物可比性。试样应为 垂直和平行成型流动方向的两组。试片或试板的大小应能满足试验要求。 7.1.3 对于环形试样的伸长可以夹头的分离来测量,但对于试样半径宽度上的伸 长分布是不一致的。为了减少这影响,应试样宽度应小于环形试样的直径。 7.1.4 用直条形小、试样作普通的拉伸试验时,试样的破坏一般发生在夹头中。 因此尽当样品无法制取其他形状的样品时才使用直条形试样。 对于非破坏性的应 力应变或材料模量实验,才用直条形试样。 7.1.4 试样的尺寸大小取决于材料的要求、试验设备和试验用的样品试片。对于 低扯断伸长率的材料,为力提高测量伸长的精度可使用较长的试样。 8 试验设备的校准 8.1 对于测量精度型的测力计按规范 E 4 的过程 A 校准试验机,按照规范 E 4 的 7 和 18 节试验校准一个或多个力值点。对于摆锤式测力计按以下步骤校准: 8.1.1 将哑铃试样的一端放入试验机上夹头。 8.1.2 将下夹头移试验机从试验机上移开,也就是说试样的夹持机构在试验机的 上夹头。 8.1.3 在下夹头上安装钩子,以持试样下端 8.1.4 将一个以知重量的砝码挂到钩子上,这样就可以在试样的下夹具上临时的 施加一定质量(见注 2). 8.1.5 开启夹具移动的监视装置,在普通的试验中,保持其持续运行直到砝码自 由的悬挂于试样上。 8.1.6 如果圆盘或标尺(或者相当于是应力补偿的试验器)不能在规定的精度内 指示力值,应彻底检查设备的故障(例如轴或其他移动部件的摩擦) 。应确定下 夹头和钩子的质量也被计算在内。 8.1.7 在试验机的摩擦和其他故障被排除后,再对试验机进行校准,用以知的砝 码在试验机满量程约 10、20 和 50%处测量三点。如果平常试验时使用棘轮和棘 齿,在校准时也应使用他们。通过安装棘轮来检查摩擦。 注 3——应有防止砝码从试验机上掉落的装置。 8.2 可用弹簧来作大致的快速校准。 9 试验温度 9.1 除有其他规定,标准试验温度为 23±2℃。试样应至少在 23℃温度下调节 3 小时。如果材料受湿度的影响,试验前试样应在 50±5%R.H.的环境中调节 24 小 时以上。如在其他温度中试验应使用规范 D 1349 所列的温度。 9.2 如试验在高于 23℃的温度中进行,对于方法 A 试样应预热 10±2min;对于 方法 B 应预热 6±2min。在每次试验间隔前,分别将试样放如试验箱,这样所有 的试样会连续接受相同的预热时间。高温下的预热试验应受严格限制,以防止过 硫和热老化。 注 3——警告:除其他警告外,应使用绝热、绝冷的手套以保护手不受高低温的 伤害。在高温实验时应使用面罩以防止实验箱门打开时吸入有毒气体。
第 1 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of厦门必锐产品技术服务有限公司(业务范围)第 2 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 3 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 4 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 5 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 6 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 7 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 8 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 9 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 10 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 11 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 12 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 13 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 14 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 15 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 16 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 17 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 18 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 19 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 20 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 21 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 22 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 23 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 24 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 25 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 26 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 27 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 28 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 29 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 30 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 31 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 32 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 33 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 34 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 35 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of第 36 页 共 37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope ofISO/IEC 17025 认可证书CNAS-PD20/09-B/3第37 页共37 页Should there be any inconsistencies between Chinese and English versions of the scope of accreditation,。
这些方法如下:测试方法A -亚玲状的和直截面的试样。
测试方法B -剪成环状的试样。
2. 参考文献2.1 ASTM标准:D 1349橡胶实践――测试的标准温度。
D 1566与橡胶有关的术语D 3128橡胶实践――混合标准化合物和预先准备标准的硫化片材料,设备和过程。
D 3183橡胶实践――从产品上才下来的用于测试目的预先准备好的片材。
D 3767橡胶实践――尺寸的测量D 4483橡胶和碳黑工业在测试方法标准上的决定精度的实践。
E 4测试机器上的力的校验2.2 ASTM附件圆环形的试样,B方法(D412)2.3 ISO 37硫化和热塑性性橡胶,拉伸应力特性的决定方法。
3. 专业术语3.1定义:3.1.1压缩形变――样品被拉伸后回复到特定的形状后剩下的延长率,用于与原来长度的比值的百分比计算。
(D 1566)3.1.2 断裂后的压缩形变――一种身长率的测试方法,是通过把在一点处断裂的两个哑铃状的片放好再测量它的身长率。
3.1.3 拉伸强度――把一个样品拉断时的的最大的拉伸应力。
(D 1566)3.1.4 拉伸应力――拉伸一个试样时的应力。
(D 1566)3.1.5 在给定身长率下的拉伸应力――把有相同截面积的试样拉伸到一个给定的伸长率时的应力。
橡胶和热塑性弹性体性能检测标准 对照表
GM4298P-1997 GMI60206-1998 GM9102P-1997
橡胶特性的测试方法 液体浸没时间的长 度变化
41 橡胶特性的测试方法 特定应力下的延伸
ASTM D14601986 2001)
弹性织物拉伸的试验方法(拉伸试验机的恒 速拉伸试验
ASTM297-1993 (2002)e2
ASTMD991-1989 (2005)
橡胶标准试验方法-热空气老化试验 GB/T3512-2001 ISO188--98 JISK6257-2003 ASTMD573-2004
24 硫化橡胶热氧老化试验方法 ( 管式仪法)
std 50417-2002
HESD 32001982
HESD 32001982
VDA675 235-1992
VDA675 225(缺)
std 50420
VDA675 241-1992 VDA675 242-1992
GB/T1233-1992 GB/T9869-1997
硫化橡胶低温脆性(单试样法、多试样法)的测 定
ASTM D412硫化橡胶和热塑性弹性体拉伸试验方法
名称:D 412—98a(2002年重新批准)硫化橡胶和热塑性弹性体——拉伸性能的标准实验方法希望采用本标准使用者在进行实验时,参照英文版本一起使用以便对译文提出建议并准确进行实验。
1. 范围1.1 这些方法是用来评估硫化橡胶和热塑性弹性体拉伸性能的程序。
1.2 在本实验中,数值的表达不管是以SI还是非SI为单位,都认为是标准的。
2. 参考资料2.1 ASTM 标准:D 1349 橡胶标准实验温度准则D 1566 与橡胶相关的术语D 3182 混合标准化合物和准备标准硫化橡胶片的材料,设备和程序准则D 3183 实验用产品片准备准则D 3767 橡胶尺寸测量准则D 4483 橡胶和黑烟末工业中标准实验方法的测量精度准则E 4 实验机器力检查准则2.2 ASTM 附件:剪切环形试样,方法B (D 412)2.3 ISO 标准:ISO 37 硫化橡胶,热缩性橡胶张应力性能3.1 术语3.1 定义3.1.1 张力设置——在试样被伸展之后所保留的延长长度,允许以规定方式缩进,以占原始长度的百分比来表达。
(D 1566)3.1.2 破裂后张力设置——通过把两破裂的哑铃体橡胶片破裂点放在一起进行测量。
(D 1566)3.1.3 抗拉强度——施加给试样使其破裂的张应力。
(D 1566)3.1.4 张应力——伸展试样的力。
(D 1566)3.1.5 一定延伸率的张应力——使试样均匀横截面伸展到给定延伸时所需要的力。
LP-Gas Hose液化石油气用软管
ASTM D2000 – 98C(出版日期1999-11-24,汽车工程师学会同意,SAE推荐J200)汽车橡胶产品分类系统标准*11.范围1.1本分类系统把用于汽车的橡胶产品(但不限于此)列表示出硫化橡胶(天然胶,再生胶,合成胶,单一或混合胶)的特性.注1.本分类系统可用于其他工业的需要,就象SAE的钢号一样.但必须记住:本系统服务于汽车工业.使用时请用最新版本.1.2本分类系统的前提是:所有橡胶制品的性质可以划分入特有的材料牌号.这些牌号被由基于耐热老化的TYPE(类别)和基于耐油溶胀CLASSES(等级),结合描述附加要求的值,从而建立基本的LEVELS(水平),这些值允许全面描述所有弹性材料的质量.1.3对于一件特殊产品,如果本分类系统的早先版本与具体规范有抵触,则以新版本为准.注2.当橡胶产品用于未被本分类系统描述的非常特殊用途,采购方应首先与供方磋商,建立适宜的特性,试验方法和规范试验界限.1.4在S1(译者注:国际单位)单元中陈述的值被视为标准.2.参考文件.2.1ASTM标准D395 橡胶性能试验方法----压缩变形;*2D412 硫化橡胶,热塑橡胶和热塑性弹性体试验方法—拉伸;*2D429 橡胶性能试验方法----与硬底层黏结;*2D430 橡胶老化试验方法-----动态寿命;*2D471 橡胶性能试验方法----液体效应; *2D573 橡胶试验方法----空气炉中老化; *2D575 橡胶压缩特性试验方法; *2D624 常规硫化橡胶和热塑性弹性体的撕裂强度试验方法; *2D865 橡胶试验方法----空气中热老化; *2D925 橡胶性能试验方法----表面瑕疵(接触,移动和扩散); *2D945 压缩或剪切中橡胶性能的试验方法(机械示波器); *2D1053 橡胶性能试验方法----低温硬化:柔性的聚合物和涂织物; *2D1171 橡胶老化试验方法----表面臭氧裂纹,室内和室外(三角试样) *2D1329 评价橡胶性能的试验方法---- 低温回弹(TR试验); *2D1349 橡胶实践----试验温度标准; *2D1418 橡胶和橡胶乳液的实践----术语; *2D2137 橡胶性能试验方法----柔性聚合物和涂织物的脆性点; *2D2240 橡胶性能试验方法----硬度; *2D3183 橡胶实践----用产品上取样的试样准备; *2D5964 橡胶实践----IRM902和IRM903替代ASTM 2号油和ASTM 3号油. *23.目的3.1本分类目录的目的是给工程师选择实际的,可行的橡胶材料,并进一步提供一个简单的”Line—Call—Out”规定材料牌号的方法.3.2本分类系统被发展成允许未来的橡胶材料增加叙述值,而不必完全重组分类系统,且方便结合未来的新试验方法,以保持与工业需求的改进同步.4.类别(Type)和等级(Class)4.1前缀字符“M”用于表示分类系统基于国际单位制(SI).注3“Call –out”不用字符”M”,他参考早先出版与1980年的”英寸—磅”制.4.2橡胶材料以类别(耐热)和等级(耐液)为基础进行设计.类别和等级用字母表示,见表1,表2和9.1中的图.4.3类别(Type)基于拉伸强度变化不大于±30%,伸长率变化不大于-50%,在相应的温度下保持70h,硬度(变化)不超过15点. 在该温度下决定这些材料的类型.按表1.4.4等级(Class)基于材料耐液性,是在ASTM 3号油中浸润70h,保持表1规定的温度,除非所有最高温度是150℃(稳定性上限),每个等级溶账的极限见表2.4.4.1在实践D5964 中ASTM 2号和3号油已分别被IRM902和IRM903油代替.这些油与ASTM 2号和3号油相似,但不相同.4.4.2由于其溶胀性不同,且可能影响化合物分类,IRM 902和IRM 903 代用ASTM 2号和3号油尚未确认. 表1表24.4.3择被理解为由等级建立的一些商务化合物可以期望的值.事实上,材料的类型和等级列表于表 6.在基本要求下,指示商业上可用的材料符合耐热和耐液的要求.4.5牌号字符后面总规定有一个3位数,规定其硬度和拉伸强度,例如505,其中第一位数表示硬度,例如5表示50±5,6表示60±5,后2位数表示最小拉伸强度,例如05表示5Mpa,14表示14Mpa.可用材料所要的硬度和拉伸强度的相对关系可从7.2节表6中获得.5.品级(Grade)号,后缀字符和数字5.1 品级(Grade)号因为基本要求并不能充分描述全部必要的要求,规定设立一个系列的前缀—品级号,描述偏离或附加要求. 品级号1,规定仅表示基本要求.除1以外的品级号表示偏离或附加要求,并列于”可用的前缀品级”,在表6中基本要求下的最后一列. 品级号A作为材料前缀写在类别和等级的前面(见9.1).5.2 后缀字符后缀字符可以和他们的含义一起使用.见表3.5.3验方法的一部分见表4.如果有第二位数,他表示试验温度,见表5.如果要用3位数,它们要用一个短划分开,例如-10;B4-10;F1-11等.b D1171的耐气候试验,历时6周.试验地区和季节由采购方和供方协商;c 用D1171的暴露于臭氧室的试验方法B;—0806 Tredon 邮政信箱5806分配.e 应该用蒸馏水.除非取消酒精,应该用加水的方法增加体积.当确定拉伸强度,延伸率和硬度变化时,在样品被浸润后,实验室充3/4水,30分钟后确定.在蒸馏水中冷却,取消丙酮.f 等量的蒸馏水和Reagant牌乙烯乙二醇.除非取消酒精,用增加水的方法配制.在确定改变拉伸强度,延伸率和硬度变化时,在样品被浸润后,试验管充3/4水.30分钟后确定. 在蒸馏水中冷却,取消丙酮g 规定的试验方法.表5 后缀b 室外试验情况下的环境温度.6.合成和制造。
D 412 硫化橡胶和热塑性弹性体拉伸试验方法1简述1.1本试验方法包括了硫化热固性橡胶和热塑性弹性体拉伸性能的评定方法。
1.2 基于SI或非SI的单位制均视为本标准的标准单位。
1.3 安全性2 引用文献D 1349 橡胶规范——试验标准温度D 1566 橡胶相关术语D 3182 橡胶规范——制取标准混炼胶和标准硫化试片的的材料、设备和操作步骤D 3183 橡胶规范——从成品上制备试片D 4483 橡胶与碳黑工业种标准试验方法的测量精度规范2.2 ASTM 附件环形试样的制取,方法B2.3 ISO 标准ISO 37 硫化或热塑性橡胶拉伸应力—应变性能的测定方法3 术语3.1 定义3.1.1 拉伸永久变形——试样在因一定作用下伸长后,在作用力解除的情况下其残余的变形,以原始长度的百分数表示。
3.1.2 扯断永久变形——将拉断后的哑铃试样以断面紧贴,测得的永久变形。
3.1.3 拉伸力——试样拉断过程中产生的最大力。
3.1.4 拉伸强度——拉伸试样时使用的应力3.1.5 定伸应力——规则截面的试样,拉伸到特定长度时产生的应力。
3.1.6 热塑性弹性体——一种类似与橡胶的材料,但与普通的硫化胶不同,他可象塑料一样的被加工和回收。
3.1.7 断裂伸长——在连续的拉伸过程中,试样发生断裂时的伸长率。
3.1.8 屈服点——在应力-应变曲线上,在试样最终的破坏前,关于应变的应力变化的速度变为0并且相反的点。
3.1.9 屈服应变——屈服点的应变的水平屈服应力——屈服点的应力的水平4 方法描述4.1 测定拉伸性能的试验,首先从样品材料上裁取试样,包括制样和试验两部分。
以下是一些与橡胶裁刀相关的ASTM标准:1.ASTM D5286 - 08(2018) "Standard Test Methods for RubberProperty—Vulcanization Using Oscillating Disk Cure Meter":该标准规定了使用振荡盘硫化仪测定橡胶硫化特性的测试方法。
2.ASTM D3767 - 19 "Standard Practice for Rubber—Measurement of Dimensions":该标准规定了测量橡胶制品尺寸的常用做法,可能涉及到裁刀的设计和使用。
3.ASTM D3194 - 16 "Standard Test Method for Rubber fromNatural Sources—Determination of Ash Content":该标准规定了测定天然橡胶中灰分含量的方法,这可能与橡胶裁刀的生产和使用相关。
4.ASTM D412 - 16 "Standard Test Methods for VulcanizedRubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers—Tension":该标准规定了在拉伸状态下测试橡胶和热塑性弹性体(弹性体)的方法,这可能与裁刀的强度和性能有关。
5.ASTM D2240 - 15e1 "Standard Test Method for RubberProperty—Durometer Hardness":该标准规定了测定橡胶的硬度的方法,硬度是一个可能与橡胶裁刀相关的性能指标。
astm d2-汽车橡胶产品分类系统标准-中文
ASTM D2000 – 98C(出版日期1999-11-24,汽车工程师学会同意,SAE推荐J200)汽车橡胶产品分类系统标准*11.范围1.1本分类系统把用于汽车的橡胶产品(但不限于此)列表示出硫化橡胶(天然胶,再生胶,合成胶,单一或混合胶)的特性.注1. 本分类系统可用于其他工业的需要,就象SAE的钢号一样.但必须记住:本系统服务于汽车工业.使用时请用最新版本.1.2本分类系统的前提是:所有橡胶制品的性质可以划分入特有的材料牌号.这些牌号被由基于耐热老化的TYPE(类别)和基于耐油溶胀CLASSES(等级),结合描述附加要求的值,从而建立基本的LEVELS(水平),这些值允许全面描述所有弹性材料的质量.1.3对于一件特殊产品,如果本分类系统的早先版本与具体规范有抵触,则以新版本为准.注2. 当橡胶产品用于未被本分类系统描述的非常特殊用途,采购方应首先与供方磋商,建立适宜的特性,试验方法和规范试验界限.1.4在S1(译者注:国际单位)单元中陈述的值被视为标准.2.参考文件.2.1ASTM标准D395 橡胶性能试验方法----压缩变形;*2D412 硫化橡胶,热塑橡胶和热塑性弹性体试验方法—拉伸;*2D429 橡胶性能试验方法----与硬底层黏结;*2D430 橡胶老化试验方法-----动态寿命;*2D471 橡胶性能试验方法----液体效应; *2D573 橡胶试验方法----空气炉中老化; *2D575 橡胶压缩特性试验方法; *2D624 常规硫化橡胶和热塑性弹性体的撕裂强度试验方法; *2D865 橡胶试验方法----空气中热老化; *2D925 橡胶性能试验方法----表面瑕疵(接触,移动和扩散); *2D945 压缩或剪切中橡胶性能的试验方法(机械示波器); *2D1053 橡胶性能试验方法----低温硬化:柔性的聚合物和涂织物; *2D1171 橡胶老化试验方法----表面臭氧裂纹,室内和室外(三角试样) *2D1329 评价橡胶性能的试验方法---- 低温回弹(TR试验); *2D1349 橡胶实践----试验温度标准; *2D1418 橡胶和橡胶乳液的实践----术语; *2D2137 橡胶性能试验方法----柔性聚合物和涂织物的脆性点; *2D2240 橡胶性能试验方法----硬度; *2D3183 橡胶实践----用产品上取样的试样准备; *2D5964 橡胶实践----IRM902和IRM903替代ASTM 2号油和ASTM 3号油. *2 3.目的3.1本分类目录的目的是给工程师选择实际的,可行的橡胶材料,并进一步提供一个简单的”Line—Call—Out”规定材料牌号的方法.3.2本分类系统被发展成允许未来的橡胶材料增加叙述值,而不必完全重组分类系统,且方便结合未来的新试验方法,以保持与工业需求的改进同步.4.类别(Type)和等级(Class)4.1前缀字符“M”用于表示分类系统基于国际单位制(SI).注3 “Call –out”不用字符”M”,他参考早先出版与1980年的”英寸—磅”制.4.2橡胶材料以类别(耐热)和等级(耐液)为基础进行设计.类别和等级用字母表示,见表1,表2和9.1中的图.4.3类别(Type)基于拉伸强度变化不大于±30%,伸长率变化不大于-50%,在相应的温度下保持70h,硬度(变化)不超过15点. 在该温度下决定这些材料的类型.按表1.4.4等级(Class)基于材料耐液性,是在ASTM 3号油中浸润70h,保持表1规定的温度,除非所有最高温度是150℃(稳定性上限),每个等级溶账的极限见表2.4.4.1在实践D5964 中ASTM 2号和3号油已分别被IRM902和IRM903油代替.这些油与ASTM 2号和3号油相似,但不相同.4.4.2由于其溶胀性不同,且可能影响化合物分类,IRM 902和IRM 903 代用ASTM 2号和3号油尚未确认.表1表2热性,同样,基于溶胀范围的选择被理解为由等级建立的一些商务化合物可以期望的值.事实上,材料的类型和等级列表于表 6.在基本要求下,指示商业上可用的材料符合耐热和耐液的要求.4.5牌号字符后面总规定有一个3位数,规定其硬度和拉伸强度,例如505,其中第一位数表示硬度,例如5表示50±5,6表示60±5,后2位数表示最小拉伸强度,例如05表示5Mpa,14表示14Mpa.可用材料所要的硬度和拉伸强度的相对关系可从7.2节表6中获得.5.品级(Grade)号,后缀字符和数字5.1 品级(Grade)号因为基本要求并不能充分描述全部必要的要求,规定设立一个系列的前缀—品级号,描述偏离或附加要求. 品级号1,规定仅表示基本要求.除1以外的品级号表示偏离或附加要求,并列于”可用的前缀品级”,在表6中基本要求下的最后一列. 品级号A作为材料前缀写在类别和等级的前面(见9.1).5.2 后缀字符后缀字符可以和他们的含义一起使用.见表3.示试验方法;试验次数作为试验方法的一部分见表4.如果有第二位数,他表示试验温度,见表5.如果要用3位数,它们要用一个短划分开,例如-10;B4-10;F1-11等.b D1171的耐气候试验,历时6周.试验地区和季节由采购方和供方协商;c 用D1171的暴露于臭氧室的试验方法B;—0806 Tredon 邮政信箱5806分配.e 应该用蒸馏水.除非取消酒精,应该用加水的方法增加体积.当确定拉伸强度,延伸率和硬度变化时,在样品被浸润后,实验室充3/4水,30分钟后确定.在蒸馏水中冷却,取消丙酮.f 等量的蒸馏水和Reagant牌乙烯乙二醇.除非取消酒精,用增加水的方法配制.在确定改变拉伸强度,延伸率和硬度变化时,在样品被浸润后,试验管充3/4水.30分钟后确定. 在蒸馏水中冷却,取消丙酮g 规定的试验方法.表5b 室外试验情况下的环境温度.6.合成和制造。
在进行常温下的拉伸试验时,需要根据具体橡胶制品的特性和用途选择合适的测试标准,常用的有GB/T 528-2009《橡胶和胶制品拉伸性能试验方法》和ASTM D412-06a《Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers-Tension》等。
而在进行高温下的拉伸试验时,则需要参照相应的热老化试验标准,如GB/T 3512-2001《橡胶老化试验方法》和ASTM D573-04《Standard Test Method for Rubber-Deterioration in an Air Oven》等。
ASTM D2000 – 98C(出版日期1999-11-24,汽车工程师学会同意,SAE推荐J200)汽车橡胶产品分类系统标准*11.范围1.1本分类系统把用于汽车的橡胶产品(但不限于此)列表示出硫化橡胶(天然胶,再生胶,合成胶,单一或混合胶)的特性.注1.本分类系统可用于其他工业的需要,就象SAE的钢号一样.但必须记住:本系统服务于汽车工业.使用时请用最新版本.1.2本分类系统的前提是:所有橡胶制品的性质可以划分入特有的材料牌号.这些牌号被由基于耐热老化的TYPE(类别)和基于耐油溶胀CLASSES(等级),结合描述附加要求的值,从而建立基本的LEVELS(水平),这些值允许全面描述所有弹性材料的质量.1.3对于一件特殊产品,如果本分类系统的早先版本与具体规范有抵触,则以新版本为准.注2.当橡胶产品用于未被本分类系统描述的非常特殊用途,采购方应首先与供方磋商,建立适宜的特性,试验方法和规范试验界限.1.4在S1(译者注:国际单位)单元中陈述的值被视为标准.2.参考文件.2.1ASTM标准D395 橡胶性能试验方法----压缩变形;*2D412 硫化橡胶,热塑橡胶和热塑性弹性体试验方法—拉伸;*2D429 橡胶性能试验方法----与硬底层黏结;*2D430 橡胶老化试验方法-----动态寿命;*2D471 橡胶性能试验方法----液体效应; *2D573 橡胶试验方法----空气炉中老化; *2D575 橡胶压缩特性试验方法; *2D624 常规硫化橡胶和热塑性弹性体的撕裂强度试验方法; *2D865 橡胶试验方法----空气中热老化; *2D925 橡胶性能试验方法----表面瑕疵(接触,移动和扩散); *2D945 压缩或剪切中橡胶性能的试验方法(机械示波器); *2D1053 橡胶性能试验方法----低温硬化:柔性的聚合物和涂织物; *2D1171 橡胶老化试验方法----表面臭氧裂纹,室内和室外(三角试样) *2D1329 评价橡胶性能的试验方法---- 低温回弹(TR试验); *2D1349 橡胶实践----试验温度标准; *2D1418 橡胶和橡胶乳液的实践----术语; *2D2137 橡胶性能试验方法----柔性聚合物和涂织物的脆性点; *2D2240 橡胶性能试验方法----硬度; *2D3183 橡胶实践----用产品上取样的试样准备; *2D5964 橡胶实践----IRM902和IRM903替代ASTM 2号油和ASTM 3号油. *23.目的3.1本分类目录的目的是给工程师选择实际的,可行的橡胶材料,并进一步提供一个简单的”Line—Call—Out”规定材料牌号的方法.3.2本分类系统被发展成允许未来的橡胶材料增加叙述值,而不必完全重组分类系统,且方便结合未来的新试验方法,以保持与工业需求的改进同步.4.类别(Type)和等级(Class)4.1前缀字符“M”用于表示分类系统基于国际单位制(SI).注3“Call –out”不用字符”M”,他参考早先出版与1980年的”英寸—磅”制.4.2橡胶材料以类别(耐热)和等级(耐液)为基础进行设计.类别和等级用字母表示,见表1,表2和9.1中的图.4.3类别(Type)基于拉伸强度变化不大于±30%,伸长率变化不大于-50%,在相应的温度下保持70h,硬度(变化)不超过15点. 在该温度下决定这些材料的类型.按表1.4.4等级(Class)基于材料耐液性,是在ASTM 3号油中浸润70h,保持表1规定的温度,除非所有最高温度是150℃(稳定性上限),每个等级溶账的极限见表2.4.4.1在实践D5964 中ASTM 2号和3号油已分别被IRM902和IRM903油代替.这些油与油尚未确认.表1表24.4.3溶胀范围的选择被理解为由等级建立的一些商务化合物可以期望的值.事实上,材料的类型和等级列表于表6.在基本要求下,指示商业上可用的材料符合耐热和耐液的要求.4.5牌号字符后面总规定有一个3位数,规定其硬度和拉伸强度,例如505,其中第一位数表示硬度,例如5表示50±5,6表示60±5,后2位数表示最小拉伸强度,例如05表示5Mpa,14表示14Mpa.可用材料所要的硬度和拉伸强度的相对关系可从7.2节表6中获得.5.品级(Grade)号,后缀字符和数字5.1 品级(Grade)号因为基本要求并不能充分描述全部必要的要求,规定设立一个系列的前缀—品级号,描述偏离或附加要求. 品级号1,规定仅表示基本要求.除1以外的品级号表示偏离或附加要求,并列于”可用的前缀品级”,在表6中基本要求下的最后一列. 品级号A作为材料前缀写在类别和等级的前面(见9.1).5.2 后缀字符后缀字符可以和他们的含义一起使用.见表3.5.3 后缀数字每一个后缀字符可以用其后的2位数字参考.其中第一位数表示试验方法;试验次数作为试验方法的一部分见表4.如果有第二位数,他表示试验温度,见表5.如果要用3位数,它们要用一个短划分开,例如-10;B4-10;F1-11等.b D1171的耐气候试验,历时6周.试验地区和季节由采购方和供方协商;c 用D1171的暴露于臭氧室的试验方法B;d ASTM 2号油和3号油已不能长期使用,他们分别被IRM 902号油和903号油代替,见4.4.1. ASTM 1号油,IRM 902和IRM903油可从美国洛杉矶华盛顿感大道4426号Penre Co.购买.也可以由NJ州08638—0806 Tredon 邮政信箱5806分配.e 应该用蒸馏水.除非取消酒精,应该用加水的方法增加体积.当确定拉伸强度,延伸率和硬度变化时,在样品被浸润后,实验室充3/4水,30分钟后确定.在蒸馏水中冷却,取消丙酮.取消丙酮g 规定的试验方法.表5b 室外试验情况下的环境温度.6.合成和制造。
ASTM D412-98a(2002)硫化橡胶、热塑橡胶和热塑合成橡胶的拉伸试验方法(中文版部分)
名称:D 412—98a(2002年重新批准)硫化橡胶和热塑性弹性体——拉伸性能的标准实验方法希望采用本标准使用者在进行实验时,参照英文版本一起使用以便对译文提出建议并准确进行实验。
1. 范围1.1 这些方法是用来评估硫化橡胶和热塑性弹性体拉伸性能的程序。
1.2 在本实验中,数值的表达不管是以SI还是非SI为单位,都认为是标准的。
2. 参考资料2.1 ASTM 标准:D 1349 橡胶标准实验温度准则D 1566 与橡胶相关的术语D 3182 混合标准化合物和准备标准硫化橡胶片的材料,设备和程序准则D 3183 实验用产品片准备准则D 3767 橡胶尺寸测量准则D 4483 橡胶和黑烟末工业中标准实验方法的测量精度准则E 4 实验机器力检查准则2.2 ASTM 附件:剪切环形试样,方法B (D 412)2.3 ISO 标准:ISO 37 硫化橡胶,热缩性橡胶张应力性能3.1 术语3.1 定义3.1.1 张力设置——在试样被伸展之后所保留的延长长度,允许以规定方式缩进,以占原始长度的百分比来表达。
(D 1566)3.1.2 破裂后张力设置——通过把两破裂的哑铃体橡胶片破裂点放在一起进行测量。
(D 1566)3.1.3 抗拉强度——施加给试样使其破裂的张应力。
(D 1566)3.1.4 张应力——伸展试样的力。
(D 1566)3.1.5 一定延伸率的张应力——使试样均匀横截面伸展到给定延伸时所需要的力。
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名称:D 412—98a(2002年重新批准)硫化橡胶和热塑性弹性体——拉伸性能的标准实验方法希望采用本标准使用者在进行实验时,参照英文版本一起使用以便对译文提出建议并准确进行实验。
1. 范围1.1 这些方法是用来评估硫化橡胶和热塑性弹性体拉伸性能的程序。
1.2 在本实验中,数值的表达不管是以SI还是非SI为单位,都认为是标准的。
2. 参考资料2.1 ASTM 标准:D 1349 橡胶标准实验温度准则D 1566 与橡胶相关的术语D 3182 混合标准化合物和准备标准硫化橡胶片的材料,设备和程序准则D 3183 实验用产品片准备准则D 3767 橡胶尺寸测量准则D 4483 橡胶和黑烟末工业中标准实验方法的测量精度准则E 4 实验机器力检查准则2.2 ASTM 附件:剪切环形试样,方法B (D 412)2.3 ISO 标准:ISO 37 硫化橡胶,热缩性橡胶张应力性能3.1 术语3.1 定义3.1.1 张力设置——在试样被伸展之后所保留的延长长度,允许以规定方式缩进,以占原始长度的百分比来表达。
(D 1566)3.1.2 破裂后张力设置——通过把两破裂的哑铃体橡胶片破裂点放在一起进行测量。
(D 1566)3.1.3 抗拉强度——施加给试样使其破裂的张应力。
(D 1566)3.1.4 张应力——伸展试样的力。
(D 1566)3.1.5 一定延伸率的张应力——使试样均匀横截面伸展到给定延伸时所需要的力。
(D 1566)3.1.6 热塑性弹性体——不同于传统硫化橡胶,与热塑性材料一样可以加工和循环使用。
3.1.7 最终延伸率——在持续张应力下试样发生破裂时的延伸。
3.1.8 屈服点——在应变曲线上的点。
(D 1566)3.1.9 屈服应变——在屈服点的张力水平。
(D 1566)3.1.10 屈服应力——在屈服点的应力水平。
(D 1566)4. 实验方法概要4.1 对抗拉性能的测量开始于从试样材料上取来实验橡胶片,包括试样的准备和试样的实验。
4.2 在试样对张应力,在给定延伸时的张应力,抗拉强度,屈服点和最后延伸进行测量。
4.3 在先前没有应力的试样被延伸和缩进后,进行张力设置测量。
5. 重要性和应用5.1 采用本实验方法的所有材料和产品在一定性能应用下必须能够耐张力。
5.2 张力性能取决于材料和实验条件(延长率,温度,湿度,样品几何形状,实验前的预备等等);因此在相同实验条件下材料必须进行比较。
5.3 温度和延长率对张力性能有实质性的影响,因此必须控制好。
5.4 张力设置表示部分永久性的和延长和收缩后部分恢复的残留变形。
6. 设备和仪器6.1 实验机器——张力实验必须在可以产生500±50 mm/min(20±2in./min)匀速速率的电力驱动机器上进行。
注释2——采用1000±100 mm/min(40±4in./min)的延伸率,在报道中标记速度。
如果有问题,则重复实验,采用500±50 mm/min(20±2in./min)的延伸率。
6.2 用来升温和降温的实验箱——实验箱必须符合以下的要求:6.2.1 空气可以以1—2m/s(3.3 to 6.6 ft/s)的速率在实验箱中流通,试样可以保持在2°C(3.6°F)。
6.2.2 在夹具或轴附近安装一个校准过的传感器来测量实际温度。
6.2.3 实验箱必须接有一个排气系统,向外界排放高温产生的烟。
6.2.4 实验之前必须制作用于在夹具或轴附近悬挂试样的装置。
6.2.5 在高温或低温下使用方便操作的快速工作夹具,可以在很短的时间内放置试样而不影响实验箱中的温度。
6.2.7 准备测量实验箱中试样延伸的装置。
6.3 千分尺——千分尺必须符合D 3767(方法A)准则的要求。
6.4 张力设置实验的仪器——在6.1中描述的实验机器或者与图1中所示类似的仪器。
图1拉力设置实验设备7. 试样的选择7.1 选择时考虑下列信息:7.1.1 由于在加工和准备过程中流动所形成的各向异性和纹理方向,可能对张力性能有一定的影响,所以哑铃体或直状的试样必须剪切,这样试样的纵向就与已知纹理方向平行了。
7.1.2 除非有其它规定,否则热塑性橡胶或热塑性弹性体试样或两者必须从注塑成型片或板上剪切厚度为3.0±0.3 mm。
7.1.3 通过分离夹具来测量环形试样的延伸,但是环形试样(沿)半径的宽度的延伸是不均匀的,为了减少这种影响,试样的宽度必须小于其直径。
7.1.4 如果在进行的延长至断裂实验中,直状试样趋向断裂,当准备另一类型试样不可行时采用直状试样。
7.1.5 使用的试样类型取决于材料,实验设备和所能够获得的试样。
8. 实验设备的校准8.1 按照E 4准则程序A对实验机器进行校准。
如果测力计是应变仪类型,则除E 4准则中7和18部分中是要求外,用一次或多次力来校准实验装置。
摆式测力计校准如下:8.1.1 把哑铃状试样的一终端放在实验机器上面的夹具上。
8.1.2 把较低的夹具从机器上移走,通过夹钳装置把哑铃状试样固定在上面的夹具上。
8.1.3 在试样卡紧装置较低的一端缚上一个吊钩。
8.1.4 在试样夹装置的吊钩上悬挂一个已知质量的块,方法是允许安装块临时放置在较低测试机夹具构架或支架上(注释2)8.1.5按照标准启动夹具分离电动机或机械装置,使其运行直到已知质量块在较高夹具上的试样附近自由悬挂。
8.1.6 如果刻度盘或数值范围不能显示在指定公差内的施加力,彻底检查有故障的测试机(如,在轴承可其它移动部位磨擦力过大)。
8.1.7 如果已解决了机器磨擦或其它故障,使用已知质量的块来产生大约测试机能力的10,20和50%的力至少在三点重新校准测试机,如在日常测试中使用棘爪或棘齿,则使用它们校准测试机,用上面的棘爪校准顶部的摩擦力。
8.2 使用一个弹性校准装置可以快速地校准测试机。
9.试验温度9.1 除非特别说明,否则试验的标准温度应为23 ±2°C (73.4 ±3.6°F)。
9.2 对于23°C (73.4°F)以上的温度,测试前根据方法A试样预先加热10±2分钟,方法B则为6±2分钟(见注释3)。
试样隔离放在实验箱中,其目的为了让一系列试样预热时间相同,在高温下预热时必须避免额外的硫化或热老化(警告——其它预防方法,除了在23°C (73.4°F)下测试为保护胳膊和手要戴耐热或冷的手套,高温下试验,室内门开着时,为防止吸入有毒气体,戴上面具是有必要的。
)9.3 在23°C (73.4°F)以下试验时,测试前放置至少10分钟。
试验方法A——哑铃状和直状试样10. 仪器10.1 模具——准备哑铃试样的模具形状和尺寸应符合图2所示要求。
面向横断面减缩的内部应垂直于切边组成的平面,并且磨光,它们之间的距离至少为5 mm (0.2 in.)的长度,模具在任一时间内都应锋利和无刻痕(见9.2)注释4——模具的条件取决于对断裂实验试样破裂点的研究。
10.2 基准点标记器——用于测量延伸或拉力而在实验样品上放置的两个标记叫“基准点”(见注释4)。
凸起平行物做标记的平面宽应在0.05和0.08 mm (0.002and 0.003 in.)之间,长至少15 mm (0.6 in.),平行标记表面与凸起平行物侧面部分之间的角度至少75°,两个平行凸起部分的中心或标记表面之间的距离应在所要求的1%之内或基准点之间的距离。
10.3 墨水敷抹器——一个平坦的坚硬表面(硬木,金属或塑料)可以墨水或粉末弄到基准点。