
幼儿英语课堂用语100句一、上课(Beginning a class)1. Stand up, please.2. Sit down, please.3. Class begins.二、问候(Greetings)1. Hello/Hi!2. Good morning!Good afternoon!3. How are you?Fine, thank you.4.Nice to meet you!/ Nice to see you!5. Give me a hug.6. Give me a kiss.三、考勤(Checking attendance)1. Who’s absent?2. Where’s Tom?3. Don’t be late.4. Go back,please..5. Come in, please.6. - What’s your name?- My name is Tom.- I'm Tom.7. -Are you Mary?-Yes, I’m Mary.四、提起注意(Directing attention)1. Ready?2. Clear?3. Understand? /Got it ?4. Volunteers?5. Look out !/Watch out !6. Be careful !7. Quiet, please.8. Look here.Look at me.9. -Attention !-1 2 !10. - Eyes on me !- Eyes on you !五、课堂活动(Classroom activities)Useful language1. Let’s begin. / Let’s start.Let’s do it .Let’s play.Let’s sing. / Let’s chant.Let’s learn it.2.Have a seat.3. Warm up time.4. Together!5. Review the words.6. Story time.7. In pairs, please.In a group, please.In groups, please.8. Now you, please.9. It’s your turn.10. Lines up.11. Turn around.12. Follow me.13. Repeat after me.14. Clap your hands.15. Stamp your feet.16. Open/Close your eyes.17. Come out.19. -Give me a book.-Here you are.20.Give me a five. Questions21. Whose turn?22. What’s this?23. What colour ?24. What number ?25. How many ?26. What do you like?Activities(Craft)27. Draw a cat.28. Find the number.29. Match it.30. Circle it.31. Colour the ball.32. Cut out.33. Glue on the …32. Trace it.34. Paste it on the picture.六、请求(Requests)1. Could you please try it again?2. Could you please try the next one?3. Can you help me?4. One more time,please.七、鼓励(Encouraging)1. Cool!2. Woo!3. Ouch!4. Bingo!5. Nice work6. A big kiss.7. A big hug.8. Try again.7. Much better!9. Outstanding!10. Do your best.11. Beautiful work.12. You are smart.13. OK./ That’s OK.14. Congratulations!15. Good. / Good job!16. Super!/ Super star!17. Good, thank you.18. Good job!/ Well done19. Don’t be afraid/shy/nervous.20.Excellent!/ Great!/ Very good.八、指令(Issuing a command)Useful language1. Repeat/Read after me, please.2. Look , Listen and repeat.3. Listen,point and repeat.4. Follow the words.5. In English, please.6. Remember it.7. Hurry!8. Slowly! / Fast(Quickly)!Actions9. Pass me the book./a pencil.10. Open the door. /Close the door.Open your books . /Close(Shut) your books, please.11. Touch the ground./Touch your nose( toes).12. Show me your pen( glue). /Show me your fingers.13. Put the book on the desk.14. Put up your hands, please./ Raise your hands, please. /Hands up!15. Put down your hands, please./ Hands down!16. Please take out your books.17. Clean up.18. Clean the blackboard.19. Come here, please.20.Stop here, please./Now, let’s stop.九、禁止和警告(Prohibition and warning)1. Stop talking.2. No kicking.3. No running.4. No fighting.5. No pushing.6. No yelling.十一、布置作业(Setting homework)1. Do your homework.2. Recite the new words.3. Write the letters 3 times.4. Listen to the tape.十二、下课(Dismissing the class)1. Time is up.2. Let’s stop here.3. Class is over.4. Goodbye./ Bye.5. See you.6. One by one.用于科普,若有不当之处,请指正!。

英文课堂指令seek; pursue; go/search/hanker after; crave; court; woo; go/run after教学指令整理归类一、课前问好、点名、复习问好Greeting1.Hello,boysandgirls/children.2.Goodmorning/afternoon,everyone/boysandgirls.3.Howareyoutoday4.Areyouallwellthismorning点名Roll-call1.Iseveryone/everybodyhere/present2.3.Isanyone/anybodyaway/absent4.Who’sabsent/away5.Whyishe/sheabsenttoday6.RightI’mgoingtocheckattendance.7.OKListenwhileIcallyournames.8.NowLet’sseewho’absent.9.Please/trytobeontime.10.Don’tbelatenexttime.预备Getready1.Classbegins.2.Nowlet’sbegin.3.Let’sgetreadyforclass.4.Timeforclass,let'sstart.5.Ready Nowwecanstart.6.Hi,areyouready let’sstart.7.Let’sstartanewlesson/Lesson18.Haveyougoteverythingreadyforclass9.Let’sstartnow./Let’sbeginourclass/lesson.复习Review1.Let’sreviewourles sons.2.Whatdidwelearnlastlesson3.Whatdidwetalkaboutlasttime二、课中命令、纪律、鼓励命令式1看Look1.Lookandlisten.2.Lookattheblackboard.2听Listen1.Listencarefully.2.Listentome,please.3动作motion1.Justtry.2.Takeasit.3.Thinkitover.4.Hereyouare.5.Handsdown.6.Standup,please.7.Sitdown,please.8.Putdownyourpens.9.Getreadyfordictation.etotheblackboard.11.Raiseyourhands,please.12.NowLet’shaveadictation.13.Gobacktoyourseat,please.14.Handinyourexercise-books.15.Payattentiontoyourpronunciation.4说Speak1.SayitinEnglish.2.PleaseSayitagain.3.Readafterme,please.4.Pleaseanswermyquestion.5.Explainthesentence,please.6.Louder,please./Speaklouder,please.5跟Follow1.Readygo2.Followme.3.Isay,youdo.4.Goon,please.5.Iask,youanswer.6.7.Let’shaveabreak.8.Let’sstartwiththetext.9.Pleasestopnow/Stophere.10.NowLet’stakeupanewlesson.11.Nowwearegoingtodosomethingnew.12.Let’sgooveritagain./Let’strythisagain./Let’sreadthesentencesoncemore13.6询问Ask1.Whatdoesthismean2.Whowillanswerthisquestion3.Willyouhaveatry /Whowantstotry /Anyvolunteers4.WhatistheEnglishfor“物理”5.6.Haveyoufinished /Didyoufindit /Isitcorrect7.Doyouknowsb./sthHaveyouheardofsb./sth8.9.Doyouhaveanyquestion /Anyquestions10.Ibegyourpardon /Couldyousayitagain11.Whoseturnisit /Whoisthenextone12.Anythingelse /Nomore /That'sall13.Doyouunderstand /Isthatclear /HaveImademyselfclear /Canyoufollowme /Areyouwithme 7回应Reply1.Good/Wonderful/Excellent/Fabulous/Fantastic2.Allright./That’sright.管理纪律Disciplinemanagement1.Pleasedon'twrite.2.Nomove./Notalking./Stoptalking.3.Attentionplease.4.Pleasebequiet.鼓励学生Encouragement1.Notbad.2.Welldone.3.Agoodanswer.4.Noproblem.5.Beactiveboysandgirls.6.Whocanhelpherorhim.7.That’smuchbetter./That'sbetter.8.That’sclose./That’salmostright.9.Verygood./Wonderful/Good/Excellent.10.Thatwasalittlebetter,butstillnotgoodenough.11.Don’tyouthinkyouhavemadesomeprogress12.13.Almostright,butyou’dbettercheckthemagain.14.Bebrave./Takeiteasy./Goon./Don'tbeshy./Comeon.15.That’snotquiteright,doesanybodyelseknowthecorrectanswer16.三、课后回顾本课、布置任务、道别1.Classisover.2.Somuchfortoday.3.Practiceafterclass.4.Whatdidyoulearntoday5.Itmustbedonebynextlesson.6.Goodbye./Bye./Seeyounexttime.7.Whocantellmewhatwelearnedtoday8.9.Forhomework,Iwantyoutofinishthis.。

英语课堂指令合集:1.Class begins. 开始上课啦。
2.Let’s begin our class. 让我们开始上课吧。
3.Are you ready? 你们准备好了吗?4.Let’s play a game. 让我们一起玩个游戏吧。
5.Let’s do our warm-up. 让我们一起做个热身吧。
6.Let’s have a review. 让我们一起复习吧。
7.I have a question for you.我有个问题要问你。
8.Who can try? I can try. 谁能试试呢?我可以试试。
9.Attention. One, two. 注意。
10.Sit down. Down, down, down. 坐好。
11.Go back to your seat. 回到你的座位上。
12.Hands up/down. 举手/放下。
13.Look at me! Follow me! 看我。
14.Listen to me carefully. 仔细听。
15.Let’s read it together/ one by one. 让我们一起读吧/一个人一个人读吧。
16.I will check you one by one.我要一个一个检查。
17.Read after me. 跟着我读。
18.One more time. 再来一次。
19.Do you have any question? 你有一些问题吗?20.Who can answer the question? 谁能回答我的问题?21.Do you understand? 你能理解吗?22.Are you clear? 你清楚了吗?23.Time is up. 时间到啦。
24.What a pity! 太遗憾了。
25.Sit well. 坐好。
26.Let’s do some exercises. 让我们做一些练习吧。

大班-英语课堂指令英文课堂用语(大班)一、问候语1. Hi! Everybody!嗨,大家好!2. Hello!你们好!3. Good morning/ afternoon/Evening!早上/下午好/晚上好!4. Good morning/good afternoon, class/everyone/boys and girls/Children!同学们,上午/下午好!5. How are you?你们好吗?Fine, thank you .我很好,谢谢你。
6. Nice to meet/see you.很高兴见到你们.Glad to meet you .见到你很高兴!Nice to see/meet you again.It’s nice to see you again.很高兴再次见到你们!7. Happy Children’s Day.儿童节快乐!8. Merry Christmas Day.圣诞节快乐!9. Happy Mid-Autumn Day.中秋快乐!10. Happy birthday to you!祝你生日快乐!11. Happy New Year!新年快乐!12. Happy Teachers’Day!教师节快乐!13.What’s your name?My name is Bobo.你叫什么名字?我叫Bobo。
Now, let me introduce myself.现在我介绍一下我自己。
14. Are you Andy ? Yes, I am .你是安迪吗?是的,我是。
15.Where is Andy?I am here.安迪在哪里?我在这里。
16. Give me a big hug .给我一个大大的拥抱。
17. You look so pretty today!你今天看上去真漂亮!18. What’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样啊?It’ssunny/rainy/cloudy/windy/snowy today.今天阳光灿烂/雨天/多云/有风/下雪。

(1). what to say when beginning a lesson1. Now it’s time for us to have class.2. Is that the first bell or the second bell?3. There goes the bell. Now class begins.4. Now let me call the roll.5. Let me check up on you.6. Is anybody absent today?7. Everyone is here except Bill.(student on duty)8. Excuse me for being late, Mr. Smith.(A student)9. Why is Bill absent?10. Please come earlier next time.11. Now let’s begin the new lesson.12. Please open your books and turn to page 9.13. Let’s get dow n to some work.(2). what to say when announcing the teaching plan1. We are going to take up a new lesson today.2. Today we’ll conduct the lesson in this way.3. To begin with, I want you to look at the dialogue on page 7.4. Before we take up the new lesson, we are going to review lesson 2.5. This is the 4th period on lesson6. In this period we’ll start with the revision of the first part of the text.6. The aim of this lesson is to teach the use of “some” and “any”.7. We shall have dictation first. Pay attention to the pronunciation and your handwriting.8. If we have time, we’ll have a short quiz.9. Where did we stop/leave off last time?(3). what to say when teaching phonetics1. Notice how my tongue touches my teeth.2. This is a front/central/back vowel.3. Your lips should be spread/loosely spread/rounded.4. Transcribe in phonetic symbols what you have heard.5. You’d better use the falling tone here.6. We must pay attention to sentence stress/sense groups/liaisons.7. Put some feeling into your reading.8. Your should not pause in the middle of a sense group..9. You’ve read quite well except for one place…10. You’ve mispronounced the word… Now listen to me carefully.11. Say…after me.(4). what to say when teaching new words1. The word can be used either as a noun or a verb.2. Can you spell the word “blackboard”?3. What does the word “…” mean?4. What does the “…” stand for in the lesson?5. What is the implied meaning of the word “…” in the context?6. Don’t confuse the phrase “be used to” with “used to”.7. Can you distinguish/tell the difference between …and…?8. Can you think of any word to replace it?9. Please tell me what part of speech the word “…”is.10. And do you know its adjective form?11. Now remember that the word “sheep” h as the same form in the singular as in the plural.12. The phrase “look out” here has another meaning. It’s a warming which means “be careful”.13. Please make a sentence with this phrase.14. Could you give the Chinese equivalent of the phrase?15. Give a synonym and an antonym for this word.16. Do you know another English word which means the same thing? (5). what to say when teaching the text1. Now the text. The short text is selected/ adapted from a shortstory/magazine/novel etc.2. I shall tell you something about the author’s life.3. I shall give you the general idea of the text.4. We’ll read this paragraph first and then explain the difficult sentences.5. Please analyze the second sentence in paragraph 2.6. Can you paraphrase this sentence?7. Can you retell this sentence in a way easy to understand?8. I think it can be understood from the context.9. Now I’ll read the text once more. Please listen carefully.10. Don’t hesitate to ask me, if anything is not clear.11. What’s the function of the clause introduced by “that” in this complex sentence?12. These two sentences are the same in form but different in function.13. What’s your impression of the story?14. Raise your hand if you can’t follow me.15. Say something about what you have learned from(about)the hero. (6). what to say when teaching grammar1. You should have used the future tense, not the present.2. The definite article has been left out here.3. You should not have made such a serious mistake.4. The predicate verb must agree with its subject in person and number.5. Let’s not forget the sequence tense.6. Point out the subject / the predicate / the object / the adverbial, etc.7. The first letter of a proper noun must be capitalized.8. what kind of verb is “get” here?9. It’s a link verb.10. Do not be confused about the usage of the past tense and the present perfect tense.11. Please explain why the order of the sentence is inverted.12. How does a gerund differ from a present participle?13. How about changing direct speech to indirect speech?14. Your sentence is grammatically correct, but idiomatically not. It should be…15. Can you replace the attributive clause with a participle phrase?(7). what to say when doing oral work1. Now let’s do the questions and answers on t he text in pairs.2. Listen carefully and see whether his answer is correct.3. Can you improve on his answer? / Can you make it better?4. Does anybody share his view?5. Now look at the pictures on page 34 and try to tell the story in your own words.6. Well, I’ll ask two students to give us a dialogue on this topic. Who will be the pair to speak?7. Use your imagination while talking about the pictures.8. Speak clearly so as to make yourself understood.9. Now we’ll have discussion. You’re supposed to say something about…10. How do you explain the idea in simple English?11. Would you like to / will you speak a bit louder?12. Certainly. / Yes, I will.13. Please speak a bit louder.(8). what to say when written exercise1. Copy them into your exercise books.2. Write sentences after the given model.3. Write a short passage using these phrases.4. What did you put for No.3?5. See if you can put the verb in the right form.6. Exchange papers with somebody nearby / your partner.7. Mark the right / wrong answer with a tick / cross.8. Give yourself one point for every correct answer.9. Which of the four choices best completes the sentence?10. C is the right choice. It fits the sentence idiomatically.11. Make sure to write them out clearly in your exercise book.12. Please hand in clear copies.13. You’ve make good progress. But there is still much room for improvement.14. You must strive to work harder; otherwise, you won’t be able to catch up with your classmates.(9). what to say when doing translation and composition work1. We’ll have translation exercises today.2. Can you translate it into English / Chinese for me?3. Translate from Chinese / English into English / Chinese.4. What’s wrong with this translation?5. Who can give a better version?6. Is the translation true to the original?7. Now let’s talk about how to write good compositions?8. You must work out an outline before writing.9. Make a draft first, then copy it into your composition books.10. Write a composition about 350 words.11. Write a composition about what you’ve learned from…(10). what to say when teaching handwriting1. Write it in block letters / in print / in italics / in capital letters / in small letters.2. Copy these words five times.3. Write on every other line.4. Your handwriting is illegible.5. Write more slowly and carefully. Don’t scribble.6. Write from memory the English alphabet.7. We start each new paragraph on a new line.8. To begin each sentence, we should capitalize the first letter of the first word.9. Don’t forget to put a full stop at the end of each sentence, or to put a question mark if it is a question.10. Make sure I can read your handwriting.11. I can’t make out your handwriting.12. Leave space between each word. I hope your exercise books will be clean and tidy.13. I’m afraid you will have to recopy it.(11). what to say when organizing blackboard activity1. Go / Come to the blackboard.2. Take a piece of chalk and write the sentence / word out.3. Write it next to / above / below that word.4. Try to keep your handwriting straight / level.5. Move out of the way so that everyone can see.6. Can you see anything wrong with sentence 4?7. Erase the last letter.8. Would you go and fetch some chalk for me, please?9. Where is the eraser / sponge / duster?10. Clean the blackboard, please.11. Leave the answers on the board. You didn’t do it well this time, did you?12. No, I didn’t. Let me try again.(12). what to say when organizing role playing1. Now let’s act out this conversation / li ttle play.2. Any volunteers? I’d like to act the part of …3. Who would like to be…? Come to the front, please.4. Mr. Wang, you play the role of …And the rest of you are audience. Any problems?5. Who would like to act the scene for us?6. try to manage without your book, please.7. Let’s rehearse first.8. Pretend that you are a teacher.9. I think we should clap.(13). what to say when teaching in the sound lab1. Now, first of all, I’d like you to get familiar with the machines you’re to use.2. So switch the machine on.3. Could you plug the recorder in, please?4. Pull the plug out of the wall. / Unplug the recorder.5. Check whether your microphone is switched on.6. Make sure your number counter is at zero.7. Press your call button if you have any problems.8. Listen carefully to the instructions.9. While listening, mark your answer sheet.10. Hang up your headphones before you leave.11. Pull down / Roll up the screen.12. I’m going to show you some slides of English.13. Adjust the focus, please.(14). what to say when controlling the classroom1. Eyes to the front, please.2. Look at me / the backboard.3. Pay attention now. / Could I have your attention?4. May I have your attention, please?5. Try to concentrate now.6. Silence / Attention, please.7. Don’t shout / make any noise.8. Settle down, all of you.9. Don’t keep turning around.10. Stop fidgeting / messing around / playing the fool.11. Behave yourself.12. Word in twos / pairs / threes / fours, etc.13. Form into groups of three, etc.14. Work on your own. / Everybody works individually.15. No cheating / peeping / whispering.(15). what to say when giving assignments or dismissing class1. Now for your homework. Please do Exercises 5 on page 41 in you exercise books.2. For today’s homework, make sentences out of the words on the blackboard.3. Learn the text by heart and do the exercises on page 20.4. Your homework today is to prepare the last two paragraphs for Monday.5. Finish this off at home.6. Hand in your exercise books tomorrow.7. I’m not going to give you any homework this time.8. We’ll leave off here today.9. Class (is) dismissed.10. Let’s have a break.11. See you tomorrow / next week / on Wednesday.。

幼儿园英语教师课堂用语欢迎和问候- Good morning/afternoon, children! 早上/下午好,孩子们!- How are you today? 你们今天好吗?- I'm happy to see you all. 我很高兴见到你们。
- Let's start our English class. 让我们开始我们的英语课。
课堂指令- Please sit down. 请坐下。
- Raise your hand if you want to speak. 如果你想说话,请举手。
- Pay attention, please. 请注意。
- Repeat after me. 跟我重复。
- Stand up, please. 请站起来。
- Walk quietly. 安静地走路。
问答和回答- What's your name? 你叫什么名字?- How old are you? 你几岁了?- Can you spell your name? 你会拼写你的名字吗?- What's your favorite color/animal/food? 你最喜欢的颜色/动物/食物是什么?- What do you like to do in your free time? 你在空闲时间喜欢做什么?- Can you count to ten? 你会数到十吗?- How many fingers do you have? 你有几根手指?- Do you like English? 你喜欢英语吗?教学用语- Today, we are going to learn about... 今天我们要研究关于...- Let's sing a song. 让我们唱一首歌。
- Listen and repeat. 听一听,然后跟着重复。
- Can you say it louder? 你可以大声说吗?- Let's practice together. 让我们一起练。

幼儿园英语课堂用语一、问候语1. Hi!你好!2. Hello!你好!3. Good morning.早上好。
4. Good afternoon.下午好。
5. Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。
6. -How are you?你好吗?-I am fine, thank you.我很好,谢谢。
-Oh just-so-so.一般般。
-It’s terrible。
7. Please say good-bye to your mommy and daddy.请和爸爸、妈妈说再见。
二、户外口令用语1、It’s time for morning exercises.早操时间到了。
2、Line up, please.请排好队。
3、One by one.一个接一个。
4、Attention!立正!5、Follow me.跟我做。
6、No pushing.不要挤。
7、Let's do morning exercise.让我们做早操。
8、Two lines.请排两列纵队。
9|、Let's have a rest.让我们休息一下。
10、Let’s go back to the classroom.让我们回教室吧。
-Ok. Let’s go.好吧。
三、就餐用语1、It’s time for breakfast.吃早餐的时间到了。
2、It’s time for lunch.吃午餐的时间到了。
3、It’s time for snack.吃零食的时间到了。
4、Have breakfast.吃早餐了。
5、Have lunch.吃午餐了。
6、Drink some milk.喝一些牛奶吧。
7. -Do you want some more?你还想再来一些什么吗?- No, thank you.不,谢谢。
8 -Are you thirsty?你渴吗?-Yes, I am.是的,我渴-No, I am not.不,我不渴。

M 幼⼉园常⽤英语1. Are you ready? 准备好了吗?2. Let’s start. 让我们开始。
3. Who can tell me? / Who can answer me\\? 谁能告诉我?谁能回答?4. Look at me. 看着我。
5. Look at the blackboard. 看⿊板。
6. Be quite. / Keep quite. 保持安静。
7. Sit well. / Sit nicely. 坐好。
8. Put up your hand. / Put down your hand. 把⼿举起来 / 把⼿放下。
9. Stop talking. 别说话。
10. Is that clear? / Do you understand? 清楚了么?你明⽩吗?11. Read with me. 和我⼀起读。
12. Return to your seat. 回座位。
13. Stand up. / Sit down. 起⽴ / 坐下。
14. Listen carefully. 仔细听。
15. Listen to me. / Listen to the music. 听我说 / 听⾳乐。
16. Say it in English. ⽤英语说。
17. Do you know? 你知道吗?18. Let’s play a game. 让我们来做游戏。
19. Let’s write / draw something. 让我们来写点什麽 / 画点什麽。
20. Let’s dancing / singing. 让我们来跳舞唱歌。
21. Let’s listen to a story. 让我们听个故事。
22. Let’s listen to the tape. 让我们听磁带。
23. Let’s watch TV / a play. 让我们看电视 / 看表演。

幼儿英语完整课堂指令一,Greeting1.How are you? How was your weekend?How was your holiday?示范回答:I’m good.(happy, sad, hungry) It was good.(happy, tired, boring)2.Greeting chant (制作一个表格,如:a hug, high five, shake hands让同学们选择一样来跟你打招呼或者跟同学打招呼。
)一,引导同学们把书包放下(put your bags behind your chairs, put your bags on your table)接下来就是拿出指定的书(take out your books and put them on your table.)如果有水瓶(water bottle)也要放在指定位置(put your water bottle on the table, please),因为放在凳子下面小朋友们会分心。
”(I want some water/water, teacher) .如果大一点的孩子需要交作业。
(please hand in your homework/please hand in your homework on the teacher’s table)交完作业之后,please set down.listen to the teacher/listen and look.(配合手势)老师反复说指令,让学生形成条件反射。
还有一些指令(raise your hand/raise your left hand/raise your right hand)(set nicely/set properly)(who wanna try?let me try)如果有热身活动(warm up)指令有stand up please,make a circle, sing a song. Stand in a line(排成一条线,可以用手势指出是横线还是竖线)而stand in line是排队的意思。

英语课堂纪律小口令1. 'Eyes on me.' 这是常用的国际教学用语,一般是教师站在教室前面,以正式的语气说出这句话,学生听到之后就应该停止手头的活动,向前看,静静等待教师的指令。
2. 'Hands on your head.' 这是一个有效的控制课堂秩序的口令,它可以让学生把注意力集中在课堂上,避免分心。
3. 'Thumbs up/Thumbs down.' 这是评估学生对问题理解情况的简单方式。
4. 'Repeat after me.' 这个常用的口令可以让教师在课堂上强调一些关键词汇和句子。
5. 'One, two, three, eyes on me.' 与'Eyes on me.'相似,但这个口令更具有趣味性和互动性,教师可以先念出数字,而学生则赢过教师,同时静下来等待指令。
6. 'Clap once if you can hear me.'学生在听到这个口令后应该鼓掌一次表明自己已经听到了老师的话。
7. 'Freeze.' 这种口令会让学生瞬间冻结,停止所有的活动,比如说站在原地或坐在座位上。
8. 'Touch your nose.' 这是一个简单而有趣的口令,可以帮助学生集中精力,进一步加强听课能力。
9. 'Stand up, sit down.' 教师可以在课堂上使用这种口令来与学生互动。

比如,“Stand up, please.”(请站起来),“Sit down, please.”(请坐下),“Raise your hand.”(举手)等。
比如,“Let’s read together.”(让我们一起读),“Repeat after me.”(跟我重复),“Can you answer this question?”(你能回答这个问题吗?)等。
比如,“That’s not correct. Try again.”(那不对,请再试一次),“Pay attention to the pronunciation.”(注意发音),“You need to work harder on this.”(你需要在这方面更努力)等。
比如,“Let’s review what we have learned today.”(让我们复习一下今天学到的内容),“Your homework is to finish this exercise.”(你们的作业是完成这道练习)等。

英语课堂指令常用口语以下是一些英语课堂常用的口语指令:1. Good morning/afternoon/evening, everyone. (大家早上好/下午好/晚上好。
)2. Please take your seats. (请就座。
)3. Open your textbook to page... (翻开书到第……页。
)4. Let's begin/start. (让我们开始。
)5. Pay attention, please. (请注意。
)6. Listen carefully. (请仔细听。
)7. Repeat after me. (跟我重复。
)8. Work in pairs/groups. (两人/小组合作。
)9. Discuss with your partner. (和你的搭档讨论。
)10. Raise your hand if you have a question. (有问题请举手。
)11. Who can volunteer to answer? (谁愿意回答?)12. Let's share our ideas. (让我们分享想法。
)13. Write down the answer. (把答案写下来。
)14. Take turns, please. (轮流发言。
)15. Give a presentation. (做一个演讲。
)16. Time is up. (时间到了。
)17. Put your pens/pencils down. (放下你的笔。
)18. Let's review what we have learned today. (让我们回顾一下今天学到的内容。
)19. Homework is assigned. (布置作业。
)20. Class dismissed. (下课。

英语教学指令汇总1. Listen carefully. - 仔细听。
2. Pay attention. - 注意。
3. Repeat after me. - 跟我重复。
4. Can you hear me? - 你能听到我说话吗?5. Speak up, please. - 请大声说。
6. Ask questions if you don't understand. - 如果你不明白,就提问。
7. Work in pairs/groups. - 分成两人/小组合作。
8. Read the text aloud. - 大声朗读课文。
9. Write down the answers. - 写下答案。
10. Practice speaking with a partner. - 和伙伴练习口语。
11. Discuss in small groups. - 分小组进行讨论。
12. Present your findings to the class. - 将你的发现呈现给全班。
13. Take turns. - 轮流进行。
14. Work on your own. - 自己完成。
15. Use the dictionary. - 使用字典。
16. Use gestures to support your speech. - 使用手势来支持你的说话。
17. Use the correct grammar tense. - 使用正确的语法时态。
18. Give examples. - 给出示例。
19. Summarize what you've learned. - 总结你所学的内容。
20. Do the exercises. - 完成练习。
21. Peer edit each other's work. - 互相编辑对方的作品。
22. Share your ideas with the class. - 与全班分享你的想法。

幼师英语常用口令seek; pursue; go/search/hanker after; crave; court; woo; go/run after幼儿英语教师常用课堂用语255句问候 10句Good morning. 早上好Good afternoon. 下午好Good morning, class. 同学们早上好Hello, everyone 大家好Nice to meetsee you 很高兴见到你Glad to meet you 很高兴见到你How are you today 你好吗I’m OK 我很好/ Fine, Thank you. And you很好,谢谢,你呢Are you happy today你今天高兴吗Yes,I’m happy.是的,我很高兴.课程开始及休息 19句It's time for class.上课的时间到了.Let's begin our class.开始上课.Let's start.开始.Shall we begin Yes, let's begin.我们开始吧好,我们开始.Please look at me.请看我.Let's have a break.我们休息一下.Let's have a rest.我们休息一下.Break time.休息时间.Time is up.时间到.What’s wrong with youYou don’t look well. 你怎么了你看起来不太好.Please go to the bathroom, one by one. 排好队去洗手间.Be careful The floor is wet. 小心,地面是湿的.Please wash your hands. 请洗手.Soap your hands down. 在手上摸肥皂.Take down the towel and wipe your hands. 摘下毛巾擦擦手. Put up your towel. 把你的毛巾挂好.Save water,please. 请节约用水.Please take your cup and get some water. 请拿杯子接水. Let’s drink some water/milk. 我们喝点水/牛奶吧.结束课程 23句That's all for today今天就到这儿.We stop here.我们到此结束.Let's call it a day.今天就到这儿.Class is over.下课.Goodbye everyone大家再见.See you next time.下次见.See you later.回头见Goodbye. / Bye-bye.再见.Give me a hug.拥抱一下.Let's sing the "goodbye" song together.我们一起来唱“再见歌”.Please bring…tomorrow morning. 请记得明天把……带来. Take your schoolbag with you. 带上你的书包.Say “Good-bye”to me/your classmates. 跟我/你的同学说再见.Is everyone here 每个人都在吗When teacher calls your name, please stand up and say “Here.”老师叫到你的名字,请站起来说“到”.Do you remember your name还记得你们的名字吗Is ______ here______在吗Here到Who is not here谁没有到呢______ is not here._______没到.Why do you late 为什么迟到What's the matter发生了什么事情Come in, please.请进.游戏及活动用语-123句Let's play a game.我们玩游戏吧.Let's begin./start.我们开始.Are you ready准备好了吗One, two, three, go一、二、三,开始Who is the first one谁是第一名I'm the first one.我是第一名.Who is winner 谁赢了.We are the winners我们赢了.Who wants to try谁愿意来试一试It's your turn.轮到你了.Please follow me.请跟我学.Watch me看我I will divide you into two teams.我要把你们分成两组. You are the APPLE team.你们是“苹果”组.Really 真的吗Are you sure肯定吗Teacher, me学生语老师,叫我When I say your name, please stand up.当我说到你的名字,请站起来.Let's count. “one, two, three~~”我们一起数:一、二、三Louder, please.请大声点.Let's form a line.我们排成一排.Let's make a circle.我们围个圈.Try again再试一次游戏及活动用语-223句Better luck next time.下次好运.Don't feel bad. You will win next time.别难过,你下次会赢的.Quickly快Hurry up赶快Take it easy慢慢来Be careful小心Come on加油Let's jump.我们一起跳.That's it Keep going就是这样继续Let's run.我们一起跑.Let's hop.我们一起单腿跳.Let's walk.我们一起走.Let's hold hands.我们一起手拉手.Let's stop.我们停.Clap your hands.拍手.Stamp your feet.跺脚.Raise your hands.举手.Wave your arms.摆臂.Turn left/ right./round. 向左/右转.转身.Arms out. Arms in. 两臂外伸.两臂放下.Let’s play on the seesaw/swing/slide/junglegym. 我们一起玩翘翘板/秋千/滑梯/攀登架.Are you tired We are all tired. 你们累了吗我们都累了. Show me your left hand.让我看看你的左手.游戏及活动用语-320句Stretch your legs.伸伸腿.Stretch your arms.伸伸胳膊.Nod your head.点点头.Shake your head.摇摇头.Hands down.手放下去.Put up your hand.举起手.Put down your hand.放下手.Pick up the cards.拿起卡片.Point to the cards.指着卡片.Who can tell me谁能告诉我Who can answer my question谁能回答我的问题What else还有呢Let's watch TV.我们看电视.Do you understand明白了吗Anything else 还有什么吗I agree with you. 我同意你的想法Please say in English.请用英语说.Line up.排好队.Please say it one by one.请一个一个地说. Paper, scissors, rock.石头、剪刀、布猜拳游戏课堂规则及组织23句Please stop talking.请不要讲话.Listen carefully.注意听.Please be quiet.请安静.Think it over and try again. 想一想,再试一次.Try your best. /Do your best. 请尽力.Don’ be afraid./ shy. 不要害怕/害羞.Be quiet, please. 请安静.Help each other, please. 请互相帮助.Please open your books. 请打开书.Please close your books. 请合上书.Please turn to page X . 请翻到第X页.Repeat, please./ Repeat after me. 跟我重复.Once more, please./ One more time, please. 请再来一遍. Stop now, please./ Stop here, please. 请停下.Let’s listen to a song, please clap your hands. 让我们来听一首歌,请拍手.Please go back to your seat. 请回到你的座位上去.Don’t worry about it. 别着急.No problem. 没问题Guess, what’s inside 猜一猜,里面有什么Pass it, one by one.一个一个往下传.Act with the music. 随着音乐做动作X and X , please exchange your seats. 请X和X交换一下座位.Let’s clap hands for X . 让我们为X鼓掌.表扬及鼓励用语-117句Good好Pretty good非常好Very good非常好Good job干的不错Good boy/girl好孩子Good idea.好主意.Excellent真棒Supper超级棒Amazing太神奇了You are amazing你真是太神奇了Well done干的好Very nice非常好Nice try不错的尝试Nice job干的好Wonderful真棒Wonderful job干得真棒You are wonderful你太棒了表扬及鼓励用语-219句Beautiful真漂亮Lovely真可爱Pretty真漂亮You look so lovely/pretty/nice today.你今天看起来真可爱/漂亮/棒Not bad不错You can do it.你能行Brilliant真精彩Brilliant job干的太精彩了Brilliant idea精彩的点子You are smart你真聪明Great太棒了You are great你太棒了It looks great看起来太棒了Cool真酷You are so cool.你真酷I agree.我同意.I agree with you.我同意你说的话.Really Wow真的太棒了.Fantastic太棒了生活常规-127句What’s your name你叫什么名字My name is….我叫……How old are you你几岁了I’m…..我…岁了.Where are you from你来自哪里I’m from Changsha.我来自长沙.What’s the weather like today今天天气怎样It’s sunny/rainy/cloudy/windy .晴天/雨天/阴天/有风的天. Welcome to Nobel Cradle kindergarten 欢迎来到诺贝尔摇篮幼稚园.This way, please 请往这边走.I like singing .我喜欢唱歌.I am Chinese .我是中国人.It's time for lunch.午饭的时间到了.Good night晚安Put on your clothes穿上衣服.Don't grab my hair别抓我的头发Get your things done up. 把你的东西收拾好.Get your clothes neat. 把衣服整理好.Please tuck your shirt into your trousers. 请把衬衣塞到裤子里.Put away your toys把玩具放好Don't play with scissors, please.不要玩剪刀Oh, dear噢,天那Don't litter不要乱扔垃圾What a mess真是乱啊Clean it up打扫干净Where are you 你在哪儿There you are.你在这儿.Your sleeves are wet.你的袖子湿了生活常规-217句Who started this谁先起头的I want to know everything.我想知道所有的情况I saw you hit him. Say"Sorry"我看到你先打的他,说“对不起”Stop fighting.别打了Take turns.轮流来Play nicely together, OK好好一起玩,好吗Share your toys, OK 跟大家分享你的玩具,好吗Are you OK你还好吗Don't cry别哭Look out注意了Let’s play with the ball. 我们一起玩球吧.Good catch球接得好Let's go outside我们到外面去Peek Peek Peekaboo藏藏藏猫猫Peek Peek I see you藏藏我看到你了Let's play hide-and-seek我们玩捉迷藏吧Found you抓到你了进餐19句Are you hungry饿了吧It’s time for breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack. 该吃早饭/午饭/晚饭/点心了.Let’s see what is for breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack.让我们看看早饭/午饭/晚饭/点心吃什么.We will have…我们吃……Give out the bowls/chopsticks/plates/spoons, please. 请发碗/筷子/碟子/勺子.Clean the table, please.请擦桌子.Hold your bowl. 扶好碗.Be careful The soup is hot. Blow and then have it. 小心,这汤很烫.吹吹再喝.Please keep the table clean. 请保持桌面干净.Try to finish everything. 努力把所有的东西都吃干净.Please clean up your spills.请大家把掉在桌上的东西收拾干净.Please put the bones on the plate.请把骨头/鱼刺放到盘子里. It’s yummy/nice/delicious 真好吃It’s good for your growth. 这很营养,能帮助你长高.Who wants more rice/soup/dish 谁还要米饭/汤/菜.What about you And you 你呢Have you finished 吃完了吗Please hand you bowl here. 请把你的碗送过来.Clean your mouth, please. 请擦嘴.入寝15句It’s time to take a nap. 睡午觉的时间到了.Take off your shoes. 脱鞋.Take off your clothes. 脱衣服.Fold your clothes/quilt up. 把衣服/被子叠好.Put your shoes in order. 把鞋子放好.Cover yourself with the quilt. 被子盖好.No biting the quilt. 别咬被子.Close your eyes, and have a good dream. 闭上眼睛,做个好梦. Wake up, please. 请醒醒.Get up, please. 起床Dress yourself, please. 请自己穿好衣服.Put on your shoes. 穿上鞋.Put on your clothes. 穿上衣服.Tie your shoes. 系好鞋带.Can I help you 需要帮助吗。

9.Payattention,please.10.That’senough.互动交流1.What’syourname?你叫什么名字?2.Howoldareyou?你多大了?3.Whereareyoufrom?你来自哪里?4.Whatcolorisit?它是什么颜色的?5.What’sthis?这是什么?6.Canyoushowme?你可以给我展示一下吗?7.Canyouhelpme?你可以帮助我吗?8.Idon’tunderstand. 我不懂。
9.Canyourepeatthat? 你可以重复一遍吗?10.That’sgreat!太棒了!1.Let’splayagame.我们来玩游戏。
2.Ready,steady,go!准备,steady,开始!3.One,two,three,jump! 一,二,三,跳!4.Whowantstotry?谁想尝试?5.Let’scounttogether. 我们一起数。
8.Dancewithme!和我一起跳舞!9.Let’sdrawapicture. 我们来画画。

幼儿园常用英语指令一、对答指令1、T:Eyes on me. 小眼睛看我。
C:Eyes on you. 小眼睛看你。
2、T:Little mouth. 小嘴巴。
C:No voice. 没声音。
3、T:L et’s clap our hands. 小手拍起来。
C:One two three four five. 一、二、三、四、五。
4、T:L et’s go. 让我们出发吧!C:Go, go, go.5、T:Attention. 立正/请注意。
C:One, two.6、T:Who can try? 谁能来试试?C:Let me try. 让我来。
7、T:Stand up. 站起来。
/ sit down. 坐下。
C:One, two.8、T:Hands up. 举起小手。
/ hands down. 放下小手C:Yes, madam.9、T:Hand in hand. 小手牵起来。
C:One, two.10、T:Are you ready? 准备好了吗?C:Yes, yes, go.11、C:Thank you. 谢谢T:Not at all/You’re wele. 不用谢二、教师指令1、No hitting. 不要打人。
2、No pushing.不要推人。
3、No running.不要跑。
4、Read after me. 跟我读。
5、No shouting. 不要大叫。
6、e here. 过来。
7、Go back .回去。
8、Wait a moment.等一等。
9、Here you are. 给你。
10、Hurry up / Quickly. 快点。
11、Be quiet. 请安静12、Be good . 要乖哦!13、Be careful. 小心点!14、Line up one by one. 请排一条队。
15、Line up two by two. 两人手拉手排队。
15、play play play a game. 玩游戏。

9. T: Listen with your Ss: Ears10. T: Do, re, mi Ss: Mi, re, do Commands in English Classes(T: teacher Ss: students)I Greeting1. T: Good morning/Good afternoon/Hi/Hello, boys and girls! /Good byeeveryone !Ss: Good morning/Good afternoon/Hi/Hello,3. T/ Ss: Nice to meet you. T/ Ss: I4. T: Class begins!5. T: Stand up6. T: Sit down.II Attract children1. T: One two three2. T: Listen3. T: CCC4. T: Listen to the tape5. T: Ear ear ear6. T: Little eyesSs: Stand up. Ss: Up up stand up Ss: Down down sit down. s attention: Ss: Sit up straight Ss: Listen to Miss Lin Ss: Listen listen listen Ss: Look at me 7. T: Listen carefully and keep quiet! (Say with some actions)8. T: Listen to me carefully2. T/ Ss: How are you?T/ Ss: I teacher! /Good bye Miss Li! m fine. /I ' m very well. Ss: Sh- ( 手放在嘴唇上,表示闭嘴 )6. T: Everyone twice! One two go!7. T: Please think it over and try your best. 16. T: Look at the blackboard17. T: Please be quiet! / Please keep silent!18. T: Mouth, mouth. Ss: “Sh-”, “sh- ”, “sh- ”19. T: Clap clap clap (clap代表拍手 ) Ss: Sh- 20. T: Sh-! Sh-! Stop that noise!21. T: Catch my voice, stop that noise!23. T: Keep silence!24. T: One two three Ss: A B CIII Instructions for activities:1. T: Boys and girls2. T: Ready, ready3. T: One two go! / Ready? Go!4. T: Change change changeSs: One by one5. T: One more time, please!11. T: Mi, re, doSs: Do, re, mi 12. T: Big big eyes13. T: Eyes eyes eyes14. T: Four five sixSs: Shine shine shine Ss: Look look look Ss: See see see 15. T: BBBSs: Look at Miss Lin 22. T: Little mouths don t make sounds.Ss: Yes? Ss: Go, go, go9. T: Try again!T: Will you try? T: Any volunteers? T: Next, please. T: Go on, please. T: Follow me Ss: Follow you T: Open your books and turn to page …Ss: Page T: Take out your rulers and your pens Ss: Rulers and pens T: Train, train, train Ss: One by one / Two by two T: Train, train, train Ss: Here it is. T: Put your things away T: Be quite! Be quick! T: No talking! T: Write with your Ss: HandsT: Say after me! / Read after me, please!T: Big big mouth Ss: Loud loud loud T: Speak with your Ss: Mouth T: Let 's sing / chant / play a game together. T: Come to the front T: Come to the blackboard T: Go back to your seat (seats) 23. 8. T: Who wants to try?Ss: Me! / Let me try!30. T: Look at the slide31. T: Don ' t be afraid.32. T: Don ' t be nervous.33. T: Take it easy34. T: Read by yourselvesIV Cooperation and communication1. T: Work in pairs2. T: Work in groups3. T: Now it 's your turn.4. T: Time is up.5. T: Discuss with your partners6. T: Let 's give him/her a hand. Ss: Good, good, you are verygood!7. T: Make dialogue/conversation!8. Ss: Partner, partner, Where ' s my partner? Ss: Here, here, I 'm your partner! V Learn on net1. T: Open your computers. Please be quick. Ss: Quick, quick, quick2. T: Use your mouse and click. Ss: Click, click, click3. T: Try to follow the computer and Ss: Learn learn learn4. T: Turn on your computers5. T: Turn off your computer.6. T: ABC ( open the computer )/ONE TWO THREE7. T: ONE TWO THRE (E close the computer ) /ABC8. T: Open your screen Ss: Ok9. T: Close your screen Ss: Close10. T: Put on your earphones and learn from the net11. T: Put down your earphones1. T: Let 's act it out.2. T: Please act out what you have learned on the computer.3. T: Come here and act out the VII Evaluation 1. T/ Ss: Great! / Good! / Very good! / Excellent! / Well done! / Good job!/ Good work!2. T/ Ss: Good, good, you are very good!3. T: Clever boy! /girl!4. T/ Ss: Hey, hey, good boy/girl5. T/ Ss: Good, good, very good.以上英语口令的汇总,感谢以下学校给予大力支持:环市路小学、培正小学、大 沙头小学、桂花岗小学、东风东路小学、番禺市桥中心小学12. T: Phones on 13. T: Phones down 14. T: Little board VI Show timeSs: On, onSs: Down, down.Ss: Down, down, down.…you lear n just now.。

下面收集了一些关于幼儿园英语课堂教学用语,希望对你有帮助幼儿园英语课堂教学用语篇一1. Are you ready? 准备好了吗?2. Let’s start. 让我们开始。
3. Who can tell me? / Who can answer me? 谁能告诉我?谁能回答?4. Look at me. 看着我。
5. Look at the blackboard. 看黑板。
6. Be quite. / Keep quite. 保持安静。
7. Sit well. / Sit nicely. 坐好。
8. Put up your hand. / Put down your hand. 把手举起来/ 把手放下。
9. Stop talking. 别说话。
10. Is that clear? / Do you understand? 清楚了么?你明白吗?11. Read with me. 和我一起读。
12. Return to your seat. 回座位。
13. Stand up. / Sit down. 起立/ 坐下。
14. Listen carefully. 仔细听。
15. Listen to me. / Listen to the music. 听我说/ 听音乐。
16. Say it in English. 用英语说。
17. Do you know? 你知道吗?18. Let’s play a game. 让我们来做游戏。
19. Let’s write / draw something. 让我们来写点什麽/ 画点什麽。
20. Let’s dancing / singing. 让我们来跳舞唱歌。
幼儿园英语课堂教学用语篇二1. It’s time for morning exercises. 早操时间到了。

幼儿园户外英语用语大全一、活动指令用语:1. "Let's start our outdoor activity." ——我们开始户外活动吧。
2. "Everyone, gather around." ——大家围过来。
3. "It's time to warm up." ——该热身了。
4. "Follow me, everyone." ——大家跟我来。
5. "Attention, everyone. We're going to start in a moment." ——大家注意了,我们马上就要开始了。
6. "Let's form a line quickly and quietly." ——大家快速安静地排好队。
7. "Our first activity is..." ——我们的第一个活动是……8. "Remember the rules, and let's have fun!" ——记住规则,大家玩得开心!二、游戏用语:1. "Let's play follow the leader." ——我们来玩跟着领袖走吧。
2. "Ready, set, go!" ——准备,开始!3."Duck, duck, goose!" ——鸭子,鸭子,鹅!4. "Red light, green light." ——红灯,绿灯。
5. "Who wants to be the first to try?" ——谁想第一个来尝试?6. "Great job! You're the winner!" ——做得好!你是赢家!7. "It's a tie! Let's have a rematch." ——平局!我们再比一次。

Goodbye, have a good day! See you later, alligator! Bye, have a nice weekend! Goodbye, have a safe trip!
指令:Wash your hands
指令:Put on your clothes.
适用场景:在幼儿园的日常活动中,幼儿需要频繁更换衣服或增减衣物,这条指令可以 帮助幼儿更好地理解如何操作。 注意事项:在执行这条指令时,教师需要注意幼儿是否能够理解和执行,并给予必要的 帮助和指导。
指令:Brush your teeth
示范:教师亲自示范刷牙动作, 并说出指令
儿歌:教唱与刷牙相关的儿歌, 帮助幼儿记忆
提醒:在每天刷牙时,教师提 醒幼儿说出指令,加强记忆
指令:Please take a shower. 指令:Wash your hands and face before you go to bed. 指令:Brush your teeth after every meal. 指令:Don't forget to clean your ears.
幼儿园常用英语指 令
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
幼儿园常用英语指令一、对答指令1、T:Eyes on me. 小眼睛看我。
C:Eyes on you. 小眼睛看你。
2、T:Little mouth. 小嘴巴。
C:No voice. 没声音。
3、T:Let’s clap our hands. 小手拍起来。
C:One two three four five. 一、二、三、四、五。
4、T:Let’s go. 让我们出发吧! C:Go, go, go.5、T:Attention. 立正/请注意。
C:One, two.6、T:Who can try? 谁能来试试?C:Let me try. 让我来。
7、T:Stand up. 站起来。
/ sit down. 坐下。
C:One, two.8、T:Hands up. 举起小手。
/ hands down. 放下小手C:Yes, madam.9、T:Hand in hand. 小手牵起来。
C:One, two.10、T:Are you ready? 准备好了吗?C:Yes, yes, go.11、C:Thank you. 谢谢T:Not at all/You’re welcome. 不用谢二、教师指令1、No hitting. 不要打人。
2、No pushing.不要推人。
3、No running.不要跑。
4、Read after me. 跟我读。
5、No shouting. 不要大叫。
6、Come here. 过来。
7、Go back .回去。
8、Wait a moment.等一等。
9、Here you are. 给你。
10、Hurry up / Quickly. 快点。
11、Be quiet. 请安静12、Be good . 要乖哦!13、Be careful. 小心点!14、Line up one by one. 请排一条队。
15、Line up two by two. 两人手拉手排队。
15、play play play a game. 玩游戏。
16、Let’s do exercise. 让我们来做操吧。
17、Have a rest. 休息一下。
18、Show me your hands. 小手伸出来。
19、Listen to me. 听我说。
20、Ready go. 预备开始。
三、表扬批评语言1. Good 好2. Well done! 做得好3. You did a good job!(较正式)。
做得好4. Great! 太棒了5. Excellent! 很优秀6. Wonderful! 太棒了7. Good boy/girl! 好孩子8. Super! 超级棒9. I praise …我表扬。
10. I criticize …我批评。
四、打招呼1. Good morning 早上好2. Good afternoon 下午好3. See you later. 一会见4. See you tomorrow. 明天见5. See you next week. 下星期见6. Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴1. Let’s go out .-------------Hey, hey, hey2 Look at me .--------------Shua ,shua shua3 Listen to me --------------Ah ,ah ,ah4 Hand in hand------------ shoulder and shoulder5 Wash your hands -------Wash, wash ,wash6 Drink some water -------Water, water ,water7.One two three ------------Go ,go,go /Follow me8.Play a game ------------- Play a game9. Tina is the winner -------winner winner winner, Tina is the loser----------- loser loser loser10.Terry, Terry,come on e on ,come on11.Turn back-------------------Back,backTurn right-------------------Right,rightTurn left---------------------Left,left.Turn Around-------------- Around, around12.Class is over -------------See you tomorrow.13.Be careful /Watch out / Take care-----OK14.Who’s not here ?-------Tom , Tom, Tom15.Put your bag on the chair .---- Put my bag on the chair.16.March in your place----- -Right, left .17.Show me your finger------Point ,point ,point18.Sing with me ---------------Sing with you .19.Open /Close your book----Open /Close my booke here ----------------- I’m coming21.Have a rest.------------------Sleeping .22.Hurry up / Quickly --------Yes , madam .23. Here you are --------------Thank you .24.Two in one -----------------one , one ,one25. One and one --------------Two , two , two26.You’re the winner ----------Ye,ye,ye27.One by one ------------------Go,go,go / follow me .28.Let’s go------------------------ Go,go,go29. Go,go,go----------------------Oh lei,oh lei ,oh lei30.Are you ready ?--------------Yes , ready .31.Look at me --------------------Look at you32.One ,two ,three---------------Eyes on me.33.Four ,five ,six------------------Hands on knees.34.Show your hands-------------On my knees.35.I’m sorry ------------------------That’s all right.It doesn’t matter36.Thank you ----------------------My pleasure .You’re welcome .37.Make one line 38. Make two lines .39.No running --------------------Take care .40.Hurry up -----------------------Quickly .一、Rules 规则1、No hitting ,please. 请不要打人。
2、No pushing,please.不要请推人3、Please walk in the classroom.在教室里请走路。
4、T:Look at me,/Listen to me,/Let’s play a game,/Who wants to try? C:Look at you,/Listen to you,/Ye,Ye,Ye,play a game,/me,me,Melody.5、Read after me6、Which one is----.7、Shhhh,no screaming,please. 请不要尖叫。
8、Please put it away.请归位。
9、Please use your nice voice. 请用好听的声音。
10、Please wait.请等待。
11、We do not disturb others.我们不打扰别人。
12、Is this yours ?Please put it away. 这是你的吗?请归位13、Here you are. 14、Hurry up .Quickly.15、Be quiet. 16、 Be good . 要乖哦!17、Be careful.小心点! 18、 Don’t run.不要跑。
19、 Watch out!小心!二、 Simple Directions简单指令1 、Stand up,Sit down.站起来。
2、 One by one,please,no pushing .一个一个来,别推。
3、Let’s go out.我们出去了。
4、Please line up ,Make one line /two lines. 请排队。
5、Please put up your hand .请举手。
6、Please keep quiet.请保持安静。
7、Are you ready/8、T: Attention ,/Hands up ,/Hands domn.C:One two ,one two ,Yes sir.9、Who did it,he did it?10、Come here./Go back.11、Let’s try again .我们再试一次。
12、I win .You lose. 我赢,你输。
13、May I help you ?我能帮你忙吗?(我能为你服务吗?)三、Praise 表扬Good Well done! You did a good job!(较正式)。
Great! Excellent! Wonderful! Good boy/girl! Super!四、Outdoors外出1、Time to go out. 该出去了。
2、Let’s go outside and do morning exercise.让我们去做早操吧!3、Stand at ease.稍息4、Come over to me ,please.请到我这边来。