新概念2 第59课In or out 课件 PPT

②develop the film 冲洗胶卷
4. develop: v. 写出develop 在不同句子中 的不同含义
1) He believes that sports can develop mind and body. ____(使__)_发__展__;_使__成__长__,__发__育_
Key words & expressions
develop a habitLeabharlann removev.
专家 养成习惯 拆掉,取下 生气的,恼火的
Questions on the text
1. Why did the writer’s husband spend weeks training the dog to open the front gate?
养成… 习惯
make a habit
I’ve got into a habit of turning on the TV as soon
as I get home.
fall into bad habit get into bad habit
kick the habit of get rid of the habit of
remover 迁移者,搬运工;清除剂 nail-polish remover 指甲油清除剂 removable adj. 可以动的,可除去的,可拆除的 removable furniture 可拆除的家具
Language points
1、Our dog, Rex, used to sit outside our front gate and dark.
4. develop: v. 写出develop 在不同句子中 的不同含义
1) He believes that sports can develop mind and body. ____(使__)_发__展__;_使__成__长__,__发__育_
Key words & expressions
develop a habitLeabharlann removev.
专家 养成习惯 拆掉,取下 生气的,恼火的
Questions on the text
1. Why did the writer’s husband spend weeks training the dog to open the front gate?
养成… 习惯
make a habit
I’ve got into a habit of turning on the TV as soon
as I get home.
fall into bad habit get into bad habit
kick the habit of get rid of the habit of
remover 迁移者,搬运工;清除剂 nail-polish remover 指甲油清除剂 removable adj. 可以动的,可除去的,可拆除的 removable furniture 可拆除的家具
Language points
1、Our dog, Rex, used to sit outside our front gate and dark.
新概念英语第二册Lesson 59 (共68张PPT)

New words and expressions
bark v.
when a dog barks, it makes a short loud sound or series of sounds 狗叫
New words and expressions
bark at
这只狗总是向陌生人叫。 The dog always barks at strangers.
Review KS50-58
These things always happen.(KS 50) What happened? (KS 51) What has happened? What has been happening? (KS 52) Pirates would often bury gold in the cave… (KS 55) Frinley is said to possess a ‘cursed tree’.
New words and expressions
expert on
他是世界海洋哺乳动物专家 He's a world expert on marine mammals.
New words and expressions
expert n.
An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made, in a narrow field.
Comprehension questions
What's he developed since then? Another bad habit.
Comprehension questions
新概念英语第二册 Lesson 59课件

• 1 Where did Rex use to sit ?
A. outside the front door B. inside the front door
C. outside the back door
• 2 What did the neighbour complain of ?
press v.按,压 press the button
pressure n.压力
expert n.(C)专家
become an expert at (doing) sth 成为…方面的专家/能手
Rex became an expert at opening the gate.
develop v.发展,培养 It’s profitable (有益的)to develop your business here in China.
1. 据说
1. it is said that/ to be
(两种说法) 2. 拥有一个被诅咒 的树 3. 在最近几年
• sb is said that/ to be 2. possess a cursed tree 3. in recent years
4. 得到一个坏的名 4. gain an evil reputation
10. so far
• A birthday party will be given tomorrow. • We_______________________ • We call maths the language of science. • ______________________________ • Too many trees are still being cut down in
• 1 Where did Rex use to sit ?
A. outside the front door B. inside the front door
C. outside the back door
• 2 What did the neighbour complain of ?
press v.按,压 press the button
pressure n.压力
expert n.(C)专家
become an expert at (doing) sth 成为…方面的专家/能手
Rex became an expert at opening the gate.
develop v.发展,培养 It’s profitable (有益的)to develop your business here in China.
1. 据说
1. it is said that/ to be
(两种说法) 2. 拥有一个被诅咒 的树 3. 在最近几年
• sb is said that/ to be 2. possess a cursed tree 3. in recent years
4. 得到一个坏的名 4. gain an evil reputation
10. so far
• A birthday party will be given tomorrow. • We_______________________ • We call maths the language of science. • ______________________________ • Too many trees are still being cut down in

人催促。 pressure n. 压, 压力, 电压, 压迫, 强制,
Key words & expressions
★paw n. 脚爪 The cat’s paw was burnt. cat's paw 被利用的人 I don‘t want to be a cat’s paw.
我才不想被人利用 。
★ expert n. 专家,能手 adj. 熟练的,老练的
★ an expert in/ at (doing) sth (某方 面的)专家/ 能手
★ be/ become expert in/at (doi译】:
1)他是个老练的司机。 He is an expert in/at driving a car. = He is expert in/ at driving a car. 2)They are all experts in this field. 他们都是这个领域的行家。
Key words & expressions
★develop v. 养成 develop a habit ① vt. &vi. 发展,扩展 The village has developed into a town
now. developing country 发展中国家 ; developed country 发达国家 boiling water 滚开水 ; boiled water
trained animals 驯化了的动物 abandoned farms 废弃了的农场 落叶_fa_l_le_n_l_e_a_v_e_s_____ 正在飘落的树叶f_a_lli_n_g_l_e_a_v_e_s__
Key words & expressions
Key words & expressions
★paw n. 脚爪 The cat’s paw was burnt. cat's paw 被利用的人 I don‘t want to be a cat’s paw.
我才不想被人利用 。
★ expert n. 专家,能手 adj. 熟练的,老练的
★ an expert in/ at (doing) sth (某方 面的)专家/ 能手
★ be/ become expert in/at (doi译】:
1)他是个老练的司机。 He is an expert in/at driving a car. = He is expert in/ at driving a car. 2)They are all experts in this field. 他们都是这个领域的行家。
Key words & expressions
★develop v. 养成 develop a habit ① vt. &vi. 发展,扩展 The village has developed into a town
now. developing country 发展中国家 ; developed country 发达国家 boiling water 滚开水 ; boiled water
trained animals 驯化了的动物 abandoned farms 废弃了的农场 落叶_fa_l_le_n_l_e_a_v_e_s_____ 正在飘落的树叶f_a_lli_n_g_l_e_a_v_e_s__
Key words & expressions

2. so that+从句 =so as to do I learn English hard so that I can go abroad.
to do in order to do=in order that+从句 so as to do=so that+从句 只放句中
5 It has been used to detect gold which has been
buried in the ground.
--Lesson 55 Not a gold mine
new words—press/paw/latch
As the neighbours complained of the noise, my husband spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in.
Japan is a ________ country while China is a ________ country.
A. developing; developed B. developing; developing C. developed; developing D. developed; developed
--Lesson 31 Success story
review--used to
4 The machine was used in a cave near the
seashore where--it is said--pirates used to hide

develop a habit form a habit
养成(yǎnɡ chénɡ)… 习
make a habit
我养成(yǎnɡ chénɡ)了一回家就看电视的习惯 。
I’ve got into a habit of turning on the TV as
______冲___洗__________ zdheev)e--lo-(片的pchm发ōenn展gt:xnǐ).底with the development of: 随着(suí
_W_,i_t_h__thoeudrecvoeulnotprmy heanstboefcothmeeaairmcorsatfptowerful
我才不想被人利用 。
Key words & expressions
★latch n. 门闩 latch n. 门闩(庭院(tíngyuàn),花园中的门闩
) bar n. 门闩(与 latch不同) You can’t walk in because the door is on the
(cuīcù)。 pressure n. 压, 压力, 电压, 压迫, 强制, 紧迫 pressure cooker 高压锅
Key words & expressions
★paw n. 脚爪 The cat’s paw was burnt. My dog’s paw was bleeding. cat's paw 被利用的人(由寓言(yùyán)而来) I don‘t want to be a cat’s paw.

• 【Special difficulties】 • To,In order to,So as to,So that,In order that表达目的几种方式 • 带to的不定式及in order to和so as to可以用来表示 目的: • I went to live in France to/in order to/so as to learn French. • not to可以用来表示取舍: • I went to France not to study French, but to study chemics. • so as not to/in order not to可以用于表示“以防”: • I shut the door quietly, so as not to/in order not to wake the bady. • 在bring,buy,need,take,use,want等动词后经 常用宾语加to不定式,用来表示宾语的目的。 • I need a spoon to eat this ice cream with.
• • • • •
【Multiple choice questions】 1 He was barking ____let him in. a. for someone to b. in case someone c. so someone to d. so that someone 2 As soon as he____ the gate from the outside he comes into the garden. • a. will open b.opens c. is opening d. has been opening
Lesson 59
In or out?

e.g. The worry had aged him.
n. 习惯(指个人习惯)
Stop biting your nails. It’s a bad habit.
She has a habit of playing with her hair while reading
他有熬夜的习惯。( stay up late)
Do you have any pets?
Do they have any strange habits?
Background Culture:
在英语中,dog既可以是中性也可以含有贬义,还可以表示一种亲切的 关系。 treat someone like a dog “虐待某人” live a dog’s life “生活得很不愉快”,“过着很惨的生活” You can’ t teach a old dog new tricks. 老狗学不会新把戏 Every dog has its day. 凡人皆有得意日 He worked like a dog. 他干得十分卖力 dog=fellow e.g. You lucky dog. 你这个家伙真幸运 What a lazy dog he is! 他这个家伙真懒
你最好戒掉咬指甲的习惯。 You’d better get rid of the habit of biting your nails.
n. 专家
expert at/in sth. 在做….是专家 expert at/in doing sth. He is an expert in maths.
The doctor became an expert at heart disease. 他是说谎专家。 He is an expert at telling lies.
n. 习惯(指个人习惯)
Stop biting your nails. It’s a bad habit.
She has a habit of playing with her hair while reading
他有熬夜的习惯。( stay up late)
Do you have any pets?
Do they have any strange habits?
Background Culture:
在英语中,dog既可以是中性也可以含有贬义,还可以表示一种亲切的 关系。 treat someone like a dog “虐待某人” live a dog’s life “生活得很不愉快”,“过着很惨的生活” You can’ t teach a old dog new tricks. 老狗学不会新把戏 Every dog has its day. 凡人皆有得意日 He worked like a dog. 他干得十分卖力 dog=fellow e.g. You lucky dog. 你这个家伙真幸运 What a lazy dog he is! 他这个家伙真懒
你最好戒掉咬指甲的习惯。 You’d better get rid of the habit of biting your nails.
n. 专家
expert at/in sth. 在做….是专家 expert at/in doing sth. He is an expert in maths.
The doctor became an expert at heart disease. 他是说谎专家。 He is an expert at telling lies.

bad, vicious
[repju'teiʃən] reputation have/gain an evil reputation
claim to do sth
victim a number of victims
in space.
A. can find C. can be founded
B. can be found D. can’t be found
The tiny village of Frinley is said to possess a 'cursed tree'. Because the tree was mentioned in a newspaper, the number of visitors to Frinley has now increased. The tree was planted near the church fifty years ago, but it is only in recent years that it has gained an evil reputation. It is said that if anyone touches the tree, he will have bad luck; if he picks a leaf, he will die. Many villagers believe that the tree has already claimed a number of victims.
4. 得到一个坏的名 4. gain an evil reputation

• 不及物动词 vi.
• 1.闩上;用碰锁锁上
• 2.抓住;占有;理解[(+onto/upon)]
• John was very lucky to have latched onto the office with a river view. 约翰非常幸运,占了一间能看到河的办公室。
• expert:专家 ;能手;熟练者[(+at/in/on)] • She is an expert in training animals.
to do不定式做目的状语
for sb to do sth = so that sb. do sth.
7. As soon as he____...
Answer B
as soon as 引导状语从句
be opening 强调动作正在发生
has been doing 现在完成进行时强调从过去延续到现
表达目的:to/in order to /in order that/ so as to /so
to + 动词原型, that+从句
• 【Special difficulties】
表达目的的几种方式 :to/in orderto
• 2.脱掉;去掉,消除[(+from)] • She saw he had removed his glasses.
她看到他摘下了他的眼镜。 • 3.使离去;把...免职撤去[(+from)] • He was removed from the post.
• 1.闩上;用碰锁锁上
• 2.抓住;占有;理解[(+onto/upon)]
• John was very lucky to have latched onto the office with a river view. 约翰非常幸运,占了一间能看到河的办公室。
• expert:专家 ;能手;熟练者[(+at/in/on)] • She is an expert in training animals.
to do不定式做目的状语
for sb to do sth = so that sb. do sth.
7. As soon as he____...
Answer B
as soon as 引导状语从句
be opening 强调动作正在发生
has been doing 现在完成进行时强调从过去延续到现
表达目的:to/in order to /in order that/ so as to /so
to + 动词原型, that+从句
• 【Special difficulties】
表达目的的几种方式 :to/in orderto
• 2.脱掉;去掉,消除[(+from)] • She saw he had removed his glasses.
她看到他摘下了他的眼镜。 • 3.使离去;把...免职撤去[(+from)] • He was removed from the post.
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• pressure n. 压, 压力
• paw n. 脚爪 • My husband spent weeks training him to
press his paw on the latch to let himself in.
• cat’s paw 被利用的人 • I don't want to be a cat's paw.
• remove sth. from 从……挪走 • she saw he had removed his glasses. • He removed the picture from the wall.
• Our dog, Rex, used to sit outside our front gate and bark.
developed country 发达国家
• develop the film 冲洗胶卷
• habit n. 习惯(指个人习惯) • Since then, he has developed another bad
• custom n. 风俗,习俗 ; customs n. 海关 ; customer n. 顾客
• front gate 前门 • would=used to 过去常常
• Every time he wanted to come into the garden he would bark until someone opened the gate.
• every time=when 每当,每次,无论何时 • Every time we met, we would talk for a
• As the neighbours complained of the noise, my husband spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in.
• complaim of… 抱怨…… • sb. spend time (in) doing sth./on sth. 花费某段时间去做某事
• on the latch门闩着 • You can’t walk in because the door is on
the latch.
• expert n. 专家 • Rex soon became an expeat/in/on sth. 在某一方面是专家 • expert at/in doing sth. • He is an expert in maths.
In or out?
• bark v. 狗叫 • Our dog, Rex, used to sit outside our front
gate and dark.
• The dog is barking. • The dog barked at the visitor.
• sb. is barking. 某人在咆哮
• develop a good habit • He has the habit of staying up late.
• remove v. 拆掉, 取下
• Yesterday my husband removed the gate and Rex got so annoyed we have not seen him since.
(人作主语) • Why don’t you spend more time on Maths? • I spent two weeks (in) reading this book.
• It takes sb. some time to do sth. 某事花了某人多少时间
• sb. spend money (in) doing sth./on sth. • It cost sb some money to do sth=sth cost sb some money
• develop v. 养成 , 发展,扩展 • Since then, he has developed another bad
habit. • The village has developed into a town now. • develop a good habit • developing country 发展中国家 ;
• John is an expert at driving a car.
• an expert at /in/on sth某方面的专家,能手
• However, when I was going out shopping last week, I noticed him in the garden near the gate.
• The cat’s paw was burnt • My dog’s paw was bleeding.
latch n. 门闩(庭院,花园中的门闩) • My husband spent weeks training him to
press his paw on the latch to let himself in.
• press v. 按, 压 • My husband spent weeks training him to
press his paw on the latch to let himself in.
• vt.&vi. 按,挤,压 • Can you press that button for me please?
• train sb. to do sth. 训练某人做某事 • press his paw on the latch = 精p选reppsts the latch
• Rex soon became an expert at opening the gate.
• become an expert at doing sth. 成了……能手/ 专家/权威
• paw n. 脚爪 • My husband spent weeks training him to
press his paw on the latch to let himself in.
• cat’s paw 被利用的人 • I don't want to be a cat's paw.
• remove sth. from 从……挪走 • she saw he had removed his glasses. • He removed the picture from the wall.
• Our dog, Rex, used to sit outside our front gate and bark.
developed country 发达国家
• develop the film 冲洗胶卷
• habit n. 习惯(指个人习惯) • Since then, he has developed another bad
• custom n. 风俗,习俗 ; customs n. 海关 ; customer n. 顾客
• front gate 前门 • would=used to 过去常常
• Every time he wanted to come into the garden he would bark until someone opened the gate.
• every time=when 每当,每次,无论何时 • Every time we met, we would talk for a
• As the neighbours complained of the noise, my husband spent weeks training him to press his paw on the latch to let himself in.
• complaim of… 抱怨…… • sb. spend time (in) doing sth./on sth. 花费某段时间去做某事
• on the latch门闩着 • You can’t walk in because the door is on
the latch.
• expert n. 专家 • Rex soon became an expeat/in/on sth. 在某一方面是专家 • expert at/in doing sth. • He is an expert in maths.
In or out?
• bark v. 狗叫 • Our dog, Rex, used to sit outside our front
gate and dark.
• The dog is barking. • The dog barked at the visitor.
• sb. is barking. 某人在咆哮
• develop a good habit • He has the habit of staying up late.
• remove v. 拆掉, 取下
• Yesterday my husband removed the gate and Rex got so annoyed we have not seen him since.
(人作主语) • Why don’t you spend more time on Maths? • I spent two weeks (in) reading this book.
• It takes sb. some time to do sth. 某事花了某人多少时间
• sb. spend money (in) doing sth./on sth. • It cost sb some money to do sth=sth cost sb some money
• develop v. 养成 , 发展,扩展 • Since then, he has developed another bad
habit. • The village has developed into a town now. • develop a good habit • developing country 发展中国家 ;
• John is an expert at driving a car.
• an expert at /in/on sth某方面的专家,能手
• However, when I was going out shopping last week, I noticed him in the garden near the gate.
• The cat’s paw was burnt • My dog’s paw was bleeding.
latch n. 门闩(庭院,花园中的门闩) • My husband spent weeks training him to
press his paw on the latch to let himself in.
• press v. 按, 压 • My husband spent weeks training him to
press his paw on the latch to let himself in.
• vt.&vi. 按,挤,压 • Can you press that button for me please?
• train sb. to do sth. 训练某人做某事 • press his paw on the latch = 精p选reppsts the latch
• Rex soon became an expert at opening the gate.
• become an expert at doing sth. 成了……能手/ 专家/权威