石油化工专业英语 (2)
![石油化工专业英语 (2)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/521344b77d1cfad6195f312b3169a4517623e56c.png)
基本知识1. 英文缩写在石油化工领域,经常使用缩写来代表各种化学物质、设备名称和生产流程等。
以下是一些常见的缩写及其对应的英文全称:•PVC:Polyvinyl chloride(聚氯乙烯)•PE:Polyethylene(聚乙烯)•PP:Polypropylene(聚丙烯)•HDPE:High-density polyethylene(高密度聚乙烯)•LDPE:Low-density polyethylene(低密度聚乙烯)•FCC:Fluid catalytic cracking(流化催化裂化)•CCR:Continuous catalytic reforming(连续催化重整)•HDS:Hydrodesulfurization(加氢脱硫)2. 行业词汇在石油化工行业,有许多专用词汇。
以下是一些常见的行业词汇及其定义:•Crude oil(原油):天然存在于地壳中的不同类型的石油,经过提炼和加工可以得到各种化学品和能源产品。
•Petrochemical product(石化产品):通过石油和天然气的加工和转化生产出来的各种化学品和能源产品。
Run in hole (RIH)Pull out of hole (POOH)Nipple up (N/U)Rig up (R/U)Rig down (R/D)Make up (M/U)Pick up (P/U)Back off (B/O)Slack off (S/O)Crossover (X/O)Blowout preventer (BOP)Subsurface safety valve (SSSV)Sliding side door (SSD) = Sliding sleeve Plug back total depth (PBTD)Total vertical depth (TVD)Measured depth (MD)Measurements while drilling (MWD) Logging while drilling (LWD)Seismic while drilling (SWD)Drill collar (DC)Drill pipe (DP)High wall drill pipe (HWDP)Kick off point (KOP)Rotation kelly bushing (RKB)Wear bushing (WB)Casing (CSG)Tubing (TBG)High rate water pack (HRWP)Wire line (W/L)Electrical submersible pump (ESP)Shut-in tree pressure (SITP)Emergency shut down (ESD)Outside diameter (OD)Inside diameter (ID)Expandable sand screen (ESS)Horse power (HP)Thru-tubing inflatable permanent cement retainers (TTIPCR)Drilling Professional EnglishAbbreviation Drilling Enterprises:API-American Petroleum InstituteIADC-International Association Drilling ContractorsSchlumbuergerHBPAB-HuaBei Petroleum Administration BureauSinopec- Sino Petroleum Chemical PetroChina-Petroleum of ChinaCNPC-Chinese National Petroleum CorporationThe Fourth Drilling Engineering CompanyDrilling Report:MD-Measured DepthTVD-True Vertical DepthSN-Serial NumberID-Inside DiameterOD-Outside DiameterYR-YearMD-MonthSICP-Shut In Casing PressureSIDPP-Shut In Drill Pipe PressurePV-Plastic ViscosityYP-Yield PointVIS-ViscosityMW-Mud WeightGELS-Gel StrengthHTHP-High Temperature High PressureWL-Water LossCC-Carbon CopyDrilling Equipments:BOP-Blowout PreventerBHA-Bottom Hole AssemblyA-Annular PreventerG-Gyratory PreventerR-Ram PreventerRd-Double Ram PreventerS-SpoolDC-Direction CurrentAC-Alternation CurrentHWDC-High Wall (&Weight) Drill PipeDC-Drill CollarDP-Drill PipeMake up tool string to end of tubing as follows:Run tool string in the well at a moderate speed not to exceed 100ft/min.Circulate at low rate if possible while running in.Hold this pressure for five minutes.Monitor pump pressure.Observe and record SITP.Drop a setting ball into the tubing and pump down at 4.0bpm.W/L set a 2.75” blanking plug in Y-tool. POOH and R/D.Run comlpetion string (5-1/2”tailpipe + ESS + EIS + 7”liner + EIS + 7”liner + 7”liner hanger) with 5-1/2”float shoe located at 3129.9m MD.FlushMitigateSensorSidetrackResin coatedImplementRetrieveStraddle assemblyBullheadDisengageDisconnectDepressurize =bleed off pressure。
石油化工常用英文缩写非常的实用与大家免费分享,希望能对大家以后的学习工作有一定帮助!序号缩写英文中文1 AC Air Conditioning 空气调节装置2 AGO Atmospheric gas oil 常压瓦斯油3 AML Approved Manufacturers' List 批准的厂商名单4 APE Area Project Engineer 区域项目工程师5 AR Atmospheric residue 常压渣油6 ARDS Atmospheric residue desulfurization 常压渣油加氢脱硫7 ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程师协会8 BD Business Director 商务主任9 BD Business Development 市场部10 BEDP Basic Design Engineering Package 基础设计包11 BFW Boiler feed water 锅炉给水12 BL Battery limits 界区13 BEDD Basic Engineering Design Data 基础工程设计数据14 BM Bill of Material 材料表15 BOD Basis of Design 设计基础16 BOD Biological Oxygen Demand 化学需氧量17 BP Boiling point 沸点18 BS Bright stock 光亮油19 BSI British Standards Institute 英国标准协会20 BTEX Benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene 苯,甲苯,乙苯,二甲苯21 BTU British thermal unit 英热单位22 BTX Benzene, toluene, xylene 苯,甲苯,二甲苯23 C Construction 施工24 CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计25 CADD Computer Aided Design and Drafting 计算机辅助设计和绘图26 CCR Conradson carbon residue 康氏残炭27 CCR Continuous Catalyst Regeneration 催化剂连续再生28 CDU Crude distillation unit 原油蒸馏装置29 CGO Coker gas oil 焦化瓦斯油30 CI Cetane index 十六烷指数31 CL Center line 中心线32 CM Construction Manager 施工经理33 CN Conference Note 会议纪要(老外更喜欢用 MOM:Minitues of Meeting)34 COD Chemical oxygen demand 化学需氧量35 CPDP Chinese Preliminary Design Package 中国初步设计包(直接称为 PDP就 OK 了)36 CPM Critical Path Method 关键路径法37 CR Catalytic Reforming 催化重整38 CS Carbon Steel 碳钢39 CW Cooling Water 冷却水40 FEED Front End Engineering Design 前期工程设计41 GB GUO BIAO 国标42 GCD Guaranteed Completion Date 保证完成日期43 GG Gauge glass 玻璃液面计44 GHSV Gaseous hourly space velocity 气体体积空速45 GPH Gas phase hydrogenation 气相加氢46 GSN Global Supply Network 全球供应网络47 GTG Gas Turbine Generator 燃气涡轮发电机48 GW Gross weight 毛重49 HAZID Hazard Identification Review 危险识别审查50 HAZOP Hazard and Operability Study 危险与可操作性研究51 HBP Highly branched paraffins 高支链烷烃52 HC Hydrocracking 加氢裂化53 HCCO Heavy catalytic cycles oil 重催化循环油54 HCGO Heavy coker gas oil 重焦化瓦斯油55 HDA hydrodearomatization 加氢脱芳烃56 HDF hydrofinishing 加氢后精制57 HDM hydrodemetallization 加氢脱金属58 HDN hydrodenitrogenation 加氢脱氮59 HDPE High Density Polyethylene 高密度聚乙烯60 HO Home Office 总部61 HDS hydrodesulfurization 加氢脱硫62 HDT hydrotreating 加氢精制,加氢处理63 HGO Heavy gas oil 重瓦斯油64 HR Human Resource 人力资源65 HP High pressure 高压66 HSFO High sulfur fuel oil 高硫燃料油67 HSR Heavy straight run 重直馏油68 HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 采暖通风69 HVGO Heavy vacuum gas oil 减压重瓦斯油70 HVI High viscosity index 高粘度指数71 IBL Inside Battery Limits (Same as ISBL) 界区内72 IBP Initial Boiling Point 初馏点,初沸点73 IEC International Electro‐technical Commission 国际电工委员会74 IFA Issued for Approval 用于正式批准75 IFB Issued for Bid 用于招标(ITB:用的更多)76 IFC Issued for Construction 用于施工77 IFD Issued for Design 用于设计78 IFH Issued for HAZOP 用于危险与可操作性研究79 ISBL Inside Battery Limits (same as IBL) 界区内80 ISO International Standardization Organization 国际标准化组织81 IS&T/IT Information System and Technology (same as IT) 信息系统和技术82 ITB Invitation to Bid 邀标书83 JV Joint Venture 合营者84 KW Kilo‐Watt 千瓦85 LAN Local Area Network 局域网86 LC Letter of Credit 信用证 87 LCC Life Cycle Cost 寿命周期成本88 LCCO Light catalytic cycle oil 催化裂化轻循环油89 LCGO Light coker gas oil 焦化轻瓦斯油90 LCN Light coker naphtha 焦化轻汽油91 LCO Light cycle oil 轻循环油92 LDE Lead Discipline Engineer 专业负责人93 LDPE Low Density Polyethylene 低密度聚乙烯94 Level 1 High Level Schedules, control documentsused for control of total scope 项目计划1 (项目进度)95 Level 2 Intermediate Level Schedules, control documents designed to control area, department, contract or discipline level 项目计划 296 Level 3 Detailed Schedules, control documents designed to control and report individual deliverables, e.g. documents, requisitions etc. 项目计划 3(还有 LEVEL 4)97 LLDPE Linear Low Density Polyethylene 线性低密度聚乙烯98 LOI Letter of Intent 意向书99 LP Low Pressure 低气压100 LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas 液化石油气101 LS Lump Sum 固定总价102 LS Low sulfur 低硫103 LSD Low sulfur diesel 低硫柴油104 LSFO Low sulfur fuel oil 低硫燃料油105 LSR Light straight run 轻直馏油106 LSTK Lump Sum Turn Key (一揽子价格)总承包107 LSWR Low sulfur waxy residue 低硫含蜡渣油108 LTFT Low‐temperature flow test 低温流动性试验109 LTRS Low‐temperature recovery system 低温回收系统110 LV Low Voltage 低(电)压111 LVGO Light vacuum gas oil 轻减压瓦斯油112 LVI Low viscosity index 低粘度指数113 LVN Light virgin naphtha 直馏轻石脑油馏分114 MC Mechanical Completion 机械竣工115 MCR Micro carbon residue 微残炭116 MEG Mono Ethylene Glycol same as EG) 乙二醇117 MHC Mild hydrocracking 缓和加氢裂化118 MPA Multi Project (Purchasing) Agreement 大宗采购协议119 MFA Multi‐Facility (Purchase) Agreement 大宗采购协议120 MON Motor octane number 马达法辛烷值121 MP Medium pressure 中压122 MPHC Moderate pressure hydrocracking 中压加氢裂化123 MR Material Requisition 请购单124 MRP Material Requisition (issued for Purchase) 请购单(用于购买)125 MRQ Material Requisition (issued for Quotation) 请购单(用于报价)126 MRR Material Receiving Report 材料验收单 127 MTO Material Take‐Off 材料表128 MV Medium Voltage 中(电)压129 MW Mega‐Watt 兆瓦130 MW Molecular weight 分子量131 N/A Not applicable or Not Appropriate 不适用的132 N/A Not Available 无133 NEC National Electrical Code 国家电气规范134 NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association 国家电气制造商协会135 NFPA National Fire Protection Association 全国防火协会136 NGL Natural Gas Liquids 天然气液体137 NP Normal paraffin 正构烷烃138 NPSH Net positive suction head 净吸入头139 NR Non Reimbursable (costs) 非实报实销140 NTP Notice To Proceed 开工通知书141 NTS Not to Scale 不按比例142 OBL Outside Battery Limits £®same as OSBL 界区外143 OBS Organization Breakdown Structure 组织分解结构144 OSBL Outside Battery Limits (same as OBL) 界区外145 P3 Primavera Project Planner 项目计划管理(一个盛名之下,其实难负的进度编制软件,用来忽悠忽悠老外还行)146 PAC Polycyclic aromatic compound 稠环芳烃,多环芳烃147 PAG Project Automation Group 项目自动化团队148 PAF Personnel Authorization Form 职员批准表149 P&ID Process and instrumentation Diagram 工艺仪表流程图150 PID Proportional, Integral and Differential 比例、积分加微分(控制)151 PC Personal Computer 个人电脑152 PDA Propane deasphalting 丙烷脱沥青153 PDAO Propane deasphalted oil 丙烷脱沥青油154 PDU Propane deasphalting unit 丙烷脱沥青装置155 PE Project Engineer 项目工程师156 PE Polyethylene 聚乙烯157 PEM Project Engineering Manager 项目设计经理158 PET Project Execution Team 项目执行组159 PFD Process Flow Diagram 工艺流程图160 PFE Project Field Engineer 项目现场工程师161 PFPM Project Field Procurement Manager 项目现场采购经理162 PEFS Process Engineering Flow Scheme (same as P&ID) 工艺设计流程图163 PFS Process Flow Scheme (same as PFD‐Process Flow Diagram) 工艺流程图164 P/L Packing List 装箱单165 PM Project Manager 项目经理166 PMC Project Management Contractor 项目管理承包商167 PMM Project Material Manager 项目材料经理168 PNA Polynuclear aromatics 稠环芳烃,多环芳烃169 PNA Paraffin, Naphthene, Aromatic 烷烃、环烷烃、芳烃 170 PO Procurement Order 采171 POX Partial Oxidation 部分氧化造气172 PP Polypropylene 聚丙烯173 PPM Project Procurement Manager 项目采购经理174 PQP Project Quality Plan 项目质量计划175 PQAM Project Quality Assurance Manager 项目质量保证经理176 PQCM Project Quality Control Manager 项目质量控制经理177 PR Procedure 程序178 PRC People Republic of China 中华人民共和国179 PRS Power recovery system 能量回收系统180 PSA Pressure swing adsorption 变压吸附181 PSM Project Site Manager 项目现场经理182 PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯183 PW Paraffin wax 石蜡184 QA Quality Assurance 质量保证185 QC Quality Control 质量控制186 QM Quality Management 质量管理187 RDS Resid desulfurization 渣油(加氢)脱硫188 RFCC Resid FCC 渣油催化裂化189 RFG Reformulated gasoline 新配方汽油190 RHC Resid hydroconversion 渣油加氢转化191 RHDS Residue hydrodesulfurization 渣油加氢脱硫192 RIS Refinery information system 炼油厂信息系统193 RMP Risk management plan 风险管理计划194 RON Research octane number 研究法辛烷值195 RONC Research octane number clear 不加铅研究法辛烷值196 ROSE Resid oil supercritical extraction 渣油超临界抽提197 SCO Synthetic crude oil 合成原油198 SDW Solvent dewaxing 溶剂脱蜡199 SIGF Site Integration & General Facility 全场一体化和一般设施200 RFSU Ready for Start Up 待开车201 S/C Subcontractor 分包商202 SM Styrene Monomer 苯乙烯单体203 SOR Start of run 运转初期204 SR Semi‐regenerative 半再生的205 SR Straight run 直馏206 SRU Sulfur recovery unit 硫磺回收装置207 SS Stainless Steel 不锈钢208 SSOT Single stage once through 一段一次通过加氢裂化209 STG Steam Turbine Generator 蒸汽发电机210 TAN Total acid number 总酸值211 TBD To be Determined 待定212 TBN Total base number 总碱值213 TBS Technical Bid Summary 技术标概要 214 T&C'S Terms and Conditions (e.g. of pur 购)215 TCD Target Completion Date 目标完成日期216 TGCU Tai l gas cleanup unit 尾气净化装置217 TGTU Tai l gas treating unit 尾气处理装置218 TIC Total Installed Cost 总体安装费用219 T&L Traffic and Logistics 交通与后勤管理220 TS Technical Specialist 技术专家221 TSA Technical Services Agreement 技术服务协议222 TF Tank Farm 罐区223 UFD Utility Flow Diagram 公用工程流程图(UP&ID 或 UID更常用)224 ULSD Ultra low sulfur diesel 超低硫柴油225 UK United Kingdom 英国226 UR Unit Rate 单价227 USA United States of America 美利坚合众国228 VDU Vacuum distillation unit 减压蒸馏装置229 VE Value Engineering 价值工程230 VGO Vacuum gas oil 减压瓦斯油231 VI Viscosity index 粘度指数232 VL Vendor List 制造厂表233 VP Vendor Print 厂商资料234 VPMS Vendor Print Management System 厂商资料管理系统235 VPTL Vendor Print Transmittal Letter 厂商资料传送236 VR Vacuum residue 减压渣油237 VRDS Vacuum residue desulfurization 减压渣油加氢脱硫238 VTB Vacuum tower bottoms 减压渣油239 WAN Wide Area Network 广域网240 WHSV Weight hourly space velocity 重时空速241 WPC World Petroleum Congress 世界石油大会242 WT Weight 重量243 WWTS Wastewater treatment system 污水处理系统244 VCM/PVC Vinyl Chloride 氯乙烯/聚氯乙烯245 VIP Value Improvement Practices 价值工程实践246 WBS Work Breakdown Structure 工作分解结构(这个是很重要的衡量进度的手段。
Air Conditioning
Atmospheric gas oil
Approved Manufacturers'List
Area Project Engineer
Atmospheric residue
Atmospheric residue desulfurization
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Business Director
Business Development
Basis of Design
Biological Oxygen Demand
Boiling point
Bright stock
British Standards Institute
Benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene,xylene
石油简称(英文):Petroleum, CommonlyKnown as Oil石油,这一被誉为“工业血液”的宝贵资源,在现代社会中扮演着至关重要的角色。
石油简称(英文):Petroleum, Commonly Known as Oil石油的英文简称“Oil”已经深深植根于我们的语言和文化中,它不仅仅是一个简单的词汇,而是一个符号,代表着能量、动力和现代社会的基础。
石油化工英语常见缩写AAC Air Conditioning空气调节装置Atmospheric gas oil常压瓦斯油AGOApproved Manufacturers'List批准的厂商名单AMLArea Project Engineer APE区域项目工程师AR Atmospheric residue常压渣油Atmospheric residue desulfurization ARDS常压渣油加氢脱硫American Society of Mechanical Engineers美国机械工程师协会ASMEBBusiness Director商务主任BDBusiness Development市场部BDBasic Design Engineering Package基础设计包BEDPBoiler feed BFWwater锅炉给水Battery limits BL界区Basic Engineering Design DataBEDD基础工程设计数据Bill of Material材料表BMBasis of Design BOD设计基础Biological Oxygen DemandBOD化学需氧量Boiling point沸点BPBright stock BS光亮油British Standards Institute英国标准协会BSI Benzene,toluene,ethyl benzene,xylene苯,甲苯,BTEX乙苯,二甲苯British thermal BTUunit英热单位Benzene,toluene,xylene苯BTX,甲苯,二甲苯CConstruction施工C计算机辅助设计Design Aided ComputerCAD.Computer Aided Design and CADDDrafting计算机辅助设计和绘图Conradson carbon residue康氏残炭CCRContinuous Catalyst Regeneration催化剂连续再生CCRCrude distillation unit原油蒸馏装置CDUCoker gas oil CGO焦化瓦斯油Cetane index十六烷指数CI Center line中心线CL Construction Manager施工经理CM Conference Note会议纪要CNChemical oxygen demandCOD化学需氧量Chinese Preliminary Design Package中国初步设计包CPDP Critical Path CPMMethod关键路径法Catalytic Reforming CR催化重整Carbon Steel CS碳钢Cooling Water CW冷却水FFront End Engineering DesignFEED前期工程设计GGUO BIAO国标GB Guaranteed Completion Date GCD保证完成日期Gauge glass玻璃液面计GGGaseous hourly space velocity气体体积空速GHSV Gas phase hydrogenation气相加氢GPH Global Supply Network全球供应网络GSNGas Turbine Generator GTG燃气涡轮发电机Gross weight GW毛重HHazard Identification Review危险识别审查HAZIDHazard and Operability Study危险与可操作性研究HAZOP高支链烷烃paraffins branched HighlyHBP.Hydrocracking加氢裂化HC Heavy catalytic cycles oil HCCO重催化循环油Heavy coker gas oil HCGO重焦化瓦斯油Hydrodearomatization加氢脱芳烃HDAhydrofinishing加氢后精制HDFhydrodemetallization加氢脱金属HDMhydrodenitrogenation加氢脱氮HDNHigh Density Polyethylene高密度聚乙烯HDPEHome Office总部HO hydrodesulfurization加氢脱硫HDShydrotreating加氢精制,加氢处理HDTHeavy gas oil HGO重瓦斯油Human Resource人力资源HRHigh pressure高压HPHigh sulfur fuel oil高硫燃料油HSFO Heavy straight HSRrun重直馏油Heating Ventilation and Air ConditioningHVAC采暖通风Heavy vacuum gas oil HVGO减压重瓦斯油High viscosity index高粘度指数HVIIInside Battery Limits(Same as ISBL)界区内IBLInitial Boiling PointIBP初馏点,初沸点International Electro-technical CommissionIEC国际电工委员会Issued for IFAApproval用于正式批准Issued for Bid用于招标IFBIssued for Construction IFC用于施工Issued for DesignIFD用于设计Issued for HAZOP用于危险与可操作性研究IFH Inside Battery Limits(same as IBL)ISBL界区内国际标准化组织Organization Standardization InternationalISO.Information System and Technology(same IS&T/ITas IT)信息系统和技术Invitation to ITBBid邀标书JJoint Venture JV合营者KKilo-Watt千瓦KWLLocal Area Network局域网LAN Letter of Credit信用证LC Life Cycle Cost寿命周期成本LCC Light catalytic cycle oilLCCO催化裂化轻循环油Light coker gas oilLCGO焦化轻瓦斯油Light coker naphtha焦化轻汽油LCNLight cycle oil LCO轻循环油Lead Discipline Engineer LDE专业负责人Low Density Polyethylene LDPE低密度聚乙烯Level1High Level Schedules,control documentsused for control of total scope项目计划1Level2Intermediate Level Schedules,control documents designed to control scope atunit,area,department,contract or discipline level项目计划2Level3Detailed Schedules,control documents designed to control and report thestatus of individual deliverables,e.g.documents,requisitions etc.项目计划3Linear Low Density Polyethylene线性低密度聚乙烯LLDPELetter of Intent意向书LOILow Pressure低气压LP Liquefied Petroleum GasLPG液化石油气Lump Sum LS固定总价Low sulfur低硫LS Low sulfur LSDdiesel低硫柴油低硫燃料油oil fuel sulfur LowLSFO.Light straight LSRrun轻直馏油Lump Sum Turn Key LSTK(一揽子价格)总承包Low sulfur waxy residue LSWR低硫含蜡渣油Low-temperature flow test低温流动性试验LTFT Low-temperature recovery system低温回收系统LTRSLow VoltageLV低(电)压Light vacuum gas oilLVGO轻减压瓦斯油Low viscosity index LVI低粘度指数Light virgin naphtha LVN直馏轻石脑油馏分MMechanical Completion机械竣工MC Micro carbon residueMCR微残炭Mono Ethylene Glycol same as EG)MEG乙二醇Mild hydrocracking缓和加氢裂化MHCMulti Project(Purchasing)Agreement大宗采购协议MPAMulti-Facility(Purchase)Agreement大宗采购协议MFA Motor octane number马达法辛烷值MON Medium pressureMP中压Moderate pressure hydrocracking中压加氢裂化MPHCMaterial Requisition请购单MR Material Requisition(issued for Purchase)请购单MRP(用于购买)Material Requisition(issued for Quotation)MRQ请购单(用于报价)Material Receiving Report材料验收单MRRMaterial Take-Off材料表MTO Medium Voltage中(电)压MVMega-Watt兆瓦MW Molecular weightMW分子量NNot applicable or Not AppropriateN/A不适用的无Available NotN/A.National Electrical NECCode国家电气规范National Electrical Manufacturers Association NEMA国家电气制造商协会National Fire Protection Association NFPA全国防火协会Natural Gas Liquids天然气液体NGL Normal paraffinNP正构烷烃Net positive suction headNPSH净吸入头Non Reimbursable(costs)非实报实销NRNotice To ProceedNTP开工通知书Not to Scale NTS不按比例OOutside Battery Limits£?same as OSBLOBL界区外Organization Breakdown StructureOBS组织分解结构Outside Battery Limits(same as OSBLOBL)界区外PPrimavera Project P3Planner项目计划管理Polycyclic aromatic compound稠环芳烃,多环芳烃PACProject Automation Group项目自动化团队PAG Personnel Authorization Form职员批准表PAFProcess and instrumentation DiagramP&ID工艺仪表流程图Proportional,Integral and PIDDifferential比例、积分加微分(控制)Personal Computer个人电脑PCPropane deasphalting丙烷脱沥青PDAPropane deasphalted PDAOoil丙烷脱沥青油Propane deasphalting unit丙烷脱沥青装置PDUProject Engineer项目工程师PE Polyethylene PE聚乙烯Project Engineering PEMManager项目设计经理Project Execution Team PET项目执行组Process Flow Diagram工艺流程图PFD项目现场工程师Engineer Field ProjectPFE.Project Field Procurement Manager PFPM项目现场采购经理Process Engineering Flow Scheme(same as P&ID)工艺设计流程图PEFS Process Flow Scheme(same as PFD-Process Flow Diagram)PFS工艺流程图Packing ListP/L装箱单Project ManagerPM项目经理Project Management Contractor PMC项目管理承包商Project Material Manager PMM项目材料经理Polynuclear aromatics稠环芳烃,PNA多环芳烃Paraffin,Naphthene,AromaticPNA烷烃、环烷烃、芳烃Procurement Order采购订单POPartial Oxidation部分氧化造气POXPolypropylene PP聚丙烯Project Procurement PPMManager项目采购经理Project Quality PQPPlan项目质量计划Project Quality Assurance Manager PQAM项目质量保证经理Project Quality Control ManagerPQCM项目质量控制经理Procedure程序PRPeople Republic of PRCChina中华人民共和国Power recovery systemPRS能量回收系统Pressure swing adsorptionPSA变压吸附Project Site PSMManager项目现场经理Poly Vinyl Chloride聚氯乙烯PVCParaffin wax石蜡PWQQuality Assurance质量保证QAQuality Control QC质量控制Quality Management质量管理QMRResid desulfurization渣油(加氢)RDS脱硫渣油催化裂化FCC ResidRFCC.Reformulated gasoline RFG新配方汽油Resid hydroconversion RHC渣油加氢转化Residue hydrodesulfurization RHDS渣油加氢脱硫Refinery information system炼油厂信息系统RIS Risk management plan风险管理计划RMPResearch octane number研究法辛烷值RONResearch octane number clearRONC不加铅研究法辛烷值Resid oil supercritical ROSEextraction渣油超临界抽提Ready for Start RFSUUp待开车SSynthetic crude oil SCO合成原油Solvent dewaxing溶剂脱蜡SDWSite Integration&General Facility全场一体化和一般设施SIGFSubcontractor S/C分包商Styrene Monomer SM苯乙烯单体Start of SORrun运转初期Semi-regenerative半再生的SR Straight run SR直馏Sulfur recovery unit硫磺回收装置SRUStainless SteelSS不锈钢Single stage once SSOTthrough一段一次通过加氢裂化Steam Turbine Generator STG蒸汽发电机TTotal acid TANnumber总酸值To be Determined待定TBD Total base number TBN总碱值Technical Bid SummaryTBS技术标概要Terms and Conditions(e.g.ofT&C'S purchase)术语和条件(用于采购)Target Completion DateTCD目标完成日期尾气净化装置unit cleanup gas ailTTGCU.Tail gas treating unitTGTU尾气处理装置Total Installed Cost总体安装费用TICTraffic and Logistics交通与后勤管理T<echnical Specialist技术专家TS Technical Services Agreement TSA技术服务协议Tank Farm罐区TFUUtility Flow Diagram UFD公用工程流程图Ultra low sulfur ULSDdiesel超低硫柴油United Kingdom英国UKUnit Rate单价URUnited States of America美利坚合众国USAVVacuum distillation VDUunit减压蒸馏装置Value Engineering VE价值工程Vacuum gas oil减压瓦斯油VGO Viscosity indexVI粘度指数Vendor ListVL制造厂表Vendor Print厂商资料VP Vendor Print Management VPMSSystem厂商资料管理系统Vendor Print TransmittalVPTL Letter厂商资料传送Vacuum residue VR减压渣油Vacuum residue desulfurization减压渣油加氢脱硫VRDS Vacuum tower bottoms减压渣油VTBVinyl Chloride氯乙烯/VCM/PVC聚氯乙烯Value Improvement PracticesVIP价值工程实践WWide Area Network广域网WANWeight hourly space velocity重时空速WHSV世界石油大会Congress Petroleum WorldWPC.Weight重量WT Wastewater treatment system污水处理系统WWTS Work Breakdown StructureWBS工作分解结构XExtra high viscosityXHVI index超高粘度指数。
Cook 厨师
Steward 厨工
Laundry Man 洗衣工
二. 作业者及服务公司人员 ( Operator’s Personnel and Service Company Personnel)
Drilling Superintendent 钻井监督
Power Tong 动力大钳
Air Winch (air tugger) 气动绞车
Crown-O-Matic (Crown Saver) 防碰天车
二. 泥浆系统 (Mud System)
Mud Pump 泥浆泵
Shale shaker 振动筛
Mud Cleaner 泥浆清洁器
Desilter 除泥器
Ezy-Torq 液压猫头
Elmagco Brake 涡磁刹车
Pipe handling Equipment 钻杆移动设备
Iron roughneck 铁钻工
Pipe Racking System 钻杆排放系统
Drill String 钻柱
Drilling Sub 钻井短节
Fishing Tool 打捞工具
Elevator 吊卡
Tong 大钳
Make-up Tong 上扣大钳
Break-out Tong 卸扣大钳
Mud Box 泥浆防喷盒
Casing Stabbing Board 套管扶正器
Slips 卡瓦
Spider 卡盘
Mouse Hole 小鼠洞 (接单根用)
Kelly Spinner 方钻杆旋转器
Sick-Bay (Hospital) 医务室
石油化工常用英语缩写一、化工常用缩写代号英文缩写全称MA 丙烯酸甲酯MAA 甲基丙烯酸MABS 甲基丙烯酸甲酯-丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物MAL 甲基丙烯醛MBS 甲基丙烯酸甲酯-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物MBTE 甲基叔丁基醚MC 甲基纤维素MCA 三聚氰胺氰脲酸盐MCPA-6 改性聚己内酰胺(铸型尼龙6)MCR 改性氯丁冷粘鞋用胶MDI 3,3’-二甲基-4,4’-二氨基二苯甲烷MDI 二苯甲烷二异氰酸酯(甲撑二苯基二异氰酸酯) MDPE 中压聚乙烯(高密度)MEK 丁酮(甲乙酮)MEKP 过氧化甲乙酮MES 脂肪酸甲酯磺酸盐MF 三聚氰胺-甲醛树脂M-HIPS 改性高冲聚苯乙烯MIBK 甲基异丁基酮MMA 甲基丙烯酸甲酯MMF 甲基甲酰胺MNA 甲基丙烯腈MPEG 乙醇酸乙酯MPF 三聚氨胺-酚醛树脂MPK 甲基丙基甲酮M-PP 改性聚丙烯MPPO 改性聚苯醚MPS 改性聚苯乙烯MS 苯乙烯-甲基丙烯酸甲酯树脂MSO 石油醚MTBE 甲基叔丁基醚MTT 氯丁胶新型交联剂MWR 旋转模塑MXD-10/6 醇溶三元共聚尼龙MXDP 间苯二甲基二胺N英文缩写全称NBR 丁腈橡胶NDI 二异氰酸萘酯NDOP 邻苯二甲酸正癸辛酯NHDP 邻苯二甲酸己正癸酯NHTM 偏苯三酸正己酯NINS 癸二酸二异辛酯NLS 正硬脂酸铅NMP N-甲基吡咯烷酮NODA 己二酸正辛正癸酯NODP 邻苯二甲酸正辛正癸酯NPE 壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚NR 天然橡胶O英文缩写全称OBP 邻苯二甲酸辛苄酯ODA 己二酸异辛癸酯ODPP 磷酸辛二苯酯OIDD 邻苯二甲酸正辛异癸酯OPP 定向聚丙烯(薄膜)OPS 定向聚苯乙烯(薄膜)OPVC 正向聚氯乙烯OT 气熔胶P英文缩写全称PA 聚酰胺(尼龙)PA-1010 聚癸二酸癸二胺(尼龙1010) PA-11 聚十一酰胺(尼龙11) PA-12 聚十二酰胺(尼龙12)PA-6 聚己内酰胺(尼龙6)PA-610 聚癸二酰乙二胺(尼龙610)PA-612 聚十二烷二酰乙二胺(尼龙612) PA-66 聚己二酸己二胺(尼龙66)PA-8 聚辛酰胺(尼龙8)PA-9 聚9-氨基壬酸(尼龙9)PAA 聚丙烯酸PAAS 水质稳定剂PABM 聚氨基双马来酰亚胺PAC 聚氯化铝PAEK 聚芳基醚酮PAI 聚酰胺-酰亚胺PAM 聚丙烯酰胺PAMBA 抗血纤溶芳酸PAMS 聚α-甲基苯乙烯PAN 聚丙烯腈PAP 对氨基苯酚PAPA 聚壬二酐PAPI 多亚甲基多苯基异氰酸酯PAR 聚芳酰胺PAR 聚芳酯(双酚A型)PAS 聚芳砜(聚芳基硫醚)PB 聚丁二烯-[1,3]PBAN 聚(丁二烯-丙烯腈)PBI 聚苯并咪唑PBMA 聚甲基丙烯酸正丁酯PBN 聚萘二酸丁醇酯PBR 丙烯-丁二烯橡胶PBS 聚(丁二烯-苯乙烯)PBS 聚(丁二烯-苯乙烯)PBT 聚对苯二甲酸丁二酯PC 聚碳酸酯PC/ABS 聚碳酸酯/ABS树脂共混合金PC/PBT 聚碳酸酯/聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯弹性体共混合金PCD 聚羰二酰亚胺PCDT 聚(1,4-环己烯二亚甲基对苯二甲酸酯)PCE 四氯乙烯PCMX 对氯间二甲酚PCT 聚对苯二甲酸环己烷对二甲醇酯PCT 聚己内酰胺PCTEE 聚三氟氯乙烯PD 二羟基聚醚PDAIP 聚间苯二甲酸二烯丙酯PDAP 聚对苯二甲酸二烯丙酯PDMS 聚二甲基硅氧烷R英文缩写全称RE 橡胶粘合剂RF 间苯二酚-甲醛树脂RFL 间苯二酚-甲醛乳胶RP 增强塑料RP/C 增强复合材料RX 橡胶软化剂S英文缩写全称S/MS 苯乙烯-α-甲基苯乙烯共聚物SAN 苯乙烯-丙烯腈共聚物SAS 仲烷基磺酸钠SB 苯乙烯-丁二烯共聚物SBR 丁苯橡胶SBS 苯乙烯-丁二烯-苯乙烯嵌段共聚物SC 硅橡胶气调织物膜SDDC N,N-二甲基硫代氨基甲酸钠SE 磺乙基纤维素SGA 丙烯酸酯胶SI 聚硅氧烷SIS 苯乙烯-异戊二烯-苯乙烯嵌段共聚物SIS/SEBS 苯乙烯-乙烯-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物SM 苯乙烯SMA 苯乙烯-顺丁烯二酸酐共聚物SPP :间规聚苯乙烯SPVC 悬浮法聚氯乙烯SR 合成橡胶ST 矿物纤维T英文缩写全称TAC 三聚氰酸三烯丙酯TAME 甲基叔戊基醚TAP 磷酸三烯丙酯TBE 四溴乙烷TBP 磷酸三丁酯TCA 三醋酸纤维素TCCA 三氯异氰脲酸TCEF 磷酸三氯乙酯TCF 磷酸三甲酚酯TCPP 磷酸三氯丙酯TDI 甲苯二异氰酸酯TEA 三乙胺TEAE 三乙氨基乙基纤维素TEDA 三乙二胺TEFC 三氟氯乙烯TEP 磷酸三乙酯TFE 四氟乙烯THF 四氢呋喃TLCP 热散液晶聚酯TMP 三羟甲基丙烷TMPD 三甲基戊二醇TMTD 二硫化四甲基秋兰姆(硫化促进剂TT) TNP 三壬基苯基亚磷酸酯TPA 对苯二甲酸TPE 磷酸三苯酯TPS 韧性聚苯乙烯TPU 热塑性聚氨酯树脂TR 聚硫橡胶TRPP 纤维增强聚丙烯TR-RFT 纤维增强聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯TRTP 纤维增强热塑性塑料TTP 磷酸二甲苯酯U英文缩写全称U 脲UF 脲甲醛树脂UHMWPE 超高分子量聚乙烯UP 不饱和聚酯V英文缩写全称VAC 醋酸乙烯酯VAE 乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物VAM 醋酸乙烯VAMA 醋酸乙烯-顺丁烯二酐共聚物VC 氯乙烯VC/CDC 氯乙烯/偏二氯乙烯共聚物VC/E 氯乙烯/乙烯共聚物VC/E/MA 氯乙烯/乙烯/丙烯酸甲酯共聚物VC/E/VAC 氯乙烯/乙烯/醋酸乙烯酯共聚物VC/MA 氯乙烯/丙烯酸甲酯共聚物VC/MMA 氯乙烯/甲基丙烯酸甲酯共聚物VC/OA 氯乙烯/丙烯酸辛酯共聚物VC/VAC 氯乙烯/醋酸乙烯酯共聚物VCM 氯乙烯(单体)VCP 氯乙烯-丙烯共聚物VCS 丙烯腈-氯化聚乙烯-苯乙烯共聚物VDC 偏二氯乙烯VPC 硫化聚乙烯VTPS 特种橡胶偶联剂W英文缩写全称WF 新型橡塑填料WP 织物涂层胶WRS 聚苯乙烯球形细粒X英文缩写全称XF 二甲苯-甲醛树脂XMC 复合材料Y英文缩写全称YH 改性氯丁胶YM 聚丙烯酸酯压敏胶乳YWG 液相色谱无定型微粒硅胶Z英文缩写全称ZE 玉米纤维ZH 溶剂型氯化天然橡胶胶粘剂ZN 粉状脲醛树脂胶二、石油化工常用英语缩写1 AC Air Conditioning 空气调节装置2 AGO Atmospheric gas oil 常压瓦斯油3 AML Approved Manufacturers' List 批准的厂商名单4 APE Area Project Engineer 区域项目工程师5 AR Atmospheric residue 常压渣油6 ARDS Atmospheric residue desulfurization 常压渣油加氢脱硫7 ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程师协会8 BD Business Director 商务主任9 BD Business Development 市场部10 BEDP Basic Design Engineering Package 基础设计包11 BFW Boiler feed water 锅炉给水12 BL Battery limits 界区13 BEDD Basic Engineering Design Data 基础工程设计数据14 BM Bill of Material 材料表15 BOD Basis of Design 设计基础16 BOD Biological Oxygen Demand 化学需氧量17 BP Boiling point 沸点18 BS Bright stock 光亮油19 BSI British Standards Institute 英国标准协会20 BTEX Benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene 苯,甲苯,乙苯,二甲苯21 BTU British thermal unit 英热单位22 BTX Benzene, toluene, xylene 苯,甲苯,二甲苯23 C Construction 施工24 CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计25 CADD Computer Aided Design and Drafting 计算机辅助设计和绘图26 CCR Conradson carbon residue 康氏残炭27 CCR Continuous Catalyst Regeneration 催化剂连续再生28 CDU Crude distillation unit 原油蒸馏装置29 CGO Coker gas oil 焦化瓦斯油30 CI Cetane index 十六烷指数31 CL Center line 中心线32 CM Construction Manager 施工经理33 CN Conference Note 会议纪要34 COD Chemical oxygen demand 化学需氧量35 CPDP Chinese Preliminary Design Package 中国初步设计包36 CPM Critical Path Method 关键路径法37 CR Catalytic Reforming 催化重整38 CS Carbon Steel 碳钢39 CW Cooling Water 冷却水40 FEED Front End Engineering Design 前期工程设计41 GB GUO BIAO 国标42 GCD Guaranteed Completion Date 保证完成日期43 GG Gauge glass 玻璃液面计44 GHSV Gaseous hourly space velocity 气体体积空速45 GPH Gas phase hydrogenation 气相加氢46 GSN Global Supply Network 全球供应网络47 GTG Gas Turbine Generator 燃气涡轮发电机48 GW Gross weight 毛重49 HAZID Hazard Identification Review 危险识别审查50 HAZOP Hazard and Operability Study 危险与可操作性研究51 HBP Highly branched paraffins 高支链烷烃52 HC Hydrocracking 加氢裂化53 HCCO Heavy catalytic cycles oil 重催化循环油54 HCGO Heavy coker gas oil 重焦化瓦斯油55 HDA hydrodearomatization 加氢脱芳烃56 HDF hydrofinishing 加氢后精制57 HDM hydrodemetallization 加氢脱金属58 HDN hydrodenitrogenation 加氢脱氮59 HDPE High Density Polyethylene 高密度聚乙烯60 HO Home Office 总部61 HDS hydrodesulfurization 加氢脱硫62 HDT hydrotreating 加氢精制,加氢处理63 HGO Heavy gas oil 重瓦斯油64 HR Human Resource 人力资源65 HP High pressure 高压66 HSFO High sulfur fuel oil 高硫燃料油67 HSR Heavy straight run 重直馏油68 HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 采暖通风69 HVGO Heavy vacuum gas oil 减压重瓦斯油70 HVI High viscosity index 高粘度指数71 IBL Inside Battery Limits (Same as ISBL)界区内72 IBP Initial Boiling Point 初馏点,初沸点73 IEC International Electro-technical Commission 国际电工委员会74 IFA Issued for Approval 用于正式批准75 IFB Issued for Bid 用于招标76 IFC Issued for Construction 用于施工77 IFD Issued for Design 用于设计78 IFH Issued for HAZOP 用于危险与可操作性研究79 ISBL Inside Battery Limits (same as IBL)界区内80 ISO International Standardization Organization 国际标准化组织81 IS Information System and Technology (same as IT)信息系统和技术82 ITB Invitation to Bid 邀标书83 JV Joint Venture 合营者84 KW Kilo-Watt 千瓦85 LAN Local Area Network 局域网86 LC Letter of Credit 信用证87 LCC Life Cycle Cost 寿命周期成本88 LCCO Light catalytic cycle oil 催化裂化轻循环油89 LCGO Light coker gas oil 焦化轻瓦斯油90 LCN Light coker naphtha 焦化轻汽油91 LCO Light cycle oil 轻循环油92 LDE Lead Discipline Engineer 专业负责人93 LDPE Low Density Polyethylene 低密度聚乙烯94 Level 1 High Level Schedules, control documentsused for control of total scope 项目计划195 Level 2 Intermediate Level Schedules, control documents designed to control scope at unit, area, department, contract or discipline level 项目计划296 Level 3 Detailed Schedules, control documents designed to control and report the status of individual deliverables,e.g. documents, requisitions etc. 项目计划397 LLDPE Linear Low Density Polyethylene 线性低密度聚乙烯98 LOI Letter of Intent 意向书99 LP Low Pressure 低气压100 LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas 液化石油气101 LS Lump Sum 固定总价102 LS Low sulfur 低硫103 LSD Low sulfur diesel 低硫柴油104 LSFO Low sulfur fuel oil 低硫燃料油105 LSR Light straight run 轻直馏油106 LSTK Lump Sum Turn Key (一揽子价格)总承包107 LSWR Low sulfur waxy residue 低硫含蜡渣油108 LTFT Low-temperature flow test 低温流动性试验109 LTRS Low-temperature recovery system 低温回收系统110 LV Low Voltage 低(电)压111 LVGO Light vacuum gas oil 轻减压瓦斯油112 LVI Low viscosity index 低粘度指数113 LVN Light virgin naphtha 直馏轻石脑油馏分114 MC Mechanical Completion 机械竣工115 MCR Micro carbon residue 微残炭116 MEG Mono Ethylene Glycol same as EG)乙二醇117 MHC Mild hydrocracking 缓和加氢裂化118 MPA Multi Project (Purchasing) Agreement 大宗采购协议119 MFA Multi-Facility (Purchase) Agreement 大宗采购协议120 MON Motor octane number 马达法辛烷值121 MP Medium pressure 中压122 MPHC Moderate pressure hydrocracking 中压加氢裂化123 MR Material Requisition 请购单124 MRP Material Requisition (issued for Purchase)请购单(用于购买)125 MRQ Material Requisition (issued for Quotation)请购单(用于报价)126 MRR Material Receiving Report 材料验收单127 MTO Material Take-Off 材料表128 MV Medium Voltage 中(电)压129 MW Mega-Watt 兆瓦130 MW Molecular weight 分子量131 N/A Not applicable or Not Appropriate 不适用的132 N/A Not Available 无133 NEC National Electrical Code 国家电气规范134 NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association 国家电气制造商协会135 NFPA National Fire Protection Association 全国防火协会136 NGL Natural Gas Liquids 天然气液体137 NP Normal paraffin 正构烷烃138 NPSH Net positive suction head 净吸入头139 NR Non Reimbursable (costs)非实报实销140 NTP Notice To Proceed 开工通知书141 NTS Not to Scale 不按比例142 OBL Outside Battery Limits £?same as OSBL 界区外143 OBS Organization Breakdown Structure 组织分解结构144 OSBL Outside Battery Limits (same as OBL)界区外145 P3 Primavera Project Planner 项目计划管理146 PAC Polycyclic aromatic compound 稠环芳烃,多环芳烃147 PAG Project Automation Group 项目自动化团队148 PAF Personnel Authorization Form 职员批准表149 P Process and instrumentation Diagram 工艺仪表流程图150 PID Proportional, Integral and Differential 比例、积分加微分(控制)151 PC Personal Computer 个人电脑152 PDA Propane deasphalting 丙烷脱沥青153 PDAO Propane deasphalted oil 丙烷脱沥青油154 PDU Propane deasphalting unit 丙烷脱沥青装置155 PE Project Engineer 项目工程师156 PE Polyethylene 聚乙烯157 PEM Project Engineering Manager 项目设计经理158 PET Project Execution Team 项目执行组159 PFD Process Flow Diagram 工艺流程图160 PFE Project Field Engineer 项目现场工程师161 PFPM Project Field Procurement Manager 项目现场采购经理162 PEFS Process Engineering Flow Scheme (same as P 工艺设计流程图163 PFS Process Flow Scheme (same as PFD-Process Flow Diagram)工艺流程图164 P/L Packing List 装箱单165 PM Project Manager 项目经理166 PMC Project Management Contractor 项目管理承包商167 PMM Project Material Manager 项目材料经理168 PNA Polynuclear aromatics 稠环芳烃,多环芳烃169 PNA Paraffin, Naphthene, Aromatic 烷烃、环烷烃、芳烃170 PO Procurement Order 采购订单171 POX Partial Oxidation 部分氧化造气172 PP Polypropylene 聚丙烯173 PPM Project Procurement Manager 项目采购经理174 PQP Project Quality Plan 项目质量计划175 PQAM Project Quality Assurance Manager 项目质量保证经理176 PQCM Project Quality Control Manager 项目质量控制经理177 PR Procedure 程序178 PRC People Republic of China 中华人民共和国。
DC: drill collar钻铤DP: drill pipe钻杆HWDP: heavy weight drill pipe加重钻杆X/O: crossover转换接头CSG: casing 套管WOC: wait on cementing侯凝POOH: put out of hole起钻(trip out)短起:short tripRIH: run in hole下钻(trip in)R/U: rig up组装N/U: nipple up组装L/D: lay down甩钻具DD:directional driller:定向司钻(斯伦贝谢的员工)w/: withBOP: blowout preventer防喷器、封井器BHA: bottom hole assembly井底钻具OD: outside diameter外径ID: inside diameter内径IF: internal flush内平FH: full hole贯眼EU: external upset外加厚IU: internal upset内加厚WBM: water base mud水基泥浆OBM: oil base mud油基泥浆TIW: Texas Iron Works全开安全阀MW: mud weight泥浆密度SPP: standpipe pressure立管压力MWD: measure while drilling随钻测量CCL: casing collar log套管接箍测井GR: gamma ray伽马(测井)HTHP: high temperature & high pressure高温高压RPM: round per minute转速SPM: stroke per minute泥浆泵TD: total depth总井深MD: measured depth斜深TVD: true vertical depth垂深PPG: pound per gallonRKB: rotary kelly bushing方钻杆补心GL: ground level地表LCM: loss circulation materials堵漏剂P/U: pick up上提WOB: weight on bit钻压VISC: viscosity泥浆粘度N/D: nipple down拆卸R/D: rig down拆卸SX: sacks袋、包BBL: barrel桶B/U: bottom up循环一周M/U: make up组装LB: poundPSI: pound per square inchESD: emergency shutdown紧急关停装置ROP: rate of penetration进尺速度(机械钻速)ESP:emergency response plan应急响应预案Isolation valve高低压闸门Swab 凡尔提(泥浆泵配件)Hub方卡瓦Bail 吊环Air hoist气葫芦Chain hoist手拉葫芦、倒链V-door (pipe ramp) 斜坡Flowline泥浆天槽Gas buster / poor boy液气分离器Slug pit配浆罐(配药罐)Trip nipple旋转头喇叭口Rotating head旋转头Chickson 活动弯头Trailer/container/cabin/quarter room住井房/生活区Trash pump排污泵Flare pit放喷池/点火池/防火墙pup joint:短节重晶石:bariteWear bushing:防磨套膨润土:gelCasing tally:套管数据Float shoe:浮鞋Float collar:浮匝Protector:护丝WOC:wait on cement:候凝Measure out of hole:校对井深surface casing:表层套管intermediate casing:技术套管production casing:生产套管方瓦:hub卡瓦:slip碳酸钙:calcium carbonate环形防喷器:annular半封:pipe ram全封:blind ramDrift :通径(vt)Gauge ring:通径规Resistivity:电阻套压:casing pressure油压:tubing pressure KOP:kick-off point:造斜点。
DC: drill collar钻铤DP: drill pipe钻杆HWDP: heavy weight drill pipe加重钻杆X/O: crossover转换接头CSG: casing 套管WOC: wait on cementing侯凝POOH: put out of hole起钻(trip out)短起:short tripRIH: run in hole下钻(trip in)R/U: rig up组装N/U: nipple up组装L/D: lay down甩钻具DD:directional driller:定向司钻(斯伦贝谢的员工)w/: withBOP: blowout preventer防喷器、封井器BHA: bottom hole assembly井底钻具OD: outside diameter外径ID: inside diameter内径IF: internal flush内平FH: full hole贯眼EU: external upset外加厚IU: internal upset内加厚WBM: water base mud水基泥浆OBM: oil base mud油基泥浆TIW: Texas Iron Works全开安全阀MW: mud weight泥浆密度SPP: standpipe pressure立管压力MWD: measure while drilling随钻测量CCL: casing collar log套管接箍测井GR: gamma ray伽马(测井)HTHP: high temperature & high pressure高温高压RPM: round per minute转速SPM: stroke per minute泥浆泵TD: total depth总井深MD: measured depth斜深TVD: true vertical depth垂深PPG: pound per gallonRKB: rotary kelly bushing方钻杆补心GL: ground level地表LCM: loss circulation materials堵漏剂P/U: pick up上提WOB: weight on bit钻压VISC: viscosity泥浆粘度N/D: nipple down拆卸R/D: rig down拆卸SX: sacks袋、包BBL: barrel桶B/U: bottom up循环一周M/U: make up组装LB: poundPSI: pound per square inchESD: emergency shutdown紧急关停装置ROP: rate of penetration进尺速度(机械钻速)ESP:emergency response plan应急响应预案Isolation valve高低压闸门Swab 凡尔提(泥浆泵配件)Hub方卡瓦Bail 吊环Air hoist气葫芦Chain hoist手拉葫芦、倒链V-door (pipe ramp) 斜坡Flowline泥浆天槽Gas buster / poor boy液气分离器Slug pit配浆罐(配药罐)Trip nipple旋转头喇叭口Rotating head旋转头Chickson 活动弯头Trailer/container/cabin/quarter room住井房/生活区Trash pump排污泵Flare pit放喷池/点火池/防火墙pup joint:短节重晶石:bariteWear bushing:防磨套膨润土:gelCasing tally:套管数据Float shoe:浮鞋Float collar:浮匝Protector:护丝WOC:wait on cement:候凝Measure out of hole:校对井深surface casing:表层套管intermediate casing:技术套管production casing:生产套管方瓦:hub卡瓦:slip碳酸钙:calcium carbonate环形防喷器:annular半封:pipe ram全封:blind ramDrift :通径(vt)Gauge ring:通径规Resistivity:电阻套压:casing pressure油压:tubing pressure KOP:kick-off point:造斜点。
石油行业英文缩写汇总3DLO 3D long offset seismic survey三维长偏移距野外资料采集3DHR-HR 3D High resolution –high ???seismic survey 三维高分辨-高密野外资料采集。
AAC = adjusted AC;ABI inclination at the drill bitAC acoustic 声波时差ACN =adjusted CN;ADN Azimuthal neotron densityAIT* Array Induction Imager Tool A&S admistration&serviceAHC Ascendant Hierarchical ClusteringARC Induction Resistivity GR annulus pressure ingrated toolARI Azimuth resistivity imager方位电阻率成像测井仪APD Elevation of Depth Reference (LMF) above Permanent DatumAPWD apparatus whle drillingASI Array seismic imager阵列地震成像仪A VG: AverageA VO Amplitude VersusOffset(Amplitude variation withoffset calibration)振幅-炮检距关系AZI: Azimuth (deg)BBC Buy Back ContractBGG: Background Gas (%)BGP 物探局BHFP bottomhole flowing pressureBHS :Borehole StatusBHT :Bottom Hole TemperatureBHTA 声波幅度BHTT 声波返回时间BLWH Blue WhiteBML below mud lineBOP Blow out preventerBOP stack 防喷器组BS Bit SizeBSW basic?? saturation water(综合含水)CAL borehole diameter 井径CAST 声波扫描成像测井仪CBI Central Bank of IranCBIL 井周声波成像CBL Cement Bond LogCC correlation coefficientCCAL common core analysis常规岩心分析CCL Casing Collar LocatorCCM Contractors Committee MeetingCDF cumulative density functionCDF Calibrated Downhole ForceCDS condensatCF core faciesCF cut fluorescenceCFA Composition Fluid Analyzer CGR Condensate-to-gas RatioCMC Crown mounted compensator安装在天车上的升沉补尝器CMR Combinable Magnetic Resonance 可组合的核磁共振测井仪CMR-A Timur/Coates PermeabilityCMR-B Timur/Coates PermeabilityCMR_DMRP Timur/Coates PermeabilityCMR_FLOW Timur/Coates PermeabilityCMR_SMRP Timur/Coates PermeabilityCMRT Timur/Coates PermeabilityCN neutron 中子COMP AMP Compessional amplitude纵波幅度COMP ATTN Compessional attunuation 纵波衰减CON induction log 感应测井COPA Companhia de Petroleo de Angola CP conductor pipeCQG Crystal Quartz GaugeCRA Corrosion resistant AlloyCRF cumulative recovery factor(采出程度)CSI 组合地震成像仪CT cut fluorescenceCt Conductivity of un-flushedCTRY COUNTRYcvgs cavings(井壁垮塌)Cxo Conductivity of flushed zones DAC 阵列声波DC drilling collarDCCR Daily Cost Control ReportDDR Daily Drilling ReportDEN density 密度Dev deviation井斜DF direct fluorescenceDGR Daily Geological ReportDHI direct hydrocarbon indicator DLS dog leg severityDPH Development PhaseDPPM Density Porosity Processing ModeDSC drill string compensatorDSI* Dipole Shear Sonic Imager偶极子横波声波成像仪DT1 Delta-T Shear - Lower DipoleDT1R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Lower DipoleDT2 Delta-T Shear - Upper Dipole {F13.4}DT2R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Upper DipoleDT3R Delta-T Stoneley, Receiver Array - Monopole StoneleyDT4P Delta-T Compressional - Monopole P&SDTCO Delta-T CompressionalDTRP Delta-T Compressional, Receiver Array - Monopole P&SDTSM Delta-T Shear {F13.4}DTTP Delta-T Compressional, Transmitter Array - Monopole P&SDVRT 数字垂直测井Dyn Clustering Dynamic ClusteringECD equivalent circulation density Echoes(Echoescope) Integrated Resistivity neutron density tool标准回波数据EMW equivalent mud weightEFAC Electro-faciesEOS Equation of StateE&P exploration&productionFCM finantial committee meetingFFV free fluid voluneFG Formation GasFLD FIELDFLW: mud flow rate(gpm)FMI Formation Micro-scanner Image 全井眼地层微电阻率成像仪EPD Elevation of Permanent Datum above Mean Sea LevelFRF final recovery factorFPSO 浮式采油轮FV: Funnel ViscosityGCSE Generalized Caliper SelectionGDAT GeoDetic DatumGDT "gas down to"G&G Geology&geophisicsGIIP gas initially in placegpm gallon per minuteGR natural gamma ray 自然伽马GRSE Generalized Mud Resistivity SelectionGTSE Generalized Temperature SelectionHDIP 六臂倾角HGNS Highly Integrated Gamma Ray Neutron SondeHRMS High-Resolution MechanicalSondeHRLA High-Resolution Azimuthal Laterolog SondeHWDP heavy wall drillpipelb/ft pounds/footIFD 低频偶极测井仪IGIP Initial Gas In placeIld deep investigate induction log 深探测感应测井Ilm medium investigate induction log 中探测感应测井Ils shallow investigate induction log 浅探测感应测井Image DIP 图像的倾角INAGEO Instituto Nacinal de Geologia INC: Inclination (deg)IPL 孔隙度综合测井仪IRR Initial Remuneration Rate??? JOA Joint Operating AggreementJMC Joint Management CommiteeK potassium 钾kips kilo poundsKRI Kernel Representative IndexKOP Kick Off PointKTH gamma ray without uranium 无铀伽马KTIM Timur/Coates Permeability, NMR_PermeabilityHALS 高分辨率方位侧向测井仪HGS high gravity solidsHRI 高分辨率感应测井仪LATI LATITUDELATD Latitude (N=+ S=- )L/D lay downLFA Live Fluid AnalyzerLGS low gravity solids?LMF Logging Measured From (Name of Logging Elevation Reference) LMRP lower marine riser packageLNG feed gas Liquified Natural Gas---Sour-rich-wet gas at theoutlet of the receiption facilitiesfor hand over to NIOC LNGplantL/O lay outLOC LOCATIONLONG LONGITUDELOND Longitude (E=+ W=-)LOT leak of testLPG Liquified Petroleum GasLWD logging with drillingMAC 多极阵列声波成像MATR Rock Matrix for Neutron Porosity CorrectionsMBVI 束缚流体体积MBVM 可动流体体积MC motion compensator升沉不成器MCFL Micro-Cylindrically Focused LogMD: Measured Depth (m)MDP Master Development Plan MDRT Mesured Depth Rotary Table MDT Modular Formation Dynamic Tester模块式地层动态测试器(组件式动态地层动力学测试仪)MER Maximum Efficient Ratemkwh milk whiteMIT 多道感应测井仪MMBBL metric million barelMMS Minerals Management Service MOA Memorandum of AgreementMOU Memorandum of Understanding MPERM 核磁共振渗透率MPHI 核磁共振有效孔隙度MRGC Multi-Resolution Graph-basedClusteringMRIL Magnetic Resonance Imager Log 核磁共振成像测井MRILWD magnetic resonance imaging logging while drillingMR_KLAMBDA_PERMS Timur/Coates PermeabilityMRP Magnetic Resonance PorosityMSIP Modular Sonic Imaging Platform 模块化声波成像平台msl mean sea levelMTSA Master Technical Services AgreementM/U make up,mount upMUSD million United States Dollar MW: Mud Weight (ppg)NGR neutron gamma ray 中子伽马NGS Natural Gamma SpectrumNIDC National Iranian Drilling Company NIOC National Iranian Oil CompanyNMR Nuclear Magnetic Resonance NSP 防磨补心NTG Net to GrossOBM Oil Based MudOBMI Oil Base MicroImage toolOCM operating committee meeting ODP overall development plan总体开发方案OGWC Original Gas Water ContactOOC Oil On CuttingsOOIP original oil in place 原始石油地质储量OPS operationsOWC oil water contactP90 which represents the realistic low sideP50 the Median value rangeP10 representing the realistic UPSIDE for the prospect.P16H_RT ARC Phase Shift Resistivity 16 inch Spacing at 2 MHz, Environmentally Corrected, Real-TimeP16L_RT ARC Phase Shift Resistivity 16 inch Spacing at 400 KHz, Environmentally Corrected, Real-TimePCG: Pipe connection Gas (%)接钻杆气Pd dew pointPD permanent datumPDAT Permanent DatumPEMA Pesquisas Minairas de Angola PETRANGOL Companhia de Petroleos de AngolaPEX Platform Express (The PlatformExpress toolstring includes either the AIT* Array Induction Imager Tool or High-Resolution Azimuthal Laterolog Sonde (HALS) as the resistivity tool. The Three-Detector Lithology Density (TLD) tool and Micro-Cylindrically Focused Log (MCFL) are housed in the High-Resolution Mechanical Sonde (HRMS) powered caliper. Above the HRMS are a compensated thermal neutron and gamma ray in the Highly Integrated Gamma Ray Neutron Sonde (HGNS) and a single-axis accelerometer.)PHIE Effective PorosityPHIE Multimin Porositypl poorly??PML ParaMagnetic测井公司PMS positioning motor systemPNC 脉冲中子俘获测井POOH pull out of holePOOW pull out of wellPOS Possibility of SuccessPPG pond per gallonProdn productionPSA production sharing agreement PSIA pound per square inch apparent PSDM prestack depth migration叠前深度偏移PSTM prestack time migrationPTB interval Permian-Triassic boundary intervalP/U pick upPV: Plastic ViscosityRADOUTR 井眼的椭圆度Rd deep investigate double lateral resistivity log 深双侧向电阻率测井R/D rig downRHOB-CORR gas corrected Neutron DensityRIH run in holeRMR risked mean reserveRMLL micro lateral resistivity log 微侧向电阻率测井ROP: Rate of penetration (m/hr) ROR Rate of ReturnROV remotely operated vehicleRPM Rotations per minuteRs shallow investigate double lateral resistivity log 浅双侧向电阻率测井R/S/CRotary/Slide/Circulation(Directional Drilling) Rt true formation resistivity. 地层真电阻率RT real timeRT Rotary TableR/T running timeRTE Rotary Table ElevationR/U rig upRxo flushed zone formation resistivity 冲洗带地层电阻率S3 Surface Sensor Waveform 3SBM Oil Based Mud’ (OBM) included synthetic oils .SBT 分区(扇段)水泥胶结测井仪,SC Service ContractSCAL special core analysis特殊岩心分析SDC Sonangol Data CentreSG specific gravityShear AMP Shear Amplitude横波幅度Shear ATTN ShearAttenuation横波衰减SHT Surface Hole TemperatureSICP Shut in casing presureSIDP Shut in drill pipe presure关井钻杆压力SOM Self-Organization Map ClusteringSONANGOL Sociodade Nacional Combustiveis AngolaSP spontaneous potential 自然电位SPP: Stand pipe Pressure(psi)SPD South Pars DrillingSRVC SERVICE COMPANYst stonelyST side trackStar Imager 微电阻率扫描成像STAR-II 声电组合成像测井STD stand 立柱STDS standsSTAT STATESTT 送入工具suc sucrosicSWAL 横波声波测井仪SWD Seismic While DrillingSWF shallow water flowS wb saturation of bond waterS wm saturation of movable waterS wirr saturation of irreducible water T2 Dist T2分布数据TBRT thin bed resistivity tool薄层电阻率TCL Thorium Clay – Global TCM technical committee meeting TCRT 过套管电阻率测井仪TD: Total Depth (m)TDEP HNG Coin Msg River DepthTENS Cable TensionTG Trip GasTG: Total Gas (%)TH thorium 钍THP tubing head pressureTIM 公司TJV A Temporary Joint VentureArrangement for Operating PurposesTLC Tough Logging Conditions pipe-conveyed systemTLD Three-Detector Lithology DensityTOC top of cementTP test pressureTPOR 总孔隙度TRQ: Rotary Torque KIb*ft)TVD: True Vertical Depth (m)TVDSS True Vertical Depth Subsea TVT true vertical thicknessT/W together withU uranium 铀U Photoelectric absorption cross-sectionUAE United Arab EmiratesUGC underground contourUMR unrisked mean reserve USGS U.S. Geological SurveyUSI ultrasonic imager超声波成像仪UWI :UNIQUE WELL IDVDL Variable Density LogVPC vertical proportion curveVSI Versatile Seismic ImagerVSP-WD Vertical Seismic Profile While DrillingWBM Water Based MudWEC Well Evaluation Conference WH well headWHP well head pressureWOB: Weight on Bit(KIbs)WTHP well tubing head pressure X/O cross over 大小头, 转换接头XPT-A Xpress Perssure Tool-AXRD X-Ray diffractionYP: Yield PointΦR calculated porosity from resistivity with Archie formulaMRXabbr. <测井> Magnetic Resonance eXpert tool 核磁共振专家测井仪XPTabbr. <测井> Xpress Pressure ToolGPITabbr. <测井> General Purpose Inclinometer ToolFMIabbr. <测井> Fullbore Formation Micro Imager 全井眼地层微电阻率成像测井USIPabbr. <测井> UltraSonic Imaging PlatformHNGSabbr. <测井> Hostile Environment Natural Gamma Ray SondeVSIabbr. <测井> Versatile Seismic ImagerCBLabbr. <测井> Cement Bond Log 水泥胶结测井APSabbr. <测井> Accelerator Porosity SondeTLDabbr. <测井> Three-Detector Lithology DensityCCLabbr. <测井> Casing Collar Log 套管接箍测井/modules/mnemonics/ChannelItem.aspx?codeLow fluid loss and gel strengths of pad mud spotted in the hole just prior to running casing.Riser pipe 隔水管Circulation circuit 循环管道5700系列的测井项目及曲线名称Retrievable tools, sometimes known as Slim Tools,Collar-mounted tools, also known as Fat Tools,a triple rig (able to trip 3 joints of pipe,*西方阿特拉斯的ECLIPS-5700成像测井系统*主要包括:声电组合成像测井(STAR-II)、核磁共振测井(MRIL-C)、多极子声波成像仪(M AC)和扇段水泥胶结评价(SBT)等*哈里伯顿的EXCELL-2000成像测井系统*主要包括:井周声波扫描成像测井(CAST),微电阻率扫描成像(EMI)*斯伦贝谢的MAXIS-500成像测井系统*主要包括:微电阻率扫描成像(FMI)、阵列感应(AIT)、方位电阻率(ARI)、偶极横波(DSI)、核磁共振(CMR)等成像测井*(Compressional)Slowness (time)(Δtc)*Shear Slow ness (Δts)HSGR .GAPI :HNGS Standard Gamma Ray{F13.4}HCGR .GAPI :HNGS Computed Gamma Ray{F13.4}HFK .V/V :HNGS Formation Potassium Concentration{F13.4}HTHO .PPM :HNGS Formation Thorium Concentration {F13.4} HTPR . :HNGS Thorium/Potassium Ratio {F13.4} HTUR . :HNGS Thorium/Uranium Ratio {F13.4} HUPR . :HNGS Uranium/Potassium Ratio {F13.4} HURA .PPM :HNGS Formation Uranium Concentration {F13.4} GR_EDTC.GAPI :EDTC Gamma Ray {F13.4}CHR1 :Label Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole {F13.4}CHR2 . :Label Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole {F13.4} CHR3 . :Label Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley {F13.4} CHRP . :Label Peak Coherence, Receiver Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S {F13.4} CHTP . :Label Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S {F13.4} ITT .S :Integrated Transit Time {F13.4} HAZI .DEG :Hole Azimuth {F13.4}P1AZ .DEG :Pad 1 Azimuth {F13.4}RB .DEG :Relative Bearing {F13.4}SDEV .DEG :Sonde Deviation {F13.4}P1AZ_OBMT_2.DEG :Memorized Pad 1 Azimuth {F13.4}RB_OBMT_2.DEG :Memorized Rotated Relative Bearing {F13.4}PP_OBMT_2. :Pad Pressure {F13.4}DEVI .DEG :Hole Deviation {F13.4}RB_OBMT.DEG :Memorized Relative Bearing {F13.4}P1AZ_OBMT.DEG :Memorized Pad 1 Azimuth {F13.4}PP_OBMT. :Pad Pressure {F13.4}HAZI .DEG :Hole Azimuth {F13.4}P1AZ .DEG :Pad 1 Azimuth {F13.4}RB .DEG :Relative Bearing {F13.4} SDEV .DEG :Sonde Deviation {F13.4} OZA_2.OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad A {F13.4} OZB_2.OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad B {F13.4} OZC_2.OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad C {F13.4} OZD_2.OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad D {F13.4} OBRA_2[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities, Pad A {AF13.4} OBRB_2[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities Pad B {AF13.4} OBRC_2[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities Pad C {AF13.4}OBRD_2[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities Pad D {AF13.4}C1_OBMT_2.IN :OBMT2 Caliper 1 {F13.4}C2_OBMT_2.IN :OBMT2 Caliper 2 {F13.4} OZA .OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad A {F13.4}OZB .OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad B {F13.4}OZC .OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad C {F13.4}OZD .OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad D {F13.4}OBRA[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities, Pad A {AF13.4}OBRB[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities Pad B {AF13.4} OBRC[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities Pad C {AF13.4} OBRD[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities Pad D {AF13.4}C1_OBMT.IN :OBMT Caliper 1 {F13.4}C2_OBMT.IN :OBMT Caliper 2 {F13.4}。
工作中难免碰到什么MR ,MRQ ,MRP 等等缩写,尤其国际工程更加明显,如果弄不清楚,或者理解错误很容易造成严重的后果。
有些缩写并不通用,只是作为自己的一个知识储备以及参考,所以请看到的童鞋们包涵: 序号 缩写 英文 中文1 AC Air Conditioning 空气调节装置2 AGO Atmospheric gas oil 常压瓦斯油3 AML Approved Manufacturers' List 批准的厂商名单4 APE Area Project Engineer 区域项目工程师5 AR Atmospheric residue 常压渣油6 ARDS Atmospheric residue desulfurization 常压渣油加氢脱硫7 ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程师协会8 BD Business Director 商务主任9 BD Business Development 市场部10 BEDP Basic Design Engineering Package 基础设计包11 BFW Boiler feed water 锅炉给水12 BL Battery limits 界区13 BEDD Basic Engineering Design Data 基础工程设计数据14 BM Bill of Material 材料表15 BOD Basis of Design 设计基础16 BOD Biological Oxygen Demand 化学需氧量17 BP Boiling point 沸点18 BS Bright stock 光亮油19 BSI British Standards Institute 英国标准协会20 BTEX Benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene 苯,甲苯,乙苯,二甲苯21 BTU British thermal unit 英热单位22 BTX Benzene, toluene, xylene 苯,甲苯,二甲苯23 C Construction 施工24 CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计25 CADD Computer Aided Design and Drafting 计算机辅助设计和绘图26 CCR Conradson carbon residue 康氏残炭27 CCR Continuous Catalyst Regeneration 催化剂连续再生28 CDU Crude distillation unit 原油蒸馏装置29 CGO Coker gas oil 焦化瓦斯油30 CI Cetane index 十六烷指数31 CL Center line 中心线32 CM Construction Manager 施工经理33 CN Conference Note 会议纪要 (老外更喜欢用 MOM:Minitues of Meeting)34 COD Chemical oxygen demand 化学需氧量35 CPDP Chinese Preliminary Design Package 中国初步设计包 (直接称为PDP就OK了)36 CPM Critical Path Method 关键路径法37 CR Catalytic Reforming 催化重整38 CS Carbon Steel 碳钢39 CW Cooling Water 冷却水40 FEED Front End Engineering Design 前期工程设计41 GB GUO BIAO 国标42 GCD Guaranteed Completion Date 保证完成日期43 GG Gauge glass 玻璃液面计44 GHSV Gaseous hourly space velocity 气体体积空速45 GPH Gas phase hydrogenation 气相加氢46 GSN Global Supply Network 全球供应网络47 GTG Gas Turbine Generator 燃气涡轮发电机48 GW Gross weight 毛重49 HAZID Hazard Identification Review 危险识别审查50 HAZOP Hazard and Operability Study 危险与可操作性研究51 HBP Highly branched paraffins 高支链烷烃52 HC Hydrocracking 加氢裂化53 HCCO Heavy catalytic cycles oil 重催化循环油54 HCGO Heavy coker gas oil 重焦化瓦斯油55 HDA hydrodearomatization 加氢脱芳烃56 HDF hydrofinishing 加氢后精制57 HDM hydrodemetallization 加氢脱金属58 HDN hydrodenitrogenation 加氢脱氮59 HDPE High Density Polyethylene 高密度聚乙烯60 HO Home Office 总部61 HDS hydrodesulfurization 加氢脱硫62 HDT hydrotreating 加氢精制,加氢处理63 HGO Heavy gas oil 重瓦斯油64 HR Human Resource 人力资源65 HP High pressure 高压66 HSFO High sulfur fuel oil 高硫燃料油67 HSR Heavy straight run 重直馏油68 HVAC Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning 采暖通风69 HVGO Heavy vacuum gas oil 减压重瓦斯油70 HVI High viscosity index 高粘度指数71 IBL Inside Battery Limits (Same as ISBL) 界区内72 IBP Initial Boiling Point 初馏点,初沸点73 IEC International Electro‐technical Commission 国际电工委员会74 IFA Issued for Approval 用于正式批准75 IFB Issued for Bid 用于招标 (ITB:用的更多)76 IFC Issued for Construction 用于施工77 IFD Issued for Design 用于设计78 IFH Issued for HAZOP 用于危险与可操作性研究79 ISBL Inside Battery Limits (same as IBL) 界区内80 ISO International Standardization Organization 国际标准化组织81 IS&T/IT Information System and Technology (same as IT) 信息系统和技术82 ITB Invitation to Bid 邀标书83 JV Joint Venture 合营者84 KW Kilo‐Watt 千瓦85 LAN Local Area Network 局域网86 LC Letter of Credit 信用证87 LCC Life Cycle Cost 寿命周期成本88 LCCO Light catalytic cycle oil 催化裂化轻循环油89 LCGO Light coker gas oil 焦化轻瓦斯油90 LCN Light coker naphtha 焦化轻汽油91 LCO Light cycle oil 轻循环油92 LDE Lead Discipline Engineer 专业负责人93 LDPE Low Density Polyethylene 低密度聚乙烯94 Level 1 High Level Schedules, control documentsused for control of total scope 项目计划1 (项目进度)95 Level 2 Intermediate Level Schedules, control documents designed to control scope at unit, area, department, contract or discipline level 项目计划296 Level 3 Detailed Schedules, control documents designed to control and report the status of individual deliverables, e.g. documents, requisitions etc. 项目计划3(还有LEVEL 4)97 LLDPE Linear Low Density Polyethylene 线性低密度聚乙烯98 LOI Letter of Intent 意向书99 LP Low Pressure 低气压100 LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas 液化石油气101 LS Lump Sum 固定总价102 LS Low sulfur 低硫103 LSD Low sulfur diesel 低硫柴油104 LSFO Low sulfur fuel oil 低硫燃料油105 LSR Light straight run 轻直馏油106 LSTK Lump Sum Turn Key (一揽子价格)总承包107 LSWR Low sulfur waxy residue 低硫含蜡渣油108 LTFT Low‐temperature flow test 低温流动性试验109 LTRS Low‐temperature recovery system 低温回收系统110 LV Low Voltage 低(电)压111 LVGO Light vacuum gas oil 轻减压瓦斯油112 LVI Low viscosity index 低粘度指数113 LVN Light virgin naphtha 直馏轻石脑油馏分114 MC Mechanical Completion 机械竣工115 MCR Micro carbon residue 微残炭116 MEG Mono Ethylene Glycol same as EG) 乙二醇117 MHC Mild hydrocracking 缓和加氢裂化118 MPA Multi Project (Purchasing) Agreement 大宗采购协议119 MFA Multi‐Facility (Purchase) Agreement 大宗采购协议120 MON Motor octane number 马达法辛烷值121 MP Medium pressure 中压122 MPHC Moderate pressure hydrocracking 中压加氢裂化123 MR Material Requisition 请购单124 MRP Material Requisition (issued for Purchase) 请购单(用于购买)125 MRQ Material Requisition (issued for Quotation) 请购单(用于报价)126 MRR Material Receiving Report 材料验收单127 MTO Material Take‐Off 材料表128 MV Medium Voltage 中(电)压129 MW Mega‐Watt 兆瓦130 MW Molecular weight 分子量131 N/A Not applicable or Not Appropriate 不适用的132 N/A Not Available 无133 NEC National Electrical Code 国家电气规范134 NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association 国家电气制造商协会135 NFPA National Fire Protection Association 全国防火协会136 NGL Natural Gas Liquids 天然气液体137 NP Normal paraffin 正构烷烃138 NPSH Net positive suction head 净吸入头139 NR Non Reimbursable (costs) 非实报实销140 NTP Notice To Proceed 开工通知书141 NTS Not to Scale 不按比例142 OBL Outside Battery Limits £®same as OSBL 界区外143 OBS Organization Breakdown Structure 组织分解结构144 OSBL Outside Battery Limits (same as OBL) 界区外145 P3 Primavera Project Planner 项目计划管理(一个盛名之下,其实难负的进度编制软件,用来忽悠忽悠老外还行)146 PAC Polycyclic aromatic compound 稠环芳烃,多环芳烃147 PAG Project Automation Group 项目自动化团队148 PAF Personnel Authorization Form 职员批准表149 P&ID Process and instrumentation Diagram 工艺仪表流程图150 PID Proportional, Integral and Differential 比例、积分加微分(控制)151 PC Personal Computer 个人电脑152 PDA Propane deasphalting 丙烷脱沥青153 PDAO Propane deasphalted oil 丙烷脱沥青油154 PDU Propane deasphalting unit 丙烷脱沥青装置155 PE Project Engineer 项目工程师156 PE Polyethylene 聚乙烯157 PEM Project Engineering Manager 项目设计经理158 PET Project Execution Team 项目执行组159 PFD Process Flow Diagram 工艺流程图160 PFE Project Field Engineer 项目现场工程师161 PFPM Project Field Procurement Manager 项目现场采购经理162 PEFS Process Engineering Flow Scheme (same as P&ID) 工艺设计流程图163 PFS Process Flow Scheme (same as PFD‐Process Flow Diagram) 工艺流程图164 P/L Packing List 装箱单165 PM Project Manager 项目经理166 PMC Project Management Contractor 项目管理承包商167 PMM Project Material Manager 项目材料经理168 PNA Polynuclear aromatics 稠环芳烃,多环芳烃169 PNA Paraffin, Naphthene, Aromatic 烷烃、环烷烃、芳烃170 PO Procurement Order 采购订单171 POX Partial Oxidation 部分氧化造气172 PP Polypropylene 聚丙烯173 PPM Project Procurement Manager 项目采购经理174 PQP Project Quality Plan 项目质量计划175 PQAM Project Quality Assurance Manager 项目质量保证经理 176 PQCM Project Quality Control Manager 项目质量控制经理 177 PR Procedure 程序178 PRC People Republic of China 中华人民共和国179 PRS Power recovery system 能量回收系统180 PSA Pressure swing adsorption 变压吸附181 PSM Project Site Manager 项目现场经理182 PVC Poly Vinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯183 PW Paraffin wax 石蜡184 QA Quality Assurance 质量保证185 QC Quality Control 质量控制186 QM Quality Management 质量管理187 RDS Resid desulfurization 渣油(加氢)脱硫188 RFCC Resid FCC 渣油催化裂化189 RFG Reformulated gasoline 新配方汽油190 RHC Resid hydroconversion 渣油加氢转化191 RHDS Residue hydrodesulfurization 渣油加氢脱硫192 RIS Refinery information system 炼油厂信息系统193 RMP Risk management plan 风险管理计划194 RON Research octane number 研究法辛烷值195 RONC Research octane number clear 不加铅研究法辛烷值 196 ROSE Resid oil supercritical extraction 渣油超临界抽提197 SCO Synthetic crude oil 合成原油198 SDW Solvent dewaxing 溶剂脱蜡199 SIGF Site Integration & General Facility 全场一体化和一般设施 200 RFSU Ready for Start Up 待开车201 S/C Subcontractor 分包商202 SM Styrene Monomer 苯乙烯单体203 SOR Start of run 运转初期204 SR Semi‐regenerative 半再生的205 SR Straight run 直馏206 SRU Sulfur recovery unit 硫磺回收装置207 SS Stainless Steel 不锈钢208 SSOT Single stage once through 一段一次通过加氢裂化209 STG Steam Turbine Generator 蒸汽发电机210 TAN Total acid number 总酸值211 TBD To be Determined 待定212 TBN Total base number 总碱值213 TBS Technical Bid Summary 技术标概要214 T&C'S Terms and Conditions (e.g. of purchase) 术语和条件(用于采购)215 TCD Target Completion Date 目标完成日期216 TGCU Tail gas cleanup unit 尾气净化装置217 TGTU Tail gas treating unit 尾气处理装置218 TIC Total Installed Cost 总体安装费用219 T&L Traffic and Logistics 交通与后勤管理220 TS Technical Specialist 技术专家221 TSA Technical Services Agreement 技术服务协议222 TF Tank Farm 罐区223 UFD Utility Flow Diagram 公用工程流程图 (UP&ID 或UID更常用)224 ULSD Ultra low sulfur diesel 超低硫柴油225 UK United Kingdom 英国226 UR Unit Rate 单价227 USA United States of America 美利坚合众国228 VDU Vacuum distillation unit 减压蒸馏装置229 VE Value Engineering 价值工程230 VGO Vacuum gas oil 减压瓦斯油231 VI Viscosity index 粘度指数232 VL Vendor List 制造厂表233 VP Vendor Print 厂商资料234 VPMS Vendor Print Management System 厂商资料管理系统235 VPTL Vendor Print Transmittal Letter 厂商资料传送236 VR Vacuum residue 减压渣油237 VRDS Vacuum residue desulfurization 减压渣油加氢脱硫238 VTB Vacuum tower bottoms 减压渣油239 WAN Wide Area Network 广域网240 WHSV Weight hourly space velocity 重时空速241 WPC World Petroleum Congress 世界石油大会242 WT Weight 重量243 WWTS Wastewater treatment system 污水处理系统244 VCM/PVC Vinyl Chloride 氯乙烯/聚氯乙烯245 VIP Value Improvement Practices 价值工程实践246 WBS Work Breakdown Structure 工作分解结构(这个是很重要的衡量进度的手段。
石油化工英语常用缩写(第一版)序号缩写英文中文1 ACAir Conditioning 空气调节装置2 AGO Atmospheric gasoil 常压瓦斯油3AMLApproved Manufacturers' List批准的厂商名单4 APEArea Project Engineer 区域项目工程师ﻫ5AR Atmospheric re sidue 常压渣油ﻫ6ARDSAtmospheric residue desulfurization常压渣油加氢脱硫7ASMEAmerican Society ofMechanical Engineers美国机械工程师协会ﻫ8BD BusinessDirector 商务主任9 BD Business Development市场部10 BEDP Basic Design Engineering Package基础设计包1312BLBattery limits界区ﻫ11BFWBoiler feedwater锅炉给水ﻫBEDD Basic EngineeringDesign Data 基础工程设计数据15BODBasis of Design设计基础14 BM Bill of Material 材料表ﻫ16 BOD Biological OxygenDemand化学需氧量17 BP Boiling point 沸点ﻫ18BS Bright stock 光亮油19 BSIBritish StandardsInstitute 英国标准协会ﻫ20 BTEX Benz ene,toluene,ethylbenzene, xylene苯,甲苯,乙苯,二甲苯ﻫ21BTU Britishthermalunit 英热单位ﻫ22BTXBenzene, toluene,xylene 苯,甲苯,23 C Construction 施工ﻫ24CADComputer AidedDesign计算二甲苯ﻫ机辅助设计26CCR25 CADD Computer AidedDesign andDrafting 计算机辅助设计和绘图ﻫConradson carbon residue 康氏残炭27 CCR ContinuousCatalyst Regeneration催化剂连续再生28 CDU Crude distillation unit原油蒸馏装置30CI Cetaneindex 十六烷指数29 CGO Coker gas oil 焦化瓦斯油ﻫ31CLCenter line 中心线32CM Construction Manager 施工经理33CN Conference Note会议纪要ﻫ34 COD Chemical oxygen demand 化学需氧量36 CPM Crit 35CPDP Chinese Preliminary Design Package中国初步设计包ﻫical Path Method关键路径法37 CR Catalytic Reforming催化重整ﻫ38CS Carbon Steel 碳钢ﻫ39C WCooling Water冷却水ﻫ40 FEED Front End EngineeringDesign 前期工程设计41 GB GUOBIAO 国标ﻫ42GCD Guaranteed Completion Date保证完成日期ﻫ43GG Gauge glass玻璃液面计ﻫ44GHSV Gaseoushourly spacevelocity 气体体积空速45 GPHGasphasehydrogenation 气相加氢47GTG GasTurbine G46GSN Global Supply Network全球供应网络ﻫenerator 燃气涡轮发电机48 GWGrossweight 毛重49HAZID Hazard IdentificationReview危险识别审查ﻫ50HAZOPHazard andOperability Study 危险与可操作性研究51 HBP Highly branchedparaffins 高支链烷烃52 HC Hydrocracking加氢裂化53 HCCO Heavy catalytic cycles oil重催化循环油ﻫ54HCGO Heavy co55HDA hydrodearomatization 加氢脱芳烃ﻫ56 HDF ker gas oil 重焦化瓦斯油ﻫhydrofinishing加氢后精制ﻫ57 HDM hydrodemetallization加氢脱金属ﻫ58HDN hydrodenitrogenation加氢脱氮59 HDPE High DensityPolyethylene 高密度聚乙烯60HO HomeOffice 总部62 HDT hydrotreating 加氢精制,加氢处61 HDS hydrodesulfurization 加氢脱硫ﻫ理63HGO Heavy gas oil 重瓦斯油ﻫ64HRHuman Resource人力资源65HPHigh pressure 高压66HSFO High sulfur fueloil 高硫燃料油67HSRHeavy straight run重直馏油69 HVGO He68 HVAC Heating, Ventilationand Air Conditioning 采暖通风ﻫ70HVI High viscosity index高粘度指数avyvacuumgas oil 减压重瓦斯油ﻫ72 IBP Initial Boiling Point 71 IBL InsideBattery Limits (Same as ISBL)界区内ﻫ73IEC International Electro-technical Commission 国际电工初馏点,初沸点ﻫ委员会ﻫ74IFA Issued forApproval 用于正式批准76IFC Issued forConstruction75 IFB Issued forBid 用于招标ﻫ用于施工77 IFD Issued forDesign用于设计78IFH Issued for HAZOP用于危险与可操作性研究ﻫ79ISBL Inside Battery Limits(same asIBL) 界区内8180 ISOInternational Standardization Organization 国际标准化组织ﻫIS&T/ITInformation System andTechnology (sameas IT)信息系统和技术84KW K82ITB Invitationto Bid 邀标书ﻫ83JV Joint Venture合营者ﻫilo-Watt 千瓦85 LAN LocalArea Network 局域网ﻫ86LC Letter ofCredit信用证87 LCC Life CycleCost 寿命周期成本88LCCO Light catalytic cycle oil催化裂化轻循环油89 LCGO Light coker gas oil 焦化轻瓦斯油90 LCN Light cokernaphtha 焦化轻汽油ﻫ91 LCO Light cycleoil轻循环油92LDE LeadDiscipline Engineer 专业负责人ﻫ93LDPE LowDensity Polyethylene 低密度聚乙烯94Level 1 High Level Schedules,control documentsused for control oftotal scope项目计划195 Level2 IntermediateLevel Schedules, control documents designedtocontrol scope at unit, area,department, contractordiscipline l evel项目计划2ﻫ96Level 3 Detailed Schedules, controldocumentsdesignedto control andreport the status of individual deliverables, e.g.documents, requisitions etc. 项目计划398LOI97LLDPELinear Low Density Polyethylene 线性低密度聚乙烯ﻫ99LPLowPressure 低气压Letter of Intent意向书ﻫ100LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas 液化石油气ﻫ101 LS Lump Sum 固定总价103LSDLow sulfur diesel低硫柴油ﻫ104 LS 102LSLow sulfur低硫ﻫ105LSRLight straight run 轻直馏油FO Lowsulfur fuel oil 低硫燃料油ﻫ106 LSTK LumpSum Turn Key(一揽子价格)总承包ﻫ107LSWRLow su108LTFT Low-temperature flow teslfur waxy residue 低硫含蜡渣油ﻫt低温流动性试验109 LTRS Low-temperature recoverysystem低温回收系统110 LV LowVoltage低(电)压ﻫ111 LVGO Light vacuumgasoil轻减压瓦斯油ﻫ112LVI Low viscosityindex 低粘度指数113 LVNLight virgin naphtha 直馏轻石脑油馏分ﻫ114MC Mechanical Completion 机械竣工115 MCRMicrocarbon residue 微残炭ﻫ116MEGMono Ethylene Glycol same as EG) 乙二醇117 MHC Mildhydrocracking缓和加氢裂化ﻫ118MPA MultiProject (Purchasing) Agreement 大宗采购协议119 MFA Multi-Facility(Purchase) Agreement 大宗采购协议120MONMotor octane number马达法辛烷值ﻫ121 MPMedium pressure 中压122 MPHC Moderate pressure hydrocracking 中压加氢裂化ﻫ123MR Mater124MRP Material Requisition(issuedfor Puial Requisition 请购单ﻫrchase)请购单(用于购买)125 MRQ Material Requisition(issuedfor Quotation) 请购单(用于报价)126 MRRMaterial ReceivingReport材料验收单127MTOMaterial Take-Off材料表129MW Mega-Watt兆瓦128 MV Medium Voltage 中(电)压ﻫ130MWMolecular weight 分子量131 N/A Notapplicable orNot Appropriate不适用的132N/A Not Available 无133 NEC National Electrical Code 国家电气规范134 NEMA National ElectricalManufacturersAssociation 国家电气制造商协会136NGL 135NFPANational Fire ProtectionAssociation全国防火协会ﻫNatural Gas Liquids 天然气液体137 NP Normal paraffin 正构烷烃138 NPSH Net positive suctionhead 净吸入头139NRNonReimbursable (costs) 非实报实销140NTP Notice ToProceed开工通知书ﻫ141 NTS Not toScale 不按比例142 OBLOutsideBattery Limits£®same asOSBL 界区外143OBSOrganization Breakdown Structure组织分解结构144OSBL Outside Battery Limits(same as OBL) 界区外ﻫ145P3Pri146PAC Polycyclic aromatic maveraProjectPlanner项目计划管理ﻫcompound 稠环芳烃,多环芳烃147 PAG Project AutomationGroup 项目自动化团队149P&ID Process a148 PAF Personnel Authorization Form 职员批准表ﻫndinstrumentation Diagram 工艺仪表流程图150 PID Proportional,Integraland Differential 比例、积分加微分(控制)ﻫ151PCPersonal Computer 个人电脑153PDAO Propane deaspha152PDAPropane deasphalting丙烷脱沥青ﻫlted oil丙烷脱沥青油155PE Project En154 PDUPropane deasphalting unit丙烷脱沥青装置ﻫgineer 项目工程师156 PEPolyethylene 聚乙烯157 PEM Project EngineeringManager项目设计经理158PET Project Execution Team 项目执行组ﻫ159PFD Process Flow Diagram 工艺流程图ﻫ160 PFEProjectField Engineer 项目现场工程师161 PFPM Project Field Procurement Manager 项目现场采购经理ﻫ162 PEFS163 Process Engineering FlowScheme(same as P&ID)工艺设计流程图ﻫPFSProcess Flow Scheme (sameas PFD-Process Flow Diagram)工艺流程图164 P/L Packing List 装箱单165 PMProject Manager项目经理ﻫ166PMCProject ManagementContractor 项目管理承包商168PNA Polynuc167 PMM Project MaterialManager项目材料经理ﻫleararomatics 稠环芳烃,多环芳烃170POProcu169 PNA Paraffin, Naphthene,Aromatic 烷烃、环烷烃、芳烃ﻫrement Order 采购订单171POXPartial Oxidation 部分氧化造气172 PP Polypropylene聚丙烯173 PPMProject Procurement Manager项目采购经理ﻫ174PQPProject Quality Plan项目质量计划175 PQAMProject QualityAssurance Manager 项目质量保证经理177PR176PQCMProjectQuality Control Manager 项目质量控制经理ﻫProcedure程序178PRC People Republic ofChina 中华人民共和国180PSA Pressure swing 179 PRSPowerrecovery system 能量回收系统ﻫadsorption 变压吸附ﻫ181PSM Project SiteManager 项目现场经理ﻫ182 PVC Poly VinylChloride聚氯乙烯183 PW Paraffin wax 石蜡ﻫ184QA Quality Assurance 质量保证185 QC QualityControl 质量控制187RDS Residdesulfurizatio 186 QM Quality Management 质量管理ﻫn渣油(加氢)脱硫189RFG Reformulated gasolin 188 RFCC ResidFCC 渣油催化裂化ﻫe新配方汽油190RHC Resid hydroconversion 渣油加氢转化192RIS Refineryin 191 RHDS Residue hydrodesulfurization渣油加氢脱硫ﻫformation system炼油厂信息系统193 RMPRisk management plan 风险管理计划194RON Researchoctane number 研究法辛烷值195RONC Research octanenumberclear 不加铅研究法辛烷值196 ROSE Resid oilsupercriticalextraction渣油超临界抽提197 SCO Synthetic crude oil 合成原油198 SDWSolvent dewaxing溶剂脱蜡ﻫ199SIGF SiteIntegration& Ge201 neral Facility 全场一体化和一般设施ﻫ200RFSU Ready for StartUp 待开车ﻫS/C Subcontractor 分包商204 202 SM StyreneMonomer 苯乙烯单体ﻫ203SOR Start of run 运转初期ﻫ205SRStraight run 直馏SR Semi-regenerative半再生的ﻫ206 SRU Sulfurrecovery unit 硫磺回收装置207SS Stainless Steel 不锈钢208SSOT Single stageoncethrough一段一次通过加氢裂化ﻫ209 STGSteam TurbineGenerator蒸汽发电机ﻫ210 TAN Total acid number总酸值211 TBD To be Determined 待定212 TBNTotal base number 总碱值213 TBS Technical Bid Summary 技术标概要214 T&C'S Terms andConditions(e.g. of purchase) 术语和条件(用于采216TGCUTail gas 购)ﻫ215TCD Target Completion Date 目标完成日期ﻫ217TGTU Tail gas treating unit尾气处理装cleanupunit尾气净化装置ﻫ置219T&L Traffic and Logistics 交通218 TICTotal Installed Cost 总体安装费用ﻫ与后勤管理221TSA TechnicalServices A 220 TS TechnicalSpecialist技术专家ﻫgreement 技术服务协议222TF Tank Farm罐区ﻫ223UFD Utility Flow Diagram公用工程流程图225UKUnited Kingdom英国224 ULSD Ultra lowsulfur diesel 超低硫柴油ﻫﻫ226 UR Unit Rate 单价227 USA United States of America 美利坚合众国228VDUVacuum distillation unit减压蒸馏装置229 VEValueEngineering 价值工程230 VGO Vacuum gas oil 减压瓦斯油231 VIViscosity index粘度指数232VLVendorList 制造厂表233VP Vendor Print厂商资料234VPMS VendorPrintManagement System 厂商资料管理系统235 VPTLVendor Print TransmittalLetter厂商资料传送ﻫ236 VR Vacuum residue 减压渣油238VTB 237VRDS Vacuumresidue desulfurization减压渣油加氢脱硫ﻫVacuum tower bottoms 减压渣油ﻫ239 WANWide Area Network 广域网240 WHSV Weight hourly spacevelocity 重时空速243W241 WPC World Petroleum Congress 世界石油大会ﻫ242WT Weight重量ﻫWTS Wastewatertreatment system 污水处理系统245VIP Value Impro244 VCM/PVCVinyl Chloride 氯乙烯/聚氯乙烯ﻫ246WBSWork BreakdownStructure工作vement Practices价值工程实践ﻫ分解结构247 XHVIExtra high viscosity index 超高粘度指数。
AMGP 墨西哥石油地质家协会Amoco International Oil Co. 阿莫科国际石油公司ancestral petroleum 原石油AOCS 美国石油化学家学会AOGA 阿拉斯加石油与天然气协会APEA 澳大利亚石油勘探协会API Bull 美国石油学会通报API Chain 美国石油学会标准链条API connection 美国石油学会标准接头API degree 美国石油学会规定之原油重度API drill pipe thread 美国石油学会标准钻杆螺纹API hydrometer 美国石油学会液体比重计API PSD 美国石油学会石油安全数据API Pub 美国石油学会出版物API Rp 美国石油学会推荐作法API separator 美国石油学会标准分离器API Spec 美国石油学会规范API standard grid presentation 美国石油学会标准测井曲线网格图API Std 美国石油学会标准API test procedure 美国石油学会试验程序API tolerance 美国石油学会公差API tubing thread 美国石油学会油管螺纹API 美国石油学会APIC 美国石油工业委员会APIGU 美国石油学会伽马测井标准单位APINU 美国石油学会中子测井标准单位APOA 北极石油经营者协会APPI 亚洲石油价格指数APRT 预收石油收入税Arab Petroleum Congress 阿拉伯石油会议Arabian Oil Co. Ltd. 阿拉伯石油有限公司araeo picnometer 石油比重计arctic oil 北极地区用油;靠近北极区开采的石油aromatic petroleum solvent 芳族石油溶剂ARTEP 石油开采技术研究协会artificial asphalt 人造石油沥青ASCOPE 东南亚国家联盟石油理事会ASPG 阿尔伯达石油地质家学会asphalt base petroleum 沥青基石油ASSOPO 海运和海上石油作业安全自动化Banoco 巴林国家石油公司base royalty 石油产地使用费bergbalsam 石油black gold of Transylvania 石油black gold 石油bloom 花;兴旺时期;石油荧光;喷霜blue sky peddler 不倦的石油业发起人BO 石油桶数boom town 石油城;发展快的城市BP 英国石油公司Brazilian Petroleum Co. 巴西石油公司British Petroleum Company p.l.c. 英国石油公司brown petroleum 褐石油bubble point oil 饱和石油bulk plant 油库;石油销售站burning waters 石油CALTEX 加利福尼亚-得克萨斯石油公司cheap oil 廉价石油chemofining 石油加工化学;石油化学合成China National Offshore Oil Corp. 中国海洋石油总公司China National Petroleum Corp. 中国石油天然气总公司China PetroChemical Corporation 中国石油化工总公司CNOGEDC 中国石油天然气勘探开发公司CNOOC 中国海洋石油总公司Code API 美国石油学会的标准cold-test oil 低凝点石油Compaynie Francaise des Petroles 法国石油公司conventional oil 常规石油COOLC 中国海洋石油测井公司coplusory oil stock obligations 强制石油储备Council of Petroleum Accountants Societies of North America 北美石油会计协会CPS 中国石油学会CSPG 加拿大石油地质学家学会cut oil 乳化石油dark petroleum oils 暗色石油油料degraded oil 降解石油Den Norske Stats Oljeselskap a.s. 挪威国家石油公司doctor sweet 脱除硫醇的石油产品dollar oil 美元石油domestic oil 国产石油EAPG 欧洲石油地学家和工程师协会EAPG 欧洲石油地质学家协会Eastern oil 美国东部石油公司economically recoverable oil 经济上有开采价值的石油Egyptian General Petroleum Corp. 埃及石油总公司ESSO Oil 埃索石油公司exploitable oil 可采石油field control of petroleum products 石油产品质量的现场控制fixed designation of standard test 石油产品标准试验法编号FOCB 联邦石油储备局fossil oil 石油freak oil 非商品性石油产品;中间产品freak stocks 非商品性石油产品fresh oil 新采石油gas family 石油气族gas liquids 液化石油气gas-oil fluid viscosity 含溶解气石油的粘度general petrochemical works 石油化工总厂genesis of oil 石油的成因geoline 凡士林;石油Gulf Oil Corporation 海湾石油公司gushing gold 石油habitat of oil 石油产地heavy asphalt crude 沥青基重质石油home petroleum industry 本国石油工业hybrid-base oil 混合基石油hydrocarbon black 石油炭黑IFP 法国石油研究院IFPCW 国际石油及化学工作者联合会IMF Petroleum Fund 国际货币基金组织石油基金immature oil 不成熟石油in-situ oil viscosity 地下石油粘度inactive oil 不旋光石油Independent Oil Company 独立石油公司Independents 独立石油公司index of oil price 石油价格指数initial oil in place 原始石油地质储量inoil payment 以石油支付inspissated oil 风化石油Institute of Petroleum 石油学会integrated oil company 一体化石油公司International Federation of Petroleum and Chemical Workers 国际石油及化学工作者联合会international oil cartel 国际石油卡特尔International Petroleum Exchange 国际石油交易所international petroleum market 国际石油市场Interstate Oil Compact Commission 州际石油契约委员会Interstate Oil Compact 州际石油协议IOCC 州际石油契约委员会IOIP 石油地质储量IOSA 国际石油勘查者协会IP 石油学会IPA 美国独立石油协会IPAA 美国独立石油公司协会IPE 国际石油百科全书IPE 国际石油展览会IPEC 非欧佩克石油输出国IPIECA 国际石油工业环境保护协会IPT 石油工艺师学会Iraq National Oil Co. 伊拉克国家石油公司ISPG 沉积和石油地质研究所Japan National Oil Corporation 日本石油公司JPI 日本石油学会JPT 石油工艺杂志jug 检波器;水罐;小型地震仪;储存天然气或其它石油产品的垂直溶洞KOC 科威特石油公司KPC 科威特石油公司Kuwait National Petroleum Company 科威特国家石油公司L.O.O.P 路易斯安那州海上石油港L.P. 石油醚Libyan National Oil Corporation 利比亚国家石油公司ligarine 石油醚light petroleum 石油醚liquefied petroleum gas 液化石油气live oil 含气石油losses of petroleum products 石油产品损耗low-density oil 轻质石油low-grade oil 低级石油LPG 液化石油气LPG-air mixtures 液化石油气与空气混合物LPGA 液化石油气协会mahogany sulfonate 石油磺酸盐Major Oil Company 国际大石油公司malthenes 石油脂manus tester 石油闪点测定器marine oil 海洋石油marine petroleum exploitation 海洋石油开采markovnikite 富萘石油mayberyite 富硫石油methane oil 甲烷族石油micrococcus petrol 石油菌migration of oil 石油的运移migratory oil 运移的石油mineral earthoil 石油mineral ether 石油醚mineral spirit 石油溶剂油Ministry of Petroleum Industry 石油工业部mixed asphaltic base oil 混合沥青基石油mixed base oil 混合基石油mixed oil drilling rig 复合式石油钻井钻机Mobil Oil Corp. 美孚石油公司mother oil 原生石油N.P.I. 国家石油学会N.P.R.A. 全国石油炼油商协会NACOPS 国家石油统计咨询委员会naphthabitumen 石油沥青naphthenic base oil 环烷基石油naphthology 石油学nascent oil 初生石油National Congress of Petroleum Retailers 全国石油零售商协会National Iranian Oil Co. 伊朗国家石油公司National Oil Company 国家石油公司National Oil Marketers Association 全国石油批发商协会National Petroleum Refiners Association 全国石油炼制者协会national petroleum reserve 国家石油储备needle coke 针状结晶石油焦neo-petroleum 新生石油NGPA 加拿大天然气和石油协会NIPER 国家石油和能源研究所NLPGA 全国液化石油气协会non-API tubing 非美国石油学会标准油管non-API tubular 非美国石油学会标准管材non-asphaltic base oil 非沥青基石油non-paraffinous oil 不含蜡石油nonoil 非石油的nonrecoverable oil 不可采出的石油NPA color 美国石油协会色度NPA 全国石油协会NPC 全国石油委员会NPD 挪威石油董事会NPR 海军石油储备NPRA 阿拉斯加国家石油储备NPS 挪威石油学会NPX 美国石油实验法O 石油OAPEC 阿拉伯石油输出国组织Occidental Petroleum Corporation 西方石油公司OCTG 石油管材OF 石油燃料off-test product 未经检验的石油产品offshore oil exploitation 海上石油开采offshore oil 海上石油offshore petroleum resources 海洋石油资源OGDC 石油和天然气开发公司OIC 石油工业委员会OIC 石油信息委员会OIIC 石油工业情报委员会OIIP 石油地质储量oil accumulation 石油积聚oil asphalt 石油沥青oil base 油基;石油特性oil boom 拦油栅;石油热oil boycott 石油抵制oil broker 石油经纪人oil cold test 石油产品浊点或凝固点测定oil company 石油公司oil concession 石油特许权oil conservation 石油资源保护oil consuming countries 石油消费国oil country tubular goods 石油管材oil crisis 石油危机oil deficit 石油逆差oil dehydrating 石油脱水oil dehydrator 石油脱水器oil delivery 石油输送oil demand 石油需求oil deposit 石油矿床oil development 石油开发oil dewaxing 石油脱蜡oil distillate 石油馏分oil dollar 石油美元oil embargo 石油禁运oil emplacement 石油侵位oil engineer 石油工程师oil entrapment 石油捕集作用oil equipment 石油设备oil exchange 石油交易所oil exploration 石油勘探oil exportiog countries 石油出口国oil extraction 石油抽提oil finder 石油勘探工作者oil fire 石油火焰;石油燃烧造成的火灾oil fuel 石油燃料oil gas tar 石油裂解焦油oil gas 石油裂解气oil gasification 石油气化oil gauge 油表;油尺;油面指示器;石油比重计oil generation zone 石油生成带oil generation 石油生成oil genesis 石油成因oil geology 石油地质oil glut 石油过剩oil gradient line 石油梯度线oil hydrometer 石油比重测定仪oil in reserve 储存油;尚未能利用的石油储量oil in situ 原地石油储量oil indication 石油显示oil industry 石油工业oil initially in place 原始石油地质储量oil jetty 石油码头oil magnate 石油大王oil market simulation 石油市场模拟oil marketer 石油销售商oil measurement 石油计量oil meter 石油计量器oil migration 石油运移oil mining method 石油采矿法oil money 石油资金oil origin 石油成因oil package 石油产品容器oil patch 含油岩屑;油斑;石油勘探、开采和油田管道铺设所涉及的地域;油田oil payment 产量提成;以石油支付oil permit 石油装载许可证oil pitch 石油沥青oil pollution 石油污染oil potential 潜在石油储量oil power 石油动力;石油动力机oil producer 石油生产商;产油井oil product 石油产品oil production 石油开采;采油量oil promoter 石油推销人;卖油再钻新井油商oil properties 石油性质oil prospecting 石油勘探oil puncher 石油经纪商oil reserves 石油储量oil resources 石油资源oil royalty 石油矿区使用费oil search 石油普查oil selfsufficiency 石油自给oil share markets 石油股票市场oil shock 石油冲击oil shortage 石油不足oil shrinkage loss 石油收缩损失oil shrinkage 石油收缩oil stock market 石油股票市场oil storage 石油储存;储油库oil storing 石油储存oil trap 石油圈闭;隔油池oil vapour 石油蒸汽oil weapon 石油武器oil 油;石油oil-fuel depot 石油燃料库oil-impregnation 石油浸染oil-rich 富含石油的oil-transferring 石油输送;油传送OIP 石油地质储量OLC 近海石油后勤会议OMS 石油市场模拟onshore oil terminal 陆岸石油集输终端OOIP 原始石油地质储量OPEC 石油输出国组织Organization of Arab Petroleun Exporting Countries 阿拉伯石油输出国组织Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织origin of oil 石油成因origin of petroleum 石油生成original oil volume factor 原始石油体积系数P.A.D. 国防石油管理局P.D.S. 石油数据系统Pan Am. 泛美石油公司paper barrel 纸面石油PAW 战时石油管理PCWPC 世界石油会议常设理事会PE 石油工程师Pennzoil Co. 宾索石油公司Permanent Council of the World Petroleum Congress 世界石油会议常设理事会PES 石油工程学会PESA 石油设备供应商协会pet 石油Pet.Engr. 石油工程师pet.pord 石油产品petro-technology 石油技术petrobitumen 石油沥青PetroCanada 加拿大石油公司petrochemical complex 石油化工petrochemical equipment 石油化工设备petrochemical plant 石油化工厂petrochemical process 石油化工过程petrochemical processing 石油化学加工petrochemical unit 石油化工装置petrochemical waste disposal 石油化学废料处置petrochemical 岩石化学的;石油化学的;石油化学产品petrochemicals 石油化学产品petrochemistry 岩石化学;石油化学petrodollars 石油美元petrogenic gas 石油气petrolene 石油烯;软沥青Petroleos Mexicanos 墨西哥石油公司petroleum accumulation 石油聚集petroleum additive 石油添加剂petroleum aromatics 石油芳烃petroleum asphalt 石油沥青petroleum base rust preventive 石油基防锈剂petroleum base 石油基petroleum benzine 石油醚petroleum bitumen 石油沥青petroleum black 石油烟黑petroleum bloom 石油萤光petroleum chemicals 石油化学品petroleum cloud point tester 石油浊点测定仪petroleum coal 固体石油petroleum coke 石油焦petroleum composition 石油组成petroleum contract 石油合同petroleum convertibility 石油可逆性petroleum cuts 石油馏分petroleum demand 石油需求petroleum derivative 石油衍生物petroleum drilling 石油钻井petroleum emulsion breaker 石油破乳装置petroleum energy elasticity 石油能源弹性值petroleum engineer 石油工程师petroleum engineering economics 石油工程经济学petroleum engineering 石油工程petroleum ester 石油酯petroleum ether insolubles 石油醚不溶物petroleum ether 石油醚petroleum exhaust 石油废气petroleum exploration hydrodynamics 石油勘探流体动力学petroleum exploration-oriented hydrodynamic evaluation 石油勘探水动力评价petroleum fermentation process 石油发酵过程petroleum fermentation 石油发酵petroleum fraction 石油馏分petroleum gas oil 石油气体油petroleum gas 石油气petroleum genesis 石油形成petroleum geochemistry 石油地球化学petroleum geologist 石油地质学家petroleum geology 石油地质学petroleum geophysics 石油地球物理学petroleum hydrocarbon 石油烃petroleum hydrogeology 石油水文地质学petroleum industry 石油工业petroleum jelly 石油膏petroleum microbiology 石油微生物学petroleum microorganism 石油微生物petroleum migration 石油运移petroleum mining machinery 石油机械petroleum nitrogen base 石油中的含氮碱petroleum operation 石油作业petroleum origin 石油生成petroleum pipe line 石油管道petroleum pitch enamel 石油沥青漆petroleum processing 石油加工petroleum production act 石油生产法petroleum products 石油产品petroleum prospecting 石油勘探petroleum refinery 石油炼厂petroleum refining 石油加工petroleum regulation 石油管理法规petroleum reserves 石油储量petroleum resin 石油树脂petroleum resources 石油资源petroleum revenue tax 石油所得税petroleum series 石油系列petroleum solvent 石油溶剂petroleum spirit 石油溶剂petroleum sulfonate flood 石油磺酸盐溶液驱油petroleum transport 石油运输petroleum trap 石油圈闭petroleum vapor 石油蒸气petroleum 石油petroleum-associated water 石油伴生水petroleum-in-place 石油地质储量petroleum-like hydrocarbon 类石油烃petrolic 石油的petroligenic natural gas 石油天然气petrolite 石油岩petrolwum tar sand 含石油沥青的岩石或砂petromoney 石油资金petronol 液体石油脂petroporphyrin 石油卟啉;岩卟啉petropower 石油权力petroprotein 石油蛋白PGRT 石油和天然气收益税Phillips Petroleum Company 菲利普斯石油公司physical oil 实物石油PIB 石油情报局posted oil price 石油标价postlithifaction oil 岩化期后石油prelithifaction oil 岩化期前石油PRI 石油开采学会products pipeline operation 石油成品的顺序输送prospective oil 远景石油储量protopetroleum 原生石油PRT 石油收入税pteroleum base 石油基地rationing of petroleum products 石油产品定量分配real oil losses 实际石油损耗recoverable oil 可采石油remaining recoverable oil in place 地下剩余可采石油reservoir oil viscosity 储层石油粘度rock oil 石油royalty oil 政府拥有的石油saponated petroleum 皂化石油search for oil 勘查石油semi-asphaltic flux 半石油沥青Seven Sisters =Seven Majors 石油七姐妹Shell Oil Co. 壳牌石油公司sherwood oil 石油醚single train LPG plant 单套液化石油气装置Sojuznefteexport 苏联石油机关solid petroleum 固态石油SPD 补充石油税SPE 石油工程师学会specifications API 美国石油学会规范SPEE 石油评价工程师学会sponge coke 海绵状石油焦spot oil market 石油现货市场spot sample 个别试样;代表在容器一定水平面上的石油产品质量的试样SPR 石油战略储备SPR 战略石油储备Standard Oil Co. of California 加利福尼亚美孚石油公司Standard Oil Company 俄亥俄美孚石油公司sterling oil 英磅石油sticky oil 高粘度石油stone oil 石油storage jug 地下液化石油气储穴strategic oil inventory 石油战略储备strategic oil reserve 石油战略储备stripped oil 脱去汽油的石油sulfur-bearing oil 含硫石油supplementary petroleum duty 补充石油税SUPRI 斯坦福大学石油研究所surplus of oil production 石油生产过剩syngenetic oil 同生石油tail of tender 石油成品管输时的尾部tank volume 储罐容积;油罐中油的体积;换算成标准条件下的石油体积Teikoku Oil Co. Ltd. 帝国石油有限公司Tertiary crudes 第三纪石油theory of inorganic origin 石油无机成因说theory of organic origin 石油有机成因说thinned oil 稀释石油TOTAL 道达尔石油公司trading oil 纸面石油transit revenues from oil 石油过境税trapping of oil 石油圈闭作用travel of oil 石油运移trinascol 稠硫沥青石油uncompensated drainage 无赔偿的石油流失underground liquefied petroleum gas storage 地下液化石油气库;液化石油气地下储存unrecovered oil 残留石油vaseline 石油冻;矿脂;凡士林venturaite 富氮石油virgin oil 未开采的石油virgin tank oil 换算成地面条件下的未开采石油warrenite 含石蜡和异构石蜡混合物的气态或液态沥青;石蜡石油wax containing asphalt 含蜡石油沥青wet barrel 实物石油white spirit 石油溶剂WPC 世界石油大会younger oil 初期石油。
3DLO 3D long offset seismic survey三维长偏移距野外资料采集3DHR-HR 3D High resolution –high ???seismic survey 三维高分辨-高密野外资料采集。
AAC = adjusted AC;ABI inclination at the drill bitAC acoustic 声波时差ACN =adjusted CN;ADN Azimuthal neotron densityAIT* Array Induction Imager ToolA&S admistration&serviceAHC Ascendant Hierarchical ClusteringARC Induction Resistivity GR annulus pressure ingrated toolARI Azimuth resistivity imager方位电阻率成像测井仪APD Elevation of Depth Reference (LMF) above Permanent DatumAPWD apparatus whle drillingASI Array seismic imager阵列地震成像仪A VG: AverageA VO Amplitude Versus Offset(Amplitude variation with offset calibration)振幅-炮检距关系AZI: Azimuth (deg)BBC Buy Back ContractBGG: Background Gas (%)BGP 物探局BHFP bottomhole flowing pressureBHS :Borehole StatusBHT :Bottom Hole TemperatureBHTA 声波幅度BHTT 声波返回时间BLWH Blue WhiteBML below mud lineBOP Blow out preventerBOP stack 防喷器组BS Bit SizeBSW basic?? saturation water(综合含水)CAL borehole diameter 井径CAST 声波扫描成像测井仪CBI Central Bank of IranCBIL 井周声波成像CBL Cement Bond LogCC correlation coefficientCCAL common core analysis常规岩心分析CCL Casing Collar LocatorCCM Contractors Committee MeetingCDF cumulative density functionCDF Calibrated Downhole ForceCDS condensatCF core faciesCF cut fluorescenceCFA Composition Fluid AnalyzerCGR Condensate-to-gas RatioCMC Crown mounted compensator安装在天车上的升沉补尝器CMR Combinable Magnetic Resonance 可组合的核磁共振测井仪CMR-A Timur/Coates PermeabilityCMR-B Timur/Coates PermeabilityCMR_DMRP Timur/Coates PermeabilityCMR_FLOW Timur/Coates PermeabilityCMR_SMRP Timur/Coates PermeabilityCMRT Timur/Coates PermeabilityCN neutron 中子COMP AMP Compessional amplitude纵波幅度COMP ATTN Compessional attunuation纵波衰减CON induction log 感应测井COPA Companhia de Petroleo de AngolaCP conductor pipeCQG Crystal Quartz GaugeCRA Corrosion resistant AlloyCRF cumulative recovery factor(采出程度)CSI 组合地震成像仪CT cut fluorescenceCt Conductivity of un-flushedCTRY COUNTRYcvgs cavings(井壁垮塌)Cxo Conductivity of flushed zonesDAC 阵列声波DC drilling collarDCCR Daily Cost Control ReportDDR Daily Drilling ReportDEN density 密度Dev deviation井斜DF direct fluorescenceDGR Daily Geological ReportDHI direct hydrocarbon indicatorDLS dog leg severityDPH Development PhaseDPPM Density Porosity Processing ModeDSC drill string compensatorDSI* Dipole Shear Sonic Imager偶极子横波声波成像仪DT1 Delta-T Shear - Lower DipoleDT1R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Lower DipoleDT2 Delta-T Shear - Upper Dipole {F13.4}DT2R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Upper DipoleDT3R Delta-T Stoneley, Receiver Array - Monopole StoneleyDT4P Delta-T Compressional - Monopole P&SDTCO Delta-T CompressionalDTRP Delta-T Compressional, Receiver Array - Monopole P&SDTSM Delta-T Shear {F13.4}DTTP Delta-T Compressional, Transmitter Array - Monopole P&S DVRT 数字垂直测井Dyn Clustering Dynamic ClusteringECD equivalent circulation densityEchoes(Echoescope) Integrated Resistivity neutron density tool标准回波数据EMW equivalent mud weightEFAC Electro-faciesEOS Equation of StateE&P exploration&productionFCM finantial committee meetingFFV free fluid voluneFG Formation GasFLD FIELDFLW: mud flow rate(gpm)FMI Formation Micro-scanner Image全井眼地层微电阻率成像仪EPD Elevation of Permanent Datum above Mean Sea LevelFRF final recovery factorFPSO 浮式采油轮FV: Funnel ViscosityGCSE Generalized Caliper SelectionGDAT GeoDetic DatumGDT "gas down to"G&G Geology&geophisicsGIIP gas initially in placegpm gallon per minuteGR natural gamma ray 自然伽马GRSE Generalized Mud Resistivity SelectionGTSE Generalized Temperature SelectionHDIP 六臂倾角HGNS Highly Integrated Gamma Ray Neutron SondeHRMS High-Resolution Mechanical SondeHRLA High-Resolution Azimuthal Laterolog SondeHWDP heavy wall drillpipelb/ft pounds/footIFD 低频偶极测井仪IGIP Initial Gas In placeIld deep investigate induction log 深探测感应测井Ilm medium investigate induction log 中探测感应测井Ils shallow investigate induction log 浅探测感应测井Image DIP 图像的倾角INAGEO Instituto Nacinal de GeologiaINC: Inclination (deg)IPL 孔隙度综合测井仪IRR Initial Remuneration Rate???JOA Joint Operating AggreementJMC Joint Management CommiteeK potassium 钾kips kilo poundsKRI Kernel Representative IndexKOP Kick Off PointKTH gamma ray without uranium 无铀伽马KTIM Timur/Coates Permeability, NMR_PermeabilityHALS 高分辨率方位侧向测井仪HGS high gravity solidsHRI 高分辨率感应测井仪LATI LATITUDELATD Latitude (N=+ S=- )L/D lay downLFA Live Fluid AnalyzerLGS low gravity solids?LMF Logging Measured From (Name of Logging Elevation Reference) LMRP lower marine riser packageLNG feed gas Liquified Natural Gas ---Sour-rich-wet gas at the outlet of the receiption facilities for hand over to NIOC LNG plantL/O lay outLOC LOCATIONLONG LONGITUDELOND Longitude (E=+ W=-)LOT leak of testLPG Liquified Petroleum GasLWD logging with drillingMAC 多极阵列声波成像MATR Rock Matrix for Neutron Porosity CorrectionsMBVI 束缚流体体积MBVM 可动流体体积MC motion compensator升沉不成器MCFL Micro-Cylindrically Focused LogMD: Measured Depth (m)MDP Master Development PlanMDRT Mesured Depth Rotary TableMDT Modular Formation Dynamic Tester模块式地层动态测试器(组件式动态地层动力学测试仪)MER Maximum Efficient Ratemkwh milk whiteMIT 多道感应测井仪MMBBL metric million barelMMS Minerals Management ServiceMOA Memorandum of AgreementMOU Memorandum of UnderstandingMPERM 核磁共振渗透率MPHI 核磁共振有效孔隙度MRGC Multi-Resolution Graph-based ClusteringMRIL Magnetic Resonance Imager Log核磁共振成像测井MRILWD magnetic resonance imaging logging while drillingMR_KLAMBDA_PERMS Timur/Coates PermeabilityMRP Magnetic Resonance PorosityMSIP Modular Sonic Imaging Platform 模块化声波成像平台msl mean sea levelMTSA Master Technical Services AgreementM/U make up,mount upMUSD million United States DollarMW: Mud Weight (ppg)NGR neutron gamma ray 中子伽马NGS Natural Gamma SpectrumNIDC National Iranian Drilling CompanyNIOC National Iranian Oil CompanyNMR Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceNSP 防磨补心NTG Net to GrossOBM Oil Based MudOBMI Oil Base MicroImage toolOCM operating committee meetingODP overall development plan总体开发方案OGWC Original Gas Water ContactOOC Oil On CuttingsOOIP original oil in place 原始石油地质储量OPS operationsOWC oil water contactP90 which represents the realistic low sideP50 the Median value rangeP10 representing the realistic UPSIDE for the prospect.P16H_RT ARC Phase Shift Resistivity 16 inch Spacing at 2 MHz, Environmentally Corrected, Real-TimeP16L_RT ARC Phase Shift Resistivity 16 inch Spacing at 400 KHz, Environmentally Corrected,Real-TimePCG: Pipe connection Gas (%)接钻杆气Pd dew pointPD permanent datumPDAT Permanent DatumPEMA Pesquisas Minairas de AngolaPETRANGOL Companhia de Petroleos de AngolaPEX Platform Express (The Platform Express toolstring includes either the AIT* Array Induction Imager Tool or High-Resolution Azimuthal Laterolog Sonde (HALS) as the resistivity tool. The Three-Detector Lithology Density (TLD) tool and Micro-Cylindrically Focused Log (MCFL) are housed in the High-Resolution Mechanical Sonde (HRMS) powered caliper. Above the HRMS are a compensated thermal neutron and gamma ray in the Highly Integrated Gamma Ray Neutron Sonde (HGNS) and a single-axis accelerometer.)PHIE Effective PorosityPHIE Multimin Porositypl poorly??PML ParaMagnetic测井公司PMS positioning motor systemPNC 脉冲中子俘获测井POOH pull out of holePOOW pull out of wellPOS Possibility of SuccessPPG pond per gallonProdn productionPSA production sharing agreementPSIA pound per square inch apparentPSDM prestack depth migration叠前深度偏移PSTM prestack time migrationPTB interval Permian-Triassic boundary intervalP/U pick upPV: Plastic ViscosityRADOUTR 井眼的椭圆度Rd deep investigate double lateral resistivity log 深双侧向电阻率测井R/D rig downRHOB-CORR gas corrected Neutron DensityRIH run in holeRMR risked mean reserveRMLL micro lateral resistivity log 微侧向电阻率测井ROP: Rate of penetration (m/hr)ROR Rate of ReturnROV remotely operated vehicleRPM Rotations per minuteRs shallow investigate double lateral resistivity log 浅双侧向电阻率测井R/S/C Rotary/Slide/Circulation(Directional Drilling)Rt true formation resistivity. 地层真电阻率RT real timeRT Rotary TableR/T running timeRTE Rotary Table ElevationR/U rig upRxo flushed zone formation resistivity 冲洗带地层电阻率S3 Surface Sensor Waveform 3SBM Oil Based Mud’ (OBM) include d synthetic oils . SBT 分区(扇段)水泥胶结测井仪,SC Service ContractSCAL special core analysis特殊岩心分析SDC Sonangol Data CentreSG specific gravityShear AMP Shear Amplitude横波幅度Shear A TTN ShearAttenuation横波衰减SHT Surface Hole TemperatureSICP Shut in casing presureSIDP Shut in drill pipe presure关井钻杆压力SOM Self-Organization Map ClusteringSONANGOL Sociodade Nacional Combustiveis AngolaSP spontaneous potential 自然电位SPP: Stand pipe Pressure(psi)SPD South Pars DrillingSRVC SERVICE COMPANYst stonelyST side trackStar Imager 微电阻率扫描成像STAR-II 声电组合成像测井STD stand 立柱STDS standsSTAT STATESTT 送入工具suc sucrosicSWAL 横波声波测井仪SWD Seismic While DrillingSWF shallow water flowS wb saturation of bond waterS wm saturation of movable waterS wirr saturation of irreducible waterT2 Dist T2分布数据TBRT thin bed resistivity tool薄层电阻率TCL Thorium Clay – GlobalTCM technical committee meetingTCRT 过套管电阻率测井仪TD: Total Depth (m)TDEP HNG Coin Msg River DepthTENS Cable TensionTG Trip GasTG: Total Gas (%)TH thorium 钍THP tubing head pressureTIM 公司TJV A Temporary Joint Venture Arrangement for Operating Purposes TLC Tough Logging Conditions pipe-conveyed systemTLD Three-Detector Lithology DensityTOC top of cementTP test pressureTPOR 总孔隙度TRQ: Rotary Torque KIb*ft)TVD: True Vertical Depth (m)TVDSS True V ertical Depth SubseaTVT true vertical thicknessT/W together withU uranium 铀U Photoelectric absorption cross-sectionUAE United Arab EmiratesUGC underground contourUMR unrisked mean reserveUSGS U.S. Geological SurveyUSI ultrasonic imager超声波成像仪UWI :UNIQUE WELL IDVDL Variable Density LogVPC vertical proportion curveVSI Versatile Seismic ImagerVSP-WD Vertical Seismic Profile While DrillingWBM Water Based MudWEC Well Evaluation ConferenceWH well headWHP well head pressureWOB: Weight on Bit(KIbs)WTHP well tubing head pressureX/O cross over 大小头, 转换接头XPT-A Xpress Perssure Tool-AXRD X-Ray diffractionYP: Yield PointΦR calculated porosity from resistivity with Archie formulaMRXabbr. <测井> Magnetic Resonance eXpert tool 核磁共振专家测井仪XPTabbr. <测井> Xpress Pressure ToolGPITabbr. <测井> General Purpose Inclinometer ToolFMIabbr. <测井> Fullbore Formation Micro Imager 全井眼地层微电阻率成像测井USIPabbr. <测井> UltraSonic Imaging PlatformHNGSabbr. <测井> Hostile Environment Natural Gamma Ray SondeVSIabbr. <测井> Versatile Seismic ImagerCBLabbr. <测井> Cement Bond Log 水泥胶结测井APSabbr. <测井> Accelerator Porosity SondeTLDabbr. <测井> Three-Detector Lithology DensityCCLabbr. <测井> Casing Collar Log 套管接箍测井/modules/mnemonics/ChannelItem.aspx?codeLow fluid loss and gel strengths of pad mud spotted in the hole just prior to running casing. Riser pipe 隔水管Circulation circuit 循环管道5700系列的测井项目及曲线名称Retrievable tools, sometimes known as Slim Tools,Collar-mounted tools, also known as Fat Tools,a triple rig (able to trip 3 joints of pipe,*西方阿特拉斯的ECLIPS-5700成像测井系统*主要包括:声电组合成像测井(STAR-II)、核磁共振测井(MRIL-C)、多极子声波成像仪(M AC)和扇段水泥胶结评价(SBT)等*哈里伯顿的EXCELL-2000成像测井系统*主要包括:井周声波扫描成像测井(CAST),微电阻率扫描成像(EMI)*斯伦贝谢的MAXIS-500成像测井系统*主要包括:微电阻率扫描成像(FMI)、阵列感应(AIT)、方位电阻率(ARI)、偶极横波(DSI)、核磁共振(CMR)等成像测井*(Compressional)Slowness (time)(Δtc)*Shear Slowness (Δts)HSGR .GAPI :HNGS Standard Gamma Ray{F13.4}HCGR .GAPI :HNGS Computed Gamma Ray{F13.4}HFK .V/V :HNGS Formation Potassium Concentration {F13.4}HTHO .PPM :HNGS Formation Thorium Concentration {F13.4} HTPR . :HNGS Thorium/Potassium Ratio {F13.4} HTUR . :HNGS Thorium/Uranium Ratio {F13.4} HUPR . :HNGS Uranium/Potassium Ratio {F13.4} HURA .PPM :HNGS Formation Uranium Concentration {F13.4} GR_EDTC.GAPI :EDTC Gamma Ray {F13.4}CHR1 :Label Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole {F13.4}CHR2 . :Label Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole {F13.4} CHR3 . :Label Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley {F13.4} CHRP . :Label Peak Coherence, Receiver Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S {F13.4} CHTP . :Label Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S {F13.4} ITT .S :Integrated Transit Time {F13.4} HAZI .DEG :Hole Azimuth {F13.4}P1AZ .DEG :Pad 1 Azimuth {F13.4}RB .DEG :Relative Bearing {F13.4}SDEV .DEG :Sonde Deviation {F13.4}P1AZ_OBMT_2.DEG :Memorized Pad 1 Azimuth {F13.4}RB_OBMT_2.DEG :Memorized Rotated Relative Bearing {F13.4}PP_OBMT_2. :Pad Pressure {F13.4}DEVI .DEG :Hole Deviation {F13.4}RB_OBMT.DEG :Memorized Relative Bearing {F13.4}P1AZ_OBMT.DEG :Memorized Pad 1 Azimuth {F13.4}PP_OBMT. :Pad Pressure {F13.4}HAZI .DEG :Hole Azimuth {F13.4}P1AZ .DEG :Pad 1 Azimuth {F13.4}RB .DEG :Relative Bearing {F13.4} SDEV .DEG :Sonde Deviation {F13.4} OZA_2.OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad A {F13.4} OZB_2.OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad B {F13.4} OZC_2.OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad C {F13.4} OZD_2.OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad D {F13.4} OBRA_2[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities, Pad A {AF13.4} OBRB_2[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities Pad B {AF13.4} OBRC_2[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities Pad C {AF13.4}OBRD_2[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities Pad D {AF13.4} C1_OBMT_2.IN :OBMT2 Caliper 1 {F13.4}C2_OBMT_2.IN :OBMT2 Caliper 2 {F13.4} OZA .OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad A {F13.4}OZB .OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad B {F13.4}OZC .OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad C {F13.4} OZD .OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad D {F13.4}OBRA[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities, Pad A {AF13.4}OBRB[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities Pad B {AF13.4} OBRC[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities Pad C {AF13.4} OBRD[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities Pad D {AF13.4}C1_OBMT.IN :OBMT Caliper 1 {F13.4} C2_OBMT.IN :OBMT Caliper 2 {F13.4}。
AMGP 墨西哥石油地质家协会Amoco International Oil Co. 阿莫科国际石油公司ancestral petroleum 原石油AOCS 美国石油化学家学会AOGA 阿拉斯加石油与天然气协会APEA 澳大利亚石油勘探协会API Bull 美国石油学会通报API Chain 美国石油学会标准链条API connection 美国石油学会标准接头API degree 美国石油学会规定之原油重度API drill pipe thread 美国石油学会标准钻杆螺纹API hydrometer 美国石油学会液体比重计API PSD 美国石油学会石油安全数据API Pub 美国石油学会出版物API Rp 美国石油学会推荐作法API separator 美国石油学会标准分离器API Spec 美国石油学会规范API standard grid presentation 美国石油学会标准测井曲线网格图API Std 美国石油学会标准API test procedure 美国石油学会试验程序API tolerance 美国石油学会公差API tubing thread 美国石油学会油管螺纹API 美国石油学会APIC 美国石油工业委员会APIGU 美国石油学会伽马测井标准单位APINU 美国石油学会中子测井标准单位APOA 北极石油经营者协会APPI 亚洲石油价格指数APRT 预收石油收入税Arab Petroleum Congress 阿拉伯石油会议Arabian Oil Co. Ltd. 阿拉伯石油有限公司araeo picnometer 石油比重计arctic oil 北极地区用油;靠近北极区开采的石油aromatic petroleum solvent 芳族石油溶剂ARTEP 石油开采技术研究协会artificial asphalt 人造石油沥青ASCOPE 东南亚国家联盟石油理事会ASPG 阿尔伯达石油地质家学会asphalt base petroleum 沥青基石油ASSOPO 海运和海上石油作业安全自动化Banoco 巴林国家石油公司base royalty 石油产地使用费bergbalsam 石油black gold of Transylvania 石油black gold 石油bloom 花;兴旺时期;石油荧光;喷霜blue sky peddler 不倦的石油业发起人BO 石油桶数boom town 石油城;发展快的城市BP 英国石油公司Brazilian Petroleum Co. 巴西石油公司British Petroleum Company p.l.c. 英国石油公司brown petroleum 褐石油bubble point oil 饱和石油bulk plant 油库;石油销售站burning waters 石油CALTEX 加利福尼亚-得克萨斯石油公司cheap oil 廉价石油chemofining 石油加工化学;石油化学合成China National Offshore Oil Corp. 中国海洋石油总公司China National Petroleum Corp. 中国石油天然气总公司China PetroChemical Corporation 中国石油化工总公司CNOGEDC 中国石油天然气勘探开发公司CNOOC 中国海洋石油总公司Code API 美国石油学会的标准cold-test oil 低凝点石油Compaynie Francaise des Petroles 法国石油公司conventional oil 常规石油COOLC 中国海洋石油测井公司coplusory oil stock obligations 强制石油储备Council of Petroleum Accountants Societies of North America 北美石油会计协会CPS 中国石油学会CSPG 加拿大石油地质学家学会cut oil 乳化石油dark petroleum oils 暗色石油油料degraded oil 降解石油Den Norske Stats Oljeselskap a.s. 挪威国家石油公司doctor sweet 脱除硫醇的石油产品dollar oil 美元石油domestic oil 国产石油EAPG 欧洲石油地学家和工程师协会EAPG 欧洲石油地质学家协会Eastern oil 美国东部石油公司economically recoverable oil 经济上有开采价值的石油Egyptian General Petroleum Corp. 埃及石油总公司ESSO Oil 埃索石油公司exploitable oil 可采石油field control of petroleum products 石油产品质量的现场控制fixed designation of standard test 石油产品标准试验法编号FOCB 联邦石油储备局fossil oil 石油freak oil 非商品性石油产品;中间产品freak stocks 非商品性石油产品fresh oil 新采石油gas family 石油气族gas liquids 液化石油气gas-oil fluid viscosity 含溶解气石油的粘度general petrochemical works 石油化工总厂genesis of oil 石油的成因geoline 凡士林;石油Gulf Oil Corporation 海湾石油公司gushing gold 石油habitat of oil 石油产地heavy asphalt crude 沥青基重质石油home petroleum industry 本国石油工业hybrid-base oil 混合基石油hydrocarbon black 石油炭黑IFP 法国石油研究院IFPCW 国际石油及化学工作者联合会IMF Petroleum Fund 国际货币基金组织石油基金immature oil 不成熟石油in-situ oil viscosity 地下石油粘度inactive oil 不旋光石油Independent Oil Company 独立石油公司Independents 独立石油公司index of oil price 石油价格指数initial oil in place 原始石油地质储量inoil payment 以石油支付inspissated oil 风化石油Institute of Petroleum 石油学会integrated oil company 一体化石油公司International Federation of Petroleum and Chemical Workers 国际石油及化学工作者联合会international oil cartel 国际石油卡特尔International Petroleum Exchange 国际石油交易所international petroleum market 国际石油市场Interstate Oil Compact Commission 州际石油契约委员会Interstate Oil Compact 州际石油协议IOCC 州际石油契约委员会IOIP 石油地质储量IOSA 国际石油勘查者协会IP 石油学会IPA 美国独立石油协会IPAA 美国独立石油公司协会IPE 国际石油百科全书IPE 国际石油展览会IPEC 非欧佩克石油输出国IPIECA 国际石油工业环境保护协会IPT 石油工艺师学会Iraq National Oil Co. 伊拉克国家石油公司ISPG 沉积和石油地质研究所Japan National Oil Corporation 日本石油公司JPI 日本石油学会JPT 石油工艺杂志jug 检波器;水罐;小型地震仪;储存天然气或其它石油产品的垂直溶洞KOC 科威特石油公司KPC 科威特石油公司Kuwait National Petroleum Company 科威特国家石油公司L.O.O.P 路易斯安那州海上石油港L.P. 石油醚Libyan National Oil Corporation 利比亚国家石油公司ligarine 石油醚light petroleum 石油醚liquefied petroleum gas 液化石油气live oil 含气石油losses of petroleum products 石油产品损耗low-density oil 轻质石油low-grade oil 低级石油LPG 液化石油气LPG-air mixtures 液化石油气与空气混合物LPGA 液化石油气协会mahogany sulfonate 石油磺酸盐Major Oil Company 国际大石油公司malthenes 石油脂manus tester 石油闪点测定器marine oil 海洋石油marine petroleum exploitation 海洋石油开采markovnikite 富萘石油mayberyite 富硫石油methane oil 甲烷族石油micrococcus petrol 石油菌migration of oil 石油的运移migratory oil 运移的石油mineral earthoil 石油mineral ether 石油醚mineral spirit 石油溶剂油Ministry of Petroleum Industry 石油工业部mixed asphaltic base oil 混合沥青基石油mixed base oil 混合基石油mixed oil drilling rig 复合式石油钻井钻机Mobil Oil Corp. 美孚石油公司mother oil 原生石油N.P.I. 国家石油学会N.P.R.A. 全国石油炼油商协会NACOPS 国家石油统计咨询委员会naphthabitumen 石油沥青naphthenic base oil 环烷基石油naphthology 石油学nascent oil 初生石油National Congress of Petroleum Retailers 全国石油零售商协会National Iranian Oil Co. 伊朗国家石油公司National Oil Company 国家石油公司National Oil Marketers Association 全国石油批发商协会National Petroleum Refiners Association 全国石油炼制者协会national petroleum reserve 国家石油储备needle coke 针状结晶石油焦neo-petroleum 新生石油NGPA 加拿大天然气和石油协会NIPER 国家石油和能源研究所NLPGA 全国液化石油气协会non-API tubing 非美国石油学会标准油管non-API tubular 非美国石油学会标准管材non-asphaltic base oil 非沥青基石油non-paraffinous oil 不含蜡石油nonoil 非石油的nonrecoverable oil 不可采出的石油NPA color 美国石油协会色度NPA 全国石油协会NPC 全国石油委员会NPD 挪威石油董事会NPR 海军石油储备NPRA 阿拉斯加国家石油储备NPS 挪威石油学会NPX 美国石油实验法O 石油OAPEC 阿拉伯石油输出国组织Occidental Petroleum Corporation 西方石油公司OCTG 石油管材OF 石油燃料off-test product 未经检验的石油产品offshore oil exploitation 海上石油开采offshore oil 海上石油offshore petroleum resources 海洋石油资源OGDC 石油和天然气开发公司OIC 石油工业委员会OIC 石油信息委员会OIIC 石油工业情报委员会OIIP 石油地质储量oil accumulation 石油积聚oil asphalt 石油沥青oil base 油基;石油特性oil boom 拦油栅;石油热oil boycott 石油抵制oil broker 石油经纪人oil cold test 石油产品浊点或凝固点测定oil company 石油公司oil concession 石油特许权oil conservation 石油资源保护oil consuming countries 石油消费国oil country tubular goods 石油管材oil crisis 石油危机oil deficit 石油逆差oil dehydrating 石油脱水oil dehydrator 石油脱水器oil delivery 石油输送oil demand 石油需求oil deposit 石油矿床oil development 石油开发oil dewaxing 石油脱蜡oil distillate 石油馏分oil dollar 石油美元oil embargo 石油禁运oil emplacement 石油侵位oil engineer 石油工程师oil entrapment 石油捕集作用oil equipment 石油设备oil exchange 石油交易所oil exploration 石油勘探oil exportiog countries 石油出口国oil extraction 石油抽提oil finder 石油勘探工作者oil fire 石油火焰;石油燃烧造成的火灾oil fuel 石油燃料oil gas tar 石油裂解焦油oil gas 石油裂解气oil gasification 石油气化oil gauge 油表;油尺;油面指示器;石油比重计oil generation zone 石油生成带oil generation 石油生成oil genesis 石油成因oil geology 石油地质oil glut 石油过剩oil gradient line 石油梯度线oil hydrometer 石油比重测定仪oil in reserve 储存油;尚未能利用的石油储量oil in situ 原地石油储量oil indication 石油显示oil industry 石油工业oil initially in place 原始石油地质储量oil jetty 石油码头oil magnate 石油大王oil market simulation 石油市场模拟oil marketer 石油销售商oil measurement 石油计量oil meter 石油计量器oil migration 石油运移oil mining method 石油采矿法oil money 石油资金oil origin 石油成因oil package 石油产品容器oil patch 含油岩屑;油斑;石油勘探、开采和油田管道铺设所涉及的地域;油田oil payment 产量提成;以石油支付oil permit 石油装载许可证oil pitch 石油沥青oil pollution 石油污染oil potential 潜在石油储量oil power 石油动力;石油动力机oil producer 石油生产商;产油井oil product 石油产品oil production 石油开采;采油量oil promoter 石油推销人;卖油再钻新井油商oil properties 石油性质oil prospecting 石油勘探oil puncher 石油经纪商oil reserves 石油储量oil resources 石油资源oil royalty 石油矿区使用费oil search 石油普查oil selfsufficiency 石油自给oil share markets 石油股票市场oil shock 石油冲击oil shortage 石油不足oil shrinkage loss 石油收缩损失oil shrinkage 石油收缩oil stock market 石油股票市场oil storage 石油储存;储油库oil storing 石油储存oil trap 石油圈闭;隔油池oil vapour 石油蒸汽oil weapon 石油武器oil 油;石油oil-fuel depot 石油燃料库oil-impregnation 石油浸染oil-rich 富含石油的oil-transferring 石油输送;油传送OIP 石油地质储量OLC 近海石油后勤会议OMS 石油市场模拟onshore oil terminal 陆岸石油集输终端OOIP 原始石油地质储量OPEC 石油输出国组织Organization of Arab Petroleun Exporting Countries 阿拉伯石油输出国组织Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织origin of oil 石油成因origin of petroleum 石油生成original oil volume factor 原始石油体积系数P.A.D. 国防石油管理局P.D.S. 石油数据系统Pan Am. 泛美石油公司paper barrel 纸面石油PAW 战时石油管理PCWPC 世界石油会议常设理事会PE 石油工程师Pennzoil Co. 宾索石油公司Permanent Council of the World Petroleum Congress 世界石油会议常设理事会PES 石油工程学会PESA 石油设备供应商协会pet 石油Pet.Engr. 石油工程师pet.pord 石油产品petro-technology 石油技术petrobitumen 石油沥青PetroCanada 加拿大石油公司petrochemical complex 石油化工petrochemical equipment 石油化工设备petrochemical plant 石油化工厂petrochemical process 石油化工过程petrochemical processing 石油化学加工petrochemical unit 石油化工装置petrochemical waste disposal 石油化学废料处置petrochemical 岩石化学的;石油化学的;石油化学产品petrochemicals 石油化学产品petrochemistry 岩石化学;石油化学petrodollars 石油美元petrogenic gas 石油气petrolene 石油烯;软沥青Petroleos Mexicanos 墨西哥石油公司petroleum accumulation 石油聚集petroleum additive 石油添加剂petroleum aromatics 石油芳烃petroleum asphalt 石油沥青petroleum base rust preventive 石油基防锈剂petroleum base 石油基petroleum benzine 石油醚petroleum bitumen 石油沥青petroleum black 石油烟黑petroleum bloom 石油萤光petroleum chemicals 石油化学品petroleum cloud point tester 石油浊点测定仪petroleum coal 固体石油petroleum coke 石油焦petroleum composition 石油组成petroleum contract 石油合同petroleum convertibility 石油可逆性petroleum cuts 石油馏分petroleum demand 石油需求petroleum derivative 石油衍生物petroleum drilling 石油钻井petroleum emulsion breaker 石油破乳装置petroleum energy elasticity 石油能源弹性值petroleum engineer 石油工程师petroleum engineering economics 石油工程经济学petroleum engineering 石油工程petroleum ester 石油酯petroleum ether insolubles 石油醚不溶物petroleum ether 石油醚petroleum exhaust 石油废气petroleum exploration hydrodynamics 石油勘探流体动力学petroleum exploration-oriented hydrodynamic evaluation 石油勘探水动力评价petroleum fermentation process 石油发酵过程petroleum fermentation 石油发酵petroleum fraction 石油馏分petroleum gas oil 石油气体油petroleum gas 石油气petroleum genesis 石油形成petroleum geochemistry 石油地球化学petroleum geologist 石油地质学家petroleum geology 石油地质学petroleum geophysics 石油地球物理学petroleum hydrocarbon 石油烃petroleum hydrogeology 石油水文地质学petroleum industry 石油工业petroleum jelly 石油膏petroleum microbiology 石油微生物学petroleum microorganism 石油微生物petroleum migration 石油运移petroleum mining machinery 石油机械petroleum nitrogen base 石油中的含氮碱petroleum operation 石油作业petroleum origin 石油生成petroleum pipe line 石油管道petroleum pitch enamel 石油沥青漆petroleum processing 石油加工petroleum production act 石油生产法petroleum products 石油产品petroleum prospecting 石油勘探petroleum refinery 石油炼厂petroleum refining 石油加工petroleum regulation 石油管理法规petroleum reserves 石油储量petroleum resin 石油树脂petroleum resources 石油资源petroleum revenue tax 石油所得税petroleum series 石油系列petroleum solvent 石油溶剂petroleum spirit 石油溶剂petroleum sulfonate flood 石油磺酸盐溶液驱油petroleum transport 石油运输petroleum trap 石油圈闭petroleum vapor 石油蒸气petroleum 石油petroleum-associated water 石油伴生水petroleum-in-place 石油地质储量petroleum-like hydrocarbon 类石油烃petrolic 石油的petroligenic natural gas 石油天然气petrolite 石油岩petrolwum tar sand 含石油沥青的岩石或砂petromoney 石油资金petronol 液体石油脂petroporphyrin 石油卟啉;岩卟啉petropower 石油权力petroprotein 石油蛋白PGRT 石油和天然气收益税Phillips Petroleum Company 菲利普斯石油公司physical oil 实物石油PIB 石油情报局posted oil price 石油标价postlithifaction oil 岩化期后石油prelithifaction oil 岩化期前石油PRI 石油开采学会products pipeline operation 石油成品的顺序输送prospective oil 远景石油储量protopetroleum 原生石油PRT 石油收入税pteroleum base 石油基地rationing of petroleum products 石油产品定量分配real oil losses 实际石油损耗recoverable oil 可采石油remaining recoverable oil in place 地下剩余可采石油reservoir oil viscosity 储层石油粘度rock oil 石油royalty oil 政府拥有的石油saponated petroleum 皂化石油search for oil 勘查石油semi-asphaltic flux 半石油沥青Seven Sisters =Seven Majors 石油七姐妹Shell Oil Co. 壳牌石油公司sherwood oil 石油醚single train LPG plant 单套液化石油气装置Sojuznefteexport 苏联石油机关solid petroleum 固态石油SPD 补充石油税SPE 石油工程师学会specifications API 美国石油学会规范SPEE 石油评价工程师学会sponge coke 海绵状石油焦spot oil market 石油现货市场spot sample 个别试样;代表在容器一定水平面上的石油产品质量的试样SPR 石油战略储备SPR 战略石油储备Standard Oil Co. of California 加利福尼亚美孚石油公司Standard Oil Company 俄亥俄美孚石油公司sterling oil 英磅石油sticky oil 高粘度石油stone oil 石油storage jug 地下液化石油气储穴strategic oil inventory 石油战略储备strategic oil reserve 石油战略储备stripped oil 脱去汽油的石油sulfur-bearing oil 含硫石油supplementary petroleum duty 补充石油税SUPRI 斯坦福大学石油研究所surplus of oil production 石油生产过剩syngenetic oil 同生石油tail of tender 石油成品管输时的尾部tank volume 储罐容积;油罐中油的体积;换算成标准条件下的石油体积Teikoku Oil Co. Ltd. 帝国石油有限公司Tertiary crudes 第三纪石油theory of inorganic origin 石油无机成因说theory of organic origin 石油有机成因说thinned oil 稀释石油TOTAL 道达尔石油公司trading oil 纸面石油transit revenues from oil 石油过境税trapping of oil 石油圈闭作用travel of oil 石油运移trinascol 稠硫沥青石油uncompensated drainage 无赔偿的石油流失underground liquefied petroleum gas storage 地下液化石油气库;液化石油气地下储存unrecovered oil 残留石油vaseline 石油冻;矿脂;凡士林venturaite 富氮石油virgin oil 未开采的石油virgin tank oil 换算成地面条件下的未开采石油warrenite 含石蜡和异构石蜡混合物的气态或液态沥青;石蜡石油wax containing asphalt 含蜡石油沥青wet barrel 实物石油white spirit 石油溶剂WPC 世界石油大会younger oil 初期石油。
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3DLO 3D long offset seismic survey三维长偏移距野外资料采集3DHR-HR 3D High resolution –high ???seismic survey 三维高分辨-高密野外资料采集。
AAC = adjusted AC;ABI inclination at the drill bitAC acoustic 声波时差ACN =adjusted CN;ADN Azimuthal neotron densityAIT* Array Induction Imager ToolA&S admistration&serviceAHC Ascendant Hierarchical ClusteringARC Induction Resistivity GR annulus pressure ingrated toolARI Azimuth resistivity imager方位电阻率成像测井仪APD Elevation of Depth Reference (LMF) above Permanent DatumAPWD apparatus whle drillingASI Array seismic imager阵列地震成像仪A VG: AverageA VO Amplitude Versus Offset(Amplitude variation with offset calibration)振幅-炮检距关系AZI: Azimuth (deg)BBC Buy Back ContractBGG: Background Gas (%)BGP 物探局BHFP bottomhole flowing pressureBHS :Borehole StatusBHT :Bottom Hole TemperatureBHTA 声波幅度BHTT 声波返回时间BLWH Blue WhiteBML below mud lineBOP Blow out preventerBOP stack 防喷器组BS Bit SizeBSW basic?? saturation water(综合含水)CAL borehole diameter 井径CAST 声波扫描成像测井仪CBI Central Bank of IranCBIL 井周声波成像CBL Cement Bond LogCC correlation coefficientCCAL common core analysis常规岩心分析CCL Casing Collar LocatorCCM Contractors Committee MeetingCDF cumulative density functionCDF Calibrated Downhole ForceCDS condensatCF core faciesCF cut fluorescenceCFA Composition Fluid AnalyzerCGR Condensate-to-gas RatioCMC Crown mounted compensator安装在天车上的升沉补尝器CMR Combinable Magnetic Resonance 可组合的核磁共振测井仪CMR-A Timur/Coates PermeabilityCMR-B Timur/Coates PermeabilityCMR_DMRP Timur/Coates PermeabilityCMR_FLOW Timur/Coates PermeabilityCMR_SMRP Timur/Coates PermeabilityCMRT Timur/Coates PermeabilityCN neutron 中子COMP AMP Compessional amplitude纵波幅度COMP ATTN Compessional attunuation纵波衰减CON induction log 感应测井COPA Companhia de Petroleo de AngolaCP conductor pipeCQG Crystal Quartz GaugeCRA Corrosion resistant AlloyCRF cumulative recovery factor(采出程度)CSI 组合地震成像仪CT cut fluorescenceCt Conductivity of un-flushedCTRY COUNTRYcvgs cavings(井壁垮塌)Cxo Conductivity of flushed zonesDAC 阵列声波DC drilling collarDCCR Daily Cost Control ReportDDR Daily Drilling ReportDEN density 密度Dev deviation井斜DF direct fluorescenceDGR Daily Geological ReportDHI direct hydrocarbon indicatorDLS dog leg severityDPH Development PhaseDPPM Density Porosity Processing ModeDSC drill string compensatorDSI* Dipole Shear Sonic Imager偶极子横波声波成像仪DT1 Delta-T Shear - Lower DipoleDT1R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Lower DipoleDT2 Delta-T Shear - Upper Dipole {F13.4}DT2R Delta-T Shear, Receiver Array - Upper DipoleDT3R Delta-T Stoneley, Receiver Array - Monopole StoneleyDT4P Delta-T Compressional - Monopole P&SDTCO Delta-T CompressionalDTRP Delta-T Compressional, Receiver Array - Monopole P&SDTSM Delta-T Shear {F13.4}DTTP Delta-T Compressional, Transmitter Array - Monopole P&S DVRT 数字垂直测井Dyn Clustering Dynamic ClusteringECD equivalent circulation densityEchoes(Echoescope) Integrated Resistivity neutron density tool标准回波数据EMW equivalent mud weightEFAC Electro-faciesEOS Equation of StateE&P exploration&productionFCM finantial committee meetingFFV free fluid voluneFG Formation GasFLD FIELDFLW: mud flow rate(gpm)FMI Formation Micro-scanner Image全井眼地层微电阻率成像仪EPD Elevation of Permanent Datum above Mean Sea LevelFRF final recovery factorFPSO 浮式采油轮FV: Funnel ViscosityGCSE Generalized Caliper SelectionGDAT GeoDetic DatumGDT "gas down to"G&G Geology&geophisicsGIIP gas initially in placegpm gallon per minuteGR natural gamma ray 自然伽马GRSE Generalized Mud Resistivity SelectionGTSE Generalized Temperature SelectionHDIP 六臂倾角HGNS Highly Integrated Gamma Ray Neutron SondeHRMS High-Resolution Mechanical SondeHRLA High-Resolution Azimuthal Laterolog SondeHWDP heavy wall drillpipelb/ft pounds/footIFD 低频偶极测井仪IGIP Initial Gas In placeIld deep investigate induction log 深探测感应测井Ilm medium investigate induction log 中探测感应测井Ils shallow investigate induction log 浅探测感应测井Image DIP 图像的倾角INAGEO Instituto Nacinal de GeologiaINC: Inclination (deg)IPL 孔隙度综合测井仪IRR Initial Remuneration Rate???JOA Joint Operating AggreementJMC Joint Management CommiteeK potassium 钾kips kilo poundsKRI Kernel Representative IndexKOP Kick Off PointKTH gamma ray without uranium 无铀伽马KTIM Timur/Coates Permeability, NMR_PermeabilityHALS 高分辨率方位侧向测井仪HGS high gravity solidsHRI 高分辨率感应测井仪LATI LATITUDELATD Latitude (N=+ S=- )L/D lay downLFA Live Fluid AnalyzerLGS low gravity solids?LMF Logging Measured From (Name of Logging Elevation Reference) LMRP lower marine riser packageLNG feed gas Liquified Natural Gas ---Sour-rich-wet gas at the outlet of the receiption facilities for hand over to NIOC LNG plantL/O lay outLOC LOCATIONLONG LONGITUDELOND Longitude (E=+ W=-)LOT leak of testLPG Liquified Petroleum GasLWD logging with drillingMAC 多极阵列声波成像MATR Rock Matrix for Neutron Porosity CorrectionsMBVI 束缚流体体积MBVM 可动流体体积MC motion compensator升沉不成器MCFL Micro-Cylindrically Focused LogMD: Measured Depth (m)MDP Master Development PlanMDRT Mesured Depth Rotary TableMDT Modular Formation Dynamic Tester模块式地层动态测试器(组件式动态地层动力学测试仪)MER Maximum Efficient Ratemkwh milk whiteMIT 多道感应测井仪MMBBL metric million barelMMS Minerals Management ServiceMOA Memorandum of AgreementMOU Memorandum of UnderstandingMPERM 核磁共振渗透率MPHI 核磁共振有效孔隙度MRGC Multi-Resolution Graph-based ClusteringMRIL Magnetic Resonance Imager Log核磁共振成像测井MRILWD magnetic resonance imaging logging while drillingMR_KLAMBDA_PERMS Timur/Coates PermeabilityMRP Magnetic Resonance PorosityMSIP Modular Sonic Imaging Platform 模块化声波成像平台msl mean sea levelMTSA Master Technical Services AgreementM/U make up,mount upMUSD million United States DollarMW: Mud Weight (ppg)NGR neutron gamma ray 中子伽马NGS Natural Gamma SpectrumNIDC National Iranian Drilling CompanyNIOC National Iranian Oil CompanyNMR Nuclear Magnetic ResonanceNSP 防磨补心NTG Net to GrossOBM Oil Based MudOBMI Oil Base MicroImage toolOCM operating committee meetingODP overall development plan总体开发方案OGWC Original Gas Water ContactOOC Oil On CuttingsOOIP original oil in place 原始石油地质储量OPS operationsOWC oil water contactP90 which represents the realistic low sideP50 the Median value rangeP10 representing the realistic UPSIDE for the prospect.P16H_RT ARC Phase Shift Resistivity 16 inch Spacing at 2 MHz, Environmentally Corrected, Real-TimeP16L_RT ARC Phase Shift Resistivity 16 inch Spacing at 400 KHz, Environmentally Corrected,Real-TimePCG: Pipe connection Gas (%)接钻杆气Pd dew pointPD permanent datumPDAT Permanent DatumPEMA Pesquisas Minairas de AngolaPETRANGOL Companhia de Petroleos de AngolaPEX Platform Express (The Platform Express toolstring includes either the AIT* Array Induction Imager Tool or High-Resolution Azimuthal Laterolog Sonde (HALS) as the resistivity tool. The Three-Detector Lithology Density (TLD) tool and Micro-Cylindrically Focused Log (MCFL) are housed in the High-Resolution Mechanical Sonde (HRMS) powered caliper. Above the HRMS are a compensated thermal neutron and gamma ray in the Highly Integrated Gamma Ray Neutron Sonde (HGNS) and a single-axis accelerometer.)PHIE Effective PorosityPHIE Multimin Porositypl poorly??PML ParaMagnetic测井公司PMS positioning motor systemPNC 脉冲中子俘获测井POOH pull out of holePOOW pull out of wellPOS Possibility of SuccessPPG pond per gallonProdn productionPSA production sharing agreementPSIA pound per square inch apparentPSDM prestack depth migration叠前深度偏移PSTM prestack time migrationPTB interval Permian-Triassic boundary intervalP/U pick upPV: Plastic ViscosityRADOUTR 井眼的椭圆度Rd deep investigate double lateral resistivity log 深双侧向电阻率测井R/D rig downRHOB-CORR gas corrected Neutron DensityRIH run in holeRMR risked mean reserveRMLL micro lateral resistivity log 微侧向电阻率测井ROP: Rate of penetration (m/hr)ROR Rate of ReturnROV remotely operated vehicleRPM Rotations per minuteRs shallow investigate double lateral resistivity log 浅双侧向电阻率测井R/S/C Rotary/Slide/Circulation(Directional Drilling)Rt true formation resistivity. 地层真电阻率RT real timeRT Rotary TableR/T running timeRTE Rotary Table ElevationR/U rig upRxo flushed zone formation resistivity 冲洗带地层电阻率S3 Surface Sensor Waveform 3SBM Oil Based Mud’ (OBM) include d synthetic oils . SBT 分区(扇段)水泥胶结测井仪,SC Service ContractSCAL special core analysis特殊岩心分析SDC Sonangol Data CentreSG specific gravityShear AMP Shear Amplitude横波幅度Shear A TTN ShearAttenuation横波衰减SHT Surface Hole TemperatureSICP Shut in casing presureSIDP Shut in drill pipe presure关井钻杆压力SOM Self-Organization Map ClusteringSONANGOL Sociodade Nacional Combustiveis AngolaSP spontaneous potential 自然电位SPP: Stand pipe Pressure(psi)SPD South Pars DrillingSRVC SERVICE COMPANYst stonelyST side trackStar Imager 微电阻率扫描成像STAR-II 声电组合成像测井STD stand 立柱STDS standsSTAT STATESTT 送入工具suc sucrosicSWAL 横波声波测井仪SWD Seismic While DrillingSWF shallow water flowS wb saturation of bond waterS wm saturation of movable waterS wirr saturation of irreducible waterT2 Dist T2分布数据TBRT thin bed resistivity tool薄层电阻率TCL Thorium Clay – GlobalTCM technical committee meetingTCRT 过套管电阻率测井仪TD: Total Depth (m)TDEP HNG Coin Msg River DepthTENS Cable TensionTG Trip GasTG: Total Gas (%)TH thorium 钍THP tubing head pressureTIM 公司TJV A Temporary Joint Venture Arrangement for Operating Purposes TLC Tough Logging Conditions pipe-conveyed systemTLD Three-Detector Lithology DensityTOC top of cementTP test pressureTPOR 总孔隙度TRQ: Rotary Torque KIb*ft)TVD: True Vertical Depth (m)TVDSS True V ertical Depth SubseaTVT true vertical thicknessT/W together withU uranium 铀U Photoelectric absorption cross-sectionUAE United Arab EmiratesUGC underground contourUMR unrisked mean reserveUSGS U.S. Geological SurveyUSI ultrasonic imager超声波成像仪UWI :UNIQUE WELL IDVDL Variable Density LogVPC vertical proportion curveVSI Versatile Seismic ImagerVSP-WD Vertical Seismic Profile While DrillingWBM Water Based MudWEC Well Evaluation ConferenceWH well headWHP well head pressureWOB: Weight on Bit(KIbs)WTHP well tubing head pressureX/O cross over 大小头, 转换接头XPT-A Xpress Perssure Tool-AXRD X-Ray diffractionYP: Yield PointΦR calculated porosity from resistivity with Archie formulaMRXabbr. <测井> Magnetic Resonance eXpert tool 核磁共振专家测井仪XPTabbr. <测井> Xpress Pressure ToolGPITabbr. <测井> General Purpose Inclinometer ToolFMIabbr. <测井> Fullbore Formation Micro Imager 全井眼地层微电阻率成像测井USIPabbr. <测井> UltraSonic Imaging PlatformHNGSabbr. <测井> Hostile Environment Natural Gamma Ray SondeVSIabbr. <测井> Versatile Seismic ImagerCBLabbr. <测井> Cement Bond Log 水泥胶结测井APSabbr. <测井> Accelerator Porosity SondeTLDabbr. <测井> Three-Detector Lithology DensityCCLabbr. <测井> Casing Collar Log 套管接箍测井/modules/mnemonics/ChannelItem.aspx?codeLow fluid loss and gel strengths of pad mud spotted in the hole just prior to running casing. Riser pipe 隔水管Circulation circuit 循环管道5700系列的测井项目及曲线名称Retrievable tools, sometimes known as Slim Tools,Collar-mounted tools, also known as Fat Tools,a triple rig (able to trip 3 joints of pipe,*西方阿特拉斯的ECLIPS-5700成像测井系统*主要包括:声电组合成像测井(STAR-II)、核磁共振测井(MRIL-C)、多极子声波成像仪(M AC)和扇段水泥胶结评价(SBT)等*哈里伯顿的EXCELL-2000成像测井系统*主要包括:井周声波扫描成像测井(CAST),微电阻率扫描成像(EMI)*斯伦贝谢的MAXIS-500成像测井系统*主要包括:微电阻率扫描成像(FMI)、阵列感应(AIT)、方位电阻率(ARI)、偶极横波(DSI)、核磁共振(CMR)等成像测井*(Compressional)Slowness (time)(Δtc)*Shear Slowness (Δts)HSGR .GAPI :HNGS Standard Gamma Ray{F13.4}HCGR .GAPI :HNGS Computed Gamma Ray{F13.4}HFK .V/V :HNGS Formation Potassium Concentration {F13.4}HTHO .PPM :HNGS Formation Thorium Concentration {F13.4} HTPR . :HNGS Thorium/Potassium Ratio {F13.4} HTUR . :HNGS Thorium/Uranium Ratio {F13.4} HUPR . :HNGS Uranium/Potassium Ratio {F13.4} HURA .PPM :HNGS Formation Uranium Concentration {F13.4} GR_EDTC.GAPI :EDTC Gamma Ray {F13.4}CHR1 :Label Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Lower Dipole {F13.4}CHR2 . :Label Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Upper Dipole {F13.4} CHR3 . :Label Peak Coherence, Receiver Array - Monopole Stoneley {F13.4} CHRP . :Label Peak Coherence, Receiver Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S {F13.4} CHTP . :Label Peak Coherence, Transmitter Array, Compressional - Monopole P&S {F13.4} ITT .S :Integrated Transit Time {F13.4} HAZI .DEG :Hole Azimuth {F13.4}P1AZ .DEG :Pad 1 Azimuth {F13.4}RB .DEG :Relative Bearing {F13.4}SDEV .DEG :Sonde Deviation {F13.4}P1AZ_OBMT_2.DEG :Memorized Pad 1 Azimuth {F13.4}RB_OBMT_2.DEG :Memorized Rotated Relative Bearing {F13.4}PP_OBMT_2. :Pad Pressure {F13.4}DEVI .DEG :Hole Deviation {F13.4}RB_OBMT.DEG :Memorized Relative Bearing {F13.4}P1AZ_OBMT.DEG :Memorized Pad 1 Azimuth {F13.4}PP_OBMT. :Pad Pressure {F13.4}HAZI .DEG :Hole Azimuth {F13.4}P1AZ .DEG :Pad 1 Azimuth {F13.4}RB .DEG :Relative Bearing {F13.4} SDEV .DEG :Sonde Deviation {F13.4} OZA_2.OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad A {F13.4} OZB_2.OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad B {F13.4} OZC_2.OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad C {F13.4} OZD_2.OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad D {F13.4} OBRA_2[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities, Pad A {AF13.4} OBRB_2[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities Pad B {AF13.4} OBRC_2[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities Pad C {AF13.4}OBRD_2[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities Pad D {AF13.4} C1_OBMT_2.IN :OBMT2 Caliper 1 {F13.4}C2_OBMT_2.IN :OBMT2 Caliper 2 {F13.4} OZA .OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad A {F13.4}OZB .OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad B {F13.4}OZC .OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad C {F13.4} OZD .OHMS :Injection Impedance Pad D {F13.4}OBRA[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities, Pad A {AF13.4}OBRB[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities Pad B {AF13.4} OBRC[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities Pad C {AF13.4} OBRD[0].OHMM :Buttons resistivities Pad D {AF13.4}C1_OBMT.IN :OBMT Caliper 1 {F13.4} C2_OBMT.IN :OBMT Caliper 2 {F13.4}。