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How to eat
If you are often busy working hard, you can try some fruits with rich water, such as pears, grapes, watermelon .
How to eat
It’s fancy to have over two kinds of fruits every day. Do not always buy one sort of fruits. Full use of the diversity of fruits can be good for you.
Our Fruits
-------By Jenny Today, we’ll take a look at the fruits on the table…
Some Common Fruits
banana香蕉 blueberry蓝莓
Some Common Fruits
• cherry樱桃
very few calories , for example, many are
found a large quantity of vitamin C.
How to eat
Eating apple is your best choice: You've heard, "An apple a day will keep the doctor away.“ When wanting to ,you’d better eat it before meals or an hour after meals. Remember not to eat it immediately after a meal.
Let’s start!
To maintain a healthy body and enjoy an active lifestyle ,let’s eat fruits.
To Say Bye
How to eat
Maybe you’re told that it is a good idea to eLeabharlann Baidut some fruits (such as apples )with their skin, for almost much of the vitamin content is just underneath the skin . But it’s really wrong. Most of us ignore the chemicals covered on the skin .
Why to eat
Eating more fruits and vegetables doesn't have to mean increased calories intake.
Many plant foods are nutrient –rich: they
provide many vitamins and minerals for
Why to eat
As some fruits’ main function is to protect the eyes, they can be eaten to protect eyesight and to treat night blindness . Some fruits are a helping hand against high blood pressure that may help keep your numbers low.
How to eat
The time to eat is also of great importance:
If you’d like to eat fruits in the morning or after you have a nice rest at noon, you are definitely so wise .
Choose your fruits
There are hundreds of varieties of fruits on the market today. Fruits can be sweet, tart, soft ,smooth or crisp, depending on the one you choose. There is one to suit almost everyone's taste, so why not choose one?
• mango芒果 • Chinese gooseberry猕猴桃
Some Common Fruits
coconut椰子 litchi荔枝
Some Common Fruits
Hami melon哈密瓜
honey peach水蜜桃 lemon柠檬
Why to eat
We all know that health is the basis of doing many things, and eating healthy is fast becoming a way of life. Health is closely connected with the fruits. A handful of fruits can go a long way toward helping you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
How to eat
The fruits fresh and at season can be
your best choice while frowning for
what to buy.
Do remember not to store fruits at a low temperature . It’s better to eat than to drink the juice.
Why to eat
We can enjoy the natural benefits of fruits : Some have the potential to help improve motor skills and reverse the short-term memory loss that comes with aging . Some can help promote a healthy digestive system and may help lower cholesterol.