



某钢铁企业变电所保护系统及防护系统设计1 绪论1.1 变电站继电保护的发展变电站是电力系统的重要组成部分,它直接影响整个电力系统的安全与经济运行,失恋系发电厂和用户的中间环节,起着变换和分配电能的作用,电气主接线是发电厂变电所的主要环节,电气主接线的拟定直接关系着全厂电气设备的选择、配电装置的布置、继电保护和自动装置的确定,是变电站电气部分投资大小的决定性因素。






1.3 设计概述1.3.1 设计依据1)继电保护设计任务书。

2)国标GB50062-92《电力装置的继电保护和自动装置设计规范》3)《工业企业供电》1.3.2 设计原始资料本企业共有12个车间,承担各附属厂的设备、变压器修理和制造任务。


表1.1 用电设备明细表2、负荷性质本厂大部分车间为一班制,少数车间为两班或者三班制,年最大有功负荷利用小时数为h2300。



某钢铁企业变电所保护系统及防护系统设计1 绪论1.1 变电站继电保护的发展变电站是电力系统的重要组成部分,它直接影响整个电力系统的安全与经济运行,失恋系发电厂和用户的中间环节,起着变换和分配电能的作用,电气主接线是发电厂变电所的主要环节,电气主接线的拟定直接关系着全厂电气设备的选择、配电装置的布置、继电保护和自动装置的确定,是变电站电气部分投资大小的决定性因素。






1.3 设计概述1.3.1 设计依据1)继电保护设计任务书。

2)国标GB50062-92《电力装置的继电保护和自动装置设计规范》3)《工业企业供电》1.3.2 设计原始资料本企业共有12个车间,承担各附属厂的设备、变压器修理和制造任务。


表1.1 用电设备明细表2、负荷性质本厂大部分车间为一班制,少数车间为两班或者三班制,年最大有功负荷利用小时数为h2300。



建筑电气专业毕业设计英文翻译变压器摘要: 变压器是变电所的主要设备, 功能是实现电网电压的等级变换, 基本工作原理是电磁感应。


对供电电源进行电压等级变换, 应对电能进行重新分配的场所称为变电所。

建筑变电所是供配电系统的枢纽, 供电电源由电网引到变电所, 在变电所完成降压, 电能分配等功能。

关键词:变电所; 变压器; 继电保护;1. 介绍要从远端发电厂送出电能, 必须应用高压输电。

因为最终的负荷, 在一些点高电压必须降低。



2. 双绕组变压器变压器的最简单形式包括两个磁通相互耦合的固定线圈。

两个线圈之因此相互耦合, 是因为它们连接着共同的磁通。

在电力应用中, 使用层式铁芯变压器(本文中提到的)。

变压器是高效率的, 因为它没有旋转损失, 因此在电压等级转换的过程中, 能量损失比较少。

典型的效率范围在92到99%, 上限值适用于大功率变压器。


它在铁圈中建立了磁通φ, 它的幅值和方向都会发生周期性的变化。


磁通是变化的; 因此依据楞次定律, 电磁感应在二次侧产生了电压。



3. 变压器的工作原理当二次侧电路开路是, 即使原边被施以正弦电压Vp, 也是没有能量转移的。


这个空载电流有两项功能: ( 1) 在铁芯中产生电磁通, 该磁通在零和 φm之间做正弦变化, φm是铁芯磁通的最大值; ( 2) 它的一个分量说明了铁芯中的涡流和磁滞损耗。



因为在空载时, 原边绕组中的铁芯相当于一个很大的电抗, 空载电流的相位大约将滞后于原边电压相位90º。



可编程控制器本科毕业论文中英文翻译材料关于PLC外文翻译中文翻译可编程控制器技术可编程序控制器(Programmable Logic Controller,习惯上简称为PLC)是以微处理器为核心的通用工业自动化装置。






由于PLC 本身具有很高的可靠性,所以在发生故障的部位大多集中在输入/输出的部位以及如传感器件、限位开关、光电开关、电磁阀、电机等外围装置上。












Bridge Waterway OpeningsIn a majority of cases the height and length of a bridge depend solely upon the amount of clear waterway opening that must be provided to accommodate the floodwaters of the stream. Actually, the problem goes beyond that of merely accommodating the floodwaters and requires prediction of the various magnitudes of floods for given time intervals. It would be impossible to state that some given magnitude is the maximum that will ever occur, and it is therefore impossible to design for the maximum, since it cannot be ascertained. It seems more logical to design for a predicted flood of some selected interval ---a flood magnitude that could reasonably be expected to occur once within a given number of years. For example, a bridge may be designed for a 50-year flood interval; that is, for a flood which is expected (according to the laws of probability) to occur on the average of one time in 50 years. Once this design flood frequency, or interval of expected occurrence, has been decided, the analysis to determine a magnitude is made. Whenever possible, this analysis is based upon gauged stream records. In areas and for streams where flood frequency and magnitude records are not available, an analysis can still be made. With data from gauged streams in the vicinity, regional flood frequencies can be worked out; with a correlation between the computed discharge for the ungauged stream and the regional flood frequency, a flood frequency curve can be computed for the stream in question. Highway CulvertsAny closed conduit used to conduct surface runoff from one side of a roadway to the other is referred to as a culvert. Culverts vary in size from large multiple installations used in lieu of a bridge to small circular or elliptical pipe, and their design varies in significance. Accepted practice treats conduits under the roadway as culverts. Although the unit cost of culverts is much less than that of bridges, they are far more numerous, normally averaging about eight to the mile, and represent a greater cost in highway. Statistics show that about 15 cents of the highway construction dollar goes to culverts, as compared with 10 cents for bridge. Culvert design then is equally as important as that of bridges or other phases of highway and should be treated accordingly.Municipal Storm DrainageIn urban and suburban areas, runoff waters are handled through a system of drainage structures referred to as storm sewers and their appurtenances. The drainage problem is increased in these areas primarily for two reasons: the impervious nature of the area creates a very high runoff; and there is little room for natural water courses. It is often necessary to collect the entire storm water into a system of pipes and transmit it over considerable distances before it can be loosed again as surface runoff. This collection and transmission further increase the problem, since all of the water must be collected with virtually no ponding, thus eliminating any natural storage; and though increased velocity the peak runoffs are reached more quickly. Also, the shorter times of peaks cause the system to be more sensitive to short-duration, high-intensity rainfall. Storm sewers, like culverts and bridges, are designed for storms of various intensity –return-period relationship, depending upon the economy and amount of ponding that can be tolerated.Airport DrainageThe problem of providing proper drainage facilities for airports is similar in many ways to that of highways and streets. However, because of the large and relatively flat surface involved the varying soil conditions, the absence of natural water courses and possible side ditches, and the greater concentration of discharge at the terminus of the construction area, some phases of the problem are more complex. For the average airport the overall area to be drained is relatively large and an extensive drainage system is required. The magnitude of such a system makes it even more imperative that sound engineeringprinciples based on all of the best available data be used to ensure the most economical design. Overdesign of facilities results in excessive money investment with no return, and underdesign can result in conditions hazardous to the air traffic using the airport.In other to ensure surfaces that are smooth, firm, stable, and reasonably free from flooding, it is necessary to provide a system which will do several things. It must collect and remove the surface water from the airport surface; intercept and remove surface water flowing toward the airport from adjacent areas; collect and remove any excessive subsurface water beneath the surface of the airport facilities and in many cases lower the ground-water table; and provide protection against erosion of the sloping areas. Ditches and Cut-slope DrainageA highway cross section normally includes one and often two ditches paralleling the roadway. Generally referred to as side ditches these serve to intercept the drainage from slopes and to conduct it to where it can be carried under the roadway or away from the highway section, depending upon the natural drainage. To a limited extent they also serve to conduct subsurface drainage from beneath the roadway to points where it can be carried away from the highway section.A second type of ditch, generally referred to as a crown ditch, is often used for the erosion protection of cut slopes. This ditch along the top of the cut slope serves to intercept surface runoff from the slopes above and conduct it to natural water courses on milder slopes, thus preventing the erosion that would be caused by permitting the runoff to spill down the cut faces.12 Construction techniquesThe decision of how a bridge should be built depends mainly on local conditions. These include cost of materials, available equipment, allowable construction time and environmental restriction. Since all these vary with location and time, the best construction technique for a given structure may also vary. Incremental launching or Push-out MethodIn this form of construction the deck is pushed across the span with hydraulic rams or winches. Decks of prestressed post-tensioned precast segments, steel or girders have been erected. Usually spans are limited to 50~60 m to avoid excessive deflection and cantilever stresses , although greater distances have been bridged by installing temporary support towers . Typically the method is most appropriate for long, multi-span bridges in the range 300 ~ 600 m ,but ,much shorter and longer bridges have been constructed . Unfortunately, this very economical mode of construction can only be applied when both the horizontal and vertical alignments of the deck are perfectly straight, or alternatively of constant radius. Where pushing involves a small downward grade (4% ~ 5%) then a braking system should be installed to prevent the deck slipping away uncontrolled and heavy bracing is then needed at the restraining piers.Bridge launching demands very careful surveying and setting out with continuous and precise checks made of deck deflections. A light aluminum or steel-launching nose forms the head of the deck to provide guidance over the pier. Special teflon or chrome-nickel steel plate bearings are used to reduce sliding friction to about 5% of the weight, thus slender piers would normally be supplemented with braced columns to avoid cracking and other damage. These columns would generally also support the temporary friction bearings and help steer the nose.In the case of precast construction, ideally segments should be cast on beds near the abutments and transferred by rail to the post-tensioning bed, the actual transport distance obviously being kept to the minimum. Usually a segment is cast against the face of the previously concerted unit to ensure a good fit when finally glued in place with an epoxy resin. If this procedure is not adopted , gaps of approximately 500mm shold be left between segments with the reinforcements running through andstressed together to form a complete unit , but when access or space on the embankment is at a premium it may be necessary to launch the deck intermittently to allow sections to be added progressively .The correponding prestressing arrangements , both for the temporary and permanent conditions would be more complicated and careful calculations needed at all positions .The pricipal advantage of the bridge-launching technique is the saving in falsework, especially for high decks. Segments can also be fabricated or precast in a protected environment using highly productive equipment. For concrete segment, typically two segment are laid each week (usually 10 ~ 30 m in length and perhaps 300 to 400 tonnes in weight) and after posttensioning incrementally launched at about 20 m per day depending upon the winching/jacking equipment.Balanced Cantiulever ConstructionDevelopment in box section and prestressed concrete led to short segment being assembled or cast in place on falsework to form a beam of full roadway width. Subsequently the method was refined virtually to eliminate the falsework by using a previously constructed section of the beam to provide the fixing for a subsequently cantilevered section. The principle is demonsrated step-by-step in the example shown in Fig.1.In the simple case illustrated, the bridge consists of three spans in the ratio 1:1:2. First the abutments and piers are constructed independently from the bridge superstructure. The segment immediately above each pier is then either cast in situ or placed as a precast unit .The deck is subsequently formed by adding sections symmetrically either side.Ideally sections either side should be placed simultaneously but this is usually impracticable and some inbalance will result from the extra segment weight, wind forces, construction plant and material. When the cantilever has reached both the abutment and centre span,work can begin from the other pier , and the remainder of the deck completed in a similar manner . Finally the two individual cantilevers are linked at the centre by a key segment to form a single span. The key is normally cast in situ.The procedure initially requires the first sections above the column and perhaps one or two each side to be erected conventionally either in situ concrete or precast and temporarily supported while steel tendons are threaded and post-tensioned . Subsequent pairs of section are added and held in place by post-tensioning followed by grouting of the ducts. During this phase only the cantilever tendons in the upper flange and webs are tensioned. Continuity tendons are stressed after the key section has been cast in place. The final gap left between the two half spans should be wide enough to enable the jacking equipment to be inserted. When the individual cantilevers are completed and the key section inserted the continuity tendons are anchored symmetrically about the centre of the span and serve to resist superimposed loads, live loads, redistribution of dead loads and cantilever prestressing forces.The earlier bridges were designed on the free cantilever principle with an expansion joint incorporated at the center .Unfortunately,settlements , deformations , concrete creep and prestress relaxation tended to produce deflection in each half span , disfiguring the general appearance of the bridge and causing discomfort to drivers .These effects coupled with the difficulties in designing a suitable joint led designers to choose a continuous connection, resulting in a more uniform distribution of the loads and reduced deflection. The natural movements were provided for at the bridge abutments using sliding bearings or in the case of long multi-span bridges, joints at about 500 m centres.Special Requirements in Advanced Construction TechniquesThere are three important areas that the engineering and construction team has to consider:(1) Stress analysis during construction: Because the loadings and support conditions of the bridge are different from the finished bridge, stresses in each construction stage must be calculated to ensurethe safety of the structure .For this purpose, realistic construction loads must be used and site personnel must be informed on all the loading limitations. Wind and temperature are usually significant for construction stage.(2) Camber: In order to obtain a bridge with the right elevation, the required camber of the bridge at each construction stage must be calculated. It is required that due consideration be given to creep and shrinkage of the concrete. This kind of the concrete. This kind of calculation, although cumbersome, has been simplified by the use of the compiters.(3) Quality control: This is important for any method construction, but it is more so for the complicated construction techniques. Curing of concrete, post-tensioning, joint preparation, etc. are detrimental to a successful structure. The site personnel must be made aware of the minimum concrete strengths required for post-tensioning, form removal, falsework removal, launching and other steps of operations.Generally speaking, these advanced construction techniques require more engineering work than the conventional falsework type construction, but the saving could be significant.大桥涵洞在大多数情况中桥梁的高度和跨度完全取决于河流的流量,桥梁的高度和跨度必须能够容纳最大洪水量.事实上,这不仅仅是洪水最大流量的问题,还需要在不同时间间隔预测不同程度的水灾。



Ultrasonic ranging system designPublication title: Sensor Review. Bradford: 1993.Vol.ABSTRACT: Ultrasonic ranging technology has wide using worth in many fields, such as the industrial locale, vehicle navigation and sonar engineering. Now it has been used in level measurement, self-guided autonomous vehicles, fieldwork robots automotive navigation, air and underwater target detection, identification, location and so on. So there is an important practicing meaning to learn the ranging theory and ways deeply. To improve the precision of the ultrasonic ranging system in hand, satisfy the request of the engineering personnel for the ranging precision, the bound and the usage, a portable ultrasonic ranging system based on the single chip processor was developed.Keywords: Ultrasound, Ranging System, Single Chip Processor1. IntroductiveWith the development of science and technology, the improvement of people’s standard of living, speeding up the development and construction of the city. Urban drainage system have greatly developed their situation is construction improving. However, due to historical reasons many unpredictable factors in the synthesis of her time, the city drainage system. In particular drainage system often lags behind urban construction. Therefore, there are often good building excavation has been building facilities to upgrade the drainage system phenomenon. It brought to the city sewage, and it is clear to the city sewage and drainage culvert in the sewage treatment system.Co mfort is very important to people’s lives. Mobile robots designed to clear the drainage culvert and the automatic control system Free sewage culvert clear guarantee robots, the robot is designed to clear the culvert sewage to the core. Control system is the core component of the development of ultrasonic range finder. Therefore, it is very important to design a good ultrasonic range finder.2. A principle of ultrasonic distance measurementThe application of AT89C51:SCM is a major piece of computer components are integrated into the chip micro-computer. It is a multi-interface and counting on the micro-controller integration, and intelligence products are widely used in industrial automation. and MCS-51 microcontroller is a typical and representative.Microcontrollers are used in a multitude of commercial applications such as modems, motor-control systems, air conditioner control systems, automotive engine and among others. The high processing speed and enhanced peripheral set of these microcontrollers make them suitable for such high-speed event-based applications. However, these critical application domains also require that these microcontrollers are highly reliable. The high reliability and low market risks can be ensured by a robust testing process and a proper tools environment for the validation of these microcontrollers both at the component and at the system level. Intel Plaform Engineering department developed an object-oriented multi-threaded test environment for the validation of its AT89C51 automotive microcontrollers. The goals of this environment was not only to provide a robust testing environment for the AT89C51 automotive microcontrollers, but to develop an environment which can be easily extended and reused for the validation of several other future microcontrollers. The environment was developed in conjunction with Microsoft Foundation Classes(AT89C51).1.1 Features* Compatible with MCS-51 Products* 2Kbytes of Reprogrammable Flash MemoryEndurance: 1,000Write/Erase Cycles* 2.7V to 6V Operating Range* Fully Static operation: 0Hz to 24MHz* Two-level program memory lock* 128x8-bit internal RAM* 15programmable I/O lines* Two 16-bit timer/counters* Six interrupt sources*Programmable serial UART channel* Direct LED drive output* On-chip analog comparator* Low power idle and power down modes1.2 DescriptionThe AT89C2051 is a low-voltage, high-performance CMOS 8-bit microcomputer with 2Kbytes of flash programmable and erasable read only memory (PEROM). The device is manufactured using Atmel’s high density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry standard MCS-51 instruction set and pinout. By combining a versatile 8-bit CPU with flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89C2051 is a powerful microcomputer which provides a highly flexible and cost effective solution to many embedded control applications.The AT89C2051 provides the following standard features: 2Kbytes of flash,128bytes of RAM, 15 I/O lines, two 16-bit timer/counters, a five vector two-level interrupt architecture, a full duplex serial port, a precision analog comparator, on-chip oscillator and clock circuitry. In addition, the AT89C2051 is designed with static logicfor operation down to zero frequency and supports two software selectable power saving modes. The idle mode stops the CPU while allowing the RAM, timer/counters, serial port and interrupt system to continue functioning. The power down mode saves the RAM contents but freezer the oscillator disabling all other chip functions until the next hardware reset.1.3 Pin Configuration1.4 Pin DescriptionVCC Supply voltage.GND Ground.Prot 1Prot 1 is an 8-bit bidirectional I/O port. Port pins P1.2 to P1.7 provide internal pullups. P1.0 and P1.1 require external pullups. P1.0 and P1.1 also serve as the positive input (AIN0) and the negative input (AIN1), respectively, of the on-chip precision analog comparator. The port 1 output buffers can sink 20mA and can drive LED displays directly. When 1s are written to port 1 pins, they can be used as inputs. When pins P1.2 to P1.7 are used as input and are externally pulled low, they will source current (IIL) because of the internal pullups.Port 3Port 3 pins P3.0 to P3.5, P3.7 are seven bidirectional I/O pins with internal pullups. P3.6 is hard-wired as an input to the output of the on-chip comparator and is not accessible as a general purpose I/O pin. The port 3 output buffers can sink 20mA. When 1s are written to port 3 pins they are pulled high by the internal pullups and can be used as inputs. As inputs, port 3 pins that are externally being pulled low will source current (IIL) because of the pullups.Port 3 also serves the functions of various special features of the AT89C2051 as listed below.1.5 Programming the FlashThe AT89C2051 is shipped with the 2 Kbytes of on-chip PEROM code memory array in the erased state (i.e., contents=FFH) and ready to be programmed. The code memory array is programmed one byte at a time. Once the array is programmed, to re-program any non-blank byte, the entire memory array needs to be erased electrically.Internal address counter: the AT89C2051 contains an internal PEROM address counter which is always reset to 000H on the rising edge of RST and is advanced applying a positive going pulse to pin XTAL1.Programming algorithm: to program the AT89C2051, the following sequence is recommended.1. power-up sequence:Apply power between VCC and GND pins Set RST and XTAL1 to GNDWith all other pins floating , wait for greater than 10 milliseconds2. Set pin RST to ‘H’ set pin P3.2 to ‘H’3. Apply the appropriate combination of ‘H’ or ‘L’ logic to pins P3.3, P3.4, P3.5,P3.7 to select one of the programming operations shown in the PEROM programming modes table.To program and Verify the Array:4. Apply data for code byte at location 000H to P1.0 to P1.7.5.Raise RST to 12V to enable programming.5. Pulse P3.2 once to program a byte in the PEROM array or the lock bits. The byte-write cycle is self-timed and typically takes 1.2ms.6. To verify the programmed data, lower RST from 12V to logic ‘H’ level and set pins P3.3 to P3.7 to the appropriate levels. Output data can be read at the port P1 pins.7. To program a byte at the next address location, pulse XTAL1 pin once to advance the internal address counter. Apply new data to the port P1 pins.8. Repeat steps 5 through 8, changing data and advancing the address counter for the entire 2 Kbytes array or until the end of the object file is reached.9. Power-off sequence: set XTAL1 to ‘L’ set RST to ‘L’Float all other I/O pins Turn VCC power off2.1 The principle of piezoelectric ultrasonic generatorPiezoelectric ultrasonic generator is the use of piezoelectric crystal resonators to work. Ultrasonic generator, the internal structure as shown, it has two piezoelectric chip and a resonance plate. When it’s two plus pulse signal, the frequency equal to the intrinsic piezoelectric oscillation frequency chip, the chip will happen piezoelectric resonance, and promote the development of plate vibration resonance, ultrasound is generated. Conversely, it will be for vibration suppression of piezoelectric chip, the mechanical energy is converted to electrical signals, then it becomes the ultrasonic receiver.The traditional way to determine the moment of the echo’s arrival is based on thresholding the received signal with a fixed reference. The threshold is chosen well above the noise level, whereas the moment of arrival of an echo is defined as the first moment the echo signal surpasses that threshold. The intensity of an echo reflecting from an object strongly depends on the object’s nature, size and distance from the sensor. Further, the time interval from the echo’s starting point to the moment when it surpasses the threshold changes with the intensity of the echo. As a consequence, a considerable error may occur even two echoes with different intensities arriving exactly at the same time will surpass the threshold at different moments. The stronger one will surpass the threshold earlier than the weaker, so it will be considered as belonging to a nearer object.2.2 The principle of ultrasonic distance measurementUltrasonic transmitter in a direction to launch ultrasound, in the moment to launch the beginning of time at the same time, the spread of ultrasound in the air, obstacles on his way to return immediately, the ultrasonic reflected wave received by the receiverimmediately stop the clock. Ultrasound in the air as the propagation velocity of 340m/s, according to the timer records the time t, we can calculate the distance between the launch distance barrier(s), that is: s=340t / 23. Ultrasonic Ranging System for the Second Circuit DesignSystem is characterized by single-chip microcomputer to control the use of ultrasonic transmitter and ultrasonic receiver since the launch from time to time, single-chip selection of 875, economic-to-use, and the chip has 4K of ROM, to facilitate programming.3.1 40 kHz ultrasonic pulse generated with the launchRanging system using the ultrasonic sensor of piezoelectric ceramic sensorsUCM40, its operating voltage of the pulse signal is 40kHz, which by the single-chip implementation of the following procedures to generate.puzel: mov 14h, # 12h; ultrasonic firing continued 200msHere: cpl p1.0; output 40kHz square wavenop;nop;nop;djnz 14h, here;retRanging in front of single-chip termination circuit P1.0 input port, single chip implementation of the above procedure, the P1.0 port in a 40kHz pulse output signal, after amplification transistor T, the drive to launch the first ultrasonic UCM40T, issued 40kHz ultrasonic pulse, and the continued launch of 200ms. Ranging the right and the left side of the circuit, respectively, then input port P1.1 and P1.2, the working principle and circuit in front of the same location.3.2 Reception and processing of ultrasonicUsed to receive the first launch of the first pair UCM40R, the ultrasonic pulse modulation signal into an alternating voltage, the op-amp amplification IC1A and after polarization IC1B to IC2. IC2 is locked loop with audio decoder chip LM567, internal voltage-controlled oscillator center frequency of f0=1/1.1R8C3, capacitor C4 determinetheir target bandwidth. R8-conditioning in the launch of the high jump 8 feet into a low-level, as interrupt request signals to the single-chip processing.Ranging in front of single-chip termination circuit output port INT0 interrupt the highest priority, right or left location of the output circuit with output gate IC3A access INT1 port single-chip, while single-chip P1.3 and P1.4 received input IC3A, interrupted by the process to identify the source of inquiry to deal with, interrupt priority level for the first left right after. Part of the source code is as follows:Receivel: push pswpush accclr ex1; related external interrupt 1jnb p1.1, right; P1.1 pin to 0, ranging from right to interrupt service routine circuitjnb p1.2, left; P1.2 pin to 0, to the left ranging circuit interrupt service routinereturn: SETB EX1; open external interrupt 1pop accpop pswretiright: …; right location entrance circuit interrupt service routineAjmp Returnleft: …; left ranging entrance circuit interrupt service routineAjmp Return3.3 The calculation of ultrasonic propagation timeWhen you start firing at the same time start the single-chip circuitry within the timer T0, the use of timer counting function records the time and the launch of ultrasonic reflected wave received time. When you receive the ultrasonic reflected wave, the receiver circuit output a negative jump in the end of INT0 or INT1 interrupt request generates a signal, single-chip microcomputer in response to external interrupt request, the implementation of the external interrupt service subroutine, read the time difference, calculating the distance. Some of its source code is as follows:RECEIVE0: PUSH PSWPUSH ACCCLR EX0; related external interrupt 0MOV R7, TH0; read the time valueMOV R6, TL0CLR CMOV A, R6SUBB A, #0BBH; calculate the time differenceMOV 31H, A; storage resultsMOV A, R7SUBB A, # 3CHMOV 30H, ASETB EX0; open external interrupt 0\POP ACCPOP PSWRETIFor a flat target, a distance measurement consists of two phases: a coarse measurement and a fine measurement:Step 1: Transmission of one pulse train to produce a simple ultrasonic wave.Step 2: Changing the gain of both echo amplifiers according to equation, until the echo is detected.Step 3: Detection of the amplitudes and zero-crossing times of both echoes.Step 4: Setting the gains of both echo amplifiers to normalize the output at, say 3 volts. Setting the period of the next pulses according to the: period of echoes. Setting the time window according to the data of step 2.Step 5: Sending two pulse trains to produce an interfered wave. Testing the zero-crossing times and amplitudes of the echoes. If phase inversion occurs in the echo, determine to otherwise calculate to by interpolation using the amplitudes near the trough. Derive t sub m1 and t sub m2.Step 6: Calculation of the distance y using equation.4、The ultrasonic ranging system software designSoftware is divided into two parts, the main program and interrupt service routine. Completion of the work of the main program is initialized, each sequence of ultrasonic transmitting and receiving control.Interrupt service routines from time to time to complete three of the rotation direction of ultrasonic launch, the main external interrupt service subroutine to read the value of completion time, distance calculation, the results of the output and so on.5、ConclusionsRequired measuring range of 30cm-200cm objects inside the plane to do a number of measurements found that the maximum error is 0.5cm, and good reproducibility. Single-chip design can be seen on the ultrasonic ranging system has a hardware structure is simple, reliable, small features such as measurement error. Therefore, it can be used not only for mobile robot can be used in other detection system.Thoughts: As for why the receiver do not have the transistor amplifier circuit, because the magnification well, integrated amplifier, but also with automatic gain control level, magnification to 76dB, the center frequency is 38k to 40k, is exactly resonant ultrasonic sensors frequency.6、Parking sensor6.1 Parking sensor introductionReversing radar, full name is "reversing the anti-collision radar, also known as" parking assist device, car parking or reversing the safety of assistive devices, ultrasonic sensors(commonly known as probes), controls and displays (or buzzer)and other components. To inform the driver around the obstacle to the sound or a moreintuitive display to lift the driver parking, reversing and start the vehicle around tovisit the distress caused by, and to help the driver to remove the vision deadends and blurred vision defects and improve driving safety.6.2 Reversing radar detection principleReversing radar, according to high-speed flight of the bats in thenight, not collided with any obstacle principles of design anddevelopment. Probe mounted on the rear bumper, according to different price and brand, the probe only ranging from two, three, four, six, eight,respectively, pipe around. The probe radiation, 45-degree angle up and downabout the search target. The greatest advantage is to explore lower than the bumper of the driver from the rear window is difficult to see obstacles, and the police, suchas flower beds, children playing in the squatting on the car.Display parking sensor installed in the rear view mirror, it constantlyremind drivers to car distance behindthe object distance to the dangerous distance, the buzzer starts singing, allow the driver to stop. When the gear lever linked into reverse gear, reversing radar, auto-start the work, the working range of 0.3 to 2.0 meters, so stop when the driver was very practical. Reversing radar is equivalent to an ultrasound probe for ultrasonic probe can be divided into two categories: First, Electrical, ultrasonic, the second is to use mechanical means to produce ultrasound, in view of the more commonly used piezoelectric ultrasonic generator, it has two power chips and a soundingboard, plus apulse signal when the poles, its frequency equal to the intrinsic oscillation frequency of the piezoelectric pressure chip will be resonant and drivenby the vibration of the sounding board, the mechanical energy into electrical signal, which became the ultrasonic probe works. In order to better study Ultrasonic and use up, people have to design and manufacture of ultrasonic sound, the ultrasonic probe tobe used in the use of car parking sensor. With this principle in a non-contactdetection technology for distance measurement is simple, convenient and rapid, easyto do real-time control, distance accuracy of practical industrial requirements. Parking sensor for ranging send out ultrasonic signal at a givenmoment, and shot in the face of the measured object back to the signal wave, reversing radar receiver to use statistics in the ultrasonic signal from the transmitter to receive echo signals calculate the propagation velocity in the medium, which can calculate the distance of the probe and to detect objects.6.3 Reversing radar functionality and performanceParking sensor can be divided into the LCD distance display, audible alarm, and azimuth directions, voice prompts, automatic probe detection function is complete, reversing radar distance, audible alarm, position-indicating function. A good performance reversing radar, its main properties include: (1) sensitivity, whether theresponse fast enough when there is an obstacle. (2) the existence of blind spots. (3) detection distance range.6.4 Each part of the roleReversing radar has the following effects: (1) ultrasonic sensor: used tolaunch and receive ultrasonic signals, ultrasonic sensors canmeasure distance. (2) host: after the launch of the sine wave pulse to the ultrasonic sensors, and process the received signal, to calculate the distance value, the data and monitor communication. (3) display or abuzzer: the receivinghost from the data, and display the distance value and provide differentlevels according to the distance from the alarm sound.6.5 Cautions1, the installation height: general ground: car before the installation of 45 ~55: 50 ~ 65cmcar after installation. 2, regular cleaningof the probe to prevent the fill. 3, do not use the hardstuff the probe surface cover will produce false positives or ranging allowed toprobe surface coverage, such as mud. 4, winter to avoid freezing. 5, 6 / 8 probe reversing radar before and after the probe is not free to swap may cause the ChangMing false positive problem. 6, note that the probe mounting orientation, in accordance with UP installation upward. 7, the probe is not recommended to install sheetmetal, sheet metal vibration will cause the probe resonance, resulting in false positives.超声测距系统设计原文出处:传感器文摘布拉福德:1993年超声测距技术在工业现场、车辆导航、水声工程等领域具有广泛的应用价值,目前已应用于物位测量、机器人自动导航以及空气中与水下的目标探测、识别、定位等场合。




The first step in the design process is to define the problem and XXX are defined。

the designer can begin toXXX evaluated。

and the best one is XXX。

XXX.Mechanical DesignA XXX machines include engines。




printing presses。

washing machines。

and XXX and methods of design that apply to XXXXXX。




and mixers.Design ProcessThe design process begins with a real need。

Existing apparatus may require XXX。




or cost。

while new apparatus may be XXX。

To start。

the designer must define the problem and XXX。

ideas and concepts are generated。


and refined until the best one is XXX。



XXX.During the preliminary design stage。

it is important to allow design XXX if some ideas may seem impractical。

they can be corrected early on in the design process。

毕业设计论文 外文文献翻译 光伏电力系统 中英文对照

毕业设计论文 外文文献翻译 光伏电力系统 中英文对照

翻译原文 (4)Photovoltaic (PV) Electric Systems (4)The Advantages of Mitsubishi Solar Panels (5)1光伏电力系统光伏电力系统利用太阳能电池吸收太阳光线,并将这种能量转化成电能。






1.1 太阳能电池的类型目前有单晶硅,多晶硅和薄膜三种基本形式的光伏组件。








有关太阳能电池发电的更多的信息,可以查询Cooler Planet’s的《太阳能电池如何工作》。


1.3 太阳能电池板与光伏建筑一体化太阳能电池板是用于捕获太阳光的平面板,他们以阵列的形式安装在建筑物顶部或者柱子上。




某市110kV中心变电所电气一次部分初步设计XX工业高等专科学校毕业设计(论文)题目某市110kV中心变电所电气一次部分初步设计系别电气工程系专业班级姓名学号指导教师(职称)(副教授)日期 2012年 2 月29 日110kV降压变电站电气部分一次设计XX工业高等专科学校毕业设计(论文)任务书注:本任务书要求一式两份,一份打印稿交教研室,一份电子稿交系办。

附页:110kV一次降压变电所技术设计技术参数与条件一、给定参数1.设计变电所建在城西2KM 处,建成后,除向周围地区负荷供电外,还输送部分系统的交换功率。

2.系统电源情况如下:综合小水电:S∑=24MVA ,L1= 20KM ,35kV 双回送入变电所,丰水期满发电,枯水期只发三分之一容量,近区用电及站用电占发电容量的10% ,最大运行方式时的综合电抗折算至S J=100MVA 时,X J*=3 。

本市火电厂:发电机两台,Pe=5MW ,cos Фe=0.8 ,X d″=0.18, 经一台双绕组变压器SL7—12500kVA ,6.3kV/35kV ,Ud%=8 ,L2= 5KM 用架空线输入变电所,其厂用电占5%,近区用电占15% 。

省电网:由西南方向经110kV ,L3= 65KM 的输电线路与变电所相连,对本市的发供电起综合平衡作用。

3.变电所最大负荷利用小时数TMAX=6000h, 同时率取0.9。

4.10kV 用户负荷资料如下表所示:变电所建成后第五年总负荷增加到30.6MW ,建成后第十年总负荷增加到49.3MW。

5.变电所自用负荷以2 台100kVA 考虑。

6.气象及地质条件:设计变电所地处半丘陵区,无污染影响,年最高温度40 度,最热月平均温度34 度,年最低温度40 度,最热地下0.8M 处土壤平均温度30.4 度,海拔高度为50M 。


全数字控制的桥式可逆直流脉宽调速系统设计 [附图+中英文翻译]

全数字控制的桥式可逆直流脉宽调速系统设计 [附图+中英文翻译]

XXXXXXXX大学本科生毕业设计姓名:XXX 学号:XXXX学院:信息与电气工程学院专业:电气工程与自动化设计题目:全数字控制的桥式可逆直流脉宽调速系统设计专题:指导教师:XXXX 职称:XXXXXXXX年6月XXXXXXXX大学毕业设计任务书学院信息与电气工程学院专业年级电气02—3 学生姓名曹言敬任务下达日期:XXXX年2月20日毕业设计日期:XXXX 年 2 月20日至XXXX 年6月20日毕业设计题目:全数字控制的桥式可逆直流脉宽调速系统设计毕业设计专题题目:毕业设计主要内容和要求:1、直流电机的参数为15KW,电枢电压440V,电枢电流39.5A,励磁电压90V,励磁电流7A,转速为1510转/分。










摘要XF 110KV变电所是地区重要变电所,是电力系统110KV电压等级的重要部分。








关键词: Ⅰ、变电所Ⅱ、变压器Ⅲ、继电保护AbstractXF county 110KV substation is an important station in this distract, which is one of the extremely necessary parts of the 110KV network in electric power system.The design of the substation can be separated in two parts: primary part and secondary part of the electric design。

The first part consists of specifications, computation book and Electrical engineering drawings about the design. The specifications has several parts which are General analysis of the station,Load analysis, The selection of the main transformer, Layout of configuration, Computation of short circuit;Select of electric devices, Power distribution devices, General design of substation plane and the design of thunderbolt protection.The second part also consists of specifications,computation book and electrical drawings about the design。



Substation DesignPower system is the system of production and consumption of electricity generation, transmission, transformation, distribution and electricity and other aspects of the composition. Its primary function is the energy conversion means through natural generation power into electrical energy, and then by transmission and distribution substation and supplies power to each user. The main structure of the power system has power (hydropower, thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, etc.), substations (boost substation, load center substation, etc.), transmission and distribution lines and load centers. Each power point is also interconnected to achieve energy exchange between different regions and regulation to improve security of supply and economy. Substation transmission line network consisting of the electricity network and is usually called.Substation is from the main terminal , the main transformers, high and low voltage power distribution equipment , relay protection and control systems, the power and DC systems , remote and communication systems , the necessary reactive power compensation device and the main control room and other components . Among them, the main terminal , the main transformers, high and low voltage power distribution equipment , such as belonging to a system ; protection and control systems, the DC system , remote and communication systems are secondary system . Main connection is the most important part of the substation . It determines the function of the substation , construction, investment , operation quality , maintenance conditions and supply reliability. Generally divided into several basic forms single busbar , double busbar , a half breaker and ring wiring and so on. Substation main transformer is the most important equipment , which directly affects the performance and configuration of the advanced nature of the substation , economy and reliability . General need to install substation main transformer 2 to 3 sets ; 330 kV and below , the main transformer is usually a three-phase transformer , its capacity by 5 to 10 years into the expected load selection . In addition, substations and other equipment selection and the overall layout of the site selection also have specific requirements. Substationrelay protection subsystem (including transmission lines and bus protection ) and component protection ( including transformers , reactors and reactive power compensation device protection ) categories. Substation control mode is generally divided into the direct control and optional control two categories.Transformer substation is the main equipment is divided into two-winding transformer, three-winding transformers and autotransformers that high and low voltage windings for each phase of a shared, taking a header from the middle of the high voltage winding qualify as a low-voltage winding of the transformer. V oltage is proportional to the level of the winding turns, the current is inversely proportional to the number of turns. Transformers can be classified according to their role and step-down transformer step-up transformer. The former is used to send end substation power system, which is used by the end of the substation. V oltage transformer and voltage of the power system needs to adapt. In order to maintain acceptable voltage under different load conditions may need to switch the transformer tap. By way of transformer tap switch with load-load and no-load regulating transformer no-load tap changer. OLTC is mainly used by the end of the substation.V oltage and current transformers. Their operating principle is similar to the transformer, which the operating voltage of high voltage equipment and busbar, high current that the device and the bus load or short-circuit current measurement instruments according to a predetermined ratio becomes low voltage relay protection and control equipment and a small current . Operation at rated voltage transformer secondary voltage l00V, current transformer secondary current is 5A or 1A. Current transformer secondary winding is often connected with the load close to a short circuit, please note: never let it open, otherwise it will endanger due to high voltage equipment and personal safety or to the current transformer burned.Switchgear includes circuit breakers, isolating switches, load switches, high voltage fuses are disconnected and close the circuit devices. Breakers are generally composed of a contact system, arc system, operation mechanism, release, housing and so on. The role of the circuit breaker is turned off and the load circuit, and cut off the fault circuitto prevent the accident and ensure safe operation. The high-voltage circuit breakers to breaking 1500V, current 1500-2000A arc, which can be stretched to 2m arc continues to burn is not extinguished. It is a high voltage circuit breaker interrupter must be addressed. Blowing arc extinction of the arc principle is diminished heat free cooling, on the other hand by blowing arc elongated arc reinforced composite and diffusion of charged particles, while the arc gap of charged particles disperse quickly restore the dielectric strength of the medium.Isolation switch (knife) primary role is to isolate the voltage at the device or line maintenance, to ensure safety. It does not disconnect the load current and short-circuit current, should be used in conjunction with the circuit breaker. After a power outage should pull isolation switch before pulling circuit breakers, power transmission should be fit after isolation switch is closed circuit breaker. If misuse will cause equipment damage and personal injury.The ability to be able to disconnect the load switch without disconnecting the load current fault current in normal operation, generally used for high-voltage transformer fuse with or without outlet voltage 10kV and above regular operations.In order to reduce the area substation positive development in recent years, sulfur hexafluoride enclosed Switchgear (GIS). It is the circuit breakers, disconnectors, busbar, grounding switches, transformers, bushing or cable terminals were installed in their prime in concentrated form a seal between the overall enclosure filled with sulfur hexafluoride gas as insulating medium. This combination has a compact structure, small appliances and light weight without affecting atmospheric conditions, long maintenance intervals, no electric shock and electrical noise, etc., have been put into operation before the development of 765kV substation. Currently, its disadvantage is expensive, require high manufacturing and maintenance processes. Ready for operation management of substation is to achieve safe, reliable, reasonable and an important guarantee of economic power. So substation design must meet the requirements, so based on evidence.变电站设计电力系统是由发电、输电、变电、配电和用电等环节组成的电能生产与消费系统。



Feasibility assessment of a leading-edge-flutter wind power generator前缘颤振风力发电机的可行性评估Luca Caracoglia卢卡卡拉克格里亚Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Northeastern University, 400 Snell Engineering Center, 360 Huntington A venue, Boston, MA 02115, USA美国东北大学土木与环境工程斯内尔工程中心400,亨廷顿大道360,波士顿02115This study addresses the preliminary technical feasibility assessment of a mechanical apparatus for conversion of wind energy. 这项研究涉及的是风能转换的机械设备的初步技术可行性评估。

The proposed device, designated as ‘‘leading-edge-fl utter wind power generator’’, employs aeroelastic dynamic instability of a blade airfoil, torsionally rotating about its leading edge. 这种被推荐的定义为“前缘颤振风力发电机”的设备,采用的气动弹性动态不稳定叶片翼型,通过尖端旋转产生扭矩。

Although the exploitation of aeroelastic phenomena has been proposed by the research community for energy harvesting, this apparatus is compact, simple and marginally susceptible to turbulence and wake effects.虽然气动弹性现象的开发已经有研究界提出可以通过能量采集。



变电站中英文资料对照外文翻译文献综述XXXns are an essential part of electrical power systems。

servingas the interface een high-voltage n lines and lower-voltage n lines。

They play a critical role in XXX homes。


and industries.Types of nsThere are several types of ns。

including n ns。

n ns。

and customer XXX to the end-users and step down the voltage for n to XXX a single customer or group of customers.XXXns consist of us components。

including transformers。

circuit breakers。


XXX are used to step up or step down thevoltage of the electricity。

XXX are used to control the flow ofXXX to the system.XXXXXX stages。

including site n。

layout design。

equipment n。

XXX n lines。

land availability。

and environmental ns。

The layout design involves determining the placement of equipment。

XXX appropriate transformers。

circuit breakers。

and other components。



本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译译文学生姓名:院(系):油气资源学院专业班级:物探0502指导教师:完成日期:年月日地震驱动评价与发展:以玻利维亚冲积盆地的研究为例起止页码:1099——1108出版日期:NOVEMBER 2005THE LEADING EDGE出版单位:PanYAmericanYEnergyvBuenosYAiresvYArgentinaJPYBLANGYvYBPYExplorationvYHoustonvYUSAJ.C.YCORDOVAandYE.YMARTINEZvYChacoYS.A.vYSantaYCruzvYBolivia 通过整合多种地球物理地质技术,在玻利维亚冲积盆地,我们可以减少许多与白垩纪储集层勘探有关的地质技术风险。


这些方法包括盆地模拟,联井及地震叠前同时反演,岩石性质及地震属性解释,A VO/A V A,水平地震同相轴,光谱分解。




Tarija/Chaco盆地的subandean 褶皱和冲断带山麓的中部和南部,部分扩展到玻利维亚的Boomerange地区经历了集中的成功的开采。





图1 Aguja油田位于玻利维亚中部Chaco盆地的西北角。



该油田在Trija和冲积盆地附近的益背斜基底上,该背斜将油田和Ben i盆地分开(图1),圈闭类型是上盘背斜,它存在于连续冲断层上,Aguja有两个主要结构:Aguja中部和Aguja Norte,通过重要的转换压缩断层将较早开发的“Sur”油田分开Yantata Centro结构是一个三路闭合对低角度逆冲断层并伴随有小的摆幅。

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XXX:XF110KV变电所设计摘要XF 110KV变电所是地区重要变电所,是电力系统110KV电压等级的重要部分。









关键词: Ⅰ、变电所Ⅱ、变压器Ⅲ、继电保护AbstractXF county 110KV substation is an important station in this distract, which is one of the extremely necessary parts of the 110KV network in electric power system.The design of the substation can be separated in two parts: primary part and secondary part of the electric design.The first part consists of specifications, computation book and Electrical engineering drawings about the design. The specifications has several parts which are General analysis of the station, Load analysis, The selection of the main transformer, Layout of configuration, Computation of short circuit; Select of electricdevices, Power distribution devices, General design of substation plane and the design of thunderbolt protection.The second part also consists of specifications, computation book and electrical drawings about the design。

Specifications and computation book include following section: General, The evaluation and calculate of line protection, Transformer protection, capacitor protection, Bus protection and Self-using transformer protection.Computation book, Electrical engineering drawings and catalogue of drawings are attached in the end。

There are nine drawings total, in which four are prepared by hand, others are prepared by computer in which installed the software electrical AutoCAD. From other view, it also can be classified as first part and second part.This is a design of substation for graduation design test. It can strengthen our specified knowledge.Key-words: Ⅰsubstation Ⅱtransformer Ⅲ Relay protection谢辞首先,在设计前的理论学习和实验环节中,刘宪林、王克文、陈根永、孔斌、包毅等专业课和实验指导老师的教导为我提供了丰富的专业理论知识和实践分析能力。




附录1:外文资料翻译A1.1译文变压器1. 介绍要从远端发电厂送出电能,必须应用高压输电。




2. 双绕组变压器变压器的最简单形式包括两个磁通相互耦合的固定线圈。











3. 变压器的工作原理当二次侧电路开路是,即使原边被施以正弦电压V p,也是没有能量转移的。


这个空载电流有两项功能:(1)在铁芯中产生电磁通,该磁通在零和 φm之间做正弦变化,φm是铁芯磁通的最大值;(2)它的一个分量说明了铁芯中的涡流和磁滞损耗。




显然可见电流分量I m= I0sinθ0,被称做励磁电流,它在相位上滞后于原边电压V P 90º。

就是这个分量在铁芯中建立了磁通;因此磁通φ与I m同相。

第二个分量I e=I0sinθ0,与原边电压同相。


两个相量的分量和代表空载电流,即I0 = I m+ I e应注意的是空载电流是畸变和非正弦形的。


如果假定变压器中没有其他的电能损耗一次侧的感应电动势E p和二次侧的感应电压E s可以表示出来。


相同的磁通会通过原边自身,产生一个电动势E p。


因为没有电流流过二次侧绕组,E s=V s。


因此原边电压很小,并且V p的值近乎等于E p。

原边的电压和它产生的磁通波形是正弦形的;因此产生电动势E p 和E s 的值是做正弦变化的。

产生电压的平均值如下E avg = turns×给定时间内磁通变化量给定时间即是法拉第定律在瞬时时间里的应用。

它遵循E avg = N 21/(2)m f = 4fNφm 其中N 是指线圈的匝数。

从交流电原理可知,有效值是一个正弦波,其值为平均电压的1.11倍;因此E = 4.44fNφm因为一次侧绕组和二次侧绕组的磁通相等,所以绕组中每匝的电压也相同。

因此E p = 4.44fN p φm并且E s = 4.44fN s φm其中N p 和E s 是一次侧绕组和二次侧绕组的匝数。


用字母a 来表示这个比率,如下式 a = p sE E = p s N N 假设变压器输出电能等于其输入电能——这个假设适用于高效率的变压器。


因此P m = P out或者V p I p × primary PF = V s I s × secondary PF这里PF 代表功率因素。

在上面公式中一次侧和二次侧的功率因素是相等的;因此V p I p = V s I s从上式我们可以得知p s V V = p s I I ≌ p sE E ≌ a 它表明端电压比等于匝数比,换句话说,一次侧和二次侧电流比与匝数比成反比。




实际上, 变比从标识牌数据获得, 列出在满载情况下原边和副边电压。

当副边电压V s 相对于原边电压减小时,这个变压器就叫做降压变压器。


在一个降压变压器中传输变比a 远大于1(a>1.0),同样的,一个升压变压器的变比小于1(a<1.0)。

当a=1时,变压器XXX :XF110KV 变电所设计的二次侧电压就等于起一次侧电压。





从电源侧来看变压器,其阻抗可认为等于V p / I p 。

从等式 p s V V = p s I I ≌ p sE E ≌ a 中我们可知V p = aV s 并且I p = I s /a 。
