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driver's license = driving license 驾照

be worried about your safety 担心你的安全

have part-time jobs 做兼职工作

get their ears pierced 扎耳洞

serious enough 足够严肃 / 认真

cut one's hair 理发;剪发

wear earrings 戴耳环

take lots of photos 拍很多照片

use a flash 使用闪光灯

stay by one's side 陪伴在某人身旁

run through the field 跑过田野

make sure 确保

give sb. a hug 给某人一个拥抱

lift sb. up 把某人扶 / 抬 / 举起来

talk back (to sb.) (和某人)回嘴 / 顶嘴

watch scary movies 看恐怖电影

be back by ten 10 点以前回来

think back to those times 回想那些时光

have scary dreams 做噩梦

do social work for their community 为他们的社区做社会福利工作keep ... away from ... 避免……接近……;使……远离……make one's own decision(s) 自己做决定

move out 搬出去

from a young age 从小

manage their own lives 成功应对他们自己的生活

pass / take the test 通过 / 参加考试

be strict with sb. 对某人严格

get in the way of ... 挡……的路;妨碍……

a professional runner 职业跑步运动员

grow up 成长;长大;成熟

achieve his dreams 实现他的梦想

support every one of his races 支持他的每一次比赛

have nothing against sth. 不反对某事

think about other possible jobs 考虑其他可能的工作

end up as ... 最终成为……

decide for myself 我自己做决定

make this choice myself 我自己做这个选择

enter university 上大学

be serious about ... 严肃 / 认真对待……

spend more time on his homework 在他的家庭作业上多花点时间care about 关心;在意

regret doing sth. 后悔做过某事

regret to do sth. 遗憾要去做某事

be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事

be excited about doing sth. 对做某事感到兴奋

be educated to do sth. 被教育做某事

have a chance to do sth. 有机会做某事

give sb. a chance to do sth. 给某人一个机会做某事

no way 不行;不可能
