British sports

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Bu these activities are not just recent inventions. Going to a public house for a glass of ale(麦芽 酒), working the land or going to watch a ball game were familiar activities in Shakespeare’s time(莎士比亚时代). In the past, Britain was a mainly agricultural society, but also a very religious society and the influence of the Christian Church(基督教会) on people’s lives was very great. One obvious example is how Sunday---the day of the week when everyone traditionally went to Church---is still the day that most people have off in the UK. In the recent years the government has changed the laws and now some shops and pubs are allowed to open on Sundays, but such changes are very recent and very controversial(有争论 的).
• 除足球、板球、赛马、网球外,深为英国人喜爱的还有拳
击、、高尔夫球、斯诺克和英式橄榄球么等项目。登山、 探险、摩托车、游泳、划艇、乒乓球、篮球、羽毛球、滑 冰等项目开展也较好。游泳、田径、花样滑冰、赛艇等项 目,在奥运会上多次获金牌。
板球 赛马
足球 足球——是英格兰和苏格兰的国球,也是 众多英国人所热衷、着迷的运动。英格兰 超级联赛总是被认为是世界上最好的联赛, 而苏格兰超级联赛也相当成功。像曼联、 利物浦、阿森纳和切尔西这样世界知名的 俱乐部都赢得了全球无数球迷的支持,而 一些比赛也会吸引全球的电视台进行转播, 收看的人能达到十亿之多。
FA Premier League
The FA and the FA Cup
• “FA” refers to the Football Association. the FA Cup is the trophy(战利品) title for a series of games played by major member teams of the Football Association. Over 20 million tickets are sold to FA games each season.
British sports
The history
• 英国的体育运动开展较好,历史也很悠久,曾 于1908年和1948年在伦敦举行过两届奥林 匹克运动会。1965年英国政府设立了 3个 独立的体育组织:英格兰体育运动委员会 (兼管大不列颠综合性事务),苏格兰体 育运动委员会和威尔士体育运动委员会。 1972年成立全国体育委员会。1973年在北 爱尔兰也设立了北爱尔兰体育运动委员会。
• Cricket was one of the first team sports in Britain to have organized rules and to be played according to the same rules nationally. Before the Victorian era, and in modern Britain, people from all walks of life play cricket, but in the 19th century, cricket became a sport associated with the upper class. It was a kind of “snob(恃才傲物 的人)” game played by boys who attended public schools. • Cricket matches usually do not last just a few hours. They can go on for days.
Popular sports in Britain
• There are many popular sports in Britain, such as: football, tennis, cricket, golf, horse racing, hunting, equestrianism(马术比赛), fishing.
• 网球(tennis)是一项 优美而激烈的运动, 网球运动的由来和发 展可以用四句话来概 括:孕育在法国,诞 生在英国,开始普及 和形成高潮在美国, 现在盛行全世界,被 称为世界第二大球类 运动。
Wimbledon Championships
• 网球运动中最古老和最具声望 的赛事。锦标赛通常举办于6月 或7月,是每年度网球大满贯的 第3项赛事,排在澳大利亚网球 公开赛和法国网球公开赛之后, 美国网球公开赛之前。整个赛 事(大满贯赛事中唯一使用草 地球场的)通常历时两周,但 会因雨延时。男子单打、女子 单打、男子双打、女子双打和 男女混合双打比赛在不同场地 同时进行。温布尔登还举办有 男子单打、女子单打、男子双 打、女子双打的青年比赛。此 外,温布尔登还为退役球员举 办特别邀请赛。
A more gentle sport that is a sure sign that Tennis summer has arrived is the popular game of tennis. Tennis was invented in Britain and it owes its origins, literally, to the church. Wimbledon['wimbldən] 温布尔顿(位于伦敦附近, 是著名的国际网球比赛地) is a suburb in London .It is the place where the world’s best players gather to complete in the annual international tennis championship(锦标赛). It is one of the major events of the British sporting calendar(日程表) and probably the most famous tennis event in the world. There are a lot of other social activities associated with “Wimbledon fortnight”.
穆 雷
板球是英国主要的夏季运动, 而且从乡村队到英格兰国 家队各种水平层次的人都 可以参加。国际板球尤其 受欢迎。每年,英格兰队 都会参加国内的“国际板 球锦标赛”、“单日国际 板球赛”和“二十20比赛” ( Twenty20 matches), 每年冬天还要参加巡回赛。 最受关注的板球比赛无疑 是“骨灰赛”——英格兰 队迎战澳大利亚队,每两 年举办一次。
One writer during the era(时代) of Renaissance[rɪ'neɪsəns} once described football as: “nothing but beastly fury(暴怒) and extreme violence”. Today, violence is still associated with football. “Football hooligans(小流氓)”, supporters of rival(竞争的) teams, sometimes clashes(冲突) before, during and after matches and occasionally run riot through the town.

据说早在13世纪,英王爱德华一世就曾在英格 兰东南部的肯特参加过类似板球的运动。板球被 誉为贵族运动,亨利八世称板球为“国王的运 动”。直至今日,板球还是被看成中产阶级的运 动。板球的打法并不复杂:每方11人轮流上场打 分,得分高者即为胜家。队员使用的球拍是一块 木板, 打的是红皮小球,与棒球、垒球等非常相 似,都要求投球手投掷的速度越快越好,对方击 球越远越好。 • 不过,英国各板球俱乐部如今还在遵守着一个延 续了几百年的陋习:不欢迎女士。
Having a drink at the local pub, going for a walk in the country, working in the garden or watching sports on TV --these are all ways in which many British people like to relax on weekends. Such activities are deeply rooted in the British experience over centuries, and tell us about how modern Brits like to spend their free time.
• 从8世纪到19世纪,现 代足球运动的前身以 各种方式在欧洲存在 着,直到1863年,世 界第一个足球协会— — 英格兰足球协会在 英国创立,并制定了 世界第一部较为统一 的足球竞赛规则,这 标志着现代足球运动 的诞生。
There are legends(传说) that suggest that games like football and rugby(英式橄榄球) actually derived(由..而来) from the “sport” of ancient warriors celebrating victory by kicking around the decapitated(斩首的) head of an enemy. There is a similar tale about origins of bowling(打保龄球).: It’s said that in ancient times, Scottish warriors rolled(使..转动) the skulls(头骨) of their enemies along the grass for sport.
英格兰和威尔士板球委员会 (England and Wales Cricket Board)网站上, 有关于英国国内板球的内 容,苏格兰板球委员会网 站则是关于苏格兰板球的 内容。
板球,又名木球,一向 给人称颂为“绅士的游 戏”(gentleman's game),是一项崇尚体 育精Baidu Nhomakorabea (sportsmanship)和 “公平比赛”(fairplay) 的运动。板球起源于英 国,盛行英国、澳大利 亚、新西兰、印度、孟 加拉、尼泊尔等国家。
• • • • • 英格兰足球超级联赛 (FA Premier League) 英格兰足球冠军联赛 (The Championship) 英格兰足球甲级联赛 (League One) 英格兰足球乙级联赛 (League Two) 其中切尔西、曼联、阿森纳、利物浦被称为英超 四大豪门 • 此外,英国也有很多著名的球星,包括贝克汉姆、 鲁尼、兰帕德等。 • 英格兰国家足球队在1966年世界杯足球赛中获得 冠军。