2021年八年级英语上册 第57课讲学稿 冀教版


英语:Unit 8 《Celebrating Me!》Lesson 57课件(1)(冀教版八年级上)(PPT)3-1

英语:Unit 8 《Celebrating Me!》Lesson 57课件(1)(冀教版八年级上)(PPT)3-1
Look at the pictures below. The school is having a meeting. Some students are introducing himself/ herself at the meeting. If you are one of them ,what will you say?
到太阳的距离比例(地球到太阳的距离定为个单位)有着一定的联系。提丢斯的朋友,天文学家波得深知这一发现的重要意义,就于77年公布了 提丢斯的这一发现,这串数从此引起了科学家的极大重视;并被称为提丢斯——波得定律即太阳系行星与太阳的平均距离.当时,人们还没有发 现天王星、海王星,以为土星就是距太阳最远的行星。78年,英籍德国人谷神星冲日谷神星冲日赫歇尔在接近9.的位置上(即数列中的第八项) 发现了天王星,从此,人们就对这一定则深信不疑了。根据这一定则,在数列的第五项即.8的位置上也应该对应一颗行星,只是还没有被发现。 于是,许多天文学家和天文爱好者便以极大的热情,踏上了寻找这颗新行星的征程。8年新年的晚上,意大利神父朱塞普·皮亚齐 (GiuseppePiazzi,7年7月7日~8年7月日)还在聚精会神地观察着星空。突然,他从望远镜里发现了一颗非常小的星星,正好在提丢斯——波得 定则中.8的位置上。这颗行星在几天的;股票入门基础知识 股票入门基础知识 ;观测期内不断变动位置。可是,当皮 亚齐再想进一步观察这颗小行星时,他却病倒了。等到他恢复健康,再想寻找这颗小行星时,它却不知所踪。皮亚齐没有放弃这一机会,他认为 这可能就是人们一直没有发现的那颗行星。天文学家对皮亚齐的这一发现持有不同的看法。有人认为皮亚齐是正确的;也有人认为这可能是一颗 彗星,关于这颗行星的说法不在少数,天文学界议论纷纷。几个月过去了,人们的争论也没见分晓。可是,这场争论却引起了德国数学家高斯的 注意。高斯想,既然天文学家通过观察找不到谷神星,那么,是否可以通过数学方法找到它呢?许多天文学家对高斯的这一提法不以为然。天文 学家都找不到谷神星,难道高斯还能把它算出来吗?朋友们也劝他不要把自己的时间和才智浪费在这一毫无希望的问题上。年谷神星谷神星轻的 高斯却有自己的看法。他认为,天文学是离不开数学的。如果没有雄厚的数学知识,是不可能成为一个出色的天文学家的。在天文学发展史上, 情况也正是如此。开普勒正是凭借着自己的数学才能,才发现了行星运动的三大定律。牛顿也是凭着渊博的数学知识,才发现了万有引力定律。 在高斯之前,著名数学家欧拉曾经研究出了一种计算行星轨道的方法。可是,这个方法太麻烦。高斯决心去寻找一种简便易行的方法。在前人的 基础上,高斯经过艰苦的运算,以其卓越的数学才能创立了一种崭新的行星轨道计算理论。他根据皮亚齐的观测资料,利用这种方法,只用了一 个小时就算出了谷he two e-mails carefully and find out the difficult sentences .



in a report.
how to say those things in a report.
作宾语,相当于how I should say those
things in a report. 例: I don’t know
when to visit that factory.
4. Here’s something else to think about.
前,他往上打了壹滴圣血之后,输入到了这块图腾之中,图腾立即焕发出阵阵神光,有壹阵神族虚影渗进了玄门之中."砰."结果令众人欣喜の是,竟然真の打开了,众人立即进入了这第壹条墓道之中.进入到墓道之后,大家终于是近距离の看到了这墓道上面の壁画了,这条墓道周围上面の壁画,全 部是由青金石所刻画,整个墓道都是由壹块巨大の青金石所打造,更是令众人惊叹.要知道光是这条墓道,长度就超过了千米,而这么巨大の壹块石道,竟然是壹块完整の青金石所掏出来の.而青金石の价值,不是壹般の贵呀,壹块巴掌大小の青金石,都至少要卖到壹万灵石の价格.可是这壹整块, 这么巨大の青金石,那得卖多少灵石呀.而且还不知道,这青金石到底有多大,关键是世上哪有这么大の青金石呢,青金石壹般都是壹小块壹小块の,因为质地の原因,很难形成像这么巨大の石头.壁画上の内容,以及人物の穿着,还有各种画作,都在昭示着,这真の有可能是壹座巨大の仙墓."这里 有炼仙丹の壁画."有人发现了,有壹大片连续の炼制仙丹の画面,就那副画面就像是传说中の炼丹画面,而且看规模和人数来看,确实是有可能是炼制仙丹の画面.这壹画面壹出现,立即就引得众人心里浮想联煽,看来这里真の有可能是壹座仙墓,这里难道会有仙丹?"怎么和惊绝古城の画面比较 像呢?"就在他们人群中の根汉,此时也看到了这壹大片壁画,他不由得联系到了天轩阁那场重量级の


[问答题,论述题]试述司机交接班过程,交接班司机应做到哪些? [单选]为了判断胎儿成熟度,应测孕妇的()A.尿中孕二醇值B.尿中雌三醇值C.血中甲胎蛋白值D.羊水中肌酐值E.羊水中人胎盘生乳素值 [填空题]人类学家将现代人种分为三类,即欧罗巴种(白种),(),尼格罗种(黑种). [单选,A1型题]关于纯母乳喂养的定义是()A.除母乳外,还给婴儿吃维生素、果汁,但每日不超过1~2口B.除母乳外,不给婴儿吃其他任何液体或固体食物C.指母乳占全部婴儿食物的80%及以上的喂养D.除母乳外,只给婴儿喝点水E.指母乳占全部婴儿食物的90%及以上的喂养 [单选]货物运输调度的对象是()。A.运输工具B.货物的配载C.运输线路D.实际承运人 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于空间电荷抵偿器的作用,正确的是()A.随管电流的变化,稳定管电压B.随管电压的变化,稳定管电流C.随管电流的变化,稳定电源电压D.随管电压的变化,稳定管电压E.随管电压的变化,稳定电源电压 [单选]编图时,对地图上的符号发生占位性矛盾,通常采用()、移位和压盖的手段来处理。A.舍弃B.概括C.合并 [问答题,简答题]什么是“投资单位”、“买入价”、“卖出价”? [单选]脾静脉位于A.走行在胰体尾的后上方B.走行在胰尾的前方C.跨越体中线,不与胰组织相遇D.直接由腹主动脉发出,位于胰腺的下方,走行在左肾的前方 [单选]列关于内部转移价格的说法中,不正确的是()。A、中间产品存在非完全竞争的外部市场是市场价格作为内部转移价格的条件B、以协商价格作为内部转移价格可能会导致部门之间的矛盾C、全部成本转移价格的唯一优点是简单D、以变动成本加固定费转移价格作为内部转移价格时,总需求量 [单选,A1型题]核间性眼肌麻痹的病变部位在()。A.皮质侧视觉中枢B.脑桥侧视觉中枢C.内侧纵束D.外展神经核E.动眼神经核 [

八年级英语上册 Unit 8 Lesson 57 Help!教案 冀教版

八年级英语上册 Unit 8 Lesson 57 Help!教案 冀教版

Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: describe, ourselves, myself, personal, yourself, else, anytingOral words and expressions: unique, talent, strength, think of…as, think about Teaching Aims:1.Learn about the foreign culture.2.Show encourage to sb.Teaching Important Points:Introduce one’s hobbies, talents and virtues.Teaching Difficult Points:Show encourage to sb.Teaching Preparation: flashcardsTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcardsType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. Talk about the subject in this unit: celebrating me. In this unit we will find one’s talents. Why are we different from others? Li Ming will give a report to the class to show his talents to the others.Step2. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”. Let the students answer the questions:1.What do you think of yourself? How are you unique?2.Are you proud of yourself? Why or why not?Talk with the partners for a while. Then let some students come to the front and share their ideas with the others.Step3. Listen to the tape. Can the students retell Li Ming’s trouble in a third person? Let them try.Step4. Have a further discussion about Li Ming’s e-mail. Ask the students:1.Can you help him?2.What’s your advice?3.Do you have the same trouble like him?Step5. Listen to Part 2. This e-mail is from Jenny. Let’s see Jenny’s advice together.1.Do your classmates like you? Why do they like you?2.What makes you a good student?3.Are there many special things you do?4.Do you have special talents?Step6. Listen to the tape again. Let’s have a further discussion about the two e-mails.Step7. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Divide the class into several groups. Write the letter and then share your letter with the others in the group. Let every group choose a best one to read in front of the class. Let’s enjoy together.Step8. 1. Finish off the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:The teacher can suppose a situation the same as Li Ming. If you ask the students to describe themselves in their reports, what trouble will they meet? Let tem write down their difficulties. Are they the same as Li Ming’s? Please try.Lesson 58: Georgia Plays BasketballTeaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: born, be born, return, score, almost, university, be proud ofOral words and expressions: Greece, Greek, junior, Olympics, Nobody else in my school comes from Greece, The score was fifty-one to fifty-one, be different from, Of course Teaching Aims:1.Listen carefully, know the subject and get the main information.2.Let the students’ have confident in them.Teaching Important Points:What makes you unique?Teaching Difficult Points:Learn to introduce yourself.Teaching Preparation: flashcardsTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcardsType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. Talk about the students’favourate sports. How many students like football? What do they know about the basketball? The teacher introduces something about the basketball to the students, too.Step2. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.Divide the class into several groups. Discuss the two questions together. Every group chooses the best answer and report it to the class.Step3. Listen to the tape with the following questions:1.Where does his family come from?2.How old is she?3.Is her sister good at football?4.What does Georgia mean by “the game was almost over”?5.What’s her ambition?Step4. Read the text silently and check the answers. Then read the text loudly in class.Step5. Let some volunteers read the text in front of the class.Step6. Have a further discussion about the text.1.What do you think of Georgia?2.Do you think her life interesting?3.Does she strive to make her ambition come true?4.What’s your ambition?5.What can you learn from Georgia?Step7. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Work in groups and complete the task. Each student writes a passage and reports itto the others in the group. Every group chooses a passage and shares it with the class.Step8. 1. Finish off the activity book.2.Retell the story.Summary:Let’s begin the class with the students’interests, which must be attractive. Organize the activities. Give them more time to speak and write English in class. Ask the students to research on the Internet about the information we learn today. Thus we can improve their abilities of learning by themselves.Lesson 59: Who Are You?Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: already, themselves, leader, pioneer, work hard (at), Young PioneerOral words and expressions: be talented atTeaching Aims:1.Have confident in yourself.2.Cultivate the students’ abilities of learning by themselves.Teaching Important Points:1.Find one’s virtues and improve the interest of learning English.2.Learn to introduce yourself.Teaching Difficult Points:Project pronouns, possessive pronouns and reflexive pronounsTeaching Preparation: flashcardsTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcardsType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. Make sentences with project pronouns, possessive pronouns and reflexive pronouns. Some able students can say a passage and sum the pronouns with the students.Record some meaningful sentences and analyze them. Write some sentences including mistakes on the blackboard. Let the students correct them together. Step2. Play a gameDivide the class into several groups. Let the students in each group make a word puzzle with the words that we learned in this unit. Then let them change the puzzles and work them out. Write down the time they use.Step3. Listen to the tape and read after it. Let the students have a further discussion about the text.1.Does Li Ming need any help?2.What’s Li Ming’s trouble?3.How does Wang Mei help Li Ming?4.Does his teacher also give him some advice?Step4. Ask the students to discuss:1.What is a talent?2.What are Wang Mei’s personal strength?3.What are Li Ming’s talents?4.What are your talents?Step5. Talk about the questions:1. What is your personal strength?2. Do you have any talents?3. What makes you happy?5.Are you proud of something you have done?Step6. Come to “PROJECT”.We have learned many words about our talents. So the task is easy to the class. The students can write outlines first. Show your photographs to your partners. If you can’t write the report like Li Ming, you can ask others for advice.Divide the class into several groups. What do they like about each plan? What would they change? What illustrates or photographs will they use? Instruct students to revise their outlines, as needed. Make sure students use what they have learned in their discussion and communication with one another.If the project cannot be finished in one lesson, it can last for two or three lesson. Step7. 1. Finish off the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:The best way to learn English is to use what we learn. This task in this lesson is to use the phrases that we learned in these lessons. Show their photographs to the others. It is a very good way to stimulate students’ interests of learning English. Help them to finish the task. Display the result in the English Corner.Lesson 60: You Are YouTeaching Content:Oral words and expressions: confident, strive, quite, hooray, through and through Teaching Aims:1.Learn about the foreign culture.2.Cultivate the students to take correct attitude towards the future. Teaching Important Points:Learn to sing the song.Teaching Difficult Points:The meaning of the songTeaching Preparation: flashcardsTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcardsType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. In class, read the song in the student book. Help the students notice the rhyme, rhythm and repetition in the song. These are good devices for developing an “ear for English”.Step2. Play the tape. First let them listen carefully. Then play it again, and thenlet them repeat after it.Play it for several times. It is a fact that all the students love the beautiful song.Step3. Make sure the students understand the meaning of the song, especially the first stanza. Explain the main phrases to the class.be confident inbe proud ofstrive t do somethingthe best you can do/bethrough and throughMake sentences with the above words.Step4. Let the students sing the song together to see if they have mastered it already. Play the tape again if it is necessary.Step5. Can they translate the song into Chinese? Because the song is more “Philosophical”than the other song we have learned before, the teacher can prepare the translation before the class.Step6. 1. Finish off the activity book.2.Sing the song together if we have time.Summary:The songs in our text are very typical. All the students love to sing it. The beautiful rhythm and the lyric makes the students moved deeply. Sing the foreign is also a good way to have the sense of the foreign culture. Some words of the song has the meaning of education. The teacher can have a good use of it.Lesson 61: I Am a Good PersonTeaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: excellent, do well inOral words and expressions: confidentTeaching Aims:1.Cultivate the ability of describing the other or one’s own experiences.2.Make more chances to communicate with the others in English.Teaching Important Points:How to introduce oneself.Teaching Difficult Points:The sequence of demonstrating one thing.Teaching Preparation: flashcardsTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcardsType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. Let’s sing the song “You Are You” together.Step2. Try this tongue twister:So See’s saw sawed seesaw.But is was sad to see Soar so soreJust because See’s aw sawed Soar’s seesaw!Step3. Look at the pictures in this lesson and guess:1.What is Li Ming doing?2.What is Ms. Liu doing?Step4. Listen to the tape and answer the following questions:1.Why does Li Ming say he is a good person?2.What is Li Ming good at?3.What’s Li Ming’s ambition?4.What did Ms. Liu ask Li Ming to do last week?Step5. Read the text silently and check the answer. Then read the text loudly in class. At the same time, the students walk around the class and help the students at any time.Step6. Ask the students to spot some words, phrases, expressions or sentence patterns that stand in the way of their understanding. Here is the list, which can help the students write their own reports:It is time for sb. to do sth.be nervous aboutfeel confident/proudbegin by doing somethingmembers of the Young Pioneersmake oneself/ourselves strongstrive to do something wellgo to universitygive somebody the confidence to do somethingStep7. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Work in groups with three or four people. Write down the famous person whom you admire. What is he like? What do you want to learn from him? If you want to be him, What do you want to do now?Share your ideas with the partners.Step8. Finish off the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:This lesson is the key of this unit. All the classes in the unit are around the subject. Li Ming gives his report at last. All the students are eager to know Li Ming’s report. So arranging some questions and letting the students find the answer is a very good way. Then provide them chances to practice in the class.Lesson 62: ConfidenceTeaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: finger, both, himself, because ofOral words and expressions: spelling, be confident of, have confident in Teaching Aims:1.Cultivate the ability of learning by oneself.2.Learn the foreign culture.Teaching Important Points:1.Guess the main ideas of the text according to the pictures.2.Correct a composition with the help of the teacher.Teaching Difficult Points:Some words and expressions: because, because of, correct the mistakesTeaching Preparation: flashcardsTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcardsType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. Let the students talk about the topic “Why you are unique” in the class. Ask some students to speak in front of the class.Step2. Present this riddle to the class: What is black and white and red (read) all over?Step3. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.What words do you think are hard to spell? Why are these words so difficult? Divide the class into several groups and discuss the two questions together. Write the words down and share them with the others in your group. The teacher sums the words. Let every group write their answers on the blackboard.Step4. Listen to the tape with the following questions:1.Why is Peter not good at English?2.What mistakes does Peter make? Can you make examples?3.What does Miss Martin say in order to encourage Peter?Step5. Read the text silently and check the answers. Then read it loudly in class. Step6. Read the text in roles. Let some students act it our in front of the class. Step7. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Finish the task in groups with three or four students in one class. When the students are talking, the teacher walks around the class. Let the students speak English as often as possible. When they can’t express themselves, the teacher can help them. Step8. 1. Finish off the activity book.3.Go on the nest reading in the student book.Summary:Discussing in groups is a usual technique that the teacher often uses. When the students are talking, the teacher asks them to speak English. “Practice makes perfect”. We believe the proverb and give the students more time to speak English in class.Lesson 63: Christmas Is Coming!Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: decorate, without, put up, by the wayOral words and expressions: decoration, Germany, in the 1600sTeaching Aims:Know about the foreign festivals and the differences between Chinese and Westerncountries.Teaching Important Points:Know about the main festivals in Western countries and how do they celebrate them. Teaching Difficult Points:How to celebrate Christmas?Teaching Preparation: flashcardsTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcardsType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. Discuss the Christmas and New Year in western countries. Discuss in groups. After a while, present their answers to the class.Step2. Listen to the tape with the following questions:1.When is Christmas?2.When is New Year?3.Where do people put up their Christmas tree?4.What goes under the tree?5.What do people usually do before Christmas?6.What are the differences between the Western Christmas and the Chinese SpringFestival?7.How do you greet people during the Christmas season or during the Chinese SpringFestival?Step3. Read the text silently and check the answers. Then read the text loudly in class. The teacher walks around and finds the mistakes to correct.Step4. Help the students to retell the story but not word for word.Step5. Listen to the tape again and repeat after it until they can read it correctly and fluently.Step6. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Make a Christmas card!1.Fold a piece of paper in half. Draw a Christmas picture on the front of the card.Here are some ideas for Christmas pictures: a star, a Christmas tree, Santa, toys, a candy cane, a winter scene with snow or Christmas gifts.2.Write a greeting on the inside of the card. This should be written on theright-hand side of the card. The greeting will say:Merry Christmas!Happy New Year!Step7.1. Finish off the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:Christmas is more familiar to the students than the Western New Year. Introduce the Western New Year to the students in detail. The Western New Year’s celebration is quite different from the Chinese New Year’s celebration. It is a minor holiday festival in comparison. It lasts only two days: December 31, New Year’s Eve, and January 1, New Year’s Day.Lesson 64: Unit ReviewTeaching Content:Mastery words and expressions from Lesson 57 to Lesson 63.Oral words and expressions from Lesson 57 to Lesson 63.Teaching Aims:1.Learn the foreign festivals and culture.2.Cultivate the students’ interests of learning English.Teaching Important Points:1.Improve the students’ abilities of comprehension.2.Finish one project in groups and correct compositions with the help of theteacher.Teaching Difficult Points:Use some words and expressions: talent, confident, decorate…Teaching Preparation: flashcardsTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcardsType of lesson: review lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. PROJECT: “All About Me” ReportType: group discussion, individual workLesson time: 15 minutesDescription: The students write and illustrate a report about themselves. First, they plan the report. In small groups, they share, discuss and revise their plans, and then they each write a report based on their plan.Objective: To learn vocabulary for personal description.Resources needed: The students can illustrate their reports with photographs, drawings or magazines cutouts.Step2. PracticeThe students exchange their reports and correct the mistakes with the help of the teacher. After finishing, return them to their owners. Then let the owners check the reports that changed just now. Does it still have mistakes? Check it correctly. Step3. Play a gameOne student says a festival; the others say when, where and how it celebrates. How many festivals can they display? Put all the information about one festival together. Now the students can understand a festival easily. The students can search the Internet before the class.Step4. Do the exercises on Page 79 and 80. The teacher walks around in the classroom. Help them if necessary.Step5. Collect some problems that most of the students don’t understand and explain them on the blackboard in detail.Step6. Have a further discussion about the exercises.Step7. 1. Finish off the activity book.2.Sing the song “You Are You”.Summary:The review lesson can’t be boring. The teacher must make it interesting and lively. At the same time, practice the students’abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. The students can have a good use of the things at hand.。

冀教版-八上-8单元 Celebrating Me-第57课全英文教案

冀教版-八上-8单元 Celebrating Me-第57课全英文教案

Lesson 57: Help!Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: describe, ourselves, myself, personal, yourself, else, anytingOral words and expressions: unique, talent, strength, think of…as, think aboutTeaching Aims:1.Learn about the foreign culture.2.Show encourage to sb.Teaching Important Points:Introduce one’s hobbies, talents and virtues.Teaching Difficult Points:Show encourage to sb.Teaching Preparation: flashcardsTeaching Aids: audiotape, flashcardsType of lesson: new lessonTeaching Procedure:Step1. Talk about the subject in this unit: celebrating me. In this unit we will find one’s talents. Why are we different from others? Li Ming will give a report to the class to show his talents to the others.Step2. Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”. Let the students answer the questions:1.What do you think of yourself? How are you unique?2.Are you proud of yourself? Why or why not?Talk with the partners for a while. Then let some students come to the front and share their ideas with the others.Step3. Listen to the tape. Can the students retell Li Ming’s trouble in a third person? Let them try. Step4. Have a further discussion about Li Ming’s e-mail. Ask the students:1.Can you help him?2.What’s your advice?3.Do you have the same trouble like him?Step5. Listen to Part 2. This e-mail is from Jenny. Let’s see Jenny’s advice together.1.Do your classmates like you? Why do they like you?2.What makes you a good student?3.Are there many special things you do?4.Do you have special talents?Step6. Listen to the tape again. Let’s have a further discussion about the two e-mails.Step7. Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Divide the class into several groups. Write the letter and then share your letter with the others in the group. Let every group choose a best one to read in front of the class. Let’s enjoy together. Step8. 1. Finish off the activity book.2.Go on the next reading in the student book.Summary:The teacher can suppose a situation the same as Li Ming. If you ask the students to describe themselves in their reports, what trouble will they meet? Let tem write down their difficulties. Are they the same as Li Ming’s? Please try.。



神途手游: [单选]调查单位和调查对象是个体和总体关系。如调查对象是全部工业企业,则调查单位是()。A.每一工业企业中的每个职工B.每一工业企业中的厂长C.每一工业企业由的每个车间D.每一工业企业 [单选]起货机油温高温报警传感器一般设在()。A.高压管B.回油管C.主泵吸口D.辅泵吸口 [单选]化妆品卫生监督条例是()。A.针对化妆品生产制定的B.针对化妆品经营制定的C.针对卫生监督制定的D.针对化妆品的生产和经营制定的E.针对化妆品生产、经营和监督而制定的 [单选]中国人民银行实行()负责制。A.个人B.集体C.法人D.行长 [单选]用于记录核算反映财政预算资金和纳入预算管理的政府性基金的收入和支出的账户是()。A.特设专户B.国库单一账户C.财政部门零余额账户D.预算单位零余额账户 [单选]减少用电容量的期限,最长期限不得超过()。A.半年B.一年C.两年D.两年半 [单选,A1型题]下列有关乳腺癌叙述,不恰当的是()A.内分泌治疗是乳腺癌治疗的一个重要组成部分B.乳腺癌早期表现为无症状性乳房肿块C.乳腺癌的大小决定其预后D.乳腺癌最常见的远处转移为肺、骨、肝E.乳腺癌发病率与雌激素水平有明显关系 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]发热微恶寒,口渴咽干,干咳,舌干苔黄,脉浮数。证属()A.伤暑证B.温燥证C.凉燥证D.内燥证E.阴虚证 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]《素问·上古天真论》中女子五七发始堕的原因是()A.肾气虚B.肾精亏C.血不足D.阳气衰于上E.阳明脉衰 [单选]拟定沿岸航线,应尽量选择()的显著物标作为转向物标。A.转向一侧附近B.转向另一侧附压患者,伴左室肥厚,最佳的降压药物是().A.钙拮抗剂B.ACEIC.β受体阻滞剂D.利尿剂E.α1受体阻滞剂 [单选]根据柴油机的基本工作原理,下列哪一种定义最准确()。A.柴油机是一种往复式内燃机B.柴油机是一种在气缸中进行二次能量转换的内燃机C.柴油机是一种压缩发火的往复式内燃机D.柴油机是和种压缩发火的回转式内燃机 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]一患者呼吸表现为有规律的呼吸几次后,突然停止一段时间,又开始呼吸,周而复始,这种呼吸节律称为()A.Cheyne-Stokes呼吸B.叹息样呼吸C.Kussmaul呼吸D.Blots呼吸E.抑制性呼吸 [单选]物业服务企业在社区组织重大活动时。应及时知会(),相互协调,避免发生意外事件。A.本区域政府部门B.本辖区民政主管部门C.本区域物业管理主管部门D.辖区公安派出所和社区居委会 [单选]《残疾人就业条例》对促进农村残疾人从业的规定不包括以下哪项()?A.多方筹集资金B.组织开展种养殖和手工业等生产劳动C.补贴社会保险D.提供信贷帮助 [单选,B1型题]先天性喉喘鸣常表现为()A.吸气性呼吸困难B.呼气性呼吸困难C.混合性呼吸困难D.呼吸节律不规则E.端坐呼吸 [单选,A1型题]下列偏倚不可能在Meta分析过程中产生的是()A.发表偏倚B.奈曼偏倚C.英语偏倚D.文献库偏倚E.多次发表偏倚 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列属于细菌特殊结构的是()。A.中介体B.核质C.菌毛D.质粒E.核糖体 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列电化学发光免疫分析的特点中错误的是()A.发光剂可周而复始地发光B.发光剂可直接标记抗体或抗原C.灵敏度高D.稳定性好E.可改变标志物的化学特性 [单选]商标权的客体是()。A.商标B.注册的商标C.文字和图案D.商标的图像 [单选]Aluminumlifeboatsaresubjecttodamagebyelectrolyticcorrosion(thealuminumbeingeatenaway).Inworkingaroundboatsofaluminumyoumustbeverycareful().A.tokeeptheboatscoveredatalltimesB.nottoleavesteelorirontoolslyinginorneartheseboatsC. tokeepanelectricchargeonthehullatalltimesD.torinsetheseboatsregularlywithsaltwater [单选]港口与航道工程施工总承包特级资质企业的企业净资产为()以上。A.1亿元B.1.5亿元C.3亿元D.3.6亿元 [单选]在拟定沿岸航线选择转向物标时,应尽量避免选择下列哪种物标()。A.立标B.平坦的岬角C.浮标D.B+C [单选]校验供电系统保护装置灵敏度时,应使用()运行方式下的短路电流数据。A.最小B.最大C.正常D.满载 [单选]技术特性表一般在总图的()方。A、左上B、右上C、左下D、右下 [单选]引起牙齿病理性移位的主要因素是()A.牙周支持组织的破坏与力的改变B.急性根尖炎C.急性牙周膜炎D.女性激素水平的变化E.牙周翻瓣手术 [单选]船舶搁浅后轮机部应首先检查()的工作情况。A.轴系B.主机C.离合器D.发电机 [单选]诊断胃肠穿孔首选的方法是()。A.腹部X线片(立位)B.超声C.上消化道钡餐造影D.CTE.胃镜 [单选]下咽癌颈淋巴结转移中50%~60%转移至()A.锁骨上淋巴结B.锁骨下淋巴结C.同侧腋窝淋巴结D.中下颈淋巴结E.中上颈淋巴结 [单选,A1型题]下列哪项不是黄连的功效()A.清热B.安胎C.燥湿D.泻火E.解毒 [单选]液氧中乙炔含量报警值为()A、0.5mg/l液氧B、1.0mg/l液氧C、0.4mg/l液氧D、0.1mg/l液氧 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]医疗机构的从业人员基本行为规范:①以人为本,践行宗旨;②遵纪守法,依法执业;③尊重患者,关爱生命;④优质服务,医患和谐;⑤廉洁自律,恪守医德;⑥严谨求实,精益求精;⑦爱岗敬业,团结协作;⑧乐于奉献,热心公益。请选择正确()A.①、②、④、⑥ 、③、⑤、⑦、⑧C.②、④、⑤、⑥、⑦D.②、③、⑥、⑦、⑧E.以上都是 [单选]下列能源中属于不可再生能源的是:()。A.太阳能B.风能C.水力能D.天然气 [名词解释]应用地球化学 [单选]下列情况可出现睾丸鞘膜积液的是()A.睾丸外伤或炎症B.隐睾C.先天性睾丸发育不全D.附睾囊肿E.以上都不是 [单选]用于承受主要负荷和较强连续振动的设备的垫铁为()。A.成对斜垫铁B.矩形垫铁C.开口垫铁D.垫圈 [单选]()和()之间的交互作用是本书的主题。A、人们的生活环境,人们的经济基础B、人们的哲学,人们生活的环境C、人们的经济基础,人们的哲学 [问答题,简答题]编入列车的车辆对车钩缓冲装置的质量要求是什么? [多选]股份经营战略的特点有()。A.所有权多元化B.产权经营独立化C.公司股权分散化D.股东利润平均化E.股东责任无限化 [单选]()强调人人生来平等和自由,以个人权利为本位。A.民法B.经济法C.行政法D.民商法


ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
[问答题,简答题]如何点检空透主电机? [单选]()最为重要,是化学工业的主要原料来源。A、矿产资源;B、水;C、空气;D、农业副产品。 [名词解释]人本主义心理学 [单选]张三为债务人甲向债权人乙提供担保时,要求债务人甲提供反担保。反担保的方式可以是?()A.债务人甲提供的保证B.债务人甲提供的定金C.甲的朋友丙提供的留置D.甲的朋友丙提供的质押 [多选]肉芽组织中的巨噬细胞能分泌哪些生长因子A.PDGFB.FGFC.TGF-13D.IL-1E.TNF [问答题,简答题]何为变温吸附? [单选,A1型题]可水解鞣质二聚体、三聚体的划分依据是()A.结构中含糖的数目B.结构中含没食子酸基的数目C.水解后产生糖的种类D.水解后产生酚酸的种类E.结构中含酚酸的种类 [单选]肱骨闭合性骨折并伴有桡神经损伤的处理原则是()A.给予大剂量神经营养药物B.处理骨折后观察2~3个月C.立即手术探查松解神经D.先手术吻合神经再处理骨折E.物理疗法 [单选,A1型题]异质性检验的统计量服从何种分布(k为研究的个数n为第i个研究的样本量)()A.自由度为∑ni-k的卡方分布B.自由度为k-1的卡方分布C.自由度为k-1的F分布D.自由度为∑ni-k的F分布E.自由度为k-1的t分布 [单选]支配口腔颌面部运动的主要脑神经是()A.舌神经B.舌咽神经C.面神经D.三叉神经E.迷走神经 [单选]膀胱内药物灌注,目前认为效果最好的是()A.塞替派B.丝裂霉素C.阿霉素D.卡介苗E.羟喜树碱 [单选]在治疗三叉神经痛的方法中,止痛效果好,复发率低,可重复治疗的是()A.卡马西平治疗B.神经撕脱术C.无水酒精注射D.半月神经节射频温控热凝术E.维生素B及局麻药封闭疗法 [单选]有关焦痂切开减压术,下列错误的是()A.常规切至深筋膜B.深筋膜下张力过高可将肌膜切开C.肢体屈侧作纵切口,不越过踝关节或腕关节D.两侧胸壁腋前线下作纵切口E.颈部作纵切口 [判断题]任何单位和个人发现洗钱活动,有权向反洗钱行政主管部门或者公安机关举报。A.正确B.错误 [单选]()型车的结构形式为整体承载结构。A.C61、C63、C6a、C64、C16、K13B.P64、G70C.N17、X6A、X6B、X2H、X2KD.C16、K13、X2K [单选]传染病流行区的家畜家禽外运,负责其检疫的单位是()A.卫生监督部门B.环境保护部门C.工商管理部门D.畜牧兽医部门E.市容监察部门 [单选]目前国内流脑流行的主要菌群()A群B群C群D群E.W135群 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]胸部触诊时语音震颤增强常见于()。A.大叶性肺炎实变期B.胸壁皮下气肿C.肺气肿D.大量胸腔积液E.气胸 [单选]石膏的主产地是A.吉林B.广西C.湖北D.四川E.江苏 [单选,A1型题]有严重肝病的糖尿病患者禁用哪种降血糖药()。A.氯磺丙脲B.甲苯磺丁脲C.苯乙双胍D.胰岛素E.二甲双胍 [问答题,简答题]屈曲肢体加垫止血法。 [名词解释]声级计 [单选]颞叶癫痫首选的抗癫痫药物是()A.苯妥英钠B.卡马西平C.氯硝西泮D.苯巴比妥钠E.泼尼松 [问答题,案例分析题]背景材料: [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]导致声音嘶哑的原因不正确的是()A.用嗓过度B.肺癌纵隔淋巴结转移C.气管内异物D.贲门癌E.声带小结 [单选]焊接时要采用直流正接,不能选用()弧焊电源。A、AX-320B、ZXG-300C、BX1-330D、AX7-400 [问答题,简答题]什么是凝聚和絮凝?它们在发酵液预处理时的作用是什么? [单选]下列关于口服降糖药物的叙述都是正确的,除了()A.有酮症倾向的1型糖尿病忌用磺脲类降糖药物B.肾功能不全忌用格列本脲C.格列喹酮5%从肾脏排泄D.高乳酸血症和乳酸酸中毒表示磺脲类降糖药物治疗无危险,特别是有肾病和肝病时E.磺脲类降糖药物依赖30%以上有功能的B细胞 [问答题]被困在室内应如何保护自己? [单选]以下各项中可能成为行政主体的是()。A.国家权力机关B.人民检察院C.国家行政机关D.治安联防组织 [单选]超声诊断哪项胰腺疾病最具优势A.慢性胰腺炎B.胰腺囊肿C.胰腺癌D.急性胰腺炎 [单选,A1型题]颈部副神经损伤的临床表现为()A.肩下垂B.上睑下垂C.呼吸困难D.声音嘶哑E.上臂下垂 [单选,案例分析题]某产妇,26岁,自然分娩,产后4天突然畏寒、发热,T39.9℃,伴有恶心呕吐,下腹疼痛,存在压痛、反跳痛、腹肌紧张。最可能的诊断为下面哪一个()。A.急性宫颈炎B.子宫内膜炎C.弥漫性腹膜炎D.盆腔结缔组织炎E.子宫肌炎 [单选,A1型题]关于免疫耐受的叙述哪项是正确的()A.产生免疫耐受后对各种抗原均不感受B.免疫耐受无记忆性C.免疫耐受就是免疫抑制D.产生自身耐受是自身免疫病的起因E.对病毒感染免疫耐受的机体易发生该病毒的疾病 [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]患儿男,5岁。1岁会叫爸妈会走路,3岁上幼儿园,4岁会背不少唐诗,会自己穿衣服,自己刷牙。近一年来无明显诱因以前会做的事情渐渐几乎都不会了,目前只会咿呀叫,大小便也要家人协助,颅脑MRI示正常。此患儿最可能的诊断是()A.儿童孤独症B.婴儿痴呆C.A [问答题,简答题]新户分配抄表段的原则是什么? [填空题]高空作业的界限是距()垂直距离()。 [填空题]中转换乘的旅客其()只能发售到旅客()。 [问答题,简答题]偶氮二异丁腈泄漏如何处理? [单选]红色看起来觉得温暖,蓝色看起来觉得清凉是感觉的()现象A.适应B.后象C.对比D.联觉

八年级英语unit 8 celebrating me!(lesson 57—lesson 60)冀教版知识精讲

八年级英语unit 8 celebrating me!(lesson 57—lesson 60)冀教版知识精讲

初二英语Unit 8 Celebrating Me!(Lesson 57—Lesson 60)冀教版【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Unit 8 Celebrating Me!(Lesson 57—Lesson 60)1. 重点单词:n.. talent strength score university leader pioneerv. describe return bornadj. unique personal junior confidentadv. else almost already quitepron. myself yourself anything themselves2. 重点短语:be born 出生于be proud of 为……而自豪work hard(at)在……努力be talented at 在某方面有才能Young Pioneer 少先队员think of …as…把……认为/当作think about 考虑be different from 和……不同of course 当然through and through 完全地;彻底地3. 重点句子:Nobody else in my school comes from Greece. 我们学校没有其他人来自希腊。

The score was fifty-one to fifty-one. 比分是51比51。

4. 交际用语:Encouragement (鼓励)Wishes and Congratulations.(希望和祝愿)二. 重点、难点:1. I hope you can help me with my English project this week. (L57)我希望你这周能帮我完成我的英语课题。

help sb. with sth.=help sb. do sth. 在……方面帮助某人Mrs. Li always helps me with my English.=Mrs. Li always helps me study English.李老师总帮助我学习英语。

河北省高阳县宏润中学八年级英语上册《Lesson 57 Help!》课件2 冀教版

河北省高阳县宏润中学八年级英语上册《Lesson 57 Help!》课件2 冀教版
• Here’s something else to think about. Have you done anything that made you proud of yourself ? Write about that!
• Jenny
I hope you can help me with my English project this week. 这一周我希望你能帮助 我完成英语课题。
And I think of myself a good person. 而且我也认为自己是个好 人。
think of…as…把…….认为/当 作……..
We think of them as our good friends. 我们把他们当作好朋友。
Can you describe yourself? Tell me who you are, what you look like and anything about yourself.
We’re old enough to look after ourselves. Don’t worry about us.
• Can you help me? What can I say about myself ?
• Li Ming
• From jenny@compmail.ca
• To: Li Ming @
• Subject: My report for school
• Date: 08/12 5:15 PM
• I can’t write your report for you. 我不能替 你写报告。

八年级英语上册 Lesson 57 Help!课件 冀教版

八年级英语上册 Lesson 57 Help!课件 冀教版

介词宾语 主语同位语
4. What makes you unique? 什么使你与众不同? 这里make用法为:make + 宾语 + 宾补(形容词/名词) e.g. What makes you a good student?(名词) The news made me sad. (形容词)
5. That seems hard. 那看起来有点难。 1) seem,似乎,好像,可直接跟形容词。 e.g. What you said seems great. 你说的似乎很棒。
Read and answer the questions:
1. Where are Li Ming and Jenny talking? They are talking on the Internet.
2. What does Li Ming want Jenny to help? He wants Jenny to help with his English project.
e.g. We are supposed to finish it in two hours. 我们应该在两小时内完成它。

e.g. Help yourself to some fish. 动词宾语
Please think about yourself. We did it (by) ourselves.
Language Points
1. What’s up? 怎么了? 类似表达有: What’s wrong (with you)? What’s the matter (with you)? 2. I hope you can help me with my English project this week. 我希望你能帮助我这周的英语课题。

河北省高阳县宏润中学八年级英语上册《Lesson 57 Help!》课件1 冀教版

河北省高阳县宏润中学八年级英语上册《Lesson 57 Help!》课件1 冀教版

C.You are great
D.That is not easy.
Let me describe myself! I like myself.I am a good teacher because my students and I are good friends. I am also a good person ,I often help others and I have many friends I like Jay ,and I am good at singing. I am good at English.I often listen to English songs. That makes me unique. I love sports ,and I can play basketball very well. I am proud of myself!
Let me describe myself.
I amI agmoovdeartypltaaylli.ng basketball. ThiIsliiksemsypsopretcsi.al talent.
I am good at playing Thibsaisskmeytbpaerlls.onal strength. I aamImapmprrotouhudedobfoemfstYyaspeolalfMy. einr gin. I amChpinroau. d of my basketball.
A.don’t suppose B.haven’t supposed
C.are supposed D.supposed
5.---You can read more if you want to learn English well.


[单选]对下列情况适用出入境边防检查条例的规定。()A.交通运输工具的随行服务员工出境、入境B.交通运输工具出境、入境C.旅客出境、入境D.以上都是 [单选]根据局部服从总体的原则,地方规划应当服从国家规划,首先保证国家规划的实现,维护国家规划的权威性与()。A.统一性B.宏观性C.远景性D.前瞻性 [判断题]汽车的安全系统可分为主动安全系统和被动安全系统,制动系统属于被动安全系统。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]在正常航速条件下,实施沉箱海上拖运时,牵引作用点设在沉箱()处最为稳定。A.重心B.浮心C.定倾中心以下10Cm左右D.定倾中心以上10Cm左右 [单选]厂内机动车辆的登记证书、号牌、操作证的式样由国务院()部门规定并监制。A、公安B、农机C、质量技术监督 [单选]女婴6个月,发热3天,T39~41℃,烦躁、拒食、吐奶伴腹泻,于12月20日入院。体检:T40℃,神清,烦躁不安,皮肤散在出血点,颈抵抗(-),布氏征(-),前囟突出。血WBC17.6×109/L,中性粒细胞87%,淋巴细胞13%。腰穿脑脊液检查:压力310mmH2O,WBC1360×109/L,多 [单选]讲解“圆的面积和周长”时,运用“化圆为方”“化曲为直”的思路,这属于数学思想中的()。A.可逆思想B.类比思想C.数形结合思想D.极限思想 [问答题]教师的权利有哪些? [填空题]英国生物学家达尔文在1859年出版的《物种起源》一书中,揭示了生物由低级向高级进化的科学规律,认为人类就是由()经过长期进化而来的。 [单选]关于胚层的形成,正确的是().A.近滋养层细胞者形成内胚层B.近中央者形成外胚层C.外胚层的腔形成卵黄囊D.囊胚植入后,中心囊腔内的细胞团发育为两层E.内胚层的囊形成羊膜腔 [单选,A1型题]情绪可通过哪些系统的生理反应对人体的健康产生影响()。A.呼吸系统、循环系统和泌尿系统B.神

最新-八年级英语上册 Unit8lesson57说课材料 冀教版

最新-八年级英语上册 Unit8lesson57说课材料 冀教版

An Analysis of This LessonFirst,teaching material analysisPartI.the position and the function of the teaching materialA.The unit’s teaching material analysisThis unit aims to promote the self-confidence of students by focussing on their talents and skills.through projectsand stories,the students review and learn new vocabul ary for describing themselves in positive ways .this unit also tell some westerncelebration of Christmas and New Year’s Day .Improve their culture thought.B.The analysis of this lessonThis unit is new .This lesson will thi nk about ourselves and show ourselves.we are proud of oursrlves.and work hard at something you thin k is important.Part II. teaching goals analysis:A:Knowledge aimsa.Words and phrases that must be grasped: describe ourselves myself personal yourself elseanything think of …as… think aboutb. Structure: unique talent strengthB:ability aims:a.Students can talk about their talents.b.Students can understand the text through listening and reading.c.Students can write a letter.C:emotion aimsa.Encourage them to know about themselves,and work hard for it .b.Encourage them to do something important for yourselves.D.Culture aimsNobody is perfect. You do your best to do something. You are wonderful/great.Part III important and difficult points.Accoding to the teaching material and the analysis of the teaching aims, the important points are “describe think about… The difficult point is Think of … as … 2. Reflexive pronouns Second, Students analysisAbout 3 students in Clastudents 2 are talented at English. Most students can complete the task if they can b e inspired properly. The rest can do some easy task with the help of their group mates. Third,the procestudentsing of teaching material.According to the analysis of the teaching material and the difficulties Chinese students may meet when learning English, we should arouse students’interest by creating an easy and relaxed circumtance at first, that is a talk about hobbies. The text will be understood by a listening to get its main idea ,a skanning to answer detailed questions ,and then an intensive reading to get throuth the whole text fully.Fourth,teaching methodIn this course, task-based teaching is useful.Different kinds of language functions needs different tasks.So in this lesson,I will lead students to study language through finishing the certain tasks,andlet them “l earning by using,learning for using”.The tas ks are answering questions after listening ,skanning, finding the important points by reading in groups,and then a writing of a letter.1.Through listening,stuents can get the main idea of it.2.Through skanning,they can answer datailed questi ons.3.Through intensive reading in groups , th ey can understand the whole text and make use of theimportant points4.Through writing, they can develop their writing abilities and imagination.Fifth,learning methodIn the activity-based lea rn ing,I’ll use different kinds of activities,eg.class work, group work ,and individual work. Because the activities are of different levels of difficulties. Some can be completed by individuls ,such as the listening ,because the question is made easy to answer in order to arouse student s’ interests. Others are difficult, such as the intensive reading of the text and finding out the important and difficult points.Sixth,teaching aidsIn this lestudentson,I will use mult-media.Through it ,we can give students a real world where they can feel by themselves.Also I’ll use a tape player,it can give students a chance to read and speak like the player and it also can improve their listening ability.Seventh,teaching procedure:Step 1:Greet the students and start a talk, “What’s the weather like today?and date .”Step 2:Introduce the topic for Unit 8 Celebrate me !Step 3:Lead-in. Last week we have learned about our ambitions and hobbies.Are they fun?Ok! today we are going to learn about ourselves. [Blackboard:the title] or show the titleStep 4:Learn new words. 1. Learn new words by themselves. 2.check and have a talk. [Fill in the forms] Step 5:Listen to the tape and answer question, “Who wants to get help ?”Step 6:Ss read the first e-mail quickly and answer questions,1)Who wrote the first e-mail to Jenny?2.What are Li Ming and his classmates doing in a report this week? Then go into the second e-mail understand it like it. Questions: 1.Can Jenny write a report for Li Ming ?2.What advice does Jenny give to Li Ming about describing himself ?Step 7:Groupwork:Ss read the text carefully and have a further study with the exercises.Step 8:Ss and teacher study and practice them together.Step 9:Practice:Make sentences with “think of …as… and so on ”Step 10:Practice: Summary the words: myself yourself …Step 11:Write a letter to introduce yourself.(your family ,friends, hobbies ,and anything else etc.) Step 12:Ss share it with each other.Step 13:Summary :Moral:Li Ming thinks he is a good s tudents.and he thinks of himself as a good person.He does well in something. He is proud of himself. So we celebrete him .Think about yourself carefully, So are you ! I think you are the best.Step 14:Assign homework:You can talk to others about yourself,then write a letter to your pen pal about yourself.Blackboard design。


/ 南京夜网 [名词解释]空袭率 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列先天性胆总管囊肿的临床特点中,正确的是()A.诊断小儿先天性胆总管囊肿,首选的检查方法是IVPB.先天性胆总管囊肿的3个典型症状为腹痛、黄疸、呕吐C.胆总管囊肿的最主要病因是胆道发育不良和病毒感染D.先天性胆总管囊肿切除应在2岁以下儿童施行E.治疗 切除加胆道引流重建术 [配伍题,B1型题]测定输卵管功能的方法</br>诊断子宫肌瘤</br>诊断早期宫颈癌</br>间接测定卵巢功能的方法</br>A.阴道分泌物悬滴检查B.子宫输卵管碘油造影C.宫颈刮片检查D.宫颈黏液检查E.B型超声检查 [单选]下列颅骨凹陷性骨折中,不宜采取手术治疗的是()A.合并脑损伤或大面积骨折片陷入颅腔,引起颅内压增高者B.骨折片压迫重要部位引起神经功能障碍者C.非功能部位的大面积凹陷性骨折,凹陷深度超过1cm者D.位于大静脉窦处的凹陷性骨折,尚未引起颅内压增高者E.开放性颅骨骨折 [多选]关节镜下可观察到的关节结构有()。A.滑膜形态B.软骨C.韧带D.内外侧半月板E.血管、神经 [单选,A1型题]下列泻下药中有效成分不溶于水,宜人丸散的药物是()A.芒硝B.番泻叶C.火麻仁D.牵牛子E.甘遂 [单选]以下不属于质量控制的方法的是()。A.人工抽样检测B.产品整合与测试C.批处理数据校验D.应用环境模拟校验 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]联苯胺引起的肿瘤为我国法定职业性肿瘤的是()。A.肺癌B.皮肤癌C.肝血管瘤D.膀胱癌E.白血病 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于肺结核治疗效果的评价,以下哪条不正确().A.结核菌素试验可协助判断病情B.临床治愈时,空洞仍可存在C.临床治愈时,病灶内仍可残留结核菌D.痰菌阴转为考核疗效的主要指标E.临床治愈则不再有咯血 [单选]《女职工劳动保护特别规定》


[单选]《物品申领表》上由()签字后,秘书才可以发放办公用品。A.发放人、使用人、批准人B.领取人、购买人、批准人C.批准人、使用人、领取人D.发放人、领取人、批准人 [单选]齿轮箱结合面紧固,定位孔和定位销接触面积在()以上。A、80%B、60%C、50%D、40% [单选,A1型题]产褥期是指胎盘娩出至产后()A.2周B.4周C.6周D.8周E.12周 [单选,A1型题]隐形义齿基托增厚,咬合升高,最常见原因为()A.人工牙打磨过薄B.上下型盒之间有石膏或杂物填充C.灌注机套筒壁残留树脂D.铸道角度不当E.灌注压力不足 [单选]项目投资估算所在的阶段是()。A.设计阶段B.决策阶段C.招标阶段D.施工阶段 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]桂枝茯苓丸的功效是()。A.养血安胎B.消瘀化癥C.温经散寒D.固崩止漏E.清热利湿 [单选]AccordingtotheCodeofFederalRegulations,onvesselsotherthanriverferryboatsandrivervessels,howareperiodiclifeboatweighttestsrequiredtobeconducted?()A.Thelifeboatisloweredtonearthewater,loadedwiththeallowedcapacity,loweredintothewateruntilafloat,then [单选]留取脑脊液进行细胞学分析时,一般取()A.第一管B.第二管C.第三管D.第一管、第三管混合E.哪管都行 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]一颅脑外伤患者,可正确回答问题,可自动睁眼,右侧肢体偏瘫,刺痛可回缩,左侧肢体可随意运动。GCS评分为()。A.15分B.14分C.13分D.12分E.11分 [判断题]在国际上,券商的主要业务是为期货佣金商开发客户,并收取保证金,接受期货、期权指令,接受客户的资金进行结算。()A.正确B.错误 [判断题]牛副结核病的主要特征是顽固性腹泻和渐进性消瘦。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]目前社区卫生调查主要采取()A.普查B.定性调查C.定量调查D.问卷调查E.信访 [判断题]关键工序、隐蔽工程,监理员可以用巡查的方式。()A.正确B.错误 [单选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]26岁女性,已婚2年,G1P0,婚后一直服用短效口服避孕药避孕,但意外妊娠,于孕50天行人工流产术。患者放置宫内节育器后1个月,月经量增多1倍,且月经间期有点滴出血。B型超声检查提示环位置正常,血Hb:105g/L,对其处理错误的是()A.立即取出宫内节育器 [单选]工程项目的规划、决策、实施过程受到项目内外部诸多条件的约束。其中,外部约束条件管理的主体是()。A.项目管理部门B.工程咨询单位C.各级政府职能部门D.总承包商 [单选]21岁男性,体检发现肝右叶6cm占位,CT及MRI扫描除病灶中央可见放射状低密度/低信号影外,病灶实体未见显示,应首先考虑()。A.原发性肝癌B.局灶性结节增生C.肝血管瘤D.介入后致密斑E.肝脏炎性假瘤 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]鉴别周围性和中枢性面神经麻痹,主要依据是()。A.上半部分面肌有无瘫痪B.鼻唇沟是否变浅C.口角偏斜的方向D.下半部分面肌有无瘫痪E.面肌瘫痪的程度 [填空题]SAN干燥系统尾气通过()分离夹带的粉尘后经过()洗涤再排放到大气。 [单选]出口企业和其他单位出口退(免)税资格认定的内容发生变更的,自变更之日起()日内,向税务机关申请变更出口退(免)税资格认定。A、10日B、20日C、30日D、15日 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]前列腺癌治疗的疗效()A.根治术最好B.外照射最好C.组织间照射最好D.根治术,外照射及组织间照射疗效一样E012年1月1日,长江公司销售一批产品给黄河公司,价税合计金额为1000万元,款项尚未收到。因黄河公司发生财务困难,至12月31日长江公司仍未收到款项,长江公司为该应收账款计提坏账准备100万元。2012年12月31日,黄河公司与长江公司协商,达成重组协议如下。( [单选]()构成了确认收入和费用的基础,也进一步构成了资产和负债的确认基础。A.会计凭证B.会计确认C.权责发生制D.会计计量 [问答题,简答题]什么是加工精度? [单选]下列属于收费车道计算机系统的设备是()。A.服务器B.路由器C.雨篷信号灯D.彩色喷墨打印机 [单选]腓肠肌的作用是()A.使踝关节背伸、足内翻B.使踝关节跖屈、足外翻C.使踝关节跖屈、足内翻D.使踝关节跖屈、膝关节屈曲E.使髋关节屈曲、膝关节屈曲 [单选]单手摇壶的操作要领是()A.尽量使手腕用力,做到动作连贯B.摇动的力量要小,节奏要慢C.尽量使手臂用力,摇动的力量要小D.摇动的速度要慢,节奏要慢 [单选]抑郁症的诊断要点不包括()。A.情绪低落B.症状昼重夜轻C.症状至少持续两周D.社会功能受损E.排除器质性病变 [单选]船舶对水航程SL,对地航程SG,船速VE,航时t,若SG<SL<VEt,则船舶航行在()情况下。A.顺风顺流B.顶风顶流C.顺风顶流D.顶风顺流 [填空题]我省分别在()年、()年举办了两次全省农村党员干部现代远程教育学用典型评比活动,我市辰溪县欧国建、鹤城区彭先文、麻阳县傅锡和被评为“()”,芷江县王洪元、会同刘骁勇、溆浦县舒幸、辰溪县杨志明被评为“袁隆平科技致富能手”。 [单选]关于外阴硬化性苔藓的描述错误的是()A.是一种以外阴及肛周皮肤萎缩变薄为主的皮肤病B.可发生包括幼女在内的任何年龄妇女C.主要症状为病损区皮肤发痒D.最后诊断的唯一方法是病理检查E.常采用外科疗法治疗 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]单纯性鼻中隔偏曲最常见的病因是()。A.鼻中隔外伤B.鼻内肿瘤压迫C.异物压迫D.腺样体肥大E.鼻中隔之骨和软骨发育不均衡 [单选]在发现有可疑交易或者行为时,在其发生后()个工作日内,向中国反洗钱监测分析中心报告。A.5B.10C.30D.60 [多选]目前我行柜员级别分为()。A.B级柜员B.A级柜员C.现金柜员D.一般柜员 [单选,A1型题]人体消灭结核杆菌主要依靠的细胞是()A.中性粒细胞B.嗜酸性粒细胞C.浆细胞D.B淋巴细胞E.巨噬细胞 [单选]6月份大豆现货价格为5000元/吨,某经销商计划在9月份大豆收获时买入500吨大豆。由于担心价格上涨,以5050元/吨的价格买入500吨11月份的大豆期货合约。到9月份,大豆现货价格上涨至5200元/吨,此时期货价格也涨至5250元/吨,此时买入现货并平仓期货。则该经销商进行套期 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]以下不是长骨的是()A.腓骨B.肋骨C.跖骨D.掌骨E.指骨 [名词解释]地壳元素丰度 [单选]关于自行组织招标应具备的条件,说法错误的是()。A.具有项目法人资格B.有从事同类工程建设项目招标的经验C.设有专门的招标机构或者拥有2名以下专职招标业务人员D.具有与招标项目规模和复杂程度相适应的工程技术、概预算、财务和工程管理等方面专业技术力量 [填空题]影响放大电路工作点稳定的主要因素是()的变化。 [问答题,简答题]导线温度升高,有何危害?


[问答题,简答题]爱岗敬业的基本要求包括什么。 [填空题]国内外普遍使用的罐藏容器为()、()、()。 [单选]港口与航道工程技术准备期项目经理的技术管理工作中不妥的是()。A.组织熟悉图纸,理解设计意图B.主持编写施工组织设计C.抓好技术交底D.审查并按程序上报施工组织设计 [单选]电子经纬仪区别于光学经纬仪的主要特点是()。A.使用光栅度盘B.使用金属度盘C.没有望远镜D.没有水准器 [单选,A1型题]微血栓的主要成分是()。A.血小板B.纤维素C.白细胞D.红细胞E.血小板和白细胞 [单选]通信记录装置功能失效或者时钟误差()分钟,为通信一类障碍。A.1分钟B.2分钟C.3分钟D.5分钟 [判断题]行长和出纳业务负责人要定期查库。A.正确B.错误 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列哪味是治疗梅毒的药物()A.马钱子B.黄连C.轻粉D.硼砂E.蛇床子 [填空题]混凝土拌制前,应测定砂、石含水率,并根据测试结果和理论配合比,确定施工配合比。应对首盘混凝土的坍落度、含气量、泌水率、匀质性和()等进行测试。 [单选]依照公安部《火灾事故调查规定》,特大火灾事故应当在查明火灾事故责任并提出处理意见后()日内,由省级公安消防机构写出特大火灾事故调查报告报公安部消防局备案。A、7B、15C、30D、45 [多选]肌肉动作电位兴奋的生理特征有()A.不同步性B.运动兴奋的累增性C.对不同刺激的不同反应D.单一纤维遵从&quot;全或无&quot;定律E.局部电流传导 [单选]在混凝土用砂量不变的条件下,砂的级配良好,说明()。A.砂的空隙率大B.砂的空隙率小C.砂的总表面积大D.砂的总表面积小 [判断题]入境展览品中的旧机电产品必须按旧机电产品备案手续办理相关证明。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]在NH3、HNO3、H2SO4的工业生产中,具有的共同点是()。A、使用吸收塔设备B、使用尾气吸收装置C、使用H2作原料D、使用催化剂 [单选]关于波道切换,下面叙述错误的是().A.数字微波通信常用1:1或n:1信道保护方式B.波道切换可在中频或基带上进行C.只要不发生漏码就可以进行波道的无损伤切换. [多选]我国开展建设项目环境影响评价的指导原则是()。A.落实科学发展观,贯彻循环经济理念,促进经济、社会与环境协调发展,构建和谐社会B.污染防治与经济保护并重C.节约能源、成本,实行环保生产D.谁污染,谁治理E.污染物达标排放,满足排放总量控制要求 [单选]按照形成资产法,建设投资应包括固定资产费用、无形资产费用、其他资产费用和()。A.财务费用B.流动资产费用C.预备费D.工程费用 [单选]可确诊支气管扩张的诊断方法为()A.支气管造影B.支气管镜检查C.详细的病史D.肺部前后位X线片E.用上述检查方法均无效 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]鼻中隔偏曲的嵴处反复出血,经用油纱填塞前鼻孔无效时,最适宜的治疗是()。A.后鼻孔填塞B.硝酸银局部烧灼C.鼻中隔黏膜划痕D.鼻中隔黏膜下矫正术E.颈外动脉结扎术 [单选]风心病二尖瓣狭窄出现以下哪项体征提示心功能不全().A.心尖区收缩期抬举样搏动B.室性奔马律C.拍击性第一心音D.肺动脉瓣区第二心音亢进E.脉短绌 [单选,A型题]下列哪种药典是世界卫生组织(WHO)为了统一世界各国药品的质量标准和质量控制的方法而编纂的A、《国际药典》Ph.IntB、美国药典USPC、英国药典BPD、日本药局方JPE、中国药典 [单选,共用题干题]患者女,25岁,因“闭经、溢乳3个月”来诊。入院后2次查血PRL升高,分别为210μg/L和240μg/L;血清钙分别为3.4mmol/L和3.2mmol/L,血磷正常值低限;PTH水平升高,分别为180ng/L和200ng/L;尿常规BLD(+++)。垂体MRI:微腺瘤。无须进一步做的检查是()。A.空腹 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]被照体矢状面与胶片平行的摄影体位有()A.下颌骨侧位B.鼻窦瓦氏位C.乳突轴位D.腕关节正位E.心脏左侧位 [单选]孕妇,29岁,孕1产0,妊娠40周。宫口开全2小时,胎方位为持续性枕后位,双顶径在坐骨棘下2cm,已破水4小时,胎心122次/分,恰当的分娩方式为()A.等待自然分娩B.转正胎头,产钳助产C.胎头吸引器助产D.缩宫素静脉滴注E.剖宫产术 [单选,B型题]硫酸阿托品()A.其他甾体B.莨菪碱C.罂粟碱D.马钱子碱E.其他金鸡纳碱 [问答题,简答题]货运检查作业基本程序中计划安排和准备有何规定? [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]机体调节酸碱平衡的机制不包括().A.血液中的缓冲体系B.细胞内外的离子交换C.肺的呼吸交换D.肾脏的排酸保碱功能E.肝脏的生物转化 [单选]液体的饱和蒸汽压与()有关。A、质量B、体积C、温度D、面积 [单选]《2007版标准文件》规定,监理人应在收到承包人竣工结算申请后()天内完成核查。A.7B.14C.21D.28 [名词解释]修改配置的灵活性 [单选]性病性淋巴肉芽肿由下列哪种病原体引起()A.淋球菌B.沙眼衣原体C.解脲支原体D.杜克雷嗜血杆菌 [判断题]B超检测宫内节育器不论金属或塑料结构均能检出,且可确定在宫内的位置是否适合。A.正确B.错误 [单选]起货机油温高温报警传感器一般设在()。A.高压管B.回油管C.主泵吸口D.辅泵吸口 [单选]在世界合作实运动中,得到公认的合作社原则起源于()罗虚戴尔公平先锋社。A.美国B.法国C.英国D.德国 [问答题,简答题]世界第一大半岛? [单选]下列几种疾病,RF检出率最高的是()A.类风湿关节炎B.SLEC.干燥综合征D.硬皮病E.皮肌炎 [单选]使用“货运票据封套”的(),应左右对齐折叠。A、装载清单B、货物运单和货票C、证明文件D、杂费收据 [单选]不属于二次环境污染物的是A.光化学烟雾B.可吸入颗粒物C.酸雨D.甲基汞E.有机汞 [单选,A2型题]于残疾状态下所消耗的平均寿命,从而得到无残疾状态下的预期平均生存年数指的是()A.减寿人年数B.无残疾期望寿命C.活动期望寿命D.伤残调整生命年E.健康期望寿命 [单选,A1型题]下列关于汤剂服用量说法错误的是()A.成人服用量一般每次约300ml,每日2~3次B.儿童服用量一般每次75ml,每日2次C.小儿服药,宜浓缩体积D.对病情危重者,应遵照医嘱服药E.小儿服药,以少量多次为好


[单选]常见堤防隐患可概括为()、裂缝、暗沟、渗漏、近堤坑塘五大类。A.洞穴B.人为洞穴C.害堤动物洞穴D.朽木洞穴 [单选]家政服务员应做到的“五自”是()。A、自大、自爱、自信、自主、自强B、自尊、自爱、自卑、自暴、自强C、自尊、自爱、自信、自立、自强D、自尊、自爱、自弃、自立、自强 [单选]根据矿山工程造价费用定额现行规定,施工方利用永久建筑工程和设备的费用来源由发包方负责支出的是()。A."四通一平"工程费用B.属于临时设施费范围内的永久工程发生的费用费C.利用属于直接费项下的永久工程和设备而发生的费用D.利用永久设备,其费用来源由直接定额中的机械 [单选]本图提示的是外阴硬化性苔藓,其高发年龄为()A.幼女B.青春期少女C.生育年龄妇女D.绝经后E.B+D [单选]建设工程质量保证金(保修金)是从应付的工程款中预留,用以保证承包人对建设工程出现的缺陷进行维修的资金。该缺陷出现的时间应在()内。A.缺陷责任期B.保修期C.竣工验收期D.工程使用期 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]醋酸纤维薄膜电泳可把血清蛋白分成五条带,由负极数起,依次是().A.&alpha;1、&alpha;2、&beta;、&gamma;、AlBB.AlB、&beta;、&alpha;1、&alpha;2、&gamma;C.AlB、&alpha;1、&alpha;2、&beta;、&gamma;D.&gamma;、&alpha;1、&alpha;2、&beta;、AlBE.&ga [填空题]电子商务系统是由()、()、()、()和()五介部份组成。 [填空题]历史数据采集可以对()和()两种格式进行存储。 [问答题,简答题]回族、基督教、佛教患者的特殊饮食习惯是什么? [单选]不孕症伴有痛经常发生于()A.卵巢囊肿B.子宫内膜异位症C.多囊卵巢综合征D.子宫内膜炎E.子宫肌瘤 [单选,A1型题]临产后宫缩的特点,下述哪项是错误的()A.宫缩是子宫不自主的有节律性收缩B.宫缩具有对称性,自子宫底两角发动,先向宫底中部集中,再向下扩散C.宫缩以底部最强,体部次之,下段最弱,谓之极性D.子宫体部肌纤维宫缩时变短变宽,间歇时松弛,恢复原来长度E.正常宫缩高 [单选]下列哪一项符合高血压的治疗原则().A.联合用药,达到降压目标后停药B.症状不重者不宜使用降压药C.联合用药,达到降压目标后短期服用维持量D.联合用药,达到降压目标后长期服用维持量E.间断用药,避免产生抗药性 [单选]常规子宫颈癌全盆腔照射射野大小一般为()A.5cm&times;5cmB.10cm&times;15cmC.15cm&times;15cmD.15cm&times;20cmE.20cm&times;25cm [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]终止心绞痛发作最有效的药物是()A.硝苯地平B.普萘洛尔C.阿司匹林D.硝酸甘油E.阿托品 [单选]医学统计的研究内容是()A.研究样本B.研究个体C.研究变量之间的相关关系D.研究总体E.研究资料或信息的收集、整理和分析 [单选]下列阀门中,最适宜采用的是()阀。A.闸B.球C.节流D.止回 [单选]非竞争性结合分析法,常用放射性核素标记()A.标准抗原B.检测抗原C.抗体D.沉淀剂E.待测样品 [单选]国产离心泵的型号表示法中,100D45×8表示()。A.泵的流量100m3/h,单级扬程45m水柱,8级分段多级离心水泵B.泵的流量为45&times;8=360m3/h,扬程为l00m的多级式离心水泵C.泵的入口直径为l00mm,总扬程为45m水柱,8段多级离心水泵D.泵的入口直径为l00mm,单级扬程为45m [单选]有关睾丸鞘膜积液哪项是错误的()A.婴幼儿睾丸鞘膜积液可自愈B.精索静脉曲张可继发睾丸鞘膜积液C.阴囊内容物手术后可继发睾丸鞘膜积液D.附睾炎症可继发睾丸鞘膜积液E.透光试验阴性一般可除外睾丸鞘膜积液 [单选]1848年芝加哥82位商人发起组建了()。A.芝加哥商业交易所B.伦敦金属交易所C.纽约商业交易所D.芝加哥期货交易所 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列关于儿童孤独症概念的描述中正确的是()A.不是心理发育障碍性疾病B.不属于全面发育障碍C.以社会交往障碍、活动内容和兴趣的局限和刻板重复为特征D.极少数患儿伴有不同程度的精神发育迟滞E.多起病于学龄前期 [单选]右肾上腺解剖描述中,下列哪一项最确切A.右肾上腺呈半月形,位于右肾上极内上方,下腔静脉后方,膈肌脚前方B.右肾上腺呈三角形,位于右肾上极内上方,下腔静脉后方,膈肌脚前方C.右肾上腺呈半月形,位于右肾上极内上方,下腔静脉后方,膈肌脚后方D.右肾上腺呈半月形,位于右 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]桂枝茯苓丸的功效是()。A.养血安胎B.消瘀化癥C.温经散寒D.固崩止漏E.清热利湿 [单选]厨房要有一定坡度以防积水,坡度应该保持在()A、15%~20%B、20%~25%C、25%~30%D、30%~35% [单选]下列关于变更控制的说法中,表述不正确的是()。A.对项目变更目标要有明确的界定B.任何变更都要得到建设单位、监理单位和承建单位三方的书面确认C.变更控制中要选择冲击最小的方案D.为了避免项目变更影响项目实施人员的情绪,要把变更信息控制在领导层和项目关键人员范围内 [单选]某患者自诉乳腺可触及一包块,光滑可移动,超声图像如图,诊断为()。A.纤维瘤B.囊肿C.乳腺癌D.小叶增生E.乳腺导管扩张 [单选]按临床分类,重度吸入性损伤指()A.伤及鼻道B.伤及咽部以上C.伤及细支气管D.伤及气管以上E.伤及喉部以上 [单选]加弹机冷却板丝道的截面形状一般设计成()。A、弧线型B、O型C、V型D、M型 [单选]旷葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂常见不良反应是()A.低血糖症B.腹胀和腹泻C.下肢浮肿D.乳酸性酸中毒E.充血性心力衰竭 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]1932年到1972年间,美国研究者随访了400名贫穷的身患梅毒的非裔美国黑人,以了解梅毒的发展过程。虽然当时青霉素已经普遍使用,而且价格并不昂贵,但是研究人并不对其采用青霉素治疗,而是给予安慰剂,以观察在不用药物的情况下梅毒会如何发展。医学伦理的 [多选]中医学的基本特点概括起来是()A.治病求本B.整体观念C.扶正祛邪D.辨证论治E.调整阴阳 [填空题]避雷器接地电阻不应大于()变电所接地网接地电阻不应大于()。 [填空题]真空断路器是对密封在()中的触头进行开断、关合的设备,利用电弧在真空中的扩散作用,电弧在()周期内被熄灭。 [单选,A1型题]上消化道出血的主要临床表现为()A.中下腹疼痛B.右下腹腹块C.鲜血便或略红色血便D.呕血呈咖啡色,大便呈柏油样E.恶心、呕吐胃内容物 [单选]就显效和维持时间而言,拮抗肌松药的最佳组合是()A.依酚氯铵和胃长宁B.依酚氯铵和阿托品C.新斯的明和阿托品D.吡啶斯的明和阿托品E.以上均否 [单选]在二维次对象什么被选中是,才可进行二维布尔运算:()A.VertexB.SegmentC.SplineD.Face [填空题]在钢轨超声波探伤中,凡发现接头有可疑波形,而探伤人员又无法拆检的应()拆检或监视。 [单选]压缩机接近失速时的特征是().A.高的、稳定的咆哮声伴随着严重的抖动B.推力的突然损失伴随着高的呜呜声C.当逆火和气流反转发生时有断续的"砰"声 [单选]在行政诉讼法律关系中,原告特有的诉讼权利之一是()。A.委托诉讼代理人B.撤诉C.申请回避D.提起上诉 [单选]团头鲂又称武昌鱼,它与长春鳊的区别在于它的体色()。A、银白B、黄褐C、灰黑D、青蓝


上海ktv招聘 [单选]罗盘仪是测定直线的()的仪器。A、子平方位角B、方位角C、磁方位角 上海ktv招聘 [单选,A型题]治疗肺胃出血首选()A.仙鹤草B.大蓟C.白及D.侧柏叶E.小蓟 上海ktv招聘 [单选]最适宜装运袋装货物的托盘是()。A.平板托盘B.滚轮托盘C.箱形托盘D.柱型托盘 上海ktv招聘 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下面哪项不是颅脑MRI扫描的适应证()A.颅脑肿瘤B.脑血管病C.发热头痛D.颅内感染与炎症E.脑白质病变 上海ktv招聘 [单选,A1型题]在血吸虫发育各阶段,引起人体主要病理变化的是()。A.尾蚴B.成虫C.虫卵D.幼虫E.毛蚴 上海ktv招聘 [问答题,案例分析题]中兴公司拟在厂区内建造一幢新厂房,有关资料如下。(1)2013年1月1日专门向银行借入款项5000万元,期限为3年,年利率为12%,每年1月1日付息。(2)除上述借款外,还有两笔一般借款;2011年1月1日借入的长期借款6000万元,期限为5年,年利率为5%, 上海ktv招聘 [单选,A1型题]牛的性成熟期年龄是()A.8~14月龄B.15~23月龄C.18月龄D.15月龄E.10~12月龄 上海ktv招聘 [单选,A1型题]给予温热药引起的热证模型动物,其脑内神经递质的变化是()A.去甲肾上腺素含量增加B.多巴胺含量降低C.五羟色胺含量升高D.谷氨酸含量降低E.乙酰胆碱含量降低 上海ktv招聘 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]男性,54岁,近年来腰臀部疼放射到左足跟处,MRI示有L5,S1椎间盘突出,查体可能发现的体征是()。A.左提睾反射消失B.左膝反射减弱或消失C.左跟腱反射减弱或消失D.左跖反射消失E.左肛门反射消失 上海ktv招聘 [多选]MEN1的甲状旁腺功能亢进症与散发性甲状旁腺功能亢进症的鉴别点包括()。A.前者较后者发病年龄早,且没有性别差异B.两者的甲状旁腺病理学不同C.两者甲状旁腺手术后的结局不同D.前者几乎不会进展为甲状旁腺癌E.两者的临床表现不同 上海ktv招聘 [问答题,简答题]确定培训时间应考虑的因素有哪些? 上海ktv招聘 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]白血病的血象特点,不正确的是()A.红细胞减少B.血红蛋白降低C.网织红细胞升高D.白细胞增高E.血小板降低 上海ktv招聘 [单选]在毒理学研究中,吸入染毒的剂量单位表示为()。A.mg/kgB.mg/mC.mg/LD.mg/mE.mg/g 上海ktv招聘 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]儿童鼻咽部触诊时,要用左手食指紧压患儿颊部是为了()。A.让口张的更大,以便于检查B.帮助固定患儿头部C.减轻患儿的咽部反射D.防止被患儿咬伤E.保护患儿的口角 上海ktv招聘 [单选]作为慢性肾衰竭与急性肾衰竭鉴别依据的是()。A.血BUN/Cr&gt;20B.蛋白尿与低蛋白血症较明显C.严重贫血D.严重低钙血症与高磷血症E.肾脏体积缩小 上海ktv招聘 [问答题,简答题]货运检查站定义? 上海ktv招聘 [单选]脑原发非霍奇金淋巴瘤治疗失败的主要原因是()A.脊髓受侵B.骨髓受侵C.局部复发D.淋巴结广泛受侵E.肝脾受侵 上海ktv招聘 [判断题]入境展览品中的旧机电产品必须按旧机电产品备案手续办理相关证明。()A.正确B.错误 上海ktv招聘 [填空题]金属表面处理必须清除的表面污染物主要有:()、()、()、()、()以及焊烟等。 上海ktv招聘 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]1979年,国际疼痛协会将疼痛重新定义为()A.是用疼痛来描述的一种不愉快的感觉和情绪B.是由于真正潜在组织损伤而引起的一种不愉快的感觉和情绪C.是指维持较长时间,一般大于3个月,常在损伤愈合后中止D.为最近产生并能持续较短的疼痛,常与明 上海ktv招聘 [单选,A1型题]营养性缺铁性贫血的主要病因是()A.母乳摄入量少B.生长发育迟缓C.未及时添加含铁辅食D.过期产儿E.未及时添加钙剂 上海ktv招聘 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]不符合恶性肿瘤所致贫血的是()A.肿瘤未侵犯骨髓时,不会发生溶血B.主要与出血有关C.营养不良D.造血功能减低E.除贫血外,血象和骨髓象无特殊改变 上海ktv招聘 [单选]上颌窦内靠下壁的半圆形软组织影边缘光滑,直径1.0~1.5cm,窦腔内其余部分无异常,最可能的诊断是()A.息肉B.黏液囊肿C.黏膜囊肿D.血管瘤E.正常变异 上海ktv招聘 [问答题,简答题]建立抄表段时需确定哪些信息? 上海ktv招聘 [单选]某企业从事汽车修理修配业务,则该企业适合的成本计算方法是A.品种法B.分批法C.逐步结转分步法D.平行结转分步法 上海ktv招聘 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]靠光化作用打开分子键而起作用的激光是()。A.CO2激光B.Nd:YAG激光C.氩离子激光D.准分子激光E.砷铝镓半导体激光 上海ktv招聘 [单选]某运输企业新购入了一款新车,该车型的投资额为25万元,残值为0.95万元,预计年净收益为1.75万元,年折旧费为2.13万元,试计算该车的投资回收期为()。A.6.2年B.5.8年C.5.5年D.4.7年 上海ktv招聘 [单选]初步可行性研究阶段的投资估算精度可以达到()。A.&plusmn;20%B.&plusmn;25%C.&plusmn;30%D.&plusmn;40% 上海ktv招聘 [判断题]骨粉属于钙磷平衡的矿物质饲料。()A.正确B.错误 上海ktv招聘 [问答题,简答题]口罩的佩戴方法 上海ktv招聘 [单选]《部标》中规定:列车员在列车进出站时,面向站台()。A、行举手礼B、致注目礼C、站立D、敬礼 上海ktv招聘 [名词解释]移植苗 上海ktv招聘 [单选]关于四个成串刺激,不正确的是()A.为四次一组的超强刺激,频率为2HzB.能区别神经、肌肉阻滞的性质C.第四次反应消失应有效占据80%~90%的突触后膜受体D.不能用于鉴定去极化阻滞向脱敏阻滞转变E.TOF比恢复至0.9,亦不能认为肌松作用已完全恢复 上海ktv招聘 [问答题,简答题]什么是电能表的转动元件? 上海ktv招聘 [名词解释]逆止门 上海ktv招聘 [单选,A1型题]关于臀位剖宫产术,何项正确()A.宫口开全,脐带脱出B.中骨盆轻度狭窄C.估计胎儿体重为3000gD.宫口未开全,胎足脱出E.第一产程宫缩乏力 上海ktv招聘 [名词解释]区域异常 上海ktv招聘 [单选]输卵管妊娠的原因不包括()A.输卵管周围肿瘤B.输卵管黏膜纤毛缺乏C.放置宫内节育器D.子宫畸形E.受精卵游走 上海ktv招聘 [名词解释]MALT(mucosal-associatedlymphoidtissue) 上海ktv招聘 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]某溶液选定了某波长的光源,已读得吸光度在0.1以下,为了减少比色误差,应提高读数使其在0.1~0.7之间,应采取()A.加强单色光强度B.换新灯泡C.提高溶液厚度D.同意比色杯中增加溶液体积E.更换滤光片
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1. We want to know _______(Canada) hobbies.2. They might organize a stamp ________(collect) club.3. She has taught ___________(she) English since she was fourteen.4. He had fun _________(trade) stamps.5. Making model train will be an __________(enjoy) hobby.6. ________(learn) a new language is fun.7. Would you like___________(参加) the gardening club?8. She has an interesting hobby. _____________A. So has her brotherB. So her bother hasC. So does Li MingD. So does her brotherk9.I_________(参加) an English club two years ago.10.______ you ______ I _______ right.或者你对或者我对。

11.The worried mother would like ________ a doctor. (派人去请)Words:describe ,ourselves ,myself ,personal ,yourself ,else,anythingPhrases:1.help me with my English____________2.write about myself_________________3.英语课题___________________________4.在报告中___________________________5.独特的天赋 ________________________6.个人长处____________________________7.a good person_______________________8.一些别的情况_________________________9.think of …..as__________________________10.be proud of oneself____________________Sentences:1.We are describing ourselves in a report .2.I think of myself as a good person .3.I don’t know how to say those things in a report .4. Here’s something else to think about .实用文档重点:反身代词三、根据课本的内容回答下列问题。

1.Who does Li Ming ask for help?________________________________2.Does Li Ming know what to write about himself?_________________________________3.Can Jenny help Li Ming?__________________________________4.Can Jenny write the report for Li Ming?__________________________________1. 你能写出下列单词的反身代词吗?试试吧!1). I____ 2.he____ 3.it____ 4.we_____ 5.she_____6.they____7.you____2). enjoy oneself, teach oneself, dress oneself, say to oneself, allby oneself, help oneself to…3). .I finish doing the work all by m_______.4).We often enjoy o_____ in the park.5).Help to some fish.2. 1. I don’t know what to write about myself.= I don’t know what I should write about myself.I don’t know this afternoon.(去哪里)I don’t know to the movies.(何时去)3. And I think of myself as a good person.think of… as … “认为……是……”We them our good friends.(认为……是……)We think of your action(行为) as a crime(罪).(汉译)4. Here’s s omething else to think about.else “除(已提到的)以外;另外;其他”,放在不定代词、疑问代词或疑问副词后面。

Did you see ?(别人)Ask to help you. (别人)实用文档Do you have to do?(别的事)wants to sing the English song?(还有谁)见金榜学案 P57单项填空。

1. Help_____to some fish, boys. A. yourself B. yourselves C. you D. your2. It_____ him one hour______ the exercises yesterday.A. takes; to doB. took; to doC. takes; doingD. took; doing3.I’d like a little water_____some sugar in it.A. withB. overC. aboutD.for4. Paul always makes his sister_______.A. cryingB. cryC. to cry B.cried5.Here_____ something else to tell you?A. areB. isC. beD. am6. We did this job all by_________.A. ourB. usC. weD. ourselves7. Is there_______today’s newspaper?A. something new inB. anything new inC. new something atD. new anything at8. I think tofu is good______your health, Do you agree_____me?A. at; toB. for; withC. to;with D. to; to9.-Thank you for the delicious dinner.-______.A. Don’t say thatB. It’s nothingC. I don’t think it’s goodD. I’m glad实用文档you enjoyed it10.-Did she tell you______about it?-No,she said________A. something; nothingB. anything; nothingC. anything; something C. everything; anything11. Let’s_____ ourselves in report.A. describeB. to describeC. describingD. described完形填空:. From Monday to Friday most people are busy working or studying, and in the evening and weekends they are free and 1______ themselves. Some watch television or go to the movies, and others 2______ sports. This is decided by their own interests.Almost everyone has some kind of hobby. It may be something fromcollecting stamps to 3______ model planes. Some hobbies are very 4______,but others don’t cost anything at all. Some collections are worth alot of money, others are valuable(有价值的)only 5______ their owners.I know a man who has a coin collection worth several 6______ dollars.A short time ago he bought a rare(罕见的)fifty-cent piece which 7______him $ 250! On the other hand, my youngest brother collects match boxes.He has almost 600 of them, but I wonder 8______ they are worth any money.9______, to my brother they are quite valuable. Nothing makes him10______ than to find a new match box for his collection.That’s what a hobby means, I think. It is something we like to do inour free time just for the fun of it.1. A. love B. work C. enjoy D. play2. A. look like B. take care of C. think about D. take part in3. A. make B. making C. buying D. trade实用文档4. A. interesting B. exciting C. cheap D. expensive5. A. to B. with C. on D. in6. A. thousand B. thousands C. of D. thousand of7. A. paid B. cost C. took D. spent8. A. that B. if C. what D. why9. A. So B. If C. However D. And10. A. good B. happier C. faster D. quick KH38772 9774 靴= 35646 8B3E 謾H-27887 6CEF 泯32798 801E 耞35200 8980 覀32967 80C7 胇33776 83F0 菰24399 5F4F 彏实用文档。
