fisher 费希尔 高性能蝶阀 中文样本







费希尔调节阀手册的内容涵盖了以下方面:1. 费希尔调节阀的原理和工作机制:手册详细介绍了费希尔调节阀的工作原理,包括阀体、阀瓣、阀座和执行器等关键部件的功能和作用。


2. 费希尔调节阀的类型和规格:手册列举了不同类型的费希尔调节阀,包括常见的气动调节阀、电动调节阀和液动调节阀等。


3. 费希尔调节阀的安装和调试:手册提供了费希尔调节阀的安装步骤和注意事项。


4. 费希尔调节阀的操作和维护:手册详细介绍了调节阀的操作方法和常见故障处理。


5. 费希尔调节阀的应用案例:手册还提供了一些实际的应用案例,展示了费希尔调节阀在不同行业和领域的应用,如化工、石油、电力和制药等。




FISHER阀门 执行机构说明书

FISHER阀门 执行机构说明书
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FSE-ZSHW系列气动高性能蝶阀使用说明书上海费希尔阀门制造有限公司SHANGHAI FISHER VALVE MANUFACTURE CO.,LTD.销售地址:上海普善路128弄8号1003室邮编:200070 Sales Company Add:Room1003No.128-8Pushan Road Shanghai200070P.R.China 电话Tel:(8621)51822078QQ759109600传真Fax:(8621)51822077网址电子邮件E-mail:chfse@■概述气动高性能蝶阀采用中线金属密封结构,具有优良的调节性能,结构紧凑、体积小、重量轻、易于维护,广泛应用于介质温度≤120℃的二氧化碳(炉气或窑气)、浑浊气体等易结垢的特殊工艺管道。












Fisher r Sliding -Stem Valve Selection GuideTypical Fisher Sliding-Stem Control ValvesW8861W7957-2easy -e™GXTBX STEAM CONDITIONINGVALVEX0165⏹A broad range of Fisher valves,sizes,and materials is offered–from NPS 1/2for general service to NPS 20and larger for demanding high -pressure steam,hydrocarbon,and noise services.⏹FIELDVUE™digital valve controllers offer digital control and remote diagnostics.The traditional proven line of Fisher transducers,positioners,controllers,transmitters,and switches is also available.⏹ENVIRO -SEAL™and HIGH -SEAL packing systems areavailable on many designs to assist in compliance with environmental emissions requirements.⏹Whisper Trim™and Cavitrol™anti -noise andanti -cavitation trims are available for most designs.⏹Fisher products deliver excellent dynamic performance to minimize process variability,providing opportunities to improve your plant's financial performance.⏹Contact your Emerson Process Management sales office for details.Sliding-Stem Valve Selection GuideD102484X0122EZW2966B ESW3421-3GX CONTROL VALVE AND ACTUATORSYSTEMW8486-3Table 1.General Service and Heavy -Duty Valves (GX,EZ,and ES)GXEZ ESApplicationsCompact,state -of -the -art control valve and actuator system designed to control a wide range of process liquids,gases,and vapors.Capable of air supply pressures to 6.0barg (87psig),allowingvalve shutoff at high pressure drops.Heavy -duty general service for controlling liquidsand gases,including viscous and other hard -to -handle fluids.UOP applicationsHeavy -duty,general -service valve for clean liquidsand gases.Positive shutoff at seatStyleSingle port,flow up globe style valveStem -guided or port -guided Balanced or unbalanced Screwed -in seat ringSingle -seated,post -guided globe or angle valveUnbalancedSeat ring retained by spacerMetal or soft seatsCage -guided globe or angle valveUnbalanced Cage -retained seatSizesDN 15,20,25,40,50,80,and 100NPS 1/2,3/4,1,1-1/2,2,3,and 4DN 15,20,25,40,50,80,and 100NPS 1/2,3/4,1,1-1/2,2,3,and 4ES:DN 15through 200(NPS 1/2through 8)EWS:DN 100x 50through 600x 500(NPS 4x 2through 24x 20)RatingsPN 10to 40,CL150and 300PN 16,25,40,63and 100and CL125,150,300,and 600PN 10,16,25,40,63,or 100andCL150,300,or 600End ConnectionsFlanged raised -face per EN 1092-1andASME B16.5Screwed NPT internal,flat -or raised -face flanged,ring -type joint,socket -weld,and buttwelding endsScrewed NPT internal,flat -or raised -face flanged,ring -type joint,socket -weld and buttwelding endsValve Body MaterialsEN:1.0619steel,1.4409stainless steel,or CW2M ASME:SA216WCC steel,SA351CF3M stainlesssteel,or CW2MSteel,alloy steel,stainless steel (to EN,ASME,orASTM specifications)Steel,alloy steel,stainless steel (to EN,ASME,orASTM specifications)Valve Plug and Seat Ring (Trim)MaterialsStainless steel (316L)with optional alloy 6hardfacing or PTFE soft seatStainless steel with or without alloy 6on seat orseat and guide Soft seat is PTFE Stainless steel with or without alloy 6on seat orseat and guide Soft seat is PTFE Flow Characteristics and Maximum Flow CoefficientsEqual percentage or linear Maximum C v from 0.0389to 183.5Quick opening,linear,or equal percentageMaximum C v from 4.47to 190Quick opening,linear,or equal percentageMaximum C v from 6.53to 1110Shutoff Class (IEC 60534-4and ANSI/FCI 70-2)Class IV (standard with metal seats),Class V (optional with metal seats),or Class VI (optionalwith PTFE seats)Class IV (standard with metal seats),Class V (optional with metal seats),or Class VI (optionalwith soft or metal seats)Class IV (standard with metal seats),Class V (optional with metal seats),or Class VI (optionalwith soft or metal seats)Available Actuators (see section on Sliding -Stem Valve Actuators)GX multi -spring,pneumatic diaphragm657or 667spring and diaphragm;585C piston657or 667spring and diaphragm;585C piston3ED W3162-3ETW0451-3HP AND EHW5815-1Table 2.Heavy -Duty and Severe -Service Valves (ED,ET,HP,and EH)EDET HP and EHApplicationseasy -e heavy -duty,general -and severe -service valve for clean liquids and gases with higher pressure drops but where tight shutoff is notrequiredeasy -e heavy -duty,general -and severe -servicevalve for tight shutoff with clean liquids and gaseswith higher pressure drops and temperatures to232_C [450_F](to 316_C [600_F]with optional sealmaterials)For high -pressure and severe -service applications.Available with special trim to combat noise andcavitation.Often used in power generationapplicationsStyleCage -guided globe or angle valveBalanced trim Cage -retained seat Cage -guided globe or angle valveBalanced trim Cage -retained seatCage -guided globe or angle valve Balanced or unbalanced trimSizesDN 25through 200and NPS 1through 8(ED)DN 100x 50through 600x 500and NPS 4x 2through 24x 20(EWD)DN 25through 200and NPS 1through 8(ET)DN 100x 50through 600x 500and NPS 4x 2through 24x 20(EWT)DN 25through 500and NPS 1through 20RatingsPN 10,16,25,40,63,or 100,andCL150,300,or 600PN 10,16,25,40,63,or 100,andCL150,300,or 600DIN PN 160,250,420andCL900,1500,2500,or intermediate ASME ratingsEnd ConnectionsScrewed NPT internal,flat -or raised -face flanged,ring -type joint,socket -weld and buttwelding endsScrewed NPT internal,flat -or raised -face flanged,ring -type joint,socket -weld and buttwelding endsRaised -face flanged,ring -type joint,socket -weldand buttwelding ends Expanded ends Valve Body MaterialsSteel,alloy steel,stainless steel (to EN,ASME,orASTM specifications)Steel,alloy steel,stainless steel (to EN,ASME,orASTM specifications)Steel,alloy steel,stainless steel (to EN,ASME,orASTM specifications)Valve Plug and Seat Ring (Trim)Materials Stainless steel with or without alloy 6on seat orseat and guide Stainless steel with or without alloy 6on seat orseat and guide.Soft seat is PTFE Stainless steel with or without alloy 6on seat orseat and guide Flow Characteristics and Maximum Flow CoefficientsQuick opening,linear,or equal percentageMaximum C v from 17.2to 6500Quick opening,linear,or equal percentageMaximum C v from 17.2to 6500Linear,equal percentage or characterizedMaximum C v from 0.354to 2600Shutoff Class (IEC 60534-4and ANSI/FCI 70-2)Class II (standard)Class III or IV (optional depending on size)Class IV (standard with metal seats),Class V (optional with soft or metal seats),or Class VI(optional with soft or metal seats)Class II,III,IV or V (depending on size andconstruction)Available Actuators (see section on Sliding -Stem Valve Actuators)657or 667spring and diaphragm;585C piston657or 667spring and diaphragm;585C piston657or 667spring and diaphragm;585C piston4Figure 3.Three-Way,Cryogenic,and Lined Valves (YD and YS,ET-C and EZ-C,and RSS)YD AND YS W0665-3ET -C &EZ -CW6396RSSW4521-2Table 3.Three -Way,Cryogenic,and Lined Valves (YD and YS,ET -C and EZ -C,and RSS)YD and YSET -C and EZ -C RSSApplicationsThree -way valves for flow -mixing or flow -splitting service.The YS unbalanced,and the YD is balanced.easy -e stainless steel cryogenic valves for liquefiednatural gas and other special chemical and hydrocarbon applications with temperatures to-198_C (-325_F)Lined valve for severely corrosive or toxic process fluids.An economic alternative to alloy bodies.Limited in pressure and temperatureStyle Cage -guided three -way globe valvesBalanced or unbalanced trim Single -seated post -guided (EZ -C)or cage -guided(ET -C)globe valveUnbalanced (EZ -C)or balanced (ET -C)Metal seatsFully lined,single -seated,unbalanced globe valveIncludes bellows stem sealSizesNPS 1/2through 6DN80through 250x 200or NPS 3through10x 8(ET -C)DN 15through 100or NPS 1through 4(EZ -C)NPS 1through 4(face -to -face dimensions to DIN orANSI/ISA specifications)RatingsCL125,150,250,300,or 600PN 10,16,25,40,63,100and CL150,300,600CL150or 300End Connections Screwed NPT internal,flat -or raised -face flanged,ring -type joint,socket -weld and buttwelding ends Raised -face flanges Raised -face flanges Valve Body MaterialsCast iron,steel,alloy steel,stainless steel (to ASMEor ASTM specifications)Stainless steel (to ASME or ASTM specifications)Ductile iron with PFA liner Valve Plug and Seat Ring (Trim)MaterialsStainless steelStainless steel with or without alloy 6hardfacing onseatValve Plug and Seat Ring:Pure modified(reinforced)PTFEBellows:Heavy -duty PTFE (TFM1705)with 304L SSTsupport rings [Bellows is PTFE for NPS 1/2and 3/4valves]Flow Characteristics and Maximum Flow CoefficientsLinearMaximum C v 8.42to 567Quick opening,linear,or equal percentageMaximum C v from 13.2to 924Equal percentageMaximum C v from 0.212to 145Shutoff Class (IEC 60534-4and ANSI/FCI 70-2)Class II or IV (YD)Class IV or V (YS)Class IV (standard)0.05mL/min/psid/inch of port diameter (optionalfor ET -C)or Class V (optional for EZ -C)Class VI (soft seat)Available Actuators (see section on Sliding -Stem Valve Actuators)657or 667spring and diaphragm;585C piston657or 667spring and diaphragm;585C piston657or 667spring and diaphragm;585C piston5TBX (FLOWUP)TBX (FLOW DOWN)CVXTable 4.Steam Conditioning Valves (TBX Flow Up,TBX Flow Down,and CVX)TBX Flow UpTBX Flow Down CVXApplicationsHP,HRH,IP,LP Turbine BypassProcess steam Steam Let DownStyleFlow up design,hung trim configuration to thermally compensate rapid changes intemperature,incorporates a spraywater manifold of variable geometry AF nozzles that produce an optimized spray pattern over a wide operatingrange.Flow down design,hung trim configuration to thermally compensate rapid changes intemperature,incorporates a spraywater manifold of variable geometry AF nozzles that produce an optimized spray pattern over a wide operatingrange.Flow down design,hung trim configuration to thermally compensate rapid changes intemperature,incorporates a spraywater manifold of variable geometry AF nozzles that produce an optimized spray pattern over a wide operatingrange.SizesInlet Sizes:NPS 4-24Outlet Sizes:NPS 8-36Orifice TypeWelded or BoltedBolted Welded or BoltedEnd ConnectionsASME Buttweld or ASME Raised Face FlangeFlow CharacteristicsWhisper Trim III:Linear or WhisperFlo™:LinearWhisper Trim III:LinearStandard Drill Hole:LinearShutoff Class (IEC 60534-4and ANSI/FCI 70-2)Class V:Standard Class IV:OptionalValve Body and Bonnet Material and ConstructionSA105(Carbon Steel),SA182Grade F22(2.25Cr -1Mo),SA182Grade F91(9Cr -1Mo -V)Available ActuatorsSee Section on Sliding-Stem Valve Actuators6657and667585CW0363-1W6304-1585CLSW2795Table5.Sliding-Stem Valve Actuators(657,667,585C,and585CLS)657and667585C and585CLSFeaturesHeavy-duty actuators585C:Heavy-duty actuators585CLS:Heavy-duty actuators for large valves and valves with long travel StyleSpring-return pneumatic diaphragm 585C:Double-acting piston or spring-bias piston 585CLS:Double-acting pistonTypical Maximum Thrust,Lbf(Varies with Operating Pressure,Spring,and Construction)45,000585C:5890@125psig operating pressure585CLS:25,000@125psig operating pressure AccessoriesPneumatic or electro-pneumatic valve positioners,FIELDVUE digital valve controller,limit switches,position transmitters,handwheels,travel stops,and supply pressure filter-regulator 585C:I/P transducers,pneumatic or electro-pneumatic valve positioners, FIELDVUE digital valve controller,limit switches,position transmitters, handwheels,travel stops,and67CFR supply pressure filter-regulator 585CLS:I/P transducers,pneumatic valve positioners,limit switches, position transmitters,handwheels,travel stops,and supply pressurefilter-regulator76551008W0446BW0590Table 6.Sliding -Stem Valve Actuators (655and 1008)6551008FeaturesActuators for pressure regulation applicationsManual handwheel for applications that requirea throttling type of control valve that can be manually operated and setStylePressure -actuated,spring -and -diaphragmManual handwheel actuatorTypical Maximum Thrust,Lbf (Varies with Operating Pressure,Spring,and Construction)17,000AccessoriesTravel indicator,top -mounted handwheel/adjustable travel stop,stem sealand drain tapping for leakoffHandwheel lock,Tejax valve stem position indicatorOther actuators available are...⏹Full range of self -operated control valves,1B,643,644,645Alloy Valve Guidelines⏹Emerson Process Management expertise has combined its knowledge of metals and foundry techniques with valve user experience in creating high alloy valves that fight corrosion successfully.⏹Guidelines have been developed to help the valve user specify alloy valves correctly.Techniques have also been implemented that verify a foundry's ability to cast alloy valves properly and has established stringent specifications that guide the foundry in providing quality results.⏹Valve user guidelines include–Avoid the use of alloy tradenames,Don't specify wrought for cast,Forego non -destructive testing⏹Steps used to qualify a foundry include–Weldability tests to gauge the foundry's ability to pour alloy materials,Dedicating casting patterns solely to high -alloy service⏹Stringent specifications developed by Emerson Process Management include–Raw Material Composition and Quality,Heat Qualification,Visual Inspection,Weld Repair,Heat Treatment,and Nondestructive TestingSliding-Stem Valve Selection GuideD102484X012 Product Bulletin40:001March2013FIELDVUE DIGITAL VALVE CONTROLLERMOUNTED ON667ACTUATOR ANDeasy-e VALVEGX CONTROL VALVE AND ACTUATORSYSTEM W6307-1846ELECTRO-PNEUMATICTRANSDUCER MOUNTED ON A667ACTUATOR W7957-2W8861⏹A complete line of actuators and accessories for Fisher sliding-stem valves are offered that meet yourprice/performance expectations⏹FIELDVUE digital valve controllers are communicating,microprocessor-based controllers that utilize HART t andF OUNDATION t fieldbus protocols.Through digital communications,the controllers give easy access to actuator,valve,and instrument information that is critical to process operation.⏹AMS ValveLink t Software and AMS Suite:Intelligent Device Manager allow you to care for and maintain equipmentassets–such as valves,transmitters,analyzers,motors,pumps,etc.and plant unit equipment such as pipes, vessels,tanks,columns,reactors,digesters,etc.–to improve yields and minimize downtime of industrialmanufacturing processes.⏹Contact your Emerson Process Management sales office for detailsEmerson Process ManagementMarshalltown,Iowa50158USASorocaba,18087BrazilChatham,Kent ME44QZ UKThe contents of this publication are presented for informational purposes only,and while every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy,they are not to be construed as warranties or guarantees,express or implied,regarding the products or services described herein or their use or applicability.All sales are governed by our terms and conditions,which are available upon request.We reserve the right to modify or improve the designs or specifications of such products at any time without notice.Fisher,ValveLink,easy-e,Cavitrol,ENVIRO-SEAL,FIELDVUE,Whisper Trim,and WhisperFlo are marks owned by one of the companies in the Emerson Process Management business unit of Emerson Electric Co.Emerson Process Management,Emerson,and the Emerson logo are trademarks and service marks of Emerson Electric Co.All other marks are the property of their respective owners.Neither Emerson,Emerson Process Management,nor any of their affiliated entities assumes responsibility for the selection,use or maintenanceof any product.Responsibility for proper selection,use,and maintenance of any product remains solely with the purchaser and end user.。

Fisher ET系列直通阀(中文)

Fisher ET系列直通阀(中文)
S31600/CoCr-A 密封,带圆角密封
S41600, 带标准斜面密封
S41600,带圆角密封 (特殊设计)
独一无二的 ENVIRO-SEAL 填料系统(图 11)和 ENVIRO-SEAL 波纹管密封系统(图 10)适用于要求 遵守环境保护法规的应用。这个已获专利的排放控制 填料系统可将排放物含量保持在 EPA 要求的 100 ppm 以下。
HIGH-SEAL ULF 石墨填料系统(图 11)适用于无需 考虑环境因素的应用,可实现出色的阀杆密封。
密封 软密封 金属密封面
最低密封负载要求 请参见目录 14
300 磅/英寸(密封圆周线上)
表 4. VI 级阀内件材料
S31600 / ENC
S31600 / ENC ET
S17400 (17-4PH SST)
1. UHMWPE(超高分子量聚乙烯)。
S31600, 带标准斜面密封

Fisher A31A 中文样本

Fisher A31A 中文样本
当温度低于 -234°C(-425°F)时,可以使用低温延 长和密封,如需更多信息,可以参见产品样本 21.1: 深冷旋转阀。
1. 本说明书列出的阀门尺寸参照名义管道尺寸(NPS)。 2. 不得超过本手册(图 3)提出的压力 / 温度极限和各种适用的标准或规范所允许的极限值。 3. 为了发挥密封圈的最佳性能,首选的阀门定位在关断时从阀门的高压端看上去应该是固定环在下游。
最大入口压力 / 温度(2) 与 ASME B16.34 ■ 150 磅级和 ■ 300 磅级的压 力 / 温度等级相一致,更多信息请参见图 3
可选密封形式 见图 2 和表 1
标准结构材料 见表 1
蝶板涂层 硬质涂层(见表 1) ■ 使用 NOVEXTM 或 Phoenix Ⅲ ® 密封时为标准配置
填料法兰 防喷出法兰

六角螺母 螺栓
弹簧填料 组件 轴肩
A31A 阀门
润滑剂 六角螺母 防喷出法兰
典型 PTFE V 形环填料
图 4. 防喷出保护
见图 2
密封固定环 轴承
PTFE 密封环
腈材 O 型圈支撑环

Fisher 1061 执行机构中文样本

Fisher 1061 执行机构中文样本
近似重量 见表 2
1. 有效的执行机构扭矩基于特定结构和缸内压力。如需更多信息,请咨询艾默生过程管理费希尔销售办事处。 2. 不能超出本手册中温度 / 压力限制,或者适用的标准或规范的限定值。
61.2:1061 2004 年 3 月
1061 执行机构
图 2. 1061 型执行机构剖面
表 1. 90 度旋转角情况下的容积改变
图 7 所示为 1061 型执行机构的外形尺寸。这些尺寸应该 同时要结合考虑图 3 所示的安装位置。
执行机构锁止装置 1061 型执行机构(尺寸 30 到 100)可以选用锁止装置, 这样可以保证执行机构在维修过程中保持在锁定位置上
尺寸 40 到 100 的 1061 型执行机构的可调行程上限位安 装在特定执行机构气缸的上部。其顶部攻有螺孔以便限 位的安装。组件包括螺钉,锁紧螺母和压力密封。可以 通过定位该螺钉以限制执行机构杠杆在 30 到 90 度旋角 范围内向上行程。可以使用更长螺钉以实现更大范围的 行程限位。
292 11.50
292 11.50
292 11.50
345 13.62 452 17.81
345 13.62 452 17.81
图 3. 安装类型和位置(也可见表 3)
执行机构一般情况下是垂直向上安在水平管道上。但是 对每一种类型而言,四个安装类型和四个安装位置都是 可能的(见图 3)
顺着管道内液体流动的方向看,如果执行机构在管道右 侧,则执行机构是右装,如果在管道左侧,是左装。
61.2:1061 2004 年 3 月












Fisher 蝶型调节阀样本

Fisher 蝶型调节阀样本

©Fisher Controls International, Inc. 1997; All Rights ReservedProduct Flier PF51.6:8510BMarch 1997High-Performance Butterfly Valvesedisc, ENVIRO-SEAL, FIELDVUE, Fire-T ested, FloVue, Fisher, Fisher-Rosemount,Managing The Process Better, NOVEX, Phoenix III, POSI-SEAL, and ValveLinkare marks owned by Fisher Controls International, Inc. or Fisher-Rosemount Systems,Inc. HART is mark owned by the HART Communications Foundation, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.These products may be covered by one or more of the following patents (5,129,625;5,131,666; 5,056,757; 5,230,498; and 5,299,812) or under pending patent applications.l High-performance butterfly valves featuring tight shutoff andexcellent throttling performance l DIN and ANSI designsl DN 50 to DN 300 DIN and 2- to 36-inch ANSI sizesl Choice of seal materials--soft, metal, or fire-tested ™ metal-and-soft seall Temperatures to 538°Cl Pressures to DIN PN100 and ANSI Class 600l ENVIRO-SEAL ® packing systems to help ensure compliance withenvironmental emissions requirementsl FIELDVUE ® digital valve controllers offer digital control andremote diagnostics. The proven line of Fisher Controls positioners, controllers, transmitters, and switches also is available.D102454X412W68582Product Flier PF51.6:8510BHigh-Performance Valves for Excellent Flow Control and ShutoffAccurate Flow Control...Thevalves have a splined-and-clamped connections to positioning actuators for accurate throttling or on-off control. The valves are capable of throttling through 90 degrees of disc rotation with an approximately linear or modified equal percentage (Type 8532) characteristic.The splined-and-clamped valve-actuator connection reduces lost motion and deadband.The valves and actuators can be reversed from push-down-to-close to push-down-to-open in the field without additional parts.Excellent Shutoff...The soft andmetal seals are pressure assisted for excellent shutoff.Type 8510B edisc ® Valves ... for DIN or ANSI applications. Thevalves feature DIN dimensions and compatibility. The valve shaft is a through, balanced shaft.Also, the eccentric disc path reduces seating torquerequirements and seat wear.Type 8560 Valves...For ANSI applications. The Type 8560 valve is available with a Fire-Tested™seal that can meet fire-safe standards.Type 8532 Valves...This valveshares many features with the Type 8560 valve and is available in larger sizes.Type 8510 edisc ® Valves...The Type 8510 valve is an ANSI design version of the Type 8510B valve in 30- and 36-inch sizes. The 36-inch size is compatible with DIN flanges.W3542-2Typical Type 8510B and 8510 ConstructionA6936Pressure-Assisted Seals (Vertical Arrows Indicate Disc Position with no Pressure)DISC POSITION WITH NO PRESSUREDIREC-TION OF PRES-SUREDIREC-TION OF PRES-SURE3Product Flier PF51.6:8510BHigh-Performance Valves (Continued)Protection Against Process Fluid Emissions...Optional ENVIRO-SEAL ® packing systems provide a superior shaft seal to prevent the loss of valuable or hazardous process fluids. This live-loaded system provides longer packing life and reliability.Materials for SourService...Fisher Controls offers materials and manufacturing procedures for compliance with NACE (National Association of Corrosion Engineers) standard MR0175.POSI-SEAL™ Types A31A and A41...For less stringent throttling applications and for on-offapplications requiring the same excellent shutoff capabilities as the Type 8560 and 8532. The Type A31A and A41 valves connect to a rack-and-pinion piston actuator,manual handwheel actuator, or handlever.H.D. Baumann 21000 Series ...For applications that require anelastomer-lined valve in 2- through 6-inch sizes.Other Butterfly ValvesENVIRO-SEAL ® Packing System (Single PTFE V-Ring)W5806-1Type 8560 Valve with ActuatorW6213/IL4Product Flier PF51.6:8510BActuatorsType 1061 ActuatorType 1052 Actuator Type 1051 and 1052Pneumatic Diaphgragm Actuators...Rugged, heavy-duty spring-return actuators.These actuators are available with a variety of instrument accessories, handwheels,adjustable travel stops, and a maintenance lock-out device.Type 1061 Pneumatic Piston Actuator...Heavy-duty pistonThe High-Performance Valve Family (Continued)The Actuators are Available in anyof Four Styles and Positions (Abovethe Pipeline as Shown Here,Below, or Parallel with the Pipeline)actuator available with a variety of instrument accessories, handwheels and piston bypass valves, and a maintenance lockout device.Type 1077 Manual Handwheel Actuator...Available for manual-only operation.Actuator AccessoriesFIELDVUE ® Digital ValveController...Available mounted onType 1051 and 1052 actuators.Positioners andTransducers...Pneumatic positioners and electro-pneumatic positioners and transducers can be provided with these actuators.Position Transmitters, Solenoid Valves, Volume Boosters, and Limit Switches...Also available.RIGHT-HAND MOUNTINGLEFT-HAND MOUNTINGSTYLE DSTYLE CSTYLE B STYLE A A1579-4/ILActuators are Field-Reversible from Push-Down-to Close (PDTC) to Push-Down-to Open (PDTO)J407T13MOUNT-INGACTIONSTYLERight hand PDTC PDTOB A Left handPDTC PDTO C DW5978Product Flier PF51.6:8510B Selecting High-Performance ProductsOnly a few of the more commonly selected product materials, sizes,options, and accessories are covered in this flier.Contact your nearest sales office or sales representative (refer to the backcover) for assistance in selecting and sizing these products. More detailedspecifications are available on request.Selecting Valve ComponentsValve Type Selection (6)Valve Body Information (6)Primary Valve Component Materials (7)Temperature Capabilities of Selected Combinations (8)Inlet Pressure Ratings for M35-1 (Monel) Valves (8)Selecting an ActuatorType 1051 and 1052 Pneumatic Diaphragm Actuators (9)Type 1061 Pneumatic Piston Actuator (10)Selecting AccessoriesFIELDVUE® Digital Valve Controller (11)3610J Series Valve Positioners (12)Other Accessories (13)Reference InformationFlow Coefficients (14)Conversions for Other Sizing Equations (14)Typical Actuator-Valve Size Combinations (15)Actuator Size Selection (Shutoff Pressure Drop) (16)Dimensions (17)Typical Weights (18)Ordering Information (19)Sales Offices and Sales Representatives (20)56Product Flier PF51.6:8510BValve Body InformationJ407T02Valve Type SelectionJ407T01APPLICATIONSHUTOFFCLASSIFICATION PER IEC 534-4AND FCI/ANSI 70-2-1991SIZES,DN OR INCHES RATINGS, DIN PN OR ANSICLASS VALVETYPE NUMBERNOTESService Valve Body Tempera-tureSealDIN to DN 300 &to PN100 ratingWafer-style steel or stainless steel bodyto 232C PTFESee notes forstandard;Class VI isoptionalDN 50DN 80DN 100DN 150DN 200DN 250DN 30010, 25, 40, 63, & 10010, 25, 40, 63, & 10010, 25, 40, 63, & 10010, 25, 40, 63, & 10010, 25, 40, 63, & 10010 & 16 or 25 & 4010 & 16 or 25 & 408510BStandard shutoff for Type 8510B and 8510with PTFE seal is 2mL/minute of air per inch of valve size at a pressure drop of 3.4bar.Refer to pages 7 and 8 for more detailed information about materials and temperatures.The 30- and 36-inch sizes are compatible with DIN PN10 and PN 16 538°C S31600 (316stainless steel)1/10 of Class IV ANSI to 12-inch &to Class 600Wafer-style steel,stainless steel,CN7M (alloy 20)or M35-1 (Monel)bodyto 232°C PTFESee notes forstandard;Class VI is optional 234681012150/300/600150/300/600150/300/600150/300/600150/300/600150 or 300150 or 300to 538°C S31600 1/10 of Class IVANSI to 24-inch &to Class 300Wafer-style orsingle-flangesteel or stainless steel body to 204°C Soft VI346810121416182024150 or 3008560 (to 12-inch)or 8532(greater than 12-inch)to 538°C NOVEX seal 1/10 of Class IV is standard: Class V is optional to 232°C Phoenix III metal/softVI Phoenix III Fire-Tested seal VI ANSI 30- & 36-inch & Class 150rating Wafer-style steelor stainless steelbodyto 232°C PTFE See notes forstandard; Class V is optional 3036150 (per MSS SP-44)8510to 538°C S316001/10 of IVSizesTypeValve Body MaterialsFace-to-Face DimensionsMating Flange CompatiblityDIN or ANSIDN 50through DN 300 & 2through 12inches8510BDIN 1.0619 steel (17245) DIN 1.4581stainless steel, WCC steel, CF3M (316L stainless steel), M35-1 (Monel), & CN7M(alloy 20)DIN: 3202 Part 3/K2ANSI: API 609 for allClass 150 valves & for 3-through 6-inch Class 300Raised-face flanges; all sizes compatiblewith with schedule 80 and lighter welding-neck and slip-on flangesANSI3 through 24 inches 8560 &8532Steel, CF8M (316 stainless steel), & CG8M(317 stainless steel)API 609 & MSS SP68Raised-face flanges; all Type 8560 sizes compatible with schedule 80 and lighterwelding-neck and slip-on flanges 30 & 36inches8510WCB steel, CF8M (316 stainless steel), &CN7M (alloy 20)30-inch: 191 mm 36-inch: 222 mmClass 150 raised-face flanges (MSS SP44); compatible with schedule 40 and lighter welding-neck and slip-on flanges7Product Flier PF51.6:8510BPrimary Valve Component MaterialsJ407T03Phoenix III SealA6937Single-Flange ValveW6361RESILIENT INSERTBACKUP O-RINGDISCSEAL RINGGASKETRETAININGRINGVALVE BODYPartDIN or ANSI (Type 8510B: DN 50through DN 300)ANSI (Type 8560: 3- through12 inch)ANSI (Type 8532: 14-through 24-inch)ANSI (Type 8510: 30 &36-inch)NotesDiscn WCC steel, n CF3M (316L stainless steel, n 35-1 (Monel) or n CN7M (alloy 20)n CF3M or n CG8M (317stainless steel)n Steel or n CF8M (316stainless steel)n WCB steel, n CF3M (316 stainless steel), n M35-1 (Monel) or n CN7M (alloy 20)• PEEK is poly-ether-ether ketone• UHMWPE is ultra high-molecular weight polyethylene • Contact your sales office or salesrepresentative for moreinformation on ENVIRO-SEAL packingSealn PTFE composition (filled PTFE for CF3M valves) or n S31600(316 stainless steel)n PTFE or n UHMWPE with backup ring of:• nitrile • neoprene, •EPR, •fluoroelastomer, or • PTFE n NOVEX seal S31600(standard for Class 150) or Nitronic 60 (standard for Class 300)n S31600/PTFE Phoenix III or Phoenix III fire-tested seal with backup ring of:• nitrile • neoprene, • EPR, or • PTFEn PTFE, n UHMWPE,n NOVEX seal S31600(standard for Class 150) or Nitronic 60 (standard for Class300), n Phoenix IIImetal/fluoreoelastomer, orn Phoenix IIImetal/fluoreoelastomer fire-tested seal n PTFE composition orn S31600Bear-ingsn PTFE/Composition with S31603jacket, n S44004 (440C stainless steel) n alloy 6 with or without silver plating, n Filled PTFE with N04400 (Monel) or N08020 (alloy 20) jacketn PEEK/PTFE lined or n metal(NOVEX or Phoenix II sealsonly)n PEEK, n S31600, n alloy 6, or n bronze n PTFE/Composition with S31603 jacket, n S44004,n alloy 6B with or withoutsilver plating, or n FilledPTFE with N04400, or N08020 jacketValve shaftn S17400 (17-4PH stainless steel),n S20910 (Nitronic 50 stainless steel), n N05500 (Monel), n N10276 (alloy 276), or n N08020(alloy 20)n S17400 or n S20910n S17400 or n S20910n S17400, n S20910), n N05500, or n N08020Packing n PTFE V-ring, n PTFE-composition (both with oneconductive ring), n graphite ribbonrings, or n ENVIRO-SEAL packingn PTFE V-ring, n graphite, ornENVIRO-SEAL packing n PTFE V-ring, n graphite, or nENVIRO-SEAL packing n PTFE V-ring, n PTFE-composition (both with one conductive ring),n graphite ribbon rings, or n ENVIRO-SEAL packing (30-Iinch size only)8Product Flier PF51.6:8510BJ407T04Temperature Capabilities of Selected CombinationsOnly selected combinations are shown here. Consult the previous table and your sales office or sales representative for other combinations. For simplicity, only general material names are given here; refer to the previous tables for more complete descriptions. For Type 8510 and 8510B valves with PTFE bearings, limit maximum temperature to 207°C with water or steam.Inlet Pressure Ratings for M35-1 (Monel) Valve Bodies,BarJ407T15Temperature, °C150300600Note-29 to 389314920423215.813.813.112.712.341.336.534. is not listed in ASME/ANSI B16.34. The designations 150,300, and 600 indicate relativepressure-retaining capabilities and are not ANSI pressure-temperature rating classes.Valve BodyDiscShaftSealBearingsPackingTemperature,°CNoteTYPE 8510B--DN 50 to DN 300 or 3- to 12 INCH & 8510-- 30- & 36-INCHFor DIN valve bodiess, the minimumtemperature isnormally limited to -10°C. Contact your sales office or sales representative if lower temperatures are required and for pressure andtemperature limits with ENVIRO-SEAL packing..Steel Steel S17400PTFE S31600PTFE-composition S44004PTFE Graphite -29 to 232-29 to 427Stainless steelStainless steel S17400 or N20910PTFE PTFE-compositionPTFE -40 to 232Chrome-plated stainless steelS17400N20910S31600S31600Alloy 6Alloy 6Graphite Graphite -40 to 232-46 to 538TYPE 8510B--DN 50 to DN 300 or 3- to 12 INCHM35-1M35-1N05500PTFE PTFE-composition PTFE Graphite -40 to 232-46 to 232CN7MCN7MN08020PTFEPTFE-compositionPTFE Graphite -40 to 149-46 to 149TYPE 8560--3- to 12-INCHSteel Stainless steel S17400 or N20910PTFENOVEX sealPhoenix III sealPEEK/PTFE Metal PEEK/PTFE or metal PTFE Graphite PTFE -29 to 232-29 to 427-29 to 232Stainless steelStainless steelS17400PTFENOVEX sealPhoenix III sealPEEK/PTFE Metal PEEK/PTFE PTFE Graphite PTFE -46 to 232-29 to 427 -40 to 232N20910PTFENOVEX sealPhoenix III sealPEEK/PTFE Metal PEEK/PTFE PTFE Graphite PTFE -46 to 232-29 to 538-40 to 232TYPE 8532--14- to 24-NCH Steel Steel or stainlesssteel S17400 or N20910PTFE with PTFE backup ring NOVEX seal Phoenix III with EPR backup ring PEEK/PTFES31600PEEK/PTFEPTFE Graphite PTFE -29 to 204-29 to 538-29 to 204Stainless steelStainless steelS17400 or N20910N20910S17400 or N20910PTFE with PTFE backup ringNOVEX sealPhoenix III with EPR backup ringPEEK/PTFE S31600PEEK/PTFE PTFE Graphite PTFE-29 to 232-29 to 538-29 to 2329Product Flier PF51.6:8510BType 1051 and 1052 ActuatorsH419T40Type 1051 and 1052 pneumatic diaphragm rotary actuators are spring-return actuators that provide reliable operation for the valves in this flier.The Type 1051 actuator is suitable for on-off operation or for throttling operation when equipped with a valve controller or positioner. The Type 1052 actuator is suitable for on-off or throttling with or without a controller or positioner.These actuators feature single-joint linkage with splined-and-clamped levers for minimum lost motion and high control accuracy.The actuator-valve linkage iscompletely enclosed for safety, yet the packing adjustment isaccessible without removing any parts.Specifications...Refer to the table below and the actuator selection tables.Options...n Top-mounted handwheel, n Type 1078declutchable handwheel actuator,n Adjustable up- and down-travel stops, n Actuator lockingmechanism that keeps the actuator in a locked position duringmaintenance, and n Pipe-away vent for remote venting of the actuator housing.Accessories...n Pneumatic and electro-pneumatic valve postioners,n FIELDVUE ® digital valve controller, and n Limit and proximity switches.Size 33 ActuatorTypical Type 1052 ActuatorW3813-1W4742-1ACTUATOR SIZE NOMINAL OPERATING PRESSURERANGESMAXIMUM CASINGPRESSURE, BAR MAXIMUM VALVE BREAKOUT TORQUE, N•m AMBIENTTEMPERATURES, °CMATERIALSType 1051Type 1052BarPsigType 1051Type 1052Type 1051Type 1052- - -20n 0 to 1.2, n 0 to 2.3, and n 0 to 2.8n 0 to 11, n 0 to 33,and n 0 to 40- - - 4.1- - -42Nitrile: -40 to 82Silicone: -50 to 149Diaphragm: Nitrile (standard) or siliconeelastomersO-rings (for optional handwheel): Nitrile orEPDMHousing: Cast iron (standard) or steel Other Major Metal Parts: Aluminum, steel,or cast iron3333n 0 to 1.2, n 0 to 2.3, n 0 to 2.8, and n 0 to 3.8n 0 to 18, n 0 to 33,n 0 to 40, and n 0to 55 4.5851324040 5.23227306060n 0 to 1.2, n 0 to2.3, and n 0 to 2.8n 0 to 11, n 0 to 33,and n 0 to 40 3.46266460- - -70n 0 to 2.3, n 0 to 2.8, and n 0 to 3.8n 0 to 33, n 0 to 40,and n 0 to 55- - -4.5- - -1370Product Flier PF51.6:8510BType 1061 ActuatorsType 1061 pneumatic rotary actuators are double-acting piston actuators that provide reliable operation for the valves in this flier. The Type 1061 can be used with a two-position control signal for on-off operation or with a valve controller or positioner for throttling operation.These actuators feature single-joint linkage with splined-and-clamped levers for minimum lost motion and high control accuracy.The actuator-valve linkage is completely enclosed for safety, yet the packing adjustment is accessible without removing any parts.Specifications...Refer to the table below and the actuator selection tables.Options... n Type 1078 declutchable handwheel actuator with cylinder bypass valve, n Adjustable up- and down-travel stops, n Actuator locking mechanism that keeps the actuator in a locked position during maintenance, and n Pipe-away vent for remote venting of the actuator housing. Accessories...n Pneumatic and electro-pneumatic valve postioners and n Limit and proximity switches.H419T41W3827-1ACTUATORSIZE CYLINDER OPERATING PRESSURE, BAR MAXIMUM VALVEBREAKOUT TORQUE,N•mAMBIENTTEMPERATURES, °CMATERIALS MinimumRecommendedMaximum Allowable30Without positioner: 1.4With positioner: 0.35bar above actuatorrequirement 6.9282-34 to 82(to -50 with optionalmaterials)Cylinder and flange: AluminumPiston: Aluminum or nylon-coated aluminumO-rings: NitrileMounting yoke bushing: PTFEand steelSliding seal: BrassOther parts: Iron, aluminum,and stainless steel4010.384760 6.9113068 5.915408010.35080 10010.362901011Type DVC5020 Digital Valve ControllerW6161FIELDVUE digital valve controllers are communicating,microprocessor-based controllers that convert a current signal to a pressure signal to operate the actuator. Through the HART ®communications protocol, the controller gives easy access to actuator-valve information that is critical to process operation.The Type DVC5020 controller is available to mount on Type 1051and 1052 actuators.ValveLink™ Software...ValveLink software allows easy access to the information available from the FloVue ™ system. The software provides diagnostic information such as dynamic error band and Type DVC5020 Controller on a Valve and Actuator with Model 275HART CommunicatorFIELDVUE Valve Controller Physical SpecificationsSUPPLY PRESSURE, BAR OUTPUT SIGNALSTEADY-STATEAIRCONSUMPTION,Nm 3/hTEMPERATURELIMITSWEIGHTHOUSINGMinimum and RecommendedMaximumAs needed by actuator6.5Up to 95%of supply pressureLess than 0.3 at 1.4bar supply pressure-40 to 80°C 2.7kgIP 65 per IEC 529classificationH419T45H410T06H419T49FIELDVUE Controller Electrical SpecificationsELECTRICAL INPUTDIGITALCOMMUNICATION INPUT SIGNALAnalog InputSignalVoltageMinimum Control Current Minimum CurrentwithoutMicroprocessorRestartMaximum CurrentPolarity Protectionn 4 to 20, n 4to 12 or n or 12to 20 mA dc(user adjustable)12 Vdc minimumand 30 Vdcmaximum4.0 mA 3.5 mA 100 mA-30 Vdc minimum without damageHART 1200 baud frequency shiftkeyedFIELDVUE Digital Controller CertificationsINTRINSIC SAFETY INTRINSIC SAFETY OR NON-INCENDIVEFLAMEPROOFDIVISION 2EXPLOSION-PROOF LCIECSA (1) or FM (1)SAACENELECSAACSAFMCSA or FMEEx ia IIC T5Class I, Division1, Groups (1) A,B, C, DT5 (T amb 80°C)Ex n IIC T5, T6Ex ia IIC T4, T5, T6EEx d IIB + H 2T5 (T amb 80°C)EEx d IIB + H 2T6 (T amb 80°C)Class I Division 2,Groups A, B, C, D Class II, Division 2,Groups E, F, G Class I Division 2,Groups A, B, C, D Class II, Division 2, Groups F, G Class I Division 1,Groups B, C, D Class II, Division 1,Groups E, F, G1. Contact your nearest sales office or sales representative for the appropriate FM entity ratings and CSA parametric ratings for each group.123610J Series Valve PositionersThe 3610J Series pneumatic and 3620J Series electro-pneumatic valve positioners can be used with Type 1051, 1052, or 1061actuators for accurate valvepositioning in throttling applications.The positioners provide accurate,fast response and can withstand the vibrations in most plants.The positioners are easilyreversible for direct or reverseaction without additional parts.The 3610J positioners are single acting for Type 1051 and 1052actuators, and the 3610JPpositioners are double acting for Type 1061 actuators.Options...n Supply pressure gauge, n Tire valves for clip-on gauges, and n Integrally mounted bypass valve for single-acting actuatorsH419T42H419T43H419T443610J and 3620J Positioner SpecificationsTypeInput SignalSupply PressureOperative TemperatureWEIGHTConnections3610J and 3610JPn 0.2 to 1.0 or n 0.4 to 2.0 bar n 3 to 15 orn 6 to 30 psig0.3 bar above the actuatorrequirement up to 10.3 barmaximum-40 to 80°C2.5kg Pressure and VentConnections: 1/4-inch NPTType 3620J and JPConduit:1/2 NPT3620J and3620JP4 to 20 mA constant current with30 Vdc maximum compliancevoltage; equivalent circuit is 120ohms shunted by three 5.6 V zenerdiodes 0.3 bar above the actuator requirement up to 10.3 barmaximum -40 to 80°C 3.6 kg3610J and 3620J Series Capacities and HousingTypeSUPPLYPRESSURE, BARSUPPLY AIR DEMAND, Nm 3/hAir Consumption, Nm 3/hHousing (Types 3620Jand 3620JP)3610J and 3620J1.413Type 3610J: 0.40 at 1.4 bar supplyType 3620J: 0.49 at 1.4 bar supplyIP 54 per IEC 529classification(weatherproof), NEMA 3;vent should be on the sideor bottom for weatherproofapplications2.4173610JP and 3620JP5.237Type 3610JP: 0.64 at6.9 bar supplyType 3620JP: 0.93 at 6.9 bar supply6.946Type 3622 Electro-Pneumatic Converter CertificationsINTRINSIC SAFETY ORNON-INCENDIVE INTRINSICSAFETY OR NON-INCENDIVEFLAMEPROOF DIVISION 2EXPLOSION-PROOF PTBCSA (1)or FM (1)SAALCIESAACSAFMCSA or FMEEx ia IIC T6Class I,Division 1,Groups (1) A, B,C, D T5Ex ia IIC T4Ex n IIC T4EEx d IICT6Ex d IIB T6Class I Division 2, Groups A, B,C, DClass II, Division2, Groups E, F,GClass I Division2, Groups A, B,C, D Class II,Division 2,Groups F, G Class I, Division1, Groups A, B,C, D Class II Division1, Groups E, F, G1. Contact your nearest sales office or sales representative for the appropriate FM entity ratings and CSA parametric ratings for each group.W4920-1*Type 67AFR Filter-Regulator...The Type 67AFR provides constantly controlled supply pressure to actuator accessories system. This Type 67AFR Filter-Regulator SpecificationsOUTLET PRESSURE SETTINGS MAXIMUM INLETPRESSURE(BODY RATING) ,BARMAXIMUMDIAPHRAGMPRESSURE, BARTEMPERATURECAPABILITIESCONNECTIONSMAXIMUM FLOWCOEFFICIENT,CvWEIGHT,kgBar Psig0.2 to 1.2 0.3 to 2.1 2.1 to 3.4 2.4 to 5.53 to 205 to 3530 to 6035 to 10017.23.4 over outletsetting or 7.6,whichever isgreaterNitrile diaphragmand plug: -29 to82°CFluoroelastomerdiaphragm andplug: -18 to 149°CInlet and Outlet: 1/4-inchNPT femaleVent: n 6.4 mm hole orn 1/4-inch NPT female0.280.7H410T13Type 646 or 846 Electro-Pneumatic Transducers...These transducers convert a standard 4 to 20 mA dc signal to a proportional pneumatic signal. Certifications aren CE Mark to EMC directive (electromagnetic compatibility);n Contact your nearest sales office or sales representative for intrinsic safe and flameproof ratings.Type 2626 Volume Booster...The volume booster can be used inconjunction with a postioner to increase actuator stroking speed.Others...n High-pressure supply pressure regulators, n proximity switches, n microswitches,n solenoid valves, and n signal volume boosters.Contact your nearest sales office or sales representative for more information.regulator features an internal filter and limited-capacity internal relief, allowing partial reduction of downstream pressure.Other Accessories Type 3065 Limit Switch BoxThe limit switch box can be installed on the Type 3024S actuator to hold proximity or microswitches, which can turn on an alarm or display device when a pre-set limit is reached. Additional microswitches are available.The device has separate cams for open and closed positions, and adjustment of one cam does not affect the other.Certifications...CE Mark to EMCdirective n EN 50081 andn EN 50082plicatedadjustments are not required.StandardizedInstallation...Covered by IEC534-6 (NAMUR). The box can besupplied with a mounting kit.W6682BW50751314Selected Flow CoefficientsJ407T05Conversions for Other Sizing EquationsFollowing are conversions for use with other common sizing equations.K V = (0.865) C V C 1 = 39.76(√X T )C g = C V C 1K m = F L 2C S = 1/20 (C g ). C s is only applicable for inlet pressures up to 70 bar(a).Line-to-Valve Size Ratios Greater than 1-to-1Contact your nearest sales office or sales representative for information on deteriming the F P , the piping geometry factor.VALVE SIZEValve Rotation, Degrees (Line Size Equals Valve Size)103060901030609010306090DINInchesCFXDIN or ANSI (Type 8510B Normal Flow--Seal Retainer Upstream)DN 50DN 80DN 100DN 150DN 200DN 250DN 300234681012 2.256.2911.932.286.492.115119.948.282.522138247173258.91372225438891510226080.2247434921180035704880- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -. (Type 8532 Seal Side of Valve Facing Downstream)Class 150- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -141618202495129166208322995946122015202370398054206960873013 5406320860011 05013 85021 500- - -. 300- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -1416182024102136173214329747995127015702420306040705180641098806790905011 50014 25021950- - -. (Type 8510 Normal Flow--Seal Retainer Upstream)- - -- - -3036105015004550651015 40022 00035 00050 000- - -.。

艾默生 Fisher FIELDVUE DVC7K-H数字式阀门控制器 数据表

艾默生 Fisher FIELDVUE DVC7K-H数字式阀门控制器 数据表

产品样本D104765X0CN2024 年 5 月Fisher™ FIELDVUE™ DVC7K-H数字式阀门控制器DVC7K-H 数字式阀门控制器产品样本2024 年 5 月 D104765X0CNFIELDVUE DVC7K-H 数字式阀门控制器性能可靠、简便直观,其诊断功能有助于优化设备性能。

将 4 - 20 mA 的输入信号转换为气动输出信号,可控制阀门上的执行机构。

使用简单易用的本地用户界面 (LUI),在执行设置和配置程序、检查阀门健康状况并通过 Advice At Device 获得维护建议。


特征可靠性无连杆、非接触式位置反馈⸺如图 1 所示,高性能无连杆反馈系统可消除阀杆与仪表之间的物理接触。




经久耐用⸺根据 ISA.75.13 标准,DVC7K 中经现场验证有保形涂层的电子设备可抵御振动、温度和腐蚀性空气的影响。




易于使用增强安全性⸺DVC7K 是一种 HART ®通信设备;可在回路的任何位置访问信息。


本地用户界面 (LUI)⸺本地用户界面中的全文显示可通过六个按键 LUI(图 2)轻松浏览。



阀门健康状况⸺使用 NE 107 LED 指示灯可远程识别阀门组件的健康状况。



指挥器作用式调压器 指挥器作用式调压器适用于高流速或需要精确压力 控制的情况。典型的指挥器控制系统使用“双向”控 制。在这种控制方式 下,主要的皮膜迅速对下游压 力变化作出响应,从而在主要的阀塞位置产生即时 的校正。与此同时,指挥器皮膜使减小后的入口压 力转向到主要皮膜的另一边,从而,控制主要阀塞 的最终位置。双向控制可以得到快速的响应。
美 国 1098-EZR 天 然 气 调 压 器 国 FISHER 减 压 阀 / 燃 气 调 压 器 / 燃 气 调 压 器
简介 仪器工 程师们都认为,一种系统只要能具备足够的 控制功 能,那么,它的结构便越简单越好。总的来
说,调压器是比控制阀更简化的设备系统。调压器 是一种 自我容纳、自我操作的控制设备,它利用控 制系统 本身的能量进行操作,而控制阀则需要外部 的电源 、传输设备和控制设备。
入 口压 力 出 口压 力 大 气压
图 1. 627 型自力式调压器和 操作简图
入口 压力 负载 压力 大气 压
图 2. 1098-EGR 型指挥器作用式ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้压器 及其操作简图
调压器的具体类型 在广泛的自力式调压器和指挥器作用式调压器划分 中,包含了所有常规调压器设计,有:
● 减压调压器 ● 背压调压器 ● 压力放散阀 ● 转压调压器 ● 真空调压器和断路器
在操作 过程中,自力式调压器通过内置式压力记录 或一条 外部控制线路来感应下游的压力。该下游压 力压迫 着一条弹簧装置,通过移动皮膜和阀芯来改 变通过 调压器的流通路径的大小。
调压器的类型 这一节 中介绍了不同型号的调压器、所有的调压器 都可以被 划分成以下两种类型:
1. 直接作用式(也称作自控型) 2. 指挥器控制式




TRA VEL=##·#%—目前调节阀的阀位,以百分度表示;##·# MA—目前提供给调节阀的输入信号,以mA表示;##·# BAR—目前提供给调节阀的气压信号,以BAR、PSI或MPA表示;SWITCH1—目前可选的限位开关的状态,接在+41和-42端子上;SWITCH2—目前可选的限位开关的状态,接在+51和-52端子上;PROTECTION—指示就地界面是否需要保护,ON表示带有保护并且就地不能进行组态或调校;基本设置一、语言的设置仪表里有七种语言可供选择:有English(英语)、French(法语)、German(德语)、Italian(意大利语)、Spanish(西班牙语)、Chinese(中文)和Japanese(日语) 见图3-2,要进入语言选择菜单首先要同时一起按下面板上的四个按键3秒钟,然后使用向上▲或向下▼方向键来选择合适的语言,并按右方向键►去确定你的选择。







Fisher 3610&3620 中文样本

Fisher 3610&3620 中文样本
(1.1 版本)测试,满足 A 级设备泄漏标准(工业方面)
最大输入气源消耗(3) 3610J 及 3620J 型: 20 Psig(1.4 Bar)输入气源:13标准m3/h(490 scfh) 35 Psig(2.4 Bar)输入气源:17标准m3/h(640 scfh) 3610JP 及 3620JP 型: 75 Psig(5.2 Bar)输入气源:37标准m3/h(1380 scfh) 100 Psig(6.9 Bar)输入气源:46 标准m3/h(1700 scfh)
62.1:3610 2004 年 10 月
3610J 与 3620J 定位器
3610J 和 3620J 系列定位器
3610J,3610JP 气动定位器及 3620J,3620JP 型电- 气定位器与单作用或双作用的旋转式执行机构相结合用 于控制阀在调节应用中的精确定位。定位器一体式安装 在执行机构箱体上。这些可靠的定位器使阀门位置成正 比于气动或直流电流输入信号。
工作温度限制(1,4) -40-82°C(-40-180°F)
- 待续 -
62.1:3610 2004 年 10 月
3610J 与 3620J 定位器
3620J 系列电气等级 危险区域
3620J 和 3620JP 型: 壳体和接线盒盖:低铜铝合金
隔爆,防火星,DIV 2,本安
为了进行阀门 / 执行机构 / 定位器组件的诊断性测试,可 以在 3610J 或 3620J 系列定位器和执行机构之间安装接 头,管道和其他硬件。
图 1. 3620JP 型电-气定位器安装于 1061 型执行机构 及 V500 型阀门






工作站)。 缺点:结构复杂、推力小、价格贵,适用于防爆要求不太高
DVC2000 智能定位器
流开、流闭各有利弊:流开型阀 门工作比较稳定,但自洁性和密 封性较差,寿命短。流闭型的阀 寿命长、自洁性和密封性好,但 当阀杆直径小于阀芯直径时稳定 性差。
当冲刷严重或有自洁要求时选择 流闭。两位型快关特性调节阀选 择流闭。
六期Fisher电动调节阀 循环水至汽轮机冷油器冷却水调节阀
调节阀=执行机构+阀体部件 其中,执行机构是调节阀的推 动装置,它按信号压力的大小 产生相应的推力,使推杆产生 相应的位移,从而带动调节阀 的阀芯动作。
数字式阀门定位器 接受阀门行程位置 的反馈,以及供气 压力、执行机构的 气动压力+4~20mA 电信号
80年代末(日本)精小 型调节阀出现,在结构 方面,将单弹簧的气动 薄膜执行机构改为多弹 簧式薄膜执行机构,并 将弹簧直接置于上下膜 盖内,使支架大大地减 小减轻;它的突出特点 是使调节阀的重量和高 度下降30%,流量提高 30%。
不同的阀笼形状决定了阀门的不同流量特性 以等百分比特性为最优,其调节稳定,调节性能好。
按流向不同分为:流开和流关(闭) 流开:在阀芯节流处介质流动方向与阀门打开方向相同。 流关:在阀芯节流处介质流动方向与阀门关闭方向相同。



执行结构 安装连接板
4. 锁紧阀卫行程连接销Travel Pin外侧 的螺母Cap Nut
5. 执行定位器调校步骤
零点调 整螺丝 Lumax
正作用区 满度调整
•反作用执行机构(FC-Fail Close,失气关,气开失)
•FO-Fail Open,失气开,气关式阀门
•FC-Fail Close,失气关,气开失阀门



Sliding Stem Valve SpecificationCustomer: Star Controls Engineering Co Pte LtdContact: Contact: Hardy ZhuCustomer Reference: Sales Office Reference: Lead Time:序号: 1 Rev: Qty: 1 Quote: Rev:位号: Date Last Modified: 01/04/2013描述: NPS 1 EZ Origin Cert PL 667 Size 30 DVC6200 SS ATEX Compliance -N.A. Process Level 3位置: 定位器型号: DVC6200,Performance-PD 尺寸及型号: NPS 1 EZ 输入信号: 4 to 20 mA dc阀门形式: Globe 附件: 67CFR Filter/Regulator设计温度: 104 deg C 压力表: 0-60 psig/0-0.4 mPa设计压力: 4.3 MPa(g) 作用形式: Direct端部连接: CL600 RF 防爆证书: Ex iaII CT4,IP65材质: WCC Steel Controller Type:阀门口径: 1 Action:流向: Up Measure Element:阀芯号: 101 Range:阀笼材质: Output:阀座保持环: CB7Cu-1 SST Mounting:轴套材质: S17400 SST Airset:阀座材质: S41600 SST Mounting:阀塞 : Transducer:材质: S41600 SST Input Signal:导向套: Post Output Signal:是否平衡: Unbalanced Action:关断等级: ANSI CL IV Mounting:通径: 1/2 Inch Airset:流量特性: Micro-Form Certifications:阀杆材质: S31600 SST 管道入口尺寸: 2 in, SCH STD阀杆尺寸: 3/8 Inch 管道出口尺寸: 2 in, SCH STD阀盖形式: Plain 保温:执行机构支架连接面尺寸: 2 1/8 工况:填料: Single PTFE 介质: Water附件: No 饱和蒸汽压:螺栓螺母: SA-193-B7 Studs/2H Nuts 关断压降:填料压盖: SST Pkg Flg, SST Studs & Nuts执行机构: Spring & Diaphragm型号/尺寸: 667/30行程: 3/4 Inch弹簧压缩系数: 16-30 psi作用形式: PDTC供给: Air膜头气源压力: 0 to 33 psig失气形式: Close手轮: Top Mounted Handwheel Max Rated Cv: 4.91 Variable Name 参数名称 Unit单位Normal Maximum Mass flow rate Liquid (wl) 流量kg/h 2061.2600 3435.4300Inlet Pressure (P1) 进口压力MPa(g) 4.300000 4.300000Pressure Change (dP) 压降kPa 664.600 281.700Temperature (T1) 温度deg C 104.0000 104.0000SG 比重0.958 0.958Kinematic Viscosity (Nu) 粘度cSt 0.283 0.283Vapor Pressure (Pv) 饱和蒸汽压psia 16.937 16.937Sizing Coefficient (Cv) Cv值0.946 2.428% Open 开度46.12 73.54NOTES: 备注。

费希尔 A41 系列高性能蝶阀 说明书

费希尔 A41 系列高性能蝶阀 说明书

PF51.6:A41(IV )2004年8月A41型1费希尔A41系列高性能蝶阀目录前言手册内容范围.......................................................1应用场合..............................................................2执行机构..............................................................2附件 (2)选择阀体部件阀体规格..............................................................3阀体结构材质与温度极限 (5)选择执行机构1035型执行机构 (6)选择附件FIELDVUE 数字式阀门控制器............................113710和3720型阀门定位器..............................12其它附件 (12)参考信息流量系数............................................................14其它计算等式的转换.........................................17外形尺寸............................................................18近似重量............................................................21订购信息 (22)前言手册内容范围本产品简介只包括一些比较常用的产品材质、尺寸、选项、以及附件。



上海费希尔阀门制造 ZSHWR 空分系统制氧机、制氮机专用蝶阀 说明书

上海费希尔阀门制造 ZSHWR 空分系统制氧机、制氮机专用蝶阀 说明书

ZSHWR空分系统制氧机、制氮机专用蝶阀使用说明书上海费希尔阀门制造有限公司SHANGHAI FISHER VALVE MANUFACTURE CO.,LTD.销售地址:上海普善路128弄8号1003室邮编:200070 Sales Company Add:Room1003Unit8No.128Pushan Road Shanghai,200070P.R.China 电话Tel:021-********传真Fax:021-********网址电子邮件E-mail:***************.cn目录1用途-----------------------------------------------------------------------------1 2结构-----------------------------------------------------------------------------1 3主要技术参数-----------------------------------------------------------------2 4主要外形尺寸-----------------------------------------------------------------2 5吊装与贮存--------------------------------------------------------------------4 6开箱与检查--------------------------------------------------------------------4 7安装、使用与操作-----------------------------------------------------------4 8维护与保养--------------------------------------------------------------------5 9可能发生的故障及消除方法-----------------------------------------------51用途上海费希尔ZSHWR 蝶阀是为空分系统制氧机、制氮机设计的专用蝶阀,使用安全可靠,用以切断和调节介质的流量或压力。

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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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只有首先 ● 在阀门、执行机构与附件的安装、操作和 维修方面经过全面培训与合格的及 ● 精心阅读与了解 本手册内容的人员才可安装、操作或维修 8532 型阀门。
图 1. 8532 型阀门配装 1061 型执行机构与 DVC6020 型数字阀门控制器
若有关于这些说明内容的任何问题,请在进行工作前联 系你地区的艾默生过程管理销售办事处。
指导手册 书号 5288 2005 年 10 月
8532 型高性能蝶阀
8532 型
前言 ....................................................................... 1 手册内容范围 ................................................... 1 产品说明 ........................................................... 1 技术规格 ........................................................... 2
-100 0 800
100 200
0 -200 100 200 400
300 400 500 600 700 800 55
316 不锈钢
600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
安装 ....................................................................... 4 阀门方向 ........................................................... 5 阀门安装前 ....................................................... 5 调整执行机构行程限位或行程 ......................... 7 安装阀门 ........................................................... 7 填料的调整与阀轴的电气连接 ......................... 8
S20910(Nitronic 50)
-198 至 538
-325 至 1000
S17400(17-4 PH 1025)
-73 至 454
-100 至 850
S17400(17-4 PH H1150M)
-196 至 454
-320 至 850
-73 至 260
腈橡胶 O 型圈支撑环
-29 至 93
-20 至 200
聚氯丁橡胶 O 型圈支撑环
-43 至 149
-45 至 300
乙烯-丙烯橡胶(EPR)O 型圈支撑环
-54 至 182
-65 至 360
氟橡胶 O 型圈支撑环
-29 至 204
-20 至 400
聚四氟乙烯 O 型圈支撑环
-73 至 204
-20 至 200
聚四氟乙烯 O 型圈支撑环
-73 至 93
-100 至 200
Phoenix III 与 / 或防火结构
S31600 与 PTFE 密封件环带腈橡胶 O 型圈支撑环
-40 至 149
-40 至 300
聚氯丁橡胶 O 型圈支撑环
-54 至 140
-65 至 300
乙烯-丙烯橡胶(EPR)O 型圈支撑环
0 800 700 600 500 400 300 1 200 100
100 200 300 400 55
-100 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800850 操作温度,°F
300 磅级,软密封
300 磅级,NOVEX 密封
注意: 1 由于可能发生腐蚀结果与密封失效,在压力大于 20.7 巴(300 磅 / 英寸2压差),且蝶板角度小于 20°开度的调节应用场合下,不推荐使用 聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)密封
注意: 2 温度界限中并没考虑到密封中使用的支撑环所引起的限制。要确定 相应密封件 / 支撑环组合件的有效温度界限,请查阅表 2
-100 至 400
UHMWPE(4) 密封环(仅 150 磅级)
腈橡胶 O 型圈支撑环
-29 至 93
-20 至 200
聚氯丁橡胶 O 型圈支撑环
-43 至 93
-45 至 200
乙烯-丙烯橡胶(EPR)O 型圈支撑环
-54 至 93
-65 至 200
氟橡胶 O 型圈支撑环
-29 至 93
备件定购 .............................................................. 18 备件参考清单 ....................................................... 19
本指导手册包括尺寸为14至24英寸8532型高性能蝶阀 (见图 1)的安装、维修与备件定购资料。涉及执行机构 与附件的有关资料,请查阅单独出版的指导手册。
-100 至 500
-198 至 816
-325 至 1500
聚四氟乙烯填料与 PTFE ENVIRO-SEAL 聚四氟乙烯环保密封填料
-54 至 232
-65 至 450
-198 至 916
-325 至 1500
-198 至 538
-325 至 1000
图 2. 最大压力-温度额定值
8532 型
书号 5288 2005 年 10 月
表 2. 材料温度额定值
碳钢(WCC 或 SA 516 70)(5)
-29 至 427
-20 至 800
CF8M(316 不锈钢)ANSI 150 等级
-198 至 538
除非另外注明,所有涉及 NACE 都指 NACE MR01752002。
注意 无论艾默生、艾默生过程管理、费希尔或任何 相关联的公司实体均不承担对任何产品的选 型、使用或维修的责任。正确选型、使用与维 修任何费希尔产品的责任仍完全由购买者与 最终用户承担。
本阀门可提供无法兰对夹式阀体或单法兰(带凸耳)阀 体型式,并配备各种密封件与内部组成零件。压力辅助 密封可提供紧密的关断性能。上(花键连接的)阀轴配 备有各种气动活塞或弹簧-膜片式执行机构。最大入口 压力 / 温度等级符合 150 与 300 磅级。
-62 至 204
-80 至 400
Байду номын сангаас
氟橡胶 O 型圈支撑环
-40 至 232
-40 至 450
NOVEX S31600 密封(3) 环(150 磅级)
-29 至 538
-20 至 1000
NOVEX S31600 密封(3) 环(300 磅级)
-29 至 816
-20 至 1500
NOVEX S21800 密封环(300 磅级)

8532 型
表 1. 技术规格 阀门尺寸与端面连接形式
■ 14、■ 16、■ 18、■ 20 与 ■ 24 英寸阀门,或 者 ■ 对夹型(无法兰)或 ■ 单法兰(带凸耳),凸面 法兰,ANSI 150 或 300 磅级
最大压降(1) 按 ASME B16.34 规定符合 ANSI 150 与 300 磅级压 力-温度等级,除非受到图 2 中给定数值进一步限制
流量系数比(2) 100 比 1
噪音水平 有关声 / 压水平的推算见费希尔产品目录 12
阀门在管线中的安装位置 阀轴呈水平,见图 4
阀门 / 执行机构的动作 在配装膜片或活塞式旋转执行机构情况下,可在下列 两种动作之间实现现场正反作用的转换: ■ 下推关闭(执行机构推杆伸出就关闭阀门)及 ■ 下推打开(执行机构推杆伸出就打开阀门)
阀体分类 端面到端面的尺寸符合 MSS SP68 与 API 609 标准 的要求;阀体是根据安装在 ASME B16.5 等级 150 与 300 磅级凸面法兰之间而设计的
蝶板旋转 顺时针方向(由驱动轴端观察)旋转 90 度关闭
阀轴直径与近似重量 见表 3 与表 4
ENVIRO-SEAL® 环保密封填料 该可选填料系统可以提供优良的密封导向和分布载荷 的性能,能有效防止液体和气体的外泄漏。有关 ENVIRO-SEAL 环保密封填料的供货的问题,请联系 你地区的艾默生过程管理销售办事处
压差,磅 / 英寸 2
30 400
316 不锈钢
10 100
压差,磅 / 英寸 2 压差,巴
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000