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图 6—电源选择的跳线位置
上海費波自控技術有限公司 Tel:021-64850022 Fax:021-64958998
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2. 介绍
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z 滤波:每个通道在配置菜单中单独设定
2.5 系统的硬件结构
Micro2Chem 硬件结构是模块系统,因此根据特定应用要求只有电气 pc 板需 要安装,这样对于用户有很大的灵活性,也可降低相关成本。根据下面的图表不
同的 pc 板安装在四个单独的层面上: Pc 板的第一层(底层): A:电源 pc 板。电源为 115 或 230Vac,50/60Hz(硬件可选) B:数字 I/O 板。通过继电器输出开关量,额定:24Vdc/ac,2A 最大。 C:可选串行通讯 pc 板:标准提供 RS485,RS422 和 RS232。 PC 板的第二层面(模拟输入/输出) D:通道 1 E:通道 2(可选) F:通道 3(可选) PC 板的第三层面(主板) PC 板的第四层面(顶端)
Instruction Manual 4000 Series Digital Portable AnalyzerService Department(800) 458-6153 ext. 121(818) 882-2331 ext. 121FAX(818)341-0642E-mail:************************THIS P AGE INTENTIONALL Y LEFT BLANKTABLE OF CONTENTSSECTION TITLE PAGE1.0 Equipment DescriptionFront Panel 4Rear Panel 6Right Side Panel 7Internal components 8 2.0 Operating InstructionsSetting the Alarm 9Zeroing the Instrument 10Sampling 11 3.0 CalibrationIntroduction 12Sample Bag & Pressurized Cylinder Calibration 14Calibration Procedure 15 4.0 General MaintenanceBattery Life 16Battery Charging & Replacement 16Water loss in Refillable Sensors 18Long Term Storage 23Post Storage Startup 235.0 Troubleshooting 246.0 Warranty 257.0 Return Authorization 268.0 AppendixINTERFERING GAS DATA 27SCRUBBER INFORMATION 31Note:It is not necessary to calibrate the monitor whenreceived from the Interscan or an authorized distributor.All Interscan monitors are calibrated at the factory prior toshipment.The Interscan 4000 Digital series operates on the principle of pullinga sample (Sample draw) through a sensor. The Electrochemicalsensor is manufactured by Interscan. Electrochemical means thatit produces an electrical current proportional to the level of gaspassing through. The large size of the Interscan sensors results inlarger reactive surface area which yields greater sensitivity. Equipment Description(fig. 1)Designation FunctionLCD Display:Indicates gas level when function switch is inZERO, SAMPLE INACTIVE or SAMPLEACTIVE, and battery level when on BAT.TEST A or B.ALARM Light:LED. Flashes ON/OFF when alarm setpoint is exceeded.ALARM SET:25-Turn potentiometer with a screwdriveradjustment. Sets the alarm trip point at thedesired gas level. (low alarm set must begreater than 5% of the full scale).SPAN/CAL:25-Turn potentiometer with a screwdriveradjustment. Sets display to correspond to theconcentration of the calibration gas used forcalibrating the instrument or to the levelspecified on ECS certificate.FUNCTION SWITCH:Rotary switch as follows:OFF:Analyzer power is OFF.SAMPLEINACTIVE:Analyzer power is ON (pump is OFF),Sampling is inactive.SAMPLEACTIVE:Analyzer power and pump are on. Also in thisposition the analyzer is zeroed. Samplemeasurements and calibration areaccomplished in the sample mode.BAT.TEST A:Indicates state of charge of the Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd) batteries on the LCDDisplay. These batteries power the pump &alarm. Recharge if the LCD Display level fallsto or below 100 (ignore decimal point).BAT. TEST B:Indicates state of charge of the “C” sizealkaline batteries on the LCD Display. Thesebatteries power the main circuitry, display andare NOT re-chargeable. Replace if the LCDDisplay level falls to or below 100 (ignoredecimal point). You must allow an overnightstabilize prior to use if the batteries arereplaced. Batteries are to be checkedevery 30 days.ZERO:10-Turn Potentiometer. Allows the meter to beadjusted to zero, by compensating for anybackground signal.(fig. 2)Designation FunctionINLET:¼” O.D. Quick connect or compression gasfitting.OUTLET:¼” O.D. Quick connect or compression gasfitting.RECORDER OUTPUT:¼” phone jack for Analog recorder outputconnection. Typically 0-100mV. Tip –positive, Ring – ground.CHARGER INPUT: 3.5mm phone jack for 9V DC, 100mA chargerinput. Tip – positive, Ring – ground.SENSOR SCREWS:Used to hold Sensor or Sensor base in place.(fig. 3)AUDIBLE ALARM:Piezoelectric Horn, sounds when alarm setpoint is exceeded.The above (fig 3) page 7, #12 indicates two #1 Phillips-head screws located on the right side panel. Removing these screws allows access to the internal components. Do not remove any other screws(fig. 4)Operating InstructionsNormally, the alarm is set at the Factory at 50% of full scale. Thealarm can be reset to any desired level by following the procedurebelow. Minimum alarm level must be greater than 5% of the fullscale measuring range.Set FUNCTION switch to SAMPLE INACTIVE. Using the ZEROcontrol, advance the LCD display to the desired alarm set point.Some analyzers require the use of span tool (provided). Adjust theALARM SET (fig. 1 pg. 4)control until the alarm sounds. Adjust theZERO control slightly counterclockwise until the alarm is silent. Toconfirm setting slowly adjust the ZERO control clockwise until thealarm sounds. Re-adjust the ALARM SET control if necessary.Adjust the ZERO control for a reading of “0” on the display.The Analyzer must always be zeroed, prior to use.Zero adjustments must be made in the SAMPLE ACTIVE mode,i.e. with the pump on, in air free of interfering gases. If necessary,use zero air or a C-12 filter (provided) to zero in the sampling area.When using C-12 zero filter, connect externally to gas inlet. Allowreading to stabilize, before making final zero adjustment,(stabilization can take approximately 20 minutes). The C-12 filtermust be removed after zeroing the analyzer.Analyzer must be zeroed prior to sampling (section 2.1).Set the FUNCTION switch to SAMPLE ACTIVE to activate the pump. If the INLET or OUTLET is blocked, the pump may stall. Note: Running the Analyzer with blocked INLET or OUTLET may lead to the sensor leaking caustic electrolyte leading toanalyzer damage.Power analyzer off, and clear the blockage. To reset the pump, set the FUNCTION switch to SAMPLE INACTIVE momentarily and then switch again to SAMPLE ACTIVE.Nominal sample rate in MOST analyzers is approximately 1.0, ±0.2 liter per minute. NOTE: For hydrazine analyzers with the measuring range of 0-100ppb the sample flow rate is 2.2 ± 0.2 liters per minute.The Average sample run time, starting with fully charged “C” NiCd batteries, is 12 hours. If the BATTERY TEST “A” indication is down to 100 on the LCD display, the flow rate may have started to decrease. This is usually not a problem unless very precise readings are required.Sampling from high pressure may only be achieved by using the method indicated in (fig. 5).Note: The sample to the Interscan Analyzer must be drawn perpendicular to the Sample flow stream.(fig. 5)CalibrationAll analyzers are factory calibrated prior to shipment.There is no easy answer as to how often a monitor should becalibrated. This is strictly a function of the application (gasconcentration and frequency of exposure to target gas). Thepurpose for calibration is to compensate for any possible decreasein sensor sensitivity. The primary cause of sensitivity decrease isexcessive loss of water by evaporation. A secondary cause maybe by contamination from unknown sources. H2S sensors show anadditional decrease in sensitivity due to internal sulfur formation, therate of which depends on the gas concentration.Interscan’s SENSOR EXPRESS® program streamlines downtimeby sending you a pre-calibrated sensors on a regular basis per yourneeds, without the burden of returning sensors to our factory for re-certification. The sensors are shipped to you either twice , threetimes, or four times per year at your discretion.Follow the instructions received with the Sensor, allow to stabilize,and the instrument is ready for use. The factory recommendedprocedure for calibrating all INTERSCAN analyzers, involves theuse of certified calibration gas or a permeation device. Besidesbeing essential for calibration, having a known certified gasstandard on hand allows the user to test the analyzer at any time todetermine that it “really works”As indicated on the certification sheet, the Sensor Express®. It doesnot certify the analyzer as a whole. Most importantly, the SensorExpress® program is not a substitute for basic analyzermaintenance, nor does it check for malfunction of the analyzercomponents.Whatever the source of calibration gas, the recommended method is to collect the gas in the proper sample bag, which is then attached to the analyzer INLET. The calibration gas is drawn from the proper sample bag through the sensor. An exception to the use of a sample bag is for those gases, which are reactive with, or chemisorbed by the bag itself (e.g. Chlorine, Hydrazine). Teflon® or Tedlar® bags are suitable for H2S, SO2, NO and NO2. Several bag materials are suitable for CO. Contact the Factory for recommendations.The sample bag method is the factory-recommended method for calibration. Since an internal pump is used, the same flow rate conditions during the sample and the calibrate modes are assured, eliminating errors due to flow rate differences. For most applications, using a bag is the simplest procedure.A regulated pressurized certified cylinder fitted with a tee-manifold (fig. 6) and unrestricted vent is a good procedure in place of the sample bag, as long as the flow rate of the gas is at least 140 percent that of the sample pump.(fig. 6)Analyzer must be zeroed prior to calibration (sec 2.1).1. For all gases, except Chlorine or other chemisorbable types, fill the 5 litersample bag with calibration gas, and attach it to the external inlet fitting.This is best done by attaching a short length 4 inch (101.6mm) of 1/4 inch(6.35 mm) O.D. Teflon tubing to the sample bag, then inserting into theinlet fitting.2. Set the FUNCTION switch to SAMPLE ACTIVE.3. Allow 2 to 3 minutes for the reading to stabilize, and by using theSPAN/CAL control, set the display to match the calibration gas concentration being used.4. Remove the sample bag from the analyzer and allow the display tostabilize.5. The analyzer is now calibrated and set up for operation.NOTE: If you require additional information on Calibrationprocedures, please contact the Service Department at 1-800-458-******************************************General MaintenanceBecause of current requirements of the circuitry, “C” size alkalinebattery life should be check on a monthly basis, whether the unit isoperating or not. Note: Batteries vary in capacity bymanufacturer and may provide more battery life. Analyzermalfunction, as a result of low battery, will be evident as eitherinability to zero the monitor or clipping of the display at a fixedreading below full scale.Nickel-cadmium battery life is indeterminate. It is somewhatdependent upon how well the charge level is maintained.All models of the 4000 Series analyzers use two “C” size alkalinebatteries. These are located on the hinged door, right side (fig. 4 pg.8). Polarity is marked on the door over the battery holder.A few minutes warm-up/stabilization is needed before using theanalyzer if alkaline batteries are replaced before Battery Test “B”indicates a low battery condition (100). Replace “C” alkalinebatteries and allow monitor to stabilize overnight if the batteries arelow or dead. The FUNCTION switch should be set to OFF duringthis time. This is performed to allow the sensor time to stabilize.The rechargeable batteries are ½ “C” size NiCd and are rated at0.80 ampere hours. They are mounted on the hinged door, left side(fig. 4 pg. 8). Polarity is marked on the door, over the battery holder.All models use four ½ cell “C” size NiCd batteries. Condition isshown in the BATTERY TEST “A”, FUNCTION switch position. TheNiCd battery voltage changes quite rapidly as it approaches therecharge point, which makes accurate display indication difficult. Itis recommended that the batteries be recharged if the reading inBATTERY TEST “A” is at 100 (ignoring the decimal place). Allowingthe reading to drop below 100 is not recommended. Note: NiCd batteries can develop cell memory. Cell memory is caused by running the analyzer on battery power for a short period of time REPEATEDLY i.e: Running the analyzer for 20 minutes and then recharge. If this occurs repeatedly, the NiCd battery life will only retain a 20 minute charge memory.The charger is an external 9V DC, 500mA transformer and is connected to the rear of the unit prior to charging. The tip is positive and the ring ground. The FUNCTION switch should be set to OFF or SAMPLE INACTIVE when charging. The recommended charge time is 16 hours.(fig. 7)All sensors provided with a fill port require that the electrolyte matrix is maintained in a near-saturated condition in order to provide optimum performance. This is achieved by injecting distilled or deionized water into the sensor via the red plug, using the plastic syringe (provided).Refer to (fig. 7 pg. 16). Refillable sensors are identified by the red fill plug in the side of the sensor. The fill plug location may vary from(fig. 7 pg. 16). There are two types of refillable sensors. The S-type is a shorter sensor of slightly over 2 1/2 inches ( 64 mm) in height; the P-type is almost 4 inches (104 mm) in height. “P” and “S” type sensors connect to the analyzer by different connection methods.For portable survey monitors, the sensor should be removed and weighed every 1 to 2 months, depending upon usage. The weight loss is indicated on the weight label on the side of the sensor. Sensor weight is restored be removing the sensor from the analyzer and comparing the current weight of the sensor with its original weight (in grams). Sensor weight is indicated on a label located on the side of the sensor.There are three types of gas fittings used depending on the age of the original sensor and the gas being measured.(fig. 8)Male elbow ¼ O.D. tube compression fittingThis is a compression fitting comprised of the body, nut and two ferrules (fig. 8). Disconnect by loosening the nut until the tubing can be pulled away from the body. To re-attach insert the tubing and tighten the nut. Do NOT over tighten the nut as this will damage the nut and fitting(fig. 9)Quick connect male elbowThis is a quick connect system comprised of the body, o-ring and ferrule (fig. 9). Disconnect by pushing on the ring where the tubing enters the fitting and gently pulling on the tubing. Re-attach by inserting the tubing all the way in and then gently pull backward.(fig. 10)Barbed male elbowThe fitting uses a barbed connector system (fig. 10). Disconnect by pulling on the tubing. Re-attach by pushing the tubing onto the fitting until firmly seated.Fig. 11For P-type sensors refer to (fig. 11). Disconnect the 2 electrical connections to the sensor. Disconnect the tubing from each gas fitting. Loosen the screw indicated as “A”. Loosen the clamp screw “B” until the sensor can be removed from clamp.NOTE: DO NOT REMOVE ANYTHING ELSERestore the sensor to within 5 grams original sensor weight by injecting an equivalent cc of distilled or deionized water (10g. weight loss means add 10cc water). DO NOT OVERFILL. If sensor will not take on any more liquid (liquid starts coming out the fill port) do not attempt to add additional distilled water.Note: Weight loss in excess per sensor weight label may prevent the restoration of the weight to within 5 grams of the original weight.DO NOT OVERFILL. After weighing and refilling replace the sensor in the analyzer, tighten screw “B” taking care only to make it tight so as to secure the sensor. Then tighten screw “A”, do not over tighten.Assure that all electrical and pneumatic fittings are secure. The sensor should be allowed to stabilize forseveral hours with power off.(fig. 12)For S-type sensors refer to (fig. 12). Disconnect the two electrical connections to the sensor. Disconnect the tubing from each gas fitting. Remove the two Sensor Screws (# 7).NOTE: DO NOT REMOVE ANYTHING ELSE!!Restore the sensor to within 5 grams original sensor weight by injecting an equivalent cc of distilled or deionized water (10g. weight loss means add 10cc water). DO NOT OVERFILL. If sensor will not take on any more liquid (liquid starts coming out the fill port) do notattempt to add additional distilled water.Note: Weight loss in excess per sensor weight label may prevent the restoration of the weight to within 5 grams of the original weight.DO NOT OVERFILL. After weighing and refilling replace the sensor in the analyzer, tighten screws on the rear of the analyzer. Assure that all electrical and pneumatic fittings are secure. The sensor should be allowed to stabilize for several hours with power off.Turn FUNCTION swit ch to “OFF” position. Disconnect charger from analyzer. Detach 15 pin “D” connector from circuit board. Remove alkaline batteries and cover analyzer to protect from dust.24 Hours Before Using:Uncover the analyzer. Install FRESH alkaline batteries. Reconnect 15-pin “D” connector from circuit board. Connect the charger to the analyzer to charge NiCd batteries.After 24 Hours:Follow instructions in Section 2.0. Analyzer is ready to use or calibrate.WarrantyINTERSCAN CORPORATION warrants portable analyzers of itsmanufacture (sensors, batteries, fuses, lamps, tubing, fittings,filters, and scrubbers excepted) to be free from defects in materialand workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment.INTERSCAN CORPORATION warrants sensors of its manufactureto be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period ofsix months from date of shipment.INTERSCAN CORPORATION'S sole obligation under thiswarranty is limited to repairing or replacing, at its option, any itemcovered under this warranty, when such item is returned intact,prepaid to the factory (or designated service center).This warranty does not apply to any of our products which havebeen repaired or altered by unauthorized persons, or which havebeen subject to misuse, negligence, or accident, incorrect wiring byothers, installation or use not in accordance with instructionsfurnished by the manufacturer, or which have had the serialnumbers altered, effaced or removed. The sensors are factorysealed and must not be opened or modified in the field for thewarranty to remain in effect. This warranty is in lieu of all otherwarranties, whether expressed or implied.Additionally, in a custom system, warranty on any component shallnot exceed the manufacturer's warranty given to INTERSCANCORPORATION.Return AuthorizationAll returns for repairs require a "RETURN AUTHORIZATIONNUMBER" issued by the INTERSCAN Service Department uponrequest. Below is the link to the RMA form:/contact/index.phpThis is done primarily to cause the user to contact the factorydirectly. The reason for this is that a high percentage of serviceproblems are resolved over the telephone, avoiding the need forreturning the analyzer or part.Should return of the analyzer or part be advised by the ServiceDepartment, the "RETURN AUTHORIZATION NUMBER" willexpedite prompt return of the repaired unit.For service information, please contact:INTERSCAN CORPORATIONService Department(800) 458-6153 ext. 121(818) 882-2331 ext. 121FAX(818)341-0642E-mail:************************Appendix AINTERFERING GAS DATANo analytical method is completely specific. Gases present in the environment, other than the "target" gas of measurement, may affect analyzer response. Interferences are not necessarily linear, and may also exhibit time dependent characteristics.The charts that follow detail the approximate concentration in parts per million of interfering gas required to cause a 1 ppm deflection in the chosen analyzer. In many cases, specificity can be improved. Please note that the response values given are not absolute, and may vary depending on sensor formulation.The special case of how alcohols affect electrochemical sensors is discussed in this Knowledge Base article. ()For further information on the effects of interfering gases, please contact the factory.The charts follow the format, and grouping of gases, that was originally established in early Interscan print brochures.Chart 1: CO, Cl2, ClO2, H2, H2S, NO, NO2, O3, SO2 analyzersChart 2: Ethylene oxide (EtO) (C2H4O) analyzersChart 3: Formaldehyde (HCHO) analyzersChart 4: HCl, HCN, hydrazine analyzersChart 5: C2H4 (ethylene) analyzers(1) Data shown for H 2S models with ranges higher than 0-1999 ppb (2) Data shown for H 2S models with ranges of 0-1999 ppb and lower‡ = Hydrocarbons¤ = Rejection ratio can be improved electronically¶ Isopropyl alcohol represents the most significant interference on the ethylene oxide sensor, but in nearly all cases, potential problems can be overcome. Typical remedial actions include:a. Point shutdown/automatic restart, which allows the operator to temporarily interrupt monitoring at points that could be affected when isopropyl alcohol is used. Monitoring restarts automatically on a time-adjustable basis.b. Selection of monitoring points away from those areas that may be unduly affected by isopropyl alcohol.c. Using alternative germicides, which do not contain isopropyl alcohol.The EtO sensor may also respond to strong odors of colognes and perfumes, and to certain floor strippers and waxes. Refer to guidelines above covering isopropyl alcohol. Remember that you are attempting to monitor parts per million levels of ethylene oxide in an environment that may contain percent (10,000 ppm = 1 percent) levels of these potentially interfering compounds.= Negative interference= Negative interference § = Scrubber available= Negative interference= Negative interferenceAppendix B SCRUBBER INFORMATION。
MPS4000系列变电站综合自动化系统 技术及说明书 (9)
μMPS4000系列变电站综合自动化系统μMPS4000-220A三绕组变压器差动保护装置技术及使用说明书V6.3北京清大华康电子技术有限责任公司二零零六年三月目录目录 01.概述 (3)2.μMPS4220A主要功能 (4)3.主要技术要求和指标 (4)3.1工作环境条件 (4)3.2周围环境 (4)3.3电源 (4)3.4主要技术参数 (5)4.工作原理 (6)4.1 基本原理 (6)4.2比率差动保护 (7)4.3二次谐波闭锁比率差动保护 (7)4.4差动速断 (7)4.5 CT断线闭锁 (8)4.6保护逻辑 (8)4.7故障录波 (9)4.8 测量通道的软件校正处理 (9)4.9 SOE记录 (9)4.10硬件说明 (10)5.定值与参数说明 (13)5.1定值清单 (13)5.2定值说明 (13)5.3系统参数表说明 (15)6.装置结构与接线端子图 (16)6.1结构外形 (16)6.2面板按键与指示灯操作说明 (18)6.3端子接线图 (19)7.面板显示操作功能说明 (20)7.1屏幕显示操作功能一览表 (20)7.2系统信息显示 (21)7.3主屏幕显示 (21)7.4一级菜单 (22)7.5系统信息显示 (22)7.6常规显示 (22)7.7设置 (23)7.8记录查询 (26)7.9系统参数查询 (27)7.10测量校正 (29)7.11事故复位 (30)7.12就地远动切换 (30)1.概述μMPS 4000系列综合自动化系统是的新一代面向二十一世纪的变电站成套保护装置。
μMPS 4000系列变电站综合自动化系统由如下产品构成:μMPS 4100系列线路保护装置μMPS 4110 微机线路保护装置μMPS 4120微机电容保护装置μMPS 4130微机方向线路保护装置μMPS 4140微机零序距离线路保护装置μMPS 4150微机横差电流方向线路保护装置μMPS 4160微机母线差动保护装置μMPS 4200系列主设备保护装置μMPS 4210 微机双绕组变压器差动保护装置μMPS 4220微机三绕组变压器差动保护装置μMPS 4230微机变压器后备保护装置μMPS 4240微机发电机差动保护装置μMPS 4250微机发电机后备保护装置μMPS 4260微机电动机差动保护装置μMPS 4270微机电动机保护装置μMPS 4280微机厂(站)用变保护装置μMPS 4290微机解列保护装置μMPS 4300系列测控装置μMPS4310 微机遥测遥控装置μMPS4320 微机遥信遥控装置μMPS4330 微机遥调装置μMPS4340 微机自动准同期装置μMPS4350 微机备自投装置μMPS4360 微机PT切换装置μMPS4370 微机脉冲电度测量装置μMPS4380 微机多功能变送测量装置μMPS4390 微机解列装置μMPS 4400系列管理装置单元μMPS4410 通信装置μMPS4420 管理单元μMPS4430 双机管理单元μMPS 4220A变压器保护装置主要用于35 kV~110kV变电站的三绕组变压器差动保护,其主要特点是:l 采用多CPU和并行数据采集及处理技术,精度高、响应快;l 采用宽温带背光240×128大屏幕LCD显示器,方便显示和操作;l 可选择采用RS 232和CAN方式,支持多种远动传输规约,方便与各种管理系统连接;l 高速故障记录和故障动态过程记录为用户带来低成本、高性能的享受;l 体积小、重量轻,便于集中和分散安装。
二:主要技术指标使用对象液体、气体或蒸汽工作电压13V~48V DC输出信号4mA~20mA DC测量范围表压力:最大0~60MPa最小0~10kPa绝对压力:最大0~30MPa最小0~20kPa负压力:-0.1MPa~1MPa量程比20:1(智能型)3:1(模拟型)过载范围优于2倍出厂量程精度①精度等级:0.1级0.2级②温度影响:±0.25%FS/10k③稳定性:优于0.2%FS/年④位置影响:安装位置零点对影响小于20Pa允许温度①正常工作温度:-20℃~80℃液晶屏工作温度范围:-20℃~70℃②贮存温度:-20℃~80℃相对湿度0~95%RH防爆等级ExdⅡCT5 Gb智能的带背光XXX显示,带HART输出与被测介质接触部分的材料①过程连接件:316不锈钢,哈氏合金C②密封件:氟橡胶丁腈橡胶聚四氟乙烯接线方式引出接头选用通用电缆接头M20×1.5。
1、差压变送器原理压力与差压变送器作为过程控制系统得检测变换部分,将液体、气体或蒸汽得差压(压力)、流量、液位等工艺参数转换成统一得标准信号(如DC4mA~20mA 电流),作为显示仪表、运算器与调节器得输入信号,以实现生产过程得连续检测与自动控制。
图1、1 测量转换电路图1、2 差动电容结构差动电容式压力变送器得测量部分常采用差动电容结构,如图1、2所示。
中心可动极板与两侧固定极板构成两个平面型电容H C与L C。
2、变送器得使用(1) 表压压力变送器得方向低压侧压力口(大气压参考端)位于表压压力变送器得脖颈处,在电子外壳得后面。
图1、3 低压侧压力口(2)电气接线①拆下标记“FIELD TERMINALS”电子外壳。
APT4000系列 70-82-03-453/01 四线制接触式 第一页电导率变送器技术规格霍尼韦尔过程分析变送器(APT )4000 系列变送器是一种连续测量电导率、电 阻率和盐度的仪表。
它主要应用于电力、 化学、制药、造纸和水质监测等工业 过程中。
APT4000的外壳为NEMA 4X 和IP65 防护等级,它是为满足1级,2区(非 防火)和各领域通用的测量需求而专门 设计的。
霍尼韦尔的电导电极或与其兼 容的传感器可应用于APT4000变送器。
此款变送器使用通用电源(20-253Vac /dc ,45-65Hz ),带有一个4-20mA 输 出,两个高/低限报警用继电器,一个诊 断用继电器和一个清洗用继电器。
使用USP24软件可在线监测纯水或制 药工业中注射用水的电导率。
图 1 APT4000CC 变送器霍尼韦尔APT4000系列变送器是一种 经济、可靠的仪表,有多种先进的功能 快速解决问题可供选择。
APT4000有一个大显示屏,可迅速显 是否有问题。
这些易学和可识别符号使 示过程参数和诊断信息,乃至在远处 得APT4000在任何语境都易于使用。
APT4000有可视反馈功能, 可靠性优先可快速启动,减少维护时间,并能减 APT4000变送器的高级功能保证了它 少标定过程产生的误差。
可视反馈是 标定简单的安全性。
一旦发生问题,对电极和电 以图形形式显示的,它可对控制器或过程改变作出迅速响应。
子元件连续监控的APT4000变送器就 霍尼韦尔电极有四个电极常数(0.01,0.1, 1.0和10),每个电极具有其中某一个常 立即显示诊断信息。
错误或诊断一经发 现,变送器将指示相应的错误代码或图 数。
低电极常数用于低电导率水或电阻 图形符号也可显示问题的诊断报告, 率测量,高电极常数则是用于高电导率 形(见图2),发光二极管红灯闪烁, 以便解决问题,甚至还有一种 如有需要可将错误电流调到22mA 。
2.2.1 整机外形 直联式压力变送器结构尺寸图
108 105
数字化 • 智能压力 / 差压变送器使用手册
电子盒 法法兰(兰选项()选项) 信号电缆
139 125
铠装式液位传感器探头 ?32
数字化 • 智能压力 / 差压变送器使用手册
简介 . ..................
1 概述
1.1 数字化•智能压力 / 差压变送器
1.1.1 整机外形 .............
1.1.2 整机结构 .............
1.1.3 工作原理介绍 ........... 9
数字化•智能压力/差压变送器可选H A R T模块,当 变送器加装H A R T模块后,具有H A R T通信能力,可用通
数字化 • 智能压力 / 差压变送器使用手册
用手操器进行常规操作。用我公司提供的专用通信设 备和软件可进行标定和温度补偿等操作。
数字化•智能压力/差压变送器可广泛地应用于石 油、化工、钢铁、电力、轻工、环保等工业领域,实 现对各种压力、差压、流量、液位等工业过程的测 量,能够适用于各种恶劣危险环境及腐蚀性介质。
2.1.2 现场安装 1)安装方式
我公司生产的压力变送器可直接安装在 2 英寸管道上 或直接安装在墙上以及仪表板上。(如图 2-2 所示)
B1 管装弯支架
B2 盘装弯支架 图 2-2
B3 管装平支架
在松掉锁紧螺钉后,电子仓部可左、右旋转 90°。
FMA4000 FVL4000系列流量计和FMA-4100 FVL4100系列控制器说明书
MASS FLOWMETERS AND CONTROLLERSD-15ߜGood for ManyAggressive/Corrosive GassesߜGas Mass or VolumetricAvailableߜAdvanced MaterialCoating and PVC Wetted Materials ߜMeasures Flow Rateand Total FlowߜRS232 Communication ߜAnalog OutputThe FMA4000/FVL4000 Series Meters and FMA-4100/FVL4100Series Controllers offer a solution for real-time metering and control of gasses which are injected,pumped, dosed or dispensed.Flow ranges of less than 100 CCM to 1000 LPM for gases (30 LPM for Control model) at pressures from 20 to 250 psi meet thegeneral range of use in Laboratory Analytical, R & D, ProcessAutomation, Environmental, Fuel Cell, Industrial, CPI, Food and Beverage, and Pharmaceutical marketplaces. The ±1% Full Scale accuracy insures precision. A 2 line x 16 character digital display enables the user to gatherinformation, reset totalizer and input control commands within seconds.RS232, and 0 to 5 Vdc are standard.An advanced material coatingprocess combined with a PVC body provide resistance to aggressiveflow media.FMA4008, $775,shown smaller than actual size.FMA4108, $995,shown smaller than actual size.FMA4006$895DSPECIFICATIONSAccuracy:±1% full scaleRepeatability:±0.5% full scale Linearity:±0.25% full scale Response Time:(typical) 50 millisecondsTemperature Range:0°to 70°C (32º to 158ºF)Temperature Coefficient:0.50%/°C Turndown Ratio:50:1Standard Conditions:25°C and 1 atmosphereMaximum Pressure:250 psig Humidity Range:0 to 100%Supply Current:0.025 amp with back lighting on meters Supply Rating:15 Vdc maximum@ 300 mA maximum current on meters, 500 mA maximum on controllers Supply Voltage4 to 20 mA Output Models:loop powered—no supply necessary Controller Input Signal:Compatible 0 to 5 VdcOutput Standard Signals:0 to 5 Vdc or 4 to 20 mA output (optional)1 RS232 serial port (19200 baud rate)Power Consumption:Less than 3.5 wattsIndicating Display:2 Line x 16character LCD—back lightedElectrical/Communication Connector:9 pin sub D 15 pin sub DMechanical Connector:3⁄8" NPT Standard Wetted Materials:PVC, Viton ®O-RingsOptional Wetted Materials:CPVC, Kel-F, Teflon ®, 316SS,Dimensions:203 H x 127 W x 50.8 mm D (8 x 5 x 2")Typical Pressure Drop at Full Scale:2.8 to 60 psiAdd “–I” to model number for 4 to 20 mA output add $75 to price.Add “–NIST5” to model number for a 5 point NIST traceable certificate, add $250to price Add “–NIST10” to model number for a 10 point NIST traceable certificate, add $350 to price.Add “–TOT” to model number for totalizer option, and add $75 to price.Ordering Example: FMA4012,5 LPM max. mass flow meter, $795.Ordering Example: FMA4112, 5 LPM max. mass flow controller, $995.FlowmetersCANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn, Germany************FRANCE www.omega.frGuyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。
1. 差压变送器原理压力和差压变送器作为过程控制系统的检测变换部分,将液体、气体或蒸汽的差压(压力)、流量、液位等工艺参数转换成统一的标准信号(如DC4mA~20mA 电流),作为显示仪表、运算器和调节器的输入信号,以实现生产过程的连续检测和自动控制。
图1.1 测量转换电路图1.2 差动电容结构差动电容式压力变送器的测量部分常采用差动电容结构,如图1.2所示。
中心可动极板与两侧固定极板构成两个平面型电容H C和L C。
2. 变送器的使用(1)表压压力变送器的方向低压侧压力口(大气压参考端)位于表压压力变送器的脖颈处,在电子外壳的后面。
图1.3 低压侧压力口(2)电气接线①拆下标记“FIELD TERMINALS”电子外壳。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5051 52 53Specification StatusChange Made atBPS4000 revRev revDate Attachments Org Title supersededBy specialNotes latestSupersedingDoc reviewBy 160-006AM040322BHTI Alternate Materials List M&P 299-947-100-690115BHTI Procurement Specification for Epoxy Adhesive, Heat Resistant M&P 299-947-320-820507BHTIAdhesive Film and Primer System, Intermedite Cure Temperature (260-290º F) ServiceTemerature 67-225º F)M&P 68A900000G011101BAC Finish Spec:F-15M&P 74A900000E990308BAC Finish Specification for F18 Aircraft M&P 74A900004L010501BAC Ctrl:Fract Crit Parts, F-18M&P 74A901001F981208BAC Std Finish Codes:F-18 A\C M&P 901-947-002CA D950510BHTI Finish Specification for the V-22 Aircraft (Bell Boeing) Model 901) EMD Aircraft M&P A-A-208B951120Notice 2 Notice 3FED Ink, Marking, Stencil, Opaque M&P A-A-2962Cancelled no s/s spec A980810canc notice 2-060106FED Commercial Item Description Enamel, Alkyd, Exterior, Solvent Based, Low Voc ok to use canc spec M&P A-A-3097BK-970506Notice 3FEDCommercial Item Description Adhesives, Cyanoacrylate, Rapid Room Temperature-Curing,SolventlessM&P A-A-3165CA A071116Notice 2FED Lacquer, Gloss, for A/C Use M&P A-A-52080B980523Notice 1FED Tape, Lacing, and Tying, Nylon M&P A-A-52081B980523FED Tape, Lacing, and Tying, Polyester M&P A-A-52082CE C070904Notice 1FED Tape, Lacing and Tying, TFE-Fluorocarbon M&P A-A-52083BJ C040223FED Tape, Lacing, and Tying, Glass M&P A-A-52084B980523Notice 1FED Tape, Lacing and Tying, Aramid M&P A-A-55829-970204Notice 1DLA Acetic Acid, Glacial, Technical M&P A-A-56032CN D030521Notice 1FED Commercial Item Description (CIDS) Ink, Marking, Epoxy Base M&P A-A-59126-970926FED Terminals, Feedthru (Insulated) and Terminals, Stud (Insulated and Noninsulated)ENG A-A-59132CR A100607Validation Notice 1DLA Amyl Acetate, Technical M&P A-A-59135CR-971028FED Commercial Item Description Packaging Material, Sheet M&P A-A-59136CR-971028FED Cushioning Material, Packaging, Closed Cell Foam Plank M&P A-A-59178CL A041012USGOVT Nipple, Electrical Terminal ENG A-A-59503CG B081020FED Commercial Item Description Nitrogen, Technical M&P A-A-59551CP A091022USGOVT Wire, Electrical, Copper (Uninsulated) M&P A-A-59569CK C090122DLA Qualification Sampling and Testing of Steels for Transverse Tensile Properties ENG A-A-59588DA B120130FED Commercial Item Description Rubber, Silicone M&P A-A-59877CT-100909FED Comemrcial Item Description Insulating Compound, Electrical, Embedding M&P AIR4127CG - 071101SAE Steel: Chemical Composition and Hardenability M&P AISI-1010Unavailable-AISI Low Carb Stl Unavailable M&P AISI-50100Unavailable-AISI Bearing Stl Unavailable M&P AISI-52100Unavailable-AISI Bearing Stl Unavailable M&P AISI-B-1112Unavailable-AISI Low Carb Free Mach Stl Unavailable M&P AISI-C-1212Unavailable-AISI Matl Spec, Stl Unavailable M&P AISI-C-1213Unavailable-AISI Low Carb Free Mach Stl Unavailable M&P AISI-C-1214Unavailable-AISI Matl Spec, Stl Unavailable M&P AMS 2175CR A100601SAE Castings, Classification and Inspection of M&P AMS 2201Cancelled CN Can940901SAETolerances Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Bar, Rod, Wire, and Forging Stock Rolled or Cold-FinishedANSI H35.2M&P AMS 2221G060201SAE Tolerances, Copper and Copper Alloy Bars and Rods M&PAMS 2222BG J060201SAE Tolerances, Copper and Copper Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate M&P AMS 2223BF H060201SAE Tolerances Copper and Copper Alloy Seamless Tubing M&P AMS 2224G060201SAE Tolerances Copper and Copper Alloy Wire M&P AMS 2241CN R070701SAETolerances, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steel, Iron Alloy, Titanium, and Titanium AlloyBars and WireM&P AMS 2242CC G080604SAETolerances Corrosion and Heat Resistant Steel, Iron Alloy, Titanium and Titanium AlloySheet, Strip and PlateM&P AMS 2243CU J101101SAE Tolerances Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steel Tubing M&P AMS 2248CN F060501SAEChemical Check Analysis Limits Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steels and Alloys, Maragingand other Highly-Alloyed Steels, and Iron AlloysM&P AMS 2249CN G090701SAE Chemical Check Analysis Limits Titanium and Titanium Alloys M&PAMS 2259CN E071201SAEChemical Check Analysis Limits Wrought Low-Alloy and Carbon SteelsM&P AMS 2269CN F060501SAE Chemical Check Analysis Limits Nickel, Nickel Alloys, and Cobalt Alloys M&P AMS 2300CU L100801SAE Steel Cleanliness, Premium Aircraft-Quality Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure M&P AMS 2301CT K100801SAE Steel Cleanliness, Aircraft Quality Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure M&P1Specification Status Change Made atBPS4000 revRev revDate Attachments Org Title supersededBy specialNotes latestSupersedingDoc reviewBy54 55 56 57 58 59 606162 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 9495 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104AMS 2303CT F100801SAESteel Cleanliness, Aircraft Quality, Martensitic Corrosion Resistant Steels Magnetic ParticleInspection ProcedureM&P AMS 2304CV B100801SAE Steel Cleanliness, Special Aircraft-Quality Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure M&P AMS 2310BE F060201SAE Qualification Sampling and Testing of Steels for Transverse Tensile Properties M&P AMS 2315CN F080101SAE Determination of Delta Ferrite Content M&P AMS 2350Cancelled no s/s spec CN BA891001SAE Standards and Test Methods ok to use canc spec M&P AMS 2355CN J090701SAE Quality Assurance Sampling and Testing Aluminum Alloys and Magnesium Alloy WroughtProducts (Except Forging Stock), and Rolled, Forged, or Flash Welding RingsM&P AMS 2360CN D070701SAE Room Temperature Tensile Properties of Castings M&P AMS 2370CN J071101SAEQuality Assurance Sampling and Testing Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Wrought Products andForging StockM&P AMS 2371CN H071101SAEQuality Assurance Sampling and Testing Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steels and AlloysWrought Products and Forging StockM&P AMS 2372CN E070601SAE Quality Assurance Sampling and Testing Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Forgings M&P AMS 2375CN D070601SAE Control of Forgings Requiring First Article Approval M&P AMS 2380CN F080601SAE Approval and Control of Premium-Quality Titanium Alloys M&P AMS 2400BV W070701SAE Plating, Cadmium M&P AMS 2401CN H071101SAE Plating, Cadmium Low Hydrogen Content Deposit M&P AMS 2403BM L041001SAE Plating, Nickel General Purpose M&P AMS 2404CH F081201SAE Plating, Electroless Nickel M&P AMS 2405Noncurrent CN C841010SAE Electroless Nickel Plate, Low Phosphorous M&P AMS 2406BV L070501SAE Plating, Chromium Hard Deposit M&P AMS 2408CF J081101SAE Plating, Tin M&P AMS 2410CR K100401SAE Plating, Silver Nickel Strike, High Bake M&P AMS 2411CB G080201SAE Plating, Silver for High Temperature Applications M&P AMS 2412CN J091201SAE Plating, Silver Copper Strike, Low Bake M&P AMS 2416CU L101201SAE Plating, Nickel-Cadmium Diffused M&P AMS 2417CU H101001SAE Plating, Zinc-Nickel Alloy M&P AMS 2418CU H110201SAE Plating, Copper M&P AMS 2419BM C030501SAE Plating, Cadmium-Titanium M&P AMS 2420D021201SAE Plating of Aluminum for Solderability Zinc Immersion Pre-Treatment Process M&P AMS 2423**See special notes CE D020401SAE Plating, Nickel Hard DepositContinue to use AMS-QQ-N-290 forClass 2 NickelM&P AMS 2424CR F100401SAE NI Plate, Low Stressed Deposit M&P AMS 2426BT D020901SAE Coating, Cadmium Vacuum Deposition M&P AMS 2429CY D111001SAE Bronze Plate Masking M&P AMS 2430CN R100101SAE Shot Peening, Automatic M&P AMS 2433C041001SAE Plating, Nickel-Thallium-Boron or Nickel-Boron M&P AMS 2434CY D110901SAE Plating, Tin-Zinc Alloy M&P AMS 2435Noncurrent CN G070601SAE Coating, Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt Coating, Detonation Process M&P AMS 2437BN C710111SAE Coating, Plasma Spray Deposition M&P AMS 2438CL D090701SAE Plating, Chromium Thin, Hard, Dense Deposit M&P AMS 2444BM A001201SAE Coating, Titanium Nitride Physical Vapor Deposition M&P AMS 2451CW C110701SAE Plating, Brush General Requirements M&PAMS 2460See special notes CA-070701SAE Plating, ChromiumIf dwg requires chrome plate perAMS-QQ-C-320 then stress reliefand embritlmnt (emb) bake reliefper BPS4620. If dwg req's chromeplate per AMS 2460 then stressrelief and bake relief per AMS 2460unless the dwg specifically req'sBPS 4620M&PAMS 2468Cancelled CN G981001SAE Hard Anodic Coating Treatment of Aluminum Alloys AMS 2469M&P AMS 2469CG H080701SAEHard Anodic Coating Treatment of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Processing andPerformance RequirementsM&P AMS 2470CN M070401SAE Anodic Treatment of Aluminum Alloys Chromic Acid Process M&P AMS 2471CN G081201SAE Anodic Treatment of Aluminum Alloys Sulfuric Acid Process, Undyed Coating M&P AMS 2481CP J100201SAE Phosphate Treatment Antichafing M&P AMS 2482CN D100101SAEHard Anodic Coating on Aluminum Alloys Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-Impregnated orCodepositedM&P AMS 2485BY K080101SAE Coating, Black Oxide M&P AMS 2486CR E100501SAE Conversion Coating of Titanium Alloys Fluoride-Phosphate Type M&P AMS 2487CN A000301SAE Anodic Treatment of Titanium and Titanium Alloys Solution pH 12.4 Maximum M&P AMS 2488D000606SAE Anodic Tr:Ti,Ti Alys M&P AMS 2515CV F110601SAEPolytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Resin Coating Low Build, 370 to 400 °C (698 to 752 °F)FusionM&P1Specification Status Change Made atBPS4000 revRev revDate Attachments Org Title supersededBy specialNotes latestSupersedingDoc reviewBy105 106 107 108 109 110111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134135 136 137 138 139140 141142143144 145AMS 2516BM D900101SAEPolytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Resin Coating High Build, 370 to 400 °C (698 to 752 °F)FusionM&P AMS 2525C030401SAE Graphite Coating, Thin Lubricating Film Impingement Applied M&P AMS 2526BW C071001SAE Molybdenum Disulfide Coating, Thin Lubricating Film Impingement Applied M&P AMS 2615BM F060901SAE Pressure Testing Hydraulic Pressure as Specified M&P AMS 2630CR C100101SAE Inspection, Ultrasonic Product Over 0.5 Inch (12.7 mm) Thick M&P AMS 2631CW D110701SAE Ultrasonic Inspection Titanium and Titanium Alloy Bar and Billet M&P AMS 2632BN A950301SAEInspection, Ultrasonic, Of Thin Materials 0.50 Inch (12.7 mm) and Under in Cross-SectionalThicknessM&P AMS 2635Cancelled Can810701SAE Radiographic Insp ASTM E1742M&P AMS 2640Cancelled CH Can960401SAE Magnetic Particle Inspection ASTM E1444M&P AMS 2645Cancelled CH Can950201SAE Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection ASTM E1417M&P AMS 2649CA C080101SAE Etch Inspection of High Strength Steel Parts M&P AMS 2658CN C091001SAE Hardness and Conductivity Inspection of Wrought Aluminum Alloy Parts M&P AMS 2664CH F950701SAE Brazing, Silver For Use Up to 800 °F (427 °C)M&P AMS 2665G030101SAE Brazing, Silver for Use up to 400 °F (204 °C)M&P AMS 2666Cancelled Can840101SAE Ag Braz,High Temp AMS 2664M&P AMS 2670BK J060601SAE Brazing, Copper M&P AMS 2671Cancelled CH Can920101SAE Copper Brazing Corrosion and Heat Resistant Steels and Alloys AMS 2670M&P AMS 2672CY G120101SAE Brazing, Aluminum Torch or Furnace M&P AMS 2673BM D010301SAE Brazing, Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Molten Flux (Dip)M&P AMS 2675G020501SAE Brazing, Nickel Alloy Filler Metal M&P AMS 2680C010601SAE Electron--Beam Welding for Fatigue Critical Applications M&P AMS 2681B000301SAE Electron Beam Welding M&P AMS 2685Noncurrent CP E071001SAE Welding, Tungsten Arc, Inert Gas GTAW Method M&P AMS 2689Noncurrent CH A980201SAE Fusion Welding Titanium and Titanium Alloys M&P AMS 2694BR B070201SAE In-Process Welding of Castings M&PAMS 2700DA E111101SAE Passivation of Corrosion Resistant SteelsAll acceptance testing shall be perClass 4 except for MartensiticCRES alloy 440C, which requiresno class testing.M&PAMS 2728CU B101201SAE Heat Treatment of Wrought Copper Beryllium Alloy Parts M&P AMS 2745CJ A071201SAE Induction Hardening of Steel Parts M&P AMS 2750BN D050901SAE M&P AMS 2753CF C080801SAE Liquid Salt Bath Ferritic Nitrocarburizing Non-Cyanide Bath M&P AMS 2755Cancelled CM Can090701SAE Nitriding, Molten Salt BathProcess not available, considerAMS 2753 as replacement.M&P AMS 2759CE E081001SAE Heat Treatment of Steel Parts General Requirements M&P AMS 2759/1CJ E090201SAEHeat Treatment of Carbon & Low-Alloy Steel Parts Minimum Tensile Strength Below 220 ksi(1517 Mpa)Supersedes MIL-H-6875 for carbon& low-alloy steels below 220 KSIM&P AMS 2759/10CN A060601SAE Automated Gaseous Nitriding Controlled by Nitriding Potential M&P AMS 2759/11BW-050401SAE Stress Relief of Steel Parts M&P AMS 2759/2CR F100501SAEHeat Treatment of Low-Alloy Steel Parts Minimum Tensile Strength 220 ksi (1517 Mpa) andHigherSupersedes MIL-H-6875 for low-alloy steels, 220 KSI & higher M&P AMS 2759/3CE E080801SAE Heat Treatment Precipitation-Hardening Corrosion-Resistant & Maraging Steel PartsSupersedes MIL-H-6875 forprecipitation hardening & maragingsteelM&PAMS 2759/4CA C080301SAE Heat Treatment Austenitic Corrosion-Resistant Steel PartsSupersedes MIL-H-6875 foraustentic steelsM&P AMS 2759/5D040601SAE Heat Treatment Martensitic Corrosion Resistant Steel PartsSupersedes MIL-H-6875 formartensitic steelsM&P AMS 2759/6BM B051101SAE Gas Nitriding & Heat Treatment of Low - Alloy Steel PartsUse Standard Drawing Notes perBDS2240M&P AMS 2759/7CT B100501SAE Carburizing and Heat Treatment of Carburizing Grade Steel Parts M&P1Specification Status Change Made atBPS4000 revRev revDate Attachments Org Title supersededBy specialNotes latestSupersedingDoc reviewBy146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155156 157 158 159 160 161 162163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189AMS 2759/8CG A070601See Special Notes SAE Ion Nitriding1. Infrared pyrometry may be usedto measure temperature. 2. Thenitriding temperature may be lessthan 50 degrees below thetempering or aging temperatureprovided that the core hardness isnot reduced. 3. For small loads, aminimum of two acceptance testingspecimens may be used in lieu offour, provided that at least onespecimen is placed in each layer.M&P AMS 2759/9CL D090501SAE Hydrogen Embrittlement Relief (Baking of Steel Parts)Supersedes MIL-H-6875 for stressrelieving steelsM&PAMS 2762Noncurrent CP B020101SAE Carburizing Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Parts M&P AMS 2768CR C100701SAE Heat Treatment of Magnesium Alloy Castings M&P AMS 2770CY J110901SAE Heat Treatment of Wrought Aluminum Alloy Parts M&P AMS 2771CW D040701SAE Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloy Castings M&P AMS 2772CW F110701SAE Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloy Raw Materials M&P AMS 2774CY C110901SAE Heat Treatment Wrought Nickel Alloy and Cobalt Alloy Parts M&P AMS 2800CN D060801SAE Identification Finished Parts M&P AMS 2801B030301SAE Heat Treatment of Titanium Alloy Parts M&P AMS 2807CF B080201SAEIdentification Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steels and AlloysSheet, Strip, Plate and Aircraft TubingM&P AMS 3025CN C090901SAE Polyalkylene Glycol Heat Treat Quenchant M&P AMS 3106Cancelled Can830401SAE Primer, Adhesive,Corr Inhib AMS 3107M&P AMS 3107A910401SAE Primer, Adhesive,Corr-Inhibiting M&P AMS 3195CV F110501SAE Silicone Rubber Sponge, Closed Cell, Medium M&P AMS 3216G050901SAEFluorocarbon (FKM) Rubber High-Temperature - Fluid Resistant Low Compression Set 70 to80M&PAMS 3218C050901SAEFluorocarbon (FKM) Rubber High-Temperature - Fluid Resistant Low Compression Set 85 to95M&PAMS 3276CB E080301SAESealing Compound, Integral Fuel Tanks and General Purpose, Intermittent Use to 360 °F(182 °C)M&P AMS 3301G900401SAE Silicone Rubber, Gen Purp,35-45M&P AMS 3305H900401SAE Silicone Rubber, Gen Purp,75-85M&P AMS 3374C050701SAE Sealing Compound Aircraft Firewall M&P AMS 3410J981001SAE Flux,Ag Braz M&P AMS 3411D981001SAE Flux Silver Brz, High Temp M&P AMS 3644BL G060901SAE Plastic: Polyimide For Molded Rod, Bar, and Tube, Plaque, and Formed Parts M&P AMS 3645CY D120101SAE Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE), Compression Molded Heavy Sections, Unplasticized M&P AMS 3650CY D120101SAE Rods, Sheets, and Molded Shapes, Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE) Unplasticized M&P AMS 3651Cancelled Can870401SAE Ptfe AMS 3667M&P AMS 3651Cancelled Can870401Ptfe AMS 3652M&P AMS 3651Cancelled Can870401Ptfe AMS 3656M&P AMS 3651Cancelled Can870401Ptfe AMS 3660M&P AMS 3652C930101SAE Ptfe Film,Non-Crit Grade M&P AMS 3656CW H110801SAE Ptfe Extrusions, Normal Strength, As Sintered M&P AMS 3657CW F110801SAE Ptfe, Extrusions, Premium Strength, As Sintered M&P AMS 3658CW F110801SAE Ptfe, Extrusions, Premium M&P AMS 3659CW F110801SAE Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Extrusions, Premium Strength, Sintered and Stress-Relieved M&P AMS 3660CW E110801SAE Polytetrafluoroethylene Moldings M&P AMS 3666D930701SAE Ptfe Sht, Glass Reinforced M&P AMS 3667CW E110801SAE Polytetrafluorethylene Sheet, Molded General Purpose Grade, As Sintered M&P AMS 3668CW E110801SAE Ptfe, Moldings, Premium Grade, A Sintered M&P AMS 3670/1B950401SAE Unfilled Polyamide-Imide, Bar M&P AMS 3824CN C950901SAE Cloth, Glass Finished for Resin Laminates M&P AMS 4001Cancelled CK Can070701SAE Aluminum Sheet and Plate 0.12Cu (1100-0) Annealed ASTM B209M&P AMS 4013CN F070501SAE Aluminum Sheet, Laminated Surface Bonded M&P AMS 4015CN L070201SAE Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 2.5Mg - 0.25Cr (5052-0) Annealed M&P1Specification Status Change Made atBPS4000 revRev revDate Attachments Org Title supersededBy specialNotes latestSupersedingDoc reviewBy190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221AMS 4016CN L060901SAEAluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 2.5Mg - 0.25Cr (5052-H32) Strain Hardened, Quarter Hard,and StabilizedM&P AMS 4017CN K041201SAEAluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate 2.5Mg - 0.25Cr (5052-H34) Strain-Hardened, Half Hard, andStabilizedM&P AMS 4023CN E840401SAEAluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate Alcalad 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (Alclad 6061; -T6Sheet, -T651 Plate)M&P AMS 4025CE L080701SAE Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 1.0Mg - 0.60Si-0.28Cu-0.20Cr(6061-0) AnnealedAMS-QQ-A-250/11A - cancelled -2008M&P AMS 4026CE M080701SAEAluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 1.0Mg -0.60Si-0.28Cu-0.20Cr (6061;-T4 Sheet, T-451Plate) Solution Heat Treated and Naturally AgedAMS-QQ-A-250/11A - cancelled -2008M&P AMS 4027CE N080701SAEAluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 1.0Mg -0.60Si-0.28Cu-0.20Cr (6061;-T6 Sheet, T-651Plate) Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatAMS-QQ-A-250/11A - cancelled -2008M&P AMS 4037CY P111201SAEAluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.60Mn (2024; - T3 Flat Sheet, T351 Plate)Solution Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4048CW N100801SAEAluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate, Alclad 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (Alclad 7075-O)Annealed or when specified, "As fabricated" (Alclad 7075-F)M&P AMS 4049CW L101201SAEAluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate, Alclad 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (Alclad 7075; -T6Sheet - T651 Plate) Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4080CN N091201SAEAluminum Alloy, Drawn Seamless Tubing 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-O)AnnealedM&P AMS 4081CC J080601SAEAluminum Alloy Tubing, Hydraulic, Seamless, Drawn, Round 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu -0.20Cr (6061-T4) Solution Heat Treated and Naturally AgedM&P AMS 4083BW K000901SAEAluminum Alloy Tubing, Hydraulic, Seamless, Drawn, Round 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu -0.20Cr- (6061-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4086BL N060901SAEAluminum Alloy, Drawn, Round, Seamless Hydraulic Tubing 4.4Cu-1.5Mg-0.60Mn (2024-T3)Solution Heat Treated, Cold Worked, and Naturally AgedM&P AMS 4088BT K070301SAEAluminum Alloy, Drawn, Seamless Tubing 4.4Cu-1.5Mg-0.60Mn (2024-T3) Solution HeatTreated and Cold WorkedM&P AMS 4107F051101SAE Alum Aly Die Forg, (7050-T14)M&P AMS 4113CH E030701SAEAluminum Alloy, Extruded Profiles 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-T6) Solution andPrecipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4115CU H090701SAEAluminum Alloy, Rolled or Cold-Finished, Bars, Rods, Wire, and Flash Welded RingsAnnealed 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.2Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-0)M&P AMS 4116CN H090701SAEAluminum Alloy, Bars, Rods, and Wire 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.3Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-T4) ColdFinished, Solution Heat Treated and Naturally AgedM&P AMS 4117CM J090701SAEAluminum Alloy, Rolled or Cold Finished Bars, Rods, and Wire and Flash Welded Rings1.0Mg -0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (6061; - T6, -T651) Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4119Cancelled CN Can900101SAEAluminum Alloy Bars, Rolled, Drawn, or Cold Finished 4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.60Mn (2024-T351)Stress Relief StretchedAMS 4120M&P AMS 4120R020901SAEAluminum Alloy, Rolled or Cold Finished Bars, Rods, and Wire 4.4Cu - 1.5 Mg - 0.60Mn(2024) Solution Heat Treated and Naturally Aged (T4) Solution Heat Treated, Cold Worked,and Naturally Aged (T351)M&P AMS 4121CA H071101SAEAluminum Alloy Bars, Rods, and Wire, Rolled or Cold Finished 4.5Cu - 0.85Si - 0.80Mn -0.50Mg (2014-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4123CN H060101SAEAluminum Alloy, Rolled or Cold Finished Bars and Rods (7075-T651) Solution andPrecipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4124BU D050801SAEAluminum Alloy, Rolled or Cold Finished Bars, Rods, and Wire 5.6Zn-2.5Mg-1.6Cu-0.23Cr(7075-T7351) Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved by Stretching and OveragedM&P AMS 4128CN D071001SAEAluminum Alloy Bars, Rolled or Cold Finished 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.30Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-T451)Solution Heat Treated and Stress Relieved by StretchingM&P AMS 4132CF F081201SAEAluminum Alloy, Die and Hand Forgings, Rolled Rings, and Forging Stock 2.3Cu-1.6Mg-1.1Fe-1.0Ni-0.18Si-0.07Ti (2618-T61) Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4133CN E090301SAEAluminum Alloy Forgings and Rolled Rings 4.4Cu -0.85Si -0.80Mn - 0.50Mg (2014-T6)Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4135Cancelled CN Can860401SAEAluminum Alloy Forgings 4.5Cu - 0.85Si - 0.80Mn - 0.50Mg (2014-T6) Solution andPrecipitation Heat TreatedAMS 4133M&P AMS 4141CE F081001SAEAluminum Alloy Die Forgings 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (7075-T73) Solution andPrecipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4144BN F060501SAEAluminum Alloy, Hand Forgings and Rolled Rings 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn - 0.18Zr - 0.10V - 0.06Ti(2219-T852/T851) Solution Heat Treated, Mechanically Stress Relieved, and PrecipitationHeat-TreatedM&P AMS 4149D020901SAEAluminum Alloy, Die and Hand Forgings 5.6n - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (7175-T74) Solutionand Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4150CN L030801SAEAluminum Alloy, Extrusions and Rings 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr - (6061-T6) Solutionand Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P1Specification Status Change Made atBPS4000 revRev revDate Attachments Org Title supersededBy specialNotes latestSupersedingDoc reviewBy222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231232233234235236237238239240241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259AMS 4162D030701SAEAluminum Alloy, Extrusions 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn - 0.18Zr - 0.10V - 0.06Ti (2219-T8511) SolutionTreated, Stress Relief Stretched, Straigtened, and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4173CN E030701SAEAluminum Alloy, Extrusions 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.30Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-T6511) Solution HeatTreated,Stress Relieved by Stretching, Straightened, and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4181C030401SAE Aluminum Alloy, Welding Wire 7.0Si - 0.38Mg - 0.10Ti (4008) (UNS A94008)M&P AMS 4182CN G091201SAE Alum Aly Wire, Annealed 5.0Mg - 0.12Mn - 0.12Cr (5056-0) Annealed M&P AMS 4185D000701SAE Fill Mtl, Alum Braz,12SI,(4047)M&P AMS 4188Cancelled Can861001SAE Wldg Wire AMS 4181M&P AMS 4188Cancelled Can861001SAE Wldg Wire AMS 4233M&P AMS 4188Cancelled Can861001SAE Wldg Wire AMS 4244M&P AMS 4188Cancelled Can861001SAE Wldg Wire AMS 4245M&P AMS 4188Cancelled Can861001SAE Wldg Wire AMS 4246M&P AMS 4210CN K050301SAE Aluminum Alloy, Castings 5.0Si - 1.2Cu - 0.50Mg (355.0-T51) Precipitation Heat Treated M&P AMS 4212CU K110201SAEAluminum Alloy Castings 5.0Si - 1.2Cu - 0.50Mg (355.0-T6) Solution and Precipitation HeatTreatedM&P AMS 4214CN J080601SAECastings, Aluminum Alloy Sand 5.0Si - 1.2Cu - 0.50Mg (355.0 T71) Solution Heat Treatedand OveragedM&P AMS 4215CN H080301SAEAluminum Alloy, Castings 5.0Si - 1.2Cu - 0.50Mg (C355.0-T6) Solution and PrecipitationHeat TreatedM&P AMS 4217CN H070401SAEAluminum Alloy, Castings 7.0Si - 0.32Mg (A356.0-T6) (Formerly T6P Temper) Solution andPrecipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4218CN J100101SAEAluminum Alloy Castings 7.0Si-0.35Mg (A356.0-T6) (Formerly T6P Temper) Solution andPrecipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4223CN D070401SAEAluminum Alloy, Castings 4.5Cu - 0.70Ag - 0.30Mn - 0.25Mg - 0.25Ti (A201.0-T4) SolutionHeat Treated and Naturally AgedM&P AMS 4224Cancelled no s/s spec CN C100101SAEAluminum Alloy Castings, Sand 4.0Cu - 2.1Ni - 2.0Mg - 0.30Cr - 0.30Mn - 0.13T - 0.13V(243.0) Stabilizedok to use canc spec M&P AMS 4225CN D070601SAEAluminum Alloy, Heat Resistant, Castings 5.0Cu - 1.5Ni - 0.25Mn - 0.25Sb - 0.25Co - 0.20Ti -0.20Zr (203.0-T6) Solution Heat Treated and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4226Noncurrent CN A830101SAEAluminum Alloy Castings, High Strength 5.0Cu - 0.35Mn - 0.18Zr- 0.10V (224.0) Solution andPrecipitation Heat Treated (Overaged)M&P AMS 4227Cancelled no s/s spec CN E050701SAE Aluminum Alloy, Casting, Sand, 8.0Cu 6.0Mg 0.50Mn 0.50Ni, As Cast ok to use canc spec M&P AMS 4229DA F120201SAEAluminum Alloy Castings, High Strength 4.5Cu - 0.7Ag - 0.30Mn - 0.25Mg - 0.25Ti (A201.0-T7) Solution Heat Treated and OveragedM&P AMS 4233C030301SAEAluminum Alloy, Welding Wire 4.5 Cu - 0.70Ag - 0.30Mn - 0.25Mg - 0.25Ti (A201.0-T7)Solution Heat Treated and OveragedM&P AMS 4235CN B080301SAEAluminum Alloy Castings 4.6Cu - 0.35Mn - 0.25Mg - 0.22Ti (A206.0-T71) Solution andPrecipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4236CN B070801SAEAluminum Alloy Castings 4.6Cu - 0.35Mn - 0.25Mg - 0.22Ti (A206.0-T4) Solution HeatTreated and Naturally AgedM&P AMS 4237Cancelled no s/s spec CN B070401SAEAluminum Alloy Castings, Sand 4.6Cu - 0.35Mn - 0.25Mg - 0.22Ti (206.0 - T71) SolutionHeat Treated and Naturally Agedok to use canc spec M&P AMS 4241CN D091101SAEAluminum Alloy Castings 7.0Si - 0.58Mg - 0.15Ti -0.06Be (D357.0 - T6) Solution andPrecipitation Heat Treated Dendrite Arm Spacing (DAS) ControlledM&P AMS 4244CE B080701SAEAluminum Alloy, Welding Wire 4.6Cu - 0.35Mn - 0.25Mg - 0.22Ti for Welding A206.0 TypeAlloysM&P AMS 4245Noncurrent CR E100401SAE Aluminum Alloy, Welding Wire 5.0Si - 1.2Cu - 0.50Mg (355) (UNS A03550)M&P AMS 4246Noncurrent CP D080201SAE Aluminum Alloy, Welding Wire 7.0Si - 0.52Mg (357) (UNS A03570)M&P AMS 4260Not Acceptable to Use atParker Hannifin AerospaceCL G080601SAE Alum Aly Cast, Invest(356.0-T6)BPS4829AMS4260G unacceptable forParker Use. BPS4829 created asreplacement.M&P AMS 4261CN F091201SAEAluminum Alloy Castings, Investment 7.0Si - 0.32Mg (356.0 - T51) Precipitation HeatTreatedM&P AMS 4280CN J080601SAEAluminum Alloy Castings, Permanent Mold 5.0Si - 1.2Cu - 0.5Mg (355.0-T71) Solution HeatTreated and OveragedM&P AMS 4284CN H080601SAEAluminum Alloy Castings, Permanent Mold 7.0Si - 0.30Mg (356.0-T6) Solution andPrecipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4289CN-011101SAEAluminum Alloy Castings 7.0Si - 0.55Mg - 0.12Ti (F357.0-T6) Solution and Precipitation HeatTreatedM&P AMS 4291CT H101001SAE Aluminum Alloy, Die Castings 8.5Si - 3.5Cu (A380.0-F) (See AS1990) As Cast M&P AMS 4315CK-050701SAEAluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr 7075: (-T76 Sheet, -T7651Plate) Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4316CY A111101SAE Aluminum Alloy, Alclad Sheet and Plate 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg M&P。
用户组态手册目录用户组态手册 (I)第一部分快速组态入门 (1)1.软件应用流程 (1)1.1HOLLiAS MACS系统软件组态工作流程框图 (1)1.2框图说明 (1)2.系统软件组态操作步骤说明 (4)2.1组态前期准备工作 (4)2.2新建工程 (8)2.3控制站/模块/点组态操作步骤 (11)2.4控制逻辑组态操作步骤 (16)2.5网络变量组态步骤 (24)2.6工艺流程图组态操作步骤 (27)2.7参数汇总组态操作步骤 (32)2.8控制画面组态操作步骤 (35)2.9趋势组定义操作步骤 (39)2.10总貌画面组态操作步骤 (42)2.11事件组态操作步骤 (45)2.12操作员站组态操作步骤 (47)2.13系统设置操作步骤 (49)2.14键盘定义操作步骤 (51)2.15用户组态操作步骤 (53)2.16高级报警组态操作步骤 (54)2.17磁盘变量组态操作步骤 (55)2.18配方管理操作步骤 (56)2.19通讯向导操作步骤 (62)2.20报警设置操作步骤 (66)2.21语言设置操作步骤 (67)2.22系统软件组态保存与编译操作步骤 (68)2.23报表组态操作步骤 (69)2.24系统软件组态下装操作步骤 (77)第二部分详细组态说明 (1)第一章系统概述 (1)1.1系统构成 (1)1.2.1网络结构 (2)1.2.2系统组成 (4)1.2系统功能 (5)1.3系统特点 (6)第二章系统软件安装 (8)2.1软件安装运行环境 (8)2.2系统软件安装步骤 (8)第三章工程管理器总述 (14)3.1界面总貌 (14)3.2组态树基本操作 (16)3.3菜单命令 (16)第四章创建工程 (19)4.1功能说明 (19)4.1.1新建工程 (19)4.1.2打开工程 (23)4.1.3备份工程 (25)4.1.4关闭工程 (28)4.1.5删除工程 (29)4.1.6恢复工程 (30)4.1.7工程属性 (33)4.2创建工程组态实例 (35)第五章控制站I/O组态 (40)5.1控制站 (40)5.1.1主控型号及功能 (40) FM系列主控 (40) SM系列主控 (41)5.1.2控制站组态 (41) 新增控制站 (42) 组态信息查询 (44) 机柜布置 (45) 编译控制站 (52) 删除控制站 (53) 其它信息 (54)5.2I/O模块 (56)5.2.1模块型号及功能 (56) FM系列模块 (56) SM系列模块 (59)5.2.2I/O模块组态 (61) 新增模块 (61) 模块地址修改 (63) 冗余模块添加 (65) 模块信息查询 (67) 安装位置修改 (69) 删除模块 (73)5.3功能模块 (73)5.3.1通讯模块 (74) 模块型号及功能 (74) 通讯模块组态 (75)5.4第三方DP设备 (92)5.5点 (93)5.5.1I/O点 (93) I/O点信息详解 (93) I/O点组态 (105)5.5.2中间点 (113) 中间点信息详解 (113) 中间点组态 (134)5.5.3通讯点 (134)5.5.4查找测点 (136)5.6网络变量定义 (137)5.7导入测点清单 (140)5.7.1测点清单信息详解 (140) 测点清单中CONTROL表 (141) 测点清单中MODULE表 (141) 测点清单中AI点 (142) 测点清单中RTD点 (143) 测点清单中TC点 (144) 测点清单中PI点 (145) 测点清单中AO点 (146) 测点清单中DI点 (147) 测点清单中DO点 (148) 测点清单中SOE点 (148) 测点清单中DEH点 (149) 测点清单中DPTAG点 (149)5.7.2导入测点清单 (150)5.7.3导出测点清单 (151)5.8用户自定义库 (152)5.8.1新建用户库 (152)5.8.2刷新用户库索引 (154)5.8.3删除用户库 (154)5.8.4重命名用户库 (155)5.9控制站I/O组态实例 (156)5.9.1新建控制站 (156)5.9.2添加I/O模块和I/O点 (156)5.9.3添加通讯模块和通讯点 (163)5.9.4定义网络变量 (173)5.9.5导入测点清单 (176)5.9.6编译 (178)5.9.7中间点编辑 (178)第六章操作员站组态 (180)6.1功能说明 (180)6.1.1操作员站/工程师站 (180)6.1.2操作员站名 (180)6.1.3IP地址 (181)6.1.4主/从历史站 (181)6.1.5时间服务器 (181)6.1.6事件 (181)6.2组态操作说明 (181)6.2.1新增操作员站 (182)6.2.2组态操作员站 (183)6.2.3删除操作员站 (185)6.2.4下装操作员站 (186)6.3操作员站组态实例 (186)第七章控制逻辑组态 (192)7.1控制逻辑总述 (192)7.2控制逻辑组态界面 (193)7.2.1标题栏 (193)7.2.2菜单栏 (194) 文件菜单 (194) 编辑菜单 (195) 工程菜单 (199) 插入菜单 (204) 其他菜单 (204) 在线菜单 (205) 窗口菜单 (210) 帮助菜单 (213)7.2.3工具栏 (213)7.2.4树型结构窗口 (214) POUs (214) 资源 (214)7.2.5工作区 (224) 局部变量声明区 (224) 程序编辑区 (224)7.2.6编译窗口 (225)7.3控制逻辑组态操作说明 (226)7.3.1点生成 (226)7.3.2POU语言 (229) CFC (229) FBD (240) LD (247) ST (254) SFC (261) IL (271)7.3.3创建/添加程序 (278)7.3.4创建/添加功能块 (279)7.3.5创建/添加函数 (280)7.3.6控制逻辑算法编写 (281) 变量的数据类型 (281) 关于变量的有效范围 (284) 变量的属性 (285) 量程转换 (285) 算法介绍 (290)7.3.7编译、登录及调试 (302) 编译 (302) 登录 (302) 在线调试 (303)7.4控制逻辑组态实例 (308)第八章图形组态 (317)8.1工艺流程图 (317)8.1.1功能说明 (317)8.1.2组态操作说明 (317) 流程图页面管理 (319) 静态对象制作 (327) 动态对象制作 (333) 导入图形文件 (363) 编译图形 (367)8.2参数汇总 (367)8.2.1功能说明 (367)8.2.2组态操作说明 (368)8.3控制画面 (373)8.3.1功能说明 (373)8.3.2组态操作说明 (373)8.4趋势组定义 (378)8.4.1功能说明 (378)8.4.2组态操作说明 (378)8.5总貌画面 (381)8.5.1功能说明 (381)8.5.2组态操作说明 (382)8.6图形组态实例 (387)8.6.1新建工艺流程图 (387)8.6.2新建参数组 (389)8.6.3新建控制组 (391)8.6.4新建趋势组 (393)8.6.5新建总貌画面 (395)8.6.6在线运行画面 (401)第九章系统组态 (404)9.1系统设置 (404)9.1.1功能说明 (404)9.1.2组态操作说明 (404) 图形设置 (405) 校时设置 (407) 权限设置 (408)9.2用户组态 (408)9.2.1功能说明 (408)9.2.2组态操作说明 (410)9.3键盘定义 (414)9.3.1功能说明 (414)9.3.2组态操作说明 (415) 多区域键盘 (419)9.4事件组态 (422)9.4.1功能说明 (422)9.4.2组态操作说明 (425)9.5高级报警 (427)9.5.1功能说明 (427)9.5.2组态操作说明 (428)9.6磁盘变量 (430)9.6.1功能说明 (431)9.6.2组态操作说明 (432)9.7配方管理 (438)9.7.1功能说明 (438)9.7.2组态操作说明 (438)9.8通讯向导 (442)9.8.1功能说明 (442)9.8.2组态操作说明 (444) 新建通讯设备 (445) 修改通讯参数 (450)9.9报警设置 (452)9.9.1功能说明 (452)9.9.2组态操作说明 (452)9.10语言设置 (454)9.11系统组态实例 (456)9.11.1系统设置 (456)9.11.2用户组态 (457)9.11.3键盘定义组态 (459)9.11.4事件组态 (461)9.11.5高级报警组态 (462)9.11.6磁盘变量组态 (463)9.11.7配方管理组态 (465)9.11.8通讯向导组态 (472)9.11.9报警设置组态 (477)9.11.10语言设置组态 (479)第十章编译和下装 (481)10.1编译部分 (481)10.1.1编译 (481)10.1.2编译控制站 (482) 编译当前控制站 (483) 编译全部控制站 (483)10.1.3编译图形 (484)10.2下装部分 (484)第十一章报表组态 (488)11.1功能说明 (488)11.2组态操作说明 (488)11.2.1删除报表 (495)11.2.2报表重命名 (496)11.3组态实例 (496)第十二章代码编辑 (505)12.1新建代码 (506)12.2重命名代码文件 (507)12.3删除代码文件 (508)12.4查找用户函数 (508)第十三章CAD接线图 (511)13.1功能说明 (511)13.2组态操作说明 (515)13.3组态实例 (516)第十四章仿真控制器 (521)14.1功能说明 (521)14.2操作说明 (522)14.2.1控制站信息 (526)14.2.2控制站总览 (527)14.2.3控制站批量设置 (529)第十五章HART设备管理器 (530)15.1界面说明 (530)15.1.1启动HART设备管理器 (530)15.1.2工程视图的显示方式 (534)15.1.3设备管理 (537) 常规设备管理 (537) 智能设备管理 (537)15.1.4设备信息汇总 (539)15.1.5退出连接 (540)15.2服务器端各功能说明 (541)15.2.1HART仪表信息功能 (541) 基本信息 (541) 通用信息 (541) 主变量信息 (542) 副变量信息 (544) 调试信息 (544)15.2.2用户管理功能 (545)15.2.3日志功能 (547)15.2.4仪表台帐信息功能 (548) 查看仪表台帐信息 (548) 仪表筛选 (548) 台帐信息保存和打开 (548)15.2.5仪表维护功能 (549) 查看仪表维护信息 (549) 维护信息的预览打印 (549)15.2.6其它功能 (550) 模件参数 (550) 单位显示 (550)15.3客户端功能说明 (550)15.3.1启动客户端 (550)15.3.2显示界面 (551)15.3.3添加服务器 (551) 服务器IP设置 (552) 添加多个服务器 (552)15.3.4连接服务器 (552)15.3.5查看设备信息 (553)15.3.6断开服务器 (554)15.3.7删除服务器 (554)15.3.8仪表维护功能 (555)15.4错误信息 (555)第十六章多语言的使用 (556)第三部分速查手册 (559)1.数学及逻辑运算库HS_MathLogic.lib (559)1.1流量积算 (559)1.2折线函数 (561)1.3优先级递减多重比较器 (563)1.4D触发器 (565)1.5开关量变态次数累积 (566)1.6下降沿触发 (567)1.7开关量状态时间累积器 (567)1.8幂函数 (569)1.9数值滤波 (569)1.10一维插值 (571)1.11多项式 (572)1.12限定或 (573)1.14定义模拟量越限时间累计器 (576)1.15计算变化率 (577)1.16二维插值 (579)1.17上升沿触发 (581)2.时域运算库HS_TimeField.lib (582)2.1设定曲线 (582)2.2微分(不完全微分) (584)2.3一阶惯性 (585)2.4一阶滞后补偿 (586)2.5积分 (588)2.6超前滞后 (590)2.7滞后比较 (591)2.8斜坡函数 (592)2.9二阶惯性 (593)2.10二阶滞后补偿 (595)2.11定时器 (597)2.12一阶纯滞后 (601)2.13二阶纯滞后 (603)2.14三阶纯滞后 (604)3.控制算法库HS_Ctrol.lib (606)3.1手操器 (606)3.2组合伺服放大(HSCSLAVE) (610)3.3组合伺放(HSCSLAVE5) (612)3.4开关手操器 (616)3.5断路器 (617)3.6断路器2 (622)3.7断路器5 (628)3.8PID (636)3.9顺控设备(HSSCS) (644)3.10伺服放大 (652)3.11调节门(HSVALVE) (653)3.12远程调节门(HSVALVE5) (655)4.报警限制选择算法HS_AlmLimSec.lib (658)4.1冗余选择信号输入 (658)4.2模入信号二选一 (659)4.3报警闪光 (662)4.4幅值报警 (663)4.5偏差报警 (666)4.6速率报警 (667)4.7数字开关 (668)4.8幅值限制 (669)4.9速率限制 (670)4.10三取中 (671)5.专用算法HS_Special.lib (677)5.1模拟存储 (677)5.2双输出平衡(双平衡) (679)5.3断路器灯光 (682)5.4层选 (683)5.5步参数赋值 (685)5.6脉冲定位器 (687)5.7首出记忆(八输入) (689)5.8首出记忆(十六输入) (690)5.9首出记忆(三十二输入) (692)5.10闪光 (696)6.IEC运算符 (699)6.1算术运算符 (699)6.2位串运算符 (702)6.3移位运算符 (704)6.4选择运算符 (707)6.5比较运算符 (709)6.6地址运算符 (711)6.7调用运算符 (712)6.8数据类型转换运算符 (712)6.9数字运算符 (717)7.标准库(Standard.lib)功能块 (723)7.1字符串函数 (723)7.2双稳态功能块 (726)7.3触发器 (728)7.4计数器 (729)7.5计时器 (732)8.应用库(Util.lib)功能块 (735)8.1BCD转换 (735)8.2位/字节函数 (735)8.3数学帮助函数 (736)8.4控制器 (738)8.5信号发生器 (739)8.6函数操纵器 (741)8.7模拟值处理 (742)二、数据库点项名列表 (744)三、控制逻辑中的编译错误和警告信息 (760)编译错误信息(Error) (760)3100 (760)3101 (760)3110 (760)3111 (760)3112 (760)3114 (761)3115 (761)3116 (761)3120 (761)3121 (761)3122 (761)3123 (762)3130 (762)3131 (762)3132 (762)3150 (762)3160 (762)3161 (763)3162 (763)3163 (763)3200 (763)3201 (763)3202 (763)3203 (764)3204 (764)3205 (764)3206 (764)3207 (764)3208 (764)3209 (764)3210 (765)3211 (765)3212 (765)3250 (765)3251 (765)3252 (765)3253 (766)3254 (766)3255 (766)3400 (766)3401 (766)3402 (766)3403 (766)3404 (767)3405 (767)3406 (767)3407 (767)3408 (767)3410 (768)3411 (768)3412 (768)3413 (768)3414 (768)3415 (768)3450 (768)3451 (769)3452 (769)3453 (769)3454 (769)3455 (769)3456 (769)3457 (770)3458 (770)3459 (770)3460 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(861)接端子板FM136(A_2L) (862)接端子板FM136(P_2L) (863)接端子板FM136-DCR (864)FM161-48-SOE (865)FM161D (866)接端子板FM131A(D) (866)接端子板FM136(A_1L) (867)接端子板FM136(A_2L) (868)接端子板FM136(P_2L) (869)接端子板FM136-DCR (870)FM161D-SOE (871)FM161D-48 (872)接端子板FM131A(D) (872)接端子板FM136(A_1L) (873)接端子板FM136(A_2L) (874)接端子板FM136(P_2L) (875)接端子板FM136-DCR (876)FM161D-48-SOE (877)FM161E (878)接端子板FM131A(D) (878)接端子板FM136(A_1L) (879)接端子板FM136(A_2L) (880)接端子板FM136(P_2L) (881)接端子板FM136-DCR (882)FM161E-SOE (883)FM161E-48-SOE (884)FM161F (885)接端子板FM131A(D) (885)接端子板FM136(A_1L) (886)接端子板FM136(A_2L) (887)接端子板FM136(P_2L) (888)接端子板FM136-DCR (889)FM161F-48 (890)接端子板FM131A(D) (890)接端子板FM136(A_1L) (891)接端子板FM136(A_2L) (892)接端子板FM136(P_2L) (893)接端子板FM136-DCR (894)FM171 (895)接端子板FM131A(D) (895)接端子板FM1380 (896)接端子板FM1381 (897)接端子板FM138-ACR (898)接端子板FM138-SSRR (899)FM171B (900)接端子板FM131A(D) (900)接端子板FM1380 (901)接端子板FM1381 (902)接端子板FM138-ACR (903)接端子板FM138-SSRR (904)FM172 (905)接端子板FM131A(D) (905)接端子板FM1380 (906)接端子板FM1381 (907)接端子板FM138-ACR (908)接端子板FM138-SSRR (909)SM系列模块 (910)SM410 (910)接端子板SM3310 (910)接端子板SM3311 (911)接端子板SM3330 (912)接端子板SM3340 (913)SM411 (914)接端子板SM3310 (914)接端子板SM3311 (915)SM412 (916)接端子板SM3412 (916)接端子板SM3340 (917)SM413 (918)SM430 (919)接端子板SM3310 (919)接端子板SM3430 (920)SM432 (921)接端子板SM3310 (921)接端子板SM3432 (922)SM470 (924)接端子板SM3310 (924)接端子板SM3311 (925)接端子板SM3470 (926)接端子板SM3471 (927)SM471 (928)接端子板SM3310 (928)接端子板SM3311 (929)接端子板SM3470 (930)SM472 (931)接端子板SM3310 (931)接端子板SM3311 (932)接端子板SM3470 (933)接端子板SM3471 (934)SM480 (935)SM481 (936)接端子板SM3310 (936)接端子板SM3311 (937)接端子板SM3480 (938)SM482 (939)接端子板SM3310 (939)接端子板SM3311 (940)SM510 (941)接端子板SM3310 (941)接端子板SM3311 (942)接端子板SM3510 (943)SM511 (944)接端子板SM3310 (944)接端子板SM3311 (945)接端子板SM3510 (946)SM512 (947)接端子板SM3310 (947)接端子板SM3311 (948)接端子板SM3510 (949)SM520 (950)SM522 (951)SM610 (952)接端子板SM3310(D) (952)接端子板SM3611(A_1L) (953)接端子板SM3611(A_2L) (954)接端子板SM3611(P_2L) (955)接端子板SM3610 (956)接端子板SM3614 (957)SM611 (959)接端子板SM3310(D) (959)接端子板SM3610 (960)SM618 (961)接端子板SM3310(D) (961)接端子板SM3610 (962)SM618(PI) (963)SM619 (964)接端子板SM3310(D) (964)接端子板SM3610 (965)SM620 (966)接端子板SM3310 (966)接端子板SM3311 (967)SM710 (968)接端子板SM3310 (968)接端子板SM3311 (969)SM711 (970)接端子板SM3310(D) (970)接端子板SM3311(DO) (971)接端子板SM3710 (972)接端子板SM3711 (973)接端子板SM3712 (974)接端子板SM3713 (975)接端子板SM3714 (976)第一部分快速组态入门1.软件应用流程DCS的组态过程是一个循序渐进的过程,在应用HOLLiAS MACS软件对控制系统进行组态时,可针对系统的工艺要求,逐步完成对系统的组态。
Gefran IE系列熔融压力变送器使用指南说明书
MELT PRESSURE TRANSMITTERSIE SERIES Output 4...20mAThe “IMPACT” series of Gefran, are pressure transmit-ters, without transmission fluid, for using in High tempera-ture environment (350°C).Medium pressure is transferred directly to the sensitive silicon element via a thick diaphragm.Strain is transduced by a micro-worked silicon structure (MEMS).The operating principle is piezoresistive.“IMPACT” is Gefran’s exclusive series of high-temperature pressure sensors that use the piezoresistive principle. The main characteristic of “IMPACT” sensors is that they do not contain any transmission fluid.The sensitive element, directly positioned behind the con-tact membrane, is realised in silicon through microproces-sing techniques.The micro structure includes the measurement membrane and piezoresistors.The minimum deflection required by the sensitive element makes it possible to use very robust mechanics.The process contact membrane can be up to 15 times thi-cker than the membrane used in traditional Melt sensors.ADVANTAGES- Total compatibility with the European RoHS Directive - High strength - Long life- Working temperature: up to 350°C - Excellent read stability over time - Fast response time < 1msMAIN FEATURES• Pressure ranges:0-100 to 0-1000 bar / 0-1500 to 0-15000 psi • Accuracy: < ±0.25% FSO (H); < ±0.5% FSO (M)• Standard threading 1/2-20UNF, M18x1.5; other versions on request• Other types of diaphragms are available on request • Autozero function on board / external option • 15-5 PH stainless steel diaphragm GTP coatedAUTOZERO FUNCTIONAll signal variations in the absence of pressure can be eli-minated by using the Autozero function.This function is activated by closing a magnetic contact located on the transmitter housing or by means of external autozero.The procedure is permitted only with pressure at zero”. The Autozero function should be activated ONLY when theThe diagram shows the optimum ratio between load AMPL./CONV.SUPPLY VOLTAGEL O A D R E S I S T A N C E R lORDER CODEGEFRAN reserves the right to make any kind of design or functional modification at any moment without prior noticeGEFRAN spa。
胜利仪器 双钳数字相位伏安表 VICTOR 4000 2021说明书
目录安全须知 (1)一.简介 (2)二.技术规格 (2)1.基准条件和工作条件 (2)2.一般规格 (3)3.基准条件下基本误差及性能指标 (4)三.结构 (4)四.操作 (5)1.基本操作 (5)2.测试 (5)五.电池管理 (7)六.装箱单 (8)测试接线参考图 (8)安全须知●有电!危险!操作者须经严格培训并获得国家相关电工操作认证才能使用本仪表进行现场测试。
压⼒变送器详细操作指南教学教材压⼒变送器详细操作指南⽬录1.按键功能概述 (1)1.1.按键模式说明 (1)2.按键功能 (1)2.1.输⼊操作码 (1)2.1.1.操作码及对应功能 (1)2.1.2.操作码输⼊⽅法 (2)2.2.设置单位 (3)2.3.设置量程下限 (4)2.4.设置量程上限 (5)2.5.设置阻尼 (5)2.6.主变量调零(清零)功能 (6)2.7.设置输出特性 (6)2.8.校准下限 (7)2.9.校准上限 (7)2.10................................................................................................. 零点迁移与量程迁移 [调零和调满] 82.11.显⽰变量设置 (9)3.恢复出⼚设置 (9)按键详细操作指南1.按键功能概述1.1. 按键模式说明标准的H3051S和H3051T表头上都有三个按键,分别为“M”、“S”、“Z”。
2.按键功能2.1. 输⼊操作码2.1.1.操作码及对应功能现场使⽤按键组态时,LCD左下⾓“88”字符⽤于表⽰当前设置变量类型,也就是当前按键所执⾏的设置功能。
3051S / 3051T按键详细操作指南1.按键功能概述1.1.按键模式说明标准的H3051S和H3051T表头上都有三个按键,分别为“M”、“S”、“Z”。
Gefran ME系列熔融压力变送器 产品说明说明书
MELT PRESSURE TRANSMITTERSME SERIES Output 4...20mAThe ME series of Gefran, are pressure transmitters forusing in High temperature environment.The main characteristic of this series is the capability toread temperature of the media up to 400°C.The constructive principle is based on the hydraulic tra-smission of the pressure.The fluid-filled system assures the temperature stability.The phisical measure is transformed in a electrical mea-sure by means the strain-gauge technology.MAIN FEATURES• Pressure ranges from:0-35 to 0-2000 bar / 0-500 to 0-30000 psi• Accuracy: < ±0.25% FSO (H); < ±0.5% FSO (M)• Fluid-filled system for temperature stability• Mercury filling volume:ME0 (30mm3); ME1, ME2, ME3 (40mm3)• 1/2-20UNF, M18x1.5 standard threads; other types avai-lable on request• Autozero function on board / external option• Drift Autocompensation function (SP version)• Standard diaphragm is 15-5 PH stainless steel with GTP coating• 17-7 PH corrugated diaphragm with GTP coating for ran-ges below 100 bar-1500 psiGTP (advanced protection)Coating with high resistance against corrosion, abrasion and high temperatureAUTOZERO FUNCTIONAll signal variations in the absence of pressure can be eli-minated by using the Autozero function.This function is activated by closing a magnetic contact located on the transmitter housing.The procedure is permitted only with pressure at zero.AUTOCOMPENSATES INFLUENCE OF MELT TEMPERATUREThanks to internal self-compensation, the MSP series transmitter cancels the effect of pressure signal variation caused by variation of Melt temperature.This reduces at the minimum the read error caused by heating of the filling fluid (typical of all sensors built with “filled” technology).FSO = Full scale output : (1) BFSL method (Best Fit Straight Line): includes combined effects of Non-Linearity, Hysteresis and Repeatability.MECHANICAL DIMENSIONSAMPL./CONV.SUPPLY VOLTAGEL O A D R E S I S T A N C E R LDTS_ME_09-2010_ENGGEFRAN spa via Sebina, 7425050 PROVAGLIO D ISEO (BS) - ITALIA tel. 0309888.1 - fax. 0309839063Internet: 。
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1.3.1 普通型变送器 环境温度:-40℃~+85℃,带LCD表头或充氟油时为-20℃~+60℃,防雷保护(耐瞬变电
压)时为-40℃~+60℃。 相对湿度:0%~100%。 大气压力:86kPa~106kPa。 交流外磁场不大于400A/m。 现场周围应不含有对铝、铬、镍、锌、不锈钢等具有腐蚀作用的气体及易燃易爆物质。
4.1.4 普通型供电电源 HART 变送器:供电电源(指变送器电源端子处)为 11VDC~45VDC,带 LCD 显示表头时供电电
源为 15VDC~45VDC,纹波含量小于 0.1%,现场运行时,由配电器或稳压电源供电,一般工作电压 为 24VDC。
表 1 AT4000 差压/压力变送器的压力极限
压力变送器的 绝压变送器的
AT4000 智能远传差压/压力/液位变送器
夹持式(1199SCW)、耦合式(1199SLS)远传密封装置选型代码及含义详见附录 F。 注 1:为使变送器性能最优,应根据测量范围选择相应量程,不跨量程档使用。 注 2:如某项代码有特殊要求,则该位代码可用 X 或 Y 表示,并给出 X 或 Y 的说明。
3 结构特征和工作原理
AT4000 差压/压力变送器使用先进的微硅固态复合传感器,采用模块化设计,由带集成电 子适配单元的传感器模块和带按钮控制单元的放大器组成。AT4000 远传差压/压力/液位变送 器由 AT4000 差压/压力变送器和远传密封装置组成。被测的过程压力经远传密封装置的隔离 膜片和灌充液,再通过传感器本体上的隔离膜片和灌充液,传递至压力传感芯片,使传感芯 片上的惠斯登电桥的阻值产生微小变化,进而导致相应桥路输出电压的变化,该输出电压与 过程压力成正比,由适配单元及放大器转换为标准输出信号。
1.3.2 防爆型变送器 环境温度:-40℃~+60℃。 相对湿度:0%~100%。 大气压力:86kPa~106kPa。 交流外磁场不大于400A/m。 现场周围应不含有对铝、铬、镍、锌、不锈钢等具有腐蚀作用的气体。
1.4 型号代码及含义 AT4000 液位/远传变送器选型代码由本体选型代码(包括必选项和选项)+远传密封装置
PROFIBUS-PA/FF 变送器:符合 GB/T 16657.2-2008。 4.2.2 负载特性
HART 变送器负载特性为: RL≤(Vs-Vm)V/0.023A
式中:RL--最大负载电阻;Vs--供电电源;Vm--无 LCD 显示表头时为 11V,带 LCD 显示表 头时为 15V。HART 通信时负载电阻(含信号接收电阻及信号传输导线电阻)要求 230Ω~600Ω。
AT4000 智能远传差压/压力/液位变送器
1 概述
1.1 特点
AT4000 智能远传差压/压力液位变送器是基于先进的复合微硅固态传感器技术、模块化设 计理念,自主研发的具有完全自主知识产权的新一代高精度压力变送器。
AT4000 智能远传差压/压力/液位变送器的基本误差达±0.075%;输出通信协议:HART、 PROFIBUS-PA、FF;电磁兼容性符合 EN 61326-1︰2006;防爆型式:Ex d ⅡC T4~T6、Ex ia ⅡC T4~T6;防雷保护(耐瞬变电压)功能可选;多种调试方法:就地按钮、手操器、通信 软件,且就地按钮与 LCD 表头可实现变送器的功能组态;远传/液位灌充液可选:普通硅油、 高温硅油、氟油;可选不锈钢电子外壳。
1.2 应用
AT4000 智能远传差压/压力液位变送器用于工业生产过程中的差压、液位、压力、绝压等 的测量,具有符合 4mA~20mA/HART、PROFIBUS-PA、FF 协议的输出信号,数字信号中包含有 各种组态、信号状态及故障自诊断信息,可选的 LCD 表头用于显示过程压力、信号状态及故 障自诊断信息,就地按钮可完成调节零满等多种组态功能。
PROFIBUS-PA/FF 变送器:供电电源为 11VDC~32VDC,一般工作电流为 14mA,有极性。 防雷保护(耐瞬变电压)时:11VDC~32VDC。 4.1.5 防爆型供电电源 一般系统中可由配电器或稳压电源供电,本质安全防爆型变送器在本安系统工作时,应 由安全栅供电并传输信号。防爆型变送器供电电压为 24VDC。
4 技术特性
4.1 输入
4.1.1 测量范围 ——AT4010 液位变送器、远传差压变送器: 测量下限:-100%URL~+100%URL-Span 测量上限:-100%URL+Span~+100%URL ——AT4020 远传压力变送器: 测量下限:-100%URL(≥-0.1MPa)~+100%URL-Span
4.2 输出
4.2.1 通信接口
AT4000 智能远传差压/压力/液位变送器
HART 变送器:物理层符合:版本 8.1,文件号 HCF_SPEC-54(1999.08.24)。数据链路层符 合:版本 8.2,文件号 HCF_SPEC-81 (2007.07.23)、通用命令:版本 7.1,文件号 HCF_SPEC-127 (2008.05.10)及常用命令:版本 9.1,文件号 HCF_SPEC-151 (2008.05.21)的二线制 4mADC~ 20mADC。
AT4000 智能远传差压/压力/液位变送器
测量上限:-100%URL+Span(≥-0.1MPa+Span)~+100%URL ——AT4020 远传绝压变送器:
测量下限:0~+100%URL-Span 测量上限:Span~+100%URL 4.1.2 零点迁移量 ——AT4010 液位变送器、远传差压变送器: 最大正迁移量:+100%URL-Span 最大负迁移量:-100%URL ——AT4020 远传压力变送器: 最大正迁移量:+100%URL-Span 最大负迁移量:-100%URL(≥-0.1MPa) ——AT4020 远传绝压变送器: 最大正迁移量:+100%URL-Span 最大负迁移量:无。 4.1.3 压力极限(见表 1) AT4000 远传差压/压力/液位变送器的压力下限为 3.5kPa abs,压力上限为变送器的压力 极限(见表 1)与远传法兰耐压等级的较小值。
2 安全使用注意事项
注意:安装、使用前,请仔细阅读本使用说明书。 注意:只有合格或经授权的人员才能从事变送器的安用和操作等有经验的人员,并持有从事这类 工作的合格证书。 警告:禁止被测介质结冰,否则将损坏变送器。 警告:防爆变送器外壳设有接地端子,用户在安装使用时须可靠接地。 危险:在高压和/或腐蚀性介质的场合下应用时,如处理不当,可能造成严重的人员伤害、材 料损坏、环境污染! 危险:普通型变送器不许应用于爆炸性环境! 危险:用户不得自行更换防爆变送器的零部件。 危险:防爆变送器现场使用和维护时,必须遵守“严禁带电开盖”的原则! 危险:防爆变送器允许使用环境温度范围为:-40℃~+60℃! 危险:使用介质温度必须处于防爆变送器的温度组别所许可的范围内。 危险:本安变送器必须与安全栅等关联设备组成本安防爆系统,方可适用于现场存在ⅡC 级以 下爆炸性气体混合物的场所。 警告:防爆变送器的安装、使用和维护应同时遵守产品说明书、GB3836.13-2003“爆炸性气 体环境用电气设备 第 13 部分:爆炸性气体环境用电气设备的检修”、GB3836.15-2000“爆炸 性气体环境用电气设备 第 15 部分:危险场所电气安装(煤矿除外)”、GB3836.16-2006“爆 炸性气体环境用电气设备 第 16 部分:电气装置的检查和维护(煤矿除外)”及 GB50257-1996 “电气装置安装工程爆炸和火灾危险环境 电气装置施工及验收规范”的有关规定。
AT4000智能远传差压 / 压力 / 液位变送器 使用说明书
AT4000 智能远传差压/压力/液位变送器
1 概述 ………………………………………………………………………………………( 1) 2 安全使用注意事项 ………………………………………………………………………( 2) 3 结构特征和工作原理 ……………………………………………………………………( 2) 4 技术特性 …………………………………………………………………………………( 2) 5 结构、尺寸 ………………………………………………………………………………( 7) 6 安装、调整 ………………………………………………………………………………( 7) 7 操作 ………………………………………………………………………………………( 8) 8 维护与检修 ………………………………………………………………………………(12) 9 运输及贮存 ………………………………………………………………………………(12) 10 开箱及检查 ………………………………………………………………………………(12) 附录 A AT4000 液位/远传变送器本体选型代码及含义 …………………………………(13) 附录 B 液位/远传密封装置(1199FFW、1199EFW)选型代码及含义 ……………………(17) 附录 C 对夹式远传密封装置(1199PFW)选型代码及含义 ………………………………(21) 附录 D 法兰安装式远传密封装置(1199RFW)选型代码及含义 …………………………(22) 附录 E 螺纹安装式远传密封装置(1199RTW)选型代码及含义 …………………………(23) 附录 F 夹持式(1199SCW)、耦合式(1199SLS)远传密封装置选型代码及含义 ………(24) 附录 G AT4010 液位变送器结构简图 ………………………………………………………(25) 附录 H AT4000 远传差压、压力/绝压变送器结构简图……………………………………(26) 附录 I AT4000 远传密封装置结构尺寸 ……………………………………………………(27) 附录 J AT4010 远传差压变送器本体的安装 ………………………………………………(31) 附录 K AT4020 远传压力/绝压变送器本体的安装…………………………………………(32) 附录 L LCD 显示表头菜单树 ………………………………………………………………(33)