
研究生presentation 及seminar 的机会更是占很大的比重,有些甚至占学期成绩很大比例。
通常论文由篇首(Preliminaries),本文(Texts)以及参考资料(References)三部分构成;而这三大部分各自内容如下:(一) 篇首:封面(Title)序言(Preface)谢词(Acknowledge)提要(Summary)目录(Tables and Appendixes)(二) 本文:引言(Introduction)主体,含篇(Part)、章(Chapter)、节(Section) 、以及注释(Footnotes)(三)参考资料:参考书目(References or Bibliography)附录资料(Appendix)。
构思为确定写作大纲或Proposal 的先前步骤,大纲是论文、报告的骨干,Proposal 是研究的架构、流程及范围的说明书。

(0) Find the perfect partner.
Find someone you like. ‘Be prepared to communicate and share credit and blame,’ says Carol Savage, the managing director of Flexecutive, a flexible working consultancy.
2. Match these ways of working 1-8 to definitions A-I. Do you work in any of these ways?
A You work during different parts of the day (eg. nights).
0 freelance
B You sell your work or services to a number of different companies.
1 teleworking 2 job-sharing 3 shift-work
C You work for different companies for a short time without a permanent contract.
Module 1 Business topic
1.1 Ways of working 1.2 Making contacts
1.1 Ways of working
Different ways of working
How to job-share
1.1 Ways of working
Open your mind Plan for disaster Find the perfect partner Don’t feel guilty

目录BEC中级参考答案 (2)TEST 1 (11)TEST 2 (12)TEST 3 (14)TEST 4 (15)TEST 5 (2)TEST 6 (3)TEST 7 (4)TEST 8 (5)TEST 9 (7)TEST 10 (8)TEST 11 (9)TEST 12 (10)商务英语中级习题集2010版TEST 1WRITINGAll content points are covered, using natural sounding language and a consistently appropriate tone.Band 4There is a satisfactory range of structures, with some errors, but these do not impede understanding. The content points are adequately covered, and the register is appropriate. The information is generally well organized, using headings and other discourse markers.LISTENINGPART ONE1 JAYE2 CUSTOMER SERVICES3 OFFICE ASSISTANNT4 457.605 EUROPE HOLIDAYS6 BUSINESS CARDS7 MARKETING EXECUTIVES 8(THE) (COMPANY) LOGO9 INFORMATION PACK 10 PARK HOTEL11 FRONT HOTEL 12 NEW DESIGNSTEST 2WRITINGBand 4All points are adequately covered and developed. There is an adequate range of language, though with some repetition.Band 4All the content points are covered and are well organized. The range of language is good, and though some errors occur, these do not obscure the message. The register is appropriate.LISTENINGPART ONE1 TAKING MINUTES2 13(TH) OCTOBER3 CERTIFICATE4 CUSTOMER SERVICE5 WORLDNET/WORLD NET6 OUTSIDE LINES7 TRANSFER CALLS 8 (THE) EQUIPMENT9 TRADE FAIR 10 AFTER LUNCH11 REVISED BUDGETS 12 HEAD OFFICETEST 3WRITINGBand 5All the content points are successfully addressed, with a controlled, natural use of language, and evidence of a wide range of vocabulary and structure.All the content points are adequately covered and satisfactorily organized. As well as achieving an appropriate register, the candidate demonstrates a good range of vocabulary, e.g. ‘key findings’. There are, however, a number of spelling error.LISTENINGPART ONE1 CUSTOMER DATABASE2 COMMUNICTIONS DIRECTOR3 PRODUCT DEMONSTRATION4 MEDIUM5 RACING WEAR/RACING CLOTHES6 SPECIFICATIONS7 PRICE LISTS8 SPARE PARTS 9 RETAIL PARK 10 LOADING AREA 11 RECEIPT12 (OLD) PHOTOCOPIERTEST 4All the content points are covered, with controlled, natural use of language.Band 4The content points are more than adequately addressed. A range of discourse markers and linking devices is used. Both the register and format are appropriate to the task, and the language is generally accurate.PART ONE1 DATABASE2 SUPPLIER3 HOW ARTH4 IT CO-ORDINATOR5 (QUALITY) DESIGN6 EUROPE7 ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN 8 DISCOUNTS\9 COMMERCIAL HALL 10 380 (SHAREHOLDERS)11 MICROPHONES 12 AMENDED FIGURESTEST 5WRITINGPART ONE Sample ABand 5All the content points are clearly addressed, and the language is well controlled and concise, making use of a range of suitable expressions.PART TWO Sample CBand 4All the content points have been addressed with reasonable attempts at development. The report is generally well organised and it is cohesive and concise. Overall, the language used is accurate and includes a good range of grammar and vocabulary.LISTENIINGPART ONE1 PLANT MANAGERS2 PACKING AREA3 SHOP FLOOR4 DELIVERY5 ELECTRICAL ENGINEER6 DESIGN (SECTION)7 LANGUAGE ABILITY8 (A) DIPLOMA 9 IT CONSULTANT 10 PRODUCTS11 ONLINE SELLING / ON(-)LINE SELLING 12 COST(-)EFFECTIVETEST 6WRITINGPART ONE Sample ABand 3All the content points have been addressed relatively clearly, and an attempt has been made to expand upon the prompts and avoid lifting language from the question paper. Some language errors occur, but these are relatively minor and do not obscure the message.PART TWO Sample CAll the content points are clearly covered and the report is easy to read, making use of a good range of expression, including linking devices and phrases. The use of language is ambitious for the level, and although there are some errors, these tend to be relatively minor and do not detract from the clear communication of the message.LISTENIINGPART ONE1 SERVICE(S)2 PACKING3 DAMAGED4 (AN) ENGINEER5 SECTOR BRIEFING6 INVESTMENT NEWS7 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 8 CORPORATE REGISTER9 MANAGEMENT SCHOOL 10 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS11 7.45 / 19.45 12 BOOK SIGNINGTEST 7WRITINGPART ONE Sample ABand 4All the content points are clearly addressed, and the email is concise and clear, showing evidence of a good range of vocabulary. There are some errors, but these do not impede communication or detract from the overall positive effect on the reader.Band 5All the content points have been addressed and the target reader would be fully informed. The report is effectively organised, making use of headings and discourse markers. The range of vocabulary and grammar is good, and where errors occur they are minor. The register and format are consistently appropriate.LISTENIINGPART ONE1 (A) (NEW) TRAINEE2 (OUR) (PROFIT) MARGIN(S)3 PRODUCT LAUNCH4 (FINAL) AGENDA5 STATISTICS6 (THE) ANNUAL REPORT7 NEW CONTRACTS8 OVERSEAS9 OVERTIME 10 DOUBLE (RATE)11 (THEIR) LINE MANAGER(S) 12 SHIFT(S)TEST 8WRITINGBand 5All the content points are covered and there is evidence of a wide range of vocabulary and good language control. The email is clear and concise and the register is appropriate.Band 4The letter addresses all the content points and these are expanded upon appropriately. The register and format are consistently appropriate and the content is well organised. Good language control is demonstrated, and a wide range of vocabulary and grammar structures is used.LISTENIINGPART ONE1 PLASTIC COMPONENENTS2 COMPETITORS3 (THE) FOCUS4 (SKILLED) OPERATORS5 TRAINING STAFF6 TRIAL PERIOD7 HOLIDAY PAY 8 DISTRIBUTOR 9 PRODUCTIVITY BONUS(ES)10 (THE) TRADE FAIR 11 TAKEOVER 12 REDUNDANCIESTEST 9WRITINGPART ONE Sample AThe answer contains all the necessary information, yet is concise, and the language used is generally accurate. Overall, the impression on the reader is positive.PART TWO Sample CThe candidate’s answer is effectively organised, covers all the important information clearly and contains a wide range of vocabulary and structures. There are few errors, and language is well controlled and natural sounding. The overall effect on the reader is very positive.LISTENIINGPART ONE1 PACKAGING2 PENALTY CLAUSE3 INSTALLATION4 INSURANCE5 (NEW) OUTLETS6 BRAND EXECUTIVE7 PURCHASING8 LOYALTY CARD/SCHEME 9 UPGRADE10 OVERHEADS 11 PROPERTY 12 PEAK MONTHSTEST 10WRITINGAll points are addressed, and the register and format are on the whole appropriate. The range and accuracy of language are generally good, and the reader would be clearly and fully informed.PART TWO Sample CAll content points are clearly covered, and the report is well organised with good cohesion. Both the register and format are consistently appropriate. Generally, the language used is accurate, and a good range of structures and vocabulary is demonstrated.LISTENINGPART ONE1 (THE) LAST QUARTER2 (THE) LONG(-)TERM3 CURRENT4 LOSSES5 SECOND STAGE6 (A) PENALTY (CLAUSE)7 UNSKILLED8 (ANOTHER)/(A)/(THE) CONTRACT 9 (SOFTWARE) ENGINEER10 (THE) TIMING 11 (THE) HARDW ARE 12 OBJECTIVE(S)TEST 11WRITINGThe candidate has fully addressed all the content points. The language is natural and well controlled in its usage. The overall effect on the reader is very positive.PART TWO Sample CBand 4The candidate has addressed all the content points, using a good range of appropriate vocabulary and structures. The report is well organised and generally accurate. The overall effect on the reader is positive.LISTENINGPART ONE1 JOBSPLAN2 CURRENT REPORTS3 (THE) APPENDIX4 (THE) HEAD OFFICE5 (THE) DISCOUNT SHOP6 DELIVERIES7 SURVEY8 TAX BENEFITS9 SHAREHOLDERS(‘) 10 VIP LOUNGE11 SOUND SYSTEM 12 EVENTSTEST 12WRITINGPART ONE Sample AAll points are covered, and language is controlled and concise, and demonstrates a wide lexical range. The register is consistently appropriate, as is the format.PART TWO Sample CBand 4All content points are covered, and the report is well within the recommended word limit. Language is generally accurate, and good range is demonstrated. Both register and format are appropriate and the report is well organised.LISTENINGPART ONE1 INTERNA TIONAL COMMUNICATION2 BOARDROOM3 FEEDBACK FORM(S)4 GLOBAL PARTNERSHIPS5 HEADED6 TRAINING SESSION7 CHANGE SUPPLIER8 INSTALMENTS 9 INNOV A TIONS 10 HUMAN RESOURCES/HR11 TEAMWORK 12 MOTIV ATION。

新编剑桥商务英语中级第三版答案新编剑桥商务英语中级第三版答案【篇一:新编剑桥商务英语(中级)课文翻译】1、we wanna hold your hand 我们愿与你携手创业带着浓厚的经营意识,加上一些进取精神,再来瞧瞧,哈!你拥有了一家连锁店!如果想自己开店、大展身手却又苦于缺乏经验,同时又不想在这个充满风险的昙花一现的独立法人世界中立足,那么开家连锁店不失为一个明智之举。
”如果能够募集到起步经费,开设自己的特许经营店,就为冒险家一展身手提供了理想机会2、not sold on sales相比之下,销售则意味着挨家挨户推销,进行不期而至的拜访或拨打不期而至的电话。
要点解析:(1) shake off its unglamorous image摆脱其乏味的形象。
shake off摆脱,例如:shake off responsibility摆脱责任。
(2) associations with something rather dishonest本意为“和某种不诚实守信的因素紧紧相联”,在这个语境中可以翻译为“与无商不奸的概念紧紧相联”。
unglamorous单调的,乏味的,例如:unglamorous environment单调的环境。
(3) retain an air of glamour 显得很风光,retain an air of 带着??的样子,例如retain an air of cheerfulness保持一种欢喜的样子。
商务英语阅读Unit10 banking 课后答案和新编剑桥商务英语(高级)第三版

Chapter 10The Alchemists of FinanceExercises1. Questions on the text1)Wha t’s the main difference between commercial banks and investmentbanks?In today's business environment, the main business of commercial banks is to collect deposits and make loans, while that of investment banks is to underwrite stocks and bonds and advise companies on mergers and acquisitions.2)Why do investment banks try to keep quiet about their big profits?Investment banks try to keep quiet about their big profits for two major reasons: first, they are under more scrutiny by regulators and investors; second, private equity and hedge funds have overtaken them in raising money and making excessive bets.3)What changes have taken place in the financial markets since the 1980s?The main changes since 1980s have been the rapid growth of financial instruments with unprecedented breadth, depth and richness, brought out by technology and innovation. Examples of those financial instruments are public and private debt securities and derivatives.4)Why do bankers and regulators worry about a possible collapse of aninvestment bank?They worry about a possible collapse of an investment bank because such an event will have serious implications for the whole financial system, and it is vital to know how such institutions evolve, how they handle risks and how well those risks are spread around the financial system.5)Which three factors can explain the huge profit for investment banks?Those factors are: first, the alchemist's trick of turning debt (mostly leaden) into derivatives (mostly liquid); second, the emergence of a new class of leveraged client (hedge funds and private equity); third, seeking out new capital markets and clients around the world. Meanwhile, in all these pursuits the banks are now using their own money, to differing degrees.6)What does the expression “the wild east” refer to?That expression refers to the new markets emerging in Europe and Asia. The introduction of the euro in 1999 and the rapid growth of economies in those regions have attracted investment banks.7)What makes London an impressive rival to New York as a global financialcenter?London has become an impressive rival to New York as a global financial center because: first, London trades a wide range of assets and is regulated on the spot;second, London is a hub for Europe and continent European countries can raise capital there; third, London is also regarded as a springboard for emergingmarkets such as China and Russia.8)How do investment banks manage the risks?Investment banks try to find the most talented people to handle the intricate assets;they measure the correlations between different financial instruments in an attempt to spread risk; they invest hundreds of millions of dollars a year in technologies to measure and stress-test risks; they also try to boost their risk-weighted capital.9)According to the text, what’s the relationship between revenue and risk infinance?The relationship between revenue and risk is fundamental in finance. Risk-taking is awarded by possible high revenue. Low risk often means less revenue.However, in order to gain more revenue, you need to take more risks. You should carefully calculate the risk and balance it against revenue beforehand, or you will pay a high price for foolish investment bet.10)Which one is more important to the growth of the finance industry,innovation or regulation?Based on the text, both innovation and regulation are vital to the healthy growth of the finance industry. Without innovation, investors have fewer places to gain returns on their money and those seeking money would have much more difficulties in obtaining it. Thus innovation boosts the rapid growth of finance industry and brings benefits to more people both in developed countries and developing countries. However, innovation without proper regulation, such as the securities that no one knows how to exactly measure their risk, could lead the growth of the finance industry to a disastrous end.2. Fill in each blank of the following sentences with one of the phrases in the list given below:1)The government has taken many measures to bring down the prices of oil.2)Employees are asked to keep quiet about their year-end bonus.3)Regulators demand the monopoly company to split into smaller entities.4)It’s reported that China Telecom plans to spin off its network services unit in HK.5)The traffic had seized up for miles because of the accident.6)According to those representatives, new forces are at work in the refiningindustry.7)We shall never know how she managed to acquire her promotion; there is no wayto account for it.8) A nationwide law aimed at stamping out passive smoking in public spaces inSwitzerland came into force on Saturday.9)Innovations will bring about dramatic changes in this industrial sector.10)I would say that, on balance, it hasn't been a bad year.3. Match the terms in column A with the explanations in column B:A B1) liquidity crisis a) a bank that provides checking accounts,savings accounts, and money market accountsand that accepts time deposits. 62) leveraged buy-out b) a company issues common stock or shares tothe public for the first time. 53) credit crunch c) the situation in which a business experiences alack of cash required to grow the business, payfor day-to-day operations, or meet its debtobligations when they are due, causing it todefault. 14) over-the-counter securities d) the acquisition of another company usinga significant amount of borrowed money(bonds or loans) to meet the cost of acquisition.25) initial public offering e) a financial institution that assists individuals,corporations and governments in raisingcapital by underwriting and/or acting as theclient's agent in the issuance of securities. 8 6) commercial bank f) an aggressively managed portfolio ofinvestments that uses advanced investmentstrategies such as leveraged, long, short andderivative positions in both domestic andinternational markets with the goal ofgenerating high returns. 97) stress test g) a sharp increase in the interest rates and astrong decrease in allocated credits. 38) investment bank h) a process that measures whether oneinstitution has adequate capital and/or assetsto respond effectively to various, adversescenarios usually presented by a computerprogram. 79) hedge fund i) securities traded in some context other than ona formal exchange such as the NYSE, etc. 410) risk management j) the identification, assessment, andprioritization of risks followed by coordinatedand economical application of resources tominimize, monitor, and control the probabilityand/or impact of unfortunate events or tomaximize the realization of opportunities. 104.Translate the following into Chinese:在去年信贷危机爆发的时候,联邦的监管者们向国内的各主要金融机构注入了数以百亿计美元,而他们这么做的原因在于这些银行是如此之大以至于官员们担心它们的破产将会拖垮整个金融体系。

剑桥商务英语中级完整笔记(词汇)第一篇:剑桥商务英语中级完整笔记(词汇)《新编剑桥商务英语中级》-Vocabulary Unit 1a Teamwork toiletries:n.化妆品厂、清洁、化妆用品公司 major brands:主导品牌expatriate:n.旅居海外的,移居国外的creative thinking:创新思维a survival course:生存技巧培训课程profile:n.简介、小传、概况simulation:n.模拟训练go for profit:追求利润behind schedule:进度落后于计划stick to the schedule:严格按计划进行Unit 1b Communication exceed:v.超越、胜过over-estimate:vt.过高的估计manageable:adj.便于管理understate:vt.轻描淡写的说 seminar:n.研讨会、讨论会management:n.(企业、机关的)管理人员follow-up evaluation:后续评估 deadline:n.最终期限complimentary ticket:免费赠送的票Self-study and Exam practice have everything to do with:与…关系密切curriculum vitae:个人简历、履历,简称CVhuman factor:认为因素 aggressive:adj.咄咄逼人的、好斗indicate:vt.显示、表明Unit 2a Entertaining customer satisfaction form:顾客满意、情况问卷表complete the form 填写表格questionnaire:n.调查表、问卷criteria:n.标准(为criterion的复数形式)atmosphere:n.氛围attentiveness:n.殷勤、周到value for money:物有所值程度enhance:vt.提高、增加mezzanine:n.(尤指介于一层与二层之间的)中层楼reasonable prices:合理的价格interior design:室内装修group dining:团体用餐catering requirement:餐饮要求tour groups:旅游团corporate events:公司社交活动wine tastings:品酒会steak:n.牛排 company presentations:公司业务报告会business trip:公务旅行vegetarian:素食者call in:顺路到某处 alike:adv.一样的,相似的 evolve:逐渐发展或完成 pride ourselves on/upon:为…感到骄傲along with:同…一道be of importance:具有重要性to cater for:提供餐饮服务,接待gently:adv.轻轻地,小心地 strive:为获得…而努力奋斗concept:n.概念,观念,想法distinctive:adj.与众不同的 suitable:adj.舒适,合适memorable:adj.难忘的 tourist:n.游客,观光客awful:adj.糟糕的,恶劣的Unit 2b Corporate hospitalitycorporate hospital:商务接待,企业社交tip:n.技巧,窍门,忠告be in need of:需要mention:v.提起,说起 social setting:社交场合 in due course:经过一段时间,到适当的时候poor timing:不合事宜trade fair:贸洽会teenage:adj.少年的 prospect:n.可能的,潜在的顾客hook:钩子,吸引人们兴趣或注意力的方式a fact-finding mission:情况调查,实地考察substantial:adj.重大的,有影响的fortunately:adv.幸运的concern:v.对…有印象;n.担心sociable:adj.好交际的,喜欢与人交往的ensure:v.确保,保证rugby:n.(英式)橄榄球intimate:adj.亲密的;n.至交,密友ability:n.能力,技能,本领purposeful:adj.有清晰目的,有明确目标chit-chat:n.(非正式)聊天,闲谈disposal:n.丢弃,处理therefore:adv.因此,所以see…as:把…看作lie in…:(原因、兴趣、答案等)在于…stand around:闲站着 add up to:意味着,说明whisper into his ear:在某人耳边低声说话in term of:从…的角度来看,就…而言in due course/time:经过一段时间,到适当的时候Self-study and Exam practice continental breakfast:欧式早餐bilingual applicants:具有双语能力的申请者end-of-year party:年终聚会job advertisement:招工广告marketing secretary:营销部秘书P.A.(Personal Assistant):私人助理administrative support:行政管理上的支持secretarial skills:文秘技能up-to-date information technology:最新的信息技术communications skills:沟通能力,交际技能science marketing assistant:科技营销助理an internal recruitment policy:内部招工政策official working hours:正式的工作时间long-term employment:长期雇用production manager:生产经理work overtime:加班take legal action against:对…提出诉讼 settle the dispute:解决纠纷 secretarial and administrative staff:文秘及行政人员unforeseen circumstances:难以预料的情况meet agreed delivery dates:按约定的日期准时送货place your order with:向…定货outlet:n.代销店,专卖店legal advisers:法律顾问established customers:老顾客bring…up:把…提出来give…priority:优先考虑,处理某事a backlog of orders:积压的订单at one’s disposal:由…自由支配be popular with ab.:为惯用搭配,深受喜爱on…basis:在…基础上look forward to sth.:期盼,盼望price前一把用介词atvalue for money:物有所值cater for:承办an overview of…:对…的概述call in:来访call by: 顺道访问推迟到某个时间用postpone till/until…a long way from:离…还差得很远Unit 2 Customersreorganise:n.改组,改编loan:n.银行贷款forecast:n.预测consume:v.消费,消耗venture:n.风险项目warranty:n.(产品的)保证书oval:椭圆形finalise:v.确定,最后定下backlog:n.积压未办的事情substantial:adj.重大的,可观的,坚固的,有影响的Unit 3a Ordering goods mail order company:邮购计划headquarters:n.(公司)总部catalogue:n.商品目录单recommendation:n.推荐信、建议item:n.产品、货物in standard length:标准长度的 article:n.商品、项目measurements charts:尺寸图knitted skirts:针织裙子vendor:n.销售商asap(as soon as possible)尽快Unit 3bCash flow cash flow:现金流向、现金流量,现金流动cash flow gap:现金流量差额case study:案例分析final payment:最后付款bar chart:柱形图down payment:订金bill:vt.要求支付…的费用remainder:n.剩余物early settlement discount:提前付款折扣labour cost:劳动力成本credit terms:信用期限、信用条件outstanding:adj.剩余的 outstanding balance:剩余金额order books:订货薄a shortage of cash:现金短缺turnover:n.营业额financing costs:筹措成本cash on delivery:货到即付款margin:n.利润 inventory:n.库存、存货penalty:n.处罚、罚款potential customer:潜在客户hard sell:强行推销flat management culture:扁平化的管理结构Self-study and Exam practice workmanship:(尤指精细的)工艺,手艺negotiate:v.谈判,商定retail:v.零售detail:n.细节deliver:v.把…送往delivery:n.送货measurement:n.长度,高度gap:n.缺口,差距forecast:n.预测,预报settlement:正式协议penalty:n.惩罚,处罚charge:n.费用,v.收费potential:adj.潜在的,可能的n.潜在性,可能性grant:n.给予,准予patient:adj.有耐心的,忍耐的patience:耐心,忍耐familiar:adj.熟悉的average:adj.平均的lack:n.v.没有,不足,缺乏aggressive:n.好斗的,雄心勃勃的furthermore:adv.而且,不仅如此however:然而,不过,但是sector:n.(尤指商业、贸易等的)部门,行业accordion:n.手风琴for instance:例如combination:组合,联合promotional:(电影、活动等)旨在推销(宣传)的 combine:v.(使)组合 equally:adv.相同的,相等的 equalize:v.使相等的equality:n.平等segment:n.部分alternate:adj.轮流,交替cable:n.电缆,缆绳forthcoming:adj.即将,到来demonstrate:v.证明,证实flatter:v.奉承,讨好,感到荣幸cash on delivery:货到付款credit terms:信用期限,信用条件interest on…:…的利息,习惯用onpay for…:支付…的费用,用介词forpay in cash:in表示付款方式,以现金形式price…at:以…的价格,习惯用介词atcost of labour:劳动成本as down payment:作为订金outstandingbalance:剩余金额days net:净30天early settlement discount:提前付款折扣penalty charge:罚款Unit 3 Commerce currency:n.货币paying-in slip:【英】(银行)存款单payee:n.收款人deduct:v.减去,扣除transaction:n.交易,事务counterfoil:n.存根adviser:n.顾问interest:n.利息cashier:n.出纳deposit:n.定金,首付dividend:n.股息,红利deductible:adj.减去haulage:n.货运业,货运费consignment:n.托运的货物margin:n.页边,空白courier:n.(递送包裹或文件的)信徒logistic:n.后勤;逻辑custom duty:关税 overdraft:n.透支额Unit 4a Brand power selling point:卖点environmental-friendliness:n.对环境无害,有环保的特点user-friendliness:n.用户使用方便kitchen appliances:厨房用具competitive advantage:竞争优势diversify:vt.多样化经营,增加产品种类own-label clothing:贴(名牌超市)自己品牌的服装saturate:vt.使饱和supermarket chains:连锁超市industry analyst:行业分析家cut-price:削价出售retail food marker:食品零售市场mortgage:n.住房按揭,抵押margin:n.利差,赚头boost profit:提高利润estate agent:房产商bonus points:(消费积分)loyalty scheme:忠实(顾客)奖励计划voucher:n.优惠,奖券interest rate:利率incentive:n.刺激,鼓励reputation:名誉、名望gradually:adv.逐渐的,逐步的 eventually:adv.终于、最终survey:n.调查、审视combine:v.组合,综合outlet:n.专卖店、分销店fixed rate:固定利率banking on a Brand:bank on既可解释为“依赖…获利”,也含有“对…抱有信心”。

Unit 1 Applying for a Job
IIListening Task
1) recruit2) advertise3) position4) Internet
5) apply for6) letter of application7) covering letter8) curriculum vitae
4) Good interview etiquette means some important interview etiquette tips like “Be on time for your interview”, “Be aware of your body language” and “Keep the interview positive”.
5) B: I used to work in a small company. There was a lack of growth opportunities in a small company. One of the reasons I’m so interested in your company is that you are a large company dealing in international trade. I feel that I would have more scope for personal development in your company and that the work will be more challenging for me.
traditional / broad-based / work for / strengths and weaknesses / Interviewing success / ability / communicate / truthfulness or content / skills and abilities/enthusiasm and work ethic / team player /
新编剑桥商务英语中级学生用书 Unit

新编剑桥商务英语中级学生用书 Unit 10BI Donald, your consultancy helps companies enter foreign markets. What kind of help are companies looking for when they come to KMP?D Well, companies usually have a specific market in mind and a pretty good idea as to which products they intend to export. BUt what they're not sure about is how to get the product into the target maket.I So what is the best way?D Well, there are many options, form franchises to wholly-owned subsidiaries. The higher the degree of ownership, the more control you have. However, ownership also means more investment and, therefore, more risk.I So what's the safest way of entering a market?D Well, if you want to keep financial risk to a minimum, you should think about a licensing arrangement or perhaps a franchise. That way you don't have any of the costs associated with setting up production facilities. And, of course, you retain control of the product, which means you avoid some of the conflicts involved in joint ventures.I But joint ventures are a very popular way of entering foreign markets.D Yes, they are, because they allow a company to share some of the costs and risk. And even more importantly, they provide essential local knowledge without the cost of having to acquire a company. But they're not risk-free.I So, what are the danger of joint ventures?D Well, in a typical joint venture the two partners pool their know-how and learn from each other as they work together. But, in fact, it's actually a learning race. One firm might learn much faster than the other and start taking all the decisions. It could eventually decide it has no more use for the arrangement and even terminate it.I So, if you wanted to keep control and avoid that, a wholly-owned subsidiary would be the best option, then?D It really depends on the target market. If, say, there's potentially a very high demand, then it would make sense to buy or set up a subsidiary and produce locally, because of economies of scale. Distance, of course, is another fator. Shipping to theother side of the world can be very expensive. That's why a lot of Japanese companies produce in Europe.I ANd what other factors can improve a company's chance of success?D Well, as I said, our clients usually know which products they want to export, but they often don't realize how much their product needs to be adapted. You see, some products require an understanding of local needs and an ability to use this knowledge in the product's design.I OK. So, let's say a company has successfully entered a market. How quickly should it look to expand?D Well, once again, it's finding the best way of minimizing risk while optimizing opportunity. However, under certain circumstances, a company is forced to expand in order to survive.I And when is this the case?D When, for example, you enter a market with a successful formula that's easy to copy - because yuu'll soon have a lot of local competitors offering the same products or services. Now, unless you're in a position to expand quickly enough to make economiesof scale possible, these local companies will soon undercut you and price you out of the market.I And how can a company prepare for this expansion?D Well, the key to expansion is not spreading your manageial and fiancial resurces too thinly. That's why it's crucial to develop a long-term strategy and make a thorough assessment of all the resources available for expansion. Otherwise, you won't be able to defend and profit from the market presence you've created新编剑桥商务英语中级学生用书 Unit 8BUnit 8b Business Travel1. Any regular business traveler will tell you how important this is if you want to feel ready to face a whole day of business meetings.Sometimes, you work straight through meal-times so it might be the only thing you’ll get until you step on the plane for you r flight home. And who wants to have to start looking for a burger bar at midnight?2: from the business traveler’s point of view, flexibility and choice are absolutely crucial. Businesses can’t depend on airlines offering a flight on a particular day or time of theirchoosing .i really do feel that getting to and from your destination at a time which suits you and fits in with your plans is essential. And one of the main reasons for choosing is airline.3.i just find it really annoying. After I’ve eaten, I just want to sit quietly, have a drink and read my newspaper .the last thing I want o listen to people scramming with laughter at some ridiculous comedy.4.on a short trip, it’s not so important. You’re not there long enough to have more than a drink and a quick look at the paper. But on a long trip, you really need to be able to stretch out, lie back and get some proper sleep.5.of course .i could get a cheaper seat, but that’s not the point. With a long day of meetings and negotiations ahead of me. I need a bit of comfort and looking after. And my company understands that. It’s also a good place for networking. And I’ve often got into conversation with the person next to me, who’s developed into a useful contact.新编剑桥商务英语中级学生用书 Unit 8AUnit 8A Business ExpensesListening 1Conversation 1David: David Hobbs.Roger: Hello, Mr Hobbs. This is Roger Hargreaves from Accounts. I'm just ringing about your expenses claim. There are a couple of things I need to check.David: OK. What do you need to know?Roger: Well, you put down that it was a business trip. But do you think you could be a bit more specific?David: Yes,sorry. It was actually a marketing conference. Roger: OK.And you stayed at the Cartlands Hotel. But you didn't put down how much it cost.David: Oh,sorry.It was £80. And that was for one night. Roger: I see. Now under 'Client Entertaining' you put £56.70 for a meal and drinks.But you are supposed to put down the name of anybody you entertain, you know.David: I'm sorry.I must have forgotten.Anyway, the client's name is Limbert.PaulLimbert.He's one of our Belgian suppliers.Roger: Could you spell his last name for me?David: Limbert? Yes,it's L-I-M-B-E-R-T.Roger: Right,thanks. Oh,and this amount for £9.00 under 'Other Expenses'.What exactly was that for?David: £9.00? Let me see. £9.00? Oh,yes. That was for a couple of faxes I had to send from the hotel.Conversation 2Alison: Alison Forbes.Roger: Hello,Alison. It's Roger Hargreaves from Accounts. Is Alan there,please?Alison: I'm afraid he isn't in today. Can I help at all? Roger: I don't think it so,no. It's about his expenses,you know,for the trip to Sweden.Alison: Can I give him a message?Roger: Yes, if you could. Could you tell him that something was missing? It was his hotel bill. And I need it quickly if he wants us to pay him this month.Alison: Actually, I think he was looking for it the other day. Roger: I hope he hasn't lost it . Well, look ,if he can't find it, he really needs to call me as soon as possible.Ailson: OK. I'll tell him .Roger: Thanks. Oh,and one other thing. The last time we paid him his expenses,he asked us to pay him in cash. Well, I'm afraid it caused all kinds of problems,and everyone started asking for cash payments. So we've decided that we really can't do that again. Alison: OK,I'll tell him know. Bye.Conversation 3Chris: Hello?Roger: Hello,Mr Evans?Chris: Speaking.Roger: This is Roger Hargreaves. I'm just ringing about your expenses for the Paris trip.Chris: Well,you do know I lost my case on that trip? So I'm afraid I can't give you any receipts or anything.Roger: That's not a problem.I just need to check a few details. Chris: OK. What do you need to know?Roger: Well,first of all,when was the trip exactly?Chris: Let me just check my dairy.Yes,it was the last weekend in June. The 25th and 26th.Roger: So one night.Right. And where did you stay?Chris: Hotel Continental. But I'm afraid I can't remember the price.But it's the same hotel I stayed at last time.In fact,it was even the same room.Roger: Fine.I can look that up.And what about travel? Did you fly or take the train?Chris: The train.Eurostar.But,again,I can't remember the price. Roger: That's OK.I can check it myself. Oh, and were there any other expenses?Chris: I can't think of anything. Oh,yes there was actually.I had to buy metro tickets to get around Paris.Roger: Metro tickets……that would be about £5,wouldn't it?Chris: That sounds about right.Roger: OK,Mr Evans,thanks very much.Listening 21. Good morning. This is a message for David Eastman. I got your note about my expenses form-about returning it toyou.Well,actually I did send it to you. The only problem is it went to the wrong department, and that's why you still haven't got it.Anyway,I'll bring it round first thing in the morning,OK? Oh,sorry,this is Alex Eddington,by the way.2. Hello,this is June Salisbury. You wanted to speak to me about my expenses claim for the Munich trip. Could we get together on Friday morning to talk about it?Perhaps at about 11,if that's all right? Just give my secretary a call.OK.Bye.3. This is Bob Richards here.Listen, I've just found another receipt for my Oslo trip last month.It's for quite a lot of photocopies I had done in a shop. I suppose it's too late for this month, but is it OK if I put this through on next month's expenses?Could you get back to me and let me know?OK.Bye.4. Hello,this is Patricia Graves from Sales. Look ,I'm ringing about my expenses again.The last time I called you , you said they'd be included in this month's pay. Well,I've checked with by bank and they're not . I can't keep chasing you about this and I'm getting pretty fed up waiting. I'll call by your office sometime tomorrow,and this time, I'd like a cheque.Goodbye.5. Hello,David. This is Simon. Look, about this morning,I'm afraid something urgent's come up and I have to rush off to London,so I won't be able to make it. I'm really sorry it's such short notice. I'll call you when I get back.OK?Speak to you soon.新编剑桥商务英语中级学生用书 Unit 7BUnit 7b Rights at Work1:I didn’t really feel I was abusing the system.i mean everybody does it.it was just a few small thing really ?a fax here, a few photocopies there.i felt it was justified.after all ,I did do a lot of unpaid overtime and I took work home with me.they seemed really pleased with my performance ,so I honestly didn’t think they’d mind.2:my boss didn’t mind if I arrived a couple of minutes late in the morning but if wanted to leave on time, well that was acomplet ely different story. Well, after six months, I’d just had enough of it. Working late every day of the week. So one day I told him straight :I’d only work the hours I’d agreed in my contract.3:I was having problem s because I just couldn’t seem to prioritize my work and organize my time .so I suppose it looked to my boss as if I couldn’t do the job. But it’s ridiculous really.I could do it. But I just couldn’t seem to keep up with the workload. And this was a place where results were everything. 4:I knew my turn would come soon. But I hated the whole idea of spending three hours in the car every day just getting to work and back .it was ok for some of the others .i mean, they lived nearer the new site. But if I’d had to work overtime. I’d never have got hom e before 9 o’clock. Well, in the end, I just couldn’t do it. And I wouldn’t do it. And that’s what I told them.5:I suppose they didn’t want to carry me any longer .i think people just get fed up with having to cover for me and take on all my work when I was away. But it seems a pretty poor show to sack someone for something that isn’t their fault. I mean, no one wants to be ill, do them?新编剑桥商务英语中级学生用书 Unit 7AUnit 7a :Health and SafetyN:ok.let me have a look at it.yes ,that looks nasty.so how did it happen?P:well,it’s stupid really.i was trying to fix the light in my office.N:but that’s a job for maintenance.P:I know.but I told them about it days ago and nothing happened. so I thought I’d try.N:well .you really must be more careful. There are very strict guidelines here about that kind of thing. And if you have an accident, the company doesn’t have to accept responsibility .you know?P:I know.but the light kept going on and off all day.it was driving me crazy.N:so that happened ?did you fall?P:well,I couldn’t reach the light.so I climbed onto my desk ,and then I lost my balance and fellN:and you banged your head?P:ouch!yes.i caught it on the edge of a filing cabinet.N:do you feel sick or dizzy?P:no,but It really is hurting a lot now.will I need any stitches,doyou think?N:no ,no ,it’s quite a small cut really.i ‘ll just clean and dress it .we needn’t bother about stitches.but i t is a nasty bump.though.are you taking any medication at the moment?P:noN:right.here are some painkillers.take two of these three times a day for the next two or three days.but you mustn’t drink alcohol while you’re taking them.P:okN:and pop in tomorr ow some time and I’ll have another look at it.P:thanks .see you tomorrow.新编剑桥商务英语中级学生用书 Unit4BUnit 4B Public RelationsListening 1J-so Eilish, maybe you could begin by telling us about your duties as the PR Manager.E-Well, my job is to plan and manage the public relations strategy for the Skoda brand in the UK. This means I'm responsible for dealing with the press, television and radio, as well ascommunications with the public and personnel in our UK dealerships.J-How would you describe the role of the PR Department within the company?E-Well, the primary role of PR is to create understanding with the public. My job involves talking and listening to both the press and the public, providing them with information from the heart of the organization. Our objective is to give an accurate picture of the company, its brands and what it believes in. We have to make sure that the public has a positive image of the company. J-So how does the role differ from that of the Marketing Department?E-Marketing has more to do with identifying customer needs and developing the right products to satisfy those needs, PR, on the other hand, is more concerned with establishing and maintaining goodwill and understanding between the company and its public. Marketing reaches the public through advertising, whereas we work more with the press and broadcast media.J-But how much control do you have over what the press says?E-None really. But that's what makes the way we deal with the press so important. Our job is to make sure that journalists always have a very clear understanding of what the company is trying to do .Maintaining good relationships with the press is a very important part of the job. In PR you have to build long-term relationships with journalists because you work with them on a regular basis and trust is absolutely essential.Listening 2J-When Skoda re-launched its brand here in 1995, it would be fair to say that the company had a genuine image problem. How big a challenge was this for the PR Department?E-Unfortunately, Skoda was misunderstood by the UK public at the time. There used to be a lot of boring old jokes about Skoda cars. But that was because of people’s misconceptions about the quality of central European engineering. The strange thing is that the reality was actually quite different.J-In what way?E-Well, central Europe had always been a centre of engineering excellence. However, from the start of the communist era in 1948it had to develop on its own without the benefit of outside influence and up-to-date technology.J-So how did you go about communicating this reality to the public? E-When we re-entered the UK marketplace with a new model, the Felicia, in 1995, we put a huge emphasis on advertising, everything from national advertising to point-of-sale material in the showrooms. This was repeated with the arrival of the Octavia in 1998. our overall aim was to communicate the quality of Skoda. J-And what role did the PR Department play?E-Well, regardless of how successful and effective advertising is, the public is always aware that the company has complete control over the message and content of the advert. However, when the public reads positive things in their favourite magazine or newspaper, it’s the journalist’s own comment and therefore much more powerful because it isn’t influenced by the organization. So, our job was to communicate the quality of Skoda to the motoring press.J-Having seen the very positive press the company now enjoys, you obviously managed to do that, but how?E-One of the first press events we arranged was a trip to see the manufacturing plant in the Czech Republic. We took almost 100 journalists with us to show them just how good the facility was. We organized a similar trip the following year to see the new Octavia plant, which is one of the most modern in the world. These trips really changed people’s attitudes.J-Well, you certainly won over the press. But what kind of feedback have you had from the public?E-Well, Skoda recently came top of a major consumer magazine’s annua l survey of car owners. It’s the biggest customer satisfaction survey of its kind in the UK, based on over 40000 car owners. The results of the survey made the evening news on national TV, so I guess the public has changed its mind about the quality of central European engineering. But the real indication of our success is the record growth in sales since 1995.J-The success you’ve had in dramatically changing the company’s image in the UK must give you a great deal of personal satisfaction.E-Yes, it does. I think I’m very lucky at Skoda. Working with a small team means a lot of personal responsibility. And that’sthe real enjoyment for me. Seeing my ideas having a clear effect on the forward direction of the brand. It’s down to me to sort out any problems, so when things go well, I really do feel I’m making an important contribution ot the success of the company. And that’s an incredibly satisfying feeling.新编剑桥商务英语中级学生用书 Unit4AUnit 4a. Brand power1. the thing is, when you buy a car, you’re spending a l ot of money so you want to get excited about what you’rebuying .reliability and after-sales service are all very important ,but they’re not exactly exciting ,are they? I want my car to say something about me. I want something which looks sporty and attrac ts attention. I don’t mind paying that bit extra for something that makes me look good.2 .a lot of my friends have got e-mail so I wanted to buy a computer,I just didn’t know much about them, and I found that all that information you get about performance and so on is tally confusing. And then I saw that advert on TV with those new computers .it went to a computer superstore .had a look at one and bought it straightway.3. I thought buying a mobile phone would be easy. But it wasn’t .you ask how much they cost and you get all this stuff about monthly service contracts and different tariffs at different times of day. It’s almost impossible to work out how much they actually cost! Anyway, I worked out that the best deal for me was a one-year all-inclusive pa ckage. So that’s what I bought.4. I used to think that one refrigerator was pretty much like any other. But then I saw this TV program about how much energy kitchen appliances use. Fridges are the worst, apparently. That’s because they’re on all the time so they’re really bad for the ozone layer-all those CFC gases or whatever they call them. So, I decided to get a fridge that doesn’t give off lots of harmful gases. And it’s cheaper to run as well.5. it’s not even a particularly well known make of video r ecorder but I had one of them before which I was really happy with. I didn’t have much money when I bought the first one so I just get the cheapest one I could find. But it was great. It lasted years and I never had any problems with it .so, of course, I decided to buy the same brand again. I mean, a friend of mine recently bought a really well-known make and it’s been back to the shop twice already.新编剑桥商务英语中级学生用书 Unit3B Cash FlowB:so,steve,how ‘s the cash flow situation ?any better?St:not really,no.the more we sell ,the less cash we seem to have. B:yes,I know.it’s called over-trading.you’re going to have to figure our a quicker way of turning those sales into cash. St:but now ,Barbara?that’s the question.B:well,did you think any more about offering early settlement discountSt:oh,yeah,we talked to most of our customers about it.they sounded quite interested.it seems that if we offered a1%dicount .about half our customers would pay in ten days. B:well,that would make a big difference to cash flow.St:but if we offer 2%,three quarters of our customers will pay within ten daysB:that’s great.so why don’t you do it?St:oh come on,Barbara.our margins are small enough already.i don’t see how we can afford to offer discounts.if we gave a 2%discount ,we’d lose thousands of dollars every year.B:do you know how much exactly?St:well ,on average monthly sales of $25,000,it’d cost us over four and a half thousand a year.B:what if you offered 1% and half your customers used it?St:well.that’d cost us about 1,500 a year.that’s a lot of money.barbara.B:but don’t forget your fianancing costs.steve.financing your cash flow gap means you’re paying the bank almos t $3000 a year in interests.i worked out that if you offered the1%discount ,you’d save almost a thousand on financing costs. St:so that you’re saying is the real cost of the discount would only be $500 more?B:that’s right.and your cashi flow for the mont h would increase by over $8000.and with the 2%discount ,you’d have an extra 16000 a month.St:wow.that much?we could really use that extra cash.steve. B:hmm.i still think 2% is too much.St:then why don’t we offer 1%?B:mmm Barbara?St:well,it’s not my decision.but if I were you steve.i’d really think very seriously about offering an early settlement discount. B:ok.ok .i get the point.if it really can make that big difference .we’ll give it a try.新编剑桥商务英语中级学生用书 Unit2AUnit 2A entertaining a clientListening 11. Fine, thanks .I’m glad you managed to find me somewhere so near the office. That makes things so much easier in the morning. But I have to say, the bed was so hard I didn’t get to sleep till two this morning.2. Pretty awful, actually .there was one delay after another and then I got stopped at customers .and apparently. My luggage is somewhere between here and Cape Town.3. Wonderful. I’m really enjoying it here and the people are so friendly .I’ll definitely come back for a holiday. But I’ll need a week at least next time.actually.I wouldn’t mind living here for a while.4. Well. I thought it was pretty good from our point of view, butI can see that some people might not be so happy .still; we got through quite a lot and made some progress. But I still think we’re a long way from a decision.Listening 2S1=Speaker 1 S2=Speaker 2S1 so. What did you think of the food?S2 ok.but it was a bit too heavy for me.acutally, given a choice, I’d have preferred a salad.S1 salad?S2 oh.yes.i don’t really eat meat.S1 what do you have at home? You’re not a vegetarian, are you? S2 well, I’m not. Bu t my wife is.S1 oh.really?S2 oh.yes.i haven’t had meat at home for years.S1 don’t you miss it?S2 sometimes .but then I go and have a secret steak.新编剑桥商务英语中级学生用书 Unit1BListening 1Call 1Hello Frida.This is Margaret Brock here. It’s 9.30 on Wednesday morning. I’m ringing about the half-year sales report. Could you send me a copy of your department’s figures, please? I’m in Helsinki until Friday. Thanks very much .bye.Call 2This is Frank Larsen from Scandinavian conference in Copenhagen. I’m ringing to tell you that this year’s Danishtelecommunications trade fair’s taking place in the week of November 22.if you’d like some complimentary tickets, pl ease let me know how many you’ll need. Please call me on 0045 33 346 766.thank you .byeCall 3Hi Frida .it Sue Mellor. How are you? I hope you’re not too busy at the moment. I wanted to talk to you about my visit next month. You know we’d talk about the 13th? Well, I ’m afraid it’s not going to work out because of deadlines here. I don’t suppose we could put it back a week or so, could we? Give me a ring and let me know. Thanks.Call 4Hi Frida .its Colin. I’m on my mobile because I’m traveling to a meeting with a client but I need to talk to you urgently so could you call me on 0486 772 444? It’s my mobile number. I need to talk to you about that contract we’re trying to get in Helsinki because the customer accepted our proposal and I need to know whether it’s all right if I just go ahead and sign the contracts or whether you want to get involved, as well. Could you get back to me ASAP? Thanks.Call 5Hello Frida.it’s Steve Montgomery here. I got your proposal for the product launch and I’ve finally manage d to get a look at it .it looks OK.but I think there could still be one or two minor problems with it. I think the time schedule looks a bit on the optimistic side, as well. I’ve got a couple of suggestions, which I’ll get off to you today. Let me know what you think, ok? Bye.Listening 2Conversation 1T =Tom F=FridaT Good afternoon. Scandinavian conference.F Good afternoon. Could I speak to Frank Larsen, please?T I’m afraid he’s not here today. Can I help you?F I’m ringing about the Danish Telecommun ications Trade Fair.Mr Larsen phoned to offer me some tickets and he asked me to let him know how many I’d need.T well. I can send you the tickets. That’s no problem. I’ll just need your name and address.F right. Its Fida Adersson from Sanderlin.the address is Torshamnsgatan.S-126 25 Stockholm.T so, that’s frida andersson at Torshamnsgatan. S-126 25 .ok.how many tickets do you need?F Three, please.T and which days would you like them for?F just for Tuesday 23 November, please.T and could I have the other names for the tickets?F I’m afraid I can only confirm two names at the moment. Kati Gersel and myself.T Could you please spell Gersel.please?F yes. That’s G-E-R-S-E-L.T right .I’ll put the tickets in the post day.F Thanks very much .bye.T thank you for calling .goodbye.Conversation 2R=Receptionist F=FridaR Good afternoon. Can I help you?F Good afternoon. Could I speak to Sue Mellor, please?R may I ask who’s calling?F its frida Andersson from head office.R one moment, please.i’ll put you thought.F hello?R hello?F I’m afraid she’s not in her office at the moment. Can I take a message?R yes. Could you tell her that I got her message and I’ve cancelled our meeting on the 13th.but I’m not available the following week, so I suggest meeting on 27 November.F ok.so, that’s frida andersson form head office. The meeting on the 13th is cancelled and you suggest meeting on 27 November instead.R that’s right. And could she call me to confirm the date?F ok.i’ll give the message and she’ll get back to you as soon as possible.R thanks you.F oh.does she have your number?R yes.she does.F ok.thanks for calling.R thanks. Bye.。

� � � �
Where would you take foreign visitors in your home town? (Why?) Would you enjoy looking after business visitors for a few days? (Why / Why not?) What problem might there be when socializing with foreign business people? (Why?) What are the long-term benefits of establishing personal contacts with foreign clients?
Interlocutor: [Select one or more of the following questions as appropriate, to redress any imbalance or to broaden the discussion.] � � What kinds of arrangements need to be made before foreign visitors arrive? (Why?) Are there any disadvantages for a company in having a visit from foreign clients? (Why / Why not?)
Complaint handling …? WHAT IS IMPORTANT WHEN WHEN… DEALING WITH COMPLAINTS FROM CLIENTS � � OFFERING AN APOLOGY SUGGESTING A SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM a. Offering an apology is the very basic level. b. When the clients think that they have received unfair treatments, the first thing that the company should do is to calm them down and try to keep the client. c. An apology is the first step and a useful method to maintain control of the situation. d. Offering an apology is an important gesture to show that the hosting company is fully aware of the situation and would like to take the potential responsibility for its mistakes. e. The complaining clients would feel that their complaints are being paid attention and may therefore be happy to proceed to the transaction with the hosting company. f. It is necessary to suggest a solution to the problem as well. g. The clients want to enter into the transaction in a good mood and with a reliable and trustworthy business partner. Apart from an apology, the client would want to have the problems and misunderstanding solved before their communication moves to the next level. If the hosting company failed or refused to suggest a solution, its sincerity of entering into the transaction would be put into doubt. Ⅱ Discussion Topic Entertaining Foreign Clients Your company is entertaining a group of foreign clients for three days, including one non-working day. You have been asked to plan a programme for the visit. Discuss the situation together, and decide: � � What kinds of activities would be suitable for the visit What information it would be useful to know about the clients before finalizing the programme

E. Similarly, managers who don’t set career goals will miss opportunities.
F. Managers need to attend training cour.,ses to learn how to manage.
Consistent Implementation
Since high school, Madonna has set herself a clear target: to become the world’s number one female performer. If she hadn’t set out with this vision, success wouldn’t even have been a possibility. Firms too must have a vision of where they want to go and how to get there. (1)________________________
Continuoห้องสมุดไป่ตู้s Renewal
The frequent reinvention of Madonna’s style and sound has always reflected an acute awareness of changing styles, social norms and attitudes in a rapidly changing industry. (5) ________________
Merchandise vt 吹捧,宣扬 Lesser-known 不为人知的 Megaband 超级乐队 Gig n. (口)特约演奏 Fan club 发烧友俱乐部 Sdudio album 唱片专辑 Fan base 发烧友群体 Music review 音乐评论 Record label 唱片制作公司名

词语准备 n Brainstorm v. 集体讨论,头脑激荡,头脑风暴[法
] n Music industry 唱片业,音乐业 n Dimension n. 方面,部分 n Vision n. 远见,梦想,设想 n Career goal 职业目的 n Focus group 专题研讨会,小组座谈会 n DJ 唱片骑师,电台音乐节目主持人或唱片音乐节
n They’d be fine if it wasn’t for the fact that…都挺好旳,只是……这是英语中对存 在问题旳一种婉转旳礼貌体现。
n We can’t afford any more mistakes. 字面 义为‘我们担当不起再多旳差错了。’也即‘我 们不能再出任何差错了。’afford 一词常跟 在can, be, able to后,指‘担负得起[损失、 费用、后果等]’。
n Become the boss everyone loves to praise, rather than the boss everyone loves to hate 成为众人称道旳老板,而不是谁都讨 厌旳上司
n Not to let the opportunity to praise a piece of good work go by 不要错过表扬员工杰出 工作旳机会/对员工旳杰出工作要及时赞扬
3. 流程图 要点解析
- He’s in Madrid or something. 他在马德里 或是别旳地方。or something 意为‘诸如此 类旳什么’ ,如:The pipe would kink, or burst, or something. 管子会缠结、破裂或 发生诸如此类旳故障。
新编剑桥商务英语(中级)Module 10

《新编剑桥商务英语》(中级)(第三版)Module 1010.1 Business Topic Management商务话题篇管理运作本小节学习重点●熟悉相关词汇●学会讨论管理运作这一话题●练习在阅读过程中培养上下文意识和对语篇衔接手段的辨别能力●练习根据提示要点展开口语讨论●掌握条件句的用法●掌握报告的写法法dimension n.方面,部分vision n.远见,梦想,设想focus group 专题调研会,小组座谈会dance floor 舞池social norms 社会准则renewal n.更新,重新开始reinvention n.彻底改造,干一件和以前完全不同的工作merchandise vt.&_n.吹捧,宣扬,使被接受;宣传品lesser-known 不为人所知的megaband n.超级乐队gig n.(口)(爵士乐队、摇滚乐队等的)特约演奏star rating 评分等级,星级评分funk n.乡土爵士乐,以旋律性与节奏感著称product placement产品置入(式广告)prop n.产品特色,等于propositioncommercial n.(电视、电台、电影上播放的)商业广告aftershave n.(剃须后使用的)润肤水相关背景知识:麦当娜Madonna(麦当娜)全名为Madonna Louise Ciccone Ritchie,也作Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone,英文名为Madonna。

BEC中级听力训练文本及答案Text10Section3Questions 23 to 30.You will hear a radio reporter talking about difficulties faced by the new Chief Executive of Healthway plc, a chain of health and beauty stores.For each question, 23-30, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.After you have listened once, replay the recording.You have 45 seconds to read through the questions.[pause]Now listen, and mark A, B or C.[pause]Man: Next week, Healthway plc, the health and beauty chain, gets a new Chief Executive. Here’s our reporter, Lynne Trencher, to tell us why many people regard the job as one of the most difficult in retailing. Hello, Lynne.Woman:Hello. No, it isn’t an enviable position. Robert Henlow, Healthway’s new CEO, is taking control of a company which may have been a well-loved and trusted retail brand for many years, but its core business is mature, and successive managements simply haven’t come up with a winning formula to deliver dynamic sales growth. And the shareholders see Henlow as Healthway’s last chance.Man:The company faces stiff competition, doesn’t it?Woman:That’s right. In fact, most town-centre health and beauty chains are feeling the pinch, with few planning to expand. Unlike food, it’s a high-margin business, which gives supermarkets, particularly those on out-of-town sites, scope to sell similar products for considerably less. Even the development of online shopping hasn’t yet outweighed the convenience of out-of-town sites.。

Unit 10 EthicsPart I Business V ocabulary1 I admire our chairman. He’s a man of his word and is greatly respected for his ____B________.A honestyB integrityC wisdomD cleverness2 “If we face a recession w e should not _____C_____ employees. The company should sacrifice a profit.”A lay downB lay upC lay offD lay out3 Back in 1995, he A the lies we’d all been told for decades about cigarettes.A exposedB foundC discoveredD claimed4 Nonetheless, Wigand chose to go public, and recently told Wallace what he went through back then, when instead of airing his interview, CBS had B him.A brokenB dumpedC thrownD dipped5 During the last three years, his General Manager Carl Thomson, has turned Livewire ______C________ from being a loss-making company into a profitable organization..A upB downC roundD out6 Moreove r, the bank guarantees payment only on condition that the beneficiary’s documents are in line ___D________ the L/C stipulations.A aboutB ofC atD with7 Checks should be run ____A_______ the credit standing of the opening bank.A onB ofC atD for8 Checks are run to ensure that the expiry date, date and place for presentation ofdocuments and the latest date for shipment are all ____D_______.A acceptedB acceptingC to acceptD acceptable9 In the L/C transactions, amendment _____C______ the L/C in the wake of thechecks is not unusual.A atB onC toD in10 Letters concerning the L/C amendment are usually composed ______B________three parts.A atB ofC aboutD for11 We hereby authorize you to ____C_______ on us at 60 days after sight to theextent of USD20,000.00.A openB establishC drawD build12 Your drafts must be ______B________ by the following documents.A companiedB accompaniedC followedD processed13 We regret to say that we have found _____A_________ discrepancies.A a number ofB a lotC a sum ofD an amount of14 The amount both in figures and in words should _______D_______ beUS$200,000 and Say US Dollars Two Hundred Thousand Only.A respectedB respectingC respectedlyD respectively15 Please adjust the L/C immediately ____D_______ we can make arrangements toship the goods in good time.A so asB soC such asD so that16 Please make ___C_________ as soon as possible so as to enable us to arrangeshipment of the goods.A modificationsB changesC amendmentsD varieties17 Check on L/C is quite important __D_________ it signifies a lot in carrying outour foreign trade policy,A for thatB of thatC at thatD in that18 Such clauses deviate ____D_____ the L/C principle “payment against documents”.A atB forC onD from19 It is _____B______ vital importance to ensure that the L/C stipulations are in exactaccordance with the clauses of the sales contractA aboutB ofC atD on20 Upon receipt of the covering L/C, the beneficiary should concentrate his checks______D______ the following points.A forB atC toD onPart II Phrase Translation1 公务员civil servant2 瑕疵产品a defective product3 商业道德business ethics4 宗旨说明a mission statement5 守法商人 a law-abiding businessman6 行贿基金a slush fund7 内幕交易insider trading8 告密者a whistleblower9 产业情报刺探industrial espionage10 保密协议confidentiality agreement11 道德规范a code of ethics12 现金支付cash payments13 电器electrical appliances14 个人助理personal assistant15 不职业行为unprofessional behavior16 高级经理a senior manager17 员工餐厅staff canteen18 个人风险personal risk19 不道德行为unethical behavior20 个人选择personal optionsPart III Sentence Translation1.Our company does nothing illegal. We are very law-abiding.我们公司不做不合法的事。
剑桥商务英语第二版 Unit 10 a business hotel

Unit 10a Business Hotel
Secretarial adj. involving connected with the work of a secretary
Unit 10a Business Hotel
Lounge n. waiting-room at an airport, etc (机 场等的)等候室
e.g. the departure lounge 候机室.
public sitting-room in 等的)休息室.
I: So what special needs do business travelers have?
K: One of the most important things is a quick check-in and check-out. After a long trip it’s annoying to have to wait at the hotel reception for five minutes. Room service is also very important. Guests often stay in their rooms working and don’t have the time to go out to a restaurant, so they want their meals to be served in their rooms.
Unit 10a Business Hotel
I: And what facilities are there in the rooms?
剑桥商务英语》授课教案Unit 10

Unit 10 (a) Business hotelsI. Teaching Objectives:i. To enable Ss to talk about hotel facilities for business peopleii. To practise reading and listening for specific informationiii. To enable Ss to ask for / give directionsII. Materials needed:Cassette-Pass Cambridge BEC PreliminaryCards- 12 Cards: one set of cards per pair / group to be photocopied from T’sGuideIII. Teaching Process:i.Unit overview·Hotel facilitiesWarmer: T elicits typical hotel facilities.Reading: Ss open their books and look at the facilities described in the hotel advertisements before matching the hotels with people.Speaking: Ss ask each other which hotel they would prefer.·The business travellerSpeaking: Ss decide which five facilities are the most important for the business traveler.Listening: Ss listen to a hotel manager and compare their answers with his before listening again and answering multiple-choice comprehensionquestions.Language focus: Ss read the tape script and identify verbs and adjectives followed by the infinitive.Speaking: Ss work in pairs and ask their partner about the best hotel he/she has stayed in and whether it would be suitable for a business traveler. ·Asking the wayListening 2: Ss take notes on how to get to the centre of London from a hotel. Ss listen again and draw routes on a map of London.Writing: Ss write directions to famous landmarks in London.Speaking: Ss give each other spoken directions to landmarks in London.·Self-studyV ocabulary: Matching exercise (hotel adjectives and nouns).Word fields (parts of a hotel and hotel facilities).Exam practice: Formal letter writing.ii.Detailed study of this unitStep 1. Hotel facilitiesWarmer: T asks Ss to list typical hotel facilities. T asks Ss to open their books and read the information about the three hotels. T asks Ss where the information might come from. Ss compare their list of facilities with those mentioned in the texts.Ex.1 ReadingT focuses Ss’ attention on the three descriptions and asks Ss to choose one of the three hotels for each character. During feedback Ss justify their descriptions by referring to the facilities offered by each hotel. This would focus Ss on lexical items.Ex.2 SpeakingSs find out from each other which of the three hotels they would prefer and why. T reminds Ss of language for giving reasons. T also points out that in the Speaking Teat Ss will be asked to justify their opinions.Useful expressions:1.accommodation facilities 住宿设施2.convenient transport 交通方便3.close to 紧邻fortable and friendly service 舒适和热情的服务5.reasonable price 合理的价格6.up-to-date communication facilities 先进的通讯设施7.to offer express check-in and check-out 提供快捷的入住登记和结账服务8.only a short walk from theatres离几家剧场都只有很短的路程Step 2 The business travelerEx. 1 Listening 1T draws Ss’ attention to the photographs and asks them what facilities are pictured. Ss then work in pairs to choose the five most important facilities for business guests from the list. T elicits answers and reasons for choices. Ss then listen to the cassette and tick the items that Kevin Smith says are important for the business traveler. Kevin Smith mentioned eight things which are important. T asks Ss if his list covers the five things they identified.Ex. 2 Listening 1Ss have already heard the cassette. They now read the multiple-choice questions carefully before listening to the cassette again and marking the correct letter.Ex. 3 GrammarSs work individually. T asks them to read the typescript and underline all the infinitives. They then identify examples of verbs and adjectives which are followed by the infinitive.EX. 4 SpeakingThe speaking activity personalizes the subject of hotel facilities as Ss exchange experiences of hotels. T elicits feedback.Step 3 Asking the wayEx. 1 Listening 2Ss look at the map and read the gapped notes. T plays the cassette and Ss complete the notes.Ex. 2 Listening 2Ss listen to the directions again and mark the two routes o the map.Ex.3 WritingSs read the information about the two guests and look at the map. They then write a short note giving the guests directions. Ss should refer to the phrases at the bottom of the page.Ex. 4 SpeakingSs work in pairs. They start at HMS Belfast and direct each other around London using the prompt cards. The dialogues should be complete exchanges beginning with student A politely asking for directions and saying thank you to conclude the exchange.Step 4 Self-studyHelp Ss finish Self-study exercise.Unit 10 (b) CommutingI. Teaching Objectives:i. To enable Ss to talk about traffic and transportii. To practise reading and listening for specific informationiii. To review the language of predictionII. Materials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC PreliminaryCards- 8 Cards: one set of cards per pair / group to bephotocopied from T’s GuideIII. Teaching Process:i.Unit overview·Reducing trafficWarmer: T elicits Ss’ way of getting to work, the problem of dividing and ways of improving the situation.Listening: Ss listen to six speakers and match them with headlines. Ss then listen to the speakers again and note whether they agree with each trafficscheme and their reasons.Speaking: Ss discuss the transport schemes mentioned in the headlines. ·Transport policyReading: Ss read a newspaper article and complete a table about transport schemes and their effects. Ss then read the article again and answermultiple-choice comprehension questions.Language focus: Ss review the use of wil and going to for predictions.Speaking: Ss make predictions about the future of transport. They then play a board game about commuting to work.·Self-studyV ocabulary: Crossword (transport vocabulary)Sentence completion (Traffic vs transport)Ss write about transport schemes in their cityExam practice: Multiple-choice comprehension exercise.ii.Detailed study of this unitStep 1. Reducing trafficWarmer: T writes the word commuter on the board elicits its meaning and leads into a discussion of Ss’ way of getting to work, the problems of driving to work and ways of improving the traffic situation.Ex. 1 Listening 1Ss read the seven headlines about different transport schemes. T points out to Ss thatthere are seven headlines but only six speakers, so one headline will have no number. T plays the cassette and Ss number the headlines in the order in which they are commented upon.Ex. 2 Listening 1Ss listen again and note down whether the speaker agree or disagree. Ss then take notes on the speakers’ reasons. T reminds Ss that it is a note-taking exercise and that grammatically complete sentences are not required.Ex. 3 SpeakingSs work in pairs and exchange their opinions on the traffic reduction schemes mentioned in the headlines on the previous page. Ss could also discuss government transport policies in their hometown.Useful expressions:1. A successful transport scheme should be…2. develop a new public traffic system3. to improve flow of rush hour by…4. Increasing the tax on petrol is to reduce the amount of traffic on roads5. to reduce traffic jams6. to reduce costs of accidents and delays7. Pedestrian zones can help reduce city center pollution8. Traffic reduction in city centers means better air quality there9. lead to a more efficient use of public transport10. quick/ reliable/ affordable/punctualityStep 2 Transport policyEx. 1 ReadingSs scan the article once more and complete the table by listing the transport schemes mentioned in the article and their effects. SS quote from the text in support of their answers.Ex. 2 ReadingSs read through all the questions carefully before scanning the text once more for the answers. As the Ss have already scanned the text twice, T can impose a time limit on the task to encourage scanning strategies. Ss quote from the text in support of their answers. T then answers any questions about vocabulary from the text.Ex. 3 SpeakingSs work in pairs and discuss the issues listed in the box. T may wish to encourage Ss to take notes and present their answers to the class for general discussion.Step3. Self-studyHelp Ss finish Self-study exercises.。
剑桥商务英语中级第二版10a marketing disasters

Unit 10a Marketing disasters
Headline: 一般简明扼要,别出心裁,意在吸引 消费者的注意,激发购买欲望。
(Solaris Holidays, solaris is eye-catching, implying that the holiday is associated with sun and sunbathing, which gives people a feeling of warmth, relaxation and comfort.)
Unit 10a Marketing disasters
Speaking 1
How would the four Ps of marketing- Product, Place, Promotion and Price apply to the product SOLARIS HOLIDAYS?
Unit 10a Marketing disasters
Unit 10a Marketing disasters
resort n. popular holiday centre 度假胜地
e.g. seaside, skiing, health, etc resorts 海滨﹑ 滑雪﹑ 休养等度假胜地
… is a leading south coast resort. …是南部地区最着名的海滨胜地.
Unit 10a Marketing disasters

剑桥商务英语中级(合集13篇)剑桥商务英语中级第1篇utility noun 效用,有用asap abbreviation for 尽快fault noun 过错,毛病,故障inadequate adjective 不充分/不恰当的package noun 包裹,包withhold verb 使停止,抑制A4 noun A4(纸)negative noun (摄影等的)底片/负片refund noun 偿还额,退款alloy noun 合金cost-effective adjective 有成本效益的,划算的defect noun 过失,缺点eliminate verb 排除,消除line manager noun 生产线管理人员mass-produce verb 大量生产reject verb 拒绝,抵制,否决剑桥商务英语中级第2篇介绍:BEC2的难度介于大学英语四级和六级之间,考试时间为阅读60分钟、写作45分钟、听力约40分钟(含填写答题卡时间)、口试14分钟。
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2. Choose the best sentence A-F to fill gaps 1-5 in the article. There is one extra sentence.
A. Likewise, if companies or managers renew themselves, they last longer than those who don’t. B. Similarly, companies and managers need to develop the right contacts. C. But the difficulty for managers is how to implement it. D. In the same way, managers must also investigate and develop a keen understanding of their clients’ needs and wants. E. Similarly, managers who don’t set career goals will miss opportunities. F. Managers need to attend training courses to learn how to manage.
□ □ □ □ □
□ □ □
Phenomenal a. 显著的 □ Commercial 商业广 告 Core fans 铁杆发烧友 □ Aftershave n.剃须后 Funk n. 乡土爵士乐 用的润肤水 Funk guitar 放克吉他 ,以旋律性与节奏感 著称 Product placement 产品 置入 Prop n. 产品特色 Band n. 乐队 Venue n. 地点,举办场 所
test tunes (without vocals) in nightclubs around Europe. The reaction of the dancers was filmed and used to determine the tracks for Confessions on a Dance Floor. (2)____________________
Module 10
10.1 Management
1. Reading How Madonna Managed success?
2. Vocabulary Veห้องสมุดไป่ตู้b + noun combinations
3. Grammar Conditionals
4. Speaking Case study
Consistent Implementation
Madonna isn’t the product of any music company – her success is down to her own sheer hard work. Most of her entertainment interests have been owned or operated by her own companies. Likewise in industry, planning a strategy is easy. (4) __________________
Exploit Your Competences, Address Your Weaknesses
Another important element in Madonna’s success has been her ability to recognize her own competences and weaknesses. Very early on in her career Madonna realized that neither her dancing nor voice were strong enough on their own. She knew that if she teamed up with the right people such as Michael Jackson’s manager, Freddie de Mann, she’d fill in the gaps. (3) _________________
A. Likewise, if companies or managers renew themselves, they last longer than those who don’t. B. Similarly, companies and managers need to develop the right contacts. C. But the difficulty for managers is how to implement it. D. In the same way, managers must also investigate and develop a keen understanding of their clients’ needs and wants. E. Similarly, managers who don’t set career goals will miss opportunities. F. Managers need to attend training courses to learn how to manage.
* Change is the secret of Madonna’s success. If she fails to recreate her image over and over again, she would not have been successful.
* She’s always reinventing. (开拓新领域)
Since high school, Madonna has set herself a clear target: to become the world’s number one female performer. If she hadn’t set out with this vision, success wouldn’t even have been a possibility. Firms too must have a vision of where they want to go and how to get there. (1)________________________
Understand the Industry
Madonna was one of the world’s first artists to bring the focus group approach to the music industry. In mid-2005 she partnered with DJ and producer Stuart Price to A. Likewise, if companies or managers renew themselves, they last longer than those who don’t. B. Similarly, companies and managers need to develop the right contacts. C. But the difficulty for managers is how to implement it. D. In the same way, managers must also investigate and develop a keen understanding of their clients’ needs and wants. E. Similarly, managers who don’t set career goals will miss opportunities. F. Managers need to attend training courses to learn how to manage.
Continuous Renewal
The frequent reinvention of Madonna’s style and sound has always reflected an acute awareness of changing styles, social norms and attitudes in a rapidly changing industry. (5) ________________
* Madonna may not be the most knowledgeable, the most competent and the most talented in the industry to be successful, but she knows how to maximize her performance.
Reading: How Madonna Managed Success?
1. What do you think are the main reasons for Madonna’s continued success over the last twenty-five years? Compare your ideas with the article below.
Vocabulary preparation
Brainstorm v. 集体讨论,头 脑风暴 Dimension n. 方面,部分 Focus group 专题调研会 DJ disc jockey 电台音乐节目 主持人 Vocals n. 声乐作品,演唱 Dance floor 舞池 Music company 唱片公司 Renewal n. 更新,重新开始 Reinvention n.彻底改造 Merchandise vt 吹捧,宣扬 Lesser-known 不为人知的 Megaband 超级乐队 Gig n. (口)特约演奏 Fan club 发烧友俱乐部 Sdudio album 唱片专辑 Fan base 发烧友群体 Music review 音乐评论 Record label 唱片制作公司名 称 Star rating 评分等级,星级评 分