最新人教选修6 Unit1 单词拼写

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选修六Unit 1 单词拼写

1.The couple ____________ a child after the earthquake.(收养)

2.They __________ our methods.(采用)

3.Kate is a girl who ___________ a rare intelligence.(拥有)

4.Their family home and _____________were destroyed in the fire.(拥有物,财产)

5.He was found in ____________ of some dangerous drugs.(拥有)

6.This painting is fairly ___________of his early work.(典型的)

7.It was ___________ that the policy was a failure.(明显的)

8.He was ______________ nervous.(明显地)

9.I have ____________in his ability.(信任)

10.He served us ___________ for many years.(忠诚地)

11.He was honest and ___________.(忠诚的)

12.A flower is beautiful but beauty itself is ___________.(抽象的)

13.White is the ____________color of a wedding gown.(通常的)

14.The prisoner ___________ an escape but failed. (企图,努力)

Two factories were closed in an _________ to cut costs. (企图,努力)

All ___________to control inflation have failed. (企图,努力)

15. Sales were five percent lower than__________.(预测)

It is difficult to _________ what effects of the accident will be. (预测)

16. If you want to learn to paint, I suggest you study Raphael’s ___________.(技巧)

The businessman knows a lot about marketing ___________. (技巧)

17. It was ___________ that three earthquakes happened across the world in one day. (巧合)By ___________, my high sch ool math teacher is now my son’s teacher. (巧合)

18. As the sun set, the ___________ became longer. (影子)

The war cast a ___________ over the Middle East. (影子)

19. By 2004, this ___________ had risen to 14 million. (数字)

Several leading ___________ resigned from the party. (人物)

20. I gave you ___________ instructions. (明确的)

The money was collected for a ___________ purpose. (特定的)

21. At the time they were created, the Impressionist paintings were ____________.(有争议的)

He is a ____________ ____________in the art world.(有争议的人物)

22. They said that the painters were careless and their paintings were ____________.(荒谬的)

It is ____________ that we have to wait six weeks. (荒谬的)

23.The sun can easily damage a child’s __________(脆弱的) skin.

24.He can’t eat seafood because he’s ___________(过敏的).

25.The museum held a(n) ____________(展览)of Picasso’s work.

26.Some children are much more ___________(好斗的) than others.

27.____________(学者) are those who are intelligent and well-educated.

28.I will send her a __________(束) of flowers.

29.Many elderly people expressed a strong __________(偏好) to live in their homes.

30.It creates an atmosphere which visitors find so __________(吸引人的).

31.Be careful with that vase—it’s very __________(脆弱的).

32.The ___________(名声) of this museum lies in the variety of its art collection.

33.Chinese_____________(文明) is one of the oldest in the world。

34.Artists translate their idea into _________(视觉) images.

35.Love is a _________(芬芳的)flower; and friendship is a sweet fruit.

36.He had devoted his whole life to the study of _________(当代的)art.

37.Reality is temporary while ideal is__________(永久的).

38.A new town has grown up in this industrial________(区).

39.The________(委员会) has considered this matter。

Key:1. adopted 2. adopted 3.possesses 4.possessions 5. possession 6. typical 7. evident 8.

evidently 9. faith 10.faithfully 11. faithful 12. abstract 13. conventional 14. attempted; attempt;

attempts 15. predicted; predict 16. technique; techniques 17. coincident;coincidence 18.

shadow; shadow 19. figure; figures 20 specific; specific 21. controversial; controversial figure

22 ridiculous; ridiculous 23. delicate 24. allergic 25. exhibition 26. aggressive 27 Scholars

28. bunch 29. preference 30. appealing 31. fragile 32. reputation 33.civilization 34.visual
