中英文Bimco标准船舶管理协议-_Shipman 2009




BIMCO新造船合同1. 引言BIMCO 〔Baltic and International Maritime Council〕是一个国际航运业务的标准合同组织,在船舶行业中享有很高的声誉。


2. 合同概述BIMCO新造船合同涵盖了各种与新造船业务相关的方面,包括价格和支付安排、交货和验收、保证和担保、监督和检验等。


3. 合同主要条款3.1 价格和支付在BIMCO新造船合同中,买方和卖方需要协商确定新造船的价格,并且约定付款的方式和时间表。



3.2 交货和验收根据BIMCO新造船合同的规定,卖方需要确保新造船按照合同规定的质量和规格进行交付。



3.3 保证和担保在BIMCO新造船合同中,卖方需要向买方提供一些保证和担保,以确保新造船的质量和性能。


3.4 监督和检验为了确保新造船符合合同规定的标准,BIMCO新造船合同要求买方有权派遣相关的监督员和检验员进行监督和检验。


4. 合同解决争议渠道如果在执行BIMCO新造船合同的过程中发生争议,合同中规定了解决争议的途径。



5. 合同的法律适用BIMCO新造船合同明确指出了适用的法律和地点。


6. 总结BIMCO新造船合同是一个完善的新造船交易合同框架,它涵盖了交易的各个方面,保护了买卖双方的权益。



标准不适用的情况除外。在标准不适 用时,合同中应写明“不适用”。其 后的所有变化也应及时体现。
为了改善合同的清晰度和布局, 以便阅读,合同被分为五节,其中对 某些条款的结构和措辞进行了修改。 该五节如下:
第一节 ——合同基础 第二节 —— 服务 第三节 ——义务 第四节——保险、预算、收入、 支出和费用 第五节——法律、一般条款、合 同期限 新版合同中,单栏的布局由双栏 布局取代,并适用较大、较易阅读的 字体。新合同的设计让协议更容易通 过BIMCO的理想的文本编辑系统生成电 子版合同。
在对SHIPMAN和CREWMAN合同 进行修订的过程中,BIMCO向塞浦路斯 海运商会的商业委员会进行了广泛的 咨询,该委员会为BIMCO提供了大量来 自其船舶管理公司成员的有建设性的 意见和建议。我们对塞浦路斯海运商 会的帮助表示诚挚的感谢。BIMCO还向 那些在修订过程中为分委会提供意见 和建议的人表示感谢。
在上次对SHIPMAN进行修订的 时候,CREWMAN合同在SHIPMAN标 准船舶管理合同发布一年后进行了相 应的更新。这导致两个合同中相对的 某些条款有些不一致。为了避免上述 问题,并确保所有标准船舶管理合同 的一致性,BIMCO同时对SHIPMAN 和CREWMAN A和B进行了修订,从 而使两个合同更加统一。修订后的 CREWMAN A和B协议将另行公布。
SHIPMAN 2009中关于船员管 理服务部分可能是合同中变化最大 的部分。合同的修订主要为了保证 SHIPMAN 2009和CREWMAN A和B合同 中船员管理条款的一致性。BIMCO意 识到有些合同双方宁愿将SHIPMAN用 于船员管理用途,而不是按照BIMCO 的建议使用专门针对标准船员管理合 同CREWMAN A(适用于代理公司)。 为了帮助合同双方,并使SHIPMAN 的船员管理条款更全面,更适合用于 船员管理和其它管理服务。我们对 SHIPMAN 2009和CREWMAN A(成本 加费用)2009合同条款进行了梳理,使 船员管理条款更加全面。



F i r s t p u b l i s h e d 1988. R e v i s e d 1998 a n d 2009.C o p y r i g h t , p u b l i s h e d b y B I M C O , C o p e n h a g e n conti(continued>It is mutually agreed between the party stated in Box 3 and the party stated in Box 4 that this Agreement consisting of PART l and PART llas well as Annexes “A” (Details of Vessel or Vessels>, “B” (Details of Crew>, “C” (Budget>, “D” (Associated Vessels> and “E” (Fee Sch edule>attached hereto, shall be performed subject to the conditions contained herein. In the event of a conflict of conditions, the provisions of PARTl and Annexes “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E” shall prevail over those of PART ll to the extent of such conflict but no further.(当发生冲突时,PATE 1和附件A-E 地条款优先于PART II>SHIPMAN 2009In this Agreement save where the context otherwise requires, the following words and expressions shall havethe meanings hereby assigned to them: 在本协议中,除文义另有所指外,下列词汇及词语具有本文所赋予地含义“Company” (with reference to the ISM Code and the ISPS Code> means the organization identified in Box 5or any replacement organization appointed by the Owners from time to time (see Sub-clauses 9(b>(i> or 9(c>(ii>, whichever is applicable>.“Crew” means the personnel of the numbers, rank and nationality specified in Annex “B” hereto.“Crew Insurances” means insurance of liabilities in respect of crew risks which shall include but not be limitedto death, permanent disability, sickness, injury, repatriation, shipwreck unemployment indemnity and lossof personal effects (see Sub-clause 5(b> (Crew Insurances> and Clause 7 (Insurance Arrangements> andClause 10 (Insurance Policies> and Boxes 10 and 11>.“船员保险”意味着船员地风险,包括但不限于:死亡、永久伤残、疾病、伤害、遣返、船舶灭失补偿和个人财务损失等“Crew Support Costs” means all expenses of a general nature which are not particularly referable to anyindividual vessel for the time being managed by the Managers and which are incurred by the Managers for thepurpose of providing an efficient and economic management service and, without prejudice to the generalityof the foregoing, shall include the cost of crew standby pay, training schemes for officers and ratings, cadettraining schemes, sick pay, study pay, recruitment and interviews. 船员支持费用指管理人就提供高效率及合乎经济原则地管理服务而引致地所有一般开支,但未能清楚分摊至管理人当时所管理地任何个别船舶.在不损害前述规定地一般性地原则下,有关开支包括候命船员薪金、高级船员和普通船员培训计划、见习船员培训计划、病假薪金、进修假期薪金、招聘及面试成 本“Flag State” means the State whose flag the Vessel is flying.“ISM Code” means the International Management Code for the Safe Ope ration of Ships and for PollutionPrevention and any amendment thereto or substitution therefor.“ISPS Code” means the International Code for the Security of Ships and Port Facilities and the relevantamendments to Chapter XI of SOLAS and any amendment thereto or substitution therefor. “Managers” means the party identified in Box 4.“Management Services” means the services specified in SECTION 2 - Services (Clauses 4 through 7> asindicated affirmatively in Boxes 6 through 8, 10 and 11, and all other functions performed by the Managersunder the terms of this Agreement. “Owners” means the party identified in Box 3.“Severance Costs” means the costs which are legally required to be paid to the Crew as a result of the1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32earlytermination of any contracts for service on the Vessel."指雇主因提前终止于船舶上服务地雇用合约而须依法支付予船员或就船员所支付地费用.“SMS” means the Safety Management System (as defined by the ISM Code>.“STCW 95” means the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeepingfor Seafarers, 1978, as amended in 1995 and any amendment thereto or substitution therefor.“Vessel” means the vessel or vessels details of which are set out in Annex “A” attached hereto.2. Commencement and AppointmentWith effect from the date stated in Box 2 for the commencement of the Management Services and continuingunless and until terminated as provided herein, the Owners hereby appoint the Managers and the Managershereby agree to act as the Managers of the Vessel in respect of the Management Services.自PART1第二栏载明地日期起直到本协议终止时,船东在此指定管理公司,并且管理公司在此同意作为船舶地管理公司.3. Authority of the ManagersSubject to the terms and conditions herein provided, during the period of this Agreement the Managers shallcarry out the Management Services in respect of the Vessel as agents for and on behalf of the Owners.TheManagers shall have authority to take such actions as they may from time to time in their absolute discretionconsider to be necessary to enable them to perform the Management Services in accordance with soundship management practice, including but not limited to compliance with all relevant rules and regulations.在本协议所载条款及条件地规限下,在本协议期间,管理人须以船东代理人地身分代表船东执行船舶地管理服务.管理人有权采取他们不时全权酌情认为必要地有关行动,以便按照有效地船舶管理实务履行本协议.PART IISHIPMAN 2009(only applicable if agreed according to Box 6>.The Managers shall provide technical management which includes, but is not limited to, the followingservices:(a> ensuring that the Vessel complies with the requirements of the law of the Flag State。
















bimco的航次租船合同甲方:_______________________地址:_______________________联系人:_______________________联系电话:_______________________乙方:_______________________地址:_______________________联系人:_______________________联系电话:_______________________签订日期:_______________________签订地址:_______________________第一条船舶租用a. 本合同项下,甲方同意租用乙方拥有的船舶,用于货物运输。

b. 船舶的具体型号、吨位、船籍等信息,双方将在签订本合同前另行协商确定。

c. 甲方应按照本合同约定支付租金,乙方应保证船舶符合货物运输要求。

① 甲方应在本合同签订后五个工作日内向乙方支付首期租金。

② 乙方应在收到首期租金后,向甲方提供船舶的相关证明文件。

③ 甲方在支付租金时,应按照乙方提供的收款账户进行转账。

第二条货物运输a. 甲方负责提供货物运输所需的货物,并保证货物符合运输要求。

b. 乙方负责安排船舶的航行计划,确保货物安全、及时地运达目的地。

c. 双方应按照本合同约定,共同承担货物运输过程中的风险。

① 甲方应在本合同签订后十个工作日内,向乙方提供货物清单。

② 乙方应在收到货物清单后,向甲方提供船舶的航行计划。

③ 甲方应按照航行计划,在规定的时间内将货物运至船舶。

第三条租金及支付方式a. 本合同项下,甲方应按照约定的租金标准,向乙方支付租金。

b. 租金支付方式为:每月支付一次,于每月的一个工作日支付。

c. 甲方未按时支付租金的,应向乙方支付滞纳金。

① 甲方应按照本合同约定的租金标准,在每月的一个工作日支付租金。

② 乙方应在收到租金后,向甲方出具收款凭证。

③ 甲方未按时支付租金的,应向乙方支付滞纳金,滞纳金按每日租金的千分之五计算。



F i r s t p u b l i s h e d 1988. R e v i s e d 1998 a n d 2009.SHIPMAN 2009STANDARD SHIP MANAGEMENT AGREEMENTPART I1. Place and date of Agreement协议签署地点和日期2. Date of commencement of Agreement (Cls.2, 12, 21 and 25)协议生效日期3. Owners (name, place of registered office and law of registry)(Cl.1)4. Managers (name, place of registered office and law of registry)(Cl.1)(i) Name:(i) Name:(ii) Place of registered office: (ii) Place of registered office:(iii) Law of registry: (iii) Law of registry:5. The Company (with reference to the ISM/ISPS Codes)(State name and IMOUnique Company Identification number. If the Company is a third party then also state registered office and principal place of business)(Cls.1 and 9(c)(i))6. Technical Management (state “yes ” or “no ” as agreed)(Cl.4)技术管理(i) Name:7. Crew Management (state “yes ” or “no ” as agreed)(Cl.5(a))船员管理(ii) IMO Unique Company Identification number:(iii) Place of registered office:8. Commercial Management (state “yes ” or “no ” as agreed)(Cl.6)商业管理(iv) Principal place of business:9. Chartering Services period (only to be filled in if “yes ’ stated in Box 8)租船服务期限10. Crew Insurance arrangements (state “yes ” or “no ” as agreed)船员保险安排(i) Crew Insurances* (Cl.5(b)):(ii) Insurance for persons proceeding to sea onboard (Cl.5(b)(i)): *only to apply if Crew Management (Cl.5(a)) agreed (see Box 7) 11. Insurance arrangement (state “yes ” or “no ” as agreed)(Cl.7)保险安排12. Optional insurances (state optional insurance(s) as agreed, such as piracy,kidnap and ransom, loss of hire and FD & D)(CL. 10(a)(iv))可选保险(海盗,绑架和赎金,租金损失和抗辩责任险)13. Interest (state rate of interest to apply after due date to outstanding sums)(Cl. 9(a))利息(到期未偿款的法定利率)14. Annual management fee (state annual amount)(Cl. 12 (a))C o p y r i g h t , p u b l i s h e d b y B I M C O , C o p e n h a g e n15. Manager ’s nominated account (Cl. 12(a))16. Daily rate (state rate for days in excess of those agreed in budget)(Cl. 12(c))17. Lay-up period / number of months (Cl.12(d))18. Number of months termination period (Cl. 21(a))19. Management fee on termination (state number of months to apply)(Cl. 22(g))20. Severance Costs (State maximum amount)(Cl.22 (h)(ii)) 遣散费21. Dispute Resolution (state alternative Cl. 23(a), 23(b) or 23(c); if Cl. 23(c) placeof arbitration must be stated)(Cl. 23)争议解决continued(continued)It is mutually agreed between the party stated in Box 3 and the party stated in Box 4 that this Agreement consisting of PART l and PART ll as well as Annexes “A” (Details of Vessel or Vessels), “B” (Details of Crew), “C” (Budget), “D” (Associated Vessels) and “E” (Fee Sch edule) attached hereto, shall be performed subject to the conditions contained herein. In the event of a conflict of conditions, the provisions of PART l and Annexes “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E” shall prevail over those of PART ll to the extent of such conflict but no further.(当发生冲突时,PATE 1和附件A-E的条款优先于PART II)PART IISHIPMAN 2009Standard ship management agreement1. DefinitionsIn this Agreement save where the context otherwise requires, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them:在本协议中,除文义另有所指外,下列词汇及词语具有本文所赋予的含义“Company” (with reference to the ISM Code and the ISPS Code) means the organization identified in Box 5 or any replacement organization appointed by the Owners from time to time (see Sub-clauses 9(b)(i) or 9(c)(ii), whichever is applicable).“Crew” means the personnel of the numbers, rank and nationality specified in Annex “B” hereto.“Crew Insurances” means insurance of liabilities in respect of crew risks which shall include but not be lim ited to death, permanent disability, sickness, injury, repatriation, shipwreck unemployment indemnity and loss of personal effects (see Sub-clause 5(b) (Crew Insurances) and Clause 7 (Insurance Arrangements) and Clause 10 (Insurance Policies) and Boxes 10 and 11).“船员保险”意味着船员的风险,包括但不限于:死亡、永久伤残、疾病、伤害、遣返、船舶灭失补偿和个人财务损失等“Crew Support Costs” means all expenses of a general nature which are not particularly referable to any individual vessel for the time being managed by the Managers and which are incurred by the Managers for the purpose of providing an efficient and economic management service and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, shall include the cost of crew standby pay, training schemes for officers and ratings, cadet training schemes, sick pay, study pay, recruitment and interviews.船员支持费用指管理人就提供高效率及合乎经济原则的管理服务而引致的所有一般开支,但未能清楚分摊至管理人当时所管理的任何个别船舶。




bimco合同 c ii条款

bimco合同 c ii条款

bimco合同 c ii条款

C II条款通常是指BIMCO标准租船合同(即泛用租船合同)中的第
C II条款。

这一条款通常涉及船舶的使用和操作,以下是对C II
1. 法律和合规性角度,C II条款通常包括有关船舶的操作、


2. 船舶租赁角度,C II条款可能规定了租船方和承租方在船


3. 商业角度,C II条款可能还涉及商业方面的考量,例如船


4. 保险角度,C II条款可能包括有关船舶保险的规定,包括保险责任、索赔程序、保险费用分担等方面的条款。


总的来说,C II条款在BIMCO标准租船合同中扮演着重要的角色,涉及法律、船舶租赁、商业和保险等多个方面,对于船舶租赁合同的签订和执行具有重要意义。



bimco重大件货物标准运输合同英文回答:The BIMCO Heavy Lift Voyage Charterparty is a standard form contract that is commonly used for the carriage of heavy lift cargoes. It was developed by the Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO) and is intended to provide a balanced and fair allocation of risks and responsibilities between the parties to the contract.The BIMCO Heavy Lift Voyage Charterparty is divided into 10 clauses, which cover a wide range of topics, including the description of the cargo, the loading and unloading arrangements, the payment of freight, and the responsibilities of the carrier and the shipper.One of the key features of the BIMCO Heavy Lift Voyage Charterparty is its focus on the safety of the cargo. The contract includes a number of provisions that are designed to ensure that the cargo is handled and transported in asafe and secure manner. These provisions include requirements for the carrier to provide a seaworthy vessel, to maintain the cargo in good condition, and to follow the shipper's instructions regarding the handling and stowageof the cargo.The BIMCO Heavy Lift Voyage Charterparty is a complex and detailed contract. It is important for parties to the contract to carefully review the contract before signing it.中文回答:BIMCO重大件货物标准运输合同是由波罗的海国际海事理事会(BIMCO)制定的一份标准合同文本,通常用于重大件货物的运输。




以下是关于BIMCO标准船舶管理合同的详细内容:1. 合同主体:合同由船舶所有人(委托方)和船舶管理人(承包方)签订。

2. 合同目的:合同的目的是委托船舶管理人代表船舶所有人管理船舶的日常运营和维护。

3. 船舶管理人的职责:- 船舶管理:包括船舶的技术管理、船员管理、船舶维护、船舶保险等。

- 财务管理:包括船舶的财务报告、预算编制、费用支付等。

- 运营管理:包括船舶的航行计划、货物装卸、航线选择等。

- 合规管理:包括船舶的合规性检查、证书管理、法律事务处理等。

4. 委托方的权利和义务:- 向船舶管理人提供必要的船舶信息和文件。

- 向船舶管理人支付合同约定的管理费用。

- 监督船舶管理人的工作,确保其按照合同履行职责。

5. 船舶管理人的权利和义务:- 按照合同约定提供船舶管理服务。

- 遵守适用的法律法规和国际标准。

- 向委托方提供定期的管理报告和财务报告。

- 保护船舶所有人的利益,尽力避免损失和责任。

6. 合同期限和终止:- 合同期限根据双方协商确定,可为一定期限或长期合同。

- 双方可以协商一致地终止合同,或在特定情况下采取法律程序终止合同。

7. 争议解决:- 双方同意在发生争议时首先通过友好协商解决。

- 如果协商不成,争议将提交仲裁解决,仲裁地点和仲裁程序根据合同约定或双方协商确定。




Shipman 2009

Shipman 2009

SHIPMAN 2009STANDARD SHIP MANAGEMENT AGREEMENTPART IC o p y r i g h t , p u b l i s h e d b y B I M C O , C o p e n h a g e ncontinuedE x p l a n a t o r y N o t e s f o r S H I P M A N 2009 a r e a v a i l a b l e f r o m B I M C O a t w w w .b i m c o .o r gF i r s t p u b l i s h e d 1988. R e v i s e d 1998 a n d 2009.1. Place and date of Agreement2. Date of commencement of Agreement (Cls. 2, 12, 21 and 25)3. Owners (name, place of registered office and law of registry) (Cl. 1) (i)Name:(ii) Place of registered office:(iii) Law of registry:4. Managers (name, place of registered office and law of registry) (Cl. 1) (i)Name:(ii) Place of registered office:(iii) Law of registry:5. The Company (with reference to the ISM/ISPS Codes) (state name and IMOUnique Company Identification number. If the Company is a third party then also state registered office and principal place of business) (Cls. 1 and 9(c)(i))(i)Name:(ii) IMO Unique Company Identification number: (iii) Place of registered office:(iv) Principal place of business:6. Technical Management (state “yes” or “no” as agreed) (Cl. 4)8. Commercial Management (state “yes” or “no” as agreed) (Cl. 6)7. Crew Management (state “yes” or “no” as agreed) (Cl. 5(a))9. Chartering Services period (only to be filled in if “yes” stated in Box 8)(Cl.6(a))10. Crew Insurance arrangements (state “yes” or “no” as agreed) (i) Crew Insurances* (Cl. 5(b)):(ii) Insurance for persons proceeding to sea onboard (Cl. 5(b)(i)):*only to apply if Crew Management (Cl. 5(a)) agreed (see Box 7)11. Insurance arrangements (state “yes” or “no” as agreed) (Cl. 7)12. Optional insurances (state optional insurance(s) as agreed, such aspiracy, kidnap and ransom, loss of hire and FD & D) (Cl. 10(a)(iv))13. Interest (state rate of interest to apply after due date to outstanding sums)(Cl. 9(a))14. Annual management fee (state annual amount) (Cl. 12(a))15. Manager’s nominated account (Cl.12(a))16. Daily rate (state rate for days in excess of those agreed in budget) (Cl. 12(c))17. Lay-up period / number of months (Cl.12(d))18. Number of months termination period (Cl. 21(a))19. Management fee on termination (state number of months to apply) (Cl. 22(g))20. Severance Costs (state maximum amount) (Cl. 22(h)(ii))21. Dispute Resolution (state alternative Cl. 23(a), 23(b) or 23(c); if Cl. 23(c)place of arbitration must be stated) (Cl. 23)PDF processed with CutePDF evaluation edition SHIPMAN 2009Standard ship management agreement(continued)It is mutually agreed between the party stated in Box 3 and the party stated in Box 4 that this Agreement consisting of PART l and PART llas well as Annexes “A” (Details of Vessel or Vessels), “B” (Details of Crew), “C” (Budget), “D” (Associated Vessels) and “E” (Fee Schedule) attached hereto, shall be performed subject to the conditions contained herein. In the event of a conflict of conditions, the provisions of PART l and Annexes “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E” shall prevail over those of PART ll to the extent of such conflict but no further.Signature(s) (Owners)Signature(s) (Managers)22. Notices (state full style contact details for serving notice and communication to the Owners) (Cl. 24)PART I23. Notices (state full style contact details for serving notice and communicationto the Managers) (Cl. 24)PART IISHIPMAN 2009Standard ship management agreement11 2 34 5 678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 161718 19 20 212223 24 25 2627 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42SECTION 1 – Basis of the Agreement1. DefinitionsIn this Agreement save where the context otherwise requires, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them:“Company” (with reference to the ISM Code and the ISPS Code) means the organization identified in Box5 or any replacement organization appointed by the Owners from time to time (see Sub-clauses 9(b)(i) or 9(c) (ii), whichever is applicable).“Crew” means the personnel of the numbers, rank and nationality specified in Annex “B” hereto.“Crew Insurances” means insurance of liabilities in respect of crew risks which shall include but not be limited to death, permanent disability, sickness, injury, repatriation, shipwreck unemployment indemnity and loss of personal effects (see Sub-clause 5(b) (Crew Insurances) and Clause 7 (Insurance Arrangements) and Clause 10 (Insurance Policies) and Boxes10 and 11).“Crew Support Costs” means all expenses of a general nature which are not particularly referable to any individual vessel for the time being managed by the Managers and which are incurred by the Managers for the purpose of providing an efficient and economic management service and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, shall include the cost of crew standby pay, training schemes for officers and ratings, cadet training schemes, sick pay, study pay, recruitment and interviews.“Flag State” means the State whose flag the Vessel is flying.“ISM Code” means the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention and any amendment thereto or substitution therefor.“ISPS Code” means the International Code for the Security of Ships and Port Facilities and the relevant amendments to Chapter XI of SOLAS and any amendment thereto or substitution therefor.“Managers” means the party identified in Box4.“Management Services” means the services specified in SECTION 2 - Services (Clauses 4 through 7) as indicated affirmatively in Boxes6 through 8, 10 and 11, and all other functions performed by the Managers under the terms of this Agreement.“Owners” means the party identified in Box3.“Severance Costs” means the costs which are legally required to be paid to the Crew as a result of the early termination of any contracts for service on the Vessel.“SMS” means the Safety Management System (as defined by the ISM Code).“STCW 95” means the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended in 1995 and any amendment thereto or substitution therefor.“Vessel” means the vessel or vessels details of which are set out in Annex “A” attached hereto.2. Commencement and AppointmentWith effect from the date stated in Box2 for the commencement of the Management Services and continuing unless and until terminated as provided herein, the Owners hereby appoint the Managers and the Managers hereby agree to act as the Managers of the Vessel in respect of the Management Services.3. Authority of the ManagersSubject to the terms and conditions herein provided, during the period of this Agreement the Managers shall carry out the Management Services in respect of the Vessel as agents for and on behalf of the Owners. The Managers shall have authority to take such actions as they may from time to time in their absolute discretion consider to be necessary to enable them to perform the Management Services in accordance with sound ship management practice, including but not limited to compliance with all relevant rules and regulations.PART IISHIPMAN 2009Standard ship management agreement243 44 45 464748495051 52 53 54 55 5657 58 59 60 61626364 65 66 67 68 69 70 7172 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 8081 82 83 84SECTION 2 – Services4. Technical Management(only applicable if agreed according to Box 6).The Managers shall provide technical management which includes, but is not limited to, the following services:(a)ensuring that the Vessel complies with the requirements of the law of the Flag State;(b)ensuring compliance with the ISM Code;(c)ensuring compliance with the ISPS Code;(d)providing competent personnel to supervise the maintenance and general efficiency of the Vessel;(e)arranging and supervising dry dockings, repairs, alterations and the maintenance of the Vessel to thestandards agreed with the Owners provided that the Managers shall be entitled to incur the necessary expenditure to ensure that the Vessel will comply with all requirements and recommendations of the classification society, and with the law of the Flag State and of the places where the Vessel is required to trade;(f)arranging the supply of necessary stores, spares and lubricating oil;(g)appointing surveyors and technical consultants as the Managers may consider from time to time to benecessary;(h)in accordance with the Owners’ instructions, supervising the sale and physical delivery of the Vesselunder the sale agreement. However services under this Sub-clause 4(h) shall not include negotiation of the sale agreement or transfer of ownership of the Vessel;(i)arranging for the supply of provisions unless provided by the Owners; and(j)arranging for the sampling and testing of bunkers.5. Crew Management and Crew Insurances(a)Crew Management(only applicable if agreed according to Box7)The Managers shall provide suitably qualified Crew who shall comply with the requirements of STCW 95.The provision of such crew management services includes, but is not limited to, the following services:(i) selecting, engaging and providing for the administration of the Crew, including, as applicable, payrollarrangements, pension arrangements, tax, social security contributions and other mandatory dues related to their employment payable in each Crew member’s country of domicile;(ii) ensuring that the applicable requirements of the law of the Flag State in respect of rank, qualification and certification of the Crew and employment regulations, such as Crew’s tax and social insurance, are satisfied;(iii) ensuring that all Crew have passed a medical examination with a qualified doctor certifying that they are fit for the duties for which they are engaged and are in possession of valid medical certificates issued in accordance with appropriate Flag State requirements or such higher standard of medical examination as may be agreed with the Owners. In the absence of applicable Flag State requirements the medical certificate shall be valid at the time when the respective Crew member arrives on board the Vessel and shall be maintained for the duration of the service on board the Vessel;(iv) ensuring that the Crew shall have a common working language and a command of the English language of a sufficient standard to enable them to perform their duties safely;(v) arranging transportation of the Crew, including repatriation;(vi) training of the Crew;PART IISHIPMAN 2009Standard ship management agreement38586 87 888990 91 92 9394 95 96 97 9899 100 101 102 103104 105 106 107 108 109110 111 112 113 114115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122123 124 125 126 127(vii) conducting union negotiations; and(viii) if the Managers are the Company, ensuring that the Crew, on joining the Vessel, are given proper familiarisation with their duties in relation to the Vessel’s SMS and that instructions which are essential to the SMS are identified, documented and given to the Crew prior to sailing.(ix) if the Managers are not the Company:(1) ensuring that the Crew, before joining the Vessel, are given proper familiarisation with their dutiesin relation to the ISM Code; and(2) instructing the Crew to obey all reasonable orders of the Company in connection with the operationof the SMS.(x) Where Managers are not providing technical management services in accordance with Clause 4 (Technical Management):(1) ensuring that no person connected to the provision and the performance of the crew managementservices shall proceed to sea on board the Vessel without the prior consent of the Owners (such consent not to be unreasonably withheld); and(2) ensuring that in the event that the Owners’ drug and alcohol policy requires measures to be takenprior to the Crew joining the Vessel, implementing such measures;(b)Crew Insurances(only applicable if Sub-clause 5(a) applies and if agreed according to Box10)The Managers shall throughout the period of this Agreement provide the following services:(i) arranging Crew Insurances in accordance with the best practice of prudent managers of vessels of asimilar type to the Vessel, with sound and reputable insurance companies, underwriters or associations.Insurances for any other persons proceeding to sea onboard the Vessel may be separately agreed by the Owners and the Managers (see Box10);(ii) ensuring that the Owners are aware of the terms, conditions, exceptions and limits of liability of the insurances in Sub-clause 5(b)(i);(iii) ensuring that all premiums or calls in respect of the insurances in Sub-clause 5(b)(i) are paid by their due date;(iv) if obtainable at no additional cost, ensuring that insurances in Sub-clause 5(b)(i) name the Owners asa joint assured with full cover and, unless otherwise agreed,on terms such that Owners shall be underno liability in respect of premiums or calls arising in connection with such insurances.(v) providing written evidence, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Owners, of the Managers’ compliance with their obligations under Sub-clauses 5(b)(ii), and 5(b)(iii) within a reasonable time of the commencement of this Agreement, and of each renewal date and, if specifically requested, of each payment date of the insurances in Sub-clause 5(b)(i).6. Commercial Management(only applicable if agreed according to Box8).The Managers shall provide the following services for the Vessel in accordance with the Owners’ instructions, which shall include but not be limited to:(a)seeking and negotiating employment for the Vessel and the conclusion (including the execution thereof)of charter parties or other contracts relating to the employment of the Vessel. If such a contract exceeds the period stated in Box9, consent thereto in writing shall first be obtained from the Owners;(b)arranging for the provision of bunker fuels of the quality specified by the Owners as required for theVessel’s trade;PART IISHIPMAN 2009Standard ship management agreement4128 129 130 131132 133134135136137138 139 140 141 142(c)voyage estimating and accounting and calculation of hire, freights, demurrage and/or despatch moniesdue from or due to the charterers of the Vessel; assisting in the collection of any sums due to the Owners related to the commercial operation of the Vessel in accordance with Clause 11 (Income Collected and Expenses Paid on Behalf of Owners);If any of the services under Sub-clauses 6(a), 6(b) and 6(c) are to be excluded from the Management Fee, remuneration for these services must be stated in Annex E (Fee Schedule). See Sub-clause 12(e).(d)issuing voyage instructions;(e)appointing agents;(f)appointing stevedores; and(g)arranging surveys associated with the commercial operation of the Vessel.7. Insurance Arrangements(only applicable if agreed according to Box11).The Managers shall arrange insurances in accordance with Clause 10 (Insurance Policies), on such terms as the Owners shall have instructed or agreed, in particular regarding conditions, insured values, deductibles, franchises and limits of liability.PART IISHIPMAN 2009Standard ship management agreement5143 144 145 146147 148 149 150 151 152153 154 155 156 157 158 159160 161 162 163 164 165166 167 168 169170 171 172 173 174175 176 177 178 179180181 182 183 184 185 186 187SECTION 3 – Obligations8. Managers’ Obligations(a)The Managers undertake to use their best endeavours to provide the Management Services as agentsfor and on behalf of the Owners in accordance with sound ship management practice and to protect and promote the interests of the Owners in all matters relating to the provision of services hereunder.Provided however, that in the performance of their management responsibilities under this Agreement, the Managers shall be entitled to have regard to their overall responsibility in relation to all vessels as may from time to time be entrusted to their management and in particular, but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, the Managers shall be entitled to allocate available supplies, manpower and services in such manner as in the prevailing circumstances the Managers in their absolute discretion consider to be fair and reasonable.(b)Where the Managers are providing technical management services in accordance with Clause 4 (T echnicalManagement), they shall procure that the requirements of the Flag State are satisfied and they shall agree to be appointed as the Company, assuming the responsibility for the operation of the Vessel and taking over the duties and responsibilities imposed by the ISM Code and the ISPS Code, if applicable.9. Owners’ Obligations(a)The Owners shall pay all sums due to the Managers punctually in accordance with the terms of thisAgreement. In the event of payment after the due date of any outstanding sums the Manager shall be entitled to charge interest at the rate stated in Box13.(b)Where the Managers are providing technical management services in accordance with Clause 4 (T echnicalManagement), the Owners shall:(i) report (or where the Owners are not the registered owners of the Vessel procure that the registeredowners report) to the Flag State administration the details of the Managers as the Company as required to comply with the ISM and ISPS Codes;(ii) procure that any officers and ratings supplied by them or on their behalf comply with the requirements of STCW 95; and(iii) instruct such officers and ratings to obey all reasonable orders of the Managers (in their capacity as the Company) in connection with the operation of the Managers’ safety management system.(c)Where the Managers are not providing technical management services in accordance with Clause 4(Technical Management), the Owners shall:(i) procure that the requirements of the Flag State are satisfied and notify the Managers upon execution ofthis Agreement of the name and contact details of the organization that will be the Company by completing Box5;(ii) if the Company changes at any time during this Agreement, notify the Managers in a timely manner of the name and contact details of the new organization;(iii) procure that the details of the Company, including any change thereof, are reported to the Flag State administration as required to comply with the ISM and ISPS Codes. The Owners shall advise the Managers in a timely manner when the Flag State administration has approved the Company; and(iv) unless otherwise agreed, arrange for the supply of provisions at their own expense.(d)Where the Managers are providing crew management services in accordance with Sub-clause 5(a) theOwners shall:(i) inform the Managers prior to ordering the Vessel to any excluded or additional premium area underany of the Owners’ Insurances by reason of war risks and/or piracy or like perils and pay whatever additional costs may properly be incurred by the Managers as a consequence of such orders including, if necessary, the costs of replacing any member of the Crew. Any delays resulting from negotiation with or replacement of any member of the Crew as a result of the Vessel being ordered to such an areaPART IISHIPMAN 2009Standard ship management agreement6188 189190 191 192193 194 195 196 197shall be for the Owners’ account. Should the Vessel be within an area which becomes an excluded or additional premium area the above provisions relating to cost and delay shall apply;(ii) agree with the Managers prior to any change of flag of the Vessel and pay whatever additional costs may properly be incurred by the Managers as a consequence of such change. If agreement cannot be reached then either party may terminate this Agreement in accordance with Sub-clause 22(e); and(iii) provide, at no cost to the Managers, in accordance with the requirements of the law of the Flag State, or higher standard, as mutually agreed, adequate Crew accommodation and living standards.(e)Where the Managers are not the Company, the Owners shall ensure that Crew are properly familiarised with their duties in accordance with the Vessel’s SMS and that instructions which are essential to the SMS are identified, documented and given to the Crew prior to sailing.PART IISHIPMAN 2009Standard ship management agreement7198 199 200201 202203204 205 206 207 208 209 210211 212 213 214215 216 217 218219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229230 231 232 233 234 235 236237 238 239 240 241SECTION 4 – Insurance, Budgets, Income, Expenses and Fees10. Insurance PoliciesThe Owners shall procure, whether by instructing the Managers under Clause 7 (Insurance Arrangements) or otherwise, that throughout the period of this Agreement:(a)at the Owners’ expense, the Vessel is insured for not less than its sound market value or entered for itsfull gross tonnage, as the case may be for:(i) hull and machinery marine risks (including but not limited to crew negligence) and excess liabilities;(ii) protection and indemnity risks (including but not limited to pollution risks, diversion expenses and, except to the extent insured separately by the Managers in accordance with Sub-clause 5(b)(i), Crew Insurances;NOTE: If the Managers are not providing crew management services under Sub-clause 5(a) (Crew Management) or have agreed not to provide Crew Insurances separately in accordance with Sub-clause 5(b)(i), then such insurances must be included in the protection and indemnity risks cover for the Vessel (see Sub-clause 10(a)(ii) above).(iii) war risks (including but not limited to blocking and trapping, protection and indemnity, terrorism and crew risks); and(iv) such optional insurances as may be agreed (such as piracy, kidnap and ransom, loss of hire and FD &D) (see Box12)Sub-clauses 10(a)(i) through 10(a)(iv) all in accordance with the best practice of prudent owners of vessels of a similar type to the Vessel, with sound and reputable insurance companies, underwriters or associations (“the Owners’ Insurances”);(b)all premiums and calls on the Owners’ Insurances are paid by their due date;(c)the Owners’ Insurances name the Managers and, subject to underwriters’ agreement, any third partydesignated by the Managers as a joint assured, with full cover. It is understood that in some cases, such as protection and indemnity, the normal terms for such cover may impose on the Managers and any such third party a liability in respect of premiums or calls arising in connection with the Owners’ Insurances.If obtainable at no additional cost, however, the Owners shall procure such insurances on terms such that neither the Managers nor any such third party shall be under any liability in respect of premiums or calls arising in connection with the Owners’ Insurances. In any event, on termination of this Agreement in accordance with Clause 21 (Duration of the Agreement) and Clause 22 (Termination), the Owners shall procure that the Managers and any third party designated by the Managers as joint assured shall cease to be joint assured and, if reasonably achievable, that they shall be released from any and all liability for premiums and calls that may arise in relation to the period of this Agreement; and(d)written evidence is provided, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Managers, of the Owners’ compliancewith their obligations under this Clause 10 within a reasonable time of the commencement of the Agreement, and of each renewal date and, if specifically requested, of each payment date of the Owners’ Insurances.11. Income Collected and Expenses Paid on Behalf of Owners(a)Except as provided in Sub-clause 11(c) all monies collected by the Managers under the terms of thisAgreement (other than monies payable by the Owners to the Managers) and any interest thereon shall be held to the credit of the Owners in a separate bank account.(b)All expenses incurred by the Managers under the terms of this Agreement on behalf of the Owners(including expenses as provided in Clause 12(c)) may be debited against the Owners in the account referred to under Sub-clause 11(a) but shall in any event remain payable by the Owners to the Managers on demand.(c)All monies collected by the Managers under Clause 6 (Commercial Management) shall be paid into abank account in the name of the Owners or as may be otherwise advised by the Owners in writing.PART IISHIPMAN 2009Standard ship management agreement8242 243 244 245 246 247 248249 250251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263264 265 266 267 268 269270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288289 29012. Management Fee and Expenses(a) The Owners shall pay to the Managers an annual management fee as stated in Box14 for their servicesas Managers under this Agreement, which shall be payable in equal monthly instalments in advance, the first instalment (pro rata if appropriate) being payable on the commencement of this Agreement (see Clause 2 (Commencement and Appointment) and Box2) and subsequent instalments being payable at the beginning of every calendar month. The management fee shall be payable to the Managers’ nominated account stated in Box15.(b)The management fee shall be subject to an annual review and the proposed fee shall be presented inthe annual budget in accordance with Sub-clause 13(a).(c)The Managers shall, at no extra cost to the Owners, provide their own office accommodation, office staff,facilities and stationery. Without limiting the generality of this Clause 12 (Management Fee and Expenses) the Owners shall reimburse the Managers for postage and communication expenses, travelling expenses, and other out of pocket expenses properly incurred by the Managers in pursuance of the Management Services.Any days used by the Managers’ personnel travelling to or from or attending on the Vessel or otherwise used in connection with the Management Services in excess of those agreed in the budget shall be charged at the daily rate stated in Box16.(d)If the Owners decide to layup the Vessel and such layup lasts for more than the number of monthsstated in Box17, an appropriate reduction of the Management Fee for the period exceeding such period until one month before the Vessel is again put into service shall be mutually agreed between the parties. If the Managers are providing crew management services in accordance with Sub-clause 5(a), consequential costs of reduction and reinstatement of the Crew shall be for the Owners’ account. If agreement cannot be reached then either party may terminate this Agreement in accordance with Sub-clause 22(e).(e)Save as otherwise provided in this Agreement, all discounts and commissions obtained by the Managersin the course of the performance of the Management Services shall be credited to the Owners.13. Budgets and Management of Funds(a)The Managers’ initial budget is set out in Annex “C” hereto. Subsequent budgets shall be for twelvemonth periods and shall be prepared by the Managers and presented to the Owners not less than three months before the end of the budget year.(b)The Owners shall state to the Managers in a timely manner, but in any event within one month ofpresentation, whether or not they agree to each proposed annual budget. The parties shall negotiate in good faith and if they fail to agree on the annual budget, including the management fee, either party may terminate this Agreement in accordance with Sub-clause 22(e).(c)Following the agreement of the budget, the Managers shall prepare and present to the Owners theirestimate of the working capital requirement for the Vessel and shall each month request the Owners in writing to pay the funds required to run the Vessel for the ensuing month, including the payment of any occasional or extraordinary item of expenditure, such as emergency repair costs, additional insurance premiums, bunkers or provisions. Such funds shall be received by the Managers within ten running days after the receipt by the Owners of the Managers’ written request and shall be held to the credit of the Owners in a separate bank account.(d)The Managers shall at all times maintain and keep true and correct accounts in respect of the ManagementServices in accordance with the relevant International Financial Reporting Standards or such other standard as the parties may agree, including records of all costs and expenditure incurred, and produce a comparison between budgeted and actual income and expenditure of the Vessel in such form and at such intervals as shall be mutually agreed.The Managers shall make such accounts available for inspection and auditing by the Owners and/or their representatives in the Managers’ offices or by electronic means, provided reasonable notice is given by the Owners.(e)Notwithstanding anything contained herein, the Managers shall in no circumstances be required to useor commit their own funds to finance the provision of the Management Services.。



随着波罗的海国际航运理事会(BIMCO)最近出版的《船舶管理协议2009》(SHIPMAN 2009),后面是两个船员管理协议的修订版《船员管理协议A(成本加费用)》(CREWMAN A)和《船员管理协议B(一揽子经费)》CREWMAN B)。















BIMCO(波罗的海国际航运公会,全称The Baltic and International Maritime Council)是一种非政府组织(NGO),其格式主要是指其文件、合同和标准的书写规范。


BIMCO制定了许多国际航运业广泛使用的标准合同和条款,例如租船合同(GENCON94、BOXTIME2004、GENTIME等)、提单(AUSTWHEATBILL等)、船舶管理合同(SHIPMAN98、CREWMANA/B 等)、船舶拖带合同(TOWCON和TOWHIRE)、船舶买卖合同(SALEFORM87/93)、修船合同(REPAIRCON)和新造船合同(NEWBUILDCON)等。


1. 合同的结构:合同通常分为若干部分,包括前言、正文和附录等。


2. 术语和定义:合同中涉及的专业术语和定义应明确、准确,避免产生歧义。

3. 格式和排版:合同的格式和排版要求整齐划一,易于阅读。


4. 语言:BIMCO的标准合同通常使用英文书写,要求语言简洁明了,易于理解。







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修订 的 主 要 目 的 是让 合 同 更 加
A N 98
并解决 现 行 S H I P M

准船 舶管理 合 同 中涉 及 的 某 些 问题

外 新合 同 参 考 了 新版 本 的 国 际 安 全 管
理 规 则 (I S M
Co de
) 和 国际船 舶和 港
Co de
口 设 施保 安 规 则

列 其 它文 件和 标 准 条款
并对 大 量 正 在
本 以 及 详 细 解 释 注 释将 干
期 的 理 事 会 公 报 中公 布

实 施 的项 目进行 了 讨 论

波 罗 的 海 国 际 航 运 理 事会还 借修订
S H IP M A N 9 8 标 准 船舶管理 合 同 的 契 机
新条款 中最主 要的 是 航 次 租 船 合 同
的 自由和绕航 条款 和 修 订 的 期 租 船 偷渡 条款

关 职 责 的 清晰 界定对 处 理 偷 渡 问题 十 分
会 上 还 报 告 了关于 标 准 期租担 保书
的 起草 进 展

有 帮助

分 别 针 对 租船 人和 船 东 的

自由和 绕航 条款 是 波 罗 的 海 国 际


标 准 船 舶管理 合 同

条款 的 措辞 相 同
件 委 员会秋 季 大 会上 通 过 了六 条标 准 条 款


个版 本 发 布后 的 1 0 年 中 波 罗 的



【摘要】SHIPMAN 98公布的标准船舶管理合同修订本SHIPMAN 98公布的标准船舶管理合同是BIMCO近年来最成功,也是使用最广泛的专业性文件。

SHIPMAN 98标准船舶管理合同新版的代码为SHIPMAN 2009。

1.新版船舶水污染物排放控制标准发布 [J],
2.工业和信息化部发布29项船舶行业标准 [J], 《珠江水运》编辑部
3.两大航运组织发布首个船舶水下清理行业标准 [J],
4.中国船舶集团首批20项集团标准正式发布! [J],
5.船舶行业首个ITU国际标准正式发布 [J],



和”D ”附加细则),必须遵照当中所载条件履行。

如若当中所载条件产生冲突,仅就产生冲突的条件而言,第一部分及附件“ A“ B” “ C””D ”的条文将凌驾于第二部分的条文。

It is mutually agreed between the party stated in Box 2 and the party stated in Box 3 that this Agreement consisting of PART Iand PART II as well as Annexes "A"(Details of Vessel), "B" (Details of Crew), "C" (Budget) and "D" (Associated vessels) attached hereto, shall be performed subject to the conditions contained herein. In the event of a conflict of conditions, the provisions of PART I and Annexes "A", "B", "C"第二部分PART II船舶管理协议Ship Man ageme nt Agreeme nt1. 定义Defin iti ons在本协议中,除文义另有所指外,下列词汇及词语具有本文所赋予的含义。

In this Agreeme nt save where the con text otherwise requires, the followi ng words and expressi ons shall have themeanings hereby assig ned to them."委托人"指第2栏所指的订约方,系指船舶所有人或光船承租人。



1. 协议日期波罗的海和国际海事委员会(BIMCO) 标准船舶管理协议 编号:“SHIPMAN 98”“”第一部分2. 船东 (姓名/名称、注册办事处地点及注册处法律)(第1条)________________________________________________________ 姓名/名称_________________________________________________________ 注册办事处地点_________________________________________________________ 注册处法律3. 管理人(姓名/名称、注册办事处地点及注册处法律)(第1条)_________________________________________________________ 姓名/名称_________________________________________________________ 注册办事处地点_________________________________________________________ 注册处法律4. 协议开始执行日期(第2条)船舶交付予船东当日。

5. 船员管理(按议定填写“是”或“否”)(第3.1条)是6. 技术管理(按议定填写“是”或“否”)(第3.2条)是7. 商业管理(按议定填写“是”或“否”)(第3.3条)否8. 保险安排(按议定填写“是”或“否”)(第3.4条)否9. 会计服务(按议定填写“是”或“否”)(第3.5条)是10. 买卖船舶(按议定填写“是”或“否”)(第3.6条)否11. 储备物资(按议定填写“是”或“否”)(第3.7条)是12. 提供燃料(按议定填写“是”或“否”)(第3.8条)否13. 租赁服务期限(如在第7栏填写“是” 时,方须填写)(第3.3(i)条)否14. 船东保险(填写选择第6.3条的(i)、(ii)或(iii)选项)6.3(ii)15. 年度管理费(填写年度金额)(第8.1条)16. 遣散费(填写金额上限)(第8.4(ii)条)根据集体谈判协议結果。



















中英文Bimco标准船舶管理协议-_Shipman 2009

中英文Bimco标准船舶管理协议-_Shipman 2009

中英文B i m c o标准船舶管理协议-_S h i p m a n2009標準船舶管理協議編號:“SHIPMAN 2009”第一部分1. 協議簽署地和日期2. 協議起始日期(第2,12,21和25條)3. 船東 (姓名/名稱、公司註冊地及登記法)(第1條)(i)姓名/名稱:(ii)公司註冊地:(iii) 登記法:4. 管理人(姓名/名稱、公司註冊地及登記法)(第1條)(i)姓名/名稱:(ii) 公司註冊地:(iii) 登記法:5. 公司(參照ISM / ISPS 規則對公司的定義)(寫明公司名稱和國際海事組織(IMO )識別代碼。

如果公司是協力廠商,還需寫明註冊地及主營地)(第1和9(c)(i))(i)姓名/名稱:(ii) 國際海事組織識別代碼:(iii) 公司註冊地:(iv)主營地:6. 技術管理(按議定填寫“是”或“否”)(第4條)7. 船員管理(按議定填寫“是”或“否”)(第5(a)條)8. 商業管理(按議定填寫“是”或“否”)(第6條)9. 租船服務期(第 8欄中填寫“是”需填寫該欄)(第6條)10. 船員保險安排(按議定填寫“是”或“否”) (i)船員保險(第5(b)條):是(ii)上船船員保險(第5(b)(i)條):是*船員管理(第5(a)條)協定方適用(見第7欄)11. 保險安排(按議定填寫“是”或“否”)(第7條)12. 選擇性保險(填寫協定的選擇性保險,如海盜、綁架與贖金、租金損失和抗辯險)(第10(a)(iv)條)13. 滯納金(寫明過期未付款項總額的比率)14. 年度管理費(填寫年度金額)(第12(a)條)15. 船舶管理人指定賬戶(第12(a)條)16. 日費率(填寫超過預算天數的費率)(第12(c)條)17. 塢修期限(第12(d)條)18. 最低合同期限(填寫月數)(第21(a)條)19. 協議終止管理費(填寫申請費用的月數)(第22(g)條)20. 遣散費(填寫上限) (第22(h)(ii)條)21. 爭議解決(選擇填寫第23(a)、23(b)或23(c)條;如填寫第23(c)條,須寫明仲裁地點)(第23條)22. 通知(填写完整聯絡信息,以寄发通知及通讯予船东)(第24条)23. 通知(填写完整聯絡信息,以寄发通知及通讯予管理人)(第24条)It is mutually agreed between the party stated in Box 3 and the party stated in Box 4 that this Agreement consisting of PART l and PART ll as well as Annexes “A” (Details of Vessel or Vessels), “B” (Details of Crew), “C” (Budget), “D” (Associated Vessels) and “E” (Fee Schedu le) attached hereto, shall be performed subject to the conditions contained herein. In the event of a conflict of conditions, the provisions of PART l and Annexes “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E” shall prevail over those of PART ll to the extent of such conflict but no further.版權所有,由波罗的海国际海事委员会刊發 一九八八年首次發行,一九九八年和二 零零九年修訂第3和第4栏所载订约方達成以下共識,本协议包含第一和第二部分以及本协议随附的附件“A”(船舶详情)、“B”(船员详情)、“C”(预算)及“D”(相关船舶),以及“E”(費用表);雙方必须遵照当中所载条文履行。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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標準船舶管理協議編號:“SHIPMAN 2009”第一部分1. 協議簽署地和日期2. 協議起始日期(第2,12,21和25條)3. 船東 (姓名/名稱、公司註冊地及登記法)(第1條)(i)姓名/名稱:(ii)公司註冊地:(iii) 登記法:4. 管理人(姓名/名稱、公司註冊地及登記法)(第1條)(i)姓名/名稱:(ii) 公司註冊地:(iii) 登記法:5. 公司(參照ISM / ISPS 規則對公司的定義)(寫明公司名稱和國際海事組織(IMO )識別代碼。

如果公司是協力廠商,還需寫明註冊地及主營地)(第1和9(c)(i))(i)姓名/名稱:(ii) 國際海事組織識別代碼:(iii) 公司註冊地:(iv)主營地:6. 技術管理(按議定填寫“是”或“否”)(第4條)7. 船員管理(按議定填寫“是”或“否”)(第5(a)條)8. 商業管理(按議定填寫“是”或“否”)(第6條)9. 租船服務期(第 8欄中填寫“是”需填寫該欄)(第6條)10. 船員保險安排(按議定填寫“是”或“否”) (i)船員保險(第5(b)條):是 (ii)上船船員保險(第5(b)(i)條):是*船員管理(第5(a)條)協定方適用(見第7欄)11. 保險安排(按議定填寫“是”或“否”)(第7條)12. 選擇性保險(填寫協定的選擇性保險,如海盜、綁架與贖金、租金損失和抗辯險)(第10(a)(iv)條)13. 滯納金(寫明過期未付款項總額的比率)14. 年度管理費(填寫年度金額)(第12(a)條)15. 船舶管理人指定賬戶(第12(a)條)16. 日費率(填寫超過預算天數的費率)(第12(c)條)17. 塢修期限(第12(d)條)18. 最低合同期限(填寫月數)(第21(a)條)19. 協議終止管理費(填寫申請費用的月數)(第22(g)條)20. 遣散費(填寫上限) (第22(h)(ii)條)21. 爭議解決(選擇填寫第23(a)、23(b)或23(c)條;如填寫第23(c)條,須寫明仲裁發零零九年修訂It is mutually agreed between the party stated in Box 3 and the party stated in Box 4 that this Agreement consisting of PART l and PART ll as well as Annexes “A” (Details of Vessel or Vessels), “B” (Details of Crew), “C” (Budget), “D” (Associated Vessels) and “E” (Fee Schedule) attached hereto, shall be performed subject to the conditions contained herein. In the event of a conflict of conditions, the provisions of PART l and Annexes “A”, “B”, “C”, “D” and “E” shall prevail over those of PART ll to the extent of such conflict but no further.第3和第4栏所载订约方達成以下共識,本协议包含第一和第二部分以及本协议随附的附件“A”(船舶详情)、“B”(船员详情)、“C”(预算)及“D”(相关船舶),以及“E ”(費用表);雙方必须遵照当中所载条文履行。

如若本協議当中所载条文产生冲突,仅就产生冲突的條文而言,第一部分及附件“A”、“B”、“C”、“D”及“E ”的条文将優先於第二部分的条文。

附件“A” (船舶詳情)協議日期:參看協議第一部分第1欄船舶名稱:WH281船舶詳情:船舶類型 -IMO編號-建造年份 -總噸位-淨噸位 -載重噸 -船旗-附件“B” (船員詳情)協議日期:參看協議第一部分第1欄船員詳情:參看如下船員名單人數職級國籍1 船長1 輪機長1 大副1 大管1 電機師1 二副1 二管1 三副1 三管1 電機員1 水手長1 銅匠1 大廚3 幹練水手3 加油1 水手總人數:人附件“C” (預算)協議日期:參看協議第一部分第1欄管理人預算由本協定起始日期(請參看協議第一部分第二欄)起生效:船員工資-USD/天訓練費用-物料-配件-滑油-修理費-保險費-一般費用-合計- USD/天管理費- USD/天總計- USD/天附件“D” (相關船舶)注:協定雙方應注意,一旦填寫本附件“D”,雙方將受本協議第22條第(b)(i)款條文的限制。

協議日期:參看協議第一部分第1欄相關船舶詳情:無附件“E” (費用表)無第二部分"S H I P M A N2009"標準船舶管理協定1.定義In this Agreement save where the context otherwise requires, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them:在本協議中,除文中另有所指外,下列詞語具有本文所賦予的含義。

“Company” (with reference to the ISM Code and the ISPS Co de) means the organization identified in Box 5 or any replacement organization appointed by the Owners from time to time (see Sub-clauses 9(b)(i) or 9(c)(ii), whichever is applicable)."公司"(參照國際安全管理(ISM)規則和國際船舶和港口設施保安(ISPS)規則)指本協議第一部分第5欄所列明的組織機構,或者由船東指定的其他任何替代組織機構。

(請參看條款第9(b)(i)或9(c)(ii)條)“Crew” means the personnel of the numbers, rank and nationality specified in Annex “B” hereto."船員"指本協議附件"B"所載明的船員人數、職級及國籍詳情。

“Crew Insurances” means insurance of liabilities in respect of crew risks which shall includ e but not be limited to death, permanent disability, sickness, injury, repatriation, shipwreck unemployment indemnity and loss of personal effects (see Sub-clause 5(b) (Crew Insurances) and Clause 7 (Insurance Arrangements) and Clause 10 (Insurance Policies) and Boxes 10 and 11)."船員保險"指就船員險所投保的保險,船員險包括但並不限於身故、永久殘疾、疾病、傷害、遣返、船舶失事失業賠償及個人財物損失。

(請參看條款第5(b)條(船員保險)、第7條(保險安排)和第10條(保險單)以及本協議第一部分第10和11欄)“Crew Support Costs” means all expenses of a general nature which are not particularly referable to any individual vessel for the time being managed by the Managers and which are incurred by the Managers for the purpose of providing an efficient and economic management service and, without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, shall include the cost of crew standby pay, training schemes for officers and ratings, cadet training schemes, sick pay, study pay, recruitment and interviews."船員支援費用"指管理人因提供高效及合乎經濟原則的管理服務而產生的所有一般開支,但該開支不能清楚分攤至管理人當時所管理的任何一條船舶。


“Flag State” means the State whose flag the Vessel is flying."船旗國"指船舶懸掛某一國家的國旗即具有該國國籍,這個國家即該船的船旗國。

“ISM Code” means the International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention and any amendment thereto or substitution therefor."國際安全管理(ISM)規則"指(國際海事組織(IMO)通過決議案A.741(18)所採納的)船舶安全營運和防止污染的國際管理規則以及其後任何相關修訂。

“ISPS Code” means the International Code for the Security of Ships and Port Facilities and the relevant amendments to Chapter XI of SOLAS and any amendment thereto or substitution therefor."國際船舶和港口設施保安(ISPS)規則"指(2002年12月國際海事組織海上保安外交大會通過的)船舶和港口設施保安的國際規則和《國際海上人命安全公約》(SOLAS)第十四章相關修訂內容以及其後任何相關修訂。
