中级写作精讲 ppt课件


《考场中等作文如何升格》 ppt课件 (27张)

《考场中等作文如何升格》 ppt课件 (27张)

这是源于 偏见、失智,
(经典教学PPT)《考场中等作文如何 升格》 课件 (共27张)-导学课件(示范)
因此,我们要 理亦性云看,。问盲题目,跟切风勿人云
(经典教学PPT)《考场中等作文如何 升格》 课件 (共27张)-导学课件(示范)
公交车坠江 司机 责任 法规
(英 狄德罗)
(法 罗曼*罗兰)
不能总是牵着他的手走,而还是要让 他独立行走,使他对自己负责,形成自己 的生活态度。 (前苏联 苏霍姆林斯基)
(经典教学PPT)《考场中等作文如何 升格》 课件 (共27张)-导学课件(示范)
(经典教学PPT)《考场中等作文如何 升格》 课件 (共27张)-导学课件(示范)
1.深刻:过现象深入本质,揭示事物内在的 因果关系,观点具有启发性。
2.丰富:材料丰富,论据充实,形象丰满, 意境深远。
3.有文采:用词贴切,句式灵活,善于运用 修辞手法,文句有表现力。
4.有创新:解新颖,材料新鲜,构思新巧。 推理想象有独到之处,有个性色彩。
周文王被拘所以写出了《周易》;仲 尼遭受困顿所以编写了《春秋》;屈原 被放逐,所以写出了《离骚》……


“健康”等一类表示祝福的话语时,一般要另起一行顶格 写。
(5)署名 写完信之后,在信的右下角写上写信人的姓名叫做署
名。 署名的前面一般还要加上合适的称谓,如“你的同
学”,“你的好友”,“您的学生”等。 (6)日期 日期写在信的右下角,在署名的下一行。
水是生命之源,是人类赖以生存和发展的最重要的物质基础和环境要素, 水资源是经济社会发展的基础性自然资源和战略性经济资源。我国是水资源严重 缺乏的国家之一,但日常生活中浪费水资源的现象还相当严重。为此,我们向全 校同学发出倡议:
1.请尽量使用脸盆洗脸、洗手。 2.在没有脸盆、水杯的情况下洗脸、洗手、刷牙时,请控制水龙头开关大 小,并及时断水。 3.见到有浪费水资源的现象,请及时制止。 同学们,行动起来吧,不要让节约用水成为一句干枯的口号。用我们的举 手之劳换来一方净土、一片蓝天,让节约用水的绿色情怀填满我们的心房。响应 学校的号召,从我做起,为建设节约型校园贡献我们的力量!
议的对象以及开什么会,还要写清要求。 B、布置工作的通知,要写清所通知事件的目的、意
通知 原定今日下午进行的校际足球对抗赛因 雨改期,具体比赛日期经两校协商后,另 行 通知。
请以XXXXX中学教导处 的名义,通知全体任课教师 在4月28日下午4点到多媒 体教室参加教学工作会议。
领条的写作格式 及范文
今领到X X县教育局发给的X X X X年下学期学生课本肆佰叁拾套。



Unit 1The traditional English essay generally consists of three parts: an introductory paragraph, body paragraphs and a concluding paragraph. These paragraphs may be organized in different patterns, but there exists a general feature: each paragraph develops with a topic sentence, followed by a series of supporting sentences. The topic sentence is a principal part contributing to the unity of paragraphs in English writing.The topic sentence is a general statement that states the main point of a paragraph. The topic sentence is a basic element of a united paragraph, but it is not compulsory in all writings.An effective topic sentence usually has three features: one single idea, one controlling idea, and powerful supporting details.The topic sentence is usually at the beginning of a paragraph as the first sentence. This arrangement can bring a direct and clear presentation of the main idea in the paragraph and facilitate its function of controlling the development of the whole paragraph. The topic sentence may come near the beginning or in the middle of a paragraph, with some transitional or introductory remarks going before. The topic sentence may be presented at the end of a paragraph, where it has the dual function of a summary and emphasis. But this position is less common than the beginning. The topic sentence may exist “between the lines”. The previous topic sentences, regardless of their position at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the paragraph, are a direct statement of the main idea, but with this type of topic sentence, the main idea is implied and requires the readers’ efforts to figure it out.Kaplan’s research was the first attempt at ESL to consider the rhetoric of writing rather than the purely linguistic features emphasized by traditional sentence-based analysis. However, this primary research has been criticized by many scholars for a variety of reasons: it was too simplistic, many languages were omitted from the initial study, distinct language groups were oddly grouped, and the diagram was too simple a model for the representation of a theory of contrastive rhetoric. Later, Kaplan (1987, 1988) has modified his earlier statement, suggesting that rhetorical differences may also reflect different writing conventions that are learned in a culture.Unit 2Narration is the writing pattern the writers choose when they want to tell the readers how something has happened. In its most common form, narration is the telling of a story, the purpose of which is to illustrate something, persuade or even entertain the readers. Narration is basically composed of three interrelated sections: the introduction, the development, and the conclusion in an essay. The introduction presents an overall theme for the story. With the development, the story generally unfolds in chronological order. The conclusion puts a satisfying end to the story. The focus of a good narration lies in the connection between successive events and actions.Strategies for writing a narrative paragraph: identify the purpose, keep the topic sentence in mind, choose a point of view, include only relevant details, organize thenarrative sequence, use consistent verb tenses, and make the narration easy to follow Unit 3Description essentially paints a verbal picture that helps readers share the sensory experience through the process of “showing” rather than “telling”. A good description appeals to a reader’s sense of sight, sound, smell, taste and even touch.Descriptive writing is usually composed of an introduction, body and conclusion, and they all work together to achieve the goal of presenting a clear and vivid picture of somebody or something. The introduction captures the readers’ attention through expressing the main features of the subject. The body of supporting paragraphs brings the picture to life through the specific details and expressions. The conclusion, of course, reinforces the overall impression by summarizing these details.A good description focuses on a single dominant impression. Every word or image serves to render the dominant impression clearer. The writers may, at first, give all the details; the dominant impression should be built upon these details. Be sure that the particulars are consistent with the dominant impression.In constructing a descriptive paragraph, linguistic techniques like proper verb tenses, vivid language and varied structure are proposed.A personal description is like painting a picture of a person in words. Find something in the person’s appearance, personality, or behavior or actions th at make an impression and use this as the thesis of the essay.Unit 4: OmittedUnit 5Comparison and contrast is a method used by writers to bring together two subjects in order to analyze their similarities and differences or highlight the essential characteristics of one or more subjects.There are three major ways of organizing paragraphs of comparison and contrast: the subject–by-subject pattern (Allabout Pattern), the point-by-point pattern (Seesaw pattern), the likeness-difference pattern.Unit 6Illustration is to develop ideas using examples. It is a method of supporting a thesis statement with a series of specific examples, or sometimes, with a single extended example. Examples include actual names, places or subjects and particular statistics, events or facts coming either from personal experience or indirect knowledge. They are used to explain rather than to tell the reader something.•Strategies for writing an illustration paragraph• 1. Find the examples before writing• 2. Use relevant and appropriate examples only• 3. Give different kinds of examples• 4. Organize the examples wellIn the introductory paragraph of an exemplification essay, you make clear what you are going to propose. The most common ways of introducing an exemplification essay are as follows:A) Begin with a thesis statement you are going to illustrate in the body with an extended example.B) Begin with a statement that previews the examples to be covered in coming paragraphs.C) Begin with an anecdote that itself is an example of your central idea.In the body part, if, as is usually the case, you use several examples to support your thesis, you must see to it that the examples are arranged in a good order. Sometimes the most appropriate order is chronological, while at other times the proper order may be spatial. If time and space are not appropriate in your paper, you may arrange the examples in the order of increasing importance, interest, impressiveness so that the strongest, the most interesting or important example is saved for the last.With a clear controlling idea in the introduction and sufficient, specific and relevant examples in the body, the concluding paragraph is to bring your essay to a natural finish. You may choose one from the following alternatives:•A) Restate the thesis in a new way;•B) Resolve an issue;•C) Create a final impression;•D) Relate the thesis to a relevant idea.Unit 7Cause and effect analysis is a form of logical writing in which the writer examines the causes and /or effects of something. In cause and effect analysis, the cause usually refers to one or several actions,events,attitudes,and conditions in the past,which explains why something happened. It helps to answer the question Why? The effect,on the other hand,examines the consequences of the cause. It answers the question So what?•The application of such analysis is:•To explain why certain things happen;•To analyze what will happen as a result;•To organize and present ideas in a logical way.Generally speaking, the purpose of writing a cause and effect essay is to find out and analyze both the cause and the effect of a certain event. But in some cases, your essay may just focus on the causes of a certain event or just on the effects of a certain event.Therefore, when you are collecting materials for the writing, you should know clearly whether you are going to find out the causes or analyze the effects, or both. If you are going to find out the causes for a certain event, you look back on the past to see what causes it to happen. On the other hand, if you are going to analyze the effects of a certain event, you look into the future to make some predictions.Types of Cause-Effect Pattern: Casual Chain, Cause因-Effect果常用于因果分析法的连接词:because, because of, for, since,due to, owing to, thanks to,as a result (of), accordingly, hence, so, thus,therefore, consequently, for this reasonFor one thing, … for another,…The first reason is that …the second one is …It is mainly (partly) because of …It is not that …, but that …It is not because … but because …This is why …Unit 8In a classification essay, a writer organizes, divides, or sorts things into categories. The classification is normally made according to a criterion / standard/ principle on which judgments are based.Generally speaking, it is used for analyzing a topic or a subject.•Basis of Classification: be significant, be consistent, be exclusive, be complete.Organization of a classification essay1. The introductionIn the introductory part, it is often a good idea to introduce the categories by mentioning the names of the groups. The thesis statement for such an essay can be one that simply introduces the classification and the categories. But when you name the categories in the Introduction, you should express them in parallel structure, i.e., express them in the same parts of speech or using identical grammatical forms. If you identify a category using a clause, then all of your categories must be identified using clauses.2. The developmental paragraphsIn each developmental paragraph of a classification essay, you should focus simply on one category and discuss it.Once you have identified the categories, it is important to define or describe them. You should decide what the general characteristics are for the members of this category, and discuss the common characteristics of the members as well.When you develop the subsequent paragraphs, you should discuss the characteristics of the second category by comparing and contrasting them with those of the first category.In these respects, a classification essay is really a combination of example essay and comparison & contrast essay.3. The conclusionYou may conclude a classification essay by emphasizing the relationships of all the categories to see whether they are similar or dissimilar, or whether they can be put all together to create a whole. Or you may make some personal suggestions for the reader to see if your classification can be put to use or if it has some practicalimplications to the reader.Unit 9: OmittedUnit 10Argumentation or persuasion is a logical way of essay development by which the writer tries to convince readers or other people of the soundness of a particular opinion on a controversial issue.Argumentation is usually used for three purposes. One purpose is to persuade reasonable people to agree to an opinion. Another is simply to defend an opinion, to establish its validity even if others cannot be persuaded to agree. A third purpose of argumentation is to oppose some opinion you believe to be misguided, untrue, or evil, without necessarily offering an alternative of your opinion. However, the most common purpose of writing an argumentation or persuasion is to convince or persuade the readers.What is the main difference between exposition and argumentation?In expository essays, the writers usually just present their point of views and then explain them as clearly as possible. In other words, expository essay writing involves nothing more than presenting a point of view and providing evidence. An expository essay makes known something and explains it to make the reader understand.But argumentation or persuasion involves more than presenting a point of view and providing evidence. Argumentation is actually exposition with the additionalThe issue: a controversy, a problem, or an idea about which people disagree and hold different points of view.--The claim: the point of view the writer tries to improve about the issue, usually the writer’s view on the issue.--The support: ideas and information intended to convince readers that the claim is sound or believed. The three common types of support are reasons, evidence and emotional appeal.--The refutation: recognizes / acknowledges and argues against opposing viewpoints What are the necessary parts of an argumentative essay?1) Introduction: your introduction should clarify the controversy and state your thesis, which is often called the assertion or proposition. Be sure that your position focuses on a controversial issue in addition to your view.2) Body:In this part, the writer should provide reasons to support the thesis. The first part of the body is usually the confirmation. In the confirmation, you have to present convincing evidence for your thesis. The evidence must be unified, adequate, specific, accurate, representative and reasonable. The usual source of evidence consists of examples, facts, expert opinions, statistic findings and personal experiences or observation.Since argumentation focuses on controversial issues, you should also take opposing views into account. Therefore in the second part of the body, we usually acknowledge the good points of opposing views and then refute the differing viewpoints.3) Conclusion: restatement of the thesis/urge to take actionIn conclusion, the ignorance of inadequate water resources, the ineffective use of water and even the waste of water have combined to cause a water crisis, which we all have to face now. We can not afford to underestimate its urgency any longer. It is high time that people should be educated to have a clearer understanding of the water crisis and that more advanced techniques should be applied to save the world’s water resources.Unit 11What are the necessary elements and optional elements in the content?The necessary elements:Information about the author (name, nationality, his times, social and historical background that led to the writing of the book), title^ genre^ publishing information ^ main contents of the book ^ your comments on the bookThe optional elements:Suggestions or improvementsUnit 12A summary is a shortened passage, which retains the essential information of the original. It is a fairly brief restatement --- in your own words ---of the contents of a passage.Note: you simply report back what the writer has said, without making value judgments.Characteristics of a good summary:1) Can be understood without reference to the original;2) Is a faithful reproduction of, or contains only the ideas or information of, the original;3) Is brief without any unnecessary detail;4) Is a readable unified whole。

现代大学英语中级写作上Unit PPT课件

现代大学英语中级写作上Unit PPT课件
They were presented in chronological order.
Yes,I think they are. How does the process analysis end?
Task 1 Activity 2
Unit 2
• Introduction(Paras.1-2): background information
现代 Contemporary College English 大学(dàxué)英语
(xià Organization of a process npdaàpie)r
Intrp 1
Step 2
Step 3 Step 4
Task 1
Process analysis expository essay writing
Task 2
Process analysis expository essay Reading activity
What is Process Analysis? What is Process Analysis used for? • What are the major types of Process Analysis? • How to write a good process paper? • How to organize a process paper?
3) She began to sell the fluid,but the sales were


Unit 1
We Learn as We Grow
English Writing 3
Lecture 1 Introduction
Task 1
Requirements of the course
Mingde College of NPU
Teaching Objectives
• Cultivate students’ interest in English writing and help them form a good habit of thinking and outlining before writing.
4. Comparison and contrast expository essay writing;
5. Classification expository essay writing;
6. Definition essay writing;
7. Analogy;
English Writing 3
4 periods per unit
1. Exemplification expository essay writing;
2. Process analysis expository essay writing;
3. Cause and effect expository essay writing;
• Assist students in mastering the techniques of writing exposition this semester so that they can write an expository essay on some hot topics on and off campus.

剑桥商务英语中级写作Proposal Writing.ppt

剑桥商务英语中级写作Proposal Writing.ppt
❖Providing Reasons / Comparing Pros and Cons
On the one hand…but on the other… One advantage / disadvantage is that… One other thing to consider is…
❖Balancing and Concluding
Hugo Jones
1. What are the needs of the client? The client needs office space for 12 months.
2. Is the salesperson able to meet those needs?
Reading: A Proposal
A salesperson who works for a company renting office space has faxed the proposal below to a client. Read it and answer question 1-3. 1. What are the needs of the client? 2. Is the salesperson able to meet those needs? 3. What are the benefits of the second location?
Please consider this possibility and note the discount would still apply. A visit to this premises can be arranged, although I would suggest a prompt decision on this second option. I look forward to hearing from you in the very near future. Yours sincerely



Practicing the guidelines [p. 53-]
Ex. 2 Study the following short passages and find out what type(s) of evidence used in each to support the topic sentence (reason).
words. If the idea is fully expressed, the fewer words, the better.
b) The opposite of conciseness -
redundancy (using more words than necessary) wordiness (using too many words) only obscure, instead of clarifying, the idea. avoid redundancy and tighten wordy sentences to achieve conciseness.
1) Examples 2) statistics 3) personal observation 4) expert opinion
III. The use of language (conciseness)
1. What is conciseness? a) It means being direct and to the point, without using unnecessary
B) Not intend to assert whether something has existed, exists, or will exist, but used to make judgments


10、一个人应该:活泼而守纪律,天 真而不 幼稚, 勇敢而 鲁莽, 倔强而 有原则 ,热情 而不冲 动,乐 观而不 盲目。 ——马 克思




中级英语写作课程介绍 (09级)(精选)
6、纪律是自由的第一条件。——黑格 尔 7、纪律是集体的面貌,集体的声音, 集体的 动作, 集体的 表情, 集体的 信念。 ——马 卡连柯
8、我们现在必须完全保持党的纪律, 否则一 切都会 陷入污 泥中。 ——马 克思 9、学校没有纪律便如磨坊没有水。— —夸美 纽斯



A conclusion –- in which the proposition, if stated in the beginning, is reaffirmed; a summary of your main points; a plea for action.
Issue/ problem
a) Deductive reasoning b) Inductive reasoning
1) Inductive reasoning
start with facts/evidence and move to a general conclusion which would be the thesis of the argumentative essay
The major premise must be an accepted generalization The minor is a factual example of that generalization If (1) and (2) are true, (3) the conclusion is often true
c) You finally state the truth drawn from the major and minor premises about the individual/specific case
Example 1
a) All human beings make mistakes. (the major premise) b) Mr. X is a human being. (the minor premise) c) Therefore, Mr. X makes mistakes. (the conclusion)

2023年中考语文复习专题讲座 小作文 课件(共18张PPT)

2023年中考语文复习专题讲座 小作文 课件(共18张PPT)

四、其 他
在保持中心思想不变的前提下,压缩文章的篇幅,把主要内容用 自己的语言说一遍。缩写必须忠实于原文,全面、准确地反映原 文的中心思想和要点,并做到首尾连贯,结构完整。 缩写 缩写首先要吃透原文,对全文的中心思想、内容主次、层次结构 要做到心中有数,通盘考虑;其次要分清主次,做到删减和概括 适当,要注意保持原文的基本风貌;再次要注意题干要求,比如 字数方面的要求。
征稿启事:①征文目的:为了……现向全校同学征稿,具体要求 如下;②征文要求:内容、形式、字数;③投稿方式:联系方式、 截止日期、评选方式、奖励措施等;④呼吁号召:“欢迎同学们积 极投稿”。 邀请函:活动主办方正式告知被邀请方举办礼仪活动的缘由、目 正文 的、事项及要求,写明礼仪活动的日程安排、时间地点,并对被 邀请方发出得体、诚挚的邀请;结尾一般要写常用的邀请惯用语, 如“敬请光临”“欢迎光临”等。 通知:通知内容,如会议通知包括会议内容、时间、地点、出席 对象和有关准备事项等。
在忠于原文内容的基础上,通过改变文体、语体、叙述方式或部 分内容等,进行再创作。 改写 改写要体现原文主旨,不能凭空乱想,基本内容不能改变,要根 据题干的具体要求进行不同的改写。改写应注意不同表现形式的 特点,充分利用特定表现形式的长处。
提供文章部分内容,由续写者沿着原文的思路继续写下去直至完 篇的一种写作形式。续写需要想象,但是想象受到原文的制约, 也就是说只能从原文的事实出发,循着原文的思想轨迹去延伸想 续写 象。如果离开了原意,那就不是续写而是再创作了。续写的想象 要合理,这个“理”,就是生活的逻辑性。续写部分不能游离于提 供的材料外,应该是对所提供的材料顺理成章的延伸。
5.(2020乐山)微写作(10分) 下面是嘉州网《有一说一》栏目的一次活动,请参与讨论,在留言区发 表你的看法。 【议题】重庆市渝中区中兴路一家书店因其丰富的旧书和浓厚的复古氛 围,成了“网红”书店。只是,来的人常常既不买书,也不看书,而是 拍了照就走。无奈之下,老板制定了一条规则:凡是来书店“打卡”拍 照的人,必须买一本书再走。顾客与老板的做法孰是孰非?请谈谈你的 看法。 【留言区】____________________________________________________ 要求:①观点明确;②语言文明,表达得体;③150字左右。
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
a) direct factual evidence (statistics, hard proof, etc.)
b) indirect factual evidence (authority, inferences based on known facts)
C) A claim of fact should not be confused with the fact itself.
5) It requires supportive evidence to show to the audience/readers that it is well-founded and trustworthy.
Types of claims [see p. 26-]
Claims in argumentation are usually classified into three types, each with a different question to address:
• 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? • 教师的教鞭
• “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我 笨,没有学问无颜见爹娘 ……”
• “太阳当空照,花儿对我笑,小鸟说早早早……”
To learn
1) how to support you claim in an argumentative essay 2) the use of language (conciseness)
a claim of fact
a claim of value
a claim of policy
1). A claim of fact
A) It refers to the type of claim an author makes about a certain fact; in otherห้องสมุดไป่ตู้words, it is a statement about the status or conditions of a fact.
a) a claim of fact is a mental interpretation of a certain reality; a report or a description about a fact, usually based on the author’s belief, outlook, way of perception, knowledge structure, etc.
B) As a claim of fact concerns the factual status of an issue, to justify it requires one to demonstrate how true it is in reality
A claim of fact can only be supported by factual evidence
b) the author actually gives the fact a strong subjective coloring.
2) A claim of value - It is different from a claim of fact
A) Not a statement about the truthfulness of facts
Cont中emp级ora写ry 作Col精leg讲e English
Intermediate Writing, Book Two
Unit Three: Pop Icons and Heroes
• 你怎么称呼老师?
• 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你 是否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进?
1. Essential elements of argumentation
1) The issue 2) The claim 3) The support
types of support – reasons, evidence, emotional appeal) 4) Refutation
3) It is not objective/ impartial, but subjectively asserted by the author, based on his/her specific knowledge structure, value system, etc.
4) A claim in argumentation is meant to be presented for “public acceptance” - any claim that clashes with the basic interests and principles of the targeted public is most likely to be rejected (based on the public good)
B) Not intend to assert whether something has existed, exists, or will exist, but used to make judgments
C) To express one’s attitude towards something by approving or disapproving according to some standard or value system
1) It is the point of view the author tries to prove about the issue, that is, the author’s view on the issue (the thesis statement)
2) A claim is basically composed of two parts: the first part is the issue under the discussion and the second part is the comment or the judgment on the issue.