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题目:How Much Gas Should I Buy This Week?题目来源:2012年第十五届美国高中生数学建模竞赛(HiMCM)B题获奖等级:特等奖,并授予INFORMS奖论文作者:深圳中学2014届毕业生李依琛、王喆沛、林桂兴、李卓尔指导老师:深圳中学张文涛AbstractGasoline is the bleed that surges incessantly within the muscular ground of city; gasoline is the feast that lures the appetite of drivers. “To fill or not fill?” That is the question flustering thousands of car owners. This paper will guide you to predict the gasoline prices of the coming week with the currently available data with respect to swift changes of oil prices. Do you hold any interest in what pattern of filling up the gas tank can lead to a lower cost in total?By applying the Time series analysis method, this paper infers the price in the imminent week. Furthermore, we innovatively utilize the average prices of the continuous two weeks to predict the next two week’s average price; similarly, employ the four-week-long average prices to forecast the average price of four weeks later. By adopting the data obtained from 2011and the comparison in different aspects, we can obtain the gas price prediction model :G t+1=0.0398+1.6002g t+−0.7842g t−1+0.1207g t−2+ 0.4147g t−0.5107g t−1+0.1703g t−2+ε .This predicted result of 2012 according to this model is fairly ideal. Based on the prediction model,We also establish the model for how to fill gasoline. With these models, we had calculated the lowest cost of filling up in 2012 when traveling 100 miles a week is 637.24 dollars with the help of MATLAB, while the lowest cost when traveling 200 miles a week is 1283.5 dollars. These two values are very close to the ideal value of cost on the basis of the historical figure, which are 635.24 dollars and 1253.5 dollars respectively. Also, we have come up with the scheme of gas fulfillment respectively. By analyzing the schemes of gas filling, we can discover that when you predict the future gasoline price going up, the best strategy is to fill the tank as soon as possible, in order to lower the gas fare. On the contrary, when the predicted price tends to decrease, it is wiser and more economic for people to postpone the filling, which encourages people to purchase a half tank of gasoline only if the tank is almost empty.For other different pattern for every week’s “mileage driven”, we calculate the changing point of strategies-changed is 133.33 miles.Eventually, we will apply the models -to the analysis of the New York City. The result of prediction is good enough to match the actual data approximately. However, the total gas cost of New York is a little higher than that of the average cost nationally, which might be related to the higher consumer price index in the city. Due to the limit of time, we are not able to investigate further the particular factors.Keywords: gasoline price Time series analysis forecast lowest cost MATLABAbstract ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Restatement --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21. Assumption----------------------------------------------------------------------------------42. Definitions of Variables and Models-----------------------------------------------------4 2.1 Models for the prediction of gasoline price in the subsequent week------------4 2.2 The Model of oil price next two weeks and four weeks--------------------------5 2.3 Model for refuel decision-------------------------------------------------------------52.3.1 Decision Model for consumer who drives 100 miles per week-------------62.3.2 Decision Model for consumer who drives 200 miles per week-------------73. Train and Test Model by 2011 dataset---------------------------------------------------8 3.1 Determine the all the parameters in Equation ② from the 2011 dataset-------8 3.2 Test the Forecast Model of gasoline price by the dataset of gasoline price in2012-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 3.3 Calculating ε --------------------------------------------------------------------------12 3.4 Test Decision Models of buying gasoline by dataset of 2012-------------------143.4.1 100 miles per week---------------------------------------------------------------143.4.2 200 miles per week---------------------------------------------------------------143.4.3 Second Test for the Decision of buying gasoline-----------------------------154. The upper bound will change the Decision of buying gasoline---------------------155. An analysis of New York City-----------------------------------------------------------16 5.1 The main factor that will affect the gasoline price in New York City----------16 5.2 Test Models with New York data----------------------------------------------------185.3 The analysis of result------------------------------------------------------------------196. Summery& Advantage and disadvantage-----------------------------------------------197. Report----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------208. Appendix------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 Appendix 1(main MATLAB programs) ------------------------------------------------21 Appendix 2(outcome and graph) --------------------------------------------------------34The world market is fluctuating swiftly now. As the most important limited energy, oil is much accounted of cars owners and dealer. We are required to make a gas-buying plan which relates to the price of gasoline, the volume of tank, the distance that consumer drives per week, the data from EIA and the influence of other events in order to help drivers to save money.We should use the data of 2011 to build up two models that discuss two situations: 100miles/week or 200miles/week and use the data of 2012 to test the models to prove the model is applicable. In the model, consumer only has three choices to purchase gas each week, including no gas, half a tank and full tank. At the end, we should not only build two models but also write a simple but educational report that can attract consumer to follow this model.1.Assumptiona)Assume the consumer always buy gasoline according to the rule of minimumcost.b)Ignore the difference of the gasoline weight.c)Ignore the oil wear on the way to gas stations.d)Assume the tank is empty at the beginning of the following models.e)Apply the past data of crude oil price to predict the future price ofgasoline.(The crude oil price can affect the gasoline price and we ignore thehysteresis effect on prices of crude oil towards prices of gasoline.)2.Definitions of Variables and Modelst stands for the sequence number of week in any time.(t stands for the current week. (t-1) stands for the last week. (t+1) stands for the next week.c t: Price of crude oil of the current week.g t: Price of gasoline of the t th week.P t: The volume of oil of the t th week.G t+1: Predicted price of gasoline of the (t+1)th week.α,β: The coefficient of the g t and c t in the model.d: The variable of decision of buying gasoline.(d=1/2 stands for buying a half tank gasoline)2.1 Model for the prediction of gasoline price in the subsequent weekWhether to buy half a tank oil or full tank oil depends on the short-term forecast about the gasoline prices. Time series analysis is a frequently-used method to expect the gasoline price trend. It can be expressed as:G t+1=α1g t+α2g t−1+α3g t−2+α4g t−3+…αn+1g t−n+ε ----Equation ①ε is a parameter that reflects the influence towards the trend of gasoline price in relation to several aspects such as weather data, economic data, world events and so on.Due to the prices of crude oil can influence the future prices of gasoline; we will adopt the past prices of crude oil into the model for gasoline price forecast.G t+1=(α1g t+α2g t−1+α3g t−2+α4g t−3+⋯αn+1g t−n)+(β1g t+β2g t−1+β3g t−2+β4g t−3+⋯βn+1g t−n)+ε----Equation ②We will use the 2011 data set to calculate the all coefficients and the best delay periods n.2.2 The Model of oil price next two weeks and four weeksWe mainly depend on the prediction of change of gasoline price in order to make decision that the consumer should buy half a tank or full tank gas. When consumer drives 100miles/week, he can drive whether 400miles most if he buys full tank gas or 200miles most if he buys half a tank gas. When consumer drives 200miles/week, full tank gas can be used two weeks most or half a tank can be used one week most. Thus, we should consider the gasoline price trend in four weeks in future.Equation ②can also be rewritten asG t+1=(α1g t+β1g t)+(α2g t−1+β2g t−1)+(α3g t−2+β3g t−2)+⋯+(αn+1g t−n+βn+1g t−n)+ε ----Equation ③If we define y t=α1g t+β1g t,y t−1=α2g t−1+β2g t−1, y t−2=α3g t−2+β3g t−2……, and so on.Equation ③can change toG t+1=y t+y t−1+y t−2+⋯+y t−n+ε ----Equation ④We use y(t−1,t)denote the average price from week (t-1) to week (t), which is.y(t−1,t)=y t−1+y t2Accordingly, the average price from week (t-3) to week (t) isy(t−3,t)=y t−3+y t−2+y t−1+y t.4Apply Time series analysis, we can get the average price from week (t+1) to week (t+2) by Equation ④,G(t+1,t+2)=y(t−1,t)+y(t−3,t−2)+y(t−5,t−4), ----Equation ⑤As well, the average price from week (t+1) to week (t+4) isG(t+1,t+4)=y(t−3,t)+y(t−7,t−4)+y(t−11,t−8). ----Equation ⑥2.3 Model for refuel decisionBy comparing the present gasoline price with the future price, we can decide whether to fill half or full tank.The process for decision can be shown through the following flow chart.Chart 1For the consumer, the best decision is to get gasoline with the lowest prices. Because a tank of gasoline can run 2 or 4 week, so we should choose a time point that the price is lowest by comparison of the gas prices at present, 2 weeks and 4 weeks later separately. The refuel decision also depends on how many free spaces in the tank because we can only choose half or full tank each time. If the free spaces are less than 1/2, we can refuel nothing even if we think the price is the lowest at that time.2.3.1 Decision Model for consumer who drives 100 miles per week.We assume the oil tank is empty at the beginning time(t=0). There are four cases for a consumer to choose a best refuel time when the tank is empty.i.g t>G t+4and g t>G t+2, which means the present gasoline price is higherthan that either two weeks or four weeks later. It is economic to fill halftank under such condition. ii. g t <Gt +4 and g t <G t +2, which means the present gasoline price is lower than that either two weeks or four weeks later. It is economic to fill fulltank under such condition. iii. Gt +4>g t >G t +2, which means the present gasoline price is higher than that two weeks later but lower than that four weeks later. It is economic to fillhalf tank under such condition. iv. Gt +4<g t <G t +2, which means the present gasoline price is higher than that four weeks later but lower than that two weeks later. It is economic to fillfull tank under such condition.If other time, we should consider both the gasoline price and the oil volume in the tank to pick up a best refuel time. In summary, the decision model for running 100 miles a week ist 2t 4t 2t 4t 2t 4t 2t 4t 11111411111ˆˆ(1)1((1)&max(,))24442011111ˆˆˆˆ1/2((1)&G G G (&))(0(1G G )&)4424411ˆˆˆ(1)0&(G 4G G (G &)t i t i t t t t i t i t t t t t t i t t d t or d t g d d t g or d t g d t g or ++++----+++-++<--<<--<>⎧⎪=<--<<<--<<<⎨⎪⎩--=><∑∑∑∑∑t 2G ˆ)t g +<----Equation ⑦d i is the decision variable, d i =1 means we fill full tank, d i =1/2 means we fill half tank. 11(1)4t i tdt ---∑represents the residual gasoline volume in the tank. The method of prices comparison was analyzed in the beginning part of Decision Model for consumer who drives 200 miles per week.Because even full tank can run only two weeks, the consumer must refuel during every two weeks. There are two cases to decide whether to buy half or full tank when the tank is empty. This situation is much simpler than that of 100 miles a week. The process for decision can also be shown through the following flow chart.Chart 2The two cases for deciding buy half or full tank are: i. g t >Gt +1, which means the present gasoline price is higher than the next week. We will buy half tank because we can buy the cheaper gasoline inthe next week. ii. g t <Gt +1, which means the present gasoline price is lower than the next week. To buy full tank is economic under such situation.But we should consider both gasoline prices and free tank volume to decide our refueling plan. The Model is111t 11t 111(1)1220111ˆ1/20(1)((1)0&)22411ˆ(1&G )0G 2t i t t i t i t t t t t i t t d t d d t or d t g d t g ----++<--<⎧⎪=<--<--=>⎨⎪⎩--=<∑∑∑∑ ----Equation ⑧3. Train and Test Model by the 2011 datasetChart 33.1 Determine all the parameters in Equation ② from the 2011 dataset.Using the weekly gas data from the website and the weekly crude price data from , we can determine the best delay periods n and calculate all the parameters in Equation ②. For there are two crude oil price dataset (Weekly Cushing OK WTI Spot Price FOB and Weekly Europe Brent SpotPrice FOB), we use the average value as the crude oil price without loss of generality. We tried n =3, 4 and 5 respectively with 2011 dataset and received comparison graph of predicted value and actual value, including corresponding coefficient.(A ) n =3(the hysteretic period is 3)Graph 1 The fitted price and real price of gasoline in 2011(n=3)We find that the nearby effect coefficient of the price of crude oil and gasoline. This result is same as our anticipation.(B)n=4(the hysteretic period is 4)Graph 2 The fitted price and real price of gasoline in 2011(n=4)(C) n=5(the hysteretic period is 5)Graph 3 The fitted price and real price of gasoline in 2011(n=5)Via comparing the three figures above, we can easily found that the predictive validity of n=3(the hysteretic period is 3) is slightly better than that of n=4(the hysteretic period is 4) and n=5(the hysteretic period is 5) so we choose the model of n=3 to be the prediction model of gasoline price.G t+1=0.0398+1.6002g t+−0.7842g t−1+0.1207g t−2+ 0.4147g t−0.5107g t−1+0.1703g t−2+ε----Equation ⑨3.2 Test the Forecast Model of gasoline price by the dataset of gasoline price in 2012Next, we apply models in terms of different hysteretic periods(n=3,4,5 respectively), which are shown in Equation ②,to forecast the gasoline price which can be acquired currently in 2012 and get the graph of the forecast price and real price of gasoline:Graph 4 The real price and forecast price in 2012(n=3)Graph 5 The real price and forecast price in 2012(n=4)Graph 6 The real price and forecast price in 2012(n=5)Conserving the error of observation, predictive validity is best when n is 3, but the differences are not obvious when n=4 and n=5. However, a serious problem should be drawn to concerns: consumers determines how to fill the tank by using the trend of oil price. If the trend prediction is wrong (like predicting oil price will rise when it actually falls), consumers will lose. We use MATLAB software to calculate the amount of error time when we use the model of Equation ⑨to predict the price of gasoline in 2012. The graph below shows the result.It’s not difficult to find the prediction effect is the best when n is 3. Therefore, we determined to use Equation ⑨as the prediction model of oil price in 2012.G t+1=0.0398+1.6002g t+−0.7842g t−1+0.1207g t−2+ 0.4147g t−0.5107g t−1+0.1703g t−2+ε3.3 Calculating εSince political occurences, economic events and climatic changes can affect gasoline price, it is undeniable that a ε exists between predicted prices and real prices. We can use Equation ②to predict gasoline prices in 2011 and then compare them with real data. Through the difference between predicted data and real data, we can estimate the value of ε .The estimating process can be shown through the following flow chartChart 4We divide the international events into three types: extra serious event, major event and ordinary event according to the criteria of influence on gas prices. Then we evaluate the value: extra serious event is 3a, major event is 2a, and ordinary event is a. With inference to the comparison of the forecast price and real price in 2011, we find that large deviation of data exists at three time points: May 16,2011, Aug 08,2011 andOct 10,2011. After searching, we find that some important international events happened nearly at the three time points. We believe that these events which occurred by chance affect the international prices of gasoline so the predicted prices deviate from the actual prices. The table of events and the calculation of the value of a areTherefore, by generalizing several sets of particular data and events, we can estimate the value of a:a=26.84 ----Equation ⑩The calculating process is shown as the following graph.Since now we have obtained the approximate value of a, we can evaluate the future prices according to currently known gasoline prices and crude oil prices. To improve our model, we can look for factors resulting in some major turning point in the graph of gasoline prices. On the ground that the most influential factors on prices in 2012 are respectively graded, the difference between fact and prediction can be calculated.3.4 Test Decision Models of buying gasoline by the dataset of 2012First, we use Equation ⑨to calculate the gasoline price of next week and use Equation ⑤and Equation ⑥to calculate the gasoline price trend of next two to four weeks. On the basis above, we calculate the total cost, and thus receive schemes of buying gasoline of 100miles per week according to Equation ⑦and Equation ⑧. Using the same method, we can easily obtain the pattern when driving 200 miles per week. The result is presented below.We collect the important events which will affect the gasoline price in 2012 as well. Therefore, we calculate and adjust the predicted price of gasoline by Equation ⑩. We calculate the scheme of buying gasoline again. The result is below:3.4.1 100 miles per weekT2012 = 637.2400 (If the consumer drives 100 miles per week, the total cost inTable 53.4.2 200 miles per weekT2012 = 1283.5 (If the consumer drives 200 miles per week, the total cost in 2012 is 1283.5 USD). The scheme calculated by software is below:Table 6According to the result of calculating the buying-gasoline scheme from the model, we can know: when the gasoline price goes up, we should fill up the tank first and fill up again immediately after using half of gasoline. It is economical to always keep the tank full and also to fill the tank in advance in order to spend least on gasoline fee. However, when gasoline price goes down, we have to use up gasoline first and then fill up the tank. In another words, we need to delay the time of filling the tank in order to pay for the lowest price. In retrospect to our model, it is very easy to discover that the situation is consistent with life experience. However, there is a difference. The result is based on the calculation from the model, while experience is just a kind of intuition.3.4.3 Second Test for the Decision of buying gasolineSince the data in 2012 is historical data now, we use artificial calculation to get the optimal value of buying gasoline. The minimum fee of driving 100 miles per week is 635.7440 USD. The result of calculating the model is 637.44 USD. The minimum fee of driving 200 miles per week is 1253.5 USD. The result of calculating the model is 1283.5 USD. The values we calculate is close to the result of the model we build. It means our model prediction effect is good. (we mention the decision people made every week and the gas price in the future is unknown. We can only predict. It’s normal to have deviation. The buying-gasoline fee which is based on predicted calculation must be higher than the minimum buying-gasoline fee which is calculated when all the gas price data are known.)We use MATLAB again to calculate the total buying-gasoline fee when n=4 and n=5. When n=4,the total fee of driving 100 miles per week is 639.4560 USD and the total fee of driving 200 miles per week is 1285 USD. When n=5, the total fee of driving 100 miles per week is 639.5840 USD and the total fee of driving 200 miles per week is 1285.9 USD. The total fee are all higher the fee when n=3. It means it is best for us to take the average prediction model of 3 phases.4. The upper bound will change the Decision of buying gasoline.Assume the consumer has a mileage driven of x1miles per week. Then, we can use 200to indicate the period of consumption, for half of a tank can supply 200-mile x1driving. Here are two situations:<1.5①200x1>1.5②200x1In situation①, the consumer is more likely to apply the decision of 200-mile consumer’s; otherwise, it is wiser to adopt the decision of 100-mile consumer’s. Therefore, x1is a critical value that changes the decision if200=1.5x1x1=133.3.Thus, the mileage driven of 133.3 miles per week changes the buying decision.Then, we consider the full-tank buyers likewise. The 100-mile consumer buys half a tank once in four weeks; the 200-mile consumer buys half a tank once in two weeks. The midpoint of buying period is 3 weeks.Assume the consumer has a mileage driven of x2miles per week. Then, we can to illustrate the buying period, since a full tank contains 400 gallons. There use 400x2are still two situations:<3③400x2>3④400x2In situation③, the consumer needs the decision of 200-mile consumer’s to prevent the gasoline from running out; in the latter situation, it is wiser to tend to the decision of 100-mile consumer’s. Therefore, x2is a critical value that changes the decision if400=3x2x2=133.3We can find that x2=x1=133.3.To wrap up, there exists an upper bound on “mileage driven”, that 133.3 miles per week is the value to switch the decision for buying weekly gasoline. The following picture simplifies the process.Chart 45. An analysis of New Y ork City5.1 The main factors that will affect the gasoline price in New York CityBased on the models above, we decide to estimate the price of gasoline according to the data collected and real circumstances in several cities. Specifically, we choose New York City as a representative one.New York City stands in the North East in the United States, with the largest population throughout the country as 8.2 million. The total area of New York City is around 1300 km2, with the land area as 785.6 km2(303.3 mi2). One of the largest trading centers in the world, New York City has a high level of resident’s consumption. As a result, the level of the price of gasoline in New York City is higher than the average regular oil price of the United States. The price level of gasoline and its fluctuation are the main factors of buying decision.Another reasonable factor we expect is the distribution of gas stations. According to the latest report, there are approximately 1670 gas stations in the city area (However, after the impact of hurricane Sandy, about 90 gas stations have been temporarily out of use because of the devastation of Sandy, and there is still around 1580 stations remaining). From the information above, we can calculate the density of gas stations thatD(gasoline station)= t e amount of gas stationstotal land area =1670 stations303.3 mi2=5.506 stations per mi2This is a respectively high value compared with several other cities the United States. It also indicates that the average distance between gas stations is relatively small. The fact that we can neglect the distance for the cars to get to the station highlights the role of the fluctuation of the price of gasoline in New York City.Also, there are approximately 1.8 million residents of New York City hold the driving license. Because the exact amount of cars in New York City is hard to determine, we choose to analyze the distribution of possible consumers. Thus, we can directly estimate the density of consumers in New York City in a similar way as that of gas stations:D(gasoline consumers)= t e amount of consumerstotal land area = 1.8 million consumers303.3 mi2=5817consumers per mi2Chart 5In addition, we expect that the fluctuation of the price of crude oil plays a critical role of the buying decision. The media in New York City is well developed, so it is convenient for citizens to look for the data of the instant price of crude oil, then to estimate the price of gasoline for the coming week if the result of our model conforms to the assumption. We will include all of these considerations in our modification of the model, which we will discuss in the next few steps.For the analysis of New York City, we apply two different models to estimate the price and help consumers make the decision.5.2 Test Models with New York dataAmong the cities in US, we pick up New York as an typical example. The gas price data is downloaded from the website () and is used in the model described in Section 2 and 3.The gas price curves between the observed data and prediction data are compared in next Figure.Figure 6The gas price between the observed data and predicted data of New York is very similar to Figure 3 in US case.Since there is little difference between the National case and New York case, the purchase strategy is same. Following the same procedure, we can compare the gas cost between the historical result and predicted result.For the case of 100 miles per week, the total cost of observed data from Feb to Oct of 2012 in New York is 636.26USD, while the total cost of predicted data in the same period is 638.78USD, which is very close. It proves that our prediction model is good. For the case of 200 miles per week, the total cost of observed data from Feb to Oct of 2012 in New York is 1271.2USD, while the total cost of predicted data in the same period is 1277.6USD, which is very close. It proves that our prediction model is good also.5.3 The analysis of resultBy comparing, though density of gas stations and density of consumers of New York is a little higher than other places but it can’t lower the total buying-gas fee. Inanother words, density of gas stations and density of consumers are not the actual factors of affecting buying-gas fee.On the other hand, we find the gas fee in New York is a bit higher than the average fee in US. We can only analyze preliminary it is because of the higher goods price in New York. We need to add price factor into prediction model. We can’t improve deeper because of the limited time. The average CPI table of New York City and USA is below:Datas Statistics website(/xg_shells/ro2xg01.htm)6. Summery& Advantage and disadvantageTo reach the solution, we make graphs of crude oil and gasoline respectively and find the similarity between them. Since the conditions are limited that consumers can only drive 100miles per week or 200miles per week, we separate the problem into two parts according to the limitation. we use Time series analysis Method to predict the gasoline price of a future period by the data of several periods in the past. Then we take the influence of international events, economic events and weather changes and so on into consideration by adding a parameter. We give each factor a weight consequently and find the rules of the solution of 100miles per week and 200miles per week. Then we discuss the upper bound and clarify the definition of upper bound to solve the problem.According to comparison from many different aspects, we confirm that the model expressed byEquation ⑨is the best. On the basis of historical data and the decision model of buying gasoline(Equation ⑦and Equation ⑧), we calculate that the actual least cost of buying gasoline is 635.7440 USD if the consumer drives 100 miles per week (the result of our model is 637.24 USD) and the actual least cost of buying gasoline is 1253.5 USD(the result of our model is 1283.5 USD) if the consumer drives 100 miles per week. The result we predicted is similar to the actual result so the predictive validity of our model is finer.Disadvantages:1.The events which we predicted are difficult to quantize accurately. The turningpoint is difficult for us to predict accurately as well.2.We only choose two kinds of train of thought to develop models so we cannotevaluate other methods that we did not discuss in this paper. Other models which are built up by other train of thought are possible to be the optimal solution.。



Can We Assess a Health Care System's Performance?参赛队员:董希望(自动化学院),刘琳燕(城环学院)刘福亮(软件学院)指导教师:肖 剑参赛单位:重庆大学参赛时间:2008年2月15∼18日Can We Assess a Health Care System's Performance?1.BackgroundHealth systems consist of all the people and actions whose primary purpose is to improve health. They may be integrated and centrally directed, but often they are not. After centuries as small-scale, largely private or charitable, mostly ineffectual entities, they have grown explosively in this century as knowledge has been gained and applied. They have contributed enormously to better health, but their contribution could be greater still, especially for the poor. Failure to achieve that potential is due more to systemic failings than to technical limitations. It is therefore urgent to assess current performance and to judge how health systems can reach their potential.The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) that acts as a coordinating authority on international public health. Established on 7 April 1948, and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the agency inherited the mandate and resources of its predecessor, the Health Organization, which had been an agency of the League of Nations.The WHO's constitution states that its objective "is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health." Its major task is to combat disease, especially key infectious diseases, and to promote the general health of the people of the world.As well as coordinating international efforts to monitor outbreaks of infectious diseases, such as SARS, malaria, and AIDS, the WHO also sponsors programs to prevent and treat such diseases. The WHO supports the development and distribution of safe and effective vaccines, pharmaceutical diagnostics, and drugs. The WHO also carries out various health-related campaigns — for example, to boost the consumption of fruits and vegetables worldwide and to discourage tobacco use.The annual World Health Report (http://www.who.int/whr/en/index.html) assesses global health factors and World Health Statistics provides health statistics for the countries in the UN. The production and dissemination of health statistics is a major function of the WHO. To many people, these data and the associated analyses are considered unbiased and very valuable to the world community.2. Basic Assumption and Hypotheses1.Assume that in a certain interval such as 5years the main components (metrics) ofthe health care system stays steady, that is to say the metric won’t change continually.2.Assume that all the statistics we get from the database of the WHO is authentic.3.Assume that the ranking of the world's health systems in 2000 made by WHO isscientific and dependable.4.During the data processing if a data little than x we can replace it with x.5.If there existing data missing for some year’s indicator we can value it with thecorresponding value of the near years.3. SymbolsSymbol Definition and Property'Z The matrix before standardizationZ The matrix after standardizationz j The statistic of the j indicator to each countryu The main component to be evaluatedu m The m th main component of the indicatorl ij The load of the original indicatorR1 The correlation matrix of Zc i The contribution rate of the i th main componentS i The summation of the front i main components’ contribution rateQ The integrated score of each countryX The project set ( the Member States)U The attribute set which also means main component seta ij The attribute value of x i in reference to u jA The decision making matrixa i The mean value of the line I in the primitive matrixb i The standard deviation of row I in the primitive matrix4. Problem AnalysisTo determine several important and viable metrics for assessing the performance of a health care system and comparing health care systems in different countries. We have to know what metrics or indicators are there in a health care system, as is shown in the problem we search the web of the WHO and get the database of the indicators. There exists statistics for 50 core indicators on mortality, morbidity, risk factors, service coverage, and health systems, which take on more than one hundred and fifty terms of raw indicators. We must use some data mining technology or method to distill the crucial metrics.Considering the data is promiscuous and inconsistent and not all the countries have the corresponding data to each indicator from the year 1960 to 2006, we first need to choose certain year’s data as our study object. Then to the mass actual statistical data we can’t expect all the indicators are complete so what to do with the incomplete data to make sure that all the indicators or all the data we used below are universal or effective is an inevitable problem. There are 159 raw indicators how could we select the most important ones and combine them scientifically to make them more useful in measuring quality is another basal problem. Then how could we accomplish this goal? The main components analysis method which we could use to devise our first model will help a lot.Furthermore how could we assess a country’s health care system and make some comparisons with the combined metrics? This situation much agrees with the multiple attribute decision problems. So we could solve this problem by ranking all the countries health care systems using this multiple attribute decision method.5. The Establishment of Model5.1 The Primary Data and Indicators ProcessingAccording to the above problem analysis part we know that we could obtain enough raw data for almost 159 indicators from 1960 to 2006. We first choose a year 2004 whose data is much completer than other years as our study object. Then if some of the indicators of certain country in 2004 have no value and the year close to 2004 such as the year of 2005 or 2003 has the corresponding value we treat this close value as the valve of the country in that indicator in 2004.Based on these we select the indicators that 95% of the country has the corresponding data for them from all the 159 raw indicators. By doing this primary selection we make sure that all the indicators or all the data we used below are universal or effective. After the primary selection we get 48 crucial indicators as our primary outcomes (metrics).5.2 Model 1 DesignFollowing the above analysis we utilize the main components analysis method to devise our first model.When it comes to main components analysis the biggest effect to it is the dimension of the data. So in the practical application we first should make standardization to the data.Assume that 'Z is the matrix before standardization Z is the matrix after standardization z j is the statistic of the j indicator to each country; u is the main component to be evaluated, so the objective function could be:11111221221122221122p p p p m m m mp p u l z l z l z u l z l z l z u l z l z l z =++⎧⎪=++⎪⎨⎪⎪=++⎩""""""" (1)Where u 1, u 2,… u m is called the 1st, 2nd, … mth main component of the indicator z 1, z 2, z p ; l ij is the load of the original indicator z j (j=1,2, …,p) in each main component.The detailed process of this solution is as follows:Step1: Evaluate the standardized matrix Z of the matrix'Z The standardization of the 'Z is just replace the (i=1,2, …,p) and the z 'i z ijof the matrix 'Z with z i (i=1,2, …,p) and with z ij respectively, which is shown in table1Step 2: Evaluate the correlation matrix R1 of matrix ZR1 could be evaluated by the following matrix:1112121222121p p p p pp r r r r r r R r r r ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢=⎢⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦""##"#"⎥⎥ (2) Where r ij (i, j =1, 2,…,p) is the original indicator z i and z j ’s correlation coefficient specially r ij =r ji . r ij could be derived by the following formula:ij r = (3) Step 3: By formula 1 we can compute the characteristic root and characteristic vector of matrix R1 then rank the characteristic values of R1 as expression 110I R λ−= (4)(5)0≥≥≥≥λλλ"p 21Step 4: Evaluate the contribution rate and the accumulative contribution rate according to formula 1and 1of the main components, determine the proper number of the main components.(6) λ∑==="1(1,2,,i i p k k c i λ)pWhere is the contribution rate of the i th main component.i c(7) S i λ∑p λ====∑"11(1,2,,)i k k i p k k Here is the summation of the front i main components’ contribution rate. If thevalue of the accumulative contribution rate reaches to more than 80% we can approbate the effect of the main components.i S Step 5: Compute the load of the main component l ij(y ,z )(,1,2,,)ij i j ij l p i j p ===" (8)Step 6: Sum up the above five steps get our objective function11111221221122221122............p p p p m m m mp u l z l z l z u l z l z l z u l z l z l z =+++⎧⎪=+++⎪⎨⎪⎪=+++⎩"""p Step 7: Evaluate the integrated value of each country and make a ranking of them with the formula 1.112211(m m m ii )u u λλλλ==+++∑"Q u (9) Q is the integrated score of each country.5.3 Model 2 Design5.3.1 The Description of the PrincipleThe method of the multiple attribute decision making based on dispersion maximization is used to solve the multiple attribute decision making problems with the uncertain weight attribute. We can use this method to make ranking and comparison between different projects with multiple attributes.In more details the smaller the difference between certain attribute for all the projects is the less affection it has on the decision making and ranking of the projects. On the contrary the bigger it is the more affection it has on the decision making and ranking. As a result in the view of ranking the bigger of one attribute’s deviation is the bigger weight of this attribute should be given. Especially if there is no deviation for certain attribute to all the projects which means that this attribute will have little affection on the ranking we can value a zero to its weight.5.3.2 Model DevelopmentStep 1.Structure and Normalize the Decision Making Matrix1.1 Structure the Decision Making MatrixAssume that:M={1,2,…,m},N={1,2,…,n} (10)The projects set which also is the set of the Member States in WHO is XX={x 1,x 2,…,x n } (11)The attribute set which means main component set here is UU={u 1,u 2,…,u m } (12) is the attribute value of in reference to so we obtain the decision making matrix ()ij n m A a ×=whose form is shown as table 2 Table2. The form of the decision making matrixu 1u 2… u m x 1a 11a 12… a 1m x 2a 21a 22… a 2m ## # # x na n1a n2… a nm5.4 Model 3 DesignModel 3 is our predictive model, from model 1 we can get the objective function with the data of that year.When it comes to predicating for the convenience of evaluating the main components we can change the main component which is expressed by the standardization indicator z i into the form that expressed by nonstandard indicator z i ’ to predicate the main components.''''''1111122110''''''2211222220''''''11220(13)............p p p p m m m mp p m u l z l z l z l u l z l z l z l u l z l z l z l ⎧=++++⎪=++++⎪⎨⎪⎪=++++⎩"""Here(14)'()/i i i z z a b =−i Substitute into formula 1 can we obtain the formula 2.'i z i a is the mean value of the line i in the primitive matrix; is the standard deviationof row i in the primitive matrix.i bThen utilize the formula 9 to compute the synthetic score and get variability ofthe system.Normalize the Decision Making MatrixThere are many types of attributes such as benefit type, cost type, fixation type, deviate type, interval type, deviate interval type etc. In our model all the attribute could be sorted to two types the benefit type and the cost type approximately. The benefit cost requires the value of the attribute as big as possible; the cost type requires the value of the attribute as small as possible.To eliminate the impact of the different dimensions to the decision making result we should normalize the decision making matrix A whose values could be obtained from the model 1.Assume that I i (i=1, 2) stands for the subscript set of the benefit type and cost type. If the attribute is benefit type we value i in I i as 1. If the attribute is cost type we value i in I i as 2.1min(),,max()min()ij ij i ij ij ij ii a a r i a a N j I −=−∈∈ (15)2max(),,max()min()ij ij i ij ij ij i i a a r i a a N j I −=−∈∈ (16)After this step we get the normalized matrix ()ij n m R r ×= whose form is the samewith the matrix A.Step 2: Calculus the optimization weight vector w11111,n n ji kj i k j m n nij kj j i k r r w r r =====−=−∑∑∑∑∑j M ∈ (17) Where w j is the j th main component’s weight.Step 3: Computer the synthetic attribute z i (w) (i ∈N) of project x i .1(),,mi ij j j z w r w i N j ==∈∑M ∈ (18)Step 4: Make ranking and comparison to the projects (countries) using z i (w)(i ∈N)6. Applying the Model1 and Model 26.1 Applying the Model 1 to the Statistics of the Year 20046.1.1 Data for Model 1 in the Year of 2004We first select the indicators that 95% of the countries own these indicators from all 159 indicators getting 28 indicators which could be seen in appendix Ⅰ. Then weselect the countries that have the data for all these 28 indicators from all 193 Member States getting 163 countries. By doing these we have made good preparation for our model 1’s solution.6.1.2 Solution of the Model 1 for the Year of 2004Based on the above data we solve our model 1 in matlab using the function of zscore to normalize the data, and then we calculate the characteristic roots and characteristic vector. The characteristic roots are shown in the table 3.Table3. Part Valves of Model 1From the table 3 we can see that the front six red colored components’ accumulative contribution rate reaches to 81.5% which means that most of the main components are involved, so these six components are just our combined metrics. We renamed these six combined indicators with A, B, C, D, E, F metrics all of which are constituted by several raw indicators and could reflect certain performance of a health care system.In more detail the metric A is much positively related with life expectancy, per capita total expenditure on health at international dollar rate etc and much negatively related with mortality rate, incidence of tuberculosis (per 100 000 population per year) etc. The visual relationship between the metric and the 28 indicators is shown in figure 1. The x axis is the order of the 28 indicators which maps to corresponding 28 indicators in appendix Ⅰ. The y axis is the affection of each of the 28 indicator on metric A. All the rest five figures follow this instruction so we won’t explain the rest five figures again.Figure1. The affection of the 28 indicators on metric A The metric B is much positively related with expenditure on health, disease detection rate etc and much negatively related with government expenditure on health, alcohol consumption etc.Figure2. The affection of the 28 indicators on metric B The metric C is much positively related with General government expenditure on health as percentage of total expenditure on health, immunized with disease etc and much negatively related with private expenditure on health as percentage of total expenditure on health, population (in thousands) total etc.Figure3. The affection of the 28 indicators on metric C The metric D is much positively related with private expenditure on health as percentage of total expenditure on health, immunized with disease etc and muchnegatively related with General government expenditure on health as percentage of total expenditure on health etc.Figure4. The affection of the 28 indicators on metric D The metric E is much positively related with external resources for health as percentage of total expenditure on health etc and much negatively related with tuberculosis: DOTS case detection rate, probability of dying (per 1 000 population) between 15 and 60 years etc.Figure5. The affection of the 28 indicators on metric E The metric F is much positively related with immunized with disease, out-of-pocket expenditure as percentage of private expenditure on health etc and much negatively related with general government expenditure on health as percentage of total government expenditure, population (in thousands) total etc.Figure6. The affection of the 28 indicators on metric FThe above descriptions show that our metrics is reasonable, moreover all the 28indicarors we selected could be found in 92% of all Member States, which means that our metrics could be easily collected.Furthermore we get the ranking for all the 163 countries that own orbicular and effective data. The front and the back 20 countries in our ranking and their scores calculated by our model 1 are listed as table 4:Table4. Part of our Ranking by Our Model1The whole ranking is shown in appendix Ⅱ.After obtaining the six metrics we treat the still missing value’s indicator as zero then recompute the ranking of the year 2004 with the model 1 and get another ranking for all the Member States which we list in appendix Ⅲ.In conclusion we put forward 28 important indicators from all the 159 indicators furthermore we combine the 28 important indicators getting 6 main components which we renamed as metric A, B, C, D, E and F. Then we assess the health care system with these six metrics and make a ranking of all the 163 countries.6.1.3 Applying model 1 to the Statistics of the Year 2000Using model 1 and the six metrics obtained from 4.11 we assess the health care system of each country in the year of 2000. This time we only utilize the data of this year, which means that we just substitute the data of 2004 with that of 2000.By doing this we get the ranking of this year as table 5 which just show out the front and the back 20 countries too.Table5. The Part Ranking of the Year 2000 by Model 1 (There are 194 Member States in 2000; the score here is just a relative value computed by our model; the whole ranking is shown in appendix Ⅳ)6.2 Applying the Model 2The six metrics obtained from model1 is ordered. Although the six metrics keep the same in the model 2 as what they are in model 1 according to our assumptions, there is no certain order among them in our model 2. The data processing methods for the raw data are the same with what we have described and used before.6.2.1 Applying the Model 2 to the year of 2004With the help of the software matlab we realize the algorithm of dispersion maximization computing the weight of the six metrics, and then we calculate the synthetic score of each of the 163 country that own holonomic statistics after our data mining process. After comparing the synthetic score of these countries we get the ranking of their health system as shown in table 6.Table6. Part of the ranking for the 163Member States(The score here is just a relative value computed by our model; the whole ranking is shown in appendix Ⅴ)6.2.2 Applying the Model 2 to the year of 2000Similar to 4.1.2 we just replace the data of 4.2.1 with the data of the year 2000 then compute the synthetic score of all the 194 Member States. After comparing the different countries we get the ranking as table7.Table7. Part of the ranking for 2000 by model 27. Comparisons7.1 Comparisons between Different RankingsFrom the above solution we obtain 4 different rankings. The precise clues of our models have already showed their validity. Besides we can load a ranking for all the 190 Member states in 2000 from the WHO’s official web which we list in appendix Ⅷ.By making comparisons between our two rankings with the official ranking of the year 2000 we can test the reliability and practicability of our model to a certain extent. The figure7 shows their relationship clearly.Figure7. The corresponding relationship between our rankings and the WHO’s We can see that the dots which stand for parts of the countries in the rankings match quite well with each other in the three polygonal lines. That means the model1 and model 2’s results not only agree with each other but also agree with the official results quite well. So we can conclude that our two models are practical and reasonable.Since the solution for the year of 2000 is dependable, we have reason enough to predicate that our solution for 2004 is authentic as the only difference between 2004 and 2000 is the substituted statistics and the data of 2004 is more holonomic than that of 2000.To make sure that both of our models’ results for the year 2004 are unitive we make a comparison between their rankings. We select some characteristic countries in both rankings and compare those countries rankings as shown in figure 8.Figure8. The comparison between the two rankings for the year 2004From the figure we find that the two rankings match quite well.In conclusion our models are scientific and our results are authentic.7.2 Comparisons between US and FranceIn the 2000’s ranking of WHO France takes the first place, which also could be seen clearly in the appendix. In the year 2004 there is no official ranking so we assess these two countries health care system with our model 1 to see which country has the better health care system then.The table8 shows their score according to our six metrics:Table8. The comparisons between US and France’s health system according to our metricsThe metric A, C, F belongs to benefit type and the rest belong to cost type. Base on this we can see that the health care system of US in 2004 is better than France in metric A, B, D. According to our table 1 we know that the synthetic score of US is better than France.7.3 Comparisons between US and IndiaIn the ranking of WHO the health system of US is better than India. With the help of our mode 1 we consider that India has the poor health care system in 2004, so we make a comparison between them.Table9.The comparisons between US and India’s health system according to our metricsSimilar to 7.2 we can see that the health care system of US is better than India in metric A, B, C, D, F. Also from the table 9 we know that the ranking of US is much better than India.8. Applying the Model 3Based on model 1 and model 2 with the help of the software matlab we realize the algorithm in model 3 and get the predictive function of the synthetic scores as follows:''''1234'7''''67891''''1112131410.0033810.00966920.0105590.00194680.000522790.00052406 3.06100.0782130.00421940.0003620.00873510.00956890.00984890.000392260.0043929Q z z z z z z z z z '5z z z z z z −=−++−−−−×−−−−++−+'5''''1617181920''''2122232425'''2627280.0053440.0257520.00377190.000143460.000182770.000109410.000136790.00534410.056440.00292340.000840420.029650.012447 3.8668''z z z z z z z z z z z z ++−++++−+−−++−z (19)Considering the affection of the weight on the synthetic score we could find that the bigger the absolute value of weight is the bigger the impact is on the synthetic score of the country. On the contrary if the absolute value of weight is small then the variation of the metric won’t produce big changes to the synthetic score. Then we take some indicators of the all 28 indicators as examples to discuss what affection it will has on the health care system if the various changes are occurred.'8z is the formula is the total fertility rate (per woman). It has a negative correlation with the synthetic score. What’s more it has a big affection on the score so this indicator should be as small as possible, which means that the government should take some measures to control the population within a proper range to improve the health care system of the nation.'24z is the total expenditure on health as percentage of gross domestic product. Itis an indicator that positively related with the synthetic score which means that the more it spend on the total expenditure on health as percentage of gross domestic product the better score it has in the system.'17z is the general government expenditure on health as percentage of totalgovernment expenditure. It is an indicator that positively related with the synthetic score which means that the bigger the general government expenditure on health as percentage of total government expenditure is the better score it has in the system'3z is the life expectancy at birth (years) males. It is an indicator that positivelyrelated with the synthetic score which means that the longer the life expectancy at birth (years) males is the better score it has in the system.'z stands for the neonatal mortality rate (per 1 000 live births). It has a negative 11correlation with the synthetic score. That’s to say the smaller the neonatal mortality rate (per 1 000 live births)is the better the health care system will become.9. The Strength and Weakness9.1The StrengthWe obtain the statistics directly from the raw database of the WHO’s official web not from the report of the WHO. We use some data mining technology to draw the available and effective data from thousands terms of data ourselves.We develop three different models to solve all the six parts of the problem, those models are built with precise logic, scientific principle which could solve the problems efficaciously.We don’t solve the problem part by part but solve them in our models’ development and solution process, which keeps the whole paper’s with a good continuity.We compare our result with the practical result, which tests our models’ practicability and validity greatly.Our models could be easily extended to other fields to solve the multiple attribute decision making problems.Our models are independent to the metric (indicators) to a certain extent as the algorithm of our models has the universal applications.9.2 The WeaknessThe raw data we get is the data from the real world, which means that there must be some imperfect data which do have some negative impact on our result.As there are so many indictors that it is hard to select proper metrics to assess the health system properly without some kind of error.Because the limitation of the time and resource it’s inevitable to have some imperfect aspects in our models, analysis and paper.10. References[1] Zeshui Xu, 8/2004, Uncertain Multiple Attribute Decision Making: Methods andApplications, Tsinghua University Press.[2] Qiyuan Jiang, Jinxing Xie, 12/2004, Mathematical Model, Higher Education Press[3] The World Health Report 2000 - Health systems: improving performance.http://www.who.int/whr/2000/en/whr00_en.pdf[4] World Health Organization, http://www.who.int/research/en/s[5] Principal Component Analysis,/jpkc/jldlx/admin/ewebeditor/UploadFile/200783101241734.ppt[6] /wiki/World_Health_Organisation,"World Health Organization"11. AppendixAppendixⅠ: The list of all the 28 indicators and their sequence numberAppendixⅡ: The Ranking of all 163 Countries in 2004 by model 1Appendix Ⅲ: The Ranking of all 194 Countries in 2004 by model 1。



Winter is approaching, may the dragon’s wings grow moreabundantSummaryIn the game of thrones, Daenerys Targaryen depicts the image of a dragon. In eastern and western cultures, the phenomenon of dragons is not uncommon. If dragons live in modern society, how can we raise these war monsters? Research, and applied the cross disciplines of biology, physics, and chemistry to build a mathematical model and solve it to achieve the maximum growth of the dragon. Of course, dragons do not exist in real life, so we likened pterosaurs, modern Aircraft and chemical burner to derive the specific physiological characteristics of the dragon to ensure the rationality and scientificity of the research.First, we studied the flight and fire-spitting models of dragons. Through analogical reasoning, our hypothetical dragon's fire-spitting principle is similar to modern alcohol flamethrowers. For dragon flight, we used fluid mechanics to get the dragon's flight speed. And glucose energy loss. Combining the two to get the energy loss model of the dragon. Second, we studied the basic physical characteristics of the dragon. For the relationship between the body length and body age of the dragon, we established an elastic model of growth. Because the weight and body length of dragons have upper and lower limits, in order to comply with basic ecology, we have defined the dragon's bone saturation value as the cut-off value, and conducted a segmented study. When studying the relationship between weight and body length, We know that the weight of the dragon is proportional to the cube of the body length. Then, because the dragon needs resources to replenish like other animals, we built a dragon's food supply model. Suppose that the three dragons have the same competitiveness and the daily sheep Resources are the same. According to ecology, when the number of sheep in a certain area reaches k / 2, we need to migrate the dragon. Finally, the temperature will affect the living environment of the dragon, so the dragon needs to followMigration was selected for changes in temperature, and we selected three areas of drought, cold, and warmth to study the dragon, and integrated the model of the regional area of the dragon by the appealing model.In addition, we wrote a letter to the author of the Song of Ice and Fire, giving some suggestions on the actual ecological foundation of the dragon, hoping to be adopted. Although the dragon does not exist in our real life, the dragon can be broken down into Part of our modern society. For the dragon's flying spitfire energy loss model, we can further study the aircraft's fluid mechanics and modern flamethrowers. The study of non-existent organisms also prepares us for the arrival of new species .table of ContentsWinter is approaching, may the dragon’s wings grow more abundant (1)Summary (1)table of Contents (2)1 Introduction (3)1.1 restatement (3)1.2 Problem Analysis (3)2 Assumptions and reasons (4)3 Symbol Definition (4)4. Mathematical modeling (5)4.1 About Dragon Flight and Spitfire Consumption (5)4.2 About the relationship between dragon's body length and weight and age (7)4.3 About Dragon's Food Supply (8)4.4 Regulating the area of dragons by region (9)5 Sensitivity analysis (10)6 Model evaluation and outlook (11)6.1 Model evaluation (11)6.2 Further discussion (12)7 to a letter from George RR Martin (12)8.Appendix: (13)8.1 References (13)8.2 Matlab code (13)1 Introduction1.1 restatementIn the magical TV series "Game of Thrones", Daenerys Targaryen, known as the Mother of Dragons, raised three dragons as an aggressive army. Dragons have always been the most mysterious monsters in Eastern and Western cultures, but if Dragons live in the present era, how should we feed the three dragons in pursuit of maximum growth? In this article, we assume that the growth rules of dragons are in line with basic biology. To study them, we build mathematical models to solve problem.a. Analyze the change of the dragon's weight length with age, and estimate the value of the dragon's weight length corresponding to the age group.b. Investigate the loss of self energy during dragon fire, flight, and breathing, so as to estimate the minimum supply value of dragon for external activitiesc. Dragons need food and survival areas like other animals in the real world. Through certain assumptions and calculations, we can determine the total amount of food that dragons need daily and the size of living areas in three areas.d. Sensitivity analysis: As temperature and climate change, dragons will also migrate to different regions. Therefore, we need to analyze the differences in the impact of dragons on the survival of arid regions, temperate regions, and cold regions.1.2 Problem AnalysisBecause dragons do not exist in real life, we need to use some things in the real world to compare dragons in order to achieve the purpose of studying dragons. In analyzing the biological morphological characteristics of dragons, we use the knowledge of ecology and basic elements of biology Let's conceive the basic biological characteristics of the dragon such as weight and body length. For the energy loss model of the dragon, we have studied three aspects to describe its loss. Here we compare the modern flamethrower and establish related chemical equations to achieve the research of the dragon. Spitfire loss. In addition, in TV series such as "Game of Thrones" we will find that dragons can fly in common sense, so we have derived the dragon's flight loss. Of course, all aerobic organisms can breathe. Dragons are no exception, so there is a loss of breathing to maintain body temperature. At the same time, in order to make up for the loss of dragons in daily activities, we have established a material reserve model, in which materials are cattle and sheep in real life, etc. Finally, during the cyclical changes in climate and food, the dragons we feed will also migrate to some extent, so we analyzed the impact of different regions on the growth of dragons.Into account various factors that we can more scientific training of dragons, have achieved our purpose.2 Assumptions and reasonsAfter a comprehensive analysis of the problem, in order to increase the enforceability, we make the following assumptions to ensure the rationality of our model establishment.2.1 Assumptions: The basic biological characteristics of dragons are in line with the law of biological growth. In modern life, the growth and development of dragons should also be similar to other animals and conform to basic biology.2.2 Assumption: The dragon will spit fire and fly, and its flight conforms to the physical environment of fluid mechanicsReason: In Game of Thrones, the image of the dragon was once able to fly and spit fire.2.3 Assumption: In the single field we are studying, the environment of a certain area will not change abruptly and maintain a dynamic stability.2.4 Hypothesis: Dragons are top predators in the food chain, but dragons do not cause devastating harm to the biosphere.2.5 Assumption: The weight distribution of the dragon is uniform, and the body length reaches 30 to 40 cm at the time of birth.Reason 2.6: We refer to ancient biology and some dinosaur fossils.2.7 Hypothesis: Except for the skull, heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, bones, etc., the sum of other body masses is proportional to the cube of height.Reason: The hypothesis is obtained by counting the relationship between body length and weight of modern organisms.2.8 Hypothesis: The dragon is a constant temperature animal whose body temperature is not affected by external factors.Reason: A few pterosaur fossils have traces of "hair" on the surface, while the dragons in Game of Thrones are similar to pterosaurs.2.9 Hypothesis: The dragon is fully aerobic during the flight to provide energy2.10 Hypothesis: A certain fixed ratio of the amount of energy that is not assimilated by the growth and metabolism of the dragon's breathing and other organisms2.11 Hypothesis: Dragon's Flight Similar to Modern Fighter3 Symbol Definition4. Mathematical modeling4.1 About Dragon Flight and Spitfire Consumption4.1.1 Proposed modelConsidering that dragons fly and spit fire during activities, we have established an energy loss model. Comparing the principle of dragon's spitfire with modern flamethrowers, modern flamethrowers consume hydrocarbons or alcohols. It does not cause any impact, so the dragon's fire-breathing principle is in line with the alcohol flame-thrower principle. Considering that the formaldehyde produced by the metabolism of methanol in the animal body is harmful to the body, we stipulate that ethanol is the fuel used by the dragon's flame. In the process, the relationship between the dragon's flight speed and glucose energy consumption is obtained according to fluid mechanics. In this process, we assume that the aerobic respiration is completely performed, and the energy consumed by the dragon due to flight is obtained according to the glucose consumption. In summary, the dragon energy loss model is obtained. .4.1.2 Establishment and Solution of Dragon's Spitfire ModelThe thermochemical equation for ethanol combustion is: C2H5OH (l) + 3O2 (g) = 2CO2 (g) + 2H2O (l) △H = -12KJ / gSpecify the energy released per unit mass of ethanol combustion x1When the dragon spit fire in unit time t, the unit mass of ethanol consumption is a fixed valueThe energy consumed by the fire time t1 is w1The mass consumed by the fire time T1 is m4Let the energy emitted by the combustion of unit mass of ethanol be w1 'Then W1 = x1 * tm4=W1/W1’Solve m4 = x1 * t / W1 '4.1.3 Establishment and Solution of Dragon Flight ModelDuring the flight of the dragon, it will be affected by the air resistance. In the ideal situation, the dragon's flight can be considered as a uniform acceleration and then a uniform speed, and it will decelerate when it is about to reach its destination.When Long uniform acceleration is specified, the acceleration is aSince the flight of the dragon is similar to that of a fighter, a = 30m / s ^ 2The speed of the dragon during uniform motion is v0The total flight length of the dragon during flight is sBecause air resistance is proportional to the speed of movement, that is, F1 = k * v (where k is a constant)Since the dragon's flight is similar to an airplane, we can get k = 3.2325Available according to the relevant kinematic formulaThe flying distance of the dragon during uniform acceleration is s1 = (v0) ^ 2 / 2aThe flying distance of the dragon during uniform deceleration is s3 = (v0) ^ 2 / 2aThe flying distance of the dragon during uniform motion is s2 = s-s1-s3Average air resistance during uniform acceleration F1 '= k * (0 + v0) / 2The average air resistance during uniform motion is F1 '' = k * v0Average air resistance during uniform deceleration f1 '' '= k * (v0 + 0) / 2According to the law of conservation of energyThe energy w2 consumed by the dragon during flight is all used for air resistance workW2=F1’*s1+F1’’*s2+F1’’’*s3Solve W2 = 3.2325 * v0 * s-3.2325 * (v0) ^ 3 / (2 * 30)During the flight of the dragon, the principle of energy provided by aerobic respiration isC6H12O6+6O2=6CO2+6H2OAmong them, the energy produced when 1g of glucose is completely consumed is 16KJThen the weight consumed in this process is m6 = W2 / 16[v,s]=meshgrid(0:0.1:100;0:0.1:100);m=3.2325*v*s-3.2325*v^3/60mesh(v,s,m)4.2 About the relationship between dragon's body length and weight and age4.2.1 Proposed ModelFirst, in order to study the relationship between the weight, length, and age of the dragon, that is, morphological characteristics, we established a model of elasticity during growth. The above-mentioned change curve is continuous, so we use the weight of the dragon at birth, and consider the weight and length of the dragon. The relationship between age changes can be used to derive the normal weight and body length of dragons in all ages. When analyzing the weight changes of dragons, biological knowledge shows that the amount of assimilation of the dragon is equal to the intake amount minus the amount of unassimilated amount Considering that the growth rate of the dragon in adulthood is a watershed, we use the saturation value of the dragon's head, heart, and liver as a cutoff value to estimate the relationship between the dragon's weight and age, respectively. When studying the body length of the dragon, according to the existing morphological knowledge, the head to hip of the dragon is used as the length standard. Because the weight of the dragon is proportional to the cube of the dragon's length, we get the weight and length Functional relationship. Of course, the daily weight gain of the dragon must be less than the daily energy consumption. In summary, we have a dragon intake model.4.2.2 Model establishmentSpecify the weight of the dragon as mDragon was born with a weight of m0 (known m0 = 10kg)Assume that the mass of cattle and sheep fed by a train every day is m2The assimilation amount of the dragon is fixed at a%A certain fixed ratio of the amount of unabsorbed energy due to growth and metabolism of organisms such as dragon's respiration, recorded as b%The weight gain of the dragon is m 'The sum of the weight of the dragon's head, heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, bones, etc. m1 increases with age y until adulthoodDragon is y1 when he is an adultThe growth rate of m1 is v1The mass of m1 at birth is m0Before the dragon reaches y1m1=m0+v1*yAfter the dragon reaches y1m1’=m0+v1*y14.2.3 Model Solvingm’=m2*(1-a%)*(1-b%)-m4-m6So the weight of the dragon m = m '+ m0Except for the dragon, except for the head, heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, bones, etc., the sum of other body masses is proportional to the cube of height, and the body length is recorded as l When the age of the dragon does not reach y1, l = (m-m1) ^ (1/3)When the age of the dragon reaches y1, l '= (m-m1') ^ (1/3)M2 =y=0:0.1:20function[y]= (m2*(1-a%)*(1-b%)-m4-m6-v1*y)y=20:0.1:100function[y]= (m2*(1-a%)*(1-b%)-m4-m6-v1*20)power(y,1/3)4.3 About Dragon's Food Supply4.3.1 Proposed modelBased on the above analysis, we studied the living area of the three dragons in the region andtheir impact on the ecological community in the region. For the sake of research, we assume that the other creatures in the region are cattle and sheep, and the competitiveness of the three dragons is comparable, Being a top predator in the food chain.4.3.2 Model establishmentThe local food chain can be approximated as: grass → cow or sheep → dragonAssume that the weight of the grass in the arid region, the warm temperate region, and the Arctic region is the same as m8.Remember that the mass of each cow and sheep is the same as m7We provide the same initial number of cattle and sheep in all three regionsAssume that the daily growth rate of cattle and sheep is c%The initial number of cattle and sheep is n1And n1 is the number of populations reaching k in the regionDragons live in this area. When the number of cattle and sheep reaches k / 2, in order to ensure the balance of the ecological environment, the dragons need to be moved to other regions.4.3.3 Model SolvingThe initial amount of cattle and sheep on day 1 is: n1The initial amount of cattle and sheep on the second day is: N2 = (N1-3 * m2 / m7) * (1 + c%) The initial amount of cattle and sheep on the third day is: N3 = ((N1-3 * m2 / m7) * (1 + c%)-3 * m2 / m7) * (1 + c%)……From this we can get the initial amount of Ni of cattle and sheep on day iI can be solved by the equation Ni = K / 2That is, the dragon needs to change a living area after living in the area for i days.4.4 Regulating the area of dragons by region4.4.1 Proposed modelIn order to ensure the normal growth of the dragon, we provide fixed-quality cattle and sheep as the supply of resources for the survival of the dragon region, and assume that the number of cattle and sheep is proportional to the size of the regional living area. Considering the growth rate of cattle and sheep, we have established a differential The equation draws the relationship between the growth rate of cattle and sheep and the age of the dragon. However, cattle and sheep will reach a growth saturation value at a certain moment, we will consider it in segments to ensure that the data is more scientific. In order to comply with ecology, cattle The supply of sheep should also have a lower limit. In summary, we have established a dragon-cow-sheep-living area function model.4.4.2 Model establishmentRemember that the assimilation rate of cattle and sheep grazing in this area is d%Because the solar energy received by the surface area of the three areas is different, the total area required for the grass under the same quality conditions is different. The utilization rate of the solar energy is required to be e% (0.5 <e <1 under the natural conditions of the search data)The solar energy per unit area in the arid area is q1Unit area solar energy in warm zone is q2Solar energy per unit area in the Arctic is q34.4.3 Model SolvingAccording to the utilization of solar energy, we can find:Area required to support the arid areas where the three dragons live: S1 = m8 / (q1 * e%)Warm zone: S2 = m8 / (q2 * e%)Arctic region: S3 = m8 / (q3 * e%)5 Sensitivity analysisImpact of climatic conditions on dragon lifeThe effect of climatic conditions on dragon growth can be obtained from the logistic growth model dm/dt=r*m*(1-m/k)That is m = 15 / (4 * t + 20);(Where m is the mass that the dragon can eventually grow into)Where m0 = 10 (k is the maximum carrying capacity of the ecosystem and r is a parameter of the environmental carrying capacity)k is 0.75r is 0.8dm/dt=0.8*m*(1-m/0.75)t=0:0.1:100;m=15./(4*t+20);plot(t,m)6 Model evaluation and outlook6.1 Model evaluationFor the idealized model of Yanglong, we have performed various aspects of modeling and solving, and the scope is relatively broad. Of course, the content has been streamlined to facilitate understanding and application. We have used physical and biological models based on The mathematical formulas are also encountered in the middle school stage. In these more basic models, we have solved efficiently, and at the same time, for the interdisciplinary problems of question a, we have considered the field that the ideal biology of dragons may involve and solve The process is relatively complete. In addition, the four models are closely related and logical. First, we consider the consumption of dragons in daily life, and use the results of consumption to calculate the weight and length of the dragon at various ages. In order to meet the requirements of all ages, we have established the ecological supply model of dragons, and discussed the problem of periodic alternating fields. Second, the fields are also scoped. Therefore, we calculated the scope of three areas with different climates. Interval problems. However, the models we build are idealized, the data is also streamlined, and the assumptions set are also fallible. In reality,The data is diverse and complex, and our considerations are obviously lacking, and further optimization is needed in the later stage. In summary, the model we built is very consistent with the solution of the problem. Although there are some flaws, it does not affect the specific Specific analysis of the problem.6.2 Further discussionCombining the models and evaluations described above, we will improve in the later stages. If this model is used in a specific environment, by statistic large amounts of real data, we can optimize the model. At the same time research also It will be more scientific and rigorous, and it will be more efficient for raising a fictional creature.7 to a letter from George RR MartinDear George RR MartinHope you are wellAfter reading the Song of Ice and Fire, we watched the "Game of Thrones". We became very curious about the mysterious giant that appeared in it-the dragon. Dragons are not uncommon in Eastern and Western cultures. In previous impressions However, there are few studies on dragons. So if we imagine that dragons live in modern times, what would it look like?According to the description of the dragon in the novel, we discussed the following questions. What are the ecological impacts and requirements of the dragon? What is the energy consumption of the dragon, what are their calorie intake requirements? How much area is needed to support the three dragons? Energy loss during fire? In response to these problems, we constructed a multivariate non-linear objective programming model of dragon's growth index and function, size, diet, growth changes, and other animal-related features. Considering the physical characteristics of dragons, we will Its fire-spitting ability is analogized to modern flame-throwers to ensure scientific and rational research.Based on these, we have established a mathematical model. The weight and length of the dragon also grows with the age of the dragon. When the dragon grows slowly at the initial 10 kilograms, the mass of sheep it needs each year also varies The growth of the supply chain of resources and the size of the ecological community should also change. The fire and flight of the dragon will also have a certain impact on the ecological environment. As the dragon and other creatures will migrate with changes in temperature, we choose The three regions of the cold zone, temperate zone and arid zone were taken as key research objects to find out the impact of climate change on Long.Therefore, we make the following suggestions, hoping that the survival of the dragon in the realm of science is more reasonable and scientific.When the herd resource is saturated, the dragon needs to expand the area living area.Dragons like warm, hydrated areas, and migrate to warm areas in the cold winter.A dragon has a certain weight and length when it is just born, and it will grow over time, but it also has an upper limit. It cannot grow endlessly.The daily energy intake of the dragon is limited, and the dragon spitfire flight consumes energy, which requires that the dragon's flight distance and spitfire time are limited, and it is related to the age of the dragon body.Because the living conditions of the three areas are different, the unit area will also receive solar energy differently, resulting in different resource distributions in each area, which means thatthe speed of dragon growth should also be different in different areas.The environmental carrying capacity of each area is limited, and the dragon does not stay in one place for long.The above content is the result of our research on the Queen of Dragons. We sincerely hope that you can adopt it, and we have been looking forward to your new book.Your fans: 27 groupsJanuary 7, 20208.Appendix:8.1 References1) Chen Yun.Research on Environmental Carrying Capacity of Yuhuan County [j] .Energy and Energy Conservation, 2014 (4): 31-33.2) Zhu Ziqiang.Aerodynamic design of modern aircraft [m] .Beijing: National Defense Industry Press, 2011-10-13) Jin Lan.Environmental Ecology [m] .Higher Education Press, 19928.2 Matlab codeModeling the flight of a dragon[v,s]=meshgrid(0:0.1:100;0:0.1:100);m=3.2325*v*s-3.2325*v^3/60mesh(v,s,m)Sensitivity Analysis of the Impact of Climate Conditions on Lifet=0:0.1:100;m=15./(4*t+20);plot(t,m)。




































假设温室长50 m、宽11 m、高3.5 m,通过数值模拟给出臭氧的动态分布图,建立评价模型说明扩散方案的优劣。


论文题目:温室中的绿色生态臭氧病虫害防治姓名1:学号:专业:姓名1:学号:专业:姓名1:学号:专业:2010 年5月3日目录一.摘要 (3)二.问题的提出 (5)三.问题的分析 (5)四.建模过程 (6)1)问题一 (6)1.模型假设 (6)2.定义符号说明 (6)3.模型建立 (6)4.模型求解 (7)2)问题二 (9)1.基本假设 (9)2.定义符号说明 (10)3.模型建立 (10)4.模型求解 (11)3)问题三 (12)1.基本假设 (12)2.定义符号说明 (12)3.模型建立 (13)4.模型求解 (13)5.模型检验与分析 (14)6.效用评价函数 (15)7.方案 (16)4).问题四 (17)1.基本假设 (17)2.定义符号说明 (17)3.模型建立 (18)4.动态分布图 (19)5.评价方案 (19)五.模型的评价与改进 (20)六.参考文献 (21)一.摘要:“温室中的绿色生态臭氧病虫害防治”数学模型是通过臭氧来探讨如何有效地利用温室效应造福人类,减少其对人类的负面影响。



数学建模竞赛优秀论文集1. 引言1.1 概述:在当今飞速发展的科技时代,数学建模竞赛作为一种重要的科技比赛形式,逐渐受到广大学生的关注和参与。



1.2 文章结构:本文共包括引言、正文、结论三个部分。


1.3 目的:本文主要目的是通过整理数学建模竞赛优秀论文集,让更多的人了解到这些杰出作品所涉及到的研究领域和解决问题的方法,为相关领域的研究和实践提供借鉴和参考。



2. 正文:2.1 数学建模竞赛概述在数学建模竞赛中,参赛者们需要运用数学的知识和方法来解决实际问题。



2.2 优秀论文集意义编撰一本数学建模竞赛优秀论文集是有一定价值的。




2.3 论文选题与解题思路在进行数学建模竞赛时,选题是至关重要的第一步。








建立在数学模型和计算机模拟基础上的CAD(Computer Aided Design)技术,以其快速、经济、方便等优势,大量地替代了传统工程设计中的现场实验、物理模拟等手段。

那么数学在医学领域有哪些应用呢? 现代的医学为什么要借助数学呢?本研究主要叙述这两个问题。

1 现代医学应用数学的必要性现代医学的大趋势是从定性研究走向定量研究,即要能够有效地探索医学科学领域中物质的量与量关系的规律性,推动医学科学突破狭隘经验的束缚,向着定量、精确、可计算、可预测、可控制的方向发展,并由此逐渐派生出生物医学工程学、数量遗传学、药代动力学、计量诊断学、计量治疗学、定量生理学等边缘学科,同时预防医学、基础医学和临床医学等传统学科也都在试图建立数学模式和运用数学理论方法来探索出其数量规律[2]。


① 数学模型有助生物学家将某些变量隔离出来、预测未来实验的结果,或推论无法测量的种种关系,因为在实验中很难将研究的事物抽离出来单独观察。


② 可以利用数学分析实验数据资料。





09级数模试题1. 把四只脚的连线呈长方形的椅子往不平的地面上一放,通常只有三只脚着地,放不稳,然后稍微挪动几次,就可以使四只脚同时着地,放稳了。



因此对这个问题我们假设 :(1)地面为连续曲面(2)长方形桌的四条腿长度相同(3)相对于地面的弯曲程度而言,方桌的腿是足够长的(4)方桌的腿只要有一点接触地面就算着地。



以长方桌的中心为坐标原点作直角坐标系如图所示,方桌的四条腿分别在A 、B 、C 、D 处,A 、B,C 、D 的初始位置在与x 轴平行,再假设有一条在x 轴上的线ab,则ab 也与A 、B ,C 、D 平行。

当方桌绕中心0旋转时,对角线 ab 与x 轴的夹角记为θ。


为消除这一不确定性,令()f θ为A 、B 离地距离之和,()g θ为C 、D 离地距离之和,它们的值由θ唯一确定。

由假设(1),()f θ,()g θ均为θ的连续函数。

又由假设(3),三条腿总能同时着地, 故()f θ()g θ=0必成立(∀θ)。

不妨设(0)0f =,(0)0g >g (若(0)g 也为0,则初始时刻已四条腿着地,不必再旋转),于是问题归结为:已知()f θ,()g θ均为θ的连续函数,(0)0f =,(0)0g >且对任意θ有00()()0f g θθ=,求证存在某一0θ,使00()()0f g θθ=。

证明:当θ=π时,AB 与CD 互换位置,故()0f π>,()0g π=。

作()()()h f g θθθ=-,显然,()h θ也是θ的连续函数,(0)(0)(0)0h f g =-<而()()()0h f g πππ=->,由连续函数的取零值定理,存在0θ,00θπ<<,使得0()0h θ=,即00()()f g θθ=。




























日期: 年月日
2014 年第十一届五一数学建模联赛
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对全部高中资料试卷电气设备,在安装过程中以及安装结束后进行高中资料试卷调整试验;通电检查所有设备高中资料电试力卷保相护互装作置用调与试相技互术关,系电,力根通保据过护生管高产线中工敷资艺设料高技试中术卷资,配料不置试仅技卷可术要以是求解指,决机对吊组电顶在气层进设配行备置继进不电行规保空范护载高与中带资负料荷试下卷高问总中题体资,配料而置试且时卷可,调保需控障要试各在验类最;管大对路限设习度备题内进到来行位确调。保整在机使管组其路高在敷中正设资常过料工程试况中卷下,安与要全过加,度强并工看且作护尽下关可都于能可管地以路缩正高小常中故工资障作料高;试中对卷资于连料继接试电管卷保口破护处坏进理范行高围整中,核资或对料者定试对值卷某,弯些审扁异核度常与固高校定中对盒资图位料纸置试,.卷保编工护写况层复进防杂行腐设自跨备动接与处地装理线置,弯高尤曲中其半资要径料避标试免高卷错等调误,试高要方中求案资技,料术编试交写5、卷底重电保。要气护管设设装线备备置敷4高、调动设中电试作技资气高,术料课中并3中试、件资且包卷管中料拒含试路调试绝线验敷试卷动槽方设技作、案技术,管以术来架及避等系免多统不项启必方动要式方高,案中为;资解对料决整试高套卷中启突语动然文过停电程机气中。课高因件中此中资,管料电壁试力薄卷高、电中接气资口设料不备试严进卷等行保问调护题试装,工置合作调理并试利且技用进术管行,线过要敷关求设运电技行力术高保。中护线资装缆料置敷试做设卷到原技准则术确:指灵在导活分。。线对对盒于于处调差,试动当过保不程护同中装电高置压中高回资中路料资交试料叉卷试时技卷,术调应问试采题技用,术金作是属为指隔调发板试电进人机行员一隔,变开需压处要器理在组;事在同前发一掌生线握内槽图部内 纸故,资障强料时电、,回设需路备要须制进同造行时厂外切家部断出电习具源题高高电中中源资资,料料线试试缆卷卷敷试切设验除完报从毕告而,与采要相用进关高行技中检术资查资料和料试检,卷测并主处且要理了保。解护现装场置设。备高中资料试卷布置情况与有关高中资料试卷电气系统接线等情况,然后根据规范与规程规定,制定设备调试高中资料试卷方案。






















































关键词:高中数学; 核心素养; 数学建模; 能力培养; 应用研究;建模活动是一项比较有创造性的活动,学生们在学习的过程中一定要具备创新思维和自主学习能力,建模活动进行过程中可以让学生们独立,自觉运用数学理论知识去探索以及解决问题,构建模型解决实际问,教学活动中,让学生们的基础知识更加牢固、基本技能得到锻炼是最根本的目的。






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假设农药锐劲特的价格为 10 万元/吨 ,锐劲特使用量 10mg/kg-1 水 稻 ;肥料 100 元/亩;水稻种子的购买价格为 5.60 元/公斤,每亩土地需要水稻种子为 2 公 斤 ; 水稻自然产量为 800 公斤/亩,水稻生长自然周期为 5 个 月 ;水稻出售价格为 2.28 元/公斤。
根据背景材料和数据,回答以下问题: (1)在自然条件下,建立病虫害与生长作物之间相互影响的数学模型;以 中华稻蝗和稻纵卷叶螟两种病虫为例,分析其对水稻影响的综合作用并进行模型 求解和分析。 (2)在杀虫剂作用下,建立生长作物、病虫害和杀虫剂之间作用的数学模 型;以水稻为例,给出分别以水稻的产量和水稻利润为目标的模型和农药锐劲特 使用方案。 (3)受绿色食品与生态种植理念的影响,在温室中引入 O3 型杀虫剂。建பைடு நூலகம் O3 对温室植物与病虫害作用的数学模型,并建立效用评价函数。需要考虑 O3 浓 度、合适的使用时间与频率。 (4)通过分析臭氧在温室里扩散速度与扩散规律,设计 O3 在温室中的扩散 方案。可以考虑利用压力风扇、管道等辅助设备。假设温室长 50 m、宽 11 m、 高 3.5 m,通过数值模拟给出臭氧的动态分布图,建立评价模型说明扩散方案的 优劣。 (5)请分别给出在农业生产特别是水稻中杀虫剂使用策略、在温室中臭氧 应用于病虫害防治的可行性分析报告,字数 800-1000 字。
数学建模比赛预选赛 B 题 温室中的绿色生态臭氧病虫害防治
2009 年 12 月,哥本哈根国际气候大会在丹麦举行之后,温室效应再次成为 国际社会的热点。如何有效地利用温室效应来造福人类,减少其对人类的负面影 响成为全社会的聚焦点。
臭氧对植物生长具有保护与破坏双重影响,其中臭氧浓度与作用时间是关键 因素,臭氧在温室中的利用属于摸索探究阶段。
论文题目: 温室中的绿色生态臭氧病虫害防治
姓名 1: 万微 学号:08101107 专业: 数学与应用数学 姓名 1: 卢众 学号:08101116 专业: 数学与应用数学 姓名 1: 张强 学号:08101127 专业: 数学与应用数学
2010 年 5 月 3 日
一.摘要................................................................................................................................................ 3 二.问题的提出.................................................................................................................................... 4 三.问题的分析.................................................................................................................................... 4 四.建模过程........................................................................................................................................ 5
五.模型的评价与改进......................................................................................................................19 六.参考文献...................................................................................................................................... 20
2)问题二................................................................................................................................... 9 1.基本假设..........................................................................................................................9 2.定义符号说明..................................................................................................................9 3.模型建立..........................................................................................................................9 4.模型求解........................................................................................................................ 11
1)问题一................................................................................................................................... 5 1.模型假设..........................................................................................................................5 2.定义符号说明..................................................................................................................5 3.模型建立..........................................................................................................................6 4.模型求解..........................................................................................................................6
3)问题三................................................................................................................................. 11 1.基本假设........................................................................................................................ 11 2.定义符号说明................................................................................................................12 3.模型建立........................................................................................................................12 4.模型求解........................................................................................................................13 5.模型检验与分析............................................................................................................14 6.效用评价函数................................................................................................................14 7.方案................................................................................................................................15
地利用温室效应造福人类,减少其对人类的负面影响。由于臭氧对植物生长具有 保护与破坏双重影响,利用数学知识联系实际问题,作出相应的解答和处理。问 题一:根据所掌握的人口模型,将生长作物与虫害的关系类似于人口模型的指数 函数,对题目给定的表 1 和表 2 通过数据拟合,在自然条件下,建立病虫害与生 长作物之间相互影响的数学模型。因为在数据拟合前,假设病虫害密度与水稻产 量成线性关系,然而,我们知道,当病虫害密度趋于无穷大时,水稻产量不可能 为负值,所以该假设不成立。从人口模型中,受到启发,也许病虫害密度与水稻 产量的关系可能为指数函数,当拟合完毕后,惊奇地发现,数据非常接近,而且 比较符合实际。接下来,关于模型求解问题,顺理成章。问题二,在杀虫剂作用 下,要建立生长作物、病虫害和杀虫剂之间作用的数学模型,必须在问题一的条 件下作出合理假设,同时运用数学软件得出该模型,最后结合已知数据可算出每 亩地的水稻利润。对于农药锐劲特使用方案,必须考虑到锐劲特的使用量和使用 频率,结合表 3,农药锐劲特在水稻中的残留量随时间的变化,可确定使用频率 , 又由于锐劲特的浓度密切关系水稻等作物的生长情况,利用农业原理找出最适合 的浓度。问题三,在温室中引入 O3 型杀虫剂,和问题二相似,不同的是,问题 三加入了 O3 的作用时间,当 O3 的作用时间大于某一值时才会起作用,而又必须 小于某一值时,才不会对作物造成伤害,建 O3 对温室植物与病虫害作用的数学 模型,也需用到数学建模相关知识。问题四,和实际联系最大,因为只有在了解 O3 的温室动态分布图的基础上,才能更好地利用 O3。而该题的关键是,建立稳定 性模型,利用微分方程稳定性理论,研究系统平衡状态的稳定性,以及系统在相 关因素增加或减少后的动态变化,最后。通过数值模拟给出臭氧的动态分布图。 问题五,作出农业生产特别是水稻中杀虫剂使用策略、在温室中臭氧应用于病虫 害防治的可行性分析。