equity risk premium 公式(二)
单因子评价法er计算方法概述:单因子评价法(Equity Risk Premium, 简称ER)是金融领域中用于评估投资回报的一种常用方法。
它基于资本资产定价模型(Capital Asset Pricing Model,简称CAPM),通过将资产预期收益与无风险利率相减,得到投资的风险溢价。
二、ER的计算方法单因子评价法ER的计算方法可以分为以下几个步骤:1. 确定资本市场组合的预期收益率首先,需要确定资本市场组合的预期收益率。
2. 计算风险溢价风险溢价可以通过资本市场组合的预期收益率减去无风险利率来计算。
3. ER的计算公式ER的计算公式如下所示:ER = 资本市场组合的预期收益率 - 无风险利率通过计算得到的ER即为投资的风险溢价。
ER = 12% - 5% = 7%计算结果显示,该股票的风险溢价为7%。
1.投资组合理论- 总风险:Total Risk = 市场风险 + 独特风险 (Total Risk = Market Risk + Unique Risk)- 投资组合预期收益率:Portfolio Expected Return =∑(Weight_i * Return_i)- 投资组合方差:Portfolio Variance = ∑(Weight_i^2 * Variance_i) + ∑(∑(Weight_i * Weight_j * Covariance_i,j)) - 投资组合标准差:Portfolio Standard Deviation =sqrt(Portfolio Variance)- 夏普比率:Sharpe Ratio = (Expected Portfolio Return -Risk-Free Rate) / Portfolio Standard Deviation2.金融市场与证券分析- 预期收益率:Expected Return = (Dividend / Initial Price) + (Ending Price - Initial Price) / Initial Price- 股票价格增长率:Growth Rate = (Ending Price - Initial Price) / Initial Price- 股息支付率:Dividend Payout Ratio = Dividend paid / Earnings- 股票收益率:Stock Return = (Ending Price - Initial Price + Dividend) / Initial Price- 股票的风险溢价:Equity Risk Premium = Expected Stock Return - Risk-Free Rate3.衍生品定价与风险管理- 看涨期权定价(欧式期权):Call Option Price = S_0 * N(d_1) - X * e^(-r*T) * N(d_2)其中d_1 = (ln(S_0 / X) + (r + σ^2/2) * T) / (σ * sqrt(T))d_2 = d_1 - σ * sqrt(T)- 看跌期权定价(欧式期权):Put Option Price = X * e^(-r*T) * N(-d_2) - S_0 * N(-d_1)其中d_1和d_2同上面的公式- 未来合约价格(期货/远期):Futures/Forward Price = Spot Price * (1 + Risk-Free Rate)^T- 期权的Delta:Delta = N(d_1) for call options / -N(-d_1) for put options4.金融风险管理- VaR(Value at Risk):VaR(alpha) = - (Expected Portfolio Return - α * Portfolio Standard Deviation)- CVaR(Conditional Value at Risk):CVaR(alpha) = - (Expected Portfolio Return - α * VaR)- 发债期权定价:Bond Option Price = Call Option Price - Put Option Price- 隐含波动率:Implied Volatility- 多头风险和空头风险:Long Position Risk = Position Size * (Stock Price - Stop Loss Price)Short Position Risk = Position Size * (Stop Loss Price - Stock Price)以上是一些FRM考试中常用的金融分析公式。
1. Sharpe比率(Sharpe Ratio)Sharpe比率度量了每单位超额收益所承受的单位风险。
它的公式如下:Sharpe Ratio = (R_p - R_f) / σ_p其中,R_p为投资组合的平均回报率,R_f为无风险利率,σ_p为投资组合的标准差。
2. Treynor比率(Treynor Ratio)Treynor比率度量了每单位系统风险所获得的超额回报。
它的公式如下:Treynor Ratio = (R_p - R_f) / β_p其中,R_p为投资组合的平均回报率,R_f为无风险利率,β_p为投资组合的贝塔系数。
3. 市场风险溢价(Market Risk Premium)市场风险溢价表示股票或投资组合的预期收益率与无风险利率之间的差异。
它的公式如下:Market Risk Premium = R_m - R_f其中,R_m为市场的预期回报率,R_f为无风险利率。
4. 计算投资组合的预期回报率(Expected Portfolio Return)计算投资组合的预期回报率可以通过加权所有资产的预期回报率来衡量,其中权重是资产在投资组合中的比例。
5. 计算投资组合的标准差(Portfolio Standard Deviation)计算投资组合的标准差需要考虑资产之间的协方差,公式如下:σ_p = √(w_1^2 * σ_1^2 + w_2^2 * σ_2^2 + ... + 2 * w_1 * w_2 * Cov(1, 2))其中,w_i为资产i在投资组合中的权重,σ_i为资产i的标准差,Cov(1, 2)为资产1和资产2的协方差。
6. 最优投资组合的夏普比率(Optimal Portfolio Sharpe Ratio)寻找最优投资组合的夏普比率需要通过计算不同权重下的夏普比率来确定。
融通智慧 跃升未来
Quantitative and qualitative factors in valuation
Ø Quantitative factors • Key source from company's accounting information and financial disclosures. • Including balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement, as well as the
• the value of a stock to a particular buyer. depending on the buyer’s specific
needs and expectations, and perceived synergies with existing buyer assets. Ø Liquidation value
opposed to going out of business.
• The valuation models we will cover are all based on the going concern assumption.
Ø Non-going-concern assumption • The assumption that the company will finish operating and all assets will be
process(valuation is not closely associated with the planning and execution steps). ü Planning u Identification and specification the investment objectives and constraints writing detail on the investment strategy of securities selection. u Valuation on individual security is not apply to Indexing strategy but active management. ü Execution u Portfolio selection; u Portfolio implementation. ü Feedback
riskpremium公式哎呀,一提到“risk premium 公式”,可能很多人都会觉得头大。
讲座开始后,主讲人在黑板上写下了“risk premium 公式”,那一刻,我能感觉到周围不少人的呼吸都变得急促了,仿佛这个公式是一座难以逾越的高山。
那到底什么是 risk premium 公式呢?简单来说,它就是用来衡量投资者为了承担额外风险所要求的额外回报的。
比如说,你投资了一个风险比较高的项目,那你肯定希望能得到比投资低风险项目更多的回报,这个多出来的部分就是 risk premium 啦。
Risk premium 公式通常可以表示为:Risk Premium = Expected Return - Risk-Free Rate 。
这里的“Expected Return”就是预期回报,“Risk-Free Rate”就是无风险利率。
举个例子吧,假如现在国债的利率是 3%,你投资了一个股票,你预计它每年能给你带来 8%的回报。
那么,根据 risk premium 公式,这个投资的 risk premium 就是 8% - 3% = 5% 。
这 5%就是你因为承担了股票投资的风险,所期望得到的额外回报。
在实际应用中,计算 risk premium 可不是一件简单的事情。
公式为:σ2= [Ri-E(Ri)]2方差的平方根为标准差,公式为:σ=方差或标准差越大,随机变量与数学期望的偏离越大,风险就越大。
风险溢价(Risk Premium )是指超过无风险资产收益的预期收益,这一溢价为投资的风险提供了补偿。
其中的无风险(risk-free )资产,是指其收益确定,从而方差为零的资产。
公式为: E(Ri)= Ri式中,E(Ri)为预期收益率;Ri 为第i 个资产的收益预期;pi 为第i 个资产的预期收益可能发生的概率。
∑=-ni i i i R E R p 12)]([∑=ni i p 1∑=ni i p 1风险与收益的权衡如果证券A 可以无风险的获得回报率为10%,而证券B 以50%的概率获得20%的收益,50%的概率的收益为0,你将选择哪一种证券?对于一个风险规避的投资者,虽然证券B 的期望收益为10%,但它具有风险,而证券A 的无风险收益为10%,显然证券A 优于证券B 。
则该投资者认为“A 占优于B”,从而该投资者是风险厌恶性的。
资产组合的收益和风险衡量资产组合的预期收益E(rp)是资产组合中所有资产预期收益的加权平均,其中的权数xi 为各资产投资占总投资的比率。
公式为: E(rp)= 其中:i=1,2,···n ;x1+x2+···xn=1。
资产组合的方差不是各资产方差的简单加权平均,而是资产组合的收益与其预期收益偏离数的平方,即: σ2p=E[rp -E(rp)]2 式中,rp 为资产组合的收益率。
对n 个资产的组合,计算方差的一般公式为:σ2p= +(其中,i j ) 公式表明,资产组合的方差是资产各自方差与它们之间协方差的加权平均。
countryriskpremium计算公式国家风险溢价(Country Risk Premium)是用于评估投资国家的政治、经济和金融相关风险的一项指标。
国家风险溢价的计算是基于以下几个关键因素:1.基准利率(Risk-free rate):基准利率是指在没有风险的情况下所能获得的投资回报率。
一般来说,美国国债是被广泛接受的基准利率之一2.市场风险溢价(Equity Risk Premium):市场风险溢价是用于衡量投资者愿意为了承担特定市场风险而要求的额外回报。
3.国家特定风险溢价(Country-specific Risk Premium):国家特定风险溢价是指与特定国家相关的风险。
国家风险溢价的计算公式如下:Country Risk Premium = Risk-free rate + Beta * Market Risk Premium + Country-specific Risk Premium其中,Beta是指投资在该国家的风险暴露度。
Market Risk Premium是指市场风险溢价。
Country-specific Risk Premium是指与特定国家相关的风险溢价。
06股权风险溢价计算一、背景和意义股权风险溢价(equity risk premium,简称ERP)是指投资者愿意承担的股权投资风险所要求的额外收益率。
具体地,该方法的计算公式如下:ERP = E(Rm) - Rf其中,E(Rm)是市场收益率的预期值,Rf是无风险收益率。
具体地,该方法的计算公式如下:ERP = E(Rm) - Rf其中,E(Rm)是市场收益率的历史均值,Rf是无风险收益率。
具体地,该方法的计算公式如下:ERP = E(Rmkt) - Rf - E(Rs - Rb)其中,E(Rmkt)是市场的预期收益率,Rf是无风险收益率,E(Rs - Rb)是股票的多头收益率减去空头收益率。
为了衡量股票市场风险,投资者和研究者们提出了一个重要的概念,即股权风险溢价(Equity Risk Premium,ERP)。
二、股权风险溢价的测算方法1. 直接测算法直接测算法是根据历史数据或实证研究计算股权风险溢价。
2. 基于模型的测算法基于模型的测算法使用数学模型来计算股权风险溢价。
其中最常用的模型是资本资产定价模型(Capital AssetPricing Model,CAPM)。
A股市场股权风险溢价的历史及其启⽰(doc12页)A股市场股权风险溢价的历史及其启⽰(doc 12页)部门: xxx时间: xxx整理范⽂,仅供参考,可下载⾃⾏编辑1992-2005年A股市场股权风险溢价的历史及其启⽰阙紫康(⼴东商学院,⼴东⼴州 510320)摘要:本⽂计算了1992-2000年、2001-2005年以及1992-2005年三个时间窗⼝下A 股市场的股权风险溢价率。
中图分类号:⽂献标识码:引⾔股权风险溢价(ERP,equity risk premium)概念建⽴在风险补偿和风险收益平衡理论上,它是理解股票市场定价基准变化的核⼼概念,也是具有重要分析意义的变量。
1924年,Edgar Lawrence Smith通过收集和整理1866-1923年纽约证券交易所的历史数据提供了股权风险溢价的第⼀套完整的经验数据。
1960年芝加哥证券价格研究中⼼(the Chicago Center for Research on Security Prices)对美国股票价格的分红数据进⾏了系统的收集和整理,将相关研究⼯作推进到了⼀个新的⾼度。
资本资产定价模型(CAPM)资本资产定价模型公式夏普发现单个股票或者股票组合的预期回报率(Expected Return)的公式如下:其中,(Risk free rate),是无风险回报率,是证券的Beta系数,是市场期望回报率 (Expected Market Return),是股票市场溢价 (Equity Market Premium).CAPM公式中的右边第一个是无风险收益率,比较典型的无风险回报率是10年期的美国政府债券。
那么,股票市场溢价(equity market premium)就等于市场期望回报率减去无风险回报率。
5、投资者都遵守主宰原则(Dominance rule),即同一风险水平下,选择收益率较高的证券;同一收益率水平下,选择风险较低的证券。
DDM模型介绍DDM模型(dividend discount model),为股利贴现模型。
1.零增长模型(Gordon增长模型,即股利增长率为0,未来各期股利按固定数额发放)计算公式为V = D0/K其中V为公司价值,D0为当期股利,K为投资者要求的投资回报率,或资本成本。
2.不变增长模型(即股利按照固定的增长率g增长)计算公式为V = D1/(K—g)注意此处的D1为下一期的股利,而非当期股利3.二段增长模型、三段增长模型、多段增长模型二段增长模型假设在时间l内红利按照g1增长率增长,l外按照g2增长。
普通股资本成本率的计算方法一:股息增长模型法(Dividend Growth Model)股息增长模型法是一种常用的计算普通股资本成本率的方法。
计算公式如下:Cost of Equity = (Dividend per Share / Current Stock Price) + Dividend Growth Rate其中,Dividend per Share表示每股股息,Current Stock Price表示当前股价,Dividend Growth Rate表示股息增长率。
方法二:股息折现模型法(Dividend Discount Model)股息折现模型法是一种基于未来股息的折现值计算普通股资本成本率的方法。
计算公式如下:Cost of Equity = (Dividends / Current Stock Price) + Growth Rate其中,Dividends表示未来一段时间内的股息,Current Stock Price表示当前股价,Growth Rate表示未来股息的增长率。
计算公式如下:Cost of Equity = Risk-Free Rate + Beta × Market Risk Premium其中,Risk-Free Rate表示无风险回报率,Beta表示股票的波动性,Market Risk Premium表示市场风险溢价。
CFA 公式表-Level IIQuantitative Methods1. Simple Linear Regression Correlation: ()()xyxy x y Cov r s s =t-test for r (df = n-2): t = Estimated slope coefficient: 2xyx Cov σ Estimated intercept: 01ˆˆb y b =-x Confidence interval for predicted Y-value: ^c y t SE ±⨯of forecast2. Multiple Regression0112233()()()i i i Y b b X b X b X i i ε=+⨯+⨯+⨯+● Test statistical significance of b; 0:0ˆ,1bH b b t df n k s ===-- Reject if t or p-value < 0h ||t critical >α● Confidence Interval: ˆ()jj c b b t s ±⨯●SST = RSS+SSE ●MSR = RSS/k ●MSE = SSE / (n-k-1) ● Test statistical significance of regression: F = MSR / MSE with df k andn-k-1 (1-tail)●Standard error of estimate (SEE =), Smaller SEE means better fit. ● Coefficient of determination (2/R RSS SST =). % of variability of Yexplained by X’s; Higher R 2 means better fit.3. Regression Analysis-Problems● Heteroskedasticity. Non-constant error variance. Detect with Breusch-Pagantest. Correct with White-corrected standard errors.● Autocorrelation. Correlation among error terms. Detect with Durbin-Watsontest; positive autocorrelation if DW<d 1. Correct by adjusting standard errorsusing Hansen method.● Multicollinearity. High correlation among X’s. Detect if F-test significant,t-test insignificant. Correct by dropping X variables.4. Model Misspecification● Omitting a variable.● Variable should be transformed.● Incorrectly pooling data.● Using lagged dependent variable as independent variable.● Forecasting the past.● Measuring independent variables with error.5. Effects of MisspecificationRegression coefficients are biased and inconsistent, lack of confidence in hypothesis tests of the coefficients or in the model predictions.6. Linear Trend Model: 01t t y b b t ε=++7. Log-Linear Trend Models: 01ln()t t y b b t ε=++8. Covariance Stationary: Mean and var. don’t change over time. To determineif a time series is covariance stationary, (1) plot data, (2) run an AR model and test correlations, and/or (3) perform Dickey Fuller test.9. Unit Root: Coefficient on lagged dep.vb1=1. series with unit root is notcovariance stationary. First differencing will often eliminate the unit root. 10. Autoregressive (AR) Models: Specified correctly if autocorrelation ofresiduals not significant: 01122......t t t p t p x b b x b x b x t ε---=+++++11. Mean Reverting Level For AR(1): 01(1)b b - 12. RMSE: square root of avg squared error.13. Random Walk Time Series: 1t t x x t ε-=+14. Seasonality: Indicated by statistically significant lagged err. term. Correct byadding lagged term.15. ARCH: Detected by estimating: 22011t t a a εεμ-=++Variance o ARCH series: 22101t t a a σε+=+ECONOMICS1. One Third Rule: at given technology level, 1% increase in capital/labor hourleads to 1/3 % increase in real GDP per hour.2. Rule of 70: approximate to double GDP = 70/growth rate.3. Classical Growth Theory●4. Neoclassical Growth Theory●Economic growth stops when real return = target return. ●Pop. Growth independent of economic growth. 5.New Growth Theory ●Economic growth continues indefinitely ad technology advances. ●↓real rate => incentive to discover new products and methods. ●Discovery => real return > target return. 6.Nominal & Real Exchange Rate ●Nominal ex. Rate (E): price of one currency in terms of another; observed in EX markets. ●Real exchange rate = E ×(P/P *) 7.Balance of Payment: current account + capital account + official reserve account = 0 8.Foreign Exchange: Direct quotes: ●if quote is ₤ per $ (or USD:GBP), this is a direct quote from the perspective of the pound. ● Bid-ask spread stated as percent of asking price:%(100)askprice bidprice spread askprice -=● Foreign currency is at forward discount (premium) if F is below (above) S, using direct quotes: 360(/)(1)()day min fwdrate fwdprem disc spotrate ter s=-● Currency appreciates due to: (1) Lower relative income growth rate. (2)Lower relative inflation rate. (3) Higher domestic real interest rate. (4) Improved investment climate.9. Unanticipated shift to exp. Monetary Policy: Higher income, acceleratedinflation, lower real interest rates, leads to currency dept, current acct surplus, and financial acct deficit.10. Unanticipated shift to exp. Fiscal Policy: currency appr, current acct deficit,& financial account surplus.11. Purchasing Power Parity:● Law of one price: a single, clearly comparable good should have same realprice in all countries.● Relative PPP: Countries with high inflation rates should see their currencies depreciate.01()1CounterCurrency t BaseCurrency I S E I ⎛⎫+= ⎪ ⎪+⎝⎭S 12. International Fisher Relation: Assumes real interest rates are equal across borders, so interest differential equals expected inflation difference.11(11(b b a a r E I r E I ⎛⎫⎛++= ⎪ ++⎝⎭⎝))⎫⎪⎭()()b a b a r r E I E I -≈-13. Uncovered Interest Rate Parity: Countries with high nominal interest rates should see their currencies depreciate.01360()1360CounterCurrency n BaseCurrency n r S E n r ⎛⎫⎛⎫+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⨯=⎛⎫⎛⎫+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭S 14. Interest Rate Parity: Countries with high nominal interest rates will have their currencies sell at forward discount to prevent arbitrage.()()11b a r F S r +=+ 15. Currency Arbitrage: up the bid and down the askFinancial Statement Analysis1. Accounting for InterCorp Investmentsa) Minority passive: < 20% owned, no significant influence.i. Held-to-maturity at cost on B/S; interest and realized gain/losses on I/S ii. Available-for-sale at FMV with unrealized gains/loss in equity on B/S;dividends, interest, realized gains/losses on I/Siii. Held-for-trading at FMV , dividend, interest, realized and unrealizedgains/losses on I/S.b) Minority active: 20-50% owned, significant influence. With equitymethod, pro-rata share of the investee’s earnings increase, B/S investment account, also in I/S. Div. received decrease investment account. (div. not in I/S)c) Controlling: >50% owned, control. Consolidation, all assets, liability,revenue, and expense of sub combined with parent, excludingd)preferred, similar to regular consolidation, except only include pro-rata share. US GAAP: equity method.2.Financial Effect of Choice of Method: equity, consolidation, proportionateconsolidation.a)All three methods report same net income.b)All three methods report same ROEc) Asset, liabilities, sales are highest under consolidation; lowest underequity method; proportionate consolidation in between.3. a) b)c)Pension expense components: current service cost, interest cost, expectedreturn on plan assets, prior (past) service cost, net actuarial gains/losses. d) Aggressive assumptions/low earnings quality: high discount rate, lowcompensation growth rate, high expected return.4.Economic pension expense: if < firm contribution, diff = ↓ in overall pensionobligation. If > firm contribution, diff = borrowing (and reclass from CFO to CFF)5.Balance sheet: GAAP vs. IFRS: GAAP: net assets/liability = funded status =economic reality. IFRS: net assets/liab = funded status adj. for unrecognized items.6.Underlying Economic Pension Expense: Sum of all changes in PBO (exceptbenefits paid) less actual ROA. Also = change in funded status exclude firm’s contributions. Service cost= operating expense. Interest and actual ROA repeated as non operating income.7.Business Combinations:a)Purchase method required under U.S. GAAP and IFRSb)Goodwill not amortized, subject to annual impairment test.8.Purchase Method Attributes:a)Acquirer assumes assets/liabilities of acquired company.b)Excess FMV of acquired net assets allocated first to intangible assets,then goodwill.c)Prior operating results not restated.9.Pooling Method Attributesa)Company f/s combined at book value.b)Prior operating results restated.10.Impact of Purchase vs. Poolinga)Asset and equity higher, net income lower under purchase method.b)Profit margin, ROA, ROE lower under purchase method.11.Entity is VIE if any of:12.Multinational Operations: Choice of Methoda)Insufficient at-risk equity investment.b)Shareholder lack decision-making rights.c)Shareholder do not absorb lossesd)Shareholder do not receive residual benefits.The primary beneficiary consolidates the VIE.Qualifying SPE: GAAP allows – no consol. (use equity method). Not permitted under IFRS.13.Multinational Operations: Choice of MethodFor self-contained sub, functional ≠presentation currency; use all-current method:a)Assets/liabilities at current rate.b)Common stock at historical rate.c)Income statement at average rate.d)Exposure = shareholder’s equitye) Dividend at rate when paid.For integrated sub, functional = presentation currency, use temporal method: f) Monetary assets/liabilities at current rate.g) Nonmonetary assets / liabilities at historical rate.h) Sales, SGA at average rate.i) COGS, depreciation at historical rate.j) Exposure = monetary assets – monetary liabilitiesNet asset position & Depr, foreign currency = lossNet liab, position & depr, foreign currency = gain.14. Original F/S vs. All-Currenta) Pure B/S and I/S ratios unchangedb) If Local currency depreciating, translated mixed ratios will be larger c) If local currency appreciating, translated mixed ratios will be smaller. 15. Hyperinflation: GAAP vs. IFRS: Hyperinflation = cumulative inflation >100% over 3 years,GAAP, use temporal method. IFRS: 1. restate foreign currency st. for inflation. 2. translate with all-current. Net purchase power gain/losses reported in income.16. Accrual-based income: accrual part less persistent ten cash part.17. Measure of earning quality:()()()()/2/2BS END BEGEND BEG BSEND BEG CF END BEG Accruals NOA NOA NOA NOA AccrualsRatio NOA NOA NI CFO CFI AccrualsRatio NOA NOA =--=+--=+ 18. Mean Reversion: occurs faster with larger accrual earnings component. 19. Detecting Manipulation:a) Revenue recognize: large changes in receivable & unearned revenue. ↑DSO, compare revenue to cash collected.b) Expense recognize: large changes in fixed assets & inventory, ↑DOH,LIFO liquidation, compare depreciation. Exp, calculate core operate margin = (sales-COGS- SG&A)/sales.c) B/S: capitalize operating lease; impaired goodwilld) CF: compare growth of operating leases to asset grow, look for ↓indiscretionary spend at year end.20. Fair value hedge: gain/loss from derivative & hedged BS item reported in IS. 21. Cash flow hedge: gain/loss from derivative bypass IS- reported inshareholder’s equity.22. Net investment hedge of a foreign sub: gain/loss recognize in equity alongwith transaction gain/loss.CORPORATE FINANCE1. Capital budgeting expansiona)Initial outlay = FCinv + WCinvb) CF = (S-C-D)(1-T) +D = (S-C)(1-T) + DTc) TNOCF = Sal T + NWCInv – ( Sal T – B T ) ×T2. Capital budgeting replacementa) Same as expansion, except current after – tax salvage of old assets reduces initial outlay.b) Incremental depreciation is Δ in depth.3. Projects with unequal livesa) Least common multiple of lives.b) Equivalent annual annuity (EAA): annuity equal to PC of project CFs. 4. Effects of inflation: Discount nominal (real) cash flows at nominal (real) rate;unexpected changes in inflation affect project profitability; reduces the real tax savings from depreciation; decreases value of fixed payments to bondholders; affects costs and revenues differently.5. Capital rationing: If +NPV > capital, choose combination with highest NPV .6. Real options: Timing, abandonment, expansion, flexibility, fundamentaloptions.7. Economic and accounting incomea) Economic Income = AT CF + Δ in project’s MV .b) Economic depr based on Δ in investment’s MV .c) Economic income calculated before interest expense (cost of capital reflected in discount rate)d) Account income = project revenue –costse) Account dep based on original investment cost.f) Interest (financing costs) deducted before calculating accounting income. 8. Valuation models:a) Econ profit = NOPAT -$WACC; discounted at WACC.b) Residual income = NI – equity charge; discounted at required return on equity.c) Claims valuation separates CFs based on equity claims (discounted at cost of equity) and debt holders (discounted at cost of debt).9. Operating leverage: variable/fixed cost tradeoff%DOL %EBIT Sales∆=∆ ()()qty sales Q P V DOL Q P V F S VC DOL S VC F-=---=-- 10. Financial leverage: refers to use of fixed-income securities (debt and preferred stock).%%i %()(%)EPS EBIT DFL EBIT EBIT erest EPS DFL EBIT ∆==∆-∆=∆nt11. Total leverage: measures effect on EPS of given change in sales. DTL=DOL×DFL12. Breakeven:BE F Q P V=- 13. MM Prop I (No taxes): Capital structure irrelevant (no taxes, transaction costor bankruptcy costs).14. MM Prop II (No Taxes): increased use of cheaper debt increases cost ofequity, no change in WACC.15. MM Proposition I (With taxes): tax shield adds value, value maximized at100% debt.16. MM Proposition II (With taxes): tax shield adds value, WACC minimized at100% debt.17. Corporate Governance Objectivesa) Mitigate conflicts of interest between (1) managers and shareholders, and (2) directors and shareholders.b) Ensure assets used to benefit investors and stakeholders.18. EPS after a share repurchasetan TotalEarnings AfterTaxCostofFunds EPS SharesOuts dingAfterBurback-= If after-tax cost of debt is less then earnings yield, a share repurchase will increase EPS. If after-tax cost of debt is greater than earnings yield, a share repurchase will decrease EPS.19. BV per share after a share repurchase: If the share price is greater than theoriginal BVPS, a share repurchase will decrease BVPS. If the share price is less the original BVPS, a share repurchase will increase BVPS.20. Effective tax rate on dividends:a) Double taxation or split rate systems: effective rate = corp rate + (1- corp rate)(indiv rate)b) Imputation system: effective tax rate is the shareholder’s individual tax rate.21. Signaling Effects of Dividend Changesa) Initiation: ambiguous signab) Increase: positive signalc) Decrease: negative signal unless management sees many profitable investment opportunities.22. Share Repurchasea) Share repurchase is equivalent to cash dividend, assuming equal tax treatment.b) Unexpected share repurchase is good news.c) Rational for: 1) prevent EPS dilution; 2) supplement a regular dividend;3) good investment for company; 4) positive signal to investor; 5) change capital structure.23. Dividend Policy Approachesa)Residual dividend: dividends based on earnings less funds retained tofinance capita budget.b)Longer-term residual dividend: forecast capital budge, smooth dividendpayout.c)Dividend stability: dividend growth aligned with sustainable growth rate.d)Target payout ratio: long-term payout ratio target.24.Merger Types: Horizontal, vertical, conglomerate.25.Merger Motivations: Achieve synergies, more rapid growth, increase marketpower, gain access to unique capabilities, diversify, manager personalbenefits, tax benefits unlock hidden value, achieving intl goals, andbootstrapping earning.26.Pre-offer Defense Mechanisms: poison pills and puts, reincorp. In a statewhere restrictive takeover laws, staggered board elections, restrict votingrights, supermajority voting, fair price amendments, and golder parachutes.27.Post-offer Defense Mechanisms: litigation, greenmail, sare repurch,leveraged recap, th “crown jewel”, ”Pac man”, and “just say no” defense,and white knight/white squire.28.The Herfindahl-Hirschman Inex (HHI): market power = sum of squaredmarket shres for all industry firms. High or increase HHI mean regulatorsmore likely to challenge a merger.29.Methods to determine Target Valuea)DCF method: target performance FCF discounted at adjusted W ACCb)Comparable company analysis: target value from relative valuationmetrice on similar firms + takeover premium.c)Comparable transaction analysis: target value from takeover transactionltakeover premium included30.Merger Valuationsa)Combined firm: V AT=V A + V T +S –Cb)Takeover premium (to target): Gain T = TP = P T -V Tc)Synergies ( to acquirer): Gain A = S- TP = S- (P T-V T)31.Merger Risk & Rewarda)Cash offer: acquirer assumes risk & receives reward.b)Stock offer: some of risks & rewards shift to target. If higher confidencein synergies; acquirer prefers cash & target prefers stock.32.Forms of Divestitures: equity carve –outs, spin –offs, split – offs, andliquidations.EQUITY & ALTERNATIVE INVESTMETNS1.Alpha:a)Ex ante α = expected return – required return from CAPM or APTb)Ex post α = historical holding period return – historical return on similarassets2.Franchise value and growth processTangible P/E =1/rFranchise P/E = franchise factor ×growth factor = FF × GFa)if ROE>r, firm has sustainable competitive advantage, franchise factor >0.b)If ROE<r, higher retention ratio implies higher GF, higher franchise P/E3.Inflation effects on valuationa)Higher flow- through rate implies higher P/E, all else equalb)If inflation flow-through < 100%, higher inflation implies lower P/E, allelse equal.4.Porter’s Five Forces/competitive strategya)Threat of new entrants. Increase = more pricing pressure, lower industryprofits.b)Threat of substitutes. Is there a price ceiling? More cost effective, morepricing pressure. Buyer propensity to substitute. Switching costs.c)Bargaining power of buyers = function of bargaining leverage/pricesensitivity.d)Bargaining power of suppliers: determined by differentiation of inputs,presence of sub. Inputs, supplier concentration, importance to supplier,threat of forward integration.e)Rivalry among existing competitors. Increasing rivalry = increasing riskof destructive price/feature/marketing wars. Function of industry growth,fixed costs, value added, product differences, branding, diversity ofcompetitors, exit barriers. Key point: who captures value added?Eliminating rival risky, attracts competition.5.Strategic alternativesa)Positioning firm where five forces weakest.b)Project and exploit changes in industry.c)Induce industry changes to play to firm strength.6.Industry Analysisa)Industry life cycle: Pioneer – Growth – Mature – Decline.b)External factors: Technology, government, social change, demography,foreign influence.7.Nominal vs. Real: distinction Matters●Income taxes: forecast nominal earnings before taxes.●Real cash flow from WC = Δ real WC; convert nominal WC to real CF.●Forecast real capex, dep, and EBITDA8.Discounted Cash flow (DCD) methodsUse dividend discount models (DDM) when:●Firm has dividend history,●Dividend policy related to earnings,●Minority shareholder perspectiveUse free cash flow (FCF) models when:●Firm lacks stable dividend policy●Dividend policy not related to earnings.●FCF is related to profitability●Controlling shareholder perspective.Use residual income (RI) when:● Firm lacks dividend history.● Expected FCF is negative9. Gordon Growth Model (GGM) Assumes perpetual dividend growth rate:10D V r g=- Most appropriate for mature, stable firms.Limitations are:● Very sensitive to estimates of r and g● Difficult with non-dividend stocks● Difficult with unpredictable growth patterns (use multi-stage model) 10. Present Value of Growth Opportunities10E V PVGO r=+ 11. Two stage Growth ModelStep 1: calculate dividends in high-growth period.Step 2: use GGM for terminal value at end of high-growth periodStep 3: discount interim dividends and terminal value to time zero to find stock value.12. H- Model()()0001L s L LD g D H g g V r g r g ⨯+⨯⨯-⎡⎤⎡⎣⎦⎣=+--L ⎤⎦ 13. Solving for Required ReturnFor Gordon (or stable growth) model, solving for return yields:10D r g P =+ 14. Free Cash flow to firm (FCFF)Assuming DEP is only NCC:● FCFF = NI + Dep +[Int × (1- tax rate)] – FCInv – WCInv● FCFF = [EBIT ×( 1- tax rate)] + Dep – FCInv – WCInv● FCFF = [EBITDA × (1-tax rate)] + (Dep × tax rate) – FCInv –WCInv● FCFF = CFO + [Int × ( 1-tax rate)] - FCInv15. Free cash flow to Equity (FCFE)● FCFE = FCFF - [Int × (1- tax rate)] + Net Borrowing● FCFE = NI + Dep – FCInv – WCInv + Net Borrowing● FCFE = NI – [(1-DR) × (FCInv -Dep)] - [(1-DR) ×WCInv]( Used toforecast)16. Single-stage FCFF/FCFE models● For FCFF valuation: 10FCFF V WACC g=- ● For FCFE valuation: 10FCEF V r g =- 17. Two-stage FCFF/FCFE modelsStep 1: Calculate FCF in high – growth period.Step 2: Use single – stage FCF model for terminal value at end of high – growth period.Step 3: Discount interim FCF and terminal value to time zero to find stock value, use W ACC for FCFF, r for FCFE.18. Price to Earning (P/E) ratioProblems with P/E:● If earnings < 0, P/E meaningless.● V olatile, transitory portion of earnings makes interpretation difficult. ● Management discretion over accounting choices affects reportedearnings19. Justified P/E Leading P/E = 1b r g-- Trailing P/E =(1)(1)b g r g -+- 20. Normalization Methods:● Historical average EPS.● Average ROE.21. Price to Book (P/B) ratioAdvantages:● BV almost always > 0● BV more stable than EPS● Measures NA V of financial institutions.Disadvantages:● Size differences cause misleading comparisons● Influenced by accounting choices.● BV ≠ MV due to inflation/technology Justified P/B = ROE g r g-- 22. Price to Sales (P/S) ratioAdvantages:● Meaningful even for distressed firms● Sales revenue not easily manipulated● Not as volatile as P/E ratios● Useful in valuing mature, cyclical, and start-up firmsDisadvantages:● High sales do not imply high profits and cash flows● Does not capture cost structure difference.● Revenue recognition practices still distort sales. Justified P/S = 0(1)(1)PM b g r g⨯-+- 23. Price to Cash Flow RatiosAdvantages:● Cash flow harder to manipulate than EPS● More stable than P/E● Mitigates earnings quality concernsDisadvantages:● Difficult to estimate true CFO● FCFE better but more volatile24. Method of Comparables● Firm multiple > benchmark implies overvalued● Firm multiple < benchmark implies undervalued● Fundamentals that affect multiple should be similar between firm andbenchmark.25. Residual Income Models11()()t t t RI E r B ROE r B --=-⨯=-⨯Single stage RI model: ()000ROE r B V B r g -⨯⎡⎤=+⎢⎥-⎣⎦Multistage RI valuation: V 0 = B 0 + (PV of interim high-growth RI) + (PV of continuing RI)26. Economic value addedEV A=NOI-$WACC NOPAT=EBIT(1-t)27. Real estate (RE) investment analysis● CFAT = NOI – debt service – taxes payable● ERAT = net selling price – mortgage balance – taxes● Recaptured depreciation: depr. Taken in anticipation of decrease inasset’s value that did not materialize28. Types of Real estate investmentRaw land: passive and illiquid; for speculators and developers.Apartments and office building: active, moderately liquid; tax-shelters for high- income investorsWarehouses: passive, moderately liquid; for passive investors & those seeking tax shelterShopping centers: moderately active, low-liquidity, for wealthy investors.Hotels and motels: active, moderately liquid; for those seeking tax shelter 29. Income Property Analysis: Cap Rate Market extraction: 0()NOI R ME MV=, use when income data is available. 30. Valuing Income Properties Direct income capitalization technique: 110NOI NOI MV r g R==- Gross income multiplier techniqueMV=gross income ×income multiplier Gross income multiplier Pr ()Sales ice M GrossIncome= 31. Sustainable Growth rate: b ×ROE32. Private EquitySources of value creation: reengineer firm, favorable debt financing; superior alignment of interests between management and PE ownershipValuation issues (VC firms relative to Buyouts): DCF not as common; equity, not debt, primary financing.Key driver of equity returnBuyout: ↑of multiple at exit, ↓ indebt VC: pre-money valuation, the investment, and subsequent equity dilution. Components of performance (LBO): earnings growth, ↑of multiple at exit, ↓in debt.Exit routes ( in order of exit value, high to low): IPOs secondary market sales; MBO; liquidation.performance measurement: Gross IRR= return from portfolio companies. Net IRR = relevant for LP, net of fees & carried interest.Performance statistics:● PIC = % capital utilized by GP; Cumul, sum of capital called down. ● Mgmt fee: % of PIC● Carried Interest: % carried int ×(change in NA V before distrib)● NA V before distrib = prior yr NA V after distrib + cap. Called dwn- mgmtfees + op result● NA V after disturb = NA V befoe distrib- carried int – distrib● DPI mult = (cumul distrib)/PIC = LP’s realized return● RVPI mult = (NA V after distrib)/PIC = LP’s unrealized return.● TVPI mult = DPI mult + RVPI mult.NPV VC: IRR methods: calculate pre-money val. Post-money val.analysis for term.LBO CF. start with net income, add back non-cash depr & amoriz of def, charges. Subtract ↑in NWC and appop capex.33.Hedge FundsPerformance measurement difficult due to diff in leverage, short positions, Δ in style, & port. TO.Exposed to investment, fraud and operational risk.Use downside measure of risk, such as maximum drawdown and/or value at risk (Var)Prices: inversely related to stock prices over ec. Cycle & inflation.FIXED INCOME1.Credit AnalysisHigh-yield debt●Issuer has senior, short-term, floating bank debt.●Analyze corporate structure, debt structure.Asset-backed debt●Quality of collateral●Servicer quality●Cash flow stress and payment structure●Legal structureMunicipal bonds●Tax-backed municipal bond analysis involves: issuer’s debt structure,budgetary policy, local tax and intergovernmental revenue availability,and issuer’s socioeconomic environment.●Municipal bond credit analysis: limits of the basic security, flow of fundsstructure, rate covenants, and additional bonds tests.Sovereign debt●Local vs. foreign currency rating.●Economic risk: ability to pay●Political risk: willingness to pay.2.Theories of the Term StructurePure (unbiased) expectations. Forward rates (F) function of expected future spot rates E(S).●If up sloping. ST spot rates rise.●If down sloping, ST rate spot rates fall●If flat, ST spot rates constant.Liquidity theory: F rates reflect expectations of E(S) plus liquidity premium.Preferred habitat theory: Imbalance between fund supply/demand at maturity range induces lenders to shift from preferred habitats to one with opposite imbalance.3.Key rate duration●%Δvalue from 100 bps Δ in key rate.●Have several key rates (5-yr, 10-yr)●Estimate effect of non-parallel yield curve shift on bond portfolio value.4.Valuing Option Free BondsTo value option free bond with the binomial tree, start at end discount back through the tree (backwards induction method).。
目标值(Target Value)是一种经济学指标,用于衡量企业或组织在未来某一时间内预期达到的状态。
期望收益(Expected Return):即预期获得的收益,通常以货币形式表示。
风险溢价(Risk Premium):即额外的收益,以弥补风险带来的损失。
Target Value = Expected Return - Cost + Risk Premium
Target Value = 50,000 - 30,000 - 10,000 + 20,000 = 40,000
CAPM 模型是一种用于计算资本成本的经典模型。
CAPM模型的计算公式如下:Expected Return = Risk-free Rate + Beta * (Market Return - Risk-free Rate)其中,Risk-free Rate表示无风险利率,Beta表示投资品种的系统性风险,Market Return表示市场回报。
第二种计算风险溢价的方法是使用差异化溢价模型(Differential Risk Premium Model)。
差异化溢价模型的计算公式如下:Risk Premium = Intrinsic Value - Market Value其中,Intrinsic Value表示投资品种的内在价值,Market Value表示市场价格。
股权风险溢价(ERP)测算研究股权风险溢价(ERP)测算研究引言股权风险溢价(Equity Risk Premium,ERP)是估算股票收益率的重要指标,也是投资者评估风险和回报的关键因素之一。
二、股权风险溢价的测算方法1. 历史回报法历史回报法是一种常见的计算ERP的方法。
2. 波动率方法波动率方法是一种通过测算股票和无风险资产的波动率差异来计算ERP的方法。
3. 基本面分析法基本面分析法是一种通过分析宏观经济指标和公司财务状况等基本面因素来估算ERP的方法。
三、影响股权风险溢价的因素1. 宏观经济因素宏观经济因素是影响股权风险溢价的重要因素之一。
2. 市场情绪因素市场情绪因素是导致股权风险溢价波动的重要原因之一。
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equity risk premium 公式(二)
Equity Risk Premium公式
什么是Equity Risk Premium?
Equity Risk Premium(ERF),也称为股权风险溢价,是指投资
Equity Risk Premium公式的意义
Equity Risk Premium公式是通过计算股票市场预期回报率减去
Equity Risk Premium公式
根据经济学家们的研究和实践经验,有几种常用的Equity Risk Premium公式。
1.Historical Equity Risk Premium公式: EPR = (Rp - Rf)
2.Implied Equity Risk Premium公式: EPR = Rp - Rf
3.Country Risk Premium公式: CRP = Default Spread +
Equilibrium Spread
–其中,CRP表示国家风险溢价,Default Spread表示违约风险溢价,Equilibrium Spread表示平衡风险溢价。
以上是几种常见的Equity Risk Premium公式。