Teaching Plan 英语教案
新职业英语《综合英语2》教案Unit 1 Teaching Plan
EnglishforCareers2Unit1WorkplaceAfterstudyingthisunit,thestudentsareabletomasterthekeywordsandstructu understandingworkplacefashiontrendsunderstandingacodeofconduct(ofaworkplace)havinginternalcommunicationunderstandingandwritinganoticepreparingforapartymasteringtimemanagementfitinwithreputationprosandconsoutfitcomplimentforinstancecasualsettingproductiveincorporateTeachingproceduresThisunitisarrangedforatimespanof8hours,duringwhichatimelimitissuggestedforeachstep.Thou din-classoccurrencesandmakenecessaryadjustmentsaccordingly.Notethatnoteverystepsuggest Hour1:Courseintroduction 45minutesWarming-upTask1 10minutesObjective:Sscanidentifydifferentroomsinanoffice.Steps:• SsreadWarming-upTask1.• GetSstolookatthelayoutoftheoffice.• AskSstoidentifydifferentrooms.•Givethesuggestedanswers.Suggestedanswers:B—4 C—5D—3E—6 F—2 G—7Task2 10minutesObjective:Sscangivedirections.Steps:•SsreadWarming-upTask2.•GetSstolookatthepictureofTask1.•AskSstoworkinpairsandtelleachotherhowtofindMikeandJackintheoffice.•AsksomeSstoreportinclass.•Givethesuggestedanswers.Suggestedanswers:Gothroughthereceptionroomtothehallway.ThefirstroomonyourleftisthemultifunctionmNewwordsinReadingA 15minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththenewwordsandexpressions,etc..Steps:•Sslistentothenewwordsandexpressions,etc.•Ssreadthenewwordsandexpressions,etc.Notes:ForaclasswithhigherEnglishproficiency,theteachermayfollowthefollowingsteps: •Sspreviewthenewwordsandexpressions.•Ssreadthenewwordsandexpressions.•Ssdictateseveralimportantnewwordsandexpressions.DiscussionsbeforeReadingA 10minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththenewwordsandexpressions,etc..Steps:•SsknowsomethingaboutReadingA.•Ssdiscussthefollowing twoquestions:1.Whataretheprosandconsofrelyingonworkplacefashiontrends?2.Beforerelyingonworkplacefashiontrends,whatwillyoudo? •Commentbrieflyontheirwork.Hours2-3:ReadingA 45minutesLanguagepoints 35minutesParagraph1fitinwith:tolive,work,etc.inaneasyandnaturalwaywithsomeone/somethinge.g. H e’sneverdonethistypeofworkbefore;I’mnotsurehowhe’llfitinwiththeotherpeople.Ournationalpolicyfitsinwiththechangedinternationalsituation.reputation:n.theopinionthatpeoplehaveaboutwhatsomeone/somethingislike,basedonwhathashappen e.g. T heschoolhasagoodreputationforexaminationresults.Heearnedthereputationofbeingahardworker.Paragraph2prosandcons:theadvantagesanddisadvantagesofsomethinge.g. W hatcommentdoyouhaveontheprosandconsofstudyingabroad?Weweigheduptheprosandconsofstartingupourownbusiness.outfit:n.asetofclothes,especiallyonethatyouwearforaspecialoccasione.g. S hewasdressedinawhiteoutfit.Ontheopeningceremonyofthesportsmeet,allofusworesportsoutfits.Thefootballteammemberswerewearingorangeoutfits.compliment:n.aremarkthatshowsyouadmiresomeone/somethinge.g. T hankyouverymuchforyourcompliment.Heknewthathehadjustbeenpaidagreatcompliment.Shetookhisacceptanceasagreatcompliment.Paragraph3forinstance:forexamplee.g. W hatwouldyoudo,forinstance,ifyoufoundamemberofstaffstealing?Hisspellingisterrible.Forinstance,lookatthisword!Forinstance,anelectricfireisarelativelyexpensivemethodofheatingaroom.casual:rmale.g. H ewaswearingcasualclothes,nothisschoolones.Wedon’tlikehiscasualbehavior.Paragraph4setting:n.asetofsurroundings;theplaceatwhichsomethinghappense.g. I twastheperfectsettingforawonderfulChristmas.Peopletendtobehavedifferentlyindifferentsocialsettings.Theoldcastlewouldhaveprovidedtheperfectsettingforahorrorstory.productive:a.producingorachievingalote.g. A gricultureandindustrybothgrowmoreproductive.Therearealotofproductiveworkersinthisfactory.Paragraph6incorporate:v.toincludesomethingsothatitformsapartofsomethingelsee.g. M anyofyoursuggestionshavebeenincorporatedintotheplan.Wehaveincorporatedallthelatestsafetyfeaturesintothedesign.Hispicturehadbeenincorporatedwithouthispermissionintoanadvertisement.Task15minutesObjective:Sscanunderstandthepassageandwritethecorrectorder.Steps:•SsdoTask1.•AskSstoworkindividually.•Checktheanswers.SuggestedAnswers:1.C2.D3.B4.F5.E6.ATask2 5minutesObjective:Sscandecidewhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrueorfalseaccordingtothepassage. Steps:•SsdoTask2.•AskSstoworkindividually.•Che cktheanswers.SuggestedAnswers:1.F2.F3.F4.F5.TLanguagelab 45minutesTask1 5minutesObjective:SsknowthespellingandmeaningofthewordsandexpressionsfromReadingA.Steps:•SsreadTask1.•AllowSs5minutestodothetask.•Checktheanswers.KeyKey:1.J 2.I3.F 4.H 5.B 6.G 7.D 8.E 9.A 10.C Task2 10minutesObjective:SscanusethewordsandexpressionsfromReadingA.Steps:•SsdoTask2.•AskSstoworkindividually.•Checktheanswers.Answers1.incorporate2.hampered3.displayed4.reputation5.impartiallyModel21.Whatintereststhechildrenalotisthattherearemanyanimalsinthezoo.2.Whatshesaidatthemeetingisthattheprogramwillbeputoff.3.WhatMr.Liwasproudofwasthathissonwoninthematch.Task5 10minutesObjective:SscanusethevocabularyinReadingAfortranslation.Steps:•Ssworkindividuallyorinpairsandtranslatethesentences. •AsktwoSstowritetheirtranslationsontheboard. •Commentbrieflyontheirworkwithemphasisonthestructuresoftheirsentences.Key:1.Allthecompanyrulesandregulationsmustbestrictlyobserved.2.Weshouldbecasualwhenwestaywiththesestudents.3.Theabove-mentionedaresomecommunicationskillsthatareveryusefulinanofficesetting.4.Wehaveaprofessionalteamtomarketourproducts.5.Doyouknowblackclotheswillbetrendythisfall?6.Wewouldratherrelyonourselvesinsteadofseekinghelpfromothers.7.Newvehiclesmustcomplywithnationalstandards.8.Someyoungpeopleinourcompanymaycometoseekyouradvice.Hours4-5:Listening 45minutesTask1 5minutesObjective:Sscanaccuratelywritedownthemissinginformation.Script:W:Roy,Ishallworkoutatimetomeetwithyourpeopletodiscussthenewproject.M:Doyouwisheveryoneinthedepartmenttobethere?Wilsonisonvacationthisweek. W:Itwouldbebestifeverybodycouldbethere.WhenwillWilsoncomeback?M:NextMonday.W:Howaboutsometimenextweek?M:Letmelookattheschedulefirst.I’llgetbacktoyouthisafternoon.W:Thankyou.KeyKey:1.thenewproject2.onvacation3.nextMonday4.thescheduleTask2 10minutesObjective:Sscandecidewhetherthestatementsaretrueorfalse.Script:M:Hi,Shelly,howareyoutoday?W:Well,Ididn’tsleepverywelllastnight.I’mhavingaslightheadachenow.M:I’msorrytohearthat.Hopeyou’llbebettersoon.W:Thanks.Doyouknowthatashift-worksystemistobeintroducednextmonth?M:Really?Howwillwebeaffected?W:Thesystemwillaffecteveryoneinouroffice.Itwillbeonatwo-shiftbasis—7 a.m.to2p.m.,and2p.m.to9p.m.M:IwonderwhichshiftI’llbeworkingon.W:Whydon’twegoandaskthemanager?M:Ishallwait.Actuallyitdoesn’tmakeanydifferencewhichshiftIamallocated.Key:1.T2.F3.T4.FTask3 10minutesObjective:Sscanaccuratelytickofftheitemsaccordingtotheconversation.Script:W:Whatdoyouusuallywearforwork?M:Idon’tneedtomeetcustomerstoooften,soIusuallywearverycasualclothesinmyoffice,likejeansandT-s W:Whatdoyouthinkofthedressingpoliciesofacompany?M:Well,Ithinkformalbusinessclothesshouldbewornwhenmeetingwithcustomersandclientsatschedule W:Yes.Bylookingneatandsmart,we’llbeabletogainthetrustofcust omers.M:Right.Butatothertimes,staffcanwearbusinesscasualclothes.Thisincludesdressshirts,collaredsports W:AndIthinkbluejeans,T-shirtsandshortsarefartoocasualtobeacceptedintheoffice.M:Idon’tagreeonthis.Ithinkcasualwearbringsasenseoffreedomintheofficeandcaninspireusinourjob. W:Maybeyouareright.KeyKey:Task4 10minutesObjective:Sscanunderstandtheconversationandchoosethebestanswer.Script:M:Areport saysthattherehasbeentoomuchwatercoolerchatinthecompanyrecently.Idon’tthinkMr.Blac W:Well,thebossmaynotlikeit,butwedo.It’salwaysrelaxingtostayatthewatercoolerandchatforawhile.It M:Yes,Iagre e.Buthaven’tyounoticedthatsomeofourworkmatesarespendingtoomuchtimechattingarou W:Youareright.Iguessweneedtocomebacktoworkoncewefinishourcupofcoffeeortea.M:Idon’twantourniceandpleasantwatercoolerchatstoevergetthebossangry.W:NeitherdoI.Ithinkthepointisthatwekeepchattingatthewatercooleruntilitistoolong.M:Yes.Otherwisewemightdrinktoomuchwaterandspendalotoftimeinthebathroom!W:Youbet!Q1:WhoisMr.Blacksmith?Q2:Whatdoesthewomanthinkofthewatercoolerchat?Q3:Whichofthefollowingstatementsistrueaccordingtotheconversation?Q4:Whataretheattitudesofthemanandthewomantowardtherecentwatercoolerchattinginthecompany? KeyKey:1.A2.B3.B4.CTask5 10minutesObjective:Sscanfindspecificinformationfromlisteningtoapassagerelatedtothetheme.Script&Key:Weallknowthatcommunicationisthekeytoahealthyrelationshipinandoutofwork.Dealingwithpeopl hardtofindandoneshouldbeprofessionalunderallsituations.Anotherbrilliantwayofdealingwithyourbossisbystudyinghim.Noticethesignalsheorshesends;pick Anddon’tbeafraidtoaskyourco-workersforhelp.Getyourselfreadytohelpinthework,andalwayslookonthepositivesideofthings.IfyourbosssaySpeaking 45minutesTask6 45minutesObjective:Ssareabletopracticeshowinganewcolleaguearoundtheoffice(andtheotherasanewcomer)wit Steps:•SsreadTask6.•Ssworkinpairs,oneshowinganewcolleaguearoundtheofficeandtheotherasanewcomer.Key:(Omitted)Hours6-7:ReadingB 45minutesNewwords 5minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththenewwordsandexpressions,etc.Steps:•Sslistentothenewwordsandexpression s,etc. •Ssreadthenewwordsandexpressions,etc.Fastreading 20minutesObjective:SscancomprehendReadingB.Steps:•Ssreadthepassage.•Providehelpifneeded.Task1 10minutesObjective:Sscandecidewhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrueorfalseaccordingtothepassage. Steps:•Ssreadthepassage.•Sscompletethetask.•Sscomparetheirworkwithothers.•SelectSstopresenttheirwork.KeyKey:1.F2.F3.T4.F5.FTask2 10minutesObjective:Sscancomprehendthespecificinformationtakenfromthepassage.Steps:•Ssreadthepassage.•Sscompletethetask.•Sscomparetheirworkwithothers.•SelectSstopresenttheirwork.Key:1.N2.N3.A4.N5.A6.NWriting 45minutesTask1 15minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththestyleofnotice.Steps:•Ssdothetaskindividually.•Sscomparewitheachoth er’sanswers.•Providehelpifneeded.KindlynotethatourHealthcareCenterwillberelocatedtothefollowingaddresswitheffectfromSeptem Newaddress:909J2ndStreetNorth,FultonNewYorkTelephonenumbersandfaxnumbersremainunchanged. Thanksforyourkindattentionandcontinuoussupport.Task2 15minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththestyleofnotice.Steps:•Ssdothetaskindividually.•Sscomparewitheachother’sanswers.•Providehelpifneeded.•Presenttheanswers.Key:Sample:PleasebeinformedthatOfficeSafetyTrainingSectionwillbeconductedfrom2:30to4:30thisFridaya Allstaffarerequiredtocome.Handoutswillbeavailableafterthesection.July15,2009Task315minutesObjective:Sscangetfamiliarwiththestyleofnotice.Steps:•Ssdothetaskindividually.•Sscomparewitheachother’sanswers.•Providehelpifneeded.•Presenttheanswers.Sample:Pleasebeinformedthatathree-daysightseeingtripwillbearrangedforallthestaffinourcompany. Time:May28—May30,2010Destination:Guilin,GuangxiProvinceItinerary:May28eveningTraintoGuilin,GuangxiProvinceMay29morningCitytourinGuilinMay29afternoonCruiseonLijiangRiverMay29eveningFreetimeinYangshuoMay30morningTrainbackAccommodation:Three-starhotelsTransportation:Train,busandcruiserTripFare:CoveredbythecompanyOthers:NofamilymembersallowedThosewhowillparticipatepleaseconfirmwithmebeforeMay20,2010.May15,2010Hour8:Mini-Project40minutesObjective:Sscanknowhowtoholdaparty.Steps:•Grouping.Dividethecl assintogroups.Thereareseveralways:Sspickuptheirownpartners;Teachersgrou •Definingtheproject.Gothroughtheprojectwiththeclassandclarifyrequirements.Theymaysearchonline •Timing&cooperation.GiveSsthedeadlineforcompletionandguidelinesonworkingtogether.Timemana ced.RemindthemthatdifferentSshavedifferentworkbuteverybodycontributestotheproject.Theydiscu •Presentation.Sspresenttheirevidenceforcompletion.Inthisproject,theyneedtopresenttheirpreparation Quiz 5minutes世上没有一件工作不辛苦,没有一处人事不复杂。
二年级英语Time (teaching plan) 教学教案
二年级英语Time (teaching plan) 教学教案第一章:课程简介教学目标:1. 让学生掌握时间相关的词汇,如:morning, afternoon, evening, night, hour, minute等。
2. 培养学生用英语询问和表达时间的能力。
3. 引导学生通过观察和思考,发现时间的变化和规律。
教学内容:1. 时间词汇的学习和运用。
2. 时间表达句型的学习和实践。
3. 通过观察和实验,探索时间的规律。
教学方法:1. 采用直观教学法,利用图片、教具等辅助教学。
2. 采用情境教学法,创设生活情境,让学生在实际情境中学习和运用英语。
3. 采用分组讨论法,引导学生相互交流、合作学习。
第二章:教学重点与难点教学重点:1. 时间词汇的掌握。
2. 时间表达句型的运用。
教学难点:1. 时间的精确表达,如:几点几分。
2. 理解并运用时间相关的疑问词,如:What time is it? How old are you?第三章:教学步骤1. 热身活动:引导学生用中文谈论自己的一天,如:早上、下午、晚上等。
2. 引入新课:展示时间相关的图片,引导学生用中文表达,过渡到英文。
3. 学习时间词汇:教授morning, afternoon, evening, night, hour, minute 等词汇,让学生跟读、模仿。
4. 学习时间表达句型:教授What time is it? How old are you?等句型,让学生进行角色扮演,实际运用。
5. 实践环节:分组讨论,让学生用英语询问和表达时间,教师巡回指导。
第四章:作业布置1. 抄写时间词汇,加强记忆。
2. 运用时间词汇,编写小故事。
3. 观察生活中时间的变化,记录下来并与同学分享。
(初二英语教案)八年级教案Teaching Plan L 3 B 2_八年级英语教案
八班级教案Teaching Plan L 3 B 2_八班级英语教案/Teaching PlanLesson 3 Unit 1 Book 2Teacher: Shu HehuaSchool: No.3 Middle School ,DanyangTime: September 3,2021Teaching aims:1.Develop the students’abilities of listening,speaking and reading2. Learn the new words and Master some drillsTeaching aids: a tape recorder,some slides for shows,exercises for Lesson 3,picturesTeaching Procedures:Step 1: RevisionRevise the reading passageCheck the homeworkAsk “What’s your full name What do your parents call you for short〞in pairsStep 2: PresentationRemind the students how to address English speaking people.Write a name on the Bb: David William LewisFirst time: Pleased to meet you, Mr LewisGood friend: David / DaveRepeat with Catherine Mary JonesFirst time: Mrs JonesGood friends: David / DaveStep 3 : PracticePoint out the full and short forms of namesPractise a small dialogueStep 4 : Read and actAsk the question“Where is Sun Huifang from〞before playing the tape Read the dialogue then work in pairs, Act out the dialoguePoint out some phases1.How about/What about… 2 for short3.Where are you from=Where do you come from4.be short for5.know a lot about…6.only a littleStep 5: Ask and answerAsk and answer the questions in pairs about the pictureWhat and where are they doingMake sure the students are using the present continuous tenseStep 5: Exercises in class在以下各句空格处填入一个适当的词,使句子通顺、合理。
Teaching Plan一.Teaching Materials:《New Standard English》Book `3Module 9 Seasons二.Teaching Objectives:1. Make the students grasp new words of this module“spring summer autumn winter cold hot”2. Make the students g rasp the sentences: “What doyou wear in the spring( summer autumn winter)?”3. Make the students can talk about the season.三.Main force and difficult points:New words: “spring summer autumn winter hotcold warm cool”New s entence: “What do you wear in the autumn?”四.Teaching Tools:Tape-recorder some pictures courseware五.Teaching Procedure:1.T: Let’s sing an English song “ I put on my T-shirt.”2.T: Boys and girls , do you like cartoon?T: Let’s watch TV. (放一段卡通动画,关于季节片段)T: How many seasons are there in a year? What season arethey? Ss: 春天夏天秋天冬天3. T: Watch again, this time you repeat it.(再放一遍这段卡通动画,让学生反复跟读这四个季节单词。
二年级英语Time (teaching plan) 教学教案
二年级英语Time (teaching plan) 教学教案一、教学背景学生年龄:7-8岁学生英语水平:初步接触英语,能进行简单的日常交流教学目标:通过本节课的学习,让学生能够理解并运用英语表达时间概念二、教学内容教学主题:时间(Time)核心词汇:morning, afternoon, evening, night, 1-12的数字核心句型:What time is it? It's time to三、教学方法交际式教学法:通过互动交流,让学生在实际情境中学习和运用英语情境教学法:创设生活情境,让学生在具体场景中理解时间概念游戏教学法:通过趣味游戏,激发学生的学习兴趣,巩固所学知识四、教学步骤1. 热身活动(5分钟)教师与学生用中文进行简单的日常交流,如问候、询问时间等逐渐引入英文,让学生适应英语环境2. 引入新课(10分钟)教师展示一幅日常生活场景图,引导学生观察并说出时间词(morning, afternoon, evening, night)教师出示数字1-12,引导学生认识并朗读数字3. 新课学习(15分钟)教师通过展示图片和实物,教授核心句型"What time is it? It's time to"学生跟随教师一起朗读并模仿,确保掌握句型结构4. 实践活动(10分钟)教师创设一个模拟家庭生活的情境,让学生扮演家庭成员,用英语询问和回答时间学生分组进行角色扮演,巩固所学知识5. 总结与作业(5分钟)教师带领学生回顾本节课所学内容,强调重点词汇和句型布置作业:让学生用英语绘制一幅时间轴,标出一天中的重要时间点五、教学评价课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂活动中的积极参与程度和表现语言运用能力:评估学生在角色扮演等环节中运用英语的能力作业完成情况:检查学生作业的完成质量,评估学生对课堂所学知识的掌握程度六、教学资源实物教具:钟表模型、数字卡片图片素材:日常生活场景图、家庭成员角色图片教学PPT:包含核心词汇、句型及相关教学内容作业模板:时间轴绘制模板七、教学注意事项确保学生能够清晰地看到教学PPT和实物教具在角色扮演环节,鼓励学生大胆开口说英语,增强自信心对于学习有困难的学生,教师应给予个别辅导和鼓励关注学生的语音准确性,及时纠正发音错误八、教学拓展活动组织学生进行时间接力赛,每组学生依次用英语回答时间问题,最快完成的组获胜让学生分组创作一篇关于家庭成员一天活动的短文,用英语描述家庭成员在不间做的事情邀请家长参与课堂,共同参与时间主题的游戏和活动,增进亲子关系九、教学反思教师在课后应认真反思本节课的教学效果,思考如何改进教学方法,提高教学效果关注学生的学习反馈,了解学生的学习需求,调整教学内容和教学方式结合学生的作业完成情况,评估学生对时间主题的英语词汇和句型的掌握程度,为后续教学提供参考十、课后作业作业一:让学生用英语绘制一幅时间轴,标出一天中的重要时间点,并配以简短的文字描述作业二:家庭成员一天活动短文创作,用英语描述家庭成员在不间做的事情作业三:复习本节课所学时间词汇和句型,录制一段英语口语练习视频,展示自己的英语口语表达能力十一、教学评估课后通过学生的作业和课堂表现进行评估,了解学生对时间主题英语词汇和句型的掌握情况通过与学生的交流和家长的反馈,了解学生的学习兴趣和学习需求,为后续教学提供参考结合教学反思,调整教学策略和方法,提高教学效果十二、教学延伸组织学生进行时间主题的英语角活动,让学生在实际交流中运用所学知识开展时间主题的英语手抄报比赛,激发学生的学习兴趣和创作能力邀请英语老师进行课堂教学交流,分享教学经验和方法十三、教学改进根据学生的学习反馈和作业完成情况,及时调整教学内容和教学方式,确保学生能够扎实掌握时间主题的英语知识在教学中注重学生的语音训练,提高学生的英语口语表达能力鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动,增强学生的英语学习自信心十四、家长沟通定期与家长进行沟通,了解学生在家的学习情况和家长对教学的意见和建议向家长介绍学生在课堂上的表现和进步,共同关注学生的英语学习成长鼓励家长参与课后辅导和家庭英语学习活动,共同促进学生的英语学习十五、课程总结对本节课的教学内容和教学活动进行总结,回顾教学目标的实现情况反思教学过程中的优点和不足,为后续教学提供经验和教训总结学生的学习成果和进步,鼓励学生继续努力,提高英语水平重点和难点解析重点:学生能够理解并运用英语表达时间概念,掌握核心词汇和句型。
上海牛津英语 4AM2U3 P1 teaching plan 公开课 教案
Oxford English 4A M2U3 I have a friend School:Teacher:一、教材内容:【语用任务】在欣赏Kitty介绍朋友的语境中,能够介绍他人在不同季节时穿的不同的服装,并且对服装做出简单的描述,能够描述他人。
●语言知识与技能1、能够正确认读、理解和运用核心词汇coat, shirt, blouse, T-shirt, skirt, sweater, jeans, shorts等服饰类单词,做到音、形、义的统一;能关注服饰的季节性以及性别属性。
2、能用I have... , He / She has a / a pair of…来合理表达他人的衣着情况,关注数量的不同。
3、能用相关形容词(如颜色、新旧、大小、长短、厚薄等)来进一步描述服饰.4、能够听辨字母组合“br- ”和“cr-”在单词bread, ice cream等词汇中的正确发音。
●语言情感通过学习了解四季的不同服饰,激发学生热爱生活的情感,引导学生体会“Differe nt peop le like different clothes. Different clothes for different season.”, “It’s nice to have friends. I like my friends. ”这一道理,有一颗包容之心。
4AM2U3 I have a friendKitty's best friend (Period 1)一、第一课时文本主体文本I have a friend. Her name is Jill. She is short and thin. She is ten years old. Her student number is sixteen. Summer is hot. She has a T-shirt for summer. It’s yellow. She has a skirt too. It’s short and yellow. She can dance.I have a friend. Her name is Jill. Winter here is very cold. She has a sweater and a coat for winter. The sweater is very soft. The coat is thick. She has a scarf, a pair of blue jeans and a pair of gloves too. They can make her warm. She can ski. She is happy.I have a friend. Her name is Jill. Spring is warm. She has a blouse for spring. It’s yellow. Sometimes it is rainy. She has a jacket for the rainy days. It’s long and brown. She can ride a bicycle.I have a friend. Her name is Jill. It is autumn now. Autumn is cool. She has a …It’s…She has a …It’s…She can …预设输出语言:I have a friend.His/ Her name is …He/ She is …(short/thin/tall/small…)He/ She is …(ten/eleven…)It is …(season)He/ She has a … for …(season)It is …He/ She can …二、第一课时教学过程三、第一课时课堂练习设计。
二、教学内容1.字母认读:•同学们认识26个英文字母,能够用正确的发音读出字母的名称,例如:A, B, C…Z;•同学们能够通过所学的字母表快速找到想要的字母并说出它的名称。
2.字母拼读:•同学们学会了如何通过字母的发音拼出一个单词,例如:cat, dog, bat;•同学们能够听到老师念出一个单词后快速拼读它,并说出单词的意思。
3.日常用语:•同学们学会了如何使用简单的日常用语,例如:hello, goodbye,thank you;•同学们能够听懂老师使用这些日常用语,并能够正确地使用它们进行交流。
四、教学步骤1. 字母认读1.听老师读出26个英文字母的名称,同学们跟读;2.分组比赛,根据老师所说的字母名称,第一个跟读出来的小组获胜;3.学生自由读出由老师即兴出现的随意字母。
2. 字母拼读1.老师播放音频,让学生们听声音,说出音频中的每个单词中的字母;2.BINGO小游戏,根据音频快速拼读单词并标记;3.学生自己编写单词进行拼读及说出意思。
二年级英语Time (teaching plan) 教学教案
二年级英语Time (teaching plan) 教学教案第一章:课程背景1.1 课程定位:本课程旨在通过英语学习,让学生掌握时间的基本表达方式,培养他们的时间观念,提高他们的英语听说能力。
1.2 课程目标:通过本章学习,学生能够理解并运用英语表达时间,如:o'clock, half past, quarter past等。
第二章:教学内容2.1 教学词汇:hour, minute, o'clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to等时间相关的词汇。
2.2 教学句型:What time is it?It's o'clock.It's half pastIt's quarter pastIt's quarter to第三章:教学过程3.1 热身活动(5分钟):教师与学生用中文进行简单的问答,如:“现在几点了?”、“我要去学校了,几点钟出发合适?”等。
3.2 引入新知识(10分钟):教师出示各种时间相关的图片,如钟表、闹钟等,引导学生用中文说出时间。
教师引导学生用英语描述时间,如:“It's two o'clock.”、“It's half past three.”等。
3.3 讲解与练习(15分钟):教师讲解时间表达方式的正确与否,如:“It's three quarters to four.”是错误的。
3.4 巩固练习(10分钟):学生分组,互相提问并回答时间,如:“What time is it?”、“It's o'clock.”等。
第四章:作业布置4.1 学生用英语制作一张时间表格,包括早上、中午、下午和晚上各个时间点。
高中英语优秀教案(英文模板)Teachingplan一、教学目标:1. 知识目标:学生能够掌握并运用本课核心词汇和短语。
2. 能力目标:学生能够提高听力理解能力,能听懂并准确回答问题。
3. 情感目标:学生能够激发对英语学习的兴趣,培养积极的学习态度。
二、教学内容:1. 词汇和短语:学生需要掌握本课中的核心词汇和短语,并能运用到实际情境中。
2. 语法知识:学生需要理解并掌握本课所学的语法知识,能够正确运用到句子中。
三、教学过程:1. 导入:通过与学生的生活相关的场景引入本课主题,激发学生的兴趣和好奇心。
2. 词汇和短语教学:通过例句、游戏等方式教授本课核心词汇和短语,让学生在实际情境中进行运用。
3. 语法知识教学:通过例句、练习等方式教授本课所学的语法知识,让学生能够正确运用到句子中。
四、作业布置:1. 词汇和短语练习:让学生完成相关的词汇和短语练习题,巩固所学知识。
2. 口语作业:让学生与同学进行对话练习,提高口语表达能力。
五、教学评价:1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂上的积极参与程度和表现。
2. 作业完成情况:检查学生完成作业的情况,巩固所学知识。
3. 口语表达能力的提高:通过对话练习,评估学生的口语表达能力是否有提高。
六、教学策略:1. 任务型教学法:通过设计各种真实的任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中运用所学知识,提高语言运用能力。
2. 交际式教学法:鼓励学生积极参与课堂对话,培养学生的交际能力和团队合作精神。
3. 情境教学法:创设各种真实的学习情境,让学生在实际情境中感知和运用语言。
七、教学资源:1. 教材:使用符合课程标准的高中英语教材,为学生提供丰富的学习内容。
2. 多媒体设备:利用多媒体课件、视频等资源,丰富教学手段,提高学生的学习兴趣。
3. 网络资源:利用网络资源,为学生提供更多的学习资料和实践平台。
二年级英语Time (teaching plan) 教学教案
二年级英语Time (teaching plan) 教学教案一、教学目标:1. 学生能够理解并运用单词"time" 以及相关词汇表达时间。
2. 学生能够理解简单的句子,并能够用英语询问和回答时间。
3. 学生能够通过听力、口语、阅读和写作等多种方式运用所学知识。
二、教学内容:1. 单词:time, hour, minute, second, morning, afternoon, evening, night2. 句子:What time is it? It's 1 o'clock. What time do you get up? I get up at 7 o'clock.三、教学资源:1. 教学课件:包括数字时钟、时间相关图片等。
2. 时间卡片:用于学生练习。
3. 录音机或音响设备:用于播放听力材料。
四、教学步骤:1. 引入:向学生展示数字时钟,引导学生关注时间。
2. 讲解:讲解单词和句子的用法,让学生跟随老师一起模仿发音。
3. 练习:学生分组,用时间卡片进行问答练习。
4. 听力:播放听力材料,学生跟随录音一起练习。
5. 写作:学生用所学知识编写简单的句子,描述自己的一天。
五、作业布置:1. 学生回家后,用英语询问家长时间,并回答。
2. 学生回家后,尝试用英语描述自己的一天。
六、教学评估:1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂活动中的参与情况,是否积极回答问题、参与小组讨论等。
2. 问答练习:评估学生在时间卡片问答练习中的表现,是否能够正确使用单词和句子表达时间。
3. 听力理解:通过听力练习,评估学生对时间相关句子的理解程度。
4. 写作作业:评估学生回家后完成的写作作业,是否能够用所学知识描述自己的一天。
七、差异化教学策略:1. 对于学习困难的学生,可以通过重复练习、个别辅导等方式帮助他们巩固知识点。
2. 对于学习进步的学生,可以提供更多的挑战性任务,如制作时间相关的思维导图、编写小故事等。
高中英语优秀教案(英文模板)Teachingplan第一章:Lesson 1: Greetings and IntroductionsObjective:To be able to introduce oneself and exchange greetings in English. Materials:Handouts with pictures of different people and a map of the world. Procedure:1. Warm-up: Ask students to introduce themselves in English and tell something about their hobbies, families, etc.2. New lesson: Introduce the new words and phrases related to greetings and introductions, such as "hello", "good morning", "good afternoon", "good evening", "how are you?", "my name is", "I e from".3. Practice: Divide students into prs and ask them to practice the new words and phrases with each other.4. Reading: Read a short passage about introducing oneself and answer some questions related to the passage.5. Writing: Ask students to write a short paragraph introducing themselves and their hobbies.6. Homework: Ask students to practice the new words and phrases with their friends and family members.Chapter Two: Lesson 2: Asking and Giving DirectionsObjective:To be able to ask for and give directions in English.Materials:Handouts with pictures of different places in the school and a map of the city.Procedure:1. Warm-up: Ask students to ask and answer questions in English, such as "Where is the library?", "How can I get to the park?".2. New lesson: Introduce the new words and phrases related to asking and giving directions, such as "where is", "how can I get to", "turn left", "turn right", "go strght".3. Practice: Divide students into prs and ask them to practice the new words and phrases with each other.4. Reading: Read a short passage about asking for directions and answer some questions related to the passage.5. Writing: Ask students to write a short paragraph giving directions from one place to another.6. Homework: Ask students to practice the new words and phrases with their friends and family members.Chapter Three: Lesson 3: Ordering Food in a RestaurantObjective:To be able to order food in English at a restaurant.Materials:Handouts with pictures of different food and a menu.Procedure:1. Warm-up: Ask students to practice asking for and giving opinions in English, such as "Do you like pizza?", "Yes, I do. I like pepperoni."2. New lesson: Introduce the new words and phrases related to ordering food, such as "I'd like", "I'd like to order", "can I have", "what do you remend?", "I'll have".3. Practice: Divide students into prs and ask them to practice the new words and phrases with each other while acting out ordering food at a restaurant.4. Reading: Read a short passage about ordering food in a restaurant and answer some questions related to the passage.5. Writing: Ask students to write a short dialogue between two people ordering food at a restaurant.6. Homework: Ask students to practice the new words and phrases with their friends and family members.Chapter Four: Lesson 4: Discussing Hobbies and Interests Objective:To be able to discuss hobbies and interests in English.Materials:Handouts with pictures of different hobbies and interests. Procedure:1. Warm-up: Ask students to practice asking and answering questions about hobbies and interests in English, such as "What do you like to do in your free time?", "I like to read books."2. New lesson: Introduce the new words and phrases related to hobbies and interests, such as "I like to", "I enjoy", "my favorite", "I'd rather", "I can't stand".3. Practice: Divide students into prs and ask them to practice the new words and phrases with each other while discussing their own hobbies and interests.4. Reading: Read a short passage about discussing hobbies and interests and answer some questions related to the passage.5. Writing: Ask students to write a short paragraph discussing their own hobbies and interests.6. Homework: Ask students to practice the new words and phrases with their friends and family members.Chapter Five: Lesson 5: Describing People and PlacesObjective:To be able to describe people and places in English.Materials:第六章:Lesson 6: Describing People and Places (Continued) Objective:To be able to describe people and places in English.Handouts with pictures of different people and places.Procedure:1. Warm-up: Ask students to practice asking and answering questions about people and places in English, such as "What does she look like?", "He is tall and thin."2. New lesson: Introduce the new words and phrases related to describing people and places, such as "She has long hr.", "The city is beautiful."3. Practice: Divide students into prs and ask them to practice the new words and phrases with each other while describing people and places.4. Reading: Read a short passage about describing people and places and answer some questions related to the passage.5. Writing: Ask students to write a short paragraph describing a person or a place they know.6. Homework: Ask students to practice the new words and phrases with their friends and family members.第七章:Lesson 7: Asking and Giving PermissionObjective:To be able to ask for and give permission in English.Materials:Handouts with pictures of different situations asking for permission.1. Warm-up: Ask students to practice asking for and giving permission in English, such as "Can I use your pen?", "Yes, you can."2. New lesson: Introduce the new words and phrases related to asking and giving permission, such as "Can I", "May I", "Do you mind", "Sure", "No problem".3. Practice: Divide students into prs and ask them to practice the new words and phrases with each other while acting out situations asking for permission.4. Reading: Read a short passage about asking for and giving permission and answer some questions related to the passage.5. Writing: Ask students to write a short dialogue between two people asking for and giving permission.6. Homework: Ask students to practice the new words and phrases with their friends and family members.第八章:Lesson 8: Talking About Past EventsObjective:To be able to talk about past events in English.Materials:Handouts with pictures of different past events.Procedure:1. Warm-up: Ask students to practice asking and answering questionsabout past events in English, such as "What did you do yesterday?", "I went to the park."2. New lesson: Introduce the new words and phrases related to talking about past events, such as "yesterday", "today", "tomorrow", "yesterday", "last week", "last month", "last year".3. Practice: Divide students into prs and ask them to practice the new words and phrases with each other while talking about past events.4. Reading: Read a short passage about talking about past events and answer some questions related to the passage.5. Writing: Ask students to write a short paragraph describing what they did yesterday.6. Homework: Ask students to practice the new words and phrases with their friends and family members.第九章:Lesson 9: Making and Canceling PlansObjective:To be able to make and cancel plans in English.Materials:Handouts with pictures of different plans and situations. Procedure:1. Warm-up: Ask students to practice making and canceling plans in English, such as "Can we meet on Sunday?", "Sure, see you then."2. New lesson: Introduce the new words and phrases related to makingand canceling plans, such as "I'd like to", "I can", "I can't", "I'm sorry", "let's", "we can".3. Practice: Divide students into prs and ask them to practice the new words and phrases with each other while making and canceling plans.4. Reading: Read a short passage about making and canceling plans and answer some questions related to the passage.5. Writing: Ask students to write a short dialogue between two people making and canceling plans.6. Homework: Ask students to practice the new words and phrases with their friends and family members.第十章:Lesson 10: Expressing Opinions and Agreeing/Disagreeing Objective:To be able to express opinions and agree/disagree in English. Materials:Handouts with pictures of different topics and situations. Procedure:1. Warm-up: Ask students to practice expressing重点解析重点:1. 目标(Objective):明确本节课的学习目标,使学生能够掌握特定的英语知识和技能。
高中英语优秀教案(英文模板)Teachingplan第一章:课程介绍1.1 课程背景介绍高中英语课程的重要性和目的强调课程对学生的语言技能和知识发展的贡献1.2 课程目标明确高中英语课程的学习目标解释如何通过本课程实现这些目标1.3 课程内容概述课程的主要内容和主题介绍每个章节的主要学习点第二章:教学方法2.1 教学理念解释采用的教学理念和方法强调学生的主体性和积极参与的重要性2.2 教学活动设计多样的教学活动,包括小组讨论、角色扮演、听力练习等介绍如何在课堂上引导学生积极参与和互动2.3 评估方法解释如何评估学生的学习成果介绍评估方法,包括考试、作业、课堂表现等第三章:第一课:自我介绍3.1 教学目标明确第一课的学习目标,包括词汇和语法点强调学生的参与和互动3.2 教学内容介绍第一课的主题和主要学习点提供详细的词汇和语法解释3.3 教学步骤设计教学步骤,包括导入、新课讲解、练习和总结提供具体的教学指令和指导3.4 作业和练习设计作业和练习,巩固所学内容提供答案和解析第四章:第二课:日常对话4.1 教学目标明确第二课的学习目标,包括听力理解和口语表达强调学生的积极参与和互动4.2 教学内容介绍第二课的主题和主要学习点提供详细的听力材料和口语表达指导4.3 教学步骤设计教学步骤,包括听力练习、口语表达和对话练习提供具体的教学指令和指导4.4 作业和练习设计作业和练习,巩固所学内容提供答案和解析第五章:第三课:家庭和朋友5.1 教学目标明确第三课的学习目标,包括阅读理解和写作表达强调学生的积极参与和互动5.2 教学内容介绍第三课的主题和主要学习点提供详细的阅读材料和写作指导5.3 教学步骤设计教学步骤,包括阅读理解、写作表达和小组讨论提供具体的教学指令和指导5.4 作业和练习设计作业和练习,巩固所学内容提供答案和解析第六章:第四课:节日和文化6.1 教学目标明确第四课的学习目标,包括文化意识和语言运用强调学生的参与和互动6.2 教学内容介绍第四课的主题和主要学习点提供详细的文化背景知识和语言运用指导6.3 教学步骤设计教学步骤,包括文化介绍、语言运用和小组讨论提供具体的教学指令和指导6.4 作业和练习设计作业和练习,巩固所学内容提供答案和解析第七章:第五课:旅游和交通7.1 教学目标明确第五课的学习目标,包括词汇学习和语言运用强调学生的积极参与和互动7.2 教学内容介绍第五课的主题和主要学习点提供详细的词汇解释和语言运用指导7.3 教学步骤设计教学步骤,包括词汇学习、语言运用和角色扮演提供具体的教学指令和指导7.4 作业和练习设计作业和练习,巩固所学内容提供答案和解析第八章:第六课:健康和生活方式8.1 教学目标明确第六课的学习目标,包括健康知识和语言运用强调学生的参与和互动8.2 教学内容介绍第六课的主题和主要学习点提供详细的健康知识和语言运用指导8.3 教学步骤设计教学步骤,包括健康知识介绍、语言运用和小组讨论提供具体的教学指令和指导8.4 作业和练习设计作业和练习,巩固所学内容提供答案和解析第九章:第七课:环境保护9.1 教学目标明确第七课的学习目标,包括环保意识和语言运用强调学生的参与和互动9.2 教学内容介绍第七课的主题和主要学习点提供详细的环保知识和语言运用指导9.3 教学步骤设计教学步骤,包括环保知识介绍、语言运用和小组讨论提供具体的教学指令和指导9.4 作业和练习设计作业和练习,巩固所学内容提供答案和解析第十章:第八课:未来规划10.1 教学目标明确第八课的学习目标,包括规划能力和语言运用强调学生的参与和互动10.2 教学内容介绍第八课的主题和主要学习点提供详细的规划能力和语言运用指导10.3 教学步骤设计教学步骤,包括规划能力培养、语言运用和个人陈述提供具体的教学指令和指导10.4 作业和练习设计作业和练习,巩固所学内容提供答案和解析第十一章:第九课:媒体与新闻11.1 教学目标明确第九课的学习目标,包括媒体素养和语言运用强调学生的参与和互动11.2 教学内容介绍第九课的主题和主要学习点提供详细的媒体素养知识和语言运用指导11.3 教学步骤设计教学步骤,包括媒体知识介绍、语言运用和小组讨论提供具体的教学指令和指导11.4 作业和练习设计作业和练习,巩固所学内容提供答案和解析第十二章:第十课:科学和技术12.1 教学目标明确第十课的学习目标,包括科学知识和技术运用强调学生的积极参与和互动12.2 教学内容介绍第十课的主题和主要学习点提供详细的科学和技术知识指导12.3 教学步骤设计教学步骤,包括科学知识介绍、技术运用和实践操作提供具体的教学指令和指导12.4 作业和练习设计作业和练习,巩固所学内容提供答案和解析第十三章:第十一课:历史与文化13.1 教学目标明确第十一课的学习目标,包括历史知识和文化理解强调学生的参与和互动13.2 教学内容介绍第十一课的主题和主要学习点提供详细的历史和文化知识指导13.3 教学步骤设计教学步骤,包括历史知识介绍、文化理解和小组讨论提供具体的教学指令和指导13.4 作业和练习设计作业和练习,巩固所学内容提供答案和解析第十四章:第十二课:艺术与审美14.1 教学目标明确第十二课的学习目标,包括艺术欣赏和审美能力强调学生的参与和互动14.2 教学内容介绍第十二课的主题和主要学习点提供详细的art 知识和审美指导14.3 教学步骤设计教学步骤,包括艺术欣赏、审美讨论和创作实践提供具体的教学指令和指导14.4 作业和练习设计作业和练习,巩固所学内容提供答案和解析第十五章:总复习与考试准备15.1 教学目标明确总复习与考试准备的学习目标,包括巩固知识和提高应试能力强调学生的积极参与和互动15.2 教学内容总结整个学期的学习内容,重点复习重要知识点和技能提供考试准备策略和技巧15.3 教学步骤设计教学步骤,包括知识点复习、模拟试题练习和考试策略讲解提供具体的教学指令和指导15.4 作业和练习设计作业和练习,巩固所学内容提供答案和解析重点和难点解析重点:课程介绍、教学方法、各个主题的学习内容、教学活动、评估方法。
大班英语优质课教案《Teaching Plan》
TeachingPlan一年级英语教案Teaching PlanSchool: Shengli Primary School Name:吴英Title NSE Book 2 Module 2 Unit 2 He's a doctor.Aims 1. Grasp the sentences 'He's a… She's a…2. Develop the students ability of listening, speaking and reading. Focus Ⅰ: Learn to say the six words. teacher doctor driver clown pupil Ⅱ: Use the sentences to introduce jobs. he's=he is she's=she is Aids Recorder word cards some picturesTeachingsProcess Teaching's Activity Students Activity Pe-preparationⅠ: Warming up\Revision1. Say anEnglishchant: 'Look at the tree.'2. Ask and answer.Show the word cards and ask: 'What's this?'1. Let the students show their families' photos, then introduce the people of their families.Ⅱ: Leading-inShow my own photo, then tell the students: 'This is my father, he's a doctor. This is my mother, she's a teacher, too.'Ⅲ: Listening & reading Activies1.(Showthepictures)Guess: What are they doing?2 Play the cassette.1. Sing together and do the actions.2. All students answer: 'grandma, grandpa, mother, father, sister, brother'3. Show the photos and say: 'This is my father. This is my …'Try to say the sentences.Read together.Answer the questions.Listen and follow in their books.TeachingsProcess Teaching's Activity Students Activity Pe-preparation3.Show the Family-tree.4.Practice the words.5.Play the tape again,Ⅳ:Further Development1.( Show the pictures of pupils). Ask:Who are they? Is this your father/mother?2.Act and do.3.Free talk.4.Exercise.(play the tape)Ⅴ: Homework1.OralEnglish.2.Make Family-tree. Know and read the words.Join the dots and say.Listen and repeat:This is my mother. That is my father.(line by line/row by row/one by one) Introduce her/his family.Act it in pairs.This/That is my -----.Listen and draw tick or cross.Use the drills to say the sentences.FeedbackTeaching PlanName:吴英School: Shengli Primary School Title NSE Book 2 Module 2 Unit 1Aims Ⅰ: To grasp the drills: That is my father. This is my mother.Ⅱ:To be able to understand say and recognize:father/mother/grandpa/grandma/sister/brother.Ⅲ: Use the sentences to free talk.Focus Ⅰ: Learn to say the six words.Ⅱ: Use the sentences to introduce your family: This is my…This is your…Aids Recorder word cards some picturesTeachingsProcess Teaching's Activity Students Activity Pe-preparationⅠ: Warming up\RevisionSay the poem:Look at the tree.1.T:Goodmorning,everyone.2.(Point to the book) Ask:What is this?(point to the door) Ask:What is that?3.Point to something.4.Let`s play.Ⅱ: Leading-in1.T: Show some pictures of family,Ask:Who are they?2.Let`s learn Module2 Unit 1.Ⅲ: Listening & reading Activies1.(Showthepictures)Guess: What are they doing?2 Play the cassette.Children do the action.Good morning,teacher.This is a book.That is a door.That/This is a ----.Play together.Try to say the sentences.Read together.Answer the questions.Listen and follow in their books.TeachingsProcess Teaching's Activity Students Activity Pe-preparation3.Show the Family-tree.4.Practice the words.5.Play the tape again,Ⅳ:Further Development1.( Show the pictures of pupils). Ask:Who are they? Is this your father/mother?2.Act and do.3.Free talk.4.Exercise.(play the tape)Ⅴ: Homework1.OralEnglish.2.Make Family-tree. Know and read the words.Join the dots and say.Listen and repeat:This is my mother. That is my father.(line by line/row by row/one by one) Introduce her/his family.Act it in pairs.This/That is my -----.Listen and draw tick or cross.Use the drills to say the sentences.Feedback。
甘肃省酒泉市高中英语:TEACHING PLAN精品教案
《TEACHING PLAN》教案设计Teaching Aims:1.To make sure that the students can understand the content of the t ext and know the different music forms in America.2.To practise the students’ spoken English and the skills of dealing with a passage.3.To enable the students to understand that music is one of the univ ersal languages in the world and we have other universal languages.4.To lead the students to feel the beauty from music and enlarge the ir interests to music.Teaching Important Points:1.To grasp the meanings of the following phrases and words:used to do sth music styles have--- in mon with bine ---to a wide variety of blues music pop music rock music hip-hop and rap Latin music sounds rhythm rapper2.Students try to summarise the main idea of each paragraph.3.To make the students know some music forms in the world.4.To lead students to feel what music can bring to us.Teaching Difficult Points:How to express their feelings after they appriciate a piece of mus ic and how to understand that music is simply one of the universal lan guages in the world.Teaching Methods:Single work and group workTeaching Aids:The multimedia a recorder and a tapeTeaching Procedures:Step I Greetings and Revision ( 4 minutes )1. Greetings between teacher and students.2.Dictate the words and phrases learned in last lesson quickly.(Studen ts hand it in)Step II Warming up and lead – in ( 9 minutes )1.Ask two groups of students to have dialogues about music. (Stude nts must prepare them in advance.)2. Teacher asks the following questions after the dialogues.(Students have to finish them by single.)i. Do you like music?ii.When you listen to a song , do you listen to the words or the musi c?iii.Do you like to listen to music from other countries?iv.Could you tell me some words that you can think of about music? (al l the students have a brainstorm and teacher writes them on the blackb oard.)pop music classical music rock music folk music hip-hop rap music rhythm lyrics musical instruments tape MP3 singer writerv.Teacher: Do you know any other music forms ? Now let’s listen to som e pieces of music and guess what forms they belong to .(Play some part s of music to the students on the multimedia and lead them to know the blues music , jazz and Latin music)Teacher: Do you want to know any characteristics of the music ? Ok! No w lets learn some forms of American music and their characteristics. F irst let’s listen to the text together..Step III Reading ( 29 minutes in all )Listening ( play the tape ) (4 minutes)Students have to answer the two questions after they listen to the tap e.( ask the two questions in advance.)How many music forms does the text tell us? What are they ?Students answer: 5 kinds of music They are : blues and rock, hip-hop, rap, Latin music and jazz ( Write them on the blackboard)Fast reading (5 minutes)1.Students find out the main idea of each paragragh by fast reading.2. Students state their answers and then teacher shows the answers on the multimediaPar 1 There is a world of music out there.Par 2 Blues music has a long history.Par 3 Today’s America music culture contains many different styles.Par 4 Latin music has spread all over the world.Par 5 There is a wide variety of new music to be discovered in every c orner of the world.3.Teacher : Can we find the main ideas directly from the text ? (Yes, but sometimes they appear in the middle or in the end. And sometimes y ou have to sum up them by yourselves.)Intensive reading:(10 minutes)1.Students read the text one by one and try to understand the whole te xt.2.Tograsp the meanings of the words and phrases. (Show them on the s creen)performer bands sounds rhythm on the radio used to sing blue s music jazz rock music hip-hop music rap music Latin music a wi de variety of have --- in mon with3.To play a piece of hip-hop music and let the students try to say s omething about their understanding to it. (oral English practice )Students try to sum up the characteristics of the music in their own w ords or directly from the text.Post-reading: (10 minutes)Students answer the following questions on the book.(single work)1.Where does blues music e from ?2.What does the word “rap” mean ?3.Why is Latin music so popular in the US ? Is it popular in China ?4.Is music a universal language ? Are there any other universal langua ges ?i.Students try to understand what universal languages are and then sum up other universal languages: dancing, painting, photographs, archite cture,.statues.(write them on the blackboard )ii.To lead the students to sum up the mon charateristics of the univer sal languages.( they are beyond languages and they can express the mon themes of the mankind such as love, friendship and other emotions and the beauty of nature. Peaple all over the world can understand them .)5. What can you feel while you are listening a piece of music?(lead s tudents to answer with some adjectives and nouns and teacher write the m on the blackboard )Students finish exersise2 on page 74. Then check the answers together. (group work)Step IV Summary ( 2 minutes)What we have learned from the text. ( sum them up together with the students.)1.The different music styles in the world.2.The characteristics of some music styles.3.What can we feel from music – the univeral language.Step V Homework (1 minute)1.Read the text after class again and remember the key words and phras es.2.Write a short passage of about 50 words to talk something about you r understanding to music or any other form of the universal language.3. Review language study part.The handwriting on the blackboardUnit 11 The sounds of the worldI Brainstormwriter tape MP3pop music singer rap musicclassical music musical instrumentship-hop musicrock music folk musiclyricsII The key words and phrases in the textperformer bands sounds rhythm on the radio used to sing b lues music jazz rock music hip-hop music rap music Latin musica wide variety of have --- in mon withIII kinds of musicblues and rock hip-hop and rap Latin music jazzIV The universal languages;dancing music photographs paintings architecture stat uesV How and what do we feel when we are listening to a song?How: beautiful happy sad excited disappointed soft nic e quiet worriedWhat : love happiness quiteness sadness excitement disappointme nt river mountain lightening nature。
四年级英语下册Teaching Plan教案
小学四年级英语教案Teaching Plan
Teaching steps
Feed back(课后反思):
“It’s red”这一课是新标准英语教材(三年级起点)第二册中的第四单元。
英语活动教案《Sunny English》Teaching Plan
英语活动教案《Sunny English》Teaching Plan
《Sunny English》Teaching Plan
Step 1: Warm-up
1. 通过播放一段英文歌曲或唱英文歌曲,让学生进入英语的氛围。
2. 安排一些小游戏或互动,备课活动,为下一步教学做好准备。
Step 2: Introduction
1. 使用PPT或录音机,让学生听一些英语日常用语,并通过示意图或卡片等方式让学生理解这些单词的意思。
2. 介绍英语的基本语法,如主语、谓语、宾语等。
Step 3: Practice
1. 通过示范和练习,让学生学会描述和提出问题。
2. 课堂口语练习,让学生在销毁中使用英语进行对话。
Step 4: Homework
外研版九年级上册英语教案设计 Module 4 Teaching Plan
MODULE 10 My perfect holidayPart 1: Teaching design第一部分教学设计Unit 1 I would go to London.■Warm up by talking about the 50 places you must see before you die.1 Grand Canyon, US2 Great Barrier Reef, Australia3 Disney World, Florida4 South Island, New Zealand5 Cape Town, South Africa6 Golden Temple, Armritsar, India7 Las Vegas, US8 Sydney, Australia9 New York, US 10 Taj Mahal, India11 Lake Louise, The Rockies, Canada12 Uluru (Ayres Rock), Australia13 Chichén Itz·, Mexico14 Machupicchu, Peru15 Niagara Falls, US/Canada16 Petra, Jordan17 Pyramids, Egypt18 Venice, Italy19 Maldives20 Great Wall, China21 Victoria Falls, Zambia/Zimbabwe border22 Hong Kong23 Yosemite National Park, US24 Hawaii25 North Island, New Zealand26 The Iguaçu Falls, Argentina/Brazil border27 Paris, France28 Alaska, US29 Angkor Wat, Cambodia30 Mount Everest, Himalayas31 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil32 Masai Mara, Kenya33 Galapagos Islands, Ecuador34 Luxor, Egypt35 Rome, Italy 36 San Francisco, US37 Barcelona38 Dubai39 Singapore40 La Digue, Seychelles41 Sri Lanka42 Bangkok, Thailand43 Barbados, West Indies44 Iceland45 The Terracotta Army, China46 Matterhorn, Switzerland47 Angel Falls, Venezuela48 Abu Simbel, Egypt49 Bali, Indonesia50 Bora Bora, French Polynesia■Listen and read.On page 80 in the box is a conversation among Lingling, Sally, Betty, Daming and Tony. They are talking about holidays.Before we listen to it, let’s go on to read it first. While reading, try to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, study the predicative, darken the connectives and underline all the useful expressions. (阅读过程中,断开/意群,观察谓语构成,圈出连词,摘录短语搭配。
高中英语优秀教案(英文模板)Teachingplan一、IntroductionTeaching objectives:In this lesson, students will be able to:1. Understand the mn idea and specific detls of the text.2. Practice reading skills such as skimming, scanning, and careful reading.3. Improve their ability to discuss and express their opinions on a given topic.Teaching key and difficult points:1. New words and expressions.2. Reading skills.3. Expressing opinions and discussing.Teaching methods:1. Task-based learning.2. Cooperative learning.3. Discourse analysis.Teaching tools:1. Textbook.2. Multimedia.二、Pre-reading1. Lead-in: Ask students some questions to arouse theirinterest and motivate them to read the text. For example: "Have you ever had a difficult decision to make? What was it and how did you solve it?"2. Preview: Let students read the and subheadings of the text, and guess what the text is mnly about.三、While-reading1. Skimming: Ask students to read the text quickly to find the mn idea. Then discuss the mn idea with the whole class.2. Scanning: Guide students to read the text agn and find the specific detls that support the mn idea. Ask them to circle the important information and underline the key sentences.3. Careful reading: Divide the class into groups, and ask each group to read a part of the text carefully. Then discuss the following questions:What is the author's attitude towards the topic?Can you find any logical connections between the author's arguments?四、Post-reading1. Discussion: Ask students to discuss the following question in prs: "Do you agree with the author's opinion? Why or why not?"2. Sharing: Invite some students to share their opinions withthe whole class.3. Summary: Summarize the mn points of the lesson and emphasize the importance of critical thinking and expressing opinions.五、Homework1. Write a short essay based on the topic discussed in class.2. Prepare for the next lesson reading the assigned text.六、Lesson Plan Outline1. IntroductionBriefly review previous lesson's content.Introduce the new lesson topic and objectives.2. New Material PresentationPresent new vocabulary and phrases related to the topic. Use visual ds, realia, or multimedia to enhance understanding. Model correct pronunciation and encourage student participation.3. Group WorkDivide students into small groups.Assign each group a specific task related to the new material. Allow groups to work together, using the target language. 4. Practice ActivitiesConduct role-plays, simulations, or other interactive activities.Provide students with opportunities to practice using the new language structures.Correct errors and provide feedback as needed.5. Error Correction and ClarificationAddress mon errors made students during practice.Clarify any confusing language points.Reiterate key grammar or vocabulary points as necessary.六、Lesson Plan: Unit 61. IntroductionReview key concepts from Unit 5.Introduce Unit 6 topic: ""Outline learning objectives for the unit.2. New Material PresentationPresent new vocabulary and phrases related to the topic. Use visual ds, realia, or multimedia to enhance understanding. Model correct pronunciation and encourage student participation.3. Group WorkDivide students into small groups.Assign each group a specific task related to the new material. Allow groups to work together, using the target language. 4. Practice ActivitiesConduct role-plays, simulations, or other interactive activities. Provide students with opportunities to practice using the new language structures.Correct errors and provide feedback as needed.5. Error Correction and ClarificationAddress mon errors made students during practice.Clarify any confusing language points.Reiterate key grammar or vocabulary points as necessary.七、Assessment Plan1. Formative AssessmentOngoing assessment of student progress during lessons. Observation of group work and participation.Peer and self-evaluation.2. Summative AssessmentEnd-of-unit test or project to evaluate understanding. Grading of written assignments, speaking activities, and listening exercises.Assessment of language skills and content knowledge.八、Materials and Resources1. Textbook: ""Used as a primary resource for lessons.Provides a structured approach to the unit.2. Realia and Visual AidsUse items related to the topic to enhance understanding. Create charts, diagrams, or posters to illustrate concepts.3. Multimedia ResourcesUtilize videos, audio recordings, or online materials to supplement lessons.Provide real-world examples and practice opportunities.九、Differentiation Strategies1. Adjusting Language LevelProvide simplified language input for beginners. Challenge advanced students with additional materials or higher-level tasks.2. Providing SupportOffer extra help or one-on-one tutorials for struggling students.Encourage peer support and collaboration.3. Acmodating Learning StylesIncorporate visual, auditory, and kinesthetic activities.Allow students to work individually, in prs, or in groups.十、Lesson Reflection1. Evaluate student engagement and participation.Assess whether the activities were appropriate for thestudents' level.Consider any modifications needed for future lessons.2. Reflect on teaching methods and strategies.Assess the effectiveness of group work and collaborative activities.Consider the use of technology and multimedia resources. 3. Plan for future lessons and address any areas of improvement.Identify areas where additional practice or review is needed. Plan lessons that align with learning objectives and cater to diverse student needs.十一、Extension Activities1. Cultural ExchangeIntroduce a cultural aspect related to the unit topic. Conduct a cultural exchange with another class or school. Encourage students to share their own cultural experiences.2. Community Service ProjectOrganize a munity service project related to the unit topic. Engage students in real-world applications of the language and content.Foster a sense of social responsibility and munity involvement. 十二、Family Engagement1. Homework AssignmentsAssign tasks that encourage family involvement.Provide guidelines for parents on how to support their child's learning at home.2. Parent-Teacher ConferencesSchedule regular parent-teacher conferences.Discuss student progress and address any concerns. Encourage parent involvement in their child's education.十三、wrap-up and Assessment1. Summarize Key ConceptsRevisit the mn topics and objectives of the unit. Encourage students to reflect on what they have learned.2. AssessmentConduct a wrap-up activity to assess student understanding. Administer a quiz, test, or project to evaluate learning outes. 十四、Unit Review and Feedback1. Peer ReviewEncourage students to review each other's work.Provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.2. Teacher FeedbackOffer individualized feedback to students.Highlight strengths and areas for improvement.十五、Unit Plan Revision1. Reflect on Student PerformanceAssess overall student performance in the unit.Identify areas where students struggled or excelled.2. Revise Teaching StrategiesAdjust teaching methods based on student responses. Modify activities to better align with learning objectives.3. Prepare for the Next UnitOutline the objectives and themes of the uping unit.Plan any necessary pre-unit activities or reviews.重点和难点解析重点:本教案的重点在于培养学生的阅读技能,如略读、寻读和仔细阅读,以及表达意见和讨论的能力。
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2.能力目标Enable the students to talk about Chinese festivals and customs in English and get to know some information about foreign festivals
Step 2Show the overhand-project
5 minutes
Festivals are meant to celebrate important events. Different countries have different festivals.
Step 3 divide into groups
Teaching Contents
Teaching Procedures
5-6 minutes
Step1 T: Hello, everybody! Welcome Back to school! Did you have a good time n your winter holidays?
Teaching Focus: How to talk about the Chinese festivals and social customs at festivalsand how to offer and request the items you need in the sentences such as Would you like...? Could I have...? You should try...?
Step 4
8-10 minutes
T:ok,let us to share you answers would you like to share your answers ?
T: could I have to ask you introduce your own festival?
T:. Yes. Of course.
T: When did you feel most happy and excited?
Ss: At the Spring Festival.
T: Who can tell us why? Any volunteers?
S1: Because it is the most important festival in our country.
3 minutes
Work in groups and list five Chinese festivals that you know. Discuss when they take place, what they celebrate and one thing that people do at that time.
Expressions used in the sentences:
Would you like…?
Mid-Autumn Day
Can you suggest …?
Dress up
Might I offer you help…?
Step 5
8 minutes
Ok thank you well done now let us to learn today our goal:
We should learn to use these sentences
Would you like...? Could I have...? Might I offer help...? Can you suggest...?
New Senior English ForChinaStudent’s Book 3
45 minutes
Teaching Plan
Unit 1 Festivals Around the Would
Teaching Goals:1.tagert language(1).重点词汇和短语take place,festivals,Christmas,dress up(2)交际用语Express one’s opinion: In my opinion….. I believe ... I think that ...
Sept 6
4 minutes
Now with you partner use these phrases to make sentences, ask students give their answers
Step7 give the summary
6 minutes
Now let’s give a summary what’s we are learnt today?
T; at first we learn different festivals about different countries,about its what it celebrates and what people do?
Secondly we know how to use theseexpressionsWould you like...? Could I have...? Can you suggest...? Might I offer help...?
Teaching Difficulties:how to make students take part in classactively and how to well finished the class purposes
Teaching Methods: overhand-project teaching aids :Calendarcooperative learning self-directed learning
3.学习目标Enable the students to learn how to talk about Chinese festivals and customsTo enable the students to know the earliest festivals with reasons for them and for different kinds of festivals that occur in most parts of the worldTry to compare and make conclusion s of different festivals.
Step8 home work
4 minutes
Now let’s see the home work please turn to page 5 do the excise 1,2 next class I will check your answers
Design of Blackboard
Unit 1 Festivals Around the Would
T. Very food! I am glad to hear that. Today we will talk about festivals, which are meant to celebrate important events. Please think about some other festivals. Can you name just a few?
After Lesson Reflection:
S2: Because I goቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ a lot of lucky money from my parents.
S3: Because I need notstudy at festivals and there was a lot of delicious food to eat. How great.