

FLUKE(福禄克)190系列示波器 中文说明书 上册

FLUKE(福禄克)190系列示波器 中文说明书 上册

2011 年 5 月(Simplified Chinese)© 2011 Fluke Corporation. 版权所有。




ScopeMeter 190 Series IIFluke 190-062, -102, -104, -202, -204, -502用户手册上 册有限保修及服务范围在正常使用与维修情况下,Fluke 保证每一产品均无材料和工艺问题。


零配件及产品修理与维护的保修期为 90 天。

此保修仅限于原始购买者或 Fluke 指定经销商的产品使用客户;而不适用于保险丝和普通电池,或任何 Fluke 认为因错误使用、改装、疏忽或因事故或非正常条件下操作或处理而导致损坏的产品。

在 90 天内,Fluke 保证软件运行符合其功能规范,并且保证软件正确记录于完好无损的介质上。

Fluke 不保证软件毫无差错或无操作中断情况。

Fluke 指定经销商只能向产品使用客户对新的或未使用过的产品提供保修,而无权以 Fluke 的名义扩充或更改保修内容。

从 Fluke 指定的销售渠道或按相应国际价格购买的产品可以得到保修。

当产品在一个国家购买而要在另一个国家修理时,Fluke 保留向客户收取修理/更换零配件费用的权利。

对于在保修期内送回 Fluke 指定的维修中心,要求按原价退款或者免费维修或更换的有故障产品,Fluke 的保修义务是有限的。

要获得保修服务,请就近联系 Fluke 指定的维修中心,或在附上故障说明、邮费和预付保险(目的地交货价)后,将产品寄往最近的 Fluke 指定的维修中心。

Fluke 对运输中可能出现的损坏情况不承担责任。


如果 Fluke 确定产品故障是由于错误使用、改装、事故或非正常情况下使用或操作造成的,Fluke 将提供维修费用预算并在得到认可后方进行维修。




1. 开启电源:首先,打开Fluke相序表的电源开关。

2. 连接测试线:将测试线连接到Fluke相序表的对应端口上。


3. 选择相序模式:根据需要检测的电源类型(如单相或三相),在Fluke相序表的面板上选择相应的模式。

4. 开始测试:按下Fluke相序表上的“运行”或“开始”按钮,仪器将开始检测电源的相序。

5. 读取结果:Fluke相序表将根据检测到的相序给出相应的指示。


6. 结束测试:完成相序检测后,关闭Fluke相序表的电源开关,并从电源和测试线上取下测试线。

7. 注意事项:在测试过程中,请确保电源处于断开状态或确保您有资格进行带电操作。














福禄克 Fluke Ti40 热成像仪说明书

福禄克 Fluke Ti40 热成像仪说明书

福禄克Fluke热成像仪Ti40美国福禄克 Fluke Ti40 热成像仪为工程师和专业技术人员的维护和生产工作带来更多选择Fluke Ti40系列产品几乎可完成任何热像测量工作,福禄克FlukeTi40热成像仪配备有一个 160 x 120 探测器,温度灵敏度高达0.08 ºC (NETD),Ti40热成像仪可提供高分辨率图像,即使最细微的温度差别也无法逃脱它的眼睛.该系列产品使用极为方便,设计采用 Windows® CE 菜单结构,故障排查功能更为丰富,Ti40热成像仪允许在测量现场进行快速分析.FT系列产品采用最新的IR-Fusion™技术, IR-Fusion可捕获可见光图像和红外图像,让IR图像分析变得不再神秘.它可以帮助更好的识别和报告可疑组件,可在第一时间完成完成维修工作.详情请查看位于本页内容导航部分的IR-Fusion选项.福禄克 Fluke Ti40 热成像仪的应用领域•预防性维护 – 在电气和机械问题导致设备故障前及时发现问题•工业维护 – 检查维修情况,保证维修工作顺利完成•质量控制 – 检查设备原型,优化热管理设计•过程监控 – 实时监控,确保操作高效安全完成福禄克 Fluke Ti40 热成像仪的技术参数成像性能 热图像可视角度 (FOV)* 23º 水平 x 17º 竖直温度分辨率 0.1℃最小聚焦距离* 0.15 m热灵敏度 (NETD) Ti45: ≤0.08 °C @30 °CTi40: ≤0.09 °C @ 30 °C探测器数据获取 /60 Hz/30 Hz图形频率聚焦 SmartFocus; 用一个手指即可进行连续对焦操作IR 数字变焦 Ti45: 2xTi40: -探测器类型 160 x 120焦平面阵列, 氧化钒 (VOx) 非致冷微热辐射仪光谱波段 8 µm ~ 14 µm 数字图像增强 自动全时增强 可见光 (仅限于Fusion 型号)照相机本身操作模式 Ti45: 全热/全可见光或热-可见光混合图像.画中画Ti40: 全热/全可见光.使用SmartView 软件可提供热-可见光混合图像.画中画 可见光照相机 1280 x 1024 像素, 全彩 可见光数字变焦 Ti45: 2xTi40: -温度测量校准温度范围Ti45: -20 ˚C ~ 600 ˚C (-4 ~ 1112 ºF),3档Ti40: -20 ˚C ~ 350 ˚C (-4 ~ 662 ºF),2档 量程 1 T i45: -20 ˚C ~ 100 ˚C (-4 ~ 212 ºF) Ti40: -20 ˚C ~ 100 ˚C (-4 ~ 212 ºF) 量程 2 T i45: -20 ˚C ~ 350 ˚C (-4 ~ 662 ºF) Ti40: -20 ˚C ~ 350 ˚C (-4 ~ 662 ºF) 量程 3 T i45: 250 ˚C ~ 600 ˚C (32 ~ 662 ºF) Ti40: - 可选 - 高温 Ti45: 最高 1200 ˚C (2192 ºF) Ti40: - 量程 4 T i45: 500 ˚C ~ 1200 ˚C (932 ~ 2192 ºF) Ti40: - 准确度 ±2°C 或 2 % (取较大值)测量模式Ti45: 中心点, 中心框 (面积 最小/最大, 平均), 可移动点/光盒,用户自行设定区域/文本注释,等温线, 自动热点/冷点检测, 可见颜色报警上限和下限Ti40: 中心点, 中心框 (面积 最小/最大, 平均), 更多升级选项请咨询Fluke 公司发射率校正 0.1 ~ 1.0 (0.01 增量)图像显示数字显示 5" 大屏幕高分辨率数字显示屏 LCD 背光 彩色LCD,可在阳光下读数视频输出RS170 EIA/NTSC 或 CCIR/PAL 复合视频色板 灰度, 反向灰度, 蓝红, 高对比度, 热金属色, 铁虹, 琥珀色, 反向琥珀可选镜头54 mm Telephoto 镜头高精度Germanium 镜头 可视角度 (FOV) 9º 水平 x 6º 垂直 空间分辨率(IFOV) 0.94 mrad 最小聚焦距离* 0.6 m10.5 mm 广角镜头 高分辨率 Germanium 镜头 可视角度 (FOV) 42 º 水平 x 32 º 竖直 温度分辨率 0.1℃最小焦聚距离 0.3 m图像和数据存储存储介质 小型闪卡可保存1000多幅IR图像 (512 MB 标准卡,更高容量供选择)可支持的文件格式包括14 bit 测量数据. 可导出 JPEG, BMP, PCX, PNG, PSD.接口和软件 接口包括小型闪卡读卡器在内软件SmartView; 包括全部分析和报表制作软件在内.激光 (仅限于IR-Fusion 型号) 分类 II级激光瞄准当热和可见光图像混合时,屏幕上可以看到激光点控制和调整 设置控制 日期/时间, 温度单位 C/F, 语言, 标度, LCD 亮度 (高/中/低)图像控制 Level, span, 自动调整 (连续/手动)屏幕指示器电池状态, 目标发射率, 背景温度和实时时钟电源 电池类型 智能锂电池, 可充电, 现场即可更换电池使用时间连续使用3个小时 (带有IR-Fusion的型号为2个小时 )电池充电 2 个通过常用AC插座充电的智能充电器AC 操作 AC 转换器 110/220 VAC, 50/60 Hz (仅限于Ti45)节电设计 自动关闭和睡眠模式 (用户可自己设定)环境和机械设计 工作温度 -20℃to +50℃(-4°F to 122 °F)保存温度 -40 °C ~ +70 °C (-40 °F ~ 158 °F)相对湿度 使用和贮存为10% ~ 95%, 无冷凝防水防尘 IP54重量(包括电池在内)1.95 kg (4.3 lbs)照相机尺寸 (HxWxD)162 x 262 x 101 mm (6.5" x 10.5" x 4.0")其他 保修1 年福禄克 Fluke Ti40 热成像仪的附件Fluke Ti40-20 IR FlexCam热像仪 所有型号均带有: •坚固耐用的工具包•2组可充电电池•电池充电器•AC 转换器 (仅限于Ti45型号)•视频电缆•512 MB 闪卡,提供更多选择•小型闪卡读卡器和USB电缆•PCMCIA 小型闪卡读卡器•背带•SmartView 报表制作和分析软件CD •用户手册CDFluke Ti40FT-20 IR FlexCam 热像仪和 IR-Fusion Fluke Ti45-20 IR FlexCam 热像仪Fluke Ti45FT-20 IR FlexCam 热像仪和 IR-Fusion 福禄克 Fluke Ti40 热成像仪的选件镜头 Ti4X 系列可提供10.5mm, 20mm和 54mm镜头,使用 Use the Configurator可查看如何进行组合使用IR-Fusion Ti4X系列的每一种型号均包括20mm镜头和IR-Fusion 技术.高温 Ti4X的部分型号可包括温度选件,读数最高可达1200 °C (2192 °F)。



















FLUKE DSX-5000简单操作说明书.

FLUKE DSX-5000简单操作说明书.

FLUKE DSX-5000【DSX5000】简要使用操作步骤一、Fluke DSX-5000初始化步骤:1、充电:将主机、辅机分别用充电器充电,直至电池显示灯转为绿色;2、设置语言:操作:用手点击“TOOLS”点击第六条“langueage”(语言,将语言选择成中文后才进行以下操作。

3、自校准:工具点击设置参照取Cat6A/Class EA永久链路适配器,装在主机上,辅机装上Cat6A/Class EA通道适配器。

然后将永久链路适配器末端插在Cat6A/Class EA通道适配器上;打开辅机电源,辅机自检后,“PASS”灯亮后熄灭,显示辅机正常。



二、Fluke DSX-5000设置参数:操作:点击工具,用手拖动选择要修改参数。










三、Fluke DSX-5000设置参数:1、根据需求确定测试标准和电缆类型:通道测试还是永久链路测试?是CAT5E 还是CAT6还是其他?2、关机后将测试标准对应的适配器安装在主机、辅机上,如选择“TIACat6Channel”通道测试标准时,主机安装“DSX-CHA004”通道适配器,如选择“TIA Cat6P ERM.LINK”永久链路测试标准时,主辅机各安装一个“DSX-PLA004S”永久链路适配器。


Fluke 317,Fluke 319 万用表使用说明书

Fluke 317,Fluke 319 万用表使用说明书

共立 2003A

无 无 无 无 无 有 有 20 * 18 mm 250*105*49mm 530g
•直流电流测量 •40A小量程精确测量,0.01分辨率 •钳头纤薄,体形轻便,更适合狭窄空间 •启动电流,频率测量-319
• 40A小量程精确测量,0.01分辨率 • 钳头纤薄,体形轻便,更适合狭窄空间 •启动电流,频率测量-319 •真有效值,最大/最小值,背光显示等多种功能
量程 准确率
量程 准确率
NEW 319
全新福禄克319、317真 有效值钳型表
一款为中国用户量身定制的高性能 多功能钳型表
• 目标用户 • 新一代真有效值钳型表产品概览 • 新特性功能 • 新317,319 vs 旧316 ,318 • 福禄克与竞争对手 • 产品应用举例:电力设备状态监测
• 室内配线检查、车间电器的检查、照明设备检查
• 电力变压器故障和监测 • 感应电动机故障和监测/发电机的状态监测
• 定子绕组故障 • 转子体故障 • 转子绕组故障 • 定子铁心故障
启动电流测量(仅 319 型)
• 启动电流不稳定
• 过高 • 过快 • 过低
• 缩短了定子线圈和转子铜条的使用寿命
福禄克317, 319 “新概念”

Fluke 热成像设备说明书

Fluke 热成像设备说明书

Reliability matters.Image quality matters.Performance matters.UPTIME OR DOWNTIME YOUR RESULTS MATTER• F rees you from having to leave the site to send images and/or reports •S end reports wirelessly when they’re needed, where they’re needed• C omplete more inspections in a day • On-site analysis• G et instant feedback from others or next steps approved immediately• R eal-time report previewing— instant gratification • U ser interface is optimized for each mobile device (iOS, iPhone ® and iPad ®)SmartView ® MobileFluke CNX ™ Wireless System• Capture up to five additional measurements with CNX wireless modules • M ultiple tools report to your CNX enabled Fluke infrared camera • Q uicker readings means less time finding problems and more time solving them • Capture measurements from as far as 20-meters away• T he list of Fluke test tools that can connect wirelessly continues to growYOUR WORLD. YOUR TOOLS.CONNECTED.Sending a comprehensive report to a supervisor’s or customer’s mobile phone… Analyzing and reporting from the field without having to go back to the office… Multiple tools that report to you simultaneously… This is the world of SmartView ® Mobile app and CNX ™ Wireless System. Available only from Fluke—where your results matter.FOCUS is the single most important thing to ensure when conducting an INFRARED INSPECTION.Many inspection sites are difficult for certain auto focus systemsPassive auto focus systems often only capture the near-field subject, in this case the chain link fenceFluke LaserSharp ™ Auto Focus clearly captures what you want to inspect. Every. Single. Time. The red dot from the laser confirms what the camera is Without an in-focus image, temperature measurements may not be as accurate (sometimes as much as 20 degrees off) and you could miss a problem.Fluke provides customers with two superior focusing solutions—LaserSharp ™ Auto Focus (see page 5) and IR-OptiFlex ™ Focus System (see page 7) and still gives you the flexibility of using manual if you wish.Ti400 Ti300 Ti200Ti400Ti300Ti200ACCURACY MATTERSOptimized for Industrial, Electrical and Building ApplicationsA new generation of tools with next generation performance.Technology changes. The last thing we want is for you to feel like you’re missing out on critical innovations, so Fluke has engineered all three new infrared cameras to adapt to change. Being future-ready is part of their DNA. You can test and measure with wireless speed and ease, and connect with other wireless devices. If there’s an infrared camera in your future, make sure it’s one with a future.Your confidence level is about to go up a notch. With precision laser technology, you can focus on your target with pinpoint accuracy and know you’re getting the correct image and temperature measurements you need. Troubleshooting has never been easier. This isn’t hit-and-miss technology. This is point-and-shoot-and-get-it-right every single time performance.Fluke introduces the only infrared cameras withLaserSharp ™ Auto Focus for consistently in-focus images.EVERY . SINgLE. TIME.IR-PhotoNotes ™ Annotation SystemGet an exact reference to your problem area by capturing multiple photos per file. Add images of equipment, motor nameplates, workroom doors or any other useful or critical information.Multi-mode video recordingTroubleshoot with the industry’s only infrared camera that offers the proprietary IR-Fusion ® Technology and records focus-free video in visible light and infrared. Monitor processes over time, easily create infrared video reports, and troubleshoot frame-by-frame. Easily download to PCs for video viewing and analysis.Ti125TiR125Ti110TiR110Ti105TiR105Ti100Ti125Ti110Ti105Ti100TiR125TiR110TiR105SIMPLICITY MATTERSBuilding ApplicationsIndustrial/Electrical Fluke innovation makes it easier to do more in less time.EASY TO CHOOSE. EASY TO USE.HARD TO BEAT .When you’re budget-conscious (and who isn’t these days?), the fact that you can get Fluke quality at an affordable price means you can breathe a sigh of relief. At Fluke, ‘affordable’ doesn’t mean sacrificing quality to give you a lower price. It means we’ve found a way to give you the most camera for your money. In this case, a suite of the lightest, most rugged, easiest-to-use professional infrared cameras you can buy.IR-Fusion ® TechnologyEnjoy the industry’s only point-and-shoot IR-Fusion infraredcameras that provide five different user-selectable modes for greater clarity. Our patented technology blends digital and infrared images into a single image to precisely document problem areas. Fluke exclusive AutoBlend ™ Mode generates a partially transparent image to make problem detection and communication fast and easy.R ugged one-hand operationExperience the most rugged and reliable, lightweight professional infrared camera around. One-touch focus, laser pointer, and torch. Point-and-shoot simplicity and the ergonomic design details that matter.Electronic compassMake sure you and others know the location of the problem. Compass readings easily appear in images and reports.IR-OptiFlex ™ Focus SystemDiscover issues significantly faster with Fluke’s revolutionary, ultra-rugged focus system. The IR-OptiFlex ™ Focus System gives you optimum focus by combining focus-free ease-of-use with the flexibility of manual focus on the same camera!For more than 65 years, Fluke isDesigned better. Built tougher.Superior image qualityThere’s a reason Fluke is so passionate about image quality. Clearer, cleaner, crisper images result in better information and more informed solutions. The better the image, the better you look when you show the images to your managers and customers. Our newest models of infrared cameras are the only ones where you can find IR-Fusion ® Technology and LaserSharp ™ Auto Focus. The Ti400, Ti300 and Ti200 also come fully loaded with a 5 MP digital camera, a HDMI video output, and a 640x480 high resolution LCD display.Legendary ruggednessand reliabilityFluke has earned their reputation as a tool of choice for electrical, industrial and building professionals. Whatever the job andwherever you work, when there’s a Fluke infrared camera in your hand, you’re prepared for the worst and ready to do your best. Fluke infrared cameras are designed to withstand a 2 meter drop (6.5 ft) and engineered to resist water and dust (IP54 Rating) so that your camera works without compromise..5 m 1 m 1.5 m 5 ft3.25 ft1.6 ft2 m6.5 fthow qUALITY IS MEASUREDBecause your results matter ™.Ease of useOur customers would rather spend time preventing and solving issues—not figuring out how their infrared camera works. We’ve gained a few other insights after spending thousands of hours in the trenches with them. That time and knowledge has allowed our engineers to develop breakthroughs in design, like buttons you can use when you’re wearing work gloves, and simple-to-use, on-camera functions such as voice annotation, so that you don’t have to stop to take notes with pen and paper. More recent innovations include:•L aserSharp ™ Auto Focus to ensure the best focus every single time •C NX ™ Wireless System to allow your CNX test modules to communicate additional measurements to your camera •I R Fusion ® Technology with Auto Blend ™ Mode to more easily locate, understand and report what the problem could be • C onnectivity to wirelessly transfer images to your PC, Apple ® iPad ® and iPhone ®All of these innovations can help you quickly understand what the current state is, create a report, determine next steps or begin a preventive maintenance program; all while the factory and processes are still up and running.Innovation that works for youFluke engineers know you’re not interested in the bells and whistles other manufacturers like to tout, so they focus solely on features you really need to help you work better, faster, and smarter.The groundbreaking features that you’ve come toknow, like IR-Fusion ® Technology, AutoBlend ™ Mode, voice annotation, IR PhotoNotes ™ Annotation System, and now LaserSharp ® Auto Focus help you get better results faster and easier. Get into the best position possible to get the results that matter to you and your customers with SmartView ® Software and SmartView ® Mobile.Ti400Ti300Ti200Ti125 Product Specifications Optimized for Industrial, Electrical and Buildings InspectionsTemperature measurement range (not calibrated below -10 °C) -20 °C to +1200 °C(-4 °F to +2192 °F) -20 °C to +650 °C (-4 °F to +1202 °F)-20 °C to +350 °C(-4 °F to +662 °F)Detector type 320 x 240 pixels240 X 180 pixels200 X 150 pixelThermal sensitivity (NETD)≤ 0.05 °C at 30 °C target temp (50 mK) ≤ 0.075 °C at 30 °Ctarget temp (75 mK)Field of view24 ° x 17 °Spatial resolution (IFOV) 1.31 mRad 1.75 mRad 2.09 mRadCustomizable logo options Users can brand their infrared images with a Fluke logo,upload their own company logo or no logo.Primary focusing system LaserSharp™ Auto Focus IR-OptiFlex™ Focu Manual focus YesIR-Fusion® Technology YesCNX™ Wireless enabled (Availableas country certification areapproved—notifications made viaSmartView® Software)Voice annotation60 seconds maximum recording time per image; reviewable playback on imagerIR-PhotoNotes™Yes (5 images)Yes (3 images)Wi-Fi® connectivity Yes, to PC and Apple® iPhone® and iPad®Streaming video Via USB to PC and HDMI to HDMI compatible device Streaming USB-to-PCvideo outputMulti-mode video recording*Yes (fully-radiometric .IS3 and standard MPEG-encoded .AVI)Yes (fully-radiometric.IS3 and standard MPEG-encoded .AVI) M8-point cardinal compass* Yes YesRuggedized touchscreen display (capacitive)8.9 cm (3.5 in) diagonal landscape color VGA (640 x 480)LCD with backlightSoftware SmartView® full analysis and r Warranty11Ti110Ti105Ti100TiR125TiR110TiR105Optimized for Industrial and Electrical InspectionsOptimized for Building Inspections -20 °C to +250 °C (-4 °F to +482 °F)-20 °C to +150 °C (-4 °F to +302 °F)160 X 120 pixels≤ 0.10 °C at 30 °C target temp (100 mK)≤ 0.08 °C at 30 °C target temp (80 mK)22.5 °H x 31 ° V 3.39 mRad—™ Focus System Focus-free 1.2 m (4 ft) and beyondIR-OptiFlex ™ Focus SystemFocus-free 1.2 m (4 ft)and beyond—Yes——YesYes—60 seconds maximum recording time per image; reviewable playback on imager ——Yes (3 images)———Streaming USB-to-PCvideo output—Yes (Standard MPEG-encoded .AVI)——Yes (fully-radiometric.IS3 and standardMPEG-encoded .AVI)Yes (StandardMPEG-encoded .AVI)—Yes—YesYes——nd reporting software included with free download of SmartView ® Mobile app2 years, Instrument Care Plans are also available.* Features marked with an asterisk are coming soon in a firmware download from SmartView ® software.1.800.868.7495********************Fluke -Direct .caFor more information call:In the U.S.A. (800) 443-5853 or Fax (425) 446-5116In Europe/M-East/Africa +31 (0) 40 2675 200 or Fax +31 (0) 40 2675 222In Canada (800)-36-FLUKE or Fax (905) 890-6866From other countries +1 (425) 446-5500 or Fax +1 (425) 446-5116Web access: ©2013 Fluke Corporation.Specifications subject to change without notice.All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Printed in U.S.A. 08/2013 2674264M_ENFluke CorporationPO Box 9090, Everett, WA 98206 U.S.A.Fluke Europe B.V.PO Box 1186, 5602 BD Eindhoven, The NetherlandsModification of this document is notpermitted without written permission from Fluke Corporation.Dedicated supportquestions? Call 1-800-760-4523 or contact us via our chat function on our website at /thermography to request your free product demonstration. We’ll be happy to answer your questions, ship a unit for you to test for a week or send out a representative if you need on-site support.Fluke accessoriesEnhance your infrared camera’s performance with Fluke accessories. Choose car chargers,additional smart batteries or smart battery chargers to keep you up and running in the field. For special applications select optional lenses, a visor for outside inspections or a tripod mounting accessory.Fluke also offers specialized instrument CarePlans—ask your Fluke representative or distributor for additional information.Fluke trainingGet additional information and training at the Fluke Training web page. Take advantage of free on-line seminars and for those who seek more advanced training and professional mentoring, contact our Fluke training partner, The Snell Group, the most respected name in infrared education.Fluke authorized training is provided by our partner,1.800.868.7495********************Fluke -Direct .ca。



1621 用户手册

1. 2. 3. 4.
可选附件............................................................................................ 4 特性和功能........................................................................................ 6 显示屏................................................................................................ 8 故障诊断............................................................................................ 14
在打开装运箱取出测试仪及其附件时,请参阅“附件”部分。请将包装 材料妥善保管供日后运输之需。 检查是否有缺件并仔细查看设备是否有如裂纹、凹痕或部件弯曲等损坏 现象。如果发现物品缺少或任何明显的机体损坏,请致电 Fluke 寻求协 助。请参阅“服务”部分获取 Fluke 的联系信息。

FLUKE 123_124 Users Manual 福禄克123_124使用手册 说明书

FLUKE 123_124 Users Manual 福禄克123_124使用手册 说明书
Fluke Corporation, P.O. Box 9090, Everett, WA 98206-9090 USA, or
Fluke Industrial B.V., P.O. Box 90, 7600 AB, Almelo, The Netherlands
To locate an authorized service center, visit us on the World Wide Web:
Fluke authorized resellers shall extend this warranty on new and unused products to end-user customers only but have no authority to extend a greater or different warranty on behalf of Fluke. Warranty support is available if product is purchased through a Fluke authorized sales outlet or Buyer has paid the applicable international price. Fluke reserves the right to invoice Buyer for importation costs of repair/replacement parts when product purchased in one country is submitted for repair in another country.



fluke万用表使用说明书中FLUKE 15B型和FLUKE 17B可以测量电压、电阻、电流、二极管、三极管、MOS场效应管的测量等几大功能综合在一起的强大的一款小仪器。









将FLUKE 15B型和FLUKE 17B万用表串进电路中,保持稳定,即可读数。









七、MOS场效应管的测量利用FLUKE 15B型和FLUKE 17B的二极管档。



在使用FLUKE 15B型和FLUKE 17B 的同时也要注意以下问题避免可能受到电击或人员伤害,以及避免对电表或待测装置造成损害,请遵照下面的惯例说明使用电表:①进行连接时,先连接公共测试导线,再连接带电的测试导线;切断连接时,则先断开带电的测试导线,再断开公共测试导线。



FLUKE网络测试仪器说明书班级:330910姓名:***学号:********一、福禄克测试仪初始化步骤:1、充电:将Fluke dtx系列产品主机、辅机分别用电源适配器充电,直至电池显示灯转为绿色;2、设置语言:操作:将fluke dtx系列产品主机旋钮转至“SET UP”档位,按右下角绿色按钮开机;使用↓箭头;选中第三条“Instrument setting ”(本机设置)按“ENTER”进入参数设置,首先使用→箭头,按一下;进入第二个页面,↓箭头选择最后一项Language按“ENTER”进入; ↓箭头选择最后一项Chinese 按“ENTER”选择。


3、自校准:取fluke dtx系列产品Cat 6A/Class EA 永久链路适配器,装在主机上,辅机装上Cat 6A/Class EA 通道适配器。

然后将永久链路适配器末端插在Cat 6A/Class EA 通道适配器上;打开辅机电源,辅机自检后,“PASS”灯亮后熄灭,显示辅机正常。

“SPECIAL FUNCTIONS”档位,打开主机电源,显示主机、辅机软件、硬件和测试标准的版本(辅机信息只有当辅机开机并和主机连接时才显示),自测后显示操作界面,选择第一项“设置基准”后(如选错用“EXIT”退出重复),按“ENTER”键和“TEST”键开始自校准,显示“设置基准已完成”说明自校准成功完成。

二、设置福禄克测试仪基本参数操作:将fluke dtx系列产品主机旋钮转至“SET UP”档位,使用“↑↓”来选择第三条“仪器值设置”,按“ENTER”进入参数设置,可以按“←→”翻页,用“↑↓”选择你所需设置的参数,按ENTER进入参数修改,用“↑↓”选择你所需采用的参数设置,选好后按ENTER选定并完成参数设置。

三、福禄克测试仪测试过程:⒈根据需求确定测试极限值和电缆类型:通道测试还是永久链路测试?是CAT5E还是CAT6还是其他?⒉关机后将测试标准对应的适配器安装在主机、辅机上,如选择“TIA CAT5E CHANNEL”通道测试标准时,主辅机安装“DTX-CHA002”通道适配器,如选择“TIA CAT6A PERM.LINK”永久链路测试标准时,主辅机各安装一个“DTX-PLA002”永久链路适配器。



福禄克F430系列三相电能质量分析仪更快、更安全、更详细地定位和诊断的电能质量故障技术参数福禄克公司的F434 和F433三相电能质量分析仪可以帮助用户定位、预测、防止和诊断配电系统的故障。













CAT IV 600 V 和CAT III 1000 V的安全等级在设计时就考虑了保护用户和设备免受高压电击,福禄克F430系列电能质量分析仪、附件和充电器都经过验证,满足CAT IV 600 V和CAT III 1000 V环境下使用的严格的安全标准。

它们是同类别中第一款符合CAT IV安全等级的工具,所以可以被用于低压配电系统中所有的电气连接和插座。






FLUKE(福禄克)190系列示波器 中文说明书 下册

FLUKE(福禄克)190系列示波器 中文说明书 下册

2011 年 5 月(Simplified Chinese)© 2011 Fluke Corporation. 版权所有。




ScopeMeter 190 Series IIFluke 190-062, -102, -104, -202, -204, -502用户手册下 册第 3 章使用回放、缩放和光标关于本章本章内容涵盖分析功能Cursor(光标)、Zoom(缩放)和Replay(回放)的各项性能。






回放最近的 100 屏示波器显示当您使用示波器方式时,测试仪会自动存储最近的 100 个屏幕显示。

当您按HOLD 键或REPLAY 键时,存储器内容即被锁定。



49Fluke 190 Series II 用户手册50逐步回放要浏览最后的一些示波器屏幕显示,执行下列步骤:注意波形区域的下方将显示回放指示条,其中包括屏号及相关的时间标记:图 23. 回放波形回放指示条表示所有存储在存储器中的 100 个屏幕显示。

图标表示在屏幕上显示的图像(在本示例中为SCREEN –51)。

如果指示条的一部分显示为白色,则表 示存储器中尚未存满 100 个屏幕显示。

此时,您便可以使用缩放和光标功能来更详细地研究 信号。

使用回放、缩放和光标回放最近的 100 屏示波器显示351连续回放您也可以像播放录象带一样,连续回放所存储的屏幕 显示。

Fluke 温度仪说明书

Fluke 温度仪说明书

Temperature Panel and Benchtop Meters1⁄8DIN Size with LCD DisplayModel BS6000ASingleThermocouple Input$495Model BS6050Single RTD Input$495Model BS6051Six-Channel RTD Selectable$595Specifications for DP5000A and BS6000 SeriesInputs:Thermocouples: J, K, T, E, N, R, S; RTD Pt100, 2-, 3-, or 4-wire, Alpha 0.00385,Thermistor: 2252 Ωat 25°C (77°F).Display: 4-digit, backlit LCD Accuracy:±0.15% of rdg + 0.2°C at orabove 0°C (+0.4°F) at or above 32°F)±1°C below 0°C (±2°F below 32°F)Resolution:0.1°to 999.9°; 1°above 1000°Temperature Coefficient:0.01% of rdg/°CCold Junction Compensation: 0.0075°C/°C (0.0135°F/°F)Ambient Temperature : 0 to 50°C (32 to 122°F)Storage Temperature:-40 to 50°C (-40 to 122°F)Humidity: 0 to 70% non-condensing Power : 110 Vac (standard),Optional 230 Vac or 9 to 30 Vac/dcM-101ߜEasy-to-Read Backlit LCD ߜ°C/°F Switchable ߜ0.1°/1°Auto Ranging ߜThermocouple Selectable by Rear Panel SwitchesߜFront Panel Splash-Proof (IP65)ߜCan Be Used with OS36, OS37, and OS38 Infrared Probes ߜOptional RS-232ߜBenchtop Portable Meters ߜRugged ABS Case ߜAvailable as Single- or Six-Input ModelsDimensions:DP5000A, DP5050, DP5060:96 x 48 x 120 mm (3.78 x 1.89 x 4.72")BS6000A, BS6050, BS6060:118 x 57 x 150 mm (4.65 x 2.24 x 5.90")BS6001A,BS6051, BS6061:148 x 67 x 190 mm (5.83 x 2.64 x 7.48")Weight:DP5000A, DP5050, BS5060: 255 kg (0.56 lb)BS6000A, BS6050, BS6060: 500 g (1.1 lb)BS6001A, BS6051, BS6061: 850 g (1.87 lb)The DP5000A and BS6000 series of temperature panel and benchtop meters are both highly versatile and accurate. Available in thermocouple and infrared inputs, thermistor and RTD versions with 0.1 degree resolution, auto ranging to 1 degree above 1000°. The thermocouple versions are switch selectable for one of six thermocouple types from the rear panel. The DP5000A series is micro-processor driven andfully self-calibrating, offering exceptional accuracy and long term stability. The backlit LCD is easy to read in any light conditions from dim to bright sunlight, or fluorescent lighting.To Order (Specify Model Number)Model No.Price DescriptionDP5000A $245T/C input panel meter with infrared sensor input*DP5050245RTD input panel meterDP5060245Thermistor input panel meterBS6000A*495Benchtop meter: 1 T/C and OS36, OS37 OS38 input BS6001A*595Benchtop meter: 6 T/C and OS36, OS37 OS38 inputs BS6050495Benchtop meter: 1 RTD input BS6051595Benchtop meter: 6 RTD inputBS6060495Benchtop meter: 1 thermistor input BS6061595Benchtop meter: 6 thermistor inputsMDP5000A Series$245ShownModel OS36-K-50 probe, $185See Section JShown smaller than actual sizeModel NumberPriceDescriptionDP5000-BRACKETS $7Replacement panel bracketsDP5000-SBRACKETS7Panel brackets with adjustable screwsAccessoriesModel NumberPriceDescription-9/30N/C 9 to 30 Vac/Vdc -230N/C230 VacPower OptionsOrder SuffixPriceDescription-C2$40RS-232 communicationsCommunications OptionsInputRangeIron-Constantan-200 to 1200˚C -328 to 2192˚F CHROMEGA ®- ALOMEGA ®-200 to 1372˚C -328 to 2502˚F CHROMEGA ®- Constantan -200 to 1000˚C -328 to 1832˚F Copper - Constantan-200 to 400˚C -328 to 752˚F Platinum - 10% Rhodium/ Platinum -50 to 1767˚C -58 to 3212˚F Platinum - 13% Rhodium/ Platinum -50 to 1767˚C -58 to 3212˚F OMEGA-P ®- Nicrosil -200 to 1300˚C -328 to 2372˚FOMEGA-N ®- NisilInput Ranges for DP5000 and BS6000 Series* Can be used with OS36-K-50and OS36-K-440. Also will work with OS37and OS38units with either 20:1 or 100:1 fields of view. Comes complete with power cord, mating connector(s), operators’ manual. OMEGACARE SM extended warranty program is available for models shown on this page. Ask your sales representative for full details when placing an order.Ordering Example: BS6050-C2,single RTD input benchtop thermometer and RS-232 communications, $495 + 40 = $535. OCW-1 OMEGACARE SM extends standard 3-year warranty to a total of 4 years ($53), $535 + 53 = $588J K E T S R NCANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn, Germany************FRANCE www.omega.frGuyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。

Fluke 网络自动测试器用户指南说明书

Fluke 网络自动测试器用户指南说明书

LinkRunner ®ATNetwork AutoTesterThe LinkRunner ® AT offers user-configured auto-tests for a wide range of important tasks. This network tester’s quick cable test and switch identification facilitates fast problem isolation. Test results can be automatically uploaded to the Link-Live results management cloud service to improve collaboration between network engineers and technicians, creating greater job visibility, project control, and fleet management.• Discover nearest switch name and port information via CDP/LLDP/EDP and verify link speed/duplex and connectivity to TCP/IP network with AutoTest • Validate up to 30W 802.3af/at PSE with TruePower™ loaded Power-over-Ethernet (PoE) test • Verify twisted-pair cable length and wire-map in a snap• AutoTest verifies and documents PoE, nearest switch, DHCP, DNS and Gateway service, and key devices connectivity in one go • Automate reporting and enable collaboration with result upload and management via Link-Live Cloud ServiceOverviewDATA SHEETLinkRunner AT is available in two models: LRAT-2000 and LRAT-1000. LinkRunner AT 2000 adds the following exclusive features:• Fiber support* • TruePower™ PoE Power Test up to 30W*• IPv6 support* • Reflector support* • More result storage: 50 instead of 10* • Uses Li-ION rechargeable battery instead of AA battery packKey FeaturesLeft: LRAT-2000 / Right: LRAT-1000*These exclusive features cannot be added to the LinkRunner AT 1000.Users can easily find opens, shorts, miswires, and split pairs in three different ways:• On non-terminated cable• With a WireView Cable Identifier• Check patch cord with the built-in wiremap port on the side of the LinkRunner ATCable LocationLocate cable runs with toning, switch port advertisement, switch port link light blinking, and remote cable identifiers. Toning supports both analog and digital IntelliTone modesThe LinkRunner AT uses the IEEE Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP), along with the Ciscoand Extreme Discovery Protocols (CDP and EDP) to display the nearest switch model, slot, portand VLAN configured.The LinkRunner AT displays the following critical nearest switch information:• Switch name and model • Chassis, slot and port • Switch IP address•Voice and Data VLAN IDs• Duplex and speed (actual and advertised)• Signal Strength• Connection (MDI or MDI/X)• PoE voltage and power (actual and test limit)• Graphical representation of power on pairsThe LinkRunner AT features a packet reflector mode that allows the device to be used remotely during end-to-end network path performance tests to validate LAN and WAN throughput capabilities, up to 1Gbps. The reflector mode can be configured to swap MAC and/or IP addresses. LinkRunner AT 2000 supports packet reflection for:• EtherScope™ nXG Portable Network ExpertTruePower™ PoE Testing - Power Over Ethernet TestingLinkRunner AT features the ability to validate TruePower delivery before installing cameras, APs, and phones to ensure a smooth deployment. Quickly validate PoE performance by drawing actual power up to the 802.3at standard 25.5W. Load the circuit to stress switches, cabling and patch panels, all while measuring the voltage and pairs being used.IP V4/V6 AddressingValidate the IPv4 DHCP auto-negotiation process, subnet and DHCP server and verify IPv6 Link-Local and Global addressing.Switch informationCable wiring validationPacket Reflector ModePoE SetupAutoTest ResultsKey Service and Device ConnectivityLinkRunner AT can perform either a Ping or a TCP port open test to verify connectivity. The testconducted will reveal connection and response time to the default Gateway, preferred DNS server,and alternate DNS server. LinkRunner AT can connect to as many as 10 user-defined target devices,servers or services, testing using Ping, or a user-defined TCP port number. If a URL is used as thetarget, results will include response time and an IP address.802.1x AuthenticationVerify access to secure networks using 802.1x and MAC Access Control Lists (ACL). The includedLinkRunner AT Manager Software can be used to enable 802.1x and download certificates. AutoTest ResultsConfiguration SettingsAIRCHECK-G2-3YS 3 year AllyCare Support for AIRCHECK-G2, AIRCHECK-G2-KIT, AIRCHECKG2-TA-KT, ACKG2-LRAT2000 (covers ACKG2 only) and LR-G2-ACKG2-CBO (covers ACKG2 only)SpecificationsGeneralDimensions 3.5 in x 7.8 in x 1.9 in (8.9 cm x 19.8 cm x 4.8 cm)Weight18 oz (0.5 kg)Battery LRAT-1000 - 4 AA alkaline batteriesLRAT-2000 - Removable, rechargeable lithium-ion battery pack (18.5 Watt-hrs) Battery Life Typical operating life is 6 hours; Typical charge time is 3 hoursExternal AC Adapter/Charger AC input 90 to 264V AC 48 to 62 Hz input power DC output 15V DC at 1.2 Amps Display 2.8 in color LCD (320 x 240 pixels)Keypad12-key elastomericTone Generator IntelliTone™ digital tone: [500 KHz]; analog tones: [400 Hz, 1 KHz]Media Access; Copper RJ-45: 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T and PoE (IEEE 802.3af and 802.3at) Media Access; Fiber SFP Adapter Port supports 100BASE-FX and 1000BASE-LX/ SX/ZX (LRAT-2000 Only) Cable Tests Pair lengths, opens, shorts, splits, crossed, straight through, and cable IDPower over Ethernet (PoE)Single ended testing:- User-defined testing to IEEE 802.3at class 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 without LLDP negation, or 4 with LLDP negotiationThe following PSE PoE parameters are measured:- Pairs used- Received class- PSE type- Unloaded voltage(V)- Loaded voltage (V) (LRAT-2000 with TruePower™)- Unloaded power (W) (LRAT-1000)- Loaded power (W) (LRAT-2000 with TruePower™)EnvironmentalOperating Temperature 32°F to 113°F (0°C to +45°C)NOTE: The battery will not charge if the internal temperature of the tester is above 122°F (50°C).Operating relative humidity (% RH without condensation)90% (50°F to 95°F; 10°C to 35°C) 75% (95°F to 113°F; 35°C to 45°C)Storage temperature-4°F to 140°F (-20°C to +60°C)Shock and vibration Random, 2 g, 5 Hz-500 Hz (Class 2) 1 m dropSafety EN 61010-1 2nd editionSafety (LR-AT 2000 only)EN/IEC 60825-1:2007, EN/IEC 60825-2:2004+ A1:2007 (LRAT- 2000 only)Altitude4,000 m; Storage: 12,000 mEMC IEC 61326-1: Basic Electromagnetic Environment; CISPR 11: Group 1, Class A LinkRunner Manager SoftwareSupported OperatingSystems Windows® Vista, Windows® XP, Windows® 7, Windows® 8, Windows® 10Processor400 MHz Pentium processor or equivalent (minimum); 1 GHz Pentium processor or equivalent (recommended)RAM96 MB (minimum); 256 MB (recommended)Hard Disk Up to 500 MB of available space may be requiredDisplay1024 x 768 high color, 32-bit (recommended)Certifications and ComplianceSpecifications continued/products/linkrunner。

福禄克 Fluke 317 319 真有效值交直流数字钳形表 说明书

福禄克 Fluke 317 319 真有效值交直流数字钳形表 说明书

317/319Clamp Meter使用说明书概述Fluke 317 和 319 是一种用电池供电的手持式钳表(简称“仪表”),它可测量:该产品配备有:●测试导线●软包●三节 AAA 型电池(已装入)●交流和直流电流●交流和直流电压●电阻●通断性●频率PN 5325474 (Simplified Chinese)3/2022©2022 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice. All Product names are trademarks of their respective companies.2联系 FlukeFluke Corporation 在全球范围内运营。

如需获取本地联系信息,请访问我们的网站: 。


+1-425-446-5500 ********************安全须知警告表示可能对用户造成危险的状况和操作。








Fluke Corporation P.O. Box 9090Everett WA 98206-9090U.S.A.Fluke Europe B.V.P.O. Box 11865602 BD Eindhoven The Netherlands●请按照指定的测量类别、电压或电流额定值进行操作。

●请勿触摸电压超过 30 V 交流有效值、42 V 交流峰值或60V 直流的带电导体。



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1 Figure 1 Uncertainty as a function of time
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Fluke 77 III 多功能表多功能表用户手册说明书

Fluke 77 III 多功能表多功能表用户手册说明书
How to use a fluke 77-iii multimeter.
• Be careful with efficient work with voltage above 60 DC or 30 V AC. This voltage is the danger of electricity shock. • Hold your fingers behind measuring advice for protective devices during measurement. W Warning To avoid erroneous indications that can cause electric shock or injury, replace the battery as soon as the battery (M) indicator appears. First, read wy symbols: Safety information Y can be a dangerous voltage t category with high voltage with double insulation according to IEC 1010: Cat II Cat III typical locations: power outlet, local equipment and portable equipment. Ordinary locations include stationary switches and industrial applications permanently connected to stationary installations. See HC1F.eps. watapi Protection characterization against overload. The automatic range when the meter is turned on by default is installed in the automatic range.
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福禄克FLUKE DTX系列(Dtx-1800,Dtx-1200,Dtx-lt)简单操作步骤说明:
操作:将fluke dtx系列产品主机旋钮转至“SET UP”档位,按右下角绿色按钮开机;使用↓箭头;选中第三条“Instrument setting ”(本机设置)按“ENTER”进入参数设置,首先使用→箭头,按一下;进入第二个页面,↓箭头选择最后一项Language按“ENTER”进入; ↓箭头选择最后一项 Chinese 按“ENTER”选择。


取fluke dtx系列产品Cat 6A/Class EA 永久链路适配器,装在主机上,辅机装上Cat
6A/Class EA 通道适配器。

然后将永久链路适配器末端插在Cat 6A/Class EA 通道适配器上;打开辅机电源,辅机自检后,“PASS”灯亮后熄灭,显示辅机正常。

“SPECIAL FUNCTIONS”档位,打开主机电源,显示主机、辅机软件、硬件和测试标准的版本(辅机信息只有当辅机开机并和主机连接时才显示),自测后显示操作界面,选择第一项“设置基准”后(如选错用“EXIT”退出重复),按“ENTER”键和“TEST”键开始自校准,显示“设置基准已完成”说明自校准成功完成。

操作:将fluke dtx系列产品主机旋钮转至“SET UP”档位,使用“↑↓”来选择第三条“仪器值设置”,按“ENTER”进入参数设置,可以按“←→”翻页,用“↑↓”选择你所需设置的参数,按ENTER进入参数修改,用“↑↓”选择你所需采用的参数设置,选好后按ENTER 选定并完成参数设置。


(将旋钮转至“SET UP”档位,使用↓箭头;选中第三条:仪器设置值按ENTER进入如果返回上一级请按EXIT):
1) 线缆标识码来源:(一般使用自动递增,会使电缆标识的最后一个字符在每一次保存测试时递增一般不用更改)
2) 图形数据存储:(是)(否)通常情况下选择(是)
3) 当前文件夹: DEFAULT 可以按ENTER进入修改其名称(你想要的名字)
4) 结果存放位置:(使用默认值“内部存储器”假如有内存卡的话也可以选择“内存卡”)
5) 按→进入第2个设置页面,操作员:You Name 按ENTER 进入按F3删除原来的字符“←→↑↓”来选择你要的字符选好后按ENTER确定
6) 地点: Client Name,是你所测试的地点可以依照地e)小点进行修改
7) 公司:You Company Name,你公司的名字
8) 语言:Language,默认是英文
9) 日期:输入现在日期
10) 时间:输入现在时间
11) 长度单位:通常情况下选择米(m)
1) 电源关闭超时:默认30分钟
2) 背光超时:默认1分钟
3) 可听音:默认是
4) 电源线频率:默认50Hz
5) 数字格式:默认是
6) 将旋钮转至“SET UP”档位选择双绞线按ENTER 进入后 NVP 不用修改
7) 光纤里面的设置,在测试双绞线是不须修改
将旋钮转至“SET UP”档位,选择双绞线,按ENTER进入:
线缆类型:按ENTER进入后按↑↓选择你要测试的线缆类型例如我要测试超5类的双绞线在按ENTER进入后选择UTP 按ENTER ↑↓选择“Cat 5e UTP ” 按ENTER 返回。

测试极限值:按ENTER进入后按↑↓选择与你要测试的线缆类型相匹配的标准按F1选择更多进入后一般选择TIA里面的标准例如:我是测试超5类的双绞线,按ENTER 进入后看看在上次使用里面有没“TIA Cat 5e channel” 如果没有,按F1进入更多,选择TIA 按ENTER进入,选择“TIA Cat 5e channel ”按ENTER 确认返回。




地点 Client Name :是你所测试的地点一般情况下是每换一个测试场所就要根据实际情况进行修改,具体方法请看上面的第一大点的第6小点
⒈ 根据需求确定测试极限值和电缆类型:通道测试还是永久链路测试是CAT5E还是CAT6
⒉ 关机后将测试标准对应的适配器安装在主机、辅机上,如选择“TIA CAT5E CHANNEL”通道测试标准时,主辅机安装“DTX-CHA002”通道适配器,如选择“TIA CAT6A”永久链路测试标准时,主辅机各安装一个“DTX-PLA002”永久链路适配器。

⒊ 再开机后,将旋钮转至“AUTO TEST”档或“SINGLE TEST”。

选择“Auto TEST”是将所选测试标准的参数全部测试一遍后显示结果;“SINGLE TEST”是针对测试标准中的某个参数测试,将旋钮转至“SINGLE TEST”,按“↑↓“,选择某个参数,按“ENTER”再按“TEST”即进行单个参数测试。

⒋ 将所需测试的产品连接上对应的适配器,按“TEST”开始测试,经过一阵后显示测试结“PASS” 或“FAIL”。



⒈ 刚才的测试结果选择“SAVE”按键存贮,使用“←→↑↓”键或←→移动光标(F1和F2号按键),(减少,F3号按键)来选择你想使用的名字,比如“01”按“SAVE”,来存贮。

⒉ 更换特测产品后重新按“TEST”开始测试新数据,再次按“SAVE”存贮数据时,机器自动取名为上个数据加1,即“02”,如同意再按再存贮。


⒈ 安装Linkware软件并安装好,目前最新版本是LINKWARE 。

⒉ 将界面转换为中文界面:运行Linkware软件,点击菜单“options”,选择“language”中的“Chinese(simplified)”,则软件界面转为中文简体。

⒊ 从主机内存下载测试数据到电脑:在Linkware软件菜单“文件”中点击“从文件导入(选择DTX CableAnalyzer”,很快就可将主机内存贮的根据输入电脑。

⒋ 数据存入电脑后可打印也可存为电子文档备用:
转换为“PDF”文件格式:在“文件”菜单下选择“PDF”,再选“自动测试报告”,则自动转为“PDF”格式,以后可用Acrobat Reader软件直接阅读、打印;转换为“TXT”文件格式:在“文件”菜单下选择“输出至文件”,再选“自动测试报告”则转化为“TXT”格式,以后可用Acrobat Reader软件直接阅读、打印。

