接地变压器、接地电阻成套装置 grounding transformer、earthing resistance cabinet-中英文对照设备说明书
对应的旧标准:SDJ 8-79;SD 119-84交流电气装置的接地Grounding for AC edectrical insfallations中华人民共和国电力行业标准交流电气装置的接地DL/T621—1997DL/T621—1997 Grounding for AC electrical installations中华人民共和国电力工业部1997-09-02批准1998-01-01实施前言本标准是根据原水利电力部1979年1月颁发的SDJ8—79《电力设备接地设计技术规程》和1984年3月颁发的SD119—84《500kV 电网过电压保护绝缘配合与电气设备接地暂行技术标准》,经合并、修订之后提出的。
IEEE变压器标准(IEEE Transformer standards)
![IEEE变压器标准(IEEE Transformer standards)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/617a4ad208a1284ac85043c7.png)
IEEE C 12.11-1987
(Instrument transformers for revenue metering, 10 kV BIL through 350 kV (0.6 kV NSV through 69 kV NSV))
IEEE C 37.108-2002
(Guide for the protection of network transformers)
IEEE C 57.100-1999
(Test procedure for thermal evaluation of liquid-immersed distribution and power transformers)
IEEE C 57.111-1989
(Gung fluid and its maintenance in transformers)
IEEE C 57.113-1991
(Electronics power transformers)
IEEE 388-1992
(Transformers and inductors in electronic power conversion equipment)
三、A类电气装置-接地装电气装置中下列部位应采用专门敷设的接 地线接地。 a) 出线柜、中性点柜的金属底座和外壳,封闭母线的 外壳; b) 110kV及以上钢筋混凝土构件支座上电气设备的金 属外壳; c) 箱式变电站的金属箱体; d) 直接接地的变压器中性点; e) 变压器、高压并联电抗器中性点所接消弧线圈、接 地电抗器、电阻器或变压器等的接地端子; f) GIS的接地端子; g) 避雷器,避雷针、线等的接地端子。
三、A类电气装置-接地装置(一) 1 接地装置的一般规定 1.1 各种接地装置应利用直接埋入地中或水中的 自然接地极,并设置将自然接地极和人工接地 极分开的测量井。变电所除利用自然接地极外, 还应敷设人工接地极。 1.2 当利用自然接地极和引外接地装置时,应采 用不少于两根导体在不同地点与接地网相连接。 1.3 在高土壤电阻率地区和永冻土地区,可采取 必要的措施降低接地电阻。 1.4 人工接地极,水平敷设的可采用圆钢、扁钢, 垂直敷设的可采用角钢、钢管等。
四、低压系统接地型式 -系统接地型式(一) 1、低压系统接地可采用以下几种型式: a) TN系统。系统有一点直接接地,装置的外露导 电部分用保护线与该点连接。按照中性线与保护 线的组合情况,TN系统有以下3种型式: 1) TN—S系统。整个系统的中性线与保护线是分 开的(图1)。 2) TN—C—S系统。系统中有一部分中性线与保护 线是合一的(图2)。 3) TN—C系统。整个系统的中性线与保护线是合 一的(图3)。
一、接地系统常用名词术语 (二)
中 接 地 装 置 ( concentrated grounding connection) 接地电阻(ground resistance) 接地装置对地电位(potential of grounding connection) 接触电位差(touch potential difference) 跨步电位差(step potential difference) 转移电位(diverting potential) 外露导电部分(exposed conductive part) 中性线(neutral conductor)
接地兼站用变压器原理Transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another through inductively coupled conductors. It is widely used in various electrical systems to increase or decrease voltage levels. 接地兼站用变压器作为一种特殊的变压器,在电力系统中扮演着重要角色。
One of the key principles of a grounding and station-use transformer is to provide a means of safely grounding the system. This is important for protecting not only the electrical equipment, but also for ensuring the safety of personnel working in and around the system. This principle is achieved through the use of grounding conductors and a properly designed transformer connection. 接地兼站用变压器的一个重要原理是提供一种安全接地系统的方式。
From a technical standpoint, a grounding and station-use transformer must be designed to meet specific voltage and currentrequirements. This includes considerations for both the primary and secondary circuits, as well as any specific applications or environmental factors that may impact the transformer's performance. 从技术角度来看,接地兼站用变压器必须按照特定的电压和电流要求进行设计。
关键词:小电阻;接地;变压器Abstract:This paper briefly introduces the characteristics of the small resistance grounding system used in 10kV distribution network, and the calculation method of grounding transformer and small resistance.Keywords:Small resistance, grounding, transformer1 引言在我国10kV配电网常采用小电流接地方式,包括不接地、经消弧线圈接地、经小电阻接地、故障相经小电抗接地和经消弧线圈并联小电阻接地等。
2 小电阻接地装置的概念2.1 小电阻接地装置的产生根据《交流电气装置的过电压保护和绝缘配合设计规范》(GB50064-2014),“35kV、66kV系统和不直接连接发电机,由钢筋混凝土杆或金属杆塔的架空线路构成的6~20kV系统,当单相接地故障电容电流不大于10A时,可采用中性点不接地方式;当大于10A又需要在接地故障条件下运行时,应采用中性点谐振接地方式”。
缩写词 缩写全文 汉语涵义AAC alternating current 交流电ACB air circuit breaker 空气断路器ACSR aluminum-conductor steel-reinforced 钢芯铝线连接器、接头ADP adapterAE (1) absolute error 绝对误差(2) aerial 天线,架空线Elektrizitats-Gesellschaft 西德通用电气公司 AEG AllgemeineElectromechanical Society 美国机电学会 AES (1)American(2) American Electronical Society 美国电子学会AJ anti-jamming 抗干扰ALT a ltitude 海拔、标高AMB. (amb.) ambient 周围的,环境API American Petroleum Institue 美国石油学会Appro. approximate 近似的APS asistant power supply 辅助电源ANSI American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准协会 ASB. asbestos 石棉ASSY. assembly 组合、装配ATA (1) air turbine alternator 气轮交流发电机(2) atmospheric absolute 绝对大气压大气压、大气ATM atmosphereATS auto transfer system 自动切换系统AUTO automatic 自动化AUX. aux. auxiliary 辅助的、附件、辅助装置AVG. avg. average 平均值、平均的AVC automatic voltage control 自动电压控制AVR automatic voltage regulator 自动电压调整器BBEMF back electromotive force 反电动势BF back-feed 反馈BIL (1) basic impulse insulation level 冲击绝缘标准(2) basic insulation level 绝缘基本冲击耐压水平Transistor双极晶体管JunctionBJT BipolarB.L battery limits 界区线BM brake magnet 制动电磁铁BS (1) British Standard 英国标准(2) Brown and Sharp Wire Gauge 美国线规(B. & S Wire Gauge)BSI Britain Standard Institution 英国国家标准协会bus bus bar 母线、汇流排BV breakdown voltage 击穿电压CCa. circa 大约CAP. capacitor 电容器、电容CB (1)circuit breaker 断路器、断路开关(2)control board 控制台、控制屏CEE International Commission forConformity Certification of ElectricalEquipment电气设备国际认证委员会CEI International Electric Corporation 国际电工委员会标准(法文) CEN EuropeanforCommitteeStandardization欧共体标准化委员会CENELEC European committee for ElectricalStandardization欧洲电工标准化委员会CLWS clock wise 顺时针方向COMP (1) compare 比较(2) compensating 补偿的(3) component 元件,分力CPD contact potential difference 接触电位差CPU central processing unit 中央处理器CS (1) control signal 控制信号(2) control switch 控制开关C.T current transformer 电流互感器CVCF constant voltage &constant frequency 恒压恒频CVD current-voltage伏安特性曲线diagramCWG Chinese Wire Gauge 中国线规DDB. (db.) decibel 分贝current 直流电D.C. directDCPS direct current power supply 直流电源成套装置DCS (1) data communication system 数据传输系统(2) data control system 数据控制系统DE (1) diesel-electric 柴油发电机的显示设备(2) display equipment等级、度deg. degreeDEPT department 部门、司、局、部DFRL differential relay 差动继电器DIA (dia.) diameter 直径Diag. diagram 图表、图解DIM.(dim.) dimension 尺寸DIN D eutsche Industrie Normen 德国工业标准DP (1) damp proofing 防潮的(2) difference of potential 电位差(3) dew point 露点dsgn design 设计DSP Digital Signal Processor 数字信号处理器DWG dwg. drawing 图纸、制图EEEC (1) English Electric CO 英国电气公司(2) European Economic Community 欧洲经济EFF(eff.) efficiency 效率EL elevation 标高、正视图EMC electromagnetic compatibility 电磁兼容性force 电动势EMF electromotiveEMG emergency 事故(的)EMP (1) effective mean pressure 有效平均压力(2) electromagnetic pulse 电磁脉冲EMR electromagnetic radiation 电磁辐射ENGR STD engineering standard 工程标准epd earth potential difference 对地电位差防爆EXP explosionproofswitch 接地开关E.S. earthetc. and so an (et cetera) 等等FFB feedback 反馈FC frequency changer 变频机F-C fusible cutout-contactor 熔断器-接触器FIG (fig.) figure 插图、图FLC full-load满载电流currentFPS (1) feet per second 英尺/秒(2)frames per second 每秒帧数FPRF fire proof 防火GGCC (1) General Cable Corporation 通用电缆公司(美)(2) General Controls Corp 通用控制(设备)公司(美)(3) Grid Control Center 高压电网控制中心GD ground detector 接地探测器GEN generator 发电机,振荡器,发生器GOS general operating specification 一般操作规程GRTG grating 格栅、栅GT (1) grounding transformer 接地变压器(2) gross tonnage 总吨数(3) gas turbine 燃气轮机GTO gate turn Off thyristor 可关断晶体管GW (1) gross weight 毛重,总重量(2) mil watts 百万千瓦HHC. (1)hand control 手动控制(2)hose connection 软管连接HNIL high noise immunity logic 高抗扰性逻辑电路HSCB high speed circuit breaker 高速断路器HTS high tension supply 高压电源voltage 高电压H.V. highIC (1) inductance-capacitance 电感-电容量ICR i nductance-capacitance-resistance 电感-电容-电阻(2) Internationnal Electric Corporation 国际电气公司(3) integrated environmental control 综合环境控制IIEEE Institute of electrical & ElectronicsEngineers(美国)电机和电子工程师学会(索引词参见附录1)IES Illuminate Engineering Society (美国)照明工程学会I.D. (i.d.) inside - diameter 内径IGBT insulation gate bipolar transistor 绝缘栅双极晶体管ILL illumination 照明,照明学,光照度IM induction motor 感应电动机IOCS input-output control system 输入-输出控制系统Module 智能型电力模块PowerIPM IntelligentISO I nternational Standardization Organization 国际标准化组织 IT insulating transformer 隔离变压器ITL (1) inverse time limit 反时限缩写词缩写全文汉语涵义(2) inverse time relay 反时限继电器ITV industrial television 工业电视IWG Imperial Standard Wire Gauge 皇家标准线规缩写词缩写全文汉语涵义JJB junction box 接线盒、分线盒、电缆套Committee 日本电技术委员会ElectrotechnicalJEC JapaneseJES Japan Electrical Society 日本电气学会JIS Japanese Industrial Standard 日本工业标准KK-b key-board 鍵盘KS knife switch 刀形开关LLA lightning arrester 避雷器LAS light activated switch 光敏开关LDCLDPline-drop compensatorlow-voltage distribution panel线路电压降补偿器低压动力配电箱LDR light dependent resistors 光敏电阻LED light-emitting diode 发光二极管LEP lowest effective power 最低有效功率L.F. (1) load factor 负载率、负载系数(2) low frequency 低频LFD low frequency disturbance 低频干扰lg. length 长度LARLLPLocked rotor ampereslow-voltage lighting panel堵转电流照明配电葙LS (1) limit switch 终端开关(2) light switch 照明开关LSR (1) light sensitive relay 光敏继电器(2) light sensitive resistor 光敏电阻LT light 光,光线,轻的LV low voltage 低(电)压;低压LVP low voltage protection 低电压保护(装置)EMEE 0802-2001 第7 页共12 页LVPS low voltage power supply 低压电源LVR (1) line voltage regulator 线电压调节器(2) low-voltage release 低电压释放缩写词缩写全文汉语涵义MMASW master switch 总开关max. maximum 最大MB (1) electromagnetic brake 电磁制动器(2) main battery 主电池MBB (1) magnetic blow-out circuit breaker 磁吹式断路器 (2) make-before-break 先接后断,先闭后开(触点) MBSCS microcomputer-based supervisorycontrol system(利用)微型计算机(的)监控系统MCC motor control center 马达控制中心MCT MOS Control Thyristor 场控晶体管MD (1) magnetic deflection 磁偏转(2) mean deviation 平均偏移M-D modulation-demodulation 调制-解调,调制-反调制 MEX main exciter 主励磁机MgS electromagnetic switch 电磁开关MgV electromagnetic valve 电磁阀ML (1) mean level 平均电平(2) mutual inductance 互感MOSFET MOS Field-Effect Transistor MOS 场效应晶体管 mid middle 中间的M-G motor generator 电动发电机min minimum 最小的MSW Micro-switch 微动开关MWV maximum working voltage 最大工作电压NN (1) neutral 中性电、中性线(2) north pole 北极N number 数、号码NACE National Association of CorrosionEngineers(美国)防腐工程师协会NBS (1) National Bureau of Standards 国家标准局(美) (2) (New British Standard ) (ImperialWire Gauge)英国新标准线规(帝国线规)NC normally closed 正常闭合的、静合的NET network 网络电力网NEC (1) National Electrical Code (US) 国家电气规程(美国) EMEE 0802-2001 第8 页共12 页(2) Nippon Electro-technic Committee 日本电工委员会(3) Nippon Electric Company 日本电气公司NEMA National Electrical ManufacturersAssociation(US)国家电气制造商协会(美国)缩写词缩写全文汉语涵义NESC National Electric Safety Code(US) (美国)全国用电安全协会 NFPA National Fire ProtectionAssociation(US)(美国)国家防火协会NH nonhygroscopic 防潮的NPT normal pressure and temperature 标准压力和温度NRE negative resistance element 负阻元件NVR (1) no voltage relay 无(电)压继电器(2) no-voltage release 无(电)压释放NO normally open 正常断开的、静开的OO/C Open circuit 开路OCB (1) oil circuit breaker 油断路器(2) overload circuit breaker 过载断路器OCC (1) open circuit characteristic 开路或空载特性(曲线) (2) operations control center 操作控制中心OCO (1) open-closed-open “开- 关- 开”(2) operational checkout 操作上的检查OCR overcurrent relay 过电流继电器obj object 目的、目标;物品、物体oh. ohm 欧姆OHMOIohmmeteroil immersed欧姆表油浸的OISC (1)oil-insulated self-cooled 油绝缘自冷OLO(2)operation instruction(1) off line operation操作说明离线操作(2) on line operation 在线操作OLR overload relay 过载继电器OMR ohmmeter 欧姆计OTC overcurrent trip coil 过电流脱扣线圈O.T.R. overload time relay 过载限时继电器O.V. over voltage 过电压OVLD over load 过负荷、过载OW oil-immersed water cooled 油浸型水冷却PPAR parallel 平行的、并联的EMEE 0802-2001 第9 页共12 页PB push button 按钮PC (1) petersen coil 消弧线圈(2) photocell 光电管,光电池(3) pulsating current 脉动电流pct per cent 百分数缩写词缩写全文汉语涵义PDM pulse duration modulation 脉(冲)宽(度)调制,脉冲持续 时机调制PDR power directional relay 功率方向继电器PDS power distribution system 配电系统PDU power distribution unit 配电装置P.E. photoelectric 光电的PE permissible error 允许误差ph phase 相位PHPLpower house(1) pilot lamp发电厂指示灯、信号灯(2) plug 插头PLC Programmable Logic Control 可编程逻辑控制(器) Pot.PSSpotential(1) power system stabilizer电位,电势电力系统稳定器(2) power system stability 电力系统稳定性PT (1) potential transformer 电压互感器(2) power transformer 电力变压器PV peak voltage 峰值电压PW (1) primary winding 一次绕组,原绕组(2) pulse width 脉冲宽度PWB printed wiring board 印刷线路板PWM Pulse Width Modulation 脉冲宽度调制QQA quick-acting relay 速动继电器qb quick break 速断,高速断路器QT qualification test 质量鉴定试验,合格试验RRC (1) reaction coupling 电抗耦合(2) remote control 遥控RCC (1) resistance capacity coupling 阻容耦合(2) rubber covered cable 橡皮绝缘电缆RCR reverse current relay 逆电流继电器RMS root mean square 有效值,均方根值RTD (1) resistance temperature detector 电阻温度计(2) resistive thermal detector 电阻式热探测器EMEE 0802-2001 第10 页共12 页RTM real-time monitor 实时监控器缩写词缩写全文汉语涵义SSW secondary winding 二次绕组s. slip 转差律SB (1) switchboard 配电盘(2) secondary battery 二次电池(3)secondary break down 二次击穿SCADA supervisory control and dataacquisition监视控制和数据采集,远方监控系统,远动s.c. single contact 单触点sc. scale 比例尺、比例; 刻度盘SCR (1) semiconductor controlled rectifier 半导体可控整流器 (2) short circuit ratio 短路比SCT-G superconducting turbine-generator 超导汽轮发电机 SEN sensor 传感器,传感元件,探测设备SEV Schweizerischer ElektrotechnischerVerein电工学会(瑞士)SG (1) signal generator 信号发生器(2) spark gap 火花放电器(3) standard gauge 标准线规,标准轨距SLS speed limiting switch 限速开关SM (1) servomotor 伺服电动机(2) starting motor 起动电动机(3) synchronous motor 同步电动机SR (1) saturable reactor 饱和电抗器(2) self-rectifying 自整流(3) slip ring 滑环SPIC(4) switch roomSmart Power Integrated Circuit开关室智能型电力集成电路SPWM Sinusoidal Pulse Width Modulation 正弦脉冲宽度调制 SWG standard wire gauge 标准线规(英)sys. system 系统、装置、体系、方式TTab tabulate 制表T and D transmission and distribution 输电和配电TC (1) time closing 延时闭合EMEE 0802-2001 第11 页共12 页(2) trip coil 脱扣线圈TDR time delay relay 延时继电器TEFC totally enclosed fan cooled 全封闭风扇冷却Term terminal 端子,终端temp. temperature 温度缩写词缩写全文汉语涵义TEWC totally enclosed water cooled 全封闭水冷TG (1) tachogenerator 测速发电机房(2) turbogenerator 汽轮发电机Tr. (1) transfer 传导、转换(2) transformer 变压器TST test 测试试验TST even test even 偶次谐波测试TST add test add 奇次谐波测试TS (1) temperature switch 温度开关(2) terminal strip 端子板UU.L Underwriter Laboratory (美国)保险商实验室UPS Uninterruptible power systems 不间断电源USSG United States Standard Gauge 美国标准线规u.v.r. undervoltage relay 低电压继电器Vvac. vacuum 真空VARN varnish 油漆VC (1) variable capacitor 可变电容器(2) voltage compensator 电压补偿器VR (1) variable reluctance 可变磁阻(2) variable resistor 可变电阻器(3) voltage regulator 电压调整器(4) voltage relay 电压继电器VVVF Variable Voltage Variable Frequency 变压变频 WWP. weather proof 耐风雨的、防风雨的WPG.WV.Water proofworking voltage防水的工作电压W. width 宽w.d. wiring diagram 接线图、电路图、布线图 EMEE 0802-2001 第12 页共12 页Wdg. winding 绕组W.G. wire gauge 线规,线号缩写词缩写全文汉语涵义XX L inductive reactance 感抗XVTR transverter 变换器,换流器,换能器YY Y-connection 星形接法,Y 接法YDS Y-delta starter 星形三角起动器YP yield point 击穿点yr. year 年ZZ. (1) zero 零度,零(2) zone 地区ZC center zero instrument 双向读数仪表ZL zero line 基准线。
接地变压器的零序阻抗计算代金龙;郝建红;范杰清【摘要】以Z型接线接地变压器的原理为基础,对电网中普遍应用的接地变压器的零序阻抗的计算进行阐述,也提及了三相电力系统单相接地时零序电流的计算.%Basing the principle of Zigzag-connected Grounding transformer and described the calculation of its zero sequence impedance,also referred to the zero-sequence current of the calculated value of three-phase power system while Single-phase grounding.【期刊名称】《聊城大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2011(024)004【总页数】5页(P71-75)【关键词】接地变压器;零序阻抗【作者】代金龙;郝建红;范杰清【作者单位】华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院,北京102206;华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院,北京102206;华北电力大学电气与电子工程学院,北京102206【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM4730 引言随着电网规模的增大以及电缆在配电网中的大量使用,系统的电容电流将大幅度地增加.对于中性点不接地系统,当发生单相接地时,由于电容电流较大,弧光不能自熄,会严重威胁电网的安全运行.因此,采用中性点经消弧线圈或小电阻接地方式以限制接地电流是非常必要的.接地变压器作为人为中性在电网中得到了普遍地应用.接地变压器的功能是为中性点不接地系统引出一个中性点在电网正常运行时有很髙的励磁阻抗,绕组中只流过较小的励磁电流或因中性点电压偏移引起的持续电流一般较小.当系统发生单相接地故障时,接地变压器绕组对正序、负序都呈现髙阻抗,而对零序电流则呈低阻抗,这一零序电流经过接地变压器中性点电阻或消弧线圈起到减小电网的接地电流和抑制过电压的发生.因此,接地变压器的结构就必须采用曲折形的绕组联结法.零序阻抗值是接地变压器的重要参数,也是采取系统单相接地保护措施的参考数值和依据.在《IEC289-1985电抗器》、《电抗器GB10229-1988》对接地变压器的零序阻抗规定了额定中性点电流下测量的零序阻抗允许最大偏差20%.这就要求制造厂家必须提供实测的零序阻抗值.零序阻抗的计算在接地变压器设计中有重要意义.1 三相电力系统的单相接地三相电力系统中,各相导线沿全长在导线之间、各相导线对地之间都有分散电容.由各相导线之间的电容(相间电容)相差不大,系统对称时,三相间电压大小相等、相差120°,无论系统正常运行还是发生三相短路时,三相导线相间电容电流基本等于零.只有在发生相间短路的时候,该电容值的电容效应才能显现出来,再选用并联电抗器时必须考虑到相间电容的大小,平时并不为大家关心.导线对地电容直接决定系统单相接地时电流的大小,单相接地故障占所有电力系统故障的60%-80%,所以导线对地电容更为大家所关心.三相电力系统中,单相线路对地电容的充电电流值为式中Uø—相电压,V;ω—角频率,rad/s;C—每相线路的对地电容,F.当三相系统正常运行时,各相对地电压是对称的,大小基本相等、相差120°,矢量和等于零,所以地中没有电容电流流过;中性点的电位也为零.如图1所示,电网发生单相接地时,各相对地电压发生变化:接地相的对地电压为零,另外两相对地电压值升高到原来的倍,为线电压值.电网各相对地电压的改变可以认为是各电压向量与一个零序电压叠加.这个零序向量与接地相的相电压大小相等、方向相反.系统电压三角形从接地前的ABC逆着接地相的相电压向量平移到三角形A′B′C′的位置,电气中性点从O平移到O′.如图2所示,三相电网的线电压的大小和相位保持不变、各相的相角也未发生变化,所以对下一级变电站、三相用户的供电没有什么影响,但是会对单相用户以及未结成三相的单相变压器产生不利影响.图1 三相系统单相接地示意图图2 接地时各向量关系图各相对地电容电流随变压器收到的影响发生变化,接地相电压为零,不流过电容电流;由于非接地相对地电压上升到倍对地电压,电容电流也增加为单相对地电容电流的倍;由于两个非接地相的相位差120°,其合成电流为3倍的单相接地电流,所以此时流经故障处单相接地电流为从上式可知,接地电流为一相对地电容电流的3倍,它的大小与相电压及对地电容值有关.各相导线相间电容值、对地电容值与所采用的导线及其长度有关,电缆线路单位长度电容值是架空线路单位长度电容值的几十倍.当Id不超过5-10A时,接地电流所产生的电弧可以在接地电流过零的瞬间自行熄灭;当Id大于5-10A时,单相接地电弧发生间歇性的熄灭与重燃,导致电弧过电压,其幅值可达2.5-3.5 U(U为正常相电压峰值)或更高,会对电气设备的绝缘造成极大的危害,在绝缘薄弱处形成击穿,从而危及设备的安全运行;持续电弧使周围空气电离、破坏其绝缘,容易发展成永久性金属接地或相间短路.因此,必须把单相接地电容电流限制在容许的范围内,目前世界各国都广泛采用中性点经消弧线圈接地的措施.对电缆线路,电弧可靠自熄的最低电流为:全塑电缆25A;油纸电缆15A;交联电缆10A.中压电缆多为交联电缆,因此10A电缆配电网最大允许单相接地电流.我国110 kV以下电网都采用中性点不接地方式.20kV及以上电力网单相接地电流大于10A,10kV及以下电力网单相接地电流大于30A;发电机配电网络单相接地电流大于5A时,均应采用中性点经消弧线圈或电阻的接地措施,如图3示.图3 三相系统中性点经接地变压器、消弧线圈接地正常运行时,由于三相电压对称,中性点O对地电压为零,无电流流过消弧线圈或电阻;当发生单相接地时,中性点偏移至O′对地电压将上升为相电压.中线点经消弧线圈接地,消弧线圈内将流过IL=Uø/ωLH(LH一消弧线圈的电感)的感性电流IL,由于可以与容性的接地电流相IC互补偿,从而使IC有可能减小到电弧可以自行熄灭的程度,这样就扩大了中性点不接地方式的应用范围.中线点经消弧线圈接地是我国长期广泛采用的方式.近年来,随着电缆线路的增多,中性点经销电阻接地的方式也得到了较大的发展.中性点经小电阻接地主要是考虑电缆绝缘较薄弱,不存在“树线”问题,多认为单相接地是永久性接地.中线点流过较大的电流,大大增加了选线的速度和准确性,迅速判断出故障线路进行切除.当发生单相接地时,电阻流过的电流IR=Uø/R.2 接地变压器(Z接变)Z型接线的接地变压器的每相绕组被平均分为两段,分配在不同铁芯柱上.同一铁芯柱上的两段绕组,属于不同的相别且绕组极性相反,三相绕组按Z形联结法接成星形接线.如图4(a)所示,连接组别为ZN,yn11的接地变压器接线原理图,图4(b)为其各绕组向量关系图.图4 接地变压器及绕组向量关系系统正常时,接地变压器高压侧绕组只流过激磁电流,以及与二次侧绕组负荷相平衡的电流,呈现出高阻抗.变压器的空载电流一般位额定电流的1%左右,激磁阻抗为变压器额定阻抗的100倍左右.当系统发生单相接地时,从图2可知,相当于各相绕组上施加了相电压-Uø,由于三相零序电压大相等、相位一致,而同一芯柱上两个高压绕组极性相反,激磁磁势相互抵消,不在铁芯柱中产生磁通.由此,Z接地变压器铁芯柱中磁密,发生单相接地前后并不变化;所以接地变压器可以选取与普通电力变压器的磁密.同一芯柱上高压绕组的电流产生的磁势只产生漏磁通,10kV接地变压器的零序阻抗约为10Ω左右,35kV接地变压器的零序阻抗约为100Ω左右,表现出低阻抗.Z型接线变压器对正序、负序电流呈现高阻抗,对零序电流呈现高阻抗的特点,被广泛使用在电力系统中.变电站主变压器三角形结法或Y结法(无中性点引出线)时需要装设接地变压器,为三相电力系统提供人为中性点,ZN联结的接地变压器广泛应用于6-10kV电网.在35kV级的电网,一般主变压器都有d结的线圈,且容量较大,完全能满足与消弧线圈相配套的容量要求.今年来我国光伏电厂、风能电场的发展迅猛,为实现电能远距离传输的升压变电站中的35kV线路多为电缆线路,使用中性点经小电阻,接地电流较大,装设专用ZN接线的接地变压器提供认为中性点,这种应用也越来越多.3 接地变压器零序阻抗的计算方法3.1 零序电流公式在IEC标准中,接地变压器归属于“电抗器”标准IEC289-1985之内,本文参照IEC标准并结合我国情况制定的,接地变压器归属于国标《电抗器GB10229-1988》的一部分.接地变压器一次侧经消弧线圈接地,当发生单相接地时,流经消弧线圈的感性电流为式中U—系统电压,V;Zs—系统阻抗,Ω;一般可忽略;Zo—接地变压器单相零序阻抗,Ω;ZL—消弧线圈的阻抗,Ω.公式中忽略了接地变压器、消弧线圈阻抗中对应损耗的直阻部分.计及这部分直阻的公式式中Xo—接地变压器单相零序电抗,Ω;R0—接地变压器对应于损耗折合得到的直阻,Ω;XL—消弧线圈的电抗,Ω;RL—消弧线圈损耗折合的直阻,Ω;接地变压器一次侧经电阻接地,当发生单相接地时,流经电阻的电流式中R—小电阻阻值,单位为Ω公式(3)中忽略了接地变压器阻抗中对应损耗的直阻部分.计及这部分直阻的公式因此,Zo(Xo)值直接影响中性点接地电流的大小,为此《GB10229-1988电抗器》规定,接地变压器铭牌必须提供每相的实测零序阻抗值.标准虽然未对零序阻抗提出具体数值要求,但规定了额定中性点电流下测量的零序阻抗允许偏差20%-0%.零序阻抗是接地变压器最重要的参数之一,也是用户对系统、接地变压器进行保护时必要的参考数值和依据.在同一铁芯柱上分属不同相别的两套线圈在结构上有两种布置方式:同心式和交错式.本文下面对这两种不同布置形式的接地变压器的零序阻抗的计算公式做一介绍.3.2 高压线圈同心式布置情况根据有无二次侧、用户技术协议对零序阻抗值的具体要求,同心式布置如图5所示.一般设计时可以如图5a同心排布两套高压线圈.两套高压线圈分别同心地排布低压线圈的内外两侧,如图5b.这样等效漏磁面积增大,从而可以获得较高序阻抗值.接地变压器的零序阻抗电压的电抗压降时,就可按普通双线圈变压器阻抗电压电抗压降分量的计算方法,仅考虑高压线圈两个线圈间的漏磁组,而不必考虑低压线圈的存在与否.这样接地变压器的零序阻抗电压电抗压降分量就可利用下式计算式中I—额定零序电流,A;W—高压的每套线圈匝数;∑D—等效漏磁面积,cm2;ρ—洛氏系数;Kx—横向电抗系数;ez—匝电势,V/T;Hx—电抗高度,cm.式中R—高压线圈相电阻,Ω.图5 (a)一般设计时两套高压线圈的排布;(b)高零序阻抗两套高压线圈的排布两套高压线圈同心式排布的方式,具有结构简单、制造方便;绝缘结构成熟;物理意义清晰、计算准确等优点,接地变压器广泛采用这种结构方式.3.3 高压线圈交错式布置情况接地变压器一、二次线圈采用同心式排列,有时同时满足变压器阻抗、零序电抗的要求.可以采用将低压线圈作为内线柱,高压两套线圈采用沿轴向交错排列作为外线柱,如图6所示.两套高压线圈交错式布置可以通过灵活调整高压线圈漏磁组数,达到满足零序电抗制的要求而不减小阻抗电压的目的.对于干式浇注接地变压器,这种布置方式有利于套用已有的浇注模具、减少两套高压线圈外部过线,所以应用较多.需要指出的是,采用两套高压线圈的交错排布的接地变压器,其零序电流漏磁组的数量对零序阻抗影响巨大,可以灵活调整已达到调整零序阻抗的目的.设置5个漏磁组,可以使10kV的浇注产品的零序阻抗≤10Ω,对于35kV产品,零序阻抗也能≤100Ω,达到同心式接地变压器的水平.交错式布置的接地变压器的零序阻抗式中:f—频率,Hz;Wh1—被计算的漏磁组的高压线圈匝数;Hdσ—横向漏磁等效高度,cm;r1—高压线圈平均半径,cm;ρh—横向漏磁洛式系数;k—高压线圈漏磁组数;a1—高压线圈电抗宽度;零序电抗按公式(8)计算.图6 高压线圈z形联结的相对位置及磁势分布4 结论(1)Z型接线的接地变压器广泛应用于三相电力系统,为补偿、限制单相接地电容电流提供人为接地中性点;(2)零序阻抗值是接地变压器的重要参数,也是采取系统单相接地保护措施的参考数值和依据,制造厂必须提供每相实测的零序阻抗值;(3)文中对两种高压线圈不同布置方式时零序阻抗的计算作了介绍.参考文献【相关文献】[1]瓦京修斯基.变压器的理论与计算[M].北京:机械工业出版社,1983.[2]沈官秋.电网人为中性点采用接地变压器的分析和计算[J].变压器,1981,2:7-9. [3]尹克宁.应用于配电网中的接地变压器[J].变压器,1988,1:2-4.[4]周厚民.接地变压器设计要点[J].变压器,1984,12:12-13,16.[5]刘文里王海.接地变压器设计中的几个问题[J].变压器,199,7:9-10,28.[6]尹克宁.再论接地变压器的几个问题[J].变压器,1994,8:12-14.。
MATLAB在电气工程及其自动化中的应用课程设计1.1 电气工程及其自动化专业概论电气工程及其自动化涉及电力电子技术,计算机技术,电机电器技术与网络控制技术,机电一体化技术等诸多领域,是一门综合性较强的学科,其主要特点是强弱电结合,机电结合,软硬件结合,电工技术与电子技术相结合,元件与系统相结合,使学生获得电工电子、系统控制、电气控制、电力系统自动化、电气自动化装置及计算机应用技术等领域的基本技能。
1.2 MATLAB简介MATLAB是Matrix&Laboratory两个词的组合,译为矩阵实验室。
MATLAB 是由美国mathworks公司发布的主要面向科学计算、可视化以及交互式程序设计的计算环境,主要包括MATLAB、MATLAB工具箱和Simulink三大部分。
同时,在新版本中也加入了对C,FORTRAN,C++,JA V A的支持。
1.3 SimPowerSystems模块库简介Simulink是MATLAB软件中的一种可视化仿真工具,是一种基于MATLAB 的框图设计环境,是实现动态系统建模、仿真和分析的一个软件包,被广泛应用于线性系统、非线性系统、数字控制及数字信号处理的建模和仿真中。
、中华人民共和国国家标准GB50150—2006电气装置安装工程电气设备交接试验标准中华人民共和国建设部发布 2006--11--01实施1 总则1.0.1 为适应电气装置安装工程电气设备交接试验的需要,促进电气设备交接试验新技术的推广和应用,制定本标准。
静置时间按制造厂要求执行,当制造厂无规定时,电压等级为500kV的,须静置72h以上;220~330kV 的,须48h以上;11OkV及以下的,须24h以上。
1.0.5 进行电气绝缘的测量和试验时,当只有个别项目达不到本标准的规定时,则应根据全面的试验记录进行综合判断,经综合判断认为可以投入运行者,可以投入运行。
AEOD analysis and evaluation of operational data 运行数据分析和管理
AFC automatic frequency control automatic following control 自动频率控制:自动跟踪控制
AI artificial intelligence 人工智能
电力系统继电保护原理 Principle of Electrical System's Relay Protection
电力系统元件保护原理 Protection Principle of Power System 's Element
电力系统内部过电压 Past Voltage within Power system
AC automatic control 自动控制
ACA accident consequence assessment 事故后果评价
ACB air circuit breaker 空气断路器
ACC accident 故障、事故
ACCUM accumulate accumulate 累计、 蓄电池
模拟电子技术基础 Basis of Analogue Electronic Technique
数字电子技术 Digital Electrical Technique
电路原理实验Lab. of principle of circuits
电气工程讲座 Lectures on electrical power production
Electromagnetic fields 电磁场
失去同步 loss of synchronization
浅谈 ZN 型接地变压器中性点接地方式
![浅谈 ZN 型接地变压器中性点接地方式](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a5361d4676232f60ddccda38376baf1ffc4fe326.png)
浅谈 ZN 型接地变压器中性点接地方式史嘉贶;黄朝【摘要】鉴于接地变压器对系统安全稳定运行起着至关重要的作用,以ZN型接地变压器为例,介绍了接地变压器的接线方式、电磁特性和运行特点,分析了接地变压器中性点3种接地方式,并对该3种接地方式的选择给出了建议。
%The ZN-type grounding transformer is essential to the safe and stable operation of the power system .The wire connection mode , electromagnetic characteristics and operation features of the ZN-type grounding transformer are intro-duced .Furthermore , three neutral grounding modes are analyzed .Suggestions are then provided for the selection of grounding modes for the ZN-type grounding transformer .【期刊名称】《水电与新能源》【年(卷),期】2015(000)011【总页数】3页(P62-64)【关键词】接地变压器;接地方式;中性点【作者】史嘉贶;黄朝【作者单位】三峡国际能源投资集团有限公司,北京 100033;三峡国际能源投资集团有限公司,北京 100033【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TM41在我国电力系统中,中低压配电网主变压器配电电压侧一般为三角形接线,多采用中性点不接地的运行方式。
电气工程常见的英文缩写缩写全称中文AC alternating current 交流电AC automatic control 自动控制ACA accident consequence assessment 事故后果评价ACB air circuit breaker 空气断路器ACC accident 故障、事故ACCUM accumulate accumulate 累计、蓄电池ACDS acourtic crack detection system 声裂纹检测系统ACT/S active side 带电部件、有功部件ACW anti-clockwise 反时针方向ACW anti-clockwise 反时针方向AD analog-digital 模拟-数字AEOD analysis and evaluation of operational data 运行数据分析和管理AFC automatic frequency control automatic following control 自动频率控制:自动跟踪控制AI artificial intelligence 人工智能ALT alternate 交变的、交替的ALTNTR alternator 同步发电机AM ammeter 电流表AMP ampere 安培AN air natural cooled 空气自然冷却AOC automatic overload control 自动过载控制APC automatic plant coordinate control automatic power control 机组自动协调控制:自动功率控制APP appendix auxiliary power plant 附录:辅助电源设备APS acessory power supply 辅助电源APU auxiliary power unit 辅助动力装置:辅助电源设备ARM armature 电枢、衔铁ASR automatic speed run up 自动升速ASU automatic synchronizing unit 自动同步系统AT auxiliary transformer 辅助变压器AUS auxiliary switch 辅助开关AUX auxiliany 辅助、备用AVL automatic voltage control 自动电压控制AVR automatic voltage regulator 自动调压器BAT battery 电池BD block decrease 闭锁减BDUC bus duct 母线导管、母线沟BDV blowdown voltage 击穿电压BF back feed 反馈BHP brake horse power 制动马力BI block increase 闭锁增BKR breaker 断路器BOS back-out system 补偿系统BOT build-operate-tranfer 建造-运行-移交BR brush 电刷、刷子BRKG breaking 断开BYC battery charger 电池充电器CA compressed air 压缩空气CAOS completely automatic operate system 全自动操作系统CAP capactty 电容、出力、容量CAP capacity 容量、功率CATS computer-aided trouble-shooting 计算机辅助故障查寻CB control buton circuit breaker circuit board 控制钮:线路断路器:电路板CBL line circuit breaker 线路断路器CC charactevistic curve 特性曲线CCW counter-clockwise 反时针CD control desk 控制台CEMF cownta electromotive force 反电动势CG center of gravity 重心CHGR charger 充电器CKT circuit 电路、线路CKW clockwise 顺时针方向CL center line 中心线CLSG closing 关闭、合闸CMR continuous maxinum rating 连续最大功率CNDN condition 工况、参数CO con-out 关闭、切断COEF coefficient 系数CONST constans construction 常数:构造、结构CONT contact control 接点:调节、控制CP control panel 控制板CPD capacitor potential device 电容器分压器CRT cathode-ray tube 阴极射线管CRT circuit 回路CS controlled switch controll signal 控制开关:控制信号CT current transformer 电流互感器CW clockwise 顺时针方向CY cycle 循环、周期DB distribution box 配电箱DBMS data base management system 数据库管理系统DC direct current 直流电DCAS data collection and analysis system 数据收集分析系统DE digital equipment display equipment 数字元件:显示设备DELIV deliver 供给、供电/输出DG diesel generator 柴油发电机DG diesel generator 柴油发电机DHP delivered horse power 输出功率DI data input 数据输入DISC disconnect 断开DISC SW disconnect swtich 隔离开关DISTR diatribution 分散、分配、配电DL data line 数据传输线DMM digital multimeter 数字万用表DMS data management system 数据管理系统DO diesel oil 柴油DO digital output 数字输入DOS dosing 量DPDT double-pole double-throw 双刀双掷开关DPST double-pole sigle-throw 双刀单掷开关DSCH discharge 放电DSL diesel 柴油机DSL line desconnect switch 隔离开关DT dawn time 故障停机时间DTS data transimission 数据传输系统DYNA dynamic analysis 动态分析E.U engineering units 工程单位E/P electrical to pneumatic converter 电动气动转换器EAF equivalent available factor 等效可运系数ECR economical continuous rating 经济连续出力EE electrical engineer 电气工程师EFF efficiency 效率EFFT effective 有效的EHV extra-high voltage 超高压ELEC electric 电气的EMER emergency 紧急、事故EMER emergency 事故保安EMF inductive electromotive force 感应电动势EMLON emergency condition 事故状态EMP eletromechanical power 机电功率EMS emergency switch 紧急开关、事故按钮ENCL enclose 封闭、包围ENER energize 励磁、使带电ENERD energized 已励磁的、已带电的ENG engage 发动机EP extreme power 极限功率ESD emergency shutdown 事故停机ESS essential service system 主要厂用系统ETS electrical trip solenoid 电气跳闸线圈EXC exciter 励磁机、励磁EXD external device 外部设备EY voltage transducer 电压变送器FB fuse block 保险盒FC fast closing 快关F-F flip-flop 触发器FL full load 满负荷FLF flip-flop 触发器FME frequency measuring equipment 频率计FP full power 满功率FREQ frequency 频率FU fuse 保险丝、熔断器FWR full-wave rectifier 全波整流器GEN generator 发电机GIS gas-insulated metal-enclosed switch gear 全封闭组合电器GPT generator potential transformer 发电机电压互感器GRD ground 接地GRD FLT ground fault 接地故障GT grounding transformer 接地变压器HC holding coil 保持线圈HF high frequency 高频HG harmonic generator 谐波发生器HIPOT high potential test 高电压实验HLDG holding 保持HP horse power 马力HS hand switch 手动开关HT high tension 高压HTN high tension 高电压HV high voltage 高电压HV high voltage high velocity 高压:高速HVDC high voltage direct current transmission system 高压直流输电系统HVPC high voltage power supply 高电压源I/O input/output 输入/输出IC integrated circuit input circuit 集成电路:输入电路ICL incoming line 引入线IMP impedance 阻抗IMPLS impulse 脉冲、冲动INDN induction 感应INIT initial 启动、励磁INITD initiated 已励磁的、已启动的INSUL insulate 绝缘、隔热INTMT intermediate 间断的、间歇的INVR inverter 逆变器、反相器ISLN isolation 隔离开关ISOL isolation 隔离的、绝缘的JY watt transduce 有功变送器K kilo 千KW kilowatt 千瓦KWH kilowatt-hour 度L electrical power line 电线LA lightening arrester 避雷器LC load centre 负荷中心LC load center 负荷中心LDS line disconnecting switch 线路隔离开关、线路断路器LN line 线路LOC local 就地LPC linear power controller 线性功率放大器LR line relay 线性继电器LSIC large scale integrated circuit 大规模集成电路LV low voltage 低电压MAG magnet 磁铁/磁场的MAN manual 手动的MC manual control magnet contactor 人工控制:磁铁开关MCB molded case circuit breaker 模板式断路器MCC motor control centre 马达控制中心MCC motor control center 马达控制中心MCR main control room maxium capacity rating maxium continuous rating 主控室:最大额定出力:最大连续出力MDS motor disconnect switch 马达隔离开关MG motor generator 电动发电机ML mechanical loss 机械损失MNXFMR main transformor 主变压器MO motor 马达MOD motor operated disconnect 电动断开MPR motor protrelay 电机保护继电器MSTR motor starter 马达启动器MWE megawatt electric 兆瓦电MWH megawatt-hour 兆瓦小时NADVD not advanced 滞后NEG negative 阴极的、负的NET network 网络NEUT neutral 中性的NGT neutral groundong transformer 中性点接地变压器NL noload 空载、无负荷NOM nominal 额定的NRP normal rated power 额定功率O&R overhaul and repair 大小修OA operator auto mode 运行人员监控下的自动控制运行方式OL motor overload device 电机过负荷装置OP output power operating procedure 输出功率:运行规程OPER operating 操作OR operating record 停运记录OVHL overhaul 大修P.O. power output 功率输出P.U. per unit 标幺值PA power amplifier 功率放大器PAMS post-accident montoring instrumentation 事故后监测仪表PB push button 按钮开关PC power center 动力中心PCB power circuit breaker 功率继电器PCC power conditioning and control 电力调节与控制PCM pulse-code modulation 脉冲编码调制PD potenial difference power driven 电位差:电动的PE power equipment 发电综合控制PF power factor indicator 功率因数PFI power factor indicator 功率因数表PGCC power generation control complex 相位PH phase 功率输入PI power input 峰值负荷PK peak 峰值PL plate 板、极板PL peak load 峰值负荷PLD payload 有效负载PM phase midulation 调相PO power operator 电动操作POH planned outage hours 计划停运小时POOH planned overhaul outage hours 计划大修停运小时POS positive 正的、正极的POS position 位置POT potential transformer 电势、电位计PP peak power 峰值功率PPS plant protective system primary protection system 电厂保护系统:一次保护系统PS power station power supply power system 电站:电源:电力系统PSS power support stabilizer 电力系统稳定器PT potential transformer 电压互感器PT potential transformer 电压互感器PT pressure transducer 压力变送器PWR power 功率Q transistor 晶体管QA quick acting 快速动作QMQB quick-make quick-break 快通快断R rate rotor ratio 速率:转子:比率系数RA remote auto 远程自动RAM repair and maintenance 检修与维护RB run back 甩负荷RD run down 降负荷RF reserve free 备用ROT rate of turn reserve oil tank 转动速度:备用油箱RP rated power 额定功率RPM revolution per minute 转/分RPS revolution per second 转/秒RS resistor 电阻器RSV reserve 备用RTD resistance temperature device 电阻测量计RU run up 升负荷RU run up 升负荷S/C short circuit 短路SC short circuit 短路SC semi-conductor 半导体SCR silicon-controlled rectifier 可控硅整流器SECT sectional 等级、分级SEN sensor 传感元件、传感器SERV service 工作、厂用SG standby generator 备用发电机SO shut-off 停机、遮断SOE sequence of events 事故顺序记录SOH scheduled outage hours 计划停机时间SOV solenoid -operated valve 电磁阀SP single pole spare 单极:备用SPC system power control 系统电源控制SPDT single-pole double-throw 单刀双掷SR speed reguletor standard rating silicon rectifier 调速器:额定容量:硅整流器SS station service 厂用SS stopping switch 停机开关SST station service transformer 厂用变压器ST starter startup transformer 启动器:启动变压器STA stationary 固定的STAT stator 定子STBY standby 备用STBY stand by 备用STR reserve station service transformer 厂用备用变压器SUBSTA substation 变点站SUPL supervisory 供电、电源SUR surge 冲击、波动SV solenoid valve 电磁阀、滑阀SW switch 开关SW switch 开关、手把SW short wave switch 短波:开关SWBD switchboard 配电SWBD switchboard 开关板、配电盘SWC surge withstand capability 冲击电压承受能力SWGR switchyard 配电装置SWYD switchyard 开关场SY synchroscope 同步指示器SYM symmetrical system 对称系统SYNC synchronize 使---同步SYNCG synchronizing 同步SYNSCP synchroscope 同步指示器SYS system 系统SYST system 系统T&D transimission and distribution 输电与配电T&M testing and maintenance electrical trip and monitoring 实验与维修:电电气跳闸与监视系统TACH tachometer 转速表TASS technique assembly 装配工艺TB therminal board 端子板、终端板TBO time between overhaul 大修间隔TC thermocouple 热电偶TD time delay 延时TD technique data time delay 技术数据:时滞、延时TDC time delay closing 延时闭合TDD time delay on deenerization 延时失励TDE time delay energization 延时激励TDO time delay opening 延时打开TE thermoelectric test equipment 热电的:测试设备TH thermal element 热电偶、热偶元件TIS test instrumentation system thermal insulation system 测试仪表系统:绝缘系统TL total loss total load time limit 总损失:总负荷:时间限制TM time monitor 时间监视器TOT total 总共TP test point time pulse 实验点、测试点:时间脉冲TPDT triple-pole double-throw 三刀双掷开关TR test run transducer 试运行:变送器TRANS transport 运输TRC transmission and reception controller 传输及接收控制器TRIAC triode altermating current switch 三极管交流开关TRU transmit-receive unit 发送接收装置TSI turbine supervisory instrument 汽轮机监视仪表TVM transistor voltmeter 晶体管电压表U unit 机组UAT unit auxiliary transformer 厂用变压器UDF unit derating factor 机组降低出力系数UDG unit derating generation 机组降低出力少发电量UDH unit derating hours 机组降低出力小时UERS unusual event recording system 异常事故记录系统UNDH unit derating hours 机组降低出力小时UNIV universal 通用UNLD unloading 无载的、空载的UO unit operator 机组操作员UOF unplanned outage factor 非计划停运系数UOH unplanned outage hour 非计划停运小时UOR unplanned outage rate 非计划停运率UPS uninterrupted power supply 不停电电源URT unit run time 设备运行时间UST unit station service transformer 厂用变压器UV under voltage 电压不足、低电压UV 电压监察VAR variable 变量VARHM garhour meter 无功电度表VC variable capacitor voltage comparator 可变电容:电压比较器VCB vacuum circuit breaker 真空断路器VCT voltage current transformer 电压电流互感器VENT ventilator 通风VF vriable frequency 可变频率VOLTREG voltage regularor 电压调节器VR variable resistor voltage regulator 可变电阻:稳压器VT vibration testing 振动实验VT voltage time to breakdown 击穿电压时间VTVM vacuum-tube voltmeter 真空管电压表W/O without 没有WDG winding 绕组、线圈WH watt-hour 瓦特小时WHM watthour meter 有功电度表WTR water 水WV working voltage 工作电压WZJ 绝缘监察XDCR transducer 变送器XFER transfer 转换XFMR transfoormer 变压器XMSN transmission 输电XMTR transmitter 变送器XS transfer switch 转换开关YD yard 工作场。
变压器的几种接地方式英文回答:There are several grounding methods for transformers, including solidly grounded, impedance grounded, and ungrounded. Each grounding method has its own advantages and applications.1. Solidly Grounded: In this grounding method, one of the transformer's winding is directly connected to the ground. This provides a low-impedance path for fault currents, allowing them to be quickly detected and cleared. Solid grounding is commonly used in systems where fault protection and personnel safety are critical, such as hospitals and data centers. For example, in a hospital, if a fault occurs in the electrical system, solid grounding ensures that the fault current is quickly diverted to the ground, minimizing the risk of electric shock to patients and staff.2. Impedance Grounded: This grounding method involves connecting a neutral grounding resistor (NGR) between the transformer neutral and the ground. The NGR limits thefault current and provides a level of fault protection. Impedance grounding is often used in systems where a solid ground fault may cause excessive damage, such as inindustrial facilities or power plants. For instance, in a power plant, an impedance grounded transformer can limitthe fault current to a safe level, preventing equipment damage and minimizing downtime.3. Ungrounded: In this grounding method, neither of the transformer windings is directly connected to the ground. Instead, a high-impedance grounding system is used to limit the fault current. Ungrounded transformers are commonly employed in systems where continuity of service is critical, such as in process industries or commercial buildings. For example, in a chemical plant, an ungrounded transformer can isolate a fault without causing a complete shutdown of the entire system, allowing the plant to continue operation while the fault is being addressed.中文回答:变压器的几种接地方式包括,固定接地、阻抗接地和不接地。
电气工程常见英文缩写、全称(随查清用)AC alternating current 交流电AC automatic control 自动控制ACA accident consequence assessment 事故后果评价ACB air circuit breaker 空气断路器ACC accident故障、事故ACCUM accumulate accumulate 累计、蓄电池ACDS acourtic crack detection system 声裂纹检测系统ACT/S active side带电部件、有功部件ACW anti-clockwise 反时针方向ACW anti-clockwise 反时针方向AD analog-digital 模拟-数字AEOD analysis and evaluation of operational data 运行数据分析和管理AFC automatic frequency control automatic following control 自动频率控制:自动跟踪控制AI artificial intelligence 人工智能ALT alternate交变的、交替的ALTNTR alternator 同步发电机AM ammeter电流表AMP ampere 安培AN air natural cooled空气自然冷却AOC automatic overload control 自动过载控制APC automatic plant coordinate control automatic powercontrol 机组自动协调控制:自动功率控制APP appendix auxiliary power plant 附录:辅助电源设备APS acessory power supply 辅助电源APU auxiliary power unit辅助动力装置:辅助电源设备ARM armature电枢、衔铁ASR automatic speed run up 自动升速ASU automatic synchronizing unit 自动同步系统AT auxiliary transformer 辅助变压器AUS auxiliary switch 辅助开关AUX auxiliany 辅助、备用AVL automatic voltage control 自动电压控制AVR automatic voltage regulator 自动调压器BAT battery 电池BD block decrease 闭锁减BDUC bus duct母线导管、母线沟BDV blowdown voltage 击穿电压BF back feed 反馈BHP brake horse power 制动马力BI block increase 闭锁增BKR breaker 断路器BOS back-out system 补偿系统BOT build-operate-tranfer 建造-运行-移交BR brush 电刷、刷子BRKG breaking 断开BYC battery charger 电池充电器CA compressed air 压缩空气CAOS completely automatic operate system 全自动操作系统CAP capactty电容、出力、容量CAP capacity容量、功率CATS computer-aided trouble-shooting 计算机辅助故障杳寻CB control buton circuit breaker circuit board 控制钮:线路断路器:电路板CBL line circuit breaker 线路断路器CC charactevistic curve 特性曲线CCW counter-clockwise 反时针CD control desk 控制台CEMF cownta electromotive force 反电动势CG center of gravity 重心CHGR charger 充电器CKT circuit电路、线路CKW clockwise顺时针方向CL center line 中心线CLSG closing关闭、合闸CMR continuous maxinum rating 连续最大功率CNDN condition 工况、参数CO con-out关闭、切断COEF coefficient 系数CONST constans construction 常数:构造、结构CONT contact control 接点:调节、控制CP control panel 控制板CPD capacitor potential device 电容器分压器CRT cathode-ray tube 阴极射线管CRT circuit 回路CS controlled switch controll signal 控制开关:控制信号CT current transformer 电流互感器CW clockwise顺时针方向CY cycle循环、周期DB distribution box 配电箱DBMS data base management system 数据库管理系统DC direct current 直流电DCAS data collection and analysis system 数据收集分析系统DE digital equipment display equipment 数字元件:显示设备DELIV deliver供给、供电/输出DG diesel generator 柴油发电机DG diesel generator 柴油发电机DHP delivered horse power 输出功率DI data input 数据输入DISC disconnect 断开DISC SW disconnect swtich 隔离开关DISTR diatribution 分散、分配、配电DL data line数据传输线DMM digital multimeter 数字万用表DMS data management system 数据管理系统DO diesel oil 柴油DO digital output 数字输入DOS dosing 量DPDT double-pole double-throw 双刀双掷开关DPST double-pole sigle-throw 双刀单掷开关DSCH discharge 放电DSL diesel柴油机DSL line desconnect switch 隔离开关DT dawn time故障停机时间DTS data transimission 数据传输系统DYNA dynamic analysis 动态分析E.U engineering units 工程单位E/P electrical to pneumatic converter 电动气动转换器EAF equivalent available factor 等效可运系数ECR economical continuous rating 经济连续出力EE electrical engineer 电气工程师EFF efficiency 效率EFFT effective 有效的EHV extra-high voltage 超高压ELEC electric 电气的EMER emergency 紧急、事故EMER emergency 事故保安EMF inductive electromotive force 感应电动势EMLON emergency condition 事故状态EMP eletromechanical power 机电功率EMS emergency switch紧急开关、事故按钮ENCL enclose封闭、包围ENER energize励磁、使带电ENERD energized己励磁的、己带电的ENG engage发动机EP extreme power 极限功率ESD emergency shutdown 事故停机ESS essential service system 主要厂用系统ETS electrical trip solenoid 电气跳闸线圈EXC exciter励磁机、励磁EXD external device 外部设备EY voltage transducer 电压变送器FB fuse block 保险盒FC fast closing 快关F-F flip-flop 触发器FL full load 满负荷FLF flip-flop 触发器FME frequency measuring equipment 频率计FP full power 满功率FREQ frequency 频率FU fuse保险丝、熔断器FWR full-wave rectifier 全波整流器GEN generator 发电机GIS gas-insulated metal-enclosed switch gear 全封闭组合电器GPT generator potential transformer 发电机电压互感器GRD ground 接地GRD FLT ground fault 接地故障GT grounding transformer 接地变压器HC holding coil 保持线圈HF high frequency 高频HG harmonic generator 谐波发生器HIPOT high potential test 高电压实验HLDG holding 保持HP horse power 马力HS hand switch手动开关HT high tension 高压HTN high tension 高电压HV high voltage 高电压HV high voltage high velocity 高压:高速HVDC high voltage direct current transmission system 高压直流输电系统HVPC high voltage power supply 高电压源I/O input/output 输入/输出IC integrated circuit input circuit 集成电路:输入电路ICL incoming line 引入线IMP impedance 阻抗IMPLS impulse 脉冲、冲动INDN induction 感应INIT initial启动、励磁INITD initiated己励磁的、己启动的INSUL insulate 绝缘、隔热INTMT intermediate间断的、间歇的INVR inverter逆变器、反相器ISLN isolation 隔离开关ISOL isolation隔离的、绝缘的JY watt transduce有功变送器K kilo 千KW kilowatt 千瓦KWH kilowatt-hour 度L electrical power line 电线LA lightening arrester 避雷器LC load centre负荷中心LC load center负荷中心LDS line disconnecting switch线路隔离开关、线路断路器LN line线路LOC local 就地LPC linear power controller 线性功率放大器LR line relay线性继电器LSIC large scale integrated circuit 大规模集成电路LV low voltage 低电压MAG magnet磁铁/磁场的MAN manual手动的MC manual control magnet contactor 人工控制:磁铁开关MCB molded case circuit breaker 模板式断路器MCC motor control centre 马达控制中心MCC motor control center 马达控制中心MCR main control room maxium capacity rating maxium continuous rating 主控室:最大额定出力:最大连续出力MDS motor disconnect switch 马达隔离开关MG motor generator 电动发电机ML mechanical loss 机械损失MNXFMR main transformor 主变压器MO motor 马达MOD motor operated disconnect 电动断开MPR motor protrelay电机保护继电器MSTR motor starter 马达启动器MWE megawatt electric 兆瓦电MWH megawatt-hour 兆瓦小时NADVD not advanced 滞后NEG negative阴极的、负的NET network 网络NEUT neutral 中性的NGT neutral groundong transformer 中性点接地变压器NL noload空载、无负荷NOM nominal 额定的NRP normal rated power 额定功率O&R overhaul and repair 大小修OA operator auto mode运行人员监控下的自动控制运行方式OL motor overload device 电机过负荷装置OP output power operating procedure 输出功率:运行规程OPER operating 操作OR operating record 停运记录OVHL overhaul 大修P.O. power output 功率输出P.U. per unit 标幺值PA power amplifier 功率放大器PAMS post-accident montoring instrumentation 事故后监测仪表PB push button按钮开关PC power center 动力中心PCB power circuit breaker 功率继电器PCC power conditioning and control 电力调节与控制PCM pulse-code modulation 脉冲编码调制PD potenial difference power driven 电位差:电动的PE power equipment发电综合控制PF power factor indicator 功率因数PFI power factor indicator 功率因数表PGCC power generation control complex 相位PH phase功率输入PI power input峰值负荷PK peak峰值PL plate板、极板PL peak load峰值负荷PLD payload有效负载PM phase midulation 调相PO power operator 电动操作POH planned outage hours 计划停运小时POOH planned overhaul outage hours 计划大修停运小时POS positive正的、正极的POS position 位置POT potential transformer 电势、电位计PP peak power峰值功率PPS plant protective system primary protection system 电厂保护系统:一次保护系统PS power station power supply power system 电站:电源:电力系统PSS power support stabilizer 电力系统稳定器PT potential transformer 电压互感器PT potential transformer 电压互感器PT pressure transducer 压力变送器PWR power 功率Q transistor 晶体管QA quick acting 快速动作QMQB quick-make quick-break 快通快断R rate rotor ratio速率:转子:比率系数RA remote auto 远程自动RAM repair and maintenance 检修与维护RB run back甩负荷RD run down 降负荷RF reserve free 备用ROT rate of turn reserve oil tank 转动速度:备用油箱RP rated power额定功率RPM revolution per minute 转/分RPS revolution per second 转/秒RS resistor 电阻器RSV reserve 备用RTD resistance temperature device 电阻测量计RU run up升负荷RU run up升负荷S/C short circuit 短路SC short circuit 短路SC semi-conductor 半导体SCR silicon-controlled rectifier 可控硅整流器SECT sectional 等级、分级SEN sensor传感元件、传感器SERV service 工作、厂用SG standby generator 备用发电机SO shut-off停机、遮断SOE sequence of events 事故顺序记录SOH scheduled outage hours 计划停机时间SOV solenoid -operated valve 电磁阀SP single pole spare 单极:备用SPC system power control 系统电源控制SPDT single-pole double-throw 单刀双掷SR speed reguletor standard rating silicon rectifier 调速器:额定容量:硅整流器SS station service 厂用SS stopping switch 停机开关SST station service transformer 厂用变压器ST starter startup transformer 启动器:启动变压器STA stationary 固定的STAT stator 定子STBY standby 备用STBY stand by 备用STR reserve station service transformer 厂用备用变压器SUBSTA substation 变点站SUPL supervisory 供电、电源SUR surge冲击、波动SV solenoid valve 电磁阀、滑阀SW switch 开关SW switch 开关、手把SW short wave switch 短波:开关SWBD switchboard 配电SWBD switchboard 开关板、配电盘SWC surge withstand capability 冲击电压承受能力SWGR switchyard 配电装置SWYD switchyard 开关场SY synchroscope 同步指示器SYM symmetrical system 对称系统SYNC synchronize 使---同步SYNCG synchronizing 同步SYNSCP synchroscope 同步指示器SYS system 系统SYST system 系统T&D transimission and distribution 输电与配电T&M testing and maintenance electrical trip and monitoring 实验与维修:电电气跳闸与监视系统TACH tachometer 转速表TASS technique assembly 装配工艺TB therminal board端子板、终端板TBO time between overhaul 大修间隔TC thermocouple 热电偶TD time delay 延时TD technique data time delay 技术数据:时滞、延时TDC time delay closing 延时闭合TDD time delay on deenerization 延时失励TDE time delay energization 延时激励TDO time delay opening 延时打开TE thermoelectric test equipment 热电的:测试设备TH thermal element热电偶、热偶元件TIS test instrumentation system thermal insulation system 测。
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ENR- BNR系列接地变压器、接地电阻成套装置ENR- BNR seriesgrounding transformer、earthing resistance cabinet使用说明书Instruction for use保定市伊诺尔电气设备有限公司Baoding Enuoer Electric Equipment Co., Ltd一、概述保定市伊诺尔电气设备有限公司拥有技术优秀的研发队伍和精良的设备,引进并消化国外的先进技术,长期致力于对中性点接地技术的产品研发.生产,对降低电网过电压、提高电网的安全性、可靠性,具有良好的效果。
我公司以优质不锈钢合金材料,开发生产的系列中性接地电阻柜装置.用于 6~35kV 系统,在电缆供电的系统中,接地电容电流较大。
I. IntroductionBaoding Enuoer Electric Equipment Co., Ltd . Ltd has professional R & D team and advanced equipment. The company introduces and localizes advanced foreign technologies, and has always focused on the research, development and production of neutral grounding products which have good effect on reducing overvoltage and improving security and reliability of power systems. The company developed series of neutral grounding stainless steel resistor cabinets with import special alloy for 6 – 35KV power systems. Grounding capacitance currents in a cable power system is comparatively large. The current may resulted in arc grounding overvoltage one it exceeds specified value. The purpose of grounding neutral point with a resistor is to introduce resistant current to the fault point so to enhance the sensitivity of relayprotection to limit a fault point to slight local damages at the same time, restrict transient overvoltage within 2.6 times of normal voltage at the neutral point to avoid damage of principal equipment resulted from arc overvoltage, and substantially suppress ferromagnetic resonance overvoltage.二、型号说明II Model description三、使用条件:1、海拨高度:不超过4000m2、环境温度:-40℃~+60℃3、相对湿度:不大于95%(25℃)4、安装场所:空气中不应含化学腐蚀气体和蒸汽,无爆炸性尘埃,电阻值 Resistance value额定电压值 Rated voltage value中性点接地电阻柜 Transformer neutral grounding resistor cabinet5、电网频率:48~52Hz(50 Hz系统),58~62 Hz(60 Hz系统)6、适用于:户内、户外7、电阻安装点:正常状态下中性点位移不超过运行相电压的3%特殊使用条件,请在订货时详细提出III Conditions of use:1 Altitude: no more than 4000m2 Ambient temperature: -40 ℃ ~ +60 ℃3 Relative humidity: no more than 95% (25 ℃)4 Installation site: there should be free of chemical etching gases, steam or explosive dust in the air5 Power frequency: 48 ~ 52Hz (50 Hz system), 58 ~ 62 Hz (60 Hz system)6 Installation environment: indoor, outdoor7 Installation point of resistor: normally the neutral point voltage displacement shall not be more than 3% of phase voltage;Special operation conditions shall be stated at the time of ordering.四.产品特点1.接地电阻柜柜体材质采用不锈钢板或冷轧钢板材质,外型美观,耐腐蚀性强,防护等级可达IP55。
IV. Features1.The cabinet is of stainless steel plate or Cold-rolled steel that it has nice appearance and strong corrosion resistance. The protection grade may reach IP55.2. Resistor cabinet may be classified into indoor and outdoor types in accordance with their operation environments. Wires may be led in or out in two manners: top-in and bottom-out and bottom-in and bottom-out. A wall bushing will be arranged at the cabinet’s top in case of side-in bottom-out wiring manner is required. The cabinet has a ring at the top for convenient lifting.3.电阻器材质可采用特种合金材料或非金属特种材料阀片(如炭素材料阀片、氧化锌材料阀片)。
3.1合金材料:不锈钢镍铬合金(Cr20Ni80)材料导电率高.通流能力强,耐高温,最高使用温度可达1500℃,温度系数小≤ -0.045% /℃,阻值稳定,耐腐蚀、韧性好不变形,可靠性高。
3. Resistor may be of special alloy or non-metallic special valve plate (e.g. carbon materials valve plate, zinc oxide material valve plate).3.1 Alloy material:Stainless steel Ni-Cr alloy (Cr20Ni80) features high conductivity, strong discharge capacity, high temperature resistance that the cabinet can stand up high temperature up to 1500 ℃, small temperaturecoefficient not more than -0.045% / ℃, stable resistance, corrosion resistance, good toughness that it is free of deformation and high reliability. Resistors of alloy adopt the form of resistance blocks, a number of which are connected together in a frame made by sub-arc welding, and are supported by high-temperature resistant insulator (polymer). Import resistors are available on request.4. ENR-BNR型中性点接地电阻器为标准产品,可以与电阻或电抗并联运行,为电网容量逐渐扩大给电网安全运行提供了保障。
4. BNR neutral grounding resistors are standard products and may be used in parallel connection with resistors or reactors to ensure secure operation of power grids with increasing capability.5. When the transformer windings are connected in △ form and the need for an independent Z-shaped winding grounding transformer is require to be installed, the neutral grounding resistor may be used for the resistors.6. Grounding recorder and temperature and humidity control device may be added on request.五、常用规格型号、技术参数V Common specifications and technical parameters6.3kV、10kV、35kV变压器中性点接地电阻参数6.3kV、10kV、35kV transformer neutral grounding resistors parameters±3%.允许通流时间10s、15s、30s、60s、2hVarious resistors may be designed and manufactured on request with resistance varies between 1Ω-2000Ω; allowable current 1A – 2000A, and permitted duration of current of 10s, 15s, 30s, 60s and 2h.Resistance error is within ±3%主变压器配电电压侧为星型接线并有中性点引出时,接地电阻直接接入主变压器中性点;主变压器配电电压侧为三角形接线时,中性点无法直接引出,必须采用一个Z型接地变压器人为的制造一个中性点,中性点接地电阻接入接地变的中性点。