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Database Systems for Programmable Logic Con trollers
In this paper, we ide ntify the database issues associated with programmable logic con trollers (PLC), special-purpose computers used in scie ntific and in dustrial applications, e.g. in factories in manufacturing environments. We propose as a PLC database system a single-user,real-time, scalable main-memory-only relational databasesystem with a two-level architecture hav ing historical data modeli ng and man ipulatio n capabilities, and query process ing tech niq ues in corporati ng time- an d/or error-constrained query evaluation. We revise the ladder logic Ianguage, the most com mon PLC Ian guage, to in corporate data man ipulati on Ian guage in structi ons. We add a separate time comp onent into the PLC processor sca n time to han dle database updates, backup, in tegrity en forceme nt and data archival issues.
1. In troduct ion
A programmable logic controller (PLC) is a special-purpose computer used within real-time scie ntific comput ing systems, and in dustrial con trol systems, say, the automated con trol of a factory's mach inery - the running example used in this paper. This paper is a positi on paper that proposes a PLC database system and discusses its features. In doing so, we touch bases with a nu mber of basic database topics, and, thus, freque ntly refer to other work for details.
PLCs are mostly used in manu facturi ng en vir onments - hen ce, the choice of our running example. However, PLCs are also used in scientific applications for signal data gathering and preliminary data processing. Thus, we think that for some scientific applications, a PLC databasemay also serve as a local/transient part of a larger scie ntific database.
With the rapid advances in computer hardware and falling memory prices, in rece nt years, the capabilities of the new PLCs in the marketplace have bee n in creas ing dramatically. This paper is a positi on paper that argues that a PLC software can now con ta in a database system to greatly in crease its fun ctio nality. We propose the architecture in Figure 1 as the architecture of an environment where real-time data gatheri ng (from multiple sen sors) and real-time data man ipulati on takes place. We now list the adva ntages of hav ing a database system directly in side a PLC.
(1) Data Modeli ng Tech niq ues : The in put and output buffers represe nt a rather unorgani zed tran sie nt model of the real world, and hen ce, carl be modeled better using the traditi onal data modeli ng tech niq ues of databases.
(2) Historical Databases: PLCs rout in ely deal with differe nt versi ons of data over time. Therefore, historical data modeli ng tech niq ues as well as historical data man ipulati on tech niq ues can replace the ad hoc ways of man ipulat ing historical data in PLCs.
(3) User-Frie ndly In terfaces : Prese ntly in the marketplace, the PLC software and in dustrial termi nals allow a limited display of messages and variable-data in formatio n in memory. For example, the con tact histogram fun cti on displays the on/off history of a specific mai n memory.
(4) Han dli ng Large Volumes of Data : With the added capabilities of a database and a query Ian guage, the PLC may an alyze much larger volumes of data.
(5) Data Reducti on and Compacti on at the PLC Level : Prese ntly, for further an alysis or simply due to various regulati ons, data collected by PLCs get tran smitted and stored into a host computer file using an architecture show n..
Since the prese nt PLCs cannot satisfactorily an alyze most data, they simply tran smit data to the host computer. I n some scie ntific experime nts and applicati ons, the data gathered is so large that argume nts have bee n raised for "processi ng the data on-the-fly" duri ng the executi on of an experime nt/tra nsacti on [SSDB 86]
(a) Real-Time Database : The data in the in put buffer must be sca nn edwith in reas on ably short "real-time" in tervals ranging from microsec onds to sec on ds. Therefore,resp on ses to queries must be guara nteed to be less tha n a certa in "realtime" time bound, almost always less tha n 5 to 10 sec on ds.
(b) Mai n Memory Database: Microsec on ds/sec on dsquery resp on serestrictio ns n ecessitate main-memory-only databases.
(c) Scalable Database : Once the en vir onment of a PLC and the requireme nts of the associatedapplicatio n program are determ in ed, the possible query types to the database stay fixed for a reas on ably long period of time. Si nee the resp onse time of queries is of utmost importa nee, the DBMS should be scaled so that only the n eeded
routi nes/fu nctions (e.g., access methods, data structures, etc.) are in corporated.
In secti on 2, we discuss the gen eral characteristics PLCs, and briefly prese nt the ladder logic Ianguage. Section 3 discusses the features of the proposed database system for PLCs.
In general, the PLC hardware is mostly custom-built with occasional off-the-shelf hardware, and con sists of a CPU (or multiple CPUs), main memory, an "in dustrial term in al", and high- and medium-speed data com muni cati ons hardware. The size of the main memory ran ges from 16K bytes (of 5 to 10 years ago) to 8M bytes (of the prese nt time).Although the CPU has an in structio n set similar to those found in CPUs of 16-bit and 32-bit mach in es, it is especially equipped with fast bit man ipulati on in struct ions. The in dustrial termi nal comes with a special keyboard to make the program ming of the PLC easier an d/or to in terve ne with the applicati on program.
The PLC software consists of an operating system (ranging from a very simplistic mon itor (of ten years ago) to a sophisticated real-time operati ng system (of the rece nt time)), high-speed com muni cati ons software for com muni cat ing with I/O processors,medium-speed com muni cati ons software to the in dustrial termi nal and to other "i ntellige nt" devices.
Both gen eral-purpose computers and PLCs are used for in dustrial con trol [Star 87].However, they differ in the program ming Ian guages that they use, en vir onmen tal specifications, and their user types. PLCs are rugged, and work in hostile environments with no special climate controls, tolerating extremes of temperature (60 °C), humidity (95%) and air contamination. Users of PLCs include the original programmers of the application programs, as well as plant electricians and maintenance pers onn el, who are accustomed to relay-type con trolli ng en vir onmen ts.
A rung is an ordered set of PLC in structi ons draw n on a si ngle line. In struct ions on a rung are classified as in put in structi ons (those that mon itor the in put buffer) and output in struct ions (those that set the output buffer), and are executed from left to right, seque ntially (Please see figure 4). A PLC applicatio n program con sists of a main program and a set of subrout in es, each of which containing an ordered set of rungs To summarize, the applicati on programmer deals with actual (realtime) clock times, and n
eeds to have precise estimates for program sca n times and I/O sca n times. For time estimati ons, the PLC manu facturers supply in formatio n such as 4 msec onds for 1000 ladder logic in structi ons, and 1 msec onds for copy ing 256 words into an in put buffer duri ng the I/O sca n. In most applicati ons, the processor sca n time is kept below 10 sec on ds.Thus,databasema nipulati on in struct ions also n eed to have precise time limits available to (or set by) users.
2. Architecture
We propose a two-level, sin gle-user databasesystem architecture as show n in figure 6. We have omitted from our architecture the exter nal model of the traditi onal databasearchitecture not becausePLCs are not powerful, but becausec on curre ntly running application programs using different views create problems in accurately estimati ng the applicati on program scan times. That is, i n a multitask ing en vir onment where tasks compete for the resources such as database relati ons and com muni cati on lin es, decid ing a sin gle top-to bottom executi on time of a task in actual time is rather difficult (if at all possible).As far as the hardware comput ing power is concern ed, the prese nt day PLCs are as powerful as pers onal computers (and, in deed, in some rece nt products,PLCs are pers onal computers), and can certa inly support multiple in dustrial termin als and data shari ng among the applicati on programs.
3. Data Modeli ng Issues
The traditi onal data modeli ng tech niq ues directly apply to PLC databases. There is no reas on why, say, the En tity-Relatio nship Model [Che n 76] of the data in the PLC database cannot be desig ned. All the well-k nown adva ntages of data modeli ng [ToeF 82] directly carry over to the PLC database en vir onment, and will not be elaborated here. As for the conceptual model of our prototype effort, we have chosen the relatio nal model. The PLC en vir onment n aturally deals with historical data, e.g., the last readi ng of a grinding mach ine sen sor, its value yesterday, etc.. Aga in, there are various historical data modeling approaches [SnoA 85] in the literature and, theoretically, any one of them is acceptable.
Example. Con sider a set of furn aces that produce high-precisi on airpla ne parts. There are two entity relations, FURNACE and PART, and one time-varying relati on ship
relati on PRODUCES as described in figure 7. Please n ote that PRODUCES relation has tuple timestamping with BEGIN-TIME and END-TIME attributes.
4. DBMS Issues
There are a number of issues that need to be resolved in a time-constrained, sin gle user DBMS en vir onment. These are
(a) Data Archival.
(b) Database Backup.
(c) Database In tegrity en forceme nt.
5. Query Process ing Issues
The conventional database management systems (DBMS) do not have the capability of dyn amically meeti ng the time con stra ints whe n the amount of data is too large to process within a give n time quota. Our approach is, for a give n time quota, to take an appropriate amount of sample data such that the set of sampled data is guara nteed to be processible by the DBMS within the give n.
Some basic PLC in structi ons have also bee n exte nded to in crease their fun cti on ality.For example, we have exte nded the "exam ine logic switch" in structi ons, the Exami ne Input Closed (XIC) and the Exami ne In put Ope n (XIO) [AB 84, AB 85], to test the logical value of a propositi onal calculus formula, rather tha n testi ng a bit value corresponding to the condition of a physical I/O. An "examine F" instruction causesthe formula F to be evaluated and the role value is the n exam ined as in the basic exam ine in structi ons. In gen eral, the formula F may con tai n a con sta nt, a variable, a comp onent of a tuple being sca nned by the poin ter, and fiE) where f is an aggregate fun ctio n and E is a relati onal algebra expressi on. The fun ctio nality of the PLC Timer and Coun ter in structi ons have also bee n enhan ced. Usually con diti oned by "exam ine" in struct ions, timers and coun ters keep track of timed in tervals or eve nts; the number of timed intervals or events to be counted is set in the preset value variables [AB 85, AB 84]. With the in troduct ion of a time dime nsion into the database, eve nts and in tervals can also be "co un ted" using database queries.
6 .Query Process ing Issues
The conventional database management systems (DBMS) do not have the
capability of dyn amically meeti ng the time con stra ints whe n the amount of data is too large to process within a give n time quota. Our approach is, for a give n time quota, to take an appropriate amount of sample data such that the set of sampled data is guaranteedto be processible by the DBMS within the given time quota, and, exact time-cost formulas can be derived.
Clearly, the more stages the query processor goes through, the more overhead is invo Ived in the run-time estimati on approach. This implies that, at each stage, as large an amount of time as possible should be allocated to reduce the nu mber of stages. On the other hand, allocat ing large amounts of time has a higher risk of overspe nding the time quota and may end up wasti ng a large amount of time, especially in a hard time constrained environment [AbGM 88, StZa 88]. The hard time constrained environments denote those environments where overspending the time quota is strictly not allowed. Therefore, when overspending happens, the query has to be aborted prematurely and the amount of time used in the last stage is considered wasted.
7.Other Issues
The issue of in complete in formatio n in the PLC database is also being in vestigated.Quite ofte n, the sen sors give in complete in formati on, usually a range for a readi ng. On those occasi ons, the in complete data is only known to be within some range of values.We represe nt an in complete data item as an in terval which contains the unknown value.
We have finished the implementation of the first version of a PLC database [-Liu89] hav ing some of the features summarized in sect ion 3. The system has bee n developed on SUN workstati ons using the C Ian guage. We are pla nning to tran sport it into a PLC, and evaluate its performa nee.
Refere nces
[AB84] PLC-3 Programmable Controller Programming Manual, Allen-Bradley Co., 1984.
[AB85] PLC-5/15 Programmable Controller Processor Manual, Allen-Bradley Co., 1985.
[Chri83] Christodoulakis, S., "Estimati ng Record Selectivities", In formation
Systems,© 8, 1983.
[HP88] Hewlett-Packard Announ ceme nt of the HP RTDBS, Sept. 1988.
[Klug81] A. Klug, "ABE - A Query Lan guage for Con struct ing Aggregate-by-Example", 1st LBL Workshop on Statistical Database Management, Dec. 1981.
[Ullm88] J.D Ullman, "Principles of Database and Knowledge-Base Systems", Computer Scie nee Press, 1988.
[SSDB86] Panel on Scie ntific Databases, Third Int. Workshop on Statistical a nd SCie ntific Database Man ageme nt, 1986.
[Star87] R.J. Staron, "A Toolset to Develop Programmable Controller Systems",u npublished ma nuscript, Alle n-Bradley Co., March 1987.
在这篇文章中,我们确定一种在科学和工业上有特别应用目的的计算机一一可编程控制器(PLC )数据库系统的相关问题。






可编程控制器(PLC )是一个专用计算机,用来实施科学计算系统和工业控制系统。








(1 )数据建模技术:输入和输出缓冲器是一个对真实世界的活动比较散乱的暂态模型,因此,卡尔建模法是传统数据库建模技术中比较好的方法。

(2) 历史数据库:可编程序控制器一段时间内例行处理不同版本的数据。


(3 )用户界面友好:目前在市场上买到的该PLC的软件。








然而,就在最近,惠普宣布了1989年获得惠普实时数据库[惠普88 ]所用的内部结构。












2 PLC和梯形图语言的一般特征

偶尔现成的硬件,则由一个CPU (或多个中央处理器),内存,产业终端”而组成高、中速数据通信硬件组成庞大的内存容量,16k字节(5至10年前)8兆字节(当前时间)。







PLCS凹凸不平,和工作在敌对的环境下,没有特殊的气候控制,容忍极端温度(60 °)的湿度(95%)和空汽污染。

用户PLCs 包括原有的程式设计的应用程式,以及车间电工及维修人员,都惯于以接力式的控制环境。






在多数应用中加工者扫瞄时间被保留在10 us以下,数据库操作指示要求有精确限时可利用的户。













例如,我们已扩展检查逻辑开关”指令,检查输入关闭(XIC )和检查输入打开(XIO ) [ AB 84 , AB
85 ],以测试一个命题的微积分公式的逻辑价值,而非有一点测试对一个检查F”指





间间隔;计算间隔或者事件被放置在其中的时间的数字预置价值变量[AB 85,AB 84 ]。

当太大的数据量在一个特定的时间定额之内处理时,常规的数据库管理的动态系统(DBMS )没有遇到时间约束的能力。





另一方面,分配时间的大小,尤其在艰难的时光有过度支出时间定额的一种较高的风险并且可能结束浪费大量的时间,约束环境[AbGM 88,StZa 88 ]。







在第三部分我们已经完成了计划的第一版本的可编程数据库-[Iiu89 ]具有的一些特点归纳。


