





的实际目的的理论是预测期的“回报” 。


对称的时间是最容易的图形所代表的“ T ”因此,名称Ť理论。










每一个伟大的买点您必须斗争在“关键时刻” ,您面对似乎压倒负面赔率。

沃尔沃S80L 2010款25T 智雅版汽车参考资料手册

沃尔沃S80L 2010款25T 智雅版汽车参考资料手册

1. 沃尔沃 S80L 2010款2.5T 智雅版 汽车 参考资料手册1.1. 导购 综述市场影响力1.2. 参数资料 详细介绍基本资料参考价格¥41上市日期2009年11月汽车类型三厢轿车豪华级别中大型车尺寸 重量 容积全车长度4991 mm车身宽度1861 mm车身高度1490 mm轴距2976 mm轮距1588/1585 mm(前/后)车身重量1745 kg行李舱容积480 L油箱容积70 L标准座位数5引擎参数标准引擎 2.5T 直列5缸,涡轮增压,横置标准变速器手自一体 6档标准排量 2.5 升</td></tr>气门数20最大功率147/4800 KW/rpm最大扭矩300/1500-4500 N m/rpm燃油系统电子燃油喷射式理论油耗11.0 升最高时速210 km/h加速时间8.6 秒(百公里加速)排放标准欧Ⅳ标准转向 悬挂 轮胎驱动方式前置前驱制动方式碟/碟转向助力助力转向式悬挂方式麦弗逊式独立悬架/多连杆独立悬架(前/后)轮毂尺寸17”CANICULA铝合金轮毂轮胎225/50R17 W通过性最小转弯半径 6.3 米CPU型号125 mm配置外观内饰电动天窗,铝合金轮圈,米其林Pilot Preceda轮胎,前排侧窗带斥水功能,前风挡玻璃上沿深色遮阳带,钢化玻璃侧窗,双排气尾管,尾标‘2.5T’,侧窗亮条装饰,卤素大灯,带调节器,自动防眩目车内后视镜,前雾灯,后雾灯,高位刹车灯,可折叠电动外后视镜,地面照明灯,侧面定位灯,后雾灯自动熄灭,安全取车照明,安全返家照明,后窗电动遮阳帘,真皮方向盘,带金属镶嵌,侧窗遮阳帘,镀铬控制旋钮,豪华加厚脚垫,拉丝铝内饰条,真皮包覆换档手柄,带金属镶嵌,前排中央扶手,行政级后排中央扶手,后排ISOFIX儿童座椅固定系统,电动驾驶员座椅,带可记忆调节,机械式可调副驾驶座椅,MP3输入端子,单碟CD播放机,高性能级音响系统,8喇叭8个,USB/iPod插口,方向盘带音响控制按钮舒适性GPS卫星导航系统,IDIS智能驾驶信息系统,蓝牙免提系统,全自动双区空调,车外温度显示,车载冰箱,点烟器,花粉过滤器,行车电脑,烟灰缸,前排化妆镜带照明,中文仪表显示,210 km/h限速,镀铬空调风向按钮及出风口,可锁闭手套箱,转速表,前门储物空间,简体中文车主手册,组合仪表,中央控制台前后储物空间,时钟安全防盗驾驶座安全气囊,副驾驶座安全气囊,IC安全充气帘,前排SIPS防侧撞安全气囊,电子儿童安全锁,后侧门,遥控式中控锁系统,防盗报警装置,燃爆式安全带带预紧装置,防盗螺栓,后驻车辅助系统,17”刹车系统,前排WHIPS头颈保护系统,行李箱私人闭锁功能,乘客安全气囊切断开关,三角警示牌,紧急制动灯带闪烁功能,ABS防抱死制动系统,EBA紧急制动辅助系统,IDIS智能驾驶信息系统,起步释放装置,DSTC动态稳定及牵引力控制系统,舒适型底盘,巡航控制,电子驻车制动其他功能发电机,150A,临时备胎,蓄电池,700A,千斤顶1.3. 新闻 资讯和讯网 - 2010年10月19日特定人群购车 S40最高优惠可达近10万近日,爱卡 汽车 编者从北京中汽南方亦庄 沃尔沃 4S店获悉,店内针对特定人群(政府实体、公务员、媒体及媒体工作者等)推出多款特价车型,分别为S402.0L智雅版、S402.5T ...新浪网 - 2010年10月15日沃尔沃北京十月特惠 S40与S80降5.3-9.82万沃尔沃汽车 通过近百年的耕耘,一直致力于安全、环保、科技领域的创新,在安全和环保领域的全球领先地位使之成为最受尊敬的豪华品牌之一。


界 的最 新思 想动态 、 特别 是对 于 了解学 术界相 关 的热 门话 题 、 沿 课题 , 前 以及学 者 们对 这 些话 题 的真 实看 法
和感受 , 是一 条重要 的渠 道 。它正 在改 变传统 学术 信息 的创 造 和交 流一 扩散 路 径 , 对 传 统学 术 出版 提 出 了 并
客数量 已达 到 3 , 网 民相 当 , 亿 与 而博 客作 者 ( lg e ) 已经 超 1 8亿 人 , 中活跃 者 占 6 . ( NNI bo g r 也 . 其 27 C C, 20 ) 0 9 。国务 院新 闻办 公室 副主任 蔡名 照 2 0 0 8年 1 1月 7日在 上 海 召 开 的第 二 届 中美 互 联 网 论 坛上 指 出 , “ 去年 中 国有 40 0多万个 人博 客 , 在 中国 的博 客 数 量 已过 亿 , 大 大丰 富 了 网上 信 息 内容 。 在 中 国以博 0 现 这 ”
要 探 讨 的 问题 。
关键词 : 博客 ; 博 ; 线社 会 网络 ; 微 在 主要 影 响
中图分类 号 : 4 N9 文献标 识 码 : A
Ra d De e o ng o o s- i r 。 o s Ne wo ks a pi v l pi f Bl g ‘ c o・ g t r nd M Bl
迎 和广 泛关 注 。
目前 科学 博客 存在 一些 不足 和有待 改进 之处 , 主要 表 现在 : 过 网络形 式 进行 讨 论 和交 流 是有 限 的 , 通 并
可 能 引发知识 产权 问题 , 网络 环境 下转 载成 为家 常便饭 , 识产 权 的保 护 界线 变得 模 糊 , 知 侵权 行 为 也 较 为常 见, 这样 可 能不利 于竞争 ; 也存 在管 理评 论和讨 论 中把关 的缺位 和 难度 ; 客写 作 的 自由性 和 随意 性 可 能导 博



纯代数观点下的D-模理论概要(2015-03-01 13:42:12)代数D-模是指Weyl代数上的模,Weyl代数是一类常见的非交换环,因此代数D-模理论与环论、表示论和量子群等代数领域关系密切,同时Weyl代数的伴随分次代数是复空间,通过模的零因子作用又可以与代数几何和辛几何相联系,最后它还是微分算子的代数形式,与算子理论和微分方程有密切关系,特别在层论的推动下还产生微局部分析的领域(参见【4】)。




考虑n元多项式环k[X]上的如下算子:x_i(f)=x_i·f;D_i(f)=Df/Dx_i它们满足基本的对易关系:对任何1≤i,j≤n,有(1)[D_i,x_j]=δ_ij·1(2)[D_i,D_j]=[x_i,x_j]=0n阶Weyl代数A_n可以被定义为n元多项式环上由各x_i与D_j生成的自同态环的子代数,也可以将x_i与D_j 作为生成元,由上述对易关系作为生成关系抽象的定义。

下面是A_n的基本性质:(1)它作为向量空间有形容x^αD^β,α,β∈N^n 的基(2)A_n是整环(3)A_n是单代数(4)A_n是左Noether环A_n的元素自然作用在k[X]上构成左A_n模,它是不可约的挠模,有k[X]=A_n/ΣA_nD_i在A_n上,我们定义x^αD^β的次数为α_1+…+α_n+β_1+…+β_n,一般元素的次数则定义为各项次数的最大值。

定义其Bernstein滤B_k由A_n的所有次数≤k的元素组成,记作B.由Bernstein滤诱导出的伴随分次代数S_n= gr^B A_n同构于域k上的2n元多项式环。








数学变换带来神奇装置20世纪70年代中期,在医学领域出现了一种神奇装置,名为“计算机辅助X射线断层成像仪”(Computer Assisted Tomography,简称CAT或CT),它能够在不损伤病人的情况下,提供人体从头到脚各部位的断层X射线图像。















的实际目的的理论是预测期的“回报” 。


对称的时间是最容易的图形所代表的“ T ”因此,名称Ť理论。










每一个伟大的买点您必须斗争在“关键时刻” ,您面对似乎压倒负面赔率。



趋势性深度分析(2013-06-10 07:33:00)顺应趋势投资是每一个投资者都必需掌握的最大体的投资原则。



















双T理论在20世纪80年代初期,美国总统里根(Ronald Reagan,1911—2004)的科学顾问基沃斯曾提出双T理论,并以此指导美国的科学研究的发展。

所谓双T,即Talent和Team Work,前者是指天才或称为尖子人才,后者是指协调合作或叫做团队精神。







































对称T理论(A Theory of Matched Trend Time)Chapter 1 The Discovery of Matched Trend TimeOriginally written November 1996 by Terrence H. LaundryT Theory is a method of analyzing general stock market trends using a time symmetry property discovered in the early 1970's by Terrence Laundry, then an engineer at Hughes Aircraft Company (BSEE M.I.T 1966). This time symmetry was christened "The Theory of Matched Trend Time" and basically states the duration over which investors can obtain "superior equity returns" will always be equal to the previous time period in which returns were subnormal. The practical purpose of the theory is to anticipate the periods of "superior returns".This time match can be shown to be accurate and reliable historically which I have proposed as a natural law of market trends but of course we have no real knowledge of its origion, so results can not be guaranteed. The time symmetry is most easily represented by the graphical "T" thus the name T Theory.Since its discovery there have been a number of successes which I have referenced for interested readers. During the early years, as an advisor, I became acquainted with Marty Schwartz, who took a very early interest in the Magic T concept, and applied his exceptional talents to become one of the greatest stock market traders. His exploits, philosophy and comments on T Theory were presented in Market Wizards by Jack Schwager1 in 1989. To this day I still receive inquires on how to obtain the "secrets to wealth" that Marty discussed in this book. On this point I am sorry to to inform many of you that there are no easy secrets, only powerful tools with which you might learn to uncover major opportunities before the masses arrive.Marty and I have often talked over the years about the special advantages conferred on us by US Marine Corps training. It takes a special state of mind to "sign up" for a short boat trip, in a flimsy landing craft, to a beach completely controlled by hordes who have anticipated your arrival and have set up every imaginable way to do you in. Buying into major market opportunities presents a similarly discouraging picture. You may have good reason to anticipate profits, but if a great opportunity does indeed exist, nearly everyone will be against you, including your friends, and thepredominant opinion expressed by your peers, including people you respect, will be that you are embarking on a foolhardy enterprise.I believe that T Theory's major contribution will be to show you why it will always be difficult to buy at major lows but using its reasoning you may be able to overcome these obstacles. At each and every great buying point you must struggle at the "moment of truth" where you face seemingly overwhelming negative odds. In T Theory this moment of truth is called "The center post of the T"; the point in time where all the bearish negatives of the past turn themselves into an emerging new bull market.Finding this key juncture is a potentially dangerous occupation, but as with all good Marines, one eventually remembers during the heat of battle, to keep ones head down, shoot straight when it's your turn and always be faithful to your core principles in order to keep casualties to a minimum. In this regard it is wise to keep in mind a few basic T concepts which I am including as Remembers.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remember: The center post of a T can simply be viewed as a "Mirror in Time" in which the future is seen as an inverted reflection of the recent past. Therefore it is essential that you understand at the center post low, the pessimism of the recent past will give way to optimism in the future; the conservatism of the past will give way to speculation in the future, and the poor rates of return of the recent past will turn into superior rates of return in the future. If you don't get this straight you will never make any money trading the equity market.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Early HistoryDuring the early 1970's I stumbled onto the curious observation that strong market up trends often lasted for the same number of weeks or months as the prior correction or decline. This was very apparent in certain cyclical stock market indexes such as the Dow Jones Transportation Average, the value Line unweighed average of some 1600 stocks, and other cyclical indexes of stock prices. As I built up a history of these time symmetry relationships it was clear there were certain periods in which the duration of every cyclical uptrend nearly exactly matched the duration of the prior downtrend. Over the years, my job of keeping "T Theory" current in an ever evolving environmentis finding straightforward examples that illustrate this so called "Theory of Matched Trend Time".I am continually researching methods that can be applied to the practical matters of finding superior equity investment opportunities.Historically T Theory has evolved through three stages, starting with the Transport chart on the next page taken from an early study which was appropriate for its time. Later the same simple principles were used to establish equity mutual fund projections using the value Line Unweighed Composite Index as I have shown in the next chart. For the modern era I have shifted to the Daily Cumulative Advance-Decline line for the New York Stock Exchange as the primary indicator of this presumed "natural" law. It can be seen in the color charts that follow and will be the basis for future projections.I should point out that one objection to the T concept over the years is that the Theory of Matched Trend Time is unlikely to be true because it implies the market can only be strong for 50 percent of the time. Many contend that the market goes up "most of the time". The reconciliation of this conflict centers around the broad toppy phases of market trends where a positive rate of return may well develop during a sideways trading pattern but the rate of return in such shallow advances is no better than the yield on risk-less Treasury Bills. For this reason the Law of Matched Trend Time is more accurately stated as: "Superior rates of return (i.e. better than T-Bill rates) can last only as long as the prior period of inferior returns".A practical example of the Law's consequence can be seen in the independent study by Nelson Freeburg in a Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities magazine article covering the period from 1957 to 1994. (see reference 2 at the end of this article). Using interest rate information and relative shorting divergences between the Specialist and the Public (a contrary opinion indicator), Freeburg showed an optimized mutual fund trading strategy justified owning mutual funds 51% of the time over the last 37 years. In fact it can be shown that any long term study of investment trends that attempts to make superior rates of returns will move towards a 50/50 split as the Law suggests in order to capture the best returns while avoiding the potential for losses.The Ts are a great help in picturing how this occurs through the analogy of the mirror reversal I summarized. To provide a clear picture of how this plays out historically let us review the original Ts I discovered in the early days.The Original Dow Jones Transport Ts (1956 to 1976)The simple symmetric Ts in the monthly Transportation bar chart below illustrate the way in which the Law of Matched Trend Time could be used to interpret trends. This chart is taken from my early publication and has become somewhat faded with time so I have reproduced the chart's original 1977 text.Chart Text: The most powerful yet easy to understand example of the Law of Matched Trend Time are the so called DOW JONES TRANSPORTA TION Ts shown above. These Ts illustrate the basic principle of T Theory that when the market has made an important bottom it will rally only as many months as it had previously declined. For example the first T centered in 1957 states that after a 20 month decline the next advance will last a matching 20 months, terminating at the T's right end. In time, the next T is formed and the sequence repeats through history. For convenience the small Ts are identified by letters A to H. At less frequent intervals very much larger Ts appear when successive highs form a declining tops pattern as seen in 1962. Such Ts are of the utmost importance since they forecast major stock market sell points (i.e. 1968, 1972). Such Ts are identified by the year of the major low at the center of the T.These simplest examples of the T concept illustrate properties of all Ts, including the modern examples, which should be kept in mind. The T concept only requires the time duration of the advance to match the prior decline time; it places no restriction on the magnitude of the rise or the duration of the original decline. So for example in the Transport Ts chart the number of months the Transports have declined to a low is pretty much a random number over a very long period of time. It is for this reason that the time symmetry of the T has been lost in a history of random length declines.However it is my opinion that the real reason the T's presence has been lost is that investors simply can not make the connection between the bullish trend and its opposite counterpart, the prior bear market. This closely parallels the "contrary opinion" approach to investing in which one sees opportunities in sold out markets only when investor sentiment has turned extremely negative.I have found it helpful to think of the T in contrary opinion terms and it may prove helpful to you as well.From a practical standpoint the big T with its center post Low in 1962 illustrates why investorsand traders, particularly those who follow trends from a conventional technical approach so often miss out on the opportunities. For the purposes of illustration consider you might be interested in investing in transportation stocks during 1962. The recent history up to then would have been disappointing with the averages tracing out a 75 month descending tops pattern from the 1956 high. A fundamentally oriented investor could have seen some merit in this situation because the price cap coupled with earnings growth could lead to attractive values by 1962. But most people would consider the trend a "loser" and pass up the opportunity.From the Magic T viewpoint, we would tend to ally ourselves with the value investor in the left side of the T where we specifically define any descending tops pattern as a "Cash Buildup Phase". During this period we assume investors are shunning the equity investment and putting their assets into cash alternatives like Treasury Bills, etc. As a consequence I interpret long cash buildups as potentially more profitable because more cash reserves could be developing and, through the underlying concept of Matched Trend Time, we would anticipate the next bull market could last a long time, perhaps becoming greater in magnitude as the cash reserves build steadily higher over time.All this might seem straightforward when you review the Transport T history but in real time investors often fail to grasp the fact that restraint of the market's natural rising trend for a long period of time creates tremendous opportunities. In the real world the natural build up is for pessimism, not awareness of cash, and over time it dominates the thinking in a negative way.A second factor that limits profitability for many is the suddenness of the stampede that develops as the new T gets under way. Often the sharpness of the initial advance, as all that cash buildup tries to get into the market, is viewed as a reason to get out of an "over bought" situation. The Ts I have presented above make it quite clear that once a new bull market has started it is much wiser to be patiently bullish for the equal time projected by the T in order to capture the major profit opportunity. Keeping the full right time span of these Ts in mind is also important because it helps protect against the sudden appearance of the new bear market which the chart shows is likely to begin as the Law of Matched Trend Time expires at the final top.I leave it you to study all the examples in this study to see for your self how the symmetry of the T can alter your thinking about investments but from my experience it is wise to keep the following in mind generally:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remember: The greatest profit opportunities come at the end of the longer cash buildups and you must manage your affairs to be mentally ready, and financially healthy so as to be 100% invested at this key juncture. Nearly all the big profits accrue in the early stages so concentrate on this aspect. Be particularly wary of interpreting the T's final rally into its projected top date (at the right end) as the beginning of a new bull market trend. Final rallies tend to be a speculative "blow off" that leave the market vulnerable to the next bear market.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The value Line Ts (1965 to 1977)The next step in the evolution of the simple time symmetrical Ts made use of the so called "unweighed" value Line Index plotted below as a proxy for mutual funds. The 1965 to 1977 chart plots the value Line's index of 1600 stocks assuming equal dollar investments in each stock and demonstrates how poorly the 1970-72 bull market had been for the average stock. Here it can be seen that in reality most stocks had suffered an ongoing bear market from the 1968 peak to the major 1974 low while the more popular Dow Jones Industrial, not shown, made an all time high in 1973. From this perspective, the Theory of Matched Trend Time suggested the recovery from the 1974 low was destined to be more than most investors suspected since a decline of about 6 years total should lead to a general advance of 6 years.When this chart was published back in 1977, the much larger T centered at the 1974 low was proposed as a more positive projection to a September 1980 peak in line with the simple conclusion that a 6 year bear market for the " average stock" ought to produce a six year bull market for the majority of stocks. This insight gave me my first opportunity to grow a modest sum of money into something substantial because it was clear that this projection could not be made for the Blue Chip stocks which then were the darlings of the investment community. I was able to correctly deduce that the period in the late seventies was likely to benefit the smaller secondary stocks, which dominate this value Line Index.These two examples of the time symmetrical T illustrate the basic idea and I don't think I need dwell on the subject further. But before moving on to the more modern examples it is appropriate to note that T Theory's major task is to isolate major lows since the Law of Matched Trend Timeleaves this aspect of the T as what is known as "the independent variable in the equation". Once a T has been confirmed the time symmetry pretty much makes the bull market duration fixed and one need only confirm that it is running in satisfactory fashion based on these historical examples. Much of my future work will deal with the task of identifying what we call the "Center Post Low" of these Big Ts. In my experience the greatest problem for most investors is dealing with the adversity of the market environment at these major lows from a psychological standpoint rather than a technical or analytical one. For this reason we will be looking at Investors Intelligence figures for investment advisory sentiment (Bulls vs Bears), Put to Call ratios or premiums, and other measures of opinion from a historical standpoint. In addition I believe extreme, or very enthusiastic popular media comments, almost always mark warnings which should be heeded on a contrary opinion basis as they often point the way towards the development of a new T.Technical Note: The value Line Index above has been superseded by the Advance-Decline in the next chart. To make the transition I have compressed the vertical AD plot 1966 to 1974 in order to illustrate the same Ts you see above. The projected top dates are not changed because the patterns are identical for our purposes.A Theory of Matched Trend TimeChapter 2 The Modern Advance-Decline TsThe modern successor to the Transport and value Line Ts for the decade ahead are the sequence of Advance-Decline Line Ts covering the period from 1970 to the present as shown below. In this color chart we use the New York Exchange Daily Advance-Decline Line to define the cash build-up phase which defines the left side of the T. This A-D Line is plotted along the lower portion of the chart. Each T's cash build-up phase is defined as the period of declining tops in the AD Line and is represented in red ink. An enlarged chart of this history is provided in our paper study available for the asking and key data is summarized in the table that follows. (Note T#7's cash build-up actually "overlaps" the 1987 to 1990 period).To represent the market's daily trend over this period I have selected the Daily New York Composite Index of all stocks as the representative measure of equity values since it covers the value of all the stocks represented by the AD Line beneath. The Theoryof Matched Trend Time, which forms the whole basis for T Theory, is demonstrated by linking the T's projected marketrally as the green line having a time duration which is identical to the prior red cash build-up phase below.1215540.gif (10.73 KB)2009-3-28 00:411215541.gif (12.09 KB)2009-3-28 00:41Basically I programmed the upper plot to start from each T's center post low plotting the NY Index in green ink until the number of days elapsed matched the number of days of the prior red cash buildup phase. At this point the Theory of Matched Trend Time says the period of superior returns has ended and I turn the plot red to indicate the daily NY Index is at some risk. The plot remains red until the center of the next T. The cycle then repeats. If one grants the T's center post location is known, then Magic T Theory states the green line is the predicted period of superior returns while the red upper line is the period of high risk.Because this history captures all up trends, while correctly noting all important declines, I believe there is adequate evidence that a "natural law " is at work, which basically requires the market advances to match prior A-D Declines. It is important that we show this to be true for all the history above if it is to become the basis for our future work. I think the charts speak for themselves. I am satisfied that its insight will be a valuable tool for the future. In the months ahead we are awaiting completion of the current T which projects the run up for the December 1994 lowto an October 1995 top, then development of the new 9th T with its projection of a top in mid 1997.The larger version of the chart makes it clearer that the projected top dates are not precisely accurate. But as you would expect from a natural symmetry, the errors are equally distributed . Actually is doesn't matter much anyway. The maximum profits are easily seen as accruing from the center post of each new T and the maximum risk is easily seen as coming during the decline into what becomes the center post low of the next T. So our real task is to develop a method of anticipating the next T.The Advance Decline T's Performance SummaryThe table below summarizes the key characteristics of each graphical T in the prior chart. The cash build up duration in market days are, of course, defined with hindsight but the projected top date and gain figures are the logical consequence of the of the Matched Trend Time concept. There are some consistent characteristics of these Ts which we may look to repeat in the future. However it should be kept in mind that the successive center post lows are theoretically allowed at random intervals so low pattern projections are subject to large errors. Nevertheless two important observations come out of the tabulated data. First, the most common place for a T's center post low is near year end or in the last quarter of the year.In summary then, the history of Ts and the manner in which they evolve can be a unique and interesting way to watch market opportunities evolve. We need only to be patient as the current profit phase expires and a new cash buildup phase gets ready to fuel the next advance. We shall be following these potential scenarios in more detail.A Theory of Matched Trend TimeChapter 3 The Short Range TsIn 1996 I undertook to apply the Theory of Matched Trend Time to a shorter time scale using more advanced techniques. The result are my Short Range Ts illustrated in the chart below.The theory of operation is similar to the Long Range Advance-Decline Ts except they make use of the Volume Oscillator to measure the Cash Build Up phase that defines the left side of each T. Essential the V olume Oscillator replaces the daily Advance-Decline Line which serves the same purpose for my Long Range Ts.The chart above of my new Short Range Ts as of April 26, 1996 illustrate the key points of this short term refining tool. Along the upper portion of the chart is the trend of the NY Index which provides a measure of all 1800 stocks on the NY Exchange. The smoother green line is its 55 Day Moving Average which often market support during corrections. Many times the center post of the T, the ideal buying point, lies close to this moving average so it makes a handy reference point. The V olume Oscillator plotted in Blue along the lower portion is an exponentially weighted volume oscillator of my own design and will be detailed in my 1996 Studies to be published in early 1997. Like any Oscillator, its trend fluctuates (or oscillates) above and below the neutral zero reading represented by the blue horizontal line which in this chart. When the Oscillator is well above the zero line the market is said to be overbought. When it is below the horizontal zero line, as it usually is at the center post low of a Short Range T, the market is said to be oversold.The left side of any Short Range T is defined as the time during which the Oscillator has made a series of descending tops. The Declining tops trend is shown by the red line in the Oscillator plot. The period of declining tops is also shaded green so as to remind ourselves that a potential cash build up is taking place that can fuel a strong rally later on in the right side of the T.The new T's rally should get underway when the declining tops trend line is broken to the upside. Most short term cash build ups last some few weeks ( typically 4 -7 weeks) and so these Ts tend to project rallies for the matching 4 to 7 week time span which I would consider as a "Short Term" projection. Compare the Daily Advance Decline Ts and you will see that the typical minimum for their cash build up is 8 months (35 weeks) which I think begins to qualify as a projecting long term advances of interest to investors.In either case the Theory of Matched Trend Time requires that rally phases in the New York Index last as many days as the Cash Build Up in the left side of the T. The T centered on April 4 above illustrates the basic time symmetry. The February-March Cash Build Up period measures 63 days so this particular T projects a market peak some 63 days after the April 4 th center post low or a peak around June 6th.1215542.gif (28.36 KB)2009-3-28 00:411215543.gif (14.29 KB)2009-3-28 00:41 THE END。



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神奇理论神奇的“TRIZ理论”冷战时期,以美国为首的西方国家的特工与前苏联的克格勃曾进行过无数次惊心动魄的 __战,其中一次就是围绕“点金术”展开的。









苏联解体以前,TRIZ一直属于 __,不被西方国家所熟悉。






神奇T理论(2013-12-12 20:24:20) 转载▼时间对称理论,又称“T”理论,没喝过洋墨水的中国人,几乎都是从马丁舒华兹的《交易冠军》这本书里知道的。




















T Theory Investment PerspectiveBy: Terry Laundry | Tuesday, April 1, 2003UPDATED - March 20, 2003---。










所谓“T”即“Thrill Seekers”的缩写。



”另一位经济学家乔治·吉尔德(George Gilder)也认为:“在美国有一类人喜欢改变现有体制而非建立平衡状态。














的实际目的的理论是预测期的“回报” 。


对称的时间是最容易的图形所代表的“ T ”因此,名称?理论。









我认为, ?理论的主要贡献将是向您展示它为什么将永远难以购买低点,但在主要利用其推理则可以克服这些障碍。

每一个伟大的买点您必须斗争在“关键时刻” ,您面对似乎压倒负面赔率。




先看一下矩阵的极分解定理,最常见的版本对任何n×n 可逆复矩阵A,可以被唯一分解成正定(自伴)矩阵P与酉矩阵U的积,即A=PU,同时有A是正规矩阵iff PU=UP.事实上,这里是P=(AA*)^1/2,U=P^(-1)A.这个分解与矩阵的奇异值分解密切相关,其中的矩阵P又称为A的极矩阵,矩阵P的特征值被称为A的奇异值。







而对于辛向量空间(V,ω),也有类似的结论,任取矩阵A∈Sp(V),也有A=PO,其中P、O∈Sp(V)且O 是辛空间中的正交矩阵(保辛结构ω与g).下面我们把空间推广到无穷维,这就得到了泛函分析中算子的极分解定理。





的实际⽬的的理论是预测期的“回报” 。


对称的时间是最容易的图形所代表的“ T ”因此,名称?理论。










每⼀个伟⼤的买点您必须⽃争在“关键时刻” ,您⾯对似乎压倒负⾯赔率。









那也是很有趣的….目录序言 .................................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

前言 .................................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

目录 .. (3)第一章DELTA现象—隐藏在所有市场里的次序 (4)第二章揭开真相的时刻 (15)第三章中短期DELTA(ITD) (23)第四章板块 (32)第五章中期DELTA(MTD) (36)第六章长期DELTA(LTD) (40)第七章超长期DELTA(SLTD) (51)第八章短期DELTA(STD) (57)第九章DELTA交易机会 (70)第十章求解DELTA序列 (78)结束语 (79)第一章DELTA现象—隐藏在所有市场里的次序你将读到的内容是完全令人吃惊的,它是一个保守了千年的秘密。

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T Theory Investment Perspective
By: Terry Laundry | Tuesday, April 1, 2003
UPDATED - March 20, 2003

Generally speaking, my conclusions going forward into the new year are extensions of my archived year 2002 conclusions; namely that equities are still fundamentally overvalued, T Theory is still negative on equities after forecasting a major year 2000 peak, but tangible assets (such as Gold) may have attractive upside T Theory potential for the next 15 years.
