

跨文化交际UNIT 5

跨文化交际UNIT 5

Supplement: Verbal Communication
5. Instrumental and Affective Style ▪ An instrumental verbal style is sender-based and
goal-outcome based. The instrumental speaker uses communication to achieve some goal or outcome. The burden of understanding often rests with the speaker. ▪ An affective communication style is receiver and process oriented. The affective speaker is concerned not so much with the outcome of the communication, but with the process. The responsibility of understanding rests with both the speaker and the listener.
Supplement: Verbal Communication
2. Self-Enhancement and Self-Effacement Verbal Styles
▪ The self-enhancement verbal style emphasizes the importance of boasting about one’s accomplishments and abilities.
Supplement: Verbal Communication

跨文化交际unit 5 简介

跨文化交际unit 5 简介

HIGH-CONTEXT • 内隐,含蓄 • 暗码信息 • 较多非语言编码 • 反应很少外露 • 人际关系紧密 • 内外有别 • 高承诺 • 时间处理高度灵活
LOW-CONTEXT • 外显,明了 • 明码信息 • 较多语言编码 • 反应外露 • 人际关系不密切 • 内外灵活 • 低承诺 • 时间高度组化
• conversation style P 170 (for further learning) How do you explain the 3 dialogues, relating to the High/Low Context Culture theory (direct/indirect) ?
High-Context Cultures Japanese Chinese Korean …. …. American Scandinavian German German-Swiss Low-Context Cultures
• conversation style P 180 How do these speakers make requests? What do you think you can learn from these scenes / dialogues?
Robert Kaplan’s journal article, “Cultural Thought Patterns in Inter-Cultural Education”: Students wrote English with different organizational patterns组织模式 depending on their first-language backgrounds.
– English: straightforward – Chinese/Oriental: circular; definitive(确定的) summary statements of main arguments are delayed till the end

unit 5 跨文化交际课件

unit 5 跨文化交际课件
Chapter 5
Starting to talk
Chapter 5: Starting to talk
• Even though etiquette codes vary from cultures to cultures, we often simply assume that our meanings are shared with those with whom we are communicating. If two people are speaking the same language, each of them may not realize that the other is following a different and unknown behavioral code.
• 7. Expressing sincerity
Chapter 5: Starting to talk
• 8. Silence, questions, and topics
11Biblioteka Chapter 5: Starting to talk
• 5. Direct and indirect communication
Chapter 5: Starting to talk
• 6. The concept of face
Chapter 5: Starting to talk
Chapter 5: Starting to talk
• 4. Making mistakes • Even when people consider all the factors they should keep in mind when they initiate contact, they might still make mistakes, which might be funny, more serious, embarrassing, and even cause harm or being potentially dangerous.

跨文化交际Unit 5

跨文化交际Unit 5
parents give financial support to their Children are expected to pay back the children attending university, they do money loaned by their parents for their not expect their children to pay back university education. the money. Dependence is the expressio of strong family bonds of affection. Fostering independence in children from an early age is the true expression of real family feeling.
munication between Men and Women
The differences do exist in the way males and females communicate, and the more significant differences are cultural. In other words, there are social expectations of how to be male or female. Women tend to speak and hear a language of connection and intimacy, whereas men speak and hear a language of status and independence. (Deborah Tannen, “You Just Don’t Understand”)



1. Culture Shock
◆ refers to the traumatic [trɔ:'mætik] experience that an individual may encounter when entering a different culture.
3. Causes of culture shock
• Cultural stress • Social alienation • Social class and poverty-wealth extremes • Financial matters • Relationships and family considerations
b. Social Alienation
An aspect of culture shock that can have adverse effects upon the newcomers to a culture is social alienation and the feelings of loneliness that are associated with being isolated from friends and the home culture.
(出疹); craving “home cooking”; use of
alcohol and drugs; and a decline in work quality.
7Hale Waihona Puke b.psychological symptoms

Unit5 My clothes 课件

Unit5 My clothes 课件
Unit5 My clothes 课件
• 课程介绍与目标 • 词汇学习与拓展 • 句型理解与运用 • 听力训练与提高 • 口语表达与交际 • 阅读理解与欣赏 • 写作技能培养与实践 • 文化意识与跨文化交际
本单元主题为“我的衣服”,围绕日常生活中常见的衣物和 穿着展开。
无论在任何场合,都要保持服装的整洁和得体,体现个人素养和 尊重他人。
T恤,一种短袖或长袖的 休闲上衣,通常有圆领或
外套,一种穿在衣服外面 的长衣,用来保暖或遮风
衬衫,通常指男士穿的短 袖或长袖衬衫。
毛衣,一种由毛线编织而 成的上衣,保暖效果好。
裤子,一种穿在腿部的服 装,有长裤、短裤等不同
本课件包括导入、新课呈现、巩固练习、拓展延伸四个部分。导入部分通过图片和对话引入主题;新课呈现部 分详细讲解衣物词汇和重点句型;巩固练习部分通过游戏、对话等形式帮助学生巩固所学知识;拓展延伸部分 提供额外的衣物词汇和相关文化背景知识。
教师在使用本课件时,可根据实际情况灵活调整课件内容和顺序。建议教师在导入部分引导学生谈论自己的穿 着,激发学生的学习兴趣;在新课呈现部分通过图片、实物等辅助教学手段帮助学生理解词汇和句型;在巩固 练习部分组织学生进行小组合作或个人展示等活动,提高学生的参与度和口语表达能力;在拓展延伸部分鼓励 学生自主搜集相关资料,拓宽视野。

跨文化交际(UNIT 5) PPT

跨文化交际(UNIT 5) PPT

Supplement: Verbal Communication
Verbal communication happens when people from different cultural backgrounds communicate with each other by using language.
Supplement: Verbal Communication
Verbal Communication Styles (p179-183) : Direct / Indirect Self-enhancement / Self-effacement Elaborate / Exacting / Succinct Personal / Contextual Instrumental / Affective
Review of Unit 4
1. What is the relationship between language and culture according to the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis?
2. Translate the following terms: housewarming disinterested Mind one’s p’s and q’s A nine days wonder 红糖 红茶 眼红 青天
Intercultural Communication
Unit 5 Culture and Verbal Communication
Warm Up
▪ Please read the story on page 156. What may have been the factors contributing to the failure of the presentation? What can we learn from the story?


Space language / proxemics
Body distance, body touch
Time language / chronemics
Puctuality, promptness, time orientation, long or short, etc.
Paralanguage (voice modulation)
Body distance
• Four major types of distances in American
social and business circumstances (Edward Hall,1959)
• Cultural variation of body distance
Body touch
People express their appreciation “well done” with a clap or apology “I’m sorry” with a serious look.
In a Chinese classroom, if the teacher notices a student’s attention begins to wander, he usually would give him / her a glance or a stare without interrupting the lecture.
Functions of nonverbal communication
Nonverbal communication can serve a variety of purposes for the verbal messages, such as:

跨文化交际-Unit 5

跨文化交际-Unit 5

Projected Cultural Similarity
The tendency to assume that people from other cultures basically think and feel more or less the same way we do. There are sufficient similarities among peoples of the world to make communication easy. Once you get used to their different (dress, manners, style) they are just like us. Denial, defense, minimization, acceptance, adaptation, and integration. (Ethnocentrism)
Projected Cultural Similarity
The Golden Rule: Do unto others what you would have them do unto you./ Do as you would be done by. Do not unto others what you would not be done by. 己所不欲勿施于人 Expecting others to be the same as we are/do the same as we do Culture shock Frustration Wince Other Obstacles: Stereotype, ethnocentrism
Low context communication

跨文化交际unit 5 课件

跨文化交际unit 5 课件

Unit 5 成语,谚语和典故Section 1. Definitions1. Idiom :•Definition: an idiom is a construction or expression which has a meaning different from the literal one or not according to the usual patterns of the language.•成语是语言中经过长期使用、锤炼而形成的固定短语。



•Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧Section 1. Definitions2. Proverb :•Definition: proverbs are short sayings of folk wisdom--of well-known facts or truths--expressed briefly and in a way that makes them easy to remember.•谚语是熟语的一种。




•Once bitten, twice shy.Section 1. Definitions3. Allusion典故•Definition:Allusions are implied or indirect references to characters or events from culture: literature, legends, history, religion, sports, etc.•诗文等作品中引用的古书中的故事或有出处的词句。



Unit 5Nonverbal communication课前谚语+名言:1、I’s not what he said, but the way he said it.——English saying2、There is a language in her eyes, her cheeks, her lips.——William Shakespeare案例一:个人空间马克最近从丹麦搬到了悉尼,在一家澳大利亚公司当销售员。






Question:Why did that women suddenly stop talking with mark and turned to another man?注释:这是一个对身体距离理解不同造成的误会。













Nonverbal Communication Time language Space language Body language Paralanguage
Байду номын сангаас
Cultural Values
Comparison Between Chinese Values and Western Values
For example: Red means luck and fortune in most Eastern cultures but stands for blood, revolution in the West. Blue means something noble or significant in the Western culture.
Dick embraced her and gave her a long and passionate kiss. Seeing this, Chen turned away and walked off toward the cafeteria. When Dick looked up, he saw Chen walking into the cafeteria. Dick was puzzled as to why Chen didn't wait for him, and went to the cafeteria alone. Question for discussion Could you expain to Dick why Chen Liang walked into the cafeteria without waiting for him?
Intercultural Communication



• Translate the following English idioms into Chinese:
• 1.lick sombody’s boots
• 2.sit at somebody’s feet
• 3.carry coals to Newcastle
• 举例: – walk – tiptoe 蹑手蹑脚地走 – Stride 大步走 – shuffle 拖着脚走,慢吞吞地走 – drag 缓慢而费力地走
• 举例: – enough: sufficient, adequate 充足 的
– autumn: fall 秋天 – recalcitrant: disobedient 不服从
problem. • keep sb. at arm’s length:avoid becoming
too friendly.
英语习语、谚语 的主要来源
• The Holy Bible 圣经 – the salt of the earth
• William Shakespeare 莎士比亚 – All that glisters is not gold!
Verbal Communication
在全球化时代,要达到更高的成功几率,须努 力成为具有全球视野的国际化人才。学好至少一 门外语是必要的,但国际化人才最基本的素质是 跨文化沟通能力。 这是一种能够超越本族文化, 跨越不同文化鸿沟,穿透不同文化壁垒,在多元 文化的环境中游刃有余的能力。因此,你的外语 语言能力必须建立在理解不同文化的价值观体系 和行为规范模式之上, 其最终表现是能够适应、 掌控和化解多元文化环境中的矛盾和冲突。

unit 5 Culture and Verbal Communication 跨文化交际 大学教学课件

unit 5 Culture and Verbal Communication  跨文化交际 大学教学课件
• In English the word hot of means 热. But in spoken English, hot also means very attractive, or sexy, so never say someone looks hot unless you really like them.
Unit 5
Culture and Verbal Communication

1. Two Japanese who knew some Chinese were one day at a Beijing subway station. They saw a warning sign which read: Xiaoxin di hua! (小心地滑)They were very much surprised to see that nobody around them was skating, though the floor was really very smooth.
• What she meant to was: Tina was upset/in pain when her boyfriend left her.
• I was sick in the head. • (Really? You seem like a normal
person to me.) • 我曾是个神经病。 • I had a headache.
• How do you think about it? 你是怎么想 的?

大学英语跨文化交际chapter5 Intercultural Communicationppt课件

大学英语跨文化交际chapter5 Intercultural Communicationppt课件
We use words to communicate with the outside world. share the past. exercise some control over the present. form images of the future.
Text A Significance of Verbal Communication
Personal / Contextual
Instrumental / Affective
Dialect and Sociolect
Pidgin and Lingua Franca
Taboo and Euphemism
Direct Plan
Indirect Plan
Chapter 5 Verbal Intercultural Communication
Eg. In the Amazon area snow is not a part of the environment; therefore, people in that region do not have a word for snow.
Most Americans use terms such as snow, powder snow, sleet, slush, blizzard, and ice.
Navajo do not have the differentiated vocabulary connected with time and clocks.
One of the problems in dealing with people from other cultures is that we translate concepts from a foreign language and culture with words that fit our expectations. Eg. For Americans “tomorrow” means midnight to



增强对多元文化的理解和尊重 ,树立文化包容意识。
积极参与课堂讨论,与同学分享跨文 化交际经验和见解;
通过角色扮演、模拟对话等方式,练 习实际场景中的跨文化交际技巧;
结合实际案例进行分析,深入理解跨 文化交际原则和方法;
利用网络资源,了解不同文化背景下 的交际习惯和礼仪,拓宽视野。
跨文化交际中的实用工具介绍 服语言障碍。
如身体语言、面部表情、手势等,在跨文化交际中起到重要的辅 助作用。
如《跨文化交际指南》等,提供针对不同文化的实用指南和案例 分析,帮助理解文化差异并提升交际能力。
在不同文化中,人们对于沟通方式的偏好有所不同。一些文 化倾向于直接、坦率的沟通风格,而另一些文化则更偏好间 接、含蓄的表达方式。了解这些差异有助于避免误解和冲突 。
某些文化中,人们善于表达情感,喜怒哀乐溢于言表;而在 其他文化中,人们可能更内敛、克制情感。在跨文化交际中 ,了解对方的情感表达方式有助于建立信任和理解。
倾听者需要对不同文化背景下的 沟通方式和价值观有一定的了解 ,以更好地理解和尊重对方的观
在跨文化交际中,倾听者需要关注 并正确解读对方非语言行为,如面 部表情、肢体语言等,以更全面地 理解对方的意思。
倾听者在听到信息后,应通过适当 的回应和澄清,确保自己准确理解 对方的意图,同时也有助于建立良 好的沟通氛围。
跨文化交际复习unit5 课件

跨文化交际实用教程unit 5 --new课件

跨文化交际实用教程unit 5 --new课件

timely in time in good time at the stated time perfect timing at the appointed time
Your are invited to a cocktail party tonight at 7:00. When are you supposed to get there? Why? A. 6: 45 B. 7Why?
Why? Why? Why?
Questions for discussion
1.What conclusion can you get from the stories?
2. Why do you think it is acceptable to be late in these countries?
Case 4 She Is Not Supposed to Be Wearing Trousers
• Comment:
In Korea, a woman with social status will generally wear dress or skirt. Women wearing trousers are generally common citizens of low social status. The Korean interpreter assumed that the Chinese female college teachers held high social status and should therefore wear skirts.
Monochronic Time: punctuality and promptness
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Case 2 Feeling Left-out
After graduating from Beijing International Studies University, Chen Liang Pursued an MA program at a university in Boston, the U.S. Early in the program. One day after class, his American friend, Dick, asked Chen to join him in the university cafeteria. On their way they ran into Dick's girlfriend, Lisa, who was on her way to lecture. Walking shoulder to shoulder, Dick and Lisa carried on an intimate conversation, as if they hadn't seen each other for ages. Meanwhile, Chen Liang was walking behind them, not taking part in the conversation. When they were nearing the cafeteria Lisa said she had to leave for the lecture.
So ...
What do these cases inspire us ?
Cultural Values, Cultural Dimension
Why do we need to contrast Cultural Values ?
Resolve conflicts, explain and understand cultural similarities and differences in behaviors.....
Comparison Between Chinese Values and Western Values (broad sense)

Differences in expressing gratitude
Chinese: seldom express their gratitude in public or in words Westerners: openly and directly express their gratitude
Differences in attitude toward women "Ladies First" has a long history in the West. But
in China there is no such a tradition.
In China, it is normally the elderly man who gets the service first, because hierarchy is prevalent in China and it is the elderly or the superior who is supposed to get special respect.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
sometimes on broken Chinese. A few minutes later, Li Hua's father turned toward John, and asked a very direct question. He wanted John to tell him when he would marry Li Hua and where he was going to live and work. John, being a bit surprised at the question, replied that he hadn't thought about marriage. Li Hua's father got very upset and angry. He stamped his foot and asked John to leave. As John was about to leave, Li Hua's father warned him against seeing his daughter again. John left, without knowing what he had done to enrage the family.
Intercultural Communication
Lecture 5: Contrasting Cultural Values

Verbal Communication
Culturally loaded words
Cultural reflections on proverbs and taboos
Question: How would you explain to Li Hua's parents about
the relationship between Li Hua and John? How could you explain to John Li Hua's parents' behavior?
John, 28 years old, an Australian Studying Chinese in Beijing, met Li Hua at a dance party. Li Hua, 22, took an instant liking to John the first time they met. As time went on, they saw more and more of each other. After six months or so, Li Hua suggested that John meet her parents. Since this was the first time John had visited a Chinese family, he became quite nervous the moment he was introduced to Li Hua's parents, elder sister and sister-in-law. Soon after serving him some Chinese tea and fruit, Li Hua's mother began questioning John about his background, his family and relatives, as well as his economic status. John did his best to answer all of the questions,

Small Power Distance Culture
Can you give some examples according to your experiences ?
Differences in symbolization
Symbolization is how people image or regard
something. It actually reflects the way people think.

comment: In public, the norms of expressing one's
feeling and affections toward the opposite sex varies across culture. In Asia and some countries around the Mediterranean Sea, it is acceptable to have body contact between the same sexes in public, but not between the opposite sexes, especially in front of the friends. Chen left because he felt awkward witnessing them hugging and kissing. This shows that Dick knows nothing about the natural response of the Chinese to certain behaviors. Similarly, Chen Liang's behavior shows that he is also in the dark about American behaviors.
For example: Red means luck and fortune in most Eastern cultures but stands for blood, revolution in the West. Blue means something noble or significant in the Western culture.

Cultural Dimensions Power Distance Individualism Versus Collectivism Masculinity Versus Feminity Uncertainty Avoidance
Warm-up cases
Case 1 I've Not Considered Marriage Yet
Cultural Dimensions
Power Distance
Individualism VS Collectivism