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一、SPEED BIRD 621,武汉到伦敦,正常申请放行,使用36R跑道,因为后面有一架B747

通过,等待一分钟。再次申请,推出。推出过程中拖把断裂。延误后正常推出。滑行道36R过程中,有B737从左侧超越,偏到右侧滑行,然后停在747后面。滑行过程中ATC 通知跑道有施工,需要注意。

WuHan Ground BAW621,Gate 3 request pushback.

BAW 621 standby,expect one minute delay due B747 taxiing behind,call you back.

Ground BAW621 the tow bar was broken during push back we are waiting for a replacement.

BAW621 caution, B737 overtaking you on your left,he is NO.1 departure.

Roger BAW621.

BAW621 taxi with caution ,work in progress adjacent to stand 36.

BAW621 roger.


车后等待拖车。起飞后航路有气球,10 O’CLOCK 3NM,风挡玻璃破裂,返场。

CA101 fllow the centerline.

Wilco CA101.

CA101 Your left engine is on fire.

Roger We will shut down the engine and request ground assistance.

Wuhan Tower CA101 balloon 10 O’clock 3 miles crossing left to right

CA101 looking.

CA 101 Cockpit Window cracked,request return to airport.

三、BAW725,进跑道后请求起飞。起飞后联系C CONTROL,管制给了高度,航向和点。上

升FL210,快速通过FL150,到FL210联系D control。有一架冲突飞机没看到,但是TCAS 看到了,不明飞机,一点方位,从右至左,请求雷达引导,继续爬升10800M,由于冲突保持9600m。

BAW725 climb to FL210 expedite to FL150,report FL210.

Climb to FL210 expedite crossing FL150 report FL210 BAW725.

BAW725 on a indentified aircraft shown on TCAS,1 o’clock crossing right to left, no visual contact, request radar vector.

Maintain 9600m.

BAW725 request climb to 10800m.

BAW72 maintain 9600m due traffic.

四、BAW725,起飞后爬升,通过航路点YIN,ZNH,飞机襟翼卡阻,汇报情况。A TC指挥

右转航向050,调速180,机组报告FLAP1无法放出,限速210.要申请更长的跑道23L 落地.

Wuhan BAW725 flaps are jammed.

BAW725 turn right heading 050,reducing to 180Kts.

Right heading 050,180kts,BAW725.

Wuhan BAW725 we can’t extent flaps beyond 1,speed limit 210Knots.Request landing to .23L which is the longer runway



Wuhan Control CA101 low fuel flow request return to airport.Is the CAT2 ILS available?

CA T2 ILS Not available.

CA101 go around,request runway 36R.

CA101 runway 36R is closed,runway 04 available.




CA101 notam A0011 section A changed to A3,taxi to holding point.

Wuhan CA101 number one engine EGT is overheating,we’ll shut down the engine.

八、BAW735,进近过程中,机组怀疑LANDING GEAR没有放下来,申请低空通场,塔台目


BAW735 nose gear does not appear to be down,request low pass for visual check..

BAW735 cleared low pass runway 36 not below 500 feet report final.

BAW735 your landing gear is extending.

BAW735 we’d like go around and proceed to the holding for consuming fuel.

BAW735 we’ll have to make a gear up landing, request foam carpet at the touch down zone of the runway.

BAW735 roger, foam spraying will last twenty minutes.



BAW223 aborted take off.

BAW223 request the reason of the rejected take off.

BAW223 right engine EGT overlimit,taxiing back to the gate.

BAW223 you are cleared to taxi back to the gate via A,C.

BAW223 back to the gate via A,C.

BAW223 I can see smoke coming out from your right engine.

Roger.Initiate Emergency evacuation.Request ground assistance.

BAW223 right engine on fire.

BAW223 We are evacuating on G.

十、Air Canda121,武汉机场,下降1100m通过AKO,建立36R ILS,有雾,申请二类盲降进


Wuhan Control AC121 request 36R CA T2 ILS approach due to heavy fog.

AC121 cleared CAT2 ILS approach.

Wuhan AC121we were too high on the glideslope,negative visual contact,going around.

Request CAT3 approach.

AC121 Cleared to CAT3 ILS approach runway 04,

AC121 turn left heading 134 to eastablish ILS approach runway 04.

