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Goood moring, I'm glad to in terpret my less on here . The less on pla n

I am going to talk about is Part A let's lear n of un itl PEP Primary E

n glish book7. I will expla in how to teach and the reas on for doing th

is from following aspects.

I analysis of the teaching content.

n ways of teachi ng and lear ning .

川teachi ng procedures

IV blackboard desig n

V assessme nt

Now Let' s focus on the analysis of teaching content. It can be divid

ed into 3 parts as followed: the status and the fun cti on, the teach in

g objectives , the main points and difficult points, I ' ll talk about

it one by one.

This less on is the first less on of unit 1, book7 . It in cludes two pa

rts: Let' s learn and let ' s play. In sect ion 1, it mainly deals with

these key phrases: on foot, by bike, by bus, by train, by subway. An

d in sect ion 2, it provides a gam

e for the Ss to prastise the patter n

s: How do you go to …?And the answer: I go… by../ on foot.

Our stude nts have already known some vehicles in the daily life. It s not difficult for them to un dersta nd and use these words .If stude nts can learn it well, it will help students to learn the rest of thi

s un it. So, I set the follow ing aims:

The first is Ian guage objectives

To make sure that stude nts can read, recog nize and use these key phra

ses :on foot ,by bike,by bus,by train skillfully.

The n ext is ability objectives

(1) To develop Ss' abilities of listening and speaking.

(2) To train the Ss' ability of worki ng in groups.

moral objectives

(1) To help stude nts know some vehicles and comprehe nd the traffic rul


(2) To foster Ss' consciousness of good co-operation and proper compe

titio n.

The main points and difficult points about this less on is:

(1) To make sure that Ss can use these key phrases correctly and skil


(2) To en able Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.

(3) To develop Ss' in terest in En glish.

Difficult poi nts

To help the Ss ask and answer the question “ Howdo you go to …?part n ways of teachi ng and lear ning

As we all know: the main in struct ional aims of lear ning En glish in pr imary schoolis to cultivate pupils ' basic abilities of listening and

speak ing and their good sense of the En glish Ian guage. So in this le sson I ' ll

mainly use “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say,

I will let the Ss learn in real situations, finish a task by making

a survey ” Howdo you go to school? ” to help Ss to get a better under sta nding of the key phrases. I will arrange these activities: guess in g game, finishing a survey and having a competition. And in this les son a recorder, CAI, will be needed.




part 川teaching procedures

I ' ll finish this less on in five steps.

step1 lead--i n activities

I will begin my class with "drawing and guessing" game, just like thi

s : I show stude nts some vehicles such as bike ,bus ,jeep which they

lear ned before by "Stick Figures" and ask them guess what's it. Purpose: It is important to form a better English learning surroundin

g for the Ss by guessing game. and at the same time it provides situ ations to review learned knowledge for the next step.

step2 preste ntati on

Now I ' II mainly talk about this step.

Ifirst there is a Free talk betwee n T and Ss. For example: I show man

y pictures of beautiful cities and ask students some questions, such
