![原创VCPE专业投资机构TERM SHEET模板](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/47816b7225c52cc58ad6be1d.png)
投资后投资人占公司股份比例=投资人对公司投资额 / 公司投资后估值 “业绩要求与估值调整 机制”(“对赌条款”) : 本次增资完成后,公司原股东、投资人和公司共同为公司设定了以下财 务目标: 年度扣除非经常性损益后税后利润 万元人民币。
公司有义务尽力实现和完成最佳的经营业绩,公司原股东应当促使管理 层尽职管理公司,确保公司实现其经营目标。 当注册会计师出具公司 3 月 31 日前出具), 若公司 人民币 年度之经审计财务报告后(该报告应于 年
备注:以下除标注为“非必要条款”的项皆为 TERM SHEET 必须包含的项目,其中 B 类关键 点是属于需要经投委会决策的,其余关键点是项目总负责人可在谈判过程中决定的。
“公司” : 任公司。 “管理层股东或关键股 东” “投资人” “前提条件” : XX 投资及其关联企业和关联自然人 本初步条款清单以及此清单包含的权利义务的有效性取决于以下条件: 1) 在内容和形式上均令公司和投资人双方接受的所有有关的投资文档已 完成及签署; 2) 法律意见书认为,投资的法律架构符合当地法律和其它该等交易的惯 例或投资人的其它合理要求; 3) 公司已经以书面形式向投资方披露公司的资产、负债、权益、对外担 保等有关的全部信息,并确保所披露的信息在投资人尽职调查中无重 大不利变化。公司应在最大程度上协助,并要求其顾问协助投资者进 行对公司投资项目的尽职调查。公司应尽可能地向投资者提供其在尽 职调查过程中需要的所有信息,不可隐瞒或伪造任何重要信息; 4) 基于尽职调查,公司的经营情况和财务情况稳健良好、增长稳定,经 营目标的实现可以预期。 “陈述与保证” : 公司及关键股东已经以书面形式向投资方披露标的公司的资产、负债、 权益、对外担保以及与本协议有关的全部信息。 于重要的事项上,如组织及资格、财务报表、授权、执行和交割、协议 有效性和可执行性、股票发行、相关监管机构所要求报告、未决诉讼、 符合法律及环保规定、政府同意、税项、保险充足性、与协议及章程条 款无冲突性、资本化、没有重大的不利改变等事情上,由公司做出的惯 例性的陈述与保证。 投资人及公司免于对投资前的财务报表中未反映的税收和负债承担责 任,管理层股东或关键股东同意承担由此所引起的全部责任。 除非经投资人同意,管理层股东或关键股东不得将其在公司及子公司的 股份质押或抵押给第三方。
甲方(公司)和乙方(VC)Investment Termsheet(投资意向书)20XX年01月01日被投公司简况XXXX公司 (以下简称“甲方”或者“公司”) 是总部注册在开曼群岛的有限责任公司,该公司直接或者间接的通过其在中国各地的子公司和关联企业,经营在线教育开发、外包和其他相关业务。
现有股东目前甲方的股东组成如下表所示:股东名单股权类型股份股份比例黄马克/CEO 普通股 5,000,000 50%刘比尔/CTO 普通股 3,000,000 30%周赖利/COO 普通股 2,000,000 20%——-—--—---—-——-———--————————---——————-—-—--——---—-——---—合计: 10,000,000 100%投资人 / 投资金额某某VC (乙方)将作为本轮投资的领投方(lead investor)将投资:美金150万跟随投资方经甲方和乙方同意,将投资:美金100万---—---—--——-—-—-———-—-—-——--—---—-———-—------———-—————-——----—--—-—-————投资总额美金250万上述提到的所有投资人以下将统称为投资人或者A轮投资人。
投资款用途研发、购买课件 80万在线设备和平台 55万全国考试网络 45万运营资金 45万其它 25万总额 250万详细投资款用途清单请见附录二。
Term Sheet模板(美国基金募集)
![Term Sheet模板(美国基金募集)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/dba52b55312b3169a451a478.png)
Term SheetSet forth below is a summary of certain significant provisions of the Limited Partnership Agreement of New Private Equity Fund, L.P. (the “Partnership”) and other related agreements governing the Partnership. The following summary does not purport to be complete and is subject to the detailed provisions of the Limited Partnership Agreement, the Subscription Agreement and the Management Agreement. These doc-uments should be read in their entirety by investors and are available upon request from the General Partner, who is also available to re-spond to investors' inquiries and requests for further information con-cerning the Partnership.The Partnership: New Private Equity Fund, L.P. (the "Part-nership") is a limited partnership organizedunder the laws of Delaware for the purposeof making equity and equity-related in-vestments (“Portfolio Investments”) activein [describe investment sector].Size of the Offering: The Partnership is offering $ million of limited partnership interests (the "Inter-ests"). However, the General Partner may increase or decrease the size of the offering. The minimum size of the Partnership shall be $ million.Purchasers of Interests are referred to col-lectively herein as the "Limited Partners," and together with the General Partner as the "Partners."Minimum Limited Partner Commitment: The minimum subscription by a Limited Partner will be $ million, subject to re-duction at the discretion of the General Partner, which also has discretion to reject the offer of a subscription for any reason.General Partner: The General Partner (the "General Partner")is New Private Equity Fund General Part-ner, LLC, a Delaware limited liability com-pany.Manager: The General Partner will engage New Pri-vate Equity Fund Management, LLC, a De-laware limited liability company (the"Manager"), to provide certain advisoryand management services to the Partner-ship.Term: The Partnership's term will continue untilthe tenth anniversary of the Final Closing,unless terminated sooner upon the happen-ing of certain events as set forth in the Part-nership Agreement, subject to extension ofup to two additional one-year periods bythe General Partner in the discretion of theGeneral Partner.Closings: An initial closing (the "Initial Closing")will be held as soon as practicable. TheGeneral Partner is entitled, in its sole dis-cretion, to continue to accept subscriptionsand to hold one or more subsequent clos-ings (the last one of which is referred to asthe "Final Closing") until nine months afterthe Initial Closing.Effect of Subsequent Closings: Each Limited Partner that participates in a closing subsequent to the Initial Closing will be required to contribute its proportio-nate share of all prior drawdowns (other than those used to pay Management Fees) and pay a charge equivalent to interest thereon at the rate of prime plus 2% per annum from the respective funding dates thereof to the funding date specified for the new Limited Partner.The amounts so contributed will be distri-buted to those Partners who participated in prior closings in proportion to their contri-buted capital. Any amount distributed to a Partner, to the extent it represents a recov-ery of contributed capital, will cause a commensurate increase in the amount of its undrawn commitment and will be subject to subsequent drawdown.Each Limited Partner participating in a closing subsequent to the Initial Closing also will be required to contribute its share of the cumulative amount of the Manage-ment Fee to the Manager that would have paid if it had been a Limited Partner on the date of the Initial Closing, and pay a charge equivalent to interest thereon at the rate of prime plus 2% per annum from the Initial Closing date, and any other Management Fee payment dates, to the closing date in question. Amounts contributed in respect of Management Fees (and any related amount equivalent to interest) will be paid to the Manager.Investment Period: The investment period (the "Investment Period") of the Partnership will extend from the Initial Closing to the earlier of (i) the date on which the total committed capital of the Partnership has been invested or used to pay expenses and liabilities of the Part-nership, or formally reserved for such pur-poses or (ii) the fifth anniversary of the Fi-nal Closing.Up to 15% of the committed capital of the Partnership may be designated as reserved for the purpose of making follow-on in-vestments in existing Portfolio Companies after the end of the Investment Period. Af-ter the Investment Period, further draw-downs may be made only for the purposes of funding investments committed to prior to the end of the Investment Period and which close within six months of the end of the Investment Period, or for follow-on in-vestments as described above, or for meet-ing Partnership expenses.Alternative Investment Vehicles The General Partner will have the right in connection with any investment to direct the capital contributions of some or all of the Partners to be made through one or more alternative investment vehicles if, in the judgment of the General Partner, the use of such vehicle or vehicles would allow the Partnership to overcome legal or regula-tory constraints or invest in a more tax-efficient manner or would facilitate partici-pation in certain types of investments. Any alternative investment vehicle will contain terms and conditions substantially similar to those of the Partnership and will be ma-naged by the Manager or an affiliate the-reof.Reinvestment of Capital: Proceeds from the sale or other disposition of investments other than short-term in-vestments of excess cash generally will not be subject to reinvestment and, once distri-buted, generally will not be subject to re-call. However, proceeds constituting a re-turn of capital (but not income or gain) from the sale or other disposition of a Port-folio Investment within one year of the date such investment originally was made may be reinvested by the General Partner in Portfolio Investments (including follow-on investments). In addition, if and to the ex-tent that any such proceeds are distributed, they will be added to unfunded capital commitments and again be available for drawdowns throughout the term of the Partnership to the extent otherwise permit-ted.Management Fee: The Manager will receive an annual man-agement fee (the "Management Fee"), pay-able quarterly in advance by the Partner-ship, of 2% per year based on the total capi-tal committed to the Partnership for the In-vestment Period and 2% per year basedupon unreturned capital contributions to thePartnership thereafter. Fifty percent of theaggregate amount of any fees (net of anyrelated expenses) received by the Manager,the General Partner, the Principals or anyaffiliate of any Principal from PortfolioCompanies or potential portfolio compa-nies, including directors fees, managementfees, advisory fees, consulting fees, moni-toring fees, brokers' and finders' fees, trans-action fees, investment banking fees andnet break-up fees and litigation payments, ifany, from broken deals, shall be applied toreduce the amount of future ManagementFees.The contribution of amounts applied to thepayment of the Management Fee will notreduce the capital commitment of any Part-ner.Expenses: Each Partner will be responsible for its prorata share of the organizational expenses ofthe Partnership up to a limit not to exceed$ , the payment of which will notreduce such Partner's capital commitment.The General Partner will bear the economicburden of any offering, start-up or organi-zational expenses in excess of the abovespecified amount, although the GeneralPartner may elect to have such excess ex-penses advanced by the Partnership inwhich case there will be a correspondingreduction will be made to ManagementFees amortized over the term of the Part-nership.Each Limited Partner will be solely respon-sible for its own legal and tax counsel ex-penses and any out-of-pocket expenses in-curred in connection with the organizationof, its admission to, or the maintenance ofits Interest in, the Partnership.The Manager will be responsible for all ofits own normal and recurring routine oper-ating expenses, such as compensation of itsprofessional staff and the cost of officespace, office equipment, communications,utilities and other such normal overheadexpenses. Legal, accounting or other spe-cialized consulting or professional servicesthat the Manager would not normally beexpected to render with its own profession-al staff shall not be considered normal op-erating expenses.The Partnership will be responsible for allother expenses of the Partnership including,but not limited to, the following:(i)All expenses incurred in connectionwith Partnership operations, includ-ing the purchase, holding, sale orproposed sale of any Partnership in-vestments (including legal and ac-counting fees) unless paid for by thecompany which is the subject of theinvestment and including Manage-ment Fees;(ii) Costs and fees relating to the prepa-ration of financial and tax reports,portfolio valuations and tax returnsof the Partnership;(iii) The costs of prosecuting or defend-ing any legal action for or against thePartnership, the General Partner, theManager or their affiliates;(iv) All costs related to the Partnership's indemnification of the General Part-ner, the Manager, the Principals,their affiliates and the members ofthe Advisory Committee;(v) Interest on and fees and expenses arising out of all permitted borrow-ings made by the Partnership; (vi) The costs of any litigation, director and officer liability or other insur-ance and indemnification or extraor-dinary expense or liability relating tothe affairs of the Partnership; (vii) All unreimbursed out-of-pocket costs relating to investment or di-vestment transactions that are notconsummated, including legal, ac-counting and consulting fees, and allextraordinary professional fees in-curred in connection with the busi-ness or management of the Partner-ship;(viii) All expenses of liquidating the Part-nership; and(ix) Any taxes, fees or other governmen-tal charges levied against the Part-nership and all expenses incurred inconnection with any tax audit, inves-tigation, settlement or review of thePartnership.Incurrence of Indebtedness: The Partnership may not incur any indeb-tedness other than to pay expenses or short-term borrowings to fund Limited Partners' capital contributions on an expedited basis. If a Limited Partner's capital contributions are "bridged" by such short-term borrow-ings, the Limited Partners whose capital contributions were so "bridged" shall be responsible for the costs of such borrow-ings.Distributions: The General Partner will distributeproceeds realized from dispositions of in-vestments, plus any dividends or interestincome received at least annually; however,the General Partner may retain amounts itconsiders prudent reserves to meet futureexpenses and liabilities of the Partnership.Distributions will be made in cash and inU.S. dollars or in marketable securities atthe sole discretion of the General Partner(distributions of other property may bemade only with the consent of a majority ininterest of the Limited Partners).Distributions attributable to any PortfolioInvestment will be initially apportionedamong the Partners in proportion to theirrespective percentage interests relating tosuch investment. The amount apportionedto the Limited Partners will then be imme-diately reapportioned as between the Li-mited Partners and the General Partner asfollows:(i) Return of Contributed Capital:100% to the Limited Partners in pro-portion to their contributed capital un-til they have received distributionsequal to their capital contributionsand the pro rata expenses of the Part-nership with respect to all realized in-vestments;(ii) Preferred Return:100% to the Li-mited Partners in proportion to theircontributed capital until they have re-ceived distributions equal to an 8%per annum cumulative return, com-pounded annually (the “Preferred R e-turn”) as calculated on the ir capitalcontributions and the pro rata ex-penses of Partnership with respect toall realized investments;(iii) Carried Interest Catch-up: 100% to the General Partner as an incentivedistribution (the “Carried Interest”)until the General Partner has receivedcumulative distributions of 20% ofthe net profits on all realized invest-ments; and(iv) Carried Interest:thereafter, 80% to the Limited Partners in proportion totheir contributed capital and 20% tothe General Partner as additional Car-ried Interest.Allocation of Income, Expenses, Gainand Loss: Income, expense, gain and loss of the Part-nership will generally be allocated to the Partners in a manner consistent with the distribution of proceeds from investments as described above.Co-Investment by Limited Partners: When the General Partner deems it appro-priate and consistent with the interests of the Partnership, it may provide Limited Partners with additional co-investment op-portunities. Such opportunities may take the form of senior debt, subordinated debt, equity or equity-related investments.Investment Guidelines: The Partnership will invest no more than 20% of aggregate commitments in any sin-gle Portfolio Company without the express consent of Limited Partners representing 66-2/3% of the capital of the Partnership. The Partnership will invest no more than 20% of aggregate commitments in Portfolio Companies organized outside the United States.Drawdowns: Commitments generally will be drawndown as necessary to fund investments andto meet Partnership expenses. A minimumof ten calendar days written notice (a"Funding Notice") will be given by theGeneral Partner. Each Funding Notice willspecify the funding date, amount and pro-posed use of proceeds for each drawdown,as well as provide appropriate payment in-structions.Defaulting Partners: Any Limited Partner that fails to contribute the full amount specified in a Funding No-tice within five business days of the speci-fied due date or any other payment required to be made by it to the General Partner, the Manager or the Partnership may be deemed a defaulting partner (a "Defaulting Part-ner") at the discretion of the General Part-ner. The General Partner in its sole discre-tion may waive or permit the cure of the condition causing such default subject to such conditions upon which the General Partner and such Limited Partner may agree.A Defaulting Partner will not be entitled to participate in any vote, consent or decision to be made by the Limited Partners of the Partnership or be permitted to make any further capital contributions to the Partner-ship.A Defaulting Partner may be subject to for-feitures of distributions that it otherwise would have received and may be subject to a 50% reduction in the balance of its capital account.A Defaulting Partner may also be required to sell its Interest in the Partnership to the other Partners or to a third party at its cost or another price determined to be fair and reasonable under the circumstances by the General Partner in its sole discretion.Withdrawal/ Transfer of Interests: Voluntary withdrawal by Limited Partners from the Partnership will not be permitted. In certain circumstances, however, a Li-mited Partner may be required to withdraw if its continued participation in the Partner-ship would result in a violation of ERISA or other laws or could otherwise be ex-pected to have a material adverse effect on the Partnership.The Interests will be subject to restrictions on resale designed to ensure that the Part-nership will not be required to register un-der the Investment Company Act, to ensure compliance with the laws regulating the sale of unregistered securities and to satisfy certain tax law considerations. All proposed transfers will be subject to the consent of the General Partner and proposed purchas-ers of Interests will be required, among other things, to demonstrate sufficient fi-nancial wherewithal to meet remaining drawdown obligations.Dedication of the Principals: In the event that a majority of the Principals ceases to be actively involved with the business of either the Manager or the Gen-eral Partner, Limited Partners representing 66-2/3% of the capital of the Partnership shall have the right to terminate their com-mitments (except as they relate to existing contracts of the Partnership) and to termi-nate the Partnership. The term "Principals" shall refer to and to any additional individuals who shall be ap-proved by Limited Partners representing 66-2/3% of the capital of the Partnership.Termination: Upon termination, the Partnership shall bedissolved and wound-up. The General Part-ner or, if there is no General Partner, a li-quidator or other representative (the "Rep-resentative") appointed by a majority in interest of the Limited Partners shall pro-ceed with the orderly sale or liquidation of the assets of the Partnership and shall apply and distribute the proceeds of such sale or liquidation in the following order of priori-ty, unless otherwise required by law:(i) first, to pay all expenses of liquida-tion;(ii) second, to pay all creditors of the Partnership (including Partners whoare creditors) in the order of priorityprovided by law or otherwise;(iii) third, to the establishment of any re-serve which the General Partner orthe Representative may deem neces-sary (such reserve may be paid overto an escrow agent); and(iv) fourth, to the Partners or their legal representatives.Upon dissolution, the General Partner or the Representative may in its sole and abso-lute discretion (a) liquidate all or a portion of the Partnership assets and apply the proceeds of such liquidation in the manner set forth above and/or (b) hire independent appraisers to appraise the value of Partner-ship assets not sold or otherwise disposed of or determine the fair market value of such assets, and allocate any unrealized gain or loss determined by such appraisal to the Partners as though the properties in question had been sold on the date of dis-tribution and, after giving effect to any such adjustment, distribute said assets in the manner set forth above, provided that the General Partner or the Representative shallin good faith attempt to liquidate sufficientPartnership assets to satisfy in cash thedebts and liabilities described above.If a Limited Partner shall, upon the adviceof counsel, determine that there is a reason-able likelihood that any distribution in kindof an asset would cause such Limited Part-ner to be in violation of any law, regulationor order, such Limited Partner and the Gen-eral Partner shall each use its best efforts tomake alternative arrangements for the saleor transfer into an escrow account of anysuch distribution on mutually agreeableterms.A reasonable amount of time shall be al-lowed for the orderly liquidation of the as-sets of the Partnership and the discharge ofliabilities to creditors so as to enable theGeneral Partner or the Representative tominimize the losses attendant upon suchliquidation.Clawback: To the extent that over the life of the Part-nership the General Partner has receiveddistributions in respect of the Carried Inter-est exceeding the stipulated share of aggre-gate gains from Portfolio Investments, theGeneral Partner will be liable to return theafter-tax amount of any such excess distri-butions received by it to the Partnership, fordistribution to the Partners, at the end of thePartnership's term.Other Funds: Neither the General Partner, the Principals,nor any affiliate of any Principal will or-ganize or be associated with another in-vestment fund with objectives substantiallyidentical to those of the Partnership withoutthe prior consent of the Limited Partnersrepresenting a majority of the aggregateCommitments until the earlier of the termi-nation of the Investment Period or the dateon which at least 75% of the aggregate cap-ital commitments has been drawn down oris committed to Portfolio Companies or isotherwise unavailable therefor. Indemnification: The Partnership will indemnify, to the max-imum extent permitted by law, the GeneralPartner, the Manager, each of their respec-tive directors, officers, partners, employees,affiliates and assigns and the AdvisoryCommittee, against liabilities, claims andrelated expenses including attorneys' fees,incurred by reason of any action performedor omitted in connection with the activitiesof the Partnership or in dealing with thirdparties on behalf of the Partnership if suchaction or decision not to act was taken ingood faith, and provided that such action ordecision not to act does not constitute grossnegligence, intentional misconduct, aknowing violation of law or an intentionaland material breach of the PartnershipAgreement or the Management Agreement.ERISA Considerations: Investment in the Partnership generally is open to sophisticated institutional investors, including pension and other funds subject to the United States Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended ("ERISA"). Investors subject to ERISA will be required to make certain customary re-presentations or provide assurances in order that the General Partner may determine compliance with ERISA's provisions.The Partnership may be managed in a man-ner intended to qualify it for the venture capital operating company exception from the ERISA plan asset rules. Alternatively, the General Partner may decide to limit theaggregate Interests held by investors sub-ject to ERISA to less than 25%. See "ERISA Considerations."Income Tax Considerations: The Partnership expects to be treated as a partnership for U.S. federal income tax purposes. Accordingly, each Partner will be allocated its allocable share of Partnership items of income, gain, loss, deduction and expense. See "U.S. Federal Income Tax Considerations" for a discussion of the U.S. tax consequences of an investment in the Partnership.The General Partner intends to operate the Partnership in a manner such that it will not be engaged in a trade or business for U.S. tax purposes. Further, the Partnership gen-erally will use its best efforts to avoid gene-rating income or allocating income in a manner that would cause an ERISA or oth-er investor exempt from tax in the United States to recognize "unrelated business tax-able income" or "unrelated debt-financed income" for U.S. tax purposes. See "U.S. Federal Income Tax Considerations."Risk Factors: An investment in the Partnership involvessignificant risk and should be consideredonly by sophisticated investors able to meetdrawdown obligations and assume the risksof loss and illiquidity inherent with an in-vestment in the Partnership. See "Risk Fac-tors."Financial Reporting: The General Partner will provide the Li-mited Partners with annual audited finan-cial statements of the Partnership within 120 days after the end of the fiscal year of the Partnership and quarterly unaudited financial statements within 90 days after the end of each fiscal quarter (except the last). Financial statements will be prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States. The fiscal year end of the Partnership will be December 31.Annual Meeting: The Partnership will hold an annual meet-ing of the Partners.Legal: Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & FlomLLP shall serve as legal counsel to thePartnership and the General Partner in con-nection with the organization of the Part-nership and the offer and sale of Interests. Auditors: _______________Placement Agent: _______________Advisory Committee: The General Partner will establish an Advi-sory Committee which will include repre-sentatives from the Limited Partners. The Advisory Committee will address, among other things, certain conflicts of interest.。
股权投资投资条款term sheet 内附模板
![股权投资投资条款term sheet 内附模板](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b334c99f02d276a200292e20.png)
投资条款致达金控投资管理(北京)有限公司致金研究院致达金控ZETA Financial Holding目录CONTENT PART ONE PART TWOPART THREE投资条款案例简析概念简介概念简介PART ONE投资条款清单是一个从海外引入的词汇,英文全称:“term sheet of equityinvestment”,简称“TS”。
通常出现在VC 【风险投资】和PE 【私募股权投资】过程中,在企业家与投资者进行初步磋商后,在尽职调查前双方签署的一份关于目标公司股权融资的框架性文件,就交易的主要条款进行一些原则性的规定,因而,没有法律约束力,可以称为“君子协议”。
投资条款简介致达金控ZETA Financial HoldingPART ONE 概念简介投资条款PART TWO保密条款序号事项意向定义1保密条款指协议当事人之间就一方告知另一方的书面或口头信息,约定不得向任何第三方披露该等信息常见条款:有关投资的条款、细则与补充约定,包括所有条款约定、本框架协议的存在以及相关的投资文件,均属保密信息,协议各方不得向任何第三方透露,协议各方另有约定或依法应予披露的除外。
Term Sheet_阅读材料(注解)
![Term Sheet_阅读材料(注解)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1ff620a265ce0508763213a1.png)
04 Term Sheet的签署与执 行
Term Sheet的签署流程
双方就Term Sheet中的条款进行谈判和修 改,达成一致意见。
创业公司向投资人发送Term Sheet,包含 投资条件、估值、股权比例等关键条款。
它为双方提供一个框架,以便在尽职 调查和最终协议签署之前进行谈判和 达成共识。
Term Sheet的目的
通过Term Sheet,创业公司可以 向投资人展示其投资潜力和吸引 力,投资人也可以明确表达投资
Term Sheet为双方提供了谈判的 框架和指导,有助于双方在签署最 终协议之前达成一致。
限制关键人员在职期间或离职后一定 时间内从事与公司业务相竞争的工作 或创业。
要求员工和投资者对公司的商业机密、 技术秘密等信息予以保密,防止泄露。
03 Term Sheet的谈判要点
在Term Sheet中,估值和投资额是需要平衡的两个关键因 素。
在Term Sheet中明确投资后的权利义务 ,如委派董事、监管企业经营等,同时建 立有效的风险预警和应对机制,确保投资 安全。
在Term Sheet中,如双方未约定明确的违 约责任和罚则,可能导致合同履行过程中出 现纠纷。
在Term Sheet中明确约定违约责任和罚则, 同时选择有管辖权的法院解决纠纷,确保自 身权益得到有效保障。
Term sheet模板
![Term sheet模板](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b30f4342f7ec4afe04a1dfdf.png)
term sheet
![term sheet](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/978c9901998fcc22bdd10d9c.png)
term sheet条款清单样本Z投资基金公司第一轮*出售可转换优先股条款清单发行方: 公司或其海外注册的母公司投资额: 二百万美元以内如果高于此金额,需经双方同意购股方: Z基金或投资公司管理的其他基金投资方式:以二百万美元购买A系列可转换优先股第一轮可转换优先股条款*形式: A系列可转换优先股可以1:1的比率按原购买价转换为普通股原购买价为充分稀释后投资后作价八百万美元,其中包括二百万的*款预计交易达成日期:预计投资达成时间为XX年11月底股息: A系列优先股的持有者将获得季度股息,按以下两种分成计算方法金额较高的一种计算:(1) 年利率为8%的非累积的股息,(2) 相当于转换后的比例与普通股有同样的分红额清算优先权:在公司清盘、解散、合并、被收购、出售控股股权、以及出售主要部分或全部资产时,A系列优先股的持有者有权获得原价加上8%的复利的金额剩余资产由普通股股东与优先股股东按相当于转换后的比例进行分配,但A系列优先股的持有者最多获得三倍于原始投资的金额如果A系列优先股的持有者已经获得三倍于原始投资的金额,剩余的资产将由普通股股东按比例分配转换办法: A系列优先股的持有者有权选择在任何时间将所持的优先股转换成普通股,转换比率是1:1,但要按下一条款进行调整转换时公司必须付清所有应付的分红,转换时如果有不足一股的零头,公司当以等值的现金支付给投资者自动转换:在公司上市公开发行*时,A系列优先股按当时适用的转换价格自动转换成普通股*,前提是新股发行值不低于万美元反稀释条款:如果新发行的股权的价格低于A系列优先股,A系列优先股的股价需按平摊加权平均法做相应调整A系列优先股在拆股、*分红、并股、或者以低于转换价格增发新股,以及其他资产重组的情况下也要按比例获得调整回购保证: A系列优先股的持有者有权选择在A系列优先股发行后五年后任何时间要求公司回购其股权回购价格*本金加上15%的溢价,以及到期的和尚未支付的固定分红在以下情况下A系列优先股的持有者有权选择强迫回购执行董事会和投票权:公司的董事会有5人组成,其中一个席位保留给A系列优先股的持有者A系列优先股的持有者具有与普通股持有者相同的投票权在下列情况下A系列优先股的持有者有权指派董事会的多数席位:⑴ 任何单个季度的帐面损失大于或等于25万美元;⑵ 合并报表的净资产低于万美元;⑶ 达到回购条件但回购人无法实施回购;⑷ 连续两年无法支付股息⑸ 创业者辞职;⑹ 创业者聘期因故终止;⑺ 创业者死亡或无行为能力投资方因上述原因拥有的权利于企业公开上市或合并时终止保护条款:以下事项需有A系列优先股的持有者三分之二以上的赞同票方能通过,包括但不限于:⑴ 改变A系列优先股的权益;⑵ 增加或减少A系列优先股的股数;⑶ 增发可转换债券、优先股或普通股,或者重新分级*;⑷ 公司回购普通股;⑸ 公司章程的修改;⑹ 导致公司债务超过50万美元的事由;⑺ 超过50万美元的一次性资本支出;⑻ 公司购并、重组、控股权变化,和出售公司大部分或全部资产;⑼ 董事会席位数变化;⑽ 分红计划;⑾ 公司管理层工资福利的重大变化;⑿ 新的员工*期权计划;⒀ 公司与第三方签订限制分红或*回购的协议;⒁ 向优先股股东以外的证券持有人分配股息或红利;⒂ 公司购入与主营业务无关的资产或进入非主营业务经营领域;⒃ 公司出售子公司的股权优先购股权: A系列优先股持有者有权与其他股东一样按比例优先受让任一股东欲出让的股权和购买公司以后增发的*一般性条款购买协议:本次投资交易的进行必须先满足交易达成的前提条件,并经公司的董事会和投资公司的投资委员会同意有关投资合同条款内容股东协议:企业的所有股东将签订一份协议,这份协议应包括:⑴ 首先是公司,其次是各股东按照股份比例,有权优先认购受让其他股东出让的股权;⑵ 对外出让股权须按比例共同出售,除非*持有人放弃此权利;⑶ 股东按照前述方法选举董事会董事;⑷ 公司将设立*期权计划,经董事会认可,并由公司的管理前三条在*公开上市时自动取消雇员协议:企业的每位创办人兼管理人股东及企业的主要雇员应与企业签订不竞争协议并保证在其任职期间及离职后两年内不得从事与本企业有竞争的行业投资前提条件:投资交易的达成必须满足以下前提条件:⑴ 投资人认可下列法律文件,包括股权购买协议、股东协议和修改后的公司章程;⑵ 完成尽职调查并对调查结果满意;⑶ 投资人决策委员会的审批;⑷ 通过有关的*审批程序;⑸ 不与其他交易相冲突;⑹ 没有对公司有负面影响的事由变化和业务进展;⑺ 公司在境外重新注册信息披露和保证: 企业保证提供以下材料,包括但不限于工商登记注册文件、生产销售资格或许可、财务报表、重大合同协议、生产使用许可、未了结诉讼、产品责任和质量保证、知识产权、或然债务、债务结构、环保要求等合法性证明,企业保证本条款清单与现有合同协议及公司章程不冲突、没有隐瞒债务、及时披露企业实质性的业务或资产变动知情权: A系列优先股股东或其委派人有随时检查公司资产、检核报表、拷贝相关文件、与*、股东、董事、重要雇员、会计师磋商公司事务的权利,费用由优先股股东自理 A系列优先股持有者将获得以下信息:。
融资协议条款清单(TS) term sheet - 模板
![融资协议条款清单(TS) term sheet - 模板](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c77b2fdc534de518964bcf84b9d528ea81c72f8e.png)
融资协议条款清单(TS) term sheet - 模板
1. 融资目的
1.1 融资目的清晰明确。
2. 融资金额与结构
2.1 确定融资金额,包括主要融资金额和可选的额外融资金额。
2.2 确定融资的结构,如股权融资、债权融资或其他形式。
3. 股东权益
3.1 确定融资后股东的权益比例。
3.2 确定股东之间的优先权、投票权、转让权等事项。
4. 投资条件
4.1 确定投资方对于融资的条件,如投资金额、投资阶段、估值等。
4.2 确定融资完成后的股权结构和估值。
5. 财务条件
5.1 确定相关财务指标,如增长率、收入要求等。
5.2 确定财务报表和信息披露的要求。
6. 财务权益
6.1 确定投资方享有的财务权益,如优先分红、权益回购等。
7. 股东关系与管理
7.1 确定投资方与公司管理层之间的关系和权力分配。
7.2 确定公司的治理结构和股东会议的决策方式。
8. 赎回权与回报
8.1 确定投资方享有的赎回权和回报机制。
8.2 确定赎回方式、回报计算方式和赎回条件。
Term Sheet框架协议
![Term Sheet框架协议](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7a69489d0740be1e640e9a02.png)
Term Sheet (TS)的主要条款1.投资金额:股权比例:投后估值:2.创始人股份的归属和锁定一般是股权分几年内逐步成熟。
谈谈TS及投资协议TS(Term Sheet),条款清单,在国内PE多称之为框架协议,通常在正式尽调之前与企业方签署。
term sheet
![term sheet](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8b28cdc5aa00b52acfc7caef.png)
Summary of TermsEligible Asset GuaranteeEligible Assets:A pool of financial instruments consisting of securitiesbacked by residential and commercial real estate loans andcorporate debt,derivative transactions that reference suchsecurities,loans,and associated hedges,as agreed,andsuch other financial instruments as the ernment(USG)has agreed to guarantee or lend against(the Pool).Each specific financial instrument in the Pool must beidentified on signing of the guarantee agreement.Financialinstruments in the Pool will remain on the books ofinstitution but will be appropriately“ring‐fenced.”The following financial instruments will be excluded fromthe Pool:(i)foreign assets(definition to be provided byUSG);(ii)assets originated or issued on or after March14,2008;(iii)equity securities;and(iv)any other assets thatUSG deems necessary to exclude.Size:The Pool contains up to$118billion of financialinstruments.More specifically,the Pool includes cashassets with a current book(i.e.,carrying)value of up to$37billion and a derivatives portfolio with maximumpotential future losses of up to$81billion(based onvaluations agreed between institution and USG).Term and Coverage of Guarantee:Guarantee is in place for10years for residential assets and 5years for non‐residential assets.Residential assets will include loans secured solely by1‐4family residential real estate,securities predominately collateralized by such loans,and derivatives that predominately reference such securities.Institution has the right to terminate the guarantee at any time(with the consent of USG),and the parties will negotiate in good faith as to an appropriate fee or rebate in connection with any permitted termination.If institution terminates the guarantee,it must prepay anyoutstanding Federal Reserve loan(described below)in full.Guarantee covers Eligible Losses on the Pool.EligibleLosses are the aggregate incurred credit losses(net of anygains and recoveries)on the Pool during the term of theguarantee,beyond the January15,2009,marks and creditvaluation adjustments for the Pool(as agreed betweeninstitution and USG).Eligible Losses do not includeunrealized mark‐to‐market losses but do include realizedlosses from a sale permitted under the asset managementtemplate(described below).Deductible:Institution absorbs all Eligible Losses in the Pool up to$10billion.USG(UST/FDIC)will share Eligible Losses in the Pool inexcess of that amount,up to$10billion.All Eligible Lossesbeyond the institution’s deductible will be shared USG(90%)and institution(10%).Financing:Federal Reserve will provide a non‐recourse loan facility toinstitution,subject to institution’s10%loss sharing.Federal Reserve loan commitment will terminate(and anyloans thereunder will mature)on the termination dates ofUSG guarantee.Institution has the right to terminate theFederal Reserve loan commitment and prepay any FederalReserve loans at any time(with consent of FederalReserve).Federal Reserve will charge a fee on undrawn amounts of20bp per annum and a floating interest rate on drawnamounts of OIS plus300bp per annum.Interest and feepayments will be with recourse to the institution.Institution may draw on Federal Reserve loan facility if andwhen additional mark‐to‐market and incurred credit losseson the Pool reach$18billion.Fee for Guarantee–Preferred Stock and Warrants:Institution will issue to USG(UST/FDIC)(i)$4billion of preferred stock with an8%dividend rate(under terms described below);and(ii)warrants with an aggregate exercise value of10%of the total amount of preferred issued.The fee may be adjusted,as necessary,based on the results of an actuarial analysis of the final composition of the Pool,as required under section102(c)of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of2008.Management of Assets:Institution generally will manage the financial instruments in the Pool in accordance with its ordinary business practices,but will be required to comply with an asset management template provided by USG.This template will require institution,among other things,to obtain USG approval(not to be unreasonably withheld)before any Material Disposition.A Material Disposition is a disposition of financial instruments in the Pool that creates an Eligible Loss that,combined with other dispositions of Pool instruments in the same year,exceeds1%of the Pool size at the beginning of the year.This template also will include,among other things,a foreclosure mitigation policy acceptable to USG.Revenues and Risk Weighting:Institution will retain the income stream from the Pool. Risk weighting for the financial instruments in the Pool will be20%.Dividends:Institution is prohibited from paying common stockdividends in excess of$.01per share per quarter for threeyears without USG consent.A factor taken into account forconsideration of USG consent is the ability to complete acommon stock offering of appropriate size.Executive Compensation:An executive compensation plan,including bonuses,that rewards long‐term performance and profitability,with appropriate limitations,must be submitted to,andapproved by,USG.Executive compensation requirements will be consistent with the terms of the preferred stock purchase agreement between USG and institution.Corporate Governance:Other matters as specified,consistent with the terms of the preferred stock purchase agreement between USG and institution.The foregoing is accepted and agreedby and among the following as ofJanuary15,2009:DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY FEDERAL RESERVE BOARDBANK OF AMERICA CORPORATION FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP.。
投资协议条款清单(TS)term sheet -模板
![投资协议条款清单(TS)term sheet -模板](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ca196f7fccbff121dc36831e.png)
股东及被投资公司特此同意并承诺,若被投资公司未按照本协议约定时间完 成合格上市申报或合格上市,现有股东及被投资公司严重违反交易文件项下 的有关约定或交易文件项下的承诺、陈述及/或保证,则投资人有权(但无义 务)要求现有股东及/或被投资公司回购其届时持有的被投资公司全部或部分
投资条款清单模版Term Sheet
![投资条款清单模版Term Sheet](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c7afe328001ca300a6c30c22590102020740f28f.png)
投资条款清单模版Term Sheet投资条款清单模版(Term Sheet)是在进行一项初步投资决策之前,投资人和公司之间达成的一份协议。
投资基本信息•投资人名称:•投资金额:•融资轮次(Pre-Seed, Seed, Series A/B/C, 等):•其他投资人(如果有):•投资估值:•投资人持有股份比例:•投资人优先权(如果有):•投资人退出方式(如回购、IPO、融资计划等):股本结构•公司名称:•公司成立日期:•注册资本:•实收资本:•股东的股份比例:•稀释:•优先股或普通股等股份类型的数量和比例:投资条件•投资条款:股份或债务转换、退出方案、股权回购等:•股东权利:议汇权、投票权、信息披露等:•涉及的业务和产品:•营销和销售计划:•就业和人力资源相关事项:•风险、保证和承诺:•权利与完整性保证:其他条款•谈判期限:•条款解释:•法律适用法律:•保密协议:•终止条款:执行条款•需要的文件和信息:•批准和签字:总结上述条款只是投资条款清单模版的一个示范,实际上,有些投资人可能会有其他的特定要求和条款。
Term_Sheet 中文版
![Term_Sheet 中文版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9d3543c64028915f804dc211.png)
私募机构投资Term Sheet -模板
![私募机构投资Term Sheet -模板](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/052c8fad2af90242a895e5a6.png)
本关键条款基于[ ]有限公司与[xx]就[xx]拟投资[ ]有限公司(以下简称“本次投资”)所达成的共识,记载双方就本次投资所涉及的主要事项形成的一致意见。
(此页无正文,为[ ]有限公司与[xx]《投资协议关键条款》之签章页。
[ ]有限公司(盖章):
[ ]有限公司(盖章):
termsheet 仅供内部学习不要外传
![termsheet 仅供内部学习不要外传](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7bbea8df77232f60dccca160.png)
主要投资条款签署方: 1.【A公司】,一家根据中华人民共和国法律组建及存续的有限责任公司,注册地址为【】(下称“公司”或“目标公司”);2.Y,身份证号【】,系中华人民共和国公民,公司控股股东;(下称“控股股东”或“实际控制人”或“一致行动人”);3.【B公司】,一家在中国登记设立的有限责任公司,注册地址:(下称“XXXX”或“投资人”)。
term sheet 中文模板
![term sheet 中文模板](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/309435584531b90d6c85ec3a87c24028915f8589.png)
term sheet 中文模板Term Sheet是指投资方和公司在进行投资谈判时起草的一份初步协议草案,它包含了双方在投资交易中的基本条款和条件。
Term Sheet通常是一份简明扼要的文件,用于概括双方在交易中的意向和基本协议,为后续正式协议的起草提供了框架和参考。
以下是一份Term Sheet中文模板的基本结构和内容:1. 投资概况。
2. 股权结构。
3. 投资条款。
4. 沟通和信息披露。
5. 持续义务。
6. 尽职调查和交易关闭。
7. 保密条款。
8. 其他条款。
以上是一份Term Sheet中文模板的基本结构和内容,实际的Term Sheet内容会根据具体的投资交易情况和双方的协商而有所不同。
在起草和签署Term Sheet时,双方应当充分考虑到各自的权益和风险,确保协议条款清晰明确,以避免后续的纠纷和误解。
同时,建议双方在起草和签署Term Sheet前寻求法律和财务等专业顾问的意见,以确保交易的合法合规和可行性。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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甲方(公司)和乙方(VC)Investment Termsheet(投资意向书)20XX年01月01日被投公司简况XXXX公司(以下简称“甲方”或者“公司”) 是总部注册在开曼群岛的有限责任公司,该公司直接或者间接的通过其在中国各地的子公司和关联企业,经营在线教育开发、外包和其他相关业务。
现有股东目前甲方的股东组成如下表所示:股东名单股权类型股份股份比例黄马克/CEO 普通股5,000,000 50%刘比尔/CTO 普通股3,000,000 30%周赖利/COO 普通股2,000,000 20%--------------------------------------------------------合计:10,000,000 100%投资人/ 投资金额某某VC (乙方)将作为本轮投资的领投方(lead investor) 将投资:美金150万跟随投资方经甲方和乙方同意,将投资:美金100万-------------------------------------------------------------------------投资总额美金250万上述提到的所有投资人以下将统称为投资人或者A轮投资人。
A轮投资后的股权结构A轮投资后公司(员工持股计划执行后)的股权结构如下表所示:股东名单股权类型股份股份比例黄马克普通股5,000,000 27.63%刘比尔普通股3,000,000 16.58%周赖利普通股2,000,000 11.05%员工持股普通股1,764,706 8.75%A轮投资人(领投方)优先股5,042,017 25.00%A轮投资人(跟投方)优先股3,361,345 16.67%--------------------------------------------------------------------------合计:20,168,067 100%投资估值调整公司的初始估值(A轮投资前)将根据公司业绩指标进行如下调整:A轮投资人和公司将共同指定一家国际性审计公司(简称审计公司)来对公司2010年的税后净利(NPAT)按照国际财务报告准则(IFRS)进行审计。
如果公司“2010年经审计税后净利”低于美金150万(“2010年预测的税后净利”),公司的投资估值将按下述方法进行调整:2010调整后的投资前估值=初始投资前估值×2010年经审计税后净利/ 2010年预测的税后净利。
资本事件(Capital Event)“资本事件”是指一次有效上市(请见下面条款的定义)或者公司的并购出售。
有效上市所谓的“有效上市”必须至少满足如下标准:1. 公司达到了国际认可的股票交易市场的基本上市要求;2. 公司上市前的估值至少达到5000万美金;3. 公司至少募集2000万美金。
出售选择权(Put Option)如果公司在本轮投资结束后48个月内不能实现有效上市,A轮投资人将有权要求公司- 在该情况下,公司也有义务- 用现金回购部分或者全部的A轮投资人持有的优先股,回购的数量必须大于或等于:1.A轮投资人按比例应获得的前一个财年经审计的税后净利部分的10倍,或者2.本轮投资总额加上从本轮投资完成之日起按照30%的内部收益率(IRR)实现的收益总和。
在公司发生并购,并且i) 公司股东在未来并购后的公司中没有主导权;或者ii) 出售公司全部所有权等两种情况将被视为清算。
强卖权(Drag Along)创始股东和所有未来的普通股股东都强制要求同意:当公司的估值少于美金XX百万时,当多数A轮优先股东同意出售或者清算公司时,其他A轮优先股股东和普通股股东必须同意该出售或者清算计划。
需要所有董事批准生效的“重大事项”包括但不限于如下方面:(a) 备忘录和公司章程的修订;(b) 收购、合并或者整合;出售或者转移的资产或者股东权益超过人民币XX元;转移、出售并且重购公司注册资本金或者公司股权;建立或者注资任何合资公司;清算或者破产;(c) 变更注册资本;变更股本,发行或者销售其他类股凭证,发行超过金额人民币YY元的公司债;(d) 为不是子公司或者母公司的第三方提供担保;(e) 变更或者扩展业务范围;非业务范围内的交易和任何业务范围之外的投资;(f) 分红策略和分红或其他资金派送;(g) 任何关联方交易;(h) 指定或者变更审计机构;变更会计法则和流程;(i) 任命高层管理人员,包括CEO,COO,CFO;(j) 批准员工持股计划;(k) 确定上市地点,时间和估值;(l) 批准公司的年度业务计划和年度预算;任何单笔支出超过人民币20万元的或者12个月内累积超过人民币100万元的预算外支出。
A轮投资人的股东权利公司全体股东间通过协议保证拥有但不限于如下权利:知情权(information right)、查阅权(inspection right)、要求登记权(demand registration right)、附属登记权(piggyback registration right)、新股优先购买权(pre-emptive rights to new issuance)、优先取舍权(right of first refusal)、跟随权(tag-along right)以及创始股东的锁定周期。
创始股东售股限制从本次投资完成之日起到上市后9个月内,所有创始股东的股票交易受限:即在没有得到A 轮投资人的书面同意情况下,创始股东的股票(包括任何形式的期权,衍生品,抵押品或者这些股票相关的安排)都不能转让给第三方。