



女性主义视角下的《简爱》解读1. 引言在女性主义的框架下,小说《简爱》展现了一位独立、坚强而又追求平等的女性形象。


2. 作者夏洛蒂·勃朗特和她的时代背景•夏洛蒂·勃朗特生活在19世纪,这个时代对于妇女来说是一个充满压抑和束缚的时期。


3. 《简爱》中的女性形象### a) 简·爱 - 简·爱是一个锐意追求自由和平等的年轻女子。

- 她拒绝成为别人物质或者社会地位上的附属品,力图寻找属于自己的价值与尊严。

### b) 贝丝公爵夫人 - 贝丝公爵夫人是一个独立而勇敢的女性,她追求知识和自我实现。

- 她以智慧和儿女情长为支点,不同凡响地生活着。

### c) 真理却斯特学校的教师 - 《简爱》中的眾多女性角色之一,展示了当时女性在教育领域积极参与的形象。

4. 女性主义主题### a) 婚姻与社会地位 - 《简爱》揭示了19世纪初期妇女所面临的社会压力和对婚姻的依赖。

- 小说通过简·爱对抗家庭和社会对她地位限制来表达女性主义思想。

### b) 自由与独立 - 《简爱》强调了女性追求自由和独立,并反抗受到男性支配的社会观念。

- 简·爱在小说中表达了她与罗切斯特结合不是为了被人控制,而是为了寻找真正的平等关系。

5. 反思与启示•夏洛蒂·勃朗特通过《简爱》呼唤了当时妇女争取自由和平等的呼声。


6. 结论通过女性主义视角解读《简爱》,我们看到勃朗特姐妹在当时极度保守的社会中展现了坚定与勇敢。






























第二部分:《简爱》中的自我认知与价值观探索1. 简·爱的成长与反抗在小说中,简·爱从一个受苦受辱的孤儿逐渐成长为一个独立坚强的女子,并开始反抗那些不公正对待她的人。

2. 对于婚姻与自由意志的追求简·爱在经历多次感情挫折后,依然坚守着自己内心深处希望得到真正平等婚姻的追求。


3. 自我实现与教育的重要性简·爱对于个人发展和职业追求有着强烈的渴望。


第三部分:女性主义意识在《简爱》中的体现1. 反抗家庭压制简·爱用自己坚定而勇敢的态度,反抗了家庭对她权益的剥夺,并展示出一个女性可以独立思考和行动的榜样。

2. 拒绝被定义尽管社会试图将她局限于某种角色和身份,但简·爱拒绝被定义为柔弱、从属的女性形象,而是坚持展现出自己内在的力量和坚忍不拔。

3. 探索女性情欲与亲密关系小说中涉及到简·爱与罗切斯特之间复杂而丰富的感情线索,表达了婚姻中女性情欲和渴望亲密关系的权利与需求,强调女性在婚姻中具备平等的地位。







1. 自我实现与追求独立引言:在19世纪的英国,女性地位低下,受到男性压迫和束缚。


1.1 爱的教育经历及对她的影响•充实内心:由于在寄宿学校度过的童年时光,简拥有扎实的知识基础和优秀素养。



1.2 巴黎期间对女性地位的思考•自由与平等:在巴黎期间,简遇到了一些女性主义者,发现她们追求独立和自由。


2. 爱情观与婚姻观的批判引言:女性主义思想也体现在对爱情观和婚姻观的批判上。


2.1 对罗切斯特的挣扎•年龄差异:简担心自己与罗切斯特之间存在年龄不同带来的不平等。



2.2 推翻传统婚姻模式•拒绝接受婚姻的依附性质:简清楚地表达出她不愿意成为一个男人的附属品。


3. 自我认同与自主选择引言:女性主义思想强调女性的自主权利,包括自我认同和自主选择。


3.1 追求真实的自我•拒绝伪装:简坚持保持真实的形象,在面对社会审视时也毫不掩饰自己。

















































目录摘要 (1)关键词 (1)Abstract (1)前言 (2)一、作者女性主义思想的产生 (2)二、《简爱》中的女性主义思想 (3)(一)突破相貌美丽的俗套 (3)(二)顽强、独立、自尊、自爱 (4)(三)政治、经济、人格平等的新式爱情观 (5)结语 (7)参考文献: (8)浅析《简爱》中的女性主义思想学生姓名:学号:文学院汉语言专业指导老师:职称:摘要:在现代社会女性的地位普遍有所提高,但由于受传统文化观念的影响,现实社会中仍然存在着男女不平等的现象。


关键词:女性主义思想;独立;顽强;新式爱情观Abstract:The status of women in modern society in general has increased, but due to the influence of traditional cultural values, the real world there are still inequality between men and women. The Charlotte • Bronte's "Jane Eyre" is a masterpiece of Western feminism, this article will be thinking of the causes of feminism and feminist Jane thinking in the discourse, and her feminist ideas mainly through his Oh, beautiful breaking stereotypes, independent, stubborn, self-esteem, self-love, and political and economic equality to reflect the new concept of love, through the discussion to deepen our understanding of feminist ideology.Keywords:Feminist ideas;Independence;Stubborn;New Concept of Love前言随着女性地位的提高,女性主义也越来越被受到重视,所谓女性主义,归结起来就是:在全人类实现男女平等。










































浅析《简爱》中的女性主义思想————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:目录摘要 (1)关键词 (1)Abstract (1)前言 (2)一、作者女性主义思想的产生 (2)二、《简爱》中的女性主义思想 (3)(一)突破相貌美丽的俗套 (3)(二)顽强、独立、自尊、自爱 (4)(三)政治、经济、人格平等的新式爱情观 (5)结语 (7)参考文献: (8)浅析《简爱》中的女性主义思想学生姓名:学号:文学院汉语言专业指导老师:职称:摘要:在现代社会女性的地位普遍有所提高,但由于受传统文化观念的影响,现实社会中仍然存在着男女不平等的现象。


关键词:女性主义思想;独立;顽强;新式爱情观Abstract:The status of women in modern society in general has increased, but due to the influence of traditional cultural values, the real world there are still inequality between men and women. The Charlotte • Bronte's "Jane Eyre" is a masterpiece of Western feminism, this article will be thinking of the causes of feminism and feminist Jane thinking in the discourse, and her feminist ideas mainly through his Oh, beautiful breaking stereotypes, independent, stubborn, self-esteem, self-love, and political and economic equality to reflect the new concept of love, through the discussion to deepen our understanding of feminist ideology.Keywords:Feminist ideas;Independence;Stubborn;New Concept of Love前言随着女性地位的提高,女性主义也越来越被受到重视,所谓女性主义,归结起来就是:在全人类实现男女平等。



女性主义视角下的《简爱》1. 引言1.1 概述《简爱》是英国作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特于1847年创作的一部经典小说,描绘了主人公简·爱的成长历程和她与罗切斯特先生之间复杂而执着的情感纠葛。


1.2 文章结构本文分为五个部分,首先是引言部分,简要概述文章内容并介绍研究方法和目的。





1.3 目的本文旨在通过以女性主义为视角来重新解读《简爱》,分析小说中涉及到的女性议题,揭示主人公简·爱的自立与奋斗精神,并探讨这些议题对当代社会的影响和启示。


2. 女性主义视角下的《简爱》2.1 简爱的女性主义主题在《简爱》中,夏洛蒂·勃朗特通过主人公简·爱来探讨女性自由和独立的话题。



2.2 简爱的自立精神简·爱具有明显的自立精神,她渴望摆脱传统女性角色扮演的桎梏,积极寻求平等和尊重。





标签:女性主义;简·爱;平等:独立;乔伊斯·A卡·欧茨指出:“在1847 年《简·爱》出版之前英国文学中虽不乏叛逆女性形象,但像简·爱那样卑微、平凡、孤独无依的“弱势”女性如此自觉地对抗强大的父权社会,算是空前的。





当约翰向他妈妈诉说时,里德太太让他不要理睬簡·爱,这时她愤怒的说了一句“他们才不配跟我有来往” 3这些为简·爱反叛性格的形成奠定了最初的基础。














关键词:简·爱;夏洛蒂·勃朗特;女性主义;自尊AbstractCharlotte Bronte is a great writer living in the earlier Victorian Era with a strong feminine consciousness. It is her unique individuality, miserable experience and fully contradictory era that make her feminine consciousness formed. It is expressed by the heroine of the literary work Jane Eyre.The heroine Jane Eyre was born to be poor and humble, but she was unwilling to be discriminated and be assimilated by society. She has the courage to love and hate, dares to resist unfair in society, to pursue equal position, self-respect and independence. She has great endurance, but dares to express her dissatisfaction; she has the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, and dares to correct mistakes; she has love and hatred, and knows what true love is. A variety of unhappiness in her life does not defeat her, but arouse her decision to be self-respected and to be self-contained. This thesis aims to evidently prove the feminism contained in Jane Eyre by specifically analyzing Jane’s behaviors in Gateshead, Lowood, Thornfield and off Thornfield the four periods.Key words: Jane Eyre; Charlotte Bronte; feminism; self-respectContents摘要 (I)Abstract (II)1Introduction (1)2The development of feminism (1)3The reasons why Jane has feminine ideas (2)3.1Charlotte’s own life experience (2)3.2The background of that era (2)4The influence of feminism on Jane Eyre (3)4.1In Gateshead (3)4.1.1Jane's clear love, hatred and her own protection (3)4.1.2Jane’s accusation against the lies of Mrs. Reed (4)4.2In lowood institution (4)4.2.1Feminine ideas in the spirit of resistance (4)4.2.2Feminine ideas in the criticism of that charity school (5)4.3In Thornfield (5)4.3.1Jane’s dignity against Mr. Rochester’s pride (5)4.3.2Jane’s determination to leave Thornfield (6)4.4Off Thornfield (6)5Conclusion (7)References (8)1IntroductionCharlotte Bronte is a famous Britain writer in 19th century. Her life stories are an epitome of Jane Eyre’s plot. Charlotte was born in minister family who died mother in her five years old. The poor living conditions made her two sisters died from lung disease. So she and her sister Emily had been taken back to her hometown by her father. Then she studied in the women’s church school. And her Jane Eyre is the outstanding British novel in the 19th century. It is the independence, self-esteem and the thought of feminism that attract the attention of readers all around the world. In the novel Jane Eyre is a new type of women. She changed the women image of gentle, sweet and meek in the traditional British. She was born poor and unremarkable but opposed humiliation behaviour firmly and always defended her independent personality. And finally it ended with the perfect love between Jane and Mr. Rochester. This book expresses the author’s th oughts for love、ideal and relationships among people which taking the first person narration of heroine to lead the development of the story. It made readers see real life hypocrisy, the differences between rich and poor and the discrimination for the poor. A woman was born poor and humble but unwilling to be discriminated and unwilling to be assimilated by the society. She constantly rival malice forces, constantly pursue ego independence and freedom. Her rational thinking process is not as simple as a cognitive process of things but a kind of race process between good and evil. She has great endurance but dares to express her discontent; she has the ability to distinguish right or wrong but dares to correct mistakes; she has love and hatred but knows what true love is. Through this character she tried to divulge such information that I am not your favourite woman but I am not inferior. I am in short stature but I am independent and have self-esteem. This obviously is a major progress of feminine literature in the British literature.2The development of feminismFeminist theories have emerged as early as 1792 in such publications as “the changing woman”, and so on. In 1851, Sojourner Truth addressed women’s righ ts issues through herpublication, “am not I a woman?” and addressed the issues surrounding limited rights to women based on the flawed perceptions that men held of women. In 1872, Anthony critiqued the constitution for its male gendered language and questioned why women should have to abide by laws that do not specify women. The resurgence of feminist activism in the late 1960s was accompanied by an emerging literature of what might be considered female associated issues, such as concerns for the earth and spirituality and environmental activism. Julia Kristina, Brachia Ettinger and Luce Irizarry developed specific notions concerning unconscious sexual difference, the feminine and motherhood, with wide implications for film and literature analysis.3The reasons why Jane has feminine ideas3.1Charlotte’s own life experienceJane Eyre’s life experience is just like Charlotte’s. Charlotte lost her mother when she was five years old. Her two sisters died from lung disease when they were in school. She had to take care of her little sister and brother. Their brother once they loved most and made them proud most was astray; her father had suffered cataract and was nearly blind, that led her to be depressed; sisters were young and sick needed her to take care of; her first novel professors was also rejected frequently; the cold and dark conditions also tormented her body. Living in such a life, she persisted in writing on Jane Eyre.There is no ordinary people can afford. All of these were deeply condensed in her works. It is the burden of her family that let charlotte be independent. Her life experience and inner experience prompted insight and motivate her to choose and model a generation of real new woman with women’s consciousness. As a woman, she wishes to be treated equally in society. So her exploration about feminism was expressed through her work Jane Eyre.3.2The background of that eraThe book Jane Eyre was written in Victorian era. At the beginning of the 19th century, little opportunity existed for women, and thus many of them felt uncomfortable whenattempting to enter many parts of society. The absence of advanced educational opportunities for women and their alienation from almost all fields of work gave them little option in life; either becomes a house wife or a governess. Although today a tutor may be considered a fairly high class and intellectual job, in the Victorian era governess was little more than a servant who was paid to share her scarce amount of knowledge in limited fields to a child. With little respect, security, or class one may certainly feel that an intelligent, passionate and opinionated young woman such as Jane Eyre should deserve and be capable of so much more? The insecurity of this position, being tossed around with complete disregard for her feelings or preferences, is only one of many gruelling characteristics of this occupation. However for Jane to even emerge into society, becoming a governess seemed the only reasonable path for her. The women of the Victorian Era can be regarded as first group to do battle for the equality of the sexes. They lead all women to follow after them, and though their progression may not have been as vivid as the women of the 70’s, they did have an effect. Feminism was not outright spoken of that time, rather passed through literature, such as this very novel.4The influence of feminism on Jane Eyre4.1In Gateshead4.1.1Jane's clear love, hatred and her own protectionThe heroine lives in her Aunt Mrs. Reed’s home for her parents died. Unfortunately her uncle also died. Her uncle had charged her aunt to treat Jane as their own daughter in his deathbed. However this does not change Jane’s destiny to be abused by Mrs.Reed and cousin. Mrs. Reed’s cold ness makes Jane to produced hatred. During the days of living in her a unt’s home, it is the sisters’apathy, Mrs. Reed’s eccentric even the servants’discrimination that let Jane produce strong rebel psychology. Facing John Reed’s despotism, she was unbearable and fearless, “wicked and cruel boy! You are like a murderer—you are like a slave-driver—you are like the roman emperors!”(Bronte 2003, 5) She even fights with John Reed like a mad. She does not understand why she always bebullied, be beaten, be scolded, be tortured and be discriminated. But cruel living environment never made Jane yield and she cried out gravamen for herself.4.1.2Jane’s accusation against the lies of Mrs. ReedMrs. Reed thought she can scare her niece with her position, but on the contrary Jane gives back the tit-for-tat.“I am not deceitful: if I were, I should say I loved you; but I declare I do not love you:I dislike you the worst of anybody in the world except John Reed: and. This bookabout Liar, you may give to your girl, Georgiana, for it is she who tells lies, and notI.”(Bronte 2003, 29) “People think you a good woman, but you are bad, hardhearted.You are deceitful!”(Bronte 2003, 30)Mrs. Reed would also incredibly be afraid, even in years later she wrote back to Jane’s uncle who wants Jane to inherit his property that Jane had already been dead.“Such a burden to be left on my hands—and so much annoyance as she caused me daily and hourly, with her incomprehensible disposition and her sudden fits of temper, and her continual, unnatural witching of one’s movement! I declare she talked to me once like something mad, or like a friend—no child ever spoke or looked as she did; I was glad to get her away from the house. What did they do with her at Lowood? The fever broke out there, and many of the pupils died. She, however, did not die: but I said she died —I wish she had died!”(Bronte 2003, 219–220)This let us preliminary see Jane’s self-improvement and resistance characteristic.4.2In lowood institution4.2.1Feminine ideas in the spirit of resistanceFacing the unprovoked beat and scold, Jane and Helen’s ideas are not the same. Jane wears from a thus unconquerable spirit of resistance. So she has the courage to resist. She said to Helen who was punished: “And if I were in your place I should dislike her; I should resisther; if she struck me with that rod, I should get it from her hand; I should break it under her nose.” (Bronte 2003, 48)4.2.2Feminine ideas in the criticism of that charity schoolIn this school children are starving, also suffer from various humiliate, meals are bad and the living environment is unsanitary. “Semi-starvation and neglected colds had predisposed most of the pupils to receive infection: forty-five out of the eighty girls lay ill at one time.”(Bronte 2003, 69) In fact, this is not simply a charity institution; the author strongly criticized the education system which is so cruel. With this critical spirit, she created Mr. Brocklehurst who is a hypocritical image. Also filled with the spirit of indignation, she described a victim Helen. But the reason why the author write these is not to show people what charity school is, but to highlight Jane’s r esistance spirit which has already formed in Mrs. Reed’s home by telling such a bad environment. Jane is not afraid of hard life, but hates this school especially Mr. Brocklehurst. If the object of Jane resist against is only the Reeds, the objects of little Jane resist against are broaden when she is in lowood. Her resistance spirit has been formed.4.3In Thornfield4.3.1Jane’s dignity against Mr. Rochester’s prideLove is eternal theme of life. It is said that woman is an emotional animal. They can expose their real inner world, especially in social reality, the value of female existence often manifested by love and marriage. Jane is bold to fall in love with her master Mr. Rochester. She is graceful in front of high and bullied impetuous Mr. Rochester. Her self-esteem and tenacity gradually attracted Mr. Rochester. When she misunderstanding Mr. Rochester would marry Miss Ingram, she was bold to cry out her repressed emotions like volcanic eruptions.“Do you think I can stay to become nothing to you? Do you thin k I am an automaton?— A machine without feelings? And can bear to have my morsel of bread snatchedfrom my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from my cup? Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! — I have as much soul al you-and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh: it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just al if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God’s feet, equal-as we are!” (Bronte 2003, 240–241)This firmly shows women’s longing for fr eedom and equality.4.3.2Jane’s determination to leave ThornfieldHer wedding was destroyed and her happiness was lost. After thinking twice, she decided to leave Thornfield even though she loves Mr. Rochester deeply. She did not know where to go. The only wish is to leave Thornfield for she had been cheated and insulted. If Jane were still there she would be Mr. Rochester’s mistress which is a sad status and identity. Does she live in dishonour or maintain personal dignity? Jane Eyre who does not accept Mr. Roc hester’s any gift chose the latter without hesitation and stepped out of the Thornfield’s gate bravely. The arrangement of this plot is the top mark of Jane’s resistance spirit.4.4Off ThornfieldAfter leaving Thornfield, Jane came to a new place beginning her new life. During her relationship with St. John, her character flashed the extraordinary splendour naturally. St. John proposed to Jane Eyre several times. But he does not love her. The reason why he proposed was just to finish the task of god, to make Christianity spread to broader place. His proposal even liked a command.“He has again and again explained that it is not himself, but his office, he wishes to mate. He has told me I am formed for labour-not for love: which is true, no doubt. But,in my opinion, if I am not formed for love, it follows that I am not formed for marriage.Would it not be strange to be chained for life to a man who regarded one but as a useful tool? ” (Bronte 2003, 400)Here St. John treats Jane as a tool, as the servant of god. Jane Eyre refused St. John determinedly; she thought that a marriage without love is not equal.5ConclusionJane Eyre portrayed a brave, intelligent, independent and positive new female image. Jane Eyre lived a hard life, filled with hatred and anger. However, her ability to overcome all of this shows her strength; a power that superficial women would not posses. She was a weaker but never be succumbing to her fate which fully shows her feminine consciousness. This thesis analyzes the book Jane Eyre specifically. It analyzes the development of Jane Eyre’s feminism. When Jane was in Gateshead, she resisted to her aunt and cousin; when she was in school, she resisted the headmaster; when she was in Thornfield, she struggled for her love. All her experience shows that she was eager to be respected. This is the spirit of feminism. As women we do not have a desire to control men, but want to be equal with men and to be respected by men.ReferencesBronte, C. 2003. Jane Eyre. Shanghai. Shanghai World Publishing Corporation. November.Li Rong. 2009. Jane Eyre’s Feminine Ideas. Science & Technology Information.September.Huang Quan. JianpingZeng. 2009. Jindai yingguo wenxue zhong nüxingzhuyisixiangde shanbian. [The Change of Feminine Ideas in Modern British Literature. Translations.February.Gong yi. 2010. Qianxin jianaide fankangjingshen jiqi shidaiyiyi. [Jane Eyre’s Resisting Spirit and its Magnificent]. Journal of JiuJiang university. (Social Sciences).February.Wang Xiaoxia. 2010. Cong nüquanzhuyi shijiao jiedu jianai. [Analyzing Jane Eyre from the Respect of Feminism]. Overseas English. May.Zhu Jiake. 2009. Yingyu wenxuezuopin jianaizhongde nvxingyishide tixian. [The Feminism in Jane Eyre]. Shidai wenxue.February.Cott, Nancy F. New Haven. 1987. The Grounding of Modern Feminism. Yale University Press.8。












































1. 女性角色形象1.1 主人公简·爱简·爱是一个独立、坚强和理智的女性角色。



1.2 真理夫人真理夫人是一个温柔善良、聪明能干却受到安妮反感误解的女性。


1.3 其他女性角色在《简爱》中,还有其他一些女性角色,如罗蕾塔·黛兰和布朗奇太太等。


2. 性别关系2.1 爱情与婚姻小说中描绘了男主角罗切斯特与简·爱之间的情感纠葛。



2.2 权力与控制在小说中,简·爱经历了被不公正对待和受到控制的过程。


3. 自我认同3.1 对个体价值的追求《简爱》突出了个体价值、独立思考和自主选择的重要性。


3.2 自我实现与自我认同简·爱通过不断学习、思考,并坚守自己内心的原则和信仰,最终实现了她个人价值和自我认同。






女性主义视角解读《简爱》:独立、自由与爱情1. 引言《简爱》是英国作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特于1847年出版的经典小说,通过女主人公简·爱来探讨了女性在当时社会中的地位和权力。


2. 女性主义视角女性主义是一种关注和争取女性权益的理论和运动,强调女性在社会、政治和文化领域中的平等地位。


2.1 简·爱的独立精神简·爱是一个具有坚强个性和追求自由的角色。



2.2 婚姻与自由选择在19世纪的英国,婚姻往往是女性生活中非常重要的一部分。




3. 爱情与女性权力《简爱》在探讨爱情主题时也涉及到了女性权力的问题。


3.1 简·爱与罗切斯特:平等伴侣关系简·爱与罗切斯特之间建立起一种相对平等和互相尊重的伴侣关系。



3.2 爱情的限制与解放尽管小说探讨了一种较为平等和进步的伴侣关系,但它也揭示出爱情可能给女性带来的限制和束缚。
































































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The Female Doctrine Reflected in Jane Eyre IntroductionCharlotte Bronte (1816-1855) is one of the most famous female writers in English literature. She is a great critical realist in the 19th century. In this period of tense class struggle appeared a new literary trend-critical realism. English critical realism of the 19th century flourished in the 1940s and early 1950s. The critical realists described the chief traits of the English society with much vividness and great viewpoint. Charlotte Bronte wrote several works such as Jane Eyre (1847), Shirley (1849), Villette (1853), The Professor (1857). Her works are all about the struggle of an individual consciousness. She aims at awakening women’s consciousness and courage to pursue equal rights and freedom. A nd Jane Eyre is not an exception.Jane Eyre is the most famous work of Charlotte Bronte and considered as a world famous novel. It has been translated into various languages, inspiring readers from generation to generation all over the world. Jane Eyre is the novel written by Charlotte Bronte according to her own experiences. In the novel, the author shaped a tough and independent woman who pursues freedom, equality and true love and is a good example to all women.The novel narrates Jane E yre’s experience s from an orphan to an independent woman. She is unfortunate when she was born as she lost her parents in her childhood. What’s worse, she is badly treated by her aunt, Mrs. Reed, a harsh and unsympathetic woman. Because of Jane’s rebellion, she is sent aw ay to a charity school, Lowood Institution. And she suffers a lot both physically and mentally. Jane Eyre stays at school for 8 years, and then she is employed as a governess at Thornfield Hall. There she meets the master Mr. Rochester, who influences her life deeply. Rochester is attracted by Jane’s personality and positive attitude and then falls in love with her. However, their wedding ceremony is interrupted because Rochester has had a mad wife who is hidden in the house. Jane is so shocked that she makes up her mind to leave Rochester. She flees to the Moor House and is rescued by the River family. The clergyman named St. John Rivers asks Jane to marry him. Jane refuses and returns to Thornfield but only to find that it has been destroyed by a fire set by the mad wife. In a manor house, Jane finds Rochester, a blind and free man. They marry and live a happy life.In the past time, a lot of studies have been proceeded to explore the novel Jane Eyre. Some concentrate on the social and cultural backgrounds of Jane Eyre. Other focuses their attention on female doctrine shown in the novel. What’s more, there are also scholars try to find out the similarities between Jane Eyre and Charlotte Bronte. Great achievements have been made.This paper will put more emphasis on female doctrine depicted in Jane Eyre. In order to make readers understand the essence of female doctrine, it mainly analyzes the character ofJane Eyre from two aspects. This paper will first talk about Jane Eyre’s pursuit of independence and fr eedom. Then, it will show readers Jane Eyre’s attitude towards love. It will make the image of Jane Eyre much more vivid and bright. Finally, it is the conclusion of this paper.Chapter One Jane Eyre’s Pursuit of Independence and FreedomJane Eyre is such a unique woman that she makes a deep impression on readers. Jane Eyre seems to be pale, thin and weak, and nobody may pay attention to her. However, it is her good personality that strikes readers deeply. She takes a positive attitude towards life, love, society and religions, and dares to fight for the liberty and equality. The independent spirit is one of the most important aspects attracting readers. The development of Jane Eyre’s character is related to her life environment.1.1 Jane Eyre Begins to Realize the Importance of Independence and FreedomThe struggle begins early in her childhood. Jane was born an orphan. She has no parents or friends, no wealth or possession. What’s worse, she is mistreated by her aunt, Mrs. Reed, who is rude and unjust to her. Her children also find pleasure in teasing and mocking Jane. Living under this circumstance, Jane feels unjust. The cruel treatment she receives from her aunt and cousins only deepens her determination of rebellion. And the “red-room” experience makes her get up the courage to resist her aunt’s unfair punishment. She realizes that she needs to be saved from her blind fear of authority and be self-reliant. Just as she says: “unjust!I never compromise to them. I s hall be independent.” ( Bronte, 2005:36)The poor experience at Gatehead lets Jane realize the importance of independence and freedom. Although it is hard for her to be economically independent as a little girl, she makes up her mind to be independent, self-sufficient in her mind. Therefore, she is happy to be spared from the Reeds and be sent to a low budget orphan school called Lowood Institution.1.2 Jane Gains Strength from Her Teacher and Her friend to Achieve Her IndependenceAt Lowood Institution, Jane doesn’t get what she has been expectin g. Her sense of independence and her freedom of self-expression are constantly restricted. The cruel treatment from Mr. Brocklehurst and the poor condition there inspires Jane to gain independence.She gains her strength from her teacher Maria Temple and her friend Helen to achieve her independence. Miss Temple, an independent woman, is the headmaster of school. She is responsible and kind to all students. As a result, she gains respect and popularity from the people around her. From Miss Temple, Jane learns that independence is important foreveryone.Jane learns from Helen the ability of endurance and self-control. At the beginning, Jane shows much sympathy on Helen because Helen doesn’t dare to fight against people who insults her. Though Helen suffers from shame and anger when punished, she tries to endure the punishment. Jane thinks that Helen should resist against people who punishes her. However, Helen’s words strikes Jane deeply. “Yet it would be your duty to bear it, if you could not avoid it: it is weak and silly to say you cannot bear what it is your fate to be required to bear.”( Bronte, 2005:52) Through the friendship with Helen, Jane learns to be self-control to a certain degree.At Lowood Institution, Jane’s independence rises to a higher leve l. She learns to be self-restrained from Helen and she finds the way to be independent from Miss Temple. Both of them have great influence on Jane. Jane stays at Lowood Institution for 8 years. She attempts to do well in all aspects. She becomes stronger in her heart. She prefers to live a new type of life. So she finds a job by herself.1.3 Jane Develops Her Independence Fully and Enjoys the Pleasure of ItIn order to live an independent life, Jane gets a chance to be a tutor in Thornfield Hall. There she meets Mr. Rochester, the owner of Thornfield. From then on, the fate on Jane changes a lot. As a governess, Jane gains financial independence so that she can support herself. She is satisfied with, and even proud of her honest, independent work. She loves Rochester who is in possession of a large fortune and in high social position. But she never thinks of relying on these things. She attaches importance to equality and frankness but not Rochester’s countless property and status. She is not willing to give up her independence and equality. When Rochester proposes to her, Jane accepts because she feels Rochester puts her in the equal position.As Rochester’s bride, Jane continues to be the governess. She refuses all the precious gifts and reminds Rochester again and again of the responsibility to fulfill as a governess. In her opinion, self-respect, independence and equal rights are more important than money and jewelry. When Rochester asks Jane to give up her job and belong to him, Jane refuses without any hesitation. She is not willing to give up her independence and equality.Just on the wedding day does Jane know that Rochester has had a wife who is hidden in the house. Jane is so sad that she decides to leave. At that time, her feeling of preserving independence becomes obvious. In order to get dignity, freedom and independence, she runs away.After leaving Thornfield, Jane goes to the Moor House. At Moor House, she enjoys economic independence and engages in a useful work as a schoolmistress. She also finds it meaningful to teach pupils. While teaching, she gains more social respect and her students make progress quickly. Besides, she develops a good relationship with Diana and Mary. Janebecomes spiritually strong and more confident through the relationship with Diana and Mary. She is very happy and satisfies with her own conditions. At Moor House, Jane learns the pleasure of self-sufficiency and independence.Chapter Two Jane Eyre’s Attitude Towards Love2.1 True Love Should Be Based on EqualityThe love between Jane and Rochester is another most important aspect attracting readers. To most people, they would like to regard a romantic, beautiful relationship as love. In Jane’s opinion, true love should be based on equality, respect and mutual understanding, and true love cannot be measured by property, status or power. Jane is an ordinary governess, who doesn’t have high social status. Jane is so sensitive about her position in the society that she hopes she can live with the same self-esteem as everyone in the upper class. As a result, she is eager to be admitted by Rochester, a man who belongs to the upper class. Rochester is a rich gentleman with high status and reputation. However, Jane doesn’t pay much attention to the difference between their social positions, because she thinks that there should be no distinction of property, rank or age in true love. She dares to love an upper class gentleman. At the same time, she keeps her self-esteem and pursues the mutual equality of personality.Jane’s viewpoin t shows she has clear sense of love. As a woman living in the society unequal between men and women, Jane doesn’t agree with the traditional ideas. She believes men and women are equal even if not in status, but in personality. Just as Jane says to Rochester:“Do you think I am stay to become nothing to you? Do you think I am an automaton? — a machine without feelings? and can bear to have my morsel of breadsnatched from my lips, and my drop of living water dashed from my lips? Do you think,because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? — You thinkwrong: — I have as much soul as you ,and full as much heart! And if God had giftedme with some beauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leaveme, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the mediumof custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh; it is my spirit that addresses yourspirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God’s feet, equal,— a s we are!” ( Bronte, 2005:259)Jane loves Rochester not because his wealth or high status, but because he treats her equally in a friendly manner although she is poor and in low position. It’s equality that makes her love Rochester with all heart and soul; also it is equality that makes her leave Rochester with her disappointment.With the news coming that Rochester’s wife is still alive, Jane refuses to be a mistress and makes up her mind to give up Rochester. Although love is important to Jane, she doesn’t think love is supreme. She will never sacrifice her dignity, independence for the reason oflove. So she chooses to leave to preserve her personality.2.2 The Marriage Should Be Based on True LoveAt that time, the marriage depends more on social position and property rather than on personality and love. People pay so much attention on property, rank and status that they think true love is meaningless in the marriage. For the sake of money, they can marry everyone. According to the social background, the marriage between Rochester and Blanche Ingram, who is a typical representative of the rich class, is thought to be fair and reasonable. Compared to Ingram, Jane is thought to be an ordinary looking woman without wealth, and she can never match Rochester. However, Jane is proved to be the winner. Rochester is attracted by Jane deeply and gives up Ingram. It is true love but not anything else that makes Jane and Rochester get together. Both of them don’t care about the differences of status and property. They pursue true love. But their marriage is interrupted by the news that Rochester has had a mad wife. Jane leaves Rochester without any hesitation.After leaving Rochester, Jane loses her aim. She suffers a lot and is saved by St. John. St. John wants to marry Jane and takes Jane to India with him. Jane refuses because she still loves Rochester very much. She says if she marries with John, she will abandon half herself. S he also tells John that she doesn’t believe in marriage without love. She insists that true love should be base on equality, respect and mutual understanding.Jane misses Rochester very much and then comes back to Thornfield to look for Rochester. She is sad to find that Rochester is not as rich as he used to. What’s worse, he is disabled. But Jane decides to stay with him and take care of him all her life. They come together in the end. In most people’s eyes, the marriage between Jane and Rochester is unusual and untraditional. In fact, their marriage is based on true love, rather than property, status or anything else. In Jane’s mind, true love is the meeting of hearts and minds of two people just like them.ConclusionIt’s known that Jane Eyre is Charlotte Bronte’s masterpiece. It’s very popular all over the world. In fact, Charlotte Bronte is similar to Jane Eyre to a certain degree. As common as Jane, Charlotte Bronte calls for the spiritual freedom, consciousness of self-esteem and equal rights between men and women. She aims at awaking the lower class to protest against the unfair society and pursue equal rights and freedom.The unique personality of Jane Eyre leaves a deep impression on every reader. She struggles to acquire her independence, self-respect, equality, freedom and dignity at every stage of her life. Although she is very ordinary, she is the master of herself. She always insists on her principle to rebel and fights against the unjust world. She tries her best to pursue her independence, freedom, equality and true love all the time. Whatever the condition is, sheinsists on her own view. We can draw a conclusion that Jane is a real feminist through the analysis of her personality.It is certain that Jane is worthy to love and to be loved. Her love is based on love and equality, having nothing to do with status, property or power. Jane overcomes the obstacles in the process of pursing true love although there are so many differences between her and Rochester. At last, she succeeds and lives a happy life. From Jane’s experience, it is known that whatever difficulties one encounters in his life, getting up the courage to face them is the ideal way that one can do. Jane Eyre has proved to us that everyone has the rights to pursue his personality and his own life.。
