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Transactional analysis theory

-----201210096 王慧社会工作Transactional analysis can serve as a sophisticated, elegant and effective system on which to base the practical activities of professionals in psychotherapy, counseling, education and organizational consultation.

According to the International Transactional Analysis Association, TA is a theory of personality and a systematic psychotherapy for personal growth and personal change.

1.As a theory of personality, TA describes how people are structured

psychologically. It uses what is perhaps its best known model, the ego-state (Parent-Adult-Child) model, to do this. The same model helps explain how people function and express their personality in their behavior,

2.As Berne set his Psychology up, there are four life positions that a

person can hold and holding a particular psychological position has profound implications for how an individual operationalizes his or her life. The positions are stated as:

A. I'm OK and you are OK. This is the healthiest position

about life and it means that I feel good about myself and that I

feel good about others and their competence.

B. I'm OK and you are not OK. In this position I feel good

about myself but I see others as damaged or less than and it is usually not healthy,

C. I'm not OK and you are OK. In this position the person

sees him/herself as the weak partner in relationships as the others in life are definitely better than the self. The person who holds this position will unconsciously accept abuse as OK.

D. I'm not OK and you are not OK. This is the worst position

to be in as it means the I believe that I am in a terrible state and the rest of the world is as bad. Consequently there is no hope for any ultimate supports.

3.It is a theory of communication that can be extended to the analysis

of systems and organisations.

4.It offers a theory for child development by explaining how our

adult patterns of life originated in childhood. This explanation is based on the idea of a "Life (or Childhood) Script": the assumption that we continue to re-play childhood strategies, even when this results in pain or defeat. Thus it claims to offer a theory of psychopathology.

5.In practical application, it can be used in the diagnosis and

treatment of many types of psychological disorders and provides a method of therapy for individuals, couples, families and groups. Ego States

Each of our personalities is made up of various parts: the Parent, the Adult, and the Child ego states. The Parent ego state is a set of thoughts,feelings, and behaviors that are learned or “borrowed” from our parents or other caretakers.The Parent ego state can be divided into

two functions. One part includes the nurturing side and can be soft, loving, and permission giving. This is called the Nurturing Parent ego state. It can also set limits in a healthy way.The other side of the Parentego state is called the Critical Parent. (It is also sometimes called

the Prejudiced Parent.) This part of our personality contains the prejudged thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that we learned from our parents. Some of the messages that we hold in our Parent ego state can be helpful in living while other Parent messages are not. It is useful or us to sort out what information we carry around in our heads so we can keep the part that helps us in our lives and change the part that does not.The Adult ego state is our dataprocessing center. It is the part of our personality that can process data accurately, that sees, hears, thinks, and can come up with solutions to problems based on the facts and not solely on our pre-judged thoughts or childlike emotions.
