


. 84 days get nothing . unfortunate but recalcitrant [rɪˈkæ lsɪtrənt]
. 85th day set out
• He is sure that a big fish takes his bait • Oh, my lady gaga, it’s marlin!!!!
The sun also rises Farewell to arms
For whom the bell rolls The old man and the sea
His works
But a man is not made for defeat, a man can be destroyed but not defeated. •一个人并不是生来要被打败的,你尽可以消 灭他,可就是打不败他。
Michael Ardan and Captain Nicholl joined
Barbicane started his plans
" from earth to moon" with
his friends
Thank You!
Emotional Life
• Hemingway had fourth marriages through his whole life with the unrest [ʌnˈrest] 动荡 and painful emotional life. This led to his polar attitude to female, his works of female characters often lack the reality. Hemingway's private life is very bohemian and love affair continously. The man who had fourth marriages had been spread the rumor with many female, several girlfriend of his criticised " he was a man had illicit intercourse at the beginning and desert them at the end."


The Old Man And The Sea
---Ernest Hemingway
Main points
• Information about Ernest Hemingway • The introduction about the book • Summary
Ernest Miller Hemingway (July 21, 1899 – July 2, 1961) was an American writer and journalist. He was part of the 1920s expatriate community in Paris, and one of the veterans of World War I later known as "the Lost Generation." He received the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 for The Old Man and the Sea, and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954.
But a man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated.
-- Ernest Hemingway
• A stronger who catches the belief to fight with fate will always stand with his own courage and perseverance, no matter how hard the life is.Although the fate is full of distress, he will never give in. He embodies the great spiritual strength of self-esteem and self-improvement.

英语名著阅读老人与海教学课件(the old man and the sea )

英语名著阅读老人与海教学课件(the old man and the sea )

round 4
He felt himself going when he turned the fish.
The fish righted himself and swam off again slowly with the great tail weaving in the air.
round 5
see well in flashes
Pull,hands. Hold up, legs. Last for me, head. Last for me.
Yes you are. You're good forlear up.
Do you have to kill me? You are killing me. Come on and kill me. I do not care who kills who.
Is Old Santiago still a tough man?
(坚韧不拔的) A __t_o__u_g__h_ man
ambitious (雄心勃勃的)
strong young
strong-willed (意志坚强的) determined
New York Times noted, ‘Hemingway and his characters have influenced a generation of Americans in the 20th century. He is the representative(代表) of American spirit(精神).’
I'll try it again, although his hands were mushy now and he could only see well in flashes.


At noon,a big fish takes the bait. The old man expertly hookshe fi sh, but cannot pull it in. Inst ead, the fish begins to pull t he boat.
On the third day, the fish be gins to circle the skiff, and th e old man uses all the streng th he had left to kill the big f ish. He did it.
2 Story Abstract
Up the road ,in his shack, the old man was sleeping again.He was still sleeping on his face and the boy was sitting by him watching him . The old man was dreaming about the liond.
3 Character analysis
Part An analysis of the character of the image
The Old Man:Santiago --Code Hero”a man canbedestroyed but not defeated”
TWO Part
Story Abstract


He feels the 85th day will be lucky for him. He sets out on his old, rickety skiff. Alone on the water, Santiago sets up his fishing lines with the utmost precision,
emotionally. He sees the fish as his brother. Despite this, Santiago has to kill it. He feels guilty killing a brother, but after an intense struggle in which the fish drags the skiff around in circles, Santiago harpoons the very large fish and hangs it on the side of his boat.
For years, Santiago, living in a small fishing village in Cuba, has been fishing with a young boy named Manolin. Manolin started fishing with the old man when he was only 5 years old. Santiago is like Manolin's second faer fisherman lack. Finally, a huge Marlin has found Santiago's bait and this sets off a very long struggle between the two. The Marlin is so huge that it drags Santiago beyond all other boats and people . His hands become badly cramped and he is cut and bruised from the force of the fish.Santiago and the Marlin become united out at sea. They are attached to each other physically, and in Santiago's case,


①结构单纯,人物少,主人公性格单一而鲜明,情节不枝 不蔓。
②避免使用过多的描写手法或形容词,特别是华丽的辞藻 。句子简短,语汇准确生动
③鲜明生动的动作描写和简洁的对话。 ④着力追求一种含蓄、凝练的意境。
【51】这下子他们算是把我打垮了,他想,我太老了,没法 用棍子打死鲨鱼了。 【53】“老家伙,你累了,”他说“你从骨子里累了。” 【63】我不能指望干掉他们了
·老人心理也有动摇的时候,这与打不败的精神是否矛 盾?请结合文本具体分析。
① 人物形象更丰满、更真实。
② 打不败的精神不仅体现在老人与鲨鱼的搏斗中,更体现在 老人与那个内心动摇、怀疑、试图认输妥协的自我搏斗中。
《老人与海》中有大量的心理 描写,包括无声的各种想法和有 声的自言自语,称作“独白式心 理描写”。用以表现人的精神状 态 和 情 感 世 界 , 找出小说中桑迪 亚哥的内心独白并分析其 心 理 变 化或形象特点。
【5】老头儿现在头脑清醒好使,下定决心搏击一番……他想 。我没法阻止它攻击我,但我也许能制服它。尖齿鲨,他想 ,见鬼去吧。
③表现主题。 “一个人可以被毁灭,但不能被打败”(12)人生的使命是奋 斗,是与命运做不懈的抗争。人生下来虽然面临种种自然与社 会的挑战,也许这些挑战强大到足以把人的肉体消灭,但一个 人只要保持旺盛的斗志和在任何艰难险阻面前不屈服的精神, 人就永远是胜利者。
海明威长年从事新闻记者工作,其文风以简洁明快著称,俗称 “电报式”。试参考“电报式”语言的特点在文中找出例子佐证 。
【72】“现在一片漆黑,不见光亮,也没有灯火,只有 风在吹……”
①写出了圣地亚哥所处环境的黑暗 孤寂、苍凉危险,远离人烟,深不 可测。②表现圣地亚哥无助的悲凉, 反衬他的勇敢和坚强。【笔记】



英语经典作品——《⽼⼈与海》ppt读爱阅Theoldmanandsea⽼⼈与海作者简介Theauthorsintroduce⽬录CONTENTS内容简介Contentbriefintroduction好句摘抄Excerptfromagoodsentence作者简介The authorsintroduceErnestMillerHemingway,anAmericanwriterandjournalist,isconsideredtobeoneofthemostfamousnovelistsofthe20thcentury.HismasterpiecesaretheriseoftheSunasusual,Farewell,Arms,deathknellforwhom,thenovelOldManandtheSea,etc.,inwhichtheOldManandtheSeawonthePulitzerPrizein1953andtheNobelPrizeforLiteraturein1954.内容简介C ontentbriefintroductionThebookfocusesonSanDiego,theoldfisherman,fightingwithahugeMarlininthegulf.Aftertwodaysandtwonights,hekilledthebigfish,sharkscametosnatchthespoils,andthebigfishstillcouldn''tescapethefateofbeingeatenup.Finally,theoldmandraggedthebonesofthebigfishhomeexhausted.好句摘抄Excerptfromagoodsentence1.Inasense,e verythingiskillingeachother.Fishingismyoldlife,butitalsosupportsme.在某种意义上,所有事物都在互相残杀。



Today, I'm going to tell you about a book.The Old Man and the Sea•Ernest Hemingway•The Old Man and the Seamay be well-known asone of the true classics ofthis generation. Certainly,the qualities of Ernest He mingway's short novel are those which we associate with many great stories ofthe past.like most great stories, it can be read on more than one level of meaning.On one level, the book is a fable of the unconquerable spirit of man, a creature capable of snatching spiritual victory from circumstances of disaster and material defeat.On another level,it is a parable of religiou s significance, its theme supported by the writer's unobtrusive handling of Christi an symbols and metaphors. Like Cole ridge's Ancient Mariner,.Writers must reproduce the exposed surface of the water that one-eighth. The rest should be left to the reader to unders t-and and imagineThe Old Man and the Sea”is a product of this theory into practice.Hemingway's Cuban fisherman is a charac t-er allowing the imagination of his creato r to operate simultaneously in two dif ferent worlds of meaning and value, the one real and dramatic, the other moraland devotionally symbolic•老人与海可众所周知,作为这一代的名副其实的经典作品。



老人与海_英文英语课件He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff in the Gulf Stream and he had gone eighty-four days now without taking a fish. In the first forty days a boy had been with him. But after forty days without a fish the boy’s parents had told him that the old m an was now definitely and finally salao, which is the worst form of unlucky, and the boy had gone at their orders in another boat which caught three good fish the first week. It made the boy sad to see the old man come in each day with his skiff empty and he always went down to help him carry either the coiled lines or the gaff and harpoon and the sail that was furled around the mast. The sail was patched with flour sacks and, furled, it looked like the flag of permanent defeat.他是个独自在湾流中一条小船上钓鱼的老人,至今已去了八十四天,一条鱼也没逮住。





• Later that day his luck turns and he hooks(钩,钓) the giant marlin(枪鱼,青枪鱼). The battle(战斗) begins, not just with the fish, but with himself as well; the battle for his life, his regained (恢复,重新获得) youth and the return of his peer's(凝视,同等) respect. For two days and two nights his adversary(对手,敌手) pulls him further out to sea. Memories of his youth fill his vision, memories of battles fought and of scars healed. (治愈,痊愈)For hours at a time the physical game, he convinces himself, is only winnable if he can triumph(胜利,凯旋) mentally. • Unable to loosen or even adjust his grip,(握紧,柄 )for fear that his foe(敌人,反对者) would sense his failing strength, Santiago is forced into a motionless prison, escape from which, is in the hands of his greatest adversary ever.
The Old Man and the Sea, is a story of friendship between a young boy and an fisherman tormented(折 磨,纠缠) by hunger and weeks' bad luck. Santiago, a once strong, proud man is coming to terms with his failing abilities and age.


肖 申 克
的 救 赎
斯汇 蒂 芬报
金 著人
小 说

人形 物象

在《肖申克的救赎》中真正的善与恶难以划清界 线,本是公正象征的典狱长和狱警反倒成了罪恶 的化身,犯下罪状的囚犯最终证明是正义的代表。 囚犯们在封闭的监狱里,用打架滋事和变态行为 找乐子打发时间,而无辜的安迪只能通过极端方 式获得自由。各种人物形象都活生生的在现实世
斯蒂芬·金在大学打工时,干过许多兼职工作, 他曾在大学图书馆打杂。在那里,他遇到了另一 位打工的学生塔比瑟·简·斯普鲁斯
来自缅因州旧城区的历史专业的学生。她是一个工薪阶层 家庭的第三个孩子,由于负担不起学费,她被迫放弃就读 新墨西哥大学的考古学和历史学的愿望。在众多方面,他 们两个都有共同的兴趣爱好,金发现塔比瑟也酷爱文学, 并且渴望成为一个作家。不久,两人坠入了爱河。 这对情 侣于1971年1月2日在缅因州的老城区结婚。
海明威(Ernest Miller Hemingway,1899年7月21日-1961年7月2 日),生于美国芝加哥,美国记者、作家,“新闻体”小说的创始人, 笔锋以“文坛硬汉”著称,被认为是20世纪最著名的小说家之一。
他凭借着《老人与海》一书先后获得普立兹奖、诺贝尔文学奖。他的 作品《太阳照样升起》《永别了,武器》被美国现代图书馆列入“20 世纪百大英文小说”中。1961年7月2日,海明威在家中用猎枪自杀身 亡,享年61岁。
他的笔调潇洒自然,毫无矫揉造作之处, 也没有着意的渲染和概括,但却能尖锐地 刻画出人物的内心世界,充分体现了自然 主义的白描手法。《老人与海》没有精雕 细琢,也没有微妙深奥

《老人与海》人不为失败而生 英文课讲解

《老人与海》人不为失败而生 英文课讲解

《老人与海》人不为失败而生英文课讲解Title: "The Old Man and the Sea" - The Essence of Not Being Born to Fail, A Guide for English LessonsIntroduction:"The Old Man and the Sea" by Ernest Hemingway is an iconic novel that imparts profound wisdom on the human spirit and resilience.This guide is tailored for an English lesson, aiming to explore the theme that man is not made for failure.We will delve into the story"s core messages, character analysis, and practical teaching strategies to engage students in understanding the novel"s deeper meanings.I.Overview of "The Old Man and the Sea"1.Background of the Novel- Briefly introduce the author, Ernest Hemingway, and his literary significance.- Discuss the historical context and Hemingway"s personal experiences that influenced the creation of the novel.2.Main Plot Summary- Provide a concise summary of the story, focusing on the old fisherman"s斗争with the marlin and his subsequent encounter with sharks.- Highlight Santiago"s unwavering determination and histriumph in the face of adversity.II.Theme: Man is Not Made for Failure1.Exploring the Theme- Discuss Santiago"s philosophy that man is not born to fail, but rather to overcome challenges.- Analyze the symbolism in the novel that supports this theme, such as the marlin representing strength and the sharks symbolizing adversity.2.Santiago"s Characterization- Examine Santiago"s traits, including his perseverance, pride, and self-reliance.- Discuss how his character development throughout the novel demonstrates the theme.III.Teaching Strategies for the English Lesson1.Pre-Reading Activities- Introduce students to Hemingway"s life and other works to provide context.- Engage students in a brainstorming session about their views on success and failure.2.During-Reading Activities- Conduct close readings of key passages that embody the theme.- Encourage students to analyze Santiago"s thoughts and actions, connecting them to the theme.3.Post-Reading Activities- Organize a class debate on whether people are born to succeed or fail.- Have students write reflective essays on how they can apply Santiago"s resilience to their own lives.IV.Conclusion- Summarize the importance of understanding the theme that man is not made for failure in "The Old Man and the Sea."- Encourage students to appreciate the novel"s timeless message of hope and determination.ote: This guide is intended for educational purposes and should not be copied or distributed without proper authorization.It does not contain any advertisements, contact information, or commercial elements.If any part of the task is found to be sensitive or inappropriate, please disregard it.。


Refreshingly simple and easy read that captures this moment and story and place with vivid detail. A good short story.
Hemingway is a caster of spells via his language use. I loved every page as a reader and a writer.
Now this book have very good price, just 10.93 dollar.
Thank You for watching!
I never knew a story a little over 120 pages could pack such a punch.
Hemingway captures the imagination and keeps the reader engaged with this tale. This is a great read for persons of all ages. An absolute read for any big game fisherman.
Wow. I mean, really. Wow. With "The Old Man and the Sea," it is so easy to see why Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize, and why he deserves all of his accolades. This short novel is fierce, full of vibrant energy and humanity, all the while being a slave to the realities of finite power, of the inability to struggle against something greater than yourself. Of course, this is the standard "man against nature" story, but it is told with such craft that even cliches ring true.


the fish, but with himself as well; the battle for his life, his regained
(恢复,重新获得) youth and the return of his peer's(凝视,同等) respect. For two days and two nights his adversary(对手,敌手)
resolve(决定 ,决心) to sail far out to sea in search of a catch that will redeem (恢复,挽回)his self-confidence. Early the next morning, he descends(下降) to his fishing skiff小船,舟), and rows (划船)out, into the
is forced into a motionless prison, escape from which, is in the hands of his greatest adversary ever.
The theme of the book is courage .
• It won the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature. The author wants to told readers ,you will be supposed to like this old person same mind lofty aspiration, and will even better pursue even
pulls him further out to sea. Memories of his youth fill his vision,



The elderly person reports the wisdom and resilience that comes with age, as well as the difference and price that should be supported by older people
Old Man and Sea English Introduction Courseware
Hemingway and the Background of The Old Man and the SeaStoryline analysisTheme and symbolic significanceLanguage style and writing skillsThe influence and evaluation of worksReflection questions and discussion points
Symbolic presentation
The tough between the old man and the fish reports the challenges and tough we face in life, showing that persistence and determination are key to overcoming difficulties
Status in literature
The Old Man and the Sea has received high practice from readers and critiques alike Many readers have been deeply moved by the story of the old man's struggle against the elements, and have practiced Hemingway's philosophy and powerful writing style



The meaning and value of life
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
The tenacity and tenacity of the elderly
The changes and ruthlessness of the sea
Lonely struggle and responsibility
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----- Hemingway
The old man and the sea is one of hemingway's most enduring works. Told in language of great simplicity and power.
This book talked about Cuba, an old fisherman named Santiago, a man alone at sea fishing, in nothing caught 84 days after the Marlins had an immeasurable.
This is the old saw has never heard of, and the boat is longer than his two feet of a big fish.
Fresh fish is very large, dragging the boat drifted for a whole three days and three nights, the elderly in these three days and three nights have never experienced a difficult stand the test of big fish finally stabbed to death, tied to the bow.
人生本来就是一种无止境的追求。它的道路漫长、艰难 ,而且充满坎坷,但只要自己勇敢顽强地以一颗自信的心 去迎接挑战,他将永远是一个真正的胜利者!
Don't give up easily !
This is the author of Hemingway's evaluation of his work" The Old Man and the Sea ".
Life itself is an endless pursuit. It's a long road, difficult and full of bumpy, but as long as their indomitable courage and self-confidence to a heart to meet the challenge, he will always be a real winner!
However, when the unfortunate return of the shark, the elderly and the shark had fought back against the end, the big marlin, or been eaten by sharks, and the elderly experienced some hardships, Finally dragged home, only a bare skeleton and a fish of the injury.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
"Vessel crossed the end of the world, into the unknown sea, hanging on the side of the bow while wind and rain erosion-stricken still incomparably beautiful flag, banner, brandishing a Yunlong general words glittering beyond the limit "