

以下是的编辑收集整理的“英语论文开题报告范文”,欢迎大家与身边的朋友分享吧!英语论文开题报告范文【篇1】从语用角度分析香港粤语和英语混用现象论文开题报告从语用角度分析香港粤语和混用现象本科生毕业论文开题报告表论文名称中文从语用角度分析香港粤语和英语混用现象英文Analysis of the Mixing Phenomenon of Hongkong Cantonese and English from the Perspective of Pragmatics学生姓名欧焕仪英语专业年级2010级指导教师邹明洁职称单位毕业论文写作时间2014年2月日至2014 年5 月日一、The meaning of topic and related literature reviewThe positive effect of mixing use of Hongkong Cantonese and English. Cantonese is one of the most energetic languages in the world and there are nearly 120 million people speaking Cantonese. Apart from Mandrian, Cantonese is the languagein the Chinese language that have perfec writing system and successful development as functional language. It can be divided into Hongkong Cantonese and Cantonese of Guang style. However, with unique charm, Hongkong Cantonese plays an important role in the development of Cantonese. There was a long British colonial history of more than 150 years before the return of Hongkon, which have made great impact on Hongkong, no mattter at the aspect of economic, politics or culture. This has emerged into people's daily life and people are customed to the mixing use of Hongkon Cantonese and English. Under this kind of special circumstance, English, as a strongly inclusive language, was classifed as the offical language in Hongkong. On thecontrast, Cantonese can be regarded as a kind of weak language which is still necessary for the communication. During the daily communication, these two languages have intimate contact with each other, leading the frequently unconscious insertion of English into the dialogue which is very common nowadays. That is exactly the most obvious difference between Honkong Cantonese and Guang Cantonese.Purposed of research The ultimate goal of code-switching is to accomplish the conversation. This is thesis aims at analysing the mixing phenomenon of Hong Kong Cantonese and English from the perspective of pragmatic. We collect linguistic data from Hongkong song and movie etc. Honkong citzens usually create new Hongkong English vocabulary through transliteration and free translation.二、Main research problem, short-term target and difficultes you may encounterMain research problem:1. The reson and necessity of this mixing phenomenon of Hong Kong Cantonese and English2. The negative effect of confusing language use by mixing phenomenon3. Discussion of the difference and similarities on vocabulary and grammar of Hong Kong Cantonese and English4. Realization of the practicablity of this mixing phenomenon from the perspective of pragmatic5. Prediction of development direction of mixing use of Hong Kong Cantonese and EnglishShort-term Target:1. Basic knowledge of relevant pragmatic principle and theory2. The difference and similarities of Hong Kong Cantonese and English3. Sample analysis of mixing phenomenon of Hong Kong Cantonese and EnglishDifficult:1. One-sided analysis of Hong Kong Cantonese and English2. Can not complete the analyse the principle and phenomenon3. Not sure about the development direction of Hongkong Cantonese and English三、Theoretical frame andMethod of ResearchTheoretical frame:1. The comparsion between vocabulary and grammar2. Cooperative principle of GriceMethod of Research:1. Questionaire survey2. Literature surveyWe systemeticaly study both the realistic and historical condition of mixing phenomenon of Hong Kong Cantonese and English by analysing any related data, with intergrated use of scientific method such as conversation survey and questionaire survey. By collecting and sorting out lots of data including Honkong movie and songs and articles, we can easilyget the knowledge about code-switching rule of Hong Kong Cantonese and English.四、Outline and writing scheduleOutline0. Introduction0.1 General ideas on mixing phenomenon of Hong Kong Cantonese and English ;0.2 Brief review of their mixing;0.3 Thesis structure.1. Research Review1.1 Previous research on Hongkong language policy1.2 Previous mixing phenomenon research base on pragmatic principle1.3 Previous research on pragmatic theory1.4 Achievements and deficiencies of mixing use of Hongkong Cantonese and English2. Theoretical Framework 2.1 Cooperative Principle 【Proposed by Grice】2.1.1 An Overview of cooperative Principle2.1.2 Relationship within the cooperative Principle2.2 Applicability of cooperative principle in analysing mixing phenomenon3. Case Analysis3.1 The application of cooperative principle in analysing mixing phenomenon3.1.1 Analysis of the difference between Hongkong cantonese and English3.1.2 Duscission of the intergration of these two language3.2 Take example of supporting the good side of mixing ues of HK cantonese and English3.3 Discussion4. Conclusion4.1 conclusion of the practical effect of mixing ues of HK cantonese and English 4.2 assumption of the positive development of these two languageOveral time will be 4 months(Start from February 2014.)Schedule:Draft setting before 13st March, 2014. Thesis revision before 17th April, 2014; Final thesis before 8th May 2014; Thesis defense preparation from 8th to 28th May, 2014.五、The early reference(≥10,including book and article)MU Xiu-rong, The Comparative Study of The Pragmatic Failure between Chinese and English on the Basis of Politeness Principle. School of Foreign Language in Lanzhou Jiaolong University, 2011.Zhao YaoDong,An Analysis of Pragmatic Failure in Interculture Communication.Hong Kong Baptist University. 2012.Liu Shao-zhong, Studies of Negative Pragmatic Transfer in Interlanguage Pragmatics, Foreign Languages College Guangxi Normal University, 2002李婷,从语音相近探英语中粤语译词的文化渗透现象,广西,外国语言文学研究,2011何源,语码转换及其交际功能,陕西,《时代报告(学术版)》2012年1月(上)供稿陈启霞,香港粤语与英语的混用现象及“两文三语” 的语言政策,云南,临沧师范高等专科学校学报,2011李楚成,香港粤语与英语的`语码转换,香港,外语教学与研究(外国语文双月刊)2003易勇,粤语英语混用对英语习得的影响及对策分析,广东,重庆三峡学院学报,2013——,新编语用学概要,上海:上海外语教育出版社,1999.——,语用学讲稿,南京:南京师范大学出版社,2003.——, 对比语言学,许余龙,上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2001六、指导教师意见指导教师签名:年月日七、学院论文评审委员会意见盖章年月日英语论文开题报告范文【篇2】一、论文题目:classroom:interaction:and:oral:english:teaching二、研究现状:对于课堂互动与教学之间的关系,国内的研究主要集中在:(1)构建主义模式:它是以构建主义理论为基础的互动模式,司洪海在《构建主义理论与英语口语教学》中从对现有教学模式的“”入手,探讨将构建主义引入英语课堂教学的必要性、可行性及其意义和作用。


英文文献综述范文How to Write a Literature Review ?I. The definition of Literature Review文献综述(Literautre Review)是科研论文中重要的文体之一。
II. The purposes of literature review And Its ComponentsA. The PurposesOn the one hand, it helps you broaden the view and perspective of the topic for your graduation thesis.On the other hand, it helps you narrow down the topic and arrive at a focusedresearch question.B. Its ComponentsThere are six parts in a complete Literature Review.标题与作者(title and author)摘要与关键词(abstract and key words)引言(introduction)述评(review)结论(conclusion)参考文献(references)III. Classification of Source MaterialsHow can we locate the materials relevant to our topics betterand faster? Basically, all these source materials may be classified into four majors of sources.A: Background sources:Basic information which can usually be found in dictionaries andencyclopedia complied by major scholars or founders of the field. Three very good and commonly recommenced encyclopedias are encyclopedias ABC, namely, Encyclopedia Americana, Encyclopedia Britannica, and Collier’s Encyclopedia. There are also reference works more specialized, such as The Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics for linguistics and TEFL studies. Moreover, you may also find Encyclopedia on the web.B: Primary sourcesThose providing direct evidence, such as works of scholars of the field,biographies or autobiographies, memoirs, speeches, lectures, diaries, collection of letters, interviews, case studies, approaches, etc. Primary sources come in various shapes and sizes, and often you have to do a little bit of research about the source to make sure you have correctly identified it. When a first search yields too few results, try searching by broader topic; when a search yields toomany results, refine your search by narrowing down your search.C: Secondary sourcesThose providing indirect evidence, such as research articles or papers, bookreviews, assays, journal articles by experts in a given field, studies on authors orwriters and their works, etc. Secondary sources will informmost of your writingin college. You will often be asked to research your topic using primary sources,but secondary sources will tell you which primary sources you should use andwill help you interpret those primary sources. T o use theme well, however, youneed to think critically them. There are two parts of a source that you need toanalyze: the text itself and the argument within the text.D: Web sourcesThe sources or information from websites. Web serves as an excellentresource for your materials. However, you need to select and evaluate Websources with special care for very often Web sources lack quality control. Youmay start with search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, Ask, Excit e, etc. It’s agood idea to try more than one search engine, since each locates sources in itsown way. When using websites for information, be sure to take care for theauthorship and sponsorship. If they are both unclear, be critical when you useinformation. The currency of website information should also be taken intoaccount. Don’t use too out information dated for your purpose.IV. Major strategies of Selecting Materials for literaturereviewA. Choosing primary sources rather than secondary sourcesIf you have two sources, one of them summarizing or explaining a work andthe other the work itself, choose the work itself. Never attempt to write a paperon a topic without reading the original source.B. Choosing sources that give a variety of viewpoints on your thesisRemember that good argument essays take into account counter arguments.Do not reject a source because it makes an argument against you thesis.C. Choosing sources that cover the topic in depthProbably most books on Communicative Language Teaching mention WilliamLittlewood, but if this your topic, you will find that few sources cover the topicin depth. Choose those.D. Choosing sources written by acknowledged expertsIf you have a choice between an article written by a freelance journalist onTask-based Teaching and one written by a recognized expert like David Nunan,Choose the article by the expert.E. Choosing the most current sourcesIf your topic involves a current issue or social problem or development in ascientific field, it is essential to find the latest possible information. If all thebooks on these topics are rather old, you probably need to look for information inperiodicals.V. Writing a literature ReviewA. When you review related literature, the major review focuses should be:1. The prevailing and current theories which underlie the research problem.2. The main controversies about the issue, and about the problem.3. The major findings in the area, by whom and when.4. The studies which can be considered the better ones, and why.5. Description of the types of research studies which can provide the basis for the current theories and controversies.6. Criticism of the work in the area.B. When you write literature review, the two principles to follow are:1. Review the sources that are most relevant to your to your thesis.2. Describe or write your review as clear and objective as you can.C. Some tips for writing the review:1. Define key terms or concepts clearly and relevant to your topic.2. Discuss the least-related references to your question first and the mostrelated references last.3. Conclude your review with a brief summary.4. Start writing your review early.VI. 文献综述主要部分的细节性提示和注意事项主要部分细节提示:引言(Introduction)引言是文献综述正文的开始部分,主要包括两个内容:一是提出问题;二是介绍综述的范围和内容。

一、选题依据及意义(不少于300字).English,especiallyEnglishreadingandwriting,hasbeeaneffectiv emeanstogetaccesstoallkindsofinformationandanindispensablem eansofinternationalmunication.Asamatteroffact,Englishwritin garevitaltoourindividualdevelopmentbecauseithasbeenappliedm oreandmoreinbothourEnglishstudyandfuturework.However,accordingtomypersonalwritingexperienceandteachingpr acticeexperienceinBobaiMiddleschool,Ifoundthatthestudents'E FLwritingabilityisnotsoencouragingandsatisfactoryinseniorhi ghschoolsthoughtheyhavelearnedEnglishforseveralyearsinprima ryandmiddleschool.NotafewofthemdoverypoorinapplyingEnglisht oexpresstheirideas,thoughts,feelings,etc.inEFLwriting.Someo fthemevencannotproduceasinglecorrectsentenceintheirposition s.Thosestudentsmayactuallyhavesomethingtowrite,buttheyjustc annotexpressitcorrectlyandappropriatelyinEnglish.Ononehand, theydonotgraspsufficientactivevocabulariestoexpressthemselv es.Ontheotherhand,theylacksenseofsentencestructureandpositionstructuretodeveloptheirposition.Thelastbutnotleast,theydon'tknowhowtoapplythematerialstheyhavereadtoimprovetheirwrit ingabilitythoughtheyhavereadalot.Therefore,it'snecessaryandurgenttofindaneffectiveandpractic alapproachtosolvethepoorperformanceinthestudents'EFLwriting andimprovetheirwritingability.Manyscholarshaveprovedthatthe reisastrongrelationshipbetweenreadingandwriting.Fromreading towritingcaneffectivelyenlargethestudents'amountofvocabular y,cultivatetheirsenseofsentencestructureandpositionstructur e,enrichtheirwritingmaterialsandpromotetheirabilityinusingw ordsandsentences.Therefore,fromreadingtowritingapproachishi ghlyadvocatedinimprovingEFLwritinginseniorhighschools.二、研究目标与主要内容(含论文(设计)提纲,不少于500字).1.研究目标:AccordingtotheNewCurriculumStandardsforseniorhighschools,li stening,speaking,readingandwritingarefourbasicskillsandrequ irementsforthestudents.However,thestudents'EFLwritingabilit yinseniorhighschoolsisnotsopleasantandencouraging.Thepreval entEFLwritingapproaches(theproductapproachandtheprocessappr oach)inseniorhighschoolsdonotdomuchgoodtoimprovestudents'writingability.Thisstudyaimstoparethesetwoapproacheswithfromr eadingtowritingapproachandshowtheadvantagesofapplyingfromre adingtowritingapproachinseniorhighschools.Fromreadingtowritingapproachadvocatesthatwritingshouldbeint egratedwithreadingsothatthestudentscanenlargetheirvocabular yinreading,learnhowtouselanguageappropriately,howtoapplythe irbackgroundknowledge,howtoarrangethesentences,howtanizethe position,howtoachievecoherenceandunityandhowtoactivatetheir mindwhenwriting.Inthisway,thestudentscanimprovetheirwriting abilityeffectivelyandefficiently.Therefore,thethesistriesto analyzethepresentreadingandwritingsituationinseniorhighscho ols,expoundthenatureofreadingandwriting,discussthenecessity andfeasibilityofreadingtowritingapproach,showtheapplication ofreadingtowritingapproachinEFLwritingpracticeandprovetheef fectivenessandpracticalityofreadingandwritingapproach.2.主要内容(提纲):1.Introduction2.ThepresentsituationofEnglishwritinginseniorhighschools3.Thenatureofreadingandwriting3.1Thenatureofreading3.2Thenatureofwriting4.Therelationshipbetweenreadingandwriting4.1Readingpavesthewayforwriting4.2Writingpromotesreading5.Thenecessityandfeasibilityofreading-to-writing5.1Thenecessityofreading-to-writing5.2Thefeasibilityofreading-to-writing6.Theadvantagesofapplyingreading-to-writingapproach 6.1Thedefinitionofreading-to-writingapproach6.2Aparisonofreading-to-writingapproachwithproductapproacha ndprocessapproach7.Theapplicationofreading-to-writingapproach7.1Theprinciplesofapplyingreading-to-writingapproach 7.1.1Payingequalattentiontoreadingandwriting7.1.2Payingequalattentiontointensivereadingandextensiveread ing7.2Theselectionofgoodreadingmaterials7.3Waysofadaptingreading-to-writingapproach7.3.1Pre-writingreading7.3.2Writingfromreading7.3.3Post-writingreadingandrewriting不想长大三、研究方法和手段。

英文文献综述万能模板范文英文回答:Introduction.A literature review is a comprehensive survey of the existing research on a particular topic. It provides a critical analysis of the literature, identifying the key themes, gaps, and areas for future research. A well-written literature review can help readers quickly and easily understand the current state of knowledge on a topic.Steps to Writing a Literature Review.1. Define your topic. The first step is to define the scope of your literature review. This includes identifying the key concepts, variables, and research questions that you will be addressing.2. Search for relevant literature. Once you havedefined your topic, you need to search for relevant literature. This can be done through a variety of sources, including academic databases, Google Scholar, and library catalogs.3. Evaluate the literature. Once you have found a bodyof literature, you need to evaluate it to determine its relevance, quality, and credibility. This involves reading the abstracts and full text of the articles and assessing their strengths and weaknesses.4. Organize your review. Once you have evaluated the literature, you need to organize it into a logical structure. This may involve grouping the articles by theme, methodology, or research question.5. Write your review. The final step is to write your literature review. This should include a clear introduction, a body that discusses the key findings of the literature, and a conclusion that summarizes your findings andidentifies areas for future research.Tips for Writing a Literature Review.Be comprehensive. Include all of the relevant literature on your topic, even if it is not supportive of your hypothesis.Be critical. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the literature, and identify any gaps in the research.Be clear and concise. Write in a clear and concise style, and avoid using jargon or technical language.Proofread carefully. Make sure to proofread your literature review carefully before submitting it.中文回答:文献综述的撰写步骤。


最后再来复习一遍步骤吧:step 1:找到自己喜欢的文献综述。
step 2:提炼框架。
重复之前的方法,对其反复拆解、组装,最终得到完全属于自己的litera ture review。
那么我们需要做的也很简单:1. 翻到相关部分2. 关键词定位 (快速找到答案)3. 同义词替换 (降重)文献综述是一种通过对已有文献进行梳理、分析和评价的方法,以形成系统性的综合性文献报告,探讨某个问题的现状、发展趋势以及未来研究方向的方法。

英语学科方面的文献综述范文3000字全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: A Literature Review on the English Language SubjectIntroductionEnglish language is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and is the primary language of communication in many fields such as education, business, and diplomacy. Understanding the significance of the English language, it is essential to explore the various aspects of the English language subject, which would contribute to our knowledge and practices in teaching and learning English. This literature review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current research on the English language subject, focusing on its teaching methodologies, learning strategies, and the impact of technology in English language education.Teaching Methodologies in English Language EducationSeveral studies have examined different teaching methodologies in English language education, including the traditional grammar-translation method, communicativelanguage teaching, task-based learning, and content-based instruction. The research suggests that communicative language teaching is the most effective approach to teaching English as a second language, as it focuses on real-life communication and interaction. Task-based learning has also been proven to be beneficial in English language education, as it encourages students to work on meaningful tasks that promote communication and language development.Learning Strategies in English Language EducationResearch on learning strategies in English language education has shown that students employ various strategies to enhance their language learning process. These strategies include cognitive, metacognitive, affective, and social strategies. Cognitive strategies involve the mental processes used by students to understand and remember new information, while metacognitive strategies help students monitor and regulate their own learning. Affective strategies focus on managing emotions and motivation, while social strategies involve interactions with others to improve language skills.Impact of Technology in English Language EducationWith the advancement of technology, there has been a growing interest in incorporating technology into Englishlanguage education. Research has shown that technology can enhance language learning by providing interactive and engaging learning experiences. Online resources, language learning apps, and digital tools have been used to support language learning outside the classroom and enable personalized learning experiences. Virtual reality and augmented reality technologies have also been explored to create immersive language learning environments that simulate real-life situations.ConclusionIn conclusion, this literature review has highlighted the importance of exploring the various aspects of the English language subject, including teaching methodologies, learning strategies, and the impact of technology in English language education. The research suggests that communicative language teaching is an effective approach to teaching English as a second language, while task-based learning promotes language development through meaningful tasks. Students also employ various learning strategies to enhance their language learning process, and technology has the potential to enhance language learning by providing interactive and engaging learning experiences. Further research is needed to explore innovativeapproaches to teaching and learning English language education to meet the diverse needs of learners in the 21st century.篇2Title: Literature Review on Research in English Language TeachingIntroductionEnglish language teaching has been a prominent field of study in the education sector for decades. As the world becomes more interconnected, the importance of English as a global language has increased significantly. This literature review aims to provide an overview of recent research in the field of English language teaching and explore the advancements and challenges facing educators and researchers in this area.MethodsTo conduct this literature review, a systematic search was performed using online databases such as Google Scholar, JSTOR, and ERIC. Keywords such as "English language teaching," "pedagogy," "technology," and "assessment" were used to narrow down the search results. Only peer-reviewed articles published in the last five years were included in this review.Findings1. Technology in English Language TeachingOne of the key themes that emerged from the literature review was the integration of technology in English language teaching. Researchers have explored the use of various technological tools such as online platforms, mobile apps, and virtual reality to enhance language learning. Studies have shown that technology can make learning more interactive and engaging for students, leading to improved outcomes in language acquisition.2. Task-Based LearningTask-based learning has gained popularity in recent years as a more student-centered approach to teaching English. Researchers have highlighted the benefits of using real-world tasks and activities to promote language learning and communication skills. Task-based learning has been shown to be effective in improving students' fluency, accuracy, and confidence in using English.3. Multilingualism and DiversityWith the increasing cultural diversity in classrooms, educators are exploring new strategies to support multilingualstudents in English language learning. Research has shown that embracing students' native languages and cultures can enhance their language acquisition and overall academic performance. Educators are encouraged to adopt a more inclusive approach and create a supportive environment for diverse learners.4. Assessment in English Language TeachingAssessment plays a crucial role in evaluating students' language proficiency and progress in English language teaching. Recent research has focused on innovative assessment methods such as performance tasks, portfolios, and self-assessment tools. These approaches aim to provide a more holistic view of students' language abilities and promote reflective learning practices.Challenges and Future DirectionsDespite the advancements in research in English language teaching, several challenges remain. One of the key challenges is the digital divide, where students from disadvantaged backgrounds may not have access to technology for language learning. Educators need to address this disparity and ensure equal opportunities for all students. Additionally, the growing emphasis on standardized testing in English language teachinghas raised concerns about its impact on teaching and learning outcomes.In conclusion, this literature review has highlighted the recent advancements and challenges in English language teaching research. Educators and researchers are encouraged to continue exploring innovative approaches to enhance language learning and support the diverse needs of students. By addressing the challenges and embracing new technologies, English language teaching can evolve to meet the demands of a globalized world.篇3Literature Review on the English Language Teaching FieldIntroductionEnglish language teaching is a dynamic and constantly evolving field that has undergone significant changes in recent years due to advances in technology and changes in educational practices. This literature review aims to provide an overview of current research and trends in the field of English language teaching, focusing on key topics such as language acquisition, teaching methodologies, and the use of technology in the classroom.Language AcquisitionOne of the central concerns in the field of English language teaching is the process of language acquisition. Researchers have focused on understanding how second language learners acquire English language skills and the factors that influence language learning. Studies have shown that the age at which a learner begins studying English, as well as their motivation and exposure to the language, can impact their language proficiency.Research has also explored the role of individual differences such as cognitive abilities and learning styles in language acquisition. For example, learners who have a strong auditory memory may excel in pronunciation, while those withvisual-spatial intelligence may find it easier to understand written texts. Understanding these individual differences can help educators tailor their teaching approaches to better meet the needs of diverse learners.Teaching MethodologiesTeaching methodologies play a crucial role in English language education, as they determine how language skills are taught and practiced in the classroom. Traditional teaching methods focused on grammar rules and memorization, but recent research has emphasized the importance ofcommunicative language teaching approaches that prioritize meaningful communication and real-world language use.Task-based learning, for example, is a popular approach that involves engaging students in authentic language tasks that help them develop their language skills in context. This approach encourages learners to use English to complete real-world tasks, such as giving presentations or participating in group discussions. Research has shown that task-based learning can improve students' fluency, accuracy, and confidence in using English.The use of technology in language teaching has also transformed the way English is taught in classrooms around the world. Online resources such as language learning apps, virtual classrooms, and interactive multimedia materials have made language learning more accessible and engaging for students. Research has shown that technology-enhanced language learning can improve students' motivation, engagement, and language proficiency.ConclusionIn conclusion, the field of English language teaching is a rich and diverse area of research that continues to evolve as new technologies and teaching approaches emerge. Byunderstanding key topics such as language acquisition, teaching methodologies, and the use of technology in the classroom, educators can better meet the needs of their students and promote effective language learning. Further research and collaboration among educators, researchers, and policymakers are essential to advancing the field of English language teaching and improving language education for learners worldwide.。

英文论文写作文献综述英文:When it comes to writing a literature review for an English paper, there are several key elements to keep in mind. First and foremost, it's important to choose relevant and credible sources that support your argument or thesis statement. This means conducting thorough research and evaluating the quality and reliability of each source.Once you've gathered your sources, it's time to start organizing your literature review. One common approach is to group sources by theme or topic, highlightingsimilarities and differences between different studies or articles. Another option is to organize sources chronologically, tracing the development of research on your topic over time.As you write your literature review, it's important to not simply summarize each source, but to critically analyzeand evaluate the information presented. This meansidentifying strengths and weaknesses in each study, and considering how each source contributes to the overall understanding of your topic.Finally, it's important to synthesize the information presented in your literature review, drawing connections between different sources and highlighting key takeaways from your research. This can help to provide a clear and comprehensive overview of the current state of research on your topic.中文:在撰写英文论文的文献综述时,需要注意几个关键要素。

经典英文文献综述范文English:A classic English literature review typically provides an overview and analysis of key works in a particular field or topic. It often begins with an introduction that outlines the scope and purpose of the review, followed by a discussion of the historical context and the evolutionof the topic. The literature review then delves into a detailed examination of the most influential and significant texts, identifying key themes, arguments, and methodologies employed by the authors. The review also seeks to identify gaps or unresolved issuesin the existing research, and may propose avenues for future exploration in the field. This type of literature review is valuable for scholars and researchers seeking to gain a comprehensive understanding of the state of knowledge in their area of study, and often serves as a foundation for new research projects and critical debates within the academic community.中文翻译:经典的英文文献综述通常提供了一个特定领域或主题关键作品的概述和分析。

下面,小编为大家分享英语论文开题报告,希望对大家有所帮助!题目:A Corpus-based Study on SyntacticFeatures of Business English Correspondence1 Introduction1.1 Background of the StudyChina plays a much more important role in world economic system along with thedevelopment of economic globalization. Economic globalization not only accelerates our country'seconomic growth, but also promotes the speed of international trade all over the world. Thereforeexcellent business communication competence becomes increasingly important as well. As one ofthe language media business English correspondence aims to link overseas and domestic economicentities, exchange information, communicate with each other and deal with business. It plays anextremely important role in the frequent international trade. It is no exaggeration to say, businessEnglish correspondence is used in every step of business activities.The course of business English writing has almost expanded into every university curriculum.Both foreign and domestic scholars have done researches on business English correspondencefrom the perspective of lexicon, semantic fields, especially based on corpus. There are two majorlarge-scale corpora on business English. One is Nelson's Business English Corpus (BEC for short)accounting for one million words. The other one is Poly U Business Corpora constructed by HongKongPolytechnic University. The Poly U Business Corpora are made up of three comparablecorpora of Chinese, English and Japanese business texts, the majority of which originate from thebusiness and finance sections of newspapers written in those languages, covering news and reportsfrom auditing and accounting to insurance and investments. Each of the corpora has more than onemillion words. It is accessible on line for searching key words to see a concordance taken fromPoly U Business English corpus, which is helpful to students and teachers. It is thus obviously thatbusiness English is quite important so that attracts much attention from linguistic researchers. Ithas been an overriding aim of this project to create a resource for researchers to help furtherknowledge of an area which so far has been the research topic of many scholars.1.2 Significance of the StudyThis thesis makes a relatively complete study of business English correspondence from theperspective of lexical grammar theory and syntactic theory. It takes up business Englishcorrespondence as its research topic and aims to propose some feasible strategies in businessEnglish correspondence writing and teaching. The study expected to achieve both theoretical andpractical significance as follows:First of all, this study will introduce a new research method. Corpus provides a brand newway for the study of language. It breaks through the traditional method of intuitive experiencemethod and turns to the original analysis of natural language in order to provide a firm foundationand data support for language research in various fields. Traditional intuitive experience methodfocuses on personal experience and intuition, manual methods or introspective method whichcould acquirelinguistic knowledge only from limited data of language materials. This method ofacquiring linguistic knowledge is not only inefficiency but also more subjective which inevitablyleads a effect on the accuracy of final result. However, corpus-based approach is totally different.Corpus can find the target data quickly by using computer software for scientific analysis, andovercome the limitation of traditional research on the subjectivity and one-sidedness. Thismacroscopic method can carry on a multi-level and all-rounded research on the basis of a largenumber of real data, and effectively promote the new theoretical model and research paradigm. Italso relies on computer science to achieve its powerful function in language searching, andprovides a new method in linguistic research for the majority of language researchers.Secondly, a clear understanding of lexical grammar theory could be achieved. Language is atool for human communication which inevitably cannot do without meaning expression andunderstanding. Sinclair broke the previous rules of describing vocabulary and grammar in aseparate way. Therefore, a new point of view has been proposed. That is language should bedescribed by using the way combining vocabulary and grammar which opened up a new path forlanguage description based on a corpus. Then he proposed lexical grammar, and believed thatvocabulary and grammar are equally important, in which vocabulary is the starting point forbuilding the language model. The key aspects about the origin of lexical grammar and thewholeness of lexis and grammar will be discussed in detail in next chapter and this study is basedon the theory of lexical grammar to explore the features of business English correspondence fromlexical and syntactic levels.Thirdly, after a relatively complete study on the business English correspondence, typicallexical and syntactic features could be worked out.Fourthly, feasible strategies could be proposed to business English correspondence writingand teaching.1.3 Layout of the ThesisIn this thesis, the study will do some research on business English correspondence andmanage to summarize some common syntactic features of business English correspondence basedon lexical-grammar theory and syntactic theory. This thesis is divided into the following six parts:Chapter 1, the introduction part is an introduction concerning the theme of the thesis,including a general introduction of the background and significance of the study and theorganization of the whole thesis.Chapter 2, a literature review is provided in this chapter, which gives out an overview of thecorpus linguistics and business English correspondence. It first introduces business Englishcorrespondence and corpus linguistics briefly, and then gives a comprehensive introduction tothem which are also discussed here for better understanding to the field that the theory will beapplied to. Relevant studies both on Corpus linguistics and business English correspondence arealso presented at the end of each part.Chapter 3 introduces the theoretical framework which contains four main parts: principles ofbusiness English correspondence, the application in corpus linguistics, lexical grammar andsyntactic theory. Then Sinclair's lexical grammar theory and syntactic theory will be discussed indetail. In the end of this chapter, the writer will talk about the paper's feasibility.Chapter 4 addresses the research methodology of the study which includes the corpus-basedquantitative and qualitative method, the corpus and instruments used in the study, the proceduresof the study both in relation to data collection and data processing and concordance.Chapter 5 is the main part of the thesis of which lexical and syntactic features will bediscussed and analyzed in this part. Word length, sentence length, wordlist and some other wordfrequency will be listed and analyzed in detail.Chapter 6 draws a conclusion of the thesis, which gives a summary to the whole paper.Besides the major findings of the study, it also points out the limitations and difficulties of thepresent study.2 CONTENTSAbstract in ChineseAbstract in English1 Introduction1.1 Background of the Study1.2 Significance of the Study1.3 Layout of the Thesis2 Literature Review2.1 Studies on Business English Correspondence Abroad and at Home2.2 Studies based on Corpus Linguistics Abroad and at Home2.3 Summary。

Title: English Literature Review: AComprehensive PerspectiveIn the realm of academic research, the literature review serves as a critical component, particularly in the field of English literature. This paper aims to provide an extensive overview of the significant developments and trends within the discipline, drawing upon a diverse range of sources and perspectives.Firstly, it is essential to recognize the evolving nature of English literature, which has been shaped by various historical, cultural, and societal influences. The early works of Shakespeare, for instance, have been extensively analyzed for their thematic depth andlinguistic intricacies. Modern scholars continue to delve into these classics, offering fresh interpretations that resonate with contemporary audiences.Moreover, the emergence of new literary genres and movements has significantly broadened the scope of English literature. Postmodernism, for example, has challenged traditional narrative structures and perspectives, introducing elements of ambiguity and fragmentation. Thistrend has been explored in numerous studies, highlighting the diverse ways in which authors have responded to and shaped the postmodern era.Furthermore, the intersection of English literature with other disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, and anthropology, has opened up new avenues for research. The exploration of character psychology in literary texts, or the analysis of societal norms and values reflected in literature, are just a few examples of thisinterdisciplinary approach.In terms of methodologies, the literature review has also undergone significant transformations. With the advent of digital technologies and online databases, scholars now have access to vast repositories of information, enabling them to conduct more comprehensive and rigorous reviews. However, the challenge lies in effectively synthesizing and evaluating this vast amount of data.One notable trend in recent years has been the increasing focus on global perspectives in English literature. With the growth of international literary movements and the rise of multiculturalism, scholars arenow more inclined to explore the global dimensions of literary works. This approach not only broadens our understanding of English literature but also promotes cross-cultural understanding and exchange.Moreover, the impact of gender and race on English literature has also been a topic of increasing interest. The examination of how gender roles and racial identities are represented and constructed in literary texts has provided valuable insights into the complex intersections of identity, power, and representation.In conclusion, the literature review in English literature is a dynamic and evolving field that continues to shape our understanding of the discipline. By exploring diverse themes, genres, and methodologies, scholars are able to delve deeper into the rich tapestry of English literature, revealing new meanings and perspectives that resonate with our contemporary world.**英语文献综述:全面视角**在学术研究领域,文献综述是一个至关重要的组成部分,尤其在英语文学领域更是如此。

毕业论文开题报告英文范例毕业论文开题报告英文范例论文开题报告英文范例如下文function and application of descriptive translation studies1 introductionthe intention of this study is to explore possible advantages of descriptive translation studies as in its application in translation practice and translation analysis.since early 20th century, translation studies gradually broke away from the marginal status within other related disciplines and established itself as an empirical science. from then on, schools of thought have kept coming out and each claims its legitimacy for existence. among these schools is descriptive translation studies (dts).dts approaches translation from an empirical perspective. translation is viewed to be a social activity having significant importance in the receiving culture and for the target community. therefore, translation is dealt with beyond the linguistic realization and language comparison, and is incorporated in social and cultural context.my attention was first directed to dts by its peculiar characteristic of observation, description and explanation. the subject is whatever happens in translation practice, from the determination of prospective function of translation to the process of translator’s choice of strategies, brainstorming and the revision, to the final product making appearance in the target community.the method of dts is basically descriptive. the prescriptive tendency and the problem-solution pattern is abandoned. translation phenomena are noted down. with accumulated data, some underlying truths abouttranslation will come out which will prove to be instructive not only for theoretical probe but also for applied translation practice. i will apply this descriptive method in the case study of this thesis.a convenient tool has been set up to conduct dts. “norm〞 is operative at every stage of description and explanation. function, process and product and their relationship as well are skeletal structure of what constitute descriptive studies. translation phenomena are accounted for with the help of norm.the case taken in this thesis is the chinese classic the dream of red mansions. two English versions translated respectively by yang hsien-yi and david hawks are compared and observations are made in regard to their translation approaches.in this regard, my observations are limited to several aspects, i hope in-depth observation and explanation will done in light of dts.2 outline2.1 development and major concepts of dtsin this part i will describe holms’ basic map of dts and the relationship between function, process and product. i will also discuss some important concepts such as pseudo-translation, multiple translation, translationese, norm etc.2.2 methodolgyi will in this part discuss the methodology of dts before i apply the same to the case study in this thesis with emphasis to be placed on semiotic approach and the concept norm.dts in contrast to other theoriesa contrast study will be conducted here with the objective to find the difference of dts from other theories such as equivalence theory and the chinese xin da ya criteria. some advantage will possibly be shown in this study.2.4 case studyin this part, translation of the dream of red mansions (also translated as the story of the stone) will be under investigation in light of dts. translation samples to be quoted here will be selected at random.2.5 conclusionbased on the above elaboration of dts and the case study, possible conclusion will be on the advantage of dts in specific study of translation. suggestions on further research efforts will be made also.(note: while the topic will remain the same, the above arrangement of contents is subject to change in the process of writing.)附录2- 引文范例(仅供参考)“it is therefore pointless to try to make tc more scientific than is sensible in view of its complex subject-matter and available methods. translating is a mental, multi-factorial activity which cannot exhaustively be investigated within a linguistic framework ignoring the person of the translator.〞(wilss, 1982: 217)‘“噢,这就是恐水病吧?你们贵族圈子怎么流行起这种病来啦?真够呛的!费芬斯小姐,您喝点茶大概没关系吧!〞’(张南峰,1990:59-60)附录3- 参考文献范例(仅供参考)wilss, wolfram. the science of translation –problems and methods. gunter narr verlag tubingen,1982.newmark, peter. a textbook of translation. new york: prentice hall, 1988. delabastita, dirk. translating puns: a false opposition in translation studies. target, 1991(3:2):137-152.以上即是论文开题报告英文范例。

英语专业文献综述Outline(5篇)第一篇:英语专业文献综述OutlineOutline 1 Introduction 2 Literature overreview2.1 Peer review2.2 incidental vocabulary acquisition2.3 Peer evaluation and the teacher3 Design of the study4 Results4.1 Students as evaluatees4.2 Students as evaluators5 Discussion6 Conclusion第二篇:英语专业实习报告 intership report outlineOutline for Internship Report1.First PageFirst page should display: Student name and surname, internship start and finish dates, number of internship days, type of internship(production, or design and development), company/institution name.This page should be signed and stamped by the supervisor of the intern student.2.Weekly timetableA weekly timetable where each row in the table corresponding to a day in internship period.Each row should record the date, internship activity on that date.Weekly Schedule should explain the work accomplished each day of the week during the internship period and should contain:•••The department of the organization that the week was and signature of the controlling supervisor for each week The official stamp of the organization.3.A Brief Executive Summary of the InternshipA one page summary of the company/institution and a short account of the major activities carried out during the internship period.4.Table of ContentsContents of the report with page numbers, list of tables, and list of figures.5.Description of the company/institution This section should answer the following questions:5.1.What is the full title of the company/institution? Give a brief history of the company, fullmailing address and relevant web links.5.2.What is the type of ownership of the company/institution? State the main shareholders andtheir shares.5.3.What is the sector that the company/institution operates in? Specify the products and servicesproduced and offered to its customers.5.4.Who are regarded as the customers of your internship company/institution(consider the endusers, retailers, other manufacturers, employees, etc.)?5.5.Provide an organization chart of the company, along with information on the number ofemployees.5.6.Provide a list of functions performed by the mechanical engineers in the internshiporganization.6.Internship activitiesThis is the main body of your report.You should present the activities performed during the internship period.Please refer to “” document for the types of analysis and inquiries that you should be perfo rming during “Production”, and “Design and Development” internship.7.An assessment of the internship In this section you should answer the following questions7.1.What skills and qualifications you think that you havegained from the internship?7.2.What kind of responsibilities you have undertaken during the internship period?7.3.How do you think the internship will influence your future career plans?7.4.How do you think the internship activities that you carried out are correlated with yourclassroom knowledge?8.Conclusions of the reportThis section should include:• A summary of key conclusions derived from the internship experience.• General observations about the sector in which your internship company/institution operates9.Appendices and supplementary material(charts, graphs, pictures, computer codes, etc.)10.ReferencesRules for writing the internship report:••••••You do not have to provide a day-to-day diary of the internship activities.Do not write theoretical excerpts from textbooks!Describe what you exactly did there and what experiences you have gained throughout your training.The internship report should be between 15-20 pages and written to “Training Program Diary” which can be provided from the university bookstore.The internship report should be written in handwriting, and each page should contain about 25 lines.The internship report should be original, no photocopies areaccepted.You can include graphs, pictures, data, drawings, or design calculations in your report;however they should not cover more than 1/3 of the rger graphs, pictures, data, drawings, or design calculations should be given as an Appendix.第三篇:Outline 4Social Movements of the 1960sI.Background---Greensboro Sit-in(格林斯博罗静坐)On February 1, 1960, 4 freshmen from a black college in Greensboro, North Carolina(北卡罗莱纳州), sat down at a department lunch counter and ordered coffee.When refused, they continued to sit at the counter, openly defying the segregation law prevailing in the state.The next day, more students joined them.Thus began the civil rights movement(黑人民权运动), which spread from the south to the ter, this quiet “sit-in” became the major nonviolent direct action tactics to be used by black civil rights activists.*The civil rights movement, and the youth anti-war, and the women’s liberation movements had long roots in United States history.(黑人民权运动、青年反战运动以及后来的妇女解放运动都深深地植根于美国历史之中)II.Definition---One professor argues that “a social movement is a type of behavior in which a large number of participants consciously attempt to change existing institutions and establish a new order of life.”---Two basic characteristics of all social movements: “structure”(有组织)and “spontaneity”(自发性)---Other necessary parts of a social movement are:1.a social base of people 人这一社会基础2.a “message” or ideology 思想体系3.the ability to spread the message and get more supporter 传播思想和得到更多支持者的能力III.The Civil Rights Movement---One of the most important of all social movement in the 1960s U.S.history.Rosa Park’s(罗莎•帕克斯)spontaneous action(自发行为)in 1955 was believed to be the true beginning of the civil rights movement.The black students’ sit-in at a department lunch counter in North Carolina touched off(触发,激起)the nationwide civil rights movement.During the first half of the decade, civil rights organizations like SNCC(the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee学生非暴力统一行动委员会), CORE(the Congress of Racial Equality争取种族平等大会), and SCLC(the Southern Christian Leadership Conference南部基督教领导联合会)struggled for racial integration by providing leadership, tactics, network and the people.In the latter half of the decade, some black organizations changed their nonviolent tactics, and emphasized on more radical means to end discrimination and raised the self image of the blacks.The civil rights movement produced such great leaders as Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X, who inspired a generation of both blacks and whites to devote their lives to fighting for racial equality in the U.S.---Montgomery Bus Boycott蒙哥马利抵制公交车隔离政策运动In December 1995, Rosa Parks, a NAACP(National Association for the Advancement of Colored People(美国)全国有色人种协进会)member in Montgomery Alabama, refused to give up herseat to a white man on a public bus.Alabama law required that blacks sit at the back of the bus, and when asked, surrender their seats to whites.Mrs.Parks was arrested.Local black leadersdecided to boycott the city’s bus system.Black people in th e city spontaneously began to boycott the bus system refusing to ride on public buses.In the year long Montgomery bus boycott, blacks young and old, walked to work.With the bus company near bankruptcy, and the aid of a 1956 Supreme Court decision, Montgomery blacks triumphed.In fact, the boycott was believed to be the true.---Direct Action Tactics直接行动策略When the civil rights movement began, non-violent direct action tactics like “sit-ins” and “freedom rides”(自由乘车运动), voter registration(投票者登记).Later, anti-war activists added “teach-ins” on college campuses,((大学师生举行的)时事宣讲会,讨论会,辩论会)to educate people about the war in Vietnam as well as protest marches and rallies and etc.---Martin Luther King, Jr.Martin Luther King, Jr., an Atlanta-born Baptist minister(浸礼会牧师), was the leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference during the civil rights movement of the 1960s.To promote his philosophy of nonviolent protest against segregation and other kinds of social injustice, King organized a series of “marches”, incl uding the March on Washington of August, 1963, when King delivered his famous “I have a Dream” speech.As a civil rights leader, King worked not only to end racial discrimination(种族歧视)0and poverty, but also to raise the self image of the blacks.Due to his strong belief in nonviolent peaceful protest, King was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.He was assassinated in the city of Memphis(孟斐斯)in April 1968.---Contrary to King’s nonviolent tactics, Malcom X(马尔科姆•艾克斯)spoke in favour of black separatism(分离主义)and against nonviolence in fighting racial discrimination.---Some of SNCC(学生非暴力统一行动委员会)members thought they needed a strong leader rather than collective leadership.In 1965, theyelected a new chairman, Stokeley Carmichael(斯托克利•卡迈克尔)who spoke about Black Power.*The most notorious terrorist group against black civil rights workers in the South was known as Ku Klux Klan三K党*Those who worked in the civil rights movement included Negro leaders, black and white young people, and some professionals and some housewives.IV.The Youth Movement *Many young people were involved in the social movements of the 1960 because they resented traditional white male values in U.S.society.---Free Speech MovementMario Savio(马里奥•萨维奥), a student who had just returned from working with SNCC in the Mississippi Freedom Summer, took off his shoes and stood on top of the police car.He demandedthat the CORE worker be freed and the rules against free speech be changed.The students sat around the car for 32 hours in spontaneous, nonviolent, direct action.Other students “sat-in” at the administration buildings and organized “Free University” classes.The California governor called hundreds of police to the campus.800 students were arrested.Graduate students organized a strike and closed the university.The teachers and professors voted to change the rule that violate the 1st and 14th Amendments.The young people’s “Free Speech Movement” began with success.---“counter culture”(反主流文化)In the wake of the Free Speech Movement and the New Left appeared a phenomenon that historians called the “counter culture”.The Counter Culture rejected capitalism and other American principles.They had morals different from taught by their parents.Some groups of youth tried to construct different ways of life.Among the most famous were the hippies(嬉皮士).They sought new experience through dropping out, drugs.But it was music, rock music in particular, that became the chief vehicle for the counter cultural assault on traditional American society.The counter culture exerted a great influence upon people’s attitudes toward social mores, marriage, career, and success.---The Anti-War Movement(against the war in Vietnam) V.Women’s Liberation MovementThe women’s movement in the 1960s was started by three groups of women and an accident.---1.a group of professional women who were appointed to a Commission on the Status of Women(妇女地位委员会)by President Kennedy in 1961.---2.white housewives and mothers who read Betty Friedan’s(贝蒂•弗里丹)book, The Feminine Mystique《女性之迷》, published in 1963.---3.young activists(激进主义分子, 行动主义分子)in the civil rights and anti-war movements.NOW((美国)全国妇女组织) ---With the publication of The Feminine Mystique in 1963, Betty Friedan became the chief spokesperson of the Women’s Liberation Movement.In her book, she compared the American family, or the American society as a whole, to a “comfortable concentration camp”, where women were discriminated against and oppressed.In 1966, she helped to found the National Organization for Women(NOW).A reform organization, NOW battle d for “equal rights in partnership with men.”Canada: The Country and its PeopleI.A brief introduction of Canada(the geography, population, culture, economy, languages etc.)1)the 2nd largest country in size with a small population,2)has spectacular scenery of mountains, oceans, forests and prairies3)has a lively and rich culture4)one of the Big Seven(US, UK.Germany, France, Japan, Italy and Canada)in economy;has the best standards of living5)most Canadians live in the south of the country, along the 49th parallels(纬度)6)two official languages: English and French7)first become a political entity(政治实体)in 1867 and did not assume its present shape until 1949(直到1949年才具有目前的规模)(National Day: July 1st)II.The Canadian identity---It refers to something which is distinctively Canadian, which is different from other countries, and which is the very reason for making Canada so special.For example, two official languages of English and French can be considered as part of the Canadian identity.III.The regions of Canada---Motto: Canada stretches “from sea to sea” with the Pacific Ocean along the west coast and the Atlantic Ocean on the east coast---share with the U.S.the longest undefended national border in the world(加拿大和美国共享着世界上最长的不设防国界), a symbol of their good relations---consists of 10 provinces and 3 territories1.The north region of Canada---Canada extends up north into the Arctic Circle(北极圈)to the North pole.The north is a scarcely populated area of ice and oceans,which is sometimes called “the Land of the M idnight Sun”(午夜太阳之地).This region is currently divided into three administrative territories—the Yukon(育空地区), the Northwest Territories and Nunavat(努勒维特地区a territory carved from eastern part of the original Northwest Territories in 1999).And most of the inhabitants are Aboriginal people.The traditionaleconomy in this region was based on hunting and trapping animals for food and pelts, but now oil and gas deposits are also being developed.2.the west(西部1省)---the western-most province is British Columbia(布列颠哥伦比亚省)with 3 major mountain ranges running through it, among which the largest in ke Louise(路易斯湖), located in the Rockies, is the most famous image of the Canadian landscape (加拿大风景最突出的代表).BC is Canada’s 2nd largest producer of hydroelectric power.However, its main economic mainstay(支柱)is its forests.It has the most valuable forestry industry.3.The Prairies(草原3省)---The prairie provinces of Alberta(阿尔伯塔省), Saskatchewan(萨斯喀彻温省)and Manitoba(马尼托巴省)lie east of the Rockies(落基山脉).The prairies are flat and featureless and have a harsh continental climate.They are called the breadbasket(胃, 腹)of Canada because the land is well-suited to farming, and wheat is one of the biggest agricultural crops in this area.The prairies are also rich in energy resources.4.Central Canada(2省)---Central Canada, Ontario(安大略省)and Quebec(魁北克省), are the parts of the country that were first settled.They are the industrial heartland of the country and are also the most densely populated provinces.They have the largest cities like Tor onto in Ontario, and the country’s 2nd largest city Montreal(蒙特利尔)in Quebec.The capital of the country Ottawa is also in Ontario.5.The Maritimes(滨海诸省:4个省)(the Atlantic regions)---The Atlantic provinces of New Brunswick(新不伦瑞克省), Nova Scotia(新斯科省the first part of Canada to be settled in 1604), Prince Edward Island(爱德华太子岛省)andNewfoundland(纽芬兰省the last province to join Canada in 1949)are also known as the Maritimes.They are small in population and largely rely on the fishing industry for their economic wealth.They are rich in farming and forestry products and are quite popular tourist attractions.IV.The history1.the First Nations(the Aboriginal people)---the native Indians with rich cultures and highly developed societies.2.European settlement in Canada---Settlement by European began in the 17th century.French colonists first settled Canada.The earliest major settlements were established in Nova Scotia in 1604 and Quebec in 1608.During earlier settlements, the French set the Company of New France and Britai n founded the Hudson’s Bay Company to facilitate trade.3.In 1867 Canada was born when Quebec, Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia all join together into a confederation.The Government and Politics of CanadaI.Canada’s political system1.Canada’s politic al system was greatly influenced by the two major foreign forces: Britain and America.2.American ideas influenced the Canadian system to some degree.For example, freedom of speech and freedom of information are much valued in contemporary Canada.So, Canadian society appears to be similar to American society, but they are different.While the US was founded on the idea of individualism---Americans aspire to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”---Canadians chose to found a nation based on “peace, order and good government”.In other words, for Canadians, the well-being and liberty of individuals must sometimes be sacrificed for the greater good of the community.3.Canadian society allows a highdegree of tolerance of different values and customs.4.To find a workable balance between community and individual rights has been the central concern of Canadian policy-makers.5.It attempts to reconcile the two communities of English-speaking Canada and French-speaking Canada.II.Canada’s system of government1.based on the British system of parliamentary democracy, referred to as “Westminster-style” democracy英格兰东南部大伦敦的一个市区,位于泰晤士河岸。
英语文献综述 范文

英文文献综述范文深度解析与仿写**Abstract**This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the structure and format of an English literature review by analyzing a highly downloaded example. The review will delve into the essential elements of the review, such as the introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. Furthermore, a high-quality imitation of the example will be provided to demonstrate its application in a different research context.**Introduction**The literature review is a crucial component of any research paper, as it provides a comprehensive overview of the existing knowledge in a particular field. An effective literature review not only summarizes previous studies but also identifies gaps in knowledge and offers directions for future research. This article focuses on analyzing a popular English literature review example to understand its structure and key elements. By doing so, readerscan gain insights into writing a literature review that is both comprehensive and impactful.**Methodology**To ensure a thorough analysis, the article adopts a mixed-methods approach. First, a qualitative analysis of the example literature review is conducted to identify its key features and structure. This involves a close reading of the review, noting its organization, themes, and arguments. Second, a quantitative analysis is performed by examining the frequency of citations, types of sources used, and the overall tone and language of the review. This combination of qualitative and quantitative methods allows for a comprehensive understanding of the example's strengths and weaknesses.**Results**The analysis reveals that the example literature review follows a clear structure, with distinct sections for the introduction, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. Theintroduction provides a broad overview of the topic and sets the stage for the review. The methodology section describes the approach taken to select and analyze the literature, while the results section presents a synthesis of the key findings. The discussion section offers insights into the implications of the findings and highlights areas of controversy or disagreement. Finally, the conclusion summarizes the key points and offers directions for future research.**Discussion**The analysis further highlights the importance of critically evaluating the sources used in the literature review. The example demonstrates the use of both primary and secondary sources, with a focus on peer-reviewed articles from reputable journals. This ensures the reliability and validity of the information presented. Additionally, the review's language is clear, concise, and engaging, making it accessible to a wide audience.However, it is worth noting that while the example is highly regarded, it may not be suitable for all research contexts.Researchers need to consider their specific research aims, topic, and audience when writing a literature review. For instance, a review focusing on a niche area may require a different approach or may need to include less common or non-traditional sources.**Conclusion**In conclusion, the analysis of the popular English literature review example provides valuable insights into its structure, format, and key elements. By模仿this example, researchers can create a comprehensive and impactful literature review that adds value to their research paper. However, it is essential to adapt the review to the specific research context, ensuring its relevance and applicability.**中文文献综述范文深度解析与仿写****摘要**本文旨在通过分析一篇下载量极高的英文文献综述范文,为读者提供关于文献综述结构与格式的综合理解。

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英语文献综述 范文

英语文献综述范文English: Conducting a literature review in English requires a comprehensive understanding of the research topic, the ability to analyze and synthesize information, and critical thinking skills to evaluate different studies. The process involves systematically searching for relevant articles, reading and summarizing the key points, analyzing the findings, and identifying gaps in the existing research. A well-written literature review should provide a clear overview of the current state of knowledge on the topic, discuss different perspectives and findings, and propose future research directions. Additionally, it is essential to acknowledge and cite the sources properly to avoid plagiarism and give credit to the original authors for their work.Chinese: 进行英语文献综述需要全面了解研究主题,具备分析和综合信息的能力,以及评估不同研究的批判性思维技能。