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When Almasy managed to return to the “ Cave of Swimmers” and carry Katherine out into the place of winds, everyone was moved deeply. Maybe we think the reason why Almasy break his back to return to this cave is love, and actually it is. But through the story happened to them, how can we appraise the love between them?


First of all, I think they are really in love.

这两个人的故事从凯瑟琳和她丈夫杰佛来到沙漠开始。当凯瑟琳与艾玛殊伯爵初次相见时,凯瑟琳便表达出拜读且叹服艾玛殊的论文,并很想结识的想法;而凯瑟琳关于“爱”的形容词上的见解,也让艾玛殊对凯瑟琳另眼相看。篝火晚会上,凯瑟琳讲的故事结局是这么一句话:Either you must submit to death, for gazing on that which you should not, or else kill my husband who has shamed me.讲完故事后,Madox开玩笑似的提醒杰弗Geoffrey:let that be a lesson to you. 前一句话或许是凯瑟琳给艾玛殊的暗示,而后一句话则是后面剧情发展的伏笔,剧情发展也正如这句话暗示的一样。在开罗时艾玛殊跟踪凯瑟琳回酒店,伯爵做出登徒浪子行径,除非有极大的兴趣吸引,而吸引的源泉就是凯瑟琳。两人被困沙漠的交流和在“泳者之洞”参观壁画时,更加发现彼此志趣相投。当凯瑟琳把她绘制的卡片夹到艾玛殊的书中,凯瑟琳确认艾玛殊书中的“K”即代表她时,他俩的关系得以确定,彼此相爱并且彼此明了。影片后面的激情关系和顶针也更加印证这点。The story of two people from the beginning of Catherine and her husband came to the desert. When Catherine first met Almasy , Catherine expressed admiration to Almasy’s special paper and would like to communicate further. At the same time, Catherine’opini on on "love" also let A pay special regard to her. In the bonfire party, the ending of Catherine’ story is such a sentence:Either you must submit to death, for gazing on that which you should not, or else kill my husband who has shamed me. And after the story, Madox added jokingly that: Geoffrey, let that be a lesson to you. The last sentence of the story C readed maybe is the suggestion to A, and Madox’s word is the foreshadowing of the film. Besides, why does A follow the tracks of C like a rogue in Cairo? I think there is must be an interest to A, and the interest is just C. The communication when they are trapped in the desert and the same hobby to “ the cave of swimmers” are the evidence of their love. At last, by the time of C puts cards into A’s book, and know the “K” in A’s book is her, their relationship is determined, and clear to each one. The thimble appeared later also verify this point.


I think their relationship is very normal only in love. It is one of the most happy things to us to find our lovers, so why they can't in the film? Although Catherine and J get married for only a year, but in the eyes of others, they act like couples married for a long time do, and J
