第1讲 翻译入门%26中国翻译史简介



多泛指单方面的愿望和计划。 “鹦鹉学舌”典出《景德传灯录‧药山惟俨和尚
” 意
产生。现形容一个人不切实际的想法。 “醍醐灌顶”出自佛教。“醍醐”是从牛乳中提炼的精华
“灌顶” 《大日经疏》

徐光启和利玛窦合译了6卷 欧几里得的几何原本,还 独译了不少天文地理等方 面的著作。
日本厨川白村著论文《苦闷的象 征》,
果戈里《死魂灵》。 契诃夫作《坏孩子和别的奇闻》
傅雷 巴尔扎克《人间喜剧》
临画,所求的不在形似而 在神似。
《罗摩衍那》是印度两大 古代史诗之一, 译成汉语有9万余行, 季羡林经过10年坚韧不拔的 努力终于译毕,是我国翻译史 上的空前盛事。
e.g Every dog has its day. 风水轮流转
4. Foreignization 异化
It designates the type of translation in which a target text deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original. It is source-language-culture-oriented. e.g. 馄饨 wonton
大学英语一系 王薇
Translation consists in reproducing in the


註:學術界認為,在《魏略·西戎傳》 裡提到, 西漢哀帝元壽元年﹙約西元前2 年﹚大月氏使臣 伊存向西漢博士弟子景盧口授《浮屠經》的記載。
2. 佛經的翻譯是從何時開始的?
Ans:佛經的翻譯是在 東__漢__桓___帝__建__和__二_ 年 ( _公__元__一___四__八__年_ )開始的,譯者是____安__世。高
他不但把佛經由 __梵__文__ 譯成漢文,而且把 ____ 老著子作的一部份譯成梵文,成為第一個把漢文著作 向國外介紹的中國人。
他所提出的翻譯標準“ __________________” , 意即既“須_求__真__,__又___須”喻,俗直到今天仍然有指導意義。
4. 誰首先設置譯場?
Ans: 以往的翻譯活動只是民間私人事業,到 了符秦時代,在 __釋___道__安__ 的主持下首先設 置譯場。
註:佛教傳入中國後,雖有 大量佛經譯出,但由於佛經 文體艱深,加上翻譯者程度 不一,有鑑於此,道安大師 廣泛搜求各種譯本,加以篩 選整理後,道安大師建立了 中國佛教史上佛經目錄學的 先河,為整飭佛典,保存佛 教文化,作出開拓性的重大 貢獻。
第一章 我國翻譯史簡介
林席如 老師 Dr. Lin, Shih-Ru
1. 我國翻譯事業的歷史有多久?
Ans: 我國的翻譯事業有約 ___兩__千__年__ 的光輝燦 爛歷史。早在 ____西__漢__哀_ 時帝代 ( __________ ), 有個西名元叫前2__年____ 的人到中國口伊傳存一些簡短的 佛經經句, 但還談不上佛經的翻譯。
譯的經典都是非常正確的。 6
/comic/j mls.htm



• 支娄迦谶简称支谶,是后汉桓帝末年(公元167年顷) 从月支来到洛阳的译师。他通晓汉语,除了独自翻 译而外,有时还和早来的竺朔佛(一称竺佛朔)合作。 他译经的年代是在灵帝光和、中平年间(178—189), 比安世高稍迟,译籍基本上属于大乘,内容广泛; 可见他的学问广博,思想细致,但他后来不知所终。
娄迦谶 支亮 支谦
• 1、3 竺法护:月支人,译175部佛经
2、2 鸠摩罗什:天竺人 (即印度)主张“意 译”,他的译著为我国 翻译文学奠定了基础。
• 3、1 真谛:印度佛教 学者应梁武帝之聘来 到中国,他译了49部 经论,对中国佛教思 想有较大影响。
• 安世高年幼时,即以孝行闻名全国,禀性聪敏仁慈, 又勤奋好学,因此,精通各国的典籍,对于天文、地 理、医药、异术,没有不通达,甚至还擅长飞禽走兽 的语言。有一天,安世高走在路上,仰头看见一群飞 翔的燕子,忽然转身告诉同伴说:‘燕子说,等会儿 一定有送食物的人来。’不久,他的话果真应验了, 众人都感到非常奇异,一传十、十传百,安世高俊逸 的美名,遍传整个西域。安息国王逝世后,安世高更 深深地思惟人间苦空无常的道理,更厌恶色身的系缚, 服孝之后,就让王位给叔父,专心致志出家修道。安 世高出家之后,精进不懈,于是博通经藏,并常常讽 诵修行禅经,能穷尽其中的奥妙。不久,便四处云游, 度化有缘,历经许多国家,最后来到我国。他的才华、 悟性高人一筹,凡是听闻过的事物,皆能通达,居住 在我国,很快即通晓华语。于是,他展开翻译佛经的 工作。
• 就译文的内容而言,纯粹译出他所专精的经典; 就译文的形式而言,偏重于直译,力求保存经典 的本来面目。安世高既通晓华语,又采取直译的 方式,故能正确地掌握经文的原意,且说理明白, 措辞稳当,不铺张、不粗俗,恰到好处。从安世 高翻译的经典中,所呈现的学说思想,几乎是属 于部派佛教上座部的系统。安世高在我国共二十 余年,译有《八大人觉经》、《安般守意经》、 《阴持入经》、《阿毗昙五法行经》、《大比丘 三千威仪》、《坚意经》、《处处经》、《道地 经》等约三十四部四十卷(一说三十五部,四十 一卷)。不过,关于安世高的译经内数,历来的 经录家各有不同的说法。



第二节 翻译的的定义与分类
1.翻译的定义 翻译是通过语言活动将某种语言形式所表达的
全部语义效果运用其他具有不同民族文化背景 的语言形式尽量完整地重新表达出来的语际交 流过程,是关于不同语言的交流的理论与实践 的一门学问。 翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思 维内容准确而完整地重新表达出来的语言活动。 翻译是学习好外语的重要手段之一,也是探讨 两种语言对应关系的一门学科。
的相貌 6)对语言的丰富:如“五体投地”、“因
缘”、“一尘不染”、“有缘”、“在劫难 逃”。对文学的其他影响。”
北宋 有名的僧侣译者主要有天息、法护等 在翻译理论方面颇有贡献赞宁 南宋 史书的记载中无一例翻译 元代 拔合恩巴、管主八等人
明代 :智光 明代万历年间直至清朝“新学”时期 徐光启---《几何原理》、《测量法义》
忠实可信,不惹旁人讥疑); 3)荃晓三藏,义贯两乘,不苦闇滞(博览经典,
4)旁涉坟史,工缀典词,不过鲁拙(涉猎 中国经史,兼擅文学,不要过于疏拙);
5)襟抱平恕。器量虚融,不好专执(度量 宽和,虚心求益,不可武断固执);
6)耽于道术,淡于名利,不欲高炫(深爱 道术,淡于名利,不想出风头);
论、苏俄及各国的进步文艺作品 鲁迅和瞿秋白 鲁迅对翻译标准的主要观点: "凡是翻译,必须兼顾着两面,一当然力求
这一时期的翻译工作有以下几个特点: (一) 翻译工作者在党的领导下,有组织、有计
划、有系统的进行工作,逐步取代了抢译、乱译 和重复浪费的现象; (二) 翻译作品质量大大提高,逐渐克服了粗枝 大叶、不负责的风气; (三) 翻译工作者为了更好地为社会主义建设服 务,开展了批评于自我批评,逐渐消除了过去各 种不良现象和无人过问的状况; (四) 翻译工作者不仅肩负者外译汉的任务; (五)对翻译标准的认识日趋统一,有效的推动 了我国的翻译工作。



神似(傅雷);(similarity in spirit)
信达雅(严复);(faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance)
化境(钱钟书);(sublimation) “文学翻译的最高理想可以说是‘化’。把作品从一国文字转变成另一国文字, 既不能因语文习惯的差异而露出生硬牵强的痕迹, 又能完全保存原作的风味, 那就算得入于‘化境’ ”
翻译的标准 The Criteria of Translation
Theories of Chinese scholars’ 中国:案本-求信-神似-化境
佛经翻译时期(东汉至元末,2世纪至16世纪) 特点:时间长;译量大;译者多为佛教高僧;以梵汉互译为主
释道安: “五失本,三不易”,主张直译 鸠摩罗什:主张意译;第一次主张译者署名;组织翻译《金刚经》《法华经》等300余种佛经,译著有“天然西域之语趣”,表达了原作的神情。
社会科学及文学翻译时期 (清末至“五四”时期)


严 复 钱锺书 朱生豪 许渊冲 傅 雷 王佐良
(1854-1921) 字几道,晚号愈野老人,别 号尊疑,又署天演哲学家。中国近代资产阶级 启蒙思想家、翻译家、教育家。1877年作为首 批海军留学生入英国皇家海军学院学习,在英 国期间除学习海军专业外,还精心研读西方哲 学、社会政治学著作,并到英国法庭考察审判 过程,作中西异同比较。
than she:
Be not her maid, since she is envious; 它是只配给愚人穿的。那是我
Her vestal livery is but sick and green 的意中人;啊!那是我的爱;
And none but foo》英文编译委员会委员,中共中央对外联络部
(1908-1966),一代翻译巨匠。早年留学法国, 学习艺术理论,得以观摩世界级艺术大师的作 品,大大地提高了艺术修养。回国后曾任教于 上海美专,因不愿从流俗而闭门译书,几乎译 遍法国重要作家如伏尔泰、巴尔扎克、罗曼•罗 兰的重要作品。数百万言的译作成了中国译界 备受推崇的范文,形成了“傅雷体华文语言”。 60年代以后,傅雷以其研究与翻译巴尔扎克著 作的卓越成就,被吸引为法国巴尔扎克研究协 会会员。他多艺兼通,在绘画、音乐、文学等 方面,均显示出独特的高超的艺术鉴赏力。 1957年被打成“右派”,但仍坚持自己的立场。 “文革”中因不堪忍受污辱,与夫人朱梅馥双 双含冤自尽,实现了文格与人格的统一。


古代翻译的起源还与丝绸之路密不可分。丝绸之路是古代中国与 外部世界联系的重要通道,为了更好地与外国人交流,翻译人员 被派往丝绸之路沿线,将汉语译成多种外语。
中世纪也是我国与周边国家进行文化交流的重要时期。在这个时期,我国的经典著作如《道德经》、 《易经》等被译成多种语言,传播到世界各地。
玄奘是唐代著名的佛教翻译家,他翻 译了大量的佛教经典,为中印文化交 流做出了重要贡献。
玄奘在翻译过程中,注重忠实原文, 追求准确传达原意,他的翻译风格和 技巧对后世的翻译产生了深远的影响。
严复是清末民初著名的翻译家和思想家,他翻译了大量的西方社会科学著作,包 括亚当·斯密的《国富论》和赫胥黎的《天演论》等。
随着全球化的不断发展,翻译在跨国交流和合作中扮演着越来越 重要的角色,需要满足不同领域、不同语言的翻译需求。
全球化背景下的翻译面临着语言多样性、文化差异、语境理解等 方面的挑战,需要不断提高翻译的准确性和理解能力。
翻译作为跨文化交流的桥梁,能够促进不同文化之 间的交流和理解,有助于推动世界文化的多样性和 发展。
西方文化翻译对中国现代化进 程起到了推动作用,引入了西 方先进的思想和技术,促进了 中国社会的变革和进步。
西方文化翻译也促进了中国与 世界的文化交流,开阔了中国 人的视野。
新中国成立后的多元文化翻译是中国翻译史上的第三 次高潮,涉及多种语言和文化。

第一讲 中国翻译简史

第一讲 中国翻译简史
第一讲 中国翻译简史
我国有文字记载的翻译事业有约两千年的历史。 不同学者对我国的翻译史有不同的划分。 马祖毅(陈福康,2005:v) ):五四运动 (1919年)前有三次翻译高潮:从东汉到宋的佛经翻 译;明末清初的科技翻译;鸦片战争(1840年)以后 的西学翻译。 陈福康( 2005:v ):古代、晚清、民国、1949年 以后四个时期。 我们综合学者的见解,根据历史上出现的翻译高潮和 翻译的不同内容,将中国翻译史分为:东汉到宋的佛 经翻译;明末清初的科技翻译;清末民初的西学翻译; 五四以后的文学与社会科学翻译;建国以后的翻译五 个时期。

从东晋到隋朝,是佛经翻译的发展时期。 这一时期最著名的翻译家有:(释)道安、鸠 摩罗什、真谛、彦琮。 道安 东晋僧人。形貌奇丑,博闻强记。东晋时被 前秦王符坚(所以又称符秦时代)带到长安, 因主张僧侣以释为姓,又称释道安。 道安是中国翻译史上总结翻译经验的第一人。 到了东晋时期,佛经得到统治者的扶持,官办 译场开始出现,佛经译本日多,但译者水平参 差不齐,到处可见刻板死译、增删无度的现象。 针对此道安提出著名的是“五失本,三不易” 之说。 五失本(five deviations from the original), 指 佛经从梵文译成汉语时,在五种情况下允许译 文与原文不一致: “梵语尽倒,而使从秦,一失本也。 梵经尚质,秦人好文,传可众心,非文不可, 斯二失本也……”

《诗经· 邶风· 式微》

式微,式微!胡不归? 微君之故,胡为乎中露! 式微,式微!胡不归? 微君之躬,胡为乎泥中

天黑了,天黑了, 为什么还不回家? 如果不是为君主, 何以还在露水中! 天黑了,天黑了, 为什么还不回家? 如果不是为君主, 何以还在泥浆中!意思是说,为了君主的事情,为了养活他 们的贵体,才不得不终年累月、昼夜不辍地在露水和泥浆中 奔波劳作。短短二章,寥寥几句,受奴役者的非人处境以及 他们对统治者的满腔愤懑,给读者留下极其深刻的印象。



二、表达阶段 表达阶段就是译者把自己从原文所理解的 内容用本民族语言重新表达出来。表达的 好坏主要决定于对原文理解的深度以及对 译文语言的修养程度。
(一)直译 所谓直译,就是在译文语言条件许可时, 在译文中既保持原文的内容,又保持原文 的形式(保持原文的比喻、形象和民族、 地方色彩等) Word-for- word, literal translation…
南北朝 梁武帝 真谛 从隋代(公元590年)起到唐代,是我国翻 译事业高度发展的时期。 代表人物:玄奘。 主要方向: 佛经的翻译 提出的主张:“既须求真,又须喻俗” (忠实、通顺)
从明代万历年间到清代“新学”时期,在 佛经翻译呈现颓势时,出现了以徐光启、 林纾、严复为代表的介绍西欧各国科学、 文化、哲学的翻译家。 徐光启和利玛窦合译的欧几里德的《几何 原本》Elements 林纾翻译160多部作品。
3. 不断吸收和丰富各种基础知识。
After lunching in the basement of the Medical School, Philip went back to his rooms. It was Saturday afternoon, and the landlady was cleaning the stairs.
(二)意译 意译要求译文能够正确表达原文的内容, 但不拘泥于原文的形式。
sense-for-sense, liberal translation , free translation…
Do you see any green in my eye? 你以为我是好欺骗的吗? Don’t cross the bridge till you get to it. 不必担心太早(必自寻烦恼)


子的部分著作译成梵文,成为把汉文著作向国外介绍的第一 人。
• • • • • • • •
• •
第二时期的翻译家: 徐光启 林纾(琴南) 严复(又陵)提出翻译标准“信、达、雅” 五四以后的翻译家: 鲁迅 洋化的主要倡导者,主张直译。“以信为主,以顺为辅”。 瞿秋白 提出对等(equivalence)标准 钱钟书 “化境”,批评直译,主张“得意忘言”,“本”非失不可,
二、翻译的标准、过程和对译作的要求 (一)翻译的标准 (忠实、通顺)
严 复 林语堂 瞿秋白 朱生豪 傅 雷 钱钟书 刘重德 信、达、雅(忠实于原文,不偏离原意;译文通顺,读 者能看懂;主张译文用文言文才能登大雅之堂) 忠实、通顺、美 信顺统一 神韵 神似 化境 信、达、切
翻译的分类by Roman Jakobson: 语内翻译 intralingual translation 语际翻译 interlingual translation 符际翻译 intersemiotic translation 翻译的策略: 直译(literal translation)、意译(free translation) 归化(domestication)、异化(foreignization)
• 我们人类,正面临全球性的危机,一个关于我们的人 类文明能否延续的危机;尽管我们聚在一起共商对策, 而灾难却在扩大,形势不容乐观。但也有令人欣喜的 消息:如果行动大胆果断,反应迅速,我们有能力解 决这场危机,尽管不ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้解决所有问题,但能避免最坏 的结果。 • 但是,时下世界上的许多国家领导人可以用当年温斯 顿· 丘吉尔批评欧洲诸政要忽视阿道夫· 希特勒将带来 的威胁的名言来形容,“他们在奇怪的悖论中前行, 仅仅为一个决定而犹豫不决,有了决心却拖泥带水, 信心犹疑不定,见解随波逐流,掌权者虚弱无力。” • 而如今我们又向这个星球脆弱的大气层倾倒超过七千 万吨温室气体,把其当作天然排污口。明天我们还会 变本加厉,堆积的温室气体吸纳了越来越多的太阳热 度。




















▪ 严复根据自己的翻译实践,参照古代翻译佛经的经验,在 天演论 卷首的译例 言 中提出了著名的“信、达、雅”翻译标准。(一八九八年)
▪ 《马氏文通》作者马建忠一八九四年提出了善译标准,包括三大要求:一、译 者要对两种语言素有研究,熟知彼此的异同;二、弄清原文的意义,精神和 语气,把它表达出来;三、译文与原文毫无出入。
* 十六国时期,前秦国王苻坚热心提倡佛教,并将其奉为国教。他 请来释道安成立了专门的译经机构“译场”,道安推荐并组织众多 译经大师从事翻译工作,其中鸠摩罗什是最知名、成就最大者。他 共译了《金刚经》、《法华经》等39部,313卷。译著文字优美、畅 达,忠实地再现了原著的道理,具有“天然西域之情趣”。鸠摩罗 什开了意译的先锋,译文妙趣盎然,为我国翻译文学奠定了基础。他 还进一步完善了译场,原来的译场只有“口授、传言、笔授”三个 环节,他增加了“校对”这一环节。译完作品之后写上译者的名字 一也是从他开始的。梁启超评价他所译经文为“秦梵两娴,诵写自 在,信而后达,达而后雅”。
▪ 鲁迅译《毁灭》、《死魂灵》等。他的翻译标准的主要观点是:“凡是翻译,必须兼顾两
面,一当然力求其易解,一则保存原作的丰姿。”反对胡译乱译,主张“宁信而不顺”的原 则。他主张直译是为了照顾输入新表现法和保持原作的风貌,不同于“死译”。
▪ —— 一九四九年随着新中国的成立,翻译事业也得到了解放,翻译工作在党的领 导下不断迅速发展,取得了巨大成就,在理论方面也日益充实完善。
《译例言》中提出了著名的“信、达、雅”翻译标准。他写道;“译事三 难:信、达、雅。求其信,已大难矣!顾信矣,不达,虽译,犹不译也, 则达尚焉。”作为翻译标准,这三个字的提法简明扼要,层次分明, 主次突出。因此尽管人们对这三个字尤其是对“雅”字的解释存在着 分歧,但许多年以来,“信、达、雅”始终没有被我国翻译界所废弃, 有些翻译工作者仍然沿用这三个字作为当今的翻译标准。总之,严复 对我国翻译事业是有很大贡献的。


1)诚心受法,志愿益人,不惮久时; 2)将践觉场,先牢戒足,不染讥恶 3)荃晓三藏,义贯两乘,不苦闇滞 4)旁涉坟史,工缀典词,不过鲁拙 5)襟抱平恕。器量虚融,不好专执 6)耽于道术,淡于名利,不欲高炫 7)要识梵言,乃闲正译,不坠彼学 8)薄阅苍雅,粗谙篆隶。
❖ 玄奘(俗称三藏法师)---梵文译成汉语
1与鸠摩罗什、真谛一起号称华夏三大翻译家 2第一个将汉语著作向外国人介绍的中国人。 3主持的译场 4“既须求真,又须喻俗”:"忠实""通顺“ 5运用了翻译技巧:
1)补充法2)省略法3)变位法4)分合法 5)译名假借法6)代词还原法
❖佛经翻译已远不如唐初的极盛时期。 ❖宋太祖曾派人西去求经,印度也派名僧东来华夏
• 《天演论》《原富》《法意》 •"信、达、雅"翻译标准
Click to edit title style
▪ 占全集的一半
法捷耶夫的《毁灭》 果戈理的《死魂灵》 普•列汉诺夫的《艺术论》

❖ 思考题1: 中国历史上几次翻译高潮与中国文化之关系?
❖ 思考题2: 谈谈你对严复的“信、达、雅”三字翻译标准的 看法。
第一章 我国翻译史简介
第一章 我国翻译史简介
❖ 我国翻译业始于东汉桓帝建和2年,即公元148年
一章 我国翻译史简介
1 汉代-秦符时期; 2 隋-唐-宋时期; 3 明清时期; 4 五四时期; 5 新中国成立至今。

第一课时 翻译的历史

第一课时 翻译的历史
一、中国翻译史概述 中国翻译史概述
总述: 据文字记载,早在周代就有了翻译活动。 从汉代起, “译”逐渐成为了总称。 从东汉起,“翻”字也开始使用。 在南北朝时期,佛经(sutra)译著中已开始使 用“翻译”二字。
1. 东汉至隋唐时期的佛经翻译 2. 明末清初的自然科学翻译 3. 近代的文学翻译(鸦片战争至新中国成立) 4. 新中国成立后
翻译事业在“ 文化大革命” 的十年沉寂之后, 翻译事业在 “ 文化大革命 ” 的十年沉寂之后 , 于改 革开放中迎来了自己的春天, 革开放中迎来了自己的春天 , 大大拓宽了翻译的范 提高了翻译的质量, 规模之大、 围 , 提高了翻译的质量 , 规模之大 、 影响之广不亚 于历史上任何一次翻译高潮。 可以说, 没有翻译, 于历史上任何一次翻译高潮 。 可以说 , 没有翻译 , 就没有新时期各个文化领域的大发展。 就没有新时期各个文化领域的大发展。
第一个时期: 第一个时期:东汉至隋唐时期的佛经翻译
西汉哀帝刘欣时期的《浮屠经》当为我国最早的佛 经译本。 隋文帝统一中国后,大举兴佛,开启了佛教发展的 新高峰,佛经翻译也走入高峰期。 玄奘以后,佛教活动逐渐走向平淡,以潜在方式成 为中国文化深层结构的一部分,佛经翻译日趋衰落。 北宋译经尚有余响,南宋已将近销声匿迹了。
近代时期( 世纪至第二次世界大战结束 世纪至第二次世界大战结束) 近代时期(17世纪至第二次世界大战结束) 近代时期是西方翻译的黄金时期。 英国、法国等均有大量译作涌现。
翻译名家及理论: 翻译名家及理论: 英国 约翰·德莱顿 德莱顿:翻译是一门艺术,译者必须掌握原作的特征,服从原作的意思, 约翰 德莱顿 翻译的作品要考虑读者的因素。同时还将翻译分为三大类,即:逐字译、意译和 拟作。 亚历山大·弗雷泽 泰特勒:翻译三原则:1.译作应完全复制出原作的思想; 弗雷泽·泰特勒 1 亚历山大·弗雷泽·泰特勒 2.译作的风格和手法应与原作保持一致,3.译作的语言应具备原作的通顺。 法国:夏尔·巴托 法国 德国: 德国 施莱尔马赫:1.翻译分为笔译和口译;2.翻译分真正的翻译和机械的翻译; 施莱尔马赫 3.必须正确理解语言思维的辨证关系;4.翻译有两条途径,一是尽可能忠实 于作者,另一是尽可能忠实于读者。 施雷格尔 洪堡:语言决定思想和文化,语言差距太大则相互之间不可翻译,可译性与不可 洪堡 译性是一种辩证关系。



第一章中国翻译史简介An Overview of Translation in China:Practice and Theory1. IntroductionChina has an over five thousand-year long history of human civilization and a three thousand-year history of translation. This paper is to provide a chronological review highlighting translation theory and practice in China from ancient to present times.2. Translation Practice and Theory in Ancient China2.1. Early Translation in China1) The earliest translation activities in China date back to the Zhou dynasty (周朝). Documents of the time indicated that translation was carried out by government clerks, who were concerned primarily with the transmission of ideologies.“五方之民,言语不通,嗜欲不同。


”《礼记·王制》2) It was during the Han dynasty (汉朝)that translation became a medium for the dissemination of foreign learning. The Buddhist scriptures which were written in Sanskrit needed to be translated into Chinese to meet the need of Chinese Buddhists.Famous translators:An Shigao(高世安),Lou Jiachen(娄迦谶),Zhi Liang (支亮), zhiQian(支谦)Practice: They translated Buddhist scriptures in a literal manner.Theories: A core issue rose ---- literal translation vs. free translation3) During the two Jin dynasties, Southern dynasty and Northern dynasty (两晋南北朝), translation of Buddhist scripture was officially organized on a large scale in China. A State Translation School was founded for this purpose.Famous translators:Dao An(道安),Kumarajiva(鸠摩罗什),Zhen Di(真谛),Seng You(僧佑)Practice: Translation of Buddhist scripture was officially organized on a large scale in China. A State Translation School was founded for this purpose. Theories: Dao An(道安)--- He advocated strict literal translation.Kumarajiva (鸠摩罗什)--- He emphasized the accuracy of translation.Therefore, he applied a free translation approach to transfer the trueessence of the Sanskrit Sutras. He was the first person in the history oftranslation in China to suggest that translators should sign their names tothe translated works.2 2. The First Peak of Translation in ChinaSui dynasty (隋朝) and Tang dynasty (唐朝): This period was the first peak of translation in China.Famous translators: Translators in this period were mainly Buddhist monks. E.g,Xuan Zang(玄奘), Bu Kong(不空) Practice: The translations were still mainly of the Buddhist scriptures.Theories:Xuan Zang(玄奘)--- Not only was he a great translator and organizer of translation, he was also a great translation theorist whose contribution totranslation studies still remains significant today. He set down thefamous translation criteria that translation "must be both truthful andintelligible to the populace." In a sense, Xuan Zang, with such a formula,was trying to have the best of two worlds—literal translation and freetranslation.2.3 Technical Translation during the Yuan and Ming DynastiesFrom the Yuan dynasty(元朝) to the Ming dynasty (明朝), the translation of sutras lost importance.Yuan dynasty(元朝):As the Yuan rulers directed their attention westward, Arabs began to settle in China, some of them translated scientific works from Arabic or European languages.Ming dynasty (明朝): With the arrival of western Christian missionaries, China came into contact with Europe. To facilitate their relations with Chinese officials and intellectuals, the missionaries translated works of western science and technology as well as Christian texts assisted by Chinese officials. They also introduced the Chinese classics to the West.Famous translators:Al-Tusi Nasir Al-Din (纳西尔丁图西) , 拔合思巴, 智光;Matteo Ricci (利马窦), Xu Guangqi (徐光启),Li Zhizao(李之藻)Practice: a. Translation of western scientific works. b. Introduction of Chinese classics to the West. (Translation activities in a collaborated way) Theories:As little quest for systematic translation theories, no distinguishing contribution to it.Translations during the Ming dynasty had two distinguishing characteristics: (1) The subject of translation shifted from Buddhist scriptures to scientific and technological knowledge; (2) translators in this period of time were mainly scientists and government officials who were erudite scholars, and the western missionaries who brought western knowledge to China. The effect of the translations was that China was opened to western knowledge, and translation facilitated the scientific and technical development.3. Translation in Contemporary China3.1 Technical Translation during the Qing DynastyIn Late Qing Dynasty(清朝), Chinese translators, trained in China or at foreign universities, gradually took over the transmission of western knowledge from the western missionaries.Famous translators:, Li Shanlan (李善兰),Hua Hengfang(华蘅芳),John Fryer(傅兰雅),Alexander Wylies (伟烈亚力)Practice: a. Translation of western scientific works. b. Introduction of Chinese classics to the West. (Translation activities in a collaborated way) Theories:Fryer’s ‘Translation to meet the social urgent need’. See more below: Fryer, in his On the Various Methods of Translating, explained : (1) The fallacy that technical language could not be rendered into Chinese should be refuted; Chinese was expressive as any other languages in the world, and new technical terms could by various means be created in Chinese. (2) A database for technical terminology should be established for all the translators; the same technical terms should be identical in Chinese even if they were translated by different translators. (3) As for selecting the original texts for translation, a translator should translate those books which were in urgent need among the target language readers. He also explained that one should not translate unless one has understood every single word of the original text.3.2. Translation of Works of Social Science in Late Qing DynastyYan Fu (1853-1921) was the most influential translator and translation theorist in this period. Yan was a cultural intermediary who, at a critical moment in history, sought to make European works of political and social science accessible to the people. His most influential work are the1898 translation of Thomas Henry Huxley's Evolution and Ethics (《天演论》,1893). His list of translations includes Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations(1776), published in Chinese in 1902, Herbert Spenser's The Study of Sociology (《原富》,1872) and John Stuart Mill's On Liberty (《群己权界论》1859), both translations published in 1904, writings by Edward Jenks published in Chinese in 1904, Montesquieu's The Spirit of the Laws (1748), l's A System of Logic (1843), translated in 1905, and William Stanley Jevon's The Theory of Political Economy (1878), translated in 1909.Famous translators:Yan Fu(严复)Practice: Translation of European political and social worksTheories:The triple criteria by Yan Fu--- "Faithfulness, Fluency and Elegance.""Faithfulness" requires that the meaning in the target language should befaithful to the meaning of the original; "Fluency"is the requirement ofintelligibility of the target language text, the translated text should be inaccordance with the language rules of the target language; "Elegance"requires a translation to be esthetically pleasing.3.3 Literary Translation in Late Qing DynastyDuring the late Qing dynasty, literary translation was popular and marked another peak of translation in China. Literary translation during the late Qing dynasty consisted mainly of the translation of western novels into Chinese.Famous translator:Lin Shu (林纾)Practice: Translation of European western novels (in a collaborated way)Theories:The development of translation theory during the late Qing dynasty remained a discussion and expansion of Yan Fu's theory, and literal vsfree translation was still the core issue.The most famous of Lin Shu’s translation works are: La Dame aux Camelias(《巴黎茶花女遗事》),Uncle Tom's Cabin(《黑奴吁天录》), David Copperfield(《块肉余生记》), and Hamlet《王子复仇记》.4. Translation in Modern China4.1 The Translation of Socialist and Communist WorksThe May 4th Movement which was the starting point of the new democratic revolution in China opened a new chapter in history of translation in China. The translation atmosphere was dynamic and active with a focus on the translation of Karl Marx's (1818-1883) and Lenin's (1870-19224) works on socialist and communist theories, and the translation and re-translation of western literature.Famous translator:Chen Qixiu(陈启修),Guo Muoruo(郭沫若)Practice: Translation of Socialist and Communist WorksTheories: No more distinguishing characteristicsMarx's monumental work Das Kapital (Capital《资本论》, 1859), the fundemental text of Marxist economics, was translated by Chen Qixiu in 1930, and in the next year Guo Muoruo translared Marx's Zur Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie(Critique of Political Economy《政治经济学原理》, 1852).4.2. Literary TranslationLiterary translation after the May 4th Movement and before 1949, made a significant contribution to the introduction of foreign literature to China and the development of literature in China. Translators in this period of time, by comparison with those during the late Qing dynasty, were more selective regarding source texts. The quality and quantity of literary translation greatly improved. Most of the world famous literary works, from both large and small nations, were translated into Chinese.Famous translator:Lin Yutang (林语堂), Lu Xun (鲁讯),Qu Qiubai(瞿秋白)Practice:Translation of Chinese classics and poetry into English; Translation of Novels of other country into ChineseTheories: see more in 4.34.3. Developments in Translation TheoryTranslation theory, especially literary translation theory, was effectively developed during this period of time when large quantities of literary works were translated. Translation issues like:the necessity of translation, translatability anduntranslatability, the relation between translation and literary creation, the improvement of translation quality etc. were raised and adequately discussed by translation practitioners. However, the heated topics on translation theory were still translation criteria, literary vs free translation.Lin Yutang (林语堂), the author of Moment in Peking《京华烟云》, put forward his translation criteria: "the first is fidelity, the second coherence, the third is elegance." Namely, the meaning of a translation should be faithful to the original, the language of the translation should be smooth, coherent and esthetically pleasing.Lu Xun (鲁讯)He insisted that the main purpose of translation is to introduce the culture and social lives of foreign countries to the Chinese people. He advocated that there should be an exotic atmosphere in the translated works which would familiarize the readers with the foreign cultures. He advocated strict literal translation so as to be more faithful to the original text; he was against those who liked to borrow words or phrases from the target language in their translations for the sake of intelligibility and fluency; he believed that literal translation of culturally loaded words was one of the important means of enriching the mother tongue.Qu Qiubai(瞿秋白)He thought that "a translation should be faithful to the original meaning and enable the target language readers to have the same concept from the translated text as the source language readers get from the original text."He also advocated absorbing new words and expressions from foreign languages to enrich the Chinese language. He argued against those who advocated that "intelligibility is more important than faithfulness." He thought that "intelligibility is just as important as faithfulness," and that in fact, practical translators sometimes have to sacrifice part of the "intelligibility" in order to achieve "faithfulness."5. Translation in Present China5.1. Translation in China between 1949-1978The founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 enabled translation to enter into a new era. Translation became a very important part of the national cultural and educational cause. National organizations for translators were established in order to protect the interests and benefits of translators.Famous translator:Fu Lei(傅雷),Qian Zhongshu(钱钟书)Translation Practice:1) Large-scale translation: Marx and Lenin's works. 2) In the 1950s: scientific and technical works to meet the demands of the national social and economic construction. 3) In the 1970s: translation of United Nations documents after China was restored to its rightful seat in the United Nations.4) Literary translation: separated from general translation in China in this period, and literary translators became a very important part of China's literature and arts personnel.Translation Theory: Most of the translators in this period (1949-1978) took a literary approach to the study of translation theory. The transfer of the original spirit was regarded as one of the main tasks of literary translation.Fu Lei(傅雷)He argues that "being alike in spirit" for literary translation does not deny the significance of "being alike in appearance.”A good translation product should both be "alike in spirit and appearance."Qian Zhongshu(钱钟书)He puts forward his "transmigration theory (化境说)" for literary translation, i.e. a literary translation is like the act of transmigration in which the souls, the spirit of the original text remain in the target text even although the carrier of them, the language, has changed. Qian's requirement for literary translation was so high that he himself had to admit that it was impossible to transmigrate everything of the original text to the target language, and that perfect transmigration of the original text into the target language was just an ideal.5.2. Translation in China After 1978In 1978, two years after the end of disastrous "cultural revolution," China adopted its "open door and reform" policy. A new and dynamic atmosphere for translation emerged.Famous translator:Jin Di(金隄)Translation Practice:1)With the booming economy, although literary translation remains a very important part of translation practice, translations concerning international trade, foreign affairs, technology, information science etc. are the main tasks. 2) They not only translate into but also from Chinese for the promotion of Chinese culture in the world. 3) The authoritative organization for instructing and coordinating translation in China, China Translators Association, was organized in 1982 with the approval of and support from the State Council. The academic journal, China Translators' Journal, published by China Translators' Association has been acknowledged as the highest level translation studies journal in China with the aim to promote research in translation studies. 4) Higher educational institutions with foreign languages departments or foreign languages educational institutions establish translation as a degree course. 5)Translation as an M.A course started before its inception as a B.A course in China.Developments in Translation Theory: With the introduction of different views on translation from the west, Chinese translators are rethinking the theories they have followed, and research in translation theories has diversified. However, there are two main schools of translation theorists, namely, the linguistic school and the literal and cultural school. Those who take a linguistic approach to the study of translation may be influenced by Catford, Nida and others, and stress that translation theory is an independent linguistic discipline, derived from observation and providing the basis for practice, while those who take the literal and cultural approach mainly have read literature on translation by Chinese theorists. The main issues on translation they discussed continued to be the principles, criteria and methods of translation.Jin Di(金隄), taking consideration of the history of translation in China and applying his linguistic expertise and his research on translation theory, concluded that "dynamic equivalence" translation, which is based on the comparison of reader response to the source text and the target text, is applicable in China. He took alinguistic approach towards their research on translation, aiming to establish translatology in China.Further important evidence of progress in the field of translation studies in China during this period is the establishment of "translation studies" as an independent subject in China.VI. Conclusion: Translation in China ---- Facing a ChallengeLooking back over the history of translation of China, we find that, on the one hand, China has a long history of translation and the development of some translation theories; on the other hand, it is hard to find a systematic translation theory to guide translation practice although there are prescriptive explanations of how to translate. By comparing this situation with the west, we find that the development of translation, and especially translation theory, is lagging in China although it is now a major translation user. With its booming economy and the expansion of its political influence in the international community, China is now facing a challenge in the development of translation.。



Definitions of translation
Nida’s definition: Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.
他提出“信,达,雅”的翻译标 准
严 复

信,是指忠实原文; 达,是指译文流畅;雅,是指文字典 雅。 1951年,傅雷先生提出了文学翻译的“传神”论,这是比 信达雅更高的翻译标准。傅雷认为,“以效果而论,翻译应 当像临画一样,所求的不再形似而在神似。” 1964年,钱钟书先生提出了翻译的“化境”之说:“文学翻 译的最高标准是‘化’。 现在翻译界普遍把“忠实,通顺”作为翻译中应该遵守的原 则。 所谓“忠实”,是指译者应该正确地理解和表达原文的意思, 保持原作的语气和文本风格。“通顺”,是指译文文字流畅 地道,遣词造句应当符合译语的语法规范和表达习惯。在翻 译实践中,译者应该恰当处理二者关系,避免译文生硬晦涩。
Newmark’s definition: Translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language.
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❖ 例文所示均为英文广告用语的汉译,而广告用语又 具有如下特点:
简明、通俗、易记 新奇与创意 使用单词或短语代替整句 大量使用简短的简单句、不完整句和省略句 大量使用修辞手法
分析:翻译广告语时应运用相应策略, 保留原文吸引观众、拉动消费的效果。
❖ 原文:Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend.
分析:Bye是个非常口语化的词语, 大家天天都在用。而这里对
Mosquito连续道三次再见,既以拟 人形象又俏皮诙谐,让人听过难忘,
One world, one dream!
❖ A Mars a day keeps you work, rest and play. ❖ 一日一块玛斯巧克力,令你精力充沛,精神愉悦。 ❖ 玛斯——一日一块巧克力,工作玩乐不知疲。
➢ 中国翻译史简介
☺ 国内有关翻译的论著大多把翻译定义为用 一种语言把另一种语言形式里的内容准确 再现出来的语言实践活动,也就是把一种 语言产物在所包含的内容信息不变的情况 下改变为另一种语言产物的过程。
☺ Eugene A. Nida 尤金·奈达
❖ Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and second in terms of style.
❖ 译文:读史使人明智,读诗使人聪慧,数学使人周 密,哲学使人深刻,伦理学使人有修养,逻辑修辞 使人善辩。
分析:文学翻译。译文采用与原文同样工整的排比, 同样紧凑的结构,同样精炼的用词,
❖ 原文:Encircling water embraces hill, Hill embraces water. Leisurely men watch actors, Actors watch men.
❖ 译文二: Night Thoughts -- by Herbert A. Giles
❖ I wake, and moonbeams play around my bed, Glittering like hoar-frost to my wandering eyes; Up towards the glorious moon I raise my head, Then lay me down-and thoughts of home arise.
❖ 译文一:孔子说:“学习了而时常温习,不也高兴吗!有朋 友从远方来,不也快乐吗!别人不了解我,我并不怨恨,不 也是君子吗?”(徐志刚 译)
❖ 译文二:The Master said, ‘To learn and at due times to repeat what one has learnt, is that not after all a pleasure? That friends should come to one from afar, is this not after all delightful? To remain unsoured even though one’s merits are unrecognized by others, is that not after all what is expected of a gentleman?’ (Waley 译)
❖ Tasting is believing. ❖ 百闻不如一尝。 ❖ 百闻不如一品。
某粮油食品进出口股份有限公司的广告词。中文广告套 用了“百闻不如一见”,英语译文套用英文谚语 “Seeing is believing”。
❖ Impossible is nothing. (Adidas) ❖ 没有不可能。(阿迪达斯) ❖ Anything is possible. (Lining) ❖ 一切皆有可能。(李宁) ❖ Fresh-up with Seven-up. (Seven-up) ❖ 提神醒脑,喝七喜。(七喜) ❖ A diamond lasts forever. (De Bierres) ❖ 钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。(第比尔斯)
dull boy)、健康(keep the doctor away).
❖ To smoke or not, that’s a question. ❖ 吸烟还是不吸烟,这是一个问题。
仿写 To be or not to be, that’s a question. 吸引人们 的注意力。仿拟的作用在此表现得淋漓尽致
help of which verbal signs are interpreted through signs that belong to the non-verbal sign systems.
❖ 狭义的翻译主要指 语际翻译
❖ 原文:子曰:“学而时习之,不亦说乎!有朋自远方来,不 亦乐乎!人不知而不愠,不亦君子乎!”
❖ 2、语际翻译 Interlingual Translation that consists
of interpretation of verbal signs with the help of another language;
❖ 3、符际翻译 Intersemiotic Translation with the
❖ 原文同译文一之间的转换属于语内翻译 (intralingual translation)。
❖ 原文同译文二之间的转换属于语际翻译 (interlingual translation)。
❖ 图片属于符际翻译 (intersemiotic translation)。
❖ 笔译 (Translation)
三、课堂教学安排 1
➢ Presentation
❖ 课前译文欣赏(5-8 分钟) ❖ 要求:按学号,每节课(一次课两人)一位同学
上台,用幻灯片给大家讲解所选的中英对照的一 段文字(可以是诗歌、歌词、谚语、笑话、广告 词等等)或者是介绍一个著名的翻译理论并示例, 还可以介绍一位著名的翻译家及其作品。
➢ 以翻译练习、点评、译文欣赏为主,贯穿翻 译技巧总结及基本知识
➢ 理论联系实际,为的是在实践中提高同学们 的翻译能力。
➢ 我国翻译史简介、翻译概论(第一周) ➢ 英汉语言的对比(第二、三周) ➢ 英汉常用的方法和技巧 (第四至十四周) ➢ 汉译英常用翻译技巧(第十五至十八周) ➢ 复习、考试(第十九周)
这句广告词在句式和尾韵上模仿了几乎人人皆知的成语 An apple a day keeps the doctor away;而work和play
两词的并列又马上使人想起另一个尽人皆知的成语All work no play makes Jack a dull boy.这个Mars巧克力的 广告不仅在语言形式上借助成语,同时还援引了这两个成 语的内容,仿佛每天吃一块就会使人聪明(not become a
❖ Any suggestions? ❖ Pay attention: Things may change as
we go along, because our goal is to find the best way to learn!
第一讲 绪论&我国翻译史简介
➢ 绪论
翻译的定义 翻译的分类
❖ 2、课堂积极参与发言、讨论; ❖ 3、课后认真做作业,包括初次作业和二次修改,
Any questions?
❖ Do you have a big picture in mind concerning what and how we are going to do in this term?
❖ 译文一:昨天伦敦发生了三起爆炸事件,受伤60人, 重伤3人。
❖ 译文二:昨天伦敦发生了三起爆炸事件,一共60人 受伤,其中3人重伤。
分析:新闻报道主要强调信息的明晰性、 客观性。因此翻译必须反映新闻文体的
❖ 根据不同的翻译材料,译者应当持着翻译的 文体观斟酌出合适的翻译去体现译文的得体 性。
Байду номын сангаас
❖ 原文同译文一之间的转换属于语内翻译 (intralingual translation)。
❖ 原文同译文二之间的转换属于语际翻译 (interlingual translation)。
《静夜思》 床前明月光 疑是地上霜 举头望明月 低头思故乡
❖ 译文一:那透过窗户映照在床前的月光,起初以为 是一层层的白霜。仰首看那空中的一轮明月,不由 得低下头来沉思,愈加想念自己的故乡。
A Course in EnglishChinese Translation
主编 张培基
《习语汉译英研究》 《英语声色词与翻译》 《英汉翻译教程》 《英译中国现代散文选》 《鲁迅传》 《王若飞在狱中》 《徐悲鸿的一生》 《为奴隶的母亲》 《明朗的天》
三、课堂教学安排 2