知行英语综合教程 Unit



e3ve在ry压da力y成. T为he一b种o流dy行n病ee之d前s s,tr它es往s,往lo被n代gs称fo为r :it,工a作nd。c野an心’t。fu全n力ct以io赴n 。过 w去i的th美ou国t人it.都If深s知tre一ss点w:e压re力s是o 一ba种d,馈w赠h,y d如id今t的he人U们n都iv已er经se忘s记ee了fi。t t如o果cr没ea有te
something for which to work hard?
5 美国人发明了工作狂现象,这 5 Americans invented workaholism, 可以说是压力的最高水平。多半也 the highest level of stress. Probably an 是一名美国人杜撰了“过度进取者” American coined the term 这样的说法—一个应该被禁用的词 “overachiever”, a word that should be 汇,因为这个词汇将那些十分努力 forbidden, because it regards those 工作的人看作心胸狭隘的魔鬼,他 who work extra hard as small-souled 们没法以聪明的方式放慢工作节奏。 monsters who aren’t smart enough to
tension n.(精神上的) s间lo。w这ly一h想ar法m的in理g t论h似eir乎in是s一id天es中. W最h好o能c缓an口b气la,m而e 不th是em排?满D各o项ct课or程s g和iv活e动。最 紧张;紧张(局势); w好a暂rn时in忘g却s a为b考ou取t 哈th佛e 该da做n的ge努rs力o,f s松tr口es气s.,M减o减stl压y,。that only creates—


audience n.(戏剧、音乐会
54 我W的e戏s剧ta《rt派ed对人ou生r》d是re出s喜s剧re。h我e仔a细rs地al挑, 选an演d员,th然e后t我ec们h认n真ic地ia排n演s。d对id于t成h功ei我r 们jo信bs w心十el足l. 。M终y于a,ct我o们rs的, o戏n剧t可h以e彩o排th了e。r h这a是n我d们, w初e次r加e 上ha声v效in、g灯a光d和if戏fic服u,lt也t是im我e的. 演So员m初e次h面o对w, w一小ith群c观o众st表u演m。es and under hot lights, this comedy didn’t play very funny. My actors expected to hear laughs from the technicians, but the laughs never came. Were the technicians too busy? Didn’t they have a sense of humor? My actors’ confidence was shaken, and so was mine.
3 Long before I was an Emmy winner, I was a drama student at 2Sa走n上D台ie去go领S我ta的te艾U美n奖iv“e最rs佳ity儿. 童Ev节er目y”奖 是f多ou么rt令h人-y兴ea奋r啊st!ud所e有n为t i了n 《th布e偶宝 贝d》e付pa出rt的m漫e长nt时is间re和q辛ui苦re工d作to都d是ir值ec得t 的a。nd produce a play. It’s the biggest task in his or her college career. I was waiting for my turn, to write and direct my own play.



知行英语综合教程1unit7答案知行英语综合教程1unit7答案Unit 7Content QuestionsPair Work1. He thinks animals will probably do their best thinking when it serves their own purposes, not when scientists ask them to.2. Because he believes they may encounter animal intelligence in their daily life.3. He regards them as a new window on animal intelligence.4. She wanted to get more pineapple.5. He expanded the money supply by breading chips in two.6. It shows he is clever and sly. He ate up the fruit leaving nothing but stems to share with Miles.7. They say that animals cooperate when they learn it is in their interest to do so.8. The author thinks that what behaviorists say is right, but he doesn’t think their explanation is satisfactory enough.9. Because Orky was the most intelligent animal she had worked with.10. Corky is a female whale because she is Orky’s mate and delivered a baby whale.11. Because she thought the orange must have rolled off somewhere inaccessible.12. Towan hid his orange underneath his foot. The act reveals some animals are intelligent enough to know how to deceive. Text Organization1.Eugene Linden wants to tell the reader that animals dohave, at least, some limited intelligence, and the personal experiences of those who are in close contact with animals are more convincing evidence than that any experiments can provide.2. Let’s Make a Deal: Some animals are intelligent enough to know how to bargain with people.Tale of a Whale: Animals like whales can assess a situation and act accordingly. Primate Shell Game:Animals can attempt to deceive.Language Sense Enhancement1. (1) controversy (2) consciousness(3) explore (4) serves their own purposes(5) encounter (6) lack of it(7) convinced (8) mental feats(9) captivity (10) humansLanguage FocusI. Vocabulary1. 1) go (very) far 2) has expanded3) in the interest(s) of 4) only to5) encountered 6) has cooperated7) assessed 8) (had) switched 9) horizons10) gaze 11) disaster 12) wiped out2.1) … a long/long running controversy over whether the book should be published or not2) … felt relieved after her first meeting with Tom had gone smoothly3) ... suddenly went wrong with my computer when I was in the middle of writing the essay4) … is obvious that our company is still maintaining its composition as market leader in software.5) … give in until they give her a pay rise3.1) have undertaken, original, to explore2) evidence convinced, underneath, extending to3) to negotiate, encounter, to figure out, exploreII. Confusable Words1.firstly2. first, first3. At first2.4. First/Firstly 5. first 6. First3.7. at first 8. firstIII. Usage1. animal intelligence whose2. zoo keeper where3. eye contact through what4. money supply of what5. killer whale what kind6. baby whale how old7. family member of what8. sea turtle what kind/where Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1. (1) emergency (2) evidence (3) original(4) sizing up(5) negotiates (6) reveal (7) make a deal(8) dominant (9) in their interest(s)(10) deceiving (11) controversy (12) judgment (13) explore 2.(1) protect (2) However (3) type (4) situation(5) sights (6) together (7) rang(8) associate (9) without (10) environmentII. Translation1. 1) A local business undertook the project but went bankrupt before it was completed.2) Let’s make a deal—you wash my car, and I’ll let you use it tonight.3) We got to the village which we thought must have been wiped out in the severe earthquake, only to find it slightly damaged.4) My garden is dry and shady—few plants thrive in that condition5) Mystery still surrounds the exact truth behind the film star’s death/exact circumstance of the film star’s death. 2.When I was young I used to visit the zoo in my hometown. There what attracted me most was a couple of tigers, especially the male. They were dept in a huge iron cage at first, but later were released from it and moved to a place called Tiger Hill. Twenty years later I revisited the zoo and was relieved to find Tiger Hill was still there, butgreatly extended. Moving around now were six tigers, old and young, instead of two!。



A a budget B stock markets C a part-time job D expenses E a business
Task 1
2 What may lead to a decrease in one’s wealth?
1) wasteful 2) large 3) overdrawn management 4) improper 5) poor
What’s your rating?
Reading It
Making Something from Nothing
Better acquaintance
1 What would you do to make money if all you had was five dollars and two
and “III” by the items that are NOT important. Then compare your rating with your _______________p_a_rt_n_e_r’_s_. ___________________________
good education long holiday expensive clothes happy family health successful career lots of money friends
Task 2
Rate the wealth in Step I as I, II, or III. Put “I” by the items that are
Step 2
HIGHLY important for you. Put “II” by the items you consider SOMEWHAT important,

知行英语综合教程1 Unit6

知行英语综合教程1 Unit6

1 Grandma got Grandpa out of bed and helped him to the kitchen for 2 自从爷爷上次中风以来,这样的生活便成了常态。爷爷曾经很活跃,可现在他左 breakfast. After his meal, she led him to his armchair in the living room 臂伤得严重,加之行走困难,说话又含糊不清,因此只能呆在家里了。将近有一年的 where he would rest while she washed the dishes. Every so often, she 时间他甚至连教堂都没去过,也没有去看望家人。 would check to see if he needed anything.
8 “我现在要去洗个澡,”奶奶把电视遥控器递给爷爷,“如果你有什么需要, 等我一会儿回来再说。”
*glance v. 匆匆一看;扫 视 n. 扫视;一瞥
*cane n. 手杖 lean / v. 靠;倚 spot n. 地点;场所
*recliner n. 装有软垫的躺椅
9 After her shower, she glanced towards the back of Grandpa’s recliner but noticed that his cane was not leaning in its usual spot. 10 奶奶胡乱地在浴袍外面加了一件大衣,跑了出去。他一定没有走远; Sensing something unusual, she went into the room. He was gone. 他自己几乎没法行走。 The closet door stood open and his hat and overcoat were missing. Fear ran down her spine.

知行英语综合教程 Unit1

知行英语综合教程 Unit1

locations of the important buildings and structures such as the following.
Step 2
1 Main Entrance
2 Teaching Building
3 Library
4 Dorm
5 Dining Hall
6 Gymnasium
beginning n. 开始;开端
schedule n. 时刻表;日程;
计划 v. 安排;将……列入计划表
habit n. 习惯;习性
*compromise n. & v.妥协
56 如果问W题he开n始d出ea现li,ng那w就i尽th量a马r上oo解m决m。a找te到, r你em们e的m共b同er点a。v新e泽ry 西im州p莫or瓦ta市nt拉r玛ul珀e—学o院p2e0n05co届m毕m业u生ni迈ca克tio尔n·纳. I多t’s说a:g“oo我d和i一de个a室to 友sit起d初o处wn得a并n不d 好ha,v我e 们a 的ta政lk见at不t同he,b一e开gin始n争in执g很of多t,he但y后ea来r我an们d 决se定t 转do移w话n题so,m谈e论ru足le球s.和Y健ou身s,ho结u果ld我d们isc相u处ss得th很in融g洽s l。ik八e 年mu过s去ic, 了sle,e我pi将ng成s为ch他e婚du礼le上s,其a中nd的s一tu位d男y 傧ha相b。its”. And remember—be open to compromise!
1 What do you expect from the first day on campus?
(1) a friendly (2) a quiet (3) a comfortable (4) a knowledgeable (5) an interesting

知行英语综合教程1 Unit5

知行英语综合教程1 Unit5

知行英语 6 Once in Paris, I spent some time with a 7 在此期间,一件意外耽误了她几个月的时间,但她也 good friend who had moved to live there for six 不曾就此驻足。因此,她现在居住在这个美丽城市。她说: months. Paris is her city of dreams and she is “困难的事情或许会发生。如果真的发生,为何不让它们 someone who believes in fulfilling promises to 发生在一个美妙的地方呢?” herself. She had retired early, divorced, and her children were either in college or working. She had planned her trip, rented out her own home for half a year and found an apartment in Paris.
4 一天早上,我遇见一位很少碰面 3 When the dean of a local *dean n. (大学的)学 院院长;系主任 的邻居。他以前同我说的话加起来也 college asked me to teach a 不过几句而已,我向他提起了我的旅 writing class,I decided to tell journey n. 旅行;旅程 行,他突然变得兴趣盎然。“去巴黎? her about my journey as well. 多好啊!你什么时候动身?”然后一 react v.(作出)反应 She reacted with longing in her 直说个不停。当我第二天再碰到他时, voice. “I’ve never been there,” *longing n. 渴望 他竟然向我推荐了一本关于这个城市 she said, “and I’ve always 的书。 to go.” previously ad. 以前 wanted



知行英语综合教程1unit5答案Vocabulary(词汇)I.11) monthly 2) acquaintances 3)classic4) look; in the eye 5)manufactured6) options 7)finance 8) replacement9) survived 10) pick out 11) married 12) grabbed at2.1) survived a car crash that killed both her parents.2) almost embarrassed to death when Sarah read my poem out to the whole class.3) of the Children’s Hospital will care for the seriously injured pupils.4) several phone calls making inquiries about the position of the Chief Financial Officer.5) straighten out all your financial problems if you join our club.3.1) inquiry; died of hunger; people survied2) Instantly; give up his; retire; replace him; executive3) his beloved; odd jobs; and all thatII Word Formation(构词(法))1. embarrassment2. survivors3. newly4. marketable5. monthly6. competition7. conceivable 8. respectableIII. Usage1. the poor2. The deceased/The dead3. the disabled4. the French5. The accused6. the young7. the unemployed 8. the latter…the former…Comprehensive Exercises(综合练习)I. Cloze1. Text-related1) died of 2) instantly 3) classic 4)ask around5) surviving 6) retire 7)executive 8) replacement9) stock 10) look…in the eye2. Theme-related1) impressed 2) diligence 3) Instead4) Contrary 5) professionally 6) perform7) personal 8) balance 9) commitment 10) revealedII. Translation1.1) I’m not sure where you can find a good carpenter---you’d better ask around.2) Feeling a little embarrassed, he quickly cleared his throat and looked up at the painting on the wall.3) Michael was survived by three sons, two daughters, and his wife Elizabeth.4) As a financial expert, William advised us to invest our money in the stock market.5) We small retailers can’t compete with supermarkets in pricing and sales.2.My dad is a hard-working executive of a manufacturing firm. He works six days a week. Every day he has to straighten out various kinds of problems so that he often stays up late/nights. However, he tries his best to balance/maintain balance between work and family. On Sundays my dad usually stays at home and cares for us as much as he can. To my greatest joy, he cooks our favorite dished and plays ball with us.。

知行英语综合教程1 Unit4(课堂PPT)

知行英语综合教程1 Unit4(课堂PPT)

d家o橄th榄is球b联ec盟a的us运e 动th员ey。’v现e 在ta我ke发n现aw有a一y a场ll推n动ut人rie们n用ts更fr好om的方th法e 来so生il产by食物的运 g动ro。w我in已g经th决e定sa了m,e我cr更op愿o意ve成r为an一d个有 o机v农er业a家ga,in希. N望e这xt样, m我o会re比h当a一rm名fu美l 式橄 c榄h球em运i动ca员ls 能ar够e 更sp好ra地ye对d世o界n 产fru生it影s 响an。d vegetables to kill weeds and bugs.
长。转基因的食物经用于动物实验证明会引发癌症和其他 other problems in lab animals. People
问题。自20 世纪90 年代起,人们一直在吃这些转基因的 have been eating food produced this
way since the 1990s and most folks do
1 organic food A
2 fast food C
3 factory-farmed chickens
4 exhausted soil D
Reading It
What’s Wrong with Our Food System?
Birke Baehr
* Words
Better acquaintance
advertising n. 广告 宣传
especially ad. 特别; 尤其;格外
attract v. 吸引;引 起……的注意
packaging n. 包装; 包裹



知行英语综合教程1unit3答案1、What would make you feel good about your campus life?1) fast-speed A courses2) respectable B activities3) colorful C teachers4) high D Internet5) interesting E grades2、 What would make you feel bad about your campus life?1) selfish A environment2) difficult B meals3) noisy C roommates4) expensive D health5) poor E assignment1 lighting2 director3 actors4 theater technician5 audience6 costumes1 The ______________ clapped for 10 minutes.2 The ______________ were still in make-up.3 The play had excellent sound and ______________ effects.4 He is a skillful ___________________.5 The ______________ is a person who is in charge of a film or play.6 She had four ______________ changes during the play.The Good, the Bad and the Emmy1 “And the winner is…”2 走上台去领我的艾美奖“最佳儿童节目”奖是多么令人兴奋啊!所有为了《布偶宝贝》付出的漫长时间和辛苦工作都是值得的。



知行英语综合教程1unit5答案Text ComprehensionI. BII.T T F T TIII.1.Refer to Paragraphs 4,9,12. They are, first, to stand firmly foryour convictions in the face of personal pressure; second, always to give others credit that is rightfully theirs; and third, to be honest and open about what you really are2.Refer to Paragraph 8. the author concludes that you can’t givein when you know you are right.3.Refer to Paragraph 9. This example shows that you should appreciateand accept those who are smarter and brighter than you are.4.Refer to Paragraph 12. They usually rely on external factors. Theydo so because, neglecting the development of their inner value and personal growth, only their looks or status can make them feel good.5.Refer to Paragraph 14 They are self-respect and a clear conscience.6.Refer to the last paragraph. A life of principle will always winthe day without succumbing to the seductive sirens of an easy morality, and will take you forward into the 21st century without having to check your tracks in a rearview mirror.IV. 1. Integrity means having one’s own norms and rules of judging whatis right, what is wrong, which one should not give up for immediate personal advantages. o2. Integrity is rare at present.3. An explanation was given for how all instruments and materialwere used and located during an operation.4. When you are right, you should insist.5. Unavoidably they will do everything possible to keep their looksand status.Vocabulary exercisesI. 1. that is current2. difficult to find or obtain3. make an effort to attain4. Insist on/ Stick to; despite/when faced with5. Always recognize and praise rightly others’ achievement6. behave in a way that is natural, or normalII. 1. appointed 2. politically 3. account for 4.succumbed to5. ensured6. instinctively7. tough8. object9. challenge 10. seductiveIII. D A B C B A C AIV. 1. Morality; morality; ethics; ethics2. demands; asked; asking; demanded3. real; genuine; real; genuine4. preserve; preserve; save; saveV.1. truthful, upright, frank2. outer, external, exterior3. rare, uncommon, scant4. fire, sack, dismiss5. resolutely, determinedly, unyieldingly6. fearless, dauntless, brave, bold7. unpleasant, disagreeable8. unfashionable, old-fashioned, outdatedVI.1. inexperienced2. rightful3. impoliteness4. handful5. heady6. straightening7. sleepy8. beggarGrammar exercisesI.1. Giving instruction.2. Expressing a wish.3. Making a suggestion.4. Giving an order.5. Giving an order and expressing anger.6. Inviting.7. Warning.8. Forbidding.II.1.Take a break.2.Let’s not stay here any longer.3.Stop criticizing others.4.Have another biscuit, please.5.In this play you be the princess and I be the witch.6.Go and buy yourself a new pair of shoes.7.Don’t you ever be late again!/Never be late again.8.Let us never forget the brave men and women who made the ultimatesacrifice.III.1. will/ can/ can’t you2. will/won’t you3. will you4. shall we5. will/could/can you6. will/won’t/can’t you7. will you8. shall weIV. 3 5 4 8 7 2 1 6V.1. another2. another3. others4. other5. another6. the other7. the others 8. another, othersVI.And that is exactly what her parents expected her to be--- a world-famous ballerina.Translation exercisesI.1. 人的一生就像被刚降下的雪覆盖的田野,无论在哪儿走过都会留下自己的足迹。

知行英语综合教程1 Unit 5 Seeing the World 热身:旅游英语情景对话

知行英语综合教程1 Unit 5 Seeing the World 热身:旅游英语情景对话

Unit 5 Seeing the World
3. Check-in at the hotel 酒店办理入住
Unit 5 Seeing the World
3. Check-in at the hotel (A: Receptionist; B: Tour leader)
receptionist ↓ receptionist: 接待员
bellman: 行李员
Unit 5 Seeing the World
cash ↓
credit card →
↑ traveler’s checks
Unit 5 Seeing the World
Review: 1. Check-in → 办理登机 →
2. 领队 → Tour leader→
Unit 5 Seeing the World
Unit 5 Seeing the World
3. Check-in at the hotel A: Good evening, sir. What can I do for you? B: We are the tour group from China International Travel Service. My name is Li Gang. Our company made a reservation for 10 twin rooms and 1 single room four weeks ago. China International Travel Service: 中国国际旅行社 twin room: 双床间
Unit 5 Seeing the World
2. Ordering meals on the plane A: Fine. Would you like something to drink? We’ve got beer, Coke, juice and mineral water. B: Beer, please. A: I see your friend is sleeping. B: That’s all right. I’ll order for him. Give him stewed beef with noodle, please. A: OK. Is there anything else I can do for you? B: Can I have some coffee, please? A: Coffee will be served in a few minutes. B: Thank you.



知行英语综合教程1unit3答案Unit 3I Vocabulary11) brief 2) in terms of3) cut off 4) tend5) anyway 6)precise 7)in the form of8) initiative 9) convey 10) in two minds11) concept 12) grasp21) has ensured their team a place in the Cup final.2)medical workers’ responsibility to heal the wounded and rescue the dying.3)entertain as well as educate the learner. 4)can do without air and water.5)is likely to be held in June.31)lies in contact between2)basis of is likely sufficient at the moment3)the steady will be highlyII Word Formation1 regained2 undecided3 undersupplied4 disabled5 precondition6 foresight7 mispronounced 8 enrichIIIAntonyms1) majority2) accepted 3)increased 4)weaknesses5) local 6) late 7)wrong 8)false Comprehensive exercisesI Close1.Text-related1)highly 2)bring about3)evident 4)rate5)sufficient 6)put across 7)proportion8)Hence 9)ensure2. Theme-related1)understand 2)travel 3)practical4)use 5)Another 6)likely7)affect 8)developments9)supply 10) SomedayII Translation1) As is predicted by scientists, global pollution has become one of the most serious problems humans are faced with.2) Competition for these jobs is very tough –we have five times as many applicants this year as we did last year/ there are five times as many applicants this year as there were last year.3) As the facts show, educational programs need to fit into the national plan for economic development.4) The car burns too much gas, and moreover, the price is almost twice as much as I intend to pay.5) To understand a great international event, we, first of all, need to consider the historical and political background to it.2 It is hard to imagine how our forefathers could do without so many conveniences that modern technology has brought about. Back then only a small proportion of the population enjoyed the comforts of life. The majority didn’t even have sufficient food, not to speak of/ let alone the privilege of being educated. However, many people blame modern technology for creating so many problems. They want to slow down the rate of progress. But no one can put the clock back.。



知行英语综合教程1unit1答案Unit 1 Growing UpPart II Language FocusVocabularyⅠ.respectable2. agony3. put…down4. sequence5. hold back6. distribute7. off and on8. vivid9. associate10. finally11. turn in12. tackle21. has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office.2. was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not.3. a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’time.4. gave the command the soldiers opened fire.5. buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out.3.1. reputation, rigid, to inspire2. and tedious, What’s more, out of date ideas3. compose, career, avoid showing, hardly hold backⅡ.1. composed2. severe3. agony4. extraordinary5. recall6. command7. was violating 8. anticipateⅢ. 1. at 2. for 3. of 4. with 5. as6. about7. to8. in, in 9. from 10. on/uponComprehensive ExercisesⅠ. Cloze1.1.hold back2. tedious3. scanned4. recall5. vivid6.off and on 7. turn out/in 8. career2.st2. surprise3. pulled4. blowing5.dressed6. scene7. extraordinary2.8 image 9. turn 10.excitementⅡ. Translation1.1. As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to.2. His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold.3. Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production.4. It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules. /Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules.5. It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage. /The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage.2.Susan lost her legs because of / in a car accident. For a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact that she would never (be able to) walk again.One day, while scanning (through) some magazines, a true story caught her eye /she was attracted by a true story. It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer. Greatly inspired, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be bale to lead a useful life.。



知行英语综合教程1unit2答案Unit 2 FriendshipI. Vocabulary1. Fill in the gaps with words or phrases given in the box.1) absolutely2) available3) every now and then4) are urging/ urged5) destination6) mostly7) hangs out8) right away9) reunion10) or something11) estimate12) going ahead2. Rewriting1) It seemed that his failure in the examination was still on his mind.2) He was completely choked up by the sight of his team losing in the final minutes of the game.3) She was so lost in study that she forgot to have dinner.4) Something has come up and I am afraid I won’t be able to accomplish the project on time.5) The cost of equipping the new hospital was estimated at $2 million.3. Complete the sentences.1) were postponed the awful is estimated2) reference not available an kind of3) not much of a teacher skips go aheadII. Collocation1. to2. for3. at4. from5. in6. to on7. on8. withIII. Usage1. more or less2. kind of/ sort of3.something4. kind of/ sort of5. more or less6. or something Comprehensive exercisesI. Cloze1. text-related1) choked up 2) awful 3) practically 4) neighborhood5) correspondence 6) available 7) destination8) reunion 9) Mostly 10) postponing 11) absolutely2. Theme-related1) how 2) savings 3) embarrassment 4) phone 5) interrupted6) touch 7) envelop 8) signed 9) message 10) neededII. Translation1. Translate the sentences.1) Half an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadn’t come yet. We had to walk home.2) Mary seems to be very worried about the Chinese exam because she hasn’t learned the texts by heart.3) Since the basketball match has been postponed, we might as well visit the museum.4) He stayed in Australia with his parents all the way through WWⅡ.5) Since I graduated from Nanjing University in 1985, I have kind of lost touch with my classmates.2. Translate the passage.It is not easy to keep in touch with friends far away. This is true in my case.It has been a couple of years since I left my old neighborhood and all the friends there. I have been meaning to write to them but things come up and I just don’t seem to find the time. They are always on my mind, however, and I think I will certainly make an effort to keep up correspondence with them in the future.。

知行英语综合教程1 Unit 5 The City of Dreams

知行英语综合教程1 Unit 5 The City of Dreams

New Words & Expressions
fulfill =carry out/realize
fulfill one’s plan/promise/dream
He would like to fulfill his dream of winning the prize someday.
recommend that
I highly/strongly recommend that you should watch the movie.
New Words & Expressions
reserve =shyness
She overcame her own natural reserve.
New Words & Expressions
affect =influence/have an impact on
Many people are affected by the air pollution in the winter.
冬天,很多人受到了 空气污染的影响。
New Words & Expressions
off to the /one side
on and on
put off
rent out
draw in
Unit 5 Reading It
The City of Dreams
by Chen Tian
New Words & Expressions
dean =a person who is in charge of one of the parts of a college/university

知行英语综合教程1 Unit 1 First Day on Campus

知行英语综合教程1 Unit 1 First Day on Campus
19. Softball Diamond 垒球场
Task 2 Step 1
Auditorium Residence Hall Cafe 咖啡馆 运动场 招生中心 礼堂 学生宿舍
Athletic Field Admissions Center
Task 2 Step 1
Library Dinning Hall Gymnasium Main Entrance The Coffee Bean 图书馆 食堂,餐厅 体育馆,健身房 大门,正门入口 咖啡豆
Cafe →
Task 2 Step 1
← Marble Chapel Residence Hall ↓
Task 2 Step 1
Gymnasium →
← Sand Volleyball Court
Task 2 Step 1
← The Coffee Bean
Fieldhouse →
Task 2 Step 1
Speaking Task 2
- You won't miss it=It's very easy to see - and then go along the road and the dinning hall will just be right in front of you. go along the road=walk down the road - and then walk down the road and the dinning hall will just be right in front of you.
Task 2 Step 1
13. Fitness Center 健身中心 fitness=health

知行英语综合教程1 Unit7

知行英语综合教程1 Unit7
increase n. 增长
78 “现W年e1’r7e 岁so的p卡ro门ud·拉,”克sa说y:s a“b在o我ok们p小ub时li候sh,er父. 母“It就’s读cr给os我se们d听c。ult我u们res; it是’s听cr着os这se些d故g事en长er大at的io。ns当; 时it’我s b相e信co到m了e1p1ar岁t 我of也th会is收s到oc霍ie格ty沃. W茨e的t来hink e信ve。ry”c。r.两W个e小th女in孩k等it待sh着o一ul列d b神e奇a的ri火te车of p载as着sa她ge们.”前往那个魔法学校。
1 Grey’s Anatomy
2 Transformers
3 The Twilight Saga
4 Shrek
5 Kung Fu Panda
6 Pirates of the Caribbean I
7 Ice Age
8 The Big Bang Theory C
9 The Lord of the Rings B
21 终Si于nc,e它20来0了1,。th《e哈Po利t·t波er特m与o死vi亡es圣 h器a(ve下b)ee》n是a根b据usJi.nKe.s罗s 琳su的cc畅es销s.小T说he改 b编o的ok八s部ha系v列e 电be影co的m最e后al一m部os。t 世ho界ly各. 地 A成n千d上be万c的au“se哈o迷f 们th”is,聚th集e在fi影rs院t ,去向 d这e个ca教d会e 人of们th相e信21一s切t c皆en有t可ur能y h并a永s 不放 b弃e战co斗m的e男an孩e说ra再. 见。
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we start with absolutely nothing?
gpprr3第近位顾 处eeroeossop一自。客 —teuapurSp, 己 第 们—ulvleoaarn女 。 二 很小ratwwoinr生 因 , 乐o组tehhtinscs比 此 在 意oa成.tetfad男 , 那 把Aod员duirsd生 小 些 钱iar们duatnph更 组 用 和np还’ttrehto容 成 传 自ts可weotbyio易 员 呼 己a以ml2ennd卖 调 机 的0在emtoSd出 整 来 传t?af下oocotA预 了 通 呼our一lwllmratl订计知机个dahromisae的划顾来t预fyitoirt座,客交on订hnnreice位让已换l时giiunsnht,男有小es间eetatras.这生空组ov快.lmTomaT很去座成h到ttsheie可各的员oo的werynfs能个餐的et时bscweroo是餐馆传a候eahlopml因馆,呼ore,kpege为预他机wrdm把edoee人订们,aa交trcrocerie们座的这d换khwsaehee更位销还来nbdardsv愿,售带lp的,—tyapto意 而 计来t传hiyinheto让 让 划了呼tvheynoee年 女 最额l机spsnaol轻 生 为外atov再tlithodnv女 销 成的次soiegdees性 售 功好.卖alveaiOnce靠 座 。掉hlneroaes。nlagt wait. As the evening went by, they made several interesting observations.
A a budget B stock markets C a part-time job D expenses E a business
Task 1
2 What may lead to a decrease in one’s wealth?
1) wasteful 2) large 3) overdrawn 4) improper 5) poor
Rate the wealth in Step I as I, II, or III. Put “I” by the items that are
Step 2
HIGHLY important for you. Put “II” by the items you consider SOMEWHAT important,
1 What would you do to make money if all you had was five dollars and two
h2ou他rs们? T是h怎is么is做th到e的as?si给gn一m点e提nt示I :ga挣ve钱s最tu多de的n那ts一in组o根ne本o就f 没m花y c那la5s美se元s 。at他St们a认nf为ord Uni5v美er元sit实y.际W上h可en以I忽as略ke不d计th,is因q此ue决s定tio以n更, s长om远e的o视ne角u来su审a视lly这sh个o问ut题ed:o如u果t,我“G们o一to Las Vegas.” or “Bu无y a所l有ot,te该ry怎ti么ck挣et钱.”呢T?he next most common suggestion is to set up a car wash or lemonade stand, using the five dollars to buy the starting material. This is a fine option for those
1 good education
2 long holiday
F 3 expensive clothes
4 happy family
5 health
E 6 successful career
7 lots of money
8 friends
Step 1
Task 2
and “III” by the items that are NOT important. Then compare your rating with your _______________p_a_rt_n_e_r’_s_. ___________________________
good education long holiday
interested in earning a little extra pocket money. But most of my students eventually found a
way to move far beyond the standard responses. They seriously took the challenge and
Task 1
Answer the questions by matching the following items.
1 What may lead to an increase in one’s wealth?
1) take 2) establish 3) manage 4) invest in 5) reduce
What’s your rating?
expensive clothes
happy family
healபைடு நூலகம்h
successful career lots of money friends
Reading It
Making Something from Nothing
Better acquaintance
A credit cards B investment C money management D loan E lifestyle
Task 2 Determine what is important wealth for you.
Match the following different types of wealth with their corresponding pictures.
exposed a wealth of possibilities.
* Words
*lottery n. 彩票
*lemonade n. 柠檬汽水
*clue n. 线索
*essentially ad. 本质 上;根本上
21 H如o果w你d仅id有th5e美y元d和o t两h个is?小H时e,re你’s会a 做clu些e什: 么来挣钱呢?这是我给斯坦福大 T学he我t教ea的m一t个ha班t 学m生ad布e置th的e作m业os。t 每m当on我e提y d出id这n个’t 问题时,总会有人大叫: u“se到t拉he斯f维ive加d斯o去lla!rs”a或t a者ll.“T买he彩y票un去d!e”r。sto其o他d 常见的回答是用这5美元买原 t材ha料t ,fiv摆e 个do清ll洗ar汽s w车a或s 卖es柠se檬n汽tia水ll的y n小o摊th。in对g 于想要挣点小钱来零花的人来说, a这nd倒d是e个cid不e错d的to选e择xa。m但in我e 班th上e 的pr大ob多le数m学m生o最re终找到了远超出这些常规回答 b的ro方ad法ly,: 他W们ha认t真ca应n对w挑e 战do,t展o m示a出k无e 尽m的on可ey能i性f 。