



关于人力资源管理的外文文献1. Human Resource Management Practices and Workforce Diversity: A ReviewThis article explores the relationship between human resource management (HRM) practices and workforce diversity. The authors review literature on HRM practices such as recruitment, selection, training and development, performance measurement, work design, and employee relations, to examine how these practices influence the success of workforce diversity. The article highlights the need for organizations to adopt effective HRM practices that support diversity and inclusion, in order to maximize the benefits of a diverse workforce.2. The Impact of Strategic Human Resource Management on Organizational PerformanceThis study analyzes the relationship between strategic human resource management (SHRM) practices and organizational performance. The authors examine the impact of SHRM practices such as recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, and compensation and benefits, on key organizational outcomes such as employee retention, productivity, and profitability. The study concludesthat effective SHRM practices are positively associated with organizational performance, and that organizations need to prioritize HRM strategies that support their overall business objectives.3. Managing Human Resources in the Globalizing Economy: Challenges and OpportunitiesThis article explores the challenges and opportunities presented by the globalizing economy for human resource management. The authors examine how globalization has impacted HRM practices in areas such as recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation and benefits, and employee relations. The article also highlights the importance of cultural sensitivity in managing a diverse global workforce, and the need for HR professionals to adapt to changing business environments to effectively manage human resources.4. The Role of Human Resource Management in Corporate Social ResponsibilityThis study examines the role of HRM in promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR). The authors analyze the connection between CSR and HRM practices such as recruitment, selection, training anddevelopment, and employee relations, to determine how these practices can support and enhance CSR initiatives. The article emphasizes the need for HR professionals to align their practices with CSR goals in order to promote sustainable business practices and social responsibility.5. Employee Engagement and Retention: A Review of the LiteratureThis article reviews literature on the relationship between employee engagement and retention. The authors examine the factors that contribute to employee engagement, such as job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and leadership, and how these factors can impact employee retention. The article also highlights the importance of effective HRM practices in enhancing employee engagement and retention, and provides recommendations for organizations seeking to improve their retention rates through engagement-focused HRM strategies.。



Human resource management more and more drives value. Under the system that economy development mature, human resource management have to match with fight for the best resources performance, if out of character of the manpower form couples out of character of post, the resources performance be not only whole have no, or may have already exhaust. The modern economy stress balance and match, promote management effect and quality vegetable, will human resource match with make balance, the inside contents establish human resource structure frame, use most in keeping with of the person do most in keeping with of work. Establishment human resource terrace is a communication and collection information way, everyone's opinion comprehensive, give up short take long, with processing salary, welfare etc. affair. Human resource most the importance be a training and development, human resource development have to investment at training aspect, with exertive each stratum of human resource potential.人力资源管理愈来愈被重视。






论文参考文献以下是一些值得参考的中小企业人力资源管理论文:1.文献1:Gong, Y., Law, K. S., Chang, S., & Xin, K. R. (2009). Humanresources management and firm performance: The differential role ofmanagerial affective and continuance commitment. Journal of Appliedpsychology, 94(1), 263-275.这篇论文研究了中小企业人力资源管理和企业绩效之间的关系,重点探讨了管理者情感和连续承诺的差异作用。


2.文献2:Zheng, W., Yang, B., & McLean, G. N. (2010). Linkingorganizational culture, structure, strategy, and organizational effectiveness:Mediating role of knowledge management. Journal of business research, 63(7), 763-771.这篇论文研究了中小企业的组织文化、结构、战略与组织有效性之间的关系,并探讨了知识管理在其中的中介作用。


3.文献3:Wright, P. M., & Boswell, W. R. (2002). Desegregating HRM: Areview and synthesis of micro and macro human resource managementresearch. Journal of Management, 28(3), 247-276.这篇论文综述了微观和宏观人力资源管理的研究,并提出了将二者进行整合的方法。



人力资源管理系统中英文对照外文翻译文献Human resource management systems (HRMS) have e essential tools for businesses of all sizes。

including small offices with just 20 XXX using HRMS。

firms can improve their efficiency and ce the time and money XXX。


XXX difficult economic times。

XXX of their business。

including human resources.HRIS are packages are designed to address HR needs。

including planning。

employee n access。

XXX the company's current and future HR needs。

businesses can determine which HRMS features will be most useful for their specific needs。

For example。

HRMS can help with recruitment。


performance management。

XXX.Once the planning stage is complete。

businesses XXX This includes automating tasks such as employee data management。

benefits n。

XXX employees。

providing them with access toimportant n such as company policies。



人力资源管理中英文对照外文翻译文献中英文对照外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:The Mediating Effects of Psychological Contracts on the Relationship BetweenHuman Resource Systems and Role Behaviors: A Multilevel AnalysisAbstractPurpose The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effect of the psychological contracts on the relationship between human resource (HR) systems and role behavior.Design/Methodology/Approach Multilevel analyses were conducted on data gathered from 146 knowledge workers and 28 immediate managers in 25 Taiwanese high-tech ?rms.Findings Relational psychological contracts mediated the relationship between commitment-based HR systems and in-role behaviors, as well as organizational citizenship behaviors. Transactional psychological contracts did not signi?cantly mediate these relationships. In addition, the results also indicated that commitment-based HR systems related positively to relational psychological contracts and negatively to transactional psychological contracts.Practical Implications Commitment-based HR systems could elicit a wide range of knowledge workers’ behaviors that are bene?cial to the goals ofthe ?rms. Furthermore ,our ?ndings also provide insight into, how HR systems potentially elicit employees’ role behaviors. Organizations could elicit employees’ in-role behaviors by providing ?nancial and other non-?nancial, but tangible, inducements and facilitate employees’ extra-role behaviors by providing positive experiences, such as respect, commitment, and support.Originality/Value The study is one of the primary studies to empirically examine the mediating effect of psycho-logical contracts on HR systems and employee behaviors. IntroductionHuman Resource (HR) systems create and support employment relationships. Thus, psychological contracts can be treated as employees’ beliefs stemming from the HR system. Furthermore, psychological contracts represent employees’ beliefs about mutual employment obligations.Employees tend to perform what they believe, that is, according to their psychological contracts. Thus, psycho-logical contracts are positively related to employees’ role behaviors, turnover intentions, commitment, and trust. In other words, psychological contracts are not only formulated by HR systems but also in?uence employee behaviors. Consequently, psychological contracts can be viewed as the linking mechanism between HR systems and employee behaviors.In the past decade, most psychological contract research has focused on identifying the components of psychological contracts and the effects of the ful?llment or the violation of psychological contracts by employers. For example, Robinson et al. (1994) found that the components of psychological contracts included expectations of high pay,pay based on the current level of performance, training,long-term job security, and career development. Based on these ?ndings, Robinson and Morrison (1995) further pro-posed that employees are less likely to engage in civic virtue behavior when these expectations were violated. In summary, researchers have con?rmed that violated psychological contracts negatively in?uence employees’ role behaviors while ful?lled psychological contracts have positive in?uences. However, no studies have empirically examined psychological contracts as a linkingmechanism between HR systems and employee behaviors.Accordingly, the goal of this study is to empirically examine psychological contracts as a mediator of the relationship between HR systemsand role behaviors. Our results will provide insights regarding the reason for HR systems having an effect on employees’ role behaviors. Based on these insights, HR practitioners will gain a better under-standing of how to facilitate employees’ role behaviors (e.g.,by offering them speci?c inducements). Subsequently, we provide a brief review of psychological contract research, discuss relationships between HR systems and psychological contracts, and propose psychological contracts as mediators of the HRsystem�Cemployee behavior relationship. HR systems are considered as an organizational level variable, whereas psychological contracts and role behaviors are both considered as individual level variables. Thus, relationships between HR systems and these variables are considered cross-level relationships and will be tested accordingly. Psychological ContractsInitially, a psychological contract was de?ned as an implicit, unwritten agreement between parties to respect eac h other’s norms and mainly used as a framework that referred to the implicitness of the exchange relationship between an employee and his/her employer. It did not acquire construct status until the seminal work of Rousseau in the 1990s. According to Rousseau (1989, 1995), a psycho-logical contract is an individual’s belief regarding the terms and conditions of a reciprocal exchange agreement between employees and employers. Furthermore, psycho-logical contracts include different kinds of mental models or schemas, which employees hold concerning reciprocal obligations in the workplace.In accordance with MacNeil’s (1985) typology of promissory contracts, Rousseau (1990) also categorized psychological contracts into two types: transactional and relational. Based on Rousseau and McLean Parks’ (1993) framework, transactional and relational psychological contracts differ on the following ?ve characteristics: focus ,time frame, stability, scope, and tangibility. Speci?cally, transactional contracts focus on economic terms, have a speci?c duration, are static, narrow in scope, and are easily observable. Relational contracts simultaneously focus on both economic and socio-emotional terms, have an indefinite duration, are dynamic, pervasive in scope, and are subjectively understood.In summary, transactional psychological contracts refer to employment arrangements with short-term exchanges of speci?ed performance terms and relational psychological contracts refer to arrangements with long-term exchanges of non-speci?ed performance terms. Empirical evidence supports notonly the existence of these two different types of psychological contracts,but also the movement between them. For example, Robinson et al.(1994) found that as contracts become less relational, employees perceived their employment arrangements to be more transactional in nature.Hypothesis 1 Commitment-based HR systems will positively relate to relational psychological contracts.In contrast, when an organization applies a low commitment-based HR system, such as narrowly de?ned jobs, limited training efforts, relatively limited bene?ts, and lower wages, employees will perceive that the organization has committed to offer them little to no training or career development. These perceptions will shape employees’transactional psychological contracts, which primarily focus upon the economic aspects of their short-term reciprocal exchange agreement with the organization. Accordingly, we hypothesize that commitment-based HR systems will negatively relate to transactional psychological contracts. Hypothesis 2 Commitment-based HR systems will negatively relate to transactional psychological contracts.The Mediating Effects of Psychological Contracts on the Relationship Between HR Systems and Role Behaviors.Organizations and their employees can be considered as the parties in the social exchange relationships. Based on the organization’s actions, such asHR systems, employees will generate their own perceptions, which in turn will determine their role behaviors in reciprocation to their organizations. Inother words, employees’ perceptions regarding the exchange agreement between themselves and their organizations mediate the relationships between HRsystems and employees’ role behaviors. Consequently, psychological contracts are expected to mediate the relationships between commitment-based HR systems and role behaviors.Role behavior refers to the recurring actions of an individualappropriately inter-correlated with the repetitive activities of others, to yield a predictable outcome. There are two types of role behaviors: in-roleand extra-role behavior. In-role behaviors are those behaviors required or expected within the purview of performing the duties and responsibilities ofan assigned work role (Van Dyne et al. 1995). Since they are required for the work role, employers adopt formal reward systems which provide ?nancial andother non-?nancial, but tangible inducements in exch ange for employees’ in-role behaviors.The exchange of ?nancial and tangible inducements is a key feature of economic exchange (Blau 1964) and, thus, the exchange relationships between commitment-based HR systems and employees’ in-role behaviors could be treated as a kind of economic exchange. In other words, commitment-based HR systems elicit employees’ in-role behaviors by shaping perceptionsregarding the economic terms of the exchange agreement between themselves and their organizations. Since both relational and transactional psychological contracts focus on economic terms of exchange relationships (Rousseau and McLean Parks 1993), employees with transactional or relational psychological contracts will perform in-role behaviors in order to exchange those higher salaries and more extensive bene?ts in commitment-based HR systems. Accordingly, we hypothesize that both relational and transactional psychological contracts will mediate the relationships between commitment-based HR systems and in-role behaviors.Hypothesis 3 Both relational and transactional psychological contracts will mediate the relationships between commitment-based HR systems and in-role behaviors.In contrast, extra-role behaviors, such as organizational citizenship behaviors (OCB), are those behaviors that bene?t the organization and go beyond existing role expectations (Van Dyne et al. 1995). OCBs are not required for the work role, and employers do not formally reward them. Forthis reason, employees perform OCBs to reciprocate only when they have had positive experiences, such as involvement, commitment, and support, with the organization (Organ 1990; Robinson and Morrison 1995).Since commitment-based HR systems are labeled ‘‘commitment maximizers’’ (Arthur 1992, 1994), they are likely to facilitate employees’ OCBs by offering those positive experiences.The reciprocation of these positive experiences is a kind of social exchange (Cropanzano and Mitchell 2021). In other words, to elicit employees’ OCBs, socio-emotional terms need to be in the exchange agreement between employees and their organizations. Since transactional psychological contracts do not focus on socio-emotional terms of exchange relationship (Rousseau and McLean Parks 1993), they are not expected to mediate the HR system�COCBsrelationship. Accordingly, we hypothesize that relational psychological contracts mediate the relationship between commitment-based HR systems and OCBs. MethodsSample and ProcedureThe solid strength of Taiwanese high-tech industries is a critical factor in the global economy (Einhorn 2021).Knowledge workers,such as R&D professionals and engineers, have been viewed as a core human resource for high-tech ?rms, and these ?rms would like to adopt commitment-based HR systems in managing their knowledge workers (Lepak and Snell 2002).Since personal contacts signi?cantly facilitate company access in Chinese societies (Easterby-Smith and Malina 1999), we accessed high-tech companies through personal感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。






文献列表1.Salas, E., & Cannon-Bowers, J. A. (2004). The science of training: Adecade of progress. Annual review of psychology, 55(1), 55-85.2.Cascio, W. F. (2018). Managing human resources: Productivity, qualityof work life, profits. McGraw-Hill Education.3.Wright, P. M., & McMahan, G. C. (1992). Theoretical perspectives forstrategic human resource management. Journal of management, 18(2), 295-320.4.Guest, D. E. (2017). Human resource management and performance:still searching for some answers. Human resource management journal, 27(1), 3-22.5.Lepak, D. P., & Snell, S. A. (1999). The human resource architecture:Toward a theory of human capital allocation and development. Academy ofmanagement review, 24(1), 31-48.6.Armstrong, M. (2014). Armstrong’s handbook of human re sourcemanagement practice. Kogan Page Publishers.7.Boxall, P., & Purcell, J. (2016). Strategy and human resourcemanagement. Palgrave.8.Snell, S. A., & Bohlander, G. W. (2012). Managing human resources.Nelson Education.9.Ulrich, D., & Dulebohn, J. H. (2015). Are we there yet? What’s next forHR?. Human Resource Management Review, 25(2), 188-204.10.Huselid, M. A. (1995). The impact of human resource managementpractices on turnover, productivity, and corporate financial performance.Academy of management journal, 38(3), 635-672.结论这篇文章列举了一些经典的人力资源管理领域的英文参考文献,这些文献涵盖了人力资源管理的各个方面,包括培训、策略、绩效、员工流动等。



百度文库- 好好学习,天天向上单位代码学号分类号密级文献翻译院(系)名称专业名称学生姓名指导教师2012年3月30日Human Resource ManagementHuman resources in corporate governance, not only has the human resources planning and strategic leader in the implementation of corporate strategic planning and overall development objectives of the course also has a vital role in this. At present, an increasing number of SMEs in the development of human resources planning is there are a lot of confusion and helplessness.Conditions in the knowledge-based economy, human resources of small and medium enterprises have a vital role in development. More and more small and medium-sized owners, corporate governance has become accustomed to the level of human resources management on the importance of enterprise development, but for the development of human resources planning is always there are a lot of confusion and helplessness."Human resource planning is very simple, not that more recruitment, remuneration, such as content, and sometimes combined with some training things.", "CEOs are still racking their brains set strategy, how can I make a planning", "human resource planning has not done very much sense, does not change plans quickly, the end of the day can be honored only 20% -30%. " HR is more than many small and medium enterprises are the views of human resources planning. So, how small and medium enterprises have no need for human resource planning? How can we work out a scientific human resource planning? First of all, let us take a look at the implementation of small and medium-sized effect of human resource planning is not ideal because:Human resource planning is not fully familiar withDo a good job in human resources management are the trilogy: a clear strategic planning - human resources planning - human resources management system and specific implementation plan. Corporate strategic objectives of the overall development of human resources planning determines the content, and these contents for the establishment of humanresources management system, develop specific plans to add staff, the use of plans, personnel and promotion plan to succeed, education and training plan, assessment and incentive plan, labor relations, retirement plan termination to provide the direction and in accordance with the guidelines. A broad sense of human resource planning includes all of these specific content, and not merely "just more of recruitment, remuneration, such as content, sometimes coupled with the training point of things."Human resource planning is the development of strategic planning an important component of the enterprise but also the human resources management of the foundation and basis. And the management of small and medium-sized and HR are not fully aware of precisely this point, so that the specific process of the formulation and implementation of a lack of sufficient attention, at all levels of department heads and line managers can not effectively cope with.The strategic objectives of the company is not clearHuman Resources Department must be combined with the implementation of corporate strategy to human resources support and guarantees. In human resources development and governance activities, strategic objectives should be to the strategic guidance of human resources policies to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness. Therefore, human resource planning is a prerequisite for enterprise development and corporate strategy clear first, and then can be decomposed into human resources, then demand will have plans, recruitment plans, payroll and other welfare plan with matching. And small and medium-sized general lack of a clear development strategy, particularly in the rapid expansion phase, is often involved in different business areas, including in many emerging industries. These new industries in R & D, marketing, management, and service all aspects of the experience does not mature for reference, especially to open up some new projects, setting a quota of work posts and not as mature as traditional business. Therefore, in human resources managementcan not have a clear plan, can only go one step further and look forward.Changes in the external environment company too fast, not planningChanges in the development of the market very quickly, and with the market despite changes in the industry to make plans, to reach a rate of year-end target of 20% -30%, however. If an IT company is a regional association in one of the major agents. In the beginning of the year, the company's Human Resources Department in accordance with the company's annual development strategy this year to develop the company's human resources planning. But in the New Year began less than three months, the Lenovo Group's own strategy, and the significant changes in organizational structure. So the supply chain as a part of the IT companies need to be adjusted throughout the company's human resources planning, in accordance with the requirements of a new company set up with the establishment, re-enact a series of related training programs. In fact, the external political, economic, legal, technical, cultural and other factors has been a series of dynamic changes, will cause a corresponding strategic objectives of the enterprise constantly changing, which in turn may lead to subsequent changes in human resource planning .Lack of human resources planning and personnel expertiseAt present, although many small and medium-sized set up a Human Resources Department, but the functions of the departments responsible in the exercise, the prevalence of some problems, mainly reflected in: first, the overall quality is not high, very few professionals, lack of expertise reserves, lack of professional skills ; Second, the lack of vocational training system; third, who was born and raised a number of human resources work, do not have good training, no formal influence of large corporations, low vision. Human resources are a very unique work; personal qualities understand the requirements and have a high learning ability. Of these factors, there are many rather than through the process of formal education available. An outstanding work of human resources does not depend oncertification by the theory of culture is not, and need is the work of its deep experience and a keen insight into the community. Otherwise, continue to rely solely on the principle of data processing technology or the training of human resources to create works in the same paper. In view of human resource development and governance are to penetrate the realities of small and medium-sized, with the various enterprises are familiar with the work of human resources and increasing practice, human resource planning will be in the development of enterprises play a powerful role in promoting.Human resources planning are to organize the protection of sustainable development, the importance of seeking development and growth, particularly in the small and medium enterprises. And whether the development and effective implementation of human resources planning does not depend on the size of the company, the most critical is based on the company's development strategy and operating characteristics of the development of suitable management policies. Most of the current characteristics and the operation of these enterprises are facing the problem of work, we propose the following recommendations: Clear core of human resourcesThe starting point for human resources planning is to clearly define the company's core competitive advantages, that is, the business environment in the enterprise, he is the survival value? His resources to maintain a competitive advantage for that? Take in order to maintain its competitive edge to find the real core of human resources. The core of human resources is to determine the survival and development of enterprise key factors, the need for incentives, education and training, design an appropriate career plan, and continuously to ensure that the recruitment of the core group of human resources capacity expansion, quality improvement, and long-term presence in the enterprise.Flexibility to develop forward-looking human resources planningThe so-called flexibility of human resource planning, is based on the core competitiveness of enterprises, re-evaluation and planning of human resources in enterprises, and form a general combination of human resources in order to ensure that the needs of enterprise's core competitive advantage of the conditions to meet the demands arising from the external business environment caused by temporary changes in human needs. In particular, in the assessment of the existing stock of human resources and define their core human resources on the basis of preparatory support the development of manpower planning and training programs accordingly, and its goal is the production or service enterprises are facing capacity expansion of opportunities, as soon as possible, with middle-level officers at the core support staff to enhance the organizations ability to respond.With the advent of the era of knowledge economy, Sees are facing a growing business environment can not guess, is filled with variables and business opportunities. Human resources planning must adapt to the needs of enterprise governance, maintaining a certain degree of flexibility in order to avoid the transfer of the business strategy of human resources when rigid, dysfunctional and hinder the development of enterprises. At the same time to further strengthen the human resource planning human resource management activities of the forward-looking, functional direction and predictability.The establishment of three-dimensional model of human resource managementPractical human resources planning must be based on internal communication, the basis of mutual cooperation. According to human resources management of small and medium-sized features, the creation of a layer in the decision-making, first-line managers and human resources management in collaboration between the scientific divisions of the three-dimensional model of governance, human resources will contribute to the formulation of strategic planning and implementation.Three-dimensional model, is defined as decision-making, human resource managementdepartments, first-line manager is responsible for the scientific division of labor and human resources management of the business, and the corresponding collaboration. In general, the decision-making level responsible for strategic planning and human resources to support the Human Resources Department, line manager, human resources work; human resources management department is responsible for job analysis, job evaluation and other infrastructure services, and to assist front-line managers do a good job in the core business and to help decision-making to do a good job of human resources strategic planning; first-line managers responsible for management of human resources in the core business in the key link to hold, and to assist Human Resources Department to do a good job analysis and job evaluation of posts and other infrastructure, as well as to assist decision-making to do a good job of human resources strategic planning .人力资源管理在企业的人力资源治理中,人力资源规划不仅具有先导性和战略性,在实施企业总体发展战略规划和目标的过程中也具有举足轻重的作用。










外文文献2:The Importance of Training and Development in Small Businesses简介这篇文章强调了培训和发展在小企业中的重要性,并探讨了如何有效地进行培训和发展。





外文文献3:Innovative HR Practices for Small Businesses简介这篇文章介绍了一些小企业可以采用的创新人力资源实践,以增加竞争力并吸引和留住优秀人才。





人力资源管理战略外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)原文:The Strategic Role of Human Resource ManagementTyson,S1. Human Resource Management at WorkWhat Is Human Resource ManagementTo understand what human resource management is, we should first reviewwhat managers do. Most experts agree that there are five basic functionsall managers perform' planning, organizing, staffing, leading, andcontrolling. In total, these functions represent the management process.Some of the specific activities involved in each function include:Planning: Establishing goals and standards; developing rules andprocedures; developing plans and forecasting—predicting or projectingsome future occurrence.Organizing: Giving each subordinate a specific task; establishing departments; delegating authority to subordinates; establishing channelsof authority and communication; coordinating the work of subordinates.Staffing: Deciding what type of people should be hired; recruitingprospective employees; selecting employees; setting performancestandards; compensating employees; evaluating performance; counselingemployees; training and developing employees.Leading: Getting others to get the job done; maintaining morale;motivating subordinates.Controlling: Setting standards such as sales quotas, quality standards, or production levels; checking to see how actual performance compares withthese standards; taking corrective action as needed.In this book, we are going to focus on one of these functions: the staffing,personnel management, or (as it's usually called today) human resource(HR) management function. Human resource management refers to thepractices and policies you need to carry out the people or personnelaspects of your management job. These include:Conducting job analyses (determining the nature of each employee's job)Planning labor needs and recruiting job candidatesSelecting job candidatesOrienting and training new employeesManaging Wages and Salaries (how to compensate employees )Providing incentives and benefitsAppraising performanceWhy Is HR Management Important to All ManagersWhy are these concepts and techniques important to all managers? Perhapsit's easier to answer this by listing some of the personnel mistakes youdon't want to make while managing. For example, you don't want:To hire the wrong person for the jobTo experience high turnoverTo find your people not doing their bestTo waste time with useless interviewsTo have your company taken to court because of your discriminatory actions To have your company cited under federal occupational safety laws for unsafe practicesTo have some of your employees think their salaries are unfair and inequitable relative to others in the organizationTo allow a lack of training to undermine your department's effectiveness To commit any unfair labor practicesCarefully studying this book can help you avoid mistakes like these. More important, it can help ensure that you get results —through others. Remember that you could do everything else right as a manager — lay brilliant plans, draw clear organization charts, set up modern assembly lines, and use sophisticated accounting controls — but still fail as a manager by hiring the wrong people or by not motivating subordinates, for instance).On the other hand, many managers-whether presidents, generals, governors, or supervisors-have been successful even with inadequate plans, organization, or controls. They were successful because they had the knack for hiring the right people for the right jobs and motivating, appraising, and developing them.Remember as you read this book that getting results is the bottom line of managing and that, as a manager, you will have to get these results through people As one company president summed up:"For many years it has been said that capital is the bottleneck for a developing industry. I don't think this any longer holds true. I think it's the work force and the company's inability to recruit and maintain a good work force that does constitute the bottleneck for production. I don't know of any major project backed by good ideas, vigor, and enthusiasm that has been stopped by a shortage of cash. I do know of industries whose growth has been partly stopped or hampered because they can't maintain an efficient and enthusiastic labor force, and I think this will hold true even more in the future---"At no time in our history has that statement been truer than it is today. As we'll see in a moment, intensified global competition, deregulation, and technical advances have triggered an avalanche of change, one that many firms have not survived. In this environment, the future belongs to those managers who can best manage change; but to manage change they must have committed employees who do their jobs as if they own the company. In this book we'll see that human resource management practices and policies can play a crucial role in fostering such employee commitment and in enabling the firm to better respond to change.2. Line and Staff Aspects of HRMAll managers are, in a sense, HR managers, since they all get involved in activities like recruiting, interviewing, selecting, and training. Yet most firms also have a human resource department with its own human resource manager. How do the duties of this HR manager and his or her staff relate to "line" managers' human resource duties? Let’s answer this question, starling with a short definition of line versus staff authority. Line versus Staff AuthorityAuthority is the right to make decisions, to direct the work of others, and to give orders. In management, we usually distinguish between line authority and staff authority.Line managers are authorized to direct the work of subordinates —they're always someone's boss. In addition, line managers are in charge of accomplishing the organization's basic goals (Hotel managers and the managers for production and sales are generally line managers, for example. They have direct responsibility for accomplishing the organization's basic goals. They also have the authority to direct the work of their subordinates. ) Staff managers, on the other hand, are authorized to assist and advise line managers in accomplishing these basic goals. HR managers are generally staff managers. They are responsible for advising line managers (like those for production and sales) in areas like recruiting, hiring, and compensation.Line Managers' Human Resource Management ResponsibilitiesAccording to one expert, 'The direct handling of people is, and always has been, an integral part of every line manager's responsibility, from president down to the lowest-level supervisor.For example, one major company outlines its line supervisors' responsibilities for effective human resource management under the following general headings:Placing the right person on the right jobStarting new employees in the organization (orientation)Training employees for jobs that are new to themImproving the job performance of each personGaining creative cooperation and developing smooth working relationships Interpreting the company s policies and proceduresControlling labor costsDeveloping the abilities of each personCreating and maintaining departmental moraleProtecting employees' health and physical conditionIn small organizations, line managers may carry out all these personnel duties unassisted. But as the organization grows, they need the assistance, specialized knowledge, and advice of a separate human resource staff. Human Resource Department's HR Management ResponsibilitiesThe human resource department provides this specialized assistance. Indoing so, the HR manager carries out three distinct functions:A line function.First, the HR manager performs a line function by directing the activities of the people in his or her own department and in service areas (like the plant cafeteria). In other words, he or she exerts line authority within the personnel department. HR managers are also likely to exert implied authority. This is so because line managers know the HR manager often has access to top management in personnel areas like testing and affirmative action. As a result, HR managers' "suggestions" are often viewed as "orders from topside". This implied authority carries even more weight with supervisors troubled with human resource/personnel problems.A coordinative function. HR managers also function as coordinators of personnel activities, a duty often referred to as functional control. Here the HR manager and department act as "the right arm of the top executive to as sure him (or her) that HR objectives, policies, and procedures (concerning, for example, occupational safety and health) which have been approved and adopted are being consistently carried out by line managers. Staff (service) functions. Serving and assisting line managers is the "bread and butter" of the HR manager's job. For example, HR assists in the hiring, training, evaluating, rewarding, counseling, promoting, and firing of employees. It also administers the various benefit programs (health and accident insurance, retirement, vacation, and so on). It assists line managers in their attempts to comply with equal employment and occupational safety laws. And it plays an important role with respect to grievances and labor relations. As part of these service activities, the HR managers land department) also carry out an "innovator" role by providing 'up to date information on current trends and new methods of solving problems. For example, there is much interest today in instituting reengineering programs and in providing career planning for employees. HR managers stay on top of such trends and help their organizations implement the required programs.Cooperative Line and Staff Human Resource Management:An ExampleExactly which HR management activities are carried out by line managers and staff managers? There's no single division of line and staff responsibilities that could be applied across the board in all organizations. But to show you what such a division might look like. This shows some HR responsibilities of line managers and staff managers in five areas: recruitment and selection; training and development; compensation; labor relations; and employee security and safety.For example, in the area of recruiting and hiring it's the line manager’s responsibility to specify the qualifications employees need to fill specific positions. Then the HR staff takes over. They develop sources of qualified applicants and conduct initial screening interviews. They administer the appropriate tests. Then they refer the best applicants tothe supervisor (line manager), who interviews and selects the ones he or she wants.In summary, HR management is an integral part of every manager's job. Whether you're a first-line supervisor, middle manager, or president, whether you're a production manager, sales manager, office manager, hospital administrator, county manager (or HR manager), getting results through people is the name of the game. And to do this, you'll need a good working knowledge of the human resource/personnel concepts and techniques in this book.4. Tomorrow's HRTrends like globalization and technological innovation are changing the way firms are managed. Organizations today must grapple with revolutionary trends, accelerating product and technological change, globalize competition, deregulation, demographic changes, and trends toward a service society and the information age.These trends have changed the playing field on which firms must compete. In particular, they have dramatically increased the degree of competition in virtually all industries, while forcing firms to cope with unprecedented product innovation and technological change.In the companies that have successfully responded to these challenges, new modes of organizing and managing have emerged.For example:The traditional, pyramid-shaped organization is giving way to new organizational forms. At firms like AT&T the new way of organizing stresses cross-functional teams and boosting interdepartmental communications.There is a corresponding de-emphasis on "sticking to the chain of command" to get decisions made. At General Electric, Chairman Jack Welch talks of the boundary less organization, in which employees do not identify with separate departments but instead interact with whomever they must to get the job done.Employees are being empowered to make more and more decisions. Experts argue for turning the typical organization upside down. They say today's organization should put the customer on top and emphasize that every move the company makes should be toward satisfying the customer's needs. Management must therefore empower its front-line employees—the front desk clerks at the hotel, the cabin attendants on the Delta plane, and the assemblers at Saturn. In other words, employees need the authority to respond quickly to the customer's needs. The main purpose of managers in this "upside down" organization is to serve the front-line employees, to see that they have what they need to do their jobs —and thus to serve the customers.Flatter organizations are the norm. Instead of the pyramid-shaped organization with its seven to ten or more layers of management, flat organizations with just three or four levels will prevail. Many companies(including AT&T and General Electric) have already cut the management layers from a dozen to six or fewer. As the remaining managers have more people reporting to them, they will be less able to meddle in the work of their subordinates.Work itself—on the factory floor, in the office, even in the hotel —is increasingly organized around teams and processes rather than specialized functions. On the plant floor, a worker will not just have the job of installing the same door handle over and over again. He or she will belong to a multifunction team, one that manages its own budget and controls the quality of own work.The bases of power are changing. "In the new organization, " says management theorist Rosabeth Moss Kanter, "position, title, and authority are no longer adequate tools for managers to rely on to get their jobs done.Instead, success depends increasingly on tapping into sources of good ideas, on figuring out whose collaboration is needed to act on those ideas, and on working with both to produce results. In short, the new managerial work implies very different ways of obtaining and using power." Managers will not "manage". Yesterday's manager knew that the president and owners of the firm gave him or her authority to command and control subordinates. Today most managers realize that reliance on formal authority is increasingly a thing of the past. Peter Drucker says that managers have to learn to manage ip situations where they do not have command authority, where " you are neither controlled nor controlling".Yesterday's manager thinks of himself or herself as a "manager" or "boss"; the new manager increasingly thinks of himself or herself as a "sponsor", "team leader", or "internal consultant". Managers today must build commitment Building adaptive, customer-responsive organizations means that eliciting employee’s commitment and self-control is more important than it has ever been. GE's Jack Welch put it this way: The only way I see to get more productivity is by getting people involved and excited about their jobs. You can't afford to have anyone walk through a gate of a factory or into an office who is not giving 120%".翻译:人力资源管理的战略作用泰森,S1. 人力资源管理工作什么是人力资源管理了解人力资源管理,首先要审查管理人员。



人力资源管理文献英文Human resource management literature refers to a diverse range of materials, including books, research papers, articles, and case studies that explore various aspects of HR management. The literature discusses the strategies, policies, and practices used by organizations to manage their human capital effectively and efficiently. The following document discusses the various components of the human resource management literature, which are essential for organizations to build and maintain a sustainable workforce.Recruitment and SelectionRecruitment and selection are critical components of human resource management. An effective recruitment process helps organizations identify and hire talented employees who can contribute to the organization's success. In contrast, poor recruitment practices can lead to high employee turnover rates, decreased morale, and reduced productivity. The recruitment process involves creating job descriptions, advertising job openings, screening resumes, interviewing candidates, and finally making job offers. Organizations may use various recruitment methods, such as social media, job portals, and employee referrals, to attract potential employees.Selection is the process of choosing the most suitable candidate for a job based on specific criteria. Selection processes include conducting background checks and skills assessments. The literature suggests that organizations should use valid and reliable selection methods to ensure that they are hiring the right people for the job. This is particularly important as poor recruitment and selection processes often result in high levels of employee turnover and a reduction in employee morale and productivity.Training and DevelopmentTraining and development are essential components of human resource management. Organizations invest in employee training and development to enhance their skills, knowledge, and abilities, thereby improving productivity and organizational performance. The literature suggests that employee training and development should be an ongoing process rather than aone-time event. The training process involves identifying training needs, designing training programs, and implementing and evaluating training programs. Development programs aim to prepare employees for future roles, and these may include mentoring, job rotations, and leadership training.Performance ManagementPerformance management is another critical component of human resource management. It is the process of evaluating employee performance and providing feedback to help employees improve. Performance management involves settingperformance goals, monitoring progress, and providing feedback to employees. The literature suggests that an effective performance management system has several benefits, including improved productivity, increased employee engagement, and reduced time spent on employee disciplinary procedures.Compensation and BenefitsCompensation and benefits are the incentives that organizations offer employees to attract them and retain them. The literature suggests that compensation and benefits should be fair and equitable, based on job responsibilities and market trends. The compensation and benefits package should be reviewed and updated regularly to ensure that it remains attractive to potential employees. The benefits package may include health insurance, retirement plans, vacation and sick leave policies, and other perks aimed at motivating employees.ConclusionIn conclusion, the human resource management literature provides organizations with insights into how to manage their human capital effectively. The literature has identified several components that are essential for organizations to build and sustain a high-performing workforce. These include recruitment and selection, training and development, performance management, and compensation and benefits. An effective human resource management system that integrates thesecomponents can help organizations achieve their strategic objectives and maintain a competitive edge.。



3400单词,1.8万英文字符,5240汉字出处:Jameson S M. Recruitment and training in small firms[J]. Journal of European Industrial Training, 2000, 24(1):43-49.Recruitment and training in small firmsSM JamesonAbstractThe hospitality and tourism industries are two of the fastest growing and most dynamic sectors of the UK economy. Both industries are highly labour intensive and, because of this, the effective management of human resources is critical to their success. A defining characteristic of these industries is the high incidence of small firms. The issue of training in the small business sector in general has been neglected by academics and management specialists and this is also the case specifically in tourism and hospitality. This article goes some way to address this gap in knowledge and examines the recruitment and training practices of small tourism and hospitality firms. The issues examined include sources of recruitment, the extent to which small tourism and hospitality firms had training plans and training budgets, participation, and evaluation of training.Keyword(s):Recruitment; Training; Small firms; Hospitality; Tourism.BackgroundSmall firms and trainingAlthough definitions of small firms have been extensively debated, there is no disagreement that the most commonly found tourism or hospitality enterprise is small (Thomas, 1998). To date, very little research has been conducted in these organisations. This is no surprise and as Matlay argues:The issue of training in the small business sector of the British economy has largely been neglected by academic researchers and human resource planning, development and management specialists who, until recently, were content to suggest solutions which were more relevant to the businesses strategies of larger firms (Matlay, 1996, p. 648).This is supported by Johnson and Gubbins (1992, pp. 28-9) who suggest that:relatively little is known about the extent, nature and determinants of training in small and medium-sized businesses, either on a national or on a local basis.It is argued that with the growth of tourism and hospitality and the importance of human resources within them this neglect should not continue.Research conducted in hospitality and tourism firms of all sizes has discovered that informality and a relatively unsophisticated management style characterise the approach taken towards recruitment and training (Goldsmith et al.,1997; Price, 1994; Lucas, 1995; Baum, 1995). Research on recruitment and training in small firms in general (Jameson, 1998) has also indicated that an informal approach towards the management of human resources is the norm in these firms. One of the major themes in small business literature has been the examination of the informality of relations between employers and employees. A correlation has been found to exist between the size of firm and level of formality in various sectors of the economy (see, for example, Scott et al. (1989); Curran et al. (1993)). Research conducted specifically in hospitality firms (Price, 1994, p. 49) found that:one of the main findings from the survey was the importance of the relationship between establishment size and emplo yment practices … there was a strong correlation between size and the extent to which establishments had introduced personnel policies, procedures or other arrangements which met the requirements of employment law.The significance of this relationship cannot be underestimated and must be borne in mind when interpreting the results on recruitment and training in the small firms in the sample.Any meaningful analysis of recruitment and training cannot be undertaken without some understanding of the labour market within which small tourism and hospitality firms operate. Much effort has been expended developing theoretical models of the labour market. As far as the tourism and hospitality industries are concerned one of the most useful theories is dual labour market theory. Goldsmith et al. (1997) summarize this succinctly. Dual labour market theory proposes that the total labour market can be segmented. One section is the primary labour market, where jobs tend to be supplied by large, highly profitable firms with a high capital to labour ratio and high productivity. Here, production is usually large scale with high investment in technology. Employment in these firms is normally stable with relatively high skill and wage levels. In this context, there are normally opportunities for training. The secondary labour market is normally characterised by small firms with low capital to labour ratio, low productivity and small scale production. In these firms, wage and skill levels tend to be low, employment is unstable and training opportunities are usually limited. Small tourism and hospitality firms normally tend to operate within the secondary labour market.There are obvious relationships between recruitment and training. One relationship is where training can provide solutions to problems in the labour market. Campbell and Baldwin (1993) suggest that in many industrialised countries there is a concern that skills shortages and mismatches are appearing in the labour market and that policy makers are aware that recruitment difficulties and skill shortages may reduce the competitiveness of small and large firms. Bradley and Taylor (1996) suggest that there is a growing awareness that education and training systems can influence the skill and occupational mix of a locality and local economic wellbeing. Another type of relationship is one where the level of recruitment affects the level of training. In tourism and hospitality, with their reliance on the secondary labour market and high rates of labour turnover, there is a strong tendency to have high levels of recruitment and low levels of training. The arguments being that either it is not worth investing in training or there simply is not time. RecruitmentResearch on tourism and hospitality firms in general (i.e. not specifically small firms) refers to informal and unsystematic recruitment methods (Lucas and Boella, 1996). Others, who have carried out research into recruitment in small firms in general have found a reliance on informal methods (see, for example, Curran et al., 1993). Millward et al. (1992) found that, whereas larger enterprises relied greatly on formal methods and bureaucratic procedures by specialist personnel departments, the small business owner/manager is likely to handle recruiting and personnel matters without delegating and is unlikely to have any relevant skills.TrainingTourism and hospitality have one of the highest levels of skill shortages (HCTC, 1995; HEFCE, 1998). If, as Bradley and Taylor (1996) suggest, training can influence the skill of a locality, then it is interesting to see how seriously small tourism and hospitality firms take training.According to Curran et al. (1996) small businesses experience problems in providing training for both owner-managers and workers. It has also been discovered that the hospitality industry displays one of the lowest levels of training activity in the UK economy (HCTC, 1995). These points should be borne in mind when the results of this survey are interpreted.Two of the indicators of a systematic approach to training are the existence of a training plan/policy and a specific budget for training.According to the Hospitality Training Foundation (HtF, 1996) 63 per cent of employers in all industries had a training plan. In catering and hospitality 64 per cent had a training plan. The most recent research on training and small firms found that only 28 per cent of such firms had a training plan.It is appropriate to discuss training budgets alongside training plans. It is also useful to compare the survey findings with all industries and with the hospitality industry (no figures are available for tourism). In all industries 55 per cent of employers had training budgets; in hospitality this figure was 43 per cent according to IFF research (HtF, 1996). However, research carried out by the HtF found that only 19 per cent of hospitality firms had a training budget.In the UK, the provision of training to SMEs has become a central issue of economic policy (Miller and Davenport, 1987). Storey (1994) has described this as a major indirect small firms policy initiative. Over the last decade, the provision of training and support to SMEs has increased considerably involving national and local Government, the private sector, and further and higher education institutes (Westhead, 1996. In the survey on small tourism and hospitality firms, the issue of training provision was examined.There is little point in investing in training without attempting to measure its effectiveness. Measuring the effectiveness of training is extremely difficult in any size of firm. The small firms literature suggests that owner-managers of small firms assess the value of workforce training in an informal way and tend to use various kinds of subjective assessments. The firms in the survey were questioned on if and how they measured the effectiveness of training.Research methodResearchers at The Centre for the Study of Small Tourism and Hospitality Firms based at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK, were keen to examine business practices in small firms both by breadth and depth. As such, it was decided to administer a questionnaire to 4,331 small firms. In total, 1,103 were returned completed, giving a response rate of 26 percent. The project focused on four regions: Cumbria; Heart of England; West Country; and Yorkshire. Eight sectors were chosen to provide a broadly based cross-section of these industries. These sectors were public house/bar; travel agent; hotel; visitor attraction; B&B/guesthouse; fast food/takeaway; restaurant or café; self-catering. The vast majority of firms in the sample were independently-owned single outlet businesses (80 per cent). The definition of a small firm adopt ed for the survey is fewer than 50 employees and is a conflation of the European Commission’s definition of very small (or micro) enterprises (fewer than ten employees) and small (between ten and 49 employees). The sample source was the Business Database (British Telecom) and a disproportionatestratified sample was specified within the four regions to provide a cross-section of experiences. This article presents some of the findings of the national survey of small tourism and hospitality firms. The survey is the most comprehensive of its kind ever to be undertaken in the UK and examined business performance, the business environment, marketing and recruitment and training in small tourism and hospitality firms. The survey represents a barometer of the changing attitudes and behaviour of those operating small tourism and hospitality firms.This article concentrates on the recruitment and training practices of the firms in the survey. The aim of the research was to discover the extent and nature of recruitment and training in small tourism and hospitality firms.ResultsInformality and a relatively unsophisticated management style characterise the approach taken towards recruitment and training in the small firms in the survey.When respondents in the survey were questioned about their recruitment activity during the past year (see Table I), and more specifically were asked about the methods used to recruit staff, word of mouth was the most commonly used recruitment method, followed by local press and job centres.These findings support the advice in the recruitment literature which normally suggests that small firms should recruit from the local labour market and should keep their recruitment spending within a very tight budget.In addition to questions on recruitment, respondents were asked a series of questions on training practices. When they were asked if they had a training plan for their business, the results were as indicated in Table II. Although only 11 per cent of small tourism and hospitality firms had a formal written plan, significantly more had some sort of training plan. Although this is lower than for other industries and thehospitality industry in general, it is higher than the figure for small firms, and does indicate some commitment to a systematic approach to training.As far as training budgets were concerned, 12 per cent of firms in the sample had them (see Figure 1). This figure of 12 per cent is not discouraging, and in fact, is almost identical to the figure of 12.5 per cent for small firms in general (Curran et al., 1996). Although both the figures for training plans and budgets appear encouraging, more details are required on the exact nature of the training plans and the precise amount of money devoted to training in relation to turnover etc. However, results from the survey do seem to indicate that some small tourism and hospitality firms are taking training seriously.Respondents were asked if they had provided training during the past 12 months (see Table III). On-the-job training was the most common training method used by small tourism and hospitality firms. This was followed by external training courses and induction. These results are unsurprising as small firms in general tend to favour informal training methods and usually value training which is specific to the job in question. Although on the job training may be appropriate for many jobs in small tourism and hospitality firms, this reliance on informal, unsophisticated training methods is typical of weak internal labour markets which generally have low skill requirements and lack training and promotion opportunities. This can beinterpreted as part of the whole package of the informal, unsophisticated approach to the management of human resources in small firms which is characterised by vague hiring standards and unsystematic recruitment. It runs counter to the primary labour market which has a strong internal labour market with precise hiring standards, formalised recruitment, high skill requirements and opportunities for training and promotion.Respondents in the survey were asked about training courses provided by external agencies and their replies produced the following response (see Table IV).As far as the small tourism and hospitality firms in the sample were concerned the courses which they found to be “very helpful” were organised by private providers (42 per cent found them to be very helpful). The provider who ranked second in the “very helpful” category was trade associations with 40 per cent. Courses provided by the banks appeared to be the least helpful as they had the highest percentage of respondents in the “not very helpful”category. Banks continue to be in the limelight as far as services to small businesses are concerned. Obviously it depends on which bank and which courses small tourism and hospitality businesses have experienced. Much also depends on the expectations that the owner/managers have of such a service. When the positive responses were combined, i.e. “very helpful” and “helpful”, the providers who fared best were private providers (86 per cent), trade associations (83 per cent) and local authorities (83 per cent). The banks’ results were worst with only 40 per cent of owner-managers finding their courses helpful.When respondents were questioned on active involvement in education or training initiatives, the results showed the following (see Table V). As far as Investors in People is concerned the 9 per cent of small tourism and hospitality firms which were either committed to or recognised as Investors In People is still much higher than the industry average of 3 per cent. This contrasts with the HtF’s suggestion that small firms are only as likely as large firms to engage in Investors in People activity.Another finding which contradicts the HtF’s view is that NVQ/SVQs have not been implemented in smaller hospitality establishments. Again, 17 per cent of small tourism and hospitality firms in the survey were participating in NVQs and SVQs. Highest participation was work experience for school pupils and work experience for college students and both of these “initiatives” have traditionally been extensively utilised by tourism and hospitality firms of all sizes.As mentioned above, it is pointless to invest in training unless some attempt is made to measure its effectiveness. In this survey of small tourism and hospitality firms one-third of respondents attempted to measure the effectiveness of training within their firm (see Figure 2). This again indicates that some small tourism and hospitality firms are taking training seriously.In the survey a question on future training intentions was divided into three sections; those relating to owner-managers, managers, staff. The results are summarised in Table VI Not surprisingly, the most likely recipients of training in these firms in the next 12 months will be staff. This may illustrate an intention to take training seriously but, of course, this intention needs to be reviewed in a year’s time. It is also necessary to evaluate the level, type, and quality of training being provided. Although there is an intention to train owner-managers in the next 12 months these are the people in small tourism and hospitality firms least likely to receive training in the next year. Given their importance as trainers, there is a case to be made that they should receive more support and training on how to train their workers more effectively. Authors such as Pittaway (1999) discovered that SME owners felt that their own skills impacted on the performance of the business and that they needed further training.ConclusionIn conclusion, this research has been undertaken as a result of the gap in knowledge on training in small firms, and more specifically on training in small tourism and hospitality firms. It suggests that this gap should not be allowed to continue, due to the growth and increasing importance of the tourism and hospitality industries and the nature of human resources within them. The research operates from the premiss that small firms are not microcosms of large firms, and as such require separate treatment. It is therefore inappropriate and inadequate simply to utilise previous research which is based on the large firm sector.This research has attempted partially to fill the gap in knowledge about the extent and nature of training in small tourism and hospitality firms.As expected, recruitment and training in small hospitality firms are largely carried out on an informal basis. This is entirely appropriate for the sizes of firms in question and is consistent with research conducted in various industry sectors. Implications of informality, however, may include being in breach ofcurrent employment law and may also result in recruiting people who are inappropriate in the long run. Informal recruitment practices and inappropriate selection can lead to high labour turnover.Compared with other industries, hospitality and tourism have higher than average skills shortages, labour turnover and hard to fill vacancies at every level (HEFCE, 1998). The scenario is one in which firms rely heavily on the secondary labour market and exhibit high levels of recruitment. It is argued that high levels of recruitment can affect the level of training in a firm. In fact, Hendry et al. (1991) found that in some cases, managers may prefer to recruit rather than train. Wynarczyck et al. (1993) discovered that the absence of an internal labour market in a small firm can impede the provision of formal training. Although this survey has not found a high level of formal training in small tourism and hospitality firms, it has discovered that in some firms, training is being taken seriously.Although as mentioned above, small businesses experience problems in providing training and the hospitality industry has one of the lowest training levels in the UK, small firms in this sector actually had higher incidences of training plans than small firms in other sectors.Informality is again present in relation to the types of training offered in the firms. As expected, on-job training predominates. Although it is essential to train people to do the job for which they have been appointed, this reliance on informal training can result in the exclusion of staff development in a more general sense and can reduce the likelihood of developing an internal labour market. Dependence on informal on-job training can increase the utilisation of the external labour market which enforces the vicious circle of high levels of recruitment and low levels of training.Optimism regarding training in small tourism and hospitality firms can again be seen when examining results of relationships with Investors In People and NVQs. The results of this survey indicated that in both cases small firms had higher levels of commitment than the hospitality industry in general.Overall this research has offered a snapshot of the nature and extent of recruitment and training in small tourism and hospitality firms.It is suggested that more research needs to be conducted to establish if correlations exist between training activity and the type and size of small tourism and hospitality firm. It is also proposed that whether or not a firm is in a stage of growth can determine attitudes towards and participation in training. Future research should concentrate on depth rather than breadth and a more qualitative approach would be appropriate which determine the reasons why small firm owner-managers decide to train/or not, how they decide on the type of training and if the type of training is effective in the small firm context.小企业的招聘与培训摘要酒店和旅游行业是对英国经济增长最快和最具活力的行业。






文献一:《The Impact of HRM Practices on Organizational Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis》这篇文献是由Brian Becker、Markus Groth和Patricia S. Taylor等人在2017年发表的。



文献二:《The Role of Human Resource Management in International Joint Ventures: A Review》发表于2015年的这篇文献由Ibraiz Tarique和Randall S. Schuler共同完成。



文献三:《The Impact of Human Resource Management Practices on Perceptions of Organizational Performance》这篇发表于2006年的文献由Naresh R. Pandey、Becky L. S. Ang和Damien W. C. Chng共同撰写。








研究领域分类人力资源规划1.Bechet, T. P. (2020). Strategic staffing: A comprehensive system foreffective workforce planning. SHRM Foundation.–这本书讲述了战略性人力资源规划的重要性以及如何建立一个有效的人力资源规划系统。

2.Cappelli, P., & Tavis, A. (2020). The performance managementrevolution: Business results through insight and action. Harvard Business Press.–本书介绍了如何通过绩效管控来实现业务目标,并提供实操建议。

人才招聘与选择1.Salopek, J. J. (2020). Hiring winners: Profile, interview, evaluate: Aguide to successful hiring. Greenleaf Book Group.–本书提供了招聘成功的关键策略、面试技巧和候选人评估方法。

2.Sartain, L., & Finney, B. (2020). Branding for talent: Eight essentials tomake your employer brand work for you. Wiley.–该书解释了如何通过塑造雇主品牌吸引和留住人才,并提供了实用的建议和策略。

培训与发展1.Noe, R. A. (2020). Employee training and development. McGraw-HillEducation.–这本书介绍了员工培训和发展的重要性,以及如何设计和实施有效的培训计划。



中英文资料外文翻译英文原文Human Resource Management Systems Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) have become one of the most important tools for many businesses. Even the small, 20-person office needs to realize the benefits of using HRMS to be more efficient. Many firms do not realize how much time and money they are wasting on manual human resource management (HRM) tasks until they sit down and inventory their time. HRMS is advancing to become its own information technology (IT) field. It allows companies to cut costs and offer more information to employees in a faster and more efficient way. Especially in difficult economic times, it is critical for companies to become more efficient in every sector of their business; human resources (HR) is no exception.HRIS refers to software packages that address HR needs with respect to planning, employee information access, and employer regulatory compliance. The following text begins with a discussion of human resource planning, followed by human resource management systems.American companies must now operate in a rapidly changing businessenvironment. These changes have important implications for HRM practices. To ensure that management practices support business needs, organizations must continually monitor changing environmental conditions and devise HRM strategies for dealing with them. The procedure used to tie human resource issues to the organization's business needs is called human resource planning. Also known as HR planning, this procedure is defined as the "process of identifying and responding to [organizational needs] …and charting new policies, systems, and programs that will assure effective human resource management under changing conditions."Human Resource Management Systems, also called Human Resource modules, is a link between Human resource management and information technology. A Human resource management system provides a single, accurate view of all human resource activities including recruiting, performance management, training and development and also compensation. Human resource management systems reduce the workload of the human resource department as well as increasing the efficiency of the department by standardizing human resource process. Human resource department plays an important role in the smooth running of the company by tracking and analyzing the time keeping and work patterns of the workforce. There are a wide range of applications available to help human resource department in their tasks, making possible the automation of certain tasks and helping in theorganization many other tasks.The function of human resource management to large extent is administrative and common to all organizations. Most organizations have formalized selection, evaluation and payroll processes. The function consists of tracking innumerable data of each employee from personal histories, data, skills, capabilities, experiences to payroll records. Organizations began electronically automate many of theses processes by introducing Human resource management systems to reduce the manual workload. Human resource executives depend on internal and external IT professionals to develop and maintain their Human resource management systems due to complexity in programming capabilities and limited technological resources.Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) provide a link between human resource management and information technology.HRMS allow enterprises to automate many aspects of human resource management, with the dual benefits of reducing the workload of the HR department as well as increasing the efficiency of the department by standardising HR processes.The field of human resources is one that is often overlooked in enterprise management. This situation is aided by the fact that an efficient Human Resources department should function without fanfare. For example, when a project team successfully launches a product on time and withinbudget it is hailed as a great success. When the HR department manages the administration of the enterprise successfully it can go virtually unnoticed –after all, the Human Resources department is simply expected to work, only attracting attention when there are problems.The reality, however, is very different. The HR department plays a vital role in ensuring the smooth running of an enterprise –most importantly by tracking and analysing the timekeeping and work patterns of the workforce, allowing management better information on which to form strategies.The importance of human resources has not gone unnoticed by the software industry. There is now a wide range of applications available to aid the HR department in their tasks, making possible the automation of certain tasks and aiding in the organisation of many others.HRM software systems (from vendors such as Oracle and Ascentis) arebroadly defined by the four basic responsibilities of the HR department, and as such typically contain standalone modules to address the needs of each responsibility:Payroll Module: The payroll module greatly reduces the workload of the HR department by automating the payroll process, allowing HR to ensure that payroll functions are completed on time and without errors.At its most basic level the payroll module is supported by the manual entry of timekeeping and attendance data from paper-based timesheets submitted by the workforce. More advanced systems track employee timekeeping through automatic systems, connected to either a ‘clocking in’system or a tracker connected to the desktop computers of the employees.Once attendance data is fed into the system, the payroll module automatically calculates payment amounts and various deductions such as income tax before generating paychecks and employee tax reports.Time and Labour Management Module: The time and labour management module is designed to collate and analyse employee timekeeping information for the purposes of organisational cost accounting.By sourcing data directly from the timekeeping devices and methods used to calculate payroll this module can provide management with valuable data regarding the use of labour resources within the enterprise.Benefit AdministrationModule: The benefit administrationmodule provides HR personnel withthe capacity to monitor and manageemployee participation in a range ofbenefit programs. These programscan range from programs related to the wellbeing of the workforce (such as health insurance and pension schemes) to profit making programs (such as stock option plans and profit sharing).HR Management Module: The HR management module provides a range of HR solutions ranging from analyses of application data through to the basic demographic data of employees.The management module allows HR personnel to effectively manage the Human Capital Pool (HCP) available within the enterprise, in that it keeps track of the training and development of the workforce and the skills and qualifications of each employee. Advanced HR management modules can also automate the process of application for positions by capturing application data and entering it to a relevant database.Benefits of HRMSWhile these modules each provide benefits to the HR department itself, the applications also aid the enterprise as a whole.HRM systems convert human resources information into a digital format, allowing that information to be added to the knowledge management systems of the enterprise. The result of this is that HR data can be integrated into the larger Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems of the enterprise.In analysing enterprise wide resource usage this data can prove invaluable. Data related to the time usage of the workforce can enhance the decision making abilities of management, allowing the HR department to form an integral aspect of strategy formation for the enterprise as a whole.中文译文人力资源管理系统(HRMS)已成为许多企业的重要的工具之一。

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文献信息:标题: Effective Human Resource Management in Small and Medium Size Enterprises in the Republic of Macedonia作者: Abduli, Selajdin, PhD出版物名称: International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences卷: 2期: 2页: 169-183出版日期: Mar 2013原文Effective Human Resource Management in Small and Medium Size Enterprisesin the Republic of MacedoniaAbduli, SelajdinAbstractToday, Human Resource Management (HRM) functions, practices and procedures are increasingly becoming important, considering the growth of the knowledge based economy. Human resources in any enterprise, whether small or medium constitute an important area of study. Careful human resources management creates good opportunities to ensure efficiency in the production process of goods and services that guarantee a satisfactory level of living in society. If managed effectively and efficiently, human resources can play as an important role in realizing the objectives of the enterprise as an integral source. HRM studies fulfill the need of a businessman to understand the economy, market, organization or any other related area.Human resource development has a close connection with socio-economic developments in society. The environment creates the opportunity to take important steps to support programs for their effective development and could encourage the company to provide training for employees, informing the labor market for a better assessment of the supply and the demand for work, managing human resources tofulfill human resource development. Accordingly, this has made the investment in human resources a necessity in such a way as to make the enterprise be able to withstand the challenges facing the environment in which they operate. Designing programs and effective human resource policies will allow for the growth of human resource performance and increase the overall business performance. Moreover, as stated above, this has an impact to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise. Relevant institutions should focus on reforming the education system by conforming to labor market demands, while effective enterprise management should focus on professional training of employees.Apart from the theoretical analysis of the issues mentioned above, the doctoral thesis is further supported by the empirical analysis, in which 150 small and medium enterprises in the Republic of Macedonia are surveyed.Keywords: Human resource management, effectiveness, small and medium-size enterprises, performance, training, employment.1. IntroductionThe paper makes an attempt to study the management and efficient use of human resources in Macedonia during the period of transition and economic reforms in the country, respectively, making these reforms which enabled major changes in the structure of the economy, where SMEs operate as an important pillar. By illustrating a position followed by many economists for a sense of competition and globalization trends, the paper will illustrate human resource management and the dynamics of its development as a key strategy in business development. One such comprehensive reform has made SMEs to face challenges in their functioning, such as the procedure of human resources management (HRM). Such a step, albeit difficult, however, has created a good basis to build mechanisms for the functioning of market economy in Macedonia, this necessity, is imposed to managing and using human resources efficiently.2. The Role of Human Resources in Small and Medium EnterprisesHRM is concerned with all aspects of employment and management of people in organizations. HRM covers the following activities: strategic human resource management, human capital management, corporate social responsibility, knowledge management, organizational development, securing resources (human resourceplanning, recruitment and selection, and talent management), management performance, learning and development, compensation management, employee relations, employee welfare, health and safety and the provision of services for employees.HRM practice has a strong conceptual basis borrowed and based on the science of organizational behavior and strategic management, human capital and theories of industrial relations. This database was built with the help of a large number of research projects by different researchers in the field of management.The purpose of this paper is to give a general introduction to the practice and concepts of HRM. The paper defines HRM objectives, theories, characteristics, components of HRM systems, development of HRM as a method for managing people, the views expressed in relation to key performers, the context in which it works HRM and ethical dimensions that affect the human resource policy and practice.Among others the author Ronald R.Sims says "The key to a continued survival and successful organization is not rational or quantitative approaches, but differs significantly in activities of employees and managers that are based on the support and mutual loyalty. The success of the organization today and tomorrow is being seen more and more dependent on the effectiveness of human resource management" (Sims, 2002, p.l).HRM is a strategic, integrated and coherent approach to recruitment, development and welfare of the people working in organizations. To create better insight about what actually represents human resource management, some aspects of the definition include: Aspect ratios of the company with the workers. Human resource management involves all management decisions and actions that affect the nature of the relationship between the organization and its employees its human resources. HRM also has to do with the management of the workforce in organizations (Wright and Snell, 1997).HRM includes a set of policies designed to maximize organizational integration, employee commitment, flexibility and quality of work, or working and people management in achieving desired goals. Strategic aspect of the action. According to this aspect of HRM has to do with human resources policies, which should beintegrated with strategic business planning and used to reinforce an appropriate organizational culture (or to change an inappropriate one). Human resources are the source of competitive advantage, because they can relate more effectively by mutually consistent policies that promote commitment and, therefore, are able to feed to the employees a willingness to act in a more flexible way in the interest of pursuit of excellence "appropriate for the organization." Moreover, the management of human resources is a particular method of employment management which seeks to achieve competitive advantage through the strategic development of a workforce more dedicated and capable, using a variety of techniques integrated cultural, structural and personnel (Boxall et al., 2008; Legge, 1989).The overall goal of human resource management is to ensure that the company will be able to achieve success through people. HRM aims to increase the effectiveness and organizational skills, which means the ability of an organization to achieve its goals using the available resources in the best way possible. Some authors in their studies have found that HRM systems can be the source of firms' organizational capabilities that allow one to learn and benefit from new opportunities. But HRM has an ethical dimension, which also means that one should be concerned for the rights and needs of people in organizations through the exercise of social responsibility (see: Beer et al., 1984; Grimshaw and Rubery, 2008; Guest, 2008; Storey, 2007; Ulrich and Lake, 1990)Dyer and Holder (1988) analyzed the objectives of human resource management from a different perspective, taking into consideration the given input concept (what kind of behavior is expected of employees?), the composition (what is the percentage of staff and skills mixture ratio?), the competence (what is the overall level of desired capacity?) and the commitment (what is the level of engagement and identification of employees?).3. Human Resource Management SystemHRM is a system in itself, open, which aims at integration. An open system is dependent on the input environment, which are transformed during turnovers that are exchanged in an environment. Wright and Snell defined an open system HRM as a model of competence of organizations. Capacities and skills are treated as inputs from the environment; behaviors of employees are treated as part of the turnover; while satisfaction and performance of employees is treated as outputs.From the literature review, HRM in traditional form, can be seen as a collection of multiple discrete practices with no clear or obvious connection between them. While modern treatments see HRM as an integrated and coherent package of practices that reinforce each other. Kepes and Delery comment that a defining characteristic of HRM is that HRM systems are a source of competitive advantage, not its individual practices. "Coherent Systems sorted internally form strong connections that create positive synergistic effects on the results of the organization" (Armstrong, 2009, p.13).As shown in Figure 1 an HRM system brings together human resources philosophies that describe inclusive values and guiding principles adopted in managing people, human resource strategies that determine the direction of targeting HRM, human resource policies that provide guidelines defining how these values, principles, and strategies should be implemented and applied in certain areas of HRM, human resource processes, including formal procedures and methods used to make it possible to take effective strategic plans and human resource policies, practices related to human resources consisting of methods used in managing people, and human resources programs, which enable the implementation according to the strategic planning, human resource policies and practices.4. Effective Role in Human Resource AssessmentAssessment of human resources management refers to the procedures and processes by which is measured, evaluated and communicated to the value added of human resource management practices applied in the enterprise. In other words, the evaluation of human resource management contributes to the identification of the financial contribution of HRM in the company's final score, or index return realized investment (ROI) that HRM functions realized in achieving the highest levels enterprise performance.Best practices or practices with high performance work systems and methods are described in HRM which have positive effects, universal add-on enterprise performance. Best management practices developed, implemented with the view that through their rise to higher overall performance level of employees in the enterprise, ultimately they lead to higher levels of performance of the enterprise.Work environment plays an important role in improving the effectiveness ofhuman resources. A secure job, healthy, pleasing, makes the individual feel comfortable in the company. Each of these elements with the importance of providing security for the individual and gives them the motivation and incentive to stay in the enterprise. This situation is usually evidenced through surveys, questionnaires through which internal answers reveal whether enterprise employees are satisfied and if they are not satisfied with what they feel should change.Employees in an enterprise do not want to be found uninformed of what is happening in the company, so do not want to find themselves in a situation of informative darkness. They feel motivated and enthusiastic only when the management of the company is open to relations with them on the development of policies and procedures, know the salary, clients, contracts, goals and objectives of the enterprise. Such a situation of open management encourages active participation in management. Asking employees for ideas they have to make changes in the enterprise will stimulate their creative judgment. Management open to any element relating to the performance of the enterprise will help in establishing credibility and motivation of individuals in the enterprise.Any good performance in the execution of duties by individuals in the enterprise can be estimated several ways, from verbal praise, until the award of bonuses or giving different payments. Enterprise through these forms encourages individuals so that they are more effective in performing tasks and simultaneously opens prospects for their moral growth for a much longer period. Incentives for increased performance can be applied for every individual and for every team. But care should be taken in any bonuses to be given from, should be based on a reason given and made transparent.译文马其顿共和国中小型企业中有效的人力资源管理摘要今天,人力资源管理的功能、实践和程序正变得越来越重要,正成为知识经济的增长点。
