1978年8月在墨西哥城召开了世界公共关系协 会大会通过了公共关系的定义,称为墨西哥宣 墨西哥宣 言: public relations is the art and social science of analysing trends, predicting their consequences, counselling organisations leaders and implementing planned programmes of actions which will serve both the organization’s and the public interest.
One of the jobs of an organisation’s senior management team is to consider who is publics are and, with the help of its public relations adviser, to agree how they are to be reached, when and to what purpose.
Public relations is about reputation—the result of what you do, what you say and what others say about you. Public relations practice is the discipline which looks after reputationwith the aim of earning understanding and support, and influencing opinion and behavior. It is the planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an organization and its publics.
1. 请阅读下列开业启事(Business-starting Announcement)并观察其有何语言特点, 再尝试将其翻译成中文。
快来品尝眼见为实 位于朝阳路18号的小肥羊火锅餐厅,规模最大,特奉 火锅餐饮服务。所有菜品风味独特,任君选择。本店将于 2013年12月18日开张大吉。 先来者优先,来前最好预订座位。欢迎前来品鉴。 联系电话:88967758
Unit 8 PR Document
公关文稿 的翻译
公关文稿的基本知识 案例分析 公关文稿的分类
公关文稿的翻译技巧 课内翻译实践及练习
Basic Knowledge
公共关系一词源自英语的Public Relations,简称PR或公关。 公共关系是一种管理职能,其目的是为了对公众舆论产生影响, 为某一组织树立良好的形象和声誉。本质上,公共关系是为了通 过传播手段与公众建立良好的关系,并与公众共享利益。
手持笔记本电脑的弗兰克尔是 白宫写作团队的核心之一
Rhetoric Methods
Parallelism Antithesis Repetition Alliteration Allusion & quotation
• 各类演讲中最常用的修辞手法非排比莫属,可以说是必不 可少的。排比即将三个或三个以上结构一致或相似的词、 词组或句子并置在一起。
商务英语公关文稿广泛地存在于商业、企业的经营活动的 各个过程之中,也是商务英语翻译最频繁接触的涉外材料类 型。通过这类翻译工作,可以帮助企业内部以及与以客户、 同行为主的社会各界相互沟通、相互适应,以良好的企业形 象,赢得广泛的关注和信赖,从而为企业带来显著的经济效 益和社会效益。因此公关文稿的翻译必须做到语言表达简练 地道,意思表述严密精确,情态语气恰当得体。
MA ADVERTISING & MARKETING: Public Relations & Corporate Communications Module
Here the term “organisational communication” is used to refer to all forms of communications other than marketing communications what public relations scholars would normally see as the domain of public relations and public affairs.
பைடு நூலகம்Hardest to reach at a minimum Keep Satisfied
Key Players
MA ADVERTISING & MARKETING: Public Relations & Corporate Communications Module
Confusion over Functional Titles Nowadays it is common to find a range of titles used to designate the corporate PR function; corporate affairs, public affairs, external affairs and increasingly- corporate communications.
Up to today I have had only myself to blame, Array wrong is wrong, and whoever had seemingly beeninvolved had absolutely nothing to do with it.Not merely it had brought up my hubris, a smoothascending in acting career had likewise beennurturing my self-conceited, peremptorydisposition, thenceforth eventually led to today'ssuch precarious situation. Therefore alone, I amready to bear all the consequences. In fact, I amgrateful that rather than let me tumble at ablindingly arrogant tomorrow, you havegenerously brought it forward and in less than notime I am obliged to reorganize myself, face theupcoming impact , and yet most imperatively, Ishall hereby not escape from issuing a sincereapology.I, Wen Zhang, have been writing the “wenzhang”of my life with disgraceful blunders.I have failed Ma Yili and the child;I have failed the family;I have failed my title as a husband and, as a father;I have failed those who had counted on me withtheir hearty expectation.I am sorry; please accept my gut apology andremorse.Yili and the child could be looking forward tohaving a warm and fine life, had I not smashed itinto a thousand pieces. Fully aware as I am thatmy extramarital misconduct shall not be grantedforgiveness and such harm I have caused is to behealed by no easy means, nonetheless, I amdetermined to heal it, since it has to be, and fromtoday, this shall be my life.As for myself, I wish to fail no one hereafter, for Ihave had no one but myself to blame.Wen Zhang.。
Good [morning/afternoon/evening]. It is a great pleasure to stand before you today and address this esteemed audience on the topic of public relations. In an era where information travels at the speed of light and reputations can be built or destroyed in mere seconds, the role of public relations has never been more crucial.Title: Nurturing Trust in a Digital WorldIntroduction:Public relations is the art and science of managing the spread of information between an individual or an organization and the public. It is about building and maintaining relationships, managing perceptions, and crafting narratives that resonate with our audiences. Today, I would like to discuss the importance of trust in public relations, especially in our increasingly digital world.Body:1. The Shift in Public RelationsIn the past, public relations was primarily about controlling the message and ensuring that the organization's image was portrayed in the most favorable light. However, with the advent of social media anddigital platforms, the landscape of public relations has changed dramatically. Now, it is about engaging with stakeholders, being transparent, and fostering genuine relationships.2. The Power of TrustTrust is the cornerstone of effective public relations. When peopletrust an organization, they are more likely to support its initiatives, purchase its products, and advocate on its behalf. Trust is built through consistent communication, transparency, and ethical behavior.3. The Digital World: Challenges and OpportunitiesIn the digital age, information is abundant and accessible. This has both positive and negative implications for public relations. On one hand, it allows for real-time communication and engagement with a vastaudience. On the other hand, it increases the risk of misinformation and reputational damage.4. Strategies for Building Trust in the Digital WorldTo navigate the digital landscape successfully, organizations must adopt the following strategies:a. Be Transparent: Provide accurate and timely information, and be open about any challenges or mistakes.b. Engage Authentically: Interact with your audience genuinely, listening to their concerns and responding appropriately.c. Monitor and Respond: Keep a close eye on social media and other digital platforms to identify and address any issues promptly.d. Be Consistent: Ensure that your messaging is consistent across all channels to reinforce your brand identity.e. Leverage Influencers: Collaborate with influencers who share your values and can help amplify your message.Conclusion:In conclusion, public relations plays a pivotal role in shaping an organization's reputation and fostering trust in a digital world. By embracing transparency, authenticity, and engagement, we can navigate the complexities of the digital landscape and build lastingrelationships with our audiences.As we move forward, let us remember that trust is not just a buzzword but a fundamental principle that underpins the success of any organization. Together, we can harness the power of public relations to create a more informed, connected, and trusted world.Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to your questions and insights.[The speaker then opens the floor for questions.]。
公关演讲稿 英文
公关演讲稿英文Ladies and gentlemen, good morning/afternoon/evening. It is my great honor to stand before you today to talk about the importance of public relations and the role it plays in shaping the success of an organization.Public relations, as we all know, is the practice of managing the spread of information between an individual or an organization and the public. It is crucial in building and maintaining a positive image, reputation, and relationship with the public, customers, employees, investors, and other stakeholders. In today's fast-paced and interconnected world, effective public relations is more important than ever before.First and foremost, public relations is about building trust. Trust is the foundation of any successful organization. Without trust, it is nearly impossible to establish lasting relationships with customers, employees, and the public. Through strategic communication and engagement, public relations professionals can help to build and maintain trust, which is essential for the long-term success of any organization.Furthermore, public relations is about managing reputation. In the age of social media and instant communication, a company's reputation can be easily tarnished by negative publicity or a crisis. Public relations professionals play a critical role in managing and protecting the reputation of the organization, by effectively communicating the organization's values, actions, and responses to any challenges or crises.In addition, public relations is about creating a positive public image. A strong public image can differentiate an organization from its competitors, attract customers, and enhance the overall brand value. Through media relations, community engagement, and other communication strategies, public relations professionals can help to shape a positive public image that resonates with the organization's target audience.Moreover, public relations is about fostering relationships. Building and maintaining relationships with the public, media, and other stakeholders is essential for the success ofany organization. Public relations professionals are responsible for creating and nurturing these relationships, which can lead to positive publicity, partnerships, and opportunities for the organization.In conclusion, public relations is a vital function for any organization. It is about building trust, managing reputation, creating a positive public image, and fostering relationships. Effective public relations can contribute to the overall success and sustainability of an organization. Thank you for your attention.。
自1955年创立以来,麦当劳苦心经营,不断发展,目前在全世界建有20 000多家快餐店。
”除了威克斯兰博士的澄清声明外,欧洲化妆品、盥洗用品和香料协会主席Christopher Flower博士的信函,英国首席牙科主任Raman Bedi教授的声明,以及中华预防医学会和中华口腔医学会的说明都在新闻发布会上被出示或者提及,高露洁希望它们能够共同见证高露洁全效牙膏的清白。
市场营销仅限于企业生产流通领域,最多不 过是经济领域内,但公共关系所涉及的是社 会任何一种组织与公众的关系。除企业外, 公共关系还涉及政府、学校、医院等各种组 织,远远超过了经济领域。公共关系比市场 营销有更广泛的社会性,学科应用范围也更 为广阔。
市场营销的直接目的是销售产品,从而进一 步扩大赢利,产生企业效益;公共关系的目 的是树立组织形象,产生良好的公众信誉, 从而使组织获得长足的发展。
一般指一个社会组织用传播手段使自己与相 关公众之间形成双向交流,使双方达到相互 了解和相互适应的管理活动。这个定义反映 了公共关系是一种传播活动,也是一种管理 职能
评估社会公众的态度,确认与公众利益相符 合的个人或组织的政策与程序,拟定并执行 各种行动方案,提高主体的知名度和美誉度, 改善形象,争取相关公众的理解与接受。
1.公共关系是一种状态 2.公共关系是一种活动 3.公共关系是一种职业 4.公共关系是一门学科 5.公共关系是一种意识、观念与思想 6.公共关系是一门艺术
公共关系与宣传的联系主要表现在:二 者性质上都是一种传播过程,并具有一些共 同的活动特点;二者的工作内容有时也是相 同的,如每个组织都有团结内部成员,增强 群体凝聚力、向心力、荣誉感等方面的任务, 这既是组织内部宣传工作的内容,也是组织 内部公共关系工作的目标。但是公共关系与 宣传是有区别的,
以一个马戏团要在某小镇表演而作的市场活动为例: 如果你在街上作一个牌子,写上“xxx马戏团将于x月x日在本镇上 演大戏”,这就是在做“广告”。 如果你在马戏团里找一头大象,把这个牌子放在大象的背上,在大 街上来回走动,这是在做“促销推广”。 如果你让背着牌子的大象踏进镇政府大门前的花园,这就是在做 “炒作”。 如果你能让镇长对“大象踏进镇政府大门前的花园”这件事发表意 见,这就是在做“公关”。 公共关系与广告的区别主要在于: 传播的目标不同 公共关系的目标是赢得公众的信赖、好感、合作与支持,树立良好 的整体形象,“让别人喜欢我”;广告的目标是激发人们的购买欲望, 对产品产生好感,“让别人买我”。
公关传播的途径英语作文Public Relations and Communication Channels。
Public relations, also known as PR, is the practice of managing the spread of information between an individual or an organization and the public. It is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics. PR is used to promote goodwill between a company and its stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors, and the general public.To effectively communicate with the public, PR professionals use a variety of communication channels. These channels include:1. Press releases: A press release is a written communication that is sent to the media to announce something newsworthy. PR professionals use press releases to announce product launches, company events, and otherimportant news.2. Social media: Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are powerful tools for PR professionals to communicate with the public. They can use these platforms to share news, engage with customers, and build brand awareness.3. Email marketing: Email marketing is a direct communication channel that allows PR professionals to send targeted messages to specific groups of people. They can use email marketing to promote products, share news, and build relationships with customers.4. Influencer marketing: Influencer marketing is a form of PR that involves working with social media influencers to promote products or services. PR professionals can use influencer marketing to reach new audiences and build brand awareness.5. Events: PR professionals can organize events like product launches, press conferences, and trade shows tocommunicate with the public. Events provide an opportunity to showcase products and services, engage with customers, and build relationships with stakeholders.In conclusion, public relations is an important tool for organizations to communicate with the public. PR professionals use a variety of communication channels to promote products, share news, and build relationships with customers and stakeholders. By effectively managing their public relations, organizations can build goodwill and strengthen their brand reputation.。
关于合作的案例的英语作文英文回答:Collaboration is an essential aspect of human society, playing a crucial role in areas such as business, education, healthcare, and scientific research. By working together, individuals and organizations can achieve more than they could independently.One example of successful collaboration is the Human Genome Project, an international effort that spanned more than a decade and culminated in the sequencing of the human genome. This project involved the collaboration ofscientists from over 20 countries, who shared data and expertise to unlock the secrets of human DNA.Another notable example is the development of the internet. This global network was made possible through the collaboration of researchers, engineers, and organizations from around the world. They worked together to create asystem that allows billions of people to connect and share information.Collaboration can also lead to innovative solutions in business. The development of the iPhone, for example, was the result of close collaboration between Apple's hardware and software teams. By working together, they were able to create a groundbreaking product that revolutionized the mobile phone industry.In education, collaboration among teachers can enhance student learning. By sharing their knowledge and experiences, teachers can improve their teaching practices and provide students with a more comprehensive learning experience. Collaborative projects can also foster teamwork and communication skills among students.In healthcare, collaboration between doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals is essential for providing optimal patient care. By working together, they can share information, make informed decisions, and provide a more holistic approach to patient treatment.中文回答:合作是人类社会的重要方面,在商业、教育、医疗保健和科学研究等领域发挥着至关重要的作用。
公关的职位描述英语作文英文:PR, short for Public Relations, is a crucial role in many organizations and businesses. As a PR professional, my main responsibility is to maintain and enhance the company's public image and reputation. This involves managing communication between the company and its stakeholders, including customers, employees, investors, and the media.One of the key tasks of a PR professional is to develop and implement effective communication strategies. This may involve drafting press releases, organizing press conferences, and managing social media accounts. For example, if a company is launching a new product, I would work with the marketing team to create a PR campaign that generates buzz and excitement about the product.Another important aspect of PR is crisis management.When a company is faced with a crisis, such as a product recall or a negative news story, it is the PRprofessional's job to manage the situation and minimize damage to the company's reputation. This may involve drafting statements, conducting interviews, and coordinating with legal and other departments within the company.In addition to these tasks, a PR professional also needs to be skilled in building and maintaining relationships with key stakeholders. This may involve networking with journalists, attending industry events, and meeting with investors and other stakeholders on a regular basis.Overall, the role of a PR professional is dynamic and challenging, requiring a combination of strategic thinking, communication skills, and relationship building.中文:公关(PR)是许多组织和企业中至关重要的职位。
Ladies and gentlemen,Good [morning/afternoon/evening]. It is with a heavy heart that I stand before you today to address the recent crisis that has impacted our organization. I understand that this situation has caused concern, confusion, and perhaps even disappointment among our stakeholders, and for that, I sincerely apologize.Firstly, let me take a moment to express my gratitude to each and every one of you for your unwavering support during these trying times. Your resilience and dedication have been instrumental in navigating this challenging situation. Today, I aim to provide you with clarity on the steps we are taking to address the crisis and rebuild trust within our community.As many of you are aware, the recent incident has put our organization in the spotlight, and it has been a difficult time for all of us. However, it is important to remember that crises are not anomalies but rather opportunities for growth and improvement. We must face these challenges head-on and learn from them to become stronger and more resilient in the future.To begin, I would like to outline the immediate actions we have taken to address the crisis:1. We have formed a crisis management team, consisting of experts in various fields, to thoroughly investigate the incident and its root causes.2. We have implemented a comprehensive plan to address the concerns raised by our stakeholders, including our customers, employees, and partners.3. We have engaged with relevant authorities to ensure compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements.4. We are committed to transparently communicating with all stakeholders throughout the process, providing regular updates on our progress and addressing any questions or concerns promptly.In the wake of this crisis, it is essential that we focus on rebuilding trust and restoring our reputation. Here are the steps we are taking to achieve this:1. We are investing in employee training to ensure that our team is equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to prevent similar incidents in the future.2. We are enhancing our quality control processes to ensure the highest standards of safety and reliability.3. We are working closely with our suppliers to ensure the integrity of our products and services.4. We are actively seeking feedback from our stakeholders to understand their concerns and to demonstrate our commitment to continuous improvement.As we move forward, we must also acknowledge that crisis management is an ongoing process. We will continue to monitor our operations and be proactive in identifying and addressing any potential risks. It is through these efforts that we will be able to build a stronger, more resilient organization.Ladies and gentlemen, the road ahead will not be easy. However, by working together, we can overcome this challenge and emerge stronger. Our commitment to excellence, innovation, and integrity remains unwavering, and we will not rest until we have fully addressed the concerns raised by this crisis.In conclusion, I want to assure you that our organization is dedicated to learning from this experience and taking the necessary steps to ensure a brighter future. We are grateful for your understanding and support during this challenging time, and we look forward to regaining your trust as we move forward.Thank you for your attention, and I am now open to any questions you may have regarding our crisis management efforts.[Note: The above speech is a general template for a crisis management speech. Adjustments may be needed based on the specific context and organization.]。
Smart Jacket as a Collaborative Tangible UserInterface in Crisis ManagementMonica Divitini1, Babak A. Farshchian2, Jacqueline Floch2, Bjørn MagnusMathisen2,Simone Mora1 and Thomas Vilarinho21 NTNU,N-7491 Trondheim, Norway{monica.divitini, simone.mora}@idi.ntnu.no2 SINTEF ICT,N-7465 Trondheim, Norway{babak.farshchian, jacqueline.floch, bjornmagnus.mathisen, thomas.vilarinho }@sintef.no Abstract.Collaborative AmI technologies have the potential to increase theefficiency and effectiveness of rescuers during crisis response work. However,few AmI technologies are designed specifically for such scenarios. Our findingsfrom a number of case studies have resulted in a set of requirements. In thispaper we present some of these findings. We then present a second generationAmI tool that was developed to support our users. The tool is a jacket equippedwith a number of sensors/actuators allowing coordinators to draw the attentionof rescuers in the field and to provide them information and commands. Thetool is currently undergoing evaluation in collaboration with our users.1 IntroductionThe ability to get accurate and on-time situation awareness and to coordinate rescuer teams effectively is essential for crisis management. The efficiency of response actions impacts directly on the extent of damages, the number of saved lives and the reduction of risks for rescuers. A major challenge for rescuers on the fields is to combine tasks that require full concentration and physical effort with the use of communication and collaboration tools. Today, a number of technical tools, such as computers, sensors, cameras and ad-hoc networking equipment, are regularly operated by rescuers in disaster areas. Pervasive and ambient computing technology can be applied to support the rapid and accurate collection of data, and efficient decision-making, and situational awareness [1]. Moreover, a variety of collaborative software tools are used to manage and coordinate rescuer teams [2]. Research shows that traditional desktop-based computer interfaces are not suited for supporting all the collaboration needs in the field. Social and cognitive aspects should be considered strongly when designing future systems. For instance, Kwon et al. [3] report that that the use of synchronous audio communication can create overload and sometimes confuse the rescuers.2 Babak Farshchian et al.This paper focuses on the user interface with the system. We explore tangible user interfaces that can be integrated in a smooth and non-intrusive manner in the rescuer environment, and plugged in and shared in a collaborative software tool. An example of such tangible interfaces, a smart jacket, is presented. In addition, related to cognitive aspects, we explain how the capabilities of the presented tool can be exploited to reduce abruptions when sharing information during a rescue.This paper is structured as follows: Section 2 shortly introduces the research approach. Section 3 describes our findings from a number of case studies and observations of users. Section 4 and 5 describe our scenario and how our implementation can potentially solve some coordination problems for the rescuers. Section 6 presents the system implementation. Finally Section 7 concludes this paper and presents our future research plan.2 Research approachOur research follows the design science paradigm [4]. While behavioural-science approaches focus mainly on the use and benefits of a system implemented in an organization, design science approaches develop and evaluate IT artefacts intended to solve identified organizational problems. Developing such artefacts requires domain knowledge and justification in form of proper evaluations. The design science recursive process was used to develop our system.Our research started with two sets of domain-related data from two European R&D projects, Mirror1 and SOCIETIES2. As part of the Mirror project, a set of case studies and observations involved rescuers from the Italian civil defence during a simulation of a massive disaster held in 2011 in Italy [5]. Another set of data came from focus groups and interviews with the European Urban Search And Rescue (USAR) as part of the SOCIETIES project [6]. The analysis of these data gave us a set of overall requirements that will be discussed in the next section. Based on this set of requirements we developed a first generation tool: a wristband developed using the Arduino platform3for the rescuer (see Figure 1), and a table-top interface for the coordinator[5]. Informal demonstrations of the tool for our users revealed several shortcomings in the tool. Based on this feedback we developed the second generation of the tool which is documented in the following sections in this paper. The second generation is also integrated with the collaboration-support platform being developed in the EU project SOCIETES, and in this way is also used as a proof-of-concept for that platform.1 http://www.mirror-project.eu/2 http://www.ict-societies.eu/3 /Smart Jacket as a Collaborative Tangible User Interface in Crisis Management 3Figure 1: The first prototype of a tangible interface to support cooperationduring a crisis3 User observations and requirementsUser studies carried out during a simulation of a massive disaster held in 2011 in Italy have shown that rescuers still rely largely on handheld transceivers (e.g. walkie-talkies) to communicate and coordinate the work. During rescue operations, the rescuers are given instructions by a coordinator through radio broadcasts. At the same time, they have to communicate back information, such as their position, environmental data (temperature, humidity, air quality) in a half-duplex communication channel. Rescuers need to remember and execute the tasks they are assigned to (by the coordinator) without any technological aid. In the meantime personnel in the coordinator side transcribe radio communication and update the positions of the teams and data they have collected using annotations on a map.We divided our analysis based on the two main users in our scenarios: the rescuers (in the disaster field) and the coordinators (in a back office or in a tent coordinating the rescue). From an AmI perspective, the rescuer role is the most interesting one. Our observations showed that the usage of consumer hardware, like touch-screen smartphones or tablets, is not a good design choice for the rescuers. Indeed rescuers wear touchscreen-unfriendly gloves, require high screen readably, and depend on high battery capacity. Also, they often wear blouses without additional pockets for such devices. Furthermore the design should avoid requiring the rescuer to interrupt her task in order to interact with the tool.The first prototype of a tangible and wearable device to support data capturing and inter-role coordination was developed in the shape of a wristband (Figure 1). It supports automatic capture of the rescuer’s location, environmental temperature an d noise, and it is able to display text messages broadcasted by the coordinators. The rescuer can send a digital acknowledgement to the coordinators, for example when a task has been accomplished, without interrupting the work (using gestures and proximity-activated buttons). An early evaluation of the prototype with users has revealed a good acceptance of the system. However, the size of the tool and its wearability weren’t considered satisfactory. The users called for a smaller device and asked for a user interface able to be operated leaving hand and lower arms totally free to operate in the rescue scene.4 Babak Farshchian et al.4 Scenario and tool functionalityBased on our observations the following application scenario (see Figure 2) is set up and implemented. The scenario will be evaluated by the USAR team in SOCIETIES.Figure 2: Coordinator and rescuers each have their own user interface. Background.An earthquake of magnitude 7.8 with epicentre about 32 km South-West of the island of Cyprus has caused severe damage and casualties. The local response capacity is exceeded and the government of Cyprus has requested international assistance. Several international rescue experts, like USAR and medical support have been sent to Cyprus to support the local emergency management. Initial technical setup. All team members are equipped with Android devices running the collaboration tool iDisaster. Knut the coordinator uses an Android tablet (simulating a laptop), while Tor the rescuer uses an Android touch-based phone (see Figure 2). As part of the initial setup (prior to the operational phase in the field) the following actions are performed by the coordinator and each rescuer:Knut (Coordinator):1.Creates teams: Knut uses iDisaster GUI to create a new team called"Larnaca" with information about the mission, location of the mission,and other relevant information about the disaster.2.Adds rescuers to the team: Knut browses a directory of rescuers and addsthe ones needed for this mission, including Tor. After the rescuers areadded, they get access to the "Larnaca" shared space provided byiDisaster, created in step 1 above.Smart Jacket as a Collaborative Tangible User Interface in Crisis Management 53.Recommends services: Each mission will have specific needs regardingwhat tools will be used. Knut browses a directory of services and addsthem as recommended services to the shared area for the team to use. Oneof these services is iJacket. Services give access to external physical toolssuch as sensors and actuators.Tor (Rescuer):1.Installs recommended services: After Tor is added to the "Larnaca" teamhe receives a notification and is asked whether he wants to add therecommended services (apps) to his phone. He answers yes and somesoftware is downloaded and installed automatically on the smart phone.2.Sets up services and tools: One of the services that were recommended byKnut was the iJacket service. This is a service that supportscommunication with the smart jacket that all rescuers wear (see Figure 3).Tor scans the jacket QR-code to establish connection between his Androidsmartphone and the smart jacket (Figure 3.B). The service displays the setof actuators and sensors available on the jacket. Tor can test that they allwork properly: display, loudspeaker, LED lamp and vibrator are alloperative.Operation in the field. Following the preliminary set up, all rescuers have now joined their teams. Knut coordinates individuals and teams using the iDisaster GUI and the services. Using the iJacket client, he commands Tor to examine the structure of a building in the Athenon street. Tor’s jacket immediatel y vibrates and displays the command. Later, as the weather forecast indicates shifting winds, he sends a warning to all team members in Larnaca. The LED lamps on their jackets are switched on. At any moment, the team members can, using iDisaster, retrieve the messages sent to the teams or to themselves.Figure 3: The smart jacket6 Babak Farshchian et al.5. Analysis of the scenarioRapid and undisruptive coordination of actions and situation awareness are the main goals of the system. This is done througha) A light-weight mechanism for sharing of information: The system supportsreal-time sharing of information that is posted in a shared space called a CIS(Collaborative Interaction Space). "Larnaca" in the example above is a CIS.b)Undisruptive interaction mechanism, in particular for the rescuers: Rescuersshould be able to concentrate on their tasks. Physical user interfaces supportperipheral awareness of situations without the need for complicatedoperations. The system interface, in form of the smart jacket, tries not tocompete for their attention.In this phase of our research we have focused mainly on the "Operation in the field" part of the scenario. We have tried to apply points a) and b) to the field operation phase. The "Initial technical setup" might seem too complicated in its current form. There are a number of opportunities to improve the setup phase such as using templates and recommendations. One particular example is the use of QR codes and NFC tags to facilitate the setting up of tools such as the smart jacket and other sensors/actuators. This is already part of our implementation. In the near future we will do more experiments in order to improve the initial setup phase.6 ImplementationWe are using a number of exiting platforms to realize our scenario.∙Arduino4 boards and sensors/actuators are used inside the jacket in order to implement the physical prototype. Figure 3.C and D show how the physicalprototype looks like. Figure 4 below shows how this is done in the overallarchitecture.∙Android OS5 and devices are used to implement the remaining parts of the user interaction (the middle box of Figure 4).∙Virgo and OSGi6are used for implementing a back-end where shared data from a CIS is stored and accessed by the various Android devices (left-mostbox in Figure 4).On top of the above platform we have built a number of components (shown as grey boxes in Figure 4):∙CIS Manager: This is a back-end component that stores data about shared spaces (CISs). It provides interfaces for creating, managing and notifyingabout changes.4 /5 /6 /virgo/Smart Jacket as a Collaborative Tangible User Interface in Crisis Management 7 ∙CIS Manager client: This is an Android-based client for CIS Manager. It is implemented in form of an Android Content Provider7. It communicates withCIS Manager using XMPP messaging technology8.∙iDisaster and iJacket: These are Android applications that allow coordinator and rescuer to interact with and configure the functionalities provided by CISManager and the smart jacket.∙Bluetooth library (BT lib) and Jacket app are Arduino-based applications that facilitate communication between iJacket and the real jacket.Figure 4: Overall architecture. Grey boxes are implemented for therealization of the scenario.7 Conclusion and further workOur near future work is to evaluate the current prototype with our users. Our focus will be on the user interaction mechanism, which metaphors are suited for crisis management work and which hare not, and get feedback on what sensors and actuators will be necessary for a real field deployment of such a physical tool. In the long run we want to collect and systematise knowledge about what interaction metaphors are empirically proven to work in the similar scenarios where physical work is in focus.From a technical point of view, our goal is to develop a library or toolkit of primitives that will make it easier for application developers to develop similar physical applications on top of Arduino and Android.Acknowledgments. Our research is supported by EU IST 7th framework programme. This paper results from the collaboration between the projects SOCIETIES (contract 257493) and Mirror (contract 257617).7 Content providers are a standard way of providing access to shared data in an Android device.8 8 Babak Farshchian et al.References1. Lukowicz, P., Baker, M.G., Paradiso, J.: Guest Editors’ Introduction: HostileEnvironments. IEEE Pervasive Computing. 9, 13–15 (2010).2. Hiltz, S.R., Diaz, P., Mark, G.: Introduction: Social media and collaborative systems forcrisis management. 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用英文如何写公关文案作文英文:As a PR professional, writing compelling and effective PR copy is essential to successfully promote a brand or a product. The key to a successful PR copy is to understand the target audience and tailor the message to resonate with them. It's important to use language and tone that the audience can relate to and understand.When crafting a PR copy, I always start by researching the target audience. I gather information about their demographics, interests, and behaviors. This helps me to understand what resonates with them and what kind of language and tone will appeal to them. For example, if I'm promoting a new tech product to a younger audience, I would use more informal language and trendy phrases to catchtheir attention.Another important aspect of writing PR copy is tohighlight the unique selling points of the brand or product.I make sure to emphasize what sets it apart from the competition and why the audience should be interested in it. For instance, if I'm promoting a new sustainable fashion brand, I would focus on its eco-friendly materials and ethical manufacturing processes to appeal toenvironmentally conscious consumers.In addition, storytelling is a powerful tool in PR copywriting. I often incorporate compelling narratives and real-life examples to make the message more relatable and engaging. For instance, if I'm writing a press release fora new restaurant, I would include stories about the chef's journey and the inspiration behind the menu to create a connection with the readers.Furthermore, it's crucial to keep the PR copy concise and to the point. I avoid using jargon or overly complex language that may confuse the audience. Instead, I aim for clarity and simplicity to ensure that the message is easily understood and remembered.In conclusion, writing effective PR copy requires adeep understanding of the target audience, a focus onunique selling points, the use of storytelling, and clear and concise language. By taking these factors into consideration, I can create PR copy that resonates with the audience and successfully promotes the brand or product.中文:作为一名公关专业人士,撰写引人注目且有效的公关文案对于成功推广品牌或产品至关重要。
关于公关的英文作文英文:As a PR professional, my job is to manage the reputation and image of my clients. This involves crafting and disseminating messages to various stakeholders, including the media, investors, customers, and employees. I use a variety of communication channels, such as press releases, social media, and events, to reach these audiences and build positive relationships.One of the most important skills in PR is the ability to listen. I need to understand the concerns and needs of my clients and their stakeholders in order to develop effective communication strategies. This requires active listening, asking probing questions, and empathizing with their perspectives.Another key aspect of PR is crisis management. When a client faces a negative situation, such as a product recallor a scandal, I need to act quickly and decisively to mitigate the damage. This involves developing a crisis communication plan, coordinating with relevant stakeholders, and communicating transparently and honestly with the public.Overall, PR is a dynamic and challenging field that requires strong communication skills, strategic thinking, and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances.中文:作为一名公关专业人士,我的工作是管理客户的声誉和形象。
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The case of CECT mobile: "China's dog" eventsIn February 2003, individual consumers find themselves in nanjing, mobile communications CECT928 purchase CLP screen have appeared a greeting "Hello," mean Chow "Hello, translationof Chinese consumers, the dog" to the media immediately. It immediately after the media exposure, a hangover. Many people think that this is the damage of national dignity, is for the Chinese people, many of the mobile phone insult to the manufacturer for users to view.Events on the marketing director of communications, CLP, flew to the nanjing, and that the user first contact problem. Immediately, CLP communications company public statement: 1, CLP communication as an important phone suppliers, has been to the development of national enterprise as own duty, adhering to the principle of the supremacy of users, "no harm national dignity of domestic users, ideas and behaviors,2 and CECT 928 is August 2002, with reasonable price and excellent performance and win customers. "Hello," mobile greetings, Chow is for "Hello, cute pet dog," is this phone humanized boot interface,3 and in charge of the principle of domestic buyers, buyers like this interface if users can provide free software CECT, upgrades, and after-sales service center address and phone number.CECT手机:“中国种的狗”事件2003年2月,南京的个别消费者发现自己购买的中电通信CECT928手机屏幕上竟出现一句问候语“Hello Chow”,翻译意思是“你好,中国种的狗”,消费者随即向新闻媒体反映。
随即,中电通信公司发表公开声明:1、中电通信作为国内重要的手机供应商之一,一直以发展民族企业为己任,本着“用户至上的原则”,绝无伤害国内用户民族尊严的想法与行为;2、CECT 928是2002年8月推出的产品,以性能卓越和价格合理而赢得消费者喜爱。
“Hello Chow”是手机问候语,意为“你好,可爱的宠物狗”,是该手机人性化的开机界面;3、本着对国内购买者负责的原则,购机用户如不喜欢该界面,CECT可提供免费软件升级,并公布售后服务中心的地址和电话。
Roche, tamifluOn February 8, a piece of news in Ethiopia in various forms of guangdong, guangzhou spread epidemic diseases, appear a few hospitals have digital patients died, but infected more is a doctor. "Death" make people the truth is unknown, the persistent rumours. 9, roche pharmaceuticals company held media availabilities, says the epidemic disease may occur in guangdong and the flu is its product tamiflu cure efficacy is obvious. Roche's medical representatives also can cure and urged tamifiu, hospitals and distributors. The direct consequence of media availabilities for rumors are chafing, guangdong, fujian and hainan provinces surrounding etc of vinegar, drug-radix isatidis and other medicines out of stock, the venom price several times when ten times, speculators with "money" exploit, tamiflu in guangdong province with the rumor spread and sales. 8 in guangdong has only 1000 box, after 9 to 10 million box soaring. Once a customer to buy 100 $59m tamiflu box!15 and the southern metropolis daily published questioned tamiflu, "bird flu" panic and sales increase of what relation? Under the article, accusing roche pharmaceuticals rumors deliberately to promote the sale of drugs, and report to the guangdong public security department. Roche's commercial integrity and social conscience, the image by the public. Direct consequences are sold tamiflu straight down. The news of the southern metropolis daily, a day after a hospital of guangzhou tamiflu sales fell to less than 10 (sold to more than 100 before every grain). More consumer goods and the claim.罗氏:“达菲”风波2月8日,一条令人惊惧的消息在广东以各种形式迅速蔓延——广州出现流行疾病,几家医院有数位患者死亡,而且受感染者多是医生。
"Cheated" rainbow: overseasOn March 5th, the newspaper published the preaching of shenzhen in the United States was huge swindle changhong decieved, could be up to hundreds of millions of ". In the United States, changhong encountered in the huge swindle news spread very quickly, seems to have become an indisputable fact, reported changhong deceived already stirred the moftec. This newspaper reporter has made many things, the feeling that has been confirmed. In spite of the long night on a series of public relations, the crisis of "shenzhen business daily reported no real" a "clear", but the crisis comes, let people unprepared.6 just one hour, opening sichuan changhong will suffer sudden huge sell-off, share the stage, to the closing price, clinch a deal 4.22% fell more than 2,600 million, even the grail. After several days, every domestic media began to "in the United States was huge swindle changhong various angles of events, forming a one-sided tracking report.长虹:海外“受骗”风波3月5日,《深圳商报》刊载《传长虹在美国遭巨额诈骗,受骗金额可能高达数亿》一文。