



附件1:云南省2014年普通高校“专升本”学校和招生专业附件2:云南省2014年普通高校“专升本”考试科目文类英语(01)公共课:大学语文专业课:综合英语英语听力口语统考地点:云南师范大学呈贡主校区(昆明市呈贡区聚贤街768号)0101西南林业大学英语0102昆明学院英语0103保山学院英语0104昭通学院英语0105云南大学滇池学院英语0106云南师范大学商学院英语0107云南师范大学文理学院英语汉语言文学(02)公共课:文学概论、公共英语专业课:现代汉语0201西南林业大学汉语言文学0202昆明学院汉语言文学0203保山学院汉语言文学0204文山学院汉语言文学0205普洱学院汉语言文学0206昭通学院汉语言文学0207云南师范大学商学院汉语言文学0208云南师范大学文理学院秘书学0209云南师范大学人文教育0210文山学院小学教育0211云南师范大学小学教育(语文)旅游管理(03)公共课:大学语文、公共英语专业课:旅游学概论0301大理学院旅游管理0302昆明学院旅游管理0303云南师范大学商学院旅游管理0304云南师范大学旅游管理与服务教育0305云南民族大学旅游管理与服务教育经济管理(04)公共课:大学语文、公共英语专业课:基础会计0401昆明学院财务管理0402保山学院财务管理0403云南大学滇池学院财务管理0404云南师范大学商学院财务管理0405云南师范大学文理学院财务管理0406云南财经大学工商管理0407云南工商学院工商管理0408云南大学滇池学院工商管理0409云南师范大学商学院工商管理0410云南师范大学文理学院工商管理0411云南师范大学商学院公共事业管理0412云南师范大学商学院国际经济与贸易0413昆明理工大学会计学0414西南林业大学会计学0415曲靖师范学院会计学0416云南工商学院会计学0417云南大学滇池学院会计学0418云南师范大学商学院会计学0419云南财经大学市场营销0420云南大学滇池学院市场营销0421云南师范大学商学院市场营销政教(05)公共课:大学语文、公共英语专业课:马克思主义哲学原理0501云南师范大学人文教育0502昆明学院思想政治教育中医(06)公共课:大学语文、公共英语专业课:中医综合0601云南中医学院中医学地理(07)公共课:大学语文、公共英语专业课:地理学概论历史(08)公共课:大学语文、公共英语专业课:历史(中国通史、世界通史)0801昆明学院历史学0802普洱学院历史学0803云南师范大学人文教育学前教育(09)公共课:大学语文、公共英语专业课:学前儿童心理与教育0901云南师范大学学前教育0902昆明学院学前教育0903保山学院学前教育0904文山学院学前教育0905云南师范大学商学院学前教育针灸推拿(10)公共课:大学语文、公共英语专业课:针灸推拿学综合1001云南中医学院针灸推拿学泰语(11)公共课:语言学概论、公共英语专业课:基础泰语艺术类1.专业统考地点:云南艺术学院呈贡校区美术学(41)文化课:大学语文、公共英语专业统考:(素描、色彩)4101云南艺术学院美术学4102保山学院美术学4103文山学院美术学4104普洱学院美术学艺术设计(42)文化课:大学语文、公共英语专业统考:(设计基础、专业设计)4201云南师范大学环境设计4202云南师范大学商学院环境设计4203云南师范大学视觉传达设计4204云南艺术学院视觉传达设计4205云南工商学院视觉传达设计4207西南林业大学艺术设计(城市环境)4208昆明学院艺术设计(环境艺术设计方向)4209昆明学院艺术设计(平面艺术设计方向)4210昆明学院艺术设计(数字媒体艺术设计方向)音乐学(43)文化课:大学语文、公共英语专业统考:(1、歌曲演唱或钢琴演奏2、听音能力测试)4301云南艺术学院音乐学4302昆明学院音乐学4303保山学院音乐学音乐表演(44)文化课:大学语文、公共英语专业统考:(1、歌曲演唱或钢琴演奏2、听音记谱)4401云南师范大学音乐表演4402云南艺术学院音乐表演舞蹈学(45)文化课:大学语文、公共英语专业统考:(舞蹈素质测试、舞蹈自选片断、舞蹈即兴模仿)4501云南师范大学舞蹈表演艺术教育(46)文化课:大学语文、公共英语专业统考:(专业主修、基本素质测试)4601云南艺术学院艺术教育2. 专业统考地点:云南师范大学呈贡主校区(昆明市呈贡区聚贤街768号)广播电视编导(47)文化课:大学语文、公共英语专业统考:(1、广播电视编导综合考试、2、命题创作—短片剪辑)4701云南师范大学广播电视编导体育类专业统考地点:云南师范大学呈贡主校区(昆明市呈贡区聚贤街768号)体育(51)文化课:大学语文、公共英语专业统考:(基本素质测试、专项)5102昆明理工大学市场营销(文体营销方向)5103西南林业大学体育教育5104昆明学院体育教育5105文山学院体育教育理类计算机(61)公共课:高等数学、公共英语专业课:数据结构6101昆明学院计算机科学技术6102云南财经大学计算机科学与技术6103云南民族大学计算机科学与技术6104大理学院计算机科学与技术6105云南工商学院计算机科学与技术6106云南师范大学商学院计算机科学与技术6107文山学院教育技术学电气(62)公共课:高等数学、公共英语专业课:电路6201云南农业大学电气工程及其自动化6202昆明学院电气工程及其自动化农学(64)公共课:公共英语、公共化学(无机及分析化学)专业课:植物学6401西南林业大学林学6402云南农业大学农学6403昆明学院生物科学6404文山学院生物科学6405文山学院食品科学与工程6406云南农业大学食品质量与安全6407云南农业大学园林6408西南林业大学园林6409昆明学院园艺动物(65)公共课:公共英语、公共化学(无机及分析化学)专业课:动物学6501云南农业大学动物医学医学(66)公共课:高等数学、公共英语专业课:医学综合6601昆明学院护理6602昆明医科大学护理学6603大理学院护理学6604昆医海源学院护理学6605昆医海源学院康复治疗学6606昆明医科大学康复专业6607昆明医科大学劳动与社会保障(医疗保险方向)6608昆明医科大学临床医学6609大理学院临床医学6610昆医海源学院临床医学6611昆明医科大学市场营销6612昆明医科大学卫生检验6613昆明医科大学药物制剂6614昆明医科大学药学6615昆医海源学院药学6616昆明医科大学医学检验6617大理学院医学检验技术6618昆医海源学院医学检验技术6619昆医海源学院医学影像技术数学(67)公共课:高等代数、公共英语专业课:数学分析6701昆明学院数学与应用数学6702保山学院数学与应用数学6703文山学院数学与应用数学6704普洱学院数学与应用数学6705昭通学院数学与应用数学化学(68)公共课:高等数学、公共英语专业课:专业化学(无机及有机化学)6801昆明学院化学物理(69)公共课:高等数学、公共英语专业课:物理6901昆明学院物理学6902文山学院物理学6903普洱学院物理学机械(70)公共课:高等数学、公共英语专业课:机械设计基础7001昆明理工大学机械工程7002昆明学院机械工程及自动化7003昆明理工大学津桥学院汽车服务工程土木工程(71)公共课:高等数学、公共英语专业课:结构力学7101云南农业大学工程造价7102昆明学院土木工程7103昆明理工大学津桥学院土木工程地质(72)公共课:高等数学、公共英语专业课:地质学概论7201昆明理工大学资源勘查工程测绘(73)公共课:高等数学、公共英语专业课:普通测量学7301昆明理工大学测绘工程附件3:云南省2014年普通高校“专升本”相同和相近专业。



2014年专升本真题及荅案联系+q{4,6,1,5,3,3,0,4,6}1.The lost car of the Lees was found _____ in the woods off the highway.A. vanishedB. abandonedC. scatteredD. rejected【答案】B. abandoned。

abandoned (=give up completely) 放弃, 抛弃; 1) The scientist abandoned his research for lack of fund. 2) The sailors abandoned the burning ship. [注意]abandon 暗指某人对其所抛弃的人或物将会发生什么事情不感兴趣, 如把撞坏的汽车抛弃在路旁。

vanish (=suddenly disappear; go out of existence) vi.消失, 绝迹; 1) The airplane vanished into the clouds.2) Many kinds of animals have vanished form the earth. (许多种类的动物以在地球上绝迹。

) scatter (=send, go in different direction) 驱使, 使分散; The police scattered the crowed. (警察驱散人群。

) (=throw or put in various directions) 撒, 到处放; He scattered his clothes all over the room. reject (=refuse to accept) 拒绝接受; She rejected my suggestion.3.Although it is not our normal _______ to give credit in our shop, this time I think we should consider the matter more closely.A. habitB. practiceC. actionD. intention【答案】B。




以下是2014年专接本考试大纲的详细内容:一、考试科目2014年专接本考试的科目一般包括:1. 语文:考查学生的阅读理解能力、写作能力和语言运用能力。

2. 数学:分为高等数学和线性代数两部分,考查学生的数学基础和逻辑思维能力。

3. 英语:考查学生的英语听说读写能力,包括词汇、语法、阅读和写作。

4. 专业课:根据不同的专业方向,考查学生的专业基础知识和应用能力。

二、考试内容1. 语文:包括现代文阅读、文言文阅读、写作等部分。


2. 数学:高等数学部分包括微积分、线性代数、概率论与数理统计等内容;线性代数部分则主要考查矩阵运算、向量空间等基础知识。

3. 英语:包括听力、阅读、完形填空、翻译和写作等部分。


4. 专业课:根据专业不同,考试内容也有所不同。


三、考试形式1. 笔试:大部分科目采用闭卷笔试的形式进行,要求学生在规定时间内完成试题。

2. 口试:部分科目如英语口语,可能采用口试的形式进行,考查学生的口语表达能力。

3. 实践操作:对于某些专业课程,可能需要进行实践操作考试,考查学生的实际操作能力。

四、考试要求1. 掌握基础知识:考生需要对所学专业的基础知识有深入的了解和掌握。

2. 具备分析和解决问题的能力:考生应具备分析问题和解决问题的能力,能够在考试中灵活运用所学知识。

3. 注重实践应用:考生应注重将理论知识与实践相结合,提高自身的实践操作能力。



2014年普通高等学校专升本招生考试公共英语试卷Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure (1×40 points)Directions:There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence,and then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1._____difficulties they may come across, they’ll help one another to overcome them.A. WhateverB. WheneverC. HoweverD. Wherever2. Education cannot be_____in any country.A. rejectedB. deletedC.neglectedD. refused3. Although it’s tough finding a job these days, Henry got a_____in a famous company.A. placeB. positionC. postD. patch4. The doctor said that mental_____is the major cause of his sleeping problem.A. tensionB. sadnessC. angerD. relaxation5._____comes back first is supposed to win the prize.A. One whoB. WhoeverC. AnyoneD. Those who6. The last time I saw her was_____my brother’s wedding ceremony three years ago.A. toB. atC. inD. during7. I have two children but_____of them likes fruits.A. noneB. eitherC. neitherD. both8. He might have been killed_____the arrival of the police.A. except forB. withC. forD. but for9. Some areas, _____their severe weather conditions, are sparsely populated.A. due toB. but forC. in spite ofD. with regard to10. Many teenagers feel no difficulty_____computer.A. to learnB. learnC. in learningD. learned11. No agreement was_____in the discussion as neither side would give way to the other.A. arrivedB. obtainedC. reachedD. gained12. A loud noise_____my attention from cooking and everything was burnt.A. dividedB. divertedC. focusedD. separated13. Henry planned to visit_____country besides England.A. some otherB. every otherC. several othersD. other14. Before using your new pressure cooker, read the following_____carefully.A. noticesB. ordersC. advertisementD. instructions15. It is very expensive to_____the fashion.A. go along withB. get on withC. keep up withD. carry on with16. If I have a good sleep,I’ll be_____to work out the problem.A. possibleB. ableC. capableD. reasonable17. If you get into difficulties, don’t hesitate to_____help.A. ask aboutB. ask afterC. ask forD. ask in18. All of them are_____at Lana’s achievement.A. amazedB. interestedC. fondD. proud19. The football match was_____on account of rain.A. called upB. called onC. called offD. called for20. Students should develop a good attitude_____tests.A. forB. withC. onD. towards21. I’m_____in this argument: I don’t care who wins.A. naturalB. centralC. neutralD. middle22. She passed me in the street, but took no_____of me.A. attentionB. watchC. sightD. notice23. Only in this way_____get rid of your headache.A. can youB. you canC. you willD. do you24. Tolerance_____respecting the opinions of others.A. consists inB. consists ofC. insists onD. depends on25. The weather was good except for an_____shower.A. optionalB. intentionalC. additionalD. occasional26. He had his book_____at his own expense.A. printB. printedC. to printD. printing27. Patients’ bills of rights require that they_____informed about their condition and about alternatives for treatment.A. areB. might beC. should beD. were28. He studies so hard to avoid_____at the bottom of the class.A. finishingB. to finishC. finishedD. finish29. I thought you might be tired,_____is why I decided to help you.A. thatB. thisC. whichD. as30. No one should blind himself_____the well known fact.A. withB. to C .for D. over31. The color of the skirt does not_____that of the coat.A. balanceB. matchC. correspondingD. accord32. The boy is eager to_____knowledge in different fields.A. accomplishB. absorbC. arrangeD. approach33. In my bedroom, there is a pair of scissors, a stack of books and_____flowers on my desk.A. a piece ofB. a pocket ofC. a slice ofD. a bunch of34. Ryan was late for the conference yesterday_____the traffic jam.A. becauseB. sinceC. forD. because of35. As far as the professor_______ , college students should get into the habit of studying by themselves.A. concernB. concernsC. concernedD. is concerned36. We have to get that car fixed , _____A. no matter it costs how muchB. no matter how much costs itC. no matter how much it costsD. no matter how much does it cost37. When I was a child, I used_____to the river and bathe in the evening.A. to goingB. to goC. goD. going38. Nobody could_____a satisfactory explanation of the accident.A. come up withB. come throughC. come uponD. come into39._____my delight, our school football team won the game easily.A.InB. OfC. ToD. For40._____driving to work, Mr. Lead usually goes to his office downtown by train.A. WithoutB. Instead ofC. In case ofD. In spite ofPart Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (2×20 points)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A,B,C and D. You should decide on the best choice, and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage 1I strongly believe that understanding is more important than love, especially when it comes to parenting and intimate relationships. As a psychologist for more than twenty years I can tell you that I have never had an adult looking back at her childhood and complaining that her parents were too understanding. And similarly, I have met many divorced people who still love each other but yet they never really understood each other.The painful reality is love is just not enough. I’ll admit that there are people who I love and who I still need to b etter understand. I hope I’ll continue my work to understand them. The willingness to understand is very important. It is not always easy, but healthy love is strengthened by the willingness to understand. Love without understanding will wilt like flowers without water.Our egos are what seem to get in the way of understanding those who we love and care about. Often it is our need to be right that makes what others think and feel so wrong for us. I have certainly been quite guilty of this in some of my relationships.As I have written repeatedly in my books, empathy, is truly the emotional glue that holds all close relationships together. Empathy allows us to slow down and try to walk in the shoes of those we love. The deeper our empathy, the deeper—and healthier— our love. Not all relationships are meant to be. Yet all relationships that are meant to flourish in a healthy way, must stress understanding just as much, if not more, than love.61. From the passage we know that________.A. the author complains about her parents ‘being too understandingB. the author has been studying marriages for more than 20 yearsC. people divorced mainly because they didn’t love each otherD. some people divorced because they couldn’t understand each other62. Why are we unable to understand the others sometimes?A. Because we are caring the others too much.B. Because it is quite difficult to understand the others.C. Because we believe we are always right.D. Because the others have done something wrong.63. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?A. Understanding is more important to parenting relationship than to other intimaterelationships.B. Understanding is less important than love as far as marriage is concerned.C. Understanding is more important than love to some degree.D. Understanding is more often neglected in parenting relationship.64. If we are to understand our partners, we should ________firstly .A. have willingness to do soB. have love for themC. get into connection with themD. care about them65. In this passage, the expression “walk in the shoes of” is similar in meaning to________ .A. befriendB. understandC. loveD. care aboutPassage 2Finally, the Christmas season is over. We can take a long breath, put up our feet, sip from a cup of good tea and relax. The frenzy, starting from Black Friday right after Thanksgiving until Christmas Eve, of gift shopping, buying, wrapping, giving, receiving, opening, returning…is exhaustive and time consuming, but it takes place every year.There is considerable difference between the cultures in China and western countries when it comes to gift giving. In China, it is not polite to open a gift in front of the gift giver, and gift is only looked at after the guest has left. Here in America, gift givers always wrap their gifts, large or small, priceless or valueless, carefully and decorate them with colorful ribbons and little pretty paper flowers; and the lucky receiver is expected to open the gift right away in front of the giver, with great eagerness and curiosity, and should always express appreciation with the all time truthful comment, “this is just exactly what I wanted!” Well, as a matter of fact, most people would take their “always wanted” gi fts back to the store to exchange for something they reallywanted.Finding a gift for somebody, even a close family member, you’ll have to know what the person likes and shop for days before you can locate the perfect gift. But, still the person may not like the gift from you. Nowadays, stores would provide two copies of the receipts for anything they sell as a gift, one of which is included in the gift package so that the receiver can come back for an exchange. I know, it was unthinkable to cash out gift you get, but, times are different. Another good way to avoid all that shopping hassle is to purchase a gift card from one of the stores and send it to your niece, nephews, or a family member, so that they can get whatever they want or even keep the money.66. Finding a gift for somebody is a(n)________.A. easy jobB. tough taskC. Must be jobD. arranged task67. It is quite ________ for Chinese people to open the gift in front of the givers.A. usualB. normalC.abnormalD. unusual68. Gift giving is the same thing in China and America in that ________.A. people spend a lot of time preparing a giftB. people would cash out the gift immediatelyC. people are eager to get a gift from a friendD. people are less willing to give gifts69. Which of the following is the author’s suggestion?A. Open the gift immediately in front of the giver.B. Wrap the gift carefully.C. Express the appreciation for the gift you receive.D. Buying a present card to avoid the trouble in shopping.70. The author’s attitude towards gift giving is________ .A. indifferentB. protestingC.objectiveD. supportivePassage 3They already guide blind and disabled people;now dogs are to be trained to help people with dementia(痴呆). The duti es of these “guide dogs for the mind” will include reminding their owners to take medication, as well as encouraging them to eat, drink and sleep at regular intervals.The dementia dogs will be trained to respond to sound triggers in the home that prompt them to perform tasks. These could include delivering a bite proof bag of medicine with a note inside reminding the patient to take it, or waking them up in the morning.The idea was developed by design students at the Glasgow School of Art and will now be put into practice by Alzheimer’s Scotland and Dogs for the disabled.Joyce Gray of Alzheimer’s Scotland said: “People in the early stages of dementia are still able to live a relatively normal life, and dogs help to maintain routine.”The other advantage of using the pets as companions is that conversation can be increasingly confusing for people with Alzheimer’s, but dogs can give them a sense of silent support and companionship. People light up when they see animals. They don’t need to communicate ver bally but they can still interact. You can have a speechless bond.The dog would also encourage the owner to take them out for walks, ensuring they keep exercising and interacting with other people.71. As is mentioned in the passage, the guide dogs will do the following except for________.A. helping ensure the owner doing some exercisesB. reminding the owner to take medicineC. communicating with the owner in a non verbal wayD. helping the owner recover from the illness72. Who will train the dogs to perform such tasks?A. The students who developed the idea.B. The owners of the dogs.C. The experts in Alzheimer’s Scotland.D. It is not mentioned in the passage.73. What is true about the people suffering from dementia?A. They would like to stay with other people.B. They can maintain routine.C. They will gradually lose the ability to live a normal life.D. They would like to talk in a different way.74. The guide dogs helping the people with dementia will________.A. respond to t he owners’ orderB. respond to a sound deviceC. act on the owners’ instructionsD. act on the trainers’ order75. Having a conversation with people with dementia will be________.A. difficultB. interestingC. confusingD. encouragingPassage 4It seems obvious that you don’t give away your product for free but this is exactly what indie rock group The Crimea did earlier this year. The band’s reasoning goes like this: more people will download the free album than would pay for it. Therefore more people will hear The Crimea’s music. These people will then pay money for concerts by the band and perhaps buy a T-shirt or other merchandise. If the band play regular concerts to crowds of 200 or 300 people they can make more money than they would from sales of a CD. There will always be some people who want something they can hold in their hands so they will release the CD into the shops too—but making money through sales of their music isn’t the top priority.The story illustrates the creative thinking going on in the music business in response to dramatic changes over the last few years in the way that people buy music. Sales of music digitally—to computer, phones and MP3 players rose to$2 billion in 2006—an increase of almost 100 percent on the previous year—yet overall record company sales are down. People are simply not buying CDs in record shops in anything like the numbers they used to.This trend looks set to continue so the big question for the music industry is whether they can successfully manage the move to being primarily a digital industry without profits falling to unacceptable levels.There are both positive and negative signs. On the plus side, more and more people are buying music on mobile phones, which allows people to make impulse purchases—they can buy a song as soon as they hear it. Research by the UK mobile operator 3 suggested that 75 percent of 16 to 24year olds wanted to buy a track they liked as soon as they heard it. With so much competition for people’s disposable income, a product that you can sell immediately is a big advantage.The bad news for record companies, however, is the amount of music that is downloaded illegally.Piracy—usually in the form of cheaply copied CD—has long been an issue for the music business but the Internet means music can be copied and distributed freely through file-sharing sites on a large scale than ever before.It is this situation that leads bands to start giving away their music for free and promises to make the next few years a very interesting time in the music business.76. What is unusual about the Crimea’s business plan?A. Their business was given away free on the Internet.B. They gave CDs away free in shops.C. They played free concerts.D. They charged more for their CDs77. The Crimea hope to make money________ .A. through CD salesB. by giving concerts and selling T-shirts and other merchandiseC. by selling merchandise on the InternetD. through sales of merchandise in shops78. The Crimea also released CDs for sale in shops because________ .A. people who attend their concerts need themB. they want to make extra moneyC. there are still people who prefer CDs to other formatsD. people who fail to attend their concerts need them79. What is true about sales of music over the last year?A. Overall, sales are up last year.B. Overall, sales are down last year.C. There is no change compared to previous sales.D. It is not mentioned in the passage.80. What effect has the Internet had on music piracy?A. It has made it easier to fight piracy.B. It has increased the number of pirate CDs available.C. It has made it easier to illegally copy music.D. It has reduced the number of pirate CDs available.Part Ⅱ Cloze (1×20 points)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Many visitors to the United Kingdom go straight to London and never set foot outside the capital—which is a pity, for those that do are often surprised at the sheer variety of landscapes 41 within such a small geographical area. 42 you want to see stunning, unspoilt scenery you should 43 spend a few days in one of Britain’s largest areas of protected countryside, a national park. 44 in the second half of the 20th century after popular pressure for access 45 the country;s wilder places, there are now 15 of them throughout the British Isles.The biggest is the Cairngorms in northern Scotland, named 46 some of the country’s highest mountains and the best place for skiing. Pony trekking, climbing and fishing are also 47 , along with Scotland’s national game, golf. 48 enthusiasts are well rewarded—this is the home of the red deer, red squirrel and golden eagle. If you don’t like the 49 to the highest point, some 2,000 metres 50 sea level, you can take the railway 51 gets you to the summit in less than ten minutes. 52 the west of the park is another popular natural 53 , Loch Ness. The lake is over 200 metres 54 in places, and salmon, trout and eels are in abundance here.Over the border in England is the Lake District, 55 made famous by Romantic poets such as William Wordsworth two hundreds years ago. People have been 56 here en masse since 1847 57 a railway was built to its biggest lake, Windermere. 58 in the past boats plied its waters 59 stone, timber and wood, today’s craft are more likely to carry 60 on pleasure cruises—over a million a year, in fact.41. A. to find B. to be found C. finding D. to have found42. A. While B. As C. If D. Since43. A. certainly B. formally C. normally D. gradually44. A. To create B. Creating C. Create D. Created45. A. for B. to C. by D. in46. A. for B. by C. with D. after47. A. pleasant B. favorite C. popular D. favorable48. A. Creature B. Wildlife C. Plant D. Botany49. A. way B.road C. walk D. step50. A. below B. up C. above D. under51. A. which B. what C. when D. where52. A. At B. On C. To D. In53. A. interest B. attraction C. pleasure D. place54. A. depth B. deeply C. deep D. deepness55. A. recently B. lately C. eventually D. originally56. A. travelled B. travelling C. travel D. to travel57. A. when B. because C. while D. as58. A. As B. Because C. Since D. While59. A. moving B. running C. transporting D. sending60. A. goods B. materials C. tourists D. productsPart Ⅳ Translation (2×10 points)Directions: There are 10 sentences in this section. Please translate sentences 81-85 from Chinese into English, and translate sentences 86-90 from English into Chinese. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.81.她喜欢看书时听音乐。








Directions: In this part, there are 40 incomplete sentences, For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.1. at the door before you enter the room, please.A. KnockingB. KnockC. KnockedD. To knock2. It is often that human beings are naturally gifted to speak.A. saidB. to sayC. sayingD. being said3. I have heard a lot about him I came back from abroadA. sinceB. untilC. beforeD. when4. The number of deaths from heart disease will be reducedgreatly if people to eat more fruit and vegetables.A. have persuadedB. are persuadedC. persuadeD. will be persuaded5. a strange plant! I have never seen it before.A. WhichB. WhatC. HowD. Whether6. It is the third time that she has won the race,surprised us all.A. thatB. whereC. whichD. what7. Most Chinese like tea, but some prefer coffee tea.A. forB. with C to D. than8. My mother suggests that we eat out for a change this weekend.A. shouldB. mustC. couldD. would9. It will another five to ten years before the new medicine can be tested on human beings.A. costB. spendC. takeD. waste10. The two boys had so in common that they soon became good friends.A. littleB. fewC. muchD. many11. Only when he reached the tea-house it was the same place he'd been in last year.A. he realizedB. he did realizeC. realized heD. did he realize12. I have seldom seen my father pleased with my progress as he is now..A. soB. veryC. tooD. rather13. There was so much noise that the speaker couldn't make himself.A. hearingB. heardC. being heardD. to hear14. You and I could hardly work together,?A. could youB. couldn't IC. couldn't weD. could we15. It was in New Zealand Elizabeth first met Mr. Morris.A. thatB. howC. whichD. when16. The ca r_on the highway and the driver tried to repair it.'A. broke downB. broke outC. broke inD. broke up17. The you study English, the progress you will make.A. harder; manyB. harder; muchC. harder; mostD. harder; more18. Since you are a little tired, you had better a rest.A. to stop to haveB. stop to haveC. to stop havingD. stop having19. I am looking forward to from you as soon as possible.A. hearB. be hearingC. hearingD. have heard20. What time would it be convenient us to meet again?A. ofB. forC. byD. with21. She believed that Mr. Smith had taken of all the opportunities to get the position.A. profitB. benefitC. interestD. advantage22. Solar energy is a new kind of energy that we can use to replace the tradi-tional energy.A. rootB. originC. sourceD. pool23. 一I am still working. on my project.一Oh, you'll miss the deadline. Time is.A. running outB. going outC. giving outD. coming out24. It doesn't matter you pay in cash or by credit card in this store.A. howB. whetherC. whatD. why25. No bank will wan t interest rates when the prices of goods keep rising,A. cutting downB. being cut downC. to cut downD. to be cut down26. We enjoyed ourselves very much at the party; you with us.A. should have comeB. must have comeC. must comeD. should come27. There was a heavy fog this morning, so none of the planes could.A. get throughB. take offC. pull outD. break away28. Albert Einstein, a great scientist in the 20th century, once an offer of one thousand dollars a minute tospeak on the radio during World War II.A. turned downB. turned upC. turned outD. turned in29. Her sister always spends so muc h her clothes that she can't manage to live with her salary.A. forB. inC. atD. on30. My own problems seem insignificant those of others.A. comparedB. comparingC. compared withD. comparing with31. Have you seen the lion under that big tree?A. lyingB. layingC. lainD. lay32. You can make your dreams com e as long as you work hard at them.A. actualB. falseC. trueD. visible33. Since five courses are provided, you are free to choos e one that suits you best.A. whateverB. whicheverC. wheneverD. wherever34. The most important is not you do, but you do it.A. when; howB. what; whatC. what; howD. how; what35. If you want to pass the exam, you should change your attitude learning.A. ofB. onC. inD. toward36. My job as a research assistant is very specialized, which demands a lot of academic knowledge.A. in natureB. in heartC. in caseD. in that37. If you are interested in this position, you can to our personnel department for an interview.A. arrangeB. applyC. appreciateD. appoint38. Th e between the rich and the poor has been widening*A. growthB. fundC. fashionD. gap39. She tried to explain this program by of sign language.A. eventB. meansC. routeD. capacity40. some more time, and I will find a solution to the problem.A. Giving meB. Given to meC. Give meD. Give to meⅡ. Reading Comprehension ( 50 分)Directions: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them,. there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter onthe Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Passage OneHealthy trees are important to us all. Trees provide shade, beauty, and homes for wildlife. Trees give us products like paper and wood. Trees can give us all these only if they are healthy. They must be well cared for to remain healthy.Your trees' trouble may be you yourself. People spend much time and money planting and maintaining trees. Trees help to improve the looks of homes, parks, and public buildings. Yet, people who love trees the most may be the ones who cause them injury. Of course, they do not do this on purpose. They are most likely not aware of the kinds of things that injure trees. There are many people who cause tree injuries. You should become aware of the injuries and avoid causing them. Learn the things that can help to keep your trees healthy.Healthy trees are beautiful. They make our world a pleasant place to live in. Un-healthy trees are not as beautiful. They make the world less pleasant. Healthy trees help to cool and clean the air. They can even deaden sound. Unhealthy trees cannot help or protect the environment. (81) Trees, like people, are disturbed by changes a-round them. Construction of buildings is a major cause of tree injuries.41. According to the passage, onl y trees can give us shade, beauty, and products.A. beautifulB. healthyC. oldD. young42. People who love trees may .A. never cause trees injuryB. damage trees on purposeC. do harm to trees without knowing itD. not be aware of which trees are healthy43. People may improve the looks of their homes and public buildings by .A. keeping unhealthy trees injuredB. making a lot of changes around treesC. cooling and cleaning the air around treesD. planting trees and. keeping them healthy44. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Construction of buildings is good for trees.B. Some trees' trouble comes from human beings.C. People should keep trees beautiful.D. Trees are not disturbed by changes around them.45. The purpose of this passage is to tell .A. that people should know the importance of keeping trees healthyB. that people should plant more trees .C. what trees can be used for construction of buildingsD. what kinds of trees look beautifulPassage TwoWhy do we laugh? For years scientists have asked themselves, this question. No animals laugh and smile 一only human beings do. So does laughing help us to live longer? The answer seems t0 11e in that smiling and. laughing help usto become less worried and calm, preventing illnesses that are caused by stress. Laughing is really the best medicine.But if you're unhappy, it can't do you any good to smile, can it? That’s not true. It is clear that smiling works just in the sameway whether you feel like smiling or not. Scientists in California asked a group of students to act five different feelings: happiness, sadness, anger, surprise and fear 一just using their faces. Changes in their heart rate, blood pressure and temperature were recorded. Most of the feelings they acted didn't cause changes, but when the students smiled, their heart rate and their blood pressure went down. That happened even though they were only acting! So even if we feel sad inside, smiling seems to make us feel better.Now, what makes us laugh? (82) It seems that the answer to the question is far from simple. Everyone likes jokes, but we don't laugh at the same ones. It depends largely on how old we are. There are some jokes, for example, that children love but older people might not find funny.46. In the first paragraph, the underlined word "stress" can be best explained as”.A. surprise and fearB. work and dutyC. happiness and sadnessD. pressure and worry47. Which of the following statements is TRUE based on the passage?A. Laughing helps us to live ten years longer.B. If you are in a bad mood, smiling helps to make you feel relieved.C. Our blood pressure can be influenced by five different facial expressions mentioned.D. People, old and young, are likely to laugh at the same jokes.48. In the passage, the writer seems to pay more attention to.A. how laughing and smiling are connected with healthB. comparing human beings with animalsC. finding out if any research has been done about laughingD. the degree to which laughing and smiling are helpful49. The passage tells us that smiling and laughing .A. have nothing to do with one's heart rateB. do one no good when one is sadC. improve one's blood pressureD. lower one's body temperature50. According to the author,.A. it is rather complicated to answer the question "Why do we laugh?"B. it is really simple to answer the question "Why do we laugh?"C. it is not necessary to answer the question "Why do we laugh?"D. scientists have already answered the question "why do we laugh?"Passage ThreeWhen you have completed your college education, you will look for a job suited to your training, interests, and ambitio n﹒In most cases, you will visit a likely employer's office and complete an application form for the position in which you are interested.(83)The employer may then make a decision regarding your ability on the basis of your application form and interview.Throughout your lifetime, however, you may find yourself in other job-hunting si t uations in an attempt to improve your position. As you gain experience, you are likely to become ambitious for better and better jobs. These better jobs often require letters of application and summaries of your background and experience. Therefore, your writing skills may play animportant part in obtaining the job you desire.In any job hunting situation, there are a number of ways you may use your writing skills: to complete an application form, prepare a resume, write an application letter, or write employment follow-up letters. As an ambitious job-hunter, therefore, you should be able to pre-pare all the written materials that will help you to get the job you want.51. According to the passage, in looking for a job, the students .A. must make an arrangement for an interviewB. may follow their interests and ambitionC. will surely get a chance to improve their positionsD. will always visit every employer's office52.If you want to improve your position and find a better job, it is important t o .A. improve your writing skillsB. make a decision on the basis of your own desireC. get a job related to your educationD. understand the application form of the company53. To find a job, it is NOT necessary for a student to supply .A. a writing sampleB. a letter of applicationC. an application formD. a resume54. Your application for a job should mainly inform the employer of your.A. present position and incomeB. former employersC. background and experienceD. former colleagues55. What may be the best title for this passage?A. How to Complete a Job Application FormB. An Introduction to Job-Hunting SituationsC. Writing Skills Help in Job-HuntingD. An Attempt to Find Better JobsPassage Four(84)Flying over a desert area in an airplane, two scientists looked down with their trained eyes at trees and bushes. After an hour's flight one of the scientists wrote in his book, "Look here for probable metals." Scientists in another airplane, flying over a mountain region, sent a message to other scientists on the ground, "Gold possible." Walking across hilly ground, four scientists reported, "This ground should be searched for metals. " From an airplane over a hill-y wasteland a scientist sent back by radio one word, "Uranium. "None of the scientists had X-ray eyes: they had no magic powers for looking down below the earth's surface. They were merely putting to use one of the newest methods of locating minerals in the ground 一using trees and plants as signs that certain minerals may lie beneath the ground on which the trees and plants are growing.(85)This newest method of searching for minerals is based on the fact that minerals deep in the earth may affect the kind of trees and bushes that grow on the surface. At Watson Bar Creek, a brook six thousand feet high in the mountains of British Columbia, Canada, a miner-al search group gathered bags of tree seeds. 130xes were filled with small branches from the trees, and roots were dug out and put into boxes with each bag and box carefully marked. In a scientific laboratory, the parts of the forest trees were burned to ashes and tested. Each small part wasexamined to learn whether there were minerals in it.Study of the roots, branches, and seeds showed no silver. But there were small amounts of gold in the roots and a little less gold in the branches and seeds. The seeds growing nearest to the tree trunks had more gold than those growing on the ends of the branches.If the trees had not indicated that there was gold in the ground, the scientists would not have spent money to pay for digging deeper. They did dig and found more gold below. When they dug deeper, they :found large quantities of gold.56. Scientists were flying over a desert, or hilly wasteland, ora mountain region in or-der to search for inthe ground.A. treesB. bushesC. seedsD. minerals57. The study of trees, branches, and roots indicates tha t.A. there were larger amounts of gold in the branches than in the seedsB. there were smaller amounts of gold in the roots than in the branchesC. there were larger amounts of gold in the seeds growing nearest to the tree trunks than seeds growing on the ends of the branchesD. there were more gold in the branches than in the roots58. Which may be the best title for the passage?A. Scientists Searching for Metals with Special PowerB. New Methods of Searching for Trees and BushesC. Gold Could Be Found by Trees and PlantsD. A New Method of Searching for Minerals: Using Trees and Plants59. Based on the passage, all of the following are mentioned as part of a tree that can help find minerals EXCEPT FOR .。

2014年安徽专升本考试的改革 自主招生

2014年安徽专升本考试的改革 自主招生


















考试时间考试科⽬ 5⽉17⽇ 9:00----11:00 外语、学校体育学 14:00----16:00 计算机 5⽉18⽇ 9:00----11:30 专业综合课(理论) 5⽉18⽇下午、5⽉19⽇全天职业技能测试 外语、计算机、学校体育学试卷满分各为150分;专业综合课考试满分为300分(理论测试200分,职业技能测试100分)。









(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1. Mary was very disappointed when she found out they had gone to the park________ her.A. besidesB. except forC. withoutD. but2. Last month, he earned________ his wife, who has a well-paid position.A. twice as many asB. more than twiceC. twice as more asD. twice as much as3. ________ we have finished the task ahead of time, we should take a good rest now.A. For nowB. Now thatC. By thenD. Ever since4. Like most of my classmates, I have some difficulties _______my second foreign Language.A. studyingB. to studyC. to be studyingD. being studied5. No sooner ________ to the airport than it began to rain.A. we had gotB. had we gotC. we gotD. did we get6. _______at the school, a car picked her up to an unknown place.A. While workingB. On its arrivalC. When she arrivedD. Having arrived7. Wounded _______ he was, he refused to retreat from the front.A. althoughB. whileC. even ifD. as8. They didn’t believe that he was the real murderer who killed his beloved wife, _______?A. did theyB. was heC. did heD. wasn’t he9. We don’t object ________ you by your first name, do you?A. me to callB. my callingC. to my callingD. to me to call10. If ice __________, it will change into water.A. meltsB. will meltC. has meltD. is being melt二、阅读理解根据短文内容从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最合适的答案填空,并在答题卡上将所选答案的字母涂黑。









以下是2014年专升本考试大纲的主要内容:# 一、考试目的和性质专升本考试旨在测试学生是否具备进入本科阶段学习的基本能力和知识水平。


# 二、考试科目和内容专升本考试通常包括以下几个科目:1. 语文:考察学生的阅读理解能力、写作能力和语文基础知识。

2. 数学:根据专业不同,数学科目可能包括高等数学、线性代数等。

3. 英语:测试学生的英语阅读、写作、听力和翻译能力。

4. 专业课:根据学生报考的专业,考察相关的专业知识和技能。

# 三、考试形式和时间1. 笔试:大部分科目采用闭卷笔试的形式进行。

2. 口试:部分科目如英语可能会包含口试部分。

3. 实践操作:对于某些专业,如医学、工程等,可能需要进行实践操作考试。

4. 考试时间:一般安排在每年的春季,具体时间由各地教育考试院确定。

# 四、考试要求1. 知识掌握:考生需要对所学专业知识有系统的理解。

2. 应用能力:考生应能将所学知识应用于解决实际问题。

3. 创新思维:鼓励考生在答题时展现自己的创新思维和独立见解。

# 五、考试评分标准1. 客观题:选择题、判断题等,根据标准答案评分。

2. 主观题:简答题、论述题、作文等,根据内容的准确性、逻辑性和表达能力评分。

3. 实践操作:根据操作的规范性、熟练度和效果评分。

# 六、备考建议1. 系统复习:考生应系统地复习所学专业知识,查漏补缺。

2. 模拟练习:通过模拟考试来熟悉考试流程和题型。

3. 时间管理:合理分配复习和考试时间,避免临近考试时的紧张和焦虑。

4. 心理调适:保持良好的心态,增强自信心。

# 七、考试纪律1. 诚信考试:考生应遵守考试规则,诚实应考。

2. 禁止作弊:严禁任何形式的作弊行为,一经发现将受到严厉处罚。



























2014 年江苏省普通高校“专转本”选拔考试工作问答目录第一部分概况 (3)1.什么是普通高校“专转本”考试? (3)2.什么是专转本考试自主招生? (4)第二部分报名 (4)3.2014年普通高校专转本考试的选拔对象是什么? (4)4.2014年专转本考试的报名条件是什么? (4)5.2014年专转本考试自主招生选拔的报名条件是什么? (5)6.退役士兵如何报考专转本考试?如何审核报名资格?享受什么优惠政策? (5)7.考入外省、市普通高校的本省户籍学生能否报名参加专转本考试? (6)8.五年一贯制高职学生能否参加专转本考试? (6)9.如何审核考生是否符合报名条件? (6)10.什么时间报名?怎样报名? (7)11.为什么要核对报考信息,并签字确认《考生报名表》? (7)12.报名、考试费用是多少? (8)13.专转本考试的报名流程是什么? (8)14.网上支付的注意事项? (10)第三部分选拔计划 (10)15.2014年全省共安排多少选拔计划? (10)16.今年有哪些公办普通高校安排专转本选拔计划? (10)17.2014年选拔计划何时下达? (11)18.选拔计划的主要内容是什么?如何公布? (11)第四部分填报志愿 (11)19.考生何时填报志愿? (11)20.专转本志愿是如何设置的? (11)21.平行志愿与传统志愿的区别在哪里? (12)22.专转本平行志愿的特点是什么? (12)23.接收院校招生专业为什么要明确提出对考生专科阶段所学专业和课程的要求? (13)24.为什么有少部分考生找不到相应的本科招生专业报考? (13)25.为什么不同接收院校同一个招生专业对考生专科阶段所学专业要求不一样? (13)26.填报志愿有哪些注意事项? (14)第五部分考试 (15)27.2014年专转本全省统考何时进行? (15)28.专转本考试考点是如何设置的? (15)29.准考证怎么发放?何时发放? (16)30.考生进入考场时须持哪些证件? (16)31.考试有哪些主要注意事项? (16)32.专转本考试的考查要求是什么? (16)第六部分评卷和考试成绩 (17)33.专转本考试采取什么方式?有什么优点? (17)34.专转本考试成绩如何通知考生? (17)35.考生对本人考试成绩有疑问怎么办? (18)第七部分录取 (18)36.什么是网上录取?网上录取的主要流程是什么? (18)37.专转本选拔的录取体制是什么? (19)38.如何划定专转本录取最低控制分数线? (20)39.专转本投档原则及办法是什么? (20)40.何时进行专转本录取? (20)41.如何获知专转本录取结果? (21)2014年江苏省普通高校“专转本”选拔考试工作问答江苏省教育考试院第一部分概况1.什么是普通高校“专转本”考试?答:(1)江苏省普通高校“专转本”选拔考试(以下简称专转本考试)为省级教育考试。























2014年山东专升本各招生专业考试科目师范类:招生专业考试科目及范围小学教育1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(教育学、大学语文、中外教育史);4.综合二(发展心理学、教育心理学、教育研究方法)学前教育1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(教育学、大学语文、学前教育史);4.综合二(学前教育学、学前心理学、学前卫生学);5.技能测试[美术(简笔画);音乐(声乐、舞蹈、键盘,三选一)]思想政治教育1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(教育学、心理学、法学概论);4.综合二(哲学、科学社会主义、国际时事政治)汉语言文学1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(教育学、心理学、写作);4.综合二(古代汉语、现代汉语、文学概论)历史学1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(教育学、心理学、史学概论);4.综合二(中国古代史、中国近代史、世界通史)英语1. 计算机; 2. 大学语文;3.综合一(教育学、心理学、英语写作);4.综合二(精读、泛读、听力)美术学1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(教育学、心理学、艺术美学);4.综合二(中外美术史、美术概论、美术教学理论与方法);5.技能测试(素描头像;水粉静物写生;白描人物)音乐学1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(教育学、心理学、音乐教育理论基础);4.综合二(基本乐理、音乐史、和声学);5.技能测试(声乐;钢琴;听记)体育教育1. 计算机; 2.英语;3.综合一(教育学、心理学、学校体育学);4.综合二(人体解剖学、人体生理学、体育史);5.技能测试[100米;原地推铅球(男5公斤、女4公斤);立定三级跳远(男)、立定跳远(女);800米]数学与应用数学1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(教育学、心理学、高等代数);4.综合二(数学史、数学分析、概率与数理统计)地理科学1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(教育学、心理学、土壤与植被);4.综合二(自然地理学、地质与地貌学、气象与气候学)化学1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(教育学、心理学、物理化学);4.综合二(无机化学、有机化学、分析化学)教育技术学1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(教育学、心理学、教育技术学);4.综合二(教育传播学、教育影视节目创作、教学系统设计)高职高专类:招生专业考试科目及范围英语1. 计算机;2. 大学语文;3.综合一(精读、泛读);4.综合二(听力、翻译技巧)朝鲜语1. 计算机;2. 大学语文;3.综合一(精读、泛读);4.综合二(听力、翻译技巧)日语1. 计算机;2. 大学语文;3.综合一(基础日语、日本概况);4.综合二(听力、会话)艺术设计 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(素描);4.综合二(命题设计)园艺1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(植物生理、土壤与植物营养);4.综合二(园艺植物栽培学、遗传学)国际经济与贸易1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(高等数学、会计学);4.综合二(国际贸易理论与实务、市场营销学)金融学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(西方经济学、货币银行学);4.综合二(会计学、保险学原理)会计学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(高等数学、基础会计);4.综合二(财务会计、审计基础与实务)电子商务1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(高等数学、经济法);4.综合二(网络营销、国际商务)市场营销1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(经济法、基础会计);4.综合二(市场营销学、市场调查与预测)公共事业管理1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(管理学原理、管理心理学);4.综合二(人力资源开发与管理、公共关系学)工商管理1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(经济数学、管理学基础);4.综合二(经济法、基础会计)旅游管理1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(旅游概论、旅游心理学);4.综合二(旅游市场营销、旅游资源与开发)法学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(法理学、宪法);4.综合二(民法、刑法、经济法)生物科学 1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(无机化学、遗传学);4.综合二(动物学、植物学)电气工程及其自动化1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(高等数学、自控理论);4.综合二(电路、电子技术[数字、模拟电路])电子信息工程1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(高等数学、信息理论与编码);4.综合二(数字信号、自控原理)服装设计与工程1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(服装设计、服装材料);4.综合二(服装史、美学)工程管理1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(管理学、会计学);4.综合二(建筑材料、招投标与合同管理)化学工程与工艺1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(有机化学、无机化学);4.综合二(分析化学、化工原理)机械设计制造及其自动化1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(高等数学、工程力学);4.综合二(电工学、机械设计基础)交通运输1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(高等数学、理论力学);4.综合二(汽车理论、汽车构造)计算机科学与技术1. 高等数学;2. 英语;3.综合一(操作系统原理、微机原理与接口技术);4.综合二(数据结构、C语言)土木工程1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(高等数学、混凝土结构);4.综合二(材料力学、结构力学)口腔医学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(口腔组织病理学、口腔解剖生理学);4.综合二(口腔内科学、口腔颌面外科学、口腔修复学)临床医学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(生物化学、病理解剖);4.综合二(内科学、外科学)护理学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(生理学、护理学基础);4.综合二(内科护理学、外科护理学)麻醉学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(生理学、人体解剖学、麻醉解剖学);4.综合二(外科学、临床麻醉学、重症监测)药学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(药物化学、微生物学);4.综合二(有机化学、药物分析)医学检验1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(临床检验基础、生物化学检验);4.综合二(微生物学检验、免疫学检验)医学影像学1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(生理学、影像电子学基础);4.综合二(医学影像诊断学、医学影像设备学)针灸推拿学1. 计算机; 2. 英语;3.综合一(中医基础理论、中药学);4.综合二(诊断学基础、针灸临床学)中药学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(中医基础理论、中药鉴定学、药理学);4.综合二(中药炮制学、中药药剂学)中医学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(中医基础理论、方剂学、中药学、);4.综合二(诊断学基础、中医内科学)动物医学1. 计算机;2. 英语;3.综合一(动物生理学、遗传学);4.综合二(内科学、外科学、传染病)。































2014 年河南省普通专升本考试《法学基础》真题一、选择题(每小题 1 分,共 40 分)在每小题的四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。






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3.掌握 K 生态对策、r 生态对策的特征及在保护生物学方面的实践意义;










1.海洋生态学:《海洋生态学》,沈国英,黄凌风,郭风,施并章编著,科学出版社,2010 年第3版。

