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学院_______________________ 系别____________ 班次_____________ 学号__________ 姓名________________


电子科技大学二零零 八 至二零零 九 学年第 一 学期期 末 考试

数字信号处理课程考试题 半期考卷 ( 120 分钟) 考试形式: 开卷 考试日期 2008年12月 30 日

课程成绩构成:平时 20 分, 期中 20 分, 实验 20 分, 期末 40 分

1. Given a causal system with the transfer function being 1


3()252z H z z z

----=-+. (1) Try to calculate it’s differen ce equation.

(2) Try to give the zero-pole plot of the system, then determine whether the system is stable. (3) Calculate it’s impulse response.

(4) Give a canonic direct realization of the system and plot it. Solution: (共20分)

(1) Difference equation is: 2y[n]-5y[n-1]+2y[n-2]=-3x[n-1](3分) (2) zero-pole plot:(5分)

The ROC is |z|>2, so the system is not stable.(2分)

(3) 111




12z z z z H z z z z z z z z z -------


11[]0.5(0.5)[]2(2)[]{(0.5)(2)}[]n n n n h n n n n μμμ--∴=-=- (5分)



2.Consider a length-9 sequence x [n ] = {2, -3, -1, 0, -4, 3, 1, 2, 4}, -2 ≤ n ≤ 6. The z -transform X (z ) of x [n ] is sampled at N points ωk = 2 k /N, 0 ≤ k ≤ N -1, on the unit circle yielding the frequency samples:


,1j k N z e X k X z k N π===-

Determine the periodic sequence []x n whose discrete discrete Fourier series coefficients are given by

[]X k when N = 4 and N = 11, respectively ( without evaluating []X k ). Solution:(共15分)

According to the definition of z-transform,




n X z x n z


∑ (0.1)(5分)

Then, []X k can be written as



[][],0,1,,1kn j


n X k x n e

k N π-=-=

=-∑ (0.2)(5分)

According to the definition of DFS


[][],,0,1,,1kn N j


n X k x n e

n k N π--===-∑ (0.3)(5分)

when N = 4, [][4]x n x n r =+, and its principle period is {0, 2, 2, 0}, 0 ≤ n ≤ 3

when N = 11, [][11]x n x n r =+, and its principle period is {-1, 0, -4, 3, 1, 2, 4, 0, 0, 2, -3}, 0 ≤ n ≤ 10

3.Knowing the transfer function of a causal system as 1

11()10.9z H z z --+=-, we get a new transfer

function 41()()H z H z =. Please:

(1) Sketch the magnitude response of 1()j H e ω


(2) Determine the ω values of peaks and dips in magnitude of 1()j H e ω


(3) If the transfer function H(z) is cascaded with a system 11

()(1)(10.9)G z z z --=+- to get a new system

transfer function H 2(z), try to compute the phase function and the group delay of 2()H z .


(1) 4141()10.9z H z z --+=-→4141()10.9j j j e H e e ωω

ω--+=-→4141()10.9j j j e H e e ωωω


magnitude response:


(2) ω values of peaks in magnitude of 1()j H e ω:-π/2,0,π/2, π, (2分)

ω values of dips in magnitude of 1()j H e ω:,-3π/4, -π/4,π/4, 3π/4(2分) (3)12122()()

()(1)12H z H z G z z z z ---==+=++
