



• 南极大冒险 • 忠犬八公
Tracy 徐瑶
クイール 导盲犬小Q 导盲犬小
• 《导盲犬小Q》改编自日本 导盲犬小 》改编自日本 作家石黑谦吾和秋元良平 秋元良平的 作家石黑谦吾和秋元良平的 小说《再见了,可鲁》 小说《再见了,可鲁》。书 中的可鲁确实曾经存在, 中的可鲁确实曾经存在,生 卒年为1986年6月25日到 卒年为 年 月 日到 1998年7月20日。一只聪明 年 月 日 一生都在工作的导盲犬, 的、一生都在工作的导盲犬, 在人世间走过了12年的岁月 年的岁月, 在人世间走过了 年的岁月, 日后它的故事被记录、 日后它的故事被记录、被传 播。
Eight Below (南极大冒险)
• 南极大冒险》讲述了八条雪橇 南极大冒险》 犬(sled dog)在残酷的大自然 在残酷的大自然 中努力集体求生的故事。 中努力集体求生的故事。和以 往的动物电影不同, 往的动物电影不同,导演并没 有将狗放在一个只是取悦观众 的角度, 的角度,更没有把狗狗与人类 平行描写, 平行描写,而是将他们刻画为故事的主角--完全的主角 完全的主角--并且 故事的主角 完全的主角 并且 极力淡化了人类角色在片中的 分量, 分量,让人们以伪纪录片的方 式了解动物之间的那种特有的 情怀。 情怀。
Hachi 忠犬八公的故事) (忠犬八公的故事)
• 改编自 改编自1935年发生在日本的真 年发生在日本的真 实故事 • 电影的原型为1924年秋田犬八 电影的原型为 年秋田犬八 公被它的主人上野秀三郎带到 东京。每天早上, 东京。每天早上,八公都在家 门口目送着上野秀三郎出门上 班,然后傍晚时分便到附近的 涩谷火车站迎接他下班回家 火车站迎接他下班回家。 涩谷火车站迎接他下班回家。 一天晚上, 一天晚上,上野秀三郎并没有 如常般回到家中, 如常般回到家中,他在大学里 突然中风,抢救无效死了, 突然中风,抢救无效死了,再 也没有回到那个火车站, 也没有回到那个火车站,可是 八公依然忠实地等着他。 八公依然忠实地等着他。

电影《南极大冒险》中的DOGS 英语课主题演讲PPT

电影《南极大冒险》中的DOGS 英语课主题演讲PPT

Shepherd duty
• Millions of years in the past, shepherd is responsible for shepherds and animal husbandry and breed. Is responsible for security, avoid in farm cattle, sheep, horses etc escape or lost, also protect livestock from bear or Wolf, but also greatly to eliminate the theft behavior. It is not only as the watchers, but also good assistant for farmers.
• The dog learns to watch the traffic and to cross the street safely. It also learns to obey such commands as "forward", "left", "right" and "sit" and to disobey any command that might lead its owner into danger.
With the development of history, ordinary citizens are gradually put it as to enjoy the dog keepers.
Guide Dog
• A guide dog is a dog especially trained to guide a blind person. Dogs chosen for such training must show good disposition, intelligence, physical fitness and sense of responsibility.

北师大版高中英语必修3 Unit 8《Adventure》(Journey to the Antarctic)ppt课件

北师大版高中英语必修3 Unit 8《Adventure》(Journey to the Antarctic)ppt课件

3.They were shocked when they saw the Norwegian flag. 当他们看到挪威国旗时,感到非常震惊。 考点 shock vt. 震惊,惊骇
Lesson 4 Journey to the Antarctic
一、南极洲是地球上最遥远最孤独的大陆,它严酷的奇寒和常年不化 的冰雪,长期以来拒人类于千里之外。数百年来,为征服南极洲,揭开 它的神秘面纱,数以千计的探险家,前仆后继奔向南极洲,表现出不畏 艰险和百折不挠的精神,创造了可歌可泣的业绩,为我们今天能够认 识神秘的南极作出了巨大的贡献。我们在欣赏南极美丽景色的同时, 不会忘记对他们表示我们崇高的敬意。
the ice-skating
championship. 他每天训练,为夺取滑冰冠军做准备。
(3)Plans for the new school are now
答案:(1)for (2)in preparation for (3)in preparation

☞ ... 答案:略
1.cheerful a.the ability to continue doing something for a long time


difficuity he faced with
They were deeply disappointed and set foot on their way home. Evans died of a nervous disorder; oates suffering from severe frostbite, unwilling to hurt others, take the initiative to ask out a circle, in this environment, going out will only lead to death. The remaining three people had to camp in order to avoid the bad weather. But on March 29, 1912, three people such as Scott died leaving their camping base more than 200 kilometers away.
He is a British naval officers and polar explo rers. Born on June 6, 1868 in Devon, Englan d, Scott joined the British Navy in 1881 and was promoted to captain in 1891. The first expedition to Antarctica began in 1900 with the goal of the Ross Sea. He discovered an d named the Edward VII peninsula. He retu rned to England in 1904. On September 2, 1908, he married Kathleen Bruce. Scott die d on March 29, 1912 in Antarctica.


oto and says:
There is no place like home.
• After reading this book, I feel a friend is very precious. Dorothy and the Scarecrow, tin and the lion, they riding out the storm together, help each other achieve the results they desire.I can feel love, brave, deep friendship and some other good spirits between them. The story also shows us how important teamwork is and how we need friends.
<The wizard of OZ> is a full-length fairy tale, which is called the western Journey to the West(西方西游记). The book tells an adventure story about a little girl named Dorothy.
After many difficulties, they killed the evil western witch.In the end, Dorothy says a tearful goodbye to the friends she has met in Oz, and then follows Glinda's instructions to get home.
Some where over the rainbow



summaБайду номын сангаасy
As our “honest friend”, dogs play an important role in human’s development. They are excellent doorkeepers and close companion of children. They are also proving their worth in the battlefield by helping wounded soldiers recover, and rescue the survivors in calamity just like earthquake and fire.

Before you bring a dog home , please remember :the dog’s life is with a short ten to fifteen years , your forsaken would bring it greatest pain. • You have your work , your entertainment , your friends……but your dog only has you . Mabey your friends or someone else will betray you , but your loyal dog will never betray you. • All in all , be kind to your dog , be kind to your friendship between you and your dog.
(based on use)
1.牧羊犬 2.工作犬 3.枪猎犬 4.狩猎犬 5.玩赏犬


Poodle 贵宾犬
博 美
The world's largest dog
• • • • • • • Caucasian [kɔ:'keiziən]sheepdog 高加索犬 Origin: Russia. Type: large-sized dog Shoulder Height: 64-72 cm Weight: 45-70 kg Utilization(用途):guard and defense dog
1.Every dog has his day. 大家都有走运的一天。 2.He is a lucky dog. 他是个幸运儿。 3.Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。 4.Lead a dog’s life 过穷困潦倒的日子
5. Barking dogs seldom bite.
クイール 导盲犬小Q (Quill)
• 《导盲犬小Q》改编自日本 作家石黑谦吾和秋元良平的 小说《再见了,可鲁》。书 中的可鲁确实曾经存在,生 卒年为1986年6月25日到 1998年7月20日。一只聪明 的、一生都在工作的导盲犬, 在人世间走过了12年的岁月, 日后它的故事被记录、被传 播。
Hotel for Dogs (流浪狗之家)
The world's smallest dog
• • • • • • • Chihuahua[tʃi'wɑ:wə] 吉娃娃 Origin: Mexico Type:small-sized dog Height:15 ~ 23 cm Weight: 1 to 3 kg Utilization: Companion dogs
Eight Below (南极大冒险)


有点,设计了部分报告法,它弥补了以前那些用全部报告方式研究感觉记忆的缺陷,结果他首次发现了被试感觉记忆量为。 赤纬是太阳中心与地球中心与地球赤道平面的夹角,一般为~度之间,向为正,向为负 目前认为每次输入的血液中含有的白细胞数少于多少不发生同种致敏()A.5&times;1010B.5&times;109C.5&times;108D.5&times;107E.5&times;106 引起正常心脏搏动的动作电位起源于。A.希氏束B.房室结C.左、右束支D.窦房结E.结间束 飞机降落前,提前分钟吊车放回支架或摆到内安全区域待命。A.5B.10C.15D.20 小鼠子宫为双子宫型,呈“Y”形,左右子宫角在膀胱背部汇合成子宫体,。A、其子宫体为一无分隔的完整腔体,后逐渐狭窄形成子宫颈。B、其子宫体为完全分隔的两个相对独立的腔体,后逐渐狭窄形成子宫颈。C、其前部以中隔分成两部,后部中隔消失,逐渐形成子宫颈。D、其前部为无中隔 地漏和供排除液体用的带有坡度的面层,坡度满足排除液体需要,不倒泛水,无渗漏,质量应评为。A.不合格B.合格C.优良D.高优 人体各组织、器官的生长模式可归纳为A.1类B.2类C.3类D.4类E.5类 炎热环境中(30℃以上),机体维持体热平衡是通过A.增加有效辐射面积B.增加皮肤与环境之间的温度差C.交感神经紧张性增加D.发汗及增加皮肤血流量E.发汗及减少皮肤血流量 梯形图如图1所示,该梯形图支持的诊断是A.窦性心律,正常心电图B.房性心律C.交界性心律D.窦性心律不齐E.一度房室传导阻滞 哮喘患者的痰液涂片中可见到较多的A.白细胞B.脓细胞C.淋巴细胞D.嗜酸性粒细胞E.嗜碱性粒细胞 智能建筑系统结构的下层由三个智能子系统构成,这三个智能子系统是。A.BAS、CAS、SASBAS、CAS、OASC.BAS、CAS、FASD.CAS、PDS、FAS 组织文化的表现形态有:_____,_____,______,______,______ 按国有资产用途分类,可以将国有资产分为:A.企业国有资产B.行政事业单位国有资产C.资源性国有资产D.其他国有资产 全瓷冠一般为A.135&deg;肩台B.带斜面90&deg;肩台C.刃状边缘D.90&deg;肩台E.深凹形 根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》的规定,下列关于督促程序的表述中,正确的是()。A.督促程序是一种非讼的特别程序B.督促程序适用于债权人请求债务人交付房产的案件C.支付令的送达可以采用公告送达的方式D.支付令异议的提出,可以采用口头形式 下列哪种飞行时间不能记作机长时间A、在飞行教员监视下完成机长职责的机长座飞行时间B、在取得等级的航空器上作为操纵装置的唯一操作者的飞行时间C、当其是航空器的唯一驾驶员时的飞行时间 负责组织医疗事故技术鉴定工作的医学会应当在当事人提交的有关医疗事故技术鉴定的材料、书面陈述及答辩之日起多少日内出具医疗事故鉴定书。A.5B.10C.15D.30E.45 血红素合成障碍所致的贫血是A.缺铁性贫血B.再生障碍性贫血C.海洋性贫血D.巨幼细胞贫血E.慢性病性贫血 下述哪种甲状腺疾病禁忌手术A.甲亢B.甲状腺腺瘤C.桥本病D.甲状腺乳头状腺癌E.结节性甲状腺肿 内河营运船舶主机总功率小于多少千瓦的船舶,可免除签发《防止油污证书》? 病案质量全过程管理的实施中除外。A.流程设计B.教育、培训C.质量监控D.可持续改进E.程序化管理 实施CRM的具体目标可归结为提高、减低。 负责用电普查工作的部门。A.省公司市场营销部B.各级市场营销部门C.各供电公司用电检查部门D.供电营业所 注册会计师刘亚在D公司审计的计划阶段初步确定会计报表层次的重要性水平为80万元。在报告阶段,对会计报表的重要性进行最终评估,确定为90万元。此后,刘亚已将在审计过程已发现,但被审计单位尚未调整的错报漏报进行了汇总,得到了汇总数,但被审计单位拒绝对此加以调整。请指出 [问答题,论述题]根据新课程标准的要求,论述如何选择合适的素材帮助学生掌握集合的性质与运算。 测定在建投资总规模的方法有增长率法和。A.投资率法B.累计法C.倍数法D.支出法 血精的主要原因是A.饮酒过度B.嗜食辛辣C.阴囊外伤D.房事过度E.前列腺增生 下列激素不属肽类激素的是A.生长激素释放因子(GHRF.B.生长激素(GH)C.卵泡刺激素(FSH)D.雌激素E.泌乳素(PRL) 什么是热处理?它在生产上有什么意义? WORD中,对艺术字的处理方式是A、图形方式B、文字方式C、图文混合处理方式D、图文分别处理方式 在急性上呼吸道感染发病期间,应注意的事项,以下不正确的是A.戒烟B.休息C.多饮水D.多运动提高免疫力E.保持室内空气流通 有种技术于1990年代初投入使用,能适应高通量的要求,已成为鉴定HLA基因的非常理想的方法。这种技术是下列哪一种。A.PCR-RFLPB.PCR-SSOPC.PCR-SBTD.PCR-SSPE.PCR-SSCP [问答题,论述题]简要论述《诗经》的艺术成就。 对正中关系的描述不正确的是。A.又称下颌后退位B.又称正中关系C.是一个功能性的后边缘位D.是一个稳定可重复的位置E.髁突处于关节窝的后位


译文:四肢发达头脑简单的小不点由白色3岁犬 贾斯伯扮演,它曾是一条流浪犬,获得参加出演 电影的机会令它喜出望外,因为它很快发现雪是 世界上最好玩的东西。
Dewey is one of the twin brothers, he have never seen snow before starting to film acting training! But he soon fell in love with snow and ice and cold, and never let go of any sled opportunity 译文:杜威是片中那对亲密无间的孪 生兄弟之一,在开始参加影片表演训 练之前从未见过雪!但它很快就喜欢 上了冰雪和寒冷,而且从来都不肯放 过任何拉雪橇的机会。
The oldest old Jack is very good at playing cards, by the beautiful black and white flower dog Sally plays.
译文:年纪最大的老杰克以擅长打牌, 由漂亮的黑白花犬萨利扮演。
Limbs developed simpleminded SHORITE by the white three-yearold dog Jasper plays, it was a stray dog, get to the movie chance to make it be overjoyed, as it quickly found that the snow is the most fun thing in the world
有些事情似乎很难改变。例如,当人 们面临危机时,往往把自己的生命放 在第一位,在两难的情况下,往往以 其他动物的生命为代价,即使他们刚 刚救了自己的命 。

Lesson 4 the race to the poleppt课件

Lesson 4 the race to the poleppt课件
• 在南极圈内暖季有连续的极昼,寒季则有 连续的极夜,并有绚丽的弧形极光出现。 动物有企鹅、海象、海狮、信天翁等。全 洲无定居居民,只有来自世界各地的科学 考察人员和捕鲸队。 南极大陆是人类最后 到达的大陆。1911年12月挪威阿蒙森探险 队首次到达南极极点。
Common sense quiz
8. spend sb. spend … on sth. sb. spend … (in) doing sth. e.g. He doesn’t spend much time on his homework. He spent much time correcting my grammar.
(3) Why did Scott and his men become heroes? They became heroes because, although they died on the return journey, they showed remarkable courage all the time.
6. break down a. 机器, 车辆等坏了 We are sorry to arrive late, but the car broke down. b. 身体跨了 His health broke down.
c. 失败, 坚持不去了 Negotiations between the two sides
• 大陆几乎全被冰川覆盖,占全球现代冰被 面积的80%以上。大陆冰川从中央延伸到 海上,形成巨大的罗斯冰障,周围海上漂 浮着冰山。
• 整个大陆只有2%的地方无长年冰雪覆盖, 动植物能够生存。气候酷寒,极端最低气 温曾达-89.2℃(1983年)。风速一般达每 秒17~18米,最大达每秒90米以上,为世界 最冷和风暴最多、风力最大的陆地。全洲 年平均降水量为55毫米,极点附近几乎无 降水,空气非常干燥,有“白色荒漠”之 称。[1]



Future developments in Antarctica
• Exploring the largest lake under the ice sheet • Obtaining a reliable climate record over half a million
years • Exploiting natural “antifreeze” in Antarctic organisms • Studying the effects of increased UV-radiation and
fishermen in sub-Tropics
The Antarctic Treaty
• Antarctica is “a natural reserve devoted to peace and science”
• The Antarctic Treaty manages the region’s wildlife • Mining is forbidden • The Treaty runs indefinitely • Forty-four countries have acceded to the Antarctic Treaty
greenhouse gases and climate • The global impact of the Industrial Revolution • A reduction of the height of the ionosphere consistent
with “global warming” • Lakes beneath the Antarctic ice sheet believed to contain
• The protection is legally backed • International inspection teams monitor compliance with


Many bird species breed in Antarctica, including pens, albatrosses, and other seabirds These birds have also adapted to the harsh conditions, evolving unique traits to survey in this extreme environment
Frequent occurrence of blazes and ice cracking
Blizzards are common occurrences in Antarctica, with winds of exceeding 100 km/h
The ice sheet covering Antarctica is consistently shifting and cracking, creating credits and iceberries
The ice shelves that extend from the mainland into the Southern Ocean are important features of Antarctica's landscape
The distance between Antarctica and other containers
Geographic location of Antarctica
It is located south of the Antarctic Circle, with the majority of the continent being located below the South Pole

Qomolangma-- the Most Dangerous Mountain-课件ppt

Qomolangma-- the Most Dangerous Mountain-课件ppt

3. the highest and is the most famous.
Chinese team 4. Even more serious
reached the top difficulties
5. heavy storms
3. 1975- Junko Tabei from
6. hard to breathe
the Himalayas. The Himalayas run along the
southwestern part of China. Of all the mountains,
Qomolangma rises the highest and is the most famous. It
is 8,844.43 meters high and so is very dangerous to climb.
Japan was the first woman to reach the top
5. stronger than the forces of nature
1.When people get to the top of
Qomolangma, what kinds of difficulties
they might meet EXCEPT___B______
3a Read the article
Qomolangma--- the Most Dangerous Mountain in the World?
Why do so many climbers risk their lives? One of the main reasons is because people want to challenge themselves in the face of difficulties. The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams. It also shows that humans can sometimes be stronger than the forces of nature.



南极的中英文介绍第一篇:南极的中英文介绍Antarctica is the coldest continent in the world ,lying in south of the Antarctic Circle and it’s covered with snow nearly all around the year.Speculation over the existence of a “southern land” was not confirmed until the early 1820s when British and American commercial operators and British and Russian national expeditions began exploring the Antarctic Peninsula region and other areas south of the Antarctic Circle.Not until 1840 was it established that Antarctic was indeed a continent and not just a group of islands.Several exploration “firsts” were achieved in the early 20th century.With an area of 13 200 000 km2 , Antarctic is the fifth largest continent,after Asia ,Africa ,North America ,and South America.However ,it is by far the smallest i population :indeed ,it has no permanent population at all , but a number of governments maintain permanent research stations throughout the continent.Many of the stations are staffed around the year.It is also the continent with the highest average altitude , and the lowest average humidity of any continent on Earth , as well as the lowest average temperature.南极洲是地球最南端也是世界上最冷的大陆,几乎全年有冰雪覆盖,数百年来,为征服南极洲,揭开的它的神秘面纱,数以千计的探险家,前仆后继,奔赴南极洲。



南极之旅:生存与勇气的较量Amidst the vast and frozen landscape of Antarctica, "The Great Escape" tells a tale of survival and couragethat is both breathtaking and heartwarming. Directed by Frank Marshall, the film stars an ensemble cast of exceptional actors, each delivering a powerful performance in their respective roles.The story revolves around a group of adventurers who, while on a scientific expedition to the frozen continent, find themselves stranded in the middle of an ice storm. With their supply lines cut off and no hope of rescue for months, the team must rely on their wits, teamwork, and resilience to survive.One of the most striking aspects of the film is its breathtaking cinematography. The visuals are stunning, capturing the beauty and harshness of Antarctica in all its frozen glory. The cinematographer captures the grandeur of the snow-covered landscapes and the intense storms with breathtaking detail, making the viewer feel as if they are right there, experiencing the dangers and challenges faced by the characters.The characters themselves are a well-rounded and diverse group, each with their own unique traits and personalities. They range from the experienced and level-headed leader to the young and idealistic scientist, and each character contributes to the overall narrative intheir own unique way. The actors deliver powerful performances, bringing their characters to life and making their struggles and triumphs deeply felt.The film's message of survival and resilience is powerful and uplifting. It reminds us that in the face of adversity, we must rely on our inner strength and the support of our fellow humans to overcome any obstacle. The film's ending, which sees the team finally being rescued after months of struggle, is both satisfying and emotional, leaving the viewer with a sense of hope and optimism.In conclusion, "The Great Escape" is a film that deserves recognition for its exceptional storytelling, powerful performances, and breathtaking cinematography. It is a heartfelt tale of survival and courage that will leave a lasting impression on any viewer.**南极之旅:生存与勇气的较量**在南极广袤无垠的冻土之上,《南极大冒险》讲述了一段惊心动魄又温暖人心的生存与勇气故事。



河津二中制作[Man 1]All right , Coop . A hundred and five degrees .What do you say? [Cooper] 105? I can go more.107.108.[Cooper] I` m feeling it.109.[Cooper]OK, the suspense is killing me.All right,110. 110?110. A hundred and ten toasty ones.Right . Ready to go out and greet the heat ? The warm wind in my hair ?Are you ready? I` m ready.Let `s does it. Let` s do it.Thirty-one .Thirty- one degrees.Thirty-one below. Thirty-one below! New record!Thirty-one below! New record!New record! Oh, it`s cold!I hate to do this , but……Rise and shine , kids .No more sleeping in.All right .If “rise and shine ”won` t work ……Is anybody hungry this morning ? [Whimpering] Attaboy , Max .Hey , what do you say ? Ready for exercise before breakfast ?How you doing ?How does right field look ?I think it looks pretty good . What do you say ,Max? Here we go .Go get it ! [ Barking]Hey,Maya.[Grunting]How`s my best girl doing ,huh ?How you doing ?You keeping everybody in line ?Left field. Go get it .Left field, Maya .Here we go.Go get it!Attaboy, Max. come here, buddy.Settle down .There`s plenty to go around ,guys.Here you go , Shorty .Good boy ,Shadow. Dewey . Truman.There you go, Old Jack.That`s my best girl.Here ,I`ll trade you . There you go ,Maya.Hi . Hey.Didn`t think I`d see you this year , Guess you got lucky.I guess so . Crazy Katie!Did you get your pilot `s license yet? Oh ,Coop, I missed you.[Cooper]OK.[groans]Got that ? Yeah . [gaunts]Hey, hey ,careful with that.That equipment`s made it 10000 miles . I`d hate that to change in six feel.Sorry about that.Hi. I`m Dr .Davis McClaren.Earth and Space Sciences UCLA.Jerry Shepard, expedition guide .Welcome to the bottom of the world.Nice to meet you .Same here.Go any further south ,you`ll fall off the planet. Well , that `d unfortunate.Charlie Cooper, cartographer ,mechanical engineer ,runway paver.Nice to meet you .Dr.McClaren! Welcome to the ice.Andy Harrison ,NSF science director .An honor to meet you.Dr.Rosemary Paris, field coordinator. Nice to meet you.You`ve met our team?Yeah,Mr.Cooper was just taking good care of all my things..Cooper,really?First time for everything , I suppose.Let`s get you inside. Thanks.Sure . Yeah.OK. Lady luck ,in my corner.[Katie]What are we playing? [Cooper]She is pretty.[Jerry]Quarter in .[Katie]Quarter. [Cooper]You`re going down .[Katie]You`re going down.Crazy Katie, You` re going down .Hey,doc, you want in ? No, thanks .I gave up gambling a long time ago.Hey , you flew in with Katie, didn`t you? [Chuckling]Remind me how you `re getting home.Say,Old Jack,you in or out,buddy? Translation? That`d be out.So, Coop ,how `s the new girlfriend? Mmm. [Cooper]How`s my new girl?I don`t know.How about hot? Wow.[Rosemary]She`s a scientist too.At the Italian base.Pretty and smart. Smarts.Yeah.Notice something missing in that picture. OK,OK.I think…I know you mean me.You`re talk…The picture`s coming.She`s sending one of the two of us,OK? Patience,Jer.Uh,huh.How many? [Katie]Two.Doc,you looking forward to your first trip to Dry Valleys?It`s a pretty cool spot this time of year. Actually,Dr.McClaren needs to get to Mt.Melbourne.To search for his meteorite.Melbourne,huh?Nobody said anything about Melbourne. Year.Meteorite hunting is a pretty small world. And,uh, I didn`t want angbody to know where I was really going,Cause I`m looking for something special at Melbourne.and the NSF let us keep it off the paperwork. Is there a probiem?Look,doc,let me show you something.I`ll show you on map.This is where we are,right? OK. Yeah. [Jerry]Here`s Dry Valleys.All the way qver here,Mr.Melbourne.Twice as far and the opposite direction.I`ve been over our route twice in the in the last week,. But I haven`t been to Mt.Melbourne since the beginning of the season.Well,that may be so.But Dr.McClaren has traveled a long way.If we can accommodate him,we should. Andy,it`s the end of January.The ice is too thin and snowmobiles would be too dangerous.There`s only one way to make that trip,with the dogs.The dogs?OK.Will they be able to carry all my gear? The dogs`ll be fine.It`s really late in the season. Last year we had the dogs outRight up until the day we left.All right,Andy.You`re the boss.I`ll get things ready.Hey,you need some help? No,I`m fine. Coop,say good night to Buck.Uh,I`m gonna take a rain check,Jer.Kids,come on!Let`s go![whistles]Everyone outside.Let`s get you tucked into bed. Come on.Good,Jack..Good boy.I`ll see you in the morning.Hey,Maya.What do you say?One more trip,huh?Then we`ll get you to McMurdo for the winter.That sound good?Huh?That sound good?That`s my girl.Hey,Max.I need a good trip out of you. Lucky star,huh?Let`s hope so.See you in the morning,MaX.Knock.knock.Hey. Hey.I warmed up some of you favorite ice cream. Strawberry.That`s your favorite ice cream. Yeah,well,you got here eariy.I didn`t have time to go shopping.Uh,yeah,well.they changed things up.How you been?Been a good season.Kids are doing well. Maya`s been awesome.Old Jack`s getting a bitolder,so…Jerry,I was asking you howyou`ve been.I`m not interrupting or anything ,am I?No,Rosie.We were just catching up.All right,well.uh…I guess I`ll see you guys in the morning,then. Thank you.That was sweet.No problem.Good night.Good night.Pardon me. Oh,sorry.[McClaren]Oh! [Cooper grunts]Oh!Head`s up.Sad fact of in this place,doc.Floor is more comfy than the bunks.So,what is it sxactly that you do here? Cartography.I spent the last two years mapping every inch of this territory.Hey,dude.What happened?You strike out? No.I didn`t even swing.Ah,went down looking.That`s still a strike-out,Jer.Ow!Ow! [Jerry]Sorry about that,buddy.I didn`t see you there.We turn the heat off at night,so if there`s anything you need to keep warm,I suggest you sleep with it.Incoming.Ow!Jerry![McClaren]OK,this is the last of it.Wow,doc.Won`t be losing you,now,will we? All right,rule number one.If you want to approach the dogs,approach them from them the front.OK?See how the lines are taut? Yeah.I want them like that at all times.If the line`s tangled,they`ll fight.We don`t want that. Got it.Anything else I should know? The rest is pretty much up to me.I gotta watch them.They`re working dogs. They`ll run themselves to death.They love work.All right,official introductions.Up here in front,on lead,we got my best girl,Maya.Next to her ew got Old Jack.Just turned ten,and,uh.,he`s actually getting ready for retirement.Back here,the white one,this is Shorty.And next to him is the pup of the bunch.That`s Max.He`s still in training.He`s got the right stuff.I expect big things out of him.Right here,we got the twins.This is Truman. Truman took a bite out of Dewey a couple years ago.Notice the scar above Dewey`s eye? Oh,yeah.Yeah.Well,they`ve been buddies ever since,so…Back here,last but not least,we got the two malamutes.The gray one`s Shadow and the red one`s his buddy,Buck.All brawn and absolutely no brain.But we love`em.Everyone good to go this morning? Yeah,I think so.I was just being introduced to Maya,Old Jack, Shorty,Max,Truman,Dewey,Shadow and Buck.[Harrison]Excellent. [Katie]Jer?Be careful out there.OK? Always.Take care of Cooper for me.Don`t worry.I`ll give him plenty of food and water.OK,enough.All we done?I`d like a picture of our intrepid,please.Thank you.All right.Hang on! [Dogs whining,barking]OK,you ready?[Camera clicks] Handsome.So handsome. Hey,Coop.You`d better get up here and say goodbye to Buck.Oh,yeah?All right,uh.see you,Buck!Safe…Safe trip,Buck.e over and say goodbye.You`re gonna give him a complex.And what about my complex?Come around…Come say goodbye to him.I`m…I`m pretty sure he heard me say goodbye,Jer.I don`t …OK.I don`t know why you do this.See ya,Buck.All right.You,uh…You take care of the doctor and,uh,Jerry,OK? [Buck snorting] Oh!Oh!Nasty!Oh!That was disgusting!I got dog spit all in my mouth and my nose!It`s not funny.[belches]I don`t see what`s so funny.[sniffling]All right.Take care,guys.We’ll see you. Bye. See ya.[Whistles]All right,team!Last hike of the season!Let’s go!Hike!Hike!Come on.Jack! Come on.Old Jack!Let’s go,Maya!Come on,girl! [McClaren]What’s the problem?We got ice fields up ahead. I don’t know how thick the ice is.That’s why we couldn’t take the snowmobiles.Look.So,what do we do?I’m gonna change things up.Put the dogs in a fan formation for safety.It’s a little slower,but it spreads the weight out. That way if one the dogs falls through the ice. The lead’s long enough so the rest don’t follow.-[Whistles]Hike!-[Barking][Jerry]Hey,doc.-You see that over there?-What is that? Here.-[Grunting]-[Jerry]You see’em?-[McClaren]I see’em.What are they? –Leopard seals.More leopard than seal,if you ask me.-Give’em a wide birth?-yeah,we’ll give’em some space.-What was that? –We’re on a glacier now. We’re gonna have to take her slow,doc.Get off.I want you to take the brake.You’re gonna run the sled.All right?Heavy brake.Follow my footprints.Keep the sled on my footprints.-I’ll probe ahead.-Got it.This glacier’s always moving,so we have to be careful.All right,doc. Keep weo feet on the brake if you need to.-Just keep a strady go, all right? –All right.All right,kids,come on! Easy,now!Nice and easy.Let’s go.All right,stop!Stop!All right,hard brake,right there![Jerry]We got a crevasse right here.I’m not sure how big it is,so we’re gonna go around.OK.We’re gonna bring it over this way.Slow and easy.I’m gonna call Maya over.And then I just want you to let up ever so lightly,all right?-All right,got it.-All right,Maya,haw!haw! Haw! Haw!Max,what are you doing?Max,no,Haw!Max! Stop! Stop,Max! Doc,stop!-[Grunting]-No!-Hold on,doc!-[Grunting]Doc! Put botn hands on the sled! Both hands on the sled,doc!Hike! Come on,Jack,take it home!Come on,Maya,take her home!Come on! Hike!You OK![Panting] YeahDo me a favorNext time you decidr to go to Melbourne, don`t pack so much stuffAnd try coming a bit earlierAndy said the trip. You arreed to goAndy1s my boss. I do what he saysIf you don`t thank it was saft, you shouldn`t have backed down-[Jerry] Easy. –[Whining]Jerry, thanks for todayYeah. No probiem.Who`s the artist?My son, EricHe does one every trip[Jerry] He lookslike your wifeLuckly kidYeahWhat about you? You got somebody?Are you kidding me?I`m here six months a year dragging scientists around.What kind of woman whoud put up with that How about Katie? Looked like you might`ve had somethingYeah. A couple years ago we did.You know how it goes. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn`tI guess relationship don’t fit my lifestyle Anyhow, come on. Let`s go outsaid, guys. We`re gonna get an early start tomorrow. Come on.[whistles] Come on MaxCome on, Max.[whistles]All right, whoa!Dox, hold it. Put on the brake, I`m gonna take it from here.Yeah, got it. Whoa!What do you say?-[McClaren] That`s something eise. –That`s MelbourneThat`s your home for the next weak. –Beautiful![Jerry] Ready, now! Hike![Man over radio] Vicoria, this is McMurdo Weather. Come inVictoria? This is McMurdo Wearther.This is Victoria. We copy you, Mactown.Hi Andy. It`s Steve. Just checking status on your team.We`ve gotfour at the base and two in the field. Over.Suggest you bring them in.We have two massive low pressure ststems moving southControl wants you in early just to be safe. Over.Copy that Mactown. Over and outGet Jerry on the radioWanna sling me a cup of that when you get a chance?Yeah, sure thing.You got her?-Yeah, thanks.How`s that looking there?Well, everything points to the spot that we`re on[Steve over radio]Victoria,this is e in.Victoria here.We copy you,Mactown. [Steve]The approaching storm has piced up speed and intensity.We are sending you the coordinates.Mactown out.[Harrison]Copy that,Mactown.Over and out. Field base to e in.Whoa!Easy there,team!Easy.What’s up?I got to do a patch job on one of the kids. Radio Katie.See what’s going on with that storm.All right.Ah,shoot.Looks like it’s Old Jack.Come here,Jack.Field base,come in.-[Static]-Field bse,come in.-All right.-We’ll get you fixed up.-Field base?Got something in your paw?This is Mebourne team calling.Field bse,can we get a?Doc!-Are you OK?-[Groaning]I think I’ve broken my leg.All right.All right,stay right there.I’ll be rightback!-Whoa!-[Rumbing,cracking]-Whoa!Wait,doc!Don’t move!-[Cracking] Doc!Doc!Doc!Hey!Don’t tread water!Don’t tread water!Look at me! You see the ice? Davis.Grab the ice! Lt’ll freeze you to it!It takes you a lot longer to freeze than it dose to drown!Good,good! Davis,hang on! I’m coming down!All right,kids,come on!Hang on,doc!-Maya,come here.-[Gasping]I can’t…I can’t breathe.I can’t breathe.Take deep breaths,doc.Maya,take the rope.Go to doc.She’s coming to you,doc.She’s coming to you. OK,Maya,down.Good girl.Crawl to the doc.Come on,Maya,I got you.It’s OK.Come on, Maya.Easy,Maya.Easy.Good girl.Good job,Maya.Put the line over him.Good girl. Doc.Keep your left arm on the ice,like it is,But I want you to reach up with your right arm.You gotta get your elbow and your arm up through the loop.You can do it.There you go.Good job,doc.Yeah,just like that.All right.Maya,come on.Good girl,Maya.Good girl.I got you,doc.I got you.Keep it tight.Line’em up,Maya!Right now!Right now!Come on! Take it home!Line up!Hike!-[Barking]-Come on,Maya!Come on,Old Jack!Come on,kids![straining]All right,doc,you hang in there,OK?We’re gonna get you home.All right?Don’t you worry.[coughing]-I’m gonna get you back.-I’m sorry.You’re gonna get home and see your family,doc.You’re gonna see your son,all right?Come here,Maya.Maya,you got to get us home! Get us home! Go get up there,Max! Maya needs you!Right now!Right now!Hike!Hike!I can fly in this,Andy.You know I can. Sorry,Katie.It’s not a question of whether you coule fly in it,But whether you could see anything.Don’t worry,hon.He’s been in worse before. [Cooper]Worse than this?-What?-[Sighs][Katie]Base to Melbourne e in? Base to Melbourne e in.-This is Katie.Pease,come in.-[Static]-Jerry,do you copy?Over.-[Statie][Sighs]Base out.[Coughing]Good,kids.[Harrison]About three here,right?Andy!Coop!Come on,they’re here!Jerry!Jer,are you all right?He’s got a broken leg! And he’s been in the water!-Get the stretcher now!-Got it!-I don’t ike that cough.-Get the dogs. [Andy]Look at those hands!Get him in!-[Katie]Come on,Jerry.-Let’s go![Jerry coughing]Good team.Good team.-Good girl,Maya!-[Barks][Jerry]You got us home.[coughing]All right,let’s have a look at this leg.-[Jerrycoughing]-[Harrison]Rosemary.Hypothermia kit.Put your hands in there.We’ll bring’em back nice and slow.Hey.Buddy,how you feeling?-How are the dogs?-Uh,good.I just fed them. -Get the rock off the sled too.-The rock?-He found what he was looking for?-Of course.He had a good guide.Soon as you can,get that plane ready.De.McClaren could lose this leg without proper medical attention.-What are we gonna do about the dogs?-There’s only so muchu we can carry.I did speak to Mactown.The winter team is ready to go.Katie can fy right back,bring the dogs out.I’ll wait here and,uh,I’ll fly out with the dogs later.No,that’sout of the qusstion.That could be stage three frostbiteAnd heaven knows what nerve damage has already been done.Jerry,he’s right.I’ll come right back.I promise. Let’s get ready to pul out of here. [Harrison]Take them out.[Cooper]Watch his head.Jer.I need some help. [Harrison]Be careful with that leg. [Harrison]Knock down the stretcher,Rosemary.Coop.Coop,come help me tighten the dog’s collarsSo they don’t get e on.Max!Come on!Good boy,Max.[coughing]Come on,e here.Come here,e here,Max.-[Cooper]Come here.-[Jerry]Good boy.Good boy,Max.-[Cooper]All right.Here we go.-[Jerry]Won’t be long.[Cooper]Easy,Max.Esay.-[Jerry]Let’s get the other ones.-[Cooper]All right.-Hang in there,big guy.-[Barks]That’s the last of ’em.All right,Maya.You keep’em in line,all right,and I’ll be back.I promise.Be good.That’s my girl!All right,buckle tight.This one’s gonna be rough.-Coop,I know you got that fear…-Major…major fear of flying?Yeah. Hey.Hey.Finally.Oh,man.Oh,you…you are so lucky you passed out. We..[sighs]We were bouncing around up there,man.Like one of those beach balls at Dodger Stadium.And Katie was yelling at me the whole time to stop screaming.But,uh.I couldn’t do it.It was way too intense,man.It was crazy.Where is everybody?Right here.Everyone’s here at Mactown. Davis is good.Uh,you’re good.Your hands…You still have your hands,which is good.Everything’s…everything’s all good,man.Did Katie get the dogsOK?Yeah,well,um…Uh…[clears throat]No.They were telling her that-that she should wait,maybe.You know,until things got better.Jer?It’s been snowing since we got here,man. Dude…Hey.You’re finally up.-How are your hands feeling?-They’re fine.-How soon can we go back?-I think you should get some rest.OK?No.Katie.How soon?The weather’s gotten worse.No one;s flying in.When is it gonna get better?They’ve camceled the winter taems.No one’s going in till spring.[Woman]I need it now!Excuse me,commander?-Who are you?-Jerry Shepard.I’m with NSF. -Andy Harrison’screw?-Yrah.We need a plane to the field base.We weren’t entirely evacuated.What? I ordered everybody out of there yesterday.No,not everybody.We left eight dogs there,sir. Dogs?I’ve got over 200 people,ten winter teams to evacuate to New Zealand.Right.There dogs are a part of our team,NSF. Captain,we’ve got a big peoblem with some of the engines icing up.-We have to start moving some planes.-Son,look.This is todat.We’ve got a two-day window,then another storm hits.If it lasts till here,which they say it will. Then we’re into winter and nobody flies.We don’t have enough supplies to keep everybody here.-So I’m a little busy right no.-All we need is a plane,sir…-[man]Do you want us to do that,sir?-Do what?-Start moving some planes.-Will you give me one minute?Linten.If we could just get a plane like the one that we flew in on.It would only take three hours.Son,the only thing we’ve got left are C-130s And they sure as hell can’t land at a field base. We can’t just leave’em out there.There’s nothing I can do.I’m sorry.-Let’s start moving those planes.-[Man]Yes,sir,right away,captin.-[Knocking]-Yeah,come in.Hey.How we doing?When’s your flight leave?You and Rosie?A couple hours ahead of you.Coop and the doc. Jerry,I’m so sorry.I’m really sorry.Jerry.I don’t want to talk about it.You want a drink? Sure.-Fresca-Fresca.-Yeah,sorry.That’s all I got. [Sighs]You know this wasn’t your fault.This wasn’t anybody’s fault.-We just left’em there.-Come on.We didn’t just leave them.Don’t do this to yourself.The dogs are strong. Maybe there’s a chance.We tightened their collars so they wouldn’t get loose.Listen,I…I know…I know you want me to find a way to get us back there somehow.I know you’re disappointed in me.No.You know,sometimes you just have to lower your expectations.You know what.Jerry? I;m sorry.I really am. I’ve got to go pack.Fill this out.Take it down to admin.Just follow the the red line on the floor.With any luck,you could have some funding by August.August.?No,wait.I don’t think you understand.In a few days those dogs…I have to go now.I’m sorry .Mr.Shepard.Once winter sets in.as you know,these’s no coming or goings down there.We had to cancel the winter teams this year. Couldn’t get’em in before the storm. –There must be somebody going south..Mr.Shepard,be reasonable.This is the biggest Antarctic storm in 25years.If you don’t believe me’take a look at this weather report.Yeah,good,good.Where’s the rocket going? –[Women]w\What a surprise!To Mars,Dad. –[Women]Come on in. Yeah?[Women]Well,look who I found.Hey.Hey,world traveler.How you been? –I’m good, I’m good.How’s your fingers? –Oh, Iget to keep’em. Great. –How’s the leg?Hard to tell. The cast is coming along great,thanks to Eric.There’s a pot of coffee in the kichen,so…Eric, Let’s go find a real coloring book.What a great surprise. –Give you a hand?No I’m all right. –You got it?So, what brings you to LA?I brought you something.Thanks.I gotta get back there. Right now.I can’t sleep at night. I’ve been to NSF,agencies,foundations.I’ve been to TV netwooks to convince them to follow me with a camera.Anything to raise money. It just… It all takes too long.Now I’ve only got one week to get back down there before winter hits.Then no one gets in for six months. You’ve got those guys in your pocket.The, uh, the science fund guys.The university endownment? –They’d do anything for you right now.Jerry, listen to what you’re saying. –No,it would just be me,Just a three-day trip in. You could tell’em.-Tell’em I’m scpiting your next trip.-They’d be throwing their money away.-No,they wouldn’t.-Even if youcould get down there.-by now it’s 50below.-No.Jerry,be realistic.It’s already been…I know how long it’s been.But I need to know for sure. I have to go.It’s not possible,Jerry. It’s just not possible.And you gotta find a way to forget about all this.Forget?And you can do that?。


自旋回波(SE)序列中聚相位的描述()A.纵向磁化矢量的相位一致B.180&deg;脉冲激励前的相位变化C.90&deg;脉冲激励前的相位变化D.横向磁化矢量的相位一致E.以上都不对 某试液用1cm比色皿测得透光率为T,若用2cm比色皿测量时,透光率会发生什么变化。A.增加B.减少C.不变D.提高一倍E.降低一半 1918年夏天成立的是中国人自己创办的第一家证券交易所。A.上海证券物品交易所B.天津市企业交易所C.青岛物品交易所D.北平证券交易所 元元房地产公司将“元元假日”高档住宅小区的施工发包给大地建筑公司,大地建筑公司经元元公司同意将该项目的土石方工程分包给新兴建筑公司。在施工过程中,新兴公司不服从大地公司的安全生产管理,结果导致土方坍塌,造成严重的安全生产事故,关于该事故的责任承担,下列说法正确 ___是根据统计数字,用几何图形、事物形象和地图等绘制的各种图形。A.统计数字B.统计图C.统计表格D.统计信息 在牙骨质中,全部为细胞牙骨质区域的可能是A.自牙颈部至近根尖1/3处B.根中1/3处C.根尖1/3处D.根尖2/3处E.自牙颈部至近根尖2/3处 人群易感性升高的主要因素是A.免疫接种B.新生儿增加C.隐性感染D.非易感人群迁入E.传染病流行 [多选,案例分析题]男性,25岁,反复发作性呼吸困难5年,每年春季发作,可自行缓解,此次再次突然发作2天,伴胸闷、咳嗽,症状持续不能缓解。查体:双肺满布哮鸣音,心率95次/分,心律齐,心脏各瓣膜区未闻及病理性杂音。该患者治疗可以选择的药物。A.沙丁胺醇雾化吸入B.糖皮质激 M型超声心动图示二尖瓣前叶收缩期C-D段上抬呈SAM征见于A.肥厚型心肌病B.扩张型心肌病C.限制型心肌病D.二尖瓣脱垂E.左房黏液瘤 对于患肝疾病出血和手术出血的病人应该输注的是()A.白蛋白B.红细胞C.白细胞D.血小板E.凝血酶原复合物 杜威提出改变教育的重心,倡导学校教育应以为中心。A.教材B.教师C.儿童D.社会 患者,女性,40岁,左眼视物变形、视力下降1周而就诊。检查左眼视力0.6,黄斑水肿,未出血病灶。眼底检查:最有可能的诊断是()A.中心性浆液性视网膜脉络病变B.中心性渗出性视网膜脉络病变C.黄斑囊样水肿D.黄斑囊样变性E.黄斑裂孔 天气过程 病原体侵入血流,在血中繁殖产生毒素,表现出严重的中毒症状,应考虑A.毒血症B.菌血症C.败血症D.脓毒血症E.变应性亚败血症 气管异物的临床表现包括下列哪几项()A.咳嗽B.颈部声门下拍击声C.呼吸困难D.哮鸣音E.两侧肺呼吸音不一致 ADL运动方面不包括()A.轮椅上运动和转移B.室内或室外行走C.床上运动D.以慢速跑45米E.公共或私人交通工具的使用 医疗机构从业人员违反本规范的,视情节轻重给予处罚,其中不正确的是A.批评教育、通报批评、取消当年评优评职资格B.卫生行政部门依法给予警告、暂停执业或吊销执业证书C.纪检监察部门按照党纪政纪案件的调查处理程序办理D.缓聘、解职待聘、解聘E.涉嫌犯罪的,移送司法机关依法处理 出现第二心音反常分裂的是A.完全性右束支传导阻滞B.二尖瓣关闭不全C.室间隔缺损D.肺动脉瓣狭窄E.完全性左束支传导阻滞 施工组织设计必须依据经批准的地质报告和进行编制。A.监理规划B.监理细则C.开工报告D.井筒检查孔的地质与水文资料 男性患者,38岁。3天来发热,伴畏寒、头痛、眼痛、腰痛于2月初入院。T38.6℃,眼结膜充血水肿,面部潮红,两肋部有小出血点。血WBC16×109/L,尿蛋白(+++)。对此患者的处理哪项不正确A.应行&quot;三早一就&quot;治疗B.应综合治疗C.用利巴韦林抗病毒D.大量输入新鲜血E.液体疗法 下列各项,属对因治疗功效的是。A.止痛B.止咳C.止血D.止汗E.泻下 很少引起心衰的是A.支气管肺炎B.毛细支气管炎C.支原体肺炎D.腺病毒肺炎E.金黄色葡萄球菌肺炎 女性患者,62岁,晨起出现讲话不清,右侧肢体无力,2天后病情渐加重。血压148/80mmHg,意识清,Broca失语,右侧偏瘫。可完全排除的诊断是A.脑栓塞B.动脉粥样硬化性脑梗死C.TIAD.脑出血E.腔隙性梗死 治疗幼年特发性关节炎全身型时不常选用的药物是A.泼尼松B.阿司匹林C.甲氨蝶呤D.吲哚美辛E.布洛芬 如果实验室在室内质控中采用了12s,规则,n=1(一个质控品),根据正态分布规律,该质控规则的假失控概率应为。A.2.7%B.4.2%C.4.5%D.5.3%E.5.5% 男性患者29岁,一年前因左肾、左输尿管及膀胱结核,行左肾和左输尿管切除术,手术后行抗结核治疗8个月。日前患者尿常规检查阴性,IVP显示右肾轻度积水,但患者尿频症状明显加重,原因是A.结核引起的尿道综合征B.膀胱结核未能控制C.结核复发D.合并有泌尿系统感染E.膀胱挛缩 ACR1991年髋关节骨性关节炎的临床标准之一是A.三个月来多数日子髋关节疼痛B.晨僵&le;30分钟C.ESR&ge;45mm/小时D.年龄&ge;40岁ESR未查,髋屈曲&le;115&deg; 申请期货公司营业部负责人的任职资格,应当具有从事期货业务年以上经验。A.5B.3C.2D.4 针灸学的指导理论是A.中医理论B.经络理论C.腧穴理论D.刺灸理论E.藏象理论 姜片虫重要保虫宿主是A.猫B.犬C.猪D.羊E.牛 育好人是教师的天职所在。所谓育人包括等方面。A.美育B.智育C.体育D.德育 ___是判断的最基本的逻辑特征。A.有断定B.真断定C.概念D.信息表达 男性,50岁,左趾跖急性关节炎多次复发已1年,化验血尿酸高,尿尿酸正常。增加尿酸排泄最好用A.氢氯噻嗪B.丙磺舒C.秋水仙碱D.别嘌呤醇E.静脉输液 风疹传染性最强的时间为A.潜伏期B.疹后5天C.出疹前D.出疹后E.出疹前后 当事人应当履行裁决。一方当事人不履行的,另一方当事人可以依照有关规定向申请执行。A.人民法院B.原仲裁机构C.人民政府D.公安机关 通过比较实际进度S曲线和计划进度S线,可以获得的信息。A.工程项目实际进展状况B.工程项目实际进度超前或拖后的时间C.工程项目实际超额或拖欠的任务量D.后期工程进度预测E.各项工作的最早开始时间和最迟开始时间 [问答题,案例分析题]某机床研究所情报室李兵于2000年接受单位交给的一项任务,收集整理了全国机床厂的情报资料,于2002年10月汇编成《全国机床厂名录》(以下简称《名录》),作为内部资料印制分发给有关人员使用。2003年5月,某出版社看到这份《名录》,认为很有出版价值,即与李 腹外疝发病原因中最重要的是A.腹壁强度降低B.慢性便秘C.慢性咳嗽D.排尿困难E.腹水 属于地方性砷中毒的临床表现A.生长发育落后B.甲状腺肿大C.聋哑D.末梢神经炎E.智力低下 代号为M24×1.5LH-5g6g的螺纹中,LH表示。A、螺距B、旋向C、尺寸代号D、公差带代号

典范英语专用课件 北极英雄马修·汉森的故事

典范英语专用课件  北极英雄马修·汉森的故事

Page 16-19
Chapter 1&2
12 years old, Matthew, ran away to, sea, cabin boy, met, Robert Peary, offered , spent, 18 years, explore, Arctic
Chapter 3&4 Learn, skills, Inuit people, Matthew -the -kind-one, Arctic, dangerous, bravely, wanted to , North Pole,
“Matthew – the – kind – one”.
3. How did Matthew save Robert’s life once they were out hunting?
He shot the ox with his last bullet.
4. What did they want to do when they bravely went back to the Arctic again?
Because the sea ice was too thick and they could go no further. In the spring they were ready to set out.
3. What happened to Matthew just a few miles from the Pole?
2.What does this story tell you?
How Matthew became an explorer and the dangers he faced in the bitter cold of the Arctic.
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