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Bob的Party一般都是Flying Saucer Club里举行的.每个星期他和他爱人都会呆在这里喝啤酒,所以他喜欢把聚会开在那里.他经常邀请我们,只是有时感觉累,就不想去.今天不去不行了,他邀请了几次,再不去说不过去了.Flying Saucer又名为UFO Club,是一家专营全世界啤酒的俱乐部.里面的高墙和屋顶上密密麻麻贴满了大大小小不同类型的碟子,从最低层的小菜碟子到大的花碟子,再上升到高处的金色碟子,到了金色碟子就可以有名字刻在上面了.所有的碟子是证明这个俱乐部成员的资格,就如同我们所说的白银,黄金,黑金会员.而Bob夫妇酷爱喝啤酒,这成了他们俩周末消遣的聚集地.他们已经在短短的两年喝了6000杯的各种不同的啤酒,所以他已是黑金会员了.今天庆祝他获得黑金会员,club的老板亲自给他挂上了他的第7个名字的金碟,还给每个客人介绍他的资格来源,再加上每个漂亮的waiter的拥抱,整个酒吧的人对他举起杯欢呼Cheers!,呼叫他的名字.

拥有黑金的会员,可以定期邀请好友一起免费品尝酒吧里的任何一款啤酒.我喜欢Blue moon,有点蜂蜜的香味.Fly Saucer有三百多种世界上最出名的啤酒,中国的青岛啤酒也列入了全世界啤酒的名牌排行榜中.在国内,我们喝啤酒,都是大口喝的,这里是品的,每一种都可以品尝,但是不多.我觉得这样挺好,象国内这种拼命三郎式的拼酒,对胃不好,喝多了还难受.可能,这就是酒文化的差异吧.







American Bars

In America there are many bars, but the style for most of them is almost the same: a group of people sit together chatting: there are many TV sets showing the football or basketball match. In Chinese bars we go to bars mostly in order to have a get-together. While, our TV shows are seldom about sports except when most of the guests are men. Though bars sound noisy but really give people a busy and lively sight.



Chapter 1酒吧文化我知道

Chapter 2 酒单大全--好酒任你挑

Chapter 3 相识有缘人--酒吧搭讪完全手册

Chapter 4 京沪酒吧资讯大公开

Chapter 1 酒吧文化我知道


The public house (pub)as we know it today, is really an invention of the 18th century. Before then, there were alehouses that sold beer brewed on the premises often by women, known as alewives or brewsters. More salubrious were inns, much larger establishments, which might offer food, stabling for horses, and a variety of dining and meeting rooms.


The 18th and 19th centuries saw a massive rebuilding of pubs ①in reaction to changing tastes, and the opening of new establishments to meet new demand in industrial and suburban areas. Since the Second World War, a further revolution has taken place as pubs have had to compete with an increasing range of leisure pursuits. Many started selling food, while others became theme pubs in the hope of attracting young people.


Pub Culture of Britain 英国酒吧文化

The British pub ②is renowned the world over as a unique social centre, the focus of community life, an influence on popular culture, a source of history and a tourist attraction.


"If you haven't been to a pub, you haven't been to Britain." Pub culture is designed to promote sociability in a society known for its reserve. The bar counter is possibly the only site in the British Isles in which friendly conversation with strangers is considered entirely appropriate and rea1ly quite normal behaviour.


Pub-goers will indicate in unspoken ways if they are interested in chatting. Concentrate on those who have bought drinks and are still loitering at the bar. Look for people with "open" body language, facing outwards into the room. Those who have moved to sit at tables are probably not seeking company.


If you are haring by British friends or business contracts, one of your hosts will probably buy the first round, but you should be quick to offer the next. The right time to offer to buy a drink is when their glasses are still a quarter full. The line of "③It's my round--What are you having?" is
